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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1881)
TKE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . \ SIS farnkam , let. 8th end 10th. Stnctt TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , in advance postpaid ) . _ .13.00 6 nnnthj " " . . 1.00 S months * * " . . . . . .2.00 ' TIME TABLES- THE MAILS. C , * N. W.B.KB39a. m. , JtOp. m , C. B. t Q.6 30 a. m. . 240 ; p. m. O.B.I&P.B. B. . E Oatn.StQp.m1 0 * & St. Joe 8:80 a. m. B. City & P. 620a.m. TJ. P. B.B. , 11:40 a. m. O. & B T. to Lincoln , 10 a. m , B. 4M.R.R. . 8:10a.rn. : - O.JlN.W. , 730a.m. omnia 0. ftH.W. B.B. , 11 a. m. , 11 p. B. C. B.4Q.lla.m. , 920p.m. a K. I. & P. , 11 . . m. , 11 p. m , a B. ft Et , Joo.,11 sum. , lip m. U. P. R. R. , i p. m. O. & B V. from Lincoln , 1230 p. m ? B. * Local mails for States lows , letve but oaot day , TlK ( : SO a. m. Offloe open from 12 to 1 p. m. Bundiyi. THOMAS F. HALL. PostmaxUf. Arrival And Departure f Trains TJKIOK PACIFIC. LIAVB. Aurra. Dally Erpreas..13:16 P.O. ESS p.m. do Hired 6:10 p. m. i2Sp. m. do FrelKht.6 0a.m. lWp. m. do . .8:16 a. m. 14:20 a. m. HHK UABD OF THE BTJBLIKGTOZT. L1AVB OKAnM. ABJLTVl OKAHA. Kxpreea BtOp.m. : xpre . . . . . .100 a. B , Mall 6:00 a. m. Mill 10:00 p. m. Bnodayi Exceptcd. Sundays Excepted. CHTCA00.5ROCK BLAND & PACIFIC. Kan . _ . 6:03 a. m. I Mail . .100 p. . Express8:40 p.m. | Eiprea .100 a. m. CHICAGO KORTHWESTKRK. MaU . _ .6MOa.m.Msn | . _ ' -HP-1- K > preH _ MB:40pI m. | Erprese .16 0 a. m. Bondtye ezcepted. KANSAS CITT , ST. JOE ft COUNCIL BLUTF8 U1TB IRKITK. Kail . _ .8 0 a. m. I EipreeB.7 : < 0 v m. KrpreeB . bGOp.m. | Mafl . .7 * p.m. The only line running Pullman Sleeping Can out ot Omaha to Union Depot. OHAHA & NORTHERN NEBRASKA EAIL- WATCOitPANT. Leave. Arrire. Exprert _ . .80 a. m. I Fxprew .420 p , m. Hired . .1 0 p m. ( Ubced . 10:45 a. m Dally Except Snndayi. B. & M. B. B. In NEBRASKA. 1EATB. . Irpre _ . . . . .8OamJ Freight . 8SO m freight . 6:65 p m I Exprets . 4:10 pm BIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. MkQ . , _ _ C:10 : a m I Ezpreea . 1040 a m BzpttM - 8.40pm I M . _ 730 p m WABASH , ST. LOUIS ft PACinC. U1TX8 , AKIIim. Call . - 8 a. m. I Mall - 11:66 . a Exprea.Mp. : m. | Kxpre 8.4dZS p.m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. B , R. Leave Omaba , dxlly ; S a. m. , B a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m. , S p. m. , 6 p. m , , 6 p. vare Conndl ElnBs ; 8.-2S a. m. . BfiC : m , , 10S5 a. m. , USE a. m. . 1S5 p. m. , 8:25 p. m. , 8S5p. m. , B:25 p. m , , 6S p. m. , roar trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at 9 and U a. m , 2 and B p. m. ; Conndl Blnfli tt 838 , 11:26 a. m. , and 2 : 5 and 525 p. m. riEiraora num. Leave Omahi : 8 . m. , 7. a. m. , 820 . m. , 1 p. m , , 4 * ) p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Conndl BluUa : 6:15 a. m , , S:40 a. m. , 11 HO a , m , 6:26 p. m. , 7.-00 p. m. , 720 p. m. Dallr except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. . AWUVI. Dallr except Sundavc. GEO. W. HILL , ATTORNEY-AT-L1W. OSce on Farnham street , between 16th and 16th , next to office city w tcr worki , Omaha. Boy * and ell Om ba City property and he- braaka land * . Mlnine property in a I parts of Colorado , for le. From a lone residence In Colorado and experience In mlnlnj property , I am prepared to offer sale and profitable 1- Enenta to purchaser . CHARLES POWELL , rnSTICE OE THE PEACE Comer 16th nd I Parnham SU. . Omaha Keb. SIMERAL , AT LAW Room B.Crelghton kTTORKEY fit. , OMAnA. KER. D-L.THOMAS , TTORNET AT LAW Loans money , bnyl . and sells resl 3ts.t . Room S.Crelghton Block. A. C. TRQUP , A HORNET AT LAW Offics In Hactcom1 * A. Block , with George E. Pritchett,1608 OH&.HA.KEB. DEXTERL THOMAS , TTORNET AT LAW Cmickahank B Bvlld . UK. A. M. CKADWICK , ZTORNET AT LAW Office ISM Farnham atr t. _ - WH.LFEA80BY , hton Ho k , Btxt U 350IAET rUBTJC. OQUJJCTIOgB ILiPK O'BRIEK & 6ASTUE7T , Attornoys-at-JJaw , ATTORNEY AT LAW. AXftACK BLOCK , COM. 0033A IETH STS. OHAHA. HER. W. d. Oonnell , Attorney-at-La w ( Of&te : Front roomc , op Bttlrs , in'Hanioom'i nrw brick building , N. W. corner Fifteenth nd farHham Streets. . KIDICX. UBAS. B. KKPI CK REDICS & REDICK , s-at-Law. Attorney - - . Sp d l attention will be fires to all tnlU kgnlnst corporations of every description ; will practice in al line Courts ol the State and the Driiod States. OXce. Farnham St. , opposite Court HOUM. . EDWARD W. SIMERAL , AT LAW Boom 8 OrelgLton Block , 1Kb ami Dour.Uj ttreaU. nogdh F. MAMDER8GN , TTOKNXY AT LAW US Tarnham Street i. Omaha Stbruka. Q. J. H0KT RICHARDS & HUNT , orrays-at-Law. Ornci 216 South Fourteenth Street. SANTA GLADS FOOND. Greatest Utscovory-cr the ABO. other thlnf where Santa Clans stayed Children ott ask U ho make * foods or not , U really he Eros In a mountain o ( snow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the PolAnd * . -And suddenly dropped Imo what oemedllkeahola "Where wonder o ! wonders theyfound anewland , < rfhUe falry-Uka bolncs appeared on each hand. There were mocntalns like ours , with more boiutirol green , k > d tar brighter tkios than over were coon , JOiia with the huus ct a rainbow were found , While flowers of exqnitt ! fragrance were grow ing around. Hot long were they left to wondtr In donb < A belug soon cama they had heard mnch about , Twas Santa Cites' Mil and this they all my , 1e l eked like the picture r esee every day. He drove up a team that looked very queer , Twas a team o ! crauhoppers Instead ot reindeer , He rode In a shall instead of sleigh , Bat ho took them on toird and drove them way. He ( bowed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories making good ; for women mnd men Furriers were working on hats greit and small. Xo Bonce's thsr ea ! < l they were Bending them all. Kris Klnglo , the Glove Maker , told them at once , All our QlorcB ire are Bonding to Bonce , Banta showed thjoj suspenders and many thing ! more. 8 iylo ? I alsa took these to friend Bonce1 ! ton. Banta Claus than whispered a secret he'd tU , As ia Omaha every one know Bono * well , He thntfori saemd send his Roods ti hi * can , Knowing his Meads will pet their toll slsara. Sow remember ye dwellers in Omaha town , All who want p jecntt to Dunce's go round , for shirts , collars , or cloves great and mall , Send your dster or aunt one and al Jtanca , Champion Batter ot the West , Douglas < wt. Onnh AGENTS "WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Prohwely Illustrated. The most Important ! best book published. Erery family wants. Extraordinary inducements offered Agent * . .Address Aciarra' PcBLtsgno Co. . St. Louis. Mo. QJK t < HOn r day at home. bampMwor DJ I tb/.U tne. Address BUuon * Co Portland. U . SUBSCRIBE FOR WFJEKLT BEE , The Best in the West. OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY ART EMPORIUMS- ' , UI ? 03ca Art Emporium , 1516 Doige btreet , Steel Engravings , OU Pointings , Chromes Facer Frames. yramlogaSuedalty. Low pnces. J. BONNER , 1809 Douglas t. Good Styles. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOBS L. McCAODE. opixisite postofflce. W. B. BABTLETT , 817 South 18th Street. ARCHITECTS. A T. LAEOE , Jr. . Room 2 , Crelghton Block. Boom 14 , Orelghton Block. BOOTS AMD SHOES. JAMES DiVINE S CO. , Fine Boots and Shoos. A good assortment o home work on hand , cor. 12th and Hamey. EBlCKSOy , 8. E. cor. 16th and Douglas JOHNFORTUNATU3J 00510th St. , manufactures tc order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. BED SPRINGS. J. F. LARRtUSR. Htnafartnrer.Vlwcherg' Elk BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J. I. FRUBHAUf , 1015 Farnhun Street. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WH.SKYDBB.Ko. 1S19 Uth and Ilarney St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDREW HOdKWAT R , 1610 Farnham St. Town Snrreyi , Grade and Sewerage Systems a Specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN O. WILLIS , 14U Dodge Street. D. B. BEEMER , For detail * see large Advertise ment in Dan and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WEST 4 FRIT CHER , Manufacturers of Clgan , and Who eeale Dtaleis in Tobacco * , 1305 leug. W. r. LOREKZEN. manufacturer , 51410th SU CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Corniie , Tin , Iron and Slits RooSor. Orders from any locality promptly executed in the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 Dodge btrecU Galvanized Iron Cornices. Window cap ) , etc. manufac.nred and put up In any part ot the country. T. BINHOLD , 116 Thirteenth St. CROCKERY. J. BONNER , 1S09 Uougla * St. Good Line. DENTISTS. DR. PAUL , WlllUmg' Block. Cor.lSth & Podge DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KUHS&CO. , PharmadBta , Fine Fancy Ooodg , Cor. 16th and Diuglaa Streets. W. J. WHITEHOUSB , Wholefii'e & RcUU.lG St. C. C. F1KLD. Z022 North ? < lde Cuml"e Street. iL fAKK , Urmi.iil , lotb > nd tiowaro. FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , v ir and Secend Hand Fnrnltore and atovtf , llli Douglas. E. O. TnrKeon Ag't. J. BONKERl ! BDoaUas St. Fine Geode , &c- FENCE WORKS OMAHA FENCE CO. GCST. FRIES & CO. , IZ'.S Hamey St. Impror- od Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office Ballings. Counteract Pin < and Walnut. FLORIST. A. Donairhne , plant , cut flowers , iceds , boqnets etc. , N. W. cor. 16lh and Douglas Sts. GROCERS. Z. STEVENS , 2lst between Cumin ; and hard. T A. Mc HAVR. Corner 23d ar.d Coming Sts. HATTERS. W. L. PARRO tTE & CO , 1306 Douglas Street , Wholesale Exclusively. HARDWARE IRON AKD STEEL DOL&.N&LANGWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and IIS 15th tit. A. HOLMES , comer 16th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B. WE1ST , 321 13th St. . bet. Farn. & Har- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladles get TOOT Straw , Chin and Felt Hats done UP at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOVE. PROP INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. HUB. LIZZIE DENT. 217 ICth Street. JUNK H. BERTHOLD. Rajs nd Wft ls. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER. 1303 Douglas St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS. O. A.L1KDQUEST , One of our most popular Merchant railors is ro- celving the latest detlgnj forSprlnj aad Sura- is or Goods for gentlemen's wear. Styllsn , durable and prices low MfTcr , 215 ISth bet. Doug. & Far. MEAT MARKETS. The Boston Market. MOOLEt JESTER , Fresh and Cured Meats , Gamo.FUh. Poultry. Etc. . 20JO Cumlng Street. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Goods in great \ariety , Zeph > rc , Card Boards , Hoderr , gloves , corset * , &C Ciieapest nouee In tbo Went. Purchaser ! save 30 per cent. Onler br Mail. 115 Fifteenth - * . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W.S. GIBBS. M. D. , Boom"No. . ; t , Cretghton lilock.lHh Street. t.SL LSISENRINO. M. D , Masonic Block. C. P. HART , M. D. , Eye and Far. opp. postefflca DR. L , B. GRADDT , Ocullft a d Anrist , Hth cd Douglas Streets. PHOTOGRAPHERS- GBO. HETN , PROP. Grand Oatral OiJlerj , 212 Sixteenth Street , nexrMasonlcHall. flr t < lassWorkandPrompt- nen Cu nuileed. PLUMBING AMD CAS HXTURES- D. FITZPATRICK. 14M Pouglm Street. PAINTING AKD PAPER HANGING A. KQ-n'Ri-t 1412 Pod-e Street. PAWNBROKER J. ROSENFKLD , SZi 10th St. bet. Fa-n. & Bar. STOVES AND TJKWABE. A. BDRME3TER , Dealer in Storet and Tinware , and Uinutacturer ot Tin Boob and all kinds of Bnildin ; Work Odd Fellow. ' Block. J. BOyXKR. 1803 Doug , ot. Coed and Chsip. SEEDS J. EVAN'S , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultlnton. Odd Feliows Hall. SHOE STORES. Phlllpp Ims , 1S ) Farnham it. bet. Uth &lith. SECOND HAND SfOBE FEEKIKS & LEAH , 1418 Douglas St. , Kew * aj Second Hand Famltnre , R use FurnUblnz Ooodi , tx , b-iujhtnd soldon narrowma rlM. SALOONS- nESRYKAUFMAKH , ' In the EOW brick block on Douglas Street , ta' Just opene < l most ele tnt Beer Ilall. . Hot Lunch trom 10 to 12 every daj. FLANNERT , On Farnham , next to the B. & U. headquarters , has reopened a ceat anl complete establish' mint which , burins HUE , and Mother Ship- ton's Prophecy , will be open for the boys \rith Hot Lunch on and alur present tlate. "Caledoula , " J. FALCONER , 67916th Street UNDERTAKERS CHAS. R1EWE , 1012 Farnham bet. lOtl & llth EAST INDIA BITTERS ! ILER & GO. , SOLE MANUFACTURERS , OMOLA. Kefc. A STEANGE BUSINESS. Wholesale Dealing in Birds and Wild Animals. How Menageries are Stocked. Atlanta Constitution- In 1844 or ' 45 Charles and Henry Relche , two young Gerfaans , having little less than the practical education that seems to be natural with young Germans , were bird-peddlera in New York. They went about from street to street Belling birds from stands. Their _ trade .uas principally in canaries , which they had sent over from Germany , where they only cost ton or twelve cents each. They did a pretty fair business up to 18G2 , when they made a daring stroke , that made them a fortune and established the enormous business they now con * trol. At that time California was in the flash of gold-finding. Gold was plentiful there , , but luxuries few. There was no transcontinental road , and the Isthmus route was tedious and costly , . Young Relche , knowing that canaries were unknown there , and believing they would become the rage when once seen , determined to carry over a cargo. He , therefore , get 3,000 oi the yellow fellows together , and , packing them in little cages , started for the Isthmus. Arriving at Cartagena , he had his birds carried across to Panama bay by natives , caught a ship there and soon reached San Francisco. He was late in reach ing the ship , and the captain was about to sail without him , but seeing his boat filled with covered boxes , thought it was belated mail matter. WhenReiche drew near , the captain bailed him and asked him what he had. "Canary birds , " replied Reiche. "Canary birds ba , " shouted Lhe captain. "If I'd known it was birds , I'd ha' left you long BE" . " Reiche's first idea of the flush tide be was to ride was derived from n homesick Englishman , who , hearing the whistle of a bullfinch that had been accidentally put in with the ca naries , offered to pay the expenses of the entire cargo for that finch. As this amounted to § 283 , Reiche saw that he had struck a rich lead , and he put the price of canaries at § 25 each. They did become the rage. Hotels , saloons , private residences , all must have & canary. The little yellow birds made a craze like the tulip mania. Tbo price went up to § 50 , and the cargo was soon sold. Reicho returned to New York a rich man. About this time the menagerie became an Ameri can institution. The "moral" show went abroad through the land , and there was a demand for Asiatic-Afri can animals. For years Hamburg , in Grermany , had been a sort of depot at which such animals were gathered by incoming ships from the tropics. Reicho conceived the idea of estab lishing a house there , and supplying it steadily with all sorts of beasts , to DO captured by the hands of hunters , working under his direction In the desert * and jungles. Up to that time ; he supply at Hamburg had been cas ual , depending' ' on what sailors or ship captains might bring over. Mr. Reicho went INTO AFRICA AND ASIA. And found that his best uiethod was ; o depend upon native hunters , acting under the order of the sheikh , and di rected by a few white men of courage and address. His system was soon so organized that his beast depot at Eamburg hecame the largest in the wcrld. It was supplied constantly with all kinds of captures , from tiny antelopes up to elephants , running trough all the gamut from leopard to rhinoceros. From Hamburg he now supplies the moat of the parks and gar dens of Europe , and ships heavily to America. He imports every wild ani mal sold in this country , and keeps a "large and assorted stock on hand. " Sine-tenths of the animals in Central Park , Now York , and a largo proportion tion of those in other pirki are his aroperty. When he receives a large jocsignment of lions or hippopotami , sr a few rhlnoceri and giraffes are billed to him , he places them in Cen tral Park , where they await a pur chase. He keeps in his store only a fsw of the smaller animals and even the aviary in Central Park is stocked with his birds. He considers twenty lions a good average stock , with proba bly as many tigers , a dozen elephants , [ our rhinoserl ( or rhinocorosaes ) , and other beasts in proportion. The most extensive animal ho dea'a in ia the iippopotamus. A good hippopotamus s worth ( to n man who wants him ) Tom § 10,000 to § 12,000. They must 36 captured when they * are young , and raised on goat's milk. A caravan of hunters returning across the desert with captured auimala ii a strange sight. About ono thousand goats ar.i irought with the caravan to furnish milk for the antelope , hippopotami and other milk drinkers. As the 'oats cease giving inilk they are killed Ind fed to the flesh eatdra. The anl- m&U arfl carried in bamboo cages , rigged with ropes , and slung across he backe of iho camels. From the coast they are shipped to Hamburg , where Charles Reiche recaives them , and thence they are distributed ac cording to demand. Elephants are captured when young , and usually by Iriviog them into immense traps that sonvergo rapidly until the beasts are cribbed Into reach of ropes. . A fine elephant will bring from § 1,000 to ,000. Of course , tha pr/cp / of anl- 3als varies with the demand. You nustget a man that wants a beai ba- ore yea can get any price for him hen the price depends upon how much he want * him. A good com panionable tiger Aan ba bought for 51,200 , und a nice Jeopsrd is worth xbout $400. Honkeyp fell In the mnch by the dozen at about $30 cash , md a rhinoceros brings about § 3,00& . k. giraffe is very expensive and very ' , lelieite , and a zebra , striped up to he regulation of ninety-nine and one , s worth about $1,000. Girafles die jf indigestion ; tha rhinoceros , despite us heavy overcoat , is a frequunt vie- Im to consumption , and the monkey lies of emotional languor. THE DEPOT FOR SEA LIOSS s San Francisco , wife re a man named ilullet superintends. They are taken on the south California coast and bring about $400 each. Polar bears coma rom the Arctics , and are worth about J2000. They are kept ia deep caves hat are damp and sunless , or in dens set in ice , and with huge blocks of ice dripping from the top. The point at which Mr. Relchi buys them is I nm- lurg , very few being taken in our Arctics. The snake trade is ono of , he Important departments. The leadquarters for snakes is Tara , in Central America , though , of course , he boa comes from tha Nile , and the anaconda from Africa. Tnere are var- ous depots for rare fish , and Mr. ileiche is an enthusiast on this sub- ect being owner of the New York iqnarium. "The bright-colored fishes coma from the tropical watars , and the dull-colored from Arctic sections. The ostrich has less sense than any land animal , and yet is worth § 1000. Chey are caught when young. 3irds como from all quarters. The most expansive is the bird of paradise , -which sells for § 260 to foOO , according to plumage. Parrots , paroquets aad monkeys are brought n great numbers by sailors irho come n * on foreign ships. The principal ihlpping points are Alexandria , in Sgypt , and Ceylon , off southern In dia. At the first point the animals from the Nile region and the heart o Africa ara collected ; at the Utter the tigers and lions from the jungles o India. The bed of the Nile la the best hunting ground , as it has been for yeira. Almost every wild beas of the tropics may ba found there and In fine sample. The African ele pbanta are the smallest and mos stupid , but otherwise the beasts from Africa are large and vigorous. The amount of business done by Mr Reiclie is wonderful. His standing order for canaries is 10,000 birds a week. These are imported from Ger many and sent all over the continent He has an agant in Savannah , and ha sent shipments to Atlanta. Frequently he receives § 50,000 worth of animals In one manifest. There is a growing demand from circuses and menagerie and zoological gardens all over the country. No circus now travel without its managerfe , and no park is complete without its zoological de partment. There Is a large sale for rare birds and antelopes for pri yate parks and grounds. Mr. Vanderbilt - derbilt once gave § 500 for a bird of paradise. A large number of parrots are sold and trained to talk and sing , & good talker being worth § 100 to § 200. The supply ef all birds and an imals must be kept up by importation as few of them breed in captivity. L'ocs and tigers are about the only animals that breed in captivity , and they bring only sue1 ! ragged and puny cubs that they are not salable. The growing demacd , therefore , and ( he losses by death must be supplied by fresh captures and importations Con sequently Mr. Reiche'a hunters are kept busy , aud hit ships are always coming in. Frequently he receives a special order from some circus or park for a certain animal. This order is at once dispatched through various agents until'it reaches the hunters , who or ganize a special expedition and cap ture it. A pair of hippopotamus are now being brought over for a circus at a cost of about § 20,000. A large business is done exporting AMEEICAK ANIMALS ; This business , as well as the import Inp , is controlled by Mr. Reiche. The grizzly bear is the typical American beast , and is always in demand for European buyers. The buffalo , mooae , elk and caribou are the larger animals exported moat heavily , they being American types. The opossum , the gray eqnirrel , the red fox , the hedgehog , are the most popular of the smaller animals , while the puma ia in great demand as a new type. The mosklni ? bird is a great favorite among birds , and Mr. Raiche has men who search the southern forests for them annually. The red-headed woodpecker la exported heavily as a show bird , and the robin is esteemed in English parka as a quiet but hand some follow. There is a very large profit on the exchange. Mr. Reiche "once bought a pair of fine cranes in Schoharie , N. Y. , to fill an English order giving § 25 for them and re ceiving § 400. There ia an interesting story connected with the famous Lon don show elephants , showing some of the points of the animal trade. A Mr. Kelly , a banker , who drifted into the show business by a mortgage on the Van Amburgh menagerie , sent out a ship to Ceylon. Ho loaded it with a number of Yankee houses , all ready for putting together. He had the sashes , doors , locks and every thing complete. Arriving at Ceylon , ho sold the houses at enormous profit , ballasting his ship with coffee , and put thirteen elephants and a lot ef ani mals aboard. Ho made § 30,000 clear money by the trip , and had his ele phants clear. Of this herd five were trained for the London show , and one of them , Baby , is the mother of the first elephant ever born in captivity. Of court e , Mr. Roicho has amassed a large fortune In his unique trade. He Is more than a millionaire , and is cer tainly growing richer. He has a su perb residence at Bergen , N. J. , where he is surrounded by every lux ury that taste and money can com mand , The house Is fine , and is ap pointed with that admirable admixture of elegance and comfort the beat Ger mans understand so well. The grounds are noble , and are filled with hand some statuary and living birds , ante lopes , etc. He Insisted , with a cor diality that I could not resist , that I must visit his house. A more delight ful home I never saw. I met his son , Herman Reiche , a scholarly young fellow , a graduate at the best col leges , and a man of charming man ners. At this house , which might stand as a type of the American home , Mr. Reicho spends his days with his family , quietly and happily manag ing hij vast business easily and accu rately a liberal , intelligent , highly- esteemed citizen. As I left his house for a return to the city , closing a day that had been full of surprises and enjoyment , I smiled as I returned Herman Reiche's courteous salutation , and , looking at his slender figure , I wondered If he was not the only young fellow In America who could go to his fathtr and say : "I noticethat our stock ot tigers are low , and the giraffes are entirely ont. You'd better order a now supply of hippopotami , and have about six polar bears sent aver. I thing we will have a lively demand for rhinoceri this sea son , and I'd bo sure to have enough ordered. Here ia the bill of lading for thoco elephants from Alexandria , and there's fourteen lions , three boxes of snakes , and two Bengals at the wharf for us now. I've shipped those grizzlies and panthers , but can't fill the order for the buffalo ; ud wood peckers. " Arnica salve The BEST SALVE In the world los Outs ; ErnSiaa , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rhoom , Fere ? Seres , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , GhUbaloB , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. Thia Salve Is guaranteed to give perfect'satlafac- tied In every case or money re funded , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Ish & McMahon , Omahs. An Honest Msdj&ne ITee of Uharge Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , we know of none we can rec ommend as highly as DE. KINO'S NEW. DISCOVERT for Consumption. Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively cure , and that whore everything else has failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this truly wonderful remedy. For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur ing the very worst cases in the short est time possible. We say by al means give it a.trial. Trial botttrs free. Regular size § 1.00. For sale by 8lly ) J. K. ISH. Omaha. DRT-S-HITCHCOCK COR.ISV&DOUGLAS STS OvEnCRUICKSHANK'S' tJRY GOODS STORE. B. G. STEVENSON & CO. Carpenters and Bnilderg , have removed to No. 1308 Dodge Street , where they a-p prepared to do all kinds of work in their line on short notice at reasonable rates. . 3STOTZOE , Any ons having dead animals I will remove them free of charge. Leave orders southeast cam t of Hamey and Uth St. , second door. CHARLES SPLITT. PILL are not recommended as a remedy " for .all the ills that flesh is Lcir to " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases oC that character , they stand withouta rival. AGUE AND FSVERi No better cathartic can he used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are uneqnaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has o red-wax seal on the lid , with the impresMon.McLANE'S LIVKR PILL. Each v.-rappcr bears the signa tures of C. McLAXE and FLEMING BROS. % 3 Insist upon having the genuine DL C. McLAtfITS LIVER PILLS , pre pared ! > FLEXING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name Jrclittnc , spelled differently , but same rjronnnciation. HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Throat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Organs. ; USE ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. 1/VE / Prepared fromsWnj' tropical " frnlts "v/ EdpI oJ . Is the Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For ( Constipation , ItlHousiieSS , Headache , Torpid Liver , Hem- orriioicls , Iiicllsposliioii , and all Disorders arising- from an ob structcd state o ? tlie system. LaJIes and children , and those nlio dislike takUs pills nnd niuueous mcillclnes , nre espe cially pleased with Its agreeable qualities. T.IOPIC-FRUIT LAXATIVE may be nscd n -11 casei that need the aid of a cathartic , oraperlcnt medicine , and whllelt pro- luces ttjp same result as the agents named. It Is entirely free from the usual objections common to them. Facxed'ln bronze ! tin boies only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS. C. F. Goo4n n , Wholesale Agents , Omaha , Neb. Ill IIM T C n Looal Aeents every where to eef VVHIl I HLJ Tea , Coffee , Bikln ? Ponder , ri&voring Extracts , etc , by sample , to fimlllas , Proflt good. Outfit freo. People's Tea Co. , Eor 2050. St. Lonls. Mo. M. K , 111SUON , c eral Insuriince . PHCENII AS3DhAi.v < A , . . , f Lon don , Cish Assets . 55,107,12 ! .VESTCnESTUl. N. T. , Capital . 1,000,000 THE MERCUAMB , of Newark , N. J. . l.OOC.OO G1RARD FlUKPhllsdclpiIaCapltaU. 1,001,000 HOUTHWHSTERN NATIONAL.Cap- ital . 900,001 FIREMEN'S FOND , Calif ornbi . 600 W UKITISa AMERICA ASSURANCECo 1,200,000 HEWA { K FIUE INS. CO. , Assets. . . . SflO.OCO AMERICAF CENTRAL , Assets . SCO W S art Cor. of Fl.'toenth & Douglas St. , OMAHA. NKB WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fencing and Railing a fepedallty. Their be.iutv , permanence end economy dally working tha extinction , o ! all fencing cheap material. Elegant In design. Indestructible Fences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Ceme tery Flats. Iron Vases , Lawn Sattooa , canopied and ol nstlc patterns ; Chairs anil every description of ron anil Wire ornamental work dcalznod and manufactured by E. T. BARNUM's Wire and ron Work , 27 , 29 and 31 Woodward Ave. , De mit , Mich. SeDrtO-ii"nw tvjatalofroe am ) llca llgt > > < llgtFSVER AND AGUE. There Ia no civilized nation In the Western lemisphere in which the utility ot Hostetter's itomach Blttcra as a tonic , corrective , and antl- illtons medicine , la not known andapprcciated. While It is a medicine ( or jll seasons and all llmates , It LJ especially suited to the comp'alnta e noratcd by tbo weather , ttinp tie purest and test vegetable stimulant In the world , 'or sale by Druggists and Dealers , to whom ap tly ( or Hosteller's A'manic ' ( or 1S31. WOETH KEMEMBEBIM. fhat TARRAST'S SILTZSR APKKIKXT repreaa ; is ach bott.o thirty or forty ulasees of Spar * ing Seltzer Water , containing all the virtues of the elebrated Gemun rprmg. H is always fresh ind always rcidy , and thus commends Itsolfjto ill for its efficacy. norUbllity and cheapness. ALL DRUOOI TS HAVE IT. HAKE JVO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE 'GEEASE Composed largely of powdered mica and lainglasi Is the best and cheapest lubricator In the world. It Is the best because ! t does not gam , but forms highly polished surface over the axle , doing iway with a large amount of friction. H Is the cheapest beauaa YOB need use but half the ijuantity in gretsJng your wagon that you woull of any other axle grease made , and then run your wagon twice as long. It answers equally 13 well for Mill Gearing , Threshing ( Machines , Buggies , &c. , as for wagons Send for Pocket Cyclopedia of Things Worm Knowing. Mailed Ireo to any address. MICA MA9UFACTURIHC CO. . 81 MICHIGAN AVENOE , CHICAGO. MPAsk YouMDealer For It octSO-U CHANGING CiRS BKXWKKX OMASA AND CHICAGO , Where Direct connections are Made With Through Sleeping Car Lines TO Xcw York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash * ington , AND Al.Tj EASTERN CITiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapolisCincinnatiLouis- "ville. AKD ALL FOISTS K THE THE BEST LINE FOR ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION bEPOT wllh Throuzh Sleepier Car Lines for all Points S O TJ TEC. The New Line for 3D3SS The Favorite Eoute for The nncqnaled induceiients offered by this Line to Travelers and Touriits , are as follows : Iho celebratel Pullman ( IG-nhecl ; Palace SleepIng - Ing Cars , > un only on this Line. C. , B. & O. Pilaco Drawing-Room Cors , with Horton's Be- cllning Ch irs No eitra charge for Seats hi Reclining Chairs. The famous R. , B. & Q. Palace Dininir Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fltUd with Elegant High-Backed IUtau : Kerolriug Clnira for the excluairo usa of first-class pissen- gera. gera.Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment , nukes this , above all others , the favoriU Route to the East , South , and South-Eist. Try it , and you will find traveling a luxury instead of * discomfort. Through Tickets via thh Tele'-rated Line for sale at all offices In the United Statesand Canada. All information about Rates ot Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , &c , will be cheerfully given by appliinr to J.1MESR.WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTtR , General Manager , Chicago SHORT LINE 1SSO. K.G.ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change ot cars between Omaha and Bt. Lonli and but ono between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS UUCHUTi AIL Eastern & Western Cities With lesa charges andin advance of other lines. This entire line la equipped with Pullman' ! Palace Sleeping Cara , Palace Daj Coach * ea.Hlller's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated Westtnghousa Alr-Broko. T3EE THAT TOUR TICKET READSTfc IO"V\ \ & Kansas City , Bt. Joseph and'Vt jaCoundlBlnffsh.R.vIa SfM tSTJoa ancfflt.IionJa.TBl TickeU ! cr sale at all coupon etatlona In U > 3 J. ? . BARNARD , A. 0. DAWES , Ocn'I Supt. . GenT Pass , k Ticket A St. Josfloh , Mo. Bt Josaph , Ho , W C. 8EACHREST , Ticket Agen.1 1020Famhan Street , AN DT BORDEN , A. B. BARNARD , Paw. Agent.Omaha. Gon'rl Agent , Omaha. BT THE USE OF DR. BOSAHIKO'S PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL EXTERNAL , AND 5TCHING PILES I 1 < 1 at once on the mppUemUon of Ot ( oaanlio * Pile Bgmedy , wtitcli met * dt Ktlynpon the part * aflbcted , ahaorbtal he Tnmorm , allaying the tatcaae llg ahe no outer , ana tell y \m \ tncrltm. tncrltm.DO DO NOT DELAY iQttl the drain on the ystcm prodsc ennanent dlaablllty , bat bay It , FRY IT LOURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , a * when yea can not obtain UotTilra-m rill lend It , prepaid , OB receipt of price T. Bowtnlco'a Treatlie oa me * CBt &c n application. Address H DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE GO. P1QUA.O. THE GOLOEADO BUSINESS COLLEGE This Institution , locattd at Denver , Colorado , .he Educational and Commercial center of the West , la pre-eminently the best and most practl. jl oi Ita kind for the ] MERCANTILE TRAINING- OF Youug Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. OADY , Secretary The most extensive , thorough and complete nstltntion of the kind In the world. Thousand ! if accountants and Basin eta men , In the prln * dpal cities and towns ot the United States , owe , helr success to our course of training. Ike Bight Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. Fine , new brick block , at Junction ot three trect car lines. Elegantly fitted and furnished tpartmenta or the application of and carrying > at of our novel and systematic methods ol BUSINESS TRAINING , Young men who contemplate a business lit ] , md parents having sons to educate , are psrtlcu. arly requested to send for our now Circular , ihlch wfll give full information as to term , ondltlon of entrance , etc. Address G , W. FOSTEB , President , * * Panvar Colorado IJCC a week In your own town. Icrms and DO1 ] outfit frea. Address H. ttalie'.t * Co. , Portlan Me. FHITSCH'S PRUSSIAN THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE The only existing remedy for every spo. cles of Acute or Clironlc Disease of the Organs of Respiration , and an absolute SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION nll-poworf ul vegetable prepara- JL tlon expels from the lungs and air pa * * sages , the nincus and muco-pus produced by pnlnionary Inflammation , heals the Irritated membranes , and renovate * every organ which utilize * the breath of Life. It contains no stupefying poison nnd is in all respects a healthful medl cine. The rapidity and certainty with Which it ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the more symptoms of pulmonary dis ease and discharges the cause from the system , JTree and painless expectora tion is the mode by which it relieves the lungs , chest and throat from the burdens which oppress them ; thus arresting Con sumption and Bronchitis in the germ be fore they reach the more dangerous stages. The emaciated sufferer BATTLIN6 FOR LIFE with the most terrible scourge of our cH- mate will find FrlUch's Prussian Cough Syi op n potent ally , nnd will assuredly win the fight by adhering strictly to this great medicine. The CASES NOW ON RECORD intvhichlt has been administered with entire success as a remedy for every va riety of malady which affects the Ke- spiratory functions , amoant to more FIVE THOUSAND fit thepresent date , nnd yet the prepare tion is only in the infancy of its useful ness. The great defect of all Cough Remedies hitherto introduced is that they are simply cxpulsory. Hence they nro nseless ; for unlesg the causes of the acrid secretions which are coughed up are removed , and the ruptured , inflamed or maturated surfaces healed and re stored to their natural tone , a cure is impossible.'s Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes these objects. The mucus and muco-pus which are the con sequence of Inng Disease , nro thrown off by it , while at the same time it soothe * nnd invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , influenza , bronchial dlfllculties , tightness of the chest.hoarse- ness , sore throat , trachitls , inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy and all disorders of a pulmonary nature , it has never been equaled. Sole aeents In America , BICHABDSCKi & CO , ELLouG.lIo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. ' To .Nervous Sufferers The Great European Eemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine. It la a positive cura for Spermitorrhea , Seminal Weakness , Impotency , and ail diseases resulting : from Self- Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Los ot Memory , Pafaa la the Back or Side , and diseases that lead to Consumption Insanity and anearlygrave The Specific Vedldnaa \ being csa with wonder ful success. Pamphlets sent free to all. Write tor them and get { all particulars. Price , Specific , 91. 00 per package , or six pack ages Address all orders to J . B. SIMPSON MEDICIKE CO. , NOS.J Mand 108 Main St. , Buffalo , fT. Y. SoIdlnJCmaha tnvO. p. Goodman , J. W. Bell J. K. Ijh ind all druggists everywhere. Gentle Women glossy , Inxnriant ; and wayy tresses of abundant , beantiful Hair must nso LION'S KATIL&IKON. This elegant , cheap article always males the Hair grow freely and fast , keeps it from falling ont , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Eathairon. A now and hitherto nnino-rn remedy ( or all diseases ol the Kldneja , Bladder , and Urinary Dmni. It will posmvsly cure Diabetes , Gravel , 0rop- rr , Brlzht's Disease , Inability to retain or npell thi Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , high colored ind scanty crlne , Falntnl Urinating' , LAME BACK , Genera ! Weakness , and all Female Com- It avoids Internal medicines , Is certain In It Bdccla and cures when nothing clso can . For Bale by all DnMRlsta or Kent by mall free upon receipt ol the pries , ? ? .CO. DAY > iEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. OT3 t. your addrca ( or oar little book , How s was Saved. " MCI K. 1 TTrrnt lf > r W hr . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AHD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City Eoute I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE t Prom COUNCIL BLUPPS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULTJTH , or BISMABOK , And all points in Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This Una la equipped with the Im proved Wcstlnghouse Automatic Air Brakes and Ulllur Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom and Sleeping Cara.owned sn < l controlled V the com pany , run Through Wlthsut Cbango between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave ths Union Pacific Tnnstor Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , ted Bt. Paul at 115 a. m , making HOURS IK ADTAKCB o ? A3S7 OTHER ROSTZ. Retorcmz , leave St. Paul at 330 p. n. , ar- rlvi.i ; afSloux City at 4:15 x n. , aud Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 930 a. m. Be sure that your UckcU read via "S. C. h P. B. B. ' F. C. HUAS , Superintendent , Missouri Tallay , Iowa * P. E. EOBKSON , Asrt Gen'I Pass. Agent. J. H. OT5BYAH , and Paasenzer Agent , Conndl Bluffs HAMBURG AMERIC N PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships Leaving New York Every Thursday at 2 p. m. 7c England , France and Germany. For Passage apply to G. B. RICHARD * & CO. , Passeage AenU , a week | 12a day at home easily made ; cash I outfit free. Add resi Trao & Co.PortlaUU APPETIZER SURE CURE ' i For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP. TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. T 8r eptabl < > P"P ° n 'n ' h known world. By adding to TOUT ROCK and R7E fttl. > y ° U , tan f0 e3teUent Appetizer and Tonic , for freneral and dpop Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. C ACTION DDNTB2 DECEIVED by unprincipled dealers who try to palm off upon TO only " MfcDICATED article made ° , the GENUINE R8lnp' cao' on'TOLU BOCK and R7K. which ? , ? Uavimr a GOVERNMENT STAilP on each bottle. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TBEASDBY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF KfTEBNAL RKVEHU > r , mi" " " ' Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RAUM. Commlaaloner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by 10 ? IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it ia stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine lastly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine ; The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha 'Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , or. Bavcnport and 15th Sts. Omaha. I'm ' * * NEWrAND CORRECT . . ! gtst Proves beyond any reasonable question that tha CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN IR'Y N Is by all odds the best road for yon to toke when traveling in cither direction behrecaT f Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the Wast , North and Northwest , t-v Carefully examine this Jrap. The Principal Cities of the "West and Northwest are Stations on tola road. Ita through trains moKo close connections witu the trains of. all railroads at Junction points. - . ' - THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of Iti principal llnes.rnns each way dally from two to fourormoro Trains. , it lathe only roaU west ol Chicago that uses tlio " -ffc > TJT.T.MATf HOTEL DINING It Is the only road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cara North or Northwest of Chlcagovlt has pearly 3.OOO HILES OFROJD. It forms the following Trunk Lines : i "Council Bluffs , Denver & California Line. " "Winona , Minnesota & Central Dakota tno."i ! SIouxC ty.Nor.Ncbraska& Yankton Line. " "Chicago , St. 1'aul and Minneapolis Line. I - .Sr-,111'11013' ' Frecport & Dubuqno Line. " " 3Illwaukee. Green Bay & Lake Superior Line.1 * i Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents ta the United States and . Canacl.ia , | Bemember to ask for TickeU via this roadho sure they read over It , and take none other. HABYIX HCGH1TT , Cenl Manager , Chicago , ta. W. H. STECSETT , Genl Pass. Agent , Chlcajo. HARRY P. IJOBb , Tlck t Asent C. &N. W. Railway , 14tb and7arnham Strwt * . I ) . K KIMBALiLtsjittantT cket A cent C. & N. W. Hallway , Uth and Farnham StrttU. J. BELL , Ticket Aeent C. * N. W. Railway , U. P. R. R. Depot. JAMJSS T. CLABK Oeneral Agin' . IVERIGK. EDDINQ , FEATHERS 3T T" " A. ' i N i VT3 SS n Jck JLv-tLilti. And Everything pertaining to the IVjnitnia and Upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HEW GOODS AT THE JPIRIOIES- SJcii V JLJSUC4 ao It tnoo Ib ut and 1210 Farnham Street. utter , 1001 FARNHAM , cor. 10th. Grand Display SPRING CLOTHING !