\ \ TEE DA1LV BEE , CMAHA PtIBUSHIK'a CO. , 916 ParnKaw , Itt 2ih and lOth Street * TEKia or SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Oofs 1 Toari -dviCce ( pc if > ald.C8.00 ) Bmontha" " " . 4.00 i " " . 2.CO TOE TiBUS THE-MAILS. - . 0. H N. T. E. 3M 550 a. iu..40 p. m , O. B. 4 Q 5 SO . ra. , 2:10 : p. m. O. K. 1 & P. K. R. . SS9 n , ia. , 2:13 p. m' 0St. . Joe E : 3 a. an. U. P. H. B. . 11:40 . m. O. ft R. V. to Lincoln , 10 & . ra. B. & H. H R. . :4D . m. O. * N. W. , 73S a. m. ornoNa 0. b H. W. B.B. , 11 . a. , 11 p. m. 0. D , & Q. , 11 a. m. , 9 0 p. ic. O. H. I. P. , 11 a. ia. . 11 P. m. O. B. fc 8t , Joa.,11 n.m. , 11 p D. U. P. R. B. , 4 p. m. O. & R. V. from Lincoln. 1S:1C p. ail B.0ity ft P. , 11 m. m. B. & H. > ln > eb.t p. m. Local mills for States Iowa learo bat once day , TiK * :80 a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Cundayi. THOMAS T. HALL. Poatmast'J. Arrival And Bcpartnre of Trains TJKIOK PACIFIC. LH.VB. JLWtfTS. Dally Erpreag. . . . 12:15 p. xa. : SJ p. to. do Ulz d . Cln p. m. < :25 p. o. do Freight - 6:30 * . rn. 1:10 p. IT. do do - .8:16 n-nx. 12:20 a. ra. TIME CABB Off THE BURLINGTON. L1AV > OMAHA. 3W p. AS. 100 a. m , Midi . . . . -6:00 a. m. Vsll 10A3p.ro. Sundays Excepted. Baniaya Erceptcd. CHICAOO.JROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. H ll _ .eWa.m. : I Hall 10 0 p. m. Expresa..C : < 3p.tn-i Eprt i..l8rO a. m. CHICAGO XORTEWESTEKN. llLll.6:05 : a. ta. I Jh.il _ 7:20 p. m. jcpren . .8:10 : p ! n. 1 Kxpr a 13JOO . m. Bantteyi exccpt d. KANSAS CUT , ST. JOE t COUKCIL BLUFF8 . Hall _ .B:00 : a. m. ! Erprcra ° * ° - Eirrees 6:00p.m. : | Mifl . . .7:24 1.1m. The only line rnnnlnz Pollman Slooplns Cam ont of Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA & KORTHERK KECFAEKA EAL- WAY COMPANY. Leave. Arrive. Exproea . .8:00 . ta. | Kxproa 4:10p.m. d l:50p m. ( Mixed 10:45 a. m Dally Excep t Sundi j s. B. S M. R. B. InSEERASKA. LEAVK. tSBtVI , 8 _ S OaralRi-Iifht 830 m Freight C.65pm l-Exprcss 4ajpra BIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R. R. U.11 _ _ 6dO mZxpnw. ] 10:00 am Express 8.40pm Mi -AT7-0 P m WABABH , BT. LOUIS ft PACIFIC. tiKAVK. ARRIVES. flail . . 8 .m.1afsll _ . 11:66 * .tn Exrnw 3:40 : p. m. | Expreas . .1:25 p. m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. R. R. Leave Omaha , daily ! 8 a. ia. , P a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m . 1 p. m. , 8 p. m. , Sp. m. , 6 p. in. , C p. ieare Council BlnCfi ; SS5 . m. , 8 6 a : m , , 10:25 a. m. , 11SS a. m. , 15 p m. , 2:2B p. m. , BSB : p. m. , 6:25 p. m. , 0 5 p.m. , Four trlpa on Sunday , learlnj Omaha at 8 .nd 11 , . m. , 2 and 6 p. m. ; Oonndl BlnEi tt 936 , 11:26 a. to. , and 2:25 and C 5 p. n. rASDisaBn TRAISS. toave Omaha -6 a. ra , , 7. a. m.,8aO . m. , 1 p. m. , t:50 p. m. , 7S5 p. m- , Leave Council BlnBaC:15 a. m , , 8M . . , 11:40 annB:25p. ra. , 7.-00 p. ra. , 7:50 p. tn. D&Uy except Eundny. OMAAA & REPUBLICAH VALLEY E. . LIAVr , ABR1V1. Hall _ 10:46a.nu , 6 p.m. Dally except Sunday * . CHARLES POWELL , OF THS PEACE Corner 1 6th and JUSTICE . , Omaha Neb. M. 8IKERAL , TTORNEY AT LAW Rbcra 6Crel hton Biock. 16ta St. . OMAHA' . KKR _ D. L. THGFHAS , a TTORSKT AT LAW Loans money , bny J . and Mlla rod cotata. Room S.Creljhton fiioch. Bh. ' " A.0. TRDCP , fit A STOKXTT AT IAT7 Offlco tn Hiuacom'l _ rBlodc , with Qsorce E. Prltchett , 1B58 OMAHA. KEB. TTOKSET JkT ifrr-OraJtSHunS : B Snlld A. K. CHACWiCK , CTOKKCT AT LAW OQca itOt Farahim ACT . Str c * > _ _ - la Cttfehtoa Hoik , next U LfcWYra-OtS OMAHA , SKJEiflSA. fS Paknit Proey i. * 3J OTAET rUBUC. COIiBOTTOira UADB BAaTLETT , at- Law Attorneys- - , OrnCE-Unlon Kodtriflafiitli fcnf Fajnhta' ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARQf.CK BLOCK. CGR.CCCn.IBTH S7S. OXAHA , KKB. J. Oonneif . < . , Attornoy-at-Law. Offlco : rront rooms , up cUlrg , In Hactccm'i ! new brlcV LuIMlog , N. W. comer nitcenth and Farnhun fittoct * . . Kvmcx. Cats. 11. tUaicr ? K & REDICH , Attorneys-a t-L a w , Bp cUd iltantloa trill be clrrs. to U nit * garnet eorpcn'Jonf o ! erory description ; will pnotlM in tl Ktia Oonrto cf ibe Bt&te Mid tbe Dnltol Statat. OSco , l' rahini St. , oppoclt * Conrt ED'iil/lRB K. SiSERftl , AT.LAW Soorc 0 Crtljbton Block , 18th and DoaglM rjgc'.I. S. F. AT tAW US Stahsra Btrett AITOBKST Hcbratica- W. T. KICOIRM. U. J. IlUHT BiOHABDS & HUNT , Attorney s-at-Law , Ornci 215 South Focrteenth Street. SANTA OLA.1DS FODSD. Greatest Ulsoovery of Wondertaldlgcoverlesln the world hareboccnade Among other things where Sault Clan ? eUyed Children oft aak U lie atakftt eoodii or not , II really lie fire * in a mountain ot PDOW. Last year an excursion pallnJ clear to the Pels And suddenly droppodlntovhriE omrdllke&hoIe Where wonJ rotwcmder3 tboyfoundanowlind , While ftlry-Uk } bclnzs appoarcJ en esch hknd. There were mountains like ours , -Kith score Vc&utUal green , And far brlchter k1es th a over were soon , IBrds with the IIUM of rainbow were loan ! , While flowers ol eiquUite tri nnse wore f row Inj nronud. Not Ions were the ; left to wonder in doubi A beiur Boon came th y hvl heard much about , Twas Santa Clans' Boll nd thlothey all say , ? ol eked like the picture r rsjouvory d y. Ha droro up team that lookrd rerr qnwir Twas a , team cf rrtasboppers irjtcad of reindeer , He rode tn shell instead cf & slaich , But he took them on lrrd and lror them way. He Bhoirpd thera U over hlfl wcnd rM re tei , And factories miklnc roodl for wouitn and men rurriersrere wbrVlnij on lrtt cr t xnd em&ll , To Bunce's they mid they were ten ling them all. Kris Klnglo , the Oiore Makcr.to'i ! tiiom at oncv , AllourOloTea weareiendiu ; to rtunco , Santa showed them luapoadara and uunr tblcri more. Baying I tin took thno to Iriend Bnace'j gtcrs. Santa CI us thoarhl porcd a secret be'd te11t As In Omaha erory on * kn w Unnca well , lie therefore Ehootd Bind hlb poods to hb can , Efaowlaj hU friondg will pet their full sbue. Row remember ye dwellers in On&ha town , All who want BrcaonU to Bunco's go round , For shirts , collars , or cloroe great and Email , Bend your sister or aunt oce and all. Bvtce. Champion Eattcrot the West. WORTH BEMEMBERIKG. That TASii8 * SRLTZSR ArioTtepre3o' In iah bottle thirty or forty dives of Spr ne Kelu r Water , contslnin rail she virtues of the celebrated Oerminpnnff Jt is alwsya frwh and always r dy , and thus e invccnaa ltg lt to .11 for Iti effic cr. nnrtihilitvanii ' cheapness. a - ' DRUGOITS'RATE IT. SHOW OCT 1817 CASS 6T. , OilAlIA. NEB. gfA. Wv.r.mentaJ ouliaad.1 NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE. The Senata. The oflhial Hat of aouatora In the legisUturo of Nebraska { 3 as follows : 1st Diatrbt R. A. Whorry , W.W. Turk. 2d District WilHim Daily. 3d District G. H. Van Wyck , H. P. Cady. 4h District-0. K. Teft. 5th District G. W. DOANB , JNO. D. HOWE. 6th District J. 0. Meyers. 7th District S. B. Taylor. 8th District J. F Burin. SHU District John ZuhniDg. 10h District IHBRO Powers. llth Dletrlct B. K. Smith. 12th District J. W. Perkins. 13th District 17. R. Mores. 14th District M. K. Turner. 15th Diitrict A. J. Evans. 16th District E. O. White. 17th District 0. K Gere , .0. W. Fierce. 18th District J. B. Errln. 19th District E. B. Harrington. 20th District H. M. Weeks. 21st District THOS. GKAIIAHI. 22d District Martin Barnes. 23d District J. B. Dintmore. 24th District 0. B. Coon. 25th District Sidney Baker. 2Gth District D. 0. Ballantine. HOUSE OP RKrRELEKTATIVKS. First District RIchardaon , P. S. Heacock , J. R. Dowty , John Kloep- fel , Chas. Oolo , rep. Second Pawnee , J. L. Line , A. H. Jackson , rep. Third Uagc , Elijah Filloy , H. H. Silver , rep. Fourth Johnson , J. S. Dovr , A. A. Carman , rep. Fifth Nemaha , Chnrch Howe , T. L. Schlck , M. B. Raymen , rep. Slrth Otoo , Noise Orerton , F. T. Ransom , J. 0. Moore , J. M. Par ry , rop. Seventh Lancaster , N. C. Abbott , 0. 0. Whodon , N. T. McGinn , R. B. Graham , rep. * Eighth Saunders , H. H. Shedd , Benjamin Johnson , J. E. Scott , rep. Ninth Gass , R. B..Windham , Jas. Hall , H. D. Root , rep. Tenth Sarpy , Amos Gates , dem. Eleventh Donglos , W. J. Bro&tch , H. Bolln , J. H. Kynor , P. M. Mul len , E. M. Bartlett , S. K. Jackson , rop. ; W. A. Paston , J. A. McShano , dem. dem.Twelfth Twelfth Dodge , Wm. Fried , J. R. Oantlin , rep. Thirteenth Washington , ! ! . Sprlok , J. B. Bailey , rep. Fourteenth Bart , J. 0. Lsnghlln , rep. Fifteenth Gumlng , A. Peterson , rep. ; T. M Transe , dem. Sixteenth Dakota , Jeo Holman , dem. dem.Seventeenth Seventeenth A. S. Palmer , rep. Eighteenth Jefferaon , 0. P. Slo- cumb , rep. , , Nineteenth Thayer , E. M. Cor- rell , rop. Twentieth Nnckolln , J. M. Cook , rep. rep.Twentyfira I Webster , H.S.Kalcy , rep. . Twenty-second Adams , 0. R. Jones , rop. Twenty-third OUy , J. H. Case , rep. rep.Twentyfourth Fillmore , N. S. Babcoct , rep. Saline W. H. Twenty-fifth , Kemp- ton , H. McDongal , rep. ; S. J. Her man , dem. Twtnty-Elxth Sewrd , H. P. King , rep. ; Henry Blck , fusion. Twentj-eaventn York , Albert Wilson , S. V. Moore , rep. Twenty-eighth Hamilton , John Helmes , rep. Twenty-ninth HallFred. . A. Sears , rep. Thirtieth BnShIo , S. 0. Ayer , rep. Thirty-first Lincoln , J. 0. Watts , dem. Thirty-second Harlan , Gco. 0. Reed , rep. Thirty-third Howard and Greeley , * tF. Frederick , rep. Thirty-fourth Merrlck , C. Hostet- ter , rop. Thirty-fifth Polk , John H. Mickey , rop. rop.Thirtysixth Butler , T. Jensen , Thirty-seventh Colfar , A. W. Walling , rep. Thirty-eighth Plalte , Geo. 0. Lehman , dem. Thirty - ninth Madison , C. 0. Wyatt , rep. Fortieth CedarJ. . A. ZIegler , dom. .Forty-first Bart and Dodge. J. A. Sill , rep. Forty-nocond Stanton , Wayne and Pierce , 0. L. Lamb , rop. Forty-third Knox and Holt , and unorganised territory , W. H. McGIuro , rop. rop.Fm ty-fourth Antelope , W. W. Pntnoy , rep. Forty-fifth Boone , Valley , Sher man , and unorganized territory , G. W , Brown , rep. Eaciuen'a Arnica Salve ] The BEST SILVB iu the world for Oats , Braises , Seres , Ulcers , Salt 'Rhonm , , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds cf Skin Eruptions. This Salve Is guaranteed to glva perfect B&tiafac- tlod in every c&so or money re funded , Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly Teh & McMahon , Omaha , A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy .euro of Consump tion and all diseases that 'lead to it , cuch as stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth ma , pain In the side and chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat , Hoarseness , jSore Throat , and all .chronic or lingering diseases of the throat and lungs. Dr. King's Now Dis covery Has nooqualand Jtaa established for itself a world-wide reputation.- Many leading physicians rscomtriond and use it in their practice. The form-7 ula from which it it prepared is high ly recommended by all medical jour nals. The .clergy irad the proas'havo complimented it in Iho mos t.gl6wing terms. Go to'yaur'druggistland'get a trial bottle free of cost , -or a regular eiso for $1.00. For sole by d(5) ( ) J. S. ISH. Omaha. Auction Sale of Public Building s North Platte , Nob. , and Camp StambauBh , Wyo. Hoidqntrtors Dep't ol tie Platte , ) Office Chief Quartermaster , > FORT OUABA , NIB. , Jaunary 81 , 183L ) milKKE WILL BE SOLD at Public Auction on 1. tha rc pectlvo premises , commencing at 12 o'clock noon on Monday , February S8tb , 1SS1 , the public baiMmss and structures at Korth PlatieKo-raak , and Camp Stambaugh , Wjo- . Tbo buildings at X rth PUtte consist of tire Officer * ! Quirlen , two Storsboutes , Gturdbousa , two Ofilcee , Carpenter Shop , Hospital , L un- lrea9 < :8 Quarters , Batehouio , Coal thcd , ! ! ; zln . Wa < on Shed , fences and Outhucset. The bulldinra at Cinip SUrabau i coadst ol two officers' Quirtcrs , two Company Quarters , Hospital , two Office ) , GuArdbouso , four Store- h u ce , Blacksniih Ship , Carpenter Shoo , two BtablMi , focr Liundrcssea Qiarten , Uakehoutt , Telcirraph Cfilce. Saddle hour * , and four other buildings so Fences td Oa'.bouw ! . Terms Cath on day cf salt. Military custody of th property m end thirty di > s alter Ie H. L LUDINGTON , chief Quvtermutrr. K. A. S. TENDERY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN ) liAS PBRMASKSTLY LOCATKD HIS 1IZD. ICAL OFFICE. 5 Tenth Street , . OITAHA , XECKARKA OCtrlnj his serrices In all departments o medicine and Burfcry , both In jreneral an pecal ! pncxlM acnta asd chronic dtseues. Oa b corunltw nlfhl ana t'ay , nJ wilUlrlta . part o ! the cltj rj eocnt ) a r > H. ' THE DAILY BBS the L&tcst Home and Tele- News of th Day. AGRICULTUBAL , Maklmi Pors without Coin. Sinca the devol'ipnient cf the great ' corn region of tha northwest tha pro duction of pork has fallen off in other portions of the country. Tbo feeling is general that farmers who can not produce corn in large quantities can not compete in the production of pork with those who can. Daring the pa.t year attempts have buen made in va rious pirts of the country to rsijo hogs without the-use of crn , and to fatten them by feeding only a m ll j amount of it. In the north artichokes ' have been extensively nisod , but In ! some psrts of the south a considerable quantity of chufcis have been pro duced. More use his been made of clover pastures. Lwt fall many hogs were fed on applea owing to the great abundance of this fruit. In the eaf tern s.&tes Eeveral farmers rais ed fodder corn , cut it up while the stocks were green and sweet , and fed It to bogs. In some cases clover was cured , moistened , and fed to pigs dar ing the tull and winter. Persons who had silos found that growing hogs would eat onsllarRO readily , especially that nude of clover and rod clover. There is now a prospect that ensJirgo will bo generally employed for feeding stocV hogs In different parts of the country. Pork consumers now de mand leaner moat" than that which has been furnished during the past few years. All these things go to show that less corn will ba employed for feeding hogs in the future , And that perk productions will increase in the south and east. Improving- Dairy. Natioral Live Stock Journal. This sea-son every dairyman ought to ba well poated upon the individual character of his COTTS. Ha has long oinco learned that the value of the cow to him depends upon the amount and quality of milk eho yields during the season. lie docs not keep her for her beautiful horns , plaislng color , or the graceful sweep of her tall , but for the cupacity c.f her udder , its gen erous yield of milk , or the resulting butter. Her solid achievements only have any "permanent interest for him fancy points do not oven excite hia curiosity. Yet it is with regret that we have to acknowledge that the aver- ego dairyman has not studied the problem of milk production close enough to load him to.obsarvo . the individual merits of hto cow ; , or to t&ko any measures to determine their comparative product. Hoknowanioro of the average than of the individual product of his cows ; but this does not enable him tb weetljout tha unprofita ble COTTB. Nothing save a record of each cow's milk through the season can giyo him tha facts necessary to determine whether she should bo kept or not. We often described a simple and easy way to como T8ry cloaely to the essct yield of milk by each cow In the hard , by weighing her milk for one dsy in the wealf , i > / hanging the psil with each cow'o milk upon the hook of a spring scale , and writing the figures in a backhangtng by the scale , with the name of each cow con veniently arranged. These weighings , tabulated ina book , and averaged , will show tha yield of each , cow through the season , and the dairyman may thus know whether she p&ys or not. It Is a great fully for the dairy man to keep K cow tint runs him in debt , an it would be for a merchant to koap a c'asi "of go'odfi and constantly sell thorn for less than tiipy cost him , although ho might have a motive , on a particular occasion , to do s to enable him to eell other goods. The poor cow , however , h s 'not oveh this advantage - vantage , for she doas not assist in keeping the others , bat only ota food , which , if clvon to n good cow , would pay a profit. Wny Hedges Have failed. During the past twenty years msny million dollars have hcou expended in Illinois , and othsr western states , in tha purchase.loltlnc out , cultivation , and pruning of hedge plants. In a majority of CMC-I the money hai been thrown away. Considerable Und lies aho been withdrawn from cultivation , oud much labor impended in dicing up the hedge rows. During the past four or five years .more miles of hedge have been du up than have been planted. At present hedges are in general disfavor , except iu a few lo calities. In central Iowa , Illinois and Indiana there are many good hedges ; but in most portions of these and other etites there are hundreds of I miles of straggling plant * that occupy much land , interfere with all kinds of firming operations , but are not of the slightest value in protecting crops from the ravages of stock. In many cases individual plants that h ye survived the genera ) decay have b come larre , and spread , by means of sprouts , over a consider able space. To remove them is now a matter of grent difficulty. The trunks cf the largar specimens are of some valno as posts , and & 11 tha wood m y be employed for fuol. Still no person would take the contract to clear the ground cf the trees , root and branch , for all the wood he could obtain. As a rule , the experi ments In hedge-growing have been very costly , and have resulted In failures. Still hedges continue to bi popular in Great Britain , where land 11 much more valuable than In this country , ! and give proinlso of long remaining so. The reason 'for the general failure of-hedges in the north western states are vailoua. In the firat place , we have not yet discovered a plant adapt ed to a prosit variety of soil and cli- tnata. The Oaagd orangj is not very hard/ , and will not flourish on land liable to contain considerable water. It requires a great amouut of pruning in order to keep it in proper shape , and this 'work must ba performed at the lima w.hen field crops require constant attentions Our climate is unfavora ble to'tho growth of moet plants that are suitable for hedges , being cold in winter , hot in summer' , and liable to extended drouths. No plant that Is iiot excaodedlngly hardy can en- durb th'o severity of ush a cli mate To succaed In CBtsblishlng uniform rows of any kind cf plants , the land must ba well drained , and laud in the west is not in this condi tion. Most parsons who have at tempted to ratsohedga plants set them out , cultivate and prune them by the aid of such information as they have derived from a circular or an article In a newspaper. In Qreit Britla'n and moat portions ot continental Europe , hedges in all stages of their growth are under the cxciuslve m.usirmut ; of persons who give thsir entire time to the business. They taka contracts to set out hedge plan's ' , cultivate them while they are growing , and prune them after they hwo been established. They are duly apprenticad to the butiness while they are young , f.nd continue In it during the active years of their lives. By so doing they bs- come experis. Caution to Tree Planters. This hat been a fruitful year , and has brought into bearing many of the "wonderful" trees sold to our citi zens by itinerant scents. We have nsver""hosrd so much complaint of fMlur , growing out of the fact that in no other yo.ir have so many-ofthe hnraba-f tm 3 proven their own worth- leisness. It seams to bo useless to talk to or admonish our readers sgsinst the cheats , frauds and deceptions of the tree peddlers traveling over all -parts of the country , exhibiting pic tures of wonderful fruits , and espe cially such a ? exhibit large and at- trcctive fruit in glass jars ( magnified by the shape of the j n-a ) , and plodg. ing their honor not 10 soil anything which would not prod uco fruit equ.l to the spsciruoua bhown. In ilia firet plica but a ennll porlicn of the trees aoid , live so as to detect the fraud * . And it ia apparent that this is one part of tne game the dead never tqucal. The confiding public are ever ready to fi-rgiva a man , If from various cinacs the trees ha etlla never grow. He the next year gcatu- itiously supplies their plsccs free This ao oatablisnts his'charaoter for fairneis that the vic'.im contracts with him be fore ha leaves for a much larger lot at higher prices. 'i'bls season for i&oklng up lists and engaging trees is near at hand. Tha smooth-tongued agent will ba along. Let eveiy man act sensibly in this mat ter. The Horticultural society of lows , composed of the bast and Rifca- fruit raisers in the state , h&vo m&do up lists of fruit trees for every particular locality In the state suited to cli mate , and selected vrlth a vitw of ut ility and cllraato. Get theaa lists , and then buy 'f none but the duly authorizsd and ao redited agent of somejwoll known and reliable nuraory. Then call eomo witness who knows from whom the trees wera bought r.nd exactly where they were planted. Tnon when the fruit shows the trcea to bo a fraud , tharo will bo some one to answer in & suit for damages. And the damage 1 * serious where a man plants and waits for years for tha fruition of his hopet , and than finds all his fond anticipations blasted by hie ticca proving norao thau the ap ples of Sodom. There are fair and honest men en gaged in the nursery business , but they rre subject to accident and fraud. Careless hands Mid agents in getting scions mtxod , carelessnesi in taking up and labeling trees , etc. But they c n have no excuse for sending out stock which has bean grafted from the Hmba of worthless trees. Every man conducting busi ness of this kind should have regard enough for his own character to ace personally that the scions are of pure aTd valuable ctook. in most things there are opportuni ties fi.r detecting frauds before the perpetrators die , but fruit trees t&ke a long time to prove their own worth- lesaneia , while the agents die or dis appear from tha country. Her.cs the necessity of exercising more ciution , and of being more particular with whom you are dealing. And in cato ix man represents himself aa an agent of some well-known nnrssry , before you psy your money , write to said nursery and ascertain whether he is their accredited aRont. [ Ex. A TALL STORY. 110GKS TEAT TVEIGU OXK HUNDKED POUNDS LirrED BY OROWINQ PLANTS. Yirgittls Cltj.Ncr. ) Enterprise. A gani'oman ' who recently had oc casion to explore the chambers , drifts and caverns cf the old de-sorted Ophic and Moilcau iniucs aays fungi of every Imaginabla kind have taken possession of the old levels. In these old mincn , undisturbed for years , IB found n fungus world Jn Trhich are to bo scon counterfeit * of almost everything soon in our day light world. Owing to the warmth of the old lovela and to the pressure in them of a certain amount of moisture the timbers have been made to grow Bomo cur ious crops. Some of the fungi in the old chambers are several foot in height , and being mow whita resemble sheeted ghosts. In places are what at a little dlstsiico appear to bo white owls , and there are repre sentations of goats with long beards , all as Tfhlto na though carved In the purest marble. The rank fungu * growth has almost closed uoiua of the drifts. Tne fungi are of almost every imaginable variety of growth. Some kind hang down from the tim bers like ercftt bunches ef ouow-nhito hair find others ro great pulpy masses. Theaa lt generally rise from the rock forming the floor of the drifts * nd seem to have grown from something dropped or spilled on tha ground at the time work W&B In pro gress in these mines years ago. Tbcso growths liivo in several placee raised from the ground rocke weighing from ten to fifty and even ono hundred poundf. Some of the roiks have thus been littod over three feet from the ground. In the higher levels , where tho.a . ! ? is comparatively dry , the fungi are less missive in structure than below - low and are firmer in texturev Some resemble ram's horns , &a they grow in a spiral or twisted shtpe , while others , four or five feet In length and about the thickness of a broom handle , hang from ( ho cap timbers lika r.o many snakes suspended bj the tails. One kind , f cor sending ont a stem of the thickness cf a pencil to the length of a toot or two appesra to blossom ; at least produces ct tha end a bulbous mass that has some resemblance to a flower. In all the Innnitu Ttrioty of these underground fan i it is some what strings that not ono was seen at all like those growing in the light of day. Nothing in the nataro of toad stools or mushrooms was found , Experience or a Visitor. Detroit Free Press. I write this from a country containing about 1,000 Inhabitants. It is a lovely little town , nestled on a side hill to break off the raw winds cf winter and the hurricanes of summer. Whan I arrived this morning it seem ed to mo ss it there could not bj a bad man or scolding woman in the village ; but fuur hours have paiscd and I am a wiser man. I came hereto to see old Mrs. Brown about a pension cho wants from the government , and when wo had finished our business I cald : "I have four " saoyou churches here. "Yes ; but we never have any ser mons worth listening to. " "Tha men look intelligent and smart. " "Humph ! They RFC regular pokes ! There isn't a mnu in Fnnville who knows enough to ak boot in a horsa trade. " "But the women look happy , " I protested. "Then thay look whst they alu' ' , " she answered. "I don't beluve there is a happy woman in the whole village. If know of the you awful carrying ! on here yon wouldn't look for bappy " wives. "What awful things do the man dol""You'd "You'd better ssk what toey don't dJl It's a wonder to me that F.rmvlilo hwnJt shered the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. " "Do they drink ? " "Do they ? _ Didn't I eqe even old Deacon Harris weaving this way and that as ho climbed the hill laU eve ning It's a slippery path , of course , bet tober men don't climb hill side ways. " "Do they gamblel" "Gamble ! What did MM. Potts toll mo that her brother1 ! wife told Airs. Davis not a month ago ? * 'uar of the letding men in the place ware caught playing checkers f > r the soda- water. Tnat's a nlca example , isn't it ! " " ! Mrs. Polls nice ? " "Nice ! Why , ihs's the worst gos sip in town ! It's a wonder thi men don t duck her in the millpond ! " "And Mrs. Davis ? " "She'a a hypocrite ! She'll talk sweet to your face * and abuse you be hind yonr back. " "Mrs. George is well spoken of. " I "By whom ? I've known hoc fif- j teen years , and I novcr heard a human being spesk well of her ! Shu OitJ opium nn'l liaa like a trollop ! ' "leu'c Mra. McHc ry all ri h ? " "All right ? Why , no tsie c\n live in the homo next to hf r. " "Tho pi Bttua-te ? sucms like a g iod mar , " I ventured to remark. "Gndtnan : Why , my husband al ways believed ho WM the very uun w'no throw a y&ller do" down our well ! I don't say that he ite-ila letters , but I know that when I ecnt two thioo- cent stamps in . .latter to my daughter in Illinois she never got it. " "But there must bo one good man here 3" "There must , eh ? Well I wfsh you'd pint him out to me. I'd like to pollah up my spectacles ami take ono good look at him. " 1 And isn't there ono faultless worn in" . ' "Well , I don't want lo seem vain and conceitsd , became none of us nre loug for this world , but I expect I'm the faullL'sa ono you are inquiring after ! " I think I shall go out on the even ing trnir. Mr * . Brown saya that evury house and lot Is luortftttged , every bualnesa man ia rjsdy to ' 'bust" and every family ii&s at least one scan dal about them. On my way over to tbo postoflico an hour tgo i aiked a grocer If he kn w old Mra , Brown. "Know her ? Why , ahe'n a gossip , a liar , a hypocrite , and a dead beat , and too lazy to chaugo htr stockings more than twice a year ! " ore THE BS. C ZIVEB PILLS ire not recommended as a remedy " for nil the ilia thnt flesh is heir to. " but in Affections of thoLirer , and in nil Bilious Complaints , Dy j > epsiH , and Sick Jload- aohe , or diseases of that character , they stand without a livnl. AGUE A&p FEVER. No better cathertic cnn bo used pre > paratory to , or offer taking quinine. Aa a simple purgative they are unenualed. , SEY/ASE OF IMITATIONS. - The genuine are never sugar-coated. K.nch box ha ° a rcil-wax seal on the I'd. pitlt thoimprcaiionJIi-LANE'S LIVKK PILL. Each wiupper hears the siqus- turt'S o C. McLtxK mid FLEMISH BROS. l&T Insist upon having the genuine Dr. . C. MoLAXE'S LIVLll PILLS , pre pared b FLE3IIXG BROS.l'msImrgli , Pa. , the market being full of imitations of the name 3rcf.ittic , silled differently , but same Denunciation. new TO CUKE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Gelds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Tnront , Lunffs.ana Puluionnry OrRans.I USEACCOIIDIXQTO D1KECTIOXS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. Prepared from tropical ftoiu fiadpltaU. Isthe Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation , ntlloiisiiess , Heatlnclie , Torpid Liver , Hem- orrJiolelft , liidlspoHitioti , uiicl all Disorders arlHluj ; from an oli- Uructecl state of LaUc > > and children , nnd Ihoao who dlsllka taki i ; : pills and nauseous medicines , are espe cially pleased n 1th Us agreeable qualities. TJlOPIC-FnuiT LAXATIVE may he n d In nil rftses that necil thp aid of a nmKJit' ' cathartic , or nperlont medlc'.no , nnil nlleltpro- iluces thcsamoreiiilt as the scents named , it I nnlirely frpe from the usual objections common tu tncni. rttcktd'In bronzed tia boii only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALLFIRSTHi.ASSDRUGGIST3. C. F. Goo'm n , Wholesale Agent ? , Ill fl MTCn 1021 Ajcnta cicrvnhcro toBa' MM i CLJ Tea , CoCee , BaWii * Po.vder. Fluvorlii Estracts , etc , by 3 mpo ! , to famllljs , TroBt good. Oatlltfreo. People's Tea Co. , EJT ! 1M. St. I J-'BVBR - AWO Thsra ta no civilized nation In the Wet tern Hemisphere In wlilch the utility of Iloststtcr's Stomach Blttcra aa R tonic , c > in ctivc , ami nti- blliou ; meillclne , Ia not biio.vn and appreciated. While it ia a nitxliKno ( or ill Seasons and all climate ] , It Ii otpccUlly united to the complaints ga neratcd by thee tlior , balnj tto puicat and neat Te otablc Biiauilant In tha world For tslo by Urnggiste and Dealcn , to whom ap- llv ( or IIostetWr'B Almanic ( or 1SS1 HAMBURG AMEREC H PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line ol Steamships Lcivins NBW York Every Thursday at 2 p. m. For England , Franco and Germany. Tor Passage app'y to G. B , RICHARD & CO. , je Ar.er.ti , AOEKTS WANTED EOK the FMtest Hollinjj Book of the Ane Foundations of Success. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOUUS. The hv.30f triJo , Icva.1 forms , how to Irant. net bu lno3J. valuable t.iblcj , bociat otiqnctio , mrliatnentary une , how to conduct public butinees ; in t ct 11 H a complete Guide to Sue- ceia for all cla-jsca. A family neccs3i > y. Addrcts for circolirs and special terms. ANCHOR PUB- LISHIKG CJ. , St. Loub , Mo. 4r t r day at come , binp c ] w or T ) J I L-a * . A.idresj SUnunn < k CoTe To Nervous Sufferers The Great European Kemedy Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specific Medicine , It Is & poaltlre cure f or S pcrmuorrhea , Bomtnal 'aroikncna , Impotency.ar.il ail ilifeisei reoultlng froa Salf-Abusn , as Mental Anxletv lo s ot Jionory , Ptlns In the fc k or Side , and that to Consumption Inuhlty ami Mjcarlvgravo Too Sj-edfis Vedlclce Is beta ? U89 wits wonder ful succw. Pamphlcta sent f rco to ali. Write for them and get full pmtcEhrs. Prlca , Spo/ifli , 91.00 per p cbue , or six pack 5ei for $5. CO. Address a'l ' ordrra to . B. SIMPSON ViEDlCIXR CO. , N03. : M nd 108 JUIn St. , Buffalo , K. Y. Sold in raiha by C. F. Goodnxin , J. W. Bell J K. lih nd all drtugUt * everywhere. GJ C C week tn your own town. lormj and l&OO ontOlfrc * . AdJron II. Hall U & Co. , Portland , Mo i THE COLOMDO I BUSINESS COLLEGE r < Ills InsIMSt'in , located t Denver , CtJo : = il ; , j the KJti.-atloiial asitl Comonrciil ( .cuter of ih * > ' Wast , iJ pra-Jmlncnlly tli3 Icit ami most practi ce' of 1U UiU Ijr tliej MERCANTILE TOAiHiNO or Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , Piesidsnt , D. W. CAJ > Y , Sccrotafy. The most eitoualTa , thorough anil complete nstllutlon of the kind In { hoTorSiI. . Tbo3 nJi of accountants and Uusioeij men , la the ] ria- clpal cities nnd to'vns o ! the Unlte-1 SUtce , owe their success to out course of tralal-r. The Bisht ; Kind of Education lor Young Men and ladies , i ! rice , new brlct block. t Junction of thrto trcct car Ilnei E'.cjsntly fi-.ted an I furalghoil i spirtracnla or the application of anil carrying out tf ! our noTel aid svptcuwtlc methods of ; BUSINESS ! * Yonnj men TIO | contemplate a bnslnrsa Ufi , uJ patent ) liaInj eoni to educate , are particu larly requested lo fend for our naw Circular , wnich will CTC ! fall Information as to term , J ont'It'oa of entrance , etc. a , W. FOSTER , President , \ 6-.iu Doaver Colorado , i ETERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND gTChlHG PILES nl once on tl a application of 1 > gomnao'a Pllo Kemcdjr. irlilcb nc < dl lyrtly upon me part * afJbPKut , ubmrfaloi feic Tnraora. nllaylng tha tatcnao BCc& til oilier remedies bayo Try it mho no otlirr. and tall yong BSis fcsggg ) DO NOT DELAY tfco rfrnln on tit * ajttcra produce rennnncct disability , bat bay It , /rlBB3EIir % BE ffSSg PRICE , 50 CSHTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , ICHV wtien yon cnn not obtain ltorhImTT | Till iwnil It , prepaid , on rccelptofpric * 3r. Stounho'a Trcodee ou PUca e nt ft-ei in application. AcMrau ME DR , BG8M9 MEDICINE GO. PlDtTA. O. C. F. GOOMAN AKfnt , Crasha * > / rTVEN. ' & ' rf /a A now and hitherto narnorn rarat.lv for all dlsaasKj cl the Eldn } 3 , BiaJdcr , LnJ Uilrary It will poaitiv sly curtllabetvi , Qrr.vel , Drop- y , Brlzht'g Dboaiw , Intbil.tv . t > retain or expell the Urlno , Catvrh cf the BUdt'er , hih coif red Mid rcanty rtit ) , I sinful Cilii-.tic , LAJK BACK , Ucnora. ' "Weai < n B , aaJ eI ! FcciAl Com- pldlntg. Itavolj < Intomii ! mcrfir.noa , IB certun lull edects nl cnrcs wn , n nothln ? esa csti. For ilo by all DnJCRUta or Boat I y mall f ice upon ro-cipt cj tha ( .nee,32.03. DAY iMEY ? AD CO. , PSOPR3 , Toledo , O. 5T3 i , yuar tJdiaj Cor onr little Look , Eow o KM Machine Works , J. Hammond , Prop. & Manager. Tie raret thorough appolntol iind complete lI Lh'.ne Chops iind Foundry la the state. C'Sttnsa ol vsry description mtnufact" 1. Ciillasf , Frnpi mil every class of raacMnery duds to order. Well Ansnrs , Pnlleyp , Hanccrs , , Gccr , etc PUnafornow Machinery .Meachanlcsl tc , rra'ly osr.'utrf. 69 Harnov Sn. . Bat. I4th f.nd 15th. BELVIDEEE Star Wind Mill , HAXUFACTORKn ET TIIOS. S. WILLIAMS , RED OAK IOWA. ! Correspondence solicited fL.ni thusc rcoJlnj a I liable Wind illll tend 'or circc'nr ard prices an 1 any Information U regard to the Hill vrili b choarfully ramiBiiod. LIVE AQESTS WAJIIED. REASOSS WITT YOU SHOULD BUY THZ BELYIDEKE STAR WIND MILL , BECAU-n let. It Is more Eite in a ir-'o ' of wlud , and In ho rcoat sudden ebanjcs ol the wind from any direction , bccausa tha whe l Ijln ? flit on tha tower ia nlunj-s re dy with IU cdjo to the vrind , and alluns tba van to inn < clcir around , with' out turning cr striking tha w heol. 2nrl. It id a rlztd whcol harin ? no m jveib'o joints to weir ont , niat or creai In tlid w nJ. Srd. Ice nor elect has no effect on it. 4th. It liMta less power from frict'on than other Hills. 5th. It111 ran with lew wlnl than other Ililla. Cth. It la c.if lly regulated eo It will perform any amount cf work required Kaa than Ita capac ity. ity.7thl It has co pnlllcs , BplIngsnoraJdlng heads to recie up in winter. th. It will not pump Tth n out ef ? car. 9th It ii tvcli and hcAVilr pMntOd with thr coata of the best ralnt the market can afford. 10th. It Is a perfect aelf-recnl tor. fcnd vintake cara ol itself in heavy c.an blc wind storms. llth. Its lymctricalform is perfect ornament Hth. Neicr hire hoard of any blou-n dosn u yet when properly sot up n ith a rc u'atinzTine , ncrevor damijwl in the least by the xina. IStb. They ore of good material and made. 14th. AilahaCts tarnc-i , boxea balilted and all n cessary parts double nutted. 16th. It Ii tnors simple , mora compact Iu con traction and tfrnnaar Hi olhor illill. WROUGHT IHOH FENCES. Wire Fendnanl Kailinz Speciality. Iteir heautv , psrrcinpnca and economy d-UIyarorklnarthe extinction of all fen = in ? cheap nutcrial. KI ? ant tn usriTn. ladistmctllle Fences for Lawns , Public Orounds .ind Ceme tery Plata. Iron Vafles , Lawn S ttee , canoplsd and ot rustic pittemn ; CTaln and every description of Iron ind Wlra ornament * ! work desiimcd nnl manufactured bv K. 7. BAHJTUJI'S Wire and Iron Work , 17 , 29 and 31 Woodward Are. , De- trait , Mich. 8flDHf , ulW , v.atalogna anil price list. npZi ; ; 2,380 MILES-UF ROAD I It 13 sh SUOKT , SCKS an4 S f Bocl BotwMD COUNCIL BLUFFS i isi ) , MILWAUKEE an.l ' . ! points EAST mil tT OtTEHa TH2 TKAVZLUJQ PUBtlO OCKATKR FAC1UTIF3 AMD MORK ADVASTAOE8 THAN ANT O1 ESP. ROAD IX TUK ! t ! 8 thj rtVLY ROAD btttrtrn CCENCITj ELUKfi'S and OHIOAGO tljva which U rnn PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ! In a-1 l'tI * > Tj it tics * xcd lo please alt clca cf l-nvtvr .lt . * rilV5T-CLl < r - 3 ALStt ! U K TJSG STATIfJ b at K ctnU each. j. ITSTOflns (3 ( STftt KIi8 ! ! irs ca ciiES tti VM JISSTI JTS g UIPHENT FIRST C1ASS If Tan wish ths Best TraTtlia ? Acpnrcino.l - tlorjjon wll bay your ticket by thU Kontc ill Ticket Aconts ran * > il von Thronjh Tickets via thta road and Check csiu Bate- i Ifag Kre of Ciiro' ! OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 12 > 4 Famham St. , I Ccr. llth. and t Union rarifie Popot 1 D'5'WER orFICK In Co'or-do Central and iTnkn Paci c Tlckst O7ic . 8AK FnASCISCO OFHCK 2 N w Montgom- ryBttfCt. j TOT ! nform ' ! on , ( elder ? , c r , stc. , not ob- | iiln .olc t Home Ticket Oflce , address anj | * < -6nt of tfc ? Company , or K HSCHITT , HCTFSaiTT , Oen I H i s r , OcnH Two. Anct , OntCAQO , ILI. 4AKJ3 T. cuss : , f rc'l Azt Omaha K Cotradl Blnffg. THROUGH TO CHiCACO Without Change of Cars I TIBGS GHiOAGO BURLIKGTOJ1 & QUIHCY Tr-ck , E ! PULLMAN SLEtPIHSS DIriJHC CARS It Ii scknowlwljtM by the Frees , and a wfcc tiavel nvcr It , to be tfaa Best Appnfated ind licet l-'innic.I Hovl In the Country. PASSBNGSRS GOING BAST SiiooM oear In mind that this Is the BEST nOUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points Zaat , North and Ncrthwrat. Fansen crs by thlj Ronto hwa choice of FOUE DIFFERENT SOUTES , And the Aihantaro of Six Dally liven ol Palxcfl S' = cpln Cm from Chicago to New York CityWithout Oh.inge. All Erprp- Trains on tl Ja 1'ne MO enuipnol with nt Air MJ1' rV V l."it Sifo y Platform am ! Couplers , the innit Trifect fro- teflon Atsliurt Ace- dents in tha trorM. PULL3AH PALAOESLEEriHC AfiO OIHING CARS Ara run on th Burlington Rente. Informitloa concernlnf Routes , Rat Z , Time Ccnnoctlons , etc. , will b cheerfully Kl < r n by epplrln ; at the office of the Burlington Koute , 13 Foarteontn Stre t , Orosha , Nebngka. C. K. PEBKCJS. D. W. HITCHCOCK. Of n'l Jfanvter. Oea. TVest'nPassL Aj"t. J. O. PHILLtPPI. Bt. Jo * . , Ko. General Ajcnt , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , fepj-dl Ticket Azont , Om h . Is the only EIrect llao to ST. 1.9TSI3 &KB THE EAST From OHAHA and. ths WSST. So .han e ol cars bstwoen Omalu and fit. lavla & . > < ] but one botwocn Oir.oii sad tfav Tork. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS ? ) nsteri & Western ities iVIth Ices ch rj6 nd ! n Rdrancs ol othar lln j. TMa entire lire is eiulppftd with PaEman'i Palica Bicoplnj Cm , I'ftlieo Ps > Cosch- eBiilier-3 : lUfsty VlaUorra and Cocplar nd thi cctobnled Wtrtlr.fjbot to A'r-Srnis. ' THVT TOUK TICKET READS-BS ffrVU Kac3i3 Clty.St. Jcssyh as X1ok * 3 ! or nle at 1 oocpoi jtsflotJ la th * 7c = t. t.y. BAa > aTD , A. 0. DAWF3. Gen'l Snpt. . Gen'l Faoi. A Ticket Art fit. Jract'h.Ka Bt. Joseph , Ho , W C. SEACHRKST , Tciit Asoa. , lOia Frnhtc ? Street. ASDYBOKDOT , L. B. BAOKABD , Poo. Aj nt.Omaha. Ora'rlAzent , Omaha. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AOT ) St , Paul & Sioux Oity RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Slow City Rnute I ICO STILES SHORTEST ROUTE I From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMAROK , And : 'l palr.taln I'otihem Iow , Ulnnejct * and Dakota. This llni la cqulpjXAl with the Im proved Vfeatl-izho-isd AntoraaUc Air Brake * and Killer r'ltjorm Cr-upor ! ml Bn3er. And for 8P2SD , SAFETY AND COMFORT int Drawlnit Booni Ed falcaiilnir C. rdo'DoJ a.nd controllixl > y the com , run Tiironh ! WHhant Chinjo between Siny 1'aclfic Transfer Depot , Council Blaffa , nail St. Paul. Trnlr.3 leave the Union PicICc Transfer Depot at Coundi BInSs , at 6:15 f m. . roAChlna : Flonx City at IfcM p. ra. , and St. Pan ! at 11:03 a. m , mskinz HOURS is AUTAKCK OT irr OTHZR Betnrnln ? , leave St. Panl at SS0 p. m. . ar- rivLl ? at Sioux City at < :15 a. m. , ajid Union Pacific Transf r Depot , Council BInffij , at 9aO a. m. Be rore that yonr tlclceta read vU "S. C. ft P. R. R. ' F. C. HILLS , Superintendent ' Mlswarl Viley } , lows P. E. HOBRraON , Ass't Oen'l Pasa. Agent. J. H. O'BRYAN , and Paflwnijer Agent , Cnnndl Blndl MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GREASE rcslyof powdered mtea and Ijinstlan ii the bcit and cheapest- lubricator In th < world. It is the best becaa oi t does nnt earn , but forms highly polUhcd surfwfl o er the axle , dotn ; away wiui a , large amount of friction. H W the chrapcot bccauso you nse l osa but half the quantity In rei itiyour wagon that you waul J cf any other az1o greaje nude , and then run yonrwairnn twice as Icuf. , Jit auwera eq Jally ea nell fir Mill Gearing , Thrcabing 'Machine Eujifles , ftt.M for wagons Send for Po k t C > clopc < ll of Thinm Wonn Knowicc. Hailed frea to nr address MICA MAXUFACTURIHC CO. , 31 MICHiaArf AVENOB , CHICAC3. Your Dealer For It HOITCK. J. 1. Kichol and E. Fearon , ncder t" ttjle ot J. J. Mcbol & Co. , Is this ib > jy matnal consent. 'V J. I. Nlchol lontioucj'alone ' ant1 liabilities aud Tolltcts allontiUivl Januaryi:9tb,1831. . . \ For COUGHS , GOLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of tha THROAT and LUNGS. The most acceptable preparation In the known world. BT iddln ; to TOLD ROCK and RYH IU1. Lemon Ju re. yon haToauexellont Appotlzer and Tonic. f..r Ken.nl and f mIlTn . Th. 'nath0nnm"ratCTtIm0n Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. CAMTIDN"B9STB DECEIVED by unprInclPloJd ! cr , who try to rwlra off nponror HDiiViiinTwn JT11110 ? S5 K7 InpIicuctonrTOLU ROCK and RYE , which li the only UKmCAThD artlcl. made , th OESUIi'K narD < a GOVERSJIJQiT STAIIP on each bet V. Estract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TRBASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICE OF IXTERNA L RKVENU J Wjjni.iaiO ! , I ) . C. , J.na.irr CS , isso. / . LAWRG7CC ft UAKTIK , 1111 Madlwn St. , Chicaqo , ! ! ! . . ? VnV Tnhtl , > TliOInrad- th * ° PIalon ° ' tnb 0 . 'ontJ b a n-CcIrni qu.ntllr. A vF TOJLlIto * lte ll th aTantart , aicrlhed to tl-i , article In pectoral ccmpUlnU while the whisky acd th vrup con tltnt an emaliion rerd-rine It n atrec.bl. reiowly to th > & pPAVATvPOUn , . ? , " " tomtf * . It may properly bo riawtd.j a MXDICUtAL 1 ? ? S * u1" the r " * 1"0' o' D. R"bcd StatPtes. ami whm so tamPc < rr.y U goldby Drnjp9tsApothe irle andOth rP6r oci ltliout rendering them liable to r > r trKlal . ' ' tax as liquor deslors. - Yonra Rupectfjlly , ( El ied ) QRESN.B. RATJM , Commlwlonor LAWRENCE & MARTlN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DEUGGIST8 , GROCERS and DEALERS everywhere C. f. QUO DM IN , AQS.VT. OMAH V J IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine justly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the 'simplest in construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents man of in tegrity , and purchasers are always satisfied , because they find everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The sales so far this year are more than double the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. f . Cor * Davenport and 15th Sts. Ornabn. JIM. JBl THIS KEW'AKD CORS2CT v Proves beyond any rcasonablo question that the CHICAGO 1 & ' NORTH-WESTERN r R'Y Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling In either direction betweeof -f Chicago and all of the Principal Points In Ihe West , North and Northwest. * - - Carefully examine- this Hap. The Principal Cities of the "Vfnt and JTorthwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains ol oil railroads at Junction points. fc-r-rrw THE CHICACO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Over all oMts principal Hnes.nin" ? eaohvav dally from tire to fourormoro F lit Express i rains. 11 Is the only road we or Chicago that uses the Tr - . _ jt cXjr PTJU MA2I HOTHL DINING It h thanonlr road that rnns Pnnm.-in Sleeping Cars North or TTdrthwest of Chicago. ' It has nearlr3jO < > oiJtzcxra q JZO J . _ UormsJho following Tronic Lines : rcepon it UUDIKJUO June. " "Jlllwaukeo. Ureen Bay & I axn Superior Linn. " C . tuls * ° ad are sold by all Coupon , Ticket Agents in the United States and Uemember to ask for Tickets Tia this road , be sure they read over ltand take none other. HAETI.1 HCaniTT , Genl Manager , Chicago. . W. a. 8IH5SETT , Genl Pass. Agent , Chlcaso. - . ODEb. TKk-t Au nt C. & K. TV Kaawsy. 4th arc ! F rnhi m Stiwl . i > . B KIMBALL , /gslitantTtfeet ArentC 4 N. W. Bailwsy.M'.li aod Fajotim Strc . J. BELL. Tlekst Anent C. & K. W. K Ilwiy. U. P. E-E. Depot. JAMK5 T. CLARK General > rrn' . _ _ a W J.ISTPO'VT' STT A.33ES- "lit tc And Everything pertaining to the Fnrnlture and IJpholBtery Trade. A COMPLETE ASSOBTRIEHT OF MEW GOOD.S AT THE JPSIOES. C3 iua. 3. gg Ma. . v jej 1208 and 1210 Faraliaiii Street , D li non th s > t AGENTS WAOTED FOR OUR NEW BOO if. AOENTS WANTED FOB 1DKEATIVE SCIENCE Sexual Philosophy. . J most Important and