I THE DAIL7 BEE. , OMAHA PUBLISHING GOPROPRIETORS. . 916 Parnham , la. Sth and 10th StreOt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I Copy 1 year , In advance poeipald.t&00 ) Snpntha " " 4.00 t ibontm * " 8.00 - TIME TABUS- THE HAILS. C , * N , W. B-R BSOa. m. , StOp. m. a B. * Q.I fflO a. m. , 210 p. m. 0. R. I & P. K. R. . tSO a , m. , 2:10 : p. m" 0' & Et. Joe 6SO a. m. B.01ty4 Pi630a.m. D. P. R.K. , 11:10 t.m. O , & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. &U.B.B..8:10a.m. 0. N. W. , ISO * , D. omm O. fc R. Vf. B.B. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. . B. & Q. , 11 a. m. , B.SO p. m. C.R. I. & P. , 11 a.m. . 11 P.m. a B. * St. joe. , 11 a.m. , 11 p . O. P. B B. , < p. m. 0. & R. V. from Lincoln , llflO p. m , B.tatyP.ll . m. B.&U. raNeb.,4 p. m. Local malls ( or States Iowa leave but once a day , vie 1:30 a. m. Office op n from 12 to I p. m. Bondayg. THOMAS F. BALL. Poetmut-t. Arrival And Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC. * LI AVI. ABUTI. Dally Erproa. . . . 12:15 p.m. 136 p.m. do Hired 6:10 p. m. i38p. m. do Frelght..CSOa.m. 1:40 p. tr. do . .8:16 : a. m. 1S.-20 . m. TIME OAKD 07 THE BURLIKOTOK. L11TB OK1HA. UULJYI OMJJL/L / ExpreM 8:40 p. m. Express 10:00 a. mi , Hall 6:00 a. m. UaU : 0:00 p.m. Bundaya Excepted. Sunday ! Excepted. CHICAGO.fBOCK ISLAND & FACIFia Kail . 6.-00 a. m. I Hall . 100 p. m. XxproH _ . . _ 8:40 p. m. | Erprea.lO$0 a. m. CmCAQO NORTHWESTERN. Hall . -.6:00 a. p S Han . _ 7:80 p. a. K < pr ce _ _ . .r. > pi m. I ExprMB - 16:00 a. m. Sondayi excepted. KANSAS OUT , ST. JOE k COUNCIL BLUFFS _ iiv ARKIVE. K U.KM a. m. I Express . . .7:40 % . m. Cxprea . C.-OO p. m. | Man . 7:26 ± . m. The only line runnlnc Pullman Sleeping Can out ot Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHERN NEBRASKA RAIL WAY COMPANT. Leave. Arrive. Kxpren - . .8:00 a. m. I Fxpren - 430 p , m. Mixed . liOp m. [ Mixed . 10:45 a. m Dally ExccptBundayg. B & II. B. B. In NEBRASKA. LU.VK. ARB1TI , Express _ . 8 0am | Freight. . . . . . 830 a m Freight . 6:65 : p m | Express . 4-Jj p m 8IOUI CITY & ET. PAUL R. B , Ukll . 6:10 a m I Krprees . 10:00 a m Crpreat . tUOpral M . 720 p m WABASH , ST. LOOTS k PACIFIC. HIV ! ! . AKKITM. fiaU . - 8 a. m. I Mail - _ _ U 5 a. m Kiprea . .StQ : p. m. | Exprcsa.4:2S p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. B. B. teave Omaba , dally. 8 a. m. , 8 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , 2 p. m. , S p. m , B p. m , , 6 p. m. , Leave Oonndl BTaCs ; SS5 a. m. , 9:26 a. ta , , Kits a. m. , 11:25 a. m. , 1:26 p m. , 2:25 p. m. , 8:28 p. m. , 6:25 : p. m. , 635 p. m. , Four trips on Sunday , leaving Onxha at B and 11 I a. m. , 2 and C p. m. ; Council Bluffs at 8:26 , 11:25 a ra , and 226 and 8S5 p. a , MJHRTOS&TIUIBS. I/enve Omaha : a. m. , 7 a. m. , 830 . m. , 1 . m. , 1:60 : p , m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council BlnOs : 6:15 a. m , , 1:10 : a. m. , 11:40 a , mi 6:25 p. m. , 70 p. Q. , 720 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. . LIAVI , ARROT. Hall . _ _ 10:16a.m. : , ,435p.m. Datl ? except Sundays. GEO. W. HILL , ATTORNEY-AT-L1W. - - . Office on Farnham street , between 16th and 10th , next to office city water works , Omaha. Buys and Belli Omtha City property and Ne braska land . Minlne property in a 1 parts ot Coloraao , for sale. From a long residence in Colorado and experience in mining property , I am prepared to offer safe and profitable invest- rnenta to purchasers. 126-2 w CHARLES POWELL , YD8T1CE OF THE PEACE Corner 16th and tf FarnSani Sta. . Omaha Neb. Si SERAL , AT LAV Room e.Crelghton . 16th St. . OMAHA. NEB. 0. L. TKQfcAS , 'l TTOUKET AT LAW LOIM money , bays i _ and eeH real osiaVe. Boom B , Creighton Block. rV S. TRDUP , t TTORNttF AT LAW Offlee In Hanacoai'i iL Ble < * . with George K. Prltchett. 1608 r rnhapjX OMAHA. KEB. DEXTER L THOMAS , \ TTORNBT ta LAW CrulOahaak I Build A.lop. . ap/Stl A. M. GKAUWIGK , t ITORNCt AT LAW OfHce 1104 rarnham A Etr et. 7 AWTKK Cfflee In Oniehtoa Block , next U JLl test Office , Oli AHA , KKBBASZA , roBtio. G'DSSES & 8ARTIETT , Attornsys-at-Law , OFriQg-Unlon BloekKftec3th ani ? Famham ATTORNEY AT LAW. BLOCK , COR. OQDC & IETH STB , CHAHA. NEi W. J. Conneli , kttorney-at-La w. ( Coo : Front teems , up italn. In Hanacom'i .r brick bulidloK , K. W. corner FUteenth and tarnham StreotA. . Rimcx. Uaxs. K. KEDIOK HEDICK & HEDICK , A tfcoruey s-at-Law. f > P cli3 attention mil M givec to all tnlts agalurt eorporalloas ci every description ; will practice In si &he Oonrte ol the State and the United States. ORce , Farnham St. , oppotlto Ooirt IIooso. EDWARD W.SIMERAL , rroKNrr AT LAW Boom e L Block , 16th and Douglas rtreeU. noBdh B , F. MANDER80N , TTORKXT AT LAW US Famham BtrMt L Omaha Nebraska. W. T. RICHARDS. a. J. RICHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. Omo 216 South Fourteenth Street. SANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the AS * . XfondertoldUcoverles In tht world hare beenaudi Amonir other things whore Santa Claus stayed Children ott uk U he makes coodi or not , It mlly he fives In a mountain ot snow. Lait year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped into what seemed Ilk * ahole Where wonder of wonders they found a new land , tfhlle lalry-Uka bemgs appeared en each hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful preen , -And tar brighter skies than ever were teen , Krda with the hues ot a rainbow were found , While flowers ot exquisite tragrance were grow ing around. Kot long wen the ; lelt to wonder In donbi A belug soon came they had heard much about , Twas Santa dins' celt and this they all say , le looked like the picture * esee every day. He drove np a team that looked varvqneer , 'Twas a team otgraaihoppers instead ot reindeer , He rode In a shell Instead ol a sleigh , Bat be took them on board and drove them away. He showed them all ever his wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men Furriers were working on hats great and small , To Bunco's thev said they were Bending them aU. Kris Klngl * , the Glove Hiker , told them at once , All our Qloves we are sending to Bunce , Santa showed them suspenders and many thlnji more. aylng I als * took these to friend Bonce's ston. Banta Claus then whlupered a secret he'd tell , As in Omaha every one knew Bnnee well. He therefor ? should rend hla goods to his care , Knowing his friends will get their toll share. Now remember ye dwellurs in Omaha town , All who want presents to Bunco's go round , For shirts , collars , or gloves great and small , Send TOUT sister or aunt one and aL. Bunce , Champion Hatter ot the Woct. HAMBURG AMERIC N PACKET CQ.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships Leaving New York Every Thursday at ! rxvt = . ft England , Prance and Germany. For Passage apply to 0. B. RICHARD & CO. , Passenge Afent * , Broadway. KowYork SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HH5EKLY BEE , The Best in tbe West , OMAHA BUSL\ESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS- J. U. BOS 'S Art Emporium. 1516 Dodge fitrect , Steel Enrrann s , Oil Paintings , Chromoa Fancy Frmies , FramingaSpeeUlty. Lowpnces. i BOSKEK , 1333 DocgUs U Goad Styles. ABSTRACT AHD REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. IIcCAGUE , opposite postofflce. W. B , BARTLETT , 317 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS. A T. LAROE , Jr. , Room 2 , Crelehton Block. BUFKENE aMENDELbSHON , AKOHTITECIS ; Boom 14 , Creighton Block. BOOTS AHD SHOES. JAMES DiVJNE & CO , Fine Boots and Shoes A coed assortment ot home work on hand , oar. 12th and Harney. TBO3 EK1CKSON , S. E. cor. 16th andDonglas JOHN FORTONATUS.l " 95 10th St. , maiutactures tc order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. BED SPRINGS- J F. LARRIMER , Manufacturer. Vlsschers1 Blk. BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. I. FROEHAUK , 1016 Farnham Street. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WM.SNYDEE.No. 1319 14th an5 llamey St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDREW ROSbWATER , 1E10 Farnham St Town Survey e , Grade and Sewenge Systems a Specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN 0. WILLIS , 1414 Dodge Street. D. B. BEEMER , For details eee large Advertise ment in Dill and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WEST t FBlTcCHER , Manufacturers of Cigars , and Who esale Dealers in Tobacco * , 1305 Deug. W. r. LORESZEN , manufacturer , 51410th St. CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Irou Cornice , Tm , Iron and Slate Roofiog. Orders from any locality promptly executed in the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 Dodge Street. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window caps , etc. manufactured and put up in any part oi the country. T. EINHOLD , 418 Thirteenth Et , CROCKERY. J. CONNER , 1S09 Douglai St. Good Line. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS oflw. PETERSON. Also Hate , Cipf. Boots , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 04 S. 10th ht. DENTISTS. DR. PAUL , Williams'Plock , Cor.lSth k Oodee DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KUHN&CO. , Pharmacists , Flno Fancy Goads , Cor. 15th and Douglss Streets. W. J. WHITEHOttSE. Wholesale & ReUU.lC St. C. C. FIBLP. 3022 North Side Cumt'-g StroeU M. f AKU , Urupcisl , 10th n'nd Howard. FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , Vew and Second Hand Furniture and Stove ? , lilt Douglas. E. 0. Turgeon Agt. J. BON'NER , 1E09 Douglas St. Fine Goods , &c. FENCE WORKS OMAHA FENCE CO. GCST. FRIES & CO. , 12 IS Haraey St. Improv ed Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Railings , Counters ot Pini and Walnut. FLORIST. A. Domirhuc , plants , cut flower ) , seeds , baquets etc. , N. W. cor 16th and Douglas Sis. GROCERS. Z. STEVENS , 2l6t between Cumlng and Izard. T A. HcSIIANK. CornerJESd aid Cumin ? Sts. HATTERS. W. L PARROTTE & CO , 1SOS DoUKlaS Street , Wholesale Exclusively. HARDWARE IRONAVD STEEL DOLAN & LlNGWORTHY , Who'eaalf , 110 and 112 15th bt. A. HOLMES , corner 16th nn > i California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B.WEIST.32) ISth St. , bet Farn. & Har- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladles get veer Straw , Chip and Felt Hats done up at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOVE , PROP HOTELS CANFICLD HOUSE , Goo. Canfjeld , fith i. Fam. DORAN HOUSE. P. H. Cary , 913 Farnham St. SLAVEVS HOTEL , F. Slaven , 10'h ' Street. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE- MRS. LIZZIE DKNT. 21716th Street. JUNK H. BERTHOLD. Rais and LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER , 1309 Dcuglas St. Good Viricty. MERCHANT TAILORS. G.A.LINDQUEST , One ot our tdoit popular Merchant Tailors Is re ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Sum mer Goods for gentlemen's H car. Stylish , durable and prices low as rver , 215 13th bet Doug. & Far. MEAT MARKETS- The Boston Market. MOOLE& JESTER , Fresh and Cured Meats , Game. Fish. Poultry , Etc. . 2020 Cumins Street. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Goods In great variety , Zcphvrs , Card Boards , Hojierv , gloves , corects , &c Cheapest House in the West. Purchasers save 39 per cent. Order by MaiL 115 Fifteenth it. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No.14 , Creighton Block. 16th Street. P. S. LSISENRINQ , M. D , Massnlc Block. C. D. HART. M. D. , Ej o and Far. opp. pO3t fflce DR. L. B. GRADDT , Oculist and Aurist , 14th and Douglas Streets. PHOTOGRAPHERS- GEO. HETN , PROP. Grand Central Oilier ) , 212 Sixteenth Street new Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt ness Qntrxntecd. PLUMBING AND CAS FIXTURES- D. FITZPATRICK. 1403 DouzlM Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HKVHY A. KOSTEP-v 1412 D"de Street. PAWNBROKER J. ROSESFELD , S2210th St.lmt. Fatn. A Har. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BURMESTER , Dealer in Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roots and all kinds ot Building Work Oddf eBows * Block. J. BONNER , 1S09 Doug. St Coed and Cheap. SEEDS J. EVANS , Wholesile and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators. Odd Fellows Hall. SHOE STORES. Phlllpp Ian ; , 1330 Farnham tt. bet. 13th 414th. SECOND HAND STORE FEEEINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. , New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Good } , to. , bought and sold on narrow ma gins. SALOONS- HENRY KAUFMANS , In the new brick block on Doulas Street , haj Just opened a most elegant Beer Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. FLAKNERY , On Farnham , next to the B. & If headquarters , has reopened a neat anl complete establish ment which , barring KIRK , and Mother Ship- ton's Prophecy , will be open for the boj s with Hot Lunch on and after present date. "Caledonia , " J. FALCONER , 67916th Street UNDERTAKERS CHAS. RIEWE , 1012 Famham bet. 10th & llth M. B. KISDOS. * General Insurance Agent , .NTS : _ * . . . J Loa- dou , Caab Assets 15,107,121 tfESICHESTEK. K. T. . Capital l,000VuJ THE HERCIIAMS , ol Newark , N. J. , 1.00C.OO GIKAKD FIREPhiladelpbUCapltal. . l.OOt.OOO NORTHWES1KRS NATIOSALCap- Ital tOC.eOi FIREMEN'S FOND. California 8 % S immSU AMERICA ASSURANCE Co l.JOO.OCO NEWA tK FIRE IKS. CO , Asseta 800.000 AUKRICAF CENTRAL , Aeeets SOO 000 8 ut Cor. o ( Fifteenth & Douclaa St _ OMAHA. NEC. < PC t ( HOn rdayatnome. bamp ci if of U > 3 I U > ZU tne. Addre SUasoa at Co Portland , Me. THE VAQ'DEROS OF TEXAS ; The March of Civilization Driv ing Them to the Wall. CorrcspSndenco of the Fluladclphia Preu. BOEESE , Texas , February 8. The invasion of the atbck-rsisiiig district of Texas , described in The San a fen- weeks since , is fast crowding the cow boy , along with , the Indian and the antelope , into a treeless , sterile re * gion , where herding will not be so profitable in the future as it has been In the past. Many acres of grazing land , such as is found on the restera Lordera of Texas , will be required to support each long horn , except in unusually good seasons , like that of the past year. The wise stock raiser does not go west , but ourchases and fences as large a pasture as his pnrso will permit , and , buying good bulls , devotes himself to bettering the Quality of his cattle. In the south ern portion of this state this has been the policy for many years. King , Kennedy , and others have nnder fence pastures of the finest grazing lands , ranging In extent from 10,000 to 200,000 acrca. Pastures of from 10,000 to 20,000 acres are common in many of the counties west of the Col orado river. There is even now a great deal of bitter feeling against the owners of these large tracts among those who own small herds , who have not the means to buy and fence land. The range , they think , should be free to all mankind , and no one should be permitted to monopolize the God-giv en grass to their injury. Some of them do not stop grumbling , but de stroy the pasture fences when possible an easy task where wire is used for fencing. Sheep owners have generally been compelled to buy or lease the land upon which they graze their flocks , by reason of the hostility of cattle own ers. The latter say that their cattle will not graze on a range over which sheep have passed , but sheep have no objection to eating after cattle ; there fore , sheep should be confined to land controlled by their owners. As the sheep men are in the minority , and it is an easy matter for a few enemies to do great damage to a flock , they find it policy to accept ai conclusive the arguments of their opponents. During the drought of 1879 the vi cinity of water holes in western coun ties was often strewn with the car casses of sheep , killed and hung npby stock men as a warning to the shep herds , another favorite theory being that cattle do not relish water where sheep have drunk. I do not write , however , with the intention of describing the condition of the stock-raising interest in Texas , but to give" sketch of the characteris tics and mode of life of that fast dis appearing product of by-gone day , the cow-boy , or vaquero. Having spent a goodly portion of my days as a cow-boy , I consider myself practi cally qualified to write upon the sub ject. The boyhood sport of the cow boy Is not with marbles or balls or tops , but with a lariet of rope or raw hide , with which he lassoes the calves and everythinganlmate or inanimate , over which a loop can be thrown. At 7 rears of ago ho is an expert horse manand able todosorvlcoon the range in many ways. Between this ago and manhood he acquires some knowledge of the "three R's , " though seldom at i school , and at 1C is usually as good a horseman and as dexterous a roper as any man in the district. Ho is never fleshy orlargo-Hmbad , is slightly bow legged from constant riding , IB endowed dewed with mora than average muscu lar strength , and is very active and enable to great endurance. He is an unerring shot , cool in time of danger. Ha smokes cirgarettes , chews -tobacco , drinks whisky , carries a -shooter , and is guilty of many vices that would , if enumerated , shock the embezzler and stock gambler of cWlizad regions. Ho is not moee quarrelsome than man in general , but , unfortunately , his quarrels are apt to result in homicide. The property of the cow boy is a wiry pony'a saddle , and a lariat. Tire pony or "plug" is of Spanish stock , active and enduring. It is a stranger to the touch of currycomb and brush , and don't know corn from beans The siddle is a ponderous affair of wood and leather , weighing from ten to fifteen pounds. It has a pommel varying in diameter from three to nix inches. Costly saddles have some times silver stars plentifully be sprinkled on available spots of their surface. Two girths or ( inches are necessary to hold the saddle firmly in position a forward and a flank girth. The lariat is about forty feet long , and is composed of eight pliable nwhide thongs plaited into a rope about half an inch in diameter. At one end is a ring ; at the other a loop to fit over the saddle pommel. The wardrobe of the cow boy is nulque. He wears a broad-brimmed straw or wool hat. His -jacket is of ducking , his tihlrt of calico or hick ory , and his pantaloons of some stout stuff , over which are worn leather leg- gincs. Heavy boots , with high heels , to which are attached a pair of spurs with two-inch rowels , complete his outfit. When the weather is throat- 3ning he straps behind his saddle a slicker of oiled linen , which reaches from head to heels. Tim * accoutred , the cow boy IB ready for business. He is employed either to drive a herd to Kansas or to look 4fter those on the range. The spring is his harvest time. Then the great herds are put up for the drive. This is tbo season , too , when the an nual round-up occurs , for the purpose of apportioning the unmarked calves and yearlings among the owners of stock on the range , that they may be branded with the particular device adopted by each as his distinguishing mark , generally the initials of his name. The law requires the brand to be recorded in the county clerk's of fice , together with ear-marks , crops , upper and under bits , upper and un der slopes , splits , swallow-forks , and jingle bobs. When cattle are sold the seller must connterbrand them , and in case they are driven from the state the buyer must road brand them with a device different fromhis regular brand. This brand must be recorded in each county through which the herd passes. After a few transfers the animnl is as well marked as a bulletin board , and space cannot be found on his hide to place a good sized brand. I have seea a well-known brand , A P B , which extended from the shoulder to the hip bone , in letters a foot long. When convenient , the animal to bo branded is driven between two par allel lines of fencing called a chute , bars placed before and behind him , and the irsn applied to his side or thigh , at the leisure of the operator. But this is not always convenient , fencing being a scarce article on the range , and the animal must be caught and thrown the ground. Then the cow bow must be called to the aid of the brandor. Slipping about eight feet of the end of his lariet through its ring , and , putting a loop at the other end over the pommel of his sad- die , he gathers its coils into his bridle hand , holding the noose in his right hand , and puts his horse into a gallop. The animal that is wanted breaks into a run , and when the rider is near enough for the lariat to reach it , he dexterlonsly throws the noose over its head or fore feet , when the well trained pony is checked , and quickly turns and awaits the shock which he knows will come. When the fleeing animal runs the length of the rope , it la brought to ground Jthe J branders seise it by the head and tall , ' and soon fhe branding Iron is scorching "into the cuticle its indelible characters. Great care must ba taken not to burn through the skin into the flesh , else the brand will be blotched. After the branding comes the troub le of the stockman , for the blowfly , the pest of Texas , deposits Us eggs on the raw sore , and Boon thousands of screw worms are eating their way to ward ttie vitals of the animals. The remedy now most popular fo tkp screw is cresyllo ointment. To apply It , however , the animal must be roped , and sometimes thrown down. The cow boy's life is not an easy one. During the whole year he is in the saddle ( from daylight until dark. His diet Is bread , bacon , and coffee. When on the trail , in addition to driving during the day , he is compelled to guard the . cattle during a part of the night , tne I force being divided into three reliefs I for this purpose. In case of a stampede - ' pede , he must lide night and day. I In spite of all this , the cow boy ! is healthy and cheerful. No one Is | more hospitable , and his bravery is ' proverbial. But he Is a relio of bar- j barism and must go , and the places I that have known him will not mourn his departure , for he Is too much ad- ; dieted to "whooping 'em up. " A Trap for Seven. Detroit Free Prew. Catch a rat in a trap and he will fight. Trap a man and well , yon can't rely on him. It is according to the trap. In the heavy stage-coach , as we roll out of Leadville , are seven men. One is an army officer who has half a dozen scars to prove his bravery. Out off from his command on the plains last summer by a score of Indians , he intrenched himself , and fought th band off until help arrived. Two of I the others are desperadoes , who have ! killed their men. Three of the others J are stalwart miners , each armed with j two revolvers , and they look as If they ' would prove ugly customers in a row. The seventh man might do some shooting on a pinch , but he hopes there will be no pinch. In the crowd are ten revolvers , , , two dorring- * era , three repeating rifles , and { oar or five bowie-knives , and there is perfect good feeling as the 'coach rolls along. It Is tacitly understood that the army captain is to assume command in case the coach Is at tacked , and that all are to keep cool and fire to kill. It is 10 o'clock in the morning. The windows are down , and the pas sengers are smoking and talking , and seeking for comfortable positions The coach has just reached the top of a hill , when every horse is sudden ly pulled up. "If it's a b'ar , we'll have some fun , " growled one of the miners , as he put his head out of the window. "If It's a robber gin me the tust pop at him ? " whispered one of the des peradoes. No one could say what the trouble was , when a wiry little chap , about five feet six Inches high , with black hair and eyes , clean face , and thin lips appeared at the left-hand door with a cocked revolver in either hand , and said : 'Cants , I'm sorry to disturb you , but I've got to make a raise this morn ing. Please leave your shooters and climb down here , one at a time. " It was sudden. It was so sudden that it took ten seconds to understand the drift of his remarks. Then every eye turned to the right hand door , and the two revolvers held by a second robber were seen at the open window. It was a trap. The rats were caught , and would they fight ? "Gents , I'm growing a leatle impa tient , " continued the first robber , "and I want to see the procession be gin to movel" Let's see. The captain was to lead us , and we were to be cool and fire to kill. But the captain was growing white around the month , and nobody had a weapon in his hand. Tha rats were not going to fight. One of the the miners opened the door and de scended , and the other si : humbly followed. The seven were drawn up in line across the road , and while the robber held his shooter on the line he coolly observed to his partner : "Now , William , you remove the weapons from the coach and then search these gentlemen. As William obeyed every victim was ordered to hold his hands above his head , and whatever plunder waa taken from his pockets was dropped Into William's hat. Four good watches tno diamond pins , a telescope , a diamond mend riug , a gold badge and $1,200 in cash changed hands in ten minutes. Not a man had a word to say. The driver of tha coach did not leave his seat , and was not interfered with. When the last man had been plunder ed the genteel Dick Turpin kindly ob served : "You are the most decent set of men I ever robbed , and if times weren't so blasted hard I'd mike each of yon a present of $10. Now , then , climb back to your places and the coach will go on. " The crowd "dumb , " and the vehi cle resumed its journey. Not a weapon or a timepiece , or a dollar had been saved. Seven well-armed men had been cleaned out by two and not a shot fired or a wound given. Each man took his seat without a word. Mile after mile was passed in silence , and finally the seventh man , the one who might fight on a pinch , but didn't , plaintively suggested : "Can't some of yon gentlemen think of a few remarks which would be apropos to the occasion ? " No one couli , and to .silence was renewed. A. Runaway Train. Las Vegas ( N. U. ) Optic. The most hair-raising episode that ever happened to a New Mexican mountain railway train fell to the lot of Conductor Bleasingbam Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock , on the west slope of Glorietta summit. Th > > train comprised nearly 30 loadsand ft it en tered upon the descent , Jake Brown , the engineer , threw on the water brake , but found It waa broke and would not work. The train gained a momentum to such a frightful extent that the switch cables and hooks lying on the base in front were hnrlod from their place into the air , breaking one of the locomotive's guard-rails. Brown called for brakes , but the train men had already set every one , and realized that the train was beyond their con trol. Seeing that nothing could be done'to stop the mad course the train was going , Brown jumped from the cab while going at the rate of sixty miles an hour , and landed seventy-two feet distant , actual measurement. Bleasingham , who was on the caboose with Pawnee Charley and wife as pas sengers , fearing that the train was golrg to destruction , cut his way car loose and checked it with the brakes , while the train continued its velocity down the long grade. The fireman stood at his post like a hero , and while the engine was plunging down the flight at a giddy speed , he crawled out on the foot-board and poked sand through the sand-box , thinking that it might assist the wheels In get ting a grip npon the rails. As the train sped around Material curve , which is "short and steep , " the veloc ity was so great that the lecomotlve ran on one rail , and overbalanced so greatly that It came within an ace of losing its equilibrium. The brakeman on deck were obliged to lie flat and cling to the running-boards for safety. For six miles those badly frightened men stack to the fillip and faced the horrors of. death. Below Gononcito { s a natural basin , with three miles oi level track/and it was on this stretch the runaway tralri was mastered and stopped. Some of the oafs were laden with iron for the front , but they w'ere unloaded before the train stopped by the material being hurled in all direc tions. Just how the train held to the rails as well as it did is a mystery which the , philosophers must solve - we can't Eacsien's Arnica Saivs The BEST SALVE In the world for Outs , Bruises , Sores , Ulcora , Salt Rheum , Fever Sorea , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Coras , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvo Is guaranteed to give perfect eatlafac- tlod in every case or money re funded , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly Ish & McMahon , Omaha. Hail to the Chief among pulmonary remedies , Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil , used externally and internally. This grand preparation annihilates coughs , cold1 * , rheumatism , neuralgia , lameness , piles , kidney troubles , and remedies sores , cuts , burns , boils , warts and corns. Its cures are attended hy the amplest and moat positive testimony. An Honest Medicine tfree of Charge Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of tho-Throat , Chest or Lungs , we know of none we can rec ommend as highly as DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY for Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively cure , and that where everything else has failed. No medicine can show one-half BO many positive and permanent cures'as have already been effected by this- truly wonderful .remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur ing the very worst cases in the short est time possible. We say by al means give it a trial. Trial bottles fret. Regular size $1.00. For sale by 8lly ( ) J. K. ISH , Omaha. 45Yearsbefore thePiiblie , THE LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache' or diseaseajff that character , they stand without a wl- AGUE JfD ! FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. .Ar1 a simple purgative they are unequaled BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coati Each box has a red-wax seal on the I with the impression , JIcLANE'S LIV1 , PILL. Each wrapper bears the signi tures of C. MoLAKE and FLEMING BBOS . 9 * Insist upon having the genuine DR.O.McLANE'S LIVEIl PILLS , pre pared b' ' FLEMING BROS.PittslmrgIiPa. , the market being full of imitations of the name JF/e ane , spelled differently , but same .pronunciation- f. HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Gelds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Throat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Organs. ! ! USE ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. PreparedfroniH/fltJ' tropical ftniU / ndpl&nta. Isthe Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation , Biliousness , Ilcntlaclic , Torpid IAcr , Hem- orrliolcls , indisposition , and all Disorders arising- from an ob structed state of ttte system. LaJles and children , and those ulio dlsllko tnkUjj pills and nauseous medicines , are espe cially pleased with Ita agreeable qualities. T.10PIC-PHUIT LAXATIVE may bo used In11 case that need thf aid of a purgative ; cathartic , or aperient medicine , and while It pro duces tljo same result as the agents namedU Is entirely free from the itsuil objections common to them. P cled1n tronted tla boxes only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALL.FIRST-CLASS . DRUGGISTS. C. F. Goojmin , Wholesale Agenta. Omrha , Neb. Ill A UTCFI Lj0cal Aiceuts everywhere to Ba' W AH I CU Tea , Coffee , Baking Powder. Flavoring Extracts , etc , by eample , to famlliss , Profit good. .Outfit frea. People's Tea Co. , EOT 2050. St. LoDls , Ho WORTH EEMEMBEBING. That TIRRANT'S SELTZBR AFUIEST rcprcgw In each bottio thirty or forty elissca ol Spar < t DC Seltzer Water , containing all the virtues ot the elebrated Qennan Kpring. It Is always fresh and always ready , and thus commends Itself to all for its efficacy , portability and cheapness. ALL DRUGGISTS HAVE IT. PROPOSALS FOU FLOUR. Office of the purchasing and Depot Com. of Subsistence. OMAHA. Neb. , February 14,1881. Sealed proposals , in duplicate , subject to the usual conditions , will be received at this office , until 12 o'clock noon , on March 21st , 1881 , at which tune and place they will be opened in the presence of bidders , for furnisking and delivery at the Subsid ence Storehouse in this city , of twenty thousand (20,000) ( ) pounds FLOTJR , in new , strong ; single cotton sacks. To be made from No. 1 Spring Wheat , half hard , half soft , or Odessa , to be sweated before grinding , and mixed in milling ; to be high ground. Sample of Elour to be sent in with proposals , and 11 to bo delivered on or before April 15,1881. Tne government reserves the right to reject any or all pro posals. Blank proposals can be obtained at his office. Proposals must be enclosed in sealed envelopes marked "Proposals for Flour. " and addressed to the under signed. THOMAS WILSON , I C. S. , IT. S. A. AGENTS WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Profusely Illustrated. The most important an best book published. Every family wantst fcttrtotdlniry inducements offered Agent * . Address Aoiorra' PcBUamao Co , St. Louis , Mo. AOENIS WANTED FOR ODR NEW BOOK , ' 'Bible for the Young , " Being the story of the Scriptures by EOT. Oeo. Alexander Crook , D. D. , in simple and attrac tive language for old and young. Profusely Illustrated , making a most Interesting and im pressive youth's instructor. Every parent will secure this work. Preachers , jou shoold dr- culateit. Price S3 00. Send for circular * with xtr terms. J. H. CHAMBERS & CO. , St. fouls , M TWO DOLLARS WILL SEO.OKE THE WEEKLY BEE 0 t For One Year. THUS CHANGING C1RS BEMBTUUf OMAHA AND CHICAGO , Where Direct connections arc Mode With Through Sleeping Gar Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash ington , AND AljL KASTEEN OlTjtES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapolisCincinnatiLouis ville. 15D JUA POINTS I.-J TOD THE BE3T LINE FttR ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION DEPOT with Throujh Sleeping ; Car Lines for all Points S O TJTBC. The New Line for IDES 3VCOIITB3S. The Favorite Eoute for The unequaled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and TonrUts , are aa follona : The celebrated Pullman (16-nheellPaIace ( Sleep ing Can , run only on this Line. fllt'B. & Q. P.laco Drav-ing-Koom Cors , with Horton's Ko- cllningCh ira No extra charge for SeaU in Reclining Chairs The famous C. , G. &Q. Palace Dininz Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant Utah-Backed Rattan Revolving Chairs for the exclusive use of Orst-ilass pasacn- gen. A _ Steel TrackTInd Superior Equipment , com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange- tea this , above all others , the favorite East , South , and South-East. you will find traveling a luxury liacomfort. Jbketa via thh Celebrated Line for lea In the United Statesand Canada. Stlon about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Ibdations , Time Tables , &c , will be Ivan iy apph inz to . _ JAMES R. WOOD , ' > " - ' .General Passenger Agent , Chicago. ? ' * . . * T. J. POTTER , General Manager , Chicago la the only Direct Line to ST. LOU5S &NB TK3 E4ST ffroci OMAHA aud tne 77 8T. No cbauyo o2 cn.ru botwain Cmalu nd Bt. Loola ind but one bitweca Omiha snd Now York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS tera ites ! With lesa charxtj 2nd In autsccs ol otbor lines ThU entire Una is equipped Tilth Vulltnin'3 Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Dr. ) Cc-.ch- lIUler'a iiloty Platlorzn tnd Coupler and the celebrated Wetr.Ingbocao ilr-3nlo. & 3TSSK TEAT YOUR TICKET- fiSrYLi Kauaaa City , St. Joseph C3 CoundlElaffaH.il. , via St 3T Jos andSt-lonla/Si Tickets tor ncle at all conyoa stations 1C th fC8t. J. F , BAHH4RD , A. O. DAWE8 , Gen'l Sapt. , Qon'l PKS. & Ticks ! Ag't St. Joacoh.Ho St. Joseph , ilo , W C. SEACURKSi" , Tlciet-Agen. , 1020FarnhsL3 Street , ANDY BOr.DEN , A. B. BABHA ! Pass. Acent.Oiaaha. Gon'rl Ajcnt , Omaha. BT THE USE OF DR. BOSAWKB'S - PILE REMEDY. iHTERNAL. EXTERNAL , AND 5TC&ING PILES at pace on the application of PI Flic itgmedy. whlcri ncu id rectljrnpon the part * antectcd , ob orfaln > toe Tumor * , allaying the Intense Itcfl Ul otbcr rcm He haTe ftJ - Try H iahe no other , and tall yomal fateorag laments. * DO NOT DELAY tctfl the drain on the ajatciu prodoc * ennaneat disability- , bat bay U , TRY1TABNEDCUREO PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , md when yea can not obtain ltofhlinm Till vend It , prepaid , onreeelptofprlet 3r. BoAnbo' Treatise OB PUea meat fro innppllcjUlon , Address OR , BOSANKO MEDICINE 00. PIQUA. O. THE COLORADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , located at Denver , Colorado , the Educational and Commercial center of tht West , is pre-eminently the beat and most practi cal of its kind for the ] MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , Pjeeldent , D. W. OADT , Seorctajy The morrt extensive , thorough and complete cstltutlon of the kind In the world. Thousand ! of accountants and Easiness mon , In the prin cipal cities andtewns ot the United States , owe their success to our'course ot training. The Eieht ; Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies , Fine , new brick block , at Junction ot three treet car lines. Elegantly fitted and furnUhed apartments or the application of and curving out of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TRABrara Young men who contemplate a bcdnesa lift , and parents having sons to educate , are particu larly requested to send for our naw Circular , which will give full Information aa to terxi , ondltion ot entrance , etc. Address G , W. FOSTEE , President , f Denver Colorado a wees in your own town , leras and outfit frea. Address H. Hallett 6 Co. , Portlaa Me. FRITSCH'S THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The only exiitlng remedy for every spe cies of Acute or Chronic Dliease ot the Organs of Respiration/ and an nbiolato SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! nil-powerful vegetable preporo * JL tion expals from the lungs and air put * gages , the inucui and mnco-pus produced by pulmonary inflammation , heolc the Irritated ruembro3 ( , add renovates every organ which utilize * thetirenth of Life. It contains no stupefying potion , and is In all respects c. healthful medi cine. The rapidity and certainty with jrhlch It ANNIHILATES A COUGHs /s / astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis ease and discharges the cause from the system. Free and painless expectora tion is the mode by which It relieves the lungs , chest andthroat from theburdeas which oppress them ; thus arresting Con sumption and Broncliitis in the germ be fore they reach the more dangerau * stl'tjos. The emaciated gufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE with the most terrible scourge of oar ell. mate will llnd Fritsch's Prussian Conch Syi np a potent nlly , and will assuredly win the fight 1 y adhering itrlctly to thlj great medicine. The CASES NOW ON REOORD In which It has been administered entire success ns a remedy for every va riety of mnlndy which affects the Ke- rplratory Functions , amount to more than FIVE THOUSAND at the present date , and yet the preparation tion is only In the Infancy of Us useful ness. The great defect of all Cough Ilemodles hitherto Introduced ts that they are simply expulsory. Hence they are useless ; for unless the causes of the acrid secretions which are coughed up are removed , and the ruptured , inflamed or maturated surfaces healed and re stored to their natural tone , a cure Is Impossible. Fritsch'g Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes theie objects. The mucut and inuco-pns which are the con sequence of ImngDisease , are thrown off by it , while at the same time it soothes and Invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , influenza , bronchial dlrllcuHlcs , tightness of the chest , hoarse ness , sore throat , trachitls , Inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy andall disorders of a pulmonary nature , It has never been equaled. Sale agents in America , BICHABDSOX tl CO , StLoulj.JIo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONI/ST 25 CENTS. Gentle Women Who \rant glossy , luxuriant and Travy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair must use LYON'S EATHAIEON. This elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from foiling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthyTIaIr is the sure result of using Eathairon. A now and hitcerto unknown remedy for all illseasea ot tie KldnajB , Bladder , and Urinary Orgies. It will positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop- : y , BrUht'j Dbcsso , inability to retain or expell 111 ? Urine , Catarrh of the EUcHcr , lilgb cole re J tnd scanty trine , Painful Urinating , LAME BACK , Generi' Weakness , and all Female Com- Valna. It ivotl3 ! laterual medicines , la certain In It etlects and cures when nothing eUo can . For gala by all Druggiata or Bent by mail free upon receipt of tba price , 82.00. DAY MEY PAD CO. , FaCP'B8 , Toledo , O. your address fcr our Uttla book , How a was Saved. " . ! > IT inir iwnt Inr * fp ir- * - . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AHD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS , The Old SdiaUe Siwx Ciiy Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMABOK , And all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line la equipped with the Im proved WeatinghouM Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom tnd Sleepin ? Cargowned and controlled by the com uny , run Through TTlthcut Change between nion Padflc Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Padfla Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , t 5:15 p m. . reaching Sioux Cltr at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at 115 a. Q , making HOURS IK ADTANCB o ANY OTHZE ROUTS , Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:33 p. m. , ar > rlvins ; at Sioux City at 4:15 : a. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9:50 a. m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C. b P. B. R. ' F. C. TITLTa , Superintendent , Hlasonrl Vallevjowa P. E. KOB1NHON , Asa't Oen'l Pass. Agent. J. H. O-BBTAN , and Passenger Agent , Council Bluff I MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AX1VF. GREASE Composed largely of powdered ml ca and iainglasi la the beat ami cheapest lubricator la the world. Itlathebestbecauset t does not gum , but forma a highly polished surface over the axle , doing away with a large amount of friction. It Is the cheapest because voa need use but half the quantity in greasing your wagon that you woull of any other axlegrease * made , and then run your wagon twice aa long. It answtra equally aa well for Mill Gearing- , Threshing lUachlnes , Buggies. &c.aa for wagonj Send for Pocket Cyclopedia of Things 'Wortn Knowinf. Mailed , free to any address MICA MANUFACTURING CO. , 31 MICHIGAN AVENUE. CHICAGO. j-Ask Your Dealer For It octant tn7Qaweek i2a day at home easily made ; cash 3) ) Jioutflt free.Addresa Iiua It Co.Portlnd U KIDNEGBN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weaker or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Bright's Diseajae , Loss of Energy , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arising from Kidney cr Bladder T isease3. Also for Yellow Fever Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in infected malarial sections. xa-By She distillation of a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPZR BERRIKS and BABiET MALT we have discovered KIDXEQ ENwhich acts specifically on the Kidneys and Urinary Or na , removing in Juriou * deposits formed in the bladder and preventing any straining , amwilng sensation heat ot irritation in the membranous Using of the ducts or water piggage. It exciUa a healthy actUn In the KUncji glvln ; them strength , vigor and restoring these organs to a healthy condition , showlo ; Ita ffects on both the color and easy flow of urine. It can bo taken at all times , In all climates and nndtrtll circumstances without Injury to the system. Unlika any other preparation for Kidney difficulties it has a very pleasant and agrraiblt tasta and flavor. It has been difficult to make a preparation containing positive diuretic properties which will not nauseate , but be acceptable to the stomach Before taking any Liver medicine , try a bottle of KOJJEdKX to CLEAMSK the KIDNEYS from foul matter. Try It and you will always ustl t as a family medicine. Ladles especially will Uka It an d Gentlemen will find KIDNKOEX the best Kidney Tonic ever nsed I NOTICE Each bolt's bean the signature of LAWRENCE & MARTIN , also a Proprietary Oorirn ment Stamp , which permits KIDNEGEN to be sold ( without license ) by Druggists , Grocers and Other Persons rverywhere. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. It not found at your Druggtata or Grocers , we will send a bottio prepaid to the neirtet ezpreat office to you. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DEUGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEES everywhere Wholesale agents in Omaha , STEELS , JOHNSON & CO. , will supply the trade at nunufactui prices. IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING K1AGHSNE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine instly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the Simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market , The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNO , Cor. IJaveuport and 15th Sts. Onmfaa. THIS HEW AND CORRECT MAP * & - Proves beyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling In either direction between' Chicago and all of the Principal Points fn the West , North and Northwest. - Carefully examine this Map. The Principal Cities of the Weit and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains ol all railroads at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all oflts principal lines , runs each way dally from two to fourormoro Fast Express Trains. It Is the only road west ol Chicago tnat uses the - - v t , * , . , PULLMAN'HOTZI , DINING CAKS.V . It Is the only road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. It has nearly 3ooo ailZES OH" JZ OAlt. 11 forms the f ollowins Trunk Lines : "Council Bluffs , Denver & California Line. " "Wlnona , Minnesota- & Central Dakota Line. " "Sioux CIty.lf or. Nebraska & Yanfcton Line. " "Chicago. St 1'aul anil Minneapolis Line. "Nor. Illinois. Freeport & Dubuque Line. " "Milwaukee , Green Bay SLakesaperior Line. " Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents m the United States and Canadas. Jtemember to ask for Tickets via this road.be sure they read over It , and take none other. HAJIYW Unamrr , GenlManagerChicago. 9\T. JL SIESSEITGenl Pass. Agent , Chicago. HA.RBY P. UOELi , Ticket A nt C. &N. W. Railway , 14th andtFarnbamrstreets. i ) . E KIMBALL. Assistant Ticket Azent C & N. W. Kailway,14th and Farnham Streets. J. BELL , Ticket Arcnt C. & N. W. Railway , U. P. R. K. Depot. . .TAIWWSTCI.AKK'General A nt. And Everything pertaining to ihB ir'rjniture and "Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF MEW COQDS AT TH * WE1ST JPRIOIES- 1208 and 1210 Vamliam Street. p U mon U > Ut utter , 1001 FARNHAM , cor. 10th. Grand Display -OF- SPRING CLOTHING ! ]