; * -X- . - " - > - f . , - * , - VOLTS : - OMAHA , BfEBEAS A , MONDAY MAECB 14 , 1881. HO . 226. " Established ! 87L lORNiNQ EDITION. Trice Five Gents - r. , IS Jit- ' * * Rft i1 c * T\ " li | 1 | B s * J u ? @ ia SK i * ' * . i * REAL ESTATE ii. ? E5tli and Douglas Sts. , . ff. . „ . - _ . - Smahar- - Neb S'Reslfioaca Lots , to ? iiiOQ : own. "i Jloacss 2 ' 5275 la 518 000 cash. ! \ 500 200 Donglaa Oo. Co , Large Amount of Suburban Property : n ! , 10 , 20 or 40-Acre Lots Wiihin I to 5 Miles from Post Office. Q ffiQ ) v 'iif ' ti v At 8 per Cent. HEW ESftPS RA PubMed by taic Agoocy , 25 cents Each , P ounted S5.00 Houses , Stores , Hotels. Farms , Lots , Lauds , Offices , Booms , Etcto Ksni ; or Lease , - , Taxes paid , rents collected , - * ' deeds , mortgages , and all kinds of real estate doouments made out at short notice. This agency dcen strictly a "brokerage business. Doss not speculate , and tiiersfore any bargains oa its books are in sured toils patrons , instead ol being gobbled up by th.8 atjant. Notary Public Always in Office. . * Oall and get CircciaYs and full ' * - Particulars at BEM1S1 : REAL ESTATE E 15ti and Douglas NEB _ - -T saa SioHdlas IIXie ) at tlie iLands of Hkiiiaden " me * Co Most Effsctaai And Rob Europe of Iho First Autocrat of ilie Uni- " " verse. The ] $ s5 $ ssiJlA / ' -SfasJIl # f H < s.'r lor Tki'ongii SGf j T > Quit- oi Europe , And Elicits Ooitcolenca for the Caav's Femily From All Quarters. t The Osaswitch To So Fro- claimed Emparor of To-Day. S. CpccUl r.jptch sc Vhs Ea. . Sr. P ZE : SEUCG , Meroh 14. 1 a. in. Tiio . otjperor , Alexander U. . C25r of all tba Uasjiant ; , t ? " . aeasBiG- atcd yoctaiday ( Sunuaj ) aftei-njion vrliilo reinviJag-from n revlevr'cf the troap ? . Whila iho oaparcr'a rris2c : WCB jiroi 2s ig to lh > vriutt.r pilace , r.nd wusn within z ahcrs dietanco of it , : bomb ITM fiucg into tLa RJE- : lit "c , and init nily a trauicSdoua cr- plojlcn oocari * i , eQsipletely shstt r- : ge and cr.usin" tLe ild- i'kiduii. 5o gi-eat - 3 the cent - , t * l ilte nounSctl Cifcar ins , ] raio cscsriing he cincsror , vrcro i hurUd t : io Kraondr ? wire alio tht | ho. . , cd--ji > oJl iu the scat's oiiric a , | imilo tbo r3nc valkiag ir ; ihe vicinity " ity vrbTc l-aociri cfi" thsr ! fra'The" ; vrindows iii the Lousss for a of thr&a huudrssi yarus wtr to n sat v-5 tbo 'orc ? of tha expto sioD. During lie sxcita-nent , wh5cn rt&a intense , vhs ez r nnd th = Grand Dutts MJchap ! , who s aaonuwK-wd him , TTBIO CCJRvipn vhsn r.3cccd bosib fell. fcZj closobisldothatn , : * n. . ' f raving -almost iaslanlly fait' . Thi etup ? op's kg wm torn cl-ir xrom his I > dy , wliila hf , rwieive5 other strluaa jr-juriea. Tht Oircssaltna tibo wcro vushiag to tie asiistancs vhcn thay c-iw him neap- icg froni Oio C2rispf ( . rrors In&tiaUy Li'Jcd ' , s.Koro sccoi l others aer ; by 1'ha Grand DulcsMiobiol vi. ' . ririouslr onaticiby both c plcslonr. Shs cs&v TraE iinmcdiftioln tsken to t.ha ulntcr-pskrej bnl all nr Heal efibrt to rerl o li : < u nruvci uneloss , , anil iio iled * httlf-ft * 3 o'clock Two bso.1 to ursd by the police. The most lutsKso oscitenitiitt proraUs traong t' P poplo. irhiia tha imperial f&tnily UM uoivcil dosm vilh grief. of cyrapithyaud _ ingtoc. The hnperlal mtsnger nwlies the I following p.naocnc9nj.ens : "G.od'ewJll ! I be done. At 3:25 o'clock tb's I dey ) ufteraoon tbaAlmighty ccllid iho emperor tohiiaaolf. " i | The ciirir o * TEC aiisalrad on the ! canal oppcsiia tha icprhl staulsa. ! The tscsMSlss stood on the opposite I zldo of tha atrest , acd ti iLc carriage aioved cuiriiy Ly they jumped from .bshinii r. Iiinp pc it , ami Jiii not have hurl sneiv niusil.-j sioro than Gitecr. : isei. Tbo urstljdb struck \M * Ls- ! bind tljo tawiBga , eiplcdJ'Jg and j iotriug Uio b.ck cut , and m unding | txo c ! tha JcountBrl C-'Ssao : : c.5crt. j T-a Oz&r nlid ihs Grsad Duke Jtiiohr.- : ! i quick'v atlwhtasl. tr.d bia ffajsaty rsa i iiiqciriiig sfairtbe v.-ounded OotsE kr. I It Ji siatoi JL = . . llio dtlvor tallci to i the oapsror io jxjtntn to the oatrlage , S bat ha gJvvo at > hod - ' iCLo csitasEin. oa bring noizd by Uc ; ! cblonsl of police , drew a ravp'.rcr , b u ! vra.1 prevdr tad froa * Siiagv T : o ' canc-nd borab no. ' iiiac tiifov7iby 1)1 ) ? i accomplice , i7h ch fslt cii-Ea to uhora ! Ike erapsro. x.-sa uiardin ? , shAttcriJig i bothliisfon autl ! c 5 , r.ad issrir. ! ; bis loft ojo ficm ! trf cccset. Tha tin- pcror follj tujrtni ; for hsip. GsL ! DorijibU , Uioucjh iuucii injured , i rauda his roy&l rass cr , .rkz TVCS ctn- f vcysd to ths Mir.ta ? palace in thc- | oolontVrf elti'ilj , sad only lived era f lie = r and i hdf iftcr retching it. a isanioiJ ia racortr oonBoiousac-Sii a nliorfc tiisia beiota hi& death , cs " tsation a ST < V ihs tJactou wl 3 wished to wiputstc his l > 3a. tsr Ktomuavo rnfor ? hh dsrththa C.-s-.r received rr.-ar-acnt. All cCeru t j rally blra WIcd. Tlis only -.Tord bu uttcseA afior btiag Tbo ImpbtiAi fjimiij ireeo .sfaufacd ) -Mpircd. The council cf aisvto inirao- aia'.cly CJKIV vml , ttnd allplacs : of resort - sort c ! tc' . Tha czjriiTritch , ou loavins the pai- tOJ cftr the drtisi' oJ hia isthor , uac .Uod tt t-nirin'r by the crowd. Ho urronnti > d by a be&vy mounted ii ic co&trs'j' io hiu CR % t oph. ere intansiy ox- citcd cad inciaaTitj * : aud tha enidlbrj , wbo loved the ccar , arc fariona. " A lrjflctourd ; R ? iablod at the pslcce , but were fat bisL' by e troop of Coa- wlta. The oonusii of the snpiro , under tha presJdoncy oi the ccaro- witcfa , TVF.S ttlll in cesiion ut mkini-jht A inthlfcito will be pcblljUc to dcy , nftsr Thick tna na.f ecj toc tHi rs- oolvs Inn hotui e of Uij ffFjr ? . A cordon uf gairdfi TT T clravrn Aronnd tlio pot of tin s : oiu5.ion. The Elroatc o'ero fici ; ] y thronged vrith oscitcd crocus a s y into the eight , snd tha utaost .ymphy for the h\tp3ri& ! family ia eyeryirhtra ex pressed. Bells of tbo principal chcrch&ti arc tolling. It km JGkt beoa ascertained r.t po lies hcac uaj'.ets ' that tbe bombs used were made of thick glisn , a 3 fii fid witli iiifro-clroetlne. Tha ssiaaeins tro desccibed as roseutblin pea an' ' : from tbo south coont v.Vban cp < turad vbay trara so roughly handled thst ons oi tbci is reparted to UBTO died. The natr.e of tne c : a&sln vhc thravr tbs % sifend bomb is E.i > uaakoff. HOW THU > 'EtV3 WAS 112CEITBD IH ATASH J > 'CXOlf. . - iaBsr - : * Mardh 11 ! a ; n Esirly yesterday afternoon coasidola bis. cxcilemaut rres crsatod ia and diplomatic circles ever the ruaor that tbo eaipsroc of Sxissft Itaa baen .asa3sinh ei < . Ttc fisst san-s of the terrible oSfi-u'tr ' was roeoivad by Scjretety Blnlas , .and hnmcaistsly oninmunicatori to Fre-ldeub GatSeld t nd the toroign roinisieis. At & I ta fee r the Banian and ether foro-gn ; J3luislai2 irere offirfftiif notiSad by ifeetejn governsaout , The rnot po oiroii sorrow Is espress d arcong ioroi u tn'Biatotn ia "Wa liingUmj and also by mowVera of our ouu jjorora- mattt'frORi , Iho pr ° Eideut down. At 12ld : p. ra. , the fiiafc natc 01 tha dle- , i.5ti:7 - aa recaived a foiloirn : ST. PsTraaBUBa , Hsroa 13. To Ja O. Sla'uf ' , SKi Th e hpcrcr Tf a wounded io B oar- rlfise to-dsy by a bamb. Injury r.oi had Iho secretary rcsovcicd from the shock occasioned by tha re ceipt of tbo ebovowher. r.t 12:25 : p. m. ho recoivoi tha foHcvring : ST. r'siEUSBCEa , SEarcb. 13. \Va5iiingtcu : The -jwnaror In dosd. Ourocalptof tbo Irii dbpatch Sec retary BbJnc promptly communio ted with iho prasidcnt , snd imrcsdiatsly tiisreafter eoat t'ue foliowirg ; SCTOIT , March 13. cisiciu Zli-Jistsr , Cf' . rstrrsDnrj : Espresa to ths minister of forsigc aiT iij tbe pontinsonts of nott'C V7itli wniih the nrcsidant and the people cf tbo IT'iitod"Stalea a.-.vo Iieai-d of Lbo tsrrlbla crlino oJ which th < 3 esspsiror .has bacn iho viciira , and their pro found : syrapathy v/ith tht. iiapaiial faaily aad the lisssian people Ja [ Sigaad'j SLAIHE , Ssorotary. Sir Edrrtrd Thornton , the Biitinh irriuiater. rrsa tto flrst io call and per- s-iii&Hy p're3 to the BUSSJED rajnia- to ? it's BOtroir oa accoatit of the blo'.r eustaint . tyKnss'.B. ' So atn'e : ! that no HEldorod ihe diteateir n g--&r-t Aiefortuiui ; and Mpocii-liy Jn Ua yen- tral cEaat. It. is undstEtcod that she Ruwi&n . minister baa taleRraphed to Now York for tha prior : of tbo Greak cbcrcb ; end mil bavo a raemorial ce- vi2o at Ms rocsdsDjso in ft day or tvro. DfHmv YOBK. Spesial Disprich to Tta F . ITsw YOKH , elarali I < J nro. . Tl-.cs fea'i > ; in th1"1 city atr.oag the ni- hiin's ' over tha dratli cf ttie csir ia tat ? -Jiff , and aterclw jouilaat. 1- moat a1 ! Hussissi & 3rt German cslrenie sosifl ts n Suiaawho have barobaa- -hhed by the c it. They hiy bo rraa pUcod abort g'H ! aff , ercopt tUst of -tho last raaort. Goisa of tb"em"sr in favor cf E3.k22J } aolutie iMCpr > 92 4ng apt1'05'1 - ' " ' 7 a ° -j " "bile othoh two. opgosdlc' cbooliinf ; thtv fcelin a cf tha OtmaMinity whidi , they cay , TIM bisn so ascd to frordca.hut thej caanoL lightly nieaboro tb.o tarribh ? 7C3 to rsvcngo Thich ycrora of tvrauS give to < * - v * - * - 1 psopic. * ' j IH VZBKSA. ! Ep-crid dlrpillU to I'Ue tlaa. VIENNA , Kirch. 14 1 a. a. 3m- i .rcr Fran 013 Josapb rccasvad i.lic nrat newc of tUo crasr'n njnrdar thai reached V3o ca ; aad immedJately cen ! mcMiigcs of condolenca to the iapo r-i-.t fiojily of But/sis. / IK E01IE. pateii In Tbs Ese. .MMohl4 la. ra. In consequence - sequence of the dosth , of the Cnj' . Prenjtcr Oiiroli hos poatponcd" hb ro- ceptioa. Tae king vraa [ jroatiy mored upon receipt of the intelligence cf the : Es aEsIriation of ths Ossr. . i 1ST BCE1I2T. ! -VecUd r'i3paci ; 13 TLu Eea. ! .J3siu N IcKcli 14 I a. ra. " The WS of the eapsror'fl death , caused 1 creat cou5tc.'naCv q crid Empei'or \ VilHsuiraa awtally griaved. and ro- qasfitad that Iho most jafnmo dniaib bo iuf Ja Jinotra Lo him. He i\so toi- sgraphodiii ? hcsrl U norcos viMi the impBiialfitnily. Tao Derliu nooapa pou pnalod es'.ra ediiiouBj fjivltix z\ very in1 ! s-.ccouut of ths afir. Count Sobouy 'otT rcssiTcd visiis of condo- It nc3 ine > all tbo royal princes , and Pnn.s Bismsroi hattciied- CXLTCS.T his licr. All tc-iivilica liaTo'.t en stoppad , and the iheatrco were cloaea. Ths aewahao cwvicd t ; most pc-ifoand rio vtau throughout all ISuropa. 117 XOKEOX. Opaslsl D ! < tcU to Ills lite. LoNDOifj-Iflsroh 14 1 c , m. The jiowo Irom St. Peieiebp.r } ; of the cs- sacs'nsUon of tbo eiapator has created a inoni- profound EenBr.ticrj , nnd at Iho clubs aad places of pnblw resort 'it hta bot-a ihe theme of conservation. The Gra d Duke Alexh ind Daka and Daches ; of JSdinburg ere gre.it- ly sliooVed on receipt of the tales t" announcing tbo death of iho emperor , nnd left for St. Ptslcrsbarg instntuly. : Tlio iiussn aud Princa of Wales TTBIO deeply afi'ect- nud telosiaphcd thc'Sr ' condotonco .with tie ! impaihl family. The Eustian cmbsssy wca crowded vrlth nobles ? ud ethers , making in quiry for the lsta.it details , ud every- wlioro in "London thtrs ttrs inienaa ascitcmt-nL Further 110172 etwcs thar great indignation is fult in St. Poterebur/f over the aieansfmtioii. Crovrds throni : hbout ll o winter pal- nd ccrc-its jabla and it are : > - nro itnpat , is only the cslreoiu Uiilitary precau- ijo tiat ! prevent riots. Telenraius bavo baan cost to the foreign courta ted io yorernors of towns and ether pnC3 ! of those 1 event. The assajmns bad 1C3 bombs con- carJed at points r.5png ihn ruuto tl.at tlis emperor's carriage passscd to tea wlntern iliso. 5eALil Eiipilc'jcj to TOE t * It is rororied ifa.ii < 3onnt Zaborl k : lopad trith a Gercnn prmcess , \ifo of a high court diinii ; ry cf Germany - many , r.ad that the couple are IE Iteiy- ibu li'b iriontlij tdvlsa hira tc juiigraert of the coart , r.ac a ro-oleetiou aa a joatificcVion o hia coatee. If hs appeals he CJT ta70 off final judgment until tbt close oi the present parliament. A story IB published in Edmoni Yatca neTT paper that a broach o pronsiso &alt ia threatened sghino lisj-jlett , xho husband of B.u-ons ! Surdette-Oonttn , by a young lady o high standing in Manchester. It is reported .that'Beaoonafigld h loft his publishers of the now aove "Enayaiicn" in the colu. nnd pro to abrcgata the coatrasl. ALI.ItS Of THS. EOBK3. LOSDOK , SlRTch 14 1 K ; re. Th Oran. o free stall f rmere have bcs ; obpnsng sisca .c oueaslacsa for som lime paar , aad their loaders no ; " w''I"1 lilt" 'I"1 1 opsnlv ai3jftfcl ! tlioy irtsna-'joinin : ; ! thnBsprs. There 5s a manif ant dist > sitrou oa the pnrfc of all oir-sees to BUD- peri the canse of thoEoorn Ehiao fro > liio mosrl aid nliich they hr.vc V.con rcadoiinjj fltd it Is rocofccl that a , necrei exn ; Jitioa ! a nor fortcingc pg , _ . * , - - j.- > ' * iiT i - " IEK23K3SIS CAIfiSD. , SpKbi BfaBoWli o Tsa-BK * . ! afADfttD , Mroli IS 10 p. ra. SI ' jj'berui sr.ys the dootorn bo cori- ; duoted the poai murtsis esamfnatfoii i cf five pe'.v.cns .whn diet.1 In a Madiid ! hcspiial foand nbu aant trsc s of ! tvtc'nlneaL Ths authoritica bivu i crdsroti vav novova prBCiutionc io ba taken to pwvoutfui.ha ? oaaaa. LouDCi ? ' . flltrch 14 I u. ra. State ments iroia Chicago nad Nav Yorl : contrndioUng the rapou ot hog phoor. ! , appear in nil the pnpeia , but o ' local pr.pc-r in the c aniry hao pub- [ lishcd most r.iotirins stores atout I American pork , T7.ning the pabltn [ not to use if. The result io thai ias I o-xio of American bacon hn aiczost ceased Ja dhitilajsrljera it wrj once largely consumed. Iiiqniilce of coyersl wholesulo ctealeu in London elicits tha fe-jt tb.at lha BCXJ has frightened away nosriy all thsie CUB- tcmeri. Tha Pall Mall Gasjtte , Sua- day , says : "He 3 the Aincrio-ina been inoro prompt with their contridiiion , the Boara wor.ld not o.Teotud.io carious- ly the forpfga markets for their pork. " Stories &rs nof ? appearing n to tbo clangi'.r c.f eating Ameaic n canted meats. It iatllogcd thai di .iaed cu Iin ls sra put up , snd the statsraant is euppoited en R quotation from a Maine farmo ? , osying thnt oaicvsen crc ahipped from Portland , which ara not fit fcr dop.s to oat. . Iho tr J ccn- ditioain vhloh scran of the { joud * ar- M70 lends plausibihty to sach awcr- tioi-.c , but or ccur a tb'3 concmtcu at- isck'i'n Amsrican lacals is the vrotk of o clique of spcsulatoij and of Eng lish fleslors , who arc anrtona to 1:111 off Araaric.in compbtitlon. FEOJl THa TEAKSTAAL. uts to The Ceo. LOHDOK , Msrch 13 10 p. in. The correspondent of The Daily News in the Tranavcal had lengthy intcrviair v.'tth the commander of the Eoorc. Frj.ns-Joubeit , who thinks a sltltS- rocnt Trilb the Britith goveiarnonV might b'v-arived t t by etiaezatiou to GroaS Britain o' a portion cf iho TracovAsi couih of the "Vaal river , the Boar republic lataiaing the rest. Tlio Bri.ish dera&ud a uar laderunily , Bud it is thought cuch a coaiproraho will ba Rladly cccspltJ. I'lio Times Bt'.rbin cov 3rndorit trble3 that Eporirkecp ca 3 : their forfiQ-xtiona at LainRanoc RTH ! jVIqjn 'S to ELSniRSG SR1EFS. Cpsci'.l Dispatches Io The Bsai Eddie Pov/er , tha yonag njcn uhc plead nuilly to tbo murde ? of the Chiaaso lanndryraan , "Ysraonj" i\ Ohio 130 Ir. i .Tannery , WS3 Saturday caniouced by Judge Movan to twenty yosrj iknprlsonmeut in the otata pcul- tontlavy. Tba Canadian nnd Brazilian sie.im- chip company h&vo puMiahed tnat ths govorarnoat Trill grant thsm an annual aubiidy of § 100,000. ThaYakrfioirl lattan irczka \VakoSeld , luaia. . T ? p.if.iBiiy burnsd early Saturdiymoj-uinq. Lcsa , § 400,000 ; trellinsured. . Eght ban- clrcd p eoplo ave thtowu out of worJj by tha fba ? , The coiapany will re build at cuce. Miss L. A. Garrison , n c.i 50 , cl Cleveland , Ohio , volurning from the siardi gi-'ns , at Horf Orleaaa , was foacd.dcad in he ? fetataroom on thy nieimer "Thoiaprou "Dean , " Satcrd&y morning at Lawrancnburg. A Big Lake Minat ota cpecinl 01/3 ; "Pilleiv.uy asid Horlbett'a elevator , ooRtaiain ! ? 30,000 btuilela ' of wheat , bnvned Sunday rao-Biug. 'Loas. § 35- COOjf ally insured.1' Qflorge Biercs , oged 3D , a clerk In tbo Great Western Dinna-ch CD 1 office - fico , Chic.a -committed siicide Saturday iiiaht Trlth plrychnsuo. Ho icwei a vifo and threes chilolren Ia Oloveland , Ohio. No cauco knoT/n ; Jarass HoSIahon , of Ohicsgo , while lntolc = tafell over tha ralllnj ; r.i Buck & rtiYHt-r'a drug ctore , corner of State and JJr 5i2on ttraslr , Sunday mora'inx , receiving Injuries from rrbich ha died. Gov. Pi'lhbury nnnonnces that bo will alike known Ihs nsmo of iho senator from ' Miuna'oti to-d y. FOEI AESIKIEO'IKE , Marc'a 12. Tlirco soldisrs of the 18th icfsntry , Qulnn , Kelney and BIcDaaald , while attempting to crocs the Merino river oa the evening of the Stb.wero drown * cd by Ihs upiatthig of a boat. Nr.\v YOIIK , March 12. A P rls d'spateii Bays that oa the 14th of ril the tievr eteiraarc of tha ? reucli ufl-Atlintio company will com- inepco running batwcaa Miraeillec aau Ker York. THE OHKISTfAKCY CASH. Spechl dbpatcb to Tha Ecs. WASHINGTON , March 13 10 p. m. The tntiajoiiy in the ChriBt''ancy - voroe c ao will Lo rasumsd MoncJaj' . The d fenc3 will try to show o con- Eprny : on tbo r-srtof ths prosecution , ahfl that they have Trriuan toiidlug to show tint Giro , when ho left Pein , hud hia inalructions from Mr. Chriatiancy ; that oa hsa arrival h r i he made c mntctioh v/lih tome pi Mr. Ghmtlaucy'c friend * , and that ia n short time tha vholo sfhie TBS ; Gxed uo , t.nd the charges vrhiolt the bill makes , even if true , vrero the re sult of r. coBSpIiAoy. Mro , Secretary Lincoln will receive ai tor rcnid ncj , Tucsa.iy nert. It'sccim to 1 3 generally understood that no numcdistc general chanssa in the departraeais &ro anliclpated , aud many ai irantg 5iavo gone hone. THE mSSIDENT AND CCKEIIKO The raracra of n probr.bin mfaundev- standing belvreen the president nn < 3 Senator Coaklliii ; have been diopslleo by a visit of the vice president r-.nc Mr. Oonkling to the "V7hUa Hon- > , where they had a lonw , private confer. enca with the prcaldent. Fcnatoj Oonkling cr.prestss the klndecb noi Inn for the new aamlnistration , sad ii ! s not st all probable that the p : i tient would do anjthlcg to depiiv < him of Mr. CoukHng'a support in th < senate. Tlio Old. Story. Special Bupitcii to 7na Bat CnicAao , Mnrch 12 dp.m _ AI railroads In Iowa are again blnck&de : with enow which IB B foot deep , In storm baring raged nil day yestcrda ; and lact night. In Chicago abou two inches of sleet and Enoir fell. Gen , "HaacooM Fcsstpjl and : _ _ " * " ' ' * 1 JL t" Bv the pfesiilsatjf'of Mexico Ooii- gratnlaiey Glrfisld on the ScWCVole. O'Leary Losaa tha Great Walking Race By Tiiree SVlIles.- On ths i3u'J3323 of the Wovld'a Fair. Troubles. OpscJtl Dlspatsb to Ifcs Ce. Siir Fr.tucisco , Mrsh 13 10 p. ra. The tronbJo ocung iho union and ncn-unton raincra in the Stair rnd Grave nslnoa , casr rattle moun tain , resnltod in the killing of Bill EJsrorda and the Troaudiug o ? Tcir. Bcasloy and Matt Coyne , llio siser- in'ljo ; gene to tho&ceno vrilh r.n simcd pOi2C. - LATL'E. Tha trouble at < ha Starr Biid Gr 5c mine h scdsd for Iho pres- eni. T o hundred initial l < ? t Aun- tln for tha cconoof Ibo hictilities , bat fcifora their .triv,5 the tcpzeiii- tendcn ; put iha aoioa lair.ere at Trcrk at tha wagen cldaed 2i p ? " ? day. The Aus'via m.'aeva have ictuincJ llCU1. ? . snot ! n tlio Mouth. Epccisl dispatch to Taa liEE. Oiiioiao , Mroi ! IS 10 p. m. Burglars nitemplcd to brok Jato E J. Pool's dry gocfo atota , OS uest Mf.tUson slrost Saturday nif ; A jli'.n In tha door T U brokoa , r.ud thd ti r.d of ono of tha thieve ? inserted , vrhaa i . H. Bi-ijy ! ( a oiurk in tha niOjjrokG suit tired , knocking oat the tooth Kiid-n.pioco of iho | aw bona of thu lasn , wfio.acrcjMned pafi ! , r.no T7ta csr rctl S1.by hii companions. HoEcrj'ic Hancocs. Jjclat C patvii to Its Tea. NswYoLK , iicrch lS 10 p. m. A brilliant asooibly of prarainuat domocw i nud leaJing luorchantn and r-anksra nsEembl' t Saturday n'nht at .SLvjbntit.T club , to attend the { 'inner givs'U by the clubJn-ljonoc of the late letior ot tba democrr.Uc pit ? , Gen. V/n ? . awRC-Jck. . Hcu. A. 3. Ytntrtr- pool prt-srdedT * mid in'.rodncsd the gue i ot the evening , snd whtn the ga'-laat general ros to i'eapondj he trfts recaivail with prolongid cp- plause. Shate , on tlio Now Cable. Special D'-spa'ch to th Chlojo TiJIiun * . 2B\T Yoiig Ma' 3,1 10 p. ra.- - TEa" follov njg SoisgTSti"psscod over the Muxitsu cable Katurdsy : CITY flJsxrco ; March 12 , lisSl. President United Stlc3 ol America , TVatliiag- ton , C , C. : The nrciident of the United Staien of Mexico is pleased toKapoadto the frioudly coagrRtulalion'a that h&ve been eani him by tiie president of the United Statea of AinetLa upon the inauguration of iha aubmarino cable , aniting tha telegraph 'linea of the- two iiat'.cao ' , nad la dcly gratofnl Io ? the courteous praica bestowed upon the administration of Geu. DIss sad the pretcnt'cna. Tito government of Mexico aad Ita people congratulate theraiolves apon the cit bliahment of a now iuk biading the ralnt-ona ba- Iwcon the two coimtiten for muturl cdvpncamant , friendship , commerce aad. industry. Presfdeiit U. a. of Mexico. Stoaratoat Burnsd. Special dispatch to 'Ibo Cca. Si. Louis , Mavoh Id 1 a. m. The "iamci Howard , " the krgesi c carnboat en tht ? Miaaisaippi rlvtr , Imaiodinlaly after ih aiPiroi from ITew Orlc.iis ! , caughu fire r.nd burned st 10SO : lest evening. The ( ieme * coacuuied tha teat cud all tliafrsighr. The ICH ia very heavy. It is no' ' , dc- uuitely known. bovr the fire oziglaat- od. The fso.'ght aad boat arc well iaaaretl. Qouia'3 Latest Conqusnts. p jlil Ketiitcli to The 3 3. NEW YOKE , uds > rch 13 10 p. n. Jay Gould , Saw Sioan , president , of iho" D. , L. & W. raiiroad , and Gen. ' T. Eokcr'of tbo W-tecn Union 'hi- . egt&ph ootapanyj rotuincd from thel ? aoutiiweatern trip Saturday. They pay they baiievo the result of their jonruoy will bo the davetoninoat of bu".in2-j in the couth aud Konthvvcil. Gen. Eckcrt r-.ja he ia nitisGed tola aphy will ba cLcr-r-aad In the aoaiV'n Btatca , , md th-.i . - tcon j facilitUi uon pi-ojeclctl are comploiea , the pri-7"- r'il hnvo rcdocri rrte : . GouM gabsa b.cl ? 1CO,000 tofMid tbo C3ablbhnteutof : ? di iJy liua oi aief.ni- era baUean Gi-'veaton cad V iia Cruz , nnd rlao bought ra latoiest in the St I onto , JTow Orleans cud Fci eJga Bispuch company , engaged In the t:3uapottatica tf p.-n ! to New Orleans end thcnci to Earopa by stear.isi. . Ho bought ra interest in 'ao Vok-sn S rl rid ; Iron vroiJn h Carond.-let. The rij 7 msir.o Impca- iion of las coal dppc > iifj in the Indian territory. Gea. Eakert mr.d * ins ; 30 * tioa c-f the telcjjtaph facilities tha ontira routo. la Sscro Special Dijpiteh to Tea Ett SiN.FEiscit.co , March 1 ? 10 p.m. A fii3 In s. uicato dnilag t , heavy north wiiid , S.tt d y , threatened to sweep Iho wLo'e ttate ? fiout , bat thu cneigatle tsliun oi tlie r.vlrnau csra- " 7r.ay ia D ndiu3 ltd fsngmcB io MS" = 4 the city fire deps.tliaeat. the Sinus pore oonfinc-3 to the Pioneer bos fra- tory , fend two tdjolnince buiidbgs. A Bisob2C5erso ! Bcslnosr. Sp.efil Diipatah toTi-e EC ? Caicioo , March 33 10 is. ra. About midnight Friday night ilileght train On the B. & 0. rord ran Into n pteng 2 tiMa at Slillera Station. Ko one was ir-jared , but fire c.wa were butnbd. Tha r.csident wta caused by dtaobdenca ! of ordera on the gat oi ths enginEar , - Trho escaped "to the Trocds. ipsdsl Oi5p.V.ch to Tbu EM. CincAwo , ilctch 13 10 p. m. It h.8 sleeted , naoned nad r&ined hero r-Hernataly tinea Ifriday eeening , end r. in now predominates. Tao IOTTO division of the lilinnia Central hsd jast fjot their lvna cleared > front ibe last blockade , aad were polng to ran to Sious City Friday , when the pres ent etorra broke la upon them , sad T , - the hain containing Supt , Jeffrey aud other officials , waa snorrjd in on the praMe. Keno of Satnrdoy'a maiU from , the wcsi have been received. Dkpatchea hare been , received from raaay qmilsra \Yhconain , Illinois ted lovra ctato that 'he aaow stoim irhich sot in Saturday moraing has blocked evsrything. Several raii- roff s its Wisconsin have abandoned nil idea of opeaiog their lines until weather seta in. O'Loary Left. SnccLil Dispatch to Tna Uix. NtwYoKE , March 12 ID p. m. Ths cloaeneaa cf the contest between O'Leary nnd Vancjhaa attracted a large crowd. Many persons lavested on O'Leary on the temptlag odds offered by the bookmaker * , believing that at the finish O'Leary would ahow his veil known btaying powers , and tiro'1 thi'-iiingiishman out ; . At7:35 - Kowell jumped ou the ( rack and walked a lap with iho plucky Irish man , &nd each was presented with a largo basket of flowers. The score at 8 p. m. was : Vangban , 452 , O'Laary 149. O'Lenry completed his 450th mile a few- minutes later , and after walking a lap tide by side with Vaughan , ho left the track for a shoit re-t. At 8:10 Vaughau made a des- peatd gpiui in the hope of winning the spocul prize offered for the man making tbo bzst time daring the'lnst twclvo honw. At 8:15 : p. m. Rowell coma oa the track , aad after walkiag a lap with his conntryman , broke into h."j well-known Uct , which he aoonin- crcasd to a nina mile'an hour gsit. O'Lcaiy had , nflcr completing his 450 mile ; , notified thonco.-era that his race was doas. Vaughan continued on the ti.-k , walking at a six mile an hour gnit. Much disappointment was felt tt O'Loarv'o oadden withdrawal from the contact , as hia miny admirers er- pctc.d that he would make up his lost ground ia Ilia latt hours. His train- era state thct his feet nro much blis- tei.d , and that nature had given out , cad the : i : wo dangerous to hia health to fellow him to continue. Grant's Opinion of tne World's Fair. YOKE , March 13. At the of the executive committee of thu world's fair commisiion , which will bj held V/ednesday next , it will probably bo decided whether the fair will take pl..co as has been proposed cy will be abandoned. Gea. Grant caid Friday to a reporter who bad jruda iaquirUs , . "Snbscriptions have failed to come ss it-was anticipated they Troald , aod the time in setting too chart to admit of farther delay on uaoortaia'dcc. If the fair is to beheld held ths bcildiog should be ready o > eshlbitc , ejptoially those from dUtant couutriea , within two years. There it little tlmo enongh left for the ac- ccmpbahraent ot the actual work now , end It would ba useless to attempt to go on unless wa can begin very soon. I should cdviae postponemeat uatil 1884 ; that ia eoon enongh , anyway ; but my imprestioii is the scheme will ba given up if tha finance committee cannpt Deport 51,000,000 on hand By Wednesday. " * 'In caao the charter ahonld be taken by Chicago , as has deea suggested , woold you retain yonrprezeat coaaec- tion with the commiaalon ? " "No ; my interests nro all la Now York , or ia iatereats which ceater hare. " Railroad Collision. Special Dispatch Io tha Ess. PICTSBCKQ , March 14 1 n. in. At an esrly hour yesterday morning a collision occurred at the south end of Monongahela bridge on the Panhandle rallrocd. Whoa the yard engine and threa cara had crossed the brikge a wild tiain coming north shot around a short curve , aad before the engin eers could reverse , the engines col lided , knocking the tender of the yard engine over the bridge on the bank of the river , a diVance of fifty feet. The cara , containing pfe.metal , went down with o crash , smashing thorn to splin- tew. The conductor Clvxrlea Carney , was wedged on the bridg-j between the treaties. ilia skull was smashed , sad ho ( Ik'd almost ins'aaliy. ' Brakeman - man Conruy w 3 fceriously Injured. Another brakcman jumped from ibe top af a bus-cr.t to tha ground a dis- taocaof jixt ? fuel andwiis uriii.jured. At present it h not knosrn who is to biamu for the accident : - Foul .tlurder. : to In 3 B > March 14 1 a. ra. A cold-bbotiod ranrdsr was committed in a crloon known cs the "Paviltoa , " oa Wat ash Tonuo , about 9 o'clock Scad y mornlnjj. William B. Simp- sou , P. corse boyer , aud his hhxd man ? nd jockey , nsmsd George iilcBrido , were ia Lho place drinkhij ; with the proprietor , Adfilsya Swell. JlJa son and the bartender , named Crooka , andn actarious character named Har y Giliaore , were more or leaa in- toi'Citcd. A qnivrrel arose between Gihuoro rnd Mclirido The latter b-'ntertd him out to fight. Both otL'itc-1 fo ? the door , when Grooki L.ndcd G liaoi-j a revolver from bo- Iiird fho br. Gilmore then ran up to WvBtue , who was fun piaairg ( ' .recoil the doer , c.iught him by the ne.sk and shot him above the left ear , .Lo ball p-.ss'sij ; through the- head , killiag hi in' liictantly. Giluiore fs- c.4psi3 , but r.li others in the saloon tha lime werj * i rested. McBriuo was , and itbont thirty years of Frightful Explosion. SpscioJ dispatch to The Eca. BOTFALO , M rch 11. A frJghtful czplotioa occuived at tha bollac shops of Donaldson & Patterson , on Indiana at ? J , about 4:30 : this afternoon/ Some wotkmen wore testing a repaired boili * belonging to the steam tug "Mary E. .Pierce , " whea the boiler exploded with a terrific crash , demol ishing the building and killing Robert PetorsoD , A. M. Gibsyn , John Lang- don , Mr. Chsdwick Enger , John Butz and William Gibson , aud an unknown boy. The bocies were horri bly mangled , sad some of the bodies were thrown across tbo street. Eiic Rupert hid a leg broken , fleoiy Mackely both legs brokoo , and Carl Wolff both feet blown off , snd it is thought he cannot live. The machine shops are a total Iocs , and ahopa in .the noghborhood have windovra brokera and othartriao damaged. The balldlng blown np was not an expensive oae , aad the loss probably will not be very heavy. Lost in the Snow. Cpeils ! Dbpitch to Tn Bra. FoRjDonoE , la.- , March 13 10 p. m. Kettle , tbo 8 year-old daughter of Jams * Connslly , living eight mileo ifast of here , loat her way earning home from school throngh the blizzard Friday , r.nd 'wandered on the prairie. Tao dead body wai fouad this mora- tag a mile from home. THE GHOST OF GARS'FORK Or the Departed Spirits of Bottle-Scarred Shiners. A Eelic of John Brown Un- e rtlied by Still "Worms. Greeting a Government Officer With Old Nail and Pot Metal. And the Moonbums Faintly .Glimmer an Far-Off The Iowa Roads Again Block aded Items of All Kinds Monkeying vrnh Moonsblnerd. Special Dlmutcb to Tlio Bse. LEXixoToN , Ky. , March 12. Let- clier comity 13 ono of the vriiilest mountain counties , and 0 < trr's Fork ia the worst part if the county. There imoiishinoin arc suppsaed to be thick. Deputy ai5rsh.il Janus Heflin , with a squad of ten tuen raided into Letcher on the 5thinst. , and after & ptnrirg a atllllionae and tivo prisonera on R-ck Homo fork , made a dash iuto the Oarr'a Fork cauutiy. The r.evts of his coming wont b.-fcre and the moonshiners nnd their friends gathered ard proposed * o give the fee battle. They secured an old can non , left by John" Broaii in his raid cf 1SG1 , and loaded it vO tLeainzzla v/ith rusty nails c.cd Vruken pot metal. They manned tie pit-CJ , ar.d when tLe mars'i.nil hj i c-s c uj near enough fired , but aimed too hl < ; h , and the load pisjed above thorn. Tha nois-a of the explosion thraw them into disorder , but they quickly ral.ied. nr.d. sfr a v < Hey from their cubiii- - * . " ihe with - s , et-asi. up pa&a dratTit iii iota. Tnc moouahinera fired a few c.it.-riijj afoot * , but th < ? a'-rifly firing of the mi's . . . .i'pn y < 3r vo them out of their auibtiau , t.u\t they fl fj ncrrsa tlie rij fi and d > - > va the crook tiYTar : ii-.llttrt $ ( MUC.y. I 13 snfpoikd ih-t sivcrul if tha i o.n- ehiiio.a t.crevoanlcd < c hil-'d : as blued stuice < Yer foa-'fio" i for a mo di-s anoo. T':9 party ec-iOv-d-.wi npnfeijTjijfy cjptsriny thdsi'il thr ? ipikctl the cn- iioifitnd threr ir over the cl IF into the rivof , T'n ) "overameV. party wjntcu to HreiJiiio county h--.vng : sent tiu'f five pnauccrj back 10 the jai ! in G ay.-n. iiurciored. B : t-v L' . - iriStv the Bco WHITEHALL , Mid ; . , 5Lnr.-h.i2 4 p. m. i : aui k ' . > Tva.aj "Fret.eli Joe , " a fireman , vraa raqrderod at Twin Lakca Wadntsday-raornin ; . ' , hit- head beiug crnahed with an axe. He had sold souio lumber to Mr. Blight and _ rtfinnittti t > i.iiJicmai-t. Hc'tr. : ! , where haiTas ion'n ? by the citizens murdffrEflr A Connecting 'Lias , 3poci.il Dispatch to The Bee NEW YOBK , March 12 4 p. ai. A Madrii special aaya that a grand ban quet ha-j just been given by Spanbh statesmen and eminent men of all par- tics ; both Uasilosr r.nd Uancva mnue eloquent speeches advocating the idea of fraternity and closer reliiionsbe- I wean thaSpaTjiah-Amoricjn republics and the muther country. T-iey de clared that Cuba and Porti Rico ul- ways would rennfn a connsoting link between the Ca-jtilbn race in the two hemisphcraa. Scburz on the Roatrum. p&tch io IH : Bis YOKE , SL reli 12. Ex-Secra- tary of the Interior Schurz has been invited to tpask hero on Tueadsiy evening nestHUaubject vili ba the "Education of Indiana,1' with a view of arcusing public intereit.ia bahaif of this work. G < : n. Armstrong , direc tor of tbo Hampton institute in Vir ginia and Gen. Nehsn Mtlea will also apcaK. Embazslor Captured. SpeciilDIepatclics to Tlia Uco. NEW YOKE , March$3 10 p in. A. detective started for Denver lest night to bring back Jainea Drr , ar rested in that .city for embezzlement of fun'da cf Jackson S , Shultz & Co. , of this city. Orr has over $2OCO de posited in a Denver bank. .151' TELEGRAPH. Cllca < ? o Prociuce MarKet. OiiiOACo , March 12. At the regular tosrd the cloiinx prices T ? re : Wheat Fairly active and averaged hlghor ; No. 2 tilt edge , § 1 GOg © 100 , closfd at $1 002 * * * c53hJ 9uic @ 1 00 , clossd Sncide for March ; $100 @ 1 00 | , close d aellera at ? 1 00 for April ; 1 01 01 05g , dosed at inside bid for Stay ; No. 3 , 88@52c ; rejected , 76SO. Whieky Salea at § 1 03. Rye Cash , 07@90c ; Maicb , G9c ; April , 9Sc ; May , § 1 01. Bulk Meate Short riba , March , S7 80 ; April , 7 80 ; May , SV 00. Pork Marc1' , 815 40 ; Apri ? , § 15 45A ; May , 815 62i. Lard"March , 810 47i ; April , 4hldMiy ; , S10G8 Corn March , 38Jc ; April , 38c ; May , 42jji Oats Marc' ' ' , 20 ; April , 29j ; May , 33 | bd. ? Higheit ran i Whe-.t. March , 99gc ; April , SI O'l C r > , March , 38JcA.r.l ; : , 33icM. ; frcaaca ilurjzet. ST LO-S , T.I-rcb 12. Elonr TJ.icbr./2-d ; XXX , 435 ® 4 GO ; i.in.Iy , 4 75.5-1 00 ; choice to fancy , § 5 10 < : u GO. Wbev. B Ur aid slo > - . ; 'o. 2 red , § 1 02 $ < jl Ou fur c j h and M'irch ; ? 1 U4IC'3 $ fo ? April ; SI 05. @ 1 05 f . - M'.y ; 31 03 t-ir Jan ; No. 3 do , 92D'.yoNa. ; t GO , 93 e. Com H her ; 3'Jt3f ( > | 3 for cash ; 39J(240i ( f r Jf.rch ; 40oOc for April ; 4ii.4ltf.fi.-r T.uy ; 416-ilJc for Juno. Oats Firm ? .nd slow ; 33s for caah ; 33 c bid for SFarch ; 33Ao bid for April. Hyp. Firm at $1 02X@1 03. Barlfiy Unchansed ; QOQl 10. Lead Qaioi at 4 50. Butter Unchanged ; dairy , 18320:5. : ESSZ Better at 12j@13c. Whisky Qaiot at SI 0 Pork SUady at SI5 C5@15 75 for c.iahS15 ; 55 bldf.T SFareh and April. Dry Silt Meat Firm at 8500 © 5 05@7 00@8 OC < 38 20S8 25 Eicon Slovr at § 5 87 (38 ( 75S ( . 8 874. ' ! 0th St. , bet. Jackson Jones. Now known as the cheapestplaceintne city for Everything sold for cash oniy/ Speciid OITcriii s this Week : 1 Lot Diaper Toweling , SI 25 per piece of 10 yards. " Dress Goods lOc , others a-.k 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .w. j.tij.irf.u.u. uiiii uiu o / f | Ub.UO.lD aoii. O J.j \ , 1-Lot Heavy Canton Flannel 12l-2c , others-ask' 16 2-3e. 1 Lot Shaker Flannel 15c , others ask 25c. I Lot Cheviot Sairtin&s 12 l-2c , others ask5c , 1 Lot Crash Toweling 5c , others ask 8 l-2c. 1 Lot Linen EuckTo , , els 25c , others ask 40c. 1 Lot Turkisk Bath Towels 25c , others ask 50c. l.Lot Turkey Bed Damask 50c , others ask 65c. 1 Lot Men's Brown Half Lose 12 l-2c others ask 20 * ; 1 Lot Ladies' Striped Hose lOc , others ask 15c. ' 1 Lot Men's Merino Underwear 50c , others ask 65c. 1 Lot Men's Cheviot bhirst/75c , other ask SI 00. "HOW ABE YOU GFF FOR SOAP ? " 3 Cases Oal Meal Toilei , So.ap , 10 caais a Bor. Orders by .Hail t'are&iily Filled. / K P. G. IMLAK - - Manager. " " S Cor. Douglas arid ISth Gives &reat-Baf gains in Lodija * an i l > eotsf . Cfrif AMI tLV ! B WATGES . - ' All Kinds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WAXS ASS > We Guarantee The Best Goods FOP The Least SVloney. uol i 1 k.nda of Summer Bologna ( Ckrvelat vTurst ) a Srecialtiy. Orders 'promptly filled. 1714 Buvt St. , Omftha Neb. d23-t L rcl P . - . , . t Sin 30 ' . Recoipta Hvr : , , G 000 bkl ; wheat , 40,000 bu ; com , 78,000 ; ' oats , 22,000 ; rye , nj/io ; bjrlcy. 13- , ' 000. | Shipments FLur , 7.CCO bbU ; i wheaf , 4COO bu ; rn , 20.000 ; o to , 4,000 ; rye , none ; bajley , iK.he. St Louis Uvo btocfc Martat ST , Lonis. ftFarcb 12 , Hess Ac'ive anrl atrona ; Yorker * and B-iltimoref , § 5 C5S5 90 ; mixed packing , $5 uO < 55 40 ; choice to fancy tjoavy , SO 00 G ( io. RiceipU , 1,500 bead ; shipment ? , 3 , GOO head. New York. Produce 1TEW TORK. M rch 12. Flour Receipts , 23OCO , barrtla ; sales , 12.COO barrel- ; market dull and unchanged. Butter Unchanged ; demand light. Cheese Finn at 8@13ja. Sugar Fair demand aud firm. Molossea Qniet and a eady. Petrolanm Ball and sroik. Rice Fairly active * nd firm. 0 flso Quiet a.fid firm ; freights weak. Spirits of Turpentine Firm. Rosin Steady. Egg ? Western , heavy at 18io. Cotton Quiet ; sa'ea of 3,22l holes middling , ' nplar.ds at § 10 15@10 10 ; Orloina , $11 ISj ; faturcs steady ; March , 810 63 ; Ar-ril , 810 G4 ; May , § 1074 ; Jui ! . , 1083 ; .Inly , 610 93 ; Augnat , § 10 OG. CLOSKiO. . Wheat Steady ; Chicago , $1 17 119MHwauktel ; 20@1 21 ; No. 2 red win-r. S121i < 3i 22i for caab. Sales , 350,000 bushels. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , 59s. Solas , 50,000 bushels. Oats Steady. Whisky Ntrn.nal. Pork $1G 25 aeked for Jlarcb ; § 16 25 asked for April ; sales at $ ll > 00 for May. Jjard § 10 BTiS-lO SO fo ? March ; 310 9a@10 02i "for April ; $10 95 ® 10 97i fur iiay ; § 10 97A@11 02i for JunefSll OOQ11 07 * for'July ; ? 10 50 seller for the jear. Chicago Live Siock Mariiet CHICAGO , March 12. Hoga Receipts trere oxJremely li ht , using estimated at 5,000 head , and under an active demand by hJp- i pcra and packers priczs ruled 5@10c higher than yesterday for light snd heavy j ra'de3. Salts ranged from , § 5 30(35 ( 35 for caiU ; 55 G5@5 80 foe light picking ; 5 50@5 85 for he.v/ packing , end from So 703G 50 for good to eutra smooth heavy shipping lot ? . Neatly all tha offerings sold Cattle The leceipta wera light and not over 1,500 ha d are expected io arrive to-day. Tha market waa mod erately adiva on local account , aod prices ruled firm and atoady at yes terday's criccs , shippers parchasinf ; sparinfily at from 22 00(33 ( 50 ffli cowa ; § 4.1004 15 for butchero' steersj to good dyanda t ? iirable grades ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! JOIK If. HAl.B-.RT , . . XJ n e.- . Grand Fashionable Event ONE KIGIii1 OELY , Tuesday EvenirtK March 15. Encement rt the Popular Tragedian THUS. W. KEEHE , Snppoitad by th Chirm agin , i AU.-css Miss lienrietta Yaders ! QCTAV1A AILEH , FRASX ROGH : , AnU a Powerful Stock Comi [ oy. Under the Management of W. H. HATDBN , On wnkh oecuiin wi'l ' Ve rrt oiteit SbiVe- p r'n Snn-1 Histotic I itaj .l . In lix a (3o ( { IS2 MAKw ill I Or the Battle of Boswortn Field O8ttcr ! , ( ItetvrirdgRicharil III , ) T1IOJ. W. * Reetiml Seats , 91. S ! o of m t wKl com- raetKfl Salcnby , lfa ; h ; ? , it 8.SJ a. m. , at BJfeolaijt f r.uit n-sJ w lry ter * . t-g&m CHARLES RIEWE , XeteHo Cx9 , CoiSae , C. ktto , Stuoade , eta. O. G. JACOBS , ffBMrty { 9l i & 'To. 1 S17 7itrr > Hrm 3t. OU Stand at J. o * Oil Aay . ! i vlr. r d a < l aolaub Z will remors hai Itfv nl chug * , teare orri M * oahcalt earn I ot Kiroy anrtlllh , , , iMeood door. CHOBtES SPLITT. _ To Uervons jfissfsors Ths Great Earopean'Beia-'dy Dr. J. B. Simpion's Specific Medicine. It 'a po iti ? ' ' tw lor 5 > - nnat8ffew , Semfcil W-nto- * , fanpr.jncjr.andsil tltseowa multin ; ; Irotn Si-Abo , , V : > ila ! Anxiety , J.OKJ or . . cfc nt 4tile , ami dbe aea th t Ita.1 to Consomptlsn Imnhity Tfta SpcdCe edMua la ay cso iKi weodor- . t5 ! ! . v. te let Ata asul get lull p r.'calsn e , Speciflc , H. per p hno , oealz pask- .M. A wiallo.u f o .3 BlMP3Ui : MEinCOTE CO. , . UmA W # i'm St. , HsflMVkf.Y. . Sold ia nubo. V C. F. Goodcon. J. vV. E 1I 7 , . 7j