VOLiX.f ? * * * . " v-'n < ! o'l > i 01&A.HA ' , NEBRASKA , WEDNESDAY . " MABCFT 16 , 1SSV * ! Established MORNING EDITION. I7V " ! " ! * Q7k. < v * Price Five ' " . ' ' .it ; 's Si ALL QUIET OH THE HEVA. Scenes and 'Incients , of , Great Tragedy „ * , of The Czar Warned of fife Fate on the VeryrDapQ ! " $ ie"i c , Assassination * . A Nihilist Gives the Details of the Laying of * i ! the Plot. Gladstone , iaan Eloquent Ad dress , Moves "the Sympa thy of the Commons Tranquiiifcy Kestored in the Capital cf tho".Mo's- , , covit 4s * f- ' s * QUIEX AT ST. I'ETEUSEPJtG. Special "Dispatch to The 'Hce. ' ST. 1-KrEusnrjEG , Marsh 15 10 p. m. St : Pritorsburg , and M Kt as so- counts olho , provinces , vrero quiet and frgv 'fr m crci meut io-d y. Streams of foot passeng-ra passed up and down thn etroot where the crime \va3 committed. Lsrgo crowds con tinue to bland in front of Iho w into palace. The city is quiet , and yrcat sorrow- foe the doith of the cz r , mingled with congratulations over the RCCifl- -Bion of .tlio now ruler , is the. fcelluc Among the more Intelligent people. So far guarded expressions , from the grqund of juugmont , arothat : the now grahialratioa JB likely tp prove more fKOv ere " ( hsin that of the 3esd omperor. T < JO "arrival of the DuVo Dnil Ducheaa of Edinburgh and other roy l persons is anticpatcd Trith interest. As the guard of honor presented arms to the now emperor , es ho was ou his vray to the winter palace chapel , Ihe ttqppod , and with a voice choked f-vnth 'bmotioa , said , " 1 trust my son will never ascend the throne of the "koly empire u-der such circum- stances. " NEW The emperor waa vociferously cViot > rod yesterday as howas passing the winter palica to receive the alle giance of th court. Many precau tions for his safety have been taken. Cossack patrols , with lancoE couched , parade the principal streets. PCKECAL MASS. Ja Isaac cathedral funeral mam was celebrated before a densely packed env.flW3n.ifon. Preparations for the funeral , hovrover , h s ecarcaly yet bj- gun. Whtn it will take place b not Icnown , but probably at the end of the week. At 8 o'clock to-nfghi the body of Alexander IL was conVsyed from xhe private apartments , wljoro it was taken on Sunday , to the chapel within 1 .the winter pahco , followed by all the * imperial family , passm ; ; through the * * Cvo great halis. The pikco was filled \with officers and dignitaries of the , contt , who had been requested to at- dcnd. THE ASSASSIK. Only one assassin is in the hands of the authorities. The other ia believed to bo & unknown man , who lias since " " "died from injuries received onthe epot. The prisoner is now in a fort ress , hia preliminary examination being delayed. Ho stubbornly refuses fuses to answer any question of inv portance. Altogether eighteen per BOIIB were wounded. One Cossack , aud the unknown individual above ro- ' Jcrrod to , ere dead. TIIE BtOODl' EEVOLUTIONIST3. Bpiali.J < " 8p tch to The Bee. Logos' , Uarch 15 10 p. m. The assassina-toQ ° ° c2" * a3 formally announced totbo , revolutionary party in several haJla last night. In each Instance it was received with great applause. The epeakers announced it as the balief tlm * the now czar irQuld grant amnesty to all persons ittely sent to Siberia , * .nd concede conatitfitional JJoxorumen icTllussia. ' Nihilists hero boldly proclaim lUjiKthe assassination ia the work of tfcfcir or- , gantzatlon and not of private revenge , and promise to make public a slatti- .ment of the whole affair iu a short time. They will gtva reasons , the nr- ranging ud carrying out of the mur der , and their justification of it. * Hurtmaun , who was concerned in the attempted ossaBsination of lifoscovitz , left London last week. Ravolutian- nsU in b3th hemispheres are called tapou by the managers at th ) aocialist lieadqaarters at Londo.i lo aiset lna _ revolutionary coagrcs ; , to bo held in Iiondoa January 14 , 18S2. TVAUSIKO TIIE CZAR. Bpeclat Dlipatch to The ISce. " " JONDOX , March 1C 1 a. m. Ijfist week tbn czar received a small b"brjostensibly containing pills , ith aletter from abroad. When Dr. Bot- kin opened the box , a alight explosion .occurred. Tao piils were fmnd to icoutain highly explosive matter , enough to kill several portions if all die cmtonta exploded simultaneously. ji.n anouyaious loller , announcing Iho" intended assassstatticu , was sent to the" Pnacoss Dtjgoroukl on Sua- day mornfoff. She oodeavorad to persuade tie eaiporor to stay st home. but he would"nofc. . A nihilist placard , proclaiming the dexlh of Alexander , aud warning hia tuccesgor that If ho diSrQot. adopt a HborM pcitey he -would" chare his father's fate' , was p06td on the walls cf St. Petersburg .on Sunday owning. , . AUVICK TO rousu EEYOLTjuorurs. The Polish organ at Oracovr recom- 'msnds the Polish revolutionists and Poles in Ruscia to msintsin & crJm and prudent reserve. Z KLOQCESP STEECII BI GLADSTONE. ' Special Dispatch to TBS Bu. LONDON , March 16 1 B , m. Last night in the house ef commons Mr. Gladstone , in a speech of splendid eloquence , moved for an tddrcjs .from iho house 0 the Russian government , express jnj the horror felt by parliament ? n iho people of England at the murder cf the czir. Never , even in the days of his rcatflt mental and physical vigor , has the ptcmier fpoken with niora power and hUU acy. He spoke cf the virtuis of she murdered csirj of hie excaptionilly brilliant c > roer as soldier , aud monarch ; of the noble "ffhich , not plwAysbnt ; at times , inspired him ; of his emancipa tion of the serfs ; of his genuine anxi ety and ambition to ameliorate the condition of , his subjects ; nd.oElao legitfm&tomeans br 'carrying'otit ' the .policies , ofJys-fioserament. / | bma&s BpodmlDlFpatch.tOjTBf , Bix Q Qm ? A letter Jrora" G3nevJoVldcffiJy Trritten by a Russian nihilist pubifshed in yester day's Iulrr.u ' Igeant , throws s ma light 'upon tha' bmperar'a assesainatlon. The writer i ays : "After the abortive attemptat the whiter palace the police seized 400,000 francs , constituting the * nihilists' fund , End until they had cotton more money the revolutionary 'pbrly ' were obliged to keep quiet. Warnings were , however , repeatedly sent to the emperor , iho last one reaching Jilm on the Sdicst. , but all -disregarded , > end < the assassinaT tlon iadvthara been determined uponj To divert 'the attention of the polico/ / nihilists let it bo 'supposed that isplo- sires were bsiug manufasturedifcr them in Ifoiiiori , . "while , - Oily Twjro being prepared in St. Petersburg. . The fatal barnbs wore loaded by wo men. Wc.kuovr lhat there is no nibi- list of the amo of Rousakoff. " Bochefort prefaces the above by an article in which ho-irtfnicallyloifara-td wager that before twelve inon * hs'have passed Alexander III. will h&ve granted iiussla THE CZAli's INEVITABLE FATE. Sped l Dispatch to The Bco LONDON , March 1C 1 a. m. Sti PeleribuTjf , accounts { received y eatery day asserf'tHatf if the c ar had per mitted himself to ba driven on in his carriage after the first explosion , the cttastropho might have been avoided. This , however , h not certain , for it is now assumed that more assassins were posted In different parts of the city1. The czar never took the some road for driving out or returning. Only at the momenfo ! slarliug SitTIlie"or3pry ) tall the coAohman the route to take. Although'iCvras 'Jsriowa'-ilhat ' iho enir peror wouldrhpld. a "review , iho route could not huve been jiriown before hand1.It Js considere'd certain that there , must have been other equally resolute , assassins , at se crel o'her spots fn all the routes by which the emperor could return. 'Reports are contradictory about the arrest i.f thp 8seasin. The one who threw the irst bomb ia tupposed ; have'es caped.The" second person arrested proves to be a resp'acta6lo1persou who was terrified by the explosion , and ho was quickly released. Itousakoff is the otily'assiEslu airestcd. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says theGrandDukoVladlrair,8 Cjndsou of the late emperor , is now in command of the itnpjfial guard in the St. Pe tersburg district The grand duke is two years younger ' 'than Alexander IlL The body of the czar has been embalmed , and is now lying clad in tha uniform of the Preobrascheyski regiment. An autopsy on the body of the czar was made yesterday , -which proves that no injury . his.internal organs by fragments of the glasi bomb. "The surgeons are understood to nave expressed the o'pinion that death resulted for the most part from the nervous shock. * LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. HEAVY EXPORT TRADE. LONDON , March 1C 1 a. m. A Geaev&dispatch : says export of Swiss products to the United States for 1880 , are greater than any previous year , exceeding 1879 by 100,000,000 francs. THE BOEES REtNIV JOED. Special Dlipatch to The Bee. TJOIJDON7 "March 15" 10 > . * m. A D unbar dispatch says that a thouEand farmers from the Orange Free sta'o hava joined the Boors' in the Trans vaal. The Armistice between the British aud Boers , has been extended four days. A. BAD PRINCE. Special Dispatch to The Bco. BCRLIK , March 10 1 n. m. Count Herbert Bismarck has certainly eloped with the Princess Elizabeth , ot Care lath Beauthen. Both arrived.ftt MOB sina * 0ity several weeksago. . The prlncaas is the wife of Prince Charles , of Oarolath Beauthen , count of Scho- narcb , and chief of one of the first fruisian aristocratic familier , "and hereditary member of theuppor house. His faithless , Ei.fAiB a'stepsister cf Prince HermrtiipVjof Hatzfeld. . She marridil'Oouat-Qarolath iu 18G6 , nnd bas ono daughter , the Priucoss S/bil- lin , no rl4yoars of ago. Prince Car- olath , who is 3G years of age , has left parliament and retired to his estate in Slisia. Ho will commence a divorce suit. Count Herbert'Bismarck , wht so ago is 32 , waa formerly sacretary cf tha Geruuai legation at Barne , and recently secretary to hh father , who had destined him as his chief assist ant aud eventual EEC.'ossor. Ic is said thht thu domestic calamity is tl o chief ciuso of P/joco BismarcVs re cent irritability and bd humor. INQ FOK 1'EACE. .Bp < cUI.DLpaUli ta The Bee LoNUoy , ilnrih 10 1 a m. A ili iMch from Durban , says : ,11 has beoa decidei that a conference shall ba held . -between General Sir JErelyn Wood , jouberr , theU > er eommiiider , Paul Krugor and Mr. Brand , presi dent of tha Orauf-o ? roe State , at Ifeil'a farm , tsro milea from Prospsct Hill , and it is the general opinion that the Boers h-jftf fesojvod to make &ub- miislon. " „ . . 1 . * CABUCRAMS. 3fwclil Dispatches.to Tni Bit. Charles Warner , thn actor , was ao rlously wounded , Monday evening , in * dagger fight , at the Adelphl thea ter , L cdpu. 0. Xeonae iabTp. . Sheriain have bean arrested under the cosrc on act. The latter waa one of tha traversois at the recpnTstate trials In Dublin. Tblrty land lelgaerc were arrested in Ireland , yesterday , under tha coer clon law. T4red of SJttlnp 0uU. . , ; SpeeW dlfpatch to ate Bee.jt ' ' * OrrAWA * , Marcb 15lo p. m Strong efforts are being made to in duce Sitting Bull and his followers to return to Ihe United Ststrs. The Ca. nadian government's patience is ex hausted. Slowed up.a Sinool House Spedal Dispatch to The Boa. i LANCASTER , 0. , MarchJ5 10 p. m. A party of young scalawags blew up a school house near the village of Bre men last night. Two ksga of powdir were used , and the struouro vrcs nt- ferly demolished. The authorities ara tter WASHINGTON. 'Gen. Sheldon mil Succeed Fred , Donglass as Marshal of the Disfeict of Columbia , Democrats Disagree in the Policy to be Pursued ' * in Organizing the Senate. All the Absent Senators Ex pected to be in their Seats Early Next Week. % CAPITAL HOTES. . ' , Special Dispatches to TlioEee. " ' * I At the cabinet mealing yesterday all members were peasant. Miui&tor BIckman , at Bagota , and Minister Christiancy , at Lima , will be recalled at an early day. Paymaeter- Generil Brown will be rotred shortly. The republicans iu the senate caucus virtually concluded on the arrange ment of the committee yeaterday , but declined to withhold them until it is full. Hence thu semblance of fiili- buslering and early adjournment. The same result may ba expected to day. The senate will be full on Thursday. It is a noticeable feature in the raid of office-seekers that there is less de mand than usual for bureau appoint ment ] . The. great anxiety IB for offices outside the departments at Washington. In regard ta the marshalship of the District uf Columbia , it ia now stated tint Frederick Douglass will bo pro vided for elsewhere , and bu succeeded hero by Gon. Sheldon , n persoi--.l friend cs the president. Gen. Shel don is now a member of the White House family , nnd If appointed mar shal , will ba made master of ceremo nies at the executive mansion. On Thursday evening the president and Mro. Garfield will give a recaption to members of the old and nor ? cabi nets , justices of the supreme court and members of both branches of tlio last and present congresses and their fam ilies. DEMOCRATIC DISCORD. The democrats had a troubled time in their oenato caucus last evening. Those who had openly recognized a republican majority failed to see the sense of obstructing organization further - ther , and did uot attend , but left soon after caucus opened. Differences of opinion were loudly expressed , but it was finally decided to refujo to pair off , but insist on the democratic reso lutions of organization until the repub licans have a majority to overpower it ] Republicans will delay to-morrow aa to-day , and on Thursday , when the sonatina full , priweiu tnolr commit tees. PROBABLE DEAD-LOCK. It is not improbable that the final settlement of the question of the or ganization of the senate vill bo post poned for some days. Mahone voting with the republicans divides the senate equally between the two ptrties. Some democratic senators claim the vice-president cannot vote on organi zation of the Beriite , nnd quote the constitution to sustain 'them. The constitution eays the vice-president shall ba president of the senate , but have no vote unless the senate be equally divided. Abe , that the senate - ate shall choose their other officer , etc. The vica-presidont not being a member of the senate , the democrats claim ha 1m no right to cait the de ciding vote on a question of organiza tion. On the other hand the repub licans claim that the constitution places no limitation upon the privil eges or right of the vice-president to vote. The question may be amicably settled , and without covore partisan debate , but from present indications there will bo a struggle. BEQOIUJI FOR THE CZAR. Memorial service : in commnmora- tion of the deith of Alexander ! Lf were held at4-p. m. , yeatsrday , at the residence of II. Bartholomew , envoy' oxtracrdiuary and minister plonipc ? tentinry of .Russia. The entrance wan draped in morning , end the front parlor VMS fitted up a ? a Greek chap : ) , with hoivy hangings of black comr plotoly hiding the walls. The Russian minister and family were dressed in mourning , and the whole interior of the residence appropriately decorated. . President Garfield , the csblnet officers and the diplomatic corps wcro invited. to attend. The president seut his re grets , on kcconnt of his inability to attend , up becretary Qlaine , who , as well as Mra. Blaiuo and Gajl Hamil ton , were present. Secretary aud ' Mrs. Lincoln , Gen. Be.il , ex-minister to Russia , Sir Edward Thornton , of the English legition , lady Thornton , pcd representatives of the French , frJrman , Auat lap , Italian Spanish , Jap.uiose asd Cliiuesj legation ; , vero also present. The scrvicp consisted of the grand high imperial rcquium majsr celebrated by Rsv. Father B Jening , pastor of the Greek cbg-n of New York , assisted fay Mr , Lap r ting , a deacon of the church. The rich but sombre costumoa of the cole- hr nts , the deep chad of the service , aud thp m&rlred solemnity of the occa sion , produced an impressive effect on jill present. The. Russian minister and faintly received expression's of sympathy from all sources. SENATE. . WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March , lijj The senate convened at 12 o'clock. ] The galleries were erow4ed. A largo i basket of flowers wss on Senator M&- j hoao's desk. c Senator Voorhocs , of Ind. , called I up the roiolntlon directing the attor s ney general to communicate to the i senate data concerning the United i marshals at the polls in Indiana c during thp jaat October election. Amenitd on motion. At 12lfi p. m. Senator Pendleton called for the regahr order , beinc a resolution for the appointment of the committees. " ' ' f Mr. Cameron moved to .adjourn \ 34 nays to 30 yeas. The simo gentler man's motion to go into executive session was killed by the same voto. Benatcr 'Pendletcn expressed him- self as satisfied chat tha yote on the pending resolution could not lie retched to-day , aud therefore made a motion io adjourn. Carried. The Lacliawanna Shore Cut. SpCcUl Dlipatch to Tai Sxs. * H"E > V Yens , March 15 10 p. m. The Lsckawanna fa Blnghampton ox- tjr.sion contractors say * they aro""ei- p-noinij 6100 , 000 per mouth for con struction , and -would have spontT moro except for tfiegqvarity flf the weather , which prevented" work "Thay expect to finish their .line to Buffalo Inside of _ a year ] ' . DHIHESTIC ' " ' Investigation to be Made.Into American Pork .Pack- . , " ing by European : 5 : . Agents. " TheuCanadian Gpveftimerit' - foses Longer io Act"as - . ' Custodian of Sit-- Rumor of a Prospective".Dae Between Two -"New Orleans - ' - leansEditors. . - . , , -Vj. The State Credit Fight. Eptcial Dispatch to Tins DBS. NASHVILLE , March lo 10 p. m. From a carofnl canvass of the mem bars of the legislature , it ia shown that eight fonatoia declare they will cheerfully support the proposition of the bondholdora ; eight oppose , and nine decline to stale which side they will take. In the house twenty-fivu support the proposition , niuetuen op poao it , and the rest deslino to give expression. It is claimed that n nw jorily of these who decline to ctato now their own sentiments , will vote in favor of the proposition , when it comes to a direct vote. Arrest of a Wifa Murderer. Sjie ill Dispatch to The Bee. STILLWATER , Minn. , March 1C 1 o , m. James Tolui , who ehot his wife at Marino Monday , was arrested yes terday morning in a garret of his dwelling , whcro he had concealed himself , armed with two loaded re- volvow and two shot guns. Ho made uo reaistr.ncc , r.ad sid he tnly would defend himself cgainst.citizana who he feared would lynch him. Tolau is nn old and well-known lumberman of S& Oroix. The murdered woman loft three little children , the oldest five years of ago. Katal Shootmf ? Affray. Special Dispatch to The lice. SAN FRANCISCO , Marsh 15 10 p. m. A. Schander , subscription clerk of The Evening Btilletion , had an alter cation with Capt. John Adaais , super intendent of the Lick Mine , Nevada , and efter a passage of angry words and blowa by Adams , both drew pistols. Schander , beiug the quickest , Inflicted a mortal wound on Adams. Sch&nder had his arm badly burned , but es caped Adams' bullet. An Ingenious Reporter. Special Dispatch to Tns DK * . _ UmCAO 0" , MfarcTT Ib" 1 cT. mr There does nst appear to bo any truth In the report of a Chicago paper yes terday that there ia a grand plau under way for consolidating the Northwest ern , St. Paul and Northern Pasific railroads. Tha poopla of this city re gard it aa a visionary scheme , nrob- ably hatched in the brain of oouio re porter. Murder and Suicide. Special Dispatch to Hie Bco. NEW YORK , March 15 10 p.m. . Ernest Memeroth , n German wood- ciivcr , aged 33 , of Na. 310 Eldridgo street , shot himself at noon through the head with a revolver , ciuainc ; in stant death. Ho fired four shots , each taking effect. His foster sin , Emil Pauly , aged 22 , also .1 woodcarver - carver , boarded at Memoroth'a , and the latter was- jealous of Pauly's af fection for Mrs. Memeroth. Before shooting himself Memeroth fired two shots at Pftulay , the second one prov ing fatal. Hp Statistics. tipacUl Dispatch to Iho BCD. CHICAGO , March 15 10 p. m. r-The special committee appointed by the Chicago board of trade to investigate the subject of hog cholera , havornado the report in reply to the statement of tie ) British consul , at PhlladolphiB , stating that 100,000 hogs had died of cholera in Illinois during the yoir 1S0. TD& board of trade committee find thu mortality , as vouched for by the etato board oL agriculture , was only 27,725 , cr 7 per cent , of thqihog crop. In 1879 only G per cant , o'f the crop died , but ia 1878 , 1877 and 1876 the mortality was 14 , 12 and 17 , per cent , respectively. The average weight of hogs eard to have died in the past five yeara ranged from 88 to 108 pound ? , showing lhat the dia6aao at tacked only spring pipe , whish had not brgun to be fattened for market. Tl.o oominjtlae further find that when hogs * " 'died from n Jack"of water in dry times , or of ezpoauro 1 3 , cold , or from troub'a ' frosii any other c.iuso , then death wca always attribaled to chol era. With i _ regardto JtiichiiiBe > jt6 show that little danger may bo appra- hen ed frc-m it , the committca offered the report of the committee of experts , which .showi that trichinae arc almost always confined to the tenderloin of the hog , which part is never exported. Jfilllone of poundg of jt are annually consumed in Illinois , and yet only 11 dca'hs from this discaso occurred in the state in fifteen years. During the yeara 1878 , 1879 , and 188P , the toi-al number of deaths in Chicago weroj.9,076 , ami only .two of these were from trichlnaa , Swift Vengeance. .Special dispatch to 7ho B c. CXNOISNATJ , March 15 10 p. m. In Greenwood . county , Kentucky , Wm. Young smashed the rknll of Steve ij\nford , and attempted to ea- capo. jReuben | jinford , brother of the injured man , followed hotly , s > nd after a mile ohase , riddled Young with a pistol. Young is dead , and lanford will die , and hia brother has left the country. - Accepted the Honor. SpeciaTDijpaich to Tnu Bzs NEW YORE , March 15 10 p. rn. Ex-Secratary Evcrta gnd -Senator Thurmah" Ohio , have accepted the aupointrnent ca commissioners of tlo ; tJoited States at the International monetary conference at Parisj and will sail April 5. The conference opans in Patia April 18. Fighting Editors. Special dispatch to Tus BEX. CBICAQO , Marcn 15 10 p. m. A JN ew Orleins special ssys ; For two $ or three d ys trouble has been braw- § ing between Maj. A. E. Eanrke , ed itor of The CoinmerciM , and C. H. P-arker , editor of The Picayune. ' The ' Picayune contained a bitter article on Bonrkein , reply to soiao.aavero stric ture § in The Picavuno , which appear ed in The Democrat. It is rumored that Bourke challensedTsrker yeiter .day aftornoan , su.d. that a dtiel wil bo fought. Convention of Canal Hsatmen. Spsclal dlsp.itch to Tha Bto : NEW YORK , March 15 10 p. m. At a meeting of canal boitaiou , ant parsons interested in c.mal reform , hold lasi night , roeolutioas were tdopt- ed rccorcmondirg" the psrssge of a bill for regulating rittos for trimming , elevating , weighing and delivering grain through elevators and etoro Iiuuacii. THO bill provides for tho'ub olttion of insurauco rebate's levied on canal cirgoos , and the abolition of ex cessiyo and nnjust chargea on state commerce. m Cnlcago 1'im'o. ' Special Dlapatch io Tns ! > ' CriiCAQO , March 10 1 a. m. The city of Chicago hw heretofore receiv ed its official time from Washington bf telegraph , but Ins now put in wires to the Chicago university , and will hereafter receivJ city time for the police , fire and other departments , from the astronomical observatory of that institution. EtranRO , That pain and suffering will botol- ; crated for years , in some casea , when n Eiraplo means would eradicate , all discomfort. Mr. John L. Barry , foreman of the Bowkof Street Marble Works , Best n , MHES. , thus writoa : I have suffered from rheumatism for yeara , and found no cure until I tried the Great German Ilamedy , St. Ja- coba Oil. I uiad it , and am now en tirely well. , Suicide of Gen. Upton. Speciil Dispatch lo the EBB. SANFJUNCIECO , March 1C 1 c. m. Gen. Upton , of S. i Francisco , com mitted fcuicido , Mondpy night , and was found in bad with a pistol in his hand ycDterday morning. He appears to have worked himself into n morbid feeling on the subject of hia tacticu. The Bulletin says the deceased has been recently engaged in revising hfs book 0:1 military tactic.3 , and ho was fearful , after all the trouble he had tnkeu , that it would ba incomplete. He had been talking recently of the serious consequence that might result if the manual should prove incomplete when its contents were tested in bat- tlo. Ho waa at work late list night. Major JJ&sbrouk was In hia room at 9:30 : , and .also saw a light burning there r.t 10:30. : It was learned last evening that a latter was found ad.- di-essod to a relative , saying he could not niako his book satisfactory , , and thst ho would give up , hoping to make his psaco with God. Official Investigation. Special dispatch to Tna lisa CincAGO , March 1C 1 a. m. Hon. Edw.ird Lere , consul general of Bel gium to the United States , has arrived ill Chicago to investigate for his gov ernment the true condition of the pork packing interest. It ia stated . and Portugal will also come to Chicago for the same purpose. Postofflco FHforer. Spscii ! Disrates ! ) to The Ece. / NEW YORK , March 1C 1 a. m. For eorao tSmo past packagds contain ing jewelry and various articles of moro or less v.iluo , have been mis3lng from the mailing department of the poatofnco. The matter was reported to the special agent of the department , but in opite of most vigilant watch fulness on the psrt of the postoffice detective ? , the source of the thefts remained a mystery , but yesterday , Tim Crawtry , a porter employed in the mailing department , was detected putting packages in his pocket. He was arrested , and admitted having been stealing from the postoffice for some time , mostly icwelry. Ho has been employed in the posiofilco since last November. Ho was committed in default of So,000 bail. tLEGTRlG BRIcFS. Special Dispatches to Tlio UcCi Henry Wells. , of St. Thomas , Mich. , caught hia foot in a frog wbilo coup ling cars at Port Huron Mond&y night , and was so terribly mangled that his leg had to bo amputated. Sis recovery is doub'ful. Mary Jenkiny , a mulatto girl , was f-rreated at Wartsbur-r Turin. - - , , churged with the murder ot her noTT-born aaba. aaba.Prof. Prof. .1. T. Humphrey , of $10 Smithsonian institute , died at George town , D. 0. , yoatorday , oj heart dia- ease , agtd 04 , A dispatch from New Orleans says hat there has been no duel fought bo wer.n editors of city papers as was amwuncid by Monday night's dis patches. The Kentucky horan raisera in con vention at Ltxington , Ivy. , resolved ; o hold their hemp fjr h'gherpricjs , deciding that it was rjnfatr to thcmr Delves to e&H jough hemp for less than J12 psr ton. The court of appeals at Albany , Jtf. Y. , . yesterday , handed down a decision n the famous Dwight Life insurance c.tses , fhoro boirg seven of them , Che appeal raei& 'by the insurance campuisy is dismissed with coats. ' .Further Inquiry shows the dofaica- ion of E. M. Jarretr , schotl treasur er of Hyde Pnrkj near Chicago , to bo ' ' about gtlljOO'O , instead of $16,000 as at first reported. lIARKIiTS BY TELEWRAPH. _ Chicago Produce-Market. CHIOAOO , March IB. \Vhoat wa1 ? aqtlve and rather irreg ular , but fluctuations w'ero confined o a narrow range , and prices were about the samti BE the closp on 'change. 3orn was quiet nnd steady. Oata ip air demand. Mesa pork and hrd ac- ive , ffih { np jniportan change jn value ? . Meats quiet and steady. ' Wheat Spring , March , gl COJ ; April sold at 81 03g@l 01 ; May , § 1 05g@l OS ; Juno , $1 OG@1 OCJ ; year , 949c ; cloainp at 81 OOMl COS or March ; § 1 00gl 00 for April ; § 1 Oa @l 06 for Msy § 1 OC@1C6 > for Juue ; 94j@04c | for. t'uo year. ornApril. . Sfeffs bid ; M y spld at : i2i : ! ; June , 4242ic ; July , 43 cj August , 43ic ; Oits April' offered at 29jjc ; May spd ] at 31c r ' ; June , 33c ; July , 33c asked.r ' Rye April , 98c asked and 97io bid ; May sol J at § 1 003. Mesa Pork-April sold at § 15 G7i @ 15 , 70 ; May , S15 85@15 90 ; June $1G 00 ; July , S1G 10 bid ; August , 16 30 &sked ; closing at S15 G7 * @ 1670 for Aprii ; $15 6515 87i for May$1597A@lG ; CO for Juno ; § 10 10 © 1015 for July. S les , 14,000 bar- " ' " felj. . _ - Lard April sold it § 10 7B ; ' May , § 10 87 @ 10 90 ; June , § 10-97i@ll 00 ; July , § 11 07 ; year , § 10 32 Sales , 15,500 tierces. Bulk Moita Short ribs , April sold at § 7 95 ; May , § 7 97i © 8 00 ; June , S8 10 ; July , $8 20 ; closing at ? 7 92i © § 7 93 for April ; § 7 978 00 for May ; § 867 * " bid for Juno ; § 8 20 8 25 , for July. Sales 350,000 Iba. OnlcaRO Live Stocte.Maffce't CHICAOO , March 15. Hogs Market opened- steady at about yesterday's figures , but as pack ers were only purchasers to a limited extent , ( ho bulk of offerings worn only taken by shfppera and the market was a shade easier at 11 o'clock. Sales ranged from § 5 G5@6 CO for light picking and shipping ; § 5 65@5 80 for heavy packing , and from § 5 55@G 35 for gWd to choice heavy shipping , lots. ' 3fho fresh receipts were 10,000 head. , ) . ' i Cattle Today the receipts were moderate , and under a fairly active' ' demand by shippers the market ruled ; steady , while city butchers were pur chasing to a moderate extent. Siles ranged from § 4 12J@4 25 for butchers , steers ; § 445 4'G2J for fair to good shipping , and from , § 4 75@5 05 for , good to choice shipping beeves. Stock - buyers wert' looking around , but no' sales in their interest were reported up to 11 o'clock. Sheep The receipts for the week' ending last night number 15,527 head , but under an active shipping demand prices rnled tolerably stoadr at § 2 759 4 15 for inferior to fair ; § 4 50@5 75 for good to choice , and from ? 5 50 © 5 75 for extra lots. The pens were well cleared at the cloao , the market was active on shipping and local ac count , and prices were steady at last week's prices. St. Loula Produce ST. Louis , March 14 Flour Better ; XXX , § 4 3504 70 } family , § 4 7535 00 ; choice to fancy , S510@575. Wueat Opancdlowerbutimproved ; No. 2 rod , § 1 OI1 Olg for cash ; 81 03 for April ; § 1 05J@1 " 05 | for May ; § 1 03 | for Juno95c ; for the year ; No. 3 do , 9Dgc ; No. 4 do , 94j. Corn Better ; 40@40 c for cash ; 40c for March ; 4040gcfor § April ; 41J@41io for May ; 41441gc foe June ; 42ia for August. t Oats Better at 33g@34ic for cash ! 33c bid for April. Eye Slow at § 1 02 bid. Barley Quiet and unchanged ; 90c @ 1 10 for choice to fancy. Lead Dull at § 4 50. Butter Unchanged- ; dairy , 18 © 2C3. 2C3.Egtje Egtje Lower at 12@12 c. ( Whisky Steady at § 1 06. Pork Firm at § 15 75 for cash. Dry Salt Meatt Strong and slow at § 5 10@8 00@8 25. Bacon Firm at § 5 87i@8 75@8 90 (59 ( 00. ' Lard Higher at § 10 50 asked , and § 10 40 bid. Receipts Flour , 6,000 bbls ; wheat , 40,000 bu ; corn , 53,000 ; oats , 4.000 ; rye ; auoo ; ; nam-jr , * ooo. Shipments Flour , 12,000 bbls ; wheat , 74,000 bu ; corn , 246,000 ; oats , 31,000 ; rye , 1000 ; barley , none. St. Louis Live Stocfe Market. ST. Louis , March 14. Hogs Active and firm ; Yorkers and Baltimores , § 5 80@G 00 ; mixed packing , ? o 40@5 75 ; choice to fancy heavy , § 6 00@G 25. Receipts , 4,400 head ; shipments , 950 head. New Yorfc Proau.ce" Morlres. NEW YOAK , March 15. Flour Receipts , 28,000 barrels ; sales , 12,000 barrels. Market dull and without important change. Butter Quletand unchanged ; Ohio. Ils30c. ( Cheese About steady. Sugar Steady and quiet. Molasses Unchanged. Petroleum Dull ' Rico Firm , and a fair inquiry. j Coffee In good demand and firm' ; freights weak. Spirits of Turpentine Firm at 47ic per gallon. Rosin Strong at § 1 80@1 85. Tallow Steady. EpgsWestern : quiet. Cotton Ersy ; sales of 220 bales middling uplands at § 10 75 ; Orleans , jll 00 ; futures steady ; March , § 10 49 ; April , § 1047 ; Mny , § 10 55 ; Juno , § 10 65 ; July , § 10 72 ; August , $10 75. CLOSING. Flour Steady. ' * Wheat Steady : Chicago , § 1 19 © 1 20 ; Milwaukee , § 1 21@1 22 ; No. 3 rod winter. § 1 22j@l 23 for cash ; § 1 213l 22 for March ; 31 211 211 for Apr < l ; § 1 90f@l 20 | for May. Sa'es , 35,000 bushels. Oats Quiet. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , 59c. Sales , 50,000 bushels. - . Whisky nominal. Pork 816 50 asked , for March ; § 1G153150 ( ; for May. ' Lard-Sl ! 1011 15 for 'cash ; 81t32j@ll 17i for March ; ua'es at § 1115 for April ; $11 17i@ll 20 f6r MVjH20lll5for ; Jimo ; § 11 25 © 11 27 * for July ; § 10 57J@10 C5 sel , p.r for the year ; Undoubtedly the best shirt In the United States ia manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority ' of riateria'l and * whrkmans.hjp , com- oiuoiTyrUn. their j > rei : Tmpn. Tenants , hatU Reinforced fronts , R-jinforced neks and Reinforced deeves , makes heir shirt the most durable und bust fitting garment of the kind , ever manufactured a' thu ujdorate price of $1.50. Every shirt of our make is. ijuqrautaod firat-oliag and will refund he money , \f \ found otherwise. Wo make specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canbon flannel , also chemols und&vneamade up with a view to comfort , warmth and durabil- ty. Tp invalids and eak-lunged ) ersons i e offer spovr , ! inducomopts n the m nnc ? t cac goods < jgo made 'or their protection. PIT. GorriiEisiEK , ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! J. S. DAI.13ERT. . . . . JIawjer. ffriaay K enlnp , March 18th. The Great Artiste , MAGGIE MITCHELL -In- FANGBOT , The Cricket. The tnojt popular lady on the American stagj. Pxcsa3 } usaal. Rcsirved scata on Bibafttr S30 Wednesday morning at Eddolm & Erlek. " ' A CHANGS OF MASTERS ; . . . - t i i Principles.anC'Men Eise Triumphant 'Over" ' ' Their Enemies , The Giants of Irreclaimable " Days Possess th'e Capitol. ' A. Howling Remnant of Demo- , c-acy Alone Escall 'the1 j . ; Duloat. Treble o'f the . j Defunct , The Legislative , Executive an3 Judicial Branches in Complete - plote Harmony. * i Tjie Representatives of Ne braska Allied for Gain . and Glory. A Fe\7 Barnacles nnd Bilka , .Still Linger at ; tho. Public Crib. ' / , A Government Street Kailway to Forb Omaha Proposed. Edltor'al Correspondence ol the Eos. WASHINGTON , . March 11 , 1881. The king is dead long live the king. In our rcpubic ! , where every citizer an "sovereign" and t lid chief raagiar irate of the nation 13 maroly a "public servant'tho retirement of one four- years' monarch and the'advent of his succeasor only vcroitsa a momentary ripple on the snrf.iciTbf the political sea. Daring the first century of its eventful history .twenty changes ol administration have taken placa , aud only twica hai ita existence been i ; perilled by a chsngo of presidents. [ n 18GL Abraham Lincoln's inaugura tion famished the pretext for the slaveholders' rebellion.- was on the floor of the national homo of ropro : sentatives four yeara ago during the exciting night saaaiou thai terminated TUB ELECTORAL COUST. Partizm feeling had reached thb soiling point. The champions of Til den , frantic with rage over the findings of the electors ! commission , made Homo howl with passionate revolu tionary speeches. Angry filhbuetera , exasperated by the advene rulings qi Randall , shook their fists in the speak er's face. David Dudley field. Job lilackburn and a drunken aon of Jim Lane , were raving like madmen. The republicans , under the cool leadership of Jnmea A. Garlield , received the shower of abusB partizau without a display of temper. Bv 4 a. m. thp tempest had subaided , and when acting Vice-President Perry declared Ha ; and Wheeler elected president anfl vice-president , you could have heard a pin drop. The crisis that threatened to pluoga the country into anarchy and revolution had passed. It was the severest strain our system of self- government had ever undergone with ; out bloodshed. ' WHAT HAYES DONE. That political sunflower Bob lugor- soil , said on the 4h of March Hayes ca.mo iu by one vote , and ho went out by unanimous consent. The ttuh is Hayed carne tn whh the republican party largely in the minority , with a congress controlled by the democrajy , ' and ho has gone out with the party of progress in the ascendant and congress redeemed from the rule of the rebel brigadiers. Hayoa came in with commerce prostrate and the national credit impaired , and he wont out with commerce booming , " "tho currency of the 'cunntry redeem able in coin , and four per cent , government bonds selling at a pro- mium. OFNEKAIi ( JAUFI1U.I/3 ApAIJrXISTIJATIOif Was ushered in with the most Inv pressing oration the American people have ever tendered to any President. His cabinet choseu with conscmate sagacity , from all the elqmen ts of hi party , arejabovo all thlnga thatjrecogna tionoftho great and growing weat , which ia destined , within the present centuiy to become the centre of American Empire. V/indomKirkwocd and Eincolu each within his sphere are admirably fitted to represent .thai material iuteresta of the weat. Toattnaster General James . one o the moat genial public men I ever mo ia an'iold-tirno friend of Senator Vani Wyck. He expresses an e&riiesfc de- aire 'to servo one section by improving and increaainj ; our poalal"facilities , , .aa well as by giving thn state proper , recognition in the postal aervicov I called upon Secretary Blaine in. qompany with our senators day befora yeiterd&y. Mr. Blairie expressed 'profound gratiuide for the treatment lie had received from Nebraska , and took special piyns to aaauro us that ho would ftt all times exert hia influence , in behalf of our state and people. For oncQhtha Nebraska delegation , ia - WORKING IH' ' HAllMONF. I Valentino hu wisely aosepiod the ! inevitable , and , in the language of Padaook , "concuis" In everything1 Saucders and Yan Wyck agree on. This unanimity will , if exortocl in the proper direction , give.Nebra-ki more extensive pstrouoga acd place her on an ct a l footing with other states of her populttion. The trouble is however/ that SM-a'.or 8 a d is instead of taking advantage cf hh po sition ia vasilitin ! and disposed to yield to the importunities' BA11NACLE8 AND BILKS I who constantly impost ] on him. On the other hanti hs desire to compro mise . with and conciliita the , monopoly faction embsrraesei General Van Wyck in l\i \ vigorous' efforta io weed the drones and barnacled out of the federal' ser vice and reward reputable workers. A fair flampla of Senator Sounders' want of foresight and utter 'dbregsrd ' of "public sentiment Is the reappolnt- ment of TUOMAS P. riALLTOfiT3LVSJP. AT OMAHA With two or three excopfiens , the only'parties that have endorsed Hall are people who have"always' trained with the U. P. crovdj while , on the other , hand , the aCauncheab and moat active supporters of. the lenator , BOSTON 10th St. , bp ' CM Now known the ' as cheapestplaceinthecityio . 1' - ' - - * a T 1 Everything sold for cash only. ; Special Offerings this Week : r 1 Lot Diaper Toweling , $125 per piece , of 10 yards. A i 1 Lot Dress Goods lOc , others ask 15. ' * ' ' " : 1 Lot Brocade Dress Goods 22 l-2c , others ask 25 < T 1 Lot Menimack Shirtings , 7c , others ask 8 l-2cr - , A > ! ot EmJ Canton Flannel 12 l-2c , others "ask ' 162-3o. * " ' " " 1 Lot Shaker Flannel 15c , others ask 25c. * ' . ' " - 1 Lot Cheviot Shirtings 12 l2cothers asEEc , , ILot Crash Toweling 5c , others ask 81-2ST' ' ' ' . I Lot Linen Huck Towels 25o , others ask40o. < * „ 1 Lot Turkisk Bath Towels 25c ' , others ask 5,0c. 1 Lot Turkey Bed Damask 50c , others ask 65c , ' - 1 Lot Men's Brown Half Hose 12 l-2c-others-ask 20c. 1 Lot Ladies Striped Hose 10c , others ask 15c. " 1 Lot lien's Merino Underwear 50c , others ask 65c " : ' 1 Lot Men's " Cheviot Shirsta 75c , other ask SI 00.'a \ "HOW ARE YOU OFF FOR SOAP ? " r-f 3 Cases Oat Meal Toilet Soap , 10 cents a Box. Orders by Mail Carefully Hilled * , , BOSTON STORE. " P. G. IMLAH . - - . Manager. X. Cor. Douglas and ISth Sts. Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' aud"Ge"ntsl , j AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATGES Ail Bands Of JEWELRY , SILVER WARE AND DIA3IONDS. We . Guarantee . The - Best Goods For The LeasMVloney. . i ii i.i.ii n i ng5l.i Man actnrer ol al ! kinds of Summer Bologna ( Cervelat "Wurst ) a Specialtiy. Orders promptly filled ra 1714 Burt St. , Omaha Nob. de23-t and some of the largest pitrons of the offie , have remonstrated. The worat feature of this appoint ment is that it revives and confirms , an unsavory scandal that will be used by the political enemies of Saun- Jera with deadly effect twenty months loncd , when tha senh'torial canvasa ia made. A TALK WITH SHEKMAN. This morning I called on General Sherman at the war department. The general ia nlwaya ncccasiblo and courteous. There ia less red iape ibout him than about the average ientenan't , and hja bump of aalf-oa- teem is much amaller than that of Tom Hall. "Why did not that approprla- .ion . for the Omaha barracks get through , geperall" "Because there is no need fcr ti We have all money wo .want or buildings at the barracks. .You oiks don't aeem content to leave tl e jarracks where they are. " "But , ' " siid I , "wo don't desiree o remove the barracks. Oar mer chants simply want a. healqaar- era building in the city , whera hey cfn transact bnaineas. It 3 zo difflcalt to get to the barraiks now "Well.l1 said the general , -it Is a jood deal cheapor-io build three milea > f street railroad than to put up. a icadquartera building. It strikes mo re had batter butl-i % .street railroad > atvraen the barracks and -the quartcr- naster'a depot Jf Omaha merchants iave to bo accommodated. " "flul'a a capital idea , genrni1which . ' hain't thought'of , and I hope you will carry it out. " "Well"BateLthogeneral"tiomv'do' that. It will not cost over ? 2GCp .a mile to build a street railroad. " E. BOSEWATEE. S.xly cent.dinner buckets for thirty ivo cents. One gallon coal cil cans for fifteen cent * . Will bo sold fo these low pricoa this week. WM. F. STOETZEI , , Tenth and Jackson Sta. marl4m-w-f To JNervons | u5erers--Tfa8 Great European Eemedy Dr , J. B. Simpson's Specific Medicine. H 1 j a , posHIre euro /or Sinnnatonhca , Seminal Weakn i riapotency , nd sul It3e s a twraJtlnff rom BcI-Aba ! , M > f ntsl Anxiety , Lo3' ol Memorr. Paloi In tita Btk or aide , and dlK se - - that Ie A to Consumption Insahlty uu ] uieulygnva tfedfclca Is bain ? nj < t fdl 3CCC000. Pamphlet * jent frea to ill. Writ ) JOT tbcin and gtt full articular } . Pries. 3pod2c , $ l.Wp rpAcka ? , ortlx pack * upi for 15.60. . AddreM ifl ordcra to .B. SIMPSON MEDICINE C ) . , Nog. ' Wind 100 Main St. . Boaalo , if. V , Sold In" nuha by C. F. Goodman , J , % , % ull ' . E. Ijb ind all drnjjlj'a eid' * ' * PHOPOSALS FOR. 3ULITARY OF TOB PtATTI , 'V RTiui gTii ! FCRT OMAHA , NKB.iTaixh 11. 1881. > . Scaled proposals. In tilpl cite , subject to the usual. conditions will ba received at thla offlco nntil 12 o'clock noon ouTucsJay , April .9 , 1881 , or at tha ginio hoar ( allonlnfor - the differcnca in time ) at thi ofScoj of tha quaitcr- m.star's at the fol oitlnf named station ! , ' at which plitm and time thej will bo opened jn presence of bidders , forfuruishinj " and deUrety of Jlilitary Supplies du'lnc ih , year rommadc- in ; July 1st , 1831. and endiu ! ; JunoSOtb. 18i2 , aa follows : Wood , Iity and chirco f , or'iach of Slid supplies as aay bo required at Omaha DOM' , Fort Omaha , Fort Slo Tiara , Fort Sidney , Cli'sy. enne Depot , Foit Kuvell , Firt tf n Jen Xoi t Steele , Fort Iltll , Fort Duuslas , Kort Cameron , Forl K binonrFortBrittrtrr Tort Lnramie , Foit Fat term ni , Fort ' McKlnney and Fort -Wa2- ' htldo. Proposale w I ! sUe b > recxrcd at ths ! cfflc * . to the day and hour abi/vemme , for ( hi delivery on the cars at lha point ncareit t - Ute D-inc9i * ii the line f the Union ! 'at3c , o ( cljlil thoiuand tons of coa ) , ot 22 la pociitis 1 1 tie tmL.iAlto.lut th3 delivery at thi Omaha l > tpot , or tstitlous on the Union ficific Kalir ad tasi from Kairriey Junction , ot twjm'Lion Auuuca corn , nj..cna million 7 oandaoaU. BltTjforsra'n lu'nld stale ' tin rate per 10) pounla t.ot Mr btul U . < , Proposals for ci'h-r class of the stores reen- tionecl. or for < | UiCtitoi : less than quirid , will bo lejeivod. Fxch propoja r b fn triplicate , teparati Jtf-tath 'art'ttt'at each Italian , and rnu.t b accamunl&l | by A tend in the sum cf one thousand Jollars , ( jIOOO ) , exacuUnl strictly ln , ocrJncn with ihtfiprlnUd iiiotriaf t ona , an rnpon the blank foim Jurnlahe'l ' nadtrtnfcadro-tiscuient , BCannleoihj- Uo p-xity maLJn ; tha piopo I iluli not withdraw the same within s'xtytfayj 'f'om' ' tho1 aafo an- nutmccd fqr OfttZ\np \ lboti..ar < i < b t lf.ar.Ia pro posal U accepted and a contract for ther ( unplles bid for. airanfed tlieretuclor , h4 Kill , vri'shja tsn days alter bein notiGvJ ottlio award , ( provided aacli.notlficatlcn bo mxl within th . Utj < ! y- . above meut.onctl ) , accent tbcfamoand lurnlili eood and sufflriraS sureties , at tm.c , for t& fait ful pcr.'miuocco ct the contract. , „ „ - "hesovemment reserves' the iljht ta rrjtct onyorallpropojals. f < . - - A prefcrcr.ee will be Jiven iy arthles of domestic production. . oJ.iJI B'ank pnjnogahanilmjntjil rir < ; nliiMt stating the kind ard estimated qtuntit e ? of wood , l.ay and chare oil required at eich stittoo , anljtlvin ; full InstiucUons na to the manmr of biJdin , ' , of contract. & > . , will bo lurn ghed onappliutl n to this office o to the niartcrmastera' at th'o various stat'onj nameJ. 11 Envelopes containing p'ropoaa ! tBdaiJ , bo curkedt "Propoials f r , . . . . < . " . < .iat . , . . . . . . and a lJreN' * ( l ; tp tr9 naJersirto 1 or to the respectitra f ctt , ai Jex t quartermasters. M. I. mlS-fit . C.iicf .AGADEMYF JJI1N 3. II ALBERT , - lx uo3ndUanag r. \Vodnoadny , &i Tnui Bdoyir. March 10 , ami 17. A Croat New rorksmf Brston'SnceOs. MINNIE PALMER'S . " GAIETY COMPANY/ ! I ' A carefully s IccU < l compauy of p-oiainobt'pro- fcsslon i , heiied br ' MISS MINNIE PALMER - In themoit RWlcrjlon1 Punny an < T Kxtremely Laajtiiblo Tvro ac' F.irdcal UoiraJxConcrtt , by tbatlej-r.Uro ; aE atntiU d Minnie Falmer s Boarding School .A.iniiln ! < In C toit * ' Sltattlon * . < Att ( Uro Scecialtt 8SonpiTaet ) , TcIos TCttr DUfo'nca rcnnrHahK ; Itt . ' EoarOinif Scicolhin b en rc-willt8nfor thte sevKn and raucn iinproTC-J , an < t pajedw.th ! great < uoctn Sre sects in yew 7orr ; aiiiT ! tw vuVl In lioetoD , a Pricca. 60 ami 73 and 31. ReierteJ .a'jl.nt. EJholm&Eri kfon's JloaJay rcornlDi ; it , S wlllf'.nt extra ehvzei n)12-3t SUBSCRIBE. T1IR TheBeat