Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1881, Image 4

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The Daily Bee.
Wednesday Morning , March 2.
Paid-son eetlscoaL
See Polack's advertisement ! ] ?
Imported cigars , at Saxe'vWTSJBt-
MaennerchDr masquerade < to night.
The1L S. court has adjourned to the
22nd inst. j&f
March comes in like a lamh. "Well
risk the lion. "
IVhjj/ple. McMillan * & Co. , the jewel
ore , Creighton Block. o2G-tf
Full line cf artists * materials , nt Chicago
cage prices. Kuhn's drug store. ml-lm
Sam Siccere was acquitted by the
jury , and the Herrick case is now on trial.
Korl < anda , Lots , Houses and Farms
cot over.Bemia' new column on first page
The regular days for the Art School ,
which meets at Hospe's Hall , is Wednes
days and Saturdays , at one p. m.
0-iot , Forms , Houses nd Lands. Look
over BemU' now column ot bargains on 1st
Several hundred dollar * worth of dam
age was done at Harris & Fisher's packing
house , Friday night , by the explosion of a
rendering tank.
In the police court yesterday one
nan paid $3 and costs for shooting inside
1 ho city- limits , and another , the same
amount Tor assaulting the "Withnell House
The case of the State vs. Sam. Sin
M care , the boy who -was indicted for the
forgery of receipts for telegraph messages
while in the employ of the American
Union. was taken up in the District court
After hearing the evidence in the case
of Fleming Mitch&ll , charged with the
murder of James Lyons , July 22nd , 1RKO ,
V t the 'district attorney Monday entered
a nolle proscqui and the prisoner waa dis
Two car loads of dead hogg , frozen to
death on the B. & M. and St. P. & O.
r oads , ware received Saturday for one ol
our picking houses. It is a new clasa of
freight receipts , and ahowa that almost
anything can be utilized now-a-days.
Judge W. Bick is in the city with hia
magnificent art entertainment which had a
run of two consecutive years in Boston
and the same length of time in Chicago ,
with great success. He will probably gi i e
our people a chance to see something fine ,
about week after next
The funeral of Mrs. Marston was
largely attended Monday , the impressive
serv ices being conducted by Revs. W. K.
Beans and A. F. SherrilL The floral dec
orations were elegant and appropriate.
The pill bearers were-Messrs , John A.
Creighton , Samuel Burns , George A.
HoagUud , Leaiitt Burnham , M. C. "Wil-
bur , and C. A. Ringer.
The rcmor reached us Tuesday that the
two most important bills passed by the
legislature Slocumb's high licence bill ,
Kb. 1216. and Doane's railroad bill , No.
Ill have been stolen from the enrolling
committee and cannot be found. Of course
the billi are of no value without the gov
ernor's signature , and the saloon men are
very exultant over the report , which , we
are informed , is not without foundation.
all the year , but coc/i year genuine re
ductions are with at Bushman's Call
ana see their pricts now , S. E. corner
ISth and Douglas.
NOW ia your time to secure a .bar
gain in a beautiful clock. A large
stock and a full assortment at the
Jewelry House of "EDHOLM &
ERICKSON , Fifteenth street , oppo
site the postoffice.
Car load just arrived at J. B.
French & Co.'s.
Fire Kindlers just received by J. B.
French & Oo. , manufacturer's agents.
Occidental Hotel ,
corner of Tenth and Howard streets ,
J. J. Paynter , proprietor. This ho
tel has been rcoaircd and furnished
with novr furniture throughout , and
affords firat-claoB accommodation to
the traveling public. Charges reason
able. f7tf
A Vindication.
Wo publish the following extract
from thePoterson , N. J. , Daily Press ,
of February L'lst , which may be in-
tcmting to the friends of Major
Fonda in this community. The
author , Judge Comstock , is a gentle
man long and favorably known in
legal circles , and who has tor 'nearly
thirty years past occupied prominent
legal and judicial positions in Noir
York and New Jersey :
"A copy of the following article was
thh day mailed to The Omaha Re
publican , bacauso tniny of tha friends
of Mr. Fonda in this city do not be-
lleva the gr.ivo charges published
against him iu that organ :
PATEESON , N. J.Feb. 21.
TO the clltor ot The Oraihi Republican :
In behalf of several gentlemen of
this city , who know whereof they
spaak , it is represented to you that
cur late townsman , W. A. Fonda ,
'cannot under any possible circum-
atancea have been guilty of the char-
cos which you impute to him.Vo
have known him long and well. Our
good opinion of him is not shaken by
your nstaults. We perceive that ho
Is attacked by A political enemy. In
all likelihood iha association of the
bar which presented his name to the
'court are political enemies whose dis
like , not to say hatred , is further
heightened by the fact that hois an
outern lawyer aud not one to the
mumer born f Omaha. Your im
putations have baou printed in this
city and hvo caused his large circle
of friends and former associates
much sorrow. Bat wo BOO that
your attacks are flimsy and indefinite ,
not supported by facts and consequent
ly not worthy the conBideratiod of
thinking men. It would be well for
newspapers in every part of the land
who copy this cr minal report to re
member the effect of such illegal pro
ceedings. A friend , not BO mneh of
W. A. Fonda's as cf justice ,
The Press , the leading republican
organ of New Jeraoy , does justice
without distinction of party. It may
ba pertinent to inquire why has not
The Republican published this com
munication as requested ?
JTcw Tiet , New Ruchings , A'cio Collars
and Cuffs. See them at Huslimarfs.
Fire Kindlon just received by J. B.
French & Co. , manufacturer's agents.
_ JL *
FromSinjjIe Lordliness t o
Matrimonial Manhood.
Martiaga of Mr , Owen Mc
Caffrey to Miss Theresa
For many days and even -weeks
social circles on Oak Hill have been
In a Btato of feverish anxiety over an
event that reached the culminating
point Tuesday , in the marriage of { Mr.
Owen McCaffrey to Mus Theresa J.
Kennedy. Precisely at 10 o'clock the
bridal party arrived at St. Piulomena's
Cathedral whore a largo number of
friends and acquaintances had already
assembled to witness the ceremonies.
Miss Ella Kennedy , sister of the
bride , acted as bridesmaid , and Mr.
Joseph McCaffrey performed theduties
of "bestman , " for his brother. Accom
panying the bridal party ere their
Immediate relatives , 'Mr. and Mra.
Thos. Kennedy , Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Kenndey , Mrs. Morris Sullivan ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCaffray , and
Mr. John McCaffrey. In this order
they proceeded to the altar.
High mass was celebrated by Rsv.
Father English , the choir , consisting
of Messrs. Hoffman , Hein.s and
Hearm&n , Mrs. John A. Creighton ,
Mrs. Bethge , and Aliss Morgan , ren
dering Farmers' mass with faultless
execution. The ceremony was made
doubly interesting by the fact that
the bride is a loading mombar of the
choir and a zaaloua worker in all
matters pertaining to the welfare of
the church. The reverend father
tied the nuptial knot and pronounced
the words that made them man and
tdfe in a most solemn manner , at the
same time rejoicing that two more
faithful members of his flock had re
ceived the high and holy sacrament
of the chnrch.
Immediately after the services the
happy couple were almost nmothered
with congratulations of a most affec
tionate kind. When order was re
stored the party returned to the resi
dence of Mr. Martin Kennedy.
The bride wore an elegant dress of
cream colored satin , with cuirasao
waist , the skirt elaborately embroid
ered and cnt en train. A beautiful
tulle veil enveloped her with its grace
ful folds and and a wreath of orange
blossoms crowned her head. The
good taste and judgment for which
shu is so noted were conspicuously dis
played in hercoatunio thoughout. Tno
bridegroom wore the conventional
dress Bait , his happy countenarce be
ing wreathed in smile * .
A dinner and reception at the re si-
denco of Mr. Martin Kennedy follow
ed , and a largo number of friends pur-
took of the lavish hospitality of that
gentleman and his wife. The tables
were loaded with th most appetizing
"substantialo" innumerable in variety
and extent flanked by "onervators" of
the most delicious kind.
Tne parlors were nearly filled with
presents , which , for coaclliicas , variety
md utilityh < iB rarely been snrpasBed in
Omaha. From a parlor sot to a
beating stove , with any amount of silver
rare , the entire list was searched for
uticles to show the esteem in which
they -were held by friends and ac
quaintances , for it has been truly said
of the bride that , once acquainted with
herone became a steadfast friend. Mr.
McCaffrey is well-known in this city ,
where he has resided for many yeara ,
and in business and social circles he
counts his friends by the Ecoro.
Mr. and Mrs. McCaffrey left on the
afternoon train for the oss * , intoncilrg
to remain several weeks at iha homo
of'the bride's mother in Brooklyn , N.
Y. The hearty God speed of their
friends follow thorn on their initial
journey through life , to which THE
BEE humbly adds its mite.
all the year but lincc each year ganuine re
ductions are made at Bushman's. Call and
cc their prices note , S. E. corner 15th and
A competent young man for office
work. Booas & HILL.
"Tha Loom o ! Life" is the subject
for the next lecture in the Unity Ly
ceum course , and Rev. W. E. Cope-
laud will be the lecturer. Every one
who has not heard this gentleman on
the rostrum should improve the pres
ent opportunity. As a preacher Mr.
Copeland is nnivercally recognized as
as the equal of the best , but as a lee-
turerhis brilliant talents has full sway
and , without doubt , the Unitarian
church will be crowded on Friday
Bricklayers Attention. *
A meeting of journeymen bricklayers - _
layers will be held"at 1303 Doujjlas
street , Thursday evening at 7 o'clock
sharp. All bricklayers desiring to
promote the welfare of the craft , are
requested to be present.
Fire Kindlers just received by J. R.
French & Co. , manufacturer'sagents. ,
Silks , Velvets , Dress Goods , Woolens
and Cloaks , at prices t\at will asfon-
IsJi , at flushman's.
Wo buy and sell for C ASH , and cm
afford to undersell TIME DEALERS.
Best Minnesota Patent Flour per
hundred pounds , $4.25.
Sweet Spring Wheat Flour par
hundred pounds , § 2.00. *
Quick Bales and small profits our
motto. WELSUANS' & BED. ,
al-to-s t City Mills , 8th & Farn.
Silver watches , a full line and an
unequalled acscrtment , from § 10.00
and upward , at the Jewelry bouse of
street , opposite the postoffice.
Large stock just received by
J. B. French & Co. , ,
Manufacturer's Agents.
A Heu-pecked "Hubby" Recites -
cites Eis Grievances in the
Ears of a Beporter.
A middle-aged man appeared at THE
BEE office yesterday , giving his
name as Franklin M. Yaw , and want
ed it published to the world that his
wife had loft him and found tavor in
the eyes of 'another man. He had
and had been repenting ever since.
"We were married on the 24th of last
July , " he said , with a sigh that found
its source in the deepest mieery , "and
hi throe days she deserted ms. "
"Where did she go ? "
"She went to 3 hotel with Charley
Zeller , a hack-driver , who then work-
d at the Chaskered bun , and hai
"gone with her" a good deal before I
married. I soon wont away to work
on the railroad , and was gone over a
month. When I returned she want
ed to coma back and live with mo , and
I consented. In about three weeks
time she left me again , but soon re
turned , sick , and I took her back. "
"Why does she act BO , do you
know ? "
"Well , she believes every
thing that is said to her by others ,
and they have led her astray. She
has been receiving letters of late from
some one , I don't know who , and has
said to me that she was
she married mo , and can shew no
bill of divorce , aud last Monday she
left me agiln on my back down with
the diphtheria with eoma fellow "
"Where did she go ? "
"Sha Is working out nomewhoro in
town. She sent word to ma ycater-
day to how I was getting along
and to see if I wanted her to come
back. "
"Has there been any difficulty be
tween you and your wife ? "
' 'Scarcely she is high-tempered ,
aud wo had words now and then ; but
that is all. A man left word at my
housef ( northeast corner of Cuming
and Eighteenth ) In my absence , that
he desired to meet me at six o'clock ,
near the BEE office , where he would
show me how to abuse my wife. "
"You met him , of course. "
f'No ; I was sick abed. "
"Do you know who no Ia ? "
" .Nc haven't the least idea. "
As the outraged husband left the
room ho expressed the desire to meet
this gallant avenger , and promised , iu
case of ar.y bloodshed , Co give us the
full particulars of the oncountor.
Ties , New HucJnngs , New Col
lars and Guffs. See them at Bush
At Your Own Prices.
Now is your time to secure a big
bargain. 10 G framed chromes at 75
cents ; 47 nil painting In gold frames ,
at from $5.00 to § 3 00 ; 115 frames at
from 10 cents to ? o 00 each ; 5,500
foot of molding cut in frames to fit
pictures a * just half price.
Above goods wore partly damaged
during the late snow storm and are
now offered at the above Idw prlcss.
A. HosrE , JR. , 1510 Dodge street.
NOW is your time to secure a bar
gain in a beautiful clock. A largo
stock anda full assortment at the
Jewelry House of EDHOLM &
ERIOKSON , Fifteenth street , oppo
site the postoffice.
Sills , Vtlrcts , Dress Goods , Woolens and
Cloals , at prices that will astonish you , at
have arrived. Full stock now on
hand , sufficient to fill all order9
promptly. J. B. FRENCH & Co. ,
Manufacturers Agents' . ,
Silver watches , a full line and an
unequalled assortment , fjrom $10.00
and upward , at the Jewelry house of
street , opposite the poetoffice.
Attention Hooks
All the members of tha Pioneer
Hook and Ladder Company , No laro
hereby requested to attend the regular
meeting this evening , March 1st , at
7:40 p. m. sharp. ,
By order of tha president ,
Important Announcement.
The diagram for the sale ef reserved
seats for the Academy of Music will
hereafter be found at the elegant jew
elry store of Edholm & Erickson , cor
ner 15ih and Dodge streets opposite
the post office. It was thought by
the management that the public would
approve this change as Edholm &
Erickson are very centrally and con
veniently m located and dur
ing their former manage
ment of the box sheet gave tbo ut-
moit \tisf action. Their obliging
manners and uniform courtesy are too
well known to need comment and we
are confident that their appointment
will receive the sanction of the entire
theatre going public of the city. *
Cheapest Embroideries in Omaha , a
from Sc to $1.50 per yard , at Bush
can be bought at Whipple , McMHlen
& Co.'s , at a very low figure. _ A new *
lot just received , aud a large stock to
select from. Abe a new atock of
silver watches now being opened , and
marked at a low figure. All goods
warranted. Remember the place ,
Crcighton block , Fifteenth street.
Cheapest Embroideries in Omaha , at from
Sc to $1.50per yard , at Bushman's.
Fire Kindlers just received by J. B.
French & Co. , manufacturer's agenti.
Important Meeting of the
State Board of Agri
culture. .
New Premiums Offered Be
quest to the G. A. R.
The board of managers of the atate
board of agriculture met at 9 o'clock
yesterday at the Withnell Hotel.
There were present , Messrs. J. T.
Olarkson , of Schayler , J. 0. McBride ,
of Lincoln , G. W. E. Dorsev , ( chair
man ) , of Fremont , J. F. Kinney , of
Nebraska City , 0. 0. H. Walker , of
Bloomington , A. D. Williams , of
Hastings , and Chris. Hartman , of
Omaha , j
The committee previously appointed
to draft an expression on the grain
inspection of Illinois reported as fol
lows , the secretary being Instructed to
send a copy of the report to A. M.
Wright , of the Chicago board of
RESOLVED , By tha board of man
agers of the state board of agricul
ture of the state of Nebraska , that
the effort being made by the board of
trade of the city of Chicago to correct
abuses in aud about the Inspection of
grain received ia that city has our
sympathy and we folly concur in the
movement that has been Inaugurated
to give to the producers of grain in
this state a fair and impartial grading
of all their products. Nebraska be
ing a grain producing state and our
people being deeply Interested in thia
movement , wo earnestly aak that the
petition presented by the committee
of the board of trade may bo granted.
The fullowingjwas unanimously con
curred In by the board , the secretary
was instructed to to transmit a copy
of the same to the commanding offi
cer of the G. A. H. In Nebraska :
GENTLEMEN Wo regret to notice
that the meeting of the Grand Army of
thoRepublicencampment Is appointed
for the time that B largo portion of
our county fairs will be held as pre
paratory to convoying their exhibits
to the state fair September 12. We
bog also to state that the arrange
ments for the state fair have proceed
ed so far that It ia now impossible to
change Its time. * In view of these
facts wo respectfully nak If it will bo
practicable for yon to so change the
time of your encampment as to'avoid
thia clashing of our meet
ings and interests , which would
be injurious to all par
ties concerned , and particularly to
the agricultural interests of tha state.
Judge Kinney offered the follow
ing resolution which was adopted :
RESOLEED , x'hat In the exhibition
of atock for premiums that the super
intendent of etock be instructed to
exclude from the arena all porsonaox-
cept the judges on stock and the per
sons In charge ; and that In no case
shall members of the state board of
Agriculture be admitted within the
arena during the exhibition and
The following proceedings were had
by the board at a meeting held at the
same place Monday at which there
were present : G. W. E. Doraey ,
chalriBBii ; Messrs. Walker , Kinney ,
Williams , J. T. Clarkson , president ,
and J. C. McBride , secretary.
The secretary was directed to invite
the fish commission to make a display
oi fish at the fair.
W. 0. B. Allen , offered two special
premiums one of a thoroughbred
heifer or bull for the best acre of corn
raised by any boy in Nebraska under
twenty-one years of ago. Accepted.
He also offered a silver cup for the
greatest quantity of butter inado from
one cow during any month of 30 * con
secutive days during the year 1881 ,
The secretary was directed to place
same In the premium list
The sum of § 25 waa offered as a pre
mium for the beat display of earthen
ware and terra cotta , etc.
The following resolution was intro
duced :
Resolved , That a purse of $150 be
offered for gentlemen's roadsters , con
fined to horses that are not and have
not bean used for racing purposes ,
and horses to bo driven to wagon and
by the owners of said horaes , the
money to be divided 03 follows : 875
to the first , § 40 to the second , $20 to
the third , and $15 to the fourth , an *
entrance fee of 10 per cent , to be paid
on enteriug. Laid over until next
The following was adopted :
RESOLVED , That the late change in
the secretaryship cf the State Board
of Agriculture make it necessary In
order to conduct business properly
that the bonks and papers belonging
to the office ba transferred to our now
secretary at as early a day as possible ,
and that the late accretiry bo reques
ted to furnish General McBride with
all the books , papers and records per
taining to the office , at his earliest
The Bogus Lord Writes to His
"Old Girl" Acknowledging
Receipt of Funds *
Among the miscellaneous articles
found among the effects of the bogus
Lord Pelham Clinton , which were
Bold at auction Saturday , was "the fol
lowing epistle addressed to "The Lady
Mary Palham Clinton , Barnwoll Cas
tle , Barnwell , Somersetshire , Eng
land : "
OMAHA , Neb. , May 10th , 1880.
MY DEAR MARY I suppose yon
will jiot teel surprised when you see
this heading , and if you look on the
map of America you will find it a
beastly xr.iy out of the world of civili
zation almost as bad as Texas. I
loft Cox. I did not like him. We
got to fighting at last , he waa anch a
cur , and treated his wife so very bad
ly. I received tha fifty pounds you
sent me and I am awfully obliged to
you , old irl , for your kindness , it
came awtully acceptable. If you can
send the other fifty soon I shall be
very glad as I have rather overdrawn
my allowance from the"governor. . I
wish ho would lot me have two or three
thousand pounds ; I would put it in
with some other fellowa who are going
Into sheep , near here. I know if you
try and talk to him , he may do it. I
assure you it would be an awfully good
thing for me. I could make at least
twenty-five per cent ; th&t is what Cloae
Bays , in fact he will guarantee It. I :
would be much better for me to re
main out hero for a few years than
tc come home , and you know if I
were home , I should spend more
than two thousand pounds in three or
four years , and here I can be making
money. I saw Sir Arthur Kennedy
and Lord Hervey Phlppa pass through
here the other day and I explained it
to them. You aak Pa to see Sir Ar
thur and he will tell him all about it.
You may just fancy me here. "
Here the letter ends rather ab
ruptly , the wKole thing being written
probably to be read to some gullible
admirer of aristocracy and never hav
ing been Intended to be mailed.
Concert of the Omaha Zither Club.
The second concert of the Omaha
Zither club , whish took place on Sun
day evening , at Metz'a hall , was one
of the most enjoyable musical suc
cesses of the season. The hall was
filled with a large number of onr rep
resentative citizens , and the galleries
wore crewded to overflowing. Such
an audience Indicated the high esteem
in which this yonng and flourishing
organization ia held by our people ,
and the interest which their first con
cert , some weeks ago , excited among
our music loving citlzeno.
The programme presented was of
more than ordinary excellence. Be
sides the Zither club which numbered
aevon instruments , Hetzel & Irvine's
orchestra , the Concordia society and
Prof. Aug. Walther assisted in the
exorcises. In the opening piece by
the club "Leopold's March" seven
zithera and two guitars took part , led
by Prof. Walther. It la not lee much
to say that no club of like num-
born in the country could have
excelled the admirable rendering
of this piece as given that evening. It
waa marked throughout by a porfec-
tlon of time and harmony which called
forth the heartiest applause and ne
cessitated a recall. The "Birthday
Mazurka" and "Storm Gallop , " tbo
last of which is familiar to our people ,
were rendered with a dash and spirit
which showed to the best advantage
the musical training of the club and
the capabilities of the instrument. In
the quartette the club labored under
the disadvantage of losing one of their
best performers whose place was taken
by Mr. Irvine with the violin.
Mention should be made of the
piano and zither duett by Prof.
Walther and Julius Festner. Mr.
Fcstnor ia the finest and most en
thusiastic performer on the zither in
our city and was fully himself that
evening. Ho exhibited a mastery
over the resources of the instrument ,
which waa brought into relief by the
admirable accompanment of Prof.
Walther. It is only fair to say that
the organization of the Omaha Zither
Club has been due more to Mr. Fest
ner than to any one other person , and
the present flourishing condition of
the organization ia largely owing to
hia indefatigable exertions on their
behalf. Mr. Walker's performance of
the "Souvenir do Scarbough"
was excellent , and was par
ticularly enjoyoJ by the audience.
Prof. Walthor , beside directing the
evening's entertainment , appeared
twice on the programme in piano
Holoa. Omaha has gained a decided
acquisition in Prof. Walter , who ia by
all. means the moat accomplished
pianist who baa settled in our midst.
He possesses a magnificent technique.
Hia touch ia strong , yet delicate and
his rendering ia always conscientious
and sympathetic.
Hortol and Irvine's orchestra sur
prised oven their friends by the profi
ciency which they showed.
Our citizens will be pleased to know
that the Zither club propose at an
early day giving a grand concert in
the Academy of Music. They will
draw an immense house.
Fire Kindlers just received by J. B.
French & Co. , manufacturer's agents.
The Ladles' Belief Society.
The Ladies' Relief Society has not
held a business meeting aince Feb
ruary 4th until lost Friday , February
25th. The distributions having gone
on as usual , however , the goodly
number of donations mentioned be
low , canao at a time when they were
greatly needed , as the calls upon us
have been more numerous and imper
ative than usual J. Y. Bell , § 25 ; D ?
0. Adams , § 10j L. M. Bennett , ? 10 ;
Mrs. Frederick , $10 ; Mra. J. 0.
Murray , § 5 ; Mr. Adam Crawford ,
5 ; Mr. Roawoil Smith , § 2 ; "A
Friend , " § 2 ; Mr. Abner French , Ql ;
Mr. Kurtz , four boxes of stockings ;
Mrs. William H. Burns , Mrs. J. J.
Brown , Mrs. Dr. Peck ; Mra. Adams ,
Mra. Grant , Mra. Wallace and Mrs.
Atkins , clothing Mrj. France , 25
loves of bread ; and Mra. J , H. Millard -
lard , milk. * _ _
Wo wlah to add also that Mrs.
Crook and Mrs. Daniels mentioned In
our dally papers as having been very
destitute and helped by different persona -
sona , have been visited and assisted
by the Ladles' Relief society , the
society having given tuem food and
During tbo past month application
das been made Jo onr society for
children , by persona wishing to adopt
some. Should any one know of child
ren without parents and nncared for ,
we wish such information might be
send to the Ladies' Relief society.
We have also send for publicition a
letter tinst received , in hopes that
some one may ba able to give the in
formation asked for.
- WIRT 0. H. , W. Va , , Feb. 19.
To the Supt. Orphans' Homo."Omaha , Neb :
SIR I write you at the requeat of
Mra. Eva B. Ivea , of thia place , and
in her bjhalf , to make inquiry of yon
concerning the following :
Sometime in March , 1880 , a family
by the name of Walliar remover } from
Otsego county , N. Y. , to Bloomington -
ton , Neb. , and had with them a boy
namdd Erny Ivos , son of Mra. Eva
B. Ivea , who is now about 11 years of
age. The last Information she had of
the boy was , that about the 1st of
September , 1880 , the old lady Wallier
left Bloomington , Neb , , for Omaha ,
with the intention of placing the boy
in the Orphans' home there.
If you know anything concerning
such a child will yon write me at
once , as the woman ia almost crazy
about him. The boy'a name la Erny
Ivea. Very respectfully ,
212 16th street near Masonic Hall
guarantee strictly "first clasa work , "
nd promptness. Give na a trial.
fi-eod-tlm |
NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sale
Lost Found , Want ? , Boarding , &o. , wilt bo In
served In these columns once for TEN CENT1
per line ; each rabsequent Insertion. FIVE CENT. ,
per Hue The Oret Insertion never less than
TO in..KOS K.
i Afl A TO LOAN At 3 ver cent Into
- " "iJ uV/U eat , n sums of 32000 and np
wards for 1 to 6 years' time on first clisalmprov
ed city and farm property. Apoly 'at BE1I1
Keal hsutcand Loan Agency , 15th and Donsrlaa
M SO rxjAN-Cwl at L w Office
j. L. 7HoaA8. Koom S , Creighton Block
MONKY TO LOAH 1109 Farohsm street
Pr. Sdw&rdn Loan Agency , nov-JS-tf
WANTED A second hand writing desk o
desk and hook case combined. Address
J , F , B , Lo < k Box 400 , Omaha , Neb. <
JL meat in shop aewinc. Enquire 811 Leaven
worth St , bet. 8th and 9th. 4W 5
TTTANTED Situation by active young man
T V in grocery or ci ar store. Good penman
and accountant. Address T , K , W , Bee office.
SITUATION WANTED As cook or up stai
girl. Addn as C , Bee office 411-1
WANTED A jjirl at the French Coffe
House , 10th St. 407-2
WANTED A eirl for general housework.
Inquire at No. 2001 California St. 409- '
A NO. 1 COOK WANTED At the St. Charlc
House , on Harney St. C. NEV1U8.
W PANTEU-Situationby a Sweediah girl to
work for board. Address Box700 , Omaha
W ANTED Qood girl at 1813 Ca-s st , be
tween ISth and 19th , Good wages paid
WANTED A middle aged lady as house
keeper In a small family , German prc
ferred. Apply at Dru.r Stora 2005 Cuming at.
"TTTANTED Employment for lei ure hours at
YV home. Any kind of writlni * dona in th
best manner. Address "Copyist , " Eco office.
333 t
WANTED A uirl for general housework
KclnolvO'a Heataunnt , 13th and TJackson
St3. 402 <
A fe * boarders at the north
vert corner of Eleventh and J Howard ;
pleasant home and good table. 339-1
WANTED Girl for general housework
1102 Howard St. 390-1
Wholesale Clothing Houses In tfe\
York City , for tne ccming fall trade , exper
cnccd salesmen. Those having exccricnco am
commanding a. good trade will find this a first
class opportunity. Apply at once , with refer
encca , to A B C , Poatoffico BoxSOS , New York
Citb. 391-7
\T7-ANTED A kitchen girl , at the Emmet
W Hou e 387-1
WANTED A man cook to go west , goo <
W3ge.m. nandwifeprcferred Empl < jmi
also for w fe. Enquire at J. B. French . .t I o.
WAVTED A yoansr , large , good stepping
baggy horso. Addrcsd drawer fi2 , post
office. 377-tf
WAMED Agrl to do general housawoilr
1214 Da > enpott St. , bet. 12th and 13th
streets . 371-tf
TTTANTED To rent , for a term of years , th
Y V third story of so&o brick building ( oor
to be erected ) , situated on the co ntr of th
street in the bosineaj center rf Omiha. Call o
address Goo. R Itathbun , Principal Great West
em Business College. 310 tf
WAITED An experienced butcher wanta
to start a meat cnrkotl neorac small west
em town , where there is none , or where one is
need * ! ; would take a reliable partner. Addrc ?
K. K. Webb , Jackson , Dakota Co. Neb. 90-t
"VTrANTEn Agoodhouse-kcopr , 1109 Farn
YY ham a tree t , up flairs. 32 tf
TT10R RENT A store comer Leavcnworth ant
JL ? 10th B'S. AtqoG mocking birdsinycrs fo
sale. Enquire at Peterson , SOI 10th st. 307-t
T7IOR RENT Forty acres impro-'ed , farm 3
JC S. W. of Omaha. Enquire of A. Fudayson
22nd and Ilarney Sts. 39G-t
[ IOR KENT A ( uniisbed , south lent room
1 Inquire at No 1612 farnham St. SS4.U
ITTOR BUNT 2 furnished rooms over Her
C chants Exchange , K. E. Cor. ISth zn <
DoJce streets. 2sMf !
FOR SALECHEAP Fair fine matched riding
or driving ponies. Enquire at Domestic
Sewing Machine office , Dodge St. 410 S
over BEMIS' new column of bargains on let
fTlOR SALE A ( arm of ICO acres , one of the
JC best bargains , only 7 miles from Omaha.
A farm of ICO acres under cultivation , nt $16 per
acre , by Oco. W. Hill , office on Farnham street
between 16th and 16th stg. 4 01-1
T7IOR SALE Ten (10) ( ) residence lots on upper
E Farnham street. JohnL. McCaguo ,
P.O. 369tf
EOR HALE Maps of DouzliS and Sarpy
counties. A. ROE VATER , 152. ) Farn
ham Street. 320-1 f
T70R SAL'S House and lot at 81250.03. JOHN
JD L. McCAOUE , Opp.Postofflce. 810-tf
TTIOR SALE Seven good business lota on
JD Farnham street. JOHN L. McCAOOE ,
f5tf Opposite Postoffice.
T710R SALE Lease and furniture ofntlrst-
Jj class hotel in a town of 1300 Inhabitants , in
btate of Nebraska.- Has 24 beds , the travelline
men's resort. Inquire at Bee offico. 218-tf
Barualni in Houses , Lota , Farms and
Lan'Os , in his new col umn on 1st page
BARGAIN A bnlldmj ? wltii
J } saloon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th
St. , opposite the U. P. depot , for sale very cheap.
Or the fixture ] , furniture and etock will be sold
and building rented. Inquire of Eu. KREIS8-
MAN. 79 tf
EOR SALE Two close carriages , at A. J ,
Simpson's Qll-tf
p OST Two bunches of keys , one with nam
JJ on , between Tootle , Maul & Co. and Post-
offlco Reward for return to H. W. Snow , U.
P. Railway office. . g 412-1
JLJ oyer BEMIS' new column of bargains on let
T OST Between Fambara and 14th and as far
JLJ north as C S8 St. , a wold' locket inla'd with
a pearl. Finder will please leave trio same at
Bco office. 593-1
mAKEN UP A straw oerry roan cow with a
L white face and about B years old , at O. T.
Cornish's dairy , near Military bridge. 299-5
mEAMS CAN BE GOT At John Barr'a stable
JL for all kinds of work , at reasonable figures
nearjcorner 13th and Leavcnworth St. 378-tf
TIAKEN CP On the 17th , a heifer , about
one year and a half old , all r d , except
white spot on itomach ; Enquire comer oi 16th
and Nl'Jj-olas streets. BARNEY HAMONT
Absolutely Pure ,
Uade from Grape Cream Tartar. No other
preparation makes such light , flaky hot breads ,
or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by drgpcptics
without fear of the Ills resulting from he in
digestible food.
Sold only In cans by all Oroceri.
For One Year.
For Sale.
of Beautiful Rich
Located in all the Counties of
Many of these lands ara
more or less improved and
can be had at wild land
prices , are located in the
midst of splendid settle
ments , conven ent to Kail-
roads , Growing Towns ,
Schools , Churches , &c. ,
while scarcely a quarter
section can he found with
out spring or running
stream of clear water , on
some part of it ,
We offer these lands
generally on long time and
easy terms , with low rates
of interest , or a liheral dis
count for cash ,
Prices range from $2 to
$10 per acre , while we can
sell many fine tracts far
helow their market value.
We Ofler Over
30,000 ACRES ,
Located from 4 to 15 miles
from Omaha , at from $6 to
$10 per acre , oafrom 1 to
10 years time ,
we offer great bargains on large
tracts , some of which run as
low as $3 per acre.
In CEDAR and other Coun
ties , lands suitable for colony
from $2.50 to $3.50 per acre.
I OMAHA CITY property
we offer Cheap Houses and
Lots , Houses and Leased
Ground , 'Elegant Residences ,
Splendid Lots in all parts of the
City and Additions , Business
and Residence Property , small
tracts of from 1 to 5.10 and 20
acres , for Sale , Lease and Ex
change. We also have for
Im'proved Farms
ways be found in our office ,
jands will be shown purchasers
"ree of charge , by
Borne with moderate improve-
nents , others with large fine
3ouses , good outbuildings ,
nostly cultivated , and located
nallpartfj of Doug'as ana the
ather couties named , and all on
he most liberal terms.
Persons wishing to buy , sell ,
re at , lease , exchange or convey
any kind of Real Estate will
and us prepared for active busi-
aess at all times.
Boggs & Hill ;
1408 North Side of Tarn. St. ,
Opp. Grand Central Hotel ,
. Omaha , Neb.
' tr
Immense Stock for
Fine Cnstoni-JIade
aO HEl
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
; For Men ,
Boys , and
Uudcr-Wcar , Hats end Caps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Salt All.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
And Wholesale Dealori in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSELMEN'S FRESB CYSTERS , which
are now the best la the market. A lirgo assortment of CANDY and SOGAR ,
TOYS for the Holiday twde.
GATZ & FEEE3XAX , 510 Iltli St. , Omaha.
Fishing' Tackle , Base Balls ami a full line of
Send for Price List.
MAX 51EYE21 & CO. , Omalia , ! > .
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Cigars from 815.00 per 1000 'npwards.
Largest [ - pj DCTCriXCTD ! E tablUh d
"te'SSSS" ' LtShhlVltR ) , -"af"
And Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic } Fruit.
Jobber of Hums , Bacon , Lard , Butter , Tgts , Poultry. Game and Country Produce Oeoenl'y.
Furchi mg anuiit fur all kmda of Goods zud llerchar.dlso not kept In slock him elf
the game bcinc eelected care , and billed aS current Market ntes.
General Western Agent for BOOTH'S OVAL BRAND OYSTEKS ,
and Wholesale Dealer In
Fresh Lake , River and Salt Water Fish.
lin acturer of oil kinda of
3 Summer Bologna ( Oervelat Wurst ) a
a Specialtiy. Orders promptly filled ,
ag 1714 Burt St. , Omaha Neb. do23-t
Dealer in Hardware ,
and Tinware.
Stove Repairer , Job WorKcrand 3Ianufactnrer of a
Kinds of Cans ,
Tenth and Jackson Streets.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the Beat Assortment of
in the West.
At Chicago "Prices.
1209 & 1211
0 Harney Street , Omaha.
j nl3-6ra
At Wholesale !
The Lateab Styles !
„ . The Largest Variety !
The Very Beat Prices ! '
M'i'rs Agents for Oellaloid Collars and Cufis , Rubber Coats and
40 Star Umbrellas
14th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha ,