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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1881)
OMAHA x . < BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS. . U. ROSE'S Art Emporium , 1516 Dolgo U .Street , Bttcl Engravings , Oil PtintingB , Chromes icv Francs. FramiogaSpednlty. Low prices. J. BONNEK , K03 Dcuglaa St. Good Stylos. ABSTRACT AND REAL ESTATE. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite postofflce. W. K. BABTLETT , 317 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS. A T. LARQE. Jr. , Boom 2 , Crelghton Block. Room li , Crcighton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES- JAMES D VIKE & CO , Tine Boots and Shoes. A coed assortment ot home work on hand , cor. 12th and Harpey. T1IO3 ERICESOX , S. E. cor. ICth and BED SPRIKCS- J. F. lAERlMgR. ManuIaturer.TlgscherB'Blt. CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS WM. SrtYDBB , Ko. 1310 Hth and Ilarney BL CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDEETW EOSEWATEU , 1510 Farnham St. TownSuneya , Qraie and Sewerage Systems a Specialty. , ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OOHKG. WILLIS , 1414 Dodge Street. li D. B. BEEMER , For details eec large Adrertlfl ! . mcnt in Diiland Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO- WEST i FRlTaCHER , ol C-jara , and Who tsale Dialers In ToWooj , 1305 louf. CORNICE WORKS. . Weatern Cornice Woik , Manufacturers * Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Booflnsr. Orders torn any locality ( .romptly executed in the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 Dodge Mrcct. Galvanized Iron Cornices , Window raps , etc. m&nufac'.ared and put up in any part ol tbe country. T. SISHoLD , 416 Thirteenth St. CROCKERY. 3. CONNER , 1309 Douglai St. Coed Line. DENTISTS. DR. PAPL , Wllllamg' Block. C.jr.lSth &I > cdge DRUGS , PAINTS ANO OILS. Kunx&to. , I'lisrznatlsts , Fii c Fancy Good" , Cor. 15th and DMIBE ! Strcctc. "W. J. WHITEHOUSE , Wnolchn'ci ' EcUtl.lO Bt. C. C. FJELD. 20:2 : Noith bide tumiae Street. FURNITURE. A. F. GROSS , vcw and fcecond Hand Furniture and Btovts , 1114 Dou Iaf. . 0. Tnrpcon Ait. J. BOKXERlSC9Donslas St. Fine Goods , &c. FENCE WORKS UMAIIA fESCK CO. OUST. FRIES & CO. , 12 3 Harncy St. Impror. cdlce Boxes , Iron and Wood Feiccs , Offlct Uailinys , Counters of Tin * and Walnut. GROCERS- Z. STEVENS. 21st between Cumin ? and Izard. T A. HoSHANE. Corner 23d and Cdminc Su. HATTERS. W. L. PARROTTE & CO , , 1SOO DouRlas Street , Wliolesalo Exclusively. HARDWARE. A. HOLMES , corner ICth and California. S"W. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. F. B. WEIST , 328 13th St. , bet. Farn. Har- HAT AND CONNET BLEACHERY. Ladies pet your Straw , Chip and Felt IlaU done up at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOVE. PROP INTELLIGENCE OFFICE- MHS. LIZZIE PEST , 21716th Street. JUNK- II. BERTflOLD. Ham and Mctala. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. EONNF.R , 1303 Douglas St. Coed Variety. * MERCHANT TAILORS. C. A. LINDQUKSr , One ot our most popular Merchant Tailors Is rc- rolvlnf the latest designs for Sprin ? and Sum mer Goods for eentlcme n's wear. Stylish , durable and price * low aicvcr , 215 13th bet. Doug. & Far. MEAT MARKETS. The Boston Market. MOQLE& JESTER , Fresh and Cured llcilg , X Game , Fish. Poultry. Etc. . 2020 Cumlng S'reet. - S MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy Goods in great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , llojierv , gloves , coreetg , & 3 Cheapest UOUFO in the West , rurclmsera save 10 per cent. Order hv Mail. 115 T > tteenth < * . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room So. ' . 4 , Crclshton. Block. 16th Street. P. S. LEISENRING , M. D , Masonic Block. C. D. HART , M. D. , Eye and Far. opp. postcffice PHOTOGRAPHERS- PaOTOGRAPHS AND TIN TYPES. GEO. IIEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gallerj , 212 Sixteenth Street near Masonic Hall. Salt-fiction Gutrantocd or Monev Rpfunded. PLUMBING AND CAS FIXTURES- D. FITZ PATRICK. 140 LI > guglaggtreet. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING 1IEKKY A. KOaTERS , 1112 Uod < c Street. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. BORilESTER , Dealer in Stovee and Tinware , and Minutacturcr ot Tin Roofs and all kinds ol Building Work Odd Fellow * ' Block. T J. BOXNER , 1309 Douj. St. God and Chsap. SEEDS- J. EVANS , Wboles le and P tail Seed Drills and CultlvatoH. Odd Fcilo s 11 all. SALOONS- HESRY KAUFMANN , ' In the new brick b'ock on Douglas Street , has Inst opened a most elegant Beer Hall. . Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. FLANNERY , On Famham , next to the B. & U. headquarters , has reopened a real ami complete establish- mtnt iihlch , barring FIRE , and Mother Ship- ton's Prophecv , * ill be open for the bo s with Hot Lunch on and alttr present Jate. "Caledonia , " "j. FALCONER , C7916th Street. . UNDERTAKERS CHAS. R1EWE , 1012 Farnhambct. 10th & Hlh HAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA ATT.F. GREASE Composed largely of powdered mica and ielnclasi is the belt and che p.-st lubricator in the world. It is the best because ! t does notrnm , hut forms a highly polished aurfa : . over the axle , dolnc away with a larpe amount of friction. It is tbe cheapest because you need use but half tbe quantity In crowing your wacon that you woul J of an ; other axle crease mule , and then run your wapon twice uslonfr. It answers cqcallr as wen for Mill Gearing , Threshing "Machine * , BuRfflee , 4c.M for wapons Send for Pocket CyclopediaotThmK ? Worth Knowing. Milled tree to any adJress MICA MAKUFACTDSIHG CO. , 31 MICHIGAN AVENUE. CHICAGO. l -Ask Your Dealer For It oct0-U WORTH REMEMBERING.In That TAKKAKT'S SELTZKR ArKiiurr rcpreie In each bottle thirty or forty clams of Spw nc Scltxer Water , contaltiins all the -riituea of the celebrated Gcrmtn prinfr. It is always fresh and always rtr dy , and thus commends Itself { to all for 1U cfficacv. portability and cheapness. AU. tJKUGGISTS HAVE IT. JOAQUUJMURUTA. FOMETHISG OP THE BTEJLKGE LIFE OF THE NOTED CAUPOKN1A BOBBEE. By Oliver Harper.l The sua waa rising above the softly undulating lines of the coast range , shedding roiy light that lit up the hills with & new "glory , and the larks sprang out of the -wet , luxuriant grass and fleir upwards as high as tha eye could.follow , while.their rich , liquid notes pnh&ted in the fresh morning air. Millions of intecta hammer about or struggled feebly in the grass , heavy with the nightly California dew , and the graceful live oak trees shad a sparkling acintiliant rain of the wild lettuce and muahroons that flaw around their fcot , and the wild flowers crowdo.l each other as they opened their brilliant petals ; and the cattle , with the froth sweetness of morninp in their nostrils , went forth to graze , walking above their kneaa in the thic'c wet grtas that crunched crisply under their tread. Everything in nature seemed to partake of the joyous full ness of this cweet May morning , and to want to ehow their appreciation by spontaneous song of incense or voice in praise of the Maker of all. Down by the corral from which the cattle were hurrying forth to their luxuriant repast stood a fair young girl with a lilac calico dross on , that was tucked up high around her knee ? , ind oven then was wet and draggled with the dew from the grass Ihrongh which eho had waded on her way from the houao to the corral. She'was barefoot , and her little pink toes kicked restlessly at the grass cs she .ooked along tha road with a pair cT great , liquid brown eyes , wi h iashes , that made them seem nil the darker , and with an expression upon her lips and in her eyes that told you at once that young as she was the time had come for her when a glance from the eyes of the Bomo-oao ehe was waiting for BO impatiently this balmy morning , eras worth more to her thin all the Torld beside. A great sombrero thadcd her fae end partly hid the bronza that had such a pretty way of crinkling and curling all wound her face when the wind blow. Soon there 'was a wild hallo down the road , and a crowd of cattle rushed along , crushing the grata and making the air rich with its fragrance ; and in moment more1 a youag horseman cantered up to the corral by which the young girl was standing , but now very much occupied in weaving braids out of the pliant grass , while the pearly cheeks became rosy red , and the pret ty shy eyes were lifted once and then drooped until the lashes hid the glad light .that beamed from them. The fiery mustang pony champed his bit and stepped abont restlessly , making the spurs and silver buttons jlui e like so .many- little balls , while the horseman said his "Buenudios , sen- orit& " with his careless grac- > , and taking his tobacco pouch from hia pocket , ho rolled a cg : rottoan4 strik ing a match on the silver mountingj of his saddle , ho lighted it , and placed It between his red lipi , showing his milk-white teeth and smiling down on her. His wide sombrero shaded his forehead , and kept * In place a large mass of coal-black carling hair that swept his shoul ders , and his complexion was browned by sun and exposure , though the rich blood showed th'rough his cheeks. His eyes wore eyes to remember for years , liargo , dark and mournfnl by times , full of fun and sparkle at other. ' , tender - dor and loviug just now , but fateful lightnings when angered , and gener ally keen and suspicious , always vary ing with his emotions. His form was ii-ht and agllo , and a model of mauly beauty , and it was always sot oil by the h&lf barbaric costume ho wore , itith its gay colors and lavish gold em broidery. He was a picture , and It is little wonder that ho had. captivat ed the innocent heart of Mary Glen as he rede gayly by and tossed her care- leas words at first , along with the rare mountain flowers ho always brought down at evenings , for daily ho rude1 up into the hills at daybreak and re turned at sundown to the rancho ad joining thst of Mary's father. The acquaintance had ripened rapidly , and it had come to be that he was every thing that makes life desirable to Mary , while to him she was a very pretty girl for whom ho had a passing fane such as he had felt for hun dreds before , for Joaquin Mnriatn was celebrated as much for the nnmbr of lovely women who had lived ia hia smile as for his daring exploits. Many of the rancherios wore losing their finest cattle and horses and no one could discover how they would go out in the morning and not come back atnlghtjor soraotimostho vaquero would see them safely housed at night and in the morning they would be gone. Hunts were organized , but no trace was diacovercd , and several people were suspected , bnt it ell proved innocent , and the whole San Joaquin Valley was In a state of con fusion and anger and revengeful feelIng - Ing toward the daring thieves as yet unknown. No one thought of suspecting Joaquin Murlata of being connected with these depredations , for ho had his awn rancho well cultivated and he took care of his cuttle himself and had .even lost several head of very valuable cattle and horses. He lived lone , with the exception of the laborers who tilled his farm and an old woman who cooked for him , and whom rumor called his mother , though no one ever knew for certain. Ho was a dovont Catholic and always gave liberally toward the support of the Padre tnd waa considered by the settlers abou1. AS a very soLcr , steady specimen of the Mexican rsce , for whom , however , tl.ey do not usually have to great esteem. The morning on which Mary &tood by the corral waiting for Jonquin .to piss was to bean eventful one in the history of San Joaquin Valley , though the young couple seemed removed by their youth , beauty and fullness of Ufa from all tragic action. Mary was shy * ud said but little , except with her eyes , which ehe lifted from time to time , filled with worshipful adora tion of her here , and he , knowing that she loved him with all the purity of a soul that had never even known what wrong meant , asked her if she would not ride up the mountain to nicet him in a couple of hours. Alary answered 'that she would , and then they separ ated , and she returned to the house , where ber mother was awaiting her with marked impatience. Soon they had breakfast on tbo table , and to her surprise several neighbors dropped in , each of them seeming to be bent en some stern duty. There was a stronger with them , a man from "down below , " who Mary soon learned was a professional spy , a sheriff who had been sent to hunt out the thieves who were robbing people of their cattle ; and as though a knife had been plung ed in her heart she heard that Joaquin Murlatta was suspected , be whom she idolized in secret. She turned palo , arj3 then red , and nearly fell , but with a great effort recovered herself , and silently stole out of the room , ob served by- nobody except the sheriff , who at once formed hb own conclu sions and determined to follow her. gTho sheriff had been in the valley three days , and as Muriata was a Mexican , and they are nearly all known as inveterate cattle thieves , his sutpicion had fallen there , and during tbo three days had epied to such advantage that ho was convinced that Muriata vr.s the robber , and it was now his Intention to follow up In to the mountains and watch for two or three days until ho could be sure , for he felt certain that Muriata wa < the chief of a large band and he want cd to csptnra them all , and he hopec also to find the most of the stolen cattle ; So men were appointed to take different directions and ride fclowl ] toward a given point , making a ksnc of cirda narrowing down eo as to surround Moriata and surprise him and if he had any sujpicious person : with him , or was trying to drive of any cattle , to capture him ; but if note to let him alone for tha present and pretend that the mostin5 was by ac cident , and they all nude toidy to start. start.Mary had slippD-4 dowato _ the cor ral and led her muc ; ngpony out , aud was just In the act of mounting to fly to Joaquin to tell him of his danger , when a hand wss laid on his shoulder , and bho turned and saw the sheriff standing there. She grew white for a moment , and then said : "What do you mean ? Latmogo. ' "Why , now , don't you get angry ; but I think you hsd best stay here. Wo can got along without women. "Bnt you have no right to stop me from going where I plc'ase. " "Now , look here , little girl , I know what you mean to do , and it is my duty to protect you , and I can't let you go to tell that 'greaser' that we are after him. Now , go into the house , thcer'a a good girl. If he is innocent we-won't hurt him , and if he isn't you dcn'c want anything to do with him. I take It so ; so don' : fret yourself , but just leave it all to mo , " "Bnt he never did It. I know he didn't ; I am sure of it ; and I know , ton , that these men will not listen to reason , but will kill him without any proof. Oh , let me go end tell him , and he will come back with mo , and then they will believe him. Oh , please do ! " and she took hia hands in hea and looked so pleadingly at him that Ihe sheriff felt his heart melting , when the sound cf.jingiing spurs and voices told him thst the rest were mounted. All ho could do waa to hastily promise to proton Muriata from the fury ol the men , even with his own life ; and then , with a fins ! squeeze that left the littla pink band wrinkled and white , ho mounted his horse and mingled among the men , and in a few minutes they had separated , each going his way to make the circle complete. Mary rode slowly towards the mountains , all unmindful of the cream she was to churn aud the bread to make. She could not keep away in spite of herself , though she did not dare to go to warn Joaquin , for she knew the sheriff was between them ; still she followed the trail. She had ridden perhaps half an hour , and hed lost sight of the sheriff , as well as the rest of the men , and , urging her horse to a brisk gallop , fol lowed faster , when suddenly there rang out on the clear morning air sev eral shots , that reverberated In the hills , making the sound " seem more terrible to poor Mary , "who urged her horse now to a run. Soon nhe found herself in the mldat of an excited group of men , who held MuHita in their grasp. One of them was cov ered with blood and four or five men lay upon the ground bleadlng and dead. Threats of lynching tvera made , when Mary ran forward and stood beside - side Muriata , saying : "Whoever hurts him must walk over my dead body. " Those rude men of olden times , the pioneers of California , wore very ten- iar with women and children , and be yond holdinghiro , they offsredno rlo- lenca to Muriate , who did not strag gle , but looked ns Moutczuma might lave looked proudly and disdainfully at his captors. The sheriff stepped forward and claimed his prisoner and hancufied him , and with tha aid of the mtu placed Muriata on a horse and tying that horeo to his own , roda off with him , saying : "Yon just look out for them others and fetch 'em down when they are able , and take this little girl home to her mother ; they'd better bet > gather. " Mary looked for her father , but he was not there , and so uho let them laad her to her horsa and she followed blindly toward her home. One of the men told her that 63 they rode up the mountain they found throe Mexicans talking with Marinta , who all at tempted to escape by different direc tions as soon as they saw them , and when told to halt , had wheeled and commenced to fight. Joaquin had ridden forward , firing several shots , when his mustang stepped Into a gopher bole and broke his leg. Joa quin sprang to hia feet and stopped to sea to his horse , and then when he saw how badly it was hurt ho stooped and kissed him and then put a ball through his forehead. During this time the men closed around him and aa bis pistol was empty , ho was'captured. Alary asked who had beou wounded but the man hastily changed the sub' jeot and Mary did not ask again , and rode along not knowing that her f ther's gray hairs were soaked with blood , and that he was laying lifeleis upon the mountain eido. The men had bean somewhat taken by surprlso or , otherwise , Muriata would certainly have been lynched whore ho was taken ; but now that he was lodged in jiul they began to think It oyar and decide that they had been too lenient with htm , for in those d&ys cattle stealing was a.cspital offense. True , they had no actual proof , still there were threats that rae it much , and it needed bu littla to fan the fire into flames. Six corpses ware the resnls of that Cght np on the hillside three Mexi cans and three while men , two of them fathers of fcnr.lSos and as the boditja were brought down people Qockod from all sides , and soon there were a couple of hundred , and Mary overhead a plan to go in a body to the jail , a rude wooden ' structure , and take Muriata and 'hang him. Mary still believed htm innocent , and deter mined to save him. As soon as darkness foil she crept from her window and sped away to ward the jail , carrying with her somn things she had planned to uno , and not daring to take her horse. The kindly neighbors were doing all in their power toward preparing for the funeral of her father , and they sup posed she was weepinj ; his loss in her room while she was speeding to save the man who had killed him , and 10 she knew she need not fear discovery , at least until ho ahnnld be free , and then the real was nothing. The distance was about- two miles and she ran like a hair , stopping to rest but an instant to breathe and then on again until ihe was almost in the shadow of the barn-liko structure that served as a jail. Here sht > paused and walked slowly and cautiously around it , as there were no walls to scale. She caw the little grated window ot the only cell and , feeling euro that ho was there , stopped , and taking from her shoulders an Indian bow andarrow sho. fastened a long string to an arrow .aud laid it at her feet. Then she took another one which she shot light ly , and it entered the grating and fell Inside. Waiting a few momenta she shot the other with the string attached and soon felt a ierk on the string eho held in het hand. She tied a small parcel containing wax , matches , a hot tlo of muriatic acid and a small file and a strong , sharp knife. A note explained the use of the acid , which was to be poured upon whatever iron was to ba broken. She waited until shu saw a feeble glimmer of lth ! { , and then sat down on the grass weakly , and waited what seemed an eternity to her , until she felt something fall at her feet , and she found tbo arrow thrown back"with a note on the back of hers , ssyinj that ha was free of the shackles and tha bsrs , and telling her to co and sot fire to the shed that stood near tha i ll on the other side , and then ta go home. She did so , and while the bl&so at tracted the attention of tha sheriff and the two or three other men , Joaquin Muriatta jumped from Ik- window and eicaped. Ho ran to tha river and plunged In , and swam to the other side , and reached tha mountains before any one had * thought of him , and when the sheriff went to the cell it was empty. He felt uro that Mary had bean tha helper , but he even de stroyed the piece of p&par which he found , that none ehould know ohe had lef t her homo with her dead f * th lylnir there to save his slsyer. At 1 o'clock the jail waa surrounded by a large group of men , who demand ed that the .Mexican should bo de livered up to summary justice , bnt he was gone. Mary returned homo and Wilted for a word fram the man for whom she had risked so much. None over came , only she heard of his wild de predations in various places , and his outlawry becatno so terrible that fin ally the governor offered a reward for hia head. Then Mary became insane , and to-day Is in the Stockton Asylum. Josqula Muriata lives still , thonqh his head has been supposed to have been taken long * go. FASHION ABED. THE IJirOKTED CUSTOM 01' SLEWING ALONE NEW STYLUS IK NIGHT-GOWNS FOB WOMEN. Cincinnati Enquirer. NEW YORK , February 11 , 1881. The fashion of decoration has extend ed to bed-clothes. Quilts of white satin-linen and cotton serve as the ground for embellishments by brush , aoedle and decalconunic. Sotno ot these coverings of sleep , are beautiful ( is well as gorgeous. Floral designs sro most common' , but I have seen on a quilt Intended for use by a bridal couple a fine painting of the figures of Cupid and Psycho. Qallta for babies' cribs ara elaborated wonderfully by mothers' patient needier. By the way , a growing fashion as to beds sep arates husbands and wives at night. Spaniards , Cubans aud South Ameri cans always sleep singly. The bridal chamber at the Windsor Hotel ii at : his very time furnished with two beds , an ostra one having been put in for a Juban couple on their honeymoon ; our and the thermometer nearly every night at zero. A not incon siderable number of wealthy New York families seiza eagerly upon for eign customs , and they have now -aken up the ono-in-a-bed idea. Probably they are right , viewed from a sanitary ntand-point , and the phy Icians generally encourage them. Still , some persons gain by having bod-fellows younger and with greater vitality than themselves , the sclenti- io conclusion being that the weaker [ raw strength from the tlrongor. This idiot ia involved in a matrimonial iqucbble , just now the talk of our ashionr.bly society. Mr. A. is sixty 'ears old , aiJ somewhat decrepit. Us wife is thiriy , buxom and abound- ng in ruddy health. She wanted to ntroduoa the two-bed fashion. Ho objoctcd. She urged it on the ground hat all their set were doing so. , He would not consent. They quarreled ontrlqht. She refused to sleep with dm. Ho consulted with lawyers about a divorce bat they tol"d him ier action did not amount to a refusal of marital rights. 83 the case stands n abeyance. WOMEN'S CAPEICRS regarding their beda * nro numerous and sometimes peculiar . The habit of ookihp under their bed for a man is nvirlabla , as everybody knows , even with those women in whom the dis covery of a man might reasonably bo supposed to cause no frlch't. Whore s the mnrrled man who over presumes : o meddle with his wife's management of every sheet , pillow and quill ? Maids era just aa finicky B matrons about their beds and bed clothes. All the old stories ubcut their circum spection in going to bad are baaed on [ act. Their night-gowns receive abont as muoh attention as their dresses for day-limo wear. The most popular bed garments for women just now have either a yoke or box-plait be hind to hold t'iQ fullness , while the fronts are trimmed long and square , like a man's shirt. There may be three four be or lengthwise box-plaits hind. A single wide ruffle , or clto two ruffles , with the out r ono qulto narrow , make a handsome trim ming for the neck v. " the gown. Sometimes these ruffles are box-plaited edged with plain Vnlenciennes lace , aud there Is a lengthwise row of leath er stitching batween the box-plaiti. The oquaro shirt front is then formed of open-work embroidery , showing the red or blue chemise underneath , if the wearer retains such a garment at night , or herown surface if she doesn't. The spots of embroidery alternate - ternate with squares of lace ; or eleo there are rows of insertion separated by puffs , eilher straight or in diago nal clusters ; or , perhaps , there are as many as eight rows of beadingthroagh which is run'vcry narroy satin ribbon. Ivory white ribbon ia preferred to col ors for all divinity at present. Brier stitching on narrow bands is used between - tweon narrow pens on shirt bosoms. In some cases the shirt front Is form ed by rowa of needlework done on the gonn , separated by clusters of fine tucka. COQUETRY IN NIGHT CLOTHES Is as muoh indulged In as over. The coy maiden IB often as careful ns a bride in arraying herself for sleep. Even beads are now quite extensively used in tbe embroidery of the bosoms , making a fine surface , truly , to abrade the wearer's flesh , if she bo j/iven to lying on her face. The day of the night-cap is completely gone. Few old women and no girls now make themaalves frightful by covering their heads with caps. A HOT practice ameng girls is to sleep with their hair flowing free , and the night of it spreading out over a white pillow is certainly very winsoms ; but there are tangles in thomorning to pay for it , and a more sensible plan Is to use anet Pink and blue ribbons in , knots at tha ohoulders , baby fashion , is one o the now kinks ; d the extreme of absurdity is reached when a night gown Is discarded sltogother , and the arms , legs and bosom are left bare all night by a mere apology for a chemise. This nonsense , however , is not much indulged in by respectable women. A novel night-robe shown in the stores is a modification of the much-ridiculed chemiloon. It has both sleeves and trousers attached to Its body. The wearer gets into it through a slit up and down the front , and then buttons herself in. The cut is jaunty , the trlmmingselaborateandtheidoa3seeinB to successfully combine taste and utility. It is cut to fit the figure loosely , aud If the figure ba rer.soiiably good the effect ought to be quite en trancing. Night gloves are a new toilet devics. They are made of cloth or undressed kid , and are worn with a view to keep the hands soft and white. Some of thorn are alleged by the dealers to be medicated. While on this general sabject , I tnny aj well say that , with the increasing use , of the porous-plaitera liver-pids , , heart- discs and electric breath-plates , the body of the average woman when she undresses for bed ia gcoteiqualy " spotted. 4.5 Years before thePiiblie , THE GENUINE are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that ilcsh is Leir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dysjwpsia , and Sict Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AWD FEVER. No better cathartic can be used paratory to , or after taking guinine. As a simple purgative they are uneqnaled. ' BEWARE.OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated Each bos has a red-war seal on the lid , withthe impression.JIcLANE'S LIVKU PILL. Each -wrapper bears the signa tures of C. JIcLANE and FLEMING Bnos. ; js9" Insist upon having the genuine Dr. . C. SIcLANE'S LIVEH PILLS , pre pared ! > * FLEHIXG BROS.riltsliirsIiPa. , the market being full of imitations of the name JlcJjnne , spelled differently , but same Dronunciation. TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Group , All diseases of the Tbroat , Lunga.and Pulmonary OrRans.5 OSE ACCORDING TO DIUEOTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. Prepared from ftulU Isthe Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For CoizHtipatloit , IMHoufitteHS , Ilcntlnolic , Torpltl JLlver , Hem * orrlioiils , IiidlspoHitioii , and nil Disorders nrlslysr from an ob structed state of tHe system. l.ndics anil children , and > liosa who dislike tnklj-r pills nml nnusroim medicines , are espe cial ! j-pleased w llli Its ugreeablc qualities. Tl'.OPIOFUUIT LAXATIVE may be used in rll cnses that need tlip nld of a purgative catliartlc.oraporlontracilldno , nndulilleltpro Incos tli < > samoresiilt as Hie BRentti namedU Is entirely free Irotn the usual objections common to them. PiCkci'ia brozzctl tin loici only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DUUC.GISTS. C. P. Qooliinn , Wholesale Agents , Oiualia , Neb. [ U li UTCn l-ocsl Aeenta cverywheio to tej ] WAN I CU Tea , CoKoe , E&klng Powder , flavoring Extracts , etc , byample , to famlllM , front KOO.I. Outfit froo. People's Tea Co. , EOT 2050. St. Louis. Mo. j Ja ( frgv1 NO CHANGING CARS OMAKAAMLCHICAGO , TOie-o Eirect connections are Made With Through Sleeping Oar Lines to New York , Kostan , Philadel phia , lEaltimore , Wash- iiigtou , AND AL.L , 3ASTERN CITiBS. THE SHORT LINE via' PEORIA for indianapolisCincinnatiLouis ville. ALL rOUTS IX TUB THK BEST LINE FOR ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections arc made In the UNION 1 > EPOT wi.h Throuzh Steepinff Car Lines for all Points s o The flew Line for IDES The Eavorite Eoute for The uncqualed inducements Offered by this Line to Travelers and Tour ! As , are as followi : Iho celebrated Pullman (10-wheol ( ) Palace SIe ping - ing Cars , un only on this Line. C. , B. & Q. Placa Drawing-Koom Core , with Horton's Re clining Ch irs No oitra charge for Seats in Rcclioing Chairs. The famous C. . B. ft Q. Palace DInin ? Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant Ili h-Backod Rattan Revolving Chairs for the exclusive uae of firet-clasa pjaaon- gers. gers.Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com bined uith their Great Through Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the favorits Route to the East , South , and South-But. Tryit , and you will find tra\elinif a luxury instoaJ of a discomfort. Through Tickets via thli Ccla' rated Line for iao At a'l ' ofilces In the United Statcsand Canada. All information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , 4.C , will be chectfully given by appl.inir to JAMES R. WOOD , General Pasaenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POlTfiR , Gsnoral Manager , Chicago Ii tbo only Direct Lbo to ST. t II3 ) AKD SE3S EAST Ficci OMAHA tnd th T7E8T. No chanzc of cm bstwasn Omaha and St. LonlS ind bat one between Oxaha and Now York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS KSicrnxa iii Eastern & Western Cities With less charge * andlc advance of other Uneg. IhU entire lice ia equipped with Pullman's : Palace Sleepinj ; Cars , Palace Da > Coach * ea.UIllcr'g Safety Platform and Cocpier and th celebrated neatlngbovca Air-Braka. 4STSES THAT YOnR TICKET READ8TO flS-VTa Kansas City , St. Joseph 3TCourdlBlttfl3K.R.v'.a S tlob4' lor sale at iU cospon sUUcc * In the West. J. J ? . BARKARD , A. C. DAW23 , Gen'l Bupt. , Oco'l Pasa. & Ticket Art St. Josooh , Mo. Bt. Joeepbi Ho. 7T C. SSACHP.CST , Ticket Afen. , 1C20 rarnhis ? Street , ANDY BORDEN , A. B. BARHAP.D , Pa3. AentOmaha. Gen'l ! Aent , Omaha. 22. S. UISOOS , lasnrance Agent , A. - < , . A London - don , CashAcseUl . 15.107,111 IVESTCBTS3TEU. N. Y. , Capitii . l.OOO.ODJ ital . 60C.COO - FOND , CallfornU . EOOltf UKITISfl AMERICA ASSlIRUiCECo 1,200.000 KKWA IK FIRE 1SS. CO. , Assels. _ gftO.OCa AltKRICAT CESTRAL , Areeta . 300JOO 5 trt Cor. of Fifteenth & Dotulas St. OMAHA , NEB. NOW IS YOTTB TIME ! fX5OOO.OQ VALUABLE AND USEF'UL PREMIUMS. Premium * 3For Saoli Subscriber As an inducement to the patrons of.THE BEE who are in arrears lor thei subscriptions to square theif accounts and secure the patronage of parties wh ( desire a fearless and outspoken anti-inonopoly paper , a staunch defender o the rights and interests of the producing and industrial classes , an unwaver ing advocate of cheap transportation by the encouragement ot competing railroads , and the breaking down of pools , and -the prohibition of extortion discrimination and favoritism by comr.uon carriers through appropriate legis lation by Congress and the State Legislatures , a tried and true exponent o Republican principles and an opppnerr.t of corruption in any party , the pub lishers of THE BEE have decided to offer a list of Valuable Premiums which are to be alloted and distributed among the subscribers who remit prior to the 18th of February , 1881 : FARM MACHINERY. 1 Ten Horse Power J. I. Case Agitator Separator -with hojse power mounted on trucks , wagon for Separa tor , and all fixtures complete § 650 00 1 McCornxick Harvester , with either Wire or Twine Binder 300 00 1 Elegant Side Bar Buggy 175 00 " " " ( Mitchell , lewis & Co.- ) . . 165 00 1 Jour Ton Moline Scale 100 00 1 Farm Wagon complete ( Caldwell ' ) 95 OC 1 " ? i "u ( Mitchell'Lewis & Co. ) 90 00 1 No. 4 : American Horse Power Double Grinding Mill with Pulleys and all complete 90 OC 1 No. 3 American Horse Power Double Grinding Mill with Pulleys and all complete 75 OC 1 No. 2 American Wind Mill Grinder. 50 OC 1 Deere Eotary Corn Planter with Drill attachment. - Go OC 1 Deere Eotarj' Corn Planter. . 55 OC 1'Moline Corn Planter. 50 00 1 Spring Stack Cutter 50 00 3 Wind Mills ( standard makes ) © § 85 , . . . 255 00 l.Gilpin Suiky Plow 65 00 1 Taylor One Horse Power 50 00 1 Deere Cultivator T 31 00 9 Fourteen Inch Beam Plows @ $20 280 00 1 Twelve Inch Breaking Plow 26 00 3 Sets Harness @ § 45 135 00 5 Family Scales @ § 10 50 00 20 Doz. Steel Tooth Rakes. ( Greenwich MTg Co. , Ohio 80 00 2 Patent Farm Churns @ § 10 20 00 1 Horse Hay Sweep , ( Henry Grebe's make , Omaha. ) . . 20 00 1 Corn Stalk " " " " . Kaker , . IS 00 1 Six Hundred Pound Platform Scale 35 00 20 Cases Axle Grease @ § 5 100 00 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1 GrandPiano * § 500 00 1 Parlor Organ ' 160 00 1 " " 110 00 HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 6 Singer Sewing Machines @ § 60' . § 360 00 ' 6 Sewing Machines ( standard makes ) @ § 50 300 00 2 Base Burner Hard Coal Stoves @ § 40 80 00 2 Cook Stoves @ § 40 80 00 6 Lounges @ § 25. . . ' . 150 00 5 Easy Chairs @ § 15 - . 60 00 20 Bolts Lousdale Muslin 100 00 200 Dozen Linen Handkerchiefs in half dozen lots 400 00 300 Silk Handkerchiefs 300 00 REAL ESTATE. 40 Acre Farm within fivelmiles of the City of Grand Island , Nebraska , ( see description elsewhere , ) § 320 00 1 Life Scholarship St. Joseph Business College ' $ 50 00 1 Life Scholarship Denver Business College . . 50 00 1 Life Scholarship Great Western Business College Omaha 50 00 WATCHES. 1 Gold "Watch Hunting Case § 85 00 1 " " " " ( Ladies ) 75 00 12 Silver Watches Hunting Case @ § 30 36000 12 " " " " @ § 20 2ttO 00 SILVERWARE. 10 Sets Silver Plated-Knives ( Rogers Bros , make ) § 12ft 00 6 Sets Silver Plated Table Spoons ( Rogers Bros. UlclKOi * * * * * t/vl \\J \ 4 Silver Plated Cake Baskets ( Rogers Bros. make ) . . . . 60 00 6 Sets Silver Plated Forks ( Rogers Bros , make ) 60 00 1 Silver Tea Set Six Pieces ( Rogers Bros , make ) 9000 6 Sets Silver Plated Tea Spoons ( Rogers Bros. make ) . . 3 00 6 Silver Plated Butter Dishes ( Rogers Bros. make ) . . . 90 00 SPORTSME S ARTICLES. 2 Breach Loading Shot Guns @ § 35 § 70 00 1 Breach Loading Rifle 50 00 15 Revolvers @ § 10 - * 150 00 200 Pocket Scales 200 00 " 12 Roll Plate Gold Vest Chains . , . § 150 00 12 Silver Vest Chains 60 00 5 Sets Gold Jewelry ' 50 00 6 Plain Gold Band Rings 30 00 5 Pair Gold Cuff Buttons 30 00 5 Gold CollarButtons 15 00 BOOKS , MAPS , ENGRAVINGS. 200 Literature Art and'Song @ § 5 § 1000 00 50 Household and Farm Cyclopedia 250 00 10 Webster's Dictionaries 110 00 2 Sets Schillers'Works complete , handsomely bound and translated from the German 20 00 2 Sets Chambers' Encyclopedia 70 00 2 Sets Cooper Novels 70 00 4 Sets Waverly Novels 60 00. 4 Sets Dickens'Works 80 00 1200 Standard American Novels 1200 00 1100 Standard British Novels 1100 00 1025 Moore's Poems 1025 00 50 Shakspeare's Works 50 00 50 Milton's Works 50 00 50 Byron's Works 50 00 50 Campbell's Works 50 00 50 Heman's Works 50 00 50 Herbert's Works 50 00 50 Scott's Works 50 00 50 Pope's Works 50 00 100 Tennyson's Poems 100 00 125 Wordsworth's Poems 125 00 300 Pocket Maps of the United States ( cloth bound ) . . 300 00 500 R. JR. Maps of the "United States with Map of N. W. States on Reverse Side : 1000 00 500 Fine Engravings 500 00 " ADDITIONAL PEEMIUMS. FROK LEWIS & SONS HEADER FACTORY , HASTINGS , NEB. 1 of the celebrated Lewis Headers complete ready for work. . § 300 00 This machine stands at the head of the Header family , and is a splendid prize. FROM THE KANSAS" WAGON MANUFACT'NG Co. , LEATENWORTH. KAN. 1 of the celebrated Caldwell Wagons complete with top , box and extra finish. . . . = § 100 00 FROH MORRISON BROS. , FT. MADISON , IOWA. 116-inch Sulky or Riding Plow § 65 00 114-inch Steel Beam Plow 23 00 1 Walking Cultivator. 30 00 IRoad Scraper 12 00 DEER & MANSUR & Co. , MOLINE , ILL. 1 Deer Rotary Drop Corn Planter 60 00 1 Moline Rotary Drop Corn Planter. 50 00 1 Deer Rotary Drop Corn Planter with drill attachment TO 00 iMoline" Spring Stalk Cutter < 50 00 FROM PORTER'S IRON ROOFING Co. , CINCINNATI , OHIO. 1,100 feet of Porter's Iron Roofiing 60 00 FROMMlLLARD , MASON & Co. , PAINT WORKS , BURLINGTON , lA. 10 Gallons Western Enamel Paint 20 00 10 Gallons C. B. & Q. R. R. Paint ' . ? 20 00 10 Gallons Hawkeye Cottage Palat 20 00 15 Gallons Barn Paint 25 00 These are the best paints known to the trade. FROM THE VANDIVER & QUTNOT CORN PLANTER WORKS , QOINCY , ILL. 1 Barlow Planter with drill attachment 80 00 1 Barlow Planter 60 00 1 Quincy Planter 4 , . 55 00 - FROM GEO. W. BROWN & Co. , PLANTER WORKS , GALESBORG , ILL. 1 of Geo. W. Brown's Adjustable Planters , combined with Check and Drill Attachment - . 90 00 This planter can be set for different width of rows , 1 of Geo. W. Brown's Favorite TValki&g Cultivators 35 00 FROM BORDEN , SELLECK & Co. , CHICAGO , ILL. 1 of the celebrated 4-ton Improved House , Hay or Stock Scales 165 00 FROM L. W. NOYS' FACTORY , CHICAGO , ILL. 2 of the Noys'Feed Mills , $10 00 each 2000 FROM THE THORN IRON HEDGE Co. , CHICAGO , ILL. 1 lot , 375 Ibs. , Painted Wire 50 00 1 lot , 335 Ibs. , Galvanized Wira 50 00 belt , and everything complete 1 Marseilles Corn Stalk Cutter , 50 Q0 SHUGART IMPLEMENT Co. , CousciLBiuKT/IwvA. 1V alkmg Cultivator 05 AA FKOM THE TAYLOR HORSE POWER Co , , CHICAGO ! ILL' 1 heavy One-Horse Power nn " " " ' " ' 1,000 Best American Novels . . . . . . . § , 00 " Total . . . . § " ° 0 000 00 JhB'ribu'ion ? , ' these Premluras will take place on the 22d"of February. I55i. All articles that can be sent by mail will be forwarded postpaid to the subscriber's address. Articles to be freight shipped by express , or will be for warded to their destination with freight payable bv the cons ee The subscription price of THE WEEKLY BEE is Two Dollar's per annum Direct your remittances to THC OMAHA PUBLISHING Co. by monev order or registered letter , who will forward a numbered premium receipt which will be registered in a premium book. Each remittance sjiould also cive explicit direction as to post office address. Parties to whom articles are allotted that are too bulky for mail will be notified and requested to give directions how and when shipment is to be made. The distribution will be made , without discrimination crfavoritism throuch a committee selected by the subscribers present at the time the award is made AH we aim at in this scheme is to collect our back dues and secure prepay ments for thecoming year and toextcnd our circulation over a greater territory OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , - OMAHA. NEB. KIDNEGEJTis higfily recommended and unsurpassed for Weaker or Foul Kidneys , . Dropsy , Bright's Disease , Loss cf Energy , , Nervous " Debility , or any Obstructions arising from Kidney cr Bladder "Diseases. Also for Yello-w Fever Blood and Kidney Poisoning , in infected malarial sections. rSTJy Ihe distillation ot a FOREST LEAF with JUNIPER BERRIES and BARLEY MALT w h T discovered KJDNEQEN'.which seta specifically on the Kidneys and Urinary Organs , rcmoYins injurlotu deposits formed In the bladder and pruventliisr any str ! niJijc. smarting scntatlcn boat 01 Irritation la the membranous llalns : of the ducts or water pinole. It oxclUs a hcal'by action In the KIdneya giYinj them strength , vigor anil restoring these orpins to a healthy condition , showing Its ( Iecta on both the color and easy flow of urine. It can to taken at all times , In all climates and under-ill cl umrtance3 without Injury to the system. Unlike * ny other preparation for Kidney difficultly It has avery pleasant and are ible taste and a vor. It has beea difficult to make a preparation containing positive rtlurettc properties which will not nauseate , hut he acceptable to the stomach Before taklnjr anyLlvei medicine , try a bottle of KIOXEGEN to CLEiNSB the KIDNEYS from foul matJer. Try It and you will always nstl t as a family meA'clno. Ladles especially will llko It and Gentlemen willflnd KIDNEOEN the bcrt Kidney Tonic ever nsfil ! NOTICE Each botta ! bears the Bljmataro of LAWRENCE & MAETIW. aso Proprietary Gorwn ment Stamp , which permits KIDNEQEN to bo sold ( without llcenie ) bv Drncglit , Orocors nJ Other Persons r very where. Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. If not found at your DrulffU or Grocers , wa will send a bottle prepaid to the ncaroet express office to you. LAV/RENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DKTJGGISTS , GEOOEES and DEALEES everywhere Wholesale agent * In Omaha , STEELE. JOIINSON & CO. , will supply the trade at nunutactui prices. JTHIS NEWfAN33 CORRECT MAP ; j 5 S5. Proves beyond any reasonable question that the * ' CHICAGO I & 1 NORTH-WESTERN & R'Y ' Is by all odds the best road lor yon to take when traveling la cither direction between ! f Chicago and all of iris Principal Points in Iho West , North and Northwest. ! 2. Carefully examine thta Map. The Principal ( Jltles of the "West and Northwest arc Stations on tbls rend. Its thrauglt trains nuiko close connections with the trains ot all railroads at junction points. THE CHICAGO & , HORTH-WESTERH RAILWAY , Overall rjttprinefpal Hnes.rnns each way dally from two to fourormoro Fast Express Trains , l i is the only road west ot Chicago that uses tuo - r - , , * * - - - -Y FZJZL3ZAH"KOT I , DINING ' . It Is the only rnjrl that rnrn Pullman Sic ? pins Cars North or Northwest of Chicago ? It has' nearly < 3ULES OVKOAlt. It forms the following Trunlc Lines : . r0unc UJlllJI3 > Dpnver & California Line. " " Winona. Minnesota ft Central Dakota Line " JJ ? ° } t > V'pr-K Ijrasfci&TfanIstori IJne."CiIcacco : , St. Paul and Minneapolis Lino. - or. Illinois. rceport & Dubuqlio Line. " "Jlilwaukee. Green Iljy & Lake Superior Lino. " 11CKcts over this rosd are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents m the United States and i ISemcmber to ask for Tickets via this sure they read over It , and take none other. ' HACVI.X nCGniTT.Gen'l Manager , Chicago , f \ \ ' . fi. STESS'ETT , GeulPass. Agent , Chicaso. HARRY P. UCJE1. , Tick-t A eiit C. JSN. W. Railway , 14lh mlt7arnham fitre t . JL ) . E KIMBALL , A83. tant T ckct Acent C K N. W. Rsllwr.iy,14th and FainLam Etrce'.a. J. BELL , Tn-kU AEcntU. ft MV. . Railwiy , C. P. K. IL Depot. aS t CLARK denpil 'tent. _ _ o T0 ? " s ! * f 3 ' FUKHiT G tEATHEi i Vsanflij 3 ( i .iV , And EvorytMDg ps'taifling to the Furniture and D'pbolatery Trade , A COUPLETS ASSOETMEHT OF HEW GOODS AT THE # 58 and 1210 F&rnliani Strecf. " THE OOLOMDO BUSINESS COLLEGE TMa institution , locate-J ! D-nrcr , Calonulo , the Jvlticitlon il snJ Conimcr-naf center of tha \Vart. Is p-c-emmcntly the cwJ nJ men. practl- cil of ItnU'.nJ far the' f EROAHTiLE TRAINING -OF- Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. OADY , Socrolajy The moat extensive , thorough- and eompltta nstl'.n'.Ion of tbe kind In the world. Thomanda of accoontanta and Eusincai men. In the prln- clpal cities and towns of the United State ? , owe their succeoi to our course of training. The Bisht : Kind of Education for Yoncg Men and Lidies. Fiao , n < rjr bric' < block , at Junction ef thre trset car Ilnci EJe antly flttsd and famished apirtmonts or the apatlonof and carrying. out of our no f el and r tecullc methoda of BUSINESS TEAHOT& , who contemplate a business Ilia , an-I rorenU bavin ? sons to educate , are particu larly requested to semi for our new Circular , which will give fall information M to tend , ondltion ot entrance , etc. AiUrcBO . & W. POSTER , President , ST Denver Colorado. I BOSflNKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. IHTERHAL , EXFEBNAL , AND JTCHING FILES flfld at oocn on thf nppllpmtlon of Pj 8o aiilto' flic lt < ndr. . which rtrti * ttctly epee Uigpnrt AlffftfO , h ori lai Ihe Tomora. ullaylng the tetetua Met Ul otbor Tvnmitfm ftiHnrl. Try tt ami yogr t * merit * . DO NOT DELAY tlto drain on the jjaieta prodact jermanent UlaahUIty , bat bay It , TRY IT LOURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , ifla Trhetj yea can Dot obtain It or&lmt * Till send It , prepaid , onrccelptofprlr * > r. Bosnnbo'a Tr atle on Pile * acnt fro in application. Addreu IE DR , BQSANKO MEDICINE GO. O. F. OCOMAiT Agent. Cmaha * 'Cfi t Oll * d 7 t homo , U > J I UU trw. M > lnn Stljeoa A Co Portfauicl , Ma.