i r * " * ' * v The Daily Bee. Tuesday Morning , Feb. 22. Special Notice. To-day being the anniversary of he birth of George Washington , Esq. , deceased , there will be no paper is- ned from this office on to-morrow morning. BREVITIES , Patereon sells coal. Lnbinabulk verfumeatKahn's. Key West , Scents , atDoolittle's. Additional local news on first page. Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel- era , Creighton Block. o2G-tf Imported cigars , at Saxe's , druggist. Key West nad domestic cigars , at S axe's. Eemember the Danish Society's Mas quenxde Feb. 2Cth , tf Don't forget , the Danish Society's Misquerade is on Saturday the 20th. tf To-d y Li3 George Washington's birthday , and ve celebrate. * The revival at the South Tenth Street JL 12. Church is increasing in interest and will continue during the week. The Nichols referred to in an item Friday evening , was not the .J. I. NIchol who does business in Frenzer's block. 5 The Rock Island train came in on time yesterday. The goverland train from the west was four hours late howet er. The corpse of a deal dog has orna mented lower Farnham street Rince Satur day night. Where is th city scavenger ? The Omaha Workingmen's Sports man's dub will celebrate the birthday of G. W. to-day with a pigeon shoot in Lake's addition. A young felluw named Quir.lon was zurcjted yesterday charged with burg- liry. His preliminary examination was Bet for 4 p. in. yesterday. Mr. W. H. Scott , the gentlemanly ticket agent of tlu Pullman Palace C.ir company , rejoices in the arrival of a ten pound girl at his house. He was able to be at his post as usual yesterday. At the meeting of the W. C. T. U. , at the Omaha City Mission , to-day afternoon at three o'clock , every person is cordia'ly invited as very important busi ness 13 to be settled. A full attendance is desired. A handsome calendar was left at our officeMonday by Mr. W. H. Law ton. agent for the Northwestern Mutual Life insur ance company , tf Milwaukee. It is a per petual calender from 1875 to 1900 , at which time he promises us a new one. The bright sunshine of Sunday and to-day has started a thaw which has al ready made the streets tnd sidewalks a mass of water and blush. It has also re lieved the apprehensions of freezing to death which -the continued coal famine giro rise to. Alex Selander , a Swede , who lo.t his right log , from the knee down , a few years ago , fell on Farnham street Satur day evening aad broke the sima leg be tween the knee and thigh. Dr. H. W. Hyde set the limb , and the man is doing as well as possible under th : circumstan es. A momentary panic was caused at the "CT. P. depot to-day by a terrible rumbling and crashing overhead. The west bound and Lincoln trains were both lying there at the t me and with \isions of the fall of Iho roof of the Buffalo depot ia mind many b "gin to look fur refuge beneath the cars. It proved to be only the snow and ice sliding off the roof. At 2:33 o'clock the City Mission Sab bath School meets every Sabbath afternoon at their building on the corner cf Tenth street and Capitol avenue. The school is non-sectarian , has classes for grown people as well as children , and all will be v el- coined. Children sent there will find it a home. REDUCTIONSNOTADVERTISED\ \ all the year lid twice each year ganutnc re. Auctions are made at BtulimatCt. Call and sec their prices now , S.E. corner 15th an Douglas. Go to WntiAM GENTLEMAN , corner Sixteenth and Oass , streets , for fresh butter and eggs , oolce potatoes , cran berries and fall line of groceries gen erally. f9-t2 New Ties , New Rudiings , New Col lars and Cuffs. See them at Bush- mans. Estey Oigan. Estoy Organ. Eatey Organ. At Hospe'e. ' At Hoapo'g. At Hospo'r. Kimball Organ. Kiiuball Organ. Kimball Organ. 21-3t At A. Hope's , jr. ORANGES , ORANGES , ORANGES - GES 25c , 302,35c. FLEMMCHJS. Ground COFFEES from lOc to 25o n pound at W. E. BENNETT & Co. FcmnruEE At Perkins & Lear's , 141C Douglas at. CLOSINO OUT Silks , Velvets , Dress Goods , Woolens and Cloaks , at prices that mil aston- wat Bushman's. SECOND HAND GOODS At Perkins & Lear's , 1416 Doaglas st. BUTTER ! BUTTER ! ! PLENTY of Choice BUTTER at GLADSTONE'S. FBGSH BUTTEB AT FLEMING'S. BOOTS AND SHOES of every description , Rubbers , and a full line of gouda of this kind , all of which will be sold at bottom figures , at the now shoe store of H. BASWTTZ , Douglas atrset , near Fourteenth. fob21-eod-3t NOW IS YOTJR TIME. Lois of Extra Fine BUTTER at GLADSTONE'S. C7 opcrf Embroideries in Omaha , a * ? rom 2c to SLBQ jcr yard , at Bush man's. Arctic Overshoes Rubber Boots and Rubbers by the caao or single pair nt H. DOHLE & CO. Leading Shoe Store. NOW IS YOUR , TIME. Lots of Extra Fine BUTTER .at GLADSTONE'S. A PLEA FOE SELIGIOF. 'The Philosophy of Faith" Ex pounded at the Cathedral. An Eloquent Address by Rt. Eev. Bishop Ryan of St. Louis. The lecture of Bishop Ryan , of St. Louis , took place Sunday under the auspices of the Union Catholic Library association in St. Philomona'a cathedral. The church was crowded to overflowing , It bbing itrpcsaible to procure seats for all those in at tendance. The lecture was one of the grandest , raoet forcible , eloquent and logical that has ever been delivared in this city. The following is a synopsis of the bishop's remarks : I propose to speak to you this evening , and shall ihow youtba phil osophy of religious faith. I will spaak of ita fruits in order that you may be interested in its philosophy , for in proportion to our eense of its fruits you will be intereated in its philosophy , and especially in our day when men are seeking to destroy all religion. There is a popular delusion that it mattera little whether men be lieve , or whether they do not believe In any religion , provided they lead morel lives. Pope has said , "All men are wrong whose right ta not the rlcht. " Faith is required as absolutely as the pressrvation of the ten command- mente ; faith is oven necessary for the preservation of human society ; faith Is necsbeary for the preservation of men's morality. It is faith that gives it permanence. Without this great truth , what is man ? To struggle here for a moment of time , and to go down to his grave , &f > er a life of trial and suffering , with no anre anchor of hope nothing to guide him but his imag ination , and there Is nothing sure for great sonla and tcndor hearts but bit ter , bitter disappointment. This is tha result of the abolishment of that great truth of faith which point ] to man as destined for that which God has made him. The bishop spoke of the increase of suicide in the world Binco men's faith had become loosened. Ho gave sta tistics of the number that had com mitted this rash act in Berlin and in the infidel districts cf France , and contrasted It with the comparatively few who committed suicidein Bel gium. It has been often said that women have a deeper religious faith than men , and suicide is a much rarer thing among them thnn among men. Suicide among the Irish is a very rare thing , and it ia because of the strong faith that Is in them. They are not naturally very patient , but their faith gives theji patience to per severe. Remember that in the loss of your faith there is nn eternal ooparatian from the God whom you have despis ed. Rsmembor how God has loved you. It ia the motives which faith suggests that aid men iu the hour of conflict , helping them to control them selves. The Bishop spoke of the great nnm- bcs of divorcpp. People do not suffi ciently estimate tha valua of princi * pica. The Catholic church warned the world that false doctrines ironld corrupt and destroy tha hnrran family. That there was material insuch teaching that would lead society to dash itself upon the rocka. It has destroyed human love , corrupted human society , and as ths church foretold , ia annually upon the incraiaa. Tnero h a great difference between the bond of mar riage , which men pledge themselves not to break nntil death shall separate , and the law which allows men to di vorce their wives at will. The only solution for this problem is a return to the old principle of faith a return to the protection cf that old church that protects the family , the church that dared the French emperor ; the church that lost England because of its devotion to principle. The Bishop spoke of the Little Sisters of the Poor , an institu tion that was osganizod but a short thno ago , within the Catholic church , and that norf hd its houuca all over the world. The duties of the Sisters were to care for the aged and infirm , and the patients were treated with a great deal more tenderness and sc lici- tude than most children pay to their parents. Their manner of liv ing , according to the rules , was to beg from door to door for those under their charge , and the bishop related an instance of a person leaving forty millions of francs to the Little sisters of the poor , { in France , but the money had to ba re turned to the heirs as they could ac cept none of it. Why was all this kind ness showered upon thoseold people and vrhy do these sisters make such sacrifices. It is on account of their firm faith , and in proportion to the certainty that wo have of these truths trill bo their effect upon society. In proportion to the imperfection of their faith would be the imperfection of their reward , but they are abso lutely certain of their reward. In ivhat does the philosophy of this faith consist which In its effects ia so mar velous. A great many say what has philosophy to do at all with faith ? What sympathy is there between philosophy and faith. The greatest philosophers of antiquity and of modern times were believers in faith. Plato would have been shocked if somebody had told him thai the worship of Gad was something that phlliBophera should not think of. Cicero was alai n believer in religion. He acknowledged the good of religion , and it coiatltutc-d the greatest ele ments In his nature. He spoke of Lord Eicon as being a religious man , If not always living up to the precepts of religion , at least defending it In his writings , nnd quoted the celebrated remark * of that eminent man : "That a little learning makes atheists , but much learning leads them back to God. " God is the God of philosophy as well as of religion. We are made after the Imrgo and likeness of God. Therefore God respects iho Intellect of man , and he asks us not to believe that which it Is impf siblo for as to believe. Now if wo believe the truths of history although we do not live dur ing the time of their occurrence , on the testimony of men , why not believe the testimony of God when that testi mony is made sure to n ; * . The croatura has rights even with his creitor. Justice rules God him self. The Catholic believes that God > demands faith from him as the condi tion of Jiia salvation , and he has made it kno rrn to mo in a manner that Is unerringly true that I may be saved , and in such a manner that to donbt is at the peril of my eternal salvation just as I have the right to know what the ten commandments ara , at the peril of my belief. Therefore bo loyal to the truth , not only by belief , bat by acting out that truth , bpcausa faith is required by the Almighty at the peril of salvation vation- because it is essential" to the well-being of society that men should believe with certainty. Therefore is it that we should preserve that faith , and be grateful to that God who gave It * A'eio Tits , 2few Xuchingt , Kcw Collars and Cuffs. Sec ihcm vt Eushman's. AT FLEMING'S. FFRSONAL PAHAOKAFHS August Meyer went west Monday onn business trip. Judge Hawes went down to Lincoln yesterday. CoL K. H. Wilbur waa a west-bonnd passenger Monday. Mr. Kent E. Hnyden , who-has been in Wyoming for tL ? past month , returned home to-day with the intention of going into business for himself in this city. * > Chas. Sumer Clirk , Esd. , city editor of The Nonpareil , and a worthy namesake of the lamented statesman , paid our editorial sanctum a visit yesterday in our absence. Cheapest Embroideries in Omaha , at from Sc to $1.50 per yard , at Bushman's. THE EVKKT OF THE SEASON IT SHALL SDEPASS ALL OTHE&S The Maennerchor masquerade , Tuesday eve , March 1st , Brandt & Mote's Hall. Steiahauser and Hoffman's orchestra will furnish tha music. No money or time will be spared to make it a grand snscesF. Tickets to be had at M x Meyer & Co. , John Baumors , E. Wy- man's , J. I. Fruehauf'p , and at the feb21-mon-wod. door. - - Arctics Alaskaa Brelghton Foothold Clogs Sandals The above are a few of the loading sly lea of our Shoea and Arctics now in stock at H. UOHLE & Go's loading Shoe Store. CLOSING OUT Sills , Vthtts , Dress Goods , Woolens and Cloals , at prices that Kill astonish you , a ( Bushman' ! . GLACSWARE At Perkins & Loar's , 1410 Doaglas at. BUTTER ! BUTTER ! ! PLENTY cf Choice BUTTER at GLADSTONE'S. RUBBERS. SHOES ! SHOES ! Fall line of Men's Ladies' Misses and Children's shoes , at the new shoo store of H. BASWITZ , Douglas St. , near 14th. 21-ood-3t SEDUCTIONS NOT ADVER TISED all the. year , but each year genuine re ductions are made at Bushman's. Call ana. see their prices now , S. E. corner 15th and Douglas. ROGER'S SILVERWARE just unpacked to day at EDHOLM & ERICKSON'S , opposite the P. O. Come and Bee the new style. MASQUERADE COSTUMES. The best selection ever brought to this city exhibited at Metz' Hall. Prices low. MRS. ROSA SCHMIDT. A MARVEL of simplicity is the R3yal St. John Sewing Machine. It has no hole to thread In machine nor shuttle , Las a perfectly self-setting needle aud sews exactly the same running backwards aa forwards. Olher machines of all kinds taken in exchange. Office near Jlaaonlo block. A FEW MORE bottles of our superior flavoring ex tracts left , to be sold at the wholesale. Call at the" "Tea Store" of W. R. BENNETT & GO' , 113 North Fifteenth - teenth street. „ RUBBERS. SHOES ! SHOES 1 Full Hao of Men's , Ladies' , Misses and Children's shoes , at the new shoe store of H. BASWITZ , Douglas St. , near Fourteenth. 21-eod-3t Workingmen know where to go for your drink of pure Kentucky 10 cent whbkey , imported gins and Irish whiskeys , Badweiaar beer. Agent for St. Gotthard Bitters. D. L. McQucKiN , jan 27-lm 314 South 10th St. LIST OF'LETTERS Remaining in the Omaha poatoffice for the week ending Saturday , Feb ruary 19,1881.GENTLEMEN. GENTLEMEN. BOOTS AND SHOES of every description , Rubbers , and a full line of goods of this kind , all of which will be sold at bottom figures , at the new shoe store of H. BASWITZ , Douglas street , near Fourteenth. feb21-eod-3t ROGER'S SILVERWARE juat unpacked to-day at EDHOLM & ERICKSON'S , opposite the P. 0. Gome and see the new style. Turner masquerade ball February 22nd. . fl9-t3 A MISSING BRIDE , "Whose Mother Goes on the War Path With a Der ringer. A young lady who 5s a'ill in the first flush of her honeymoon , came in on the O. &R. V. train at noon Sat urday , with her husband , to vialt her parents in this city. Saturday afternoon a young gen tleman , vho formerly looked on her with favorable eyes , called at her father's place , and , soon after , she left as if for a short walk , and the night came and wont without her return. Sunday passed leaving the parents and hus band still in anxious suspense and Sunday evening , the bride's mother took a revolver and going to the sus pected party , who , by the way , pro tests his utter innocence in the mat ter , demanded her daughter or blood. A friend sprang between the muzzle and its aim , and probably prevented a tragedy , as the mother declares she would have shot the young man but for this. The scene oc curred on one of our principal streets and was witnessed by several , causing quito i sensation. This occurred about 9 o'clock Sunday night and yesterday the bride returned in an omnibus , declining to state where she had been or to give anyone away , as she expressed it to an officer. She said < she did not intend to live with her husband , but eho will probably think better of this. All names are suppressed out of rcapect for the par ties concerned , who we're ypry anx ious that the affair should not be made any more public than it has already become on account of the episode of last night. WORKED UP BIG HAS BEEN THE PROGRAMME OF THE IN AUGURATION , THE COMMITTEE AND THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO BEING &T1LL AT IT. With BO great a degree of success have the elaborate preparations for the Inauguertion of Mr. GaiGeld been perfected , that there can be no ques tion as to the caremoaioa betg the grandest of the character this country haseverknown. ThereapDoaratobono end of attractions , and now that the Baltimore and Ohio haa announced that the sale of tickets will begin on Tuesday , March 1 , the advance demand mand for 3 them is something remark able. The Baltimore and Ohio , from the fact of ita being the only line from Chicago and the west direct to Wash ington , occupies a very strong posi tion , and that people should prefer It over the other lines , which only teach Washington by circuitous routes , is very natural. Certain it is the com pany has spared no p'lliis or expense for the accommodation of the vaat number of people who will travel over it next week. The company "has re ceived its full complement of the magnificent new sleepers built expressly for it , and this , together Tilth the elegant new dining cara , splendid day coaches and motive power , which has no superior on the glebe , must render it by far the pleacantest as well as the most con venient o ! all lines to the national capital. The low rate round trip tickets will bo sold on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday , March 1st , 2d and 3d , good for any trains on these days , and for the return trip will bo good for any train up to mid night on the 8th inst. Commissioners' Proceedings. SATURDAY , February 19. Board mot pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Commissioners Knight , Drexel and Corliss. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. A petition was presented asking that license be granted Hanry Rusor to sell liquors at his place in Douglas Precinct , and the same traa laid over for two weeks. The claim of Rasmus Hansen , for care of poor , amounting to § 15 was rejected. John H. Logan was appointed as sessor for Platte Valley precinct and George Frosb overser of highways for Chicago precinct to nil vacancies. County road No. 171 , was approved by the board , after nn examination of the papers and record pertaining to the same. The following resolutions were adop ted : Resolved , That the county treasurer bo and heraby is directed to draw from the general fund § 17.20 and apply ths same to the payment of the delinquent personal tax of John F. Scott , for the yeara 1859 , 'GO , ' 61 , ' 62 , ' 63 , and 69 , for work on road and jary fees , October term. Resolved , That the county treasurer be and heraby is directed to draw from the general fund $10.61 , and apply the same to the payment of the delin quent personal tax of J. W. Bruce for the year 1879 for services as grand juror , Oitober term , 1880. RESOLVED , That the county treasur er be , and hereby is , directed to draw from the general fund § 15.24 , and ap ply the same to the payment of the delinquent personal tax of H. S. Lud- dlogton for the year 1878 and 1879 , for services as grand juror. Resolved , That the county treasurer ba and hereby is directed to draw from the general fund § 5.82 , and ap ply the same to the payment of the delinquent personal lax of T.'J. Tor- rey , for the yeara I860 , ' 61 and ' 62 , for services as grand juror , February term , 1881. The following accounts were allow ed from the GENERAL FUM ) . JII Manchester , cash expended. .8 17 ST 3 N Mealio , constable fees 8 00 Thirteen person , grand jurors fees , Feb. term , 1881. 227 20 I N Pierce , Sunt. poor farm and cash eipended 4180 WJBroatch , hardware 155 H S Lndington , balance as grand juror. 3 50 W Wilson , road wort 403 Iowa Coal Co. , coal for poor and countv 54820 John H Butler , work at court house . - 20 5) Wm Preston , flour for poor 13 75 T J Torrey , baL for services as grand juror 15 78 C Leisse & Co. , good * for poor. . 2 CO Chas Bievre , coffins for poor 5 00 Milton Eosers & Son. grate fi-r stove 1 2o Ang Randow , brooms 250 E1 Winslow , witness fee 20) Mrs Nickson , rent of house for paupera 10 00 Conrad Sohl , work as supervisor. . 4 00 Adjourned to the 2Gth inst. JOHK K. MANCHESTER , County Clerk. By H. T. LEAVIIT , Deputy. QUEENSWARE At Perkins & Lear's , 1416 Douglas st , O ELOPEMENT. The Daughter of a Wealthy Sarpy Co. Farmer Marries a Farm Hand. Love laugh ] at all obstacles , is a well known proverb , which was newly exemplified yesterday in a wedding which was celebrated iu this city. The parlies in this case were Frank Mead , an industrious and straightfor ward young man , and Mlsa Mary Monahsn an excellent young lady of twenty-two yiata , and the danghterofarSchfarmer In Sar py county , residing near Xenia. Frank , it appears , worked for Mon- ahan a year or more , ana then left him , in consequence , probably , of the disfavor with which his suit was re ceived , and after that worked on farms in the immediate vicinity. His suit had progressed more sue- ceasfully with the daughter , and an engagement resulted which has ex isted for more than a year and a helf. The father , however , who is repre sented aa of a stern disposition , pos itively forhyjp the girl's thinking of a marriage , § would not oven .con sent to her receiving her lover's vis its. As uiml in sach cases this rule was overcome , and the young couple managed to hold frequent interviews without the father's knowledge. Finally it wai resolved to terminate the long engagement and , both par ties being of ago , to get the nuptial knot tied at once. Mary accordingly joined her betrothed Sunday and the two drove to Papillion where the young lady icmained over night with some friends and the yonng man stop ped at the hotel. Yesterday a man waa hired to bring them into Omaha and here a license was procur- ad and the two made one. Wo sincerely bopo that the union may prove a happy one and and that the stern parent will relent and in the language of the fiction writer , will siy , with ono hand on the head of each of tha disobedient ones , "Bless you both my children. " BOOTS AND SHOES of every description , Rubbers , and a full line of goods of this kind , all ol which will ba sold at bottom figures at the new shoe atore of H. BASWITZ , Douglas street , near Fourteenth. feb21-ood-3l ; Turner masquerade ball February 22nd. f9-t3 Trinity's New Soprano. Masonic Hall waa crowded to over flowing Sunday morning when Miss Zella Neil , late of Lawrence , Kansas , made her first appearance in the reorganized ganized choir of Tricity cathedral. Although the lady was Buffeting from a severe cold contracted during her trip to Omaha , she gave evidences of a voice of great sweetness , rare flexi bility and thorough cultivation. Mies NeiJ ia well known throughout Kan sas and the cast where she has lately baen singing in the "Doctor of Alcan tara. " The people of Omaha ara to bo congratulated upon this new addi tion to our musical circles in which Miss Neil will take n leading place and make many friends. TEAS from 25c to 80c a pound at W. R. BENNETT & Co. ROGER'S SILVERWARE just unpacked to-day at ELHOLM & ERIOKSON'S , opposite § the P. O. Gome and see the now style. Death Record. Mary , wife of Conrad Cokeley , died February 21st , 1881 , at her residence on 17th near William's street , aged 28 years. The funeral will take place to-day from St. Philomena's Cathedral , on 9h street , where the solemn high requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment at the Holy Sepnlcher. The remains of the late Misa Shaoffer , who died in this city , Satur day night , of diphtheria , wore this morning forcrarded to her homa in Shenandoah , Iowa. , where the funeral took place at 1 p , m. Monday. The deceased * was 13 years of age and was visiting her sister in South Omaha , whan she w.w seized with the fatal disease. Real Estate Transfers. B. 0. White and wife to John H. Ingram , w. d. , lot 5 , block 48 , Valley 8250 Naomi L. and Catherine Davenport to Ed win H. Walker , w. d. , lots 1 and 3 , block 75 , Florence § 20. liaacS. Hascall and wife to Bridget Martin , w. d.lot 3 , block "U" South Omaha addition , Omaha § 135. Bridget and Peter Martin to Thes. and Mary T. Hayes , w. d. , lot 3 , block "b , " south Omaha add , Omaha S160 Taos. A McShane and wife to Fred K. D. ; Melius , w. d. , ne sec 10 , t 14 , r 12 e $2,450. New Publications. The very beat illustrated magazine published. Birmingham ( Eng. ) Mail. SOSIBMEE FOR MAEOH. This richly illustrated number has in its table of contents the following : The second Installment of Mrs. Bur nett's bright novelette , A FAIR BARBARIAN , which The Phils. Inquirer calls "a vivid , fascin ating story. " Copies of the February SCKIBNER , containing the firat chap ters , may still be had of book-Boilers , or tha publishers. The three numbers contaiaing the novelotta complete can ba had for ono dollar. MUSICAL POSSIBILITIES IN AMERICA , By Theodore Thomas. An article of wide popular interest , by the great music-leader of this country. ERICSSON'S "DESTROYER"AND HER NEW GUN , By Cnas. Bar nard. A fully Illustrated account of Ericsson's latest invonlien , "before which the iron-clad fleets of Europe are helpless. " IN LONDON WITH DICKENS. The haunts of David Copparfield , Lit tle Dorrit , and others. With illustra tions by Chas. A. Vmderhoof. CHARLES AND MARY LAMB. An intereatii'g p-jpar , accompanied by portraits , reproduced from -a rare oil- painting from life. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES as follows : "PROTESTANTISM IN Imr , " byRav. Washington Gladden ; The Free Christian Church , etc , ; "JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY , R. A. , " by his grand daughter , with many repro ductions of Copley's works ; "SiEiPEi ? " article with BASS , a sporting , illustrations by Moran , Taber , Belles , and others ; "Gmipsza OP PARISIAN ART , " with BE etches by American , Spanish and French paint ers in Paris ; "A DANGEROUS VIRTUE , ' a short story by H. H. Bayesen ; "Rjt-.OLLECTIONS OF AMERICAN SoCIETY - CIETY , " by Mrs. S.V. . Oakey ; "NOTES OF A WALKER , " by John Bur roughs. Poems by Dr. J. G. Hol land , S. M. B Piatr , and others. "MADAME DELPHINE , " a novelette by George W. Cable , will begin in May , following "A Fair Barbarian. " Price of this number , 35 cents ; sold by all dealers. Subscription price , § 4.00 a year. GRAND CENTRAL GALLERY. 212 IGlh street near Masonic Hall guarantee atrictly "firnt clsss work , " ind promptness. Give ns a trial. f4-cod-tlm And please don't you forget On Saturday the twenty-sixth , We give our grand masquerade and ball , In both Metz's and Brandt's Turner hall. It will be the greatest yet on call , JMein Frennd , one dollar , that is all , Admits you to both the halls. All respectable persons are invited : Tickets SI , galleries 50c , to be had at S. Jargensen , cor. Jackson and 10th Sts. , Members of committee and at the door. Strict order will be maintained , Committee of the Danish Society. w&s-4t INVISIBLE HAIR NETS Only ten cents each , at Mrs. Wood's , Sixteenth street , near Capitol avenue. f7-eod-3t SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisements To Loan , For Sale , Lost Found , Wants , BoarJlrg , &c. , will be In serted In these co'umiis once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CENT3 per Hao The first insertion never less than TWENTY-FINE CENTS. TO LOAS-SOHEY. SK.R HAH10 LOAN AtS per cent inteT OO.UUU eat , n sums ot 82000 and up wards for 1 to S years' time on firat claaaImpror ed city and farm property. Apply at BEM1S Real KsUte and Loan Agency , 15th and Dongli jts. 278-eodtt OZTE7 ' SO JVOAS-ClU at law OSc * M' D. I . THOMAS. RoomS , Orelchton Block M'M OKKV TO LOAN 1109 Famh m street M Dr. Edwardfl Loan Agear.y. nov-32-ti KiLP WAHTSD A traveling s.lesQiin to tike orders WANTED ders for custom made shirts A business experience and uty rcfcr.nc s icquired. Oma hahhirtFacto-y. 3C1-23 "TTTANTED Boaruerg at anew boardinghofrae VY within ten minutes walk of businu parts of tba city. No. 122) Bodge street , eoulh east corner Dodge and ISth. BOARDERS WAMED at corner 13th and DoJfie. 358-21 WANTED A g'tl to do general housswonr 12M Davenport tit. , bet. 12 h and 13th streets 371-tf "XTrANTED To rent , for a term of year * , the YY third story of nome brick building ( eon to be erected ) , situated on the co-ner ol ths street in the business center cf Omaha. Gill or address Goo. R Rathbun , Principal Great West crn Easiness College. 370 tf WANTED A large boy at Omaha Shirt Factory Laun Iry. 363 23 TT7" ANTED CntnrnlBhed room.mustbe central Y Y ly locate J. A dtlreea C. , Bee office. S97-J3 "VTrANlED A cook and chamber DniJ. St YY Charles hotel. 3.5-22 TT7"AI TED An unfurnished room by mother YY anj daughter , central legality , term : reasonable. A'JdreaJ A. T. , Bee office. 357-t 'ANTED Two Gciman girls at the American W can nonce. 353 tf WANTEO-Ooou woman cock , at Mrs. Mc Coy on PoppUou St. , bet. 20th and 22d 338-tf TJI7ANTED By a slngla gentlemin board and YV longing for the present in a private family. No other boarder. Children nit ob- jectcl to. Addresa O. Kenuard'd Drug Store , stating price , location , etc. 354-1E 7ANTED-A kitchen jjirl , at the Eromett Ecu o 317-21 A young German to tend bar at WANTED House. 310-tf TTTAMED A goo-l Ecglishand German cor- V Y respondent , must be a first-claw penman. Addresa with references W. H. , Bee office. 341-tf \TTANTED Tboroogly competent girl , at YY 1910 rUrnham St. Good waires. S33-U WANTED A good girl for general house work , must bo a good cook ind waiher and iron r Apply southeast corner 20th land California Sts. 315 tf WANTED An experienced butcher wants to start a meatmiketi nsomesraall west crn town , where there fc aone , or where one la needed ; would take arell-.ble partner. Address E. K. Webb , Jackson , DiKota Co. , Nob. DO-tf WANTED A good house-keeper , HOO Farn ham street , up ttairs. 32-tf FOR KEECT-KDUSE3 AND LARO. FOR BENT One furnished room on Douglas bet. 17th ami IStb , 2 Kocks from P. O. Enquire at Ko. 17i7. 360-tf T710R BEST Hoely furnished tron room. JD f outh side , at 1310 Davenport St. 195-tf "ri OR RENT New house , eight rooms , hard J and soft water , on 23d and Can Sts. Kn- qui.-e 30712th St. 123 tf FOR RENT A furnished , south lent room. Inquire at No. 1612 Farnham St. E84 > U HKNT 2 famished rooms over Merchants FOR chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dixie o etrceU. 289-tf FOR SALE. LOIS , FAKMS , HOUSES AND LANDS. Look over BCMIS' new column of bargains on 1st page "OOR SALE At a sacrifice. A nrvv organ , 14 _ L ? stops and & octave ? . Guaranteed .for 6 years , inquire of P. Fosdjk ? at Cru ckseanks. 361-oocMf JJ OK SALE Two p t coons. For further in- J } formation address Henry J. NoycP.O. . , Omaha , Neb. 308-23 TT10R SALE Ahont six thousand feet of good P ahcelineand scantling. Enquire J. J Philbln , at Whitnty'a shoe store , U21 Doaglas strca'v. 86-U T71CR SALE Ten (10) ( ) residence lota on upper JU Farnham street. JohnL. McCagne , op" , P. 0. 319-tt [ 71 OR BALE Maps of Douglas and Sarpy J ? counties A. KOEWATER , 1520 Kara- ham Street. 320-tf TJ OR SALE Housa and lot at $1250.00. JOHN J Ii.McCAOUE , Opp. Fostofflcc. 810-tf T71OR SA.LE Seven good business Iota enC _ C Faruham street. JOHN L. lIcCAGOE , fatf Opposite PoetoDlco. SALE Lease and furniture of a first- EOR hotel In a town of 1300 inhabitant * , in State-of Nebraska. Has 21 beds , tbo.travelling men's resort. Inquire at Bee office. 213-tf OFFERS A SPLENDID LIST OF BEMIS In Houses , Lots , Farms and uanda , in bis new column on 1st page THOKSALE A BARGAIN A building with _ C saloon futures , furniture and rtock , on 10th 3t. , opposite the U. P. depot , for sale very chrap. Or the fixture ! , furniture and Etock will be sold and bnildiiig rented. Inquire of ELI. KBEISS- MAN. 79-tf SALE T o close carriages , at A. J. FOR ' . flll-tf MISCELLANEOUS- T 01S , FARMS , HOUSES AND LANES Look JU over BEMIS' now column ot bargains on 1st EdUND Largo leather pocketbook contain ing papers , evidently belong to Fred. Kranse. Owner can have same by cal log on C. T. Meeclun Smelting Works 3C2-21 LOST A white spitz dog sloth , about 5 months eld. Beward will te given to the finder. 617 S. 13th St. 369-21 NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders ot tha Omaha Publishing Co. will be held Monday , Mirch 7th , 1881,7.30 p. m. . at the office of The Omihn Bee. E. BOSEWATEB , President. Onuha , Feb. 1st , 1581. J.H.FUEGEL&GO. Sseecssora to J. H. THIELE , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , Q1N/T ATT A ITEIB " col" I S. P. MORSE & GO. ' 3 GASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. 1319 Farnham Street. -0- We will soon Commence Extensive Improve ments and Alterations in the Interior Arrangement of our Store and Expect to Secure More Room32 * For the Nent FIFTEEN DAYS We Offer Our En tire stock of Table Linens , Napkins , Is. &c. At a discount of from 20 to. 30 per cent from former prices. Do your trading now and rest assured you will save money , even if you have to anticipate your wants for the next 90 days. S. P. MORS Absolutely Pure , Uade from Grape Cream Tartar. No other preparation makes such llicht , fliky hot broads , or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by drgpeptlcs without fear of the ills resulting from he In digestible food. Sold only in cans by all Groceri. Ror At , BAKISO POWDBR Co. , New York. Complimentary to Omaha Har monic Society. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! Thursday and Friday Evenings , Fcb.24tiaml2otli ! , And Saturday Matinee at 2 O'clock. The tfrilliant Historic. Opera QUEEN ESTHER IN FULIi - iledlan , Persian and Jewish Coalumo. 25 SOLO PERSONATIONS 26 Grand. Chorus & Semi-Chorus. -OF ONE HUNDRED VOICES. R. Vi. SEAQER , . . . . Director. Doors Open at 7 , Commences at 8 laTAdmission SO cento ; Reserved Seats 7S ctj. Reserved Scats may bo procured at Max Herer/a. en aid after Monday , February 21t , t9a. m. Librittcs containing all the words of the opera 0 cents e cb. Carriazes may be ordered at 10:10. : f 19 Ct BUSINESS COLLEGE. THF GREAT WESTERN Geo. R Kathban/PrincIpal. Oreighton Block , - OMAHA' Send for Circular. DOvZOil Aw t SUBSCRIBE FOR TIIF WREKLY'BEE , The Best in the West. AGENTS F ! iVLIN & 00. , IB * U-tzL-EJ - - HOUSE FABNIiiJI STREET. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The largest and baal assortment ot Trunks arid Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases aud Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , - - PROP. 117 14th St. . 3 UoorsfforthoriJnnsInsSt. SO.OOO . CHEAP I CHEAPER S CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. . PiOposo for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell than e jtire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks. Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ ATT 3D GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 DBF cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Jlcan Business. Come-and be Convinced. MO TALK ; All sales strictly Cilsli , therefore we arc enabled to ofler the consumers of the weed only lirst quality goods for their money. Best straight lOc Cigar in the city , Bast 3 for a quarter Cigar in the city , Beat Straight 5c Cigar in the city , Detroit Pins Cut a Specialty , Oar 80 3 Pine Cut is a good one , Bagle/s May Flower ia 8 and 16 ounce tin ? , For 40c we have bang np Smoking Tobacco , | AT THE ' ' MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " 141T Douglas Street. We are the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bagley's May Flower