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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1881)
-jr 'lite : YOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , MONDAY MAECiT T , 1881. NO220. . Established 187 MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents HOUSE FARMS REAL ESTATE 15th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha Neb. , - - . Residence Lots , § 100 to 52500 each , Houses and Lots , § 275 to § 18,000 each. pr/"V/"V Business Lota \JU\J § 500 to § 10,000 each. PQQ Farms. AcreaLand- 900,000 19 000 A-cresa * Douglas Co. 7 Ci O O - crcs * a Sarpy Co. Large Amount of Suburban Property in I , 10 , 20 or 40- Acre Lots Within I to 5 Miles irom Post Office. $250,000 TQ LOAN , At 8 per Gent. NEW MAPS OF OMAHA Published by this Agency , 25 cents Each , Mounted SI.OC Houses , Stores , Hotels , Farms Lots , Lands , Offices , Booms , Etcto Rent or Lease. Taxes paid , rents collected , deeds , mortgages , and all kinds of real estate doouments mad e out at short M notice. This agency doas strictly brokerage business. Doesnol speculate , and therefore anj bargains on its books are in sured to its patrons , instead o being gobbled up by the agent Notary Public Always in Office. Call and get Circulars and ful Particulars * at BEMIS' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 15th and Douglas Sts. , OMAHA , - - NEB * . jr WASKESFGrTOK The Senate Confirms the President's Nominations Unanimously. General Hancock is Extended' the Privileges of the * Senate. The White House Overrun with "Visitors. CAPITAL NOTES. EpecUl Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , Msrch G 1 a. m. Senators Blnino and Kirk wood for warded resignation * tha garercor' of their states Saturday. "Tho Slaine legislature will doubtless elect Fyo Blalne's successor. The Iowa legisla ture is not in session. The governor will probably appoint James F. Wil son to fill the uuospired term of Kirkwood. Senator Windem's resig nation will ioaout Monday. It s thought the extr * r ? ' ion -wi'l sit throughout this week. It has not boon definitely set"- when the new cib'iat w'1' t < aworn in. It may cadone to-day. Senator Cameron , Gen. Fshenc't and ex Senator Hirlan din-d at fha White Houeo ytstarday evening. On motion of Senator Hoa tV > the privilges of the senate were off red - ed to Gen. Hancock during hia st ; 7 in Washington. Gen. Hancock attended New York Avenue Presbyterian church Sunday , nd in the aftetnoon mrie roveiul calls. He left for Now York oa the 10 o'clock train lait night. The death of Carpenter and the a' sent acnatot.5 eelscted for rbinet p - aitions , leave the democrat 1 free to organize the committees to thr - liking. Edmunds and Mahone htvo not yet appeared in the senate to I 3 cworn in. Tae president , his mother rud IT GarCcld attended church at Yeioii Avenue Christirn church yesterday They arrived late , and were awat 1 by a largo crowd. Chapla'n L ! ! " .r preached the diecourrj. Soon sfter daylight Siturc'-.y ' r o - ing people began tic iking towards * 'ie ' WhiteHoiiEe , and before the prc id u1 had finished breaLfsst ho drivewaj i were lined with people. Admittau ; 783 demanded bnt tha cutrancss i - - uained closed. At 9:30 the pre id' ' i and Mrs. Giifield ' .ock up poaitiot "n the red room for tha reception r ? ; aests. At 11 a. m. the crowd pre ? sed , o hard that the doci had to in cloied. The rooms vrcre cV red of visitors , and shortly r'ter Scnato Blaiuo and Windom called , and weia closeted with the president for m hour. SEXAIE. pceUt D'.sratohcsto The Bee WASHINGTON , March D. 'Ujr .a alUii the asnato ta ardor at non , Yico-President Arthur wn vigorous- iy applauded by the gilleries.f The vici-prcaident stated that he had re ceived for preaenr.tlon a number of petitions for sp-r' : ; > 1 lagislatica , but his own opiaiou , bad upon rules and precsdeii' ' } , was -liat thcsa could not D3Lr"3ent8d at b' < nxtraoriina.y aession ol the sznate. H * submitted the ncojtion n to the disposition to bo made of the communications. Alter remarks by Messrs. Harris and Hill , it was ordered that the peti tions be retained by the vico-prestdant to ba submitted by him at the neit legislative cession. Mr , Hoar .offered a rcaolution ex tending to Gen. Hancock the piivi- leges of the floor during his stay in Washington. Adopted unanimously. Mr. Blaine , in accordance with a notice given by him &omovcaks PJJO , submitted the following reaolsllon : Resolved , Tint a special comiuiltce of five senotors ba appciuted by the chair to take into consideration the mode of voting for president and vice- president of the Unit3d States , and the mode of counting and certifying the the Eixrne , who shall report such propositions for a change in the lawa and constitution as rmy sesai cxpc-di int ; that said committee have the power to ait during receas of congress , and that they be directed to report on or before tno eoaond Wtdaesd-'y hi January , 1882. Temporarily laid ou the table to bu printed. Recsis until 3 o'clock , p. m. On reassembling , the galleries , which during the day Lad b en vsitcd bj numerous sightseers , ivcro densely crowded , and upon the entrance of Senator Blaine the moro dtrnonstia- tive of the visitors < ; ave vsnt to ihr 'i exuberance by way of cirrpl uie < . < t t that senator , in loud apple -so. The demonstration wad repeitad upon the appearance of Yice-r3ldiMt Anhur. As coon as the chair cilluii iho ate to order Mr Anthony called tentinn to the matter. Ho prcaui" 1 that many of the occupants of the r ! - lerics were strangers and anacqipint- ed with the rules. They should be made to understand that any manifes tation of approbation or disapproba tion waa an inault to the body , and would lead immediately to the galler ies being cleared. The vies president instructed t' a sergoant-at-srms to see that order wai maintained. When the senate reconvened , tvo following nominations were receiv J from President Garfi eld : Jame . Blsiue , of Maine , for secretary state ; William Windcm , of Minn ta , for secretary of the trassu ; Wayne McYeagh , of Pennsylvr- . , for attorney-general ; Thomas Li. James , of Xuw York , postmistcr- oral ; Sirauol J. Kirkwood , of lov , for secretary of the interior ; Robert T. Lincoln , of Illinois , forsecretaiy of war ; William K. Hunt , of Louisiai-a , for secretaiy of the navy. Immediately after the receipt of . . . G nominations the senate , on motio : r f Mr. Cameron , went into execuh- session. In the executive eessinn all the cab inet nominations were ccnBrmoi with out objection. When the doors were reopened the senate adjourned till Monday. Arrival ol a Ship-wrecked Crew. Special DtsM.tch to The Bee. NEW YOIIK , March G 10 p. m. The steamer Alhsmbria arrived yester day from Antique. She had among her ptssengcrs the shipwrecked crew of the British bark "Bob Fcrd , " wrecked off the islands of Bermuda. Of eighteen men who went in boats from the Island of Bermuda to rescue the "Bob Ford , " thirteen were drownofl by the stamping of their boat. The rcat remained oa lha wreck two days , whan the craw suc ceeded in getting r here iu thair OK n boats. EECKLE3S BAILROADIM. The Train Bearing the ei-Presi- ident and Parly is Wrecked , But the Occupants of the Special Car Escape Uninjured. The Ex-President's Departure. 3 ? < > clM Dtepatch to lis Uis. WisJiisaip , lsrch S - s Cp. ra. " The train bewms tha es-j.rcakont did not leave ; n ton -Vicpot until 12:45 yestc-rdar. The croiii gathered abuut the Cur , . and oxpreieSoua of feelIng - Ing toward ihu ex-pusident and his honored Tvife vrerd wnrrn and uiithu- 3U3tic. After the handshaking wi3 over thci. wj - > a cill for autographs , and for r-Mf RU hour the ex-prs."ident wife vre. 3 cng $ cA ianiir ; > < r ; lu- t'grapha ond' . ilips < f paoor , or cnylhing thxt cuuld bj fuiind for lha purple. A ' ' 3e del , tion of di--- tinsU'ihcd i raona .ino < > ihc car to pay their rnpecta and ray oud-bye. The car wf 3 'ho anne that brought Gen. GartioKi \Vfibipgtou. . aud was filled with tlc int fl ral oU'oringa. Tlio party consisted of fifteen pcrjorp. Narrow Escape of Ex-President Hayes and Party. Specltl l > ! spatch to 1 us tits BALTIXIOKE , Md. , Mr : h G , JO p. in. The fain I i-i'ig ox-l\ciidi.nt Hayes and party , on ttn way to his home in Ohio , cnlhded wMi two en gines near Severn station , on t' o Bal timore and Potomac railroa-J , 11 . . .i'ea out from thJ3 city , killing two pcraona end fatally injuring another and caus ing injuries of a lik i nature , raOro or Jcsa severe , to a r.umbsr of other persons. Wet&er en President H-yes nor asy f his pwty vrereaeriorn'y ID- jarcd. Hie shck ihrevr 3Ii3. iisyoa * nda nu'ubor ' f o'hcr occupants of the cs-fresiient's car from their seats , but did a < ; t cauca iujunes at all se vere. The sectit n rf tl.o 11:5)0 : ) , to which Mr. Hayoa' car wai attach ed , dd not le-.vo Washingion until a few nilnutea before 11 o'clock. One or two stopa hrd b r. made at sta tions , but no seriona delay had occur red ctter starting , which T SE very much delayed , osring to the large mrnber of pjoplo win demanded tianspnitaiion. Af 1:55 : the ex-presi dent's party luuchcd. They h&d end ed their u&il , and wore engaged in conversation regsrding thn occurren ces of the pint day , wben thn accident happonoo. The tirgt intimation cf tbo approaching : danger WAS a eu rjen crash. Thcu fo lowed the esnpe of hissing ttc-ra , and tbe f ' 11 of broken remnants ia the cir , r.nd all made a rush for the dor r. Sir. IT-.yes , after thani'rf i-cR'.b8ravf- ) jn tj j ot setiou'ly injured , and sv&ra" in uo ioimodiate dangar , surnng off of the car and hurried to the front" to aid , if D'taibie , any needing a < sht- anca. Quickly he took the sidi of the train toward which the strain \va ? blowing from tha disabled engines , aud he WET obliged to make a consid er.iblo detour to resell them. Arriv- icg at the front , it wasfoatd that two euyii'es , girg from IJjil i-uoro to Washington , -Uideawiihtho engine - gino d'awing f'o train on which was the party of the o p't-Eidcit. AH of the engines were thrown from the track , and two Pullman cara were tel escoped. In out ) ( f the cars lay one man dead , mingled almoa' beyond re- "cognitJDii. Unicrr.n crgiLo , crushed and terribly sciod ' , ! sy KtiocliL-r. On t'io top tf the overturned cn ino v ere { ' : e or four triin osppkycs , drawing i aman ctushi-d and bli.ckotud and Uy injured. From the debris from baneath tha engines , through tno hisa- ir > z stsam and smoke and pouring water , were crawhrg lha tire'asn and engineers of the oiher engine * , eearca- ly recognizable to ih ic frieuda , nid presenting . \ most pitiab'a ' pestaclo from the winduRa of the Pullman cas whic'i were partly overturned. Men blccdins ; about their hauio and heads vfero jumping out aidpuliing ! iheir fol lows aft r them When there -.vas time for inquiries it wca laarned that two engines that hid huilod traius up from Biliitnoro TTP-O rsturning , nr-d the traia beating the cs president's p.ity iret them : u a shftp curve. 13 thvrcra running at Iho rate of 03 miles an hour , acd it tvan irnpossiblo to stop thorn , but both cng.nt.3 were re versed. A'-l three of the pn < , Sr.ea Trere torn to pit. - s. John Eigiuid , ci - ghiper of the train beaiiug the Hayes party , vas qnita ccr-ousiy injured . \bout the back and cide , but of 1m own iujuriis he E0i.nicd : o think noth ing. "It's uo matter about me , " ho sjid , "so long as the president ru d his party arrives.- ' ' "Did you pee Iho other crgns3 ! coming ? " naked the correspondent. "Yes , " was tb ? reply , "I aaw them cs they c\me around ho curv , and might have jumped , bat I was determ ined to sive the c-hers ; EO I put on the sir brkss , reversed the wheels scd stuck by her , Lut it was iiupossi- bio to atop biforo vre met , TVC woto so close. " Englend grov , " worao after a little , and half an hour later i saw Mra. Hajea coming from bis bedside , her eycn filled > 7ith tosra of sympathy for the hero who had risked his iffo to save the aa he had counted it an hon or to serve. The ex president ncd faniilv irera untiring in their attention to tha wounde'd. The three sons of the ox-prciident were sniocQ the most activu workers in aiding tha sufferers , and entering the cars whure the injured passengers were liyini : and working manfully to help the wounded. Mr. Hayes wt a everywhere , expressing his syrrip thy , and offering srhr.tcver ? ii wa ? pnsai- ble. The people in tha vicinity of the spot where the r.i cidcnt occurred were disinclined to render much aid. A two- dollar note was demanded for the us > o of a horse aiid cairiago to transfer the baggage of the es-proaident to D train sent out for it from Baltimore. The train to take tha psrty to Balti more arrived at 3:30 : They got aray about 4 o'clock , arriving in Balti more an hour later. The ox-president and frieuds went to * ho rcaldencu of Mr. Shoemaker to dine , and spent tha evening. At 11 o'clock they took tha tram for the Test. The party arnvcd nt Ahoona , Pa. , fct 8 o'clock Sunday morning , and not " wishing to upend the cay "traveling the1 ! ! car vr T cido-tracked. The ex- president and Mra. Hayea attended , tie Methodist church in the morning , I and t'ne -bytfrian-church at night. < ' Tha party tvill IGAVO Altoona at 0 o'clojk thismoruing , arriving at Cleve Hnd in the evenin : ; , nlure they will remain aday.thacuestsof Mr. Austin , a relative of Mr. Hayea. ELSG7RIG BntEFS. Special Dlsj-atcbea to Tha Be . - Tao Mmneapta legislature adjourn ed Saturday. A dsGciency of 55,000 in the ac counts of the Spriogdtld ( Mass. ) silk company has been discovered. Tha treasurer. Henry Hallett , haa bean ar rested. Bernhardt ia playing in Michigan this week. The pwty ware snow bound nearPeoria , 3 1. , Friday , and in consequence missed a matinee per- lha court house at Moultrie , Ga. , destroyed by fire Saturday , with all the valuable recorcb. St. Patrick's C-stholic cathedral at Pcorij , III , Tri"3 destroyed by fire Sat urday. It vm erected two yei vs &so at coat of $30 C 30. Thomrs Smith , er. , of Now York , w3 tri-d S tard y for cruelty to hn BonThoinragea 15 , in coaspalling biiu to i-ntcr the aix-daj's walkiuc ; toatch. After the boy had walkcl 93 miles , ho swooned away from exhaus tion. Smith vrs9 fiaed § 1CO and sen- lanced to ten days in jail A daughter of the laio A us in Moore , by Lis eecond wife , hai , through -lur Kuar.iiana , entered suit agatnsc the executors of the Austin oata'o in the Bnoklyn courra for $100,000. which she claims is her share in the proaty. The State CaLtlo Growers' associa tion of Colorado E'ito that tLe losst i tj cattla irf that s' to during the win ter do not ex-eed 2 percent. An actual count dovel'-ps the fact that only 2,203 h&ad out of 550CCO , in the state were lost. The wojdwoorlc fastarof J. A F < iy &Co. , r.t C-tcana'vi ! , w. s partial ly de-I'oyed by fire cJy fauudi-y taornlng. Jack Orr , for the murder of BJch- ard B'o - , in Chicijo , J * fall , wcs fouud guilty ana his Sintobca fixed at imprisonment for life , SAtorday. The Sriulding guards , of BuP o , reached Oni' o , Sunday , on thetr re turn from New Orleiri. They will ba guasta of Ilia Firjt regiment for a cnupla of d&ya , asd vr.ll then go lo Milnankas , aud posatbly to Maaison and Minneapolis. Shcri5 Bowling , of Kansas .City , shot and mortally wound' 1 a drunk- oa and reiract ) .y night poli imau , named PJS Wolal ) , Saturday. Welsh fcjn firing ; at tuo paoplo in the otroet , and \ras ab nit to shoot the sheriff , who undertook to rvrest him , but Howling was too quics , aud sent thrro balls : ute Wo'ih'ii bcciy. G v. PiU-buijr , of I.IinneHota , ha ? basil appelotl to by the citizens of Pjne Isl.wl to compsl the opening of ttjyw HaaiicsJs swul I jkptav railroad which has teen cloned 9inca Januaty 31 , wtilo tha i"hsbt < ant3 of the town are greatly suffering for food and fuel. A Dangerous Passenger. E ; cc'.ll ' D.'spitcl ) to Til * BKI. DSNIS'K , Tex. , March 0,10 p. m. Fri.tay n gM vlii'o the Missouri Pa- citio pas-cnjer vr.rjbt.unJ south , a j.1 oi gr oa the emigrant car , JdmiB Haydcn , from Ken- tuc'/y , eu'ealy pulled a pistol and counuenctd fifing amoug the passen gers. Win. Lewis was shot through r1 e brain , Mid instantly kil'ed. ' Thos. ShfiT wfsshot in thu head near tha rl ht ye , fv'id Jtmej H tailton Vas ohot in the bo-Jv befors Hayden could ba disarmed. Ho ij ajpiroutly in- eanc. Ho wa srresied. Blundering Burglars. Special DispiU-h to 'iho Bee. INDIAKAVOITS , Mar h 6 , 10 p. m. Seine tune during Friday night a par ty > f supposed I-.idiiiuipolts burglars visited t'iu neighboring villages of Qreeowich and Sotithport. and at the former place bleiv" open a eafo in Johnson's store , smiring 810 and overlooking S3CCO in gold concealed in a comraon tin box inside. A eafe at Southport WOT also blown open , by which § 5000 w ? < s seeurotl Close of the Walking Match. Special Dt ri-t-.h lo Thtt k < - NEW YORK , Mach G 10 p. ir , At 7 o'clock lasc night Risvoll entared and walked a lap with C mf ana. At 8:15 : L.i-rf.n ncs presented wi'h a five hundred cellar bill on the track by an admirer. At 8-39 all but Campini were on the track. At 9:45 : tha match clnsrd and Fauchotvrps given the belt. The score is : Panchot 541 , Kr hnu 52,1 ? , Curran 504 , License 480 , Cam- pana 450 , Sullivan 401. The estimate receipts are § 17,500 , rxpensoo. 310- CC ) , loavirg only 51OCO to bo divided among the irdkers. Panchot geta 500 of this ard 81,900 etakes. Krhnro gets $250 , and Cuiran , La- cons. > , jrap-iuaand Sullivan § 250 bet - t een tiou. : Krohna recsivod $1,5CC presents , ani Curran S1COO allo gather. RoTvcll , albeit , 0 Leary antl Vaughn b"g n their raaich at 12:0a to-cight. 0. E. D vis betj S5.0CC that O'Lesry beato Vaughn , and S5C3 that O'Loary boots 500 miles , cquare heel and toa. MAIEE BADLY MAULED. Sara Hernhardt's Manager Thumped on a Train. CHICAGO. March 5 4 p. m. A LeaTonworth , Kas. , disp.itch siys : There is much talk hero of a scandal ous C 'ht between the treasurer of the Bernhar'dt company and the manager , Mr. Mtyor. The fao's ' as far as learned are that Mr. Abbey left the company en Wednesday and went to Milwaukee , leaving Mayer in charge. Ho with brief po 7er ruled the com pany , exercising .1:1 iron hand , and hile at the New Pcrin hcuee ho goi ii lo n , quarrel with the treasurer aboul letting tn a mirutcr of people. Hoi svorda ensued. The quarrel culmin > ated in a hand tc-hand combat on the tram which was to take Bornhardt tc Quincy. Parnell's visit to Parh ia said to have modified French feeling towards the bnd league. A Durban d spatch siys a heavj raia Iiaa caused much delay in the procnoiing of the war in the Trans- vail. POLISHED PANELS. Gaifield's Cabinet Complete and S nt to the Seriate for Approval , - The Plumed Knight "Appoint ed Chief of Staff and State , The Capital Still Robed in Remnants of the Holiday. \ Vast Multitudes repressing ith dent The Senate's Session. Special Dispatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , March 5. The senate was In session bnt a few minutes when called to order at 12 o'clock , but took a recess at 3 o'clock , which hour it ia understood among senators that the president will send in his cabinet nominations. THE CABINET. 4 p. m. The cnblnet nominated by President Garfield is a ? follows : James Q. Blaine , of Maine , secre tary of "tate. William Windom , of Minnesota , secretary of the treasury. Robert T. Lincoln , of Illinois , sec retary of war. 5 J. Kirkwood , of Iowa , spcretary of the interior. Thos. L. James , of Now Yorkpost- master-general. Waynu McVeagh , of Pennsylvania , attorney general. Justice Hunt , secretary of the navy. THE DAY AFTER. The city still partakes of iis mili tary character , the streets being full of ntmcd military organizations , some marching to the depots to [ take the trains homo and others going to the White House to compliment the president by a marching salute. The departing trains have been crowded to excess , and although many thousand visitors have gone , yet their presence is not mis ° ed from the throng re maining. The day is beautiful over head , and many organizations which took part in yesterday's parade with depleted ranka are parading the av enue to-day with a full force of men preceded by binds of music. The departments are crowded with sight score , and but little office business is being transacted. The inauguration ball last night was a complete success. Although not so many persona attended aa was anticipated it is regarded as surpassing any similar one in the history of thu government. Large crowds of people wont to theWhite , House this morn ing to pay their respectsto President GarSeld andLhaaccorded .aa.audicnco ; o as many as he could although he was greatly wearied from the hand shaking he has had to undergo during the past twenty-fonr hours. 1 HE NEW CABINET. now GARFIELD'S CHOICE is BECEIVED IN CHICAOO. Special dispatch to 1 ha Bee. CHICAGO , 111. , March 7 la. m. The Chicago press , and the people ; anerally , ore well pleesod v/lth the vr cabinet , not only as to the mate rial chosen , but in respect to the geo- ; raphical representation. The fact hit the grett west is given three of ; he most important portfolios the treasury , war nd interior depart- meets is accepted as an indication that President Garfield will accord the western half of the republic its due share of attention. The appointment of Rob3ft Lincoln and ex-Gov. Kirk- wood appears to ba particularly pleasing. The papers are saying many complimentary things abont Mr. Lincoln. The Times remarks : ' 'Mr. Robert Lincoln , prospective secre.ary of war , is not , as many sup pose , indebted Senator Logan , to Gov. Cnllom , or to any other external influence fur his appointment. He is purely and solely the choice of Presi dent Garfield , withont any solicitation of his own. This is honorabe , and The Times gives to Mr. Lincoln its benediction , " Tfte Inter 0 oan , which claims to have given the firet correct announce ment of the cabins , lest Friday m in- ing , bglieves Mr. L'ncoln to be the youngest man (37) ( ) ever called to a place in the cabinet , but notwith standing , predicts that he will be onu of the most trusted and valuable ad visers of the president , on honor to himself and to the country One of the most interesting expres sions in regard to tbo cabinet ia thai by "Long John" Went worth , who has something of a national reputation. "Leng John" eays Gov. Kirkwood , ol IOWH , is the bast appointment in the whole list. His name is a synonym for unyielding integrity wherever ho is known. Ho : an sit down upon a thief , lobbyist or speculator as doci- dcdly ia bo did upon traitors in the rebellion. " "Long John" a id about Lincoln : "There is nothing of the big head about Bob Lincoln. He wil underestimate rather than overesti mate himself. Ho will got alone ad mirably with Sherman and Sheridan , and while Lincoln and Kirkwood hold their places , there will be no war be tween the war and interior depart ments on the Indian question. " IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON , March 7 1 s , m The new cabinet was the subject o general conversion anung paople a thi ) hotels yesterday. Probably no similar actien on the part of any prcs ident ever gave more general satisfac tion. The appointment of Blaine anc Wtndom cause the least surprise , anc that of James la almost universally re ceived with approval. Those who ob ject to the choice of secretary of war are those who had selected another for the position , but Lincaln'a friends expect a model administration of the ilutic * o ! that tffico. Friends of Gov Foster , of Ohio , exprcja disappoint merit at the Buckeye governor's nol receiving some cabinet appointment JBWELI. DISAPPOINTED. From a conversation with Hon Marshal Jewell , of Connecticut , i appears that he is very much disap pointed with the prospect of any re ward for his services as chairman o the rational repbulicin csmmittea during the campaign. His ambitioi wai unquestionably to be sent abroad Having reprented the government a' ' St. Petersburg , Jewell woali prob ably bejunwilling to accept any post nth- or than the English or French mission " "Blaiho is said to be In favor of James Baasell Lowell remaining at the court ot St. James , and as the French mis- nion haa been promised to Mr. Mor ton , Jewell's chancei appear rather slim. Men on th.e Message. Special Dispatch to Tni Bis. CHICAGO , HI. , Marsh 5 4 p. m. The newspapers of Chicago with one accord speakof President Garfi eld's Inaugural address in the higbes terms of praise. The Times , democratic , after re viewing it point by point , say on the n hole .the initial deliverance of Pres- dent Garaeld'is the freshest , frankest , and moat healthful in its one of any presidential deliverance he public baa read in a very long ime. "It in the deliverance ° fa _ _ man who not only has Ideas bnt has tnern horoughly in Land. The Inter Ocean , Tribune and Jour nal ( Rap. ) and the smaller independ ent sheets are equally complimentary o the new executive for the tone of tis opening declaration. ailRKETS BY TELEGiMPIJ. cmcaso Produce Market. CHICAGO , March 5. Flour Quiet and unchanged. Wheat In fair demand but at Jower atea ; Chicago spring , 99@OOJo § for ash ; 99c for March ; 99 c bid for April ; SI 03 | bid for My ; No. 3 , 88&90Jc ; rejected , 80s. Corn Marsh sold at 37Jc ; Apiil , flless Pork March. $14 60 ; April , $14 02J ; May , fc4 77 * . LirdMarch , S9 97 ; April , $10 10 ; May , § 10 20 Short Ribs March , $7 42J ; April , 87 47 $ ; May , § 7 57 Oats March , $ > 29 c ; April , 29gc ; May , ChlcaRO Liye Stock Market CHICAGO , March 5. Hogs Receipts were light and he market rated cull ; prices were weak and a shade lower than yesteJ- Isy , and sale ; ranged from $4 85 © 0 ? 5 00 for "culls" and inferior lots ; 15 10@5 35 for light packing ; go 10 © 1 35 for heavy packing ; $4 45gG ( 10 or good to choice heavy ; slipping ots , $4 50 ; market quiet , with frcah eceipts of 5,500 head. Cattle Tnere were received during ; ho nfght about 100 cars of cattle over ho different roads , and PS bnyeia hipped the bulk of their purchases 'C3terday , last night 'a market ruled airly active and prices firm and teady , shippers being the principal nirchasers. Sales ranged from $3 75 54 35 for cows and butchers' steers ; 4 40@5 00 for fair to good shipping , and from 5 1G@5 50 for choice to extra shipping steers. There were only a few-Dales to city operators. Che fresh receipts wore 1,800 head. Sheep Receipts , G,000head ; ship ping limited on account of scircity of can ; scallawags , 8275 ; fair to good natives , 84 50@5 cO ; several loads at $5 75@6 03 ; all aold. , Yoris Produce Market. NEW YORK , March 4. Flour Receipts , 18OCO , barrels ; sales , 13GOO barrels ; market without mportant change , with a light export and local demand. Butter Dull and weak ; Ohio , 12i @ 27. Cheese Steady at 812c. Sugar Firm nd in fair demand. Molasses Quiet and firm. Coffee Quiet snd firm. Tallow \Veak at G.J < gGJ. Eggs Weaterii dull at 21c. Cotton Dull and nominal. Wheat Steady ; Chicigo , § 1 11 ® 1 12 ; M Iwaukee , 81 20@1 2U ; No 2 red winter , 31 20@1 2U ; Bales , 300- , 000 buih.-ls Corn Steady ; No. 2 , 58@5 | 3. CUts Steady. Whisky Oulot. Pork Nominal. Lard 810 02.110 40 for March ; 810 40@10 45 for Atiil ; 810 40'i@ ' 10 50for May ; 810 50@10 55 lor June ; 810 45@10 47 f r July ; § 10 05 @ 10 10 seller for the vrar. St. Louis Produce ST Lop's , March 5. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Lower and blow ; No. 2 red , SI 011 01 | cash and March ; SI 031 02 $ for April ; § 1 05i © 1 05 for May ; No. 3 do , 99c ; No. 4 do , 9ii@92 c. Corn Eisier at 3Jc ! ) for cash and March ; 3 ! ) | ; for April ; 401@40fc for May ; 4nfij40c for June. Chts Slow at 33io for cash ; 33c bid for April ; 34 bid'for May. Rye tti'-her at 98c. Barley Unchanged. Lead Firmer at § 4 55. Butter Unchanged ; extra dairy at 18@27c. Esut Firmer at 2Gi@27ic. Whisky Steady at SI 08 Pork Higher at § 15 CO Miked. Dry Salt Meats Dull , weak and lower ; bacon easier and little done. Lard Nominal. Hoceipta Flour , 5,000 bbls ; wheat , 29,000 ; corn , 104,000 ; oate , 12,000 ; rye , 3,000 ; barky , 4,000. Shipments Flour , 8,000 ; wheat , 92,000 ; corn , 317,000 ; oats , 2,000 ; rye , 3,000 ; barleyjione. . St. Louis Live stock Marliet. ST. LOOTS , March D. Hogs Light grades firmer ; Yorkers and Baltimores 85 C0@5 50 ; mixed packing 85 15@5 45 ; choice to fancy , S5 60 < § 6 CO ; receipts , 1,100 head ; shipments , 150 head. Cincinnati Produce Market. CISCINNATI , March 5. Wheat Good demand and stronger ; No. 2 red , 51 05. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 42 @ 43Jc. Oats In good demand : No. 2 ixd , 36k. Bye Active and firm at 8110. Barley Good demand ; fall , SI 02 © 103. Pork Dull and nominal at 814 75. Lird Dull atS9 95@10 00. Whiaky Active and firm at § 1 08. The Snaring Snow. Spe ial Dispatch to The Bee. CHICAGO , M rch 5. Light snow contmnes to fall to-day. The weather is cold and blustering , and BROW banks re form as fast as they ara cleared. The railrcad people and citizens gen erally continue to dig , scrape and BhoveL It is not characterise oJ Chicago or the thousand other enter prising towns of the northwest to re main dormant , and they will dig oul before long if such a thing be pos fiible. The railroad people are work ing hard with all the plows and shovel : they can get. If there is no othe j etorm all lines will be open in a week FOREIGN NEWS. Law and Order Give Place to Plunder and Pillage in Peru. A French Newspaper Attacks Parnell for Eis Meddling. Turkey and Greece Perfecting their Armaments. * An Earthquake Devastates a City in Italy. r * * . - & - 4avjZv _ - sac * ? pf"f WAR AT ANY COiT. Special Dispatch to The B . LONDON , March 7 1 a. m. A YI- enna coirespondent says : "No fur ther intoihgeuc3 has been received here as to the proceedings of the am- biasadors in Constantinople. All that can be learned is th t their ac'inr.a . The Mo- are kept sicrcdly secret. - hamnrudana of Previ at have portion ed the great powers to leave that place under Turkish rule. Theyre also sending numerous volunteers to Ja- nlna Thithar , likewce ) , volun earo are flicliiug from Albania. It is learned from Constantinople that the shores rf the Dirdauelles have now | been completely fortified with strand t batteries A largo number of ' ( nrk- iih troopa have beoa assembled there , j A party of whom nru shortly to ba seat ' to Epiras. Aheraed Pfsha , inspector j general of engineers , after examining the Dardanelles "fortifications , ex- prejscd-i himself in terms of high praisa at what he had aeeu. He has now gone forward to inspect tha sta'o of Turkish troops , and the defences about Slonica. From Athens it is re ported that the Hellenic government has hirad all the steamers belonging to a Greek st'.imbojt campiny. They are to be used aa transport vessels , and possibly may hereafter receive some ormjuntnt in order to ba en tered as war ship . The greuk war department have ealablidl-oJ three long mili'aiy di > p ta " TIIE OLIVE BUAVCH RFJHCTPD A Uorlin correspondent says : "Ac cording to news received hero from the beat quarters in Constantinople , Count Hatztield's psacj mission has proved a failure nna lit3 broken down altogether. Turkey will not give in , and ia hu'ryingon all prepara'ion with the utmost speed possible for imme diate war. The present estimate of the Turkish force to bo employed against Greece , ia 120,000 men. Fresh fortifications are being erected at Gal- lpoli , Smyrna , Mityleue and other points " EABTUQtTAKE IN ITALY. Special Dispatch to The Bo NAPLES , March 7 1 a. m. A fear- ul earthquake haa occurred at Ischia , where seven hundred hens s have see destroyed , oneptteet oftha town ) eing a mass of fains. One hundred and twenty dead bodies have bean re covered. Those of the population hat were not injured fled to the open country and are starving for lack of 'ood. The toldiors are helping in cscning thrro that are living , and lave performed rainy brave deed ? , nd have ssv d hundreds of women and children. The wounded have > een brought to this city. Thn eceno wai harrowing in the extreme , and here are yet many bodies in the ruins , ling Humbert has sent help to tha ufferora. ANAECUY IX PEKO. Spoihl Dispatch to The Bee. PANAMAFebru < uy 24. The movers of the Panama canal company , are lere busy , and have two hundred In jarera at wrk. Mat or3 in Pmu are in a etato of qniet anarchy no peace , no tovern- ; rnent , raarttr.l law divided , robberio numerous , a feeling of general alum ireyails , and bninrss has nil stopped. Twenty thoimnd Chilian- are in Her- ma. All firms in the neighborhood of the city hive been plundered. The people beg for terms but the Chilians refuse. There are well grounded Fears of an uprising of communists aid general murder after the depar- lure of the Chilians , and people flee ing from all the towns , especially Lima. The Chilians promise not to destroy Lima. The Chilian minister of war returned from Arici with in structions to Gen. Boguedno to col lect war indemnity his own way , if the Pjruviars f jil to treat within thir ty days. The Chilians have agreed to protect foreign crpita ! . The only newspaper published in Lima , Ancou Chorillos Chancay , is closed. Com munication is limited in Gallon , wiicro Chilians take all customs. They aru taking all arms , burning all forts and guns , removing wnr munitions , pow der , machinery , libraries , public sta tutes , paintings and all thingi of val ue , including , lions and elephants , to Chili. Prisoners on Sin Lorenzo island were liberated. Communists say they will over run the country when the Chilian go. People are terror- stricken and are flying from the coun try. try.On the 10th of February tha hea viest frost since the Spanish conquual occurred. From the north to Guata- mala § 2COO,000 damage was dono. II will tnko years to repair tie ! dimi' e to cano and coffee plantations , which look as if swept by fire. It was the first ice seen by the penple. ASKING PP.OTECTION. Bpedil Dlap tch to The Beo. LONDON , March 6 10 p. m. A QaeeF8fown correspondent telegraph ! as follows : Pending the passage oi the coercion biil and arms act , twenty Americans in the counties of Cork , Limerick and Kerry , applied to Mr , Colbrooks , United States consul al Queenatown , for protection , express Ing fears of arrest. DISABLED BY COLLISION. Special dlapalch to The K . LONDON , March C 10 p. m. Adls patch from Monteveida lays : The Danish bark "Ariadne" has put bad to this port , and has been beached , She will discharge her crew and will probably bo condemed. She has beer in collision with the "United State * manof-war "Shenandoah. " SEVEEE OS PAENELL. Special Dispatch to Tha Bee. PABIS , March 6 10p. m The Re publique Franchise to-day is hard OE Parneil and the land leguers. l ! says the Irish have gone too far , and the struggle is now turning in f vor o the government. Parnell seems t < have lost his head , and committtec I 10th St. , bet. Jackson & Jones. Now known as the cheapestplaceinthe city for Everything sold for cash only , at BOSTON PRICES. , - -The foltoaring-nrc only a few ot'th&bargains not to be had elsewhere. Turkish Bed Damask at 50c , worth 65c. 11 " " " " "GOc , 75c. Half Bleached Linen Damask 50c , worth 65c. 1 " 65c.lf 80c. - 5-8 Linen Napkins $100 , worth $125. I ! . 125 , " 200. 175 , " 250. Linen Huck Towels ( exira size ) 25c worth 371-2. Double IJannsk Towe's ' 35cworth 50c , Crash Toweimc 5c worth 8 1-3. CORSETS I . CORSETS I We have in Stock all sizes from 18 to 32-inch at the following price-50 , 75 , $1.00. HOSIERY I HOSIERY ! Ladies' Balbrigan Hoae , silk clocked 25c , worth 371-2. lOc , worth 15c. " " . " . 15c. 20c. Men's Brown Mixed'Ha'f Hoae 12 l-2c , worth 20c. BOSTON I P. Q , IMLAH - - - - Manager. r 33 X. 3C . & _ 133 X , 73 Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts. Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gentsj f AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATGES | AU Bands Of 1 JEWELRY , SILVER WAKE A.VD DIAilOXDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. , . lluSI-dtt HORSE SHOES . AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Beat Assortment of WHEELS in the West. At t'hicaso Prices. W.J. BROATCH , 1 ° < W ft 1 > 11 t/1/ 7 it1vil * > Harne/ Street , Omaha. JtnJg-era Mia ac'.urer ot .11 kindft of Summer Bologna ( Csrve.'at Wuret ) a Sreciaitiy. Orders promptly flile'd. 1714 Burt Sb. , Omaha Neb. d2M ; serious s-.uita Hvin no hopw r m I the English , he crossed the channel ' to mduca the French c > > meuulo with 1 matters not concerning tLcm. } BEARDISO THU LIO.N" . Special Dispatch tojtha FKF. I LONDON , 3Iiro'i 5 4 i > . m The Tune : aiy.s the home-nil' ' mumbera of parliament held a cnnfereiico , Parnell prosidin , nt wnic'i it was decided that thu innjirtty of them shall return to Ireland and on Sandnjr week ad dress their constituent * on the coer cion act. All the speeches will he bold and outspoken. GABLtCRAHS. Spcciil Dlgpatctea ta Tun Kits. Joseph Beamont & C j. , merchants and manufacturers , of Huddersfield , Yorkshire , Ejglind , hive failed. Their liabilities are stated aG5,000. . The Oxford and Cambridge univer sity crews are in strict trAinin ? , and the shores of the Thames are lined by crowds daily witnessing them prac tice. Patrick Farrcll was murdered at Mullifarmhan , county Westmeith , Ireland , Saturday , became bo took some disputed land. The London Times Sunday morning says that President Garueld has form ed a cabinet that include ] all sections of the republican party , and considers that the success of the politicians se lected will bo eminent. The London Times says : "As the panic is over and the funding bill has passed , our market will be no longer affected. " Gen. Sir Garnet Wulsley , It fa re ported , will bo raised to the peerage , with the object cf conducting military affairs in the houss of 1-jrda. sr Lidy Raglan fa dead. A dispatch from Candahnr says thj evacuation of that plaro is proceeding. A dispatch from Dnnbar eays it is reported that terms of peace have been offered to the Eoeis through Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood. It is reported that the gorernmec t haa resolved to arrest Dillon for hia "boycotting" Speech. The land meetings held Sunday were quiet and peaceful. I. VAS CA P , if. o. K. L. Sioaisa. M. D NEBRASKA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , PKIYATE HOSPITAL. N'IT.T open lor tha reception of pa ientg far the TREATMENT OK AU.CIUU.VIi : ANDSUBOI CAL DISEASES. . TAX CA.1IP & Physicians & Surgeons , Proprietors. GDD EILOWS ELCCK CORKER I4TH A DODGE STS- OMAHA , NEB- J. H. FLIEGEL & GO. Sacceraors to J. II. TU1ELE , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , rTvr AT = T A oc ! S. G. STEVENSON & CO. Carpenters and Builders , have removed to No. 1308 Dodge -tre t , where they aio prepared to do all kind * of work In tbelrlineon short notJco at reasonable rates. rates.NOTICE. NOTICE. The annual metifg of tbe stockholders of the Omaha PjbMnCo. will bo bold Sliindar , JUreh 7th. 1831 , 7 39 p. m. . t the office of Th- > Omah * Beo. RO3EWATZS , President. imuha , Feb. 1st , Ie81.