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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1881)
A ir VOL.X. OMAFTA , NEBRASOSTHURSDAY NJB * * . * . MAECH 10 , 188i. NO. 223. Established 1871. EDITION , Price Five Cents L B. WILLIAM ! & SONS , Oor. Dodsje and 15th Streets LINENS I In this Department wi are offering special Induce meats to housekeepers. AllLinenJTahle JDamasl 50c , worth 70c ; 5-8 Ger man Napkins $125 pei dozen , Worth $1.60. We will offer the halance oi our $1.25 UapkhmatSLOO , an All-Linen Damast Napkin at $1.50. Bargain , We will sell our oest Tur key Bed Damask at 50c. Another lot of the Extra Size Towels at 20c , worth 30c. Who have four lots of Damask Huck and Twil led Towels at 16 l-2c each , Splendid Value. We will sell a 34 Napkin for $2.48 , worth $3.40. Our $5.00 , Napkin , slightly soiled , $400. Our $4.00 Nap kin , slightly solid , $3.00. We offer the balance of our fine sets at greatly re duced prices. Marseilles Quilts Lower than ever Bamdey Damask in Bleach ed at $1.00 , $ L25-$1.50 and SI 75 , actually worth 50c more per yard. (1 ( Oasa CocheoD Tonlards at 121-2c , former prioalG 2-3c. ) Embroideries I Now open the latest novelties in Edgings and Insertions , all qualities and widths. Onr prices on these goods chal lenge competition. L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS' "Cash House. " Dodge and Fifteenth Streets. L TAX , H. D. K. L. SKMIXB , M. D. NEBRASKA , MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , PKIVA.TE HOSPITAL. Kow open ( or the reception of pa'lenU ( or the THEVTXEKT OF ALL CHRQKIC AND SUBQI CAL DISEASES. DKS. VAN GAMP & SIGGIXS , Physicians & Surgeons , Proprietors. ODD EILOWS BLOCK. CORNER I4TH DODGE TS. , OMAHA , NEB- AOADEMYJJF MUSIC I JOHN S. H ALBERT , Leooe and Manage r Tuesday , Wednesday , & Tnursday March 8 , 9 and 10. ART ENTERTAINMENTS BY JODQB W. F. BI0K , A TRIP TO EUROPE , Without Sea Sickness or Expense. Tseday night , M rh 8th. ' 'A Yls'lt to Parii. W dne d , , " * ynlcht anh 9Ui "Ramblei Thro . Old Und.m. " Churtdajr lght , March 18th , "A Tour Ihro'Btlttib India. " - Intenpnned wltk Oronplng * of BJUB S-atui from the Art Galleri * of Esrope. Tne Chicago Time * ad otbtr leading papen characterize thue Enter Viments ai most norel and intareiUog , "combining mtertjdnmcut and. Initructlon \ \ most sednctive < onni Admission. Si , te and SPl-cta. Ye extra charre for nsoire 1 Kits. Bor-s'ieet aEd halm & Matinee , Wo Ine xl y afternoon , No AND STILL THE LI ON Oontinues to Roar for Moores ( ) SADDLERY , o I have adapted the rfon as a Trade Mark , and ill my Goots will be stamp ed with the Lion' fttji my N me on the ame. No G6d are genuine without the above wmps. The best material is nted ad the moit nkilled workmen are emrbycd , and at the lo-R-est cash price , . Anyone wishing K price Hit ot good will confer a favor by sending for one , DAVID SMTS MODBE. TWO -DOLLAli. WILL SECURE THE WEKLY BEE For de WASHINGTON. An" Old Employe of the Der Letter Office Caught Steal ing Money. < Gen. Kilpatrick Has Bee Offered and Will Accept the Mission to Chili. The President and Gabine About to Declare War on the Belentless Horde of Office-Seekera , The Democrats Perfect Theii Plans for Reorganising the Senate. A Number of Important Nomi nations Sent to the Senate. J. W. McDill Appointed tc Succeed Senator Kirkwood. Washington Notes. SpcclU Dispatch to Th Bee. WASHIKOTOK , March 9 4 p. m. Secretary Wlndom decided to hold the national barlqqueation over until Fri day and then lay it before the cabinet for consideration. Internal revenue receipts to-day , $313,363 ; customs , $703,879. Milton Thralkill is appointed store * keeper and ganger for the First dis trict of Indiana ; F. W. Yates has been appointjc | inspector of snuff aud olgars for the Sixth Kentucky district , Senate BeorRanlzation. 8 | cUl dlsp > icb to The Bee. WASHINOTON , D. 0. , March , 9 4 p. m. The democr tic committee on organization began work at eleven o'clock , and expect to mike H repot t to their caucus to-day. It has been decided in cse of organization to place Senator Hill , of Georgia , at the head of tha committee on contingnent expenses ; be will also go on the fin ance committee. Senator Davis , of West Virginia , will be chairman of the committee on appropriation ; Senator Sanlsbury , fcbairmin of elections ; Senator McPherson , of naval affair. ; ; Garland , of territor ies ; Limar , of railroads ; .Johnson , of fore' n relations ; Groomeof pensions ; Pugh , of claims. The commissioners to enquire into the election frauds , Nicaragnan claims , Freedman's bank and Oheyenna Indian afiaira will bo abolished. The re publicans are still waiting the action of the democratic caucuses , which will probably be held this after noon. The leaden talk strongly if an extra Bessie- . Blaine and Wiud > .u are said to favor it if It is decided to c ll an extra session the democrats will abandon their organization. . NOMINATIONS. The president sent the following nominations to tha senate to-day : Lev ! S. Morton , of New York , minis ter to France ; Wm. M. Evarts , cf New York , Allen G. Thurman , of Ohio , and Timothy 0. Howe , of Wis consin , commissioners to the Interna tional monetary conference 'at Paris : David G. McOlnry , sut reyor of cus toms , OincinnatiJohn W. Green , collector of internal revenue , Second district of Iowa ; Lebanon. B. Oolt , United States district judge for Rhclo Island ; Roberts. Tay'or , of Indiana , member of the Missies : ppi river im provement commission. TVHIXK HOUBB HOSF1TAIJTT. Gen. and Mrs. Grant took breakfast at the White Bouse with President and Mrs. Garfield. There was a throng of visitors at the White House this morning. The president , during the morning , received as many as 600 callers with most of whom he merily shook hands and with & number ex changed few words. IBB SENATE IN EXECDTIVE > ! ESSION. The senate convened at 12 & . m. . . telegram was reed from the governor of Iowa , announcing the appointment of J. W. McDill , of Union county , to Gil the unexpired term cf Senator Kirkwood in the senate. At 12:20 p. m. a messenger from the executive appeared on tho.floor ; with the mes sage in writing. Ou motion of Sena tor Pandleton , at 12:21 , the senate went Into executive session. CONFIRMATIONS. The senate in executive session to- ctay confirmed the nominations of Messrs. Evarts , Thurman end Howe , s commissioners to attend the mone tary conference at Paris. * 'L. A. Merrill was appointed collector of sustains at Portland , Maine. CAPITAL NOTES. ! p ebl Dispatch to The Bee The secretary of the traaaury hai llrected the eislstant treasurer at New York to'buy $5,000,000 In six 3er cent , bonds at the lowest rates at tainable. The democrats , have filled the com- nittoes and turned them over to the epublicans. Both sides were In can- : ns yesterday afternoon. The deme- : rata are In a hurry to adjourn. Re- inbllc ; ns will fill the minorltlei on .he committees , and announcements ire expected to-day. . " -The cabinet officers snare with the present a 'determination to bounce the horde of office-seekers , who are sontinuuly" dogging them. The president will not send any ex tended list of appointments to the senate this week. Meanwhile the Wends of those In author ty are busy n the great shift for the assistant jostmaster-gsneralship. Senator Oon- > ver , of Florida , has allowed his name ; o be added to the long list of appli- ants for the plsce. For second rv aslant , "William A.Grier , of Pennsyl- ranta , has a strong recommendation. Republicans argue that Grier , in the lational convention WB for Garfield int , but and always. The contest for local postofficea is ; reat. For"example" there are four- een contestant * for the place in Toungstown , Ohio. Buckeye stock looms up again. It s discovered that the newly eppoint- id-senator from Iowa , Jndgo McDill , s a native of Ohio. Means. Durant , Crandsll , Daniels , , nd Howe of the executive corumittae if the national greenback labor party , j i ve addressed a communication to ' Mr. Murcb , the chairman , notifyin him that his res'gnation is c : : optec They will cj'l a mcating of the natior al committee at an ( irly day to r'ct successor. Tne congressional con mlttee of the same patty issued a address to votars recommending thorough organiritlon'of the I . ( ty I : every village , town , ward and city i the United State \ , on a basil of opp : sltion to national banks , telegrapl companies , railroad companies an other corporations. Thorn. ; Marion Baker , employe In the deid letter offica de ug th pist twelve years , rras yesterJa ] caught in the aot of stealing a lette containing monby. His dishonest } coven a locg f jriod , rid the ainonn of hia pilferings cannot ba estimated He is under arrest. Ex-Senator Lot Merrill , CoDgress- mau Ohitteuden and OoL Rjboi Ingersoli , were about he onlv om who saw the president yeat .ay af teiaoon , j the doo. of the \YHtc House were closed to a" o&ke-seoke. . and sightieers. Gen. Jndson Kilpatrick hr * b > oi tendered the micalon to Obi' * It i : understock he will acctpt. A large amount of canceling w&s or loot le 't right regarding t'ie suiposei democratic intention to organize the committees , and republii ins feel ii"-- led in asking delays , sinra Mahone , of Virginia , will certrinly act with * ' - ui when the senate is lull. Secretaries Blaine , Hunt , K'rk- wood and Postm&ster General James say they all have thr'r full share oi visitors , nearly all of whom are office- teekers. So great is the flood of via tors that the genoial bueintis of the [ epartmenta has to ba transacted by assistants. It is now stated that ex Seureta / lamsey 1 * not to sneer 3d Senior Vindom , but that ex-Bepresentstive ) unnel will have the place , which is t the disposrl of the governor of. llnnesota. After a day of ( . ratinucl ooiing by ffice-seekers , P.'jident Gcrfield re- need to see any but intlmto Msuii ? ast night. Secretary Windom hci b jn so verrun with visitors that ho T. I ompelled to turn over the details of he department to his caalstaot st. Dre ary. He has not been able to give onildoration to the applicotion of the ational banks to redepoait "bonds and tike out circulttion , and dues not ex- pact ta reach a decision before Friday. The statement that the question wri discussed at a cabinet meeting yeater- day is untrue. Gen. Grant hc.i a long and pilvate audience with the president ypsterdiy afternoon. The talk about an extia sicion seems to k 2 conOned piiacif ; l'y ' to those who desire it from personl mo tives. tives.Gen. Gen. Frcsman , of Tcnnoeceo , gave a reception at his residence last night to the expostntergenoraL The reception * .s largely attended by prominent people , including the old and uew cibluet officers. Iicontn 'lotion of John Russell Young's CE , Mnty of becom'cji mtuii- ' - * Mexico the that n , report comes ' IB place has been promised to Gen. Hulbert. It is generally kuown that Young we i Gen. Grant's choice , and It wi 3 supposed his influence would avail. Some , of the Sins of Late Democratic Congress. Special to inn Cleveland LeadSr. WABHraaiON , March 6 The honse of representatives left behind It a. cal- eadaT of more than one hundred pages. Sixty of those piges ai a de voted to private bills , of which no less than 900 fall , the bulk of them being pension bills , with a good aprinkHng of relief bills , aud a few propositions to remove political disa bilities. With the exception of the bill ( reported t.dveuely ) reliev Ing- General U. S. Grant , there is no bill of any public importance on the cal endar. The McGarraghen claim f 3- a double character , one bill for his relief being reported adversely and another favorably : " - \ The public calendar , to which ; i re ferred all measures dispcair j of the money or lands of the govern ment is the grave of over 160 bills of more or leu public Interest. At the head of the calendar atincs a mrute which in its day wti the c usa of much political wrangi > .ug , but which is now almost entirely furaottati , that regarding the removr1 of caucr i fvom state to federal courts. Among other bills of note on this ctlendarre the following : To regulate immi .atl&a , to-apply the proceeds of the ; ; lci of public lands to the education of the people ; to authorize the colnrje of * ilver dollars on the metric system ; to organize a court cf pensions In relation to the Japsneio indemnity fund , to regulate dutu.i'on hoop' , scroll and band iron to - ; regulate interns terns dutias on suga * ; authorizing the Bonstraotion of a bnlldiD-j for the . ' ' sommodation of the oongreisionr\ . library ; repealing dlaci'-nination dues an tea aud coffee , the products of the possessions of the Netherlands ; declar ing the policy of the Uhitad States in reference to an inter-ocaanic canal ; In reference to the Venezuela award. The first on the house calendar , the repository of such public bills as uo not part with the money or property if the 'government , stands a bill which for many days occupied the time of the honse , that repotted on the 12th ) f June , .b79 , prohibiting political wsoisments. Then come th i following aills : For the relief of Fitz John Porter ter ; to regulate inter-stat * con men j ; to restrict Chinese immigration ; to iward the Pacific railroad cinkii 3 fund ict ; to abrogate the Clayton-Bulwcr treaty ; to Incorporate the Mtit'ne [ /anal company of Nicaraugaa ; author izing the establishment of a tola- graphic system nnder the government af the United States. 129 bills fall upon this calendar. Over one hundred bills npon the ipeaker's Table remain unacted upon. Uhief among them in importance ia ; he measures known r i the Eaton ; ariff commit sion bill. . Ine speaker's : able also proved to be the grave of ; he senate bill for the erection of a lew congressional library , for the re- ief of Fitz John Porter , for the relief if Ben Holiiday ; the measure knowa is the "educational" bill and the bill n relation to the Japanese indemnity und. The apportionment bill , met its leath in ihe Bom .o , where it was aim- > ly allowed to sleep. The proposi- lon to teip urse President Hayes for he expenics of the Louisiana com- ntssion of 3877 , was killed by Senator Jonkling , radated by the democrats. Upwards of one hundred nomina tions expired with the termination > f the session of the senate. Among the more 1-nporlant wet a the follow Jig : Sf-r'ey Mr lthews , te be a IM tice of the suprer t jurt ; E. 0. BM I'-tje , to I Ur"d States circul jm 30 for * ' 3 c'-cult ; El'lolt F. Shop r -d , tc I f' t ct atterneyfor th Bouthern f"s'-ict of New York ; Jame J ; ibur , to hi United Statermateha for the son ieia d'-t riot of New York W. H. Ha-keV , to be postmntjra Albany , Nejp-Tc't ; W. H. Daniels to be callT jr of castomi at Bnffrlo. ITew'York , and D. W. McOlurg , to bi col't ' : tor ofcnstoiri at Oincinnati. ELECTRIC"BRIEFS. Sprctal DUpatchea to The lieei John W. Pittock , uroprletor of Th < Pittsburg Evening i % ier , died h the city ytte. . Vy moi ling. The body of Aihue Stub ; i m ci3nit 'I at.Wi il"igon , Pa. , JTCJTT At a mr i'pg of the stool-Holders oi the Union Pr vie . . Jlroad , held It j New York y f we1 y , a If p3r cent , dividend wi' d ( > " 1 upon the si" ; of Ihe comj'iy. Iveiy OhamtsrV.n , an edit n'3 ! w. . on The New .York Herald , died -terday in New'York. Ine New York provhion held a meeting 'n * he prodni i exchrjge yi tetday , to dev' e merurc to chcsk 'ie faUa reipublNhed ! a Europe * ra"ri : > 3tho 'ic e of hog cholera in tl 'i conn / . Tea natlocal tsc jlatlon of general | Tn.jor and ' "cket agent ? met at [ iVIndsor hotel , New York , yesterday. I Tiao attendnco wn small , and busi ness of a aret oh trader , all pauons not membei.i of the tciociation being compelled to retire. Hon Robert Lincoln , the tiew s : : - rotaiy of wf , ai.-ivod in Ba'timore L. .t night on Ms way to Wnhlngton , but wei compelled to reme'i ia that city ou account of the accident on the Baltimore & Ohio re'lrozd. A heavy rainstorm prevailed along the Atlantis coot yeit3rd y. The Franklin HOJ. 3 and seven o'her buildings at BJdgewoodj N. J. , were destroyed by fire yr-terdav moulsg. Lose , 835CC ) ; Iusorince , # 17,50. John Wil'iams , condemned to fca h nged at Waverly , Tenn. , hr.-been granted thiity c ! .ys n jplte by the goveinor. . James Dav t , living near Nhville , Tenn. , cecidents'ly shot aud kilk Ibis nife yesterday , while cleaning his re volver. A fire Tuesdry n' ht , in the whole- isle grocoiy of George' Wells & Co. , Qulncy , 111. , .us. 1 a loss of 30 , ? iO. WASHINGTON , March 9 The presi dent b&s recognized Angelo Gappellat a consular agent of Italy at Denver. FBEMONT , Ohio , March 9. Ex- President H yes and family are quiet ly don cllled t taelr home. Mrs. Hayes 1 olmoai iok with a cold , and ill are glad to rest. CHICAGO , March 9. It Is urged here that a fitting recaption should be give the remains of the late Senator Uatpenter when they reach Chicago from Washington , and a committee will probably be appointed to meet the Funeral cortrje and accompany it to Milwaukee. BUFFALO , March 9. The referee in I he case of the People vs. 'Lewis J. Pork and George Tulbot , contractors , iur 887,000 , alleged over payment for stone and cutting stone for the Buffa lo insane asylum , reports that there was no over payment , and directs judgment , for' the defendants with , costs. MnWAUEF.3Mrrch9. The wife of Col D. 0. Houston , of the United States engineers of this port , was found deac is her bed this morning , hr-.t dlseno using the cause. The deceased wr-i forty-six years of age an3 a prominent member of society. The remains will bo taken to New York fpr ir terment. ROYAITON , Vt. , March 9. Satur day .ae d-7ellug ! of Mrs. Lavi Bel- knap , East Barnard , was burned and her body was foundIn the ruins. Sus- ipictous circumatau. ia strongly indi cate her murder , and will probably lead to the arrest of en or more per sons. Belplng the Boers. Special Dupatch to Una nu. NEW YOKK , March 9. News-of , the British defiuv1. un Majola mountain , has Impar'td t f.-eah impetus to the movement in favor of the Boers , which stsrle I : s rrmulh ago In this city by the Trans vail aympathlzers. Col. Otis , ti'isurc ? of the organiri- tlon in in dully receipt of money from Dutchmen and Irishmen. Meat urea havn been taken by the St. Nicholas society , and the money will be sent to tha Bed Cross society in Holland. Several Dutchmen of this city , as well Ets some youog American cur- gaons volunteered to go to Sontn Africa to attend the victims of the struggle. i.iany Now York [ rlsliman are also in deep sympathy with the Boers. It is rumored that a bark carrying 500 well armed Irish meu and four Gatllng guns secretly sailed from Hey West three week * ago bound for D&lagoa Bay. It is claimed that the ultimate destination of the patty .is Trrnav&al , " threa days sail from Delagoa. A mass meeting to ijmpathlze with the Boeri will be icld in Cooper Union In a few days. Quickly Done. ipoclal Dlgp ch to THI Bn. DBS MOINES , Ia. , Mai oh 10 1 a. n. At 5:30 Tneiday evening a mes- tengor was rent from the executive , office to the office of the railroad com missioners , who were in session , ejk- ! nu' Judge McDill to come to the gov- jrnor's sooia , to which he replied , mpposlng It to bo one of official busl- 3 es * . The governor handed the fudge t sealed envelope , saySng it contained ihe name of his appointee for. Senator EDrkwobd's successor , and he would ike his opinion of it. The judge wai inrprhed to find his own name , as It was the first intimation , end he .was lot an applicant at all. He accepted ind took the nut train for his home it Afton , Union county , and then started at noon yesterday for Wash- ngton. His term as railroad com- nlssloner explrci April 1. It is probable his successor will also be one ifho Is'not anticipated , bnt of ac- mowledged ability and & staunch intl-BDnopollst. _ HIsnpme has been privately anhounced by th goTeTnor" aut he 1 not willing that it should be nade public for a day or t7o yst. Forcible Morals. Ipedal DUpitch to TM B . ' * SBOELBYVILLE , Tenn. , Blarch 9 i p. n. Fourteen disguised men went 'to t House of. Ill fame near here last night ind finding there a well known marled - led man , took him out and gave him i severe beatlng.and afterward forcing lim , eet fire to the 'house. THE IA1 ! NEWS. A ' * "F&bed "ofimOOO by J - - 7 * Two Trains Wrecked on thi Baltimorejpmd Ohio Railroad , _ v& ' 3B&- Hon. Angus dameron Electee to Succeed Senator Oarpen- . - - w- . Bp clat * NEW YOKE , March 10 1 a. m. The attendance at 'the garden hi night waa very alba. The 'only intei eat now taken in the contest by spec tators is In O'Leary tad Vaughau , both of whom are mrking excellent records. O'Ljary ( a steadily gaining upon the Englishman , who shorn signs of terrible ah .In upon hia frame. Vaughan left the hack t few minutes paatS , and O'L.i.taking advantage of hia absence , reduced : his let 1 five miles. The score at midnight stood : Ho Troll ell 272 , Vaughan 273 , O'Leary 260. Carrying Out Gould's iPronramme. Swclal Dispatch to THI fin. NEW YOEK , March 10 1 a. m. D. 0. Mills resigned hia seai in the Wes tern Union directory yesterday , and Sidney Dillon was elected in bis place. Hot Grease. , ' Special Dlapatch to The Boe. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , March 10 1 a. m. About three o'clock yesterday morning there we 3 an expleaion in one of the agitators in William Lelkin & Coi'a Belmont oil worts , located at Point Breeze. In five * minutes the fire spread over .the works. Ahrms were Bounded , which brought nearly ell the fire department to the scene , bat owing to the scarcity of water , but little headway was made in getting the fire under control. The firemen , knowing it would be Impossible to ex tinguish the flames , devoted them selves to preventing its further spread ing. Several small dwellings were de stroyed. The oil burned all day yea- terday , and will barn out by morniug , provided the wind does not change and send the flames in dlfferant direc tions. The loss will not be over 875- C30 , but there Is a very small inaut- auce on the works. As to its origin , all that could be learned was that It sir-ted in an agitator , lu which vn nrobably one hundred barrels of gno- liv ! > , being agitated before undergoing further refining procc is. The esU ; tor where it ata tied was a wood one , and therefore the flames had plenty of material to work on when they started. Old Sol's Bays. epedal Dispalch to The Be * . CHICAGO , March 9 10'p. . m. The snow ii melting rapidly to-day under the blight sunshine. No trouble' is osperlentsd in the city , ea sewer/ are open and catty the water away. But in the suburbs , where the aurla 3 drains are filled with ice , the praHe is overflowed. Trains will probably be stopped on sorm rotia by the water. From the central and south ern p rtt of the state much dtmage and inconvenience Is repot. ed from floods. Oulveus and bridges are wished away end bufidinga flooded. Couldn't Stand .the Leakage. Special Dispatch to The Bee. * MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Marrh 10 1 a. m. The Tennessee brokerage t 3adcio * oition ! srsp'ended business yotflrday moiaing soon eftjr the New York cotton quotations wore receive l.whirh showed a decline of ' 16 point i. The so ciety has bean in operation sine a Sep tember lait , and hn sntalned loiees by decline in prices amounting to 830,000. Some , excitement followed the , aanouncement , but all seemed satisfied when sisured that the com pany would settle all contracts lu fall. Tie -Manager of the Northern Pacific Ballroaa Resigns. Special Dispatch to The Bee. OmcAao , MarchJ.0 1 a. m. It it announced that H. E. Ssfge'rit- the well known manager .of the Northeiu Pacific railway , has r'j'gntd. The object of the resignation , or who will be hii snccsisor , is not stated. .Rumor is current that F. B. Myers , general nassenger and ticket agent of the Pitts- burg & Ft. Wayne road , will resign April L ' Declared Dividends. ° Special Dispatch to Tm BIB NEW YORK , Mrroh 9 10 p. m. The Weatern Union board of direc tors to-dav decln , d a qnarterly divi dend of 1J per > .eu t. on WesteinUn Ion stock , and the same on certificates of indebtednei issued to holders of the Western Union , American Union and Atlantic and Pacific stcjk. Chapter of Railway Accidents Bpeotcl Dispatches to The Bes. MTOCIE , Ind. , March 10 1 a. m. The east bound puaenger train , No. 2 , 'due here at 3:50 : p. m. , when at a point seven miles west of here , run into a drove of cattle. The engine was thrown from the track down a bank fifteen feat high , alighting up side down. Reuben Hlckock , engi neer , and his .brother , Frankfireman , were held under the demolished en gine" for fifteen minutes , and were terribly scalded from the steam guage , which was broken. A baggage car was thtown diagonally across the track. No other cars were disturbed. Frank will probably die , while his brother , who has a family at Lafayette , Is in a critical condition. BALTIMOBE , March 10 la. m. Passengers who arrived at Oamden station over the Baltimore and Ohio railroad , i y that when their tiain passed a point where the Baltimore & Potomac railway crossed under It , cbout nine miles from Baltimore , near the relay house , they saw a complete wreck of a train on the Baltimore & Potomac railway , the engine lying ou its side and the can , except the last two of the train , were broken up and In flames , and the passengers were running to and fro , showing every in- iioation of another terrible disaster on that roadAs it has been raining hard U day , it is supposed a washout it' that point caused the train to be thrown from the track. s The train leaving Waah- Ington at 4:20 yesterday afternoon , consisting of an engine , two 'express cars , one baggage car and four pas senger cars , ran into a washout about quarter of a mile south of "Winona station. The engine , two erpress cars , the baggage car and one passen ger car were wrecked. L. McKeever , ! the fireman of the trr'n thai ex-President Haycj and patty when i collided with the locomotive at Seven station on Saturday Lit , andescaj death thau by juiuoli j from the en glne , was killed , l e engineer n. not hurt. Two of the pc isengc : a wen slightly injured. Tha pf-sengen wore brought to Balt' nore on a trail sent ont ( or them , arriving at 7:5 : ( o'clock. About sevauty-five feet oi the bank was washed away by tu ! heavy rain inst before the train reach ed it. Jones cretk. which run : through Baltimore , was higher yes terday than for severr' yea-s , and ii was feared at one time there would be a flood. BALTIMORE , MD. , March 10 1 a. m. An tccldont oi ; nrred on the Bal timore & Ohio utlw.iy near Ellicot City yesterday afternoon , caused by the trsin lunnlcg Into two tons ol rook , which had fallen on the trtck. The engine and two cars were wreck ed , but nqone was hurt. Cameron Elected. Special dispatch to Til Bn. MADISON , Wii. , Mai-jh 1C 1 a. m. Two ballots were teken for United States senator In the caucus yeaterdty forenoon. Tnere were ona hundred members present. The following is the result of the .forlvslxth bcllot : Cameron 43 , Kevt3 15 , Dixon 16 , Hazleton 10 , Williams 10 , Bowrcin 3 , Qnarles 3. Cameron hid 41 votes on the forty -fifth ballet , gaining 2. A motion was made to adionrn till A in the evening , which iled. . 1 B , m. The opponent ! of Cameron got badly frighten * , i yesterday morn ing to see his vote gradually growing larger in spite of their efforts. They quickly adjourned the c'auoua , with the hope of uniting upon a candidate who would defeat Bameron. During the afternoon they held a secret ciu- cus and united npon Bowman , a com paratively new man. When the full caucus reassembled In the afrjrnouu Cameron had 53 votes and Bowman 49. Cameron's nomination was then made , and he will be elected in joint convention to-day. Crafty Cracksmen. Special dispatch tu The Bee. LOUISVILLE , ' March 10 1 a. m. The office of the Union exp..13 company , on Wut Main street , was entered by four marked men at jut 2 o'clock yest n lay moi.ilng , from the K r of the building. They bound rnd gagged the clerk having charge of the office , opened the safe and carried off between 83,030 and 84.CCD. Fatal Lamming' . Special dispatch to Tha Bee. YOUNGSTOWN , O. , Naroh 9 , 4 p. m. Wm. Trotter and wife were arrested at Oldham and lodged in jail Ia t night charged , with murdering their son , William , a few days ago. It Is alleged that Trotter was so angry because his sou was arrested and fined for disturb ing a religious meeting , that he beat him and knockrd bim down a flight sf stairs , causing death Hia mother is arrested as an accessory. . Tha Flood 'of Foreigners. Bpo."ialDlspatch ; to The Bee. NEW YOKK , March 9. 4 p. m. Nearly a thousand immigrants have jnat arrived from Bremen on one ship , 0 Hungarians bound for Penn- avlvanla , the rest goto ? to Michigan , L linois and Iowa. Total arrivals of Immigrant ! for the 1st week of this month , 5,323 ; increase of 2,479 over the first eight days of March , 1880. A Terrible Confession. Special Slipatch to The Beo. WASHINOTON , March 9 4 p. m. A.n Inquest was eld yesterday after noon over the 'body of Herry Frle- burn , the engineer of the Baltimore & Potomac Railroad company , who died of injuries received in the recent col- iaqn nuar Severn. Among the wit nesses was John Roy , con ductor of the extra train , irho said : "Frlebuta and I had orders read over to twice by the dispatcher. in Baltimo > , and the scci- 3ont was through or tjraleisneaa. Earry is dead now , and I alone am responsible. " The jnry found that Frludbnrn cauie to t'.a death by a col lision which occurred through the negligence of said Friedburnengineer , fad Johfi Boy , conductor of the south bound train. " Contending Councilman. Special Dispatch to T0i BIB. CUICAOOMrrch 10 1 a. m. Judge McAllister , : n"he appelaie ! court , yesterday gave a dechlon in. the long-standing ct : e between Stan- her , aciielist , and Mcarath , inde pendent , in favor of Stanber , who will now take b'.a seat In the council from the Fourteenth wtd. McGrath has held the seat for a year and a half , and will cau/ the rise up for the purpose of retaining it. . ' MARKETS 15Y TELEGRAPH. New YorK Money 'and Stoc a. WALL STBEET , March " . A11 p. m. the prices were as follows : MONET -Six per cent , exchange , lower at S4.81@4.8i- Cnicago Froauco Market. CHICAGO , March 9. Wheat was quiet and rather easier ind active in the morning , bat firmer it the close. Corn and oats were hi : alr request and firm. Eye quiet. Mess Fork moderately active and iasier. Lard met with a fair demand ind firmer. Meats qniet. Wheat Spring , March offered at )8o ) , with 98c bid ; for April , 991 ® )9c ) ; for May1 03 | ; for JuneSl 03J 3104 ; for July , 3103 @l 03f ; closing it 99Jo for April ; 1 031 035 Hy ; SI 0351 04 for June ; 81 9103g for July ; 93jc for the year. . Corn April , 3838Jc ; lay , 42 ® I2jc ; June , 42@42o : July , 42jjc ; iuRuat , 43c bid , 43 c asked. Oata M rcb , 29@29Jc ; AprU , 29Jo 3id-May , 33f@33c ; June , 333@33ic ; Fnly , 32ic asked. Bye April offered at OCc , with 95o ild.for May ; sold at 99 o. Mess Pork March , (15 05 asked ; April sold at 814 97 © 15 021 ; May , B15.12& ; Jane , 81525@1527i ; April closed at 14 97 . 15 UU. Salej , 8BC barrels. Lard-Aptll rjold at § 10 255 10 274 ; May , 810 37 $ ; June , $10 50 July , " 810 60 ; closing at 10 37i fo April ; 810 37-10 40 for May ; 810 51 © 10 52 fur oune ; 810 GO for July Sa.'js , 9,250 tierces. ' Bulk Meat * Short ribs , Apr ! sold at 87 807 82 $ ; May , 87 87J3 7 90. Sales , 1CD.C30 pounds. Chicago Live Stoci : Market OUICAQO , March 9. Hogs There was an active market for hogs to the extant of the supply , and prices inlci fitm and ! C3l5c higher for extra prime he w/ shipping lots ; light grades were fiioi and a shade higher , but heatlota were steady and unchanged ; srles ranged from 85 45@5 70 for li ht picking and shipping ; 85 75@5 50 for heavy peek ing , and from 85 406 IJ for good to choice heavy ohipping lots ; exti * prime heavy ah'pping grades sold at 86 5CG 75 per hundred pounds ; culls and light lots sold at 85 10. The market was firm at 10 o'clock , with the bulk of offeilngs sold. The ra- celpts were 1,200 head. Gattla There was an active rcirket for cattle yesterday afcarnoon , and for the best qualitici pilio iak i 510o higher- but for common , medium and good grades thera wcs a weaker feelIng - Ing with a downward tendency ; butch ers' cows were lower. Owing to the large receipts to-day the offerings were again liberal , and the prospec' t are that lower prices will bo paid. A few lota of cows sold at $2 903 10 ; fair to good stceu at 84 305 CO. Thera were no choice to extra grades sold up to 11 o'clock. The fresh re ceipts were 6CJO , head. Sheep There was a fairly active market and prices ruled firm and steady ; shippers and lo il bnyaid wore purchasing freely. St. Lou la Produce Mar sec. ST. LOPTS. March 9. Flour "Unchanged ; XXX , 84 35 ® 4 60 ; family , 84 754 90 ; choice to fancy , 85 1035 60. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , 81 02 ] @ 1 03 for ca h ; 81 Olg@l 014 for March ; 81 031 03g for April ; 51 05J@1 04 for My ; 81 031 03 | for June ; No. 3 do , 99o ; No. 4 do , )44c bid. Corn Lower ; 3939c for cash ; 39o for March ; 40@40o for April ; 1044c for May ; 41c for June. Oatfl Slow at 331@334o for cash ; 33gc for March ; 34j@343c for May. Barley Higher at 81 OOj bid. Lead Quiet. Batter Steady ; dairy , 18@20o. Eggs Lowerat 14o. Whisky Lower at 81 06. Pork Better ; 815 25 for March. Dry Salt Meata Higher at 84 90 | ; Bacon Htgaer ; 85 37J8 558 89. Lard Firm at 810 10 esked. Receipts Flour , 5,000 bbls ; wheat , 24,000 ; corn , 51,000 ; oats , 5COO ; jr > , 1,000 ; barley , none. Shipments Flour , 6,000 ; wheat , ! ,000 ; corn , 32,000 ; oats , 3,000 ; ; ye , 10,000 barley , none , St. Louis LIve tjtocfe Market. ST. Louis , March 9. Hogs Firmer ; Yorkera and Bal- imorea , 85 25@5 60 ; mixed pack- ng ; $5 2J5 60 ; choice to "fancy leavy" , 85 605 62. Eecalpts , 4,200 lead ; shipment ? , 1,300 head. LATEST'FOREIGN NEWS. THE LTUOUE'S WOEK. Rectal Dlspitch to the Baa. DUBLIN , March 9 4 p. m. The and league Intunda to investigate ivery arrest cj7e j"y and place the : aulculara before tha British pabHo. 3oyton is an Amei.can citizen of [ rlah descent , a brother of Fanl Boy ton , the an mmar ; Walsh ia a ionsin of John W. Welsh , one of the .raversars now on b3 nay to New COEECION CONTINUED. Jpeclal dispatch to TUB .Bra. DUBLIN , March g p. m. President of tha Caatla Island branch ) f the land league , und many others oto to-day atrested. Caatle Iiland iowD. and parish are ia MUDS ter , Kerry county. Other or rest a rre expected - pocted to follow in tha prescribed iiatricts to-day. 3LOSE OP TEE DEBATE ON THE ARMS * BILL. Jpoclal dlapatch to The Bee. .LONDON , March 10 1 a. m. In ; he house of commons yesterday , af- ; er many divisions and the free cie of the clotnre rules , the amendments to the arm bill were all negatived , and the bill ordered to be report 3d to-day , when Mr. Gladstone , in pnrananza of notice given ye iteraay , w"l move to ; lose the bill. 3EBHAN IMMIOKA1ION TO NEBRASKA. 3peclil Dlspakh to The Bse LONDON , March 10 1 a. m. A Berlin correspondent desciibes Ger ms n imigrntion as very active. Whole tillages are migrating from Prussia ind Schelswlg. Illinois * nd Nebras ka are their favoiUe destinations . Mr. W. Rande , anJjAmerican citizen , srho , two years ago , wj 3 forbidden to lecture on emigration in Berlin , has juat been successful In carrying out hia programme. CHANGES IH THE BBITISn CABINET. Special Dl p tches to The Bee. LONDON , March 10 1 a. m. It Is rumored that Mr. Gladstone will re * tire as chancellor of the exchequer after - , ter .the next budget has been present- ad. A r. Ohildars is mentioned to suc- : eed him , and the Marquis of Hart- Ington to succeed Mr. Guilders es sec retary of state for waf. The Earl of Derby la spoken otas secretary of state For war. VICTIMS OF THE COEBOION ACT Special Dispatch to The Be DUBLIN , March 10 1 a. m. The & .merlcan minister's attention will be jailed to the trrest of Michael Boy- Ian , and he will bo asked to demand Boylan'a rele&je , or his speedy trial. Uhe total number of land leaguers low in prison are seventeen , with nore to arrive. Those now in jail ire satisfied with their treatment , and ionvene and smoke together. Mr. Dillon and Mr. Brennan have visited he prisoners. The land league have arranged to provide the prisoners with oed and nawspapera. CABLEGRAMS. pedal Dispatches to THB Bn. Sanitary cordons have been sta- ioned around the district infested by he plague in Mesopotamia. Graperystores In Magasin Pron- empta were totally destroyed by fire resterday morning. The surrounding > roperty was not injured. Up to noon yesterday fifteen arrests mder the coercion act had been mader jhlefly in the west of Ireland. Eight nombera of the local land league were irrested at Carryck-on-Shannoa. TON STORE ! 10th St. , bet. Jackson & Jones. Now known as the cheapestplaceinthe city for Everything sold for cash only , at BOSTON PRICES. The following are only a few of the bargains not to be had elsewhere. Turkish Eed Damask at 50c. worth 65c. 11 " " " " 60c , 75c Half Bleached Linen Damask 50c. worth 65c. 11 " " " lf 65c 5-8 Linen Napkins $100 , worth $125. ! ! 125 , " 200. 175 250. Linen Euck Towels ( extra size ) 25c worth 371-2. Double Damask Towels 35c , worth 50c. Crash Toweling 5c worth 8 1-3. CORSETS I CORSETS ! We have in Stock all sizes from 18 to 32-inch at the following price 50 , 75 , $1.00. HOSIERY I HOSIERY 1 Ladies'Balbrigsn Hose , silk clocked 25c , worth 371-2. " lOc , worth 15c. " " " 15c , " 20e. Men's Brown Mixed'Half ' Hose 12 l-2c , worth 20c BOSTON STORE. P. G. IMLAH - - - - Manager. EDHOLM EEICKSON Wholesale and Retail lacturlng : JEWELERS. H LAKOKST STOCK OK Gold and Silver Watches amIJewelryin the City. Gome and See Our Stook t as We Will Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDHOLM & B1CKSON 15th & Dodge , Opposite Poatoffioo. HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Best Assortment of WHEELS in the West. At Chicago Prices. W.J.BROATCH , 1209 & 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. JanlS-6nj Man actuier of 11 kinds of Summer Bologna ( Cervelat Wurst ) a AUSAGE3 Specialtiy. Orders promptly filled. 1714 Burt St. , Omaha Neb. de23-t MEPFURNISHIHGGOODS At Wholesale ! OVERALLS , SHIRTS , SUSPENDERS , Neckwear. The Latest Styles ! The Largest Varietyl M't'ra Agents for Celluloid Collars and Cnffe , Rubber Coats and ° stMSHREVE , JARV1S & CO. , 14th and Dodge Sts. , Omah t. & FREEMAN CRACKER MANUFACTURERS , And Wholesale Dealers in OIOABS nd Fall and Winter we Trill handle OOUNS . A largo assortment of and market. are now the best in the TOYS for'the H day&tde.