Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1881, Image 1

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    VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , TUESDAY MARCH" 8 , 1881. NO221. .
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
15th and Douglas Sts ,
Omaha , Neb.
Residence Lots ,
S100 to S2500
Houses and Lois ,
§ 275 to § 18,000 each.
§ 500 to § 10,000 each.
10 0 0 O " Aorc3 'n ' Douglas Oo.
7 4crea * n S P7 Co.
Large Amount of Suburban
Property in I , 10 , 20 or !
40-Acre Lots Within
* 1 to 5 Miles from
Post Office.
$250,000 TO LOAN ,
At 8 per Cent.
Published by this Agency ,
25 cents Each , Mounted $1.00
Houses , Stores , Hotels , Parms ,
Lots , Lands , Offices , Booms ,
jEtoto Bent or
Taxes paid , rents collected ,
deeds , mortgages , and all
"kinds of real estate
doouments mad e
out at , short
This' asjency do as strictly a
brokerage business. Does not
speculate , and therefore any
bargains on its books are in
sured-to its patrons , instead of
"being gobbled up by the agent.
Notary Public Always in
Call and get Circulars and ful
Particulars at
15th and Douglas Sts , ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
1518 Dodge Street.
Would say , we carry a gen
eral line of dry goods and
Notions. Shall secure all the
Novelties as they are placed
upon the market , and shall
keep our stock as full and re
plete as possible.
We carry a reliable line of
goods , 'and take pleasure
in selling you cheap , good
goods :
Our $1.00 Cashmere is un
questionably the best value
given in Omahato-day. .
Our Novelties , Brocades ,
Plaids and Dress Goods of all
kinds are excellent value.
Our Hamburgs are conced
ed by our patrons to be the
cheapest in town. This may
seem presumptous ; but we
take our customer's word for
it , and they ought to be able
to judge.
Our $1.00 Corset , the
Pliable Hip , is the strongest ,
best flitting , most durable
Corset made.
These are a few of the many
bargains we can give you.
We shall endeavor to be
progressive and enterprising ,
we have excellent light , and
insure vou courteous and
gentlemanly attention.
. Packages Delivered to all
parts of City. Call and see us.
1518 Dodge St.
L. B.
& SONS , .
Oor. Dode and 15th Streets ,
In this Department we
aie offering special Induce
ments to housekeepers.
All Linen Table Damask
70c 5-8 German
50c , worth ; -
man Napkins $125 per
dozen , worth $1.60. We
will offer the halance of
our $1.25NapMrjsatLOO ,
an All-Linen Damask
Napkin atlBl 50 , Bargain.
We will sell our best Tur
key Eed Damask at 50c.
Another lot of the Extra
Size Towels at 20c , worth
30c , Whe have four lots
of Damask Euck and Twil
led Towels at 16 l-2c eacb ,
Splendid Value. We will
sell a 34 Napkin for $2.48 ,
worth $3.40. Our $5.00
NapMn , slightly soiled ,
$4.00 , Our $4.00 Nap
kin , slightly solid , $3-00.
We offer the balance of
our fine sets at greatly re-
'duced.prices. '
Marseilles QiuTs tower ilian
ever Bam-dev Datuask in Bleach
ed at $100f$1.25 , $1.50 and
$175 , actually worth 50o more
per yard-
(1 ( Case Gocheco Tonlards at
121-20 , former price 16 2-3c. )
Embroideries I
Now open the latest novelties
in Edgings and Insertions , all
qualities and widths. " Our
prices on these goods chal
lenge competition.
"Cash House. "
Dodga and Fifteenth Streets.
Continues to
Eoar for Moores ( )
I have Adopted the Lion as & Trade
Mark , and all my Goods will be stamp
ed with the Lion and my Name DC
the tame. No Goods are genuine
without the abora stamps. The best
material ia ued and the moat skilled
workmen are employed , and at the
lowest cash prico. Anyone vrishinf
a price liit ot goods mil confer a favoi
sending for one.
Oapltol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
Gen , Grant Suddenly'Appears
in "Washington on a Mys
terious Mission.
The Supreme Cou rt Bar
Eulogize the Late Sena
tor Carpenter.
The New Heads of Depart
ments Installed Yesterday.
Special DispatcH to TtaJJeeJ .
The city ia gerieraljTtd ! of atran-
gora , wita tha-taaapllina of office-
seekers. These taku poaiesaion of
the sinite and hotel corridor's , and
their name Is legion. The president
and cabinet officers , particularly Mr.
Blame , are bessoged night and day.
The president went to ride frith his
wife in the evening to escape the an
noyance. He remained at the execu
tive mansion daring the evening , and
received but few callers.
Governor Hoyt , of Pennsylvania ,
made a farewell call last evening , and
left with his staff for homo later.
The Minnesota delrgitlon took a
train west , after serenading Mr. Win-
Senator Kirkwood visited the In
terior department in company with
ex Secretary Schnrz , yesterday af
ternoon. He takes formal possession
of the department to-day.
Mr. Schurz has been tendered a re
caption by friends in Baltimore , Fri
day night.
Washington assumes a normal con
dition again. All the iron arches are
unmastcd. Most of the stands are
down and decorations are fast disap
The temperance memorial portrait
Blrs. Hayes unveil id last night at
Lincoln hall , will he received from a
delegation of ladies by President Garfield -
field , to be hung in the executive man
sion to-day.
About thirty members of the bar of
the United States supreme court were
pjesent yesterday afternoon at the
meeting held to express regrets at the
death of Matt Carpenter. Among
tham wore Senators Conkling , Thur-
mm , Hawley , L * nm , DAVIC ! Dvis ,
Bayard and Banroa , Judge Bhck.
Representatives Ribinson , Tucker ,
Lapham and Mr. R. T. Morris. Sen
ator Thurmau presidedand pronounc
ed a fiuo eulrgr on the life and char
acter of tha deceased statesman and
jurist. A committee of nine repotted
a series of appropriate resolutions
eulogizing the high professional and
personal character of tl.o deceased , and
expressing a deep sense of the great-
uesB of the loss sustained , which were
adopted. Eulogistic speecheswera
made by Judges McArthur , Blac > , and ,
Messrs. Garland , Wilson and J. HT
Embery. v
It is rumored that John RuEsell
Young is to have the Mexican mission ,
it the request of Gen. Grant. The
lame rumor says the president decided
jome time ago to lot Grant name the
parson to fill this mlesion.
There was no special ceremony at
tending the Introduction of the mem
bers of the cabinet into th'eir new of
fices yesterday. The business of the
now administration starts at 9 a. m.
; o-day.
Mr. Edward McPherson says he Is
not a candidate for , and would not
ascept , the position of first assistant
postmaster general. Ho expects to
bo ma'o clerk of the house of repre-
lentativrs , when the republicans reor-
janizo that body.
Iowa is pressing Judge Oooley for
the supreme bench vacincy , aud II-
llnoia presses Judge Druinmond.
Thomw T. Sherman , of Maine , an
old tims tele.-nraphej , who has long
bden Senator BUiine s private secre
tary , will hold a con6dential position
in the slate department.
Ghss. Ewing , brother of Gen.
Thomas Ewing , is urged for governor
of New Mexico.
Secretary Ktrkwood will bring as
ell of clerk ot uhe interior department
his old law partner.
As previously stated , Minister Low
eUis to remain at the court of Si.
James The Russian mission will not
bo disturbed , : it least for the present.
Hon Lavi P. M rton is to hayo the
French mieaiun. Hon. Marshall
Jewell ia still unprovided for , but ex
pects to go to Europa aoon , if at his
own expense.
Secretary Elaine entertained a
party of fourteen personal friends at
ainner Sunday evening. The prty
was rnado up mostly of the Maine
delegation , naoug them Hon. Eu
gene Halo.
Upon opening , the supreme court of
the United States yesterday , ex-At-
toruey-General Dovens addressed the
court , and introduced Attorney-Gen ,
trsl McYeagh , for whom ho asked the
aj > me kindness that he had always en
joyed. Chief Justice Waite replied in
a fe-v brief remarks.
Gen. Grant arrived in this city last
ovenirg , and secured room * at Wil-
liard's. No one seems to have been
aware of his coming. Immediately
on ho arrival he dispatched-a messen
ger for Coakllng and Cameron , aud
was denoted with them for several
hours. The significance of hia unex
pected visit ia not apparent.
Special Dispatches to The Bee.
WASHINOTOK , March 7. Senator
Mahoco appeared this morning , and
was escorted by Senator Johnston.
He advanced to the vice-president's
chair and took a modified oath. Af
terward he took a seat in the rear row
of chairs on the republican side.
Without proceeding to the conside-
ratten of any business , at 12:15 : a mo
tion to adjourn till noon to-morrow
W4S carried.
A messenger from the president ar
rived on the floor of the senate imme
diately after adjournment.
Caucuses of both sides uf the sen&to
were held this morning , but no defi
nite plan of action was decided upon
beyond adjournment.
Speciil Dijp&tcbfa to The Bee.
DES MOIXES , la. , March 81 a. > m.
Guv. Gear arrived .lastf evening ,
having been snow-bound several dayg
ou the Northwestern. The selection
of Mr. Kirkwood for the cabinet ha
upsat all previous calculations. No
appointment of his successor in the
senate will be zaado for a couple of
days , as the governor has not received
notice that a vacancy oxists. There ia
much speculation as to who ho will
aopoint. Senator Har'an , John W.
Chapman , James Wilson , of T. ma
county , and Senator Heberd , of
Montgomery , are prominently me.n-
tioaed. It will probably be Harlan.
CHICAGO. March 8 la. m. The
Hon Robert T.
ne * mcretarv if war ,
Lincoln , nill leave for Washington
this morning , accomprnied by his wife.
Tneir three children will remain for.
the presant in Chicago.
MADISON , V is.vMarch 8 1 a. m.
la this repsfiljfcnii. senatorial caucus
tf : - ChSiioroii 3G-
19 , HazlMon 6.
Harlan Will Probably Succeed
Kirkwood in tae Senate ,
Rowell Leaves O'Leary Ffty
Miles During the First
The Chances for Cadet Whit
taker's Acquittal Growing -
ing Less.
NeX ? Cable Company.
2pecbl DIoDifth to The Bco.
NEW Y < iRK , March 7 10 p. in.
The president of the Mexican cable
compiny , i this city , received a cable
from Bjot } ; * > stating that the presi
dent ot ttKUnited States of Colum
bia executed a contract with the Con-
tr.iland Sooth Amti-icati cable company
north and gouth from the Isthmus of
Panama te'conncct with the United
States and Europe by way of Cen
tral Amerita sad Mexico.
- t-
Ttie Home Bun.
Special dlapatcli to The.Cee.
PITISBURO , Pa. , Febraary 7 10 p.
m The presidential pirty left
Alto-im at 0:10 : this morning , after
breakfasting at the Logan house.
Their car was attached to the regular
passenger train which was an unusual
ly long one. The morning was bright ,
and the trip around Horse-shoe curve
was greatly enjoyed. Daring the
morning the ex-president made in
quiries after John England , the engi
neer in charge of the presidential train
on the trip from Washington to Balti
more , and BO badly injured by the ac
cident through his devotion to duty.
Mr. Hayes took his name and address ,
aud expressed a determination to give
personal attention to hi * condition
and pioepccts. At Johnstown a man
clambered on board the car and en
tered , asking the privilege of shaking
hands with the president. "I wa
-with-voafgenoral , " ho said , , "ia the.
Lyuchbura raid , in 1864 , and I could
not lot the opportunity pass for ngain
seeing you and shaking your hand. "
The ex president took hU h .nd warm
ly , and spoke with crident feeling ct ,
the recollections which the mostirg
awakened. Quite a number of people
ple gathered hero to welcome "the
party , and wore kindly recognized by
the ex-president ,
Kought to the Deatn.
Special Dispauh to TUB BIB
ASHERVILLE , N. 0. , March 8 1 a.
m. A convict on the road near this
place knocked ono of the guards down
Sunday , and esciped , taking the
guard's gun. Ho was pursued to
Warm Springs , Tenn. , where he wag
stopped by the pursuers. The convict
fired at ono of them , the ball
cutting hfs watch chain iu two. HH
fired another shot , which pissed
through the arm of the overcoat of
the same person. Tney returned the
fire , killing him.
Burning of the Pennsylvania Insane
Special Dispatch to ihc lieu.
DANVILLE , Pa. , March 7 10 p. m.
The fire at the insane asylum Is uff-
dor control , although the Molten
steamer is still playing , and the fire is
confined to the bmhlicg , which is a
total wreck. After the inmates had
boon removed they were phced in
temporary quarters in outbuildings ,
aud tha male inmates were transferred
to the west wing , which eacapod with
alight damage. The female inmates
will be provided for at another Institu
tion. Arrangements have been made
to-dy by Superintendent Sohullz f r
the roraoyal of one hundred to the asy
lum at Warren , P . Jntjl the removal
they will be quartered iu the wash
house and bakery , where they are now
in charga of keepers. The first report
sent out that a number of inmates nad
perished , was oronoous. All the in
mates are nnpr accounted for. Their
removal from the burning building
was accomplished with great trouble.
When four hundred and fifty people ,
among whom were a large number of
uucontrolable maniacs , wera safely
removed , it seems almost miraculous ,
as tha building had many long dark
hallways throogh which the Inmates
were taken before reaching the open
air. The patients fought desperately
agjJnst removal from their w rdscon-
sldering it a great treat , and some of
the keepers were roughly handled.
The inmatca were finally removed by
main force. The fire originated In a
room in one cf the temale wards , and
was sjid to hava been caused by com
bustion from paint aud rags in an un
occupied room. The hospital was a
substantial stone structure , length ,
1106 feet ; cost of buildings destroyed
about 5600,000 ; Insurance , § 250,000 ;
distributed among a lare number of
companies. The fire was visited to
day by thousands of people.
Hough on the Colored Cadet.
Special Plsr > tch to The Bee.
NEW YOEK , March 8 1 a. m. The
Whittaker court-martial reassembled
yesterday morning. The judge-advo
cate offered in evidence two letters
from Whlttaker to hia mother , and a
requisition for postage stamps , but as
Governor Chamberlain objected until
ha could examine them , the court
took a recess. The letters wore pub
licly read , and the expert testimony
began. William B. Hagen testified
that tha handwriting had evidently
been disguised. Witness explained
the resemblances which he had dis
covered between the exhibits submit
ted to him , and the note of wirning ,
and said there was no doubt in his
mind that they were written by one
and the sirao person. In answer to a
question of the judge-advocate , wit
ness said that the person who wrote
the letters nho wrote tha note of
warning. The same resemblances
occurred in a letter written by Whltta
ker to his friends.
A DarJs Deed.
Sp = cM Dispatch to Tux EM
RICHMOND , Va. , March8 la. m.
An outrage of a terrible and name-
leas nature has recently bsen perpe
trated iu Bedford county , Va. , In .the
Geese Ureek noighbjroood. - The vic
tims were a colored man and woman
of a notoriously shameless character.
Their assassins were masked , and are
supposed to have been colored and
interested , since both of the victims
were married to other pirtiee.
Forced to Apologize
Special Dlgpaicn to The Bee
LANCASTER , Pa. , March > 8 1 a. m.
-Yesterday forenoon 0. 0. Lang , a
siudent.of the sisterechoo JS-Milkra-
ville , thfa' state , who hw epa the
cause'of a scandal1 whlci at Tma-lime
promised to break up the school , ap
peared before the school and apolo
gized for his conduct uadsr threat of
Mayor Kallocb Endeavors to Shield
a Perjurer.
BiMclal DlapatUi to Tan tsx .
SAN FEANCISCO , March 8 1 a. m.
Patrick Barry , one of Kalloch'a wit
nesses , testified that he had received
monaj from an attorney for tha pros
ecution , to testify that Kalloch fired
the first shot.He wai arrested yes
terday on the charge of parjury. As
he left the court room.rMayor Kalloch
accompanied him to the city prison ,
and requested the arresting ofiicer to
allow Barry to romala outside the
prison. Ho made the request as
mayor of the city , but was refused.
The Perambulators.
Special Dlauntch to I4lfje.
NEW YoRK aarch 8 1 a. m.
"Until six o'clock * " last evening the at
tendance at the garden wa ? rather
slim-butsby 8 p. m. fully 6000 per-i
sons.-woyepresent. Among the vlaltj )
orS'-Tva'a William H. Vanderbilt and ]
party. At.7:30 : Albert left the trackjj *
aufferlng-from a swollen ankle. Duc-
ing the evening-soverel spurts took'
place between O'-Leary and Vaughan ,
butno-twlthutanding O'Laary'a efforts ,
the Englishman continued to widen
the gap between them. Ilowell left
the track at 9:10 : , and on entering his
cabin nked his trainer if ho
could not take a walk on the av-
enui ) . He was finally prevailed upon
to lay down on hla cot. The score at
lip. m. stood : Rowoll 144 , Albert
129 , Vaughan 115 , O'Lsary 94 ,
Raising the Blockade.
Special dlspiwh to The Bee.
DUBUQOE , Ii. , March 8 1 a. m.
Suow train * were started west , south
and east yesterday morning , but noco
have arrived except on the short line
from Clinton. The road west is open
to Ced ir Falls , aud freight ia received
from those stations and points Inter
vening Treinc are expected through
from Chicago to-day over the Illinois
Central. The weather ia mild to
night , and snow is thawing. There
is no fears of drifting. f.No Chicago
or eastern mails iiave &ln received
Eenewed Shocks of Earthquake
Felt on the Island of Isohia ,
Two Hundred Lives Lost Off
the English. Coast in Sat
urday's Gale.
Special Dispatch to Tte Bee.
LONDOW , March 8 1 a. m. Addi
tional details of the destruction of the
town on the island of lachia have been
received. The shock took place Fri
day evening and lasted seven seconds.
In the village of Caraato , two girl ,
who were playiug on a door-stop , were
struck de&d by falling ruins. Several
houses were thrown down end many
ethers damaged and made uninhabita
ble. The killed number one hundred
and four , and many more were injured.
The total number of victims were
three hundred. The wounded were
convoyed in a steamer to a hospital at
Naples. The panla otricken inhabi
tants are camping in fields , afraid to
venture back. Many deeds of heroism
were perform by the military.
They plunged among faUln- > ruins and
rescued women with , babies. Har
rowing ocoucs were presented at the
chambers. Mothers , wives and chil
dren struggling to snatch the dead
from the boards on which the soldiers
wera carrying tham away. Soldiers
police and doctors were immediately
dispatched from Naples. At first It-
was supposed the disaster was con
nected with the partial eruption of
Vesuvius on the 3d instant , but Prof.
Palinyerio slated that hla sichmo-
grapnic instruments give no such in
dication. He is inclined to think it
was due to aotuo local phenomenon.
PARIS , March 8 1 a. m. It Is ru
mored that a duel has bean arranged
brttweon Mr. Anrellan Scholl , aud
Count Da Dion , who has just come
out ofyrlaon ,
PARIS , Mxrch 8 1 a. m. M. Gam-
betta had a long interview with Pres
ident Gravy yojterday. It was held
in private , bat the former states that
the object waa to Inform Gravy that
he ( Gambetts ) has no 4eaira _ to take a
position at the head of affairs.
Special Dispatch to Ths Bee.
LONDON , March 7 10 p. m. A
dispatch from Bombay says the court
martial has acquitted Major Ourrle of
the charge of misbehaving before the
enemy , after a trial of five days ,
Special Dlcpatch to Turn Bis.
LINERPOOL , Maich 8 1 a , m. The
steamer "Asturiano" brings the mas
ter aud eighteen men of the ship "Be-
vala , " from New York for London ,
abandoned at EOS. The men were
picked up off Leondago. Nine ves
sels were wrecked and one hundred
lives lost on the Aberdeenshire const
Saturday morning. One vessel wag
the ship "Ben Reddinjj , " frora Oalll-
va , and" all the crew , thirty In num
ber , perished within sight of land , the
rocket shots being unable to reach the
vessel. The scene after the vests )
struck was heartrending. Some of the
crew were seen clinging lo the rig-
gingf while others were hanging from
it dead. When the masts gave way
twelve men went down with tha main
mist , and four with the foremaa
Special Dispatches to Tni Bn
The Vatican Is promising a friend
ship between the Prussian govern
ment and church in Poland.
The plague has broken out In
Bagdad , aud numerous deaths have
Another shock of earthquake haa
occurred on the island of lechia.
Warrants of arrast were Issued last
night for nearly four hundred persons ,
moatnumeroui of which are in Kerry ,
Mayo and Galway , Ireland.
The Princess Frederica is accouched
of a daughter.
Further shipping disasters are re
ported off the north Eagliah coast ,
and It ia estimated that upwards of
200 lives hare been hat.
A dispatch Irom Ztnzibar states
that Captains Phippson and Wybrant
and Messrs. Carr and Meirs , of Wy-
brant'a African oxpedltien , are dead.
'A. Madrid' special says ; Uf Ouban and.
Portenco senators have decided to pe
tition the cabinet to favor an Ameri-
dan treaty of commerce , even if the
differential flag and import dntieSjhave
to bo abandoned. They think that
under the present system in five
years the United States will produce
enough sugar for its own consump
tion without need of Cuban exports. "
Swcl l Dispatch to tha Bee
LoNDON-March 7 , 4 p. m. A Dur
ban dispatch says that Gen. Eveyln
Wood , In command of the British
forces , on tne Trauavaal aud General
Joubert , the Boer commander , have
arranged for an armistica to permit
provisions for eight days to anter the
forts whose garrisons are now besieg
ed. It is understood that the willing
ness of tha Boers to grant'this conces
sion is founded upon the rumor that
the British government has conclud
ed to propose reasonable terms of
by special dispatch
; ihjtXJeneij&l | S'r Evelyn Wood was
ishotan'd instantly killed while attack-
dispatch from MarsaU aaya an
infuriated mob attacked and pillaged
the Evangelica church there and , the
minister barely escaped death.
Dispatches received at the War of
fice Deny the special news dispatched ,
to the effest that General Sir Evelyn
Wood has been shot by the Boers.
Special Dispatches to The Beei
Mrs Elisabeth Churchill , a widely
known advocate of female suffrage ,
died in Providence after a brief illness- ,
CHICAGO , Marsh 7. A German
printer named Charles F. Carserfrom
Leavenworth , Kansas , reports to the
police that about ir.idnlght In a dis
reputable locality in tnis city he was
knocked down and robbed of § 1,397.
WINONA , Minn. , March 7 There
is great rejoicing hero , at Senator
Windom's home , over his appoint-
jnent as secre.tas of the treasury.
Several congratulatory dispatches
were sent to bin : .
CINCINNATI , 0. , March7. Wilson's
building , at Sprirgfield , Ohio , was
destroyed by fire this forencon. The
losora are Chaa. Morgan , saloon ,
§ 40,000 , no insurance ; Seventh Reg
iment band , furniture and etc , § 1- ,
000 ; loss on building , § 7)000. )
NEW YORK , March 7. Captain
RobertLewia , United Statea navy ,
diedon board the "City of Rio Do
Janeiero , " February 23rd , while at
aea off the Isle cf St. Thomas.
Captain Lewis was commander of the
"Shenandoah. "
Newspaper Enterprise.
Chlcigo Tribune.
The publication of the details of
the battle at Spltzkqp between the
Boera and the English was one of the
meat marvelous feats of newspaper
and telegraph enterprise over known.
The London Standard sent Mr. Cam
eron , the hardy , resolute , fearless
African erplorer , with the British ad
vance to report ita operations. Ha
accompanied It in its difficult ma ch to
the summit of the fatal bight. When
the Boers made that gallant charge in
tha facu of the Eugliah bayonotsabout
which they brag eo much , and poured
over Into the basin , where they drove
the Englfah like eheo * * ic Cameron
was knocked down , run over , tram
pled upon , and lapturcd. He showed
his newspaper credentials and note
book , and , having established his pro
fessional identity , was requested to
act as a flig of ttuce bearer to enable
the English to take care of their
wounded. He reached the British
camp that night , and wrote his dis
patch of about 25CO words. That dis
patch was put upon the army field
wires and reached the coast. Hence
it traveled up the ea coast of Africa ,
over 3000 miles , and tapped the Eist
Indian wires at the Gu.f of Adeo ,
thence on ( he bottom of the Red San ,
another 2000 or 3000 miles , to the
Mediterranean , thence on tha bottom
Of the Mediterranean to Italy , thence
through Italy and over the Alps and
through France and across the British
channel to London. Not stopping
there , it goes to Yakutia , on the west
fioast of Ireland , and speedo across the
Atlantic to Newfoundland , thence to
Naw York , and from New York
across the continent to San Francisco ,
and on the following morning It la
printed in every daily newspaper in
the civilizad world , a thousand of
them in tnis country. la there any
thing more marvelous In the "Arabi
an Nights" than that one in Chicago
can alt down to breakfast aud read
the details of a battle that took olaca
the day before in the southernmost
pats of Africa , thirty degrees below
the equator , and almost at the antip
odes ?
Undoubtedly the best shirt In
United States Is manufactured at
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com-
Dined with their great Improvements ,
that Is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs snd Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durabla and best
fitting garment of ihe. kind , ever
manufactured at the yaoderate price of
$1.60. Every shirt of our make la
guaranteed first-cl s and will refqnl (
the money if fonnd otherwinot
We make a specialty cf" all wool ,
Shaker , apd Oauion flannel , also
che.mqb underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warrath and durabil
ity. To Invalids and voak-lnnged
persons we offijr fcptnlal inducements
In the manner those goods are made
for their protection. J
street ,
The White House Beseiged by
Office Hunters and Sbnt-
seers ,
The Old and the New Cabinet
Confer With the
Bloody Battle Among Young
Buckeyes at George
Preparations for Work.
Special dispatch to TUB Bia
WASHINGTON , March 7 4 p. m.
At ona o'clock the chief justice advo
cate and the justices of the supreme
court called upon President Garficld
to tender him congratulations upon
his accession as the chief magistrate of
the nation.
The White House is crowded this
forenoon , but Garfieid received only a
few before twelve o'clock. The crowd
however remained waiting to see him
and impatiently , often trying
to force their way up
stairs. All the members of the new
ctbinet except Lincoln have arrived ,
and with all of the old cabinet except
Sherman held a conference about the
business of the saveral departments.
President Garfiald signed and de
livered to the members of the new
cabinet present their commissions.
Chief Justice Carter , of the District of
Columbia administered the oath of
office to the members of the cabinet
GarGeld sent but one nomination
to the eenata today , ox cpcra'nry of
the navy , Goff , to ba United States
District Attorney ot West Virginia.
GpS vacated that position when ha
became secretary of the navy , and it
has sir ca been filled by a temporary
appointmsut imdo by Chief Justice
Stanley's Hope.
Special dispatch to Tim BEX.
CHICAGO , March 7 , 4 p. m -A.rnove-
rnent is on foot io secure the nomina
tion of Hon. Edward S. Isham , of
this city for a place ou the supreme
bench made vacant by the resignation
of Justice Stvjyne , and left vacant by
the non-confirmation of Stanby Mat
thews. Mr. laham h la nr fpartner of
Robert T. Lincoln.
A Bloody Eattl ? ,
Special Dispatch to 'Ibo Bee.
CINCINNATI , 0. , March 7 4 p. m.
At Georgetown , Ohio , Saturday
night , Ed. Young , son of W. W.
Young , a prominent lawyer , met some
comrades with whom ho hsd'qua-reled
about politics. Two young men
named Ashmore and C'iuton ' Camp
bell went into a grocery to find
Young. As they filed out he vas met
near the door , hot words passed ,
when Young drew a revolver
and began firing. Georga Ash-
more fell dead instantly , the
ball penetrating his broaat. Camp
bell received the second shot in the
left aide , inflicting a wound from
wbich it ia hardly possible he may re
cover. Tho.third and last shot fired ,
entered the face of Ashmore , pene
trating il la believed the bones of the
face and causing a probably fatal
wound. Young was arrested Sunday
and is in fail.
The Mystery Solved.
Spidal DbpaUh to The Bee
CHICAGO , March 7 4 p. m. The
police of Chicago have at last unrav
eled the mystery enveloping the theft
of a trunk containing 810,000 worthof |
jawelry ? samples belonging to nn oa > t-
era agent named J. Morrow , from the
door of the Clinton House , last Nov.
It was taken by Nick and Mike Bauer ,
Matt Asch and Schweder , who carried
It to a saloon on Clark street. They
were greatly surprised on breaking it
open and discovering the crntents ,
which were sold to Pawnbroker Isaacs
for $300 in cash. The trnnk was
sunk in the river. Detectives
Aldrich and Walter McDonald , was
arreated while returning the stolen
goods , but afterwards released on
habeas corpus. Isaacs and all four of
the robbers are under arrest. They
have been engaged in several more re
cent jobs which led to this dU rr.
NEW YORK , March 7.-Several Hun
garian Counts , Grandrasy J. and G.
Szeectay , E. Hoyes , Baron George
Duros and Dr. Rudolph and Meyer
arrived in thi * city on Saturday even
ing. They are seokiog information iu
regard to agriculture and cattle rais
ing and looking also after the inter-
eats of emigrants from Hungary.
" ' "
By "Alznont , " te br Alexander's "AtdaHah , "
Eire ol "Or.Idsmlth Maid ; " First dam "On
Time" by ' War Dance , " g'm of the 'enowned
"Leiiiifrton ; " 3 cond , " 2ila Bro-kenridie" ; by
"Colloestu , " son of imported "AmreUn. "
"Almonl's" flrat dim by "Ha brlno Chief"
and hUsire by KjsJick's "Hamblctoa'an. "
This fcnmksble horse will bo fire y ars old
in May , be will serve only 35 mirca ( halt of
which DUliber U now engaged ) at $2600 per
mare , parable at time of service.
Sraaon commence * April lit and will end
Sept. 1st. After that t me hU etrvice will be
nut at $35 00. Ally mare that hi 8 trotted in
250 served FRSS.
ED. ' EED , Proprietor.
Stable Corner llth and Howard
' Streets.
0. T. SV10UNT ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Agents for JAMES R. HILL
& CO. , Celebrated
S3TTbe Beat in Tha We * *
1412 Fan * '
ftL.-Z'S :
I0th St. , bet. Jackson & Jones.
Now known as the eheapestplace in the city for
Everything sold for cash only , at
The following are only a fciv of the bargains not to
be had elsewhere.
Turkish Eed Damask at 50c , worth 65c ,
11 " " " "
60c , 75c.
Half Bleached Linen Damask 50c , worth 65c.
11 " " "
65c. " 80c.
5-8 Linen Napkins $100 , worth $125.
I ! 125 , " 200.
175 | " 250.
Linen Euck Towels ( extra- size ) 25c worth 371-2 >
Double Danusk Towels 35c , worth 50c.
Crash Towelins 5c worth 8 1-3.
"We have in Stock all sizea from 18 to 32 inch nc the following
price-50 , 75 , $1.00.
Ladies'Balbrigan Hoae , silk clocked 25c , worth 371-2
" lOc , worth 15c.
" " . "
15c. 20c.
Men's Brown Mixed'Half Hose 12 l-2c , worth 20c.
P. G. IMLAH - - - . Manager.
"Wholesale and Ketall Mamij
JncturhiS . jr
b 3U . bl < u * J Hr9M9 ! * "
si.v 5J 3 @a fef hk
If L L E n Qy
Gold and Silver Watches
and Jewelry in the
Come and See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods.
. Opposite Po offic .
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
tho-Beat Assortment oE
in the West.
At Chicago Prices.
1209 & 1211
Harney Street , Omaha.
Summer Bologti ( Oervela * nj&
. promptly
a Soecialtly. Orders
- " de-3-1
, m ,
At Wholesale !
Neckwear. . ,
The Latest Styles ! . , - * . o - *
.TJx geet Variety ! Verw | % V S O * .
BforCeUoloidOoBara dC l lfl P
" .ar Umbrellas - - - - . - * * o * > IjtZtllt
' - ? " . . . ft > t
SHREVE , . - . -L * " ? o * * "
jvtt S12 z&Lz2 :
THE . o 53,5"
l to. S ZJ3 oo ?
2 3