THE D.ULr BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . SIS P&rnkam , let. SOi and 10th Strutt TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , In advance postpaid ) K.OO " * -DO - 8 months 8 months 2.00 TIME TABLES- THE MAILS. C , & K. W. B. RB30 . m. , 1:40 p. m , C. B. & Q.6 SO a. miO p. m. C.R.1&P.B. B. , 6Oam.SMp.m CSt. . Joe 130 s m. B. City & P > 6:30 * , m. U. P. R.E. , Ilt0a. m. O. & B. V. todncoln , 10 a. m. a A M. R. IL. 8:40 a m. O. UK. W. , 730a.m. omnsa 3. K. T7. H. S. , 11 a. m. , 11 p m. 0. K. fc Q. , U c. m. , 830p.m. C.B I. iP. , U .m. , llp.m. C. B. t 8t , los.,11 a.m , , Up m. U. P. E. R , , 4 p a. O. t R. V. frora Lincoln , 1SUO p. m , B. City & P. , 11 a.m. B. &M. Inhcb.,4 p. m. Local ia-JIs for States lom leave but onoe a div , \1s : 430 s. ffi Office op n from 12 to 1 p. m. Bnndars. THOMAS , HALL. PoeUnaztf I Arrivil Alii Departure of Trains DSIOKLSATK. LSATK. AKSIVX DUy tiprcec 2:15 p. a do Uized . 6:10 p. m do Freight . 6SOa.m. 1:40 p. c > . do _ . . .8:1B a , m. 1J0 a. m. TOIE OAED OF THE BUBLINOTOK. UAVB OK1H1. ABJUT * OKXHJL Xzpreas 8:10 f. in. bpross . 10 0a.mi. Kail U6 0 m. Ksil . 100 p. m. Sundays Ercenled. Sundays accepted. CHICAGO.mOCK 1BLAKD A PACIFIC. HaU.fl:00 a. us. 1 Hall . 10:00 p. m. Srpre _ . . _ 8:49 p. m. J Express. . . . 10 0 . m. CmCAGO NOETSWESTEKN. Hall . _ .tr.0a. m.jMall . . . - 7.-S p. m. K' preM.t:40pl m. | Express -.19:00 s. m. Eundnji exoepted. KANDAS OUT , ST. JOE fc OOUNOlL BLUFFS 1U1 ! . _ .9:00a. is. I Iipreaz . 7:40 % , m. rxr . ) 1 1I T. . , " ? > The only line ruanlne PuUnnui 81 * epnc ! Cars ont of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & > ORTHKIJ < NEBRA2K4. FAIL- WAY COMPANY. Leave. Arrive. repress . 8:00 : . m. I ? xprese - 430 p , m. Mixed . l:53p m. ( Mixed . 10:45 : a. jn Dally Except Sundays. U & M. B. B. In KEBKAHKA. LBAVK. JLRRIVa. KxpresgSM : > ml Freight . 8 .30 m Freight . 6.65 p m f Exprets . 4lJpm BIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. Kkll . 6:10 a m I Etprese . 10 0 a m Express . B,40pml II . 720 p m WABASE , ST. LOUT6PACinC. LUTU. AREIT1S. aU . - 8 a , m. I Mall - 11:56 . m Expr . . . .8:40p. m. I Express. . . .4:25 p. m , BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. B R. Leave Omaha , daily. B . in. , 9 m. m. , 10 m. U a. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m.,3p.m. , Bp. m,6p. Leave Council Blnto ; 8S5 a. a. . B25 a. m , , 1036 a. m. , 1125 a. m. , IOS p. m. , 2:25 p. m. , 8:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , 6:26 p. m- Fear trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 11 a.m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Coundl BlnOa U 9:25 , 11:25 a m. , and 235 and 625 p. m. M2SIHQZK TRUSS. Leave Omaha : 8 a. m. , 7 a. m. , 80 . , m. , 1 p. m. , 40 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , I Leave Council BlnBs : 6:15 a. m , , 9:40 K. m. , - 11HO , m.e:25p. m * 7:00 p. m. , 70 p. m. Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLETK. . UaVX , 4RIUVX. KaD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:45 a. m. , ,4d6p. m. Dallv except Snndavs. GEO. W. HILL , ATT011NEY-AT-LAW. Offloe on Farnham street , between Uth'and 16th , next tooffice city w tcr works , Omaha. Buys and sells Om h City property and Ne- brasValand * . Mlnlnsr property Inal parts of Colorado , for sl . From a lone residence In Colorado and experience hi mlnlnc property , I am prepared to offer sate and profitable Invest ments to purchasers. IZO-.w CHAHLES POWELL , OF THE PEACE Comer Uth and JUSTICE Sia. . Omaha Hea. . SI EBAL , TTORMCT AT LAW Room fl.Crelghtoa BlocE. IBth st , OHAHA. 0. L THOMAS , A TTORNKT AT LAW Loans money , buy * land Mils real estate. Uoora 3 , DriUhtou Block. A. G.-TROUP : - - i CTOHNEY i.T LAW 032S Sn Hanscom's A. Block , with Oaorpe E. Pritchott , It OB OUAHA.SEB. DEKTERL THOMAS , TTOHNET AT LAW Orc'.csxoans e Bnil.1 L Ing. t.pry.1 A. M. CKADVICK. TTORKET AT LAW Offiow 160 * Farnban A fllr et. . L PEABBQY , . OOc In t j Pott Office , OHAHA- EA. JVPattnl ) r0BLIO. OOLLSuStUlfS O'BBJEH OFFIOE-Unlou Blodtnftoeirth anr ? r ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACK BLOCK. COR. OOUC- IBTH STS , OIEABA. KKB. W. J. Connell , Attorney-at-Law. Office : Frouttoomt , op ilaln. in Eantcom'B new brick building , K. W. corner FUteonth and tarnham Streets. . EEDICL ca n R.KIDIOE REDICK * s-at-Law. Attorney - - . BpecUl attention will by jlvei. to al ! iuti against corporation ! ot orcry doaorlpUou ; will practice In al Itlie CanrM of tb * Btate and the united Bute * Office. Farnham Bt. , oppoilte Ooort Hocoe. EDWARD W. SiMERAl , TTORNKT AT LAW Room e Greir.aton A. Block , lith aad Doutiaa streoU. coMh S. F. MAKDERSGH. 4 TTCRSX7 AT IAW US Tamtam tn t A. Omaha T. T. UlCBlSM. G. J. HUNT 3EGHARDS & HUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. Omci 216 South Fourteenth Street. SANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of me ABB. Wonderful dlsooveri es In the world have been made Among other things where Santa Clans stayed Children oft ask U be makes coeds or not , -nally he five * In a mountain of enow. „ Lut year aa excursion Balled clear ts the Pole And suddenly dropped In to what seemed likiahole Where wondnr of wonders they found anew land , While talry-Ulte beings appeared on each hand. There were mountains like ours , with more beautiful preen , Aad tar brighter elclM than ever wura wen. Birds with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers ot crqniilte fragrance wore grow Ingarcnnd. Mot Ion ; were they left to wonder in dfrnbi A being soon came the ; had hoard much about , Twas Santa Claus * ( elf and th IE they all ay , le Icoked like the plctnro r esce every day. He drove np a team that looked v rr qnaor , Twas a team ot cra ! hoppers instead of relndter , He rode In a shell instead ot a sleigh , D t he took them on board ana drove them away. Ho showed them all ever his wonderful realm , And factories making good * for woman and men Furriers were working on hats xreit and smalt , To Bunco's ther said they wereeending them all. trig Kindle , the Olo\e Jlaker , told them at once , All our eiorea wo are Bending to Bonce , fiauta showed them gssponduv and manv thlnr * more. 3 ayluj ; I also took these to friend Bonce's tcrt. J anu CUn then whispered a secret he'd te'l , As In Omaha every one knew Brno * wall , He therefore should send bis good * to his cn , Knowing hi * friends will get thtlr tall share. Now r msmb ro dwellers In Omana town. All who want pnoanU to Ponce's go round , For ahlrts. collars , or gloves great and small , fiend your sister or aunt one and ah. BOBCe , Champion Ihtter of the West , Doaglal < x > t. Omaha AGENTS WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Profusely illustrated. Themort Importint'xn best book published. Every family ants" EitraorJInarr inducements offered Agent * . Address AOKKTS' PcBUtinxa Co. Et. Louis. Mo. S20 r , Etlnson ft Co Portland. Me. SUBSCRIBE FOB THE WEEKLY BEE , The Best in the Weet , OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS. J. U. BOSK'S Art Emporium. 1516 Doige Street , Steel Engravings , Oil Piintlnje. Chromes Fancv Frames , Framinca Specialty. Lo.r prices , J. BONNEtt , 1803 Douglas fct. Good Styles. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. McCAQDE , opposite poalofflce. TV. B. BABTLETT , 817 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS. A T. LABOE , Jr. , Hooai 2 , Creighton Block. BUFBENE SUKNDKLbSUON , ABOUTITECIS , - Boom 14 , Creighton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES- JAMES Drt'INE & CO , Fine Booti and Shoes A coed assortment of home work on hand , wr. 12th and Barney. TBOd ERICKSON , S. E. cor. ICth anJDinglag JOHN FORTUNATU3 , ! 60310th St. , miiulactures tc order good work tA talr prices. Rep-urine done. BED SPRINGS- J F. L UtRlMER. Minufa-turar. YtochBTi' Elk. BOOKS , NEWS AND STATIONERY J I. FRUEHADr , 1016 Farnham Street. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WM. SNTDEK , No. 1319 14th and Ilarney St. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDBKW BOrfLWATEH. 1510 F rnham St. Town Surrey * , Grade and Sewerage Systems a Specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHNO.W1LUS , lilt l > odsn Street. D. B. BEEMEK , For details see large AcherUse- tnent in lvall and Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO WEST AFB'.T CHER , MaMificttuvrs of Cigars , nd Who esale D-'alws in Tob ices % 1305 Doug. V. r. LORENZSN , n-anufacturcr , 61110th EX CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Corn ! e , Tin , Iron and blate Boofiug. Orders from any locality i mm : tly executed in the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 Dodge Street. Galvanized Iron Cotn.cee , Windowcaps , etc. mannfac.ured and pnt np in any part ol the country. T. SINUi LD , 416 lliirtecnth St. CROCKERY. J. BONNEB , 1309 Donglai St. Good Line. DENTISTS. DR. PAUL , Wlllltms' Mock. Cor. 15th & rtodge DRUGS , PAINTS ANO OILS. KUQN & CO. , Pharmacists , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. IBth and Dc.uglu Stre ts. W. J. WHITEHOU3E , Wholesa'e i BeUU.lG St. C. C. FIELD. 2022 North Side Cumi'-e Street. FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , * ew and Second H ud Furniture and Stores , 1111 Douglas. E. 0. Turgeon Ac't. J. BONNER , 1809 Dongas St. Fine Goods , &c. FENCE WORKS OMAHA FENCE CO. GUST. FRIES & CO. , 1213 ITarney St. Improv- edlce Boxes , Iron and Wcod Fences , Office Bailings , Counters of Pin * and Walnut. ( FLORIST. A.Donachue , plant" , ! flowers , seeds , hoquete etc. , N. W. cor 16th and Douglas Sts. GROCERS- * Z. STEVENS , 21st between Coming and Izard. T A. Io30AKE.CoTnflr ad ard HATTERS. W. L. PARROriK i. CO. , 1S06 Douglas Street , Wholesale Exclusively. HARDWARE. A. HOLMES , corner 16th nnd California. * HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B.WE1ST , 32) 13th St. , bet Fam. & llar- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. Ladies get roar Straw , Chip and-Felt Ilats done up at northeast comer Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOTE , POOP INTELLIGENCE OFF.ICE- ! - MRS. LI2ZIE DSNT , 21716th Street. JUNK H. BEBTHOLD. Rar ? nd LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. BONNER , 1303 Duulas St. Good Variety. * G. A.L1SUQOKS' , One ot oar most popular Merchant Tailors Is re calving the latest dotigni for Sprlni aad Sum' s erOoodsforwntlemn'swear. Sty lull , dur bl < . and prices low as ever , 215 JSt'J bet. Dang. & FJT. MEAT MARKETS. The Boston Market. MOOLEi JESTER , Freflli and Cured Moats , Came , Fl h. Poultry. Etc. . 2020 Cumin * Street. MILLINERY. MBS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail. Fancy Goods In great \ariety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Honerv , gloves , corsets , &e Chsapest House in the West. PurchMeri save SO par cent. Order by Mad. 115 Fitteen'h-t. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No. ; 4 , Creighton Block , 16th Street. _ _ _ _ P. S. LEISENRING. M. D , Masonic Block. C. D. HART , H. D. , Eye and Kar. opp. postaffiee DR. L.B GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , 14th and Douglas Streets. PHOTOGRAPHERS- PHOTOGRAPHS AND TIN TYPES. CEO. HEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallon , 212 Sixteenth Street ne r Masonic Hull. Satisticliou Guaranteed or Money Refunded. PLUMBING AND CAS FIXTURES'- D. FITZPATRICK , 140S Douglm Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HENRY A. HOSIERS , 1112 Dcdje Street. PAWNBROKER J. ROSENFELD , 32210th St. bet. Fa-n. & Har. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinls of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BOXNER , 1809 Doug. St. Go.dand Cheap. SEEDS J. EVANS , Wholeule and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators. Odd Fellows Hall. SHOE STORES. Phlllpp Long. ISM Farnhamtt. bet. 13th & 14th. SALOONS- HENRY KAUFMAKN , ' In the tew brick block on Douglas Street , has Jut opened a most elegant Beer Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 everyday. FLANNERY , On Farnham , next to the B. & U. headquarters , baa reopened a neat and complete establish- mint which , barring FIRE , and Mother Ship- ton's PnphccT , will be open for the boys with Hot Lunch on and atUr present date. "Caledonia , " J. FALCONER , 67916th Street UNDERTAKERS CHAS. R1EWB , 101 ° Farnham bit , 10th & llth HAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AYT.P. GESASE Compogedlarrelyof powdered micaandlslmjlasj is the best and cheapest lubricator in the world. It is the best becauset t does not cam , butTforms mhlchly polished surface over the axle , doing away with a lane amount of friction. U is the cheapest because you need use but half the quantity In greasing your waRon that you woulJ of any other axle grease made , and then run your wagon twice aa long. It answers equally as weU for Hill Qearincr. Threshing 'Machines , Buggies , &c.u for wagons Send for Pocket Cyclopedia of Things Wortn Knowing. Hailed tree to any addrczs. MICA MAKUFACTORINC CO. , SI MICHIGAN AVBNDK CHICAGO. Ask Your Dealer For-It octao-u ' HAPPY HOLDERS , The Lucky List in the Second' 1 j Premium Distribution to ! I The Weekly Bee , . i ' * i The Threshing Machine Will Wake the Echoes in , Waco i While Douglas County Takes the Farm. The second annual premium dittribution of THE OMAHA BEE toot clace Tuesday afternoon at THE BEE office , in the pres ence of two hundred subscribers of this journal. The subscribers took the matter in their own hands and choose the follow * ing committee who conducted the drawing : Messrs. J. K. Moore and Wiley Taylor , of Union precinct , Douglas county ; John Miller and John Brina of Sarpy county ; John Knight , of Washington county , and C. Fcole , of Fottawattamie county , Iowa. The following is a list of the principal premiums drawn : 5977 J. L Case threshing machine , J. B. Taylor , Waco , Neb. 7112 .Grand Piano , P. Terp , Tairbury , Neb. 59 Forty aero farm. Clans Shumann , Millard , Neb. 401 McCormick harvester , M. M. Stover , Table Hock , Neb. 2126 Lewis Header , A. T. Meachim , Kenesaw , Neb. 4480 Grand organ , W N Bowman. Wai- nnt , Iowa. 5058 Side bar buggy , J Roberts , Amboy , Neb. 3881 Four ton scale , D J McLaughlin , Waterloo , Neb. 5463 Farm sheller , ( complete ) B Fuller , South Bend , Neb. 122 Parlor organ , John A Whitehead , Wilbur , Neb. 1330 Caldwell wagon , Eli 0 Wingerd , Spellville , Iowa. 6139 Mitchell , Lewis & Co. wagon , P Boulden , Western , Iowa. 885 Brown's planter , Nathan Starky , Stockham , Neb. 483 American grinding mill , Lucian Coeur , Nemaha , Neb. 269 Silver tea set , S Berry , Blair , Neb. 4866 Four Ton Moline scale , E. Conly , Scribner , Neb. 4730 Wind mill , E Van Meter , Griswold , Iowa. 6105 Wind mill , A J Coddmgton , Boone , m. 2398 Gold watch , D Hendrir , Solon , Neb. 5G99 Barlow com planter , ( with drill ) S Chamberlain- ? Wilson , Neb. 1291 Gold watch , James Davis , Xenia , Neb. 551 American grinding mill , No 3 , Chaa Draper , Ilichland , Neb. 6763 Deere CDIH planter , J Bauer , Brown- vil e , Neb. 57f5 Sulky plow , (16 ( inch beam ) G W Walton , Butler , Mo. 2045 Barlow planter , J H Orcutt , Crab Orchard , Neb. 2502 Gilpin sulky pbw , J F Griffiu , Biverton , Iowa. 193 Deere drop corn planter , C W Corn wall , Wilson , Neb. 756 .linger sewing machine , David Samp- xr.son.-Plattsmtmtli , Neb. ,148f Singer sewing machine , C BStead- nun , TJnadilla , Neb. 1J97 Singer sewing machine , Patrick Murphy , Schuyler , Neb. 6193 Singer sewing machine , J G Ulings- worth , Ked Oak , Iowa. 76..2 Sincer sewing machine , Earnest Fuller , Orton , Neb. 6843 Singer sewing machine , G Moore , Adams , Neb. 5369 White sewing machine , E Arnett , Boulder , CoL 7413 White sewing machine , G A York , Waterloo , Neb. 6675 White Sewing machine , 'Geo Henal , Humbolt , Neb , 7604 White sewing machine , A A Tries , 'Hayes , Neo" . 4972 White sewing machine , 0 Johnson , Swftburgh , Neb. 5766 White sewingmachine , F Nicholson , Oakfield , K. Y. 7463 White sewing machine , G Craig , Scotia , Neb. 3531 White sewing machine , Max Homar , Omaha , Neb. 5COT American wind mill grinder , A M -ArmEtrong.J3.ilem , Kas. 4170 Quincy plar.ter , A MTBau7 Cambridge - bridge , Iowa. 7524 Taylor horse power , J W Phillips , iViend , JVeb. 5125 Marseilles sta'k cutter , Benj Cooper , Oakdale , JVeb. 603 Moline planter , Don Howies , La PlatteJVeb , , G04 Breech load n ? rifle , B J Boggs , Irvington , Aeb. 7471 Life.scholarship Omaha , Mrs V C Witchey , Duncan , JVeb. 7499 Life scholarship , Denver , E Cligg , Bock Springs , wy. 511 Life scholarship St. Joe , B B Baker , Holden , Mo. 5625 375 Ibs painted fence wi-e. G W Allen , Belvidere. JVeb. 6091 300 Ibs galvanized wire.E P Dorothy , Sfapleton , Iowa. 4252 Set farm harness , T Teepoon , Table Bock , JVeb. 3532 Set farm harness , John Mallin , Forest City , JVeb. 2346 Cooking stove , W H Carr , Harvard , JVeb. 2996 Hard coal stove , F Eeyn-Jds , JVeligl , JVeb. 39G2 Brown's cultivator , A J Woodward , Willow Creek , Mt. 847 Set Chamber's encyclopedia , JV Whitesell , Bed Willow , JVeb. 439 Breech loading shot-gun , F S Wood , Biverton , JVeb. 25S4 Cooper's novels , ( complete ) , W H .Barrows , Rising , JVeb. 372 Platform scale , Dan'l Sweeney.South Bend , JVeb. 5474 Deere cultivator , B A Lord , Salem , JVeb. 4511 Hunting case stem winder , J A Kuukel , Scribner , JVeb. Hunting Case Stem Winder Watch , to : B Sinnett , Honey Creek , Iowa. Mrs A E Bathburn , Elk Groove , Mo. J I Marshall , Wellington , Mo. W C Kenyon , Omaha , Neb. S P Hutchins. Springyille , Utah. S Douglas , Sidney , Neb. M Cla'son , Kalamazoo , Neb. W H Crabtiee , Wellsboro , HI. Conrad Schroll , Westside , Iowa. A Morrell , SwaBurg , Neb. Julia McCloskey , Edgar , Neb. Hunting Case Silver Watch , to : J Quinn , Douglas , Neb. W G Turner , David City , Neb. W B Liv sy , Bine Springs , Neb. A Colemnn. Louisville , Neb. F Shinn , Valley , Neb. J Kershaw , Ashland , Neb. M Wingate. Atlantic , Iowa. J BBnllard , Fairmont , Neb. P Minehan , Creighton , Neb. Coon Sailors , Barada , Neb. D L Boeham , Shinn , Iowa. Airs E E Hough , Sarpy Centre , Neb. Walking Cultivator , to : S B Kane , Madison , Neb. BreakincPlow , to : John Bal , Crab Orchard , Neb. Walking Cultivator , to : P Smith , Walnut , Iowa. Lounge , to : T C Oaborn. Clarion , Neb. Mrs L H Mapes. Schnyler , Neb. J Matties , Bell Creek , Neb. Fifteen Gallons Barn Paint , to : James Gap. Colon , Neb. Fourtcen-inch Steel Beam Plow , to : J A Mohr , Bell Creek , Neb. Dickens' Works , complete , to : J G Leipoldt , Clear Creek , Neb. Waverly Novels , complete , to : J Calkins , Wilber , Neb. Beam Plow , 14-inch , to : Wm Eby , Anita , Iowa. M Ballon , Ashland Neb. Fred G Schmelzel , Humboldt Neb. Horse. Hay Sweep-tp Joseph Cu' ley , Florence , Neb. Ten Gallons Enamel Paint , to Jos H Bennet , Oakdale , Neb. Ten Gallons Bailroad Paint to J J Tracey , Jackson , Neb. Ten Gallons Cottage Paint teA A Norton , Ktmma , Neb. Com StalkCutter , teL L Willie , Centra , Neb. Silver Plated Butter Dish to W G Scott , Doer City , Neb. G W Loomis , Malvern , Iowa. 0 D Tibbelts , Table Bock , Neb. J W Mulliken , Geneva , Neb. C Scheler , Grandview , Ne . Silx er Plated Cake Basket to G W Small , .Mission Creek , Neb. W A Snyder , Osceol * . Neb. R S Hart , Lyons , Neb. Webster's Dictionary to E Thompson , Syracuse , Neb. " * t WD Thompson , Cowles , Neb. I J F Martens , Millard. Neb. 1 Bead Scraper to 1I ? tofrrSSt7aI Ci . Neb. I ( "D P Tipton , Brbwnvilfe'Neb. MraMJeffriefl , . " " ' AMcKinnsa. Holland , Neb. , Mrs J G Beveredge , South Creek , Neb. i F W Jerry , Stanton , Neb. I MStrasser , Duncan Neb. ' FLStoser , Ft. Omaha , Neb. LOFarrington , North Platte , Neb , p-MYoungsea , Bock Bluffs , Jweb. "VtKilgore , Indianola , Neb. Set silver-plated Table Spoons , to : " -JJ'Adleman , Hastings , Neb. " GeorKe Landon , Williston , Vt. Jno. F Newhall , Dry Creek , Neb. C MBowznre , LueUa. Neb. . Jacob Back , Omaha , Neb. Mike Dee , Omaha , Neb. j Bevolver to : ! B W Stowelli Fjaine Star , Neb. j I JBabbetfbatem , Neb. J 1 A Crabtree , Inrlianola , Neb. Gold-plate VesE Chain to : W B Horn , Western College , Iowa. H A Burton , Cowles , Neb. Tim Deegan , Buchaw , Neb. G H Johnson. North Loup , Neb. Louis Lighe , Weeping Water , Neb. Asa Hoge-s , Sarpy Centre , Neb. G W Deaver , Malvern , la. J Lack , Cedar Valley , Neb. H G Grant , Edgar , Neb. Goo. C Snide , Papillion , Neb. Set Silver-plated Forks to J TSI Eby , Bellevne , Neb C N Pefdalen , Mead , Neb. Edward March , Humphrey , Neb. Arthur E Holden , Bardolph , I1L D Winters'een , Wahon , Neb. F Sterpofa1. , Crowell , Neb. Set Schiller's Works to I AFwnk. Humboldt , Neb. j Noyes Feed Mill to P E Higley , Decatur , Neb. j B N Norris , Atlantic , Iowa. ! ' Farm Churn to | Chas. B Hough , Lebanon , Neb. ' W H James , Table Bock , Neb. I Set of Gold Jewelry to S Parker , Carleton. Neb. j 5 M Kennedy , Courtland , N. Y. { E C Smith , Brownville. Neb. D D Andrus , Weeping Water , Neb. i M Buhler , Lamoille , HI. Gold Band King to E E Moobury , Pleasant Hill , Neb. Mrs. J Nosk , Western , la. John Bagley , jr. , Omaha. J F Lasch , Cloudy , Neb. John Bunn , Oak Grove , Neb. C F Huntington , Oakdale , Neb. Bolt Lonedale Muslin to : . E J Keese , Grandview , Neb. J Hardymarlen , Mind ° n , Iowa. Louis Berry , Fennimore , Wis. J Edgerton , Guide Bock , Neb. P H ilulchcraft , Kellerton , Iowa. M M Martin. Eandolph , Wis. W E Nason , Omaha , Neb. J S Swihart , Flowerdale , Neb. E C Budlo ? , Wheatland , Neb. J H Pahlman. Johnson , Neb. Gee : Cane , Kcmma , Neb. G 0 Cook , Hendrix. Neb. F C Ghost , Cedar Bluffs , Neb. J Kara ? , Edmond , KBB. W ChUlcote , Crete , Neb. Daniel Elliot , E Hanover , Penn. Ei ! Warner , Ionia , Neb. B F Salmons. Shelton , Neb. Harrison Martin. Eatena , Neb. A W Sarle. Mt. Pleasant , Neb. Pair Gold Sleeve Buttons ti J CurryWahoo. Neb. Henry Gootsch , Sarpy Centre , Neb. M E Byan , Jackson , Neb. Win. P. Miles , Plymouth. Neb. C L Straight , Omaha , JVeb. Set Silver Tea Spoons to : W H JVewcomer , York , JVeb. G W JVebbell. Wilber , JVeb. J B Sems , Ulysses , JVeb. J W Bell , Genoa , JVeb. T Watch , Forest City , Neb. J W Casaell , Deloit , Iowa. Silver Vest Chain to J lioof , Hampshire , 111. S DeWeber , Humbolt , JVeb. Andrew Tewle , Luellar JVeb. W C Coon , Eepublican City , JVeb. O H McDonald , ShenandoanIowa. A STRANGE CASE A PfiETIY COUNTBY OIKLfS ERRING CAREER AND SAD ENDING. Philadelphia Press. A case in which the whereabouts of $10,000 is involved in some mys tery and which brings to light some phases of life so peculiar as to excite the surprised comment of the Judge considering it , has just been settl in the Orphans' court. Seven years ago Jesse Benner kept a hotel at Whitemarah , which is oa the FJowertown Pike in Mont gomery county , and about two miles from Chestnut Hill. He hid a wife and a daughter , Ells , noted as well for her fascinating w&ys and beauty as for a disposition to recklessness in her conduct. In June , 1873 , Ella B. Benner , then 23 years of age , was married to George B. Berrell. Ex > ctly what led to such an attempt at-unlon it , It impossible 'to imagine ) , for it was but another case of match ing without mating. Barrel ! , who was 30 years of age , was a rough , ill-dressed , serious- minded farm [ laborer , and the last one that would be looked to aa a succesful wooer of the innkeep er's pretty daughter , as he did not even possess wealth as a mask for absent - sent charms. However , the marriage took place and the wedded pair began life together in : he Whiteraarsh Hotel and there they remained for less thin three woeks/when eomething no nni living can tell what caused a sudden siuppingao far the united parties were concerned , of the marital knot , al though the law atill held them as one. Whether Barroll left his wife , or she left him , or whether they separated by mutual consent , is not known. But Ella did moiothan leave her husband , for she fled from home and came to Philadelphia , and as was perhaps to ba expected of cne who had made such a misstep , she scon found heraell in a place that should have been for ever unknown to a pretty conn try girl. In the sort of company she now found horeolf among she made- the acquain tance of a young man named Jacob Hause , whom she at once made the ob ject of her affections. SUDDENLY MADE AN HEIRESS. In August , 1873 , Jesse Benner died in his Wnitenmsh hotel and left an estate valued at $20,000 all of which subject to his wife's life estatewas . , left to his erring daughter. Thls'snd- don accession of wealth did not turn Ella from her course of life , but only seemed to open to her a broader ave nue of dissipation. Still retaining HQUBO as her intimate friend she pass ed back and forth from her mother's house to her abiding place in this city her widowed parent having a full knowledge of her daughter's way wardness , but still consenting to re ceive her. The handsome grass widow , still with Hauae as her frequent com panion , spent money recklessly and led a wild-life , until , In April 1879 , when , with a full knowledge of the fact' that her husband was living , she married Jacob Hause in Norriatown. HOE. own mother , who also knew that Ella's husband was yet treading this earth , was present at the ceremony and said not one word when the vows were uttered. Hanse also knew that George Barrell was not dead , but he was told that a divorce hid been procured. The woman who had committed bigamy returned to this city , and with the one aha now cilled husband , lived with Mr. and Mrs. Hause. She still continued to sqnan der the mpney her father had been so long amassing until March , 1885 , when she died , and it is a sad truth that the pretty rustic lass of seven years before met her death through excessive drink. JacobpMlse at once took out letters of administration with a view' of possessing hlmsalf of the money his wife had left behind Ler , but Mrs. Benner made application to hare them set aside on the ground that Hause was not the decedent's husband. The moment the latter found thi t he had been joined in wedlock w\th a married woman he abandoned all claim to her estate , and-then George B. Berrell turned up aa the only legal cl-imant. By an agre-ment of counsel for Mrs. Benner and-JBerrell , J. Bayard Henry was appobtejl administrator , but he could nnd of fhe dead woman's possessions - sessions othfng but S900 deposited in the Spring Garden bank , although the records establish the fact that she had received certainly over $15 000 no trace of at least § 10,000 of which could be found. FIGHTING FOR THE MOHEY. The matter came before the Or phan's Court , where the mother claim ed that Berrill had deserted her daughter , and that , under the act of 1866 , he was nnt entitled to Inherit the"estate. . Failing in proof of a de sertion , her counsel produced au aa signment of all the right , title -and interest- Berrill in the estate made to Mrs Benner. This it waa claimed -by W. Horace Hepburn , counsel for Berrill , had been obtained by fraud , and in proff thereof ho submitted the following letter written to his client by H. B. Dickinson , a Norristown at torney. NOHRISTOWN , Maroh 9 , ' 80. Mr. Georte R. Berrell : DEAR SIR T send Mr. H. H. Ben ner with the assignment for yon to sign. Aa Jecob Hausa got ahead of us in Philadelphia , this I want you to sign and execute at once , in order that the legal status of Ella should be de termined. We will not be able for some time to get any money , but if we can get any , this is the only way it can be got. You do not want him to" clear up everything , although there is more debts than cash on hand can pay. Yours truly , H. B DICKINSON. Mr. Hepburn said that the state ments made in the letter wera en tirely false , "and the asaigunidnt ha 1 baen thus , procured by _ fraudulent representations , Bdrrell , in fact , be lieving that he waa merely subscrib ing to a renonncoment _ to Mrs. Benner of his right to administer , so that both of them would not have to come to this city to attend to the nec essary legal business , la view of the fact that there appeared ouch grave doubtn about the assignment and the mother's rights , and to avoid further legal complications , counsel on both sides agreed to divide the entire estate ba'ween ; the mother and husband. The. wherea bouts of the $10,000 , however , still remains a mystery although every ef fort has been madevto discover who has possession of the money. It is positively known that it has an exist ence. There is also no doubt that Hause , the second husband , has not placed it In hiding , and , In fact , he did not profit at all by the marriage. Efforts to solve the problem are still being made , and there is a strong likelihood that the money will be found. Tennessee Dialect. Tennessee loiter to The Washington Kopublican. Referring to the work af the rev enue office , I am reminded of the sus picions all the country people have of every stranger they isee. Having business up near the mountains the other day , I went to the terminus of the railroad'and then set out on horse back. < About noon I saw a log cabin , and called to ask for some dinner. After calling , -"Halloo 1 halloo 1" half a dozen times , a white woman ap peared at-the door. "Can I get a snaok to eat and some feed for my horse ] " I asked. "Dnnno , " she answered through her teeth , which wera tightly gripping her snuff stick. "But I'm hungry ; and see how fagged my horse is , " I said. "Well , I icckon I dunne about it , " was the only reply. "You must try to give me a litt'e bite , " I urged. "I'll pay you liberally for it. " "Well , I reckon , " and she nodded her head toward the corn feed. The cabin was of the kind found all through the country log- with only one room , no windows , and Jcno door. The fire fnrniabed'tlie only means of heating and cooking , and the kitchen utensils consisted of a coffee-pot , a frying pan , and one largo iron pot , in which she baked me some hard bis cuits , which with some sorghum , fried pork ar d coffee , made my * innerT Had I remained for a.week , the only variation would have bocn hard corn bread in pl ce of biscuit. j LLooking at me sharply as I munched the breid , she explained : ' 1 reckon you're one of them thar revenue fel- lars , beaut you ? " * * "Why , what makes you think so ? " I asked. Do you take every man that comes along for a revenue man ? " "Teirliko that's jJst about what we do do , " she replied , "fur it don't stan' tor mortal reason that any man but a reveuuer would be Jravellu' 'round this kentry in alch weather an' over slch roada as there be now. Sol diers might a' done it ic the war , but the war is done fit. " "Do you have many revenue men around ? " Is asked. "I ' ' calculate there's some 01 'era a skittern' "round a'most every day. There war two men aa got their snacks hero-yesterday , an'I jess knowed they were revanuera the minntt I sot eyes on'em ; but they wouldn't own to it , no more do you. " Laughing at her a little , she finally concluded she wna miatikon , and giv ing a sigh of relief , burst cut : "Well , there's one thing I jess do know for sartln ; if you beant a reve nue feller , and I reckon you beant , you're one o" them thar gospellers go- in' on a preach in" tower. " An Honest Medicine tfree of Charge Of all medicines advertised to cure any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , we know of none we- can rec ommend , aa highly as DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY for Consumption , Coughs , Coldgj Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fe ver , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , eto. This med icine does positively cure , and that where everything else has failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this truly wonderful remedy. . For Aathmacud Bronchitis it ia a perfect specific , cur ing the very worst cases in the short est time possible. We say by al means give it a trial. Trial bottles free. Regular size $1.00. For sale by 8lly ( ) J. K. ISH , Omaha. BT THE USE OP DB. BOSANKO'S PILE"REMEDY. INTERNAL. EXTERNAL AND . , K&IING PILES OB the application of M to iuiko * tnimTBemcdy. which meta di the parU KffecteO , he Tumor * , allaying UM > DO NOT DELAY the drmla on tb > 7t m f bo * hey It , TRYiT LOURED " * PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , ottf when 700 can not obtain ltofUaTn ( Till * ead It , prepaid , oa receipt orprlct M application. Addn * > IE DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE GO. THE LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh iifheir to , " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red- wax seal on the lid , with the impression , McLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of 0. McLxKE and FLEMI.VO BROS. S" Insist upon having the genuine DR. 0. McLAtfE'S LIVER PILLS , pre pared bj- FLEMING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Pn. , the market being full of imitations of the name JlTcZane , spoiled differently , but same cronnnciation- HOW TO CURB CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Gelds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Throat , Lungs , an a Pulmonary Organs. ! USE ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. IstheBest-andJflost W , Agreeable Prep&rdtion in the World For Constipation , Biliousness , Headache , Torpid Liver , Hem orrhoids , Indisposition , and all Disorders arising- from an ob structed state of tbe system. ladles and children , and those who dlrllke takUs pills and nauseous medicines , are espe cially pleased with Us agreeable qualities. THOPICTFRUIT LAXATIVE may be used In . " 11 caaes that need the aid of a purgative , cathartic , ornperlent medicine , and wnllelt pro Uu cos tlie same result ai the ngentB named.U la entirely free from the usual objections common to them. Pickedta bronzed tin boxci only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS. C. F. Goolm-m , Wholesale Agents , Omaha , Neb. i oeil Aceutseverywhere toea' Tea , Coffee , Baking Powder. Flavoring Extracts , etc , by sample , to ( amillgs , Profit good. Outfit free. People'i Tea Co. , EOT 2050. Bt. Louis. Mo. JVO CHANGING C1RS SEMWSBS OMAEAAKD CHICAGO , Where Biro ct connections are Made With Through Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadcl pliia , Baltimore. Wasli- f AND ALT. KASTERN CITiES. THE SHORT LINE via PEORIA for lndianapolisCincinnatiLouis- ville. AKD AM. FOISTS tS TUB THR BEST UNE FOR ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made la the UNION L'EPOT with Throujh Sleeping Car Lines ( or all Points S O TTTHT. The New Line for IDIES The Favorite Eoute for Tlio uneqaaled Inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Touriatg , are as follows : The celebrated Pullman ( I0-wheel ) Palace Sleep ing Cars , run only on this Line. C. , B. & Q. Place Drawinj-toom Core , with Horton's Ke- cllnlng Ch Ira No extra charge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C. . B. & Q. Palace Dlnlnir Can. Gorgeous Smoklnff Care fltt d with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Revolvlu ? Chairs for the exclusive use of flrst Iass pusen- gers. gers.Sttel Track and Superior Equipment , com bined with their Gnat Through Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the farorita Route to the East , South , and Soath-Eist. Try It , and you will find traYellng a luxury instead of a discomfort Through Tickets via thh < "ele' rated Line for sale at ail offices in tbe United Statesand Canada. All information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , &c , will be cheerfully given by appli inr to JAMES R. WOOD. General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. FOTTuR , General Manager , Chicago SHORT LINE ISSO. K.C.ST.JOE&C.B.R.R. , b the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From OHAEA and th WEJT , Ho change of can between Omaha and St. Looiz And bn ono between Omaha and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With less charges and In Advance of other lines. This entire llae Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars , Palace Da > Coich- ea.UllIer'a Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated WcstlngbocM Air-Brake. THAT TOUR TICKET RSAD81 * City , St. Joseph andVt a l.R.Tl Bffltt t.Loalc.-W Ticks'- ? for tola at all coupon rtitlons In th West. J F. BARNARD , A. 0. DAWKS , Oon'l Supt. , Cbnl P a. & Ticket A t St. JoKofi , Ua Bt. Joseph. Uo , W 0. SKACHREST , Ticket Agen. . 1C20 Farnim = > Street , ANDT BOP.DEN , A. B. BARNARD , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Qen'ri Azent , Omaha. 9& E. EISOON. General Insnrance A enl , PUCEIi'li A3dDrw i.v v. . A London - don , CashAsaeta . JS.lOT.Hi TESTCHSSTER , N. T. , Capital . 1,000,003 THE MERCQAlirS , of Newark. N. J. , 1,000,00 JIRARD FIREPhiladeiphaCapital ! _ l.OOt.OOO NORTHWESTERN NATIONALCai > . Ital . ; . SOC.WX FIREMEN'S FUND , California . EOOWX BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co LHX/.OCO NEWAIK FIRE INS. CO. , Asscta SoO.OCO AUKRICA7 CENTRAL , Assets . 800 000 8 art Cor.of FUteenth & Douglas SU OMAHA , HBB. FRITSCH'S PRUSSIAN Cough Syrup THE LATEST VICTORY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The only existing remedy for every tpe > Oie * of Acnte or Chronic Disease of tbe Organs of Inspiration , and an absolute ) SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! rpHIS all-powerful vegetable preparo. J. tion expel * from the longs and air pas- age * , the muca * and mnco-pa * produced by pnlmonary inflammation , heaU the Irritates membrascs. * and r-vnuvniw every orcnn which utilizes the breath of Ufe. * It contains 110 stupefying potion , nnd is in all respects a healthful medi cine. Tbe rapidity and certainty trltb. Which it ANNIHILATES A COUGH Is astonishing : . Its effects go deeper than ( the mere symptoms of pulmonary dls- eose and discharges the cause from the system. Free and painless expectora tion U'the mode by which It relieves the lungs , cheat and throat from the burdens tvhlch oppress them ) thus arresting Con sumption and Bronchitis in the gennbe. fore they reach the more dangerous stage * . The emaciated sufferer BATTLINB FOR LIFE with the tnosf terrible scourge of oar cli mate trill flncTFritsch's Prussian Couch Syi up a potent 'ally and trill assuredly win the qght by adhering strictly to this great medicine. The CASES NOW" ON RECORD inwhich it luuibeemadmlnUtered entire success as. a. remedy for every va riety of malady -which affects the Re spiratory Functions , amount to moro than FIVE THOUSAND at thr present date , nnd yet the prepara tion is only in the Infancy of its useful ness. The great defect of all Cough Remedies hitherto introduced if that they are simply expulsory. Hence they are useless ; for unless the causes of the acrid secretions which are coughed np nfle removedand the ruptured , inflamed or maturated surfaces healed and re- > tored to their natural tone , a care Is Impossible. FrlUch's Prussian Cough Syrup accomplishes these objects. The mucus and muco-pns tvhlch are the con sequence of JLungDIsease , are thrown off by it , while at thosame time it soothe * and Invigorates the weakened tissues. "LIFE FOR THE LUNGS. " For coughs , colds , influenza , bronchial difficulties , tightness of the chesthoarse- ness , sore throat , trachltta , inflamma tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing , pleurisy and all disorders of a pulmonary nature , it has never been equaled. Sols wonts hi America , BICHARP30M & CO , St. Louis , Mo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. " To .Nervous Sufferers The Great European Kemedy Dr. J" . E , Simpson's Specific Medicine , It is a positive cure f or 8 e natorIhea , Seminal Wtakness , Impotency.and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety , Low ot Memory , Fains In the Back or Side , and diseases that lead to Consumption Insanity and an early grave The Specific Uedldne Is being use with wonder ful success. Pamphlets sent free to all. Write foi them and get fall particulars. Price , Specifl tl-OOptrpacka e , ortlx pack ages for $5.60 , Address all orders to J. B. SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. , Kos. ' Hand 100 Main St. . BuHalo , N. T. Sold In * mahnbrC. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell 1 , K. Ijh > nd all drueiglais everywhere. Gentle Women "Who Trant glossy , Inxnriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiful Hair most use LION'S K1THAIEON. TMa elegant , cheap article always makes the Hair CTOTT freely and last , keeps it from falling ont , arrests and cures grayness - ness , remoYes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency ana keeping it in any desired position. Bean * tiful , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Hatbairon. A now and hltheito unknoTrn remedy for all diseases of ths Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary Organs. It will poBltiv Iy care Diabetes , Gravel , Drop sy , Brizht's Disease , inability to retain or < xpen thi Urine , Catarrh of ths Bladder , high colored and scanty trine. Painful Urinating , LAME BACK , Genera ! Weakness , and all Female Com plaints. It avoids internal medicines , Is certain In it effects and euros when nothing else can. For Bale by all Drugglsta or Mnt by mall free upon receipt of the price , $2.00. DAY MEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS. Toledo , O. tS S i. your adirea fcr our little book , How a waa Saved. " MS * X. TRTTTBnt tnr W SIOIJX CITY & PACIFIC AKD St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Ediablt Sioux City Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLTJPFSto ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULTJTH , or BISMABOK , And all points in Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line is equipped with tba Im proved Westlnghouso Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AMD COMFORT la nnaorpasaed. Klegcn Drawta ? Room and Sleeping Cars.owned ami controlled by the com tny , run Through Without Change between nicn Vidflc Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trams leavs the Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 : p m. , teaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at 11:05 a. m , making -TEN HOURS IN ADVANO * ot AJTT OTHER ROUTS. Returning , I av St. Paul at 820 p. m. , u- vLig at Sioux City at 1:15 : x m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Coundl BloOs , at 950 a. m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C. fc P. K. B/ F. C. HILLS , Superintendent. ICasourl Valley , Iowa ' . E. BOCIKSON , Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent. Jl H. ( yBBTAN. and PfdffagtT A nt , Coundl Bluffs HAMBURG AMERIC K PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line o ! Steamships Leaving ; New York Every Thursday at Sp. m. England , France and Germany. For Passage apply to G. B. RICHARD. & CO. , Pusenjro Arcnts , 3.Broaaway. . NewYorte oatflt tree.Addnsi Tina ft CoJortlndM -A-IETID - - APPETIZER SURE CURE For COUG.HS COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation In th known world. By adding to TOLU BOCK and RYE Ittl * Ijemonjulce. youhavan exellent Appotlzerrnd Tonic , forgeneral and family ure Th Immens * and Inereialnjj rales and the numerous testimonial * received dally ar th best evldencM. -iuouwi of Ita Tirtnes and popuMrBy. . Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than " * * " article in the market. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : A TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENU \ WAsnnroios , D. C. , January 28 , ISSO. j Messrs. LAWRSNOE & MARTIN , 1111 Madron St. , Chicago , His. . AU SHL ! % , _ ThI c 2Ponnd. in the opinion of this offlce , wouJd have a suiBdent quantity i ttA SA ,9T TOWto-ftlTe . It all the advantages ascribed to this article In pectoral complaints while the whlaiy and th.syrap constltut * an emulsion ramfcrinit it an agreeable remedy to tbe patient. Compounded iocordinir to the formula , it mat- properly be cUa ? l as a ilEDlCVKAL PREPARATION undsr tbe rrovisions of U. S.R visi d Statotes. and when so stamped , may t sold by Druggists , Apothfrt Hcs and Other Ptncns witAont renderinz them Uablo to pay rpeoUt tax aa liquor dealers. / Yours Respectfully. ( blgned ) OBEEN. B. BADM , CommlflBloner LAWRENCE & MARTINProprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DEUG&ISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEES everywhere C. F. GOODMAN. AGENT. OMAHV "IT ZS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITESEW1NO MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in pnblic lavor. The White Machine justly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the Simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The Wiite Co. employ aa agents men of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , Cor. Tiavcnuort nnd 15th Sts. Omah : > , T.H IS JNJtiW AND CORRECT TVTAP Proves beyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is by all odds the best toad for you to take when traveling la either direction between Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest. * Carefully examine this Jfap. The Principal Cities of the "West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connection * with the trains ol all railroads at junction points. UjJlPAQQL fe ORTH-WESTERN . - THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all of Its principal lines , runs each way dally from two to foorormore Fast Express Trains. It la the only road west ol Chicago that uses Uia - , PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CABS.\ It Is the only . road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of .Chicago. It has nearly 3.OOO HZLES OFJtOAD. It forms the following Trunk Lines : ! ? ouncMPIu 3' Denver & California Line. " "Winona , Jllnnesota & Central Dakota Line. " , SJouxCjty or.Nebraslca&Yankton Llne."ChlcasoSt. Paul nnd Minneapolis Line. "Aor. Illinois , Freeport & Dubuque Line. " "Milwaukee , Green Bay & Lake Superior Line. " Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents fa the United States and Kemember to ask for Tickets via this road , bo sure they read over It , and take none other. MAKYIX HCQHITT , Genl Manager , Chicago , o * W. B. STZSSETT , Genl Pass. Agent , Chicago. HARRY P. DUEL , Ticket Agent C. ftN. W. Railway , 14tb andlKarnhamStreets. | i ) . E KIMBAliLt , Assistant T.cket Airent C. 4 N. W. Railway , 14th and Farnham Streets. J. BELL , TIclcat AeentC. tc N. W _ Railway , U. P. R. R. Depot. JAMISST. CLARK ' .General A ent. VERIGK. TIRE3 ! 8EOBING , FEATHERS And Everything pertaining to ihs Frmiture and UpDolstery Trade , A COMPUTE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS AT THE 1208 and 1210 Farnliam Street . to ti mt fl til * * utter , 1001 FARNHAM , cor. 10th. Grand Display SPRING CLOTHING !