THE DAILY BEE. g. B03EWA7EB ; KPITOB IOWA baa organized a etete land league. _ THE condenicg of products by xnumfacturea IB one step towards solv ing thejproblem of cheapened freights. ILLINOIS la theJ tot -to .protest apiinst the confirmation ofjiGonld's Oindnoatl fcttoruejy-Stwiky. THE republicans Jiave g ia charge of the United States senate and * 1 the bourbons seat. „ . , ASBABSIKATION istliB Hstr1 mort of an outraged and opprewed people. Resistance to by the laws of every day life. ' > ST - * " > * M * " " Mi . AA. TBS fight in the senate between the republican bull and the democratic bear continues , publican bull is OWAHJL will hare f 10 ( 00 in bo toerpend for seweiii next year , " nd tar-payers had better look out whom they select to handle this EISTEEN journals unite in pro nouncing the nomination of Jay' Gould's CincinnatiCattorney tie fint mistake of General -jGacBeldV admiar Istration. > . r .r * g _ _ < - - > ME. JAMS E. Boto ha declined the democratic nomination torjStaycr. The parly will no longerfbe buoyed , np by the hope of floating into. Pfwer" on Mr. Boyd'a broad shoulder * 1 0 HASCALL has his eye wuihafilOp , 000 sewerage fund and other-little in cidentals it the dispoF&DfJthe next city council. ThUiU fny he Jatxnuf merous in the second"wwd saloons of late. C Tns Republican now as um& > fo champion the canse of Sensf&r 5S f dors because he has refused to Wen to. the conneol of his m st , rMty. friends. When annan's enemies fcp- pl&ud his acts , especially if heJui A politician , yon can take it f or pniato | that he has committed some grave Hnnder > THE fint atop ; toward"Becuring an efficient system f pvbUe ectacfttton if this city is to ireM pufliw to nominate six of the most intelligent and upright men in Omaha for the board of edncatio figSrllcipllbr church , politics orVrev u relation * ship to "school marms. " TEE growth of the Farmer's Alii- ance throughout thojUte and thede nunciation of .those members.-of the late legislature Cwho fielriycd their trust are signs of the daywh eh point to a curtailment of saoBopolyVUctation and plundering of the producers ot Kebraska. Saundera in Omaha who doe irt approve of the reappobitment oLTom Hall , and there are not a haltftozen men who trained with S unaert > tmen he was elected who are not disgusted. What does it" mean ! Will UeVmen . . ! * * / * ' 'r ? * 4 ' * who hare alw | s fought Saoaaers wd. who now hate him ai muca aa they ever did turn in and support him in the trying hour ? Can the leopard change his spots ? THE city kK'Vera new wards , and the regiatran appointed - pointed last year do not reTide in the warda for which they hold commis-1 Btons. Can thew ragictMM aet legally for wards in tvWch hey. o not rertde ? Why hcv n'h Tfglitra taleen MBO steps already for the spring election ? It it their eworx duty to adrertiie the day when they will begin registration thirty days before elaetietuKraew regktranare to be appointed , no time Is to be lost. COUKCU. BLXJITS iso ba congratu lated upon also e riagaa - elevator to handle part of tHe graik1crosiing < the Mistonri , the building jitwhich will wre the Union PacificTalrwiy a Kre t deal of labor and expense in battling can back and forth over the bridge Every time the Union Pacific trans fers the business , which originatar'in Nebraska , andiegitimately belongs to" Omaha , acres * the river to DillonvUle , Council Bluff * of cotne mMt be eea- gratnlated by 'the Omaha Herald. According - cording tc the Her&ld , every vital In terest of OittlM , < * tt t1 eaari6edfoe the benefit of tbegianl monopoly , and the bnsine jnHx.cCOmahaji > ar cpni stantly axured that the ; , iatorwU f the Union Pacific nre' lwf jldeBtic J with theirs. It | s w jlfe right , however , f * isioB 'ai en w ill "pa tronize and countenance a concern that is ready aiVny tlmo o endorn and approve every tcheao of ' 4he U. P. that tends t fctiprfe dye citj , tby don't deeerve DelterrreatBentr * ( , y - ' , n > TKK Indiana constitutional"amend - are five in number. Their objects are : ' Fint , to protect the Mfe-ba * Jk .r QBlriag a fixed pcriod of residence in the > Ute , cot/nl ' d t ihip f tloa of the state to thaff tKe Uwted S atei by striking "out The "color qualification for voters ; to fir the date of all general elecilonV in Novera6 r yiart d. of Octo ber , aad to elfcr fk4 * J4na- , . . V < * * > * & 1' < * - . ttKStfU'4 rate eleettow for judgw ; to grbdo or ecuiltee the fees of the.Dfiblic o cen ; ' TTf , , ' ' * ' - ! J T C' ! ? to eosfer power tfpott'-'caenegielattKe to establisa additional coarta of ju , tiw-j and to restrict the limit of the" ladebteduew whioti JfenlMl ? by BBUiiicipil corporations. AU of th K > Mijffl iMar _ y ? rie * Iwt April from 90,000 k > it ww " 'B.5ivsi v7"Qirt i r * * < < iste of holiteg.iAe eleottBMfroa Oo tefeer to November weald dertroy the [ { sfiaefiGe of DILLONVILIjE. Bomnlus founded the eternal city of Kome on the banks of the Yiflqw Tiber. Sidney Dillon fouad d village of Dillonvlllo on the banks Cf the muddy MusocrL There our com parison ends. The only design ef Ihe founder of Borne tras to establish a great city on the seven hills. The design j > f Sidney Dillon Tfas to tear " 3own and cripple a city already estab lished on the western banks of the his. end he used Jiis F. Dillon , formerly % iroaifijndge of the United States and now consulting counBel r the Union Pacific railroad" "in . Th unWrendered th t'faiBoa ; dacision Omaha to bo a pan of the main line of the Union Pacific and still recog- naBt3tcexifitence'.as ! a structure , sep arate from the main line for the pur- pose-of exacting bridge tolls. ' The decision of .JsSgeDillonVnabled Sidney Dillon , who had invested in E Now Sidney Dillon Is money in the bntldiug np'of , "railway toirns/ja1 ] ie 'lnteted.the contribution .made bj this city , f * * r r r * * - " -1 * ' * " * * to wards building the U. P. depot at ' . cone traction of , k hotel wllha | depot alUcb aeut at Uillon- ! villcT This was. the corner . . stone of ' * . - f -fl * ' paper metropolis whlcl Sidney DDillon founded. .Up io . { he tftne .that this costly structure was completed , SidneyJDillonhadrbambqozled Omaha 'Into the bllieAhat tbo decision of his * * f ' aepheir on. the terminus' question wculdtnot cancel the ] obligations on- 1 tv' ' * ' " & * Union /Pacific / with ths' dtjand county. * ieansfer of AS a matter of oonreuionce , ijMtobe at Dillon ville , but.paisepger trains were-tobe made up and started . ' , ' - - --i tf. f\ according/ -the contract aVOmaha. JTHe RijBii. co wShed 'which ' Sidney D11- : i erecled _ pa. the jponads donated by Omaha-as a hun dred thopfind'dollM'depOt ' TThlch-was pronounced xn nb'ortion by his own superintendent.was ' tto be promptly re * eowtruoled , and the munlfic&n dona- 1 ons , of Omaha In. bands , lands and the .remission TO J > axoi , were * to be ex- pendod'tn greaif improvements within the No , soonerJbad the _ .grand ea'tiing hqiMBjestaHisied.bySldaeyr.Dillon * - ; * * * * * * ' - - completed than bosinesi was qvbd'v over to the i. ' bank of the Missouri. * * t 5 * * " * * WILJI IffSfH 71 - f ' Taece wac'a J load F tnarmnt. over this breach of'faith' towards Omah'aT1 but Sidncy lllon's moathpieoes , who edit * | fcs * i \ * \ f t i % the Bubaldizea pipBrs in Omaha , de nounced pur. merchants and 'tax-pay- .ers aa'grumblers and malcontents , who couloVjt understand .that their -great < &eneuctors Sidney Dillon , was-only maturingTlBeiefae In Ihelr/Beitinter / ests. Everyfew months , when Oma- ha/exhilltecl. signs of Impatience and 4i trM4j > 4he-foBader .Dillonvilla fl ngT iffy to them by promising .to tfeofil tbet mammoth cow by bogus Ech'emes for legating ajSew depot , that should great roads that have . . by right in Omaha. Ift : dtWtlm < thev stock yards , estebl-s1 t- , were forced away ! flats , and w ] was no diecrimination & K city. More , - , . . ? . . , „ , * . . - , . - , ment a mammoth eloiicj.aC3Jiltokj : * * " villo , created quite ai ey " 8MS borne in mind that an t handled by it was gi ii j So Sidney flual ki . _ wt , , I' to Omaha by oeeoauag * "paft- er , in , a local elevator firm ; which . . , - , , , , ( % - , ' ' ' * * , ' . r5 * * * , willJbaaBo wed to ha tfe * 'KB&11 frac tion of the grain tha { HMB , through this gateway from NotowfciUfams : Meantime the alall adorns the Omaiw * > i- < i * " * and the wind and tieiraia . snows make it as tmcomfartable is i ] dog kennel to the traveling public and calls 'down cnrccu Japon the fewd of Omaha * when theyy/ought / to-go-mpon tnehead of Sidn.tDil4a. Di. . order - der te make BiKoBvUlel lots vwte- . - able an embargo has * been j laid ] $ * every road thai'atterapM\fto/tftteir / Ouha , ani 'HDOH eor rYv rj [ front donated to the' ' road , obstro Mo yJJ ro - bid for the traffiorotJthis cjiy. ' Dwring the last year more'money has boca'ex- pended on the.approaikea to th DUUonville the depot which JBoflf < ha , to , ofteti. .'WK B Omah * oica to jcotoitaad r * lnda iaye.awiumTd a debt OOO , whkh wUh , acawed interesta win UK this people.everiliiiUk > a" " < lollaTs j $ * , r Vt. * * . H , " ' for the beneS47of tia Ui we u ro gootly rtfaataded. thk ; u ; utenta. tenta. : / tracka. wkich nburbB , Dillon either " flaiceslV lot of overland ( land immlgranta , transfers pucon- jen jRndj .handles freight three miles from their bn ineH center hasn't silmala4 l e amerce lnOooncil lBSL ' ' ' TherofeVew tdlgate feetweea p iii and DillonsvUlelTas been juA aa greal B Injury , to Conncil .Blnffs u it haa to Oah , preventing commercial iterd ° Sl betw the two cities w ould be jroatable to both. people on both aide * will Tamely jrab- " . , ; it to ttioio.iflapotitioW. * * IT . . ' > A j * t v _ baaporbint for Oeaaha to SaVe an1 honest city coascil for 'th > : o < * ' > ' " " ' - - - it Is havo' * rl- treatmrer. - 'HNTALT ' JOTTINGS. ' idpt w ity'me-4 > we' ' employed in the'Biltimore tcmneli\ \ , Tfo enlvermmxat SUver CliflF started The dally output of leading mines In the vicinity of Silver Cliff is 182 tons. tons.ThaGoloEido ThaGoloEido SptingE-postoffica did a bnsineis last year amounting to $184,952. There are jjood indications of coal oil iu EfiPaso TJ3nnty ; Prospecting" is going on. The Stout street echool building , school doted. l . aolt &ecf of. silver found in'the * MUkinudfweghed ! 323'pounds'and ' Is valueaT5,168. ' ' 'A'coHtract haa been 'let ' to drive , an add it on the Idaho tunnelOIear Creek ; county,7 500 feet. Three men brought out of the Gem mine , Clear Creek county , fifty tons of ore.Jast month. At LeadvilleS. H. Morton , a miner , was'"shjot and fatally wounded 'by Cramefradesperado. The Kokomo Lime company ive commenced the shipment of lime from the quarry at Summit. Mineral was struck in the Florence it tuiepth of. six feet. The pay streak is about two feet wide. In Denver a constable named New- -nan ahot Detective Arnold with in tent to kill Arnold 'will recover. A,12 Jnch body of rich ore haSjbeen struck in the Veto , -on Seaton monn- 'talri\i Assays ehow 2bO ounces of sil ver. 4 Within a distance of two miles from Lake City , on the mountain west , .lie not less than twenty fine prospects. Au valuable strike has been made nOar'this Bull Domingo. Galena in largo quantities is brought tp'the sur face at a depth of aeren.'feet ; . -The Fjorest Queen hos a three-foot veiu of carbonates Assayingfrom 60 to 400 ounces in silver. A. mill run of lt)00 ) ponnda of era gave a .return , " " * ' ' " of $3201 " . * AtJKokomo there lives .an old. stager ' ' named Mother Campbell. 'Sh'o pur- snaded-a girl from the path of virtue 1 lait week and barely escaped hanging In consctiuenoe. ( 'SaysThe Denver Tribune ! " "With every draught of : Holly water we .drink Impurities that , mercy to the sensi bilities of the community restrains'ns front naming. " , , , ' . The Toronto minej > rodncod during the month oi January 21 tons , 972 pounds of ere .which returned $2,225.- 83 j above expenses. .From the 1st to' ' the 1 14th of-'Februarr. It produced - gone wild , aiitshb haa a .perfectilght to xio , over a big istriko of.sand carbonates , which assays from ' 132 252t"ounces of silver to the ton. TKe Silver Islet is the mine-that-has created \ho excitement"- * ' ' - - - i A train 'on the South Park road flew the track "and 'a TsleepW ras' plunged into the Platte river. " There' -were forty passengers In the car , all asleep. Water came In the car to the depth of twp-'feet. ' 'Only1 two paasen- gersnere eerlously InjureH.T - J1 * ' * * ' ' T . - . J.J ' T ,1. ' .Wyonunar ; i The BuprenleTcourt'is in Session. * > Rawlins' b'alldlng * Koom ftill con tinues. J ' * . ' ? A gold ledge is said to be dUcovored liear Fort Washalde. _ V1. flocks of ' - ' Large 'wild-flacks'passed over-Laramle.last week ; ' Laramie is agiiatlnp Ifco nbjeot of a forty light electric machine" ; Bullion prospectors , are . .confident" ol acreditable showing in'the spring. .Iwramlo's , Young Men's Christian * 6ciation has permanently organized. _ JTen mill sites have "been recorded1 st Cummlns City within the last thousand dollars bavo been Scribed i toward a new opera house at Oheyenno. * . , * * " * The average of the..lo ea of cattle throughout the territory , is estimated at SO per cent. " i. The Fox creek country will receive p good deal of attention.from miners in the sprint ; . Assays of forty-nine ounces' to the ton in silver are reported from the ledges on DryGPiney. Coasting on , .snow shoos'is .getting to be a popular 'amusement with some of the Evanstbn boys. Bridges are being built in the Big Horn country over Little and Big woose Creekrand-Tongau rivtr. ' . 1V _ , petition of five haadred bMtboen handed the gOverno [ ng for the organization of Johnson , . . eowfty. " - - - * 0jer 4,000 Angora jgoats are now in jf yarning , and f eaasigai&it o'f 1,200 additional is expected in the early pBng. . .There are two watar.power saw mills 'm the neighborhood of Fort McKlnney- i tnd a steam saw ; mill is , soon to .be erected. , The stock men. say that larger pur chases of Texaa cattle will ba made for Wyoming during the present season than ever before. The first number of The Laramie Boomerang 1 has appeared , and is In ' Tory respect worthy of its talented * ftor , Bill Nve. ; _ „ JL'new and elegant bridge is soon to be eo-nstructed over the : Blg Laramie. W&Hsfeompleted it will be the .finest iathe tearitory , " "Buffalowhich is to be tho-connty scat"of" Johnson county , isRrbwlng rapidly. It. has three hotels , , and t , " furniture factory will eoan be In active "operation. s . TheChoydnnoSan : Electric lights Torpur bnsineis houses , an opera hpnse , a $75,000 , U. P. 'hospital , gas "Vrorks\nd .improved w&tcr works , ai wellWiiany new stores and dwelling honjTes twill-be the record of { mprove- menta for the rasgfc city for the year and Montana , railroad Bawlins tb the.Boda lakes ou the etKatetmll be built this season. Tle.W.yomuig Alkali company , who' /wflle3rate , theao . - pujwased their machinery "and rail- i ifl iron. The company' ' propose ta jerect glass ; works at an early d y and "and will employ from two to five hun dred men ba the Swee water. * T Otah. , A new. depot is' talked of > t O den. Salt Lake is to have a home for' the friendless. , , o region iaJBgaln attracting fivay prospecting will be dpno this aeason in the aouthern campsi" * The Chmaxjnlne at Park City shows an ore body/rf five feetofcleaj ore. , Judge Hunter , of'SUf'l.ake ' ha declared a aiiut the consfitnuonality of a f 1000 liquor license. „ The projected rail way to conuoct'tha Utah Southern with Taceonj Aciconv ' a excising the'lnh'abitanta of Southern' L Utah. . : - - Tha present mining outlook in Xiit- tle Oottoawood is more , hopeful than jH'aaB.been at'En/timo wtthin.the lakt ifirayears. ' * * * " * 4 y f i 5 4 fc The celebrated Emma mine is'in dally expedatiun of active optraUoas. The immense f kot ore will doubt- lass soon ! J , ; : county is to have anew _ flour Ing mill. A st&te lottery .haa been , legaljzjd by the legislature ! . The stringent 'opfnm Maw gdetTlnt'o ' ' effect on the 31st inst. ' * * " Silver trout" are beginnlBffto bite in the Oaraon river now. "Virginia City now has a ten cent Jazo . . saloon. The state rate of jtaxatlonjfbr .tho o years.fhaVbeenJixediit'i Two fiundreo\ thousand cords of , weodwiir , be Required by 'SheC Comstock - stock mines during the coming year , f . California. , ; 1 ; * Thelate.-legislature cost the state $105,000 for expense. r Heavy rains throughout' ' the state are causing satisfaction to .tho farmers. THe remains cf a prehistoric - monster ster were discovered last ? rre6&'near Petalums. ' „ _ Building is brisk in Alameda , and the season promises to'be very active in4mprovementa.ot - Farmers .throughqut ther.stato. are" , gividg'moro attention to minor grains and a lessened acreage will this year be devoted-to wheat. The O'Brien estate at San Francisco has paid out in legacies during the year $131S,248.40 and "has still on hand over a million. The California Pacific .will expend $5,000,000 In pushing ihelr road through.from San Diego to a junction with Hthe Atlantic * arid Pacific at the Golorado.rlver. | v " i' Idaho A general stampede to the Yankee Fork'country , is looked'for ' this spring : The ' 0 ' ' wyhee' Avalanche 'reports con : iidcrable"JeroBpeclicg being -done at ' ' Wag'o'ntown.j The roule to Wood Riverfvia Black- _ jbt' n3ithe splendid new bridge over the Snake'river is now open. , A. large saw 'mill , with11 a capacity of 15,000 feet per day , will ba built early in the spring at Wood River. ' Placer claims at , the mouth of the * Jordon.are.'paying well , some pans of dirt averaging ' $4.00' to the pan. Tha distance between Wood River and theeastfwill'b : § BD or toned , nearly 100 miles iyj the , new Granger cut .off , , sit is IhobghbtbaOho galena minei cn'-Garden' creek can .be profitably worked. Ore from the Pluto assays , 80or'90ouncestatheton. ; " ' \ * ji.uaLturiu " Star , on ouaw.a moun- , tain-IB showing up a largo "amount of free gold'and ia said to ba the'best , property'onjthe/mp.un'iain. / ' , / r > J 'Oroeon , " Nine .tenths ot.thoJiorBes. in. Port- , nd vo down with .the epizootic. > i ' ' ' ' ,4 'TJfe'Westera-'U'nlon telegraph com pany .have .tegun . the construction of a line fromrAInswortlTto Sp"okahe"'FallSj ' .150 miles , following the .lino of the .Northern < Paciflc railroad. . During the late storms and'flbods in' ' Oregon , and JNYasLingtotf Territory Im" mense. quantities of 'Iog8"were'fcarried' ' atr.eami to- larger rivers , .and jby the latter to the sea. . Itrls"stated [ that the Columbia was covered by 4 masSj of floating .timber f OB * period [ of' fbuc days , ' and thattho body was movipg to the ocean .at anj average" rate1of four miles per hour. SacnlaloES is Almost Incalculable. ( , " " ; t > ! j Arizona. \ Tha'ilpntezumi-mino iu the Mey er's district has been bought foe $50- 000. ; : ' ,1 Photaix is booming and has aa bright a prospect faa any town in the terri tory. tory.The The street railway ; son has been , sold to Dr. Lord , the Arizona capitalist. One-fourth interest in the Tomb- atone mill and three adjacent , mines was recently sold for S600JOOO. " ' j Montana , ' Jii Deer Lodge Is to have a signal office. The BjglHole Valley is'rapidly . ' I settling. L The Methodist church at Bntte ia approaching completion. * * The loss of cattle in the whole ter ritory will aVerag'e 15 per cent. A new 40-Btamp'mfll ' will bo efec od at Butte during the coming ye'Sr. Meagher tsonnty has lost about 40- 000 head of aheojx. jhia winter. Contracts : .have been let for' the building of k 'new ' jail In Benton. McOarty mountain prospsctora .re port continued finds of the * precious metals. Extensive developments in .Meagh er county mines are expected this sum mer. „ A'number of .placers in Alder gulch will bo consolidated and another flume started. A largo jnumber of sheep will 'be driven into Montana this year than ever before. Under .Helena's incorporation act five wards ; have been made by the commissioners. The Alice csmpany are now employ ing over 250 men miners , millmen and laborers. Helena is about to organize a Mutual Wood and Fuel company 'for protection from monopoly. , v Both of the Alice mills are running to 'their full capacity ; Ninety per 'cent of. the assay value of the orea re duced by these millsare now saved. The newM. < E. church at Dillon ia being enclosed and will soon' b'e under roof , and It is expected the religions' services will be held in it by the 1st of July. T Dillon , is jubilant over tha prospect df-the county seat being , transferred from Bannock to ; her about May .by the. suffrage of , the voters of Beavor- . . Washington. A tannery .will soou-ibe established. atX.'olfar. jt. , | ) , - . Washington -ierritoryf witE ta total' population of ' 45,978 has 29,143 fe- , males. - * > : > An lea . iam1 in" the Yakama river caused the death .of 36 out of 60 find beef 'cattle ' " Walla Walla papers , are" discussing lha propriety cf , the .formation of a state government. Trains , running into Dayton on the Oregon railroad and Navigation Company1 " * road within fifty' days. The "milk from 300. cows will be manufactured into cheese tb a .present " year at the , White" .Biiver Cheese fee- c A7largoibeet sugarfactory will soon ba established in White River Valley. The , farinwre have guaranteed a yearly- productioa of 20,000 tons of beets. * The Seattle Library aaiociation -havts-placed th lr1 books , jiambering' some 1400 volumes , in charge. cf ; the university tegenta , for the uaa of Tthe pnpiU cf that instituilon. o The grading : al. fhS PenJd'Oreille , * ru d ia now completed 184 pules and the track laidffor-66 mlles. There la enough ) ironf at Ainsworth to complete the lOOth-mile , an'd enongh en routa ScV ivreen"TSew Tacoma and Alnawortfcit'o. lake Pen d'Or lfle J. mother sprained her lirnVj which of late would swell so ttiatrshe wantcoTlhe doctor to lance it. The application of St. , Jacobs Oil Immediately removed the swelling aud Bevorirpain. ' - -ENVIED' What u more-handsome. than.a nice , bright , vcleat-compleiion jjhowing. the. beaatiea fjf perfect ) healtt ? ATl cari enjoy ttieao advantages by 'using , Electric Bitters.Impure.bloodtauL all .diseases of the Stomach , Llvef , Kidneys and' Urinary Organs , 'are speedily cured. For nervousness and all attendent ailments , they 3 area , neterjailing reme'dy and positively' euro where all other faiL .Try-tier Electric Bitteri,1 andbo cohvinced'of their vronderfal merits. For 'sale By- all druggists , at fiftycentsbottle ; ' 1 ' - 9 (1) ( ) " f. . Great ermaar REMEDY - - - NEURALGIA ; SCIATICA , - ' ' -LUMBAGO , BACKACHE ? SORENESS or IDE , .CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUOTSTj SWELLINGS FROSTEDfEET ( . - " 0s 'EARS , . * / ' SCALDS , OEHIEAL TOOTHEAR ASO HEADACHE , No rrepantioij oo earth eqnxliSr. Acdn.Oli. u a sire , 5CBE. gucnx aad cncir External Romedj. A trial totaili bat thg campantirdr trifling oatUrof M Cuns , " and every on * mffering iriti rfln can hlT ' cjiaap tad patitlra proof of iti cliiics , " " . DIKICTJOSS IK ELITZI laSCClDES. SOLD BT ALl'ORBQQISTS AKD'OEiURS IN MEDIC1KE. ' A. VOGELER * CO. " ' j JJaltlmore , Md , , TT.S.A. . PROPOSALS , FOB MILITABT ' SUPPIJES. , . " RTMEXT OTTCB OF Cms ? QPARHRMASTES , t FOET , OMim , TiKB. March "ll.'lSS Sealed proposals , In triplicate , sabject' to Uioc usoal conditions will , bo received at this ofBce ' until 12 o'clopk noon on Tuesday. , AprlL19i JS31 , or at the same hour' ( allowing ( or the * "difference In tbnoattha o Bco3Of the quarter. 1 buster's * at the. loltdwidp n mcd etatlonsAt which ' places and time the ] irill bfl- opened In , 'presence of bidders , forfnrnlshinjf and delivery4 ot , Military Supplies daring iho year commenc ing July. 1st , 1831. and ending Juna SOth , 18 2 , as folldtvs : ' Wcod , hiy and charcoal , or"suchor _ [ aid jnpplles osmay bo required at Om ba.De DO t , Fort Omahs , Fort loSrara , Fort Sidney , Chey. ehna Depot , Fort Knraell , Fprt Sanders , Foil StecleFort Hall , Fort Douglas- Fort CamerOD1 ' Fort Rdbimon , Fort Bridcer , " Fort taramle , Fott Fetterman- 5 Fort "McKinney and Fort Was- , * * - - = haae - - - - Proposale will also b . received at. this office to the day and hour above name' , fpr.tha delivery on the cars at the point nearest ta the miiicg en the iino cf the Union PaclSc , of el lit thousand tons of coil , ot 2240 pounds to the ton. Also for the delivery at the Qtnaha Depot , oi" , at stations , . on the Union Pacific Railroad , cast from KcirrfSy Junction , of two million rounds fcorn , and ono million pounds oats EidJ for grain should tate the rate per 100 pounds- not "per bushel. , "Proposals for cither class of the storei-'nfih- tionen , or- for quantities less than the whole , re * quirtd , will bo leceited. Each pfopoul ehanld bo' In triolicate , seperats far-easJi "artifle"at' each station , and muit b accompanied by.i'bond ia the sum of ono thousand dollars , ( $1000) ) , executed strictly in accordance"wittf tKe < 'printed' ' instructions ; an t upon the blank form lumishei ) : : underthisadve'thement , , cusmntccin ; that ptrty maUluc the propbssl khall riot iwltbxliaw the same witnlu s'xty dayi f om , the date .an- , nounced for.oj.enluirtbox ; andthxtif s io. pro posal is accsptpcl and a cciitractfoV the ( supplies' bid for.T warde < l'.tWreUDder , heUTtlU , srilhin-tcn i days-after beinnqtltlcil oftheawanl , , , ( prorrlded , 'such' notiQ6a1f. u lia in'a'da within the sixty days above incn oue < J ) ; kTccfji ! th'e'tatr.e kcd-turnlsh' . . faithful per.' UJP coniracl. , „ , . , heiroTcrnmenfTSacrfts the right to 'reject - . r * " " ! * . anyorallpropoiil-s- * < } A preference uill be given to aiUcle3fot ' " " domestic prodoctto'n. T t ' circulars , TstaUngf conditions . , „ . . _ . . . _ _ „ _ of contract , , & } . , will , ho turn-shed , on application ' ' ' ' to'this' office Oi'fo t'l'e qairtcrmasfers'af the' viriouVstatkmi named. .UJC EnvelopesV contain ng piop ; alsbould b - marked : , < rPopoal3 for at undersigned or to the respective post and.depOV ' " " quartermasters. , " mlEMSt ' - ' i CMei < iuarterm ster. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANS- * PORTATION. HDQORS' ' Dm. or THE PLATIK ClIMF QCAtlERMASTEtt's OJTJCE , Foir Ounu , MSB. , March 15 , 18SO. Scaled proposals , in triplicate.subject to , the usual conditions , will be received at this office until 12 o'clock , noon , on Thursd-iy , April Slit , 1881 , or at the a-mo ho r ( allowing lortbo uif- fcinnce in .time ) , at th offices of the Depot Quartermasters at Cbeycune and Ojden , at nhich places and lime iia > will be opened In the presence { bi > .Ue , fur the transportation ot unitary Suppliej on the f > tie inK described routes In the Department of the PJatto , darinff tbe fls a * year commeucins July 1 , 1631 , and ending Juno 30th , 1382. From Keligb , Nobraika , or western terminus Elonx City ami Pacific Fort Kiobrara , Scb. Scb.From Sidney , Nobnuka , to Fort Robinson , , Ncb. Ncb.Froni Froni Chejenno .Depot , AVyomins : , Ty. , to Forts Ltnmic , Fettcmun , < nd McKinncr , Wyoming Ty. FromKock Creek Station , U. P. B.'K , to J-'orta rettermm and McKinney , Wyoming Ter ritory. Fro-n Fort Fred. Sttcle , VTyomiuj Tto ForiWjsbakle , WjomingTp. . , From Stttord , or Utah , Southern terminus Of tbe Utah Southern Railroad Extension to Fort Cameron , Utah. ' - Proposals- transportation on any or all or the "above named routes will oe received. 'Tne governmenthas the right to reject any or Ml viopoeais. . * ' , Each proposal.'must be In triplicate , separate for each route , acd accompanied by a boud in the sum of fire hundred dollars , ( | 50o , ) executed strlctly.ln accordance tvith the printed Inslruc- .tions , and upon th > bank ! form turnisbed under this advertisement , guaranteeing that the party 'mating' the i proposal shall noi withdraw tbe : sanio within sixty days from the oato announced for openiog them ; and that ilsaid froposal is ac cepted ana' a contract for the ; ervive bid for , awarded thereunder , ha vrfll , within trn aays afterbelnynotlfltl or the award ( provided such notlScalon bo made witbla tbe sixty dajs above m'entior.ed , ) accept the Fame acd f urnuh ( rood and BufBcient security , at one * , for'tbe faithtnl' pcrfoimance of the contrat. Blind proposals , form of contract , and pitted circulars stating tha cstimaced qnanll- ilesot supplies to , be transported , and RlvinK lull in'onnation as to the'manntr ot bldllnfr , conditions to bs objervid by bidders , and terms of contact and payment , Vill be furnished on application tj this office , or to tbe offices o- tne Dopdt Qoaitfrmastsr * at Cheyenne and . Envelope l c ntii ing proposals should bo marked : "Propola fjr transportation from Sf. I. LUDtNOTOir , 17-Ct Chief Quartenaster i jr o- . - IDRTS-HITCHCOCK- GEO. H. PAIJSELL , M. D. Txooms In Jacobs .Bleak , op stairs , corner of Capital , Avenue and lh street. Bcaldentt corner Sherman Avenue and Once street. SPECIAUTTi _ Objtetrics and Diseases ot Woratn.-w < ffl houn.trom 8 to 11 u , m and from S'to 4 pu m. liar be consulted at pr 'sent ' in the pailorot Dr. A. YT. Nison , Jacobs Block. inf p GeOrP. Bemis \ , Thi agency doe * , -Beaa. ' > Bocs notftpecalate , aidttsretoreaay at- > ainsonltab6oksM laaaredtolts patreM , la /Btead ot tang-gobbled up ty th eageatfry \ & HILL. REAL ESTATE BROKERS Jfo IjOS'farnhan Street 'OM HA. / - , / JJEBBABKA. _ Office North Bide opp Grand Central Hotd. etoaskey Land Agency 1505 farnham St. Omaha , Jftbf. . 100,000 ACRES carer y selected ted iB-Ewtirn Nebraska foi-gale. ' Great Bargains In Imprctsd farm " : * U1U. W v 'co'mplista abstract of title to all Real Estate In. Omaha and Donglas CountT. ; . maylU J AGKHT8 WiNTKl Foundations of < Snccess , * V' BUSINESS AND SOUIAL rORH& rp Tbe laws of'thde , legal forms , how to trans ' act' business , 'valuable ' tables , social etlqnatte , . 'tarilameutary usage , how to conduct public bniinets ; uvl.ct It is a complBt . .OnldaJo .Suc cess for'all'classes. A family"necesaiiy. A'ddret Tfor dreulu * and special terms , & .NCHOR PUB LISHING CO. St'Lonil , Moi- " Machihe ! Works , jS . , JBOTEJ j. flammond , Prop. & Manager. Themort thorongb. appointed' * - complete ' MacMnoShopa'andFonndrylntho.Ut .r , E- CMtln'gs ot every description mahufacte'd. * ' Engines , Pumps and ovary class of machinery made to order. , . ' ' f - , pedal attention glroh to VFeil Angnrs , Pnlleys , HanKers , , Catting : , etc : Plans tor now Machinery , Ueachanleal Draught nj , ModoU , etc. , neatly executed. 66 Harnev St. . 'Bat. 14th and 16th. Anyxona having dead animals Iwlllremovo' htm frea of charge. Eeara ordcn southent of Barney and 14th St. , teconl door. 3 CHARLES SPLITT. BUSINESS COLLEGE ; JHE GREAT ; WE8TERMa Geq.K. Kathban , Prlucipal. Oreighton Block , OMAHA Bend for Circular. tuov20diwt * . HI. K. KISDQN ; t . V , I GeDeral-Insnrance f f ' ' ' - ? BRPR T T : - . PHfENlI A8SDll&t.oi. , . < A < . . J London - don , Cash-Assets' $5,107,127 , WESTCHS3TKB. K.'iiT. , Capital sl.OOO n THKMKRCnANrS. of Newark. N.J. , l.OOC.OO GIEAnD FIRE.PhuadelphtaCapltal 1,001,000 -NORTHyrKSTEaN - 'HATIOKAt.Cap- ' ' ' " liar1. OCuO-j .EIRJMEN'a FUND..California 06.001 151UT1SH AMERICA ASSORAKOKCo l.fiOC OOO NEWA HKTIREINS. CO. , Assota. . . . SoO.OCO : AMERICAF CENTRAL , As eU. . . , . . EDO WXJ S - ait Cor. of Fifteenth A Donslaa St. , - ' - ' OMAHA' . NIH .B. STEVENSON A CO. , ' 'Carpenters and Builders , have removad' to-TJo. 1SOS DodjB-Stroet , where they ate prepared to do' all Undb of work In their line on short notice rt reasonable rat CT. a v/NQ. / Q. JACOBS , - " . ' ( Tormcrjy cf G Ish Jk Jacobs ) yH - No. lilV Farnhom Et.pOld Stand of Jacob OU ( $3,250.000 .ROYAL , HAVANA " EXTIUORDINARYDBAWniO.'APBIiaah. 15000 TIOKETS ONLY , 722 PRIZES. SMALLEST PBIZErtl000. ! $25,001 SO.COO . . ' 40,000 ,72 , % Frizes amTg to $2W , Whole' Tickets , SlOOj Halves , JSO ; Barters , f40 ; L'Ula" , Havana "is goreVned entirely by the above drainj. ' ' ' " ' ' ' " . ' , a " fprii ? , $0OOO 722 Prizes , $16il ; : " 'j * * ' HWhoeIS ! tlalres , 81. 4 , 1.1. io ' - 'ROMAN &Cte ( 113 .Sucbeisois.toTAYLOR & , Co. , Ke Yotk. hDirect all communications , and money to ROMAN' ; CO. , * Oen'eral'Agents , 283 Ch fel Streat . 'y w' Haven , , r.onn. ! gri SPECIiiL MASTEROMMISSIO - _ _ By virtue of anbrder"of Vafe iisuod'out ot the' District Court , In and for Douglas County , Ne braska , and to me directed , I will , on . , the" 9th daof April , A. D. 1ES1 , at 10 o'cIocV-n. in. of ( aid day , at the south door ot the > Court House ! ' the ' of Omaha He- . in' city' , jDoub Caunty , - braslca , sea. at public' auction' tho' property 'at- . scribed in siid order , to' wit : IAt Ux (6) ( in block : one hundred ant seventy-one (171) ) , In the dtv of Omiha , Douglas CdrintyV Nebnuka , Hojether with- all ttaappurtolaBces thereunto belonging , to s.tijly a jadgmtot et raid court recovered. by Ferdinand-Streiti , plaintin , and against Andrew It. Orchard , et. al. defendant. ' ' ' \V S1UEKAL , m l'St Special ilastsr Commissioner. A. W. 1VASON. JD 3EJ 3ST 07 I S T , Omcs : Jacob's B ck ; eoriter Cipllo S.73. and t .h Street. Ore b 9b AGENTS WANTED FoS CREATIYJB SCIENCE and Sexual-Philosophy. Profusely illustrated. The most Important nn best book published. Every 'family 'wantal Extraordinary inducements offered Agent > , Address Aoicrrs' Prausncio Co. . ft. Tx > ais. ITo. AGENTS WANTED FOB ODB VEW BOOK , ' 'Bible for the Young , " Beinir the story cf the Ecript r s" by' Bar ; Oeo. Alexander Orook , D. D. . in simple and attrac tive language for old and young. Profusely illustrate making amojt Interesting and Im pressive youth's Instructor. Every parent irlU secure this work. Preachers , joa sh ald cir culate U. Price $3.00. Send for circulars with extr terms. , J. H. CHAMBERS & CO.St. . Louis. Mo WNKIH8 rrlBSES- THE OLDBTfEfTAILISHED. BANKING HOUSE - \ ? ' * - . CALDWEUvHAMILTOHICO anrlacor. pentad Baak. Accounts kept In Currency or gold subject to Bight chock without notice. CcrtlBcatea of d poatt issued , payabl e in three. . six acd twelve months , beailng'lnterost , ur on demand without iatereit. Advances made to customers on approved - cnritlM at market rates of Interest r.Bny and eclL gold. , blBm ol. meat , SUta , County sad City-Bonds. I Draw Sight Drafts on Knrland. IrtLrnd , Scot- tandand aU partl'of Europe. : Sell Kiropoan Passage Tlcieii , . nOLlECTIOMS PROMPTLY MADEJ / J mjldt'j'l . , . v _ ° " U s. DEPOSITOBY. rJ " . . . * _ t _ . - a. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' i Cor. IStb Bnd'Farnham Streets , BAKKINC ESTABLISHMENT 3 . " 3iCi IN OMAHA , -i ( SUCCESSORS TO KODRTZBBR08.J jjff lfLI ! | yP Iftt Organized u a National Bant. August SO , 1863. OapitalandProfits OverS300,000 Specially iuthortod by the SocwUry or Traswrj to rtctJre Bnbscrrptlou to the U , 8.4 PER CENT , FUNDED LOAN. oreiOKBS * AND pIRBOIOBl u AnacBTua Eoonzx. Vice Prcsldsct.- ' ' H.W.TltM.O flnI r. "A. r. TorriSTOH'Attorney. . j. AJgt ? Ouhlai. . tuini iec lToa deposit nlihont regard to ltfl * * * i ts time eertlflates bculng interest. Drawi drafts an San Irtuclsco and principal dtlos ot the Unltod Btatea. also London. . DnBltn , EdlnbnrKh and the principal dtlas of the contt * ntnt of Europe. . - Sell * passact tickets IOT Eailgranta In the. In. nt.yldtl HOTELS THE 3RKHNAL. BRIGGS HOUSE I Gor. : Randolph St. & 6th Are , , CHICAGO ILL.r - . FBIOE3 SEDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2,50 PER DAY Locafod In the huxlneas centre , conTeolent to places'of amusement. Elegantly furnished , containing all modem improvement * , paaacnger elentor , &c. ' ; J. H. CDJiOIIKOSifroprietar. ocietf OGDEN HOUSE , Cor..MJ.RKEZST : & BROADWAY Conncil BlnffSt Iowa On line o Street. Eallwiy , Omnlbos to and ftorn all trains RATES Parlor-floor , $3.09 per day ; . second floor , 32.60'per da/ ; third floor , S2.COL 'Tho best furnished "and most commodlou hoaao Inthedty. OEO.T. PHELP3 Prop. FRONTIER HOTEL , Earamie , Wyoming. The miner's resort , , good accommodations , arjo Bmple room , charges rcascnibls. Bpeclar attention elTcn-totraToilnzjneiu ; , . 11-U > ' 0 HILtllRD Proprietor. INTER- ! OCEAN MOTEL , x , Cheyenne , Wyoming ' , Fine mrg Bimpli Boom * , oi ' Hock from depot. .Trains . stop from SO mlnnteg to 2 boon' for dinner. Free , Enf to and from Dppot. j , " Kates' ( ZOO , $150 and ft 00 , according | b robrn"s'cgl ; ' meal 75 cents. . ' "I * ' A. D. BALCOM , Proprietor. WiEOBDKN , Cnlef Clerk. mld-t- PASSENGERABGGDMMppATIOH LINE- _ OMttH A ANpJciRT OMAHA Cori'n'ects With Street Cars Comer1 'of SAUNDER3 .and HA1HI.TON STREETS. ( End of Red Lin * as follows ; , , . . : LEAVE"OMAHA : 820 , * 3:17aridll-aaa. m , SK > 3fi37and7 ' 9p.ta. in j'LEAVETORT OMAHA : * 7U5 a : nu ; 9:15 a."m. , and 12:45 p ; m. ' - . ' 4:00,6JlBand6a6p.m. : . * The 3:17 a. m. run , loaylni on ba , and the . 4:00 ji. nurun , leaving ; Fort Omaha- are usnaMy loa ded to full capacity-with regular passengers. The 0:17 : a ! m. ran will be made from the post * office , cornet of Dodge and 15th snnhta. Tick itacan'be procured from street cardrir- ors , 6 /rom' d rivers of hacks. FARE2S CENTS. IKOLDDINQ STHE CAR EAST INDIA BITTERS ! ILER & GO. , MANUFACTURERS , OMAHA , Befc. MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. /The / Genuine SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. t The popular demand for GENUINE SINGER in 1879 exceeded that o7 jujyprevious year durinjr the Quarter of a Centnry hrwUcKtHs > " 01d ' * ' ' * n Ueliabl e" Machine , has beea before the public. . In 1878 we sold 366,422 Machines , in 1879rvre sold 43I',167 .Machines.- Excess over any previon&year 74,735Machinest ' . Otir sales last yekr vsrefe'atfthe rate of over 1400 'Sewing Machines a/Day I Forarery'bctlnessdiy Ia the year , Thfl "OldEeliable" That Every BBAL Singer j's the 5trongestr Singer Sewing- Machine the Simplest , the Host chine has tbiaiTrade Mark cast-into the fDnrabieSewing' * JBfa- u ' . . . Iron Stand and em 'chine ' erer yet Oem- bedded in the Arm. of struoted. the Machine , THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. . . - Principal Office : b Fnion Square. New York. , , ' 1.500 Subordinate Offices-&i the I ; nited SUtes and Canada , and 3,000 Offices , in the Old. World and Booth America. seplG-d&wtf ITie Popular Clothing Houseof M. HELLMAN & CO. Frnd , on accpunt. of the3easpn ; s : ' ' ' -4 ' i"s6lfar ( advanceda rid'tidy'4 \ T : a very large -StockjH i Suits Overcoats arfd . * , \ , _ . . J % 4k ij | < 3oods left , - + 9 a * . \ ' .s- . . Have- ' . i f - / They. - 2 - = ou ; : REDUCED PRICES " * " * " < t that eain not failto pIcBase everybody " ' : ' " ' . ' . . . - 4 . , , .A- EEMEMBEB THE. } \ . . iv , ONi PRIOE'CLQTHlNjQ J USE , 1301 and 1313 Farnham St. , Corner 13th.-I " GOODS PMADE TO ORDER DM-SHORT iNOTOEi . . . , i . i . . 1 ' - . : - ' . " . -JOP r -r - 0" . S. W AG % CHICKERING PIANO , lad Sole Agent for Hallet $8,713 & , Co , , . James.&r . Holinstrojn , and J. & C.t -t , Fiaoher's " Pianos , also Sole Agent ( or tha Estey , [ I 'jBurdett ana the port Wayne Organ - - i 01 or. : : ' Go's. Organs , ' J r-- ' . t ' i * ' Ti. I ] deal in Pianos and Organs exclusively. Have had years . - experience in the Business , and handle onlytne Beat. flr ) J. S. WRIGHT , : Iw 1816th Street , City Hall Building , " HAL3BT V. PITCH. , J. F. SHEELY & CO. , FORK AND BEEF PACKERS Wholesale and Retail in 0 FRESH MEATS& PROVISIONS , GAME , POULTRY , FISH , ETC. - ' CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OPPIOB.O1TKY MAEEEBT 1415 Donglas St.PacJdng House , Opposite Omaha Sfock'Yards ' , U. P. R R. .DOTIBLE POWER AND HAND PUMPS " ' / Stcani Jfnmpi , Mining MaoUn8ryJ . , PELTING H08E , BMA88 AMD IUOM FTTTIMCS , PIPE , STEAM PACKHW ' ! „ -AT WHOLESALE .AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELU A , L STMNO. 20&Parnham Street ,0malia.llefa' l - ! t'J I . Jflt i ' 'Jir * M-- ' ! rf ' ' , iw JiI / " - -OM * . . U 3JB feiqH . . . : . . J. j , , , * h- , , ; , - -f-l- . ' . . .vhilt i't-4 ; 4. * * t - , ( ; . ? . Siji. ; . „ , ! . . , , . 0 , , . . . . . , , . ; , , . . . . . .V i CIlJK . - , - - ' k -ji- ; d ; . . tB U oalllSB < i J' \ ' - * . 4a * J . , ! U. , , , f > , K : . : . : , . , . . - - t"rt. . * * ' - * . ' ' .i-.ii. V , te ,1- . = . * . mw , . , ,1 -v ' J. B. rr IHEGARPETMA , ' A < T a , . . ri jtet * . T - ' - - ' ' , ' . , . . . * . . ' " -i : f" } e V T 5 * ! * Ar " Was Removed Front Hlis"OTcCStand At. ' - ' . . . , . , ' . . . . * i 'i i t .K' > i i ' j { * ' ; ' < ' it . . . I ( on Douglais Sf , ib NEW'f' " 'f' ' . ' . . - ' ' .c. -u ; 1313 : Farnham rf ? riiR' J - : ! / . _ A " ' " " . . . , * * - : : f . . . . . . . . , . " . ' .1 1. , jf.- ; i s i - - ? - ' 'r'-- " ' ' -iff. ' 1 -J f . , ! . . .loe. . ' . I-.f . - ' ' . ! - . , ' - ' s o. Where. . He Pleased to Heet air IHs < K < o Patrons. , : - . //.r.1s * < k