The Daily Beer- Monday Morning , March 21. J&KVIlTb'S. r tureen sells coal. Frederick , .beading Hatter. xnlltf See Polack's adrertaaemeiit. 4030 re'idence lots. Bemis , agent. - COO business lots. Bemis. BernU1 "new map of Omaha , 25 ccutc. Bemii' real estate boom. First page. 250 houses and lots. Bemis' ajency. 200 farms and 000,000 acres land. "Bemis agent. Nice apples by the barrelat Buff- ett's , IW * This it the closinjj'-w'eek of the county court. The district court adjourned Saturday for one week. Fresh supply of Eovine Virus just re ceived at Sa\e's. Whii.ple , McMillan l& Co. , theljewel- on , Crttghton Block. o2C-tf Full line if artists' materials , at Chi- cajo prices. iuhn's drug stoic. rnl-lra Xorth Star's 9th annual masquerade at Metz'a Hall Saturday , 19th. m6-4t The teachew of the O. B. B. school meet to lay out a plan of work , at 7 o'clock this evening. "Frederick" sells the cheapest hats and caps , carries the largest stosk at lowest prices. Hats froml up practical Hatter. A man named Tom Harlow on Thurs day evening fell on the ice on Ninth strset , near the bridge , and broke his leg near the ankle. A courae of lectures are to be given at the "Unitarian church by Uev. W. E. Cope- lend on "The Christian Church of ihe first two eenturiej. " Few men hae so careful * ly studied the history of religion as Mr. Copcland , and none have a mon earnest , logical or pleasing rn&nner of address.The first of thess lectures will be given Sunday evening. This i * the fiwl day of spring. The Starch term of the supreme court at Council Bluffs begins to-day. The last day ofwinter was dear but decidedly cool with a light northwest breeze. breeze.The The Missouri at this point is ready to break up at any moment. Its chtnnel was open twenty or thirty feet vride yes terday , for a distance of about a thousand yards from a point fournr five blocks above the bridge. The heavy body of ice on etther side of the chinncl is rising vith the river , and has detached itself from the lanks , leaving it free to null against what ever may stand ahead of it at the first sign - n l of a breaking up. [ Nonpareil. About dark Saturday evening , a sort of A collision occurred between B. & M. engines Xo. 28 and 4 , in the yards of that company in this city. The engines were backing up in opposite directions , on sep arate switch tracks which comergei at * point opposite the depot. Through the carelessnew of the engineers they rubbed up against each other rather too familiar ly , resulting in a crash"which broke the drive bar of'One , and damaged the other slightly. They Were both run down to the Platlstuouth shops for repains. DUST TO DUST. Death of Henry Lauer , an Old Besident of Omaha , It will be painful to m&nj to learn of the death of Mr. Henry Liner , of O m&bk. He'bretxthed his Jut atlialf- past 6 this raorning'h-.ving suffered from hemorrhage of thelnnga for tome months. He TTM born -iu Heiscn- Darmttadt , Germany , and wasr about ' 34 years of ago. He emigrated to America wbeil quit o young , and served iu the TTBC of ( he rebellion. Ten , years ago he-fcatnu to Omahtj and by strict frojfilitj and integrity had gained a competence of this world's gcode , and B character unsullied and of great strength. His loss to Omaha will be keauly felt and irreparable. lie leaves B wite and five children. The oldcet ch 1J - -nine yeati ld.- The funeral w 11 take pUcoTnext Tnei- any at 2 o'clock , in charge of the Kuiphts of Pythias , nd the fire de partmeut , bjth of which he rrt a member in high standing. PERSONAL Helen Mar White IE in the city. Tom Rilev has retnrneil from the west , F. J , McShane returned from his trip to Filtsburg. Clem Oharc has- returned for a vacation with his parent. ' ? J C. E. Mayne , cliiof night operator of the WesteraTJn'on ' , has gone to Chicrgo to take a new Job. Charles Keeshui , advance agent of Haverly'a corned v company , who will play "The Strategists" here next Wednesday and Thursday , Is in the city. Another Blockade. Another snow blockade has cut off travel and traffic between this city and the ca < t and south. All the roads leading east , and both the Wabnh and Kansas City & St. Joe roadi south are blockaded by snow. No trains ar- rivoi Sunday from Chicago or St. Louis over any of the roads , and nose were sent out. The tfnion Pacific train going west 8tarto3 oa regular' time , and the U. P. passenger and iniil train arrived at 4:30 Sunday afternoon. The U. P. tr in are atill compelled to u e the B. it M. as an outlet. The BDOWrtorrnx , f Saturday and , Sunday U confined to the country east of the Missouri. The indications are that the"blockado will ba raised ted - d y , and trains will r sume rcgnlar time on all the pattern and southern roadi. THEY HA.VE ARRIVED. The finest duplny aud the largest * * variety , and 1he beet asiortmcnt of clocks ever brought to the city , is now oa exhibition at the well known jew elry house of Whipple , McUillen & Co. , Creighton block , Pifteenth h. Among the many different styles are the Egyptisn , th Hunparion , Mohan , the Ger.nnn , Italian , etc. Some of the clocks are finished in solid "black walnut , and of thq nentcs1 and most uneven pUternsjmiginable ; others are finished in bronze and are equally as fine , while not a-few ara handsome nickle and unsurpassed in workman ship and durability. Call aud get the lowest , pricoi eror marked on goods of this kind. ' 19 2 Bargains iu Men's and Boys' Ji jt-is j and hots , at Fallriede's. SOCIAL SALT. The Past Week not Prolific in Balls or Parties. The Storms Demoralize the Academy-Programme. r roiu Saturday E-vcning s BEK i The progress o the Lenten season and the storms of the past week con spired to make it less lively for the amusement loving portion of our citi zens than usual. The first disappointment was in the failure of Tom Keene ta * reach the city in time to appear at the Academy and next the failure to secure the talented and beautiful Roshello to take his place. MinniePalmerhoweverdrewcrowd ed houses Wednesday and Thursday , and was followed by that most popn lar of all actresses , Maggie Mitchell who is the most brilliant of the man ] stars which differ one from another ID their glory. MACGIE MITCHELL , The largest and moat fashionable house of tha eeeson gathered at the Academy last night to welcome a lady who for many years has been a firs favorite of the people. No one evei brings out such an aaiience in Oma ha beside her. A year ago she packed od the house as full at it was las night , on which occasion she player the "Pearl of Savoy. " But no matter tor what she plays , she always cap tures thejhouse. Maggie Mitchell has been before the public a good many years , and hai plated many parts. She is one of the most successful ladies , both in a pecu nisry and artistic S3nseon the Ameri can stage ; sbo hat her reputation made , and can draw the largest houses but she never relaxes her efforts to plea-o on that account. Her acting to-day i marked by the same care anc painstaking as in earlier years. Her power is supremo. She not only eatis fies the senses and sways the emotione at will , but she enters into tbe hearts of people. She is beloved al through the length and breadth of the land. . The play "JFanchon" she haa played many years , and always with the same reckless abandon and fire. She loves "Landry Barbeaud" from ths first , and her manner towards him , her scorn for his meanness , her jealousy of "Madeloa , " her revenge , aud finally her overmastering affec tion for him , is one of the finest anc most finishedpieces of acting evei seen on our stage. Her reception lasi night was -ovalion ; an enthusiastic recognition of hsr position. Her first appearance was the signal for a .burst of applause , and at the close of the third act she was called before the curtain. Her company is a first-class one , and supports her efficiently. The part of "Landry "Bsrbeaud" was fine ly { acted , and his whining , fearful brother was equally well rendered. "Mother Barbeaud" msdo herself pop ular , and "Father Barbeaud , " who has played with Miss Mitchell for several yean , was received with marked favor. Altogether Hie com pany was good , and presented a marked -acd pleasant difference to many of the supporting companies to tbe stars who. visit us. It is pleasant to note how much the late change in the management has added to the comfort of those who at tend tbe theatre. Last night , though the audience was vary large they were all seated without confusion or trouble. The relief from impudent and incom petent UEhers ls marked , and is ap preciated by such an audience as wenl to hear Maggie Mitchell last night. KOSHEU.B. "Who is recognized as the queen ol tragedy , will be in Omaha Monday night and her popularity has already caused a large sale ot reserved teats. Roshelle is destined to play the moet Important part oa the stage that wo man has ever aspired to and already her genius is recognized and her every appearance hailed with satisfaction and delight. delight.THE THE STBATEGIhTS , This comedy , by Havorly's Comedy company , is brimfnll cf spsrkling wit and humor , well mounted and capit ally acted. It will be presented in Omaha on Wednesday and Thursday evenings next. IIELEK MAE \VIIITE. This beautiful lady reader , who bsi bean creating such a furore of late in the towns and cities east of us , has been prevailed upon by Manage r Hal- bert to give a matinee at the Academy of Music next Wednesday afternoon , at 2 o'clocV. Her engagements ohe- where make it impossible to get her for any evening soon , end thee who were so anxious to hear her will now have a fine opportunity. SARATOGA. The Eycenm meeting Thursday evening was interesting , as usual , and the audience large and appreciative. The feature cf the evening was the reading of the "Saiatoga .News , " iditcd by W. H. Ware , who delivered a valedictory address with this his closing number. Tha school lerm having expired tevers his connection witU us , much to the regret f f many 'ricndr , who wish Mm all success in iatnre fields of labor. A vota of thanks vrai tendered him for his services. The question , "Resolved , That Washington is more entitled to be callpd great than Napc-leon , " was ably considered , and at the next meet ing the compulsory education system will receive attention. The same date , March 233 , will be signalized by the reading of the paper by the editor- elect , A , , C. Smith. School closed yesterday for the spring vacation. James H. Conrad , of the Slate uni- nrsity , U spending Ti few davs at home with his brother-in-law - - , Hon. James H. Tyner. CUCKOO. : THE TEMPEBANCE KEE UITE. " The attendance last evening wa imlo large , showing that the ladies of the Bee Hive are making rapid pro- jreas iu the good work they have un- lertakeu. The meeting betug op ened n the usual manner , Mr * . Burvoqghs iddrcssed the audience in n very" touching and proper manner , speak ing with much feeling of a Bad scene she was once called upon to witnezs , where tbe finale of rum's work was terrible to behold. -Mrs. Wall , to the great delight of all present , appeared as "Mrs. Skiu- ncr , ono of the legal profession1 engaged expressly lor the occasion. Her speech was serio-comical , and de livered in her usual qrand style. Tha solo , by Miss YanOrman , was very nicely rendered ; also the duett by the Mttsea Vapor. A very touching stcry was read by Mrs. ITaller , called "Only Once ; " at the ending of which wo were , very unexpectedly , enter tained by a few choice remarks from the Rev. Mr. Barsha , in which he ex pressed himself as being gUd to find that the "Beo Hive" had such a good and energetic "queen bee , " and in suring great succass to the workers , if guided by her. The report read by Miss E. A. Thomas , was received with much favor. Tin exercises closed with the song , "Home Sweet Home , " for which place all left , being well pleated with tbe entertainment WILDING. MISCELLANEOUS. The postponement of the Pioneer's ball is much to be regretted. The Nebraska School cf Medicine , which was organized in this ci < y last fall , closed its first term yesterday , and the event WAS celebrated by a sup per last evening at Wirth's restaur ant , given by the faculty to the stu dents. The Young Peoples' society of the Lutheran church held a sociable at the house of Mr. Laurence last even ing. Their meetings are a success in every respect , and the society is in a prosperous condition. They intend giving a dinner and sapper at an early date. date.Too Too ninth annual masquerade ball of the North Star society comes off at Meiz hall this evening. Everybodyia invited to attend the song service at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this evening , to be conducted by the general secretary. Next Snndsy night Rev. W. E. Copeland begins a course of six lec tures on the Christian church during the first two centuries. Masonic hall has been engaged forth th7th and 8th of April by the ladies cf the Eighteenth Street AL E. church for the operetta , "Laudcf Nod , " and fair , which was postponed some time since on account cf the weather. Rav. W. J. Harsha delivered his lecture on ' 'St. Patrick and His Times" to a large audience at the Y. M. C. A. rooms last evening. The Ivanhoe Dramat'c club is es tablished upon a new basis , with Mr. Harry J. Parr as dramatic and mueic- al director. Under his direction the club is rehearsing the beautiful drama entitled "Robert Emmet , " which they will present on Easter Monday. The club is now located in a new suite of rooms over Mar Meyer's jewelry store. Water Proof Boots and Shoes at way down prices. atH. DOHLE&CO. , ADULTERATED BUTTER. This article is causing much excite ment in the east and throughout Eu rope. We therefore inform the pub lic thosu who are not already aware of the fact that this kind of butter has been and is still sold in this city. But we make a specialty of selling nothing but the pure , sweet butter bought from farmers , whose wivas have become well known for the time and care which they devote in making a good article of butter , which is not only a credit to themselves , but will be highly appreciated by all who are capable of enjoying good bread and butter , which is the staff of life. Remembar , also , tbat some of the butter made by the farmer by whom we are suppliedis made on the cream ery plan ; the milk being submerged In water until the cream rises , which gives butter a sweeter flavor and pro tects it from impure ] atmosphere. No coloring , however , is used for the pur pose of deception. Butter days , Tues days and Saturdays. WILLIS M. YATES & Co. I have the largest stock of Picture Mouldings in the city , and will make yon the lowest prices. SOLOMON. m8:2 : THE -TAILOKS. TAIEOBINQj OrGimbel'a Game Revealed in Three Chapters A Trae Tail. CHAPTER XHEUBST. Tails moke tails coat tailsard poncilgraphista make tales , hence , a brotherly regard swells our bosom for the worthy Ilr. A. Gitnbel , who pro duces the most fasbionable , artistic and altogether elegant spring suits , of the racquet stylo. CHAKEB.TUK TVICE. At No. 117 15th street , in the city of Omaha , where the dark Missouri rolls down to tha sea , the most com plete , nobby acd daahing outfits for the male population , are produced to order with cutaway attachment and stem winder insertions , that rival tlu : famous productions ot the vn.e-c i d bills of France. THE THE.EE TIMIS. As the sun was slowly descending ; ho western horizon , a solitary horse man , or footman , or a score or two of .hem might have been or have been seen wending their weary wny into the neat , cheap and a nick tailoring icuse of A. Giuibel , Esq. , and s eac- nj by their halidomes .that the R > j al Spring Racquet suit made by Gimbel should be thuirs if doubloocs , sovereigns , ccgles * or' kopecks could procure the garments. whereupon the gallant knigUt of tbu shears , with tape in his strong light hand , acfosors in his mouth , and his moustache elevated to an angle i f 93 degrees , proceeded to chlk ih s aiace- fal outlines of their noble figures , ar.d then the gentlemanly tailor from Nigh Yorick smiled se\er l happy smiles , and all went merry BH H mmriato bell In the little shop opposits the Croigh- tou block. _ Coal Oil 14001118 , in 5 gallon lot * , SOLOMON'S. HELLMAK'S HALLS AND OVERALLS. The First are the Finest and the Latter the Strong est of all. A Backet on the .Racquet Backet. The great western clothing em porium of M. Hellman & Co. , 1301 and'1303 _ , corner Fernham and 13th streets has been rejuvenated inside and out , hence , it becomes the legiti mate victim of THE BEE reporter's pencil stump Faber'a are too ccstly , five cents a dozen catches yonra truly. After encountering the 4xG inch smiles of the dozen gentlemanly clerks our itimizer obtained an audience with Mr. Hellman himself , who entertalne.l him with a 6x8 inch smile aud hade him write. First he itemized the elaborate adornment of the 44-foot plate gUs front , which , in anticipation of the coming spring , appears in a coat of nature' green. Inside , the ornamental ceiling , the iron column ? and the long rows of shelving were brilliant with their bran now suite of shining paint. In the east more light was obtained from a now window , and immediately in Us front an elegant cashier's office * has been erected of walnut , with wire railing surmounting the whole. Where the old office was located a special department for * * children's clothing now "has the floor , " which , by the way , Is a new ono. The base ment , too , has been refloored. ' 'Take the elevator pleaae , " and we ascend to the higher regions , there the trunks , the'valises , and the travelling bags that reach far { out in tbe dim dis'ance , reminds your reporter of a section of an oabtorn trunk factory. "Elevator , again , please , " and whoop , here we are away np-stairs in the wholesale department. Here are fur nishing goods , under clothing , shirts , rubber and oil clothlnjr , blankets , hate , caps , and the most stupendous stock of sprinz goods , including over a hundred varieties of the fashionable racquet * suit. Again we glide to the first floor and watch the "boss" cutter of Omnha take the measure of a government contractor for an elegant suit , spring style. Then reluctantly , the localiz ing fiend departs. Wa forgot to stale , however , that be first invested in a ten dollar , ready made suit of such elegant cut and finish that he will tell all his friends that his Chicago tailor turned it out , and that it cost just "half a century , " and no one can surmise that there is any Daily Republican nonsense in the story. t Cable Loop Rubber Boots never crack , large stock of them , at low prices , AT H. DOLHE & CO. , Leading Shco Store. 24x30 chromes in waluut and gilt frames , new , only 05 cents , ml8-2 nt SOLOMON'S. Produce and Provisions a specialty at LITTLE & WILLIAMS' , * 2 ? 1413 Douglas street. A Naked Face. The anonymous letter recently re ceived by Mr. A. Hospo , Jr . in which he Was requested io remove some fine steel engravings from his window on account of the nudity of the female figures delineated therein , would form a fine text fora criticism on education in the fine arts , which , ' however , we have neither the ability nor desire to undertake. The pictures reterred to were copii s of the finest works of the old master ? , and the instance Is admirably covered by the old adage , ' -'Evil be to him who evil thinks. " The art galleries of our large east ern cities contain pictures beside which the ones in question are not a circumstance in the point on which objection is made , and yet these are coped ! by lady students and admired by tbe general critic , who see in them only the beauty and symmetry of the human form , which , made after God's own image is the highest type of beauty known. The scriptures do not instruct us that thsra ia any etiquette of drees in the sacred pre cincts of paradise and on earth it differs as widely as the day and night. The Hottentot and the in fant . are equally unconscious of any impropriety in the exhibition of the human form without the many cumbrous folds of cloth im posed upon it by rcfiaed society. The graceful linps end curves of the hu man form are the most difficult of the students' work to produce , and their ambition is placed no higher than to nuke a potfest copy of the gems , such as are illustrated in the pictures re ferred to. . The establishment of an Art school" in Omaha offer a an excellent oppor tunity to cultivate public sentiment in this particular , and we regard the un dertaking as one of the moat impor tant enterprises now on foot in our midst. This school which is located in Hospe's Hall has xlready made marked prrgress , aud one of the most remarkable prodigies we javo hoard of for a long time ia a student who at his second lesann copied Mr. H. G. Connor's elegant painting , "The Or phan Girl , " with tbe skill cf an ad vanced student. This institution is a prototype of the art school of eastern cities , which ara esteemed as among thur most valuable attractions Thera is no reason why such a school should .101 flourish In Omaha , and sev- ur l occurrtncts of recent date demon- s'rnte ihu need of a reform in the tn tterf taste in the fine uris. THE KINGSHIP. Thn JCui < 7 < 7 p of the ' 'Royal St. .If hn Sewing Mschine" over all the other ninch-iua , Ta acknowledged , it being lie only one that sews while runr.ii g b rkwards , as well as when iu' nitig forwards. Frcfb. Salt and Smoked Fish at "t LITTLE & WILLIAMS' . IN LUCK. A Man Picks Up .a Ninety ThoUsand-Dollar Package. _ i Singular Past Experience in the Same Line. Oar readers will rnmornber the case of James E. McCann , who , a few days since , found a pocket-booi con taining § 230 la a water closst oa Six teenth street. Having spent a portion tion of the money under the impres sion that It bad been lost for come time , and would find no claimant , he was arrested but subsequently dis charged , on agreeing to refund the portion appropriated. MoOauu has a peculiar history as a lucky man in finding lost property. He ia a bricklayer by trade and for merly resided in Chicpgo. Going to his work ono morning iu that city" ho saw a parcel neatly done up lying on the sidewalk in front of ono of the national banks , and thinking that it contained somebody's lunch he picked it up and carried it with him to work. At noon ho ate his own lunch and thinking of his find he opened it to ace what it might contain. To hia surprise ha found seventy thousand dollars in bank notes. He was of coursesomewhat astonished and alarm ed too. Oa his way home in the evenIng - Ing he 6aw some men putting up post ers announcing the loss by u bank mes senger of a valuable pickaga and im mediately proceeded to report to the parties , who proved their property and paid him the $1000 offered in the hand bills. bills.At At another time subsequent to this , ho found a package containing fifteen or twenty thousand dollars , on the ice in the Missouri river , for which he also found the claimant. Yesterday-after he bad been dis charged from the police court , he found a package containing ? 90OCO worth of land certificates of the Union Pacific railway , which ho returned to the owners , and received a reward for eo doing He is certainly a lucky fellow , and if he was only .entitled to salvage on ail hisdiscoverieshe would soon bo as rich as the Rothschilds. Solomon's Water White Family Headlight oil only 25 cents. 18-2t P. HEWSON , Eq. , ia hereby re quested to call at 1202 Htrney , cor ner of Twelfth street. . DISSOLUriON NOTICE. Tbe copartnership heretofore exist ing between N. Matheaon and L. Han son , under the style of Mathoson & Hanson , is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. All bills have been settled. L. HANSON , N. MiTUESON. SECURE A BARGIff. The fines t line of table linennapkins , toweling * , etc. , just opened and marked lower than ever before L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS , 15th aud Dodge streets. Crdar no frames made until you get Solomon's prices. mlSl'J Choice G'jctuncry Butter at 2o LITTLE &r WILLIAMS' . Vonnor'j Prediction. Mirrors at Hospu'is One Dollar Frames for 50 cants at Hoape'a. Art School at Hcspo's. Shoes gilded at Hospe's. Two dollar ehromos for oao dollar at Hospe'a. ' Curtains nad Ltmbrequtns at Hospe's. Sheet music at Ilo'po's. Pianos at LIes [ ' < ; . Organs t Uo po'd. ' Steel Enpravinjs at LTospe'a. Gilt Frame * at Hoa [ e'a. lo-tf Hot bed Glasp , 8x10 , § 2.80 per box , 2t SOLOMON'S Good ttuok c f Lidie ; ' and Chil dren's Shoes , in kid , goat and calf , at Fnllriedc's , natr Thirteenth and Oil in 5 gallon lo's delivered free. 18-2t SOLOMON'S. FLEI&IL'S FLASH , Or the Ftshionablo Finest Fit. A ramb'o thro 'i the merchant tailoring estahhs ane it of J. H. Fleialf , the popalir tiilor on Douglas naar 13th street , disclosed tha fact that this house hai nn-r in sta'ck the larg est assortment of goods in this line ever brought Io this city , amoug which ara the latest and nobbiest patterns of gouts' coats , pant ? , vesta , spring ovorcaits a-d auiti gi , laths market. Mr. Flcigle his jcut returned from anextendei trip through the eastiand h s ? pirel neither time i or raonoy in selecting a No 1 STOCK In every p r- ticular. His prices are the lowest and he givaa'the best fit ia the csr. Call etrlv and examine tha stoo * . MbteJ Canary Bird S-id , in lib bozo ? , three for 25 cent ? . 18 2 1 SOLOMONS. _ A FULL LINE- . of staple and fancy procorus , frfsh EGGS , choice BUITER , select PO TATOES , etc. , etc. , r t WILLIAM GENTLEMAN'S , 17-4f Sixteenth and Ca a sts Emnut. Sjbmon wil ! ? t one light of glass or tnorfc on ca'l et SO'LOMON'S 2t Paint , Oil and GlaM i Store. Ail 6ne spring styles now ready at the New York Hat Co.'s. tr,18t2 LOST. A gent's largo tcarf , dark grey , blue and black ends , between the post- office and tha U. P. depot. A liberal reward will ba paid for the same at the offi.-G i f C. F. Driscoll , Wil liams' block. _ " " Puru us the d iv-n anew on tha mountain top , Solomon's Hesdlight Oil. IS-'Jt / Death Record. /Harold Dunlap , who was so sudden ly stricken in death by rheumatism of the heart , on Thursday morning , was buried Saturday from the resi dence of Mr. Jas. B. Charlton , corn of of Nineteenth and Paul streets. The services by Rev. A. F. Shorrill were brief , but solemn and beautifully ap propriate. The eyes of all present were dimned with tears , ( ears of love and regret for the youth lying in his coffin snatched from lifo in the bloom of young manhood , and tears of tha warmest sympathy for the lovely mourner , hia devoted mother , whoee grief is inexpressible. The devotion and affection of the hey for his mother was a beautiful trait of his character , and he worked faithfully and well for her support. Mrs. Dunlsp hss the deep sympathy of a Urge circle of friends in her be reavement. .District Court. Gould vs. Gould ; decree of divorce. Nelson v . Johnton ; judgment set aaldo. Buahman va B.-ck ; dismissed. Smith vs. Haarmann ct al. ; depo sition suppressed. Lowe ct al. va. Brown ; death of defendant - fondant , Charlotte A. Brown , sug gested. And court adjourned until ' 'this morning at 9:30 : o'clock. MODERN SPIRITUALISM. The friends of progress in religion , spiritualists , and free thinkers gener ally , are cordially invited to attend the exorcises on the 33d anniversary of Modern Spiritualism , March 31st , 1881 , at Liberty Hill , on Burt street , west cf Military bridge , Omsha , Nebraska. The following is the programme for the day : 10 a. m. Invocation , short addresses and reminissencear ; 2:30 : p. m. Anniversary address by a Spirit ualist ; 8 p. m. Musical and literarj exercise ? , followed by a "Social Hop'1 In the spicioas ball over the Institute , which will accommodate from two tc three hundred people. J. ED. SMITH , Manager. mlG-d&w-lw SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , FcrEale Lost Found , Wants , Boarding , ttc. , will : -o In- Btr'.eil ia those co'uraus once ( or TEN CENT ! per lineeach ; gubsrqnent Insertion , FIVE CENT ! per lluo The first insertion never less thai TWEKTT-FliE CENTS. TO LOAH-KSKE * . OOKA AAA TO LOAN M8p < r cent in V/40U.l/UU terest , in mrcg of $2503 am upwards , tor 3 to 5years , on flret-c' ni farm vroperty. CE.MIS' RFAL ESTATE acd IOAI Aosscr , I5th nd Douglas . 10 JXAH-Ctll tt Lkw OffiCJ MOOSl . ? HOHAB , Hopui'S.Kreli-hton Biock TO LOAH 1109 Farnhim ; reat MONKY Rdwwrdfl Loan Aeencr. t-oy-J2-tl HELP WASTED WASTED At end ( I 18th ttrcet c ] MAX . II. W. Ball. 0-t Kitchen girl at the Emmc' WANTED . 141-2 ? A freed c-ek. washer and ironer , WANTED MRS. J. w. GANNETT , 412-23 2110 Caai street. TTTANIED To nnturnifhcd rooms witt YY bond ( or two , in central location. Ad .1 resa A. B.X. . , Post Office Cox C85 432-24 "TTTAJiTKD A House ot 7 or 8 riK-ms , not tc VY exceed 8 or 10 blocks from postclBcc , must be well located. L H. J aagwortlir , ol Do an & . Langwo thy. 430-2' A buyer for a rajitij ? ftrocorj WANTED . 4,5TJ v i 1 buy ft ore bu'ltlin. ' 24x53 lol on main B ra , t , e c d > lock and deliver ] waeon an.I hoi m. in Sidney , Neb A good chanct for the right mau. Address A. Newman , tiu ney , t > eb. 429-21 T57 ANrED A competed elil , must b a irrod \ > cook , waster and Ironer. East fciJe 20th bet. Cn'caeoard C-fS 4'0-1 ' ! } VTTANTED Two more boiidera at 31 1 North VY 17th street , between Davinpoit anil Chi- cao , cjst aide _ 387-t ( , WOMAN Wm.U situation al house-keeper. H CallSo. 1215 Uwf\rd street , between ItMi and 13th. 3SS 24 WANTED A girl for general tiuiucwurk. Muelbogoi.dc'ioh , G < .od waves to corn- patent girl. Mrs. M. Rogers , corner 19th and LeivenH or tU streets. 871-tf ATTA TSD An experienced butcher wants I V to start a meat nai heti n come email wert crn town , where there is nona , or where one U needo-l : would lake a reliable partner. Addreii h. K. Webb , Jason , Dakota Co. Neb. 80-tl "TXrANTED Agoodliouse-k < > ep < r , 1100 Farn YY haii street , up Hairs. 32-t ( FOE H ET-HH.'S ! 8 GOOD BUSINESS OPiSINO-For rent , rom iu thepnstutnce nt niiir. Nib. , gait- nbc * ( or news s'and , book , s atlonary , etc. , etc. BUir co itaina about 2,000 inbab tints , nod h il ( of the people in the ciunty uet th ir mi'l ' at this office. Forparticulats ailJross L. t' . Ilibon , Blair , Neb. 438 eodSU _ T10K RENT Room ? lieatcd by furnace , hot IJ nnJ cold water , ha h nomadjoininL' ; 1S18 Chicago S . 437- ' " r/iOR REVr Bri-k stora in JacoU' Block , Jj 15th and Capitol & \c. , Jno. G. Jacobs. 43CU _ OC31S AND LAND Bemis rcn's houses , H s'ores , ho els , farms , lotr , Iinds , cfflc s , rooms , etc. See st p'ge. RtNT / n * cyint UniiiheJ front ro m FOU or without toird , to two ceutlemen. Enquire 1619 ! ) dec street. _ 42.1-it "TIORREhT A More coiner Le onwonh an i Jj 10th s s. AlwCmociln bird nineers for aalf . Enquire at I'cteison. 3i'4 llhh gt. 397-tf OR RENT Forty acres improved , farm Si P S. W. of Onulu. Lnnu ro of A. Tudayson , 22nd and Harni-y Sin. _ 396-tf I.IUfc Ivb4 l - mriimnwi ntu& uyei Jaer- I clm.ta Exchange , A. K. Cot. joth and rn" Sffl ? . An entire y new sto k of diy 170R5ALE nd rolitn * , wltb fixture * in in clijihlo ccalionor ; etch oul ) . AddrciB C A. X. , Postoffl e * Z3 ] - > i ; > il3 Stle huus : * , Ibis , farm' , lacil ) . See It iKtp'f. * IT1 jKSALK-A c r1oad < f coctl for J ] draft or roai' , a lew ROfd lamlly hotaes ; .New Burn , lath St , bet Fnrnbini and Pncgla . E. G M'NT. 431:24 _ ' A finossfe family her , also a F'ORSALK ' co v aiid a mailyncwt pbu.-t y. L. IJI t'ii'"t No. S , Creiehtoii Block , Oiraln. Neb. 421-19 ' HE'L ESTATE- XCIIASCE. See BEMIS' paje. SAL" ' A Rood gentle horse , cltrap. Silt EOR eSt. OEO. H. LAKB. _ 403-19 T71OR SALE Ooo-l dwelling hou e , $ . ro nis Jj ai d Kitchen , yood barn * nJ outhouses , in- rknpon & Johnson's ice 'fflcc. 3S2-tt KKNl 3 room' . Enquiic ll.X ) Doajj'as POK . _ 33 Mt I .U'R SALE Tan ( ) residence lota on upper K farnhams rttt. John L. JUCajne , opp. P.O. _ _ 3SO-U fALr liars of Uootlti and Sarpy counties A. HO EWa'iLK , 1520 farn- htm Street. _ 320-tf S-VLE Seven coed buslnesa lots on POR ssrcct. JOHN f. . JicCAOoE. f5t ( Opposi'e PcsUffice. 1 i Eala' ! > KW CITY MAPS.2JC See 1st , pace , Jb _ S\L < Leisu and furniture ofaflrst- FOR * : In & town ot 15bO intubtt nt . in Slat * ol Ne'niu. Hn 21 I eis , the trjvtl'inj- ' xcea' ? resort luquirfl at Lee olBco 21vif i..K A UAKOAIN A l-ui'iijiir with EOKS ralo-iii ilxturcd. furniture and > ii > ( K , on 10th b ; . opposite the U. P depot , foriulc v ry cl.r p. Or the Bxturei , furniture and Ktook ul be sud an 4 building rented. Inquire of Eu. KKElSl- MAN. 79-tf _ B EJUt * HAL FSTATE EOOM. bce Itt psje. . . vALt" lo cloiu urnagei , A. F..R ' . MlgCtlLANEODS. Ell IS Has rattl u ; long luta of houses , lots , B Isrdi ami faima fur ta'c. Call and get him. mEAMS CAN BE GOT At John Barr s stable J. for all kmdj of work , at reasonable fljures ntar corner 13th and Ltavenworth St. 378-tf CHEAP LAND For Sale. 1,000,000 Acres OF THE FINEST LAND IN EASTERN NEBRASKA. Selected in an early day not RaUroad land , but land owned ay non-residents , who ara tired paying taxes , and are offering their lands at the low price of $6 $8 , and $10 per acre , on long time and easy terms , We also offer for sale Improved Farms IN Douglas , Sarpy , and Wash ington Counties. Also , an Immense List of Omaha City Real Estate , Including Elegant Residences , Baal- ness and Residence Lota , Cheap Houses and Lots , and a large number of Lota in most of the Additions to Omaha. Also , Small Tracts of 5 , 10 and 20 acres in and near the city. We have good opportunities for making Loans , and in all cases personally examine titles and teka every precaution to in sure safety of money ao invested. Below we offer a email list of Special Bargains. Boggs & Hill , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 North Side of Tarn. St. , Opp. Grand Central Hotel , ' Omaha , Neb * CflB Oft ! C rest located residence loth FOKSALt CAI C A very nica 5 room cottazc OHLC leaseu ground rents for S2C per u onth. 130Q03 & HILL. FflD O A I C New house ot 5 room with rUlf dALC IiatfIotnearBrowneU'sHalJ A very pleasant location , ? 1100.00. BOGUS & HILL. mO CAI C N w tonsecf 4 rooms will rUli OnLC lull lot , 0h and Farnham Only $20u , 10 luircd down. Price SUOO. UOUUo t HILL. Cfl D C A I C New l"ouse with hall city lot , rUn OnLf. near High School , 6 room ? large bay wmOovr , hu-h dcora and celling. Ever } thing perfect , SUEO. BOO OS &HILL. CflD CAI C Corner of two choice lota ir rUn OMLU SbUra's' addition , request us to at uufo suomtt bett crah offer. BOGG3 & HILL. CAI IT A ° od and desirable resi OML.E. dcnce property , 1COO UOGOS & HILL. \ FINE RF6IDENCK-Notln the murkct. JOwner will sell for $6500. 0003 & HILL. rnn OAI C 4oodlot' , Shinn's 3J ad- rUll OHLE. diiioii , S15H ea.h. BOGUS & HILL. CflD CAIC Anew ll-stoiy brick houas rUll DMLC with 2 lut > , on corner 29th and UoujriHi , ? iCO. LOGO'S & HILL. CflD CAIC A verr flne residence lot , rUn OnUk to gome tarty d sirin ; to btulu a fiuchouse , $ * OOO. UOGUS &II1LC/ . CAIC About 200 lots in Kountze & OHLu Uuth'a addition , just south of at. Miry avenue , ? 150toS-K > . fho-e lots ara near business , sarrounleJ br flac improvements Mida'c 40 par cent cheaper than any otter lota n tie market. ta > e money by buying tho-o lots. CAI C W lot , cltaHo for fine uMLC residence , on Paik-wiMave- nuc , 3 biucka d. E. of depot , all covered with flue largo tie ; ? . Piico extremely low. S < X)0 ) to $700. OG03 & HILL. Some rery choip Jots In SALE Lake's addition. coaas & HILL. CfD ) CAI C Cheap corner lot , corner rUll OrlLU DoUjiM and Jefferson Sts BOQOb & HILL. CAI C 93 lot" on Stth. 27th , 2Stb , OMLC 23th aad SOthSts. , between Faniham. Dojglu and the rropo cd extension of Docl B street. Prices range from $200 to $100. Wo hate concluded to eito men of smill means , one more chance to secure a home and will build houses on thc'clon on small pijinent" , and will tell Iota on mout ily pijmenU. CAl C ICO acre ? , Q miles from city ; OnUC about 30 acres very choice vallev , ultli runninr water ; balaaco gently rolling praiiin.tny 3 miles from ntlroan. $10 per Acre. B JOG i & HILL. COD C A I C 4 5 ° acre3 Jn oie tract12 rUn OnLC. miles from city , 40areacnl- > ited , Living spring of wa'er , sooio nice val- le)3. I he lanuis all fl-st-clas > i-h prairie. Price tl'J Ttr aoic. UUQOS & HILL. CAD CAI C ICO acres } mile cast of Eli- rUn OHLC horn S'atlon on railroad , Uu mm ; Htter , lO acres c Jtivated. COCG3AIUU , . CflD CAI C ICO acres : ) , miles north cf rUn wMLC Klkhom Station , must be eod ! for wh l it will brinj. iOCGS : & HILL. mO 6A1 C 0 acresrcxt south of Dins- rUn wftLC daein4.1S.ll ! A good and dexmblo tract , rung d.wn on to valley ot Cap- pillion. S'O. CAIC 7fO seres In one body , dHLC west of Fremont , U all level and , prnduciuhcarr srowth of gnss , is high valley , ri-.h soil and j mllej from railroad and ude track , in good sett'cmeat and nn better land cia be found. BOGOS&11ILL. CAD CAI C A highly improved farm o ! rUll uHLE. 240 acres , 3 mileu from dty. ! "mo Jnpr oveu cntB on this land , owner not a practice farmer , determine 1 to ce'l. A good opening tor tome ms.n ith means. I5CUOS & HILL. STOC1 QAC JSOncresin sec. 1 , town 18 , rU'l OfAUI. rjngell. Jlmtbe sold thia mo th. BOGG3iHILt , . CnR CAI C ,2C ( acres of land near Mil- rUn OnLC > i-d Station , 3oOO near Ek- ! horn , S tuSlo , jCO , crs jn north pirt of county , S to 8 0 > ; 3000 arcs ? 2 to miles from Florence 83 to $ lv ; S1 00 aci.s vrcjt of the Elkhorn - horn , $4 to $ l ; 10.COO acre * scattered tbronsh theconnt > , S6tolO. I he above l id lie Bear and idjon ! nearly cvtryfatm in lie county , and can mostly be Fold on smalt cash payment , with hnhu iu j.2- 3 4 and 6) carat Jno CflD CAIC Several flne residence prop- rUn OHLC erJes never betore offered ana i ut kr.owu lathe market IB being ; for tale. [ /rations nill cnly > e made known to purchasers MianiDft bimae * ! . " BOGOS & HILL. TMPROVED FARMS Wo have for sal many JL improved f inn around Omaha , an i in all i arts of Douglas. Saipy and Washington coun- : ies. Also rarms in lor. a. For de = c.ipticn and rric'S call on ui. BOGQS&H1LL. 1 A BCSINTS3LOTS FORSALE-OnFarnham IU and Douglas streets from ISOOO to $3100. SALE 8 luaincsa lota next' went ot EO Mason'c ' Temple price adtanwdrf 9 000 ach. B'JGGS ' & HILL. T710R SALE 3 bnsintas lots west ef Odd Fcl- Jj ' 0.3 blodc. 00 each. OOR SALE 2 buaire-s Iota BOUtn tide DeuT ? - _ T las at. b-.tween 12th and 13tb , $3500 each. BUGOS & IIILL. T70RSALE-160 acres , covered itith younj f timber ; Living water , surroundert by Im proved farms , only leren miles from cily. Cheap. cat land on hand. BOQ03 & HILL. Fcrzons contemplating bnyinz fhnuM not fail examine our list of land. ' . BOCG3&H1LL. Omaha , GollinH , POLACK.GollinH Cheyenne , , . Colorado Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES , Boys and Children. Clothing Made to Order in the Latest Styles. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Prices to Suit All. 322 Farnliam Street , near Fourteenth. AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & CO. , LOTHilO PAKMHAH STREET. I 5 Dealer in Hardware , COOKING STOVES and Tinware. Stove Repairer , Job WOFKCF and Manufacturer of a Kinds of Cans. Tenth and Jackson Streets. : YER & GO. , SUNS , AMMUNiTiGN , SPORTING Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full Hue of nsroTioCsTsAiisra ir .iraT G-OOIDS Send for Price List. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , tfeb. MAX MEYER & CO. , WHOLESALE Tobacco , 25 ccuts per pound upwards. Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards. Cigars from 815.00 per 1000 upwards. Befriuera Wtut of go onu D. B. BEEMER , at KaUMiihcd Urratm 1871. i COfflllSSION MERCHANT , " d Wholeea10 Dealer In Forelgrn ocd Domestic Fruit. FK - < - T ln ? selected care , and billed at cunent Market rates General Western Agent.for BOOTH'S OVAL BRAND OYSTEES ' r.rd Wholesale Dsaler in Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish. HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , ihe Beat Assortment of WHEELS in the West. At Chicago J'ifco. W.J. BROATOH , 1209 & 1211 Harney Street , Omahs. J. A. W A KEF ! ELD. WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL DFALER. IX LUMBER u HINGLES , ' Pickets , Sash Doors , kuMouldings Mouldings , Lime , - Cement , Plaster , & < , . STATE AGENT F0R MILWAUKEECEMEfrreQ. " * * . , lear Union Pacific Depc-j - OMAHA , 'UEB. * cturer of : i kinds of - Bol ° 8na ( Cerve'at THE C TCBRVTED Oval Steel/ootli Harrow Hw fictand by j SHOOT & S. 9B13QS , fen cru Af , Wit r. D.COOlht Wriw for prJ * / THE DAILY BEK * tha L.U.t Uoma ' and Trfe-'h ? /lh Uay. T ; „ V '