Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    < , . < , f V.
, JE , J- - * , -s *
] ST0.
Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents
I5h ( and Douglas Street *
OvcrOM , TcsUcLco V's for < tiTe1)v1his ag n.
cy ai ii nets rau iiu ; f r > in 625 1 o Si , 100 cash , n I
located 1 1 eor ) j-artorih ; city , and in evarv
direction fr-'tu the 1'jtloffice. iortli , orl. south
cr ueit , Riid v. r In ; in .I'Mt&ccj f rM one block
lo ona or two mll S fruiu ti-ua. CM &Ed ex-
ainiuouurii' i.
fleve-i ! : ! HC. ljt > in OriHIi Si Ismcs' Ui-
tlou , e t of vtmvsnt , lolween S . iisrj-B n311. .
ua aud il.iri > tercel ? GOQto 00.
10 a ret test cast of barracks on Sauudcra Sr ,
lLlaiBeiDiei'id ! ! aMju. ! ! ! Lo vcU vary Uicnp
ipr cash in 5 , 10cr 0 lure las ; now ii joar
time to Bpcnie * liar.uin.
Onoice lot it tA ot &trvel cir tracts on Saun-
ilets utrtct to"75. .
Cao'c : lot. Fara'um v > l 24th s'reoia , C5xl32
feet to : 1,400 Tiill divide 1 * .
C > ieip lji ; n Crc'lit F.mcUr addition , coulh
U. P. depoi-SiOO to 8500.
Forty lota , n Pirk A venae and Georgia street ,
01 rnivi to Prk. tnd near head of Sit. Uiry * *
avenue , bt from $125 to $ SOO each. Seven yens
time at ei Lt | 4r cent Intcroht to the a who will
put up jrooJ HulrttautU ! buildiugt. F r f urtluT
partloulitrg apply to.
O. P. BEiHS , Ajront.
Fifteenth ainl Uoufilw.treats ,
A nicj lot on 11 iracj and Tw jaty40r.t itreotE ,
far SttV
TJTO choice lui on SOth. netr St. Mary's aven
ue. W1SS feet cadi , ( or < SW and $910.
Twn cbolce loto utar 23J and C.'ark tUiets , la
E. V. Smith's addillan 300 * nd 0$5Q.
Kilty lota In Slilnu'f Qn > t. second aad tblrd nd'
Lot near 1Mb and Picror.
2 lots on Humor nc S4Ui SL , S:00 each.
lit on Slth near Uonanl str > 'tt , i703.
10 lots in Grand Yivu ah itloii. south cf V. P.
hridre nl depot , from < 16 to 8SOO eich.
One acre , UTi O fc t , on IHh street , * outh
o ! Vopploton's new restdeiic ? , rori,000 , or will
divide into city uizcd lot : at from 3C1'J to S5JO
c ch
jju-je ntJinher of IviuUful reslienoe Jots , lo
cnteil in thtf now adJitlon on Capitol ni" , be
twecn 2 th ttrcet rrn tLo m > : , 20th on the west
Oodze rtrtxit on the nrrlh tnd Famhmc gtreet
01 : thj south. Jomerly oirned iy C. n Down
Mid more rixxnt ! r kuow u a tlio IVrklni 15 acre ? .
Only S2 lolg IIHTO tD3 ! Jar hcc-i j'la'-t'd 11 on a nd Sou Djii loa t-trcst. Tl.eoo lot *
Bro 80 to B6 Icct In \ \ridtnsudlS3iudrpf'-
for the thoiec. yoira lime , at H per cent lu-
tercet to tlijso hn will build Rood subi-tantlsl
hotiw * tberoic. Call and examine p'at and get
full information at
15th tiid ! ) onilas streets.
Over 20 J hoU3B3aiiil lot ? are oHercJ for & lo
ytliiaoificj "J ticj are srattorod all over tbo
ity. Any locaitjn you de Jr . Prices -vao'Ing
ron $300 to $15,000 csth.
2 irood lots and 2 ctooap hoassi near Jackson
and J2th Btrpots t a preat tocriSce. Hero is a
ire t bargain for Homo one. The property must
Via sold iaitntJ \itly. i . Covers Just a quarter of a
block. Call nd eiauilno thla without nny delay.
OEO P. BKMIS. Asent ,
lith and Douglas Sti
AJesirablo lot near Cnmuu ; tiid Sauudcri
Streets , fl.GOO.
The cheapest aero loU In the city of Omaha ,
re thoue oflerod for sViey this asoncy In Paik
Place and Lowc'a second addition , on Coming ,
Bart and California street * : you can make no
mistake inpitlsimr up th-e barf m while yon
Jiivo the chance. Thc r lots arc more than equal
In § lr to i lull-ilzed city lots or a half block
and it will be but * very rhort tlmo before one-
flfth part of one of those acre loU will ell for as
much as we offer a full acre to-day. They are
located a tervehort distance west of Crelgnton
C.Ml $ o. Prices ranpinfr from SIM to ? SOO for
acralot. Call immediatelr , 3id don't lose yonr
hanec , and cet plat an ! full parti cnUra of
OEO. P. BEH1B. Acent ,
IDth and Dooeia3 Streets.
OTce lot en Sherman Avenno north of Nicholas
luff lot on Casscetwocn IStu and l lh streets
2 iilce lotB ! n HartiMn'o ad < Ut'.on , J4&3 to S8M.
Larpe number of acre lots in Olso's addition In
Uorth Omaha , JH5 to S300 each.
Choice corner lot near 22nd and California
jSrcral Rood lots In Selsan'a addition , 15D to
Choice lot In Thorntll'g addition , 8750.
Several larce lola in Bsrtlctfa addition. It
rods and 21 acres each. Prices 8700 to tJCOO
t v cliolce lota In Reeds flrst addlUon ,
f 275 to ? S50 each.
Acre lot on Sherman ayenuo , ( loth street ) ,
culu of 1'oiipleton'g new resii3encot or ? 1,100.
2 larsolnta noirlSth and Clark streets , 60 1
MO f et Corner , * 1,200 ; inside , 81,000.
3 larce lota on She-nun avenue , (18th ( street ) ,
ar Clark Stieet. K990 noc-h
" 2 ntM mi chc > p lots , very near to the bns
t > art of th cliy , located a very fan- stops
' '
. o .
cheap and very desirable , bein ? so handy to bits-
tn is pirt ol aty , to new ro > firument depot , nail
work ? , uhlto l d wort.s , U. P. depot , stock
vfaid , pocklne hnusei. tic Call and cct plat
Mid full particulars. Price $275 to S3SO and easy
trniH lo tbofie who u'.M
OEO. P. BEM1S. Aeont.
15th and DoucUu Stfl.
flchiice roe'dwire 'ota en 21th street , beteon
Donjlu fcnd Dislire BtreotsJ1.100 ; to Sl.COO each
and lone t'Ins t ° lidfo HUO u" ! " build
2chn-e ! correrlo1 * near 21th and Fanham
atrwW , U&xl2J feet , S1.150 ana $1,200. and erj'
x v Uinnii to puiuhascM who wl.l imiirove.
AUo 4 li > M < m 2 th , between Fariiliain and
Dju los a rceti , 350 tu fl.OOO iach and lonjc
time.T2SO of the est buslnen lots lu yof
Onuha for silo , located oa cnry buji c f fctroet ,
JSMt/j M,000e ch.
fiTAI * > vtry valuable ator crtles in al
most ery b"usiin.-B block iO COO to $15,000
tOcriO vo rcs' < : unc lots tn ctioro aiidition , im
mollatolr uortb of aud ad'olnlng Popplctou'r
bcinllfuf residsiioe nud emumla , and locatU ca
. istinsib anil Win KtreoU , $300 to B50 each said
xcry rasy terms to the i whoulll build Cill and
emniiuo pl t and gal full pirtlculir * .
OEO. P. BEillS , Asent.
Deautlful bnild.nir st ou Sherman avenua ,
10th trectl ) > ot pcn Popploton and the Dudlej-
li miipro | ; 'tv : SCS feet o st frontafc on the
bt-fiico by SS9 fMt ia depth. Will divide H.nwk-
lnclsifthj- . Call and R8t full pmicular * .
> > . " ro n Ifcih ftro t , 101 feet east front Ke
by 873 tuot deep. TUU l Just south of tbe Kllra-
heth ( Poppletou placo. This U K > ltJ0. . c11 nd
tct iirico and terms of BEM IS , Aeont.
jx "ol loM , just north of and adjoluinc K V.
Siuiuiv addWon. and locatud bc'.ween 20th na
Saundun" street' , at reasonable. | > tic s and long
ime to hater who Improve BKillS , Acnt.
51 1 U in ilorbich's Orst and second a Won
on 10th IStb. 13th and 20th streets , between
SicholkS. Piul.Hliarn. n and Clirk bticcts , TCO
handy to U. P. Shops , sincltinp works. eU _ ,
ranrini : in prices r om f foia ? 200 to 11:100 oath ,
riulriiis only small payment down and long
tima at 7 pr ccut inturw' to those who will iin-
oroic. GSO. r. IIKJII5 ,
1 15th and Douglas Slr Ht.
S3 nlta Jot's ' In PiJ-Vers aJditJon , bcta-ect ,
Stunderd and Pierce. Kiu iud Canipbclfa jit ! . ,
ou Uluii o trert ; 19 lots with H > uth fruntu anU
16 ithuotlh frnaUse. only 6 blocks north of
toe turn-talil * ( end etreet-car track ) ou Smuders
street. Veryltw price * ; 4176 ciwh , or $200 on
* Ions tbna nJS per cent Interest to t aote who
4 'will build.
C3"15Jood f rmi fur sila iu Dou Ul S py
\VMUin ) on. liurt , l > oJje. S unJenand Evstern
tier of countias.
" " sa'cctod lands in tlm
t5"S''O.OW acrct &est
Elite for file by thtc agency. Cell and eel maps
circular * and full ruiticultrs.
fKeniiiev \ map of Omahi , 60c and fl.CO.
XdTDemij * new pamphlet ( and map of the
; jute entitlsJ "tiic outlook at Nebraska" forTe
T-e distribution.
Geo. P. Bern is'
I5tli & Douglas S * . ,
OMAHA. - ; NEE ,
Dangers and Difficulties of
Railroading on the
Thrilling Espsrienco of a Pas
senger in the Rec.Dt } Snow
Dashing Into Mour-trins - . of
Snov ? at Fifty Miles
an Hour.
Battling With Drifts for Near
ly Two Days.
Peril on a Kansas Pacific Pilot.
Denver Tiibunc , Fclnury W.
The piBsongarj who rcashod Djuvar
Tuesday , nfter beio blockaded by
nnow fur i ear'y three daja on the
Knntas Prtdfio railroad , brought with
them vivid rcc lloctionj of an exper
ience 02 snmual eg It Tts to soma rx
cltini ; und Boneaiional. Mr. George
H EiUbrcok , rhoiu desire for &dven
turo led him to join the rather d n-
geroas expedition , it TT&I arccrtaiaod
by a reporter of The Tribune yester
day , aoeptoil tu invitation from
Superintendent OJell to accompany
the suow-fightin ? brigido which woni
out ftou Wt.ll co to cut the w y
through to Hugo , to that the three
west bound trains collected at the
former nt-ition could continue on their
way to Denver. The narration of Mr.
Ejtabrook gives an account of the
difficulty snd dacger of railroadttg on
the plain ? , -which seldom tin as its way
iato print.
The trIn on which Mr. Eitabrook
left Kiuss Ciiy for Daaver , roichod
Wa'lace unringu blinding suow &torn >
oaily Sunday moruiiv * nd remained
at that point during thit day and the
folio iojj night. There wara sixty
passunpets ou the train , and the raU-
rotd official ) exerted every effort in
bahalf of tLeir comfort and conveni
ence The wind TVM blowinj ; at the
rale of sixty miles tn hjur , and the
suow drifted so rjpidly aui solidly
that loconiotivea could not nrccetd
from the cmin track to the round
housa. Reports from the west repre
sented the road lo ba in a terrible
condition with & storm prevailing all
along the line in extent and intensify
more sevt TJ than tie weather records
of the oldest employe contained note
During Sunday night Suplutendcnt
OJell made arrangements lo clear the
road of auovr , and retiring hoirgrett
a task it vr&i , perfested pl nu on the
moft thorough and e.rteneiva scale.
F.ur of the largait and tronget en
gines on the read had boon aent on
from the SmoS y Hill div'stau , tf gath
er with cjntruction cara and ft cum-
uilai&ry outfit , .ha Utter c'litaluin
provisions and giiisral supi-heg uffi-
clent to sustain nva hundred
men five days. A gang of
ooa hundred Ehoveler * wii got togeth
er ai < d boarded the construction cars ,
and Superintendent 03 oil and his two
moat efficient road bosaca , acd Mr.
Ejtabrook , stopped iato the caperin-
tendent's car. In selecting tha man
for the great engines , Mr. OJoll ex
ercised unusual care. Summoning an
engineer or fircm n , the scperinten-
dent asked , "Are you afraid to go
where I tell yon ) " Each man select
ed for duty on the engines was ssked
thh qiestion. Only one ooglurer ex-
preasul hesitation , and ho wts qntok-
ly but kindly relieved. Whoc the
train tra * ra\de np It consisted of an
immense snow ploir. fosr engines ,
three construction cars , the commis
sary car and the superintendent's ca ,
in the order named. Wkon all WAI in
readintss , Mr. Odell said to Mr. Eata-
brook , " 1'vo got tba be l cr w I eor
had for such work. You will see
acme fun. Taese men wiU go thrugh
somdhiivj , you can relon that. "
And so early Monday E W the expedi
tion move cut of W.ilhca , the pisscn-
oera lu the blcckaded train wavli g
hats and hrndkerchlefi and cheering
nicauragement M vhe expedition
Btoamed awc.y from tha station.
From Wallace to Cheyenne We'h
there are tvroniy dnep cuts , from 490
to 700 feet in length , and it had been
reported , and such was found to be
the case , that snovr had drifted and
packed in each one of thrso from
seven to twelve feet deep , the drifts
for a fdw feet iu some instacc being
still deeper. These drifts were plow
ed through anccHsfulIy. Iu oua or
two Instances a second trial ws ncc = i-
stry , but in most casea the engineer ! ,
by crowding on a full head of stetm ,
and going at the tut with increased
force , catricd the trtin tkrongh tke
drifts and oat bejouj , t leaving a Ua--
path as they progressed Iu oo eat
vyn head of cattle ware k-llei , sod
ia another , . th last one b i re Ohty-
cnno Wvlls wis reachedan tast bound
fr.Ight tiain , headed by two engtuu ,
* at f und unable to aiovo. Tk
snow fightere added the streugtk of
thbirfour b'g ' engines , and the freight
w&s backed ap to Chsyenna Wcllt.
When tha head looomatlva of the
snow train would souod th elgntl
that a drift tr to be attioked , and
the Increased rcotloa of the train
wonld dvnoto the approach to the cut ,
all hands would msk ready for the
shock. Thcsarbo have bean in &
railroad collision cau appreciate the
sensation produced nponthoccupanU
of the superintendent's car when the
humcnEo iron ano r plow was ten !
with tremendous force against stltd
mass of snow tfitlve feet high , tredgec
in for a distance of several buodrcc
ftot between two perpendicular walls
of rock or earth. Mr. Odell , in npito
of his precautionwas ononacc-caaioa ,
ajut flying over a table into a corner
of ajcar , and Mr. Es'abrook ssys kii
bruises were cqu l to those if a per
son who bos unoercmonloujly pasa&c
through a icshing machine.
Cheyenne Wells was r.t la t reacbec
and herd It was learned that the worst
cut ? hsd yet to be met with. The
train after a si ght halt was ordered
forward and several bg ! banks were
wet and overcome and finally the larg
est and deepest cut on the division
was reached.The superintendent
.knew that the moat difficult place on
the road had yet to be surmounted.
This cut Is a veiy deep cnp. Its wesl
end terminating at First Yitiv. It is
1,700 feei long , .bow-lls rising high
laad both opecir.gsbeing at points
I where the strong winds from the roll
' ing praltie , which stretches out for
hundreds of miles , a-reap with full
force nud drive thosao.v Into the semi
tunnel until the spaca ia filled and
packed in as if driven with immense
sledge hammern. Thia point was
reached about 7 o'clock in tha eve
ning , just is the sun hsd cjat Us
last shndow , end a large fall moon
ires lighting up the night. It vas as
clear as daylight , the eir cold and
chilly.bat the wind entirely subsided.
The train was brought up to the cast
and of th * cut r.nd a anrrey of the
task to he accotnollsheJ was taken.
All hands Trora ordered out , Brjd the
locomotives pcshod the cirs biokfir
about two miles , where they were left
upon the main track. Tha shovelers
were ordered to go upon the bank end
as rapidly aa possible , In g&ugs of
four men each , cat tranche ? in the
snow across the track , as deep * s canld
bo without tie much loss of time , aud
ftbjut live feet apart , Thii ork was
for the purpose of disturbing the sol
idity of the mountain of snow , and of
breaking up tha mass as much as pos
sible. The ahovelora went at the task
with a will , and hi & thort umo thin
Ubor hsd been accomplished. Then
everything wss tnda ready for the
charge ou the snow with the ponder
ous plow. All hands secured as eligi
ble a poiiiion as poasible to witness
the grand sortie. The engines went
back for tke d'stanca ' of a m'lo ' snd a
half ( ogata a greater dtgreo of velocity.
The oagiueers and firemen stood at
[ .hour posts firm and fut. Full heed
of steam had beea attained , and the
powerful engines fairly trambled to
? xhauat their strength. Tne rrord
was given , and the engines wore
thrown wide open and came rushing
along the track at * rate of speed
which sent the eptrks flying from the
flanjjex acd shot clouds of fUme from
the cmoke stacks. As the gigantic
plow WRB driven with frightful and re
sistless force into the wall of snow ,
the eifiiot upon the epctr.tor was each
M can be experienced undar no other
ctrcumiUno-'S. Balls of saow weigh
ing c , thoufrnd pounds were sent from
the great ircu chute cf the ploir , * B
the monstroui machine rathed f r t >
distance of GOOfeotinto the cut. Then
the wonderful force was ipent and it
was known that another and parhaps
Bovertl iritlj would ba nicauaiy bo-
fora the tnlire soventeeu hundred
feet ciuld bo gene thrtu h. The plow
and tha locomotives wore completely
buried in snow aud oerersl moa walk
ed over the tinoke stack : aud cib on
( he snow piled above them. The
shoyolen were ordered to cut out the
onyitcj , and the hundred men vent to
work with a will to remove the snow
From around them. It consumed
bout one hour to accomplish thU task
and then another charge was made
with the same terrible excitement and
danger. Ic requited f < .ur charges lo
cut through the enow , and then ihu
jlojr was pushed through into the
open plain beyond , acd then tbo sta
tion of Firat View waa reached at
about 11 o'clock. From First View
to Hugo the enorr encountered waa
overcome with comparative o .sa and
Elugo was reached early Tuesday
uorning. At this point tha anon
irigade from Denvrr was met , and
, ho road w s declared "opon for
travel , " tnd it 7 o'clock the pasaen-
; era of the three trains from the cast
wtilch hd been blockaded , were put
aboard one train lucl headed bj two
engines , atoatned out for Denver ,
reaching tha Qaeen Oily at 11:30 : that
Specla DlSfwtcbcs to Tns Bsi
The managers of the Canard steam
ship company have perfect confidence
in the safetty of he "Batnyla. "
Spect&l Dispatch to Tha lies.
LONDON , February 11 10 p. m.
It is reported tha. 1000 BOON are ad
vancing to Intercept the tquidroo of
hussars and the battalion of foot mov
ing up to the relifi of Gen. Gjlluy ,
withtelrforcements from SiorraLaone.
The avtilable troops at Cape Coast
castle number only COO.
Burlea .ailvo
Speciil Dispatch to Tba Boa.
ASHVILLB , N. 0. , February 11 10
p. m. A land glide at the tunnel near
Achville was balng removed Wednes
day by a force of twenty convicts when
a lirga mass of earth fill into the cut ,
burying the whole number. Four
of the men were killed , seven others
abstained serious injuries and s me of
them are expected to die.
tfpedal Dlepalchoa to Tha B o.
Aaron Raod , a yonrg lady medical
stndont at the Uuiveraity of Michi
gan , tulciJod by drowning herself in
Oriuu lakr , HOAr Oiford , Thursday
At the opening sale of Bdrnhardt
ie t yeaterday morning at Momphla ,
Tonn , halfdozan colored men , who
h d been in thu line for tire days ,
were the t coisiou of a row ainoa
otheri , who called it a rich uian'n
trick. Th police wsrooallod out and
th I&'Q postponed.
9n ayordtnja ot Tat E i.
NKUGH , Antelope Cb. , Nab. , F b
r ry 7. W rejoice \9ltk you in tlo
wiia selection our Ugulatira have
uada tn the okoica of Gen. Charles
H. V n Wyck for Unitad States sana
tor. Ai I am a former resident of
Newburg , New York , and WM there
at the time Gen. Van Wyck wsa re
cruiting his famous Tenth Legion , it
brings to mind iruuy an exciting scone
that transpired along tbo Hudson at
thai lima. I must say that no regl
raent of volunteers ever It ft the E-JI-
plra state under any circumstances
what over baiter atmed and equipped
than-tha famous Fifty-sixth , and none
was KOT proud of their orjiDiandar.
AfUr they had isrTed thair full Una
of bliitment , and the war had not
cloisd , averyons , to a nan , wa * ready
to renllt till th lei of th war
mndcr th ir patriotic lesdtr , C. H.
V B Wysk.
We hare jnat recairud our first aepy
of THI WEKKLY UKE , and tr I arc
[ \ om * io tha conclusion that it Is
tqusl , if not tht rery best Tr&ekly w
tver had in our hoist.
Yours , vrith many kind wishes for
success in your noble and generous
work for truth and honesty ,
Uistrlct Court.
Proceedings had on yesterday , the
Hon. James \V. Savage presiding :
Collins vs. Willing ; dismissed.
Oomt adjourned until this morning
at 9:30 : o'clock.
High Water Causes Immense
Damaga iu Ohio and
Immediate Danger to Pitts-
burg Thought to
be Over.
PITTSBUKG , P . , Fcbrutry 11 10
p. in. The toUl deatroodon or prop
erty here by the broskiug tp of the
ice in the Allegheny f > ud Monengriheln
livois yestorday.und during last nit'bt ,
will foot np neiuly 6fy thouasncl del
lars. Thia ia chiefly it\ COB ! and coal
boats unk or damaged. The Alle
gheny tcu fa t o feet thick , und IB
atlll running out very heavily. A
nnaahir af loaded coal crafts are still
In jeopardy , and during last ; ni lit
fifty thousand bushels of coal sflmt
WIB sunk near the mouth of the Alle
gheny. The water (3 ( snbtldin ? , end
; t JB not likely any further
fill be dono. No part of the city is
CoLUMiicfs , Ind. , February 11 10
? - m. The present high water has
caused more darnego than for many
year * . The bridge over the Olifty
Iver end the Columbas snd Sand
JcHpk miiibral springs turnpike nca
carried Br y by large syottnoro tree
that cArae * ofrn the stream. Loss ,
iibout $5,000.
DBLPHI , Ind. , February 11 10 p.
m. This m'-rnlng the east portion of
the I , D. & 0. bridge across the
Wabash river vent down , being ; car
ried avay by the general breaking of
i he ica. The guard locks of the
\Vabuh and Erie canal alaa gave way ,
ind flooded the trontem portion of
Delphi. In luiny house * the water
rose hilt" way .to the celling of tbo
first etory. Ii carao very smlducilj ,
with Ur o cakee of ica The al rm
WM given by the iirs bel'a ' and the
town tuined cut to the reecuc. The
suboiergod were screauiing in achorna
'o help. It was dark and the water
WB r'sing very fas * , and together with
he terrific streams for aid , affairs as
sumed for a while , A very thrilling aa-
jcct. It ! s believed that all are out
of dauger. Probably two thousand
persons are for the time deprived of
.holr homes , but as yet no houses
isva yono down.
The iron bridge over the Wnbash
river at O.irolton w&s wathed out ,
aking ono of the atone piers. The
iridgi ) was 508 feet long , and coat
Ci-uVELiXD , February 11 10 p m.
Rain agiin bejj < * n falling heavily
.hlu inornltig. Tha stroauii all throuah ;
central Ohio are overflowing and the
riilroadi are datntgod in nuny places
jy the washouts. Travel Is very much
Nr.\v Yens , February 11 10 p. m.
A Stttetvllle , N. 0. , special s ys :
Laitiienae raiiu prevsiled along the
ine of the North Carolina railroad
within the p t few d yi.
Muflcie , Ind.jFt.-briiBry 11 10 p.
in. Whllo rivar Ii oa a ter , and
; roak dsmigy in reported tlong its
bauki. Wyaor , Klyao & Ca.'a mill
w o washed aw y , and thouasnds of
acrea of lind are under water.
H0RO.V , D. T. , Fobrury 11 10 p.
m. Daring the pwt week wo hvro
had the roatot full o ! snow over
known In DukoU. Thera linow thirty
inches of sniw on the level.
lAiiioy , Ind. , February 11 10 p.
m. Th * Iron bridge just east of town
was carried ttWAy by high water. Lo a
560,000. The Mssl ainnewa Is higher
thin it IIM bsen for thirty-four years.
IUVINO , O , February 11 10 p. rn.
The Little Miami U slill rushing
oat ot its banki. About seventy-five
fcrnilies wire conipollcd to moT from
their honees daring the night by tba
faars of bslntr swept away , f.s cheir
houses were completely turrcuaded
with water and heavy gor ( 3 of ica.
Tha donble span iron bridges , one
crossing the river at Port Jellsrion ,
nod two a thort dhtanco abovt , w
sll carried .twcy and the lots to the
county ia cjtimated at over § 180,000
CISCIXXATI , 0. , February 11 10
p. tn. The breaks on the Ll'.tla Mi-
anil railroad have boon repaired , and
trains are running regularly.
LAFAYETTE , Ind. , February 11 10
p. m. The Wtbaih is on a boom
above and below. It ia nut of its
banks in man places. Tree * snA
bridges luvu boon carried away and
considerable damage done to wheat.
The Theological seminary at Prince
ton has 111 students.
It Is propned to abolish the eve
rang hlsjh tchooli in Boaton.
At Harvard last year , the Chinese
course eoat i.CCJ.lo ; the fees re
ceiv d amounted to § 30
Thi r. ) fa r. movement in Indianapo
lia to cut down the course of study
and shoiteu tltb heir ; in the public
icbooh ou the ground of the ov r-
work bf th pupily.
The state of Virginia Is In arrears
to its cchonl fund U the extent of
3127,511.48 wli.jh ) amount Is exclus
ive of interest dao for soveril years
pait. The interot bringt it np to
The Slaluo s-ate eollaga cf agricul
ture and mechanic arta has been in
opsration for twelve yeurs and has
graduated 134 students , The college
ii said to hare a permanent fond of
Too Boston achoul committed has
bean obliged to ask the city council for
fund * to carry oa tha schoolj during
the remainder cf the financial year.
The council o reduced tht ostlmataa
l&st wlutor that by the first of the
earning month there will be no nouuy
for Ealariea.
The taaohori in the pablii iihooli
of Now Oilears era said to bu la aoia-
sl waot. They bare r oslr d not
one tent of their salaries , Tha Deiao-
trat deolues , slaca July. Oat reascn
of tkia ditnracafol atata of affairs b
said to ba that the aitisana do lot PAY
thalr $1 poll tax.
It Ii propend to iraiiftr th good
will , library , mnteam , and all nuafal
appliances of Antioch eollega at Yel
low Springs to tha Ohio Stats uni
versity at Colntmbut , and to tall tha
buildings and oth r property of the
college to the state to ba used ti a
benevolent institution.
The school population of Illinois ,
according to the last school census ,
waa 1,010,851 , and the whole number
of pupils enrolled hat year WAJ 704-
041. Tha Bfcitn haj 11,964 pablic
schools and 22,253 teachers. Male
teacheta recaive-jsn average monthly
salary of ? 41.92 , ' female te chprs an
ftvorago salary of 531.80. Private
schools last year were attended by
60,440 puplla.who wera instru ied
by 1407 tcachefa.-
The report ofjStnto ' SapBritendent
Haisley , of Fio'rida , shows that the
coudltion of the common schooh in
thstatata isonciuwghg. Tit rpttu of
a revenue diminished by the reduc
tion of the c-iunrjrtix , a greater num
ber of achoola have baeu operated in
the past two years. The total num
ber of schools'reported during the
the past year1,181 shows aa in
crease of 244 lathe last thrca ycurs.
Tha aggregate atbndanca waa 39,315
Tco total amount oxppndud for school
purposes wns $114,895 31. There
were C75 mile and 420 fem la tench-
era orupoyed ! , rwith ; average tsl.trios
nglng in.thidi5iront counties from
An Old Grudge Settled. '
pecial Dlsp&tcli to Tlie Eeei
led. , February 11.
Ellis \Yf3 shot end fnstnntly
killed by Oal. Uarnett , at Hazlet r > ,
Ind , yesterday. It originated about
an old election gruugt ) . Great ezclto-
maut prevail ] , J3 > rnetl Hod bat was
captured shortly afterward and la now
here iu jtil. Ellis wss c justablo , end
Icarts A wife and twelve children.
A Sensational Kuraor.
Hpadal Dlejutch to Tke Rer.
CHIOAGO , February 11 4 p. m. A
New York special say a it ia rumored
there tht tha ateamxhip ] "BjkUvJa"
and "City of Bris'ol , " overdue and
supposed to be loci ; it sea , have bean
captured by Feiiiana and will bo out
fitted at a ana South American point
for privatar.iirg.
At the Chicago Cuuinl line oflico
uo anxiety It expressed concannng
the "BatAvl * , " as R sixteen days' trip
> t thi aef.aon was nothing unusual ,
sod sovcn days over TTM to be crpect-
cd In case of an sccident to the ves
sel's machinery , compolliuf her to
proceed under sail. Tna "Bitavia"
lua only ttTeuty-ttro pn jengors. No
Ohcg ! > people are kuovrn to be on
CLEVELAND , 0. G. P. G. Eip'a
three story biick building nt the cor
ner < f Peirl and Msin streets was
dumKged by tire 10 the amount of
CIXCINKATI , Fobfuiry 11 Jas. K.
McCormiok , a traveling maa from
ihls ci-y , went lo hid li'omo in IIuiUs-
vill-i , Ky , and waa shot ciosd byV. .
J. Moore , a brother-in-law , with
whom tin old qunnvl oxiatod.
A motion In writltg , signed by
twenty-one members of the Dougl&s
county bar , waa Friday made , In the
district court , to have a committee
appointed to Investigate the conduct
of D-wid E. Vai.EUrn and W. A ,
Fonda , Bcr.ueod of audon not in consistence -
sistonco vrith thvir profisiion. The
judge took the motion ntnirr advise
C433 County Dalazatlon.
LUELLA , CtasOo. , Uob. , F b. 11.
To tlio Editor o ! Tua si :
At a regular meeting of Elznvrood
Farmers' Alliance , February 5 , 1831 ,
the follov/ing reaohiilonz were uaatii-
mously adopted :
WHEREAS , We , membera of Elmwood -
wood Farmers' Alliance , No. 13 , of
Uass county , balisva that the re-elat-
tlon of S ntorPJdo2k wool.l har
been mori Ia the of th rail
road monopoly than in lLat of the
producer , ni thst Senitar-eleot Van
Wrok will represent the bait inltreata
of the nhuls people ; tharefora
RnaoLVF.P , Tfact the selisn of our
OMJ oonnty representatire' , Invotin
for Gen. Caarlea H. Van Wyck for U.
S. senator , tacatj w'tb cur hearty sup
RKLOLVED , That a anpy of these
resolutions ba ni il d to our senator
and representatives u slight taken
of oar approbation and thanks , and
theyars respoatfully rwiu .tsd to ox-
preat our gratitude to Roprtf enUtivs
Uolraan , of Ditko a.
D. 'D. JOHNSON , Prca.
T , P 3fcCi.iiiY , Secy.
The Sfudisu Library association's
grand masqusrjido bnll &t Turner's
Hall Siturday evenln" , Fab. 19lh ,
Tickets f jr sale at Jtcobs's clothli g
store , and at Edho'.ai and E ick-
For l iiulj , Loin , I louses an 1 Faims
ooV over'Homii'new column rfn Hwt pa e
New YorK Money r.nd Stocks.
"WALt. STUEST , Febiunry 11.
At 1 p.m. the priced wore aelfollows :
MOSEY Quiet on tall 06 percent. ; ex
change dulUt 4 83 ® 1 86.
Undoubtedly the be4t shirt in the
Uuited Statm is reiaafictusod at th
Ojtxaha Shht Tactory. Tut iw > rorlty !
of Material sad watkuttuhip , son-
olu d wltk tkair Rro&t lmproT BiaBt ,
that If Ileinfoioed froaU , Ralnforcod
backs and Reinforced slearai , wakes
their shirt tha most darablt and best
fitting garineot ol tba kia , TC
MMmfactnrad at the Hj t ta pr ! of
81.50. BTary shirt of our maka is
guaranteed fint-tlasi aad will rafani
tlta raoBcyif foand otharwlsa.
V re sjike a spsctalty of all wool ,
Shakar , and Oaatoa flanael , also
aaamaoli nndarwebr , uada ap with a
view to eosafort , war th as dwrabll-
ity. To Invalid * aad wsaV-lunged
PCNOUS we olfer epnisl indacamenu
in tba insjiner thsao goods are made
for their protection.
K. OormeiMGK ,
ii tu itr < 30t
& SONS ,
Oor. Dod.e . and 15th Straeta.
In this Department we
are offering special Induce
ments to housekeepers.
All Linen Table Damask
50c , worth 70c ; 5-8 Ger
man Napkins $1.25 per
dozen , worth $1.60. We
will offer the balance of
our $1.25 Napkinsat3 > 1.00 ,
an All-Linen. Damask
Napkin at SL50. Bargain.
Wo will sell our best Tur
key Eed Damdbk at 50c
Another lot of the Extra
Size Towels at 20c , worth
30c , Who have four lots
of Damask Huck and Twil
led Towels at 16 l-2c each ,
Splendid Value. Wo will
sell a 34 Napkin for $2.48 ,
worth $3.40. Our $5.00
H"apkin , slightly solid ,
$4,00. Our $4.00 Nap
kin , sligh'ly solid , $3.00-
We offer the balance of
our fine sets at greatly re
duced prices.
Marseilles Qiiil s I ewer than
ever Bamsley Damask in Bleach
ed at $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 and
$175 , actually worth 50c more
per yard-
(1 ( Case Gocfcco Toulards at
121-2c , former price 16 2-3c )
Embrpideries 1
Now open the latest 'noveltiea
in Edgings and Insertions , all
qualities and widths. Our
prices on these gocds chal
lenge competition.
L , B. WILL1155S SONS'
"Cash House , "
Dodga and Fifteenth Streets.
Star Wind Mill ,
rom these neeJtnr a
Wind UI11 Mad for ctrenUr and prices
an.l any Information Ii rej id to th UlU will b
cheerfully furnished.
let. It la more tale in a ( ale of wind , anJ in
he meet sudden cbanzei of tha trlnd { rom any
direction , bccanea tha nheel Ijlnjf flat oa the
tower ! 3 'wtji ' re drwith Its cdje to the wind ,
snd sllos tre to salnff C'MP arontd , without -
out turning or striking the whrel.
2nd. It it a iMd whwl haying no mo7tabte
joints to wear out , rat or creak In tbu winJ.
3riL lc nor Bl et hai o effect on It.
4th. It loxa l a power from fricJon than
other Uli'uJ.
5th. Iiwrill run vitb Ua wbd thin otlir
6th. It Ii easily regulated BO rt will partoim
any amount of work required less tnan Ita capao-
Hy.7th. . It has no pu'.HM , splInggnorEUdlngheada
to io-z up lu winter.
! fi. It wilt not pump wh n oat of gear.
9th It i > wall and bMTilr painted with tbr
coata " 1 tb beet > -alnt lh market can afford.
loth. Uls paif ct ( U-ncaator.ftndiiIlltako !
care ot iUslf In he vr cbaarabl wlnditoiina.
llth. Itaiyrnatrioalfonaiiapcifectorntment
lllh. Vc'er bare buJ ol an ; blown dovn aa
yet when proptrly it p wltb aieeulaUozTane ,
ncr eror rf ratjM ia tb leMt by tn wind.
18th. They r o/ food material and
mi Jo.
14th. AUihattornad. . bozei babited t ml all
rr pzru double nutted.
15tli. It U more almpla , mor compact In con.
tTUCtlOn and ernnor r h n nlbur
Fencing aad Ualllnj * Bpedalltjr.
Thslr hcnutv , pennanonco and economy
dally vork'n ' ; the itlnrtion cf all fencing
ches > p mitcrial.
Kldruit In d&dam , Inrifrtrnctlbla
Fences for L wns , Public O rounds and Come-
teiy Plate.
Iru-i Vt.iw , Lawn 3tteo3 , canopied and ct
ruatlc pttern ; Chair * ana avery deacrlpllon cf
Iron and Wr ! omamontel work dedimed anil
icaimfaclnrwl by E. T. BARNUH'H Who and
Iron Work , 57 , 29 aud SI Woodward Ave. , De
troit , Mich. 8 D < * l"'nJ "ataJojroe and
price l ! t 8pE
Machine Works ,
J. Kammond , Prop , & Manager.
Tht ff.rtkoronak appolat * 1 and complete
UnoWr.e ffhoys 1 roodtr Im th iteta.
* Ctstlnn cf errf ieocrlpUon naacfactod.
EruriiK , Fampa and 6Tiy Aim of machinery
oide W > order.
order.p cUl ttantlo glrea to
Bridsa Irons , Geer
, etc.
H cMnaryll charJcil Drangbt
n ? , Uodeb. etc. . neatly ezcoatad.
63 Haruoy Ht. , Bet. 14th ana 15tb.
. For Sale.
1,000,000 Acres
of Beautiful Rich
Locjlctl in all the Cjiintiea of
Many of these lauds are
more or less improved and
can be had at wild land
prices , are located in the
midst of splendid settle
ments , conven ent to Rail
roads , Growing Towns ,
Schools , Churches , &c. ,
while scarcely a quarter
section can be found with
out spring or running
stream of clear water , on
some par I ; of it.
We offer these lands
generally on long time and
easy terms , with low rates
of interest , or a liberal dis
count for cash ,
Prices range from $2 to
$10 per acre , while we can
sell many fine tracts far
below their market value.
We Offer Over
30,000 ACRES ,
Located from 4 to 15 miles
from Omaha , at from $6 to
$10 per acre , on from 1 to
10 years time. ,
wo offerjjroat bargain3 enlarge
tracts , some of which run as
low as 33 per ncro.
In CEDAR and other Coun
ties , land3 8itifvble for colony
ftom $2 50 10 $3.50 per acre.
I OMASA. CUT property
we offer Choip Houaea anc
Lots , Houses and Loosed
Groucd , Elegant Residences
Splecdid Lots in * llpa taotthe
City and Additions , Business
and Residence Property , smal
trac's or f , om I 13 5. J 0 and 20
acres , for Sa o , Lease and Ex
change. Wo also have for
Improved Farms
ways be found in our office
Lands will be shown purchasers
free of charge , by
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Sorth Side of Farn. St. ,
Opp. Grand Central Hotel ,
Omaha , Neb.
' 89 ° ?
3 tg S a a * ? 3 5s
u u a A " % a ( " jf (
Havs JOSf RECEIVED and will offer ibis week
of tha following Goods , direct from the Mill *
n. nniRlr ann rcnrnr smlo t ! * ; * 7 . . . . } .
Regular Jobbing Price ,
La-caste ,
Lacciutora , Bates. Kouashold and Amookomr.
LonscMe , Proit of the Loom Wamsatta and New York Mills
Loire ! ! , Boatc.n , Pepporel and Lawfaton ,
. . . " . ° . ? " " " " ? p.rtnnil'to : " " your purehne. of , uch .rood.
.In . abla to duplicate thsso
We are offering the m st complete line r.f HOUSEKEEPIS'O f.nnn *
wo have " over . , shown , inclndln-- splendid r . HUB f TAm v . OLUitla
> T4PK"iv-3 .ni TnvvcT
. i i 11.
A * i-t ivii ionuu iu Ciij > ; > unit 21 Bplcnutu Hue of EiIBPOITPFJTPQ i
tiraly JTow Des'gns , nd ac jnoat reaaoDBblo prices. ' B
Wholesale ami Kctall
Silver Watches
am ! .tawdry to ( he
Coino and See Our Stock
as We Will Bo Pleased
to Show Goods.
l' * MHi v.
° HOS ! ?
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the Beat Assortment of
in the "West.
At Cli'rajxo 1'rh-cy.
i-JOJ ) & 1 H
Harney Street , Omaha.
Man iclurer of I kind * cf
a Summer Bologna ( Cervelat Wurata
All Snecialtiy. Orders promptly filled.
BK 1714 Burt St , Omaha NeTo. de23-t
And Wholetalo Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During tha
Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSELMES'S FRESil OYSTERS , irhfeh
are non- the beat In the market. A luiw is orinjant of CANDY and SUOAK.
TOYS for the Holiday tr/idc. /
GATZ & FJIEEHAJf , 510 Iltli St. , Omaba.
Tobacco , 25 cciifs per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards ,