The DailyrBee/ Saturday PatorBon B taeeal. V j- ' Vrederick , ! > * * Hitler. Fog , frost and mabilis Nice apple * Jry the rrdat . ' Fresh eupply of TorineMras jnet're- ceivedatSaxe's. . . J r - n , Crtighton Block. - - - o2frtf ; Full line cf-artfcto' Statenak , a-tChi- * ao prices , K uha' drag store. 'ad-Urn North Star's 9th annual masquerade at Metz's Hall Saturday , 19th. m64t The Omaha .Electric company will eon put In a telephone exchange at Ne braska City. Th9 Flatte had fallen six inches before midnight last night and tLe ice was mov ing oat steadily. It < ra the band of tie Ancient Order of Hibernians and not the Irish-American , that gave us BO delightful a serenade , Thursday. There will be no district court in Omaha next week , Jndge Sarage adjourn- inj it for one week to hold court in Sarpy county. county.A A force of men were tet to work Thursday in theriver bottom excavatingf or the foundatioms of th'e engine . .and boiler house of the waterworks. Mr. JohnL. Taylor , of the county clerk's office , kas jurt Teceived the- sad news of the death of hit mother , which oc curred at St. "Louis , at ! i o'aockp.'m. ; on Monday last. Htr death was rery sudden as her fatal illnws only began Sunday Messrs. BobertfTaylbr and Jach Taylor , ex-city clerk , are the other jqns * > f the lady who are well-mown ia this com munity. . . - About 9 o'clock Thursday , toe'driver of red car No. 4 , while stooping down 16 see if the turn-table in Shinn's addition " was in line the track"suddenly saw a man sneak np to tha front of the par and make a grab for the csh box. The driver ra.n up and grabbelhold of the fellow , who. thereupon hit the drivera heavy blow.over the head with a club , knocking him 'down. The thief ran off and diwppearedJnihe. darkness. ] About o'duck last night a rather ugly fight took place on Thirteenth street. A young man named John Byrne walked up to thewjuron of an expressman .named Daniels and picked up a broom which lay under the seat. Daniels told .him to lay it down , which he refused to dev , and words high in tha vocabilary of-profanity wre exchanged. Finally Byrne struck Daniels with the broom , whereupon the latter wrenched the origins of household warfare from his assailant and hurled it to the ground. Byrne's ire was up by this time , and he ricked tip a whip which lay in Daniels' wagon aud dealt the expressman a fearful blow on tojvof the lead ; from the1 wound thus inflicted the - blood-jitozed. freely. Byrne at once "Skipped , aria/tKei expressman was * taken caM of byj" his friends. , . K. > Self'AQtlrjg Rubber * . ; . , * t Bottom.figures > AT'"H. DOLHB&CO. , Jjwdieg Skoe-Stora. - Th t * ame old oil mokes. TrySoloronn'juW tocWhlto F.mlly Mdllghl Oil utifnl- t , no stake ? r < 5nIyJ25 cento. l8-2t qd 'lettuce at. ' ' 2c & WltEtAMB'/ One new E tey Orgin. . EDHOLM. & . the Jorelors , Fifteeoth J eet alte 1 . 0 V "i veiy cheap'-J 1.5. TJ t at'H. DOBLS'&CO. , Leading Shoe.Stpm " BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chills xnd fever impossible. it , . , At C.Ir."aoodntM , > . Contributions. Mr. M. DODOTMI , treasurer of the Irish land league , ha received $27 rom the 'committee ofthe branch league at Sterling , the pracaedi of a ball held there.roceully for the "Sene- fit of the PtetBell foad C.T. MeA . llff , Jamoi Harln , Ohrlei Fllnn and John Osrtia aempote the coamlttee. There will be a meeting of the FlaiUren't i011.Satsrday evening , March ISthVTaCFerner HalL F. W. MANHCLE , Preaident. Hon. G. M. Lambertoon i * in the city. S. F. Morse has returned from a trip' east. ' " . . f Mrs. Hickman , the milliner , has gone east. - ' - ' * Hon. W. A. Paxtpij h8 returned from' ' ' " the east. < " " ' ' ' ' Matt P trick. iat i homeagaln , from Washington. Chan. 0. Whedon , member of the late house of representatives for Lancaster , is in the city. Chts. Whitney , well known as the for mer pitcher of the Omaha base ball club , is in the city on short visit. Howard Hewe'iiie ' fertner opular cltrk at the Canfield House/is now installed in' the same capacity at the St. .Charles. He iv a genial,0 whohvaouled cenUemaa whose services Mp valuable at all time * . Solomon's Water White Family deadlight e cents. * 18-2t * p Freeh , Salt and Smoked Tub at 2t LITTLE & WIILIAMS * , Print Bor- 17-2t 'm ! * \ Minors at Scape's. . ' " Oue Dollar Frames for 50 csuts fit Hoapo's. , fc v Art School at Hnpe's. L ' Shoe * gilded at-Hojp * < g ; Two dollar chrlaao * fer orw'dolUr e Curtains and Ltmbrequins at'a.3 < . pjanolTat al. Orgsjis at HotpeV Steel Engravlnga at Ho pb' . Frames t Boape's. 15-tf Mixed Canary Bird Seed , in 1 ft al. bozas , three for 25 cents. 18 2t SOLOMON'S. Whichf Important ! Comjhg " * * ' * * * ' ' * " . * * - - # f ? \ * B " . , . EventsJCast/Before - * . , "JTbree Important .Enterprises Jl _ j Under Way. * ' - " , ' ' , J " " " " * * ' : The ajeotiallohi w.Kcb fihave'beea" or 10. long pending -ietween Hbe oraerB.ofthe l4-VGtand'6eBtral .rite ind the .Kitchen Bros. , are likely to be cloied up within thVnext tweaty- few : hears , in whichjsveBt Omaha wlll have a new hoteVby January l t , 1882. 1882.The The deeds , contract and papers are all here and signed and nothing re- .maina to be done bat for the KitcheiiB to pat op their money and take tholr property. Mr. J. B. Kitchen was tel egraphed Thursday and loft for Oma ha on Friday's K 0 , St. Joa & 0. B. train , which is behind time. The prospects are favoravle for the imme diate closing up o ! the bargain. THE MUSIC HALL. A meeting of-the executive commit tee ot the Sjcngerbucd was to have been held Ttmrad&y night bnt was nn avoidably postponed nntil Sunday afternoon , whan basinets of great Im portance will be transacted. This is probably the consideration of the pro posed change of date of the Sssnger- fest to bring it about Before the Slocumb bill goes into operation. , The location , of the Grand Music .hallJus been determined upon. The vacant let justtsast of THE BEE office on the northwest comer of' 9ih and Farnham is scared. The building will be'one stity in height and will be 80 by 132 feet in size , The auditorium will accommodate 1500 people and the galleries many more. The stage will seat 150 singers. On the east sldo of the hall will be a Jarge sample room and parlor , while the dressing rooms will be in front. The contract is 'oyot ; lot though the architect , Mr. VOBB , ha drawn apros- pective of the building. THE NEW ELEVATORS. It will be remembered that at the' ' meeting of the board of trade on Monday evening last the subject of a proposed new gr'in elevator tras dis cussed , and a special meeting was called for Tuesday evening to hear the report of a special committee appoint ed to investigate the matter. For reasons Hot best to be stated nothing was done at'the meeting on Tuesday evening , and It was 'feared By some that the project had fallen through. Thursday , however , a meeting was held at tnVresidence'pl jr. G. L. Miller , * trwhlch..Mr. Sidney Dillon , presjiBnt of' ' the U. vP. , was present with representatives of the various banks -the-city and it is understood that a satisfactory , understanding was -arrived tu and the"f40,000 required to-be ubseribed'by the citizens added io the-100,000 put ia by the Union P vt&a. . OJ tli Br t namad Amount. the greaier put la famished by I Messrs. < HimebkUgh and.'Merriam'abrl' each , of the banks Is said to have sub scribed ? 5000. " It is-wollnnderatood 'that the lines atednji at."Dillonville have agreed to-bulld a'$500oqp ; elevator , their ar ticles , Jof ; incqrpDt tlon being now pnb- lishedln The Council Bluff * Nonpa reil.In conversation with.the most promiiient and. influential business man In the city Friday our reporter asked-wby-ifwiis that if the elevators qn-the-other aide were to be built . .Omahawis io get any share of the improvements , and , ' "if any , why ot all ? ' , - - It' was replied -that the pool lines had determined to "build tbq elevators at the transfer and it was a question as'to whether the U. P. should have any Interest in them at all or not. That in Tjrder-io pmteot the. Wabash with whom they are working they went into that It is understood that an eleva tor of the. capacity proposed to be erected.iu this city would not accom modate all the grain to be handled , ant the gentleman referred to said a lalf a loaf wu better than no loaf. ' The stock company which is'to own .he elevator here is not yet formed rat the organization , It Is an * lonnced , be perfected this week before. Mr. Dillon's denarture. . The stroc- mre is to be completed in time to han die the fall crop. Rubber Sandals , .Rubber Soles , Rubber StrapsV Rubber Clogs , , Rubber Self-acting , Rubber Brighton * , * Hubbar Footholds , Rubber Skeleton , " For Ladies , - „ ' : For Gents , „ , For Boys , . , -For Misses , For Children. New Stock , Low Prices , at HENRY DOHLE & Co.'s. Leading Shoe Store. 24x30 chromes In walnut . i and * , , - frames , new , only 05 ccntt , Produce and-Provisions a specialty : at LITTLE & WILLIAMS' , 2 ; 1413 Douglas street. .District Court. d Krwie.Ts. Murray ; dismissed. f.MeAd et aL rj. MoKplligoa et aL ; is deaih of-defendant , Agues M. Mo. Kalilgon , suggested. etaLvj. McKelligon et al. ; aa "Davis vs. Davta ; dtmissed. ( * * Laiitry vi. Overall , plaintiff kara totabatitato copy of petitlok. la ten of dtys ; defendant leave to substitute copy 6fanswer in five days there after. after.Mey fvii.Kbcfe : ; coatinned bycon- Mkt. " " ' * Edward vs. Board Co. Cpmmluion- > 9a et ! . ; d missed aa-to ebuncilmen 9n df Omaha aadJ. G. Mallette , treas- el nre. of vsBeindorff et al. ; verdict J ferr4ainUffierf21L10.v " T1 Ja ) > ymondtal.Ta McKplHwo et k.fcf 'T * ' " " " * * * * * * * xmiirww v . . ; death of-defondant Agnes M. Meo KelHgon soggBRted. ' t _ -s H Weiser v * . Weiser at L ; death of of defendant , Joseph Welser , snggoBted. b Raymond et al. vs. HcKelligon et . ; verdict for plaintiff for f676.9L Buudorson vs ; Worth ; continued by stipulation. Foster vs. J skoep ; dismUwf , Iflkelifiood that the U. P.Will .Have to Build & New. : Track. The situation on the railroads to-day remains practically unchanged. The eastern trains came -la late and the.'U. P. overland train left about 2 oViljek over the B. & M. " The pros pect is that the washout west of Free- mont will continue to oBsfrnct travel for the'next ten days. The river fell about alne inches last night and rose again this morning : At the point of the 'break the track crosses a bend of the river which Is the old channel. . The present chan nel of the river runs south about-a quarter of a mile. The gorge in the river is just below the bend and the water is thereby forced around the old ronte. It is possible that if the water washes out much more the old channel will be taken np again bythe river , in which event the present track of the -17. P. will bo rendered nselnss , and a permanent track built clear around the bend. This will no cessltate the laying of over four miles of new track , at great expense. ThrS depends wholly iiptn the g ing out ol the gorge. The Western Uulon telegraph lines have washed ; oat at this point. The linosof the U. P. are all right so far , though they have built about' ' four miles of new line to ba ns.ed in case of an emergency. In the meantime the Western Union are using the new wires. The Missouri at this eity is ready to break up at any moment. Its chan nel was open tirenty or thirty feet wide Thursday , for a distance of about a thousand yards from a point four or five blocks above the bridge. The heavy body of ice on either side of the channel is rising with the river and hss detached itself from the banks , leaving it free to rush against whatever may stand- ahead of it at the first signal of a breaking up. There was a washout onthe.Kansis City road on Wednesday night , in consequence of which It was necessary to transfer passengers on Thursday's train. Spring styles of young men's nob- bies at the Great Sow York Hat .Co. mar8t2 Ordsr no frames made until yon get Solomon's prices. m8t2 LOST. A gent's red scarf , between the posfoffice" and the U. P. depot. A liberal re'ward will be paid for the same at ihe office of 0. F. Driscoll , Wil liams'block. Choice Creamery Butter at 2c LITTLE & WILLIAMS' . Sixty cent dinner buckets for thirty five cents. One gallon coal oil cans for fifteen cents. Will bo sold fo theee low prices this week ; , * . WM. F. SroETZEt , Tenth and Jackson Sts. Hotbed Glass , 8x10,82.80 per box. ,2t SOLOMOM'S : Boal Estate Transfers. Wm.T. , Hoins to Geo. Hong , lots 8 and 9 in blk 124 , town of Florence ; tax deed , $150. Terry Swlgart et al. to Henry SwI- gart , w i * sw J aec 14 , tp 16 , r 12 , e , , d. $1300. Geo. H. Bogg and Lew W. Hill to Lara Jansen , part SB i no J sec 2 , tp 1C , r 11 , e , w. d. $575. Joscph.H. Milbrd and wife to Wm. Oaborne , B. J of se. i aud part of w. of nw. j , sec. 18 , town. 16 , range 11 e. , w. d. $1,6JQ. } Sophia Low % lo Fred. B. Lowe , parcel in LowoVfirst addition , w. d. $1,500. ; Wm Dfttley , TJ. S. marshal , et aL to B. E. B. Kennedy , e. J of lot 3 , ' block 102 , w. J of lot 2 , block 266 , Omaha Deed. Allen Koch to Lewi * . T. Hessler , lot 1 in block. 7 , Shinn's addition , q. c. d. -$350 MODER5T SPIRITUALISM. The friends of progress in religion , spiritualists , and freojhlnkers gener ally , are cordially Invited to attend the'exercises on the ' 33d anhlvenuy of. Modern Spiritualism , March 31st , 1881 , at Liberty Hall , on Bart street , west of Military bridge , Omaha , ' Nebraska ; . The following is the programme for the day : 10 a. m. Invocation , short addresses and aeminisaenceij 2:30 : p. m. Anniversary address by a Spirit * aalist ; 8 p. mi Musical and literary exercise ; , followed by a "Socisl Hop" ' In the spacious bail over , the Institute , which will accommodate from two to three hundred people. J. ED. SMITHManager. . ml6-d&wlw A FULL LINE of staple and fancy groceries , fresh EGGS , choice BUTTER , select PO TATOES , etc. , etc. , at WILLIAM GENTLEMAN'S , 17-4t Sixteenth and Can sts. --Emmit Solomon-will set one light of glass or more on call at SOLOMON'S i2t Paint , OH and Glass S uro. Military Mandates. "Laavo of absence for twenty-onu days , to take effect when bu cervices can be spared by his post commander . in granted Captain "Frederick Meara , Ninth infantry , Port McKinney , I Upon the recommendation of his of company and poet commander , BO much of the portion of the sentence conhnemeat awarded JPrivato Rich ard Williams , company K , .Ninth in fantry , as remains unexecuted April 8,1881 , is remitted. By authority from the adjutant general's office , dated March 12,1881 , fjrlocga of six months , with per mission to go beyond the sea ( to take tb effect after hit intended re-enlisttnont March 1 , 188J ) , is granted private John Weber , company A , Fifth car- Upon the recommendation tf Me company and post . .commander , so much of the portion -of the of confinefnea $ awarded ; private birt Stewart-compaay D , Fourtt ah 20,1881 * . is remitted. , j n All fine spring styles now ready at j the New York Hat Co.'s. ml8t2 ' ri OF OUE "FATHERS , The Rev. Father Hughes of St. Louis Lectures in * * Omaha. - ' Bar. Father Hughes , of St. Louis , poke at some length Thursday * at St. Phllomsna'a cathedral , the subject being the Faith of Our Fathers. The church wsi filled. The speaker detailed the trials and persecutions which Ireland had suffer * ed for many centuries , and the faith of our fathers which hadboen rewarded by the evangelization of the world. "Faith is a divine rift , and faith in Christ is thefirst of all graces that adorn the " Christian character.- " A good many centuries ago , when Ireland was enveloped In the dark .cloud of Paganism , the nation was celebrating one of the chief festivals. A stranger appeared , lighted by a fire fron above , and preached the word of God .to the people ; and , upon being called tp tisk , in the face of kings St. Patrick made his defense , which haB converted tha world to his faith. He had come to preach. The priests of a false , religion are simply unconvertable ; to foreako their faith at that time waste to racrlGca all there is in honor and po sltion. St. Patrick detended himself by preaching Christ , the consequences of which were simply astonishing. "Not that the priests submitted 'tothe truth ; not thU kings submitted ; not that the chiefs submitted , but the consequence was that the whole people submitted at once. And 'God thereupon planted among them. a faith which has made for them a world of admiration. Besides being an , Isle of sanctity it is as well"an isle of learning. .In the course of his re mark's 'the speaker alluded to the late czar of Russia ; how he had for 26 years persecuted his people by exiling them to the1 mines of Siberia , which wai a fate worse than death. Ho was also responsible for tha liye ? of his soldiers which had been sacrificed in the Turko Russian war. But the powerof a government w s the power of God. The policy of the late emperor , was but the workings of destiny. All thin suf fering bad to be borne , to the end that the whole world be evangelized and converted to God. The speaker took a wide scope in his remarks , indulging in bursts of pure eloquence at times , and evincing a knowledge of the subject tn hand , and the ability to impsrt it , which is im possible to reffect in a passing notice like the above. The lecture was followed by music appropriate to St. Patrick's day. Oil in 5 gallon lota delivered free. ' 18-2t . SOLOMON'S. There's where the wind blows , the BEST- goods and the CHEAPEST prices , at Elgutter's Mammoih Clothing i lOOl Farnham , cor. 10th at. Coal Oil 14 cents , in 5 gallon lota , delivered. SOLOMON'S. 18-2t „ I have the largest stock of Picture Mouldings in the city , and will make you the lowest prices. SOLOMON. ml8i2 - Pure us the driven snow on the mountain top , Solomon's Headlight Oil. 18-21 Beauty , health , and happiness for ladies in"WINEOFCARDUI. " ' At C. P. Goodman' * . SYCAMORE SAM'S SOEBOW- His Wanz Were Few , But His Squl'Graved.forvthe Widow' . ! * . . < a. _ - , - : - i Love's x ounr-Dream in two Paragraphs : For nianymcons : past it has been our pleasure to note the ups and , ! downs of a young lady resident df j north Omaha whoso maiden beauty , Jv and bewitching smiles have rendered her conspicuous in .the circle wherein she reigcsBupreme. Jjast January wp detailed one -of her adventures , In which it waastatod.ihat.her aunt had barred the doqr against the fair one. becauae she had danced too late , pay- ng no heed Io the mandate of the stern pusrdian which fixed the hour cf 10 p. ta. as the .extreme limit of. her absence from home. Like nil 'other beauties , she h s a score of ad- mirere , and the fact of her being a grass-widow explains.why she is so well quslifiodfto divide her attentions among as msny of the boys as seek to do her homage. Chief among the lat ter , wo are told , is Sam Farnsworth , whose attentions were rewarded with the smiles and caresses of onr heroine. He it was who sought for her a lodg ing plica on the night above alluded to , and subsequently a home with the family of a paid fireman , living on Izard etreet , where she felt content in allowing time to heal the breach which had occurred between herself and aunt. The household of the fireman was not informed why Mrs. Wanzi was installed under their roof , nur that young Farnsworth played any part the comedy ; and as she paid her board us a regular boarder might do , thry perhaps saw no grounds on which bias a protest. During this stage thojplay any person who had stood with the reporter at a certain point on Sixteenth street , about 8 o'clock every evening , could have seen the affectkn- ate meeting of the lovera , and the Itfisun-ly ramble1 vrhich followed. About this time Brown's masquerade brewing , and it necessitated purcharo of a new tuit by Mrs. WHIZJ. This was procured of 31w. Puck , a dress-maker on 18lh street , and from & member of the latter's family n paic of'gold bncelots wore hurrotrco , loguUn-T wilU other articles itppkCttl , 'with chich our fair nna odoroe-l &ucelic form. The orna ment o vfeTvi to be returned the iex : * morning. .Tha aigbPof' the bal-masq ni ! . ! rivid , lut the young man who wor- shipped at the ; shrine ofonr goddess was prevented , through the peculiar circumstances surrounding the advent into her new home , from ca'llng upon or accompanying her to the ball. He accordingly prevailed upon mutual friend , 'Mr. Fielding , to escort the young lady to 'the hall , acd he would , take care of her during the remainder of the' evening. This plan was con summated , though the event has no direct bearing on the case , except to mark the last appearance of the dashIng - Ing widow among her friends. The next day ehe packed up and left , dis regarding her obligations to the dress maker , and the claims young Fares- worth no doubt had upon her affec tions. The ( hiunts that knew her oncejcuow.hor no longer. MARKETS ISY'TELEGBAPH. New York Money and. Stocks- , "WALL STBEET , March 18. At 1 p.m. the pricei were as follows : MOJJET 5 per cent. ; exchange , steady at S4. l@4.84. GOVERNMENTS. Firm. TJSGVSU..102J TTS4's . 1 0g U S 5'a . 1 28 Currency 6'a..l 30 u a 4i's..i 113 STOCKS. A&P. . 4G * Del & Lack. . . . 12CS AU . "ill D&RG . 1 < 3 * WIT . 115 Erie. . 471 NYC . 144ij H&StJoe . N.J.C. . . , . 10 < i Pfd. . 10 4 ic.-- : : . : . . . .IHG : j i M . . . . . . ena Ohio Cen . 30 L S . 127J M C . 113 Northwestern. .123 UP . ll'Ji O&W . 3d OP : . . . . . DC PM . . . . . 58 C S. " . . CG Reading . * 64J Manhattan. . . . 40J St P & O . 44 Metropolitan. . . 120 Pfd . lOlf NTTElsvated..l28J St-Paul . 112i Alton . 45 AVabash . 4G OS . 814 pfd . 89 ; CJJJU . 24J N&C . - . . - . . . : CHICAGO , March 18. i Wheat was active and lower.durlng 'the early part of the session , bu firm at the close , tbe trading beinj chiefly in futures ; corn andoats , wer In fair request and a , shade firmer rye quiet ; mees pork ard lard in fal request nnd a shade easier on' ' Apri and Maybut steady on longer futures short ribs a shade easier. Wheat Spring , April sold 81 02J@1 02S ; May , § 1 07i@li07 June , $1 071 07j ; July , § 1 05 @ 1 06 ; year , SG 'JG a ; closing a § 1 02J1 02 for Aprilr-81 07j@l } 07i for May ; $1 07J@l 07 * . for June 51 055 bldfor July ; 96io bid for th year. year.Corn April sold at 40c ; May.42J@ 43c ; . June" , 42J@43jc.July ; ; 43g@43le August , 44c ; closing with sailers outside prices. Oats April , 30c asked and bid ; Msy told t 3434c " ; June 34ic ; July , 3232Jc. / Mess Pork April sold at $15 50 May , § 15 65315 67 * ; June , § 15 82 asked ; July , § 15 92A@15 95 ; year $15 00 asked ; closing at Si5 47i © 15 50 bid for April ; § 15,6515 , 67 * . to "May ; § 15 80@15.82J.for.Juno ; § 15 92 for July. Sales 6,250 barrels. Eird March , § 10 60@10 65 ; April ' § 10 65 ; May , § 10 7710 80 ; June § 10 8710 90 ; July , § 11 00@U 02 * year , § 10 27J ; closing at 810 62J © 10 65 for April ; § 10 7710) ) 80 for May ; § 10 90@10 92 * for June ; § 1100 © 11 02 * for July ; § 10 27J10 SO : fo the year. Sales , 12,250 tiercpfl. Bulk ! VIeAtgShorr ribs , 'April of feredat § 7 77 " * with § 770 bidMay sold § 7 97 * . ; "Juno , § 7 97 * ; closing at § 7 877 90 for May ; § 9 97 * . < § 8 0 ( for Juno. Sales 115.000 Iba. Chicago Live Stock filaricet CUICAOO , 3Iarch 18. Cattle /Thorp was an active nwrke for all grades ; shippers and buyers lot export were 'on hand , but the supply of choice to extra qualities was belt > v their requirement * ; stock a eers anc feeders w < * re iu good request at fully previous figure ; ; cows and butchers steers were inquired for ; the prospec ! is that tha yards will be cleared ol stock before tha c'oaesales ; rnngec from § 3 25@4 25 for butchers' cows and steers ; § 315(93 ( 90 for stockera anc fjpders , and from § 4 15 ® 4 76 for fair to choicestatriand from $5,15 @ 5 45 forehoic to extra smooth .heavy shioplng and exonr ersj imntket-wsn active and steady at' 11 o'clock. The fresh receipts were 4.000 head. i flogs The market ruled tolerably active and steady for shipping lotsbut weak and 5 ; lower for light packing aad ehippmlr g a rt ; sales ranged from 8580:55 9 , for lfRhc packing ; § 5 3535 90 fif hwy packing , and from5 $5 70(56 ( 35 foe good to choice smooth heavy shipping lets ; there were no extrn finis - ! < ' . . New York , Proauco . , NRW VofiK.JiIarchJ.8 Flour Receipt' , 19,000 barrels ; sales , 13COO b rrea. ! Market steady .and ' with H it.oderate export and local demaiul. - Butter -UncViuitjeilj Ohio , 10s30c. Cheese Uuch-u ged at 8@13Js. Petroleum Dull . .r.d weak ; treljhti 'heavy ; Sugar Unchai-Rod Molasses Un hanged. Rlca Firm. Coffc-e Qiiet ; anl'woaC. , Spirits of Turpotniiie D'jll at 46 ® 46c per pillnn. ' floein Quiut. Tallow Soid j- . Eigs Wett ru tirtn at 1920.s. 0'itton ' Str dyAfl-sl ; dling nj landa , glJ. 75 ; Qrloaui , § 11 CO ; fu urea firm ; ' Moch. $1046 ; April , § 10 50 ; M.ty. ffO 53 ; June , § 10 69 ; July , § 10,79 ; Aubu-iv , 10 83. CLOSING Wheat Irregular ; ' , Chicago , § 1 22 @l 23 ; Milwaukee. § 1241 25 ; No , 2 red winter , 31 25 ® I 26 for cash ; § 124 * for , March ; § 123 * for April ; $1 22 } for May ; § 1 2l | f > r June. Sal 6 , 35,000 bushels. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , 59Jc. Sales , 75,000 bushels. Oats Steady. Whisky Nominal. Pork § 16 25 asked for April ; § 16 10@16 25 for M y. Lard § 11 0711 15forcashj sales ; at § 11 10 for March ; $11 07 $ ® ' 11 1'4 for April ; § 11 1211 15 lor 31y ; § 11 17i for June ; SH 20 ® 11 25 for July ; § 10 5710 . 60 Seller for thfl TBur. _ _ AUADEMT OF'MU IG ! JOHN S. H&LBEtUT. ' . - 'te eo ind'Manager. Monday ' & Tuesday Evenings ; " * Marchath nd 22d. _ ; , The Beautiful Talented ami TragedlenLe , ROSfhELLE. Pronounced by.ilt.wbo haTeBceotertrja'com- . InQueent ; > f tbc-rAmcruan tngle a'-agc. , Suj- ported bjr the well known actor , - * S. W , 3litcicH ! , v And a H'lt-Clas * Company. will open itl ! tnc > cKEslc Dnnna'of To be foL'owed br one ot'tha , tfi * . Sel ctlonsr from lier extensive reperloirn. - " - Trices as usual. Sescrvcd scats it Edholm. & Erici son's after Friday monitor M 8"30mlCSt * * mlCSt - TWO DOLLARS WILL SKOURB TIIK W EKi' Yrar - SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisement ? To Loan , For Sale , Lost Found , Wants , Boarding , &e. , bo , in- scrled tu tneso columns once ( or TEN CENT ! per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CENTS per line , The first Insertion never less than TWENTSt-FIKE CENTS. TB.18AM-HOMEY. GOKA ififiA TO LOAN At8per cent In- 5 > /cOU.UUU t restin. . uira ot $2503 and upwards , for,3 to Shears , onflrtt-cas\clty ! no farm vroptrty. fsvia" RFAL ESTATS and LOAS 15th * nd Doaglaa fet" . 10RST XO COAX Call at Iw Offlea M D. L. gHOHAS. Room8.reUhton ! Block ONKY TO LOAK HOD Farohun street. Dr. Kdwarda Loan Acency. nov-SJ-ti HUP w/umb / Good cook at S77 Farnham St. WANTED wages paid to a. first-class girt Apply.lramecaately. 431-18 i ODD COOK WANTED AtpccldectilHote : t , 'corner ol Howard and Tenth ttreelg. ' 431-tf "VTTASIED T o unturnbhcd roons with -YY brci-d for two , In central locition. , Ad JrCM A. B. X. , Post Office Box COS 484-24 A HOUM ol 7 or 8 roomj , not to WANTKD 8 or 10 blocks from postcfficc must be well located , t. H. Langworlhy , ol "Do-an & Lingvo thy. 430-2" f lRli WANTKD For Reneral Lonasworlc \JT Those haviiiB oid references < an app'j S. E. corner 2litaiid Uurt etr > ct ( brick bouse. 423-18 A Imjer for a pain ? grocarj WANTED . W.60i * > il : buy * toro bu lulu ? 21x5S Ioon main a ra < t , scoi d > tock and d.'livgr \v on an I hm sn , in Siducy. Jfeb , . cofd chanc for the "right"man. Address A. > cwmin. > id nev , No1 ? . " | T,7ANTrD , Th'o Troy Laundrv is now pre- YV psredtotum.eutthe best of work f j g nts and lidiss 42'i-i' W'AKrED A rompctci.t girl ; rou tb < aaoot t.oot , wn8 > eraiid , ironr. Cast tiJe 2Ctl bet. Cnca : o rfd C-ss * 0-1 Two more boirdere at 31.1 Jiurtl WANTED Davtnpott and Chi cngo. < aat aide' 337-tt W nts situation 'a I house-keeper Call Ko. 124.6 llowird streetbctwcon 12t" and IStb. 324 WANTED A girl 'for ' general liounwork. Must be KO'd cook. Ouod wayraloctm petent pirMrs. ) . M. Rogers , corner'19th an LeXvenworth st-eets. 371-tf An experienced butcher wants WAXTSD n meat niukuti n some small west ern IOV.TI , where there ia none , or' where one is necJol ; would take arcllft'jle partner. AdJren K. K.iWebb ; Jajtaon , DaKoU Co. Neb. EO-U ANTEO Agoodhousa-keeur , 1109 Farn YY ham street , up flairs. 32-U FOR REKT-HQUSES AOO'LAKD. TnOR KUNT The three story brick "Kuropea JJ Hotel , " on corner of 15th ami Farnham street. , , ThB wnole or part. Knqnire at Davi f S.nyJcr or Baikcr Brat , Gas office. 41U-1 Twol rge'\cry-pleasant rooms EORRENT or ur.furnijheh , N. ' E. corner lit and Bart. " 423-1 KENT Front office , 317 8. 13th , street TO be.wcen Farnham and H rn y , e t side H. W. Crcmer. 420-tt RENT An e egant taraijbcJ front ro m FOli or without coard , to two gentlemen Enquire 1619 Dodge street. 423-tt T710U RENTp-A etore corscr LeaTcnworth an JP lOtli s's. Also G mocking birdalnrers fo sale. ' Knquiro at Peterson , SO } 10h St. 397-t 'T710R RENT Korty acres improved , farm S P S. W. of Omaha. of A. Fudaysdn 22nd and HarneySts. ' ; 300-t RENT A furuishoJ , south lent room FOR at No. 1612 Karnham St. " fgl-t TJTOR RENT 2 furnished rooms over' ilor JP chants Exchange , -X. E. Cor. 16th itu Dodge Btrceta. csa-U FOR SALE. FUR SALE A cir oad cf Rood horses fo 'draft on road , a few'good lamlly "horses Mew barn , 16th St. , bet. Farnham and Donglai E. QOUNT. 433:24 T7\OR \ SALE A fine safe family horse , also C 'fresh mil'tr'cowaud nearly new tp bniy L. F. Maginn , No. 8 , Cnichton Ulock , Omah Neb. 421-1 ? OR'SALK A peed gentle horse , cneap. 221 Podge St. OEO. b. LAKE. ' 403-1 T7IOB SALE Good dwelling home , J room JJ > aud kitchen , peed bamand outhouses , in Johnson's icd fflco" ' 303-t TJlOlt RENT 3 rocms. Enquire 1420 Douglas PStreet. . 33Mf TTIOR a"ALE Ten (10) ( ) residence lots on uppe . H .Jfarnuam street. " JohuL. Mi.-Cazae , opp. P.O. 339-U POR SALE Mars of DoucUs and Sarpy .counties. A. HOjEWATER , 1520 Kara hum Street ; 320-1 f OR S\tiE Seven good business lots * on Farnham street. JOIIff t. . McCAQUK , f5tf Orpogi'e Pontofflce. FOR. SAliC Lease and furniture ofadrst- class hotel la a town ot 1300 Inhabitant * . In .btata . of Nebraska. Has 21 beds , the travelllnz 'men's ' resort. Inquire at Bee office" ' 218-tf " OK SALE A BARGAIN A buildinj with F saloon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th St. , opposite the'U. P. depot , for sale very cbrnp. Or the fliture * , furniture and etock will bo.eok and building rented. 'Inquire of Et ) . RLEl MAN. . 79-f I UK ALrT clew carrisgen , at A. J. P Slmpson'3. flll-tl T710UMD Ccrtlficitoof Dcptelt. luquire at JD thsBarhWiro Works , S. IS'h'-t. , bet. Howard and Hartley. ' 435 13 BEMI3 IIu rattl n ; loul ; llati of houses , lote , lands ami farms fur talc. Call and cd hem. LOST Drown and nliito i potted pointer d y , short riotja. end ot tali off Stiltabl * re ward will b give i by icturnJnj tp SI x ileycr. EAWS CAN 8E GOT At John Barr B stible I for all kinds ot work , at reasonable D U near comer )3th and Learenworta St. S7S-tr POWDER Absolutely Pure. Undo from Grope Cream TarUr. No other prcpiiuUon makes such light , flaky bet breads , orlaxuriou3piatry. Can bo latal by Djrcp - tla without Irar of the ill ) resulting Irom heavy indigentiblo food. Bold ofly in on ? , by all Grocers. KOTAL BAKIXO POWDHB Co. , New York. J. H. FLIEGEL. ' * -Successor to J/JEI. THIELE , 51ERCIIANT TAILORS , No. * 1220 Douglas Street , * . A T = T A T MOUNT , Manntwttirer andD aler in SADDLES aud HARNESS , Agents for. JAMES R. HILL & CO. , Celebrated " -4WCOBD IIAUNESS. Beat in The WorldTSS 1412 Faraham St. , , . ; ! - . - , : j Omaha-Neb. 8 P. , . P.Cash Cash Jobbers and Retailers ot - * DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS ! * * 1319 Farnham Street 1 * w. a > i f ; , t-r , r . "i .0 ' ' . . x t- rf ? a M K We Call Attention to the extremely LowPrieesf JVU of our present Stock of * ? ? ? i HOUSEKEEPING GOODS - T ( * H TabIeLinensToweIsNapkins , Table & PianoCover * " * ' / 7 FiMH AND HAVE MADE REDUCTIONS IN - * , - " r 66-Inch Bleached Linen Damask , formerly 70 cents , Now 50 cents. - , ox. , : 60-Inch " " " " 90 cents , Now 70 cents. , , 64-Inch Satin " " $1.00 , " 75 cents. 64-Inch " " " 1.25 , " _ $ I.OO. , ? 68-Inch Double Satin " " 1.50 to $1.60 , Now $1 20. 68-Inch Double Datin " " l.75to 2.00 , Now 1.40. . Two-yard wide Barnsley half bleached Damask aL75c.f well worth at retail $1.25. v" Two-yar.d wide Extra Double Satin Damask , elegant patterns , formlrly $2.00 , now $1.60. " - ' 4-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly 75c each , Now Reduced to 45c. 5-4 all Linen Fringed Cloths , formerly $1.00 each , Now Repuced to-65c. 7-4 " " " ' 1.25 " " " " 95c. 8-4 " " " ' 1.75 " " " " $1.25. 10-4 " " " " 2.50 " " 'V " 1.95. 1 arge size Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Napkins to match formerly $7.00 , novr f.educedto $5 75 each * Large size-Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Ka kina to match , formerly 99 OO , Novr Reduced to $6 50 Large siza Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Napkins to match , formerly $10 00 , Now Reducf-d to $7.50. Laree size Linen Sets , Table Cloths and Napkins to match , formerJy $11.00and $12.00 , Now Keduced to $9.00. - . - Very heavy double Damask Towels , 24x44 inches , reduced from 50c to 37 l-2c each. Fine twilled BarnsleyCream Damask Towels , hand knotted fringes , reduced from 75c to .54c each. Fine French double Damask Towels,26x50 inches , formerly 90c , reduced to 54c. JliJAU To encourage tha practice , now so popular.with manyladie ? , of purcnaaing "Embroiderfes early in. the year thereby anticipating the wants of'summer ' , we make an Annual Custom each January of of- fednga LAEOL1 STOOK of onrpfully se'ected patterns Our stock this year' has been pronounced finer and ( cheaper than ever bfeforf ; we .have Patterns and Novelties usually bought By other merchants - . chants a year later. "W e have arranged toj be supplied weekly withfresh good8cThe prices , asked- , are much lower tban those of astern houses who have gained a world-wide notoriety : Muslin Embroideries from Ic to $ .OO a yard , on Muslin from 1-2 inch to 54 inches -wide , French Percale B m broideries from 5c to $2.00 a .yara. Iench flaiasoolcand Swiss Embroideries rrom 16cto $2 75 a yard. Hera we'trnva'accunmlnted'a larcelot ol Odd Pairs and various sizes. To effect a speedy sale , we have BUNCH- ' 'ED StOCKiNGS. In each Bunch we have put all of one s'ze ; some contain ten pairs , some eight , some seven , .five- . , and three , and we have 5Oo Bunches. 75c Bunches , Sl.OO Bunches. $15O Bunches , $2.0O Bunches , $2 5O Bunchea.1 , . -BLAGS CASHERES-Our Spring importation * art now in New York. We hare rectlxed sample pieces of 40 an < L43-inch at SQc.- 91.00 , § 1.15 and S1.S5 , and canaaure our patrons no tuck values ictrecter-lie/ore thovn by us : Mail Order fiepartmcnt We call attention of non-raidenti of Omaha to this .department ; through it ice tolicit rder * far goods or samples 'Orders so sent are filed by the return mail or express. Selections are made by competent elerJa only , and we guarantee satisfac tion or refund money. We carry ike Largeit Retail Slock west of Chicago , and aford you alt the adeautagcs of a pereonal visit through our Sampfe Envelopes. One .Price only Marked in figures. ' ' - ' " - ' A . " ! ' S. &c OO. ANDSTILLTHE LION Continues to Koar for Moores ( ) " HARNESS tfc SADDLERY , ft I have adopted the Lion as a Trade Mark , and all my Goods will be stamp eil with the JUion and my Name on the ame. No Goods ore genuine without the above stamps. The best material ia uicd and the most skilled workmen are employed , and at the [ owfst cash price. Anyone wishing n price Hut ot goods will confer a favor by tending for one. DAVID SMITH MOOEE. L VAH CA P , SJ. D. B. JX EIOOCJS , M. D NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Now open for the reception of pa'fonts fir tha TREVTHBNT OK ALL cnKUNIt ! AND SUBQI OAL DISEASES. DItS. TAX CAIUP & SIGGIXS , fhysicians & Surgeons , Proprietors. CDO EILOWS BLOCK. CORNER I4TH DODCE STS. , OMAHA , NEB- ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! . S. BALUEB.T. . . . . Maniger. Friday Evening , March 18th. The Great Artiste. MAGGIE MITCHELL In FANOEOtf , The Cricket. The moat popular lad j ontbe Amcrfcin stage. Pil saj nsuil. Reserved seats on Ie iff r 30 Wednesday morning at Kdholtn & Kriclc- wn'a mil m-t-t RIIED3IATIC URE "Varranled Safe , Certain and Ppeedjr Care for beamatism in ill l' formi , Penra'gfe. Lame Ujclc , Fabi in tha Breast and Side , I'ain In the lonuch and Kidnejg. &c It U an internal emedy , a Tonic and Elocd I'urifler , and while it remoreg tto DUeagj it imtrarts tbe central calth. MITH , Bit CK & CO. , PROPRIETORS , PLATTSMGUIH. NEBRASKA. C. F.'Gorimaa , fftnsral 'agent Omaha , Keb ' * : * * - * a AGENTS FOR DEVLIN aKH < * TTTTn OLOTHiriG fj r ' AIUTITAII STREET. MONEY TALKS V All sales strictly cash , therefore we are enahled to oiler the consumers of the weed only first . / : .t quality goods for I heir money. : 0 .tj - : Best straight lOc Cigar in the city , . , : * * , Ki Best 3 for a quarter Cigar in the city , " * : " T" - * : y ; Best Straight 5o Cigar in the city , .t " * * : Detroit Fina Cut a Specialty , ' . ' " ' " ' ' ' " ' \ \ Oar 80J Fine Cut is a good one , Bagle/s Mav Flower ia 8 and. Id ounce tins , For 40b we have bang up Smoking Tobacco , o AT THE MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " 1417 Douglas Street. We are the only Dea'ersin ' the Celebrated Bngley'e May Flower SO.OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. P ot ese for .the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell- entire stock of ' ! ' b Diamonds : , r , . , . 'Of . - * Watches , : : / * ; ' OHA. Jt tar-f t Jewelry , Clocks , ff. . . . . - Silver-Ware , . - . . . , - Pianos & Organ - GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturlns ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 oer cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into" their v < -rr New Store , Cor. 11th & Farnharhv We Wean IJnsiness. Oome and h < v flonvincw ! .1 CATZTFREEMMT CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , largo TOYS for the Holiday trade. . CATZ & FREEMAN , 510 Ilh ( St. , Oi afat. :