Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1881, Image 3
THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBL1SHIKC CO. , PROPRIETORS. SIS Parnkam , bet. 9& and 10th Street * TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 8 months c ' .V.V.S.OO TIS TABLES- THE MAILS. 0 , a H , W. K. Bn (30 . m. , 2iO p. m. 0. B. & Q.B 30 a. m 210 ; p. m. O.R. I&P.R. R. . 630 , m.,2tOp.ia < OSt. . Joe 6SO a. tn. S. City ft P. 630a.m. U. P. E.E. , Ilt0fc.m. O. & B. V. to Lincoln , 10 ft. m. a AM.R.R- . : OfcN.W , T30i.m. omasa . R.R. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. m. O. R * O. , 11 . tu. , 920 p. m. O. R. I. 4 P. , 11 a. m. , U p. m. O.B.8t , Joe. , 11a.m. , lip m. O. P. R. B. , I p. a. O. * R. V. from Lincoln , 1230 p. ml a.01ty&P.ll .in. S. &M. lnliob.,4 p. m. Local malls for States Iowa leave bat oooe a day , viK 4:50 a , m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmut't. Arrival And Departure of Trains UKIOK PACIFIC. LK1VI. Daily Ezprtos..12:15 p. re , 825p.m. do Mixed 6:10 p.0. tSSp. m. do Feight . .6:30 a , m. 1:40 p. n > . do _ _ .8:1E a. m. 11:20 a. m. TIME OA.RD OF THE BURLINGTON. LXJLVIOIUBA. JULKTVI OkUHA. Xzpresa StOp. m. Express..10:00 a. m , .Kali . .6:00 a. m. MaU 10:00 p. m. Enndaya Eccepted. Ecndayi Excepted. CHICAO O.tROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Kail . _ .6.-OOa.m. 1 Mail . 100 p.m. s. . EUOp.m. I Express. . . .10:60 s , m. CHICAQO NORTHWESTERN. Kail . _ .e.-00a.m. IMaH . _ 7:23 p.m. r > preuB.ZtO p ] m. | Express . 10:00 a. m. Sundays crccpted. KANSAS CITY.BT. JOE fc COUNCIL BLUFFS LUTE ARKtTI. XfcU.8:00 a.m. j Ezpreea - 7:10 , m. ExTToes . ( SAO p. m. I HafT. . Triaj , m. The only line running Pullman Sleeping Can out ot Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHERN NEBRASKA EA1L- WAT COMPANY. , Leave. Arrive. Kxpreaa - . .80 a. m. I Krpre38.l0 p , m. Vixcd . 1:50 p m. [ Mixed . 10:45 a. m Daily ExcsptSnndiya. B. 4 M. R. R. In NEBRASKA. LU.VH. AREITB. Express . 830am I Freight . 830 m Freight. . 6:65 pm | Express. . 1:1. ; ptn SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. llkll . . _ 6:10am : ) Express . 10:00 am Expcosa . . .8,10pm I CI . 720 p m WABASH , ST. LOUIS fcPACinC. LE1VM. ARBITS8. CtU . _ 8 a. m. I H 1111I5 a. a Express. . . .S : p. m. ( Express - 1:25 p.m. BRIDGE DIVISION TJ. P. B B. Leave Omaha , dally : 8 a. m. , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m. , S p. m , 8 p. m , , 6 p. in. . Leave Council Bluffs ; 8:15 a. m. , BAG a. m , , 10SS a. m. , 11:25 a. m. , 1:25 p. m. , 2:25 p. m. , 8:25 p. m. , E2& p. m. , 6:26 p. m. , Fear trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 11 a. m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Conndl Blnffa at B:2J , 11:26 a. m. , and 2:26 and C35 p. m. Leave Omaha : < J a. m. , 7. a. m.8 0 . m. , 1 p. m. , iM > p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffs : 6:15 a.m , , B(0a. m. , 1140 am.:26p. m. , 7:00 p. m , , 720 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R . LXAVE , 1RRIVB. Hall. . . . _ _ 10:45 a. m. , i < :85 p. m. Dailr except Sunday ! . ATTOKREYS-AT-IAW. GEO. W. HILL , ATTORNEY-AT-L1W. - - . Office on Farnham street , between 16th and 10th , next to office city water works , Omaha. Buys and sells Omaha City property and Ne braska land . Mininc property inal parts of Colorado , for sle. From a lonp residence in Colorado and experience in mlnlnc propsrty , I am prepared V > offer sale and profitable Invest ments to purchaser * . f26-2 r CHARLES POWELL , OF THE PEACE Comer J6th and JUSTICE Bis. , Omaha Keb. WM. SIKERAL , TTORNEY AT LAW Room B.Crelghton L Block. IBtb St. OMAHA. KEB. D. U THOMAS , i TTORKKY AT LAW Loans money , bnri > jdMl teal estate. Uoom 8 , Crcighton 'Block. A. C. TR8UP , A TTORNIY AT LAW OSca tn Htngcom'a A Block , with Ooonte K. Pritchett , 160 fftrnhmn Et. OHAgA.KKB. DEXTER L THOMAS , . Y AT LAW Cmlcksiiiak B Build AKORI A. M. CKADWICK. 4 TTORNKY AT LAW Offlca 150 * Furnhun A. Str et. . SM.LFEABQDY , - -In Orelchtpn Blotk , cert U LAVmE-Oao , KEBRABKA , HOTAEY JUBLIO. OOLMOTIOOT KADB Q'BRIEH & BARTLEH , Attorneys-at-Law , omCE-Unlon nioet.nrt6enth ang F rcham E > . 3 ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACK ElOSK , C0t. ! DOCDI5TH SIS. OMAHA. KEB. r. J. Oonnell , Attorney-at-Law. Omu : Frost roons , op eUSrs , la Huiscom't new brick bulldlcs , H. W. corner FlftesnU : nad Funhun Birtets. . HEDICK & REDICH , Attorneys-s t-L a w. Bpedtl fttUctlon viU in civet to all TUltt ifiJnot corporfttloni of evorr deaciintlon ; will prftctlco In tJ Kho ConrH of the Bute and the ( Tnltsd Stated. OSco. F rnhun St. , opposite Oonrt tJooso. EQ3ARD W. SIMERAL , KNSr AT LAW Boore a Orelgoton Block , 16th and Pou < l 8 Btrnou. noMh & . F. 8ANDER80K , . AT LAW ! U Tuatta SUest AriORSZT Nrbrwkv W. T. HicniKSS. a. J. B10HAHOS & HUHT , Attorrays-at-Law , Omc 215 South Foarteanth Stroot. SANTA OUAU3 FOUND. Qroatesl Discovery or tbe Ago. WondettoldUeovorlosin the world haTobeon made Amo&K other things trharo Banta Claui ft > ed ChUdrrn oil aak U he makct soodj or not , II really he Bros In a mountain oi enow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped Into what cccmedllkckhole Where wonder of wonders they found a nawland , While falry-ukt beings appeared on each hand. There were mocntalna like ours , with men beautiful groan , And tar brighter sklca than ever were aoen , Blrdl with the hues of a rainbow wen found , While fiowen ot erquldte fragrance were grow ing aronnd. Not long wore they left to wonder In doub < A belug soon came the ; had heard much about , TWM SanU Claos' Belt and thlitLey all cay , le looked like the picture f esw every day. Be drove up a team that looked very queer , 'Twaa a team ot grasshoppers Instead of reindeer , Be roda In a shell Instead of a sleigh , Bat ho took them on toird and drovs them way. lie showed them all over his wonierrol tealm , And factories making goods for women and men Farriers were working on bats great and small , To Bonce's ther said they were sending them all. Kris Elnglo , the Olove Maker , told them at once , All our Gloves we are sending to Bunco , Santa showed "them suspenders and many thlajri Saying I * ! M took thcao to friend Enace'S Eton. Banta Olaus then whispered a secret he'd teU ( As la Omaha every one knew Bnnca well , He therefor * sh tud send his goods to his cue , Knowing hli friends will get their ( oil share. Kow remember yo dwellers In Omaha town , All Tf ho want prcsonta to Bnnce's go round. For ehlrts , co'Uars , or gloves great aad small , Bend TOUT Bister or aunt one end aL. . Bunce , Champion Hatter of the Weet.Donjlrt eet. Om h _ AGENTS WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Profusely Illustrated. The most Important n best book published. Every family wants' Extraordinary inducements oHered Agent * . Address Aomrre' PCEUsmaa CO. . St. LoultMo. OlC t ( t > 0n ' day at Some , bampes yor 0)3 I U > ZU tree. Addren BUason Co . _ _ SUBSCRIBE FOR WP4EKLY BEE , The Best in the "West. OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS. J. U. SOSffS Art Emporium. 1510 Dodge Street , Steel Engravings , oil Paintings , Chromes Fancy Frames. FramlusaSpccialty. Lowpncea. J. BOSKEK. 1309 Douglts St. Good Styles. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHK L. McCAOUE , opposite postofflce. W. B BARTLETT , 317 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS. A T. LAROE , Jr. , Room 2 , Crelghton Block. Room 11 , Crelghton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES- JAMES DaVINE & CO , Fine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment ot home work on baud , cor. 12th and Ilarney. THOi EK1CKSQ.V. S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas JOHN FORTONATUS.J 605 10th St. , manufactures to order good work t { air prkes. Repairing done. BED SPRINGS. J. F. LARRIMSR. Mmufa-tnrer. VisachersBlk. BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. I. FRUEHAUF , 1015 Farnham Street. 'CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WIT. SNYDEK , No. 1319 14th and llamey St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDREW ROSEWATER , 1510 Farnham St Town Surveys , Grade and Senerace Si items a Specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOrm G.WILLIS , mt Dodco Street. D. B. BEEMER , For deta.Ua aeS largo Advertise , ment in Veil and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO- WEST & FBlT.CHER , ila-mfacturers of dears , and Who caale Doaleis in Tobicco * , 1305 Doug. W. r. LOREKZtN , manufacturer , 61110th fct. CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Coral , c , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing. Orders from any locality iromotly executed in the beat manner. Factory and Office 1310 .Dodge Street. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Wlndowcaps , etc. minufac.ured and put up in any part ot the country. T. SINUuLD. 10 Thirteenth St. CROCKERY. J. COKKER , 1309 Douh'a ! < St. Good Line. DENTISTS- * DR. PAUL , Williams' tiloek. Cor. 15th 4 Dc-dco DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KUUN&CO , Pharmacists , Flee Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and Dcuglaa Streets. W. J. WHITEHOU3E , Wholesi't & KeUll.lOst. C. C. FIELD. 2022 Korth Mdo Cumlng M. fAKti , DruK iBl , lutUfiid iloi < ard. FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , Kow anil Second Hand Fumitcre and btoves , 1114 Douglas. E. O. TntRcon Ag't. J. BOSNER , 1809 Douglas St. Fine Goods , J FENCE WORKS OMAHA rENCE CO. GCST. FRIES & CO. , 1213 Harney St. Improv ed Ice Boxer , Iron and Wood Fences , Office llaillncB , Counters of Km and Walnut. FLORIST. A. Donaehue , plant ? , cut Sewers , seeds , bcquets etc. , H. W. cor 10th and Dojglaa Ste. GROCERS. Z. STEVEN3 , 2lst between Cuming and Izard. P A. MC3HANK. Corner 23d aid Cumins Sts. HATTERS- W. L-PAUROrTE&CO. 1806 Douglas Street , Wholesale Exclusively. HARDWARE IRON AMD STEEL DOLAN & LiNOWORTlIY , Wholesale , 110 and 112 15th St. A. HOLMES , corner 16th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , SC. E. B.WEIST,32 13th St. , bet. Farn. > s liar- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHER Ladles get your Straw , Chip snd Felt IlaU done UP at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOVE , PROP INTELLIGENCE OFFICE- MRS. LIZZIE DENT , 217 16th Street. JUNK H. BERTHOLD. RaTB and LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER. 1303 Dcuglas St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS- G.A.LlNDQUKSr , One of our most popular Merchant Pallors is ro- coiTlng tba latest designs for Sprinj and Sum mer Goods for Rent'emcn'swcar. ' Sty'Ubdnrabln and prices lawasever , 215 13th bet. Doug.&F r. MEAT MARKETS- The Boston Market. MOGLE& JESTER , Fresh and Cured Meats , Game , Flih. Poultiv. Etc. . 2020 Cumins Street. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. RIKGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fincv Goods in great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hoiierr , cloves , corsets , &c Cheapest Hours in the West. Purchasers eave 30 per cent. Order bv JIail. USFIfteenth . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. W.S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No/4 , Crcighton lllock , Uth Street. P. S. LSISENRING. M. D , Masonic Blok. C. D. HART , M. D. , Eye and Kar. opp. j-osUfflce DR. L. B. GRADDT , Oculist and Aurifit , 14th and Douglas Streets. PHOTOGRAPHERS- GEO. IIEYN , PROP. Grand Central Caller } , 212 Sixteenth Street noir Masonic Hall. Firit-cliH Work and Prompt ness Gntrantecd. PLUMBING AND CAS FIXTURES- D. FITZPATRICK. 1403 Douglm Mroet. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING -A. KOvTKRH12 Drd-c Sirect PAWNBROKER J. ROSESFELD , 32210th St. bet. Tatn. & liar. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BORMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BoyyKR. 1S09 Doug. St. Coed and Cheap. SEEDS' J. EVAN'S , Wholesilc and Retail Seed Drills and Col ti vat ere. Odd Fellows Hall. SHOE S701ES. Ph'lipp Lin ? , 1320 Famhamtt. bet. 13th & 14th. SECOND HAND STORE PEKKISS & LEAK , 1410 Douglas St. , New and Second Hand Furniture , II use Furnishing Goods , &x , bought and sold on narrow ma.gins. SALOONS- BEJfRY KAUFMANS/ In the tew brick block on Douglas Street , ha ! Jnst opened a most elegant Beer Ilall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. FLANNERT , On Farnham , next to the B. & H. headquarters , has reopened a ceit an. ! complete establish * mtnt which , barring HUE , and Mother Ship- ton's Prophecy , fill bo open for the bojs with Hot Lunch on and af Ur present date. "Caledonia , " J. FALCONER , 67916th Street UNDERTAKERS CHAS. R1EWE , 1012 Faroham bet. lOta 4 llth M. B. JllSDON. General Insurance _ VTS : PECENII ASSOS& > .v w. -f Lon don , Cash Assets . toU7HI * ESTCIICaTER , N. T. , Capital . l.OOO.OOJ THE MERCUAMS , of Newark , N. J. , LOCC.OO QIRARD FlREPhiladeiphlaCapltal. . l.OOC.OOC KORTHWESTERK KATIOXALC , p- Ital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " nRKUETTS FUND , California ! II" BRITISH AMERICA ASSURAKCECo 1.800.0CO KEWA IK FIRE IKS. CO , Assets. . . . WoCO AMERICAF CENTRAL , Aoets . 500 K 8 ait Cor. n ! Fifteenth & Douglas St. ' _ OMAHA. NJC'B HAMBURG AMERIC N PACKET GO.'S Weekly Line oi SteamsMps Lcnving Jfew Tork Every. Thursday at S p. m. r Hngland , Prance and Germany. For Passage apply to G. B. RICHARD . . & CO. , Pauenge Agents , Broadway. New York Neighbor Goodwin's Story. "Nephew Nathan was always gen tle. I doubt if ho ever knowingly trod upon a worm , and I'll venture no word ever escaped his lips that he would wish to recall. Ho early found the peace of heaven , and has been all his days thanking God that the bles sings vouchsifed to him are so mani fold. It is , as I now call to mind , some eighteen months ago. as my spouse stood under the maple tree that is near our porch , busy , as is her wont , with some dairy matters , that she heard the clatter os horse's hoofs , * and looking tip , whom did she see but her nephew , Nathan. He rode up to her , and without dismounting , saluted her , bending low to do so , and after presenting her with a fat and neatly plucked fowl , made discourse frhich I will repeat as nearly as my memory bears out what my wife did tell me. " " 'The Lord hath heen very good to me , my Aunt Cbarlly. ' " 'Sohahatb , Nathan. ' " 'My blessings are mora than I can reckon , my Aunt Charity. ' " 'Truly you do well to always bear in mind , Nathan. ' " 'Yet , I fear that through so many mercies , I shall ba unmindful of my spiritual duties and becoma at tached to the things of time and sense , my Aunt Charity. ' " You must pray to bo delivered fromtcmDlation , Nathan. ' "Ihaya cast my eyes about seek ing some means by which I may bo tried ns by fire , my Aunt Chavity. ' " 'You do wrong , Nathan. The Lord works in His own way. ' " 'Therefore I believe that He hath directed my thoughis. ' " 'What mean you , Nathan ? ' " 'Toward Mistress Polly Prontiss , my Aunt Charity. ' "Now , if I know my spouse , neigh- bora , " said Mr. Godvln , interrupting the. course of his narrative , "and to judge by the flash of indignation that was in her eyes as she told mo this , the answer that she gave Nathan was not geulle. " Her words were : " 'Toward that shrew ! Why , she hath it in her to afflict a man worse than him from v.hom our Lord did drive seven devils ' ' ' 'Yot , knowing that I dcslro Mia- tress Polly in marriage ; surely in that way , if in no other , I may ma'ce eclf-eacrifieo , and be tried as if by fire. ' " 'You are pleased to jeat , Nathan. ' ' "I never jest , my Aunt Charity ; for every light word wo are hold to account. ' " 'But heaven doth not command you to eat bread that hath molded , nor to take a wild boast to your home , Nathan. ' " 'Nay ; but it hath come upon ine with the force of conviction , my Aunt Charity , that I must have such trials na will wean mo from the world , and if I marry this woman I shall hae such trial ever present. " "Thereupon my spocse , " again Mr. Goodwin said , by way of interruption , "did call him a stupid fool and did pray heaven afterward to forgive her. She said to Shim , false , that to wed thatf woman would bo to aeek a [ ; rave or madhouse. But he shook als head , and without a further ro- markrodo away ; and my spouse did comfort herself by the thought that , determine as ho might two minutes of conversation with Mistress Polly would drive the notion from his head. A week later , Nathan came again. " 'She hath promised to wed mo , my Aunt Charity. ' " 'She hath promised to wed you , Nathan ? Bare you in truth asked tier hand ? I could cry with vexation and sorrow. ' " 'How else Aunt , my Clmity , cculd she protnhe to-wed me unless I asked her hand ? ' " How elst ? Why , the shrew , had she taken the notion , would not hesi tate to go to you or any man and do- round marriage. Of course she prom ised you. Little chance bad she of a husband. Why , Nathan , why did you not wed the Widow Abigail Spence ? Tell me that ? A good woman , a thrifty housewife , and a gentle soul. ' " 'Ah , my Aunt Charily , much did I desire to do so , but that would bare been too great a blessing Sorely was I tempted to ask the widow's hand on the day that her sister Lydta weddsd young Spicer. I sat that evening in the kitchen by the widow as sha knitted , and marked her grace of man ner and comeliness ; and I made men tion of Lydia's happiness , and when ! did this , Abigail turned to me with tender eyes and cooly said : " 'Will you not taka pity on Lydia'a lonely sister ? ' and for an instant , oven many minutes , I did hcvo sore temp tation to woo her , for I judged by that remark she might , if urged , have given mo her hand. Then came the words of Scripture to mo , to flee temp tation , and I made great effort and quitted nor. I have not seen her since , except in church , where- she does cazc on mo with sad eyes. ' " 'You are a wicked man , Nathan Appleby , thus to break the heart of a good woman and to take up with a shrew. Still , having done so , Nathan , tell me of your wooing of Polly. " " 'It was on the evening of the last Lord's day , my Aunt Charity , as the sun went down , that I made .my way to Mistress Polly's dwelling. 1 heard the sharp tone of her coico as I ap proached. If I mistook not she was speaking to one of her father's farm hands , and shesaid : "You great seed- sowing numbskull ! Out of my sight , von ill-favored , hideous-mannered clod ! " ' "And yet you persevered In your intentions , Nathan ? " " 'Ttuly , I did , and heard her say , "I hate a man , great , stupid , ill-be gotten things. " Then her father re plied , "I fear you will never have opportunity to do aught but hata a man ! " To this she ssld , "It would have been well far my mother had she not favored you. If I had a man , 0 ! but I'd make him rue the day ! " ' ' "And hearing that you did not turn away , Nathan1 ! ' "What I heard only satisfied me , my Aunt Charity , that I should find tribulation I do greatly need. Mr. Prentiss came to mo , and I spoke my mind to him without delay. I said that I desired his diughter in mar riage. ' " 'And what did ho reply1 ? " 'He answered that Eunice was a well-favored girl , and that ho could not deny her to me , if she chcsa to take mo I said that not Eunice , but Mistress Polly , I desired , and I con- f < SB that he seemed amazed , and did stara at me with a 'certain fixed ex pression that waa painfnl to look un- on. Then he approached mo and stid that he never heard that I was Imprudent in my drink , and I had trouble to persuade him that his sus picion wronged me. Then ho looked at me again , and even hinted that my reason had left me. At last I per suaded him to send his daughter Poll/ to mo. As ho quitted the room he seized my hand and said : "Nathan , I pray that she may drive you from the house. It would ba a blesiing to you" " 'Mistress Polly came into the best room , my Aunt Charity , and , as the door closed , she stood with her back against it and sailed , and I confesr that the smile had naught of humor but only scorn In it I trembled at that smile , fearing she would drive me thence. " 'Speak up , Nathan Appleby , " she eaid , "for never since your mother bore you did not speak louder than a cat mews. " " 'If I now remember right , I an swered her nothing , for my thoughts were in confusion. " " 'Art dumb ? " she said , "Might as well bo aught you can say. Your face is like a jack-o'-lantern , and yonr tcngne as full of speech. What's now " 'I asked her if her father did not tell her. ' " 'Had he told me , " said she , "you would not see me here. Curiousity , not he , brought me. I would like to know what you , whoae spunk is lees than a worm's , could have to say to me from your own lips. Not to ive udvlce I'll venture. You're no such idiot as to try that. Come , I'll have it out of you. Belike you would marryme. " ' "Shesaid this , my Aunt Charity , as in sarcasm ; yet I am glad she said it , for my spirit setmeu to molt like an April snow bank , and had I not taken her words on thd echo , I fear I could not have made known my er rand. Her face as I said this was terrible , so that I turned my eyes to the window as if for a chanca to ea- capa violence. I cannot recall all she said , but I do bear in mind that she called mo a beetle , and she said my legs were spindle shanks , which is un ; true ; that she remarked con temptuously upon the palenets of my face , and likened me to Sandy Sam tdiot. I perceived , however , that her violence was only of the tongue , though that is ensugh for one person. The called mo a pandora , whatever that may be , and said that I should merry her , and right away , and a sad day it would be for me , too. She warned mo to have no delay , to cause the bans to be published next Lord's day , and as soon thereafter as the law permits to come for hur , and she warned mo to keep out of her sight till then. Other painful words she said , which I shall not repeat , my Aunt Charity , and thus ehe has Dromigcd me. " < " What tlink you all , neighbors , of such a wooing as that ? " Mr. Goodwin inquired. "That your spouse did say rightly whoa she called him a 'stupid ' fool , " said Mrs. Pantry. "That it passes all comprehension , " said 'Squire Wytyngo. "Well , I fay , " remarked Mr. Pur- chas , whose domeu'lc experience was s d , "tha man who knowingly puts his head in ouch a yoke deserves to wear it always. Vinegar women are wont to be smooth-tongued during courtship and to m.sko amends after ward. " "Well , tell us the rest , neighbor , " said Mr. Blumfield. "They were mar ried ? " "Yes , they were married , on the Lord's Day three weeks , and those who saw them , as they quitted her father's home , say that she berated him all the way to his home. " : 'And did he soon wieh ho was dead ? " asked Mr. Purchss in such suggestive - gestivo tones that Mr. BlnmGeld again slyly nudged Mr. Goodwin. "He bore her shrewishness uncom plainingly for six months or more , though he did grow p le and lose flesh greatly ; and he did confess to me , up on one occasion , that ho did not bear in miud when he married that death only parted husband and wife. His silence enraged her ; but never did he speak a word in temper to her. Now I will narrate to yon that which ia the most marvellous and as well as amus ing of all of it. My spouse happened to fall In with Nathan's wife about a year ago , and I will say , neighbors , that my spouse , though usually smooth spokou , can say a thing sharply if she so desires. She did tell Polly Appl = ) by that it was a grievous shiiiuefor her to belabor that patient man , Nathan. " 'Man ! ' Nathan's wife replied , 'Manl' Being of your blood , its no wonder no's no m = iD. He moans like a coif and ho purrs like a cat , and hath less spunk than either. A calf will bunt and a kitten scratch ! ' " 'Well as to that , Madaino Apple by , sharp speech never made a calf to bunt nor a cat to scratch. Your speech is of no moro account to him than it would bo to them , ' said niy spouse. "With that Mrs. Appleby became rery wroth , and did call my apouso a pandora. " ' ' 'I could 'Humph , says my spouse , toll you that which would make you angry for cause. Do you know that the sharper speech you uzo the better does he like it ? ' "At this Mrs. Appleby did open wide her eyes , and , neighbors , as I sit hero , for the first time in her lifo she answered not ono word. " 'Do you know why he married you ? Are you so stupid that yon have not discovered that1 ? my spouse asked. 'I know , for he made a confidant of mo previous to the wedding. He married you because ho had no trials , theeo were his words , and he feared that ho could not reach heaven unless he had his share. Therefore he wedded ' " you. "Aha , a good one , " said Mr. Pan try , as he tremblingly shook his head with laughter. "And what said she to that ? " asked 'Squiro Whytynce. "Never did she speak so quietly , and for some time made no response ; at last she said : " 'So that was his reason , was it ? Well , I'll disappoint him I'll be- even with him. I'll make him anoth er sort of a wife from this hour , for I will not be a pack-horse to carry my husband to heaven ! " Hero Moses Butler sharply snuffed both candles , and when the langhter of the gentlemen had in a measure subsided. Mr. Goodwin continued : "When Nathan , came in soon after , what did his wife do but approach him and kias him , and Nathan trembled , for never had she doilo thit. Aud she said , 'dear Nathan , ' and she did lovingly caress him , so that he waa as one In a trance. "Neighbors , " continued Mr. Good win. "I have seen their babe , oa I remarked ; and I saw Nathan gently stroking his spouse's brow , and he did say soft words to her , to which she made loving response , and as she looked coyly over his shoulder to my spouse and ma she eaid , 'My Aunt Charity , you see what your words have ariven me to. I am not any pack-horse , am I , my husband ? ' and Nathan did even in our presence kiss her , and if she returned not the kiss of love , then I never gave one myself. " "Would that I had known that thus she could have been conquered. For she was the comelleit lass in all these parts , and I would have put up with six mnths of gall for a lifetime of sweetness. Had I known what Iknow now , her hame would ba Blnmtield , not Appleby , " said Mr. Blurafield. sadly. "Ahi , neighbor Blnmfield , wo hays your secret now , " said Mr. Birchwood. "No , you have not neighbors. " "I tell you , you did betray your self. " HeTo the tall clock struck 8 , and Moses Butler , rhicg and snuffing a candle , said : "Now , gentlemen , all of you , it ia time'to be in your beds. Go home and tell your spouses this tale. I'll venture they'll delight to hear it. " And with bis usual authori ty he sent them away. The members of the Seven Coppers must have taken Moses at his word , for of all the gossiping in Hartford town , there never was such goeslp among the matrons as there was the next flay over Nathan. Appleby's mar riage and the result of it. ' EucElen's Arnica Salve The BEST SALVE In the world f oi Cnta , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Sail Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salvo is guaranteed to glvo perfect satlafac- tlod In every case or money re Funded , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly Jah & McMahon , Omaha. An Honest Medicine i'roo ' of Charge Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , we know of none we can rec ommend as highly as DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERT for Consumption. Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively cure , and that where everything else has failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as haye already been effected by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cut- ing the very worst cases in the short est time possible. We say by al means give it a trial. Trial bottles free. Regular size § 1.00. For sale by 8lly ( ) J. K. ISH. Omaha. fo Years before thePiiblle , DK.C.MeLAHE'S LIYEE PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of thst character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coaled. Each bos has a red-wax seal on the lid , with the imprcssion.McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Eacli wrapper bears the signa tures of C. McL.\KE and FLEMING BROS. 3& Insist upon having the genuine DR. C. McLANE'S LIVElt PILLS , prp- pared b * * FLEMING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name JfcXinne , spellpd differently , but same Eroimnciation. HOW TO CUKE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Throat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Organs. ! \CCORDIHdTO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. Prepared from troplotf ftuIU jindplaats. Isthe Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For ( Constipation , Biliousness , Hcadaclie , Torpid U-v er , Hem orrhoids , Indisposition , and ail Disorders arising from an ou- strnctcd state of tlte system. LnaI < H and children , and those T\ho dislike takU- : pills and nauseous medicines.arecspe- claLy pleased Hh Its agreeable qualities. TvlOPIC-FRUIT LAXATIVE may be nscd- InH cases that need HIP aid of a purgative , cathartic , or aperient medicine , nnd whllelt pro duces tljp same result as the nuents Is ent'rely ' free from the usual objections common to them. Pacicd'ln Irtmzed tin boxet only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS. C. F. Goo4nnn , Wholesale Agents , Omaha , Neb. ijocal Agontaeverywhere to a' Tea , CoffBe , Bafclnjr Powder flavoring Extracts , etc , by ample , to famlllas , Profit good. OutQt treo. People'a Tea Co. , EJJ ZOSO. Su Loiila. Mo. FEVER AND AGUE , There U no clvlllzsd nation In the Western ilcmisphero In whloh the utility of nostetter's Stomach Bitters as a tonic , coTCCtwc , and antl- illlous medicine , io not known andappredatcd. While It b a me < licne ! for ill seasons and all climates , It la especially suited to the complaints go ncratcd by the weather , being tSc purest and oest vegetable stlipulant In tha world. for sale by Druggists and Dealer ! , to whom apply - ply for Hostetter'g Aimanic for 1S81 WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fencing and P-alllnf ? Speciality. Their beautr , poru&nsnce tnd economy dilly working the extinction cf all fencing c'jeap material. Elegant In design , Indcatrnctlblo Fences for Lawns , Public 0rounds nnd Ceme tery Plats. Iron Vases , Lawn Settees , canopied and of rnrtic patterni ; Chain and every description of Iron and Wire ornamental work deslirned anil manufactured by E. T. BARNOII'S Wlro and Iron Work , .7 , 29 aad 31 Woodward Ave. , De troit , Jlicb Sen l'i"l1'IUI''k ' "atalogue sncJ rim I'xt nJ PROPOSALS FOll FLOUR. Office of the Purchasing and Depot Com. of Subsistence. OJUHA. Neb. , Tcbruary 14,1881. Sealed proposals , in duplicate , subject to the naual condition' , will be received at this office , unti' 1'i o'clock noon , on ilarch 21st , 1881 , at which time and place they will be opened in the pjesence of bidders , for furnishing and deliveryat _ the Subsi-t- ence Storehouse in this city , of twenty thousand (20,000) ( ) pounds FLOUR , in new , stron ? . siugle cotton sacks. To be made from No. 1 Spring Wh at , half hard , half soft , or Odessa , to be sweated before grinding , nnd mixed in milling ; to be high ground. Sample of Flour to be sent in with proposal. , and all to be delivered on or before ' April 15,1881. The government rese-ves'the right to reject any or all pro posals. Blank proposals can be obtained at his office. Proposals mnst be enclosed in sealed envelopes marked "Proposals for Flour. " and addressed to the under signed. THOMAS WILSON , C. S. . TJ. S. A. CHANGING CiRS BKSWZES OMAHA AND CHICAGO , Wljero Direct concoctions are Made With Through Sleeping Oar Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash ington , AND ALL EASTERN CITiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for IndianapoliSjCincinnat Louis- ville. AKD AWi FOISTS IS IDE TIIE BEST LINE FER ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION tiEPOT wilh Throuzh Sle pidz Car Lines far all Points S O TT The New Line for 3DE3S DVEOI3STE3S. The Favorite Eoute for The nnequale.l Inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourirta , are as follow ; , : The celebrated Pullman (18-wheel ( ) Palace Sleap. Ing Cars , mn only on this Line. C. , B. & o. P.Uca Orawing-Koom Core , with Horton'g Re el in inp Ch In No extra chirga lor Setta in Reclining Chairs. The famous O , B. & Q. Palace Dinintr Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant ilUh-Backed Ilattan Kevolvin ? Chairs for the exclusive uao of first-class pisaen- gers. gers.Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com- lined with their Great Thronjh Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the fa\orit Route to the East , South , and SoHth-Sist. Try it , and you nlll flnj traveling a luxury Instead of * discomfort. Through Tickets via thii Ccle' rated Line for sale at all offices in the United Stategand Canada. All information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations. Time Tables , &c , will bo cheerfully given by apphinr to JAMES R. WOOD , General Pasaengor Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTtR , General Manager , Chicago K.C.ST.JGE&G.B.OM Is the only Direct line to ST. EioriS AND TIli EAST From OMAHA * nd the WEST. Ho chsngo of cars between Omaha and St. Loo2j ind bet one between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS usicm\a ALL Eastern & WesteFH Cities With Usa charges and In auvaasa of other ilneg. This entire IJao In equipped vdth PalJaiin'n Palsco Sleepkiz Cira , Palace Daj Coacb- ea.MIIIor's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated westlnghouse Air-Brake. J8T3EE THAT TOUR TICKET READ3T2S jerVlaEansia City , St. Joeeph acd"El 5rCcuncilBIn3ak.Bvla S Tickets foreale&t ell coupon rtatlocs In th Wert. J. ff. BARNARD , A. 0. DAWKJ , Gcn'l Supt. , Goal F a. It TIekot JU't St. Joeaoh , Mo. BL Joseph , Mo , W 0. SEACEREST , Tlcist Area. , 1020 Famhun Street , ANDY BORDEN , A. B. BARHARD , Vtsi. AzentjOmahs. Qen'rlAjent , Onahi. PiLE REMEDY. INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND' ITCHING PILES ni once on the application of HI loixnlio'm rile Itcnu ly. which actm dt cctty upon the part nOecteA , ob4ort > la he Tnmora , nUaylng the lateme Ittfl aU other remcdica hnTC COlcd. Try U Umrrlts. DO NOT DELAY natfl the drain on the BTxtein prodncfl termaaent dltnblUty , bat bay it , TRYBTB"EDOUREO PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , nut when yea can notobtalnltofiImT9 Till oend It , prepaid , on receipt of prlc < > r. Bomnfeo's Trcatlieon Plica cent fro mappllcallon. Addre DR , eOSANKO MEDICINE CO. P1QTTA.O. THE COLOEADO BUSINESS QGILEG This institution , located at Denver , Colorado , the Educational and Commercial center of the West , Is pre-eminently the best and most practi cal of its kind for the ] MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. OADY , Secrst j The nvHt extensive , thorough end complete nstltutlon of the kind In the world. Thoosandl of accountants and Bueineea men , In the prin cipal cities and towns ot the United Slates , owe their success to our course of tramlnz. The Eisht ; Kind of Education for Tonng Men and Ladies , Fine , new brick block , at junction ot three troet car Unas. Elegantly fitted and furnished apartments or the application of and carrying out of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TRAEOTG , Young men who contemplate a Dullness lift , and parents bavin ; BOM to educate , are partlcc- larly requested to send for our nsw Circular , which will give fall Information aa to temi , onditlon of entrance , etc. Addrcea & . W.FOSTER , President , n" Denver Colorado a we k in yonr own town. Terms and outfit free. Address H. Hallett & Co. , fonla i Ms ITSCH'S PRUSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Xlie only existing remedy for every epe- cio of Acute or Chronic Disease of the Organs of Inspiration , and an nbsoluta SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION I nil-powerful vecetablo preparo- JLtioncxpols from the lung * and air p"n < - ngcs , the mucus nnd muco-pus produced bypi'lmonnry inflammation , heale the Irritated jnembraa . nnd renovates et ery organ which atlllres the breath of Life. It contains no stupefying poison , nnd Is in all respects a healthful medi cine. The rapidity nnd certainty with which It ANNIHILATES A COUGH It astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the mere symptoms of pulmonary dis * ease and discharges the cause from the system. Proo and painless expectora tion is the mode by which it relieves the lungs , chest nnd throat from thobunlens which oppress them ; thus arresting Con sumption and Bronchitis in the germ be fore they reach the more dangerous stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTLING FOR LIFE xvith the most terrible scanrge of our cli mate will find rrifcich's Prussian Cough Sy up a potent ally , and will assuredly win the fight by ndheriug strictly to thl treat medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD In which It has been administered with entire success as a remedy for every va riety of malady which affects the Ko- splratory 1'unctions , amount to more than FIVE THOUSAND nt the present date , nndyotthopreparn tliin is only in the infancy of its useful ness. The great defect of all Congh Kometlie < i hitherto introduced Is that they arc simply cipulsory. Hence they nieHS8les _ ; furunleo * the causes of the acrid secretions which are coughed up are remoiedand the ruptured , Inflamed or maturated surfaces healed nnd re stored to their natural tone , n cure is Impossible. I'ritsch'.H Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes these objects. The mucus and muco-pus wlUch are the con- equonee of L.UIIK Disease , are thrown off l > y it , while nt thr nme time it soothes and imigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , influenza , bronchial ditncultles , tightness of the chest , hoarseness - ness , sore throat , trachltis. Inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , [ ileurlsy and all disorders of a pulmonary nature , it has never been equaled. Solo agents In America , IUCHAEDSOH It CO , Bt- Louis , JIo. SOLD BY ALT. DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS , \ Who want glossy , Inxnriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beantifhl Hair must use LYON'S EATHAIKON. This elegant * cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling ont , arrests and cnres grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a cnrlitg tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau- tifol , healthy Hair is the sure result of using A new ami hitherto unknown rometly for all diseases cf the KUceya , ElatMer , and Uilnary Orons. It will positively cure Diabetes , Gravel , Drop- ly , Brlzht'9 Dlocaw , inability to retain or eipell , tn Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , high coir red and scanty crine , Painful Urinating , LAME BACK , Genera. ' . Weakness , and all Female Com- alalntg. It avoUs internal medicines , Is certain ID It effects and cures when nothing : ebo can. For Bala by all Dm jjista or sent by trail f tee upon receipt ot the price , 32.00. DAY MEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. tS-3 your iddrea ] for ocr lUtlo book , How s was Saved. " MK3 ff. ISH. Airent for Hnir-jV . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC A3D St , Paid & Sioux City RAILROADS. TkeOld Reliable Sioux Ciiy .Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COMOIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points in Northern lows , Minnesota and Dakota. Thie line Is equipped with the Im proved Westlnzhouso Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler nnd Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AHD COMFORT la unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Room and Sleeping Care.ownod and controlled by the com pjiny , run Through Without Changs between Union Vidflc Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council BlcSg , at 5:16 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at 115 a. m , making HOURS IK ADVANCB o ? AST OTHBS ROUTS. Returning , leave St. Paul at 3:30 : p. m. , ar- _ lvfcig at Sioux City at 4:15 a. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9:50 a.m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C. ft P. R. R. ' F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Uigaouri Valley , Iowa * P. E. BOBINSOAsa't Gon'I Paaa. Agent. J. n. OTJRYAN , and Pasjenger Agent , Council BlEtTa MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AYT.T ! GREASE Composed largely of powdered mica and Iinjli35 is the best and cheapest lubricator In the world. It U the best because : t does not gam , but forms a highly polished surface over the axle , dolnz away with a largo amount of friction. It Is the cheapest because voa need use but half the quantity In gnnalug your wagon that you wonl J of any other axle greafe made , and then run your wazon twice as long. It angwers equally aa well for Mill Gearing , Threshing -.Machines , Buggies. 4c.aa for wagons Send for Pocket C > dopedlaof Things Wonn Knowing. Mailed l-Ask Your Dealer For It octSO-tl _ rnTOaweek (12a day athomeeasilT made ; rash 5) ) I i outfit frt . Address Tree ft Co.PortlcdM E OURE For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THEOAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation In the known world. By addlnpr to TOLU ROCKandRYE Ittle Liemon Juice , you have an exellent Appetizer and Tonic , for fremral and tvntty u ? Th Immense and ioereaslnjr rales and the numerous teitimonlalf received daily ars the best evidences Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. 'ITIflM . .BOSTBE DECEIVED by unprincipled dealers who try to plm off npon TOO ipiiipTTPn1COmm0 ? R2Cl d Ry " place of 'our TOLU ROCK and RYE. which Is th. only JlfcDICATED article made , tba GENUINE navlne a dOVERNMEAT STAMP on each bottle. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : ' TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICB OF INTERNAL RKVENU 1 WAsaaoios , U. C. , January 26 , 1SSO. J Messrs. LAWRENCE 4 MARTIN , 1111 Uadlson St. , Chicago , IUs.1 . 1. ? ? iIfLc < 'monnd- tha ° Plnt ° a of this office , would have a , sufficient qnantltv % " the BALSAM OF TOLU to give it all the advantages ascribed to this article in pectoral complaints 1 while the whisky and th * syrup constitute an emulsion rendering it an agreeable remedy to th * f K , . Compounded according to the formula. It may properly be classed as a MEDICINAL PREPARATION under the provisions of U. S. Revised Statptes , and when to stamptd , iray le sold by Drurelsts , Apothecaries and Other Persons without nnderinir them liable to pav rpeclal * * r . tax as liquor dealers. Yours Respectfully , ( blgneJ ) GREEN. B. BAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DEUGGISTS , GEOOEES nnd DEALEES everywhere a F. GOODMAN. AdENT. OUAHA. IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WH1TE8EWSMAGHIN Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine justly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding tune last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. 3 ( 'or. Davenport anil ! 5th Sts. OinnSia. -THIS 3TEWAND CORKECT TVTAP t Proves beyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO f & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y x Is by all odds the best road for yon to take when traveling In either direction between . f Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the Wast , North and Northwest. ' ' Caref oily examine thb Map. The Principal Cities of the West and Northwest nro Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains ot all railroads at Junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of Its principal lines , runs enchway dally from two to four or moro Fast Express Trains. It ' w the only road West of Chicago that uses the - * * * K * HOTEL DINING It h the only road that run' ? Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwestof Chicago. Ithas nearly 3,000 3fJLL S OFKOAO. It forms the followlnn Trunk Lines : ! Council Bluffs , Denver & California Line. " "Winona , Minnesota & Central Dak-ita Line. " . . joux Cjty.Nor. Nebraska fcYankton Line. " "Chicago , St. Paul and Minneapolis Line. - J or. Illinois , i reeport & Dubunuo Line. " "Jlllwaukcc. Green Bay & Lake Superior Lino. " Tickets over this recd are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents fa the United States and Iteraembcr to ask for Tickets vU this road , bo sure they read over It , and take none other. HAKVIS DCGHITT.Genl Manager , Chicago. AW. D. SI2XSEIT , Gen'l Pass. Agent , Chicago. HARRY P. UOEt. , Tlck't AzentC. &N. W Riijway. 14tb amlzarahainStietts. D. B KIMBA.LL , ASSiatantTcket Azcnt C &Jf. W. Railway , I4tli nd Farnhsm EtreelB. J. BELL , Ticket eent C. & N. W. Railway , U. P R. R. Depot. JAMES T. CLARK 'General fgeat. _ O ! C , Fi f ? And EverytMng pertaining to l ie iVjrpitnre and tl Upholstery Trade. A GQfmET ASSORTHgEBT OF 8EW OOOOS AT Tlii 1208 ai3d 1210 Farnham Strecl. p 11 tcba th ut 1001 FARNHAM , cor. 10th. SPRING CLOTHING ! ff Jb s&iia Jkt AW bB9l 9