Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1881, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNINGt EDITION. Price Mve Cents
Lively Tilt Between Bragg
and Blackburn Over
Some Papers ,
Yice-Presidetit Elect .Arthur
Visits the Senate and is
Cordially Eeoeived
Gen. Ha-Kock Signifies His
Intention of Being Present
at the Inaugural
of "Virginia , is
Still Noa-Comtnittal as to
His Politics.
pjcUl DljpaUh to Cu B
WASHINGTON , February 23. The
mat at 10 o'clock in cuinmiUee
of the whole on the xnndry civil bill ,
with Harrison , of Virginia , In the
The pending qnestlon ws on Back-
ner's umondment authorizing the pur-
chtso of a gajTsaving-and tas regulat
ing department. It wes ruled out of
order , on the ground that it failed \o
show retrenchment on lit faci.
Later in the day the amendment
was rejected.
Mr. Riagan Inquired how much
money would bo required under this
Mr. Blount said batweon $200,000
and $300,000.
Mr. Reagan thought the sum had
butter bo upecified. It might cover
$200,000 or $300,000. He thought
the sum needed fhuuld be stated an
nually in bills , and net upon estimates.
The point of order was overruled ,
and an amendment to fix the amount
at $200,000 was rejected.
In ruling upon a point of u-der ,
which wts madn by Mr. Brag4 , the
chiir , Mr. Harris , atid he ruled the
amnndment ou'v sry rpJust-uitly. The
hmieo wai worked up to a very hi h
pitch of excltemen' .
Pending cjn < i'lerithn ' of : hu clime
appropriating § 200,000 fr 'h * pur- '
cliaio ol the private papers < f the late ,
coufed rnte Gener Is B rait on Bragg
* and L-wnidaa Polk , reluing t the
late w r of the reb-lhon , Mr B'a g ,
of Wise main , made a p-iint of ordur
that there was no U-r authorizing the
A hvoly discuasi m ensuoJ batsrcen
Messrs Br e.j and Blackburn , during
which Mr. Bragg accused Mr Black
burn of inaiuvutiD that the govern
moat would keep the papers whether
.congress authorized theic purchase or
cot.Mr. . Blackburn denied he had insin
uated anything of the kind. What
ho said wa ? , that the govern
ment wo id lose nothing by fulling to
purchase these p pars H t lo took
issue with Mr Biagqon a question of
fact , whether the secretary of w r had
recommeiided that the capers should
be purchased. Mr. BUckburn ar
gued that there was sue" a recommen
dation , and Mr. Bragg denied it. In
the course of the discussion Mr.
Blackburn asserted that the value of
tbe papers was fixed bv a commission ,
of which Gen. Girfield was a mem
Tne paint of order having been
overruled , the quention came up on
its merits , when .Mr. Thomas , of Il
linois , moved to strike out the para
After the committee had been called
Mr. Cox calied up unfinished business ,
the apportionment bill.
The senate amendments to the Dis
trict of Columbia and postoffice bills
were reported back , concurrence rec
ommended in some of the amendments
and non-concurrence in others. The
bills go to the conference committee. '
The senate amendments to the leg
islative bill were referred to the com
mittee on appropriations
The committee restored the item
striking out the request for a collec
tion of statistics relative to the annual
production of precious metals In the
United States , and amthorizsd tha
money to ba expended un
der the direction of the director of
the mint.
Mr. King moved to amend the para
graph making an appropriation for a
national board of health by striking
out ao much of the paragraph as pro
hibited the expenditure of any more
money than the amount appropriated
by this act After discussion and
pending further consideration , the
house adjourned
After the routine business of the
moraine hour the senate proceeded to
consider bills on the calendar , to
which no objections were made.
At the expiration of the morning
honr the fortification appropriation
bill was take' up. The amendments
of the committee were agreed to , and
the bill was passed without debate.
Tbj conference report on the pen-
lion bill was submitted and con
curred in.
Conferees were appointed on the
postoffice aud D strict of Columbia
appropriation bills.
Tha bill authorieing the purchase
of the grounds e&st of the capitol for
the site of a huildini ; for the library
of congress cima up as the regular
order , and atter a long debate was
passed by a vote of 39 to 18. -
The senate at 5:50 : adjourned.
BpdcUl Dispatches to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , February 23. CoL
Corbln has received a letter fnm
Gan. W S. HiucocV , ia which the
general says : "I will ha present ar
the Inauguration o G n. Girfield "
He will he accompanied by Gen. J B
S ye , Gen. A. J. Perry and W , j !
BUtchrll , of his personal Uff. Ar-
rangamonts are being made to receive
Hancock and Sheiidan with milrary
Senator Carpenter was quite ill this
morning , but is now slightly better
and his physician thinks he will im
Upwards of 65 000,000 national
bank cnirency h ve been retired uj
to t6 d .
noon v. International reve
nue receipt. . § 433.478 61 ; customs re
ceipts , S737,3j9.70.
ChaL-o N. Sheffield
was to dsy ap
pointed storekeeper and gauger for
the Eighth dutnc : of Kentucky , and
Marshal C. Woods ganger In the Sixth !
district of Indiana. j |
The reduction of the public debt
' for the currant month will , it is esti- ] ;
'mated , touch nearlyi8ODO,000.
Senator-elect Mahone , of Virginia , i !
arrived hereto-night , and took rooms i
at the Arlington hotel , wh-re ho inll i
remain until the clos ; tf the extra !
session of the senate. His has j
served to arouse speculation as to how :
he will vote on the r'orginizationof *
the senate. The senator his oo far :
declined to express his views m this
subject to aiiy one , prefeirin-j , as ho
% ys , to let his acts speak for him.
Representative Ohittenden , of Naw
York , has arranged to give G.-n. Garfield - ,
field a reception on the eve of March '
2d , from 10 to 12 o'clock. Only two ,
hundred invitations have been irsued. i
Gen. Garfiuld and ratty will arrive on
the evening of the 2d. {
The recent call of the secretary of
1he treaaafy jof February 21st , for"-
$1,662,700 of registered five per ceut. <
bonds includes bonds belonging to j
eighty-nine national t-auks. A bank
in Boston , owning ? 1,100,000 in fiva ]
percent , b.nds , had § 800,000 of this '
amount embraced in t .e call issued by
the secretary of the treaury on Monday - 5
day l si , !
The impression appears to prevail
thit under the provision of the fifth
section of the funding act it would be [
impossible for any national bank to j
wind up its affairs and withdraw from i
bueiuus ? , for tbu reaann that it c&uld j
not get an accession of its notes outstanding - ;
standing , with which to take up its .
bonja. This impression is entirely ;
erroneous , as will be seen by referring :
to eec'iou 5222 of the revised statutes , '
which authorizes the deposit of lawi i
tul money for the security of any ;
notes of such bank outstanding , and :
upon the deposit of which , bonds held '
shall bo surrendered. It is conceded <
at the United SUtes treasury that the j
fifth aesiiondoes not , in the least , inJ J
tertere wi'i a bank's desire to withdraw - i
draw from business. The whole extent - j
tent and purpose of the section is to
prevent banks from pbyiu fast and ;
loQie with iheir circulation by con- j
trading it to-day and expanding it '
to-morrow , a ? hn heretofore been !
the custom. j
Hon. Chaster A. Anhar , vice-pres- !
[ dent-elect , visited the ctpitol to day j
and spent same time i the room of i
the vice president. f r which ho was ]
escorted upon the fl > of the senate , |
b ? that ( rt < ntleniau , accompanied by I
Sdnbtor Cunkiing. Ho took a seat on '
one of trnBui HE on tbu republican '
tide , There he was soon v.sitdii by
most of the republican senators. Those j
wi h whom he was nnarquvzued being :
[ ntrotiuctd by Scnatir Coukliug. j
He waivisitad by Henitori DAVIS , of i
Wet Virginia , and B-ck , from the j
democratic si icth j z " U' s on cither
sine being v.-ry cjrdi.l After a short
tune spent in exc'nng ' sof saluta ions
Hitithttt-enntoBiuliC4ledandcvthe- !
Sea Drs Fo-vler , Jorit-3 u id Mitflioll ,
H n. M in'goiasry JJctir a-d sivora.
membjrs of the hc.use of represent
tivo , Gen. Arthur accompanied Mr.
Contcliu to his eeit in itia body ot
the chtmbur , occupying tie churof
S-nator Qamlm. vho was absent.
Mr. BUine arrived tbe capitol for
the first tflo aince hia racont illness ,
and took his soat. G-n. Arthur th--n
arose and went over to Mr. BUine.
Tne greeting b-itween them w s more
than ordinarily c irdisl. After a brief
conversation Gen. Arthur returned to
his seat and soon after left thu cham
ber. While the two eentlemen were
in conversation , Mr. Hill , of Gcotgii ,
who had cume over t ) congratulate
Mr. Bl tine up m ha recovery , came
np and was intmducdd to Gen. Ar
thur by Mr.
tfpodal Dispatches to Tbe Heei
Baker & McMillnn'a enameling
wjrks were butned at Akron , Ohio ,
Tueda > night Loss , § 3,000
Hon. James M.'Riy , priaidcut of
t' board of trustees ot the Crown
Hill cemetery , Indianapolis , died
Tuesday night , from physical ex
haustion , at the age of eighty one , at
the family residence.
The dead lock in the board t f aldermen -
men , in New York city , which h a exited -
ited since Jauuiry first , was broken
yesterday by the election i > f Patrick
Keenan aa president , by the votes of
republicans. Ke nau is a democrat
and lately resigned from Tammany
Merrill Oakf , a member of tha no
torious Crabtrea gang of counterfeit
ers , of Tenaussee , waa arrested in
Ooyrille , Kansas , yesterday.
Dan O'Leary .left Chicago for New
Tbrk'Monday night to make the final
arrangement for the gett pedestrian
match which cumcs < ff iu that city in
one week , from March Gth to 12th.
Dan is going to make one of the grand
est effurti of hia life in thU contest : .
The Egyptian < beliuk WM forinr.lly
presented TuescUy to the city of New-
York , withapprxp---- 'i-Tisej. The
ceremonies took [ .1 o1.1 thu Metro
politan Mu'outu o : Ar , in Central
Joseph Benedict , ahilp gathering
coal along the F : Wajno ri k , at"
Chicago. Tuesiy , WHS killed by a
switch engine Ho aa n poor cir-
cums'sncjs and Jeivea a wife and
OHIRAOO , Frbra-ry23. Thompson
& Sproui'ct ou mi'il mill haa been
utterly d-s oyd by fire. LJSJ ,
FALI. UIVBR , F btuaiy 23 There
is every i > < .spec : f .iprotivctcd strike
among tiie spinners of all the mtlla
in this region.
PITTSBUROH , February 23 Nobles'
upholstery establishment was damaged
by fire yest rday af arnoon to the
extent of $5,000'
DCS MOI.SES , Fe' uary 23 ? The
Illinois Central and Sioux City &
Pacific roids are again blocked by
CHICAGO , February 23 The cattle
in the Jouth western ranges are dying
in great numbers on account of the
A Seducer Shot. .
SpecUI Tlie B e.
CHARLOTTE N. 0 February 23 4
P- mJ"hn Fmnngt n shot and
killel Fr d Barper yes'erdy. Har-
ptr In falltna hot Farrington on th *
cheek the ball pusing out the other
side. The litter is not danierou ly
wound-d. Four or five shots were
fired , Harper shoo'ing even after ho
had received his deuthwound and
hd Wl n to th ground. Both
young men are rwp ctably csnnccted.
Harp-r Ji d seduced Fitnngtou' * sis
ter , aged 18 , and she became a mother
a week ago. . -
Parnell Advises the Postponement -
ponement of the Land
Meetings ,
And See What the Terms of the
Land Bill , Sow Pending ,
Will Be.
The Irish Affitator Qualifies His
Speech to the People of Clare.
The British Cabinet Resolves
to Introduce the Land Bill.
A French Squeal Over the
Order Forbidding the Im
portation of Ametican
A Political Crisis Reported as
Impending in Germany.
Special Dispatch to Tbe Bee.
LONDON , February 23 10 p. m.
Parnell left this city to-day and re-
tut ntd to Paris.
Spoct&l dlspitth to The Bee.
DOBI.IV , February 23 10 p. m.
Father H irlpy , Catholic priest , of
Kilcplnar , near Parsanstown , was to
day ejected from his farm. . There
was no noting , although an immono
crowd of people were present and a
force of constabulary and military.
Bpvcl&l Dlspttch to the Bee
LONDON , Febiuiry 23 10 p. m.
Id the hunsd of commons to-day ,
Gladstone , ropljing to a question on
the dafcato o. : the coercion bill , said
that if ic wa3 not cojjnMed by BIX
o'clock * , ho arunld
to-nigh uuive to
morrow that all remaining amend
ments bs put to a. vote forthwith and
the third reading of the bill proceeded
with immediately.
special Dufutch ID 1'hs 11-3-3
BKRLIN , February i > 4 4 p m
The p ihttcal crisis is eull threaten-
mc. Count Stolberg id expected to
veaign , wnon the issues of the criiia
ill then be considered by the crown.
The Prussian diet IMS cLncd.
t > pccbl dispatch to TIIE Us .
PARIS , February 24 4 p. in. The
order prohibiting the importation of
Af-rncin p > rk CWSPI ) gre t agitation
atHi're , B 'rdsii'ix atid Marseille * , ,
end the American consul h 8 telo-
f-rap'ied to hlo government advising
them to reinitiate and stop 'ho entry
of Frrfuch wine' .
Special Dispatch to The Bee
DUBLIN , February 24 1 a. m. At
s meeting of the land leagua to-day
a tel > -gr-im was read from Pirnell , ad
vising them to postpone the meeting
announced to be nold next Sunday ,
and wait until the terms of the land
bill are auminced.
opeclal Di&patch to Tte Bee.
LONDON , Februsry 24 1 a. m. A
Beriia aiepatch Bays that Gen. Sknbe
loffhaa been recalled from Central
3 estol to il-.o Bee.
LONDON , Febroary 24 1 a. ra.
A dispatch from Durban saya there la
dissension among the Boers.
A roconnois'tuce yesterday showed
that tun Boors' position extendes four
miles , and is very strong , but not
capable of resisting an attack with
much vigor.
A dispatch from Paris siyj the min
ister of war has sent a circular to the
directors of the -arsenals stopping the
sale of arms.
Special Dispatch to Tbc Bee.
LONDON , February 24 1 a. m.
Mr. Parncli , previous to his de
parture for Paris , handed the tempo
rary leadership of the home rulers to
Mr. Justin McCarthy.
The rumors that the government
intends to seize Mr. Parutll on his
return from Paris causes much com
ment. It is not known whether he
will come back.
A dispatch from Paris says that M.
Gambotta's speech in the chamber of
deputies on Monday has produced t
serious impression at the various cap
The shocks of earthquake in Azones
proTed very disastrous. There were
thirty-six shocks , and a church and
two hundred houses were thrown to
the ground. Several people were
killed. Tno p ople are now living in
in tents outside the city.
peciol dispatch to The Boa
DuBLiN.February 23 4 p. m , Mr.
Parnell has written an important let
ter to the people of CUre , in which he
withdraws a portion of his speech
made last Sunday , advising the plow
ing up of land in order to prevent
landlords from grazing their cattle
thereon , and says that such action
would be igainst criminal law , and
thathecitmoj j i-'ify It. There are
rumors iu t tuo government haa an
eve on this speech , and it will proba
bly lead to serious consequences for.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
HOME , February 23 , 4 p. m. The
Pope in replying to an address of the
cardinals , spoke of the sign * of the
times , and said he thought that new
penh threatened S < int Peter and the
Catholic church. Ha had to lament
tbe attacks upon it from all parts of
the trorld and the iufiumicd that op
posed it in a thousand ways , and in
order to combat it he hid resolved to
open this year to all Christianity an
enra rdinry jubilee with avi w that
God misjht prepare a better tioie for
the chufca.
Special Dtapaich to TIII Bit
LONDON , February 23 The Stand-
ard this afternoon asserts that a de
cision of great importance had been
taken by the cabinet , viz : to drop the
arms bill , and ( o introduce < land bill
without any delay.
LONDON , February 23 4. p. m.
A feast is promised lovnrs of acandai
by proceedings in a divorce before
Lord Penzanc In the.suit of the wife
of Arch Deacon Dnnbsr , which cornea
off to-day. Mrs. Dunbar alleges that
the arch-deacon committed adultery
with various members of his congrega
tion , and charged the arch-deacon
with being guilty of smoking and
drinking with the choir boys and re
ceiving ladies late at night in the vea-
_ m _
Some Fun at Battle Creek ,
Mich.Tums Out to Be
No Fun at A
And the Aggregate Will Be
the Costs of Obtaining a
Divorce ,
A Chicago Woman Drenches
Her Husband With
Charley Foster Wants to ba
Postmas'er-General of
These United States.
Too Much Funny Business.
Sreclal Dispatch to The Uee.
BATTLE CREEK , Mich , February 23
10 p. m A few evsnings since , at
a party , the young people thought to
enliven the occasion by a mock mar
riage. Miss Lillie Symonds , of Madi
son , Wis. , and Mr. Phillip Starkey ,
of Montreal , Out , submitted thorn-
selvrs to play the parts of bride and
groom. The marriage was carried out
iu every.detJiil , the ceremony being
read by Frai k Preston , from a jus-
ticd'fl gniiie , the youns ; couple makiu
appropriate responses , and even a
marrtfge certificate beine mndo out
a'd : signed in iegil form. Tola was
ciuiaidi-red a vrry funny affair by all
present , but the next day it began to
look berlcius for Mr. SUrkoy ana Mias
Symonds , whohhduo intonti j ; > of be
coming man and w fe , but ware in
formed tint under the lawa of Michi
gan they were as surely wedded a < if
the ceremony had bean perfor-nod by
i minister or justice They consult
d Hwytrs juid were informed that
the only remedy would be to begin
pr < 'C eaiup < for a divorce. Yunnt !
Sturkey , becoming thoroojjhly alarmed ,
lef for his home in Cuindx , and Miss
Symonda' parents sent fdr her to return
turn to Madison. The t.ffUr Is caus
ing much goBbip It appears that tne
yonng lady was oocaned eoon
to bo married to another young
man. To do so Ifgilly ifc will be nee-
oisarp to have the me ok marriage an
A Woman Drenches Her Husband
With Vitriol.
dpeclal Dispatch to Vbo bco.
CHICAUO , February 24 1 B. m.
Mrs. Miggie CUrkson is looked up at
the armory. She is the wife of En
gineer Clarkcon. of the Michigan
Southern dummy train , whose resi
dence , at South Chicago , wa ; report
ed entered one night , a week or two
ago , by twn men , who threw vitriol
into his face , nearly ruining his eyes
and disfiguring his face in a horrible
manner. There has bean considerable
mystery aboct the affair. It was evi
dently not the work of burglars , as
nothing was disturbed. It ia now
claimed that his wife inrew the vitriol ,
and she is under arrest on that charge.
She U known to have ourchaaed
atryehoineto poison him , but told the
drug clerk trm' she wanted to poison
a dug The clerk procured a piece of
meat and put the strychnine into it.
Mis Clarkson cut np the moit and
fed it to her husband's game chickens ,
which had been one sonrjo of their
troubles. It had no effect upon the
fowls , and her next move wan to
drench her huaband with vitriol. Mrs.
Cl&rkaou'had serious trouble with a
former husband , from whom she is
supposed to be divorced.
Spacial Dispatch lo.the EltH
WASHINGTON , February 24 1 a. m.
For the upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys : Warmer , cloudy
weather.with rain or anew , southwest
winds and lower barometer.
Nearly a Whole Family Burned to
Special dispatch to Tun Ktr.
PrrrsBURQ , February 23 10 p. m.
At 3 o'clock this morning a fire was
discovered in the drug store of Sloan
Bros. , in East Liverpool , Ohio. , over
which Mr. Sloan , his family of seven
children'and his brother-in-law'Mr.
Skells , were stopping. Mr. Sloan
awoke and found the stairs burned
away. He leaped from tbe window
to the ground with his three year old
daughter , and told his wife and chil
dren to followbut they failed to iutnp ,
and were burned to death , also Mr.
Skells. The bodies were found this
M irnlng.
Cold Beef.
Special Dispatch to Tbe Bee
CmuAGo , February 23 10 p. m.
A oorrespon Jent , who has been inves
tigating the effects of the severe win
ter in the cittle ranches of the south
weat , reports that thousands of dead
cattle line the northern banks of the
Arkansa" , having drifted in from the
north , and that the remainder are
dying in great numbers. A gentle
man irhb has juit reached Denver de
clares that tie saw fully five thousand
aead cattle lying beside the Union
Pacific track in Nebraska.
The Republican state Convention ol
8pecl l dispatch to The Bee.
LANSISO , Mich , , Febnmy 24 1 a.
m. The republican state convention
was held here yeaterd y. The con
vention was a large one , 683 dele-
eites voting on the first roll call
H m. James H. Campbell WAS made
president and E. S. Hopkins secre
tary. Tne following candidates were
nominated :
For justice of the supreme court ,
laaao Maraton , of Bay , now chief
jistice of that court ; 'or regents o )
the university , James F , Ji-yt oi
Wayne , and ei Guv. Austin BUir ,
the first by acclamation , the latter by
one majority.
Monday Devoted to Pass
ing Important Bills.
The Woman's Eights Bill Passes
- the Honse.
Important * IternsJLFrorn Both
Branches. , , *
No AdjournmejHifOver Wash
ington's v3Jir thday.
Spraal CorrespondeD'y'Onie Bee.
NeblpPebruary -21-
LiKWOiar , pPebruary21 -
Prayer wai offered in the house this
afternoon by the llev. Mr. Sherrill.
He repeated -the Lord's prayer , pure
and simple.
Mr. Slocumb , of Jefferson , wanted
hia high license bill considered but
the honse said no ; and the regular
order of business was taken up , it
being bills on third reading. The
following bills were then passed.
By Mr. Ransom , No. 105 , to amend
an act incorporating subordinate
By Mr. Windhaui , No. 49 , to
authorize cities to fund their indebt
By Mr. Liughlin , No. 87 , to pro
vide for draining marsh or swamp
landa ia the state.
By Mr. Wlndham , No. 23 , to legal
ize and rrgulate diaectiona in the
* tate. [ This bill was analyzed iu THE
BEE lately. ]
By Mr. Montgomery , No. CO , to
regulate the practice of medicine in
the stato.
By Mr. Slocumb , No. 51 , to amend
aectiou 123 , chapter 17 , general
statutes , entitled "decedents. "
By Mr. Miller , No. 19 , a hill for an
act to make railroad , canal , bridge
and ditching companies , and com
panies and persona responsible for
imteriai furnished and labor psr-
'ormed in thn construction , repair or
improve'iiBn's of any such works , and
; o secure/ the labor and in&terul man a
lien for his material fmnishod and
labor performed
Senate file No. 1 , by Mr. Morao ,
"or an act to attach the county of
Nance to and make the same a part of
: he sixth juuicml district.
By Mr Corrull , a joiut resolution
providing for the submission to the
'lectors of this at to of an amendment
; o section one , article eeren of the con
There being quite a number t *
Aciin3 uresenl , some of the member
ielt called upon to acquit , themsilves
rather nicely : " -5 . -
Mr Howe , of Nonnha , fcald : "I
thank God ( hit my life has been
spared to this moment , when I can
vote to extend ilia right of aufirage to
the women of my ; tdoplud etate. i
therefore vote ay r. "
Mr. Slocnmb , of Jefferson , said :
"Believing that my wife is entitled to
all the rights that I enjoy , Ivoteaye. "
It having become apparent that only
fifty msmbers had voted for the bll ! ,
Mr. Howe said :
"As there are pnveral members of
the houae absent , I move that house-
roll 1G2 be recommitted. "
Mr. Hickofc , of Richardson , there
upon changed his vote from "no" to
"aye , " making the required majority -
Mr. Howe withdrew hia motion.
The houae then applauded Mr.
Hickok quite vociferously. He went
up about ten hundred weight In the
estimation of the women , in about
three seconds.
By Mr. McShane No. 251 , the
new city charter of Omaha was then
passed by a vote of 60 to 2.
The house adjourned to 9 o'clock
a. m. Tuesday.
The senate met at 3 o'clock and at
once proceeded in a vigorous manner
to dispose of accumulated business.
The first bills that came up 'for pas
sage were th three introduced by the
special railroad committee. The firet
received but one negative vote that
of Mr. Ballentine. Tha second was
opposed by Mr. Gore who said : "I
am opposed to this bill because the
preamble makes false statements re
garding thn taxing of railroad and tel
egraph property ; also , because I think
it would be very unfortunate for the
state to assess railroad property
in accordance with the value of the
stocn in the market , since there are
some roads in the state whose stock
haa no marketable value , and I do not
think that any road in the sta'e , if cut
off from all connecting roads , would
be worth anything. Hence , if wo tax
the value which these roads acquire
through theic connections , we tax
property that is out ot the state.
Therefore , I vote No. "
But Mr. Gere's final protest was as
ineffectual here as it was in tbe elec
tion of Vai Wyck , and the three bills
OTro p.v/eed
Then came thefollowing , which were
passed with very few dissenti g votes :
To prohibit treating in saloons and
other public places.
Thoic'iool law.
To limit county ijeuurers to two
terms ij ffico.
To prc vWp tint n person nh ill not
be Bummc-ii-1' tosirv > ' on a j try i : < ore
than once i.i two yea a.
To protect laborers /ind m-xtsrial
men who i rk on or fu'iii-h ; nu ial
for r iir.i.idj filling tbs-ni & H--n on
To .m'horize tve purchase a id sale
of railn.adi by or to ro Ha conn ° cting
wl'h them at thostun line
To illow nhic < to ni'i t hr e on
McKieaock'a I -.lid. l .
Joint resoluti ujs concarntrg Santee
Ind tins and for reliif ( if Knox -unty ;
concornine S ? .Trsi-pb & D I.V.T City
railroad lands ; to lenisl tura of I > wa
corcrrning uc.iip'.ioR lairc.
The suffrages , Invlrg cirr.'cd t' eir
niea'U-e in the h'-n ? , I av - a licked
the noiiato in full f'-rco. I is a val
iant band , but will surrender at dis
cretion. -
As a reason why Senator Myers
did not vote against the railroad bills ,
It ra y beflti't'd that Viiai absent.
Five more days if bu-aaea. , iike
this will close up all the work in tbe
Banal" , and the members of that body
fcra nearly all opposed to a special
Mr. Case , of Clay , talks riaht out
when he has anything to sy He
said "I think this
to-day : tiousejs
making itself ridiculous enuuh in
the eyes of people , without making a
studied effort to do so. "
Olerk Slaughter , of the bouse , haa
the matter of roll call down to a fine
point. He calls the eighty-four names
from memory , and as he knows where
each , member sits , he casts his eye
around the room and has every man
marked present or absunt in very short
The opinion prevails throughout the
legislature th < t Mr. Howe's prohibito
ry amendment will puss the house , but
no one is ready to vouch for its pas
sage In the sanato.
In the discussion of the high license
bill in the house some one offered an
amendment requiring every person
who miy engage iu liquor selling to
give testimonials of bia high moral
chartctpr and raspoctacility. This
would ivrr.ount to prohibition , plain
and simole. Iu the saraa debate , Mr.
Jackson , of Doughs , remarkid that
Church Howe had Ins men trdtrod on
this ( ( I ) atiou to vote oti the different
motions just as he might beckon them.
No ore can dubt tii t Mr Howe has
thy hou-u under his thumb on this
I TVai presented to diy * i h a
"Bioi raphioil Manual MonibbH of
the Legi-ilaliire , " .1 pamphlet of a
handrail pig s , h > G L Hall. E q
It ij very neit , typogr.jphicslly , and
contains uoncine and f.titlifui aketches
of the r resent Ivw-makors It will
make an impression on tbp pige * of
Nebrasks annals.
New York Money an3 Stocks.
WALL STREET , Fabruary 23.
At 1 p. m. the price ? were as follows :
MONET At 6 per cent , ; exchinge weak
at S4.83i@4.6U
Ciiica o Proauce Martlet.
CUICAOO , Fobru-try 23.
Whfat trns I.- f..u reqaeat and
itfadj- ; : ra and o-.tBq.iio * ; rye Srm-
jr ; oiety pork opunod firmer , but
* K k > * f i.-J anil d'olintd 7 @ 10c per
sU , and after the eillfleclin6d 7J10c
more ; Iird in f.iir d mtnduid lo > ver ;
meats steady ,
Wheat Spring whpat M rohjsold i-t
97l@98gc ; April , 98J@'J8o ; May ,
§ 1 011 ; JunoSI Oli ; ycr , 90o b-d ;
cloMiig hi 9797g for Match ; 98J ®
98is for ; SI OIJ ® ! Olf for
MH ; 81 01@l Olg for the year.
G tit March 37 | < 237i ; April , 37 |
; May , 414l jf Juo : ,
July , 423@42 o ; August ,
Oa-s May. 33 @ 33fc ; June , 33 ®
83Jc ; July , 33Jc aeked.
Kye March , 88U- bid ; April sold
at 90c.
Mess Perk March add at $14 87 $
© 14 90 ; April , § 14 97 @ 15
June , $15 30 ; closing at § 14 87i ®
1490 for March ; S14 97i15 00 for
April ; 815 1515174 for May ; § 15 SO
® 15 32J for June ; aalm , 21,000 bbls.
Lard March sold at $10 071010 ;
April , S10 17J10 20 ; may , 010 25 ®
10 27A , closing with sellers at outside
pricca ; sties , 4,500 tierce ? .
Bulk Meats Short ribs , March
87 67 @ 7 70 ; Ap-11,87 80@782J ; May ,
$7 90 ; sali-a , 2 750,000 Ibs ; shoulders ,
March , $4 57A " bid , § 4 G5 asked ;
April , § 4 65 bid" , 84 72 asked.
Ohlcasro Live Sioclc MarKet.
CHIOAOO , February 23.
Ho55 A duller market than the
one for hogs to day has not been no
ticed for a long time p < ujl ; the princi
pal sales were for light , at a dcJiao
of 610 < 9n yesterday's figures , but for
heavy picking not sufficient sales were
made to establish quotations ; ship
pers were also purchasing sparingly it
about previous figures ; aales ranged
at 85 4b@560 for li hc. packing and
shipping ; 85 00@5 40 lor heavy packing -
ing ; 85 40@G 25 for good to eitra
heavy shipping lots , for Boston and
Philadelphia ; freih receipts , 17,000
Cattle There was an active market
yesterday afternoon , but prices ruled
weak and 10@15c lower than Mon
day's quototions , owing to the exces
sive aupplv for two liaya , which num
bered 16,120 head ; a large number
were luft over at the close ; t > > .day the
receipts wuro again liberal , and na buy-
era were not operating except on a lib
eral scale , only one lot was reported
sold , consisting of seventeen head ,
averaging 1254 Ibs. at § 4 40 ; the
market was littla better than nominal ,
with pens well filled with stock ; the
fresh receipts were 4500 head.
St. Louis Produce Marset.
ST ; Louis , February 23.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Quint ; No. 2 red win
ter , 81 01@1 OOJ for cash ; 81 OOg ®
101 for February ; 81 011 Ol f > r
M rch ; 81 03g@l 03J for April ; 81 04 |
for May ; No. 3 do.98c ; No. 4 do , 92c.
Corn Better ; 38j@38go for cash ;
38&c for February ; 3839j3 for
M rch ; 40 for May.
Oats Higner at 33f @ 33f c for cash ;
33 c for March ; 34 c for May.
j yeFirra at 89c bid.
Birley Dull and unchanged ; prime
to fancy , 80@81 05
Lead Quiet at 84 62 .
Butter Steady ; dairy , 20@28c.
E ga Quiet at 18c. .
Whisky Steady at 81 06.
Pork Better at 815 25 for cash ;
815 10 bid for April.
-Dry Sa > t Mpats Quiet at 84 90 ®
5 007 507 75S7 9U@8 00
Bacon Quiet at 85 37J8 508 75
Lird Nominal.
Receipts Flour , 8 000 bj > ls ; wheat ,
13,000corn,104,000 ; ; oat,18,000 ; rye ,
none ; barley , 5 000
Shipmenta , 20 COO ; weat ,
11,000 ; corn , 45,000 ; oats , 8000 ; rye ,
1000 ; barley , none
St. liouls Ldve btock Market.
ST. Louis , February 23
Hoge E sier ; light shiopine , 85 40
@ 5 70 ; aiix < sd packing , § 5 40@5 75 ;
butcr-jra'tofancy.86 006 25. Re
ceipt ) , 13,900 head ; shipments , 3.00C
A Sad and Serious Acci
dent Near Oil City , Pa ,
A Funeral Train Crashes Into
theKegnlar Passenger.
A Leprous Youth Laid Low
by the Avenger's Bullet.
Gould Gobbles Another Road
Pencsylvania Elects a
Railroad Wrectc.
Special < ! iptches to The Beo.
CiNcnnrATi7 0 , February 23. A
special from Oil City , Pa. , says a bad
accident occurred on the river division
of thu BufTalo , VHIsburg nd Western ,
at Prjsidaut , thirteen m-'La cait "of
tludcity. The rtgnl ir pasaang r train
? -as pulling out when a special , whijn
waataklii" a futtr < l party in Lionejta
came up behind at a rate of forty miles
an h jur , find plunged into It. The en-
capiug aicam of the locomotive
which entered the rear passeng-r
coach quickly filled it , and caused
great consternation among the pas-
sengerd. Qui.e s number were in
jured , the follnwiog moat seriously :
Mr. Chulea A Babcock , of Franklin ,
badly ccalded , will piobablydie ; John
Hnn er , of Mill Village , scalded ; Wm
J > lKme , mail agent , of Oil City , left
hand crushed and amputated ; . 8.
Vavery , of Tidlonte , two ribs broken
and cthtr 'njuriss ; Mrs. O'Harc , of
Traukey. ec ided. A wrecking trr.In
and aargeocs were sent out from this
Bpeilil Dfjp-.tcn to The nee
OIL C'IIY , Pa , Fohruar ; 24 1 a.
m. The Accident this afternoon on
the Buffalo , PilJabor ? ; & Western rail
road was purely the result of careless
ness. 'I ho i fficialsof the railroad are
Bbveroly censured for running a
special at bo high K rate of fcp-td so
short a d'stancb behind ihrtf ul r.
Pdcplo wtio had friuuda on tha train
ar greatly incoiHsd at thq.i fficiaJs of
thu r ad in this ctty , who wonld not
give them information regarding the
Mrs Dabccrk is atil' ' a'ive , but will
prolnbly dio. A oy named Jack'on
hud both Jf < sB cut off by a freight
train on tbe same road yesterday.
Gould. Buys into ibeD. , L > , & W.
l Du-patcti tc. Us Bn *
YORK , F bruiry 23 4 p ta.
At the annual ra eting ot th" Dtfla-
warp , and V/ia'orn rail
road to-day , A L. Dfluais , S B Crit-
lendcii ftiitt SV. Ryl eaignud and Jay
GonU , Sidiitry Dill MI and Ruasell
Sige BUCCdcdad. Tu othjr changes
i > f ra maao The annual rep < m show
ed net earning for the of 55,903,000.
Gould tbo Gobbler.
dpccl- l Dispatches to The Ese.
PHILADELPHIA , February 23. The
announcement that a controlling in
terest iu the Philadelphia , Baltimore
and Wilmington road has been ob
tained by c , syndicate , of which Jay
Gould , Eusael Sjge end Vanderbilt
are parties ia continued , and haj creat
ed intense excitement. The pggra-
gate purchase money was § 8,400,000.
The Baltimore and Ohio company are
interested in the purchase.
Joined Together
3pecL l Dbpatch to the Bee.
PHILADELPHIA , February 23 10
p. m The announcement that a con-
irollirg interest la the Philadelphia ,
Wilmington & Baltimore railway com
pany has been sold to a syndicate of
friends of the Baltimore and Ohio.
New Jersey Central and Philadelphia
and Reading railroad companies , is
confirmed by President Hinckley.
Nathnniel Thaycr , one of the five Bos-
tan oirectors of the Philadelphia ,
Wilmington and Baltimore railroad ,
and other Boston capitalists , holding
sufficient of the stock to make up
a controlling interest , have been sold
out to the syndicate , comprising the
following persons : 'John W. and
Robert Garrett , president and vice-
president of the Baltimore and Ohio
railway , Drexel & Co. , . and John
Lowler Welsh , of this city ; Urexol ,
Morgan & Co. , of New York ; J S.
Morgan & Co. , of London ; Solon
Humpreys , Ruasel Sage , Jay Gould ,
William H. Venderbilt and George
G. Haven , of Nevr York.
The atook waa disposed of by Mr.
Nathaniel Thayer mainly for himself
and other holders at § 70 per share ,
the aggregate of the purchase money
being estimated at $8,400,000. The
negotiations were finally agreed to on
Monday , and as the Pennsylvania
railway officials have been more or
loss Interested in the deal , there is
the best reason for the belief that ( he
latter company's interests are well pro
tected , and in consequence of the sale
the headquarters of the Philadelphia ,
Wilmington A Baltimore railroad
company , which hitherto have been
located at Boston , the seat of tha
controlling interest , will no donbt be
transferred to New York. There will
also be a necessity of a change in the
board of directors. That Jay Gould ,
Robert Garrett and John L. Welch ,
will join it ia also b lleved. Enoch
Pratt , of Baltimore , will be added to
the new management. The Philadel
phia , Wilmington and Baltimore rail
road company otrns the main lina ,
ninety-six miles In length , from Phil
adelphia to BaUimoro , with 5 double
track of steel rails.
AnJActress Sues for Divorce. .
Special Dispatches to Tin I'.IR
CISCINNATI , 0. , February 24 1 a.
Mha Nona Prescott , at present con
nected with the Salvint troupe , filed
suit in the Covlngton , Ky. , chancery
court for dlvorco from her husband ,
Edwin J Burke , on alleged grounds
of abandonment and failing to pro
vido. The parties were married In
1875. She aho asks for the-cnstody
of her two children , and to be restored
to her maiden name of Victor.
A Falr-Sha&e for AIL
BpecUl Dlaratch to Tbe Bee.
NEW YORK , February 24 1 p. m.
United States Senator-elect Thomas
0. Elatt , in * n Interview , said that ha
thought that both triends and eue
miea of Senator Conkling * ill be
taken care of , and that Gen. Girfield
will try by bin appointments to bar-
moniza the differences which have ex
isted in the republican party of this
Cabinet Chat.
Dl&ptch to Tha I Ice
CLEVELAND , Febrnarv 24 1 a. m.
Ex-Gov. Fenton , of New York , anrl
' Gov. Foster were at Mentor to-day ,
Great Sale of
Lot of Flams' Seamless to close out at $ L25 , former price. $175.
l ° ° fn ° $ ® * * SL75Lot
, -ipe TO & rL25' ! JP 6'- - Lot of 3
Button Undress d at ,
$1,25 , former price , $175 And a very Great
d o [ 2 ? h ? ton EtloTCB that
and will let them
we go at 75c ,
Would also call the attention to the Latest Novelties in
Just roce'ved , and i onaisting of
The New Yennicella Lace Scarfs and Fichus.
And Misses' and Children's Bicerack Braid Collars , a Most Beauti
ful Effect.
Also Hand Embroidered Swiss Goods in Scarfs and Piohus.
65c , 75c , 85c , NOW 50cts.
These are very Great Bargains , and ought to be taken up AT
Great Bargains in
o o : e s : E TS i
The French Oou tell Side Steels and Double Steel in Front to
close out at 75c , former price , $1.25. '
We are Sole Agents for this celebrated French Coraet , ac
knowledged to bo the T Corset in the World , Sold by us at
New York prices.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the liest Assor.muiit of
in the West.
AJ Chicago ! ifccs.
1209 & 121
Harney Street , Omaha.
Jl n sctcrer of ml kinds of
Bummer Bologna ( Oervelat Wurat ) a
Specia tiy. Orders promptly flHed.
1714 Burt St. , Omaha Neb. dc23-t
ta'king cabinet. For.ton oppo ea tha
appointment of Morton to the treasu
ry department , asd Foster WBHts the
[ 'Oiimaater generalship.
Increasing Approp latlona.
Kpoclal Dispatch to Tni Ban.
Lrxcoi.y , Fehrusry 23 10 p. m.
In the i.oase ycaterdty aftvrioon and
evening tne general appropri , : lon bill
was cm.siJered. It w a ncroised
over § 30,000 abova : ho aiaou sv agreed
on by tht- way a and mojun cuoimlttce.
The eality ftf [ .roprution il ! .rai coa-
sidered this morning and slightly in
Fished Ou' of Chicago Kiver
Special Dlapatrh t. . Tnx Bux
CUIOAOO , February 24 1 o. ta.
Tbe body of Mra. Anna Reiser , who
disappeared fr m her home yustorday ,
waa found uudur thu ice at the Twelfth
streec bridge y uterday. It is a mys
tery how aha c.-une in the.river.
A few hours hter the bvdy of an
unknown man w.-.a found embjJdod in
the ica near the a rae placb , trhere It
evidently bad bean frozen in some
months ago.
Tbe Dead Lock Broken.
Special Dispr.tth to T ! L Boo
HAERISBUKO , February 23 4 p. m.
John L Mitchell , of T > oga , was
nominated United States sjmtor by
the con'eronca committee. Tha nom
ination gives general satisfaction.
The thirey-fifth billet rai taken te-
day , th < 4 vole waa ; John I. Mitchell
150 , Wal'asa 92 , McVeigh 1 , Brews-
The eltcilon of John I Mitchell as
United States senator Is regarded here
as an equi able adjustment of the
dead lock. 5Iitciell ia recognized aa
a stalwart republican. The causu&s
were held this morning by
Boyne'a supp .rturs and General
Beaver's friend' , and tbe nomina
tion of Mitchell waa unanimously
confirmed. Mitchell Is expected
here from Washington this afternoon.
Senator Cameron arrived here at 2 a.
m. and returned to Washington on
the four o'clock train. During the
two hours interim he remained at tha
depot in consultation with members
of tha legislature.
New Yore nroduce Marfcet.
e NEW YOEK , February 23.
Flour Receipts , 37,000 bbla ; sales ,
10,000 bbls ; quiet and without decided
change ; round hoop Ohio , $4 40@5 00 ;
choice do , $5 OogG 75 ; super
fine western , $3 60@4 00 ; com
mon to good extra do , $4 304 79 ;
choice do , do4 75 < gG 75 ; choice white
wheat do , $5 006 00.
Butter Unchanged ; Ohio , 13@27c.
Cheese Unchanged ; 8@13o for
poor to fancy.
Sugar Steady.
Molasses Nominal.
Petroleum Firm and unchanged.
Rice Fafr Inquiry.
C iffee Unchargdfrei2htssteady. .
Spirits of Turpentine Quiet at 44
@ 45j per pal.
Rosin Unch-nged at ? 1 70@1 75.
Tallow Quiet at 6J@5Jc per Ib.
Egg g Wtstern , 24 ( § 25c.
Cotton Qaiet and easy ; sales 561
b-Ios ; middling uplands , 811 56 ; mid
dling Orleans , $11 81J ; futures ,
steady : February , $1115 Did ; llflrch ,
811 25 bid ; April , $11 44 ; May ,
811 57 ; June , $11 70 ; July , $1178
Whet Steady ; Chicago , $ L 14@
1 15 ; Milwaukee , $116@117 ; No. 2
red winler , $1 171 181 , cash ;
sales 400,000 bu.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , 67673o.
Sales 69,000 ba.
OitiQuiet. .
Waiaky Quiet.
Pork Nominal.
Inrd810 50@10 60 for cash ;
$10 50(51060 ( for February ; $1050
for March ; $10 52\10 55 for
April ; $10 67i 10 60 for May$10 ; 60
10 65 for June ; $9 12J010 20 for
seller fortha year. '
A Caaa County Fanner Com
mits Suicide.
PiATTsMOtrra , Neb. , February 23.
Jonathan Kerna , a fanner some
seventy-five years ago , and one of the
oldest citizens of this county , living
about two and one half miles south of
here , killed himself about noon yester
day. He told his family that ha intended -
tended to kill himself , and requested
bis son to stay with him to-day. Bat
his son , thinking he meant nothing ,
came to town , but was soon called \
back to realize tha fulfilment of the \
assertion. Ha put tha muzzle of f
large pistol In his month , while hti \
rife and family were trying to psra- \
vent , and fired , causing almost In
stant death. It la reported that ha
had been somewhat deranged for A
few weeks , which accounts for tha
TA m rtmnt ] fmhtmL'
ACDITOB'sOmcs , 1
LISOOLS , Febnury lit , 13-fl. f
It Is hereby certlfle.1 th t Marcellai R. RIadon.
of Omaha , In the County of Diu , ! - , State of
Nebraska , I ) here'iy da j authorized to transact '
tb bnsineda of Fire Insurance lir th ccrrant
year In raid County , u Ajejt of the BtiU h
America Imraranc Company , of Toronto , In the
Dominion 6f Car ada. subject to all the restric
tions and limitations of tha law re.nlatlnr Ftro
Inmnnce Companlci iu tbij Stnte
In Testimony Whet eof. I hare honunto i t
my band and the deal of tbe Auditor of Public
Account * , the day and ycaraboro written.
Auditor of PutUc Account * .
In Charge of irnma-ce Dirtmmt
J. H. AtTORD. Deputy.
Undoubtedly tbe best shirt In tha
United States ia manufactured at tha
Omaha Shirt Factory. The naperlorlty
of Material and wn'km-tnahip , co'm-
oined with their cjreat Improvemegts ,
that la Reinforced fronti , Rtimforced
backs and Reinforced sleevea , makes
their shirt tbo most durable and beat
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the x jder to price of
$1.50. Every shirt of our make U *
guaranteed tint-class and will refund g
tha money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chamois underwear , made np with
view to coiofort warmth and dunbll-
Ity. To Invalids and weak-longed
persons we offer epo-jtaHnducomante
in the manner these goods are raid *
for their protection.
PH. Gornuaitrx ,