Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 4

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    i11 IE DAILY
8 iturday Morning , Feb. 12.
F taraon sells coal
list ten ccut ci ar at Saxe's.
Lulnwlliulk tcrlumeatKahnV.
Ojfitew , 20 , 25 and S5c , at Buffet's.
Palmer's bulk extract at Hare' * .
Valentines at the 09 Cicnt Store.
Oranges and letnoas , 2-r > 2 per Aoz. , i
' 9-
Buff t'u.
Tha pay car went west on the U. T
Send in your church notices eariy to
etorrow , p'.csM.
Whpp ! irciiaian & Co. , the jewel
Block. o26-tf
ert , Crtlshton
Cwinne and her meme makers lef :
or Lincoln jesterday.
Bartlet CampbeU'd "Galley Slave" * 1
the Academy to-tight
" thousand dollars ti
county bonds. H. T. Cla ke.
Come tj tha "Temn.rauce Bee Hire'
ad get w imed up.
Grand fanlly matinee of 'The Gal-
le/SLve" Ihij afternoon.
W ileiire to call Attention to Crnici-
. ahank & Co.'s great sale of domestic
goxls advertised on first paje.
A rumored attempt at suicide by J
pre'.ty waiter girl at one cf our hotel' ,
Thursday , proved entirely utfoundetL
There was a light run of through pas-
sengeni west , only one San Francisco i > .is-
enger , a lady , belns ia the Pullaiat
The ganj : oagajed in opening tht
street railway yesterday pushed the worl
OB Ninth and Tenth streets nearly to the
depot. TLe green line is still abandoned.
The Zither club , a protniiing young
organkitijn , has secured the services ol
Prjf. Walther a * leader , aud will give i
gr nd coicert at Metz' * HeJl , Feb. 27.
Notvithstaudins the unusual amounl
of snow and rain-fal1 , no apprehensioni
are felt by tbo smelting works and TJ. P
shops managers of a flood , as both institu
Jens are well protected.
A petition , signed by a large numbo
of tbe leading men of the city , trus seu
to .the legislature Thursday , praying fo
the appointment of Mrs. Dr. Slaughter
Oiceola , M m&tron of the R form sell > 1
at Kearney.
Occidental Holt ; ! ,
corner of Tenth and Howard streets
J. J. Paynter , proprietor. Tbuho
tel hu been repiirod vni furnivhct
with iieir furnilure throughout , an (
affords firjl-clasa accommodation t <
the traveling public. Charges reason
Wilbur rcturneJ from th
east Thurelay.
aieasre. Urexel & Corliss returned j-estei
day from the cost.
HOD , Jolm L. Webs cr returned fron
Lincoln Thursday.
Sheriff Bonvell , of Albany county , \V
T. , wont webt Fridjy.
1J. Ayer , tha tte anil telegraph pol
contractor , went cast Thursday oTeiilns.
A. B. Clark , wife and child , left for
visit to Cincinnati Thursday.
Irtd McConnell , agent of the U. a
Salt Lake , came inlTlmrsday.
John J. O'Neill , division engineer o
he B. & M. in Nebraska , left for the ea :
Bill Nye , of The Boomerang , caine i
from th easVf yesterday and prcceede
to Laramie.
S. D. Street , county clerk of Pattawa' '
tomie county , Iowa , was 11 the cit
S. B. Jlillard , of the North Bend Bu
letin , was a eouth-bo nd pasienger on t :
B. &iL Thursday.
Ex-Governor McCaok , of Colorado , an
a party of friends , paueed through Omul
Thursday afternoon on their way cast.
Boats ,
cheap ,
n. DeUs & Co.'e.
i t Rubber Boots ,
* * at WHITNEY'S.
( *
r v
More Masquerades.
.In addition to the masq a erodes a
ready&nnounced , there will take plat
at the Omaha Turner's Hall , th
evening , February 12 , a gran
"Ktader-Masken Ball , " or children
masquerade , which will be very ei
tertalnlng and interesting.
A privata masquaradj party z
Masonic hall is announced for Wee
xmday evening , February 23rd , nude
the management o ! the following ej
ecutive committat : Wm Brotri
chairman ; E. L. Armstrong , S. I
Atkins , O. D. Munsoa , Fred. Picl
ens , Wm. Askwith , T. S. Cutry ,
G. Maletteand Chu. Chenay.
The music will ba furnished b
Prof. Hotfman and Jack Gallaghe
will act as prompter. None but pei
on > baring iuvitatlo&s will be ad
milted , and the Decision will ia ever
tray be pleasant aud enjoyable.
BONNEB1309 , Douglu street , h :
the largeit ni bent itook of Houi
FarnUhiug Goods ia tha city , cod
Booti ,
5' f
V jut received ,
: Rubber Boots ,
r ' at WHITNEY'S.
The Cth annual Turner masqnerac
ball will take place .at Brandt
Tarn-Ball on Tneaday , February 2
Boats ,
at H/Doni.B Co. 'a.
t t Died.
Zsssnr Migdalens Wtlhelmlns
daughter of Loaa and Carl Zessii
Jfeb , llth. Funeral from Jackso
between llth and 12th streets Sunda
.at 2 p. m.
Rubber Boots ,
. . a' WHITNEY'S.
Another Blcclsade on the Rail-
The storm whicli began CJtly yw-
terdayhaa bcii raiiimvith violence
all day and the efficfc en trains proni-
i ea to bewoiso than that of Sunday's
snow and sleet. It appesra to come
from llio wcct , but prevsils north and
sjuthof UB with equal seventy aud
raUroad men laft Friday with the ex-
p.cUtion h&vicg a icrrible ride.
The eastern traiiiS began thu day by
coining in mo.'o or leas lato.thc North
western btitig two hcurh' behind tin.e
and dclajiug the west-bound U. P.
train borne time.
Tno U. P. branch to Lincoln al
ways luffers from a snow storm , atd
; he nocn train up from the capital had
not arrived at Valley yet when the
mail train left this point.
The reports at the Union Pacific
isadquirtora at noon Friday from
> oiuts along the line aa far as Ogdcu ,
saow thit the -iorm of - enow ex-
tendtd west of Grand Wand and that
113 drifting considerably. There Is
no snow at North Platte , but It was
cloudy and witdy. At Sidney aud
Jheyonno clearjcold [ weather vras rc-
poncd. Thera waa snow at Ogden
rcatsrdiy , but at Evanston and
3roen ILver it WAS c'ear aud calra.
Pho thermometer varied from 20 °
above at Ogden to 2 ° abova at Clicy-
eano. AlOjaaha it was 10 ° above zero.
On the Omaha lino-of the St. P. ,
3. C. & ii. road two trains have been
may at work for some time , one
working soutli from Oakland and one
north from Tekamah. It wu ox-
) ected that the line would be open Fri
day and the rtgular train started 03 !
; hia mornirg from'Omaha Aftci
irocoedlng ashort Jihlanco it bec\m <
evident that Uio trip was out of ib (
question aud the train returned t :
this city. The presznt storm will , i
it continues , undo all that has bcei
The Sioux City Journal says of lh (
north end of this line and IhoudjiceiH
roads :
It is expected that ; h2 St. P a
line will ba opened from tha sout'i tc
Sheldon last ev * nin ; . Ucyond there
is a cut of 1,200 feat Ion ; , with snow
Erom three to nine feat desp. Thert
are seven picnocr triins and several
hundred rcen at work clearing tlu
linn , but it ia not expeciod to get ths
fob completed so aa to Lend out a trail
until to-morrow.
On the Central the track vra : clcsrcc
sMfitslo and beyond Hcuuon.
thi first station east. The force o :
engines aud two hundred men
nndcr charge of Snperintendeni
Paricr , which kft Fort Difg3 ycslcr'
d y in- ming , wai rp rted ac Nuw < .I
at noon , end. it ia hopaJ , would EUC-
caod in clearing the track last even-
tn f , but failed todo , a" . It is possible
that ( he clearing of the track may bs
finish ad this morning so as to send
out a i rain cm time this afternoon.
"Tht Yantton lina fcai had a run ol
bad luck , truly. Aftir getting Int
engiuo aud tender on the Irack at th (
Sioux bridge , the jiroccsjion starkc
for th's city. It csnsialed of the livi
engine that htd been pulling the derailed
railed and dead engine ou the track
As the track WES heavy , the cars o
the train wore left standing wher
they were. When near the Dry Ilm
these engines stuck in the ice , hoi
tie melUd enow tht had frozan o :
the rai's. ' It- was than necesiary t
Bjnd in to the city and gat a St. PdU
enjfoo to pud in th olhs-r two. A
engine was then sent b&ck for the cat
on the track , and jjot in with ther
just after midnigUt yesterday murr
Since the irain left for Yankton , o
Monday st nooa , until it xeached tii
- morninConducto
city -yesterday ; ,
Graham had bsen woiking ineojaaullj
and was rewarded by getting ha trai
In the third day after he etattsd o
the trip. And this WAS doing we
considering tha run of bad luck. Th
train left for Yas klon air the nsu :
time in the afternoon , and vrhea la :
heard from was making schedul
lime. "
Fresh eggi 30 cents per dt zan i
NYillis M. Yale- . , It
" 0'yer-
Shoe a
- ' * '
- - ivt- -
II. Donru & Co ,
Shccs ,
in Oaiaha ,
_ at
atU. DOIILK & Co.'a ,
Leading Shoo Store.
Hubbar Boots ,
Mr. P. Smith who has been wit !
BIr. A. N. Kerr , on 21st and Cnm
mlngs ttreet for several years past
will open a fine saloon at the north
east corner of IGth and Camming
street to-morrow night "with a fre
lunch. Mr. Smith hs clocked hi
place with the choicest line of wines
liquors and cigars in tbo market , am
will entertain his friends aud patron
In good stylo.
Workingmen know whofe to go fo
your drink of pure- Kentucky 10 cen
whiskey , imported filna and Irk !
whiskeys , Btidweiaer beer. Agent fc
St. Gotthard Bitters.
D. L. McGccKUf ,
jan 27-lm 314 South 10th St.
TUlrd Ward Voters Seglfatraiici
Notice is hereby given that I wil
sit at my office ( up stairs ) northeas
cornsr of 14th and Douglas streets
the 10th and 14th t-f February , 1881
forjiddltion and correction of the SK
ward registration list , for me at thi
special election of counciiinsn cf salt
3rd ward , , JVifcL H. BJLEV ,
Jl gUlrar of 3rd wtrd
Mjsleroas Disappearance o ! a
Too Much Loved Lady.
The laltst sensation in lha cily and
one which may eventually bring some
of the pirtleaiulo consider * ! ) ! * trouble ,
was reard Thursday for Ilo fir t t'iro
> y our reporter and for the faots hire
mrratcd no need hat existed to
rpcn tha imagination to maka them
Some months Fgo a younz lawyer of
this city fell violently in lova with a
> 3au iful girl about eighteen yeara of
ago , whoso father was drowned some
years ago iu the Mitaouri and who is
working for her living , and IB an hoii-
osr , industrious young woman. The
orer w&a not ai > pure in his Inten-
ions as he might have been , and the
firla friends growing suipicious
of him waraad her to
jok out for him and tha profited by
tha advice so far LA to conceal herself
very oiTcctivelv from both lorer and
She had ono relative , a younger
jrother , left who was attending ono of
ho country schools at thu _ time and
whoso talent aud studious
character made him a great
avcrite jith the teacher , a sin
gle gentleman about thirty-fire years
old. The brother had previous to Lia
slater's disappearance introduced Lia
, ulor to her and ho falling violently in
eve too , had proposed nd been re
jected to his great mortification.
On the ditappearanco of the g > rl he
suspected her other lover and the lat
ter suapocted the pedago us. The
brother suapcciol 'both , end hence A
veryjnica inesa. The whereabouts oi
the girl are what her friends was t'to
lied out , and whit all want
to find oat and that is 'known
to but three portions , cue < f whom IE
our informant. It ia said tint boll
genilemcn are w tchiug othei
and the attorney eapecial'y dogs hii
rival's steps every time he leaves the
house at night. It promises to devel
op into a first class sensation before
it is done with.
Juts received at TUB BEB Jol
Rooms the nicest line of diminuiivc
I3 par aud Envelopes asd Cards , suit-
ablu for tJlrildreu'a Birthday Parties.
Call and sea them.
Police Court.
In the polios % court yestordaj
three Irauino , whoso t rm on iha cily
rock pile had just expired were up
again and were given fifteen d yc
each in the county jail. The j tloi
was instructed io furnish them but
ono meal p.-r da lSi put them nt
BOino healthy exes P" Tt is only fun
to these fallows to tcrva In the ctj
pen and hence the above sentence.
Charles Whitney was arrested by of-
Seer Ford yestordy on the charge ol
be'tig a confidence man. He was 8
one nrtned ino&nsiffe looking individ
ual snl being required to give bail IE
the sum cf S300 went off with the
deputy marshal and soon returnee
with Mr. Luke Kinusy who put uj
the amocnl in cold cash for thi
appearance of the prisoner at 4 p. m
to-morrovr. The increase in th <
games played by confidence raon elate
late is rsnurkable , and the officer
are on the lookout for them. Wo an
informed that thro h a gang of tei
iu one place in this city , who worl
the depots , trains or any other prom
ising fi ld. They shonld b closel ;
investigated , and if guilty
delt with to the extent c
the law. It would not b
a mus for the railroad companies d
put op again the old familiar publ !
notices , "Biwaro of thieves , pcl :
poikets and confidnuce men" in thi
waiting roomr.
A thief was caught Thursday aftei
noon by ote of El utier's cltrks , i ;
the act of earning away a pair of pan
talooons left hanging'out in front o
the store as a sign. Ha was landed li
jail on the charga of petit larceny.
A dispute balrcen Frabk Goodrlcl
and Divid Van E ton concerning th
ownership of a dog , yesterday after
noon resulted in the former &hakinj
his fist in Mr. Yan Etten's face am
making some threatening remarks fo
which he was fined by Judge Hawe
§ 1 and costs.
Congratulations by Telegram.
J5 The followirg telegram was Thurs
day sent to Yoik , Penn. , to b
handed the parties addressed at thet
wedding dinner , previous to leavinj
for the west.
OMAHA , Neb : , Febmiry 10 , 1881.
Mr. and ilia. John Q. Jacobs :
Accept congratulationa oi
M. O. Maul , G. H. Guy , E. Gish
0. If. Ramsey , M. H. Parish , Jim ,
Stevenson , F. CL Drezel.Wm. Nelich
T. M Henderson. Geo. Mcdlock , W
15. Browning , E. T. Dnke , Jaa. M *
Michael , L. E. Bsaumont , Dick Kitchen -
chen , C. W. Mped , G. W. Homan , H ,
A. BLoman , J. F. Saeel y , Frank J.
Ramgo , L w. W. H ll , G. H. Boggs ,
Chus. S. R pp.G. S. Goodrich , Spene.
Stover. C. H. Withnell.
Ksal Ettate Transfers.
Omaha National Bank to C. E.
Bruner , q. c. d. , lot 8 , tlk 11 , Shmn'a
1st add. , Omaha § 1.
Ezra ilhlard , trmteo , toChas. . E.
Bruner , w. d. , lot S , blk 11 , Shiun'a
1st add. , Omaha ? 550.
Guorge and Sophia L Olayoi to the
county of Douglas , w. d. , lils 3 , 7
and 8 , blk Hi. Omaba 88,850.
Auutu3 Kountzo and wife to
Chas. Kiufmann , w. d. , w lot 35 ,
Kountza'a 2.1 . add. , Omahag500. .
Gen IT. Boggs and wife and Lsw
W. H > 11 to Peter and James Liddell ,
w d. w i lot 3 , block 50 , Omaha-
U. P. railway company to Geo. H.
Boggs and Low W. Hill , w. d. e nw
1 , sec. 10 , 1 10 , rile $560.
Henry V7. Rowley and wife to Ed
ward G. Humnhreys. w , d. nnd. i ol
jnrtsw nw , sec. 15 , 1 15 , r 13 e
Andrew J. Hanscom and wife tc
Oicar F. DJVS : , w. d. , ne. | sec. 10 ,
and nw. % sec. 11 , I. 16 , r. U e , lj-
Clarence J. Canan to W. T. Seaman ,
w. d. , lot 15 , blocks 5 , Bogs & Hill'i
add. , Omaha 5300.
212 13.h street near Masonic Hal !
guarantee strictly "first class workj'
promptness. Give ns & triah
* - -
The Legisl-ituie Disposing of its
Business With Neatness
and Dispatcb ,
A large Kurnb'r of Bills Per
fected and Put Turough '
the MiU ,
The Shanghai Chicken Re
turns to His Roost and
Swallows His Own
The Charter Amendments in
the House.
Sp < cirl Correspondence ofThcEec.
LINCOLN , February 10. Mio fol
lowing house bills ViC-o < Bussed , oacli
with emergency clauatj :
The bill to allow Polk county to TIEC
$4,200 of the sinking fund for con <
struction of court house , but first re
quiring a majority of the rotera ol
said county to vote in favor of EC
The bill providing that ell cities
now governed ra cities of tbe firsl
class aud aH cities of inoi'o than 25 , <
003 inhabitants shall bo sovurneu bj
provision * of tbo act entitled ' 'Cltie :
of the first c'asj. " Also
The bill providing that nil citic :
and Villages of more than 1,000 anc
leas than 2,500 inhabitant ] Bhall b <
considered cities o ! lha second class
unless they bhall adopt a village gov
A resolution wai. iatroducod bj
Ssnator Turner requiring the clerk o !
the supreme court to inform the sen
nte what fee ! ) have bocu collected am
retained by him , oith-sr an clerk ;
eaid court or a * state librarUu , in
dition to the salary allowed . .by.Hw ,
Adopted piihout debate.
A communication WRS received fioti
the agent of the agent of the Atncri
can express company offdricg to cirrj
free oTchargo ar.y packagoa which th <
members of llio sunato , DS in.ivida
als , wlah to send over their linos. Or
motijn ortsenator Myers , the com
muuica'lion was received and phcad
on file.
Senator ilyara made aa oxplanatlor
and'apologv Having called the sen'
ator from York caun.y "a kanvo or t
foal , " " during the discussion of tht
" ur.fljwecbill. Sanatcr "Myers sni3
-I used languat'o which I now con *
tidor dmpiopsr and much ragrtt. ]
did not , however , allude to the aena-
tor-bnt'to thu person % ho drew wpth
bill. T know from personal experience
that bills introduced hsre Brc dr.iwL
up by outaldo parties and it vian aucli
person , not n member , that I had ii :
mind. "
Senator Daane'a bill to amend tlu
act providing for the division and dis
posal of ostf.tta cf "dtcodents" was
passed , with einergancy clauro.
Senator Myor ? , from Ihu committee -
tee on railroads , reported unfavorabij
upon his osrn bill , S. B. 80 , providing -
ing infliction of a penalty upon tny
.one accepting or using a fico rues up01
a railroad.
Senator Taylor , from the Fpecial
committee on medical legislation , re <
ported a suts'ituta ' for thu two bill :
to rfguiato the practice of mediclm
which were vua'erduy indcfimUlj
; postponed. Tha new bill provulrs
tint every person desiring to practic <
medicine shall iirst rep.iitcr with tlu
county clerk his name , agt1 , etc. , ant' '
when and where he has practiced
And no pars n shall so register unlea :
ho be a graduate nf some InstiiuUoi
competent to cr.nfer the degree o
doctor of medicine , or shall hwo nrac
tlced mtdlcino for the term of tw <
ye rs.
Among the bills inL-oduced wen
one by Sanalor Perkins , rfquirinj
any person to procure a Hcenso ti
buy intoxicating liijuora , piying there
for the sum cf 810 to the school /m3 ; :
J3 foa procuring such license heshal
bring a certificate of good chaikC't ;
and give bauda not to get drunk
This PcorsB shall bo good for nm
year , and any person holding such li
C3DBO who shall get drunk hill ; forfcl
htslicanao and p j a Cue of § 15.
Another bill by the aime senate ;
establiahos the oflico cf county attor
nev , who shall bo elected by the pee
pie , and bayo a s larv of § 200 to § 1 ,
200 , according lo the number of in
habitants in his county.
Senate file G3 was considered ii
committee of the wholo.
Th taxt of thin bill is aa follows ;
"That saction 8 of nn set entitled
"An act to protect cultivated laudf
from troapn a by stock" approvnr ]
March 8,1871 , be amouded to re d a :
follow * :
"Section 8. Cultivated lind * withlc
the meaning of this act ehall Include
all forest trsea , fruit treea and hadgo
rows planted on anitl lands ; a'so nil
lands surrounded by a plowed alrif
not leaathau ono rod in widih , whicli
strip shall bo kept in a plowed condi
tion free from grass and weeds "
Senator Tafft rnored an &mendmotI :
Bubstitntlng "ten feet fjr "one road. '
Senator Goane made a motion u
strike out all that portion of the bill
after iho words "on said land * . "
These amondmenia a pro
longed discueaioa ; Senator Dome
claiming that any tuch bill as tlrs
would wnrk incalculable injury to thu
cattle interest ; . Ho" said that undei
this act , any owner of land could take
up stock which hipponed to crosa nu
Imaginary line upon tha prshie , ti k-
the law into their OT.-II hand ? and
virtually conbscate the oauli. He be-
libved that this law conferred upon the
owners of grass lands mush-mora thin
they had ever asked for and had bscn
denied by Uio supreme court ; tbni ii
would cause tronblo among nsighbor ?
and that it would ba detrimental to
the interests of the whole state.
Senator Piercosaid thbro ia now no
protection for tbe grtss lands end they
are in many cases as valuable as culti
vated lands. They should have their
hay protected as well as their grain.
Setiatir Turner thought every mia
should ba projected in r.cquiritig
property and If ho cltcso to make
money by raiainp grass and hay , caltla
should not ba allowed to como in
and destroy his property.
Senator Tefft said ho would not in
sist upon his amendment , but he did
insist that cattle owners are or should
be as much liable , for damsge upon
.grass lands M any other. Oaa-mau
might devote hb time nnd capital to
producing timber , another might want
to raise cabbages and a third apples.
All these shonld be prctectid and eo
should the man who raised hay.
Sanator Myers poke upon both
aides of the bill and naked to bo ex
cused from voting. He said the bill
would benefit the eastern part of the
state , but would be prejudiciaHo the
west , nnd if compelled to vote he
would ba for the eastern partin which
he lived.
Senator Doane , by consent , added
< o lila amendment , the following ,
"and insert in the pl ca oi
the last . .clause , 'and for all damages
which nii y he sustained by tha tres
pass of alecs upon other Ihm the cul
tivated lands , the owner of the land
may have c'vil notion. ' "
S u.itor Daaau'a a.r.cndmondmcnt
sras Jos' ' . '
Mr. Dojino Then moved to rraend
by makinw the pb > v ? d btrip "three
foot. " Lost.
Air. D auo moved toinaert ' 'on all
lando on wh-oh a * . k ait , ono ncrdelull
bu Dlovred in p chlCO acres. Lj t.
S"intor Tofit'rt emeudraant was then
otod upon and lost.
Senator Doaua moved lo amend by
making the Iastcl us red , "Shall bo
plowed ot-ce a year " Cirriod. "
The bill was referred back from the
committee of tha whole with the
recommendation that it do p.vss.
The committee of I ho whole then
considered the bill to allow cattle and
other stock belonging to residents cf
the territory hnram described to run
at largo on McKUick's Island in the
Miaiouri river tha comtltutiug
Island precinct of Nemaha county.
Senator Donne objected to the psrt
of this bill which confers special prlvi-
legon upon the residents of that island
and denies thorn to the oth r citizens
of the atalb , and claimed such. Icgiala
iion to ba unconstitutional.
The bill was recommended for pas-
Sena'pr BiHrnlineinlroducod a bill
makiog it unlawful for any corporation
or individual to charge mora than one'
half cent ptr mile , in addition tc
requUr r'Jlroad face , for any person
riding ia A Pullcno , pilaw , or sleeping -
ing car , and Cxlog the penalty f > r vlo-
lutlou ilinriiui.
The following resolution was offer c
thu morniog , by Jlr. FrAuao , of Cum
ing :
Whorcaa , einca the yaar A. D 18CO
lands ( a part of the national domain ]
B.crecly ; balonging to the people of tl.c
United StatcB , have baon granted tt
pvlvalo corponitions , iu opposition tc
tha rights of the people , and ,
Whorpaa , Br reason of said Und-
granl * , in f .xtont cqunl to an empire ,
the people have bojn dcspoiha of
thpir jnst righta ,
Hesolceil , That it H the senae oi
this hinuo th t all public lands should
bi josefvod for liomoj for the people
of our states , and that no tnoro hnd
gran Is rliould bd made lo endow mon
opoliel- .
On motion of Mr. Kyner , of Doug
1 * ° , th.3 resolution was tabled.
Among lha hills introduced was the
charter amendment bill , which the
DougUi deloAtioa hive spant so
much lima in diacnsaini ; .
Jir. MoShaue , c.f Djuglns , moved
that the bill be rtfeircd to the Doug-
kat delegation.
Mr. Bartlett , h'a colleague , thought
tha bill should be referred to some
otbtr coainiitton , which is entirely
disinterested. Tilers w s B cUuao in
the bill concsnuug city indobtediieis ,
and he wanted tbo justice of thai
cbuso considered by an unbi til
court.Mr. . McShano sjtidh \ objeci it :
viiisj thu bill referred the the Doug
las delegation was to &eo if tha bil :
had been drawn according tc the cn-
clutiona airived at in the recent dis
cussion of the s-rucndacuts. lie die
pot know of any provisions in the bll !
to repudiate l50,000 ? of city iudnbted-
ness. Ho detiud the gentleman tc
point on t any c ! icsc in it t h J t aanctionct
rcpudiitijii. If there h auA a clause
in the bill ho wanted it referred to the
delation fur investigation. Ilo do'
nu-d jjlr. Birtlcl'u'a delegation of yus
terd.iy tliat the bill was a democrats
Mr. Kyaor said that Sir. Brtlell
_ _ sou sick during the discussion ol
the e amendmenia and did not heal
them. Th delegation wanted tht
bill referred lo them for cloaer con
Mr. Bartlelt thought the gontle-
imn's critaj'sai very good on his re
mark aa to the bill being a democratic
Rchouia. .Ilo TUW no SY lud tiiaiy H > i ;
because the bill H-JS jam from a'dotu
ccr t of the city council of Uaiaha tea
a democratic luomber. Ilo had been
treated unf.iriy in that ha litd not
been consulted about the bill. H
denied thst ho opposed It on the
grounds thut it repudiated the sewer
bondi , a ho did not w nt to cast ony
unjust rtfi cliona. What he desired
was that the bill be referred to a fail
and unbissnd cummittce of the honeo.
that it might bo considered falrlyand
thought the house would give i . "A <
a m\tt ir i.f fnirues I nn willing to
pro.eut If c so es PD rpp ise tnd I
think ilr. Cro < ch it v/ith we. I hope
; in1 shail cne.ivor > to h ve R f lr and
araicsbla aT Hganiont before It goes
to the nomraittee. I hops td de irf
iiarinony end shall rork to tint e d. [ ]
hope ti ! < - gentleman's motion will not
prevail "
Mr. Jaeksor. : "We re not infavoi
oi repudiation I d&ro ssy that we
cm Gx the uutler up between ui. "
Mr D-srloU : "I < 2n't doubt th <
they cm fix it up. That io just whal
I -mnt to i rovido ugaitsit "
The question a * los1' . Mr. Hart-
lett ttjuved tlijjt the bill bol-efsrred to
th" committee ) on citici and torrni ,
which BBS e-irrird.
Mr. Jidksou'i hph license bill ,
v.lch ; : tLo commuted of ( lift whole
yra'orday socomiucndutl to p * s as
amundtd , wc i.ln i revived this
moiijing. ilr..Stlor ) , of Hid tVillow ,
moved tift' ! i ; bo rccoinmttttd 10 the
general fi'w.
JVIir Slocumb amended that It be
made a tpicml ordnr of the day for
no t Tceedsy 2:30 : oVock. Carried.
Thu hoiiio then v/outiuto * . commit
tee of the whole , jnd took up bill No.
20 , fo c iiuptil th ? uttscdpuico of
school children baf > T on the gos of 3
and 1 ( > \ea > B. The couitatttoo re
ported tt lack to the LKUSB with tko
> e-oniEudaiion : that it b : piuacd.
House bill 33 , M McDou all's
nivnorul end joint resalu.toa to cpn-
sjrfsa , rela'ivdto uujait disjrirn.uion
by ra'lroadfi , ] > rayii'g ' for nslief , was
next c'Huidercd. ' On caution of
Eitnw , < f Seuuhp , the blt ; waa rao-
oiamundi-J to pi , without a dia-
teutiug voles.
Mr. IlDwe's joint reao'ution pro
viding for the submission to the elec
tor * i f thu tUto of Nebraska an
aiufiidiiieni to lht3 constitution pro-
hibilini : the maiit-f jcturo and sale of
in'oxicitir.g It | uurrf .Ti'.liin the state
of Nebraska iraa nest in order. This
bilt ia lo pioh.l it the u anufac'.uro cf
Hqunr except fi r scientifjc and med
icinal purposas.
T Ir. Dailey , of Rod Wil'ow , want-
tdj ihe * ord "aacrarnonlal" included
with " -cieutific tnd nit d'cinal. "
Mr. C Ee , i f Clay , made a long ap-
pal to the house to lova out all of
thee oxcttioiu. They were lha
desth of aU previous prohibitory leg
islation Everybody 'vould be fiiok
when they wanted whi ky ,
A r. Rmsom , of O.oe , offered an
amendment to aec'ion one of the bill ,
providing for acliou against the state
by reason cf loss or damage to prop
erty in cao this law passed. Ho held
that it wou'd bo uncon titutioiial for
us to pass a bill rendering valueless
the prop r y of any man without in
demnify ing the owner. He asked any
lawyer upon the floor of the house if
his position not correct.
Sir. Ivaley , of Webater , thought it
would ba constltu'ional to prohibit
the manufacture of liquor without in
demnifying the owner of aueb manu
facture. „
Mr. Hansom qaolod from a decision
of Justice Bradley , of the i U. S. MI-
preme court , in a case which came out
of the Iowa prohibitory law , which
s.ot forth that the owiur mnat ba in
demnified to the fu'l value , where said
property W.VB acquired under tha law.
You niiko Ilia busineaa lawful one daj
and a cnmo ( he next. Ha asked ,
Would it be just to render a man's
property valucleai without granting
him dauiajti ? The supreme ccuit
save that you cannt.t do it. Ilo find
Effornto obey ihe constitutor , and
would never vote /or / any meceure
which would bo unconstitutional. The
diBtillorioi in the staio were worth
half a million dollars The owners
had cime among us and ongagrd iu a
Unful buaiuese , and , before you can
taka it away from them , you must
pi" them for their propersy nrery
i rthing that It Is worth. He referred
to Nebraska stitutei , pae-27G ; , fee
tion 21 , laws of 1869. where U aya
the property of , any per or > , whori
damaged for pub'Io ' UBC. mas' ' . On
fuily recompensed. He .rgiicd
h t prohibition was apublic D easm * ,
and the amendment which ho h.d of
fered provided for just whatthi > * epro.
visions say must be provided for. He
didn't want It ald that this legi.Iaturi
was a highway robber , in this bo > sted
land of liberty. Does the stal * aiil
ii heralded abroad that she enfor e ;
such lairs ? Would she want the fad
printed In * 11 the languages and pcatec
up In Oastl * Gardoa for the omlgranU
to readl He did not stand on thi
HOT of tfco house an an advocate o :
the grog shops , or In the interoals t :
any mm. It waa his duty to protec
tha interests of his cocstitnentu , ant
no min conld stand agiiost the as
thority on this question which sayi
that no properly shall bo taket
away from a maa withcu
recompense thorefor. Under then
oondltiors could ike members of tl.i
houie refuse to vote for bis amend
ment to give these men their jns
rlhu ? Ho hooed ( ? ) the gentleaet
from Webster , would not dointRe th
property of these distilleries tt Nebraska
braska City and Omaha. "If re w n
to act wisely In this matter , In th
light of thene ntntutes I think we h (
bettor mske th provlilona for reim
burslnp these men for their property.1
] VIr. Ransom's remarks were listens !
to with marked attention , the lobb ]
and gallwio bolng jacked lo the !
fullest cjpsclty.
On motion of Mr. Whedin , of Lin
castor , the committee srose and thi
houw adjourntd , to take the rnatto :
up to-morrow. J. B H.
T. M C. A. MontnlyReception. .
The monthly oocitl reception cf thi
Young Meu'a Christian Asaociatioi
will be hold at their rooms on Mon
day evening coxt , and thoia who at
tend may expect a pleaiant lime
Ameng these who will take psrt in thi
programme are Mr. Jay Northop , Mr
Will Stevona aatl aiatonr , Misaes Qua
slo Peck , Etta Banner , Uzzlo LeUei.
riog and Heisri. Fostcor aud frient
with thtir zithers. The atsooiation'
double male qaartette , toapCBed o
Meaara. J. R. Cannon , A. G. Chtrl
ton , first tcnora ; Gee T. Bowser , Al
len Jk.ckeuu , second tenon ; llabt
Swayne , J. 0. Gresne , firat bisi ; C
N. Fogg , Harry Richards , secoui
bus , will eiag also. These reception
hive proven very pleasant , * ni th
ootnuiittee will leave nothing undon
to uake them enjoyable for every one
Every member should bring a friend
IvOrjCE Advertisements To Loan , For Sale
Lett Found , WanU , Boardlcf , ti , will ba In
ssrled in thojo co'unua once for TEN CENT
rr line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENT
per line The first insertion never Its * lha
TO U8 * - M3ET.
> t LOW once
t > . I. . 7HOUA8. no m S. Oreehton ! Bloci
C2fRT TO LOAK 1108 Faruhara gtrect
M Dr. Cilurar&i Loon A roacy. noy-22-'J
TTTANTEU A joanst niin wiihea a clcrkshl )
VY In nho'e ' leorretal'drygoxl3orgrnccr
s'or , orwcnld < io otflce work. Addrew E Is
D. , for. IBtb aud Unit St. , Omaha. 827-12
ir.D U smart men to travel Rmonj
ba&liieu men in this and other BtaUe
at 1410 FttruLaro , Oinala , Neb. B21-H
ANTED-A kitcten girl at the
r-AJ TED-Sitoation by a wldiw l dy ti
, , keen home for widower. Rtferences re
quired. Gill on 831 South17th street. 125-10
WA.NTHD Situation by a Rood girl. In
quire i < uth u de of Fanihtm , betwcct
16th and l'thg r eta. 824-10
WANTF.D At ) cd c'rl ' for general house
Ttori.must bo giol : ook and TMhoi
and Iron.r. Ajp ] y loutheait comer 20th | ani
CiIifornSaBu. 315-tl
\TTANTED-tOO wentg. Splandid Photi
YV Fa-nllr-Eeoord Plctara. B it p jlr (
thing : in tbo United SUle * . For proof and term
adilresa 0. H Bliort Chlcaf n. S14-0-d&w
" \T7"AKTKD A. jond cook. Woman prefercd
V V M . UoOoy , Poppleton St. , bstween 20tl
oad 23d. K17-12
" \T7"ANTED Oirl wanted at Relcece't re tanr
VV mt , Cor. 13th and J l oa BU. 818-1 ]
ANTED A fint-elm geryant jirl by i
email frally. Mtiit be a teed cook and
tborcngbly rrmpeUnl to do all the writ , ia
cladlif wiillnjr : , Ironlnf , Ac. Liberal wij
paid and tliUAii'n permantnt. flo ona .mod
* r ply who cannot fir * flnt-cIaiB r f r nrc ute
to vb rtct r , abtliiy and cleanlioeu. Af ply at
corner 'Sth and B > m y itreeU , or at 2304 ,
Dodgt itreet. SIS tt
\T7 ANTED ll'tla girl U take car * of bmbj
> Y during working lioura. call In tha ( ran-
inir at northeut corner SlxUonth and Douglas
A good laundress , at the Occident
al Hotel , corner lOlh aud ilamvy etrouta .
An experienced kutcter WinU
WAnTAD a meatiaaiketi ntomeim&ll woot
em town , where thre ic none , ox whore oae Is
needs i ; would Uke a reliable partner. Address
B. K. W bb , Jtttijai. D.koU Co. , Veb. 80-tf
TTT AKTE&-A good kouie-kMEtr , 1109 Fsrn
\y hatn tr et.pp > ulr . St-tf
[ TIORKEf.T-A nltely furaUlied front room
Jj for eentlemiD , centially loca' iJ. U quire
kt 141 ! HuwirJ b tw < cn 14t ! > ( nd Hth Bt' .
8 att
N1CEL7 board. ut blj fjr tenilemui ani
bdy , 1Mb and CalUorn'a ' strocU. ( white hons. . )
T710R BEST Hueljr furniihed Iron room
I * out side , at 1310 Darenport &t. 195-tf
"O OE KENT Kew house , aglit rooms , hard
J [ aod soft water , on 2SU and Can Sta. En *
quire 507 12th St. _ 128-tf
HKNT 4. luralahoJ , m/uth lent room.
FOR at No. 1612 Farubam St. S81-U
KKNT 2 luruUhed rooms o cr Mor-
clnuts Eichtnge , N. E. Cor. ICth and
Dodge otroetl.
_ F03 8AIE. _
HALE Maj s o' Tooil s and Sarpy
FOR A. UOcEWATEB , 152. . ) l-arn-
hara Str t. 32C-f :
_ _
THOR SALE House anil lot at glSaO.OJ. JOHN
Jj L. HcCAQUE , Op ? . rusUfflce. SlO-tf
I OR 8VLE Seven coed business lots on
Jj Faruham Mreet. JOHN UcCAQUE ,
f5lf Opposi'c Pcttolflce.
IT10R SALE The Saratoga Brewery , locaUd
C oppoai e the Fair grounds , on easy teimi.
Apply for articular on dremlnUSIt
"TTIOIt SALE Leoso and famliure cf a Krst-
Jj class hotel In a town ot 1300 inhabitant * , in
of Kctinata. lias SI teda , the travtlliiar ;
men's resort Inqulrx at Bee office S13-tf
T7IOUSALE A nARGAIN A building with
.lj fa'oon fliturca. furniture and toctc , on 10th
'at . opposite the U.F. depot , forsilc very c ! rap.
Or the fixture J , furniture and stock will be w > 'd
anil building rented. Inquire of Et > . K > CIS-
MAN. 73f
THOR SALE T ro doss carriazex , at A. J.
1 ; S.ropiwn'ii. 3H-tf
OU.1D Inturance book. Call it ibis office.
mHE OEN'TLEVAV Who txchanf d h.ta lth
_ L the undersigned tha udJ Frllewa' enter
tainment on last Friday cTenliu. il confer a
f tror by ca'lhizat ' Ko. 1717 Cuminr S * . a-d e : >
ciuaginj bick. B. ZDUOL3I. 32311
Preparing for extensive improvements in our
store and to reduce stock for our semi-annual in
ventory , we offer great bargains in our
and have placed on our counters over five thou
sand five hundred yards of French , English and
German 24-inch Brocades , Damasses , Mohairs ,
De Beges , at 16 2-3 cents. Not a yard of these
goods could be bought at wholesale to-day for
less than 30 cents.
At 25 cents two thousand five hundred yards , of
strictly all wool Momies , Fancy Brocades , Mattel-
lases , &c. , worth at wholesale to-day 37 1-2 cents.
is fifteen hundred yards of all ire l French Brocades , A riuurcs. d'c. 24 inches
vidc , very fin , closely woven goods , ill 3r i-2 cents worth 60 cents.
25 pieces all wool Colored Cashmere , 40 inches ivide , marked down from 7 5
cents ; also a lar < ? e lot of all Moiuic Cloths at 50 cents , 42 ifichcs wide aud worth
$1 u yard.
Satin Brocade Velvets at $3.50 reduced from S5.00.
" " " .90 " 0.09.
rolored Brocade Velvets 3.75 " " 5.00. *
Black Brocades Silk 1.75 " " 3.50. > * " ,
Colored Silk and Wool Brocades 48 inches wide at SS.OO , fonnerlj solfl
at $4.00. ' '
To effect a nire sale on every pair of Blaukefs 7e own , We note the following-Call ; and,8iania-3
10-4 Heavy White B kets at $5.00 , formerly 86.00.
11-4 . " " " " 6.00 , st 7.50. * '
11-4 " " " " 6.75 , " 8.00. x ?
11-4 " " " 8.00 , " 10.00.
* '
12-4 " " " " 9.CO , " 1200. /k
A few fine Bed Comforts left that -we offar at 25 par cant less than former pico * .
Thiaisonly a slight inkling of reductions made this month in all the departmenta fi'omi
first to third story of ourFarnhsm Street Store.
S .
Absolutely Pure ,
Unit from Gripe Cream Tartar. No otter
preparation nukes ench liht , flaky hot Iiceaili ,
ur Inxnrlooa pastry. Can be eaten by dycpcrtlcs
without fear of the 111 ] resulting from he In-
dl ttible food.
Bold only In cans by nU Grocers.
RATAL RAXKO POWDK Co . v < > w York.
Extraordinary Attraction.
The Fashionable Event of the Season !
* 11 and 12.
skdtudaydFeb. } .
The Gregt New YorlcrSuccess. .
SOO JJI < hta at Havcrly'a Kth str-et Thea'n- ,
Sew loik , 200 flight * at Havcrlyg Niblos
Theatre , New York. ICO N gh o i ths road.
Bartley Campbell's
Beautiful , Picturesque Comedy Ecckty Drrn a ,
Galley Slave.
Introducing ncenes of Rcme , Venice , Pi > ria and
arMiHeS , Superb OCBtnincsintlAprnlntmciila.
3no ol tbe Strongebt Companies
Travoling- .
W. II.POWEK Muiage- .
Grand Family Mat ! eo Saturday.
Itncnrrd Feats fit Max ilxrcr's. f3-3
Successors to J. U. THIELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
O jv/r A TT A. . , 3SJ"33D3 _
Ear and Throat.
Oflico Over KennardX Drue Store
Corner oM4th and Dousrlaa Ste.
V !
itirnfictarer ot all lclnJ of
r St Btt. SO. and lot OltJBA ,
I - a week in your own town , lenna and
fa outfit fro . Ad.ireM H. IUleU ! & Co. ,
the Latest Home and Tele-
' .
Newaofth Day. . . ,
tEVUH fi
'JL'JfcJ H ?
Id 3 largest and bjil jasortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic ( 'uses
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. iMRHOFF , - - - PROP.
117 14th St. . ; t jJoorsyorth of PonslasRt.
Pro ; ese ior the next ninety { 90 } days to soil oh
e.itire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks. ' ; H
Silver-Ware :
- , ;
, . , - - . Pianos & Organ
At Mauufacturms ; Piices , Which is from 15 to 20 uer
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
- preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We 'lean Business. Conw. ami bo ( 'onvnc M ! .
Ill sales strictly cash , therpfore ivc are eiuibieil to
oflcr ihe consumers of ( he weed only Hrst
quality goods for their money.
Best straight lOc Cigar in the ci'y ' ,
Best 3 for a quarter Cigar ia the citr , , ' *
Best Straight- Cigar in tne city ,
Detroit Pin3 Cut a SpoMalty ,
Oar 80 J Fme Cut is a good one ,
Eagle/a May Ho/er in 8 and 10 onncetins ,
For 40cwe have bang up Smoking Tobacco ,
1417 J > o K'ns Street.
We are the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bogley's May Flower.