THE DAILr BEE. * OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS. 916 Farnkam , oet. Sth and 10th StreO TERMS OF BUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , In advance postpaid ) . . .18.00 Bmontht " . 4.00 \ 8month " . 8.00 _ _ TIME TABLES- _ THE MAILS. C , & K , W. E. R. , 20 ft. a. , O. B. & Q.E SO a. m , , 2:10 p. m. O. B. I & P. B. B. . E 0 & , m. , 2 : p. m * C-i St. Joe 5:20 . o. B.CityP.E30a.m. D. P. K.E. . Ilt0a.m. O. & E. V. to Lincoln , 10 ft. ct. U. * M.R.BBUoIm. . O.kN. W.,7SOft.m. ormixa 0. * H. W. R.B. , 11 a. m. . 11 p. a. C. B. 4 O 11 a. jn. , BiO p. m. C.KI. iP. , lla. m. , 11 p.m. O. B. * St , Joo.,11 ( .in. , lip m. U. P. R.B. , ip.n. O. & B. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 p. m : B. City & P. , U . a. B.&M. lnheb.ip. < n. Local mails for Statca Iowa leave bat CBM day , Tie 130 a , tn. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Bnndaji. THOMAS F. Arrival And Departure of Trains UKIOS PACUIC. _ L1AT1. AXUTI. DftUrXzprMB..Ua5p.m. 825p.m. do lllxed. B:10p.m. i Sp. m. do Freleht.E20ft.m. 1:107.0. do _ . .S:15s.m , lZ.-20a.rn. TIKE OA.CD 07 THE BCRL1NQTON , LXATIOXAHA. I AUITB OKAUJL Irprew 8:10 p. m. J proaa 100 ft. m. Mall 63X a. m. Kail 1QM p. m. Bnndayi Escepted. | Eondaji Exceptod. CHICAQO.tROCK ISLAKD & PACIFIC. HaU . . .6:00 . m. I Mall 10:00 p. m. Ziprese _ „ „ ! : ) p.m. | Erpree3..10.-eO a. m. CHICAGO KORTHWESTEBK. Hall _ .e ' 0 ft. m , 1 Han _ 7.-20 p. m. * pr B.S:10 pi m , I Exprua 16:00 a. m. Eandayt exceptcd. EAKBAB CITT.BT. JOE k COUNCIL BLUFFS 1I1VH AKKIVX. Kail EKW ft. m. I Exprea 7 : < 0 * . m. I Erpreas 6.-00p.m. | MiH 7.-2S j.m. The only Una mnnlnc Pullman SleepmgCan ont of Omaha to Union Depot. OHAHA & NORTHERN NEBRAEK1 EAIL- WAY COMPANY. Leave. Arrive. rxpnM.SA3 a. m. j F-xprees.lSO p , m , Uixod 1:60p m. ( Mixed 10:15a.m Dally Except&ccdays. B. ft H. B B. In HEBKASEA. LV1VK. ARKm. "Expres8:50 * ml Freight 8.SO m Freight 6BB p m | Exprets 4lJpm EIOUZ CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. MJ1. _ fi:10 : ft m I Erprees 10SO a a Crpreo . . .8,10pm I M ! . . . .7 0 p m WABASH , ST. LOUIS k PACina UiTSS. IRRITM. < un 8 ft. m. I M n U E ft. m Exprettm.SiO p. m. | Express . . < :2S p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. B. Leave Omaha , dally > -S ft. m. , 8 ft. m. , 10 ft m. , 11 ft. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m. , Sp. m , fi p. m , , 6 p. TO , . L LVe Coancfl BlnOs ; 8SS a. m. , 855 ft. m , , 10S5 6n. m..2:2S p. m. , 8:2B p. m. , 6:25 : p. tn 6SS p. m Four trips on Snnday , leaving Omaha at 9 and 11 ft. m. , 3 and E p. m. ; Council BinSs it B2S , 11:25 ft. m. , and 2 5 and E3S p. m. rianxoiK Tuna. Leave Omaha } 6 a. m. , 7. ft. m.8 0 . m. , 1 p. m. , 1:50 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. . Leave Council Blatrn : 6:15 a-m , , 8:10 a. m. , 11:40 ftnuEASp. m. , 7.-W p. m. , TM p. m. Daily except Sunday. OMAAA ft REPUBLICAN VALLEY B. . HJLVI , ARRIVE. _ 10:1S ft. m. , .125 p. in. DfllT except Sandara. ATTMNKYI-AT-UW. CHARLES POWELL , OF THE PEACE Corner lEth JUSTICE , Omaha Neb. SHCERAL , TTORNEY AT LAW RoomnCreUjhton ; Block , Itth St. OMAHA. KEB. D. L THOMAS , A TTORNEY AT LAW Loans nionpy , bnyl Jt\ . and sens real estate. Room 6Onehion ! Block. A. C. TROUP , AT LAW Office In HaCKom1 ! ARORKEY George E. Pritchett , 1600 rarnham St. OMAHA.HEB. DEXTER L THOMAS , AT LAW Ornldofflank Solid ArrORNEY A. M' CKADWICK. A TTORKEY AT LAW one * 1501 rarntUB A. Str et. M.LPEABODY , f AWYEB CEe Zn Oretehton Bleak , acrt U JLJ Port Office , OHAHA , KZBRABKA. VOIABY 7UBLTO. COLLKOTlOirS MADS O'BRIEN & SARTLETT , Attornoys-at-Law , OITICE-Unlon BlockFVt aath and Farnham ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACH BLOCK , OCR. CODE- I5TR STS. OMAHA , KEB. W. d. Oonnell , Attorney-at-Law. Office : Front toomi , np Etaln , ! n Hanioom'i new brick building , K. W. corner ntt enth and Farnham Streeta. CBIB. REBIGK & REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law. Bpodal attention will b given to all tolti against eorporatlonl ol every detcrlptton ; will pracUce In al flho Oonrta ot tbo State and the united SUtea. Office , Famnam St , opposite Court Ilocza. EDWARD W. 8IMERAL , A TTOKKEY AT LAW Room B JL Block , lith and Donglaa gtreeU. no9dh 8. F. MAXQER80K , AT LAW SU FarnJua Street AITORKZY Habraska. W. T. RICHARDS. 0. J. RCMT RICHARDS & HUNT , t-Law. Attorneys-a - . Omci 215 South Fourteenth Street. SANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest Discovery or the Age. Wonderful discoveries in the world hare been made Among other thlnTO where SanU Claus stayed Children oft ask U ho makes eooda or not , If really he Ores In a mountain of snow. Last year an excursion Bailed clear to th * Pole And suddenly dropped Into what seemedllke ahole Where wonder of wonders they found anowland , While fairy-like beings appeared on each hand. Then were mocntunt like oars , with more beautiful green , And tar brighter skies than ever were teen , Erdi with the huea ot a rainbow were found , While flowers of exqulrits fragrance were grow ing around. Kot long were they left to vender tn doubt A being soon came tbc/ had heard much abent , Twai Santa Clans' self and th IB they all gey , 1 l eked like tha picture caee every day. . 0O rVUO IU * BUUU IUBIiCU Ul DidKU. . Bmt he took them on botrd and drove them away. E * Showed them an over his wonderful realm , And factories making goods for women and men Furriers were working on haU great and amall , To Bunco's they said they were sending them aU. Kris Single , the Glove Miker , told them at once , All our Gloves we art sending to Banco , Santa showed them suspenders and many things Saying I aln took these to friend Bunco's store. S a nta Claus then whispered a secret he'd UU , As In Omaha rcry oce knew Bnrc * will , He therefore should send his gr cd * ts his care , Knowing hll friends wIU get ti ex fill share. Kow remamher ye dwellers In Oiuaha town , All who want prcaantt to Bonce's go round , For shlrta , couars , or gloves great sad small , Bend yocr sister or tnnt ona and all. Bunca , Champion Blatter of the West , Dauglu cet. Omaha To .Nervous Sufferers The Great European Eemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific > 3' Medicine. It Is a positive cure for S permatorrhea , Eeminal Wsaknns , Impotency.and ail diseases resulting bom Self-Abuse , as Mental Anxiety. LOTS ot Memory. Pain * In the BacV or Side , and diseases that lead to Consumption Insahity and ancariygrava The Specific Medicine Is being vse with wonder , ful success. Pamphleti sent free to slL Write tor them and get fun particulars. Price , Specific , fl.OO per package , or sir pack. Addreas all orders to J.B SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. , Not * M and 108 Main St. . Buffalo , S. Y. Sold InTl maha by C. F. Goodman , J. < K. Bell J. K. IJb ind slldrocristi overywhere. Isep28-dfcwly OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ART EMPORIUMS. J. U. ROSfi'3 Art Emporium , 1518 a , K = btreet , Steel Engravings , Oil Palnttnzs. Chromes rancr Fnmes , Framing a Specialty. Low prices. J. 1809 Donglas fit. Good Styles. ABSTRACT AND.REAL ESTATE. JOHK L. McCAdDE , opposite poatofflce. . B. BASTLETT. S17 South 13th Street. ARCHITECTS- A T. LAROE. Jr. . Room 2. Crelirbton Block. Room 14 , Crclghton Block. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES DsVlXE it CO. , Fine Boots and Shoes. A coed assortment of hqma work on hand , cor. 12th and Harney. THOd E31CKS J.S' . S. E. cor. ICtli aBED - BED SPRINGS. J. F.IABimraU. Manufacturer. TlgaeherB' Bib. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS- ANDREW BOSEWATER , 1610 Farnham St. Town Surrejra , GraJo and Sewerage Sjttcmsa Specialty. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOBS 0. WILLIS. HI * l > edge Street. D. B. BEEMEK , For details see largo Advertise ment in Call anil Weekly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO- WEST A FRlTcCHER , Uanuhcturirs of Clears , and Who csalo Dealers in Tobicco ? , 1305 l > oug. CORNICE WORKS. Western Cornice Work" : , Manufacturers Iron Corni.e , Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing- . Orders from any locality promptly executed in the best manner. Factory and Office 1310 Dodge street. CROCKERY. J. CONNER , 1309 Uouglat St. Good L'ne. ' DENTISTS- DR. PAUL. Williams' Elock. Cor.lSth & Rodge DRUGS , PAINTS AND OILS. KUHN & CO. , Pharmacists , Fine Fancy Goods , Cor. 15th and Douglas Streets. W. J. WHITEHOUSE , AVholega'e k ReUU.lC St. C. C. FIELD. 2022 Noith Side fumi'.e Street. FURNITURE. A , F. GROSS , > "o * and Second Hand Furniture and fatoveg , 1111 Douglas. E. O. Turgeon Agt. J. BOSKER , 1809 Douglas St. Fine Goods , ic. GROCERS- < 2. STEVEN3 , 21st between Coming , and Izird. T A. Mc HAVE , Corner 21d aid C.iming Sts. HATTERS- W. L. PARROtTE & CO . 1SCC Douche Strict , Wholesale Eicluslvfly. HARDWARE. A. HOLMES , corner 16th and California. HARNESS , SADDLES , &C. E. B. WK1ST , 32J 13th St. , bet. Van. & liar- HAT AND BONNET BLEACHERY. ladies get tonr Straw , Chip and Felt Hats done up at northeast corner Seventeenth and Capitol avenue. WM. DOVE , PROP INTELLIGENCE OFFICE- MR3. LIZZIE DKST , 21716th Street. JUNK II. BERTtTOLP. RATH and Mftala. LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. J. ZOKKER , 1303 Douglas St. Good Variety. MERCHANT TAILORS- G.A.LIKDQUFSr , One of our most popular Merchant Tailors is re * ccivlng the latest designs for Spring and Sum * mor Goods for gentlemen's ear. Stylist ) , durable and prices low as ever , 215 ISthbet. Dong.&Far. MEAT MARKETS- The Boston Market. MOOLE& JESTER , Fresh and Cured Heat * , Game. Fifth. Poultry. Etc. . 2020 Cumin ? Street. MILLINERY. MRS. C. A. 1UITGER , Wholesale and RetMI , Fancy Goods in great variety. Zephyrs , Card Boirus , Hoi r. " . gloves , corscte , & , : Cheapest Haute la the West. Purchaser ! Bare S ) per cent. Order bv Mail. 115 Flf went h-t. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. W.S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No. ' 4 , Crelghton Block. Itth Street. P. S. LSISENRING , H. D , Masonic Elock. C. D. HART , M. D. , E } e and Kar. opp. postcfflce PHOTOGRAPHERS- PHOTOGRAPHS ASD TIN TYPES. GEO. HETO , PROP. - Grand Central Gillcrj , 212 Sixteenth Street neir Masonic Hall. Satisfaction Gutranteador Monev Refunded. PLUMBING AND CAS FIXTURES. D. FITZPATRICK , KOS Douelu Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING HEVJ.Y A. KOsTEKS. 1112 Dod e Street. STOVES AND TINWARE- A. CUKME3TER , Dealer In Stores and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block J. BONNER , 1S09 Doug. Si. Gocdaud Chsajt. SEEDS- J. EVAKS , Wholcstle find Retail Seed Drills and Cultivator * . Odd Fellows Hall. SALOONS- HENRY KAUFMANS , ' In the new brick block on Douglas Street , hm Jnst opened a moat elegant Bcor Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. FLANNERY , On Faroham. next to the B. & if. headquarters , has reopened a neat anl complete establish ment uhich , barring ) IRE , and Mother Ship * ton's Prophecy , vrill ha open for the bojs with Hot Lunch on and af Ur present date. "Caledonia , " J. FALCONER , 67818th Street. UNDERTAKERS CHAS. R1EWE , 1012 Faroham bet. 10th & llth. MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA GEEASE Composed larpelyof powdered mica and Wnglast Is the best and cheapest lubricator In the world. It li the best because ! t docs not gum , bnt forms a highly polished surface over the axle , detns away with a Urge amount of friction. 1 1 is the cneapeet because von need use hut half the quantity in greasing your wagon that you woul J ot any other axle grease made , and then run your wagon twice aslong. It answers eqnally aa we II for Mill .Gearing , Threshing ( Machine * , Buggies , &C..U for wagons Send for Pocket Cyclopedia ot Things Worth Knowing. Mailed free to any address. MICA MANUFACTURING GO. , SI MICHIGAN AVENDE. CHICAGO. Your Dealer For It octZO-U A new and hitherto nnkco ra remedy for all diseases ot the Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary Orcang. It will positively core Diabetes , Gravel , Drop * IT , BrUht's Disease , Inability to retain or cipcll tin Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , hljb cole red and scanty rrine. Painful CTrinitlng , LA1TE BACK , Genera ! Weakness , and U Femala Com * plaints. It avoids Internal medicines , U certain In it effects and cures when nothing else can . For salt ty all Drogslsis or sent by mall free upon receipt of the price , 12.09. DAY PAD CO. , PROMS , Toledo , O. 493 your addret * for our little book , How > wa Bared. " KE8 K. ISH , Ar nt lor Ksbruka. AGEIOULTUEAL , Breaking Colts. There may be something good and useful thus far unwritten as to how to break a colt well. I may bo al lowed to try. When only about one week old , pnt on the foal , and let re main , the head pnrt of a halter. Soon after attach hitch-reJn , by which teah it to be led and stand hitched quietly without pulling backward. Bat , If not before , as 'Boon as weaned break to halter , then commence to take up all its foot and clean hoofs with hook and abort broom , thus serving a double purpose by cleanliness to prevent thrush and slip * ping , and also to get it well nsed to have its feet handled preparatory to being shod. If of very large size , and showing considerable "high" stuff , it may be well to commence breaking to harness at one and a half years old. Firat , in stable , put on all the harness , and spend considerable time in adjust ing each part and buckling and un buckling everything. The traces into breech rings , pretly closelydrawn , buc kle both girths , use no blinds on bridle and only loose check-rein. Let the colt stand several hours at a time with the harness on. After some days of this usage a small string of bells may well be attached to the girth. Take the colt out of doors with harness on , and , first in lot , afterirarda in at root , teach It to handily be driven by the reins , and to turn ont on meeting teams and turn around corners. Go different routes daily. Than teach it to back , first by taking hold of the bridle , afterwards by long reins. Al ways on return home , teach your colt to ttand still while being unharnessed. Three weeks' daily lessona of this kind , and your colt will bo fit to hitch to a light but strong sulky. Not less than two persons shbuld be in active attendance now , and first commence bv simply pltcing one off shaft in the thill holder , and let the attendant barely keep it in place with his left hand , while he holds the largo ring of the bridle bit with his right , yourself meanwhile leading the colt forward by the oppo site bit ring. Should the colt chow signs of much fright , the shaft may be removed from holder and gently letdown down on the ground ; then try again , and so on ; when" it cares nothing for the sulky , then traces may be hitched , etc. , etc. Thus the ultimatum of good and easy breaking may be accDmplish- od , and so moderately and gradually done that the colt will never know when he is being broken , Pure-Bred or Mongrel. There seems to ba an Impression among those who ara but little ac quainted with the subject , that the raising of pure-bred poultry is hot as profitable as the raising of the mon grel class. That this is not true in perfectly patent to all close observers , and in fact should be to every one nho has over handled fowls , but many seem to question the fact , and it is particularly for those tint this article is written. In the first place , there is not a pure mongrel ( so to speak ) in existence that Is desirable , in respect to size , to breed from. They are all so small thi.t It does not pay to raise them for market. If yon find mongrels that are large and well formed for the laying on of uesh'reat assured that they owe their size to an admixture of the brood of some pure-bred variety. If then the addition of a little good blood so vastly improves the stock in size , why will not the introduction of all pure blood improve .it still more ? It will , and it Is just as useless to say that the farmer can raise as fine potatoes where the seed has been email , inferior specimens year after year , aa ho can when the seed has boon large and fine each year. This is precisely one point of differ ence bstween pure bred and mongrel poultry. The first named has been selected each year for a scries of years , and nothing but the finest and most perfect specimens have been used in the breeding pen , while the mongrel has been bred from indiscriminately. Bred from , d > I say ? No ; in moat cases they ha7e' bred themselves without any attention from their owners. The average mongrel will not dross off more th < m three pounds at maturi ty , while the Plymouth Hock , under the same circumstances , will weigh , when dressed , from sue to eight pounds. It costs bat little , if any , more to keep the latter than the form er , and any one can very easily figure out for themselves which is the most profitable to breed iu his own yards , as far as flesh is concerned. In a future nvmber we will show the difference in profit in respect to egg production , 'etc. P. M. COBBIN. Nowington , Conn. Curing Scab on Sheep At the International Wool Grow ers' convention at Washington , Mr. McKellar , of Australia , said that in his region and Now Zealand au act was parsed imposing a penalty of 100 for each case of scab found by inspectors seven months after the passage of the act and every three months thereafter. The following was given as a sure cure for sob. For largo Sucks dips are made , through which the sheep are compelled to swim , so that 1,500 head ara washed pee hoar. One or two dips is enough generally , only the wo rat cases requiring three dips. No ecib i * now to be found In Australia or New Zealand. Mr. McKellar came to this country representing a number of Australians , who propose bringing Australian aheep and men to the United States , but he says he cannot find a tract largo enough for his pur pose where tha climate is suitable. They do not want to feed in winter. In California and New Mexico the climate MS good and plentiful , bnt large tracts are Covered by Mexican grants , which make the title unsafe. Seed Potatoes. Changing seed potatoes is generally considered best , to get fresh eeed from the north every year or two. Minnesota seta la famous for fine Irish potatoes , The beat of our potatoes soon run out , if planted year"after year on the sime ground. Fresh seed , then , like fresh blood In stock breeding , is essential. As to large or small seed , experience proves that good , large seed will yield a larger crop , give more large potatoes and less small once. It is therefore poor economy to use small or inferior sized potatoes , or poor vegetable seed of any kind , for if we have vegetables at all , wo want good ones even for home USP , and if raising to sell , we must look to the tine siza and large yield to make it pay. Wyoming Beavers. Byalaivof Wyoming territory all persons are prohibited from hunting or trapping the beaver on the banks or the Stilule river or doing any thing that will contribute to the de struction of that animal. The object of the law is not so much for the pro tection of the beavers as for the pro tection of the stock-growers , that be ing the great interest in the territory , for which legislative encouragement la given. The industrious little animals erect dams across the small streams , causing the water to sot back and overflow the swamps , thereby furnish * ing a reservoir for irrigation and water for the stock during the long dry sea sons. On Sindy creek , which has its source in the mountains , a dam was constructed by the beavers. The water flowed back , spreading over 100 acres and covering the lowlands to the depth of four or five feet The beavers have their houses erected on little knolls that rise above the water , and in reach ing them they dive into the pond and swim out of sight to their habitations. They cut down timber above the dam and peel off the bark and float it down ti thair places of abode. The bark supplies them with food. _ The dam above referred to is inhabited by some fifty beavers , and they can occasionally be seen at work. Old hunters can tell by the cutting on the trees whether it Is done by young or old beavers. Among the game abounding there and of which the residents have a surfeit are the antelope , elk and black-tail deer. Antelope frequent the pltins , while the elk is f ) nnd in the timber. Bears are also found in the timber , while the big-horn sheep are mot with on the precipices. They are quite ehy and go off In bands of four or five. Buffaloes , which ten years roved through that region by the thousands , ara growing scarcer every year. They are found 150 miles north of the Union Pacific railroad in the Big Horn mountain" . SUGAR FROM SORGHUM. ME. CHABLE3 BELCUER'SKKl'ORT TO THE MEBCHASTS1 EXCHANGE. St. Lou'.a Globe-Democrat. George H. Morgan , Esq. , Secretary Merchants' Exchange : DEAR SIB I received your note through Mr. I. A. Hedges requesting mo to go with him and examine samples of sorghum su gar and report thereon. I found at Mr. Fedgus' office one barrel of aorgham syrup and one of nnpurged sorghum sugar. I have sam ples of each which have been teatod by the pobrlscope , and which I hand to you. The unpurged sugar , called "mush sugar" or "milado , " is the cane jilice boiled to a density at which the sugar in it c.-yatalizas. Of this twenty pounds were taken from the barrel in my presence , were pat Into Mr. Htdgas' centrifugal and the mo lasses swung out of it. The result wo a eight pounds of very dry sugar of good quality and twelve pounds of molasses , samples of which I hand you. The tests of polariscope wore as fol lows : A Mi'ado , or unpurited sugar . 70 percent B bua- from unpurgc j EUjar . b9J > per cent C Molapso3 from unnurged fcngnr. . .40 * per cent D Sorghum syrup , as received . M.I per cent The polarization of this sugar is equal to that of well-drained Louisiana sugar , or fair refiniug Cuba , Muscova do sugar , and that of Jjoniaiana and Cuba molasses. The sugar la of a quality that will sell readily for con sumption at a good price , and the mo lasses from it is of very satisfactory quality and salable. The sorghum syrup is of fine quality , light la color , aweot and of good flavor. This syrnp and unpurged sugar came from Mr. Clinton Bogarth , of Cedar Falls , Iowa , who wrltas to Air. Hcd er , with a description of his mills and apparatus and mode of manufacture. His apparatus la very simple in its plan and arrangement , his cane being ground in common horse mills , and the juice defecated and evaporated in flat metal pans over an open fire. The different pans are arranged and set over the fire much like open kettles on a Louisiana sugar plantation , and his system of working is much the same. He speaks' of twenty-one years' experience with sorghum , which seem ; to have brought him just where the Louisiana old pro cess planters stand. The bulk of his crop was sold in syrup , of which he made 17,000 gallons. That sugar of good quality baa bean produced from sorghum in a number of places admits of no question , and such sugtr and syrup as this from Mr. Bogarth is of a quality that will read ily Command a good market. The quantity that can bo produced and the certainty of the crop are yet unsolved problems. In Louisiana the out-turn of sugar and molasses for market from the nnpurged eugar as bulled in open kettles is 55 to 60 per cent , of sugar and 40 to 45 per cent , of molassea. ( Whore vacuum plans ara nsed the proportion of sugar is much greater. ) In this sugar from Mr. Bogarth the relative proportion is 40 per cent , of sugr and CO per cent , of molasses. This is much less favor able than Louisiana sugar culture , yet , if a similar out turn could bo relied upon , the industry certainly would be worth the attention of farmers iu this section of the country , and be worthy of the fostering care of the state government. I have no personal acquaintance with the colture of sorghum or the manufacture of sugar and oyrup from it have never seen the manufacture of cither article going on , and from my on n personal knowledge and ex perience am not prepared to express any positive opinion as to what can bo made of this industry. These are questions that need to bo solved be fore it can be an assured success , and whether they can and will be solved by the agency of uneducated and iso lated efforts by individual farmers , without extensive losses to some cf them , may be doubted. The manu facture of sugar from anything bnt maple sap requires skill and " experienced judg ment to insure success. I under stand that there are a number of varieties of sorghum , some succeeding iu some eoih and some in others , and there are probably soils where none will succeed. There' is enough en couragement in the experience of many k farmers tog give them .confi dence in the future of the business aa an Important and successful indus try , while with others probably the majority , their experience has been entirely discouraging. What makes this difference , whether it is climate , soil , variety of cane grown , the man ner of cultivation or of manufacture , or something inherent in the plant itself , I am say , and with re gard to it am not prepared to offer any opinion. Very rtspectfuliy yours. CIIAS. BELCHES. Eacuiea'a Arnica ' The Bssr SALVE In the world for Cuts , Bruizes , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Bhoum , Fever Sores , Teltor , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Coma , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. Thin Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satlafac- ted ! In every case or money re Funded , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly Ish & McMahon , Omaha. f tiitPitbUG0 THE GES\iUiME \ DR.C.HoXiAHE'S are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to , " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilions Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. lo better cathsrtic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As awrnple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each boi has a red-wax seal on the lid , with the impression.McL ANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures of C. MCLAN-E and FLEMING BROS. - -Insist npon having the genuine DR.C.McLANE'S LIVEli PILLS , pre pared b - FLEMING BROS.PittsburghP.I. , the market being full of imitations of the name J/cZaite , spoiled differently but same pronunciation. HOW TO CTJRK CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Throat , Lungs , ana Pulmonary Organs. ? USE ACCOBDINO TO DIBEOTION3 ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. Pr.par.dfrOBiH/'iy tropical frolti Jj * nd flantt. IstheBestandMost Agreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation , Biliousness , Keadnclie , Torpid Mver , Hcui- orrhoids , indisposition , and all Disorders arislnjr from an OD- structed state of tne system. iMl'.ca nnd children , nnd those who dbllke takUrt pills and nauseous rnediclnra , are espe- claUy ilensed with Its agreeable qualities. TMOPIOFRUIT LAXATIVE may be nsed in rll cisca that need the nld of a purgative . cathartic , orniwrlentmedlclnp.andwhileltpro. Uuccs the same result as the nffents Is entirely free fro-n the ntaal objections common to them. rackcd < in tronzed tin boiei ( jnly. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASSDRUGGISTS. 0. F. Qoo'mtn ' , Wholesale Agents , OmMia.Neb. HI A ttlTm local AeenU everywhere to ee , YlMN I til Tea , Coffee , Baktnfc Powder. Flavoring Extract * , etc , by sample , to families , Proat good. Outfit free. People's Tea Co. , EOT 2050. St. Lonls , Mo. NO CHANGING CARS BEMWKB1 OMASA AND CHICAGO , Wbei o Dire ct concectionj are Made With. Through Sleeping Car Lines TO New York , Boston , Philadel phia , Baltimore , Wash- AND ALL EASTERN CITiBS. THE SHORT LINE _ via PEORIA for lndianapolisCincinnatiLouis- ville. AVD AMi rOISISISIUB THE BEST LINE FOB ST. LOUIS , Where Direct Connections are made in the UNION IJEPO wllh Through Sleeping Car Lines tor all Points S O , TIic Kcw Line for 3VCOIITE3S. The Eavorite Eoute for The unequaled inJuceincnls offered by this Line to Travelers and TourijU , are as follow * : The celebrated Pullman ( IChtclj Palace falecp- Irg Cars , tun only on this Line. C. , I ) . & Q. PiliiCD lira wing-Boom Cors.with Borton'a Re clining Ch irs No extra cturgo for Seats in Recllnlni ; Chairs. The famons C. , B. & Q. Palace Dlninz Car ? . Gorjjtnm Smoking Can Ctted vith Elegant Ili h-Dackcd lU'tan Kerolviu Cluirs for the exclusiro use ot flrst-clasa pigjen * gen. gen.Steel Track and Superior Equipment , com * lined with their Great Hi roach Car Arrange ment , makes this , above all others , the favonts Route to the East , South , and South-Gist. Try it , and you will find traveling a luxury instead of t discomfort. Through Tickets via thn Ccle' rated Line for sale at ail offices in the United Statesand Canada. All information about Ratea of Fare , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , &c , will bo cheerfully given by ? to JMES R. WOOD , General Passenger Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTtR , General Uanazer , Chicago ! NE 1SSO. K.O.,3T.JO &O.BR.R. , la tha only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST S om OHAHA and the WEBT. Ho change o ! cara between Omaha and St. Lonb and bnt ona betiveen Omahs and New York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern & Western Cities With lesa chargea and In advance of other lines. This entire Ilao b equipped with Pullman's Palace Slccptog Carg , Palnco Da > Coach- o MIlIer'a Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated vycBtlngbC'BM Alr-Brake. THAT YOUR TICKET P-EADSTM U Kansas City , St. Joaah and"Bt S'ConncUmuffsU.R. for solo At tOI coupon statlona In the WCBI. J. F. BARNARD , A. C. DAWE8 , Ocn'l Rupt. , aeuT Paso. & Ticket Af't St. JMSV.II , Ho. 8t Joseph , Mo , W C. 8EACHREST , Tctai Agen. , lOSOFamhaio Htrcot , ANDY BORDEN , A. B. BARNARD , Para. Arcnt,0maha. don'rl Arent , Ointha. SIOUX CSTY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Heliable Sioux Ciiy Route ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! Proti COUNCIL BLTJPFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line la equipped with the Im proved Westlnghousa'Automatic Air Brakes and UUlcr Platform Coupler and Buffer. And fox SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT ta unsurpassed. Elegant Drawing Boom and Sleeping Carsowned and controlled by the com piny , run Through Without Change betwsen Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave tha Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 8:15 : p m. , leaching Sioux City at 10:23 p. m , , and St. Paul at 11X6 a. m , rocking J&-TEN HOURS IN ADVAHOB of AHT OTHBB ROUTB. Returning , leave St. Paul at B30 p. m. , ar rlrlng at Slouz City at 4:45 : v m. , and Union PaciUc Transfer Depot , Council Bluff * , at 0:50 a. m. Be sure that your tlokota road via "S. C. k P. E. E.1 F. C. HttM , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , low * ' P. E. BOBINSON , W ; Qen'l Paaa. Agent. J. Q. O'BRTAH , and Paaaenjer Agent , Conndl Bioffl AGENTS WANTED FOB CREATIVE SCIENCE and Sexual Philosophy. Prohuelv Illustrated. Themort Important n best hook published. Erery family wantslt. Extraorilinary inducements offered Agent' . Address ACKSTS'PcBUBnrvo Co , St. Lonls. Mo. HAMBURG AMERID H PACKET GO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships Leaving New York Every Thursday at 2 p. m. For England , Prance and Germany. For Passage apply to G. B. RICHARD & CO. , Psengfl Agentt , Broadway , NgwYork ISYQUttUME ! lo Pairw of VALUABLE AMD USEFUL PREMIUMS. Premium. For Each. SMibsoribor. As an inducement to.the patrons of THE BEE who are hi arrears for their. subscriptions to square their accounts and secure the patron * . " > ge of parties who desire a fearless and outspoken anti-monopoly paper , a staunch defender of the rights and interests of flic producing and industrial classes , an unwaver ing advocate of cheap transportation by the encouragement or competing railroads , and the breaking down of pools , and the prohibition ot extortion , discrimination and favoritism by common carriers through appropriate legis lation by Congress and the State Legislatures , a tried and true exponent Republican principles and an opponent of corruption in amy party , the pv.b- Hshers of THE BEE have decided to offer a list of Valuable Premiums wh ich are to be alloted and distributed among the subscribers who r < mit prior tc , the 18th of February , 1881 : FARM MACHINERY. 1 Ten Horse Power J. I. Case Agitator Separator Tvith horse power mounted on trucks , wagon for Separa tor , and all fixtures complete § 650 00 1 McCormick Harvester , with either Wire or Twine Binder 300 00 1 Elegant Side Bar Buggy - 175 00 1 " " " " ( Mitchell , lewis & Co. ) . . . . 165 00 1 Four Ton Moline Scale 100 00 1 Farm Wagon complete ( Caldwell ) 95 00 1 " " " ( Mitchell , Lewis & Co. ) 90 00 1 No. 4 American Horse Power Double Grinding Mill with Pulleys and all complete . . . . 90 t)0 ) 1 No. 3 American Horse Power Double Grinding Mill with Pulleys and all complete i75 OC 1 No. 2 'American Wind Mill Grinder 50 00 1 DeereRotary Corn Planter tvith Drill attachment. . i65 00 1 Deere Eotary Corn Planter. 65 00 1 Moline Corn Planter. 50 00 1 Spring Stack Cutter 50 00 3 Wind Mills ( standard makes ) @ § 85 25500 1 Gilpin Sulky Plow 65 00 1 Taylor OneHorsePower 50 00 1 Deere Cultivator 31 00 9 Fourteen Inch Beam Plows @ $20 280 00 1 Twelve Inch Breaking Plow. 26 00 3 Sets Harness @ § 45 185 00 5 Family Scales @ § 10 50 00 20 Doz. Steel Tooth Rakes. ( Greenwich MTg Co. , Ohio 80 00 2 Patent Farm Churns10 20 00 1 Horse Hay SweepHenry ( Grebe's make , Omaha , ) . . 20 00 1 Corn SialFRaker , " ' . " u . . 1600 " 1 SixHundrpd Pound Platform Scale 35 00 20 Cases Axle Grease @ § 5 100 00 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1 GrandPiano $500 00 IParlorOrgan 160 00 i " ' : 110 oo HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 6 Singer Sewing Machines @ § 60 § 360 00 6 Sewing Machines ( standard makes ) @ § 50 300 00 2 Base Burner Hard Coal Stoves @ § 40 80 00 2 Cook Stoves @ § 40 - . 80 00 6 Lounges @ § 25 150 00 5 Easy Chairs @ § 15 - 60 00 20 Bolts Lonsdale Muslin 100 00 200 Dozen Linen Handkerchiefs in half dozen lots 40000 300 Silk Handkerchiefs 300 00 REAL ESTATE. 40 Acre Farm within five miles of the City of Grand Island , Nebraska , ( seedescription elsewhere , ) . . . * § 320 00 SCHOLARSHIPS. 1 Life Scholarship St. Joseph Business College § 50 00 1 Life Scholarship Denver Business College 50 00 1 Life Scholarship Great Western Business College Omaha 50 00 " 1 Gold Watch Hunting Case § 85 00 1 " " " " ( Ladies ) 75 00 12 Silver Watches Hunting Case @ § 30 360 00 12 " " " " @ § 20 210 00 SILVERWARE. 10 Sets Silver Plated Knives ( Rogers Bros , make ) § 120 00 6 Sets Silver Plated Table Spoons ( Rogers Bros. make ) DO 00 4 Silver Plated Cake Baskets ( Rogers Bros , make ) 60 00 6 Sets Silver Plated Forks ( Rogers Bros , make ) 60 00 1 Silver Tea Set Six Pieces ( Rogers Bros , make ) 9000 6 Sets Silver Plated Tea Spoons ( Rogers Bros. make ) . . 36 00 6 Silver Plated Butter Dishes ( Rogers Bros. make ) . . . 90 00 SPORTSMENS ARTICLES. 2 Breach Loading Shot Guns @ § 35 § 70 00 1 Breach Loading Rifle 50 00 15 Revolvers @ § 10 150 00 200 Pocket Scales 200 00 JEWELRY , 12 Roll Plate Gold Vest Chains § 150'00 12 Silver Vest Chains 60 00 5 Sets Gold Jewelry 50 00 6 Plain Gold Band Rings 30 00 5 Pair Gold Cuff Buttons 30 00 5 Gold Collar Buttons 15 00 BOOKS. MAPS , ENGRAVINGS. 200 Literature Art and Song @ § 5 § 1000 00 50 Household and Farm Cyclopedia 25000 10 Webster's Dictionaries 110 00 2 Sets Schillers' Works complete , handsomely bound and translated from the German 20 00 2 Seta Chambers1 Encyclopedia 70 00 2 Sets Cooper Novels 70 00 4 Sets Waverly Novels 60 00 4 Sets Dickens1 Works 80 00 1200 Standard American Novels 1200 00 1100 Standard British Novels 1100 00 1025 Moore's Poems 1025 00 ' 50 Shakspeare's Works * 60 00 50 Milton's Works 50 00 50 Byron's Works 50 00 50 Campbell's Works ; . . . . - . . . . . 50 00 50 Heman's Works 5000 50 Herbert's Works 50 00 50 Scott's Works 50 00 50 Pope's Works 50 00 100 Tennyson's Poems 100 00 125 Wordsworth's Poems 125 00 300 Pocket Maps of the United States ( clothbound ) . . 300 OO 500 R. R. Maps of the United States with Map of N. W. States on Reverse Side 1000 00 500 Fine Engravings 50000 ADDITIONAL PREMIUMS. FEOM LEWIS & SONS HEADER FACTORY , HASTINGS , NEB. 1 of the celebrated Lewis Headers complete ready for work. . § 300 00 This machine stands at the head of the Header family , and is a splendid prize. FBOM THE KANSAS WAGON MANUFACT'NG Co. , LEATENWORTH. KAN. 1 of the celebrated Caldwell Wagons complete with top , box and extra finish § 100 00 FROM MORRISON BROS. , FT. MADISON , IOWA. 116-inch Sulky or Riding Plow § 65 00 114-inch Steel Beam Plow 23 00 1 Walking Cultivator. 30 00 1 Road Scraper - 12 00 DEER & MANSTTR & Co. , MOLINE , ILL. . 1 Deer Rotary Drop Corn Planter 60 00 1 Moline Rotary Drop "Corn Planter 50 00 1 Deer Rotary Drop Corn Planter with drill * attachment 70 00 1 Moline Spring Stalk Cutter. . 50 00 FROM PORTER'S IRON ROOFIN& Co. , CINCINNATI , OHIO. 1,100 feet of PorterVIron Roofiing . " v. 60 00 FROMMlLLARD , MASON & Co. , PAINT WORKS j BURLINGTON , lA. 10 Gallons Western Enamel Paint.- . 20 00 10 Gallons . B. &Q.R.R. Paint 20 00 10 Gallons Hawkeye Cottage Paint > . . , 20 00 15 Gallons Barn Paint - 25 00 These are the best paints known to the trade. FROM THE VANDIVER & QUINCY CORNPLANTER WORKS , QUINCY , ILL. 1 Barlow Planter with drill attachment 80 00 iBarlow Planter 60 00 1 Quincy Planter , . 55 00 FROM GEO. W. BROWN & Co. , PLANTER WORKS , GALESBUEQ , ILL. 1 of Geo. W. JJrown's Adjustable Planters , combined with Check and Drill Attachment. 90 00 This planter can be set for different width of rows , 1 of Geo. W. Brown's Favorite Walking Cultivators 35 00 FROM BORDEN , SELLECKCo. . , CHICAGO , ILL. 1 of the celebrated 4-ton Improved House , Hay or Stock Scales 165 00 FROM L. W. NOYS' FACTORY , CHICAGO , ILL. 2 of the Noys'Feed Mills , $10 00 each 2000 FROM THE THORN IRON HEDGE Co. , CHICAGO , ILL. Hot , 375 Ibs. , Painted Wire 5000 1 lot , 335 Ibs. , Galvanized Wire oOJH . . 1,000 Best American Novels . V.V..V.V..V.V.V.V.V. 500 00 J. Otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO A Ann nn The distribution ot these premiums will ta ' ° ° iSSi. All articles that can be sent by mail subscriber's address. Articles to be shipped .yarded to their destination with M j Tlie subscnption pnce of THE WEEKLY BERis Two Dollar Direct your remittances to THE OMAHA PUBUSHKO Co Koner or registered letter , who will forward a numbered premium wSchwM receipt be regjstered in a premium book. Each remittance should also riw oS direction as to post office address. Parties to whom articles are The distnbub'on will be made without , discrimination or favoritism through committee selected by the subscribers present at the time SeTwS SS& AllwearnatmthlS _ scheme is to collect our back dues and secure mentsfot and toextend our circulation over a gr prepay OMAHA PUBLISHING OMAHA. NEB. For COUGHS , COLDS BRONCHITIS , , ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and si ! Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. UbIe P P3"000 ln the known world. to By adding TOLU KOCK and 1Y1C lttl ; /0" * * " f * eTeHent APPOtlzer . < ! TonlS. for nraS and family n , . ThJ Md tb le./ ° nnme d Sally ar * the . Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. C AMTIflN "DOST BE DECEIVED by unprincipled dealers who try to paJm off npon von O &DICA'TTD S SS f S Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVEfU 1 Wisnnoiox , U. C. , nary 25,1880. / Kessrs. LAWREN02 & MARTIH , 1111 Madison St , Chicago , Ills. : j , . pAT ixMSTr. 3Sk csmpound. .In , * bo option of this office , wonM have a rofflclent qnantllv > MnFi * ° 8lTe U "U { hs ad"Dta ascribed to thla article In pectoral compIamU wt H M while the whisky and the syrup constitute an emulsion rendering It an aitreeablo remedy la tba & lo.'T > . .SSP ° midedocor < Jl11 ? to the 'onnnla. It may properly be classed as MEDICINAL ifv n S ? wHleT toe ProTlslon3 ot uS. . Revised Statutes and when 10 stamped , may le sold by Drmj rats , Apothesarleg and Other Parsons wltnout rendering them liable to pay tpeclal tax aa liquor dealers. Tours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GREEN. B. RATJM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GEOOEBS and DEALEES everywhere C. K. GOODMAN. AQEST. "UAUV. * * f yTHTR KZWABD COBRECT * . ri2 ? Proves beyond any reasonable question that tha CHICAGO 1& ! NORTH-WESTERN . sIs by all tnlds the best road for you to take when traveling In either direction between „ ! I" Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest/i Carcf ully examine this Map. The Principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make clowj connections with the trains of all railroads a * Junction points. = * - THE CHICAGO & . NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , In s' Hf nJep f5 California Dne. " "Winona , Minnesota & Central Dakota Line. " . r'P or-1 * ebraska & Yankton IJnc. " "Cliicaso , St. Paul and Minneapolis Line. * v nr. Illinois , i rceport & Dubuqne Line. " "Milwaukee. Green Hay & Lake Superior Line. " " ickeu over this recd are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States and Jtemembcr to ask for Tickets via this sure they read over Itand take none other. ' MABVIS flCamiT , Genl Manager , Chicago. ; oOV. 0. SISSSSTI , Genl Pass. Agent , CUlcago. HARRY P. UOELTtck t AientC. &N. W. Railway , 14th amlFarnham Btre.ts. 1) . B K 1MB ALL , JlB3jtant Ticket AzentC & X. W. RallmylJth and Farnham ttreeta. J. BELL. Ticket A cotC.&N. W. Railway , U-P. R. R. Depot. JAMtiS T. CLA.RK'Cenral iTHERS C * r * K H w And Everything pertaining to the Furniture ard TJpholstery Trade , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF MEW SOOD8 AT THE 1208 and 1210 Famhani Sired. THE COLOMBO USINESS COLLEGE Thlt Institution , located at Denver , tha Edu ktlonal an > l ComnieveU ! or.ter of tha Wert , ij pre-eminently lha b y.-sndmHt : practl- c\l of 1U Itlol far the ) F IERGAHTiLE TRAINING -0- YoungMenand Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , Fiasldent , D. W. OADT , SocreUny The most extensive , thorottjh and complata nsMlntlon of the kind In tha world. ThoaonJj of a ceo un .ants and Business men , la the prin > clpal cities and towns of , the United State ) , ows their succea to our coune of tralnlnz. The Eiejht Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies , Flno , now brick block , at Junction of three treai car Iloo * Eejantly Btt d and furnished apartments or the application of and carrying ont of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS TRAINING , Touag men who contemplate * bnfdnra llf j , and parents harlnar sons to educate , are parties * larly requested to eendfor our now Circular , nrhich will jive full Information as to termr , ocditlon ot entrance , etc. Address G. W. POSTEE , President , a3m Denver Colorado. SB. BOSANKO'S ' PILE REMEDY. iHTEHNAL , EXTERNAL , AND JTCHIH6 PILES oof * on tb mppllcatlon oCVt ao anko' 11 lo . * ertl7 epee tH part * mfltctt Ae Tomors , ollayiny Ul t * merlta. merlta.DO DO NOT DELAY rein tie OnUa oa the 7 > t B * TRY IT LOURED PRIGS , ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , a/A wfeea 700 can not obtala UerUm.iv Till s n < I It , prp l f , oa re etf > * ef > rl Jr. BoMako's Treatlte o PQ eBt Art ) ra application. Addro * DR , BOSAO MEDICINE GO. PIQT7A.O. C. F. OOOMAN Azen " 5 t r d3j it nora . bampit U > J I SUasoa * Co Portland , Us ,