Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Bee. i
Monday Morning. March ? .
Board oi trade tUU evenicg.
Humi-ty Dumpty to-night.
The board of education meets to
night.A third fctory is being added to
Creighton halL
W. C. T. TT. meeting at tbe Omaha
city mkrion to-morrow night.
The cost sociable given b > the ladies
of the Congregational society will be held
Thursday evening , Starch 30 , at the Con-
t'reg tnraal church.
Mr. Thomas Callan has purchased
George Canfield'a interest in the Grand
Central bit'iard liall , and will make it
boom in spite of the high license bill. '
Bishop CInrkaon will officiate in Seward -
ard on Moaday evening , March 7 ; in
York on Tuesday evening , Starch 8 , and
in Aurora OH Wednesday evening , March
The receipts at the transfer from the
sale of passenger tickets during Febinary
by tbe Union Pacific company , were S30-
ODO. The receipts for January were 40-
Paterson sells coal.
See Polsck's advertisement.
Oranges audl/saion" , 25c per dozen ,
atBnffetV. 3-3t
Iel J ml\ At twts' Materials , motf
, McMillan [ & Co. , the jewel-
cis , OreightonIJIoek. * o20-tf
Key Weetand domcsticcigars , Saxe's.
Pull line cf artists' materials , at Chic -
c ago prices. Kulm'e drag store. ml-lm
Imported cigars , at Saxe'e , druggist.
County court convenes Monday , Judge
II ward B. Sn.ith iresid'ng.
The March lambwrs devoured by the
lion at a very tender age.
\ osta Chapter , No. C , Ordei of the
Eastern Star , meets to-night.
The' e was no busmets of importance
in the police court this morning.
The North Star will give a masquer
ade at Mete's hall March 19th.
The railroads -will now clear up pre
paratory to another big blockade.
Lot. , Farms , Honse * ind Lands. Look
over Bemis' new column ot bargains on Is1
There If conoiderable dissatisfaction
withtbeproicsed new boundary Ihies of
the wards of the city.
Young men and strangers are cordially
invited to attend the song service at the
Y. M. C. A. rooms this evening. Lovers
of music thonld come in.
Uncle Sara h s extended an absolute
prohibition law over all military posts in
his domain. The order has us been re
ceived at Port Om la. :
Forl.and , Lots , Houses and Farms
ooi over Berais' new column on first page
It is slid that there is a great demand
for brick among the builders in the city.
The WitlmouV 'have cintracts which will
consume two mi'lion and a half , andlttner
three millions. The building boom will ba
somewhat retarded , until the makers can
supply the demand. Brick is worlh § 10
per tliou vod in the kiln , at present.
A public spirited man living at Grafton -
ton , Fillmore county , offers one dollar Sl ( ]
to every male child born in that county
between this date and the 15th of Decem
ber of the prc'ent year. That man knows
how to sirikea tender chord to induce im
L The City Misfion Sabbath school
meets every Sabbath a'.temoon nt their
building , " i-orner of Tentli street and Capitol
tel avenue , at 2:30 o'clock. The school is
noa-mctarian , and has classes for grown
people s well as children. All will be
welcome. Children sent there will find it
a home.
The retiring boar3 , in session for two
weeks past at Fort Om iha , have had the
case of Capt. Weston and Surgeon Le-
Compte , of Camp Douglas , Utah , under
consideration. These officers had a duel
about a year ajo , since wh. th time Cnpt.
Weston has been incapacitated for du y ,
and the board is considering the question
of rearing him wholly or placing him on
the retired list. As usual , a woman was
at UK ; bottom if the tronblc.
Ivomember the "Temperance Bee-
Ilive'1 every Friday evening. It is a good
place to go to spend a pleasant evening
and Ret gotd entertainment. They had a
full bou-e last night , and cold wcn't keep
people away. Mrs. Skinner is always
preteot lo entertain you. Everybody la
wolcomsd. Tuesday afternoon meetings
far ladies , at 3 o'clock. We ought to have
a full attendance next week , as it is the
first of the mouth , and particular business
lm to be rattled.
Occidental Hotel ,
corner of Tenth and Howard streets ,
J. J. Payutor , propriator. This ho
tel hat been repaired ani furnished
with now furniture throughout , and
r.ffords Brat-class accommodation to
the traveling public. Charges reaoon-
Bishop Clnrfcson's Lecture.
The BUbop of Nebraska delivers a
lectnro ut Masonic hall on Sunday
( to-morrow ) ovoaiag at 7:30 o'clock
on "The ReUgiau qf the Great Pyra
mid" Hie tir t of the lecture course.
Uwtros of keeping Lsnt ,
or like ink- will flud it to their in-
tenwt to eiH et J. I. Nichols1 , corner
15 ih atti Djdga. Ho keeps a variety
of H kinds < f "Fresh and Salt Fish , "
and is sailing oy t rs at.
Stwdards , 30c.
5 : .
Larjo OaTomos , framed , Goc ,
Lirge Pointings , $4 to 57.50.
Two dollar frames for ? 1.
Mouldings , made up , naif price.
Motto frames at los.
8x10 frame * , from lOc np.
Gome ! come ! ! atid be convinced.
A. HOSTS , JR. , 1519 Dodqe street ,
next door to Harris & Fisher's.
A. New Jfiaterprise.
The puttie who have heretofore ftlt
the iiaed vt a tints labla when travel
ing OB ih B & M. real , will be
ple&jfld tj learn tk&ta neat , attractive
and cotnpreheBBlve folder is eoon to
be USUN ! monthly in pamphlet form
and oh issus corrected under the
dineciiau F the geuerdl pisseager do-
pirtomat. A limitou number ol
strictly fir j claft uurortisemcnia of
btt mst4 h me will ba inserted. ? Ir.
W 0 Keiu-on will nisko a canvrr < ; of
1 1 t.tera w n few < 1ayo and utford our
ierahmsa ad bmmeca men nn op- ,
pjrtuu.iy t j canu-acl for suca fpace < * s
ii ey dtaire. '
Visible Through Snow and Ice.
Raising the Blockade.
The raising of the encw blockade
which hs left Omaha without com
munication with the east , except by
the old reliable Wabash line , for the
past week was raised yesterday.
Saturday night two traits came In
over the Rock leland fromDes Moines
and two through trains arrived ever
the C. , B. & Q. Yesterday three
trains came in over the Rock Island
and one over the C. , B. & Q. , the lat
ter btsing two hours lato. A train
was expected over the Northwestern
last night. The Rock Island train
brought in three cars of mail matter.
The west bound train on the U P.
left about 1:30 p. m. with eleven cars ,
an unusuftlly large train for this sea
son of tbe year.
The present blockade is certainly
proving the most distrous yet "exper
ienced by western railroads , and it is
stated that in most places the snow is
packed dev < a very t'ghily &nd will
havo'to bo shoveled out by hand when
an attempt to open I ho track Is
made , and when trains will be run
ning Egaia with the religious regular-
ityk maintained by them in summer ,
is a question not easily answered , and
not even attempted by railroad men.
The board of trade is interested in
a proposed railroad from Omaha to
Nebraska City.
The passengers on tram No. 2 from
Lincoln to Omaha , March 4th , passed
complimentary resolutions to Conduc
tor Earll , for his skill snd patience ,
while the train was snow bound.
Passenger to ticket agent "Any
trains out this evening ! " Ticket
agent "No , sir ; uot tHa evening. "
Passenger "What , none at all th'a
? " Aeut "None this
evening ? even-
Ing. " Passenger "Good evening. "
Board of Trade.
The regular monthly meeting of the
board will bo held this evening , March
7th , at 8 o'clock. The business to
come before the board is such as tends
to strengthen and build up the com
merce , ihs industries and general wel
fare of the city .tnd state. The won
derful progress of Omaha should unite
tbe energies snd stimulate public-
spirited citizens to broader and moro
comprehensive views nnd plans for the
now Omaha , which n rapidly growing
this year. The board of trade invites
all citizens to hid the general prosper
ity of the community by suggestions ,
information cud plaus , which may
have a tendency to extend the useful
ness of the organization. Applications
for membership can be made to the
W. C. B. ALLOT , Secy.
New Style
Button Shoes ,
Side Laca Shoes ,
Front Laca Shoes ,
Large Stock of Rubbers
and Rubber Boots ,
and Arties ,
Leading Shoo Store.
Contributions to the Poor.
The Ldioa' Relief society would
acknowledge the following donations :
Mrs.S. . H. H. Cb-k , § 10 ; Bishop
Olaikisn , § 5 ; Mrc. IGtnball , cloth
ing ; 5Ii3. Blair , clothing ; Lira.
France , 25 loaves of bro-d ; Mrs. Wil-
liard , inilk : 7ur. Grey , coal order
book. Mns. WM. WALLACE , Sec.
WASTED Advance agent for Celeste
CoscEnis , "Phenemcnal Ariisto"
( Pianisto et Orgauiste ) . Sec Manager ,
Revere House , Council Bluffs. Share
torms. It
Marriage Permits. ,
The following wedding permits were
issued by the county judge last week :
Owen McCaffrey and Miss Shcresa Ken
Henry Eicke and Miss Mary SJevcrs.
hatnuel Beery and iliis Hattie Dood.
Benj. P. Selbitf rn i Miss Jennie Bur
Chiistian Hanfen and MsEila Hagg.
Joseph Jel'ck ' nnd ML * Mary Hajck.
J. J. Bsr.iuck nud Miss JosepbirjeKla-
Joeuli Hose and Mis ? Bstlnra Oswald.
J. N. Isberg and Mies Emily Andere6n.
John 1P. . Pjirron and Miss Ebthcr
Robic on.
Uisrrtct Court.
The following proceedings were
had in the district court Friday ,
the Hon. James W. Sivago presiding :
Jjowo et al. vs. Lowe ; order correct
ing decree.
Spetraan va. Connell ; decree.
Jataeeou va. Little ; decree.
Hughes vs. Estabrook ot al. ; de
murrer suelaiued.
Rons vs. Wright etal. ; demurrer
Rithntein & Sons vs. DcGroat &
Co. ; j udgmcjit for plaintiff f rf G34.G5.
Armbrus'er & Co. vs. De Great &
Co. ; judgment for pla'nliff for § 105.10.
McCarthy ve. Cowin ; leave to an
swer ia thirty djye.
Air va. Rutherford ; g-irnishee dis
Brggnn vs Borggun ; dismissed.
Stubbcndi-rff vs. Carey ; sale con
firmed and deed ordered.
McCormick ve. McCormiok ot al. ;
reference to Homer Stull , E5q.
Baldwin va. Jensen ; judgment on
KOOS vs. Murray et aL ; motion over
Brighton National Bank vs. Pad
dock ; learo to answer ia ten dayc.
State va. Phillips et rJ. ; motion for
new trial overrultd.
Be-ui ve. Crawford etal ; firal order
of confirmation.
Sampson vs. Hcrnbergor ; judgment.
Hendrix VB. Root et al , decree.
ReJickvfl. Melbouse ; confirmation.
Court .idjouraed until this mornIng -
Ing at 9:30 o'clock.
Death Record.
Louis Ches. Droste , aged about 33
yearr , died at his residence , on 25th
and Cuming streets , at 7 a. m. , Satur
day , of quick consumption.
The deceased has for years "boon
employed ns a mechanic In the Un
ion Pacific shops , and wsa universally
respected as JN msn always sober ,
staady and industrious. He won , by
Im excellent ch&Kcttr , a host of
frieuds smotg his co-laborere , as well
as among citizens with whom he was
brought in cont&ct. Ho has baen sick
a * interval for 6iz montha psst , but
for the last three raor.ths ho has been
> aling very rapidly. H s had purchased I
a Jiome on Cnming etroet ? end in his i
anxiety to get "it In good
hape for his family before
lea th called their natural protector
rom them , ho probably over-worked
iimself and hastened the crisis of his
disease , which was fatal almoit at the
moment of his success.
Mr. Droste wa s member of Omaha
Lodge No. 2 , L 0. O. F. ,
and also of the Odd Fel
lows' Protective association. From
the latter ho will derive a benefit ol
about 5GOO for his family , which will
clear his ejtate of all encumbrance
and leave his family , consisting of a
wife and five children in good shape
A Colored Interpreter of the
Feline Language.
"Say Boss , are yon a feller as puts
things in the nowspapar ? " asked an
over-grown darkey at the depot yes
terday , of a BEE reporter awaiting the
arrival of the eastern ttain.
"Yes , " replied the uowspiper man , '
I do something of the kind once In a
while , do you know arythlng ? "
"Yes , Iiow muA will you glvo for a
good piece of newtl' *
"Oh that depends , " s-ud the re
porter , " I wouldn't give much for an
ordinary dog fight , nor a common
every day runaway , nor a saloon fight
but if you can divulge anything in the
way of asensation , , an elopement or
suicide , jon will earn enough chewing
tobacco to last yon a month , confer a
lasting favor on mo and relieve a loni
snffe'ring public. " -
"Now white man , " said the darkey
"you am tonchen a pint as am no
ways familiar to me , pid snmfin .
don't know nuffcn about , fo'de Lawd
but whst I do know m mighty extraordinary
traordinary seldom , I cm toll you
and no foolin' . "
" 'Bout catasaeakin' , talklr. ' as me
nnd you ia. "
"What do they say ? "
"Why they jlst go on an' tell o
their trouble and satisfactions ; 'bou
sparkin' , an" m.oonight ! picknickeo
and ktllen young chickens , an * crawl
en on houses , an' "
"But hold on , Andrew Johnston ,
what do they say ] "
"Why ain't I a tellin * you as fast as
ever the Lawd'll let me1' ?
Yes , bet if you want this put in. the
paper yon -n ill have to tell it wcrd for
word , " eaid the reporter , producing
book and pencil. .
"Well , I was settin' out on de poacl
one cbnon , kind o' restin' and listen'n crickets and de bull frogs , ant
watchin1 de moon as it wn whizzen
frough de clouds , and was thinkin' o
going to bed , as it WF ? gottin' Hto
when all of a sudden two Tom cat
tumbled over de fence and commencec
sknlkin * round da back yard. Findin
they couldn'C get into no meanness n
way , they squatted dowa and com
mencsd relatin' their speriences
One was a Dutch cat an * t'other was
Irish , full blood. "
"How in the world did you fim
that out ] " Inquired the man of th
Fiber. "You musthave * been dream
ing. "
"White man , don't'fool yourself on
dat , dis coon has read a mighty heap
ono ob dem cats , de Dutchman , want-
ted to raise an Atoiy au _ ' go an' clein
out co Jchn Balls in short order. He
said dat de Boers had been 'buacl
long enough and dat suthcn mast be
done , and the Irish cat jes * held out
his band to do Dutch rit and said ,
'Shake , pard , I'm wid ye dar , lets
jino Paruell and make a clean weeo
of 'em. ' But dat are attempt at hand-
shaken caused a mighty big rumpus ,
I kin tell you. "
"How ? "
"Why , do Dutch cit , which had
been specious , sorter , all along ,
thought the Irish cat was aimln * a lick
at him , and jumped back in a second
and says , 'Now eeo heab , pard , don't
come none of your Irish tricks on dis
chile ; I's been roun' heah tco long.
I hain't ; 'scaped all de boot jacks in
Omaha , an' shot gnus , an" dogs , an *
mop-sticks , an" old women , and fell
down chimneys an' durnod nigh got
roaatod , to come here and bo 'posed
on by you , you low-brod , dirty , stink-
Jn' egg-suckeu son of an cr aa grind
er. Got yourself in fightm" conditicn ,
I'm coin' to tack'l you right away. ' "
Then you'd ought to seen that Irish
cat ; ho raised the hair en his back ,
cpit on his hands and slapped his
sides with his tail , faUer'n ten men
conld count , and said , "Now , you
onery cuss , you'd bettor make ar
rangements for quiltin * this mortal
clay and meotin' the ruler of the uni-
vara , and 'pint somebody to write
your funeral poetry , for there won't
ba enough left of you to make a spot
of grease after I'm through with you ;
I'm goin" to lick yon , you infernal
two faced , caterwaulon , uneducated ,
backolidiii' hypocrite taka that ! "
And ( hen he made a jump at the
Dutch cat , his oyca fliahen flames of
fire as long as your arm. But the
Dutch cat wasu't aleopeu , for ho made
a jump into the air and cjmo down
right sqnare oa top of the Irish cat's
back , makou the fur fly , and then
they rolled over nnd the Irish cat got
on top , and then they pot so mixed
with ono another that they looked
like they was alHn ono and I couldent
tell nothon about it Then they quit
talken in English and took to swoaren
in gennino cat Latin. I guess they
can express their feelens better in tha"
language than in any other. They
used the same words ( hat they do
when two of 'em are tied by the tail
and hung on a close lino.
"How did it end ? " asked the re
"Well , " replied the darkoy , picking
up the stub of a cigar , "they kept
geten wns and wus 'till I couldn't
stand it any longer , so I reached for
a crooked stick ot steve wood end fell
out of the clnir and when I got up
and looked around the dnrncd cats
had jumped the fence and skipped ;
got any loose chasge about you j"
The reporter cave him a bogus qnar-
errtnd the darkey mingled with tha
throng and WAS lost sight of.
Mr. Geonje Walther , who has
gained the full confidence of quite a
number of our prominent cilizan.s of
being the best tuner in the city , re
ceives orders at his place , 317 17th
street. 5-2t
Miss Stella Neill having decided t ?
make Omaha her home , i ? now pre
pared to receive pupih in voice cul
ture and sight reading. . Applications
may ba made in person at her resi- j
deuce , No. 2009 California street auy j
afternoon , or by letter , care of. Post i
Offica box 024 '
Which Leave Us Hanging on
the Ragged Edge of
rrorn Saturday Evening's Bss.1
The beginning of Lent , on Wednes
day last , has greatly diminished the
number of masquerade and private
parties to be reported -this week.
From the social events of the past
even days we glean the following :
Oar young friend , Will H. Frost ,
formerly of Omaha , now of Logan ,
Utah , was married at Laramie the
10th of February , at 4 o'clock , at the
brides residence , to Miss Carrie ,
daughter of Luther .Fillmore. A
quiet wedding no cards. Shortly
after the ceremony the haopy pair
took their departure for Utah where
Mr. Frost's railroad duties required
his presence.
Mr. C. H. Sperry , formerly of
Omaha , wsa united in marriage to
Mrs. Georgio Laura Sperry , January
1st. Rev. Joseph Cook officiating.
The interesting event took place at
the Yankton agency , Dakota Terri
The lecture of Capt. Geo. W. Bell
at the Y. M. 0. A. rooms , Thursday
ovenirg , on "Mistakes of L'.fo ' , " was
apiece , of literary excellence and
evinced a thorough research of histo
ry. Ho ia n very pleasant speaker and
does not fail to win admirars.
The fourth lecture of. the Unity
Lyceum course took place last even
ing , and was delivered by the Rav.
W. E Copeland on the subject , "Tho
Loom of Lifo. " A fair audience was
in attendance. Prof. Church , of Lin
coln , delivers the nort lecture on
'Sunday ; Its Use and Abuee , " in two
There was a very la ge attendance
at the Presbyterian sociable Thursday
evening , and a very enjoyable time
was had by all present. The Omaha
Glee club gave several of their best
songs , which wore enthusiastically on
cored. The programme of exercises
was as follows :
1 "Tho March , " by the Glee club
and "Tho "Vintage Song" ca an on
2. Recitation , by Helen Gibaon.
3. Quartette , "The Knight's Fare
well , " by F. S. Smith , A. D. Morris
J. Wesley Wllkina and Ravel France
4. Recitation , "My Dolly Is Dead , '
by LUlie Brunei.
5. "Comradfs in Arms , " by the
Glee club , who gave as an encore
"The Flag. "
The annual ball of the Omah < i
Mrcnnorchor took place Tuesday
evening , and proved a maguificeu
success. Both Motz's and Turnei
hallrj wore engaged for the occasion
and Hoffman's orchestra fnrnishec
the music in ono hall and Stein
hausor's orchestra in the other
There was a very large crowd in at
tendance ; and a great variety of cos
tnmcs displayed , among the number
being many elegant ones. Some o :
the special features * hat were fntro
duccd were very amusing , and createc
a great deal of merriment. Unmask
ing took place about midnight , anc
after a short cessation the dancing
was resumed and kept op all night
The Standard club party Wednes
day night was a great success , despite
the storm.
Durant Engine company gives a
banquet and ball the latter part of
this month.
No. 1 Engine company has a bail
on the 25th.
The Hooks announce a masquerade
ball on the 22i icst.
The "Pleasant Hours" club gave
the last party of their winter scries at
Masonic hall Tuesday evening.
A pleasant surprise partyof eighteen
3ouples , was given Mr. and Mm. Ed
Haney Tuesday evening. The "eheet
and pillow case" coatnme waa adopted
with merry effects. Hetzal & Irvine
Furnished the music
A vocal club , comprising twelve
prominent singers of Omaha , wai or-
auized at Hon. George W. Doane's
residence Thursday evening. Anoth
er meeting ccsars next Thursday , at
which officers will be elected.
The Gilmore & Miacco Humpty
Dumpty troupe will hold high
carnival at the Academy to-night and
Monday evening.
Judge W. F. Bick will on Tuesday
evening begin a series of elegantfart
entertainments at the Academy , which
will no doubt draw large house ; .
Theatra goers are anticipating a
; reat deal of pleasure in seeing Tom
ieene , the tragedian , at the Academy
on March loth.
Maggie Mitchell will bo hero on the
The Harry Larkon company Is
booked for the 23rJ.
The Minnie Palmer troupe is com-
ng on the 25tb.
' 'Rooms for Rent , " will be the at-
attraction on ( ha 2Gth.
The German theatre at Turner hall
s well patronized over ? Thursday
Helen Mar White , the Slukcspear-
an reader , will give an entertainment
icro at an early date.
The Oimhi amateur dramatic club
are makine ; preparations to produce
'Colleen Bawn" and "Peep O'-Day. "
. Following is a list of gifts received
> y Mr. and Mrs. Owen McCaffrey , at
heir marriage last * Tuesday.
A handsome set of diamond ear
rings , from the croom ; an elegant par-
or suite , of silk and plush , Mr. ard
rlra. Hugh McCaffrey ; "Radiant
lome" heath g siovc-wt.hoven , John
and Jcsaph McCaffrey ; a beautiful
Bible , Mrs. Kennedy , of Brooklyn ,
mother of the bride ; handsome glass
case clock , Mr. and Mra. M. W.
Kennedy ; oil painting , Mrs. Sullivan ;
oil painting , JifissElla Kennedy ; gold
band China dinner set , Mrs , Guilfoile ,
of Brooklyn , sister of the bride ; set
of jewelry , Cecelia Kennedy ,
of Brooklyn , sitter cf the
> rlde ; gold-lined silver tea set , Mr.
and Mrs. P. E Her ; silver water ser
"ice , Mr. and Mrs. Bethgo and Frank
urkley ; students' lamp , Mr. and
Mrs. Barkley snd Mra. Lsary ; blue
sand china tea set , Mr. and Mrs.
Fobn A. McShane ; chamber eet , Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Swift and daughter ;
silver castor , Mr. and Mrs. Bushman
and Henry Bushman ; handsome hat ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hickman ; tete-a-tete
cet , Mr. and Mrs. Barmeister ; dam
ask napkina and tablecloths , Mrs.
Flkhnandson ; bouquet , Anna Hahn ;
damask napkins , Mis. Denzar ; indi-
v dual cistrr , Mr. aud Mrs. F. A.
Nnah ; card receiver , Mrs S. P.
Morse ; silver n-xpkin ringa , Mr. and
Jits. M A. McNamara ; icr-
lowl , Mrs. Ed. 0. McShane ;
jewel case , Will P. and Roao Henne-
* y ; tet silver knives , Mr. and Mr ? .
Andrew Murphy ; nlcklo castor , Mrs.
F. A. Creighton ; card receiver , Mrs.
? red Dclone ; silver cream and sugar
jowls with call bell attached , Mr.
Matt Claire ; carl receiver , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Baumer ; set silver knives and
spoons , Mies Stacia Crowley ; silver
irult knives , Mr. and Mrs. J. G , Lee :
boquet holder , Miss LiV-lo Murphy ;
napkin rings , Rose and Sarah Smith ;
set boquet holders with bcquots , Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Her ; boquet holder
and card receiver , Mrs. John E. Da
vis ; berry dish and boquet holder ,
James Connolly ; pickle castor , Maggie -
gio and Lizzie Fgan ; pair boquet
holders , Mr. and Mrs. Little ; vases ,
Jennie Delone ; card receiver , Maggie
and Carrie Lange ; silver spoonholder ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis ; pair Japanese
brackets , Mr. and Mr ? . Moalio ; caka
basket , Chas. Hanley ; opera fan , Mr.
'Suseabach ; butter knife , ajigar spoon
and pickle fork , Sadie Riley ; card re
ceiver , Miss Brennan and Miss O'Con
nor ; silver syrup cupMr. . and Mrs.
Will Gentleman ; oil painting , J. I.
Nichol ; toilet sat , Mary E. Smith ;
basket of flowers , Mrs. Wocdard ;
plckel castor , a friend ; napkin rings ,
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Hosgland ; bronze
match-holder , Mary Rich , Grace Talbot -
bet , and Maggie Wright ; pair table
picture frames , Sallie Goetsehlus ;
tidy , Nellie Goetschius ; carving
knife , fork and steel , Mr. > and
Mrs. 0. V. Gallagher ; two boquota ,
Maggie and Britta McDonald ; fruit
knives , Mary McNamara ; bcquet
holder , Mr. and Mra. Julius Her ;
bcquet , JMiss Carrlo Wilson ; granite
Iron teapot , Mr. and Mra. Walter
Reed ; silk scarf , Miss Llbbia Mc
Cartney , of Cheyenne ; toilet bottles ,
Margaret Barbeau ; elegant shawl ,
Chas. McDonald ; Shakeepsare's works ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roche ; Burns' arid
Byron's poems , J. L. Hacketr. of
Louisville , Ky. ; fool restNateCreary ;
sot toilet matts , MissL Braesbcquot ; ,
Mra. McCartney ; Mis. Mc
Best Minnesota Patent Flour per
hundred pounds , $4.25.
Sweet Spring Wheat Flour per
hundred pounds , $2.00.
Quick sales and smell profits onr
motto. WELSIIAJCS' & BRO. ,
al-to-sst .City Mills , 8th & Farn.
Dr. Scherotr has returned home.
Office , 1412 Farnham street. m4 2
General Manager Touzalin , of the B. S.
M. , ia expected home to-day.
D. E. Cornell , general agent of the U.
P. at Kansas City , is in town.
Gen. Charles W. Mead went east Sat
urday evening.
Hon. J. II. McShane returne 1 from the
west Saturday nijht.
Charles Shivmck has gone e st on bus
Jud < e Wolworth has returned from
P. J. Nicholi went west yesterday.
S. S. Stevens , of the Eock Island , re
turned from the wrst lait night.
Thomas D. McKay , general western
agent of the C. , B. & Q. at San Franciscoi
passed east last ciht.
Col. Grannis wa3 aa east-bound passen
ger last night.
F. A. McShane left for Pittsburg , Pa. ,
last night.
George Seybolt went east last night.
Hon. Thomas L. Kimbali wentsoath
last evening.
Mr. M. M. Marshall returned frcm the
west last night.
Hon. Low May , of the state board of
fisli commissioners , is in the city.
Mr. Ed. Sienun , formerly with Fred.
Met : of this city , left last evening for D.i-
kota. He is now representing Charles
Rebstock & Co. of St. Loni ? , and haf been
in the city for-the psst week on budnxs.
Hon. John Wallichs , state treasurer ,
passed through the city Saturday night en
route to Grand Island.
C. C. Housel ha ? gone east.
Miss Lucia A. Rogers has returned from
Edwin Loveland , of Rapid City , D. T. ,
is the city.
Mr. James T. Claik , general agent of
the Northwestern , has been confined to his
residence for several days with a heavy
Mr. and lira..David Anderson , of Co-
umbus , with their daughter Mrs. Spell-
man , are in tbe city.
W. J. Davenport , general western agent
of the Burlington reid , was taken sick
Thursday with an attack of something like
) ceumonia. _ j '
A Serious Injury- ]
Wo regret to learn that the injuries
roceivedjby MissBlanchi Hilton , the
adopted daughter of Mr. J. H. Me-
Alviia , who foil from a swing , near the
Sigh School building , Friday , 'aro
quite serious. ' She waa Saturday in a
critical condition and the extent of her
njuries cannot yet bo definitely as
The thanks of her parento are ex
tended to Miss Lowe , tha teacher ,
who so kindly cared for her and as
sisted her to reach homo in Eafoty.
CRTJJUSHANK & CO. have open
ed their first importation of Foreign
3roas Goods. They are very elegant.
A splendid line of all wool Frsnch
dross gooas. A splendid line of Lin
ens and Housekeeping goods cer-
ainly by far the largest stcck in the
city. Their all linen Towel at 25c is
great value ; has n&vcr been sold bo-
ore fcr lean than 37ic. An immense
tock of Linen Damasks , Table Cloths
aud Napkins , all of which are marked
n plain figures , exactly the same price
a ? retailed In New York. 2t
Real Ettato Translers.
The following transfers wuro re
corded at the counly clerk's odico Fri
day , as reported for ihia taper by
Tohn L. McCaguo , resi estate Bgent
acd conveyancer :
Augustus Kountzo end vifo to
foaaphine Ea 'au , lot 3 in block 3 ,
Kouutzs's 3d add. , w. d. ? 305 35.
John D. Murphy and wifa to Pat
rick Manion , o. of lot 2 in block 01 ,
w. d. 81,100.
Geo. H. Gay to Thomas Swobe , lot
25 in a A. K untzj's addition. Sher
ff's dead. $3,839 82.
Thomas Swobo and wife to Jacob
E. MarVolJ , lot 26 , m A. Kcuntza's
add.q. c d.$3,000.
J. U Whiuier to E. M. Witt-g , lot
5 , bleak "g/'Oinaha , q r. d. 81,300.
) uly ten canU each , st Mrs. Wood's ,
Sixteenth street , neat Capitol avenuo.
f 17-eod 3t
all the year , but each year genuine re-
futons aw mide at Bushman's . Call
ana Me tlieirpricss now , S E cor-ier
.5th ' and Douglas.
Ties , Jfew Buckings , New Collars
and Cuffs. See them at JJushmarJi.
The Gallant Colonel Surpris
ed in His Own Strong
He Surrenders at Discretion.
The number of men In Omaha who
are not personally acquainted with the
genial face and handsome figure of
Col. E. B. Floyd , who ia the Chief
Aid de Camp of Mr. M. A. McNa
mara , is , wo venture to say very
Col. Floyd Is from December 31st
to January 1st , that is to say from
ono years end to tbe other , always to
bo found at his post tha simo court
eous , gentlemanly , obliging person
age. Nothing ever ruffles tha seren
ity of his temper , and ho serves every
man as though he vero a prince ,
though ho be anything but the gentle
man in his conduct. We believe
the colonel has the unlimited confi-
denc-3 and esteem of every man who
has the pleasure of his acquaintance ,
and thus it happened that as the days-
rolled around with their varying sun-
ehino and storm the 4th of March
brought the colonel the forty-fourth
anniversary of his birth , his friends
cast about them for a suitable way o :
ezpresiing their esteem and leaving
with him & pleasant souvenir of the
gJFriday about six o'clock abou'
sixty f gentlemen had assembled a
Mr. McNamara's , and , the Colonel
being in entire inncconco of any plo him , was called out in front o
the visitors by Mr. J. J. Neligh , who
with a few complimentary prefatory
remarks , said that it being a well-
known fact that ho had gallantly
served his country in the late civi
war as colonel of the 19th Now York
infantry , his friends hid detorminac
to present him with a rniuoatuie
sword as an emblem of tha mlght'er
weapon which he had so bravily
wielded on many a blocdy battle
field in .defense of tbe stars am
stripes. Mr. Neligh then handet
him a tin toy sword , costing abou
twenty-five cents. The colonel ac
cepted the gift , thinking a good joke
had been played upon htm , and tha
was all there was to the affair.
At this moment , however , Col. E
F. Smytho stopped to the front and
in nn excellent manner alluded to the
colonel's high place in the esteem o
his friends and to tha hope they al
had that he might sco many happy re
turns of the auspicious occasion
after which he closed by saying : "Col
Floyd , you are now surrounded by a
number of ycur friends , and in the
bosom of each ono there beats a warm
heart , and in each heart there glistens
a spark beaming forth with the friend
ship they bear you , and it is as brigh
and as brilliant as this little token
which I now present yon. "
He thereupon handed the Colone
a beautiful solitaire diamond ring ,
whosa glittering facets were reflected
in the teir-drops that dimmed the
eyes of the surprised recipient who
could only hud strength to offer the
usual recognition of courtesy. He sur
rendered unconditionally and even to
day is so proud of his gem of a pres
ent that he can only show it to those
who ask concerning the affair.
The ring cost nearly § 200 and was
purchased of Messrd. Edholm &
Erickson , by a number of friends in
cluding ; our most prominent citizens
and excluding many who regret that
the entire gift was not their own ex
pression of regard for an elegant gen
1518 Dodge Street.
Would say , we carry a gen
eral line of dry goods and
Notions. Shall secure all the
Novelties as they are placed
upon the market , and shall
keep our stock as full and re
plete as possible.
We carry a reliable line of
goods , and take pleasure
in selling you cheap , good
Our SI.OO Cashmere is un
questionably the best value
given in Omaha to-day.
Our Novelties , Brocades ,
Plaids and Dress Goods of all
kinds are excellent value.
Our Hamburgs are conced
ed by. our patrons to be the
cheapest in town. This may
seem presumptous ; but we
take our customer's word for
it , and they ought to be able
to judge.
Our $1.00 Corset , the
Pliable Hip , is the strongest ,
best fittting , most durable
Corset made.
These are a few of the many
bargains we can give you.
We shall endeavor to be
progressive and enterprising ,
we have excellent light , and
insure vou courteous -and
gentlemanly attention.
JSJ-Packages Delivered to all
parts of City. Call and see us.
COttPER & LARS * .
1518 Dodge St.
Undoubtedly the beat shirt In the
United States ia manafxctured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The snperiority
of Material and workmanship , com-
uined with their great improvements ,
that ia Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs nnd Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt Iho most durable and best
titling garment of the kind , ever
manufactured 3t the cjjdorate price of
81.50. Every shirt of our make ia
guaranteed first-class and Trill refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , nnd Canton flannel , also
cheraoin underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , Trarmth and durabil
ity. To invalids end weak-lunged
persons vra offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
PH. Gorriir.iiiER ,
the Litest Homo ard Tele-
News of tb Day.
NOTICE AdTertlaaments To Loan. For Sale ,
Lest Found , Want ? , Boarding : , ft& , will be in-
scried In tneae columns once for TEN CENT3
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
per line The first insertion never leas than
AHA10 LOAN At S per cent Jntrt
OD.UUU cst , n suics of ? 2000 snd up
wards for 1 to 5 year a' tuna on first claasimprov-
d city and farm property. Apply at BEMIS
cal Katate and IioanAseocy , 15th and Donag !
Ayr innr 10 LOAN cm s i a ofica
JjLinnr - . RoomS.rireightou Block
yfONKY TO LOAH 1103 Famiam street.
r L Cr. EJ ard.i Lotn Azsncy. EC7-S2-U
Sifbalion bj lady as c.iot. Any
WAXTrD acceptabla. Addrecs S H.S. .
Icc ! oflicc. 342-5
ANI ED A prc'ical ' tinn r , lso others
W 'cf irinfj tmiiiOH to investigate go > d op-
oorluuity to n ) < e money on small invea.raf-ct.
IHOU ro ol Wiakler , Planters Uouse. 211-5
About April 1st a 6 or 7 room
WASTED , north of Davenport ani west of
18th ft."state Ucatlou and teim ? ; Tenant ,
thli offi.e. 3SO-7
"TTTAKTED Good ( rirl to da lis-ht honiewort.
W Enquire at 1513 Do 'go at. 333-tf
Girl at 511 Walnut St. tetwrccn
WANTfiD Ctb. S33-11
n 1RL WANTED For general housework , at
VT 1519 IlorneySt. 33C-0
ITT ANTED A wom > n c > V , at the Emmett
W House. 33210
TTTANTED A iflrl to d- > general .u3ework
VY Apply S. W. cor. 18th a-id Wcbster. _
TTTANT' D To rent cottasrc of aboat rooma
YY Address H , Cinfleld JIou e. 375-eod-3
A 2a' Ritl * t Ksinese'a rcstau-ant
WANTED 13ih and Jickson St ; . 333 0
A\'ANTED-To Chop wood. T. Hurray.
TT ? II. II DOLttAN Wanted InformaHoa of
YV Wm. H. Dj'.min , Htciy a rc3 ticnt of
East Oakland , California , when ) he ha * a wife
and fonr children who have not heard from him
for over a year. Any one knowing wlut hi be
come Of hid 111 confer a si real fav-irbyaddrrss-
inft Mrs Wm. II. Do'Iman , 1271 Eleventh
Avenue , Ea-t ( 'akland ' , CaL 410-16
A lady boarder , at N. W. corner
llth and Howard. Tleiiant sauth room
and choice table. 117-1
A firl for ceneral hoajtwork , at
WANTED corner llth and Dodge. 41S-3
SituU'on br activa youn ? man
WANTED or cijar store Good penman
and a juatant. Addrsaj T , K. W , Bee cffice.
TTTANTED A fe r boarJera at the north-
YY wen corner ol K.leventh anJ.HowardJa ;
pleasant hcme nnd ; cod table. 339-4
WAN Wliolefflie Clotting Uon'es la
York City , for tno ccm'ng fjll tndc , cipsr-
cn id salesman. Th sa having excetience and
coramandinira Kood trade will fit d thisafrst-
cla3oppoitunily Apply atones , with refer-
encca , to A B C , PosloSIce Eor.03 , New York
Citb. 391-7
TTT-ANTED-To rent , for a term cf years , th
YV third story of some erick building ( 'oon
to be erected ) , situated on tha co mr ol the
street in the busincsj center el Omiha. C ll or
address Geo. R Rathhun , rrincipal Great West
ern Business College. 370-tf
An experienced bctcher wants
WASTSD a msatnaiketi n some small west
em lown , where there ia noas , or where ono is
necde' ' ; would take a rcliablo partner. Addreii
E. K. Webb , Jjykaon , DiKota Co. Keb. SO-tt
A good honaa-kecctr , 11C9 Farn
WANTED , up Hairs. 32-tf
-Ksi'sss P.KD U.HD.
- BENT Three rooms on corner cf llth
EO-t Leavcnworth stf. S35-S
, BEST House of 8 rooms , on Ci itol
FOR 1 , iicCague , opposite postcfflco. J21-tf
mO REST Front cffice , 817 S. Uth street ,
I between Famlnm and Ilirney , eist side.
II. W. Cremer. 420-f :
TjlORRENT An e e ant furnished front ro m
IJ with or without coard , ; o two irentlemeu.
Enquire 1619 Dcdgc street. 423-f
T710R RENT A store corner Leavcnworlh an !
Jj 10th sts. AljoC raocSin ? birdeinrcrs for
sale. Kcqaira at fetcreon , S04 lOlh St. 207-tf
T710R REST Forty acres improved. f < nn 3 }
Jj S. W. rf Omalu. Enquire of A. Fudayson ,
22nd and Harney Sts. 2CG-tf
KENT A furnished , south lent room.
FOR at No. 16121'arnhaiu SL Wl-tf
SENT 2 fumlahed rooita over J'er
FOR Exchange , X. E. .Cor. IStli and
3dco streets. -2sa-tf
FOR SALE Aimall cnsrinc , B. W. Payne ft
Son's make , but little rwd and in perfect
order. Enqu're of II G. Clark & To. 837-12
FOR SALF L'cardini fixtures with house } for
rent.and iood will of fiom20 to 25 regular
bcardei ? . Aspledld chance foraprin ? openin ? .
House in good Irc.ition.Siti3factory reasons Riven
foreellinj. AddicssS J. G , P.stofficc , Omaha.
Rarzaine ia Houses , Lol3 , Farms and
Lan-ls , In hia now column on let pae
T OR RENT S rocmJ. Enquire 1420 Douglas
C Sirett. 331-tf
I710R SALE Ten (10) ( residence lots on upper
C tarnhani street. John L. MtiCa ae , op ? .
T7IOR SALE Maps of Dou Iis nnd Sarry
J ? ccuiitics. A. KO EWATER , 151) m-
ham Street. 32S-tf
TJIOR SALE Seven coed busiae-a lot'j on
IJ Tarabam street. JOJ1N r. . "cCAGi K ,
SALE Lease an.J furniture cfafrst-
clas3 hotel in a town at 1300 inn.ibitant' , m
statn u ( Nebraska. Has 21 tedJ , the travelling
iaen'9 resort. Inqulrn at Cee office 213-if
SALE A BAKOAI ; ? A buiMmir with
FOR ' . flxturea , ( urnUureand stock , on ICth
&t. , opposite the U. P. ilepotforailcvery cheap.
Or the flzture fnrnkura and stock will bo e > i1d
an J building rented. Inquira ot EU. RJ'KISS-
MAN. 70-t /
ij over CEUIS' new column of bargains on 1st
77IOK SAI.Si TTO co e carriage ? , at A. J.
fj Slmrson's. Oli-tf
JJ o cr BH\IIS' ns-v column of barsalna onlrt
rpAKEN UP A strawoerry rein cow with a
L white face and about 5 years old , at O. T.
Cornish's dairy , near Military bridge. 193-5
N DK GOT At John Birr'a stable
JL far ail kinds of work , at reasonable flzurcs
tear comer 12th and Lc.ircnwortn St. 073-lf
Absolutely Pure ,
llade from Grape Cream Tarwr. No ether
reparation makes such lizht , flaky hot bra 13 ,
r Intnrioa't p 3try. Cm be eaten hy drrpsptfca
without fear of the ills resulting froin be 1n-
igestiWo food.
Sold only in cans by all Oroccri.
Warranied s Safe , Certain and SpeeJy Care for
Ibenmatinn In all its forrca. Beora'r Lame
Sick , Pain in the Breast and Side , I'ain In the
tomich and KiJnej. . ic I' la an internal
emedy , a Tonic and Clocd Farlfier , and while it
rcxoTes the IKaeasj it irnroves tbo general
cottrcn , fctncJal nei.l , Cusla , K
immense Stock for
Fine Castom-3adc
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits ,
iFor Men ,
. 'Boys , and
Undcr-Wcar , Sluts and Caps.
Trnuka and Valises , at
Prices to Suit All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
Gif u
n _ ' M HJ
il II
At Wholesale !
The Latest Styles !
The Largest Variety !
The Very Beet Pricaa
M'i'ra Agrents for Celluloid Collars and CnfFs , Rubber Coats and
40 Star Umbrellas
I4th and Dodge Sts. ,
Ami V/holesalo Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter wo will handle COUNSELMEtf'S FRESH OYSTERS , which
are now the best In the market. A largo assortment of CANDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
GATZ & FSEE3IAX , 510 llth St. , Omaha.
Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and a full line-of
-TS .HSTID zE\A.Lvrcr2r
Send for Price List.
m-w" MAX 3SEYER & CO. , Omaha ,
U ia&'S
Tolnieco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Oijrars from § 15.00 per 1000 upwards.
KefrizorstoRoomi D. B. BEEMER , at Onrtuhn . ii
Ue-t 1871.
And Wholesale Dealer Jn Foreign and Domestic.Fruic. . .
Jobber of ITamy , E.icrm , Lsn ] , Batter , frf/s , Touttry , ( Jama and Cunntry t'rodnce Rencral y
Vursh-sf lag -cent for all kind * cf Gaotl ? and JIcicbai.ll"e not kept in stock hlm'elt
thg : irao bclri ; joltcteil w.tti care , and ( .HI : I at current 21arket rates.
General Western igeat for BOOTES OVAL BrtAND OISTEHS ,
rd Wholesale Dealer in
Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish.
Dealer in Hardware ,
and J in ware.
Sieve Repairer , Job Wonier and Mannracturer of
Kinds of 'Cans.
Tenth au < l Jackson Streets.
& 11 sales slrieHy cash , therefore we are enabled to
ofier the consumers of the weed only lirst
quality goods for their money.
Best straight lOc Cigar in the city ,
Best 3 for a quarter Cigar in tie city ,
Beat Straight 5c Cigar in the city ,
Detroit Fine Cnt a Specialty ,
Our Sfbxino Cut is a good one ,
Bagle/s May Flower h 8 and 16 ounce th ,
For 40c we have bang up Smoking Tobacco ,
1417 IJoiijrfas Street.
We are tbo only Dealers in the Celebrated Bngley's May Flower