a s Jt & EDAY MABOH 19 ; 1881. YOL.X. Rir OIVIAHA , NEBRASKA , &Of MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents. Established I87i : L B. B.&SONS &SONS\ _ Oor. Dod e and 15th , Streets , : LINENS 1 In this Department we aie offering special Induce ments to housekeepers. All Linen Table ianiask 50c , worth 70c:5'-8i ; : ] i * * * man Sapkins $125 per dozen , . will offer ttie 'halance ol our $1.25 NapMnsatSLOO , an All-Linen Damask NapMn atjB3 > 50.- We will self' our Best key Eed Damask at Another lot of the Extra Size Towels at 20c , worth 30c. Whe Hav louraUts of Damask Huck and Twil led Towels at 16 l-2c each , Splendid Value. We will sell a 34 Napkin for $2.48 , worth $3,40. OuiL$5.00 Napkin , slightly r soiled , $4.00. Our f'-OQ Nap Mn , slightfe solid , $3igp ; ' ' We offer the'balancrT'of our fine sets at-greatly re duced prices ? MarseillesJQuilts jj.qwer than everBamsleyDicflagk inBleaoh- ed at Sl.JO.fJL'SB.IlLSD ' and $1 75 , actually worth 50o more per yard. (1 ( Case CochecD Toukrds at 121-2c , former prioslS 2 8b.Tv Embroideries 4L Now open the latest novelties in Edgings and Insertions , all qualities and"widtbs - Out prices on these goods chal lenge competition. BSW s n IB. . WILLIAMS Podge and Fifteenth Streets , ELECTRIC BRIEFS. * " EpecUl Dtej tchcs to The Bee. , W v > . In the trial of thtjobber JeaRue foi killing Mr. James 'Allea 'last.aolh , at GeuoTaTlL [ tKejHry brought in i verdict yeslord&y" motiling. ' 'Thomas , the ring-leader , was sentenced tatht peaitentiurr forj ma enteca jeara , Woodruff was acquitted . * * < * * A. farmer named * 'Fred Drockamil lor , temporarily insane , cat hi * throa' at New Paris , Ind. , yesterday. Charles Et , Mjller. "Detroit lawyer ceased of helping to awlndle * hlletni k * Birch out of two million dollari wai honorably diicbefged yesterday mura Ing. The .e 8e-waaoae , of mistakes ; identity.v 1 b Pj \ , J , The Bartlett cotton mills , of New- bnryport , llni.kre _ n flames , anc the prospect is'ihtall the bulldingi trill be burned. The fire caught it the picking room at'11 6'cloclc las' ' night. MeB ige s have hern sent t : Salum and Boston * for "help. Gen. GrantgarcMhisreaton foi resigning the presidency of the world'i fair commiston that his business ir Mexico tbo coming season would re quire his entire attention. Gen. Upton , who killed himself Io San Francltco JttMraek , had written a letter to thiadjntiatof the- United State * army Ve&ignisu ; his commission AI colonel ol the Fourth artillery. The boiler in Bigbee's flouring mills at Worthington Grossing , Ind. , exploded at 11:30 yesterday , injuring four parsons , two fatally. A fire , causing a lots of $15,000 , occurred lant evening in a five-storj bailJing at 392 Broadway , New York , occupied by Bacon & Eaton , umbrells manufacturers. The democrats of Conger' * district in Michigan have selected Cyreniui P. Black to lead the forlorn hope. A'party of members of the old syn dicate wMch placed the 4 per cent. bonds have gone to Wasfeiogton tc tender their services. ' They will rec ommend the iseus of $101,000,000 re maining under the 'former i law in 4) ) per cents , to run ten years. | t Three propellers- crowed -Liki Michigan from Milwaukee to Grand Haven yesterday and report having seen ice-fields twenty-five miles ir width. A Cincinnati company , with a capl tal of 53,000,000 , has been < ehMt red to bu Id a railroad under Ihe bed ol the Erie and Miami * and .Erie oaaal , either by a tunnel or 'covered arch. Tha Arkansas eenate dtfftod the prohibition amendment , which recent ly passed the bousa. The first engineering ; partyxnndei the Canada TaoHoT'yndJeato will leave Winnipeg next weak for Rapid Uity. General Roaer sayi he will construct five hundred .mtUa of , the road this season if nol delayed "for lack of iron. At New Philadelphia , O.ye terday , Jack Jones , for a wager , undertook to carry a halt barrelof , beer frojn a aaloon to a private residence hi the village , th dkUseo ofii mile a d half , without stopping. When he got about half way , he made a misstep and fell , the keg falling on top of him , breaking hi * back. He died in < few hours. Burglarious BUkxL fipedilXMfpKlctitoTbeBM. * * VAILS * FORGE , Penn , March 18- 4 p. m. Samuel Clugston was mut dered early this mornine by a burgla who entered the home by prying opei a window and Roing directly to Clug toni room , who at once seized htm In the struggle Clngston WSB she twice and died katfi an ' hou $ after. wards. A man with hii shirt fron eoTK d with blood has been arrested WASHINGTON. AZ , Gigantic Land Swindle ol * " t * TTwentydhre Years Standing LET 'Brpnght to Light. > ' &n Exlra Session of Congress fjiH P/obaWy"be Called " "Early Yn May. Senator ! Anthony Submits a List of Senate Standing / Committees. Senate. - p eUl eUlWASHINGTON WASHINGTON , March 18 4 p. m The Debate convenedlat 12 'clogk. ThacredeotUU-of 'Wm. PTryo } ian- ator from Maine to fill the unexpired orm of Secretary of State Jainei ! L El vine , , , WCM presented and ihdoath jit jcffice was administered tc the new senator. At 12:18 : Mr. Pan- d'etdn called fbr he'nnGnisbedtbjrsi- noes of < the lenate , being the' demo cratic resolution /or the appointment of committees. Mr. Anthony , ol ft. I. , moved io indefinitely postpone ayes 38 , najs 39 Mr. Mahoce voted no , bat explained : hat he had miiandentoodi the que tjan , anE desired to .change .hii vote to aye. This crested a tie , and the vice president voted aye and decided the resolution wai indefinitely postponed. Mr. Sanlbury , of Delaware , demanded to ba put on record aa objecting to the vice-presi dent casting the decisive vote. H < J claimed it was unconstitutional. Mr.-Log a clwxl as precedent th election of chapUin in 1829 by the casting s vote of the .vice-president , the senate being evenly divided. * On 'motion of Mr. Anthony , .the forty seventh rule was so amended at to increase the members of the finance committee from nine to eleven. Mr. Anthony then submitted a resolution declaring the Btunding committees to be those decided upon by the republi can caucus. The voti resulted in yeas 37 , ntyf37. The chairman gave the caiting vote , anvd declared' the resolu tion adopted. < Mr. Anthony then offered a resolu tion apppinting the Banding commit- teei. * 1'he committf es are as follows : T..Btotticfl Mrr Ferry , churman ; Mauri. Hill ( Oil1) ) ; Platt , Mahone , Maxejj" SiuUtu'ry Farley , Grooms. Public iriudf Mr. "Plumb" , chair- manwMeari. ; Vn Wyclr , ffilLrOfll ) , Jayi.e , GftverJ Mcfheraon , Walker. Land CUinia Mr. Bayard , chair JD * > U ; Mcs ra J uus. C 1L .Edmunds . , , . ' - * AUl-OU. - „ ± * Indian Affairs Mr. Davis , "chair' m -McMH. ; . In < aUs\Saund rs , Lo < giiipCtuBeron ( We ) , Coke , Pendle- ton , Walker , Slater. * * Pensions Ur. Teller , chairman Mewrs , PKt'5 Hitchell.Edgerton , Groom ? . Slater , Jackson , 0mOen. . Revolutionary Claims Mr. John ton , chbirmjip ; Messrs. Jones ( Fla ) , 'Hill ( tta ) , - Auihoay , Dawes. , T -Claims Mr. CimBronWis ) chair roan ; Me rvT irer , HoarPrye , Con < ger , P gH , Jackson , ( Jecrgej Fair. District of Columbia .r. Incalla' dhmrmri Mevra Roberts , McMillan Jawby , JUltDdl , " barrison , Butler , Vance.German. . "Paten H Mr. eiattConn ) , chair mac. Ale BIB. Har , Mttch&U , Edger tor , Cokf , Call , Willtama. Terri oiiee Mr. Saunders , chair -man-Mes rB. McDIllj-Sawyer , Butler Garland , Test. Civil Service nd Uetrenchment Mr. Hawley chftirmaa ; Mewwr Hoi llns , Jone. ( NeT.Hill ( CoL ) , Builor , "Walker , Williams. t Contingent Expenses cf the Senate Mr. Junes , ; chairman ; M6sars.Plat1 ( Conn ) , Vance.s EogroBBed . Biih Mr. Saulsbury , chairman ; Messrs. * Call , Oonkling. Rules Mr. Frya.chtirman ; Mersrs. Hoar , Sherman , Gall , Morgin. " ImproTewentofthe Missistipol Mr. Mitchell , chairman ; Messrs Kel logg , Van Wyck , Frye , Jones , Cock- rill , Jackson. Civil Service Mr. Sawyer , chair man ; Messrs. Rollins , Diwe ; , liamp- ton , Groomo. Cenaut rMr . Halechairm " njKMesrsJ Morrlll , Cameron" , McDill , Pendletoo , " Epidemic Diseases Mr. Harrir , chairman ; Mosirs. Lamar , Garland , Jonas , Teller , Miller , Sewcll. Nicaranguan Canal Mr. Dvla (1:1. ( : ) , chairman ; Messrs. Groomo , Johnston , Hawley , Mitchell. Additional Library of Congress- Mr. . Voorheei , chairman ; Messrs. Bntler , Morrill. Revision of liiw Mr. McMillan , chairman ; Messrs. Piatte ( Conn , ) , Davis ( III ) , Pendleton. Education and Labor Mr. Blair , chairman ; Messrft. Merrill , Burnside , Edgerton , Mahone , May , Brown , George , Fair. Trawportation Routes to the Sea board Mr. Harrison , chairman : Mrs Cameron ( Pa. ) , Bltir , Putu ( N. Y ) , "Voorhew , Becic , Cameron. Public Printing Mr. Anthony , chairman ; Messrs. Hawley , Gorman , Enrolled B.lls . Mr. Piatte ( N. Y. ) chairman ; Meesra. Rjllins , Puga. Library Mr. Sherman , chairman Messrs. Hoar , Voorheee , Raasom. - PabUe Buildings and Grounds Mr RolJint , " chairman ; Messrs. Merrill Cmeron ( Wis. ) , Jones , Vest. Privileges and Elections Mr. Hoar chairman ; Messrs. Cameron ( Wia. ) , Teller , Sherman , Frye , Saulsbury Hill ( Ga. ) , Vance , Pugh. Foreign Relations Mr. Bnrnslde chairman ; Messrs. Conkling , Ed aunds , Miller , Ferry , Johnston , "Mor gan , Hill ( Ga ) , Pendleton. Finance Mr. Merrill , chairman Messrs. Sherman , Ferrv , Jones ( Nev ) Aillson-Plat e ( N. Y. ) , Btyard , Veer bees , Beck , McPnerson , Harrison. Appropriations Mr. Allison , chair man ; Messrs. Dawes , Plumb , Hale Davis ( W. Va " Beck , Ransom , Cock riB.63 2" J Commeree Mr. Oonkllnp , chair man ; Messrs. "MoMillen'Jones'NeT ) Kcllocg , Conger , Ransom , Coke , Far ley. Vest. Manufactures Mr. Conger , chair man ; Me sra. Hale , Sewall , McPher son , Williams. . .Agriculture- . - ; Mihonep chair mnMeisrs BWr , PlumbVanWyck Darts , Slater , George Military Affurs Mr. Logan , chair man ; M asra Butnsid Cameron ( Pa ) Harrison , Sewell , Cocknll , Hampton Naval AfMrs Mr. Cameron ( Pa. ) chairman ; Messrs. Anthony , R'.lliui Miller , Mahone , McPhersou , Joaei Vaaee , l riey. ' Js ) * Judiciary Mr. Edmundc , ch'ah marifl'Mesiri Conkling , Logan , Io cMiUen , Garland , Davis (111. ( ) . Lamar. R lrcads Mr. Kellogg , . chairman ; Messrs. Jones , Teller , S&undert , JSawley , Sawyer , Sewell , Grover , "William ? , Brown. Mines and Mining Mr , Hill ( Col ) , chairman ; Messrs .Tones , Van Wyck , Miller , Hampton , Fair , Uamden. Mr. Saulsbnry desired to call the attention o the senate and country to the proud position which the demo cratic party occupied in refraining from any opposition1 which they might make by following the example of ths other side , and quietly permitting 'an organization to be effected. A On the adoption of the resolution electing the Bflpct committees the vote was yeas 37 , nays ' 35 , M sra. Pendleton and Garland not voting. The senate , at 1:06 , west into executive " " utive , . r'4 CAPITAL NOTES. * s t SpedU Dlipatches to The Bee. The committee interested in the enforcement of the eight-hour rule ctme before the president yesterday. They were headed by Representative .Desend.orf , of the Norfolk ( Va ) dis- trict'who preiented their case , and made known the object of their visit. The interview wai short. The presi dent asked several questionrof minor Importance. He replied to the re quest of the committee as follows : "I have never looked into the question involved , nor given careful consider ation of it. I will do botb.and would advise you to see the attorney general and atk his opinion : " There was comparatively f short session of the cabinet yesterday. The question of an extra session wea talked over , without reaching final action. No other business of importacco was under discussion. Secret aiy Blaine received a cable dispatch Irom Minister Noyes yester day stating that the French gorern- tnpnt had agreed that all pork loaded upon ships before tha passage of the French decree concerning pork im ported from the United States , should be admitted into Franca subject to in spection , and with"as little delay aa such examination permits. GIGANTIC XAND SWINDLE. Officials of the general land office of this city regard the land swindling operations recently unearihed at St. Louis the greatest over perpetrated on the government. Ita inception dates bsck to 1854 Many of the men who organized the awindle are now living. It la believed at the land office that government officials must have been in collusion with the swindlers. In vestigation that led to the exposure of the gigantic swindles -was instituted by Secretary Schnrz over a year ago , who assigned Special Agent Terrill to the work. The story of their ed ven tures eonnds like a romance. . .Rami fications of the swindles extend to PitUburg , Cleveland and other cities. A number of persoua have alrrady been arrested in those cities , and oth ers will be. The swindlers obtained fraudulent letters to more than a mil lion acres , a portion of which they sold to innocent settlers. The ques tion to be referred to the attorney- ganeral is whether civil suits can be csgnn tovacate the title to these lauds. It is sifel.o"Bay that whatever i\donowill , be as easy for tha settlers ai the government can possibly make it. _ Congress could confirm all titles , and 'will t > robably be .appealed to. The democrats annoonce that they will withhold every vote If necessary to prevent the appointment of new senate officers. This , in the absence .cLEdmnnds , would leave the republi cans without a quorum and powerless to act. The republicans , however , intend to attempt the completion oi tbo organization of the senate OB Monday. s _ r Tbe state department issues a warn ing , to capitalists against investing in the newly discovered mineral lands in the vallty of Humbar , on the east coast of "Newfoundland. ' This tract it included in the guir&ntea to the French fishermen by the treaty oi Vrrpailles in 1785 , and the same declaration cxprosly f irbids ihe erec tion of any stationary buildings there on. The state department deems thii warniug sufficient to prevent specula tors from running the risk which wuuld.arhe from infringement of the " right , guaraLtoed thu French in thli "respect. THE EXTKA SKSSIOJf. The question of afi extra session ol congress no wacitates the public mind , and it io expected early in May. A majority of the members do not de < sire an extra eession , but the leaden do , and may carry their point. Sec' rotary Blaine is quoted as favotiag it , Vice President Arthur and Senatore Conkling , Cameron ( Pa. ) , and Ligai stand in the same position , and claim that public policy demands immediate legislation in the matter of funding tha dnbt. Democrats , including Sen ators Pendlotou and Hampton , fail tc BOO why republicans wish to resumi work on a measure they once de foatod. A Broken Bridge. incUl Dbpitch to Tbe Bee MONTGOMERY , Ala. , March 18 ip , m. Lastevening the north span of thi bridge over the Tennessee river , twen ty miles from Mobile , on the Louis ville & Nashville road , gave way anc fell , precipitating two or three f reigh , cars into the water below , doing nc other damage. The bridge was under going repairs at the time , the span be tnz 150 feet in length. This wil cause a delay for a few daysaud trane ier will be made by steamer betweet Tensas and Mobile. The span will bi replaced at th earliest moment. Dead and Buried by Lightning. Special dispatch to TDK BIB. FLOBENCB , S. 0. , March 18 4 p m James Best , while crossing a fiVIc during a storm , w s trukbj Jightninj and instantly killed. The scrangcs occuirnce with this ia that tbe'light nlng in lulling the man , dng hi craveItearirg the earth to a grea depth and .burying the body , whicl had to be dug out with spades. Fatal Explosion. Special Dbpttch to Ttt lax. CISCIHNATI , March 18 4 p. m.- Private advices Bay the tow boat Johi Means exploded this morning betweei Memphis and Cairo. . Several pa-son are reported injured. Charles Pur cell , the pilot , is said io be dangerous ! ' hurt. FOB. IOTK. , Harry Hutz , was convicted to-day o rape on the p r on of Hattie Hobtrg jed % twelve years. ' The oolysentenc ) provided by law 'is imprisonment Ii the penitentiary for life. DOilESlIC DOING * . Manasers of Leading Eastera Bailtoads Agree to Pro hibit Discrimination. Southern Kansas Visited by a Destructive Tornado. A South Carolina Hangman JJiepatchesHis Victim After a" Second Trial. - * " ' Collapsetl'Coal Bant. " " Sped l Diapttcii vo I be B , . LEAVENWOETH , K < w , March 18 1 ( p m. Part of the Leaven worth coil shaft fell in at noon yesterday , cans ing a damage of about $15.000. Wort [ s smpendtd , and the company wil not be able to hoist coal before the ls < of Angust. Twuhundred , miners an thrown out of employment. Toe Kansas Tornado. Special Dispatch to 1 be Bee CHICAGO , March 18 10 p. m. Th < reports of the tornado Wednesday morning in southern Kinaas and Mis aourl wtro considerably exaggerated , Its course was narrow , and aftei reaching the Missouri its force wm wellapent. At Galena , Kansas , th < greatest dnmago is reported , estitnatec at § 1,000. Some twenty housia wer < blown down or damaged , and severa persons injured. At Short Creek Ksnear , thirty miners' cottages wer < demolished and several hue residence ! damaged. A little child of Mra Street was killed ana ! twelve personi Injured. A.t Joplln and Carthage Missouri , but slight damage was done Murderous Burglar. 8ped l'Dlap tch to The lieu ' . . DOBDQUE , la. , March 19 1 a. m. A burglar entered t' ' e residence of A T. McDonald Thursday night Wber Mr. McDonald got up the burulai said , "Stand bck , or I'll fire. " Noi tieedlng this demand , McDonald * a < shot through the shoulder and fell perhaps fatally wounded , while the burglar escaped. Mining Troubles. Special Dispatch to Tbe lice. PITTSBUBO , March 19 1 a. m. Mnnteur is the scene of a genera strike. The miners were notibed tc resume work on Wednesday morning or they would not be employed by th ( company hereafter. Meetings were aeld. and some were in favor of work. . but Tuesday night sentinels were sta tioned at various points leading to th < mines for the purpose of preventing them. ExplosioiB of powder wen leard , and a continual firing of arm ; cept up all njglit. Wedncsdny morn' ing several attempts io work wen made , but were prevented. , It i feared this will hive a tendency-it cause a general strike throughout thii region. Bungrllns : Execution. S oet l Dbtw'cb to Tat Us. LorjisvitLB , Ky. , March 19 la. m. A aoecial to Tha Commercia rom Marion , S. C. , say a James Blacl was hung there yesterday for the raur dfo of an intimate friend a year ago , BUck was sentenpdd to bang in Janu ary , but owing to a clerical error hi wss respited on the gallowa just as hi was saying , goqd-bye to is friends Ee has been confident ever since thai the governor would pardon him , bul no word to that effect having been re ceived he was hung'at 1 p. m. " yester day. The scena on the gallows was i sickening one. He acknowledged hii crime , after which the noose waa fixed The trap was sprung and he swung ic air a moment , wtien suddenly the ropi broke with a tharp snap , and thi criminal fell to the ground senseless Ho was taken up , and at first supposec to be dead , but a glass of whisky , re vived him , and ihe basinets wa * goni through again. His ajony at thii second trial was intense , and ho hac to be supported. At 1:20 : he wai again swung off , anc this time thi rope hold. ' , Bursted Her Boilers. Special Dtapitch to Tbe Bet. CINCINNATI , O. , March 18 10 p , m. A Meciphis special says : Fivi men were probably loit by the explo sion of the boilers of the tow-boa "John Means , " at Osceola , Ark above Memphis , one being Joan M. . Sello , of Cincinnati. Charles Purcell and tha pilot -were badly Wounded The others lost belonged to the crew. . The boat belonged io the St. Louis & New Orleans transportation company and was seventeen days np from New Orleans. Tbe boat is almost a tota wreck. The explosion occurred at < o'clock last evening. An Agreement to Pronibit Dlscrlm Inailons. Special Dgp lch to I Do Bco. NEW YORK , March 19 1 a. "m.- Although it has been welt known i outsiders and published in the news papers , that representatives of thi leading railroads have agreed to put ; stop to the cutting of rates , details o the proceedings of t > e rjcsnt confer ence were kept secret until Yesterday It is learned that an agreement was entered tored into by the companies thai if an ; agent or sub-agent of any road shal cut under regular schedule rates , al roads will immediately reduce rates ti the same figures. Each compan ; would thus be punished for the otfene of employes. Presidents and direc tors are to be held reponsible , and al acts of employes in regard to freigh ratea or contracts shall bo conslderet the same as though such acts were au thorized by the highest officials of th companies. In addition to the abov features of thu compact , it was als agreed that freight would be dividei at certain western points. Tbia rega lation of business is to go into effec at an early date. Managers of th railroad companies now flatter then Belves that they nave at last effected compact which will not be soon broker Heretofore managers have not hel themselves airictly responsible for ih cutting done by tbeir agents , who de sire to secure contracts with a certai class of shippers. Gratuitous Advertising. Spedal DispiUh to Tha Bee CHICAGO , March 18 10"p. m. Th transcontinental railway managemec announce the following rates : Froi Kansas City to Darning , § 74 first class and $4 ? for tmigrant , limited { o te days ; to Tucson , Arizona , 1309 mile from Kinfss City , § 95 90 for firs class , $78 for second clasn , au $47 50 for emigrant ; to Los Angelei 1865 miles from Kantas Ctty , 8104 fn first class , $78 for second and $47.5 for emigrant ; to San Francisco , 234 miles from Kaiiiis City , the wmo for all three clt'BM as to Los ; Apgeles. The through Pacific exprewfeleavea Kansas City at 10 p m. , armmg at Demlng at 7:45 a. m. on the morning of the third d y , and le vea Demu.g at 9 a. m.and arrives at San , Fran cisco at 3:30 : on the af-ernoon'of the fifth day , fifty-four * and fone-half hours or four and three fourttudaya through time. Sp cui dispatch .to The B e. SICILY , Neb , , Mirch 18-JO p. m. Weliave jujtlad.the bigh water. ver known nere. "The bndgwfoB the Indian and Sicily creek "jr < * < t fan * feet under water , but none werec r ried away near hereat tlMjrwere frozen in solid. Two womRBjad a child were drowned BIZ nailerioa'.h of h re by a iemgting.t9 drt j3 t < i througti deVp wjter/1""lSo paitioalanf have been received. Tbe Wisconsin Legislature. 8pdsl Ihtpatcb tu Ibe , , .MADISOK , Wis. , March 19 la. m. A resolution to investigate tbe al leged charge ) of bribery , etc. , in con * necttoti with the election of United States senator , was referred to a se lect committee of three. There ia no probability of anything coming oat of this , as the gentlemen who have this resolution in charge are mostly Cam eron men. In the senate Thursday evening , the woman suffrage resolu tion was killed by a very close vote. Yesterday morning a motion was made to consider last night's vote. Tbia was cirriad , and the resolution ordered to a third reading. False Report. SpeJal dispatch to Taa tt CHiCAGOjMarch 18 10 p. m. Gen. Sheridan has no iLtelligeBce.in rcgird to the reported massacre by Apaihes near Puerto do Crowlade , New Mexico ice , and doestuot believe an ; raid was made on the wagon train , as there are plenty of soldiers m the vicinity , and such an event would be telegraphed him immediately. Chicago a POHE Packing Trade. Soecial dL-pat.h to The Bee. CHICAGO , "March 19 1 . m. One of tbo morning papers will this morn ing publish a review of tht pork pack ing interests of Chicago for the past season , vhlch h the lasgeat ever known. The aggregate number of hogs picked during ihe summer seas on was 2,971127 , shotting en increase of 815,709 , as compared with returns of the lummer of 1879. The number packed during'the winter , season was 2,781,064 , fan increase of 255,8-14 as compared with the winter season of 1879-80. The aggregate number of hogs reported packed during the twelve months ending March 1,1881 , was 5,752,191 , or au increase ot 1,071,554 as compared with returns of the previous twelve months. Conflict of Authority. Special DUixiicb to rui BIB ' SAX FRANCISCO , March 19 1 a. m. Trouble U expected at .Yjima , grow ing out of a caafa Shere the marshal of ( Arizona took an armed posse- add served a writ-on Lyon and Goidwater , who had banicaded their store , and with an armed force resisted an at tempt to servo the writ of repleviuf < r goods fraudulently obtained. A dia- patcb lays the court bas dm ; i-ii against the marshal , and ordered s restitution of the goods. The credit ors will try and ship the goods before the writ can reach them. ' Peppered -with Buck-Shot. Spedal Dispatch to Tbe Bee .LOUISVILLE , Kj. , March 19 1 a. m. A special to The Commercial from Monroe , La. , gives the latest details of the Ludhng murder. Young Ludling was killed in an altercation with the overseer of a neighboring plantation about transferring tenants of the latter's place to the former's plantation. Ha was that in the head and side with a load of buck-shot , killing him instantly. He was the BOD of Judge Ladling , of the United States circuit court , a graduate of Yale , and a very popular young man. His companion , Dinbgrove , vrtts seri ously wonnded. THE SONS OF'LIBERTr. Correspondence of Tut Bss. GRAND ISLAND , March 1C. The ac tion of our last legislature in passing the high license law and proposing the woman suffrage amendment , meets with great opposition among the most substantial classes cf our citizens. And they are not satisfied with only condemning tbeae acts of the legisla ture , but have commenced work to de feat such legislation work that will probably ba done in dead earnest , and have considerable influence on our po litical affurs. Several years ago an association was formed here , consisting of a numbsi of our best known business men , irre spective of pirty lines , calling themselves - selves "The Sous of Liberty , " to "de fend the liberty of thu people against the encroachments of woman suffrage and temperance legislation. " Everyday accessions of substantial day bring-s new tial business men to this association. None of the dealers in liquors ' belong to this association. Tn'esfl dealers hava their repnrats crgan'zation , called ihe 'i.ic.juso Liagut- . " The ioteutiun ia to spread the association of the ' 'Sons of Liberty" all over Ne braska , and also over other states , tc form a union cf the Nebraska sssocia tions , nt.d also if possible a consolida tion of different st.i'o organizitijni , We hope tha' in every county ot Ne braska some good tmn Will start t sinvlar movement amonv ? the beat known citizens. Avoid the old well- known party politicians and wine , ( swillers , who will , as alwayp , belraj ' us , and lot the dealers in liquors fern their own organization ? . Unite al nationalities , aud don't allow anybody to enter thso associations unless yoi are perfectly sure ha will houesth work for the object of the same. An < by all means don't lose time. Worl earnestly nod wt.rk at once. The pretent board of the Gram Island bsaoeiation of the ' 'Sons o Liberty" consists > f : Fred Huddo president ; Ed Hooper , vice-president Hy A Koenig , treasurer ; Hy G rn secretary. It nill not do to accuse enl the lat legislature as miserable aa most of th members may have been. The whol people , and especially the great mas of onr business men , who didn't taki a sufficiently lively interest in , on elections , deserve censure. We mus admit that we all are t fault , allo * ing demagogues and wire-pullers ti rule , and we must try to make amend by doing good work in the future. FBJSP FOREIGN EVENTS. Evidences of Another nihilistic Conspiracy Discovered in St , Petersburg. . x. The Austrian Parliament Re fuses toPass a Vote of Sympathy for Russia. The Czar Issues a Circular Portending tending a Liberal Policy Toward His Subject ? . i ANEW CHAXCELtOB. BpedafD&patch to the But ST. PETERSBURG , March 18 4 p. m. It is stated that > the czir decrees , o have n chancellor to direct th ad ministration of foreign affilra. Prince ) rloff and Gen. IcmtUff are men- ioned in tbii connection Beth hate Germany , Turkey and Greece with equal and undving severity. A MEMORIAL. The ground du _ : np where lha mine was discovered has been reSlled , and , lie doors of the shop in which the mouth of tlio mine was situated sealed up and a guard stationed on the prem- sea. Ic has been decided to erect a religious memorial on the spot where the Czar fell. GIVES IT AWAY. One of the cbief organizers of the plot waa capturd two days before the isaaesination. He confessed after the deed waa accomplished and deeply criminated Bousakoff. He also de nounced his accomplices. Hence the arrts's on Monday and Tuesday anc the discovery of mine. "The Nova Yremya" says , the Bus- sian authorities were advised sever * ] months ago that nihilists from Chicagc [ 11. , had re-entered the country. IRISH NOTES. gpecbl DInutcbea to Tha EOT LONDON , March 18 i p. m. Tw ( more prisoners have been lodged ir American Minister Lowell yesterday received n telegram from the prealdeni of the Knights of St. Patrick at St. jouis , expressing their sympathy will Parnell , and requesting Mr Lowell t ( 'orward their telegram to Mr. Par nell. , BVACTJATIOir OF OAHDADAB. * It was intended to complete the evncuation of Candahar by April 15 , ) Ut the Ameer has requested a post ponement until he has arranged fet .aking over the city and province. THE GREEK QUESTION. Spe UlDIgp&tch to Tbe Bee. LONDON , March 18 4 p m. Ii 3 reported , appirently on good auth ority , that thu European powers have Accepted the line ofJrontier foi Greece aa offdred Inthe TurkishTnoti ol OMnhPr lasf , with the addi'inn o ; ; he M nd i-r Crete. TT a jj'r . t ( 3ree < e n- > alf of the t niir.iy n tb < tmi ! ! _ inchrhu c'aia ' s 11to thi . .wil < i' jjie 'tf.rlin confciei.i-i I : iti ui't > [ iec'e < l thnt tve ( irafl 4 > v ri.mmt wil1 t kj kuulj i < > f. r gn interference other th n 'liee.n -iid rilion rif Orcte , which i nywav i. . tnduratoodto ( bo le-tdy to j iu liti f.irlunea wijh ( Jreaua at fho rir t i ual if t > nr , nrd wnt ail slur : ; lnnlvK upon as jart. i.f the Gred : figutli j force , fapoxl. l. ' > bjtho Admin * ' * . POLICY OK ALEXANDBB IU. Special U'-i'.t-.ti to Tut Kit. ST. PETEitSBtJRO. March 18 10 p m. The Ku siun minister cf foroigi affairs has issued a circular di patct addressed to Runatan 'representative * at tbo various European courte , anc other govcinments , setcnig forth th ( policy the new czr has concluded t ( pursue in his government. Tha dls patch ttalca tha' , BJ fac & * territory if : nncerntd , Rusi.a lias at'hincd hei fall development , and it nnyr remain ! for her to secure hfr p < iati ; ( n and de velop her internal rutouic's. Hei Foreign policy will be of ennrely pacific character , but Ru-sm will exert hti influence tu imiuttln the poli'ici equaliziticii nf E-irope , whenever it ii necessary tJ co r ierate nith oihei Bowers to raHtnt/un ttm ueneriil petcu , based upon respect f > r the righta oi governments , nnd for exiting treaties TU4SK3 TO PARLIAMENT. Sp'citl DUratcb to The He. . LONDON , March 19 1 a. m. Ear 3ranviiln jestordny leolccd A dis pitch from the foreign nfficar in St IVtersbuix'i th'rough the R isnian mia istrtr in Liiidon , conveying trie CZM'I th.ttiki to both houses of piriiinen [ or votes of sympa hy parsed by then in connection wih the death of hii father. A SENSITIVE MINISTER. It is reported from Berlin lha Baron Von flaymerlc , iniuiater o foreign affairs , resigned because thi Austrian reichreth omitted to pass s vote of sympathy for Russia in vlet of the killing of the czar. UNSYMPATHETIC AUSTRIA. A dispatch from Berlin says : Th refusal of the Austrian parliament t < express condolecco at the czar'a deatl bas created a bad impression both a St. Petersburg and Berlin. It is as snmed that the motive was to shut coldness towards Russia. THE AMBASSADORS RECALLED. A dispatch from Paris says that al the ambassadors will go to St. Peters burg. Prince Orloff , however , bein in great favor with the new czsrj wil certainly return to Paris. REIOX OF TERROR IN ST , FETERSBURJ Spec ! * ! Diipatcb to Till Bsi. PARIS , March 19 1 a. m. Gray reports regarding the situation at Si Petersburg are circulation at thi capital. Telegrams sent to St. P < J tersburg have not been replied tc and the lines are supposed to be cut There are rumors of another attemp to blow np the czar's palace with dj nnmite , and a revolutionary move ment is suspected. LONDON , March 19 1 a. m. A SI Petersburg dispatch eays ninet pounds of dynamite was found in mine discovered yesterday in the v ! cinity of the winter palace. A mix ture of powerful explosives was als found with a number of empty bombi The city is greatly agitated , and it i thought a large number of nihilist have arrired here since the death c the czar. The authorities are eve vigilant. QUARRELING JOURNALISTS. BpdslDli atch to lha Be * . LONDON , March 19 1 a. TO. I the court of the queen's bench the ai snlt case of Mr. Levy Lawson , < The London Telegraph , and Mr. Sei ry Libouchere , proprietor of London Truth , came np yesterday. It will bo remembered that some months ago Lawson alleged that he and Libuu- chero met in the street , when the lat ter attacked and corporally castigated him. Defendant in court yesterday put Lawson through n severe cross ex amination on the circumstances , and frequent burs to of laughter were elici ted from the audience by ths sharp ness of the questions and brightness of the answers brought out THE TDHCO GREEK DIFFICULTY. Special Dtoptteb to Tbe Bee LONDON , March 18 10 p. m. It is reported from liailin that the porte bas accepted .the proposition of the powers io settle the Tnrco Greek boundary question on the basis for mulated by Englacd and Germany. This ia understood to mean that the arrangement by which the boundary line was suggested last October ill be adopted , and Crete ceded to Greece. CABLEGRAMS. Speclil Dispatches to Tlis Bin The circular of the czar is scanned with critical Iniereat by the powers of Europe. In the house of commons yesterday Afternoon , Mr. Gladstone , replying tea a question by Sir Stafford Northcote , said he hoped to have news from the Transvaal to day , and be able to com municate it to the house on Monday , the premier evidently meaning news of the arrangement for peace. Telegrams from Natal ere very con flicting in retpect to the prospects cf peace. The rumor cf a fresh armis tice of three day * i * con firmed. The Princess < f Wnlta will accom pany the prince to St. . Petersburg. They will start Monday on a special train. train.A A large quantity of explosives were seized at Letth decks , Irelnnd , yes terday. Thousands cf cartridges were landed on Thursday by a vessel from New Orleans. It ia supposed that the vessel intended to laud at Queens * town , but fear of the authorities caused her to movoon. A dispatch from Newcastle , in the Transvaal , says that the Armistice be tween Boers and British will bo pro longed until Monday next. JTB i i - A Human Butcner. Special Dbpatct es to .The Boa , CINCINNATI , March 184 p. m. At Gallipo'sa a qntrrel endued over a game ofcards aud Darby Mitchell and Harvey Bt&gg came near getting to blows. The affair was quieted and the parly walked towards the river , Blagg carrying an axe. Mitchell asked to look at it''and at once began striking Blagg overhandod blows. The two lower ribs wore severed from the spine and a wound ten inches long irjl'cted. This with several other cuts will prove fatal. "Mitchell was captured. - 'NEW ' Op.LEAhS , MarohlS. An epi demic ofYulcldBi prevails here. W. k n own , business man , in good circumstances , Armlfcker Roux , Jr. , young and wealthy , and Josephine Moberj , all took their lives. ' Undoubtedly thcC bear shirt In the United States ia manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , conj oined with their great Imprivenonts , that is Reinforced fronts , Rwnforced backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes their shirt the most durable and best fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the uuderato price of $1.50. Every shirt of our make ia guaranteed first-class and will refund the money if found otherwise. Wo make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also chomois underwear , made np with a view to comfort , warmth and durabil ity. To invalids and weak-lunged parsons we offer apeslal inducements in the manner these goods are made for their protection. | PH. GorrHPiMKK , REED'S " " "ALLTIME , By "Almon' , " 1 o by Al x n ler' * "Abdaliih. " giro tl "O-IdimUh M U , " first dam "On Timo" * bvVur Dan -a. " n o' the -a 'owned "Ltiiuic'so ; " SeoniU , "ail IJre konriilgo" bj "Colosius/ ! of iniporUU " * " "Almuni'g" tint d-ra h"JU i rlno Chief" and bi ) aire l > y ti ) a lick's ' Hambletou'&ii. " Thiar.mirka leh < > i-ei ni he CT y-nrs o'd lnll 5 , he will -rve only as mtrct ( half ol whic > i lll-.l'tr ii n .w ei g i ) > t 92 00 fti mare , parabl i t time irf e i j . Season ccmmeii'e- April lit nd will end Sept. ist. After tl a * , t me Mi n rvlce will b < nut at iZ'i 00 Any mare thit h t routed Ir 2:30 serve J r. . UK. LD. REED. Iroprietor. Stable Corner llth and Howarc Streets. marlrodlm MORTGAGE SALE. Tytittneof thepoRc - > \ a chatte mofuace given < n the 17th day ot Ssptem"er 18fO , by Kudol h.Muec to Augn t Uoll.wbic ] was du Y filed in th > ciunty clerk'd office e , Doujias co nty , Nehraski. an1 on which tbcr is on$24 v 0 , I will veil to tbe highest bldde at public an tlm for evil ) , a * . Ibeonuhi flou' on tlarney-.t'eeta betwe n ISth < nd 13th 8trett < m f > ei.ity ofOmahi , on tbo 6th < la > ot Auril 1S31. at 2ocloct p n ot'ad daj. tbe follow iatr Kcodi an t chattels , to-w.t : Two lonnzts , 1 writingde k , 1 lureiu witi roirrur 1 c ottei pr- * , 1 waib burean 2 b di 6 canchilis , 1 boilc tand. 2 tab rs , 1 Ice boj 1 iiitchaii safe , 1 titchao table , 12 otianl pi ] IOTW , 1 piano , " s-win nuuh ne ot ol ca-pi n ; , also lot of china , cl > ss and tflver plate ware , and a numbtr ot door cd win low screen ; ALGUSC DULL , Mortgagee. ml * evy.jnon-lt MOBTGAG-U SALE. By * irtne of the power roitilned In rhxtfc moit i je sriTtnoi t'tub hilay of JiDtiary,18S ( by t-U''olth ' o-ck to W. K. Schml t.aud b aid Schmidt a > Uned to th * i nJir lined. An tut i o'J. whch w adu'y ' flleil in the fount clerk's ( ffii-e of Dnuirlis county , Nebraska , an owh'ch there Is dm tl 150. I will tell rnbllc an tl n to the bUht t bidder for CM ] at the tt-irr house of R. K. Troi-ll & 3o. , 13t : . between Frnatn anil Uarn y stree's , > the citr of Omihi , on the thdayof Apiil.ltS : t 18 o'clock a m. of ald day , the follow.n goo-Uan < chute's , to-wit : Sere t txoc h-u hold trools. conii'tln ; < b nbcd , Inp , dishe * . knlres , fork , table linei etc. . 1 unnlcj an 1 3 baskets , and their content cousiitin ? of gents' and Ia.lie * wearln g fcppare > ooks. etc. , l o ine roi-hlae , pitc * of tape in ? , pallor ornament * , etc AUGUST DOtt , Jfortzagee. ml4-evy-mon-4t . _ _ _ _ GEO. II. PARSELL , M. D Koonw n Jacobs ricok. vp talr , correr 't ' CaMul Avenue and ISih .treet. "u < in < : corner Sherman An Woiaen. r fflc - of Ob.etrics ( anl Eiiea-cs biu.s f n.m 9 1. , 11 a. m and from 2 to * on , Say b consulted t pr sent in the pa or ofP A. k Kason. Jacnb * U k. _ mt-Aia _ SOBSCRIBE FOB THE WEEKLY BEE , The Best in the West. BOSTON STORE I - * . 10th St. , bet. Jackson & Jones. How known as the cheapestplace in the city ior Everything sold for cash only. Special Offerings this Weeki 1 Lot Diaper Toweling , $125 per piece of 10 yardsr 1'Los Dress Goods lOc , others ask 15 ; * " " ' - * " * * * * / i JT > : 1 Lot Brocade Dress Goods 22 l-2c , others ask 25c. x 1 Lot Merrimack Shirtings 7c , others ask 8 l-2c. 1 Lot Heavy Canton Flannel 12 l-2c , others ask 16 2-3c. ILot Shaker Flannel 15c , others ask 25c. 1 Lot Cheviot Shirtings 12 l-2c , others ask 15c. * < 1 Lot Crash Toweling 5c , others ask 8 l-2c. " M 1 Lot Linen Huck Towels 25c , others ask 40c. 1 Lot Turkisk Bath Towels 25c , others ask 50c. 1 Lot Turkey Eed Damask 50c , others ask 65c. 1 Lot Men's Brown Ealf ffose 12 l-2c others ask 20c. 1 Lot Ladies' Striped Hose 1Q0 , others ask 15c. " ' , * i , 1 Lot Men's Merino TJnderwear 50c , others ask 65c. 1 lot Men's Cheviot Shirsts 75o , other ask $100. "HOW ARE YOU OFF FOR SOAP ? " 3 Cases Oat Meal Toilet Soap , 10 cents a Box. ' ' * Orders by Mail Carefully Filled. . BOSTON STORE. a * P. G. IMLAH - - r - Manager. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS 'n . At Wholesale I .L.H1 OVERALLS , SHIRTS , SUSPENDERS , „ r-atx Neckwear. _ : LL The Latesb Styles ! > The Largest Variety ! The Very B t Prices. M'i'rs Aprflnts forCe'laloid Collars and Cuffia , Rnbfcer Coats andO . ft { ' < " O Star Urubrellns - SHREVE , JAR _ CO. , 14th and Dodge Sta. , Omah . ; EDHOLM ERICKSON ' tfai-W Wholesale and Itctall JEWELERS. i J-LAROKST BTOOK'Or " * % Gold and Silver Watchei" . . i i ' irri. ' and'Jewelry ' in the ' JJi Come and See Our Stock as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. \ EDHOLM & ER1GKSOH 14 i & . D-Tlgn , Opposite Poafoffice. . HORSE SHOES 63RWS AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Beat Assortment of WHEELS in the West , I At Chicago r Ice * . W.J.BROATCH ; 1209 & 1211 * Harney Street , Omaha. V J. A. WAKEFIhLU WHOLESAtE AND RETAIL DEALZB IS I LUMBER LATH SHINGLES , , , - - j Pickets , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monldings.Iame , &c , ze * , Cement , Plaster , STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE GEHEHT CO. , gear Union Pacific Dep-.t OMAHA , BEB. llan aetnier of ! l ktada of Summer Bologna ( Gervelat Wnrst ) a SAUSAGE Scecialtiy. Orders promptly filled. , 1714 Burt St. , Omaha Neb. de23-t