IE Ifcv ' - * : 1 1 THE DAILY BSE T ii TUB New York assembly has passed a bill forbidding the consolidation of telegraph companies. TJIE temperance issue Is not a political - litical qucslI55 ; ltTnuBtijo settled by" society outsldoof psrt "ttltikr. ' THB Improper TISO of poik"Ta "caus- " Ing a nnmber ofcdfiathsjjln'-the entrh . A. constitutional ITmendmenf prohibit ing the raising "of KgY and their conversion - " version into hams and "long sidea" will bo the next thing in order. TireTePaun pfata glaaa'-TrorkB of. Now Albany , Indiana , and LoulsvlUe , Kentucky , arbHout toremove to ] Pittsburgh on account oKthe .high ; price of The De aun Trorks' should remove to 0naha.\rltii , coal t * ' - - - - THE NewYork'Tribune 'thinks' that Leland Stanford's plea for railroad BUpromacytJa full , satisfactory and " * -convincing , "it don't take much to convince a journal whose , establish ment Is mortgaged for. $750,000 to * a railroad magnate. It will now bo In order for the-New "Yotk ; WrldfChi \ cage Inter ( Jceau and Omaha Republi can to bo convinced. _ v _ . IT looters If he' VesterqUnion are not to completenipnppply of the telegraph businesB. .Thepro- * " woelie ago by some t3mcago"merchantSj IB taking form rapidly , and eight hrm- dred milca triil bo built during , the present yean 'In covoral of the states through whlcHiholinerwill paEB fhe lodskturea i v < prohibited the -con1 i.-i , i * * * * i , , + viv i T. r " f ' * ' " Bolldatloa'orpoolingtjrTlval linos. CHUECH Howe ha Introduced a bill in the house prohibiting , the Accept ance and UEO of freojjassair'p er Tt&lZ roads by members of the legislature and all * iafe - anaoonnty1 officials.- * This is a move in the right direction , and the bill Howe In the last man that , wanted to have It pMHsed.This cheebyimpostor has donbtleu' introduced this 1IH to bamboozle grangers Into the belief that ho is an anti-monopolist , whefnigf from the day ho set foot into. 9fd ; j.t f. . . . . , , , lature , elr T arx-ngo until nowrhe.haa ftftf ? * " Jt < - - never ceased to "be anything else hsn a railroad'capper. . Only lact week , when the question of lazing railroads was beforevihe ways -end JtneanB.comjt anittee , of whichHp we nw'aB AJa Church name of business w . . wore the i . the bills that provide for the repeal of the railway exemption act. When Ohuroh Howe was mister pf the stajo grange he always carried annuals from the rallroadstophls po.ckete and J > a made demands focthctn in virtno of his position iohe . leRUlat5re. . ff-f. / " M > gu li. business i Q > IhiiiIaK--mafc8iibotweon Omaha and Ogden and how could he pay for them ? Did bo make good the amount in farmj-Oproduca ? \ oi In votes In the ° 1eg&uluriDld ? ho pay for them , when ho boastfully telegraphed to Sidney Dillon thit he had defeated the pro rata resolutions in the legislature , TonrOyears.ago'C ? . The abolition of railroad passes to public officials Js emandedIn < th TIn'- terest of the peo'plev ! bne-thlrd-of all the passenger travel in this state is on dead-head passes , and the two-thirds from whom fare'cbpeoleilpByJior those who have free tickets. , liy.all means let tK6"legtslafuro pass the anti-dcad-head-till. REQDLA.TION AND PROmBITION. There are * four'distlricf-propoBiOoui before thejNebraska leglalaltura Tolbk' ing towardr'th'o Destruction , ,6f Jiho. liquor traffic. "Mr. Jickson , ofJDoug- Iss , attemp ate limit" the ppaWlIons of his proposed reform within .tho bonndariejBQof tojvnai and cities but " ospooially within tie boundaries of the city of O aha yahlsjay town officers may , at their .option , Impose such Ucense fepsnpon dealers , ln liquors as'tiro h'o.w authorlze'd "Sy" county comniU lonoraTbn in cities of the first dkisYwUoIunoans Omafia , no license to eell , liquor"Bh'allTjp granted for a sum less than ono thousand dolr lars. . , - > Now wo admit -afr.tho : onteot the evils of Intomjwrnfoe a d-lhe noed"of' roasonnblo restrictions , upon the Bale of intorlcstlnfrbevcrages. e also concede thattcljfes , totrni and vil lages afford a bettor , .field .for .tho generation-pJMriperandjcrimo by" Intemperance - . temperance thanvtho , .country. Wo know that Omaha abounds In low dens whore the vilest , -wretches and most depraved , crpatares congregate and the keepers bf these Sens ofjnfamy are permitted to deal In liqpSrs with- : restraint hls deplorable stale .of af fairs Is , ho wpver , ' ' not duo to the leniency softhe. . present laws but rathontor their non-enforcement * The present-laws maka.ihe . .keeping of disorderly houses'wher gambling or prostitutlon-l8carrlea on ln connection - tion with the liqudrCtradeacrimtnal offense both against the cUfWdlnaneo and agalnstjthe elate 'laws ? Bat -tho men and womjBniB-jOai.ha ; who are loudest in demanding prohibition lack the courage to enter complaint against ihteewoiator.of4h e law , and ; S" the ordinances , and -laws rema'lnla dead letter. What need if re , t any thing , In theihapetf ! JegWatlrayrS clause In'omr BUy charter tkirti triH- S"J any , honse and wUrprohiblt the .roqS of such " J complaint the ' suspension shcmld' manont oponcconvicU5rQni court. , S2300Dfci 10 Mr. Jftckson's ' * Wgh UcQHss b'lllIf _ It Is passoa * t75rilT ho'uld make .dU- U noMfe Mw ie nd boarding house keeps ale' andeeron' ' ' draught for the use of its boarders , and a $1000 license could not be effectively enforced against that clase. Another important proviBlonln suclT law should be , that licgbte Ehould.lie only granted for the Eolo'of'iaaitliqUora manufactured In this state. Jlf that h not dote the fcwliquor dealer * who ) * 4X ' * * * " * * Vf * + * "i * trill monopolize -the' traffic - under the $1000 license lystcm , wi import , .their - beerbythe carloads- , from Milwaukee , Cincinnati and else where and deprive Nebraska farmers oLthc-benofits ot home-"consumption" of their grain. A serious flyrr In Mr. Jackson's bill will ba found In the faot-that Ita-cj ratiojrlslimHed''ffithi [ a the boundaries of Omaha. If it becomes a bnrpscores of zaloons and gin.millsdllio.cp9ned , , within ten. yarus'of the'TJty limits rwhera liquor " * 1 = - = * Jf > % t - will bo dealt out under the low county license.W < o ehalLbavc free and /easy s. saloons .nnd gardens "near iho 'state falr.ground'arouad the park and' on the ouUkiris.oj South Omaha , and the Half Wajr house * "would bo as num erous as blackberries in Jnne. So much fofrJackson's bill. A bill Introduced by Mr. Mickey , of Polk county , proposes to make it a criminal offense to "manufacture , sell , * off4er .for calo or to give away , any TnaltJ4 epirltous or * yinoUEjiqucr in this state except for medical , mechani cal or feclehtlfic-jpurppses. " Under this bill only persons of good morafcharao- Jer can solljnfiUt Bplritous or vinous Honors fo&nedic'al or mechanical pur- ' " ' 'f " " U - * 5 * poses. * This , of-courie ; would reduce the .aalo , of liquors to members of churches in good : standing. The trafficlnHquora i3 to borllmitedtp one : * ' . .personin , : . * each * ward koJ f Bi * * - _ " " " * y " a""cltyT" Every drug" store -necessarily" deals -.iri ' llqnor for medicinal and chemical ; purposes. Ia ttuf cilyof OmahVwUh"3'2,000 popu lations ihero'-would only be six drug stores allowed. } In-the cltyof-Jjln- coln-with l4jOOO people there would Jba. three drugstores. - Thia would be alrery profitable arrangement for the drugglsts.andAwo would advise Jtfr. Jfflckey tir.'cingige 'In the 'drug busi ness in Omaha , of tec , tho. legislature adjourns If' Ujis-blll Is passed. It would/bo more profitable than the cohtf per cent 'busirie'ss ' in1 4Polk "county. r The -radical prohibitionists wo are kssnred ,9o not _ | want BK Mickey's bill , " but "favor" the proportion \of fflhurch'gHoweVto nubmit ihe fp.roh3bitlori5f-question to the people , .of. Nebraska at "next. ; general .election as a consti tutional amendment. In other' ' words they "want to'mako'a campaign In Ne- | bT8SkR Hhmt hislJspcIal reform into tKb njolltlfcal oxenal tj Nojr jthe state ofNebraskarill two years hence leleet ] three Dngrgaimn , an entire Btate boardjof officersJnd a leglslitnro ittialjs TSe a TJnlted States Wna- toET .JlTpoaitfla'E'choice ' may * hang the entire control of the United States and so of congress itself by the .republicanpartr * . The' legislature of 1883 will also have to deal wlth-'Tnany " lmpiirtant" qneitlons chief of which is " .the transportation problem ] In otir-opinion it ia n'eithor expedlonFnor prudent to make "this temperance question one of the vital IESUCS in tho. coming contest , * f > take advantage of this issue in the nex campalgn. They will pursue the same tactics that they pursued in 1871 , .when they defeated.thoconstitution theirTinbmltted 'to our'people. . "In prohibition districts railroad mcn wlll be for p rpfiibltlon , and Injaistricta whoro"prohibition is unpopular they .wIlljjolnlKands with the liquor inter est , but their aim in every. Instance will boto elect 7rallroad men to the legislature and - defeat the _ peb- cure redress -pfrom extortion asd dlicrimlnationl ! * " Nebraska can well afford to trait the test of the prohibi tion , experiment in-Kansas , at'least !'.tjro years. jlrlansas hasn million' of-populatlan7 aria"cho can nowr afford better , io "dispense with forolga Immigration then Nebraska , with half that number. .Nebraska "needs immigrants from all quarters of the globej and.prohibltory legislation would r6pol..Europein ; emigrants , rwhoio social habits would be' 'en trenched upon.peaker Shodd'a remark , that wo need no foreign immigration' , is not In keeping with the fact that lands in Saunders connty , which 'he represents , have'trebled In value by the Influx of thrifty foreigners. Other counties Vo'uld bo ' ' pleased to' 'have them 'especially in yiew of the fact that erery foreign emigrant accordIng - Ing to Castle Garden statistics brings an averaga of § 1000 in'money to this country besides tho. value of his labor. There is another bill'Introduced by Mr. Moore , of "York ; Trhich proposes to restrict the liquor traffic In.this state by a rigid licence system. Sec tion 2 of this bill requires tho' appli cant for license to-fila a bond of-not less than 8500t or more than 81,000 with the , county clerk as a guarantee that he will not keep 5 disorderly house and allow no gambling - " ling oo , his premises , and to cover the payment of damages and forfeitures whlch..may be adjudged against him under the criminal laws. Section' 3 requires the-applicant 'to pay" : $1,000 Into ; the county treasury foVthe sale of alcoholic and _ malt liquors , or 8500 for malt liquors alone. This Is "more Koneroni tn rMr.Jaoksona _ | , bH ; 'nna : makes iho proper disiinctio'iflat ween malt and tcpjbllc jliguprs. Such .a- * bill' with tproper-aafejcriarda wonld iifc rmeettho emergencies of the'case.-- - fc - : _ . II OrjX'UOR .HIM. ; * * To'lho Jitor otTM EM : Af'swlndlercalUng himself-H. S J J TV T T7J.wj' i J.T' 1 : Ed- . . ' irar jBjJI dentbf'l'Ia'playihg ; : .confi- . "dencevgames * nd prBttlng" money by " Ial e prejtences , I AX j.uira.r When Jast hoardjrom ha was in Carroll , Iowa. Ho ia abpnt'5fopt Sjinches "In bight } , tdatk hic nnd.'musUohOj age about 25fT.wcr.r , a plug bat , and , carries' a : Bmall eftse ef instruments bf-o etr p overhs _ ! shoulder , : For any farther particularsj address * one.of . I It - * - * T. T , "rrr- ! : JK , B inuiajLiis. n . ! COON , 'otTHe I Boston * Herald urges ; E fB. ; Washbutno for secretary of the treasury , on the ground that he is able , experienced , honest and sound. ! . mall Pbx in Dakota and Coal Fever in Nebraska * Tfie 'Storm in the ! Correspondence or TEI BBS. OAKDIIB , Nebraska , February 7. Considerable anxiety eiltts in the nbrlhetifjart-of-the state on account of the email pox that-ia raging In southeastern Dakota. A strict quar- nntlne.Iskept.In".northeastern"Nobra3- ! ka , and there Is -muchrdangar of the dizeaWtpreading. Sore arms are .very common cycn In Washington and Burl counties. The coal fever is as contagious at present as any disease. A stock com pany for prospecting haa bean organ. Ized at Decatur with a subscribed cap ital of ? 5,000 which shall ba Increased to 850,000 whenever they determine to slnki a shaft Thy are leasing ground and asioon M spring opens 17111 begin prospecting. Drury Atwater - ter and many .other enterprising men of the place are interesting themselves In the venture. A barge Hue for coal established be tween Decatur and Omaha ia very pleasant plcturewhich | we Indulge the hope may bo realized. Dccatnr is located on the river bank , and has no railroad at present , butlit is expected the Mapla river branch of the G. & N.-W. will bo built through Onawa across the Missouri river at Decitnr , and from thence running two branches ono west and tha other south to Omi- ha ; they will enter into active com petition for the Nebraska trade Inde pendent of the present-pool. Full particulars of the Griffin trage dy ; that JSQ excited the people of.Do- catur , have not .yet been published. They are RB follows : E. L. Griffin , oi Decatur , who recently committed ni- cide by shooting himself , was a mar ried man , a harbor by trade , and hac rbeen living in the plaoo a number ol years.- Some two years ago whllo un der the Influence of liqoor he stabbed a man , and when bailed out of jail promised his , bondsmen-that he wonlc never again get drunk. They told him that if he got , drunk before trial they would withdraw from his bond and turn him over-to.the authorities. He did not1 drink any more then , and repeatedly - peatedly told his friends that if he ever got drunk again ho would shoot .himself. His triaTpassed , also more than a year of prosperous , jkado , and his , old 'Miabit began Greening back upon 'him. ' A saloon stood close to his chop , and he said he-could not keep from It while it was always under.hls nose. Some days before the tragedy ho took i reckless spree , and was , jnct recover ing from the same'when on Friday evening ho Bad a quarrel with his partner. ' Going home to his family he got ; hia revolvercsat ! down , in & chair and took hts.wifd.upon his knee. He said was a failure and he would rather dlo.thanlivo a.drunkard.k . He-told Very ; minutely OTerythirig In connection wUh his financial .matters , thb'n , deliberntoly' placed the muzzle of "Iho pistol , , agalast his head ! and " fiFedi'i ' He.'lingered.ia" ' "erlBtenca till near 'morning and died. A bovine-monstrosity'.vas shown me at Herman , by Mr. John Lang , ol that place. It was , the double head of a calf 'with a , single .horn In the center' ' over two inches long. The .mother cf the unborn calf died , and was opened to ascertain the cause ol her death. Air. Lang told mo that the feel of the. calf were like mules' feetfbnt.ho does' not Ifave thoia on exhibition. , _ One * head Is evidently that ofi a male , andlhe other that of a female. . r Each' head'is , provided with awoll-fonned"nbse ! , haVa tongue and two'eyes , but'only one. ear can be seen. jTheltwo" heads''are sp grown together thn&the"innerhornstmetahd ; the horn'm&ttor.bebg appropriated for two horns a'horn of premature growth was produced in the. centre of the double head. The outer horns did nol 'makean appearance through the skin , but probably would had the creature ' ' ' lived. The Blorm now raging la .reported very disastrous'to the interests of the cattle men. The stock in this portion tion of the.stato-are sheltered , but a "number jof men live here who own cattle onj the ranges. A man came IntoTeklim&h a few days ago with a double-barrelled shot-gun , which he purchased with his-chances , - on sev- , enty-fivo'toad of range cattle. The .oldest settlers pronounce this the cbldest'.and most stormy winter ever .experienced in Nebraska. . „ JAT. THE TJSE OF LIQUOR. BEVABKABLH. ADDRESS OF CHANCEL- - , LOK CBOSBT , or KBW TOIK , ox TKMTEBA'NCB. Boston .Dispatch. , " " A severe shaking was given the pro hibltion population of this city by Chancellor Crosby , of . .New 'York , whose turn It was In the Monday lee tureshlp. .Dr. Crosby's' ' vigorous en forcement in.New York of his pecu liar vloKB on the subject of temper ance has made him'more'prominent "of late years than his eminent scholgstio -attainments , and has.aroused , X tern- post'about his ears which his utter ances : to-'day will-Intensify. "A Calm Yiew of Temperance" was the subject which he announced , and from the text ho placed himself in antagonism with the principles of total absti nence , as advocated by what he termed "the propaganda , " and 'against those principles , but not those who advanced ho. fought a battle of words. During the 'noon hour ho said the word "temperanca" has been violently wrested from its legitimate use. The public has learned to consider the radical use ol the term as applied by. the propaganda of the total abstinence doctrine. There are thousands of worthy citizens "who have another meaning "for the-word than that it 1m pliei total abstinence. With such we must go back to first principles , and correct meaning of the word steadi ness and moderation. A fetrful prostitution of a noble ord haa taken place when it comes to prevent the legality which-prohibits absolutely the pretence or use' of all things con taining intoxicants. Their reception wa * the wresting of scripture to the sup port of total abstinence themes. The doctor was very severe In his reflec tion * on the oonitruen of the crip- turetexta ; who make it invariably to support ; thair previously set up theor ies , .tueriing that whenever It Is spo ken oi surely in ihe Bible it refers to fermented wine , and while' It invariably - . ably means the unfermeniedlwlno. A cause having falsehoods aa Its main supports "can nevert > e' ccepted by the public. The -plan ie unmanly. T .stop ffia cse of anything became it is wetirii wrong. ' THb'Jrneprinciple Is "self-control" noVgovcrnment pro hibltion. LV is maHo , for crime. Theiselllng-or drink'Ingjof .vine is 'not arrdng. A prohibition for certain times ' - mndplaces may be defended , Ais but _ total- , prohibition . never. Jtcgnlitlon Is _ "a Wnf fp 'pnt the" subject on'Kbf pjuird , " but prohibition ! tyranny. The argument'Is not to against the reasonablenejsof."prohibi tion , but only to show the pnbllo will never aecSptlt-arid consequently-it- must al wars fall of Its object-with" re gard to'the moral aspect of prohibi .j tion. It ia a healthful and legitimate method of doing away with drunken * &i V3 * * * neis. Tko speaker declared In iho negative ; thoagr > , , ashp said a qiatfia. ncat ' ' 11'u : ' disadrantagcfV1 - - - - " atot a ot otw. w.It , i , , " . i - . - < terse language , , tap Jscinrer xc upon. ! t 'prohiblUpn moVoaf-- > pons'.bility for tlie'g'rowtlrRiiu uuvr.uu Iol ' , ol . d'runkenuccs ; that ita results hsd , i been ( tho-vory opposite from"thcws sought and declared , and. , thay ( J.U-J C9Urs'e ? had hlnaered' and Jjriacraetl I ! the progress of morals rnd roli ioa as tlw tld . "Tho atscrtton 'tbaf racderato drinking leads to drunkonntsi ho de clared to be false. The pledge is al- wajs an Injury ami nev er a Jiclp te . true morality , fo'rit-lmpH mi \ willingness to reform. Thousands , may be got to sign the pledge where one may bo induced t'o refdrm. It la impossible to condemn without bringing a reproscJi * > a Christ and hii apostles. In conclu sion , Iho lecturur outlined the plon of true reform in which he believes , thnt of absolute prohibit i n of dis tilled liquors , the general aala and nso of viuuoua and malt liquors to such as pleased to use them , under otringeut license laws , with imprisonraout as well aa fine for violation , and tot : l ab stinence for drunkards and all others trho believe in it. Comity from eo eminent a Presbyterian divine and uttered before such tn audionca , theao words produce a veritable sensation , and replica to them will doubtless be heard from a thousand pulpita. A BOEEAL BLAST From the Secretary of the Aurora Farmers' Alliance. To the E Utor of the Eo j. . The Hamilton county , Kobrsakn , Farmers Club , hold their cnuual in stitute in the judga's office at Aurora , February 1st io 4th. Court , en on adjournment , being in session , many of our farmers were kept at the circuit court , so the attendance wzmiot large , bat enough to comfurhibly fill -tho judge's room. Proh Calbcrtsoh being sick , was not abla'to bo with u ? , so wo wore left to our own talent. It was demonstrated to thoao present , that we have homo talent ample to teach , Interest , and make a fatrnerain , stitute profitable. The' first essay y on "Boot Crops. " This brought cut considerable inquiry and experience. It Is evident too little interest is had upon the raising of roots for stock feedi especially that of nurigolds. As a largo share of thnso arraigned for ea- eays were absent , wo had re < COUKO mainly to the ones' tion box. This brought otii some very valuable information. Corn , wheat and other crops were brought out , analizedand considered. Plowing , harrowing and cultivation were not ' forgotten. Wo arranged for one day'/a / meeting each on iho first Saturday In May andNovomber'nud the third Saturday of August. On rthe last afternoon wo had an ceaay on fruit trees with K consider ation of the eamo , nlao ono on floral culture , and a talk on small fruits' , ? There can ; bo no .doubt but' such' meetings might be madbr very profit able if the farmers would more gon- 'erally attend.and take part'in the ex ercises. How' ' thay can be 'inado ' in terested after being go long a time isolated , and unused to working in such exorcises Ia a question worthy of consideration. I am in hopea this antl-moaopoly movement will nroiuo them. 1 am afraid ono rabvo in tha Alliance will damage tlio. ctusa.This' Is "every member of every Alilnnco shall pay into'tho ' Stato-Allianco ten cents annually. " * > What dot-a the State Alliance need t > f ttmt Is it to glvo thousands" ' Into the hands of a few leaders 'to 'make them rich st the expcnso of thopoor masses. If this is'their ' aim this'not will kill them , and an anti-monopoly party will rise up on the ruins thereof - of % If this is to bo a political move why give charters to'overy society and compel each member to pay this sum , though small in itself , yet largs whan multiplied by many thousand/ / Could the republican or any other political party prosper nndor nuch rnlet I am an anti-monopolist ; kave been In the liberty and republican parties slnco their organization , believe any county , town or school district has an inalienable right to organize , carry on andvote ajjainst monopolies without asking the wonld-ba lords whether wo may do it without asking them for a charter. I do not baliove this "char tering" principle is in accordance with American independence , or atato , county or individual rights. Every one has the right to oppono nvil with out getting a chnrter for it. It is our duty as good citizens to teach the people and chow them where they are trampled down and by whom , and no one has a right to aay "you shan't do it unless I give you leave by charter and you pay me ton cents for the privilege. " I love THE BBE because it is outspoken against monopolies and yet I have heard not a word agshisi this rising monopoly of compelling charters and dimes in order for a. person to bn opposed to railroad expresses and other acts tending to rob the producing classes. It looks to mo like monopoly against monopoly. "Don't jump out of the frying pan Into the fire , " ia au old saying. Is this not taking a step toward * it iI boliova all the laboring ohssea should ba connected bi this anti-monopoly movement and not say "you shan't unless you are a farmer I"- Farming is my business , yet I sympa thize with the wronged In other pur- suite. E. L. PiiELrs , Aurora , Neb. . _ Secretary. PERSONALITIES. a > Grant is getting bald-headed. Who snatched him ? Ex-Ministor Washburne la talked of - for mayor of Chicago. Mr. Blizzard edits an Ohio paper. He' a raging tornado of the west. - Mount Baker in reported a3 smok ing again. Stroro off on New Tear's day. day.Mr. Mr. Garfield Is the 6rai active Knight to to Templar who haa ever bccS ? elected to the presidency. Sitting "Bull has been composing a pretty glece for the piano. Secretary Schura expects to bring it before the public lna , faw days. Those readers who agonizaover the pronunciation of Bjornstjern Bjorns- senVname may simplify"th6 matter by calling It John Johnson. Hiram Hackett , who was stolen frem bid home nea'jColdwalc ? , Mich. , sixteen years gOj-&aa been.fonnd and. . restored ; to his parents. , H had s"th' strawberry mart prs his sh'o.ulder. . " The Now JEliv en Keglater Ia in formed that th > widow ofr Ole Bull will not mstry the Norwegian poet ; Bjornstjerno" , or at least , cot wtiilp present'wife 1'ves. ' ' . , - 'Hon. Xvrid Davis , Li about to build a'blg hotel at Bloomlngtbn. Ho ought call ll the . "House of .David" and , what ; joilyodrBoniface ! : the'corpuv lent Judge would make. - ' - < ' : a btThator-elect'Conger ] o.MIchIfran , ' ia'ercured Z ch Ohandler's bid seat the senate chamber , having tele graphed for it. Platt , of New York , and Joe Hawley tried in vain to get the Huat 'soon after tueir own elect- ' ' * ' 'IbnV * . E. Ii. Harris ; -of * . . . . , , .which la si fiho/i distance 'HcfHliJ ' of. 'Liverpool , left by 'will the inim dc Sl-,600,000 in our rabneyito jtbaiiTcUjr.irnu trus'oca havq tloter- 5uui9 : < rtd"fQxt d and ondo 'anlorphan huuia ttjunexpeuditnra of tjOOjOCO , H , id ; a science ) and art cchool to COL f-5250,000. Withtha rcTw.inlnff S7i > 0.000 ltijs-s.xpac.ed that they will ? did a'fAxflibrary , and museum. ] P > LlilCAL .NOTES" . " The YowerJiouHa of the Tannessep Snislaturo' liaVuTisSiitcd' Stuwart , a cKunqcrat , and thereby etcurcd i\ majority on jaiul.ballotin the election of minor state officers. The topublicau meinbera of the ftino Icgiilaturo held n meeting Iho other day , and uuftnimously agreed upon Hon. W. P. Fryo aa their can didate for Utiitod States. Senator. Ihay seem to assume that.Ir. . . Blalnu is to ba a member of the next cab- icot. ' Senator Shr.ron has puk in an np- pearance-5n the eenate. Ho wanted to bo introduced to hla brother senators baforo his time expired , and ho found it necessary io bo Idt tthed before the doorkeeper would twfihit him to the floor of the aen&lo , Itlisa Kittroll , a pale , petite young latiy , " hr-3 boou uworn in na dork of Nevada Icgiskture , aiidJudeeHawloy made her ewt-arto anppfrt the consti tution and lawa , nut to bear arms against her cpunlty , and cdjurod her that she was ineligible If she hod taken part in a duel. { , Mr.'m. . Lawory , foreman Suffolk manufacturing company , $92 Washington - ington street , Boston , thuo Bpoka of the ' way it works : Oaa of our men had been euffariug vrithaavoro pnlns in the &ido and back for some time. Ho aaeil .1 nunibcc of ramodies with- outrsliaf ! , and at lqi win perauadcd to try St. Jacobs OH , irhich entirely cured htm. I can highly rocamraond It , r a by Its nso aoveral othera of our employoi have been caroJ. FOR 1 ElIAfli , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUKBAOO , BACKACHE , SORENESS or iu CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS AND SPBAETS , FROSTED FEET A5D EARS. JiXD SCALDS , GEKESAL TOOTH , EAR juro HEADACHE , ASD All ot r F - _ , .Jio.r i' rat1f.n' ca canh tqunIs'ST , Jicous OILM a'strE , S = EK , nuns and CBKXP Extcrnul Kemsdr. A trial < mtali ! tutAe compiritirsly trilling cntlnj of W ) , CZM5. anil every ono mirerinRtritJi pain can BSTO ch r > nj t sltliq proof of lU cliim ) . Diinniu.vs ix r.Livn.v HSGCJ.CIB. J31D 5Y AU DSBGGISTS ASD DEAUSS I. ' ! HEDICIHE. ' -r ' A. VQSELEB & CO. Jinlthnnrr , Sid. , U.S.A. Who romt glossy , InsnrianS oni ! wavy tresses of abundant , beantiful Knir must nso LYON'S SATHAIEON. TMg elegant , cheap article aliraya makes the Hair STOTT ft-eely and fast , feeeps it from foiling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair Gtrong , giving it a cnrling tendency and Iieepiug it in any .desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hatr is the sure result of using Eath&irGn. f EP/pip / W PPP EENSTKEEBS , Slanagar MAnnfsctnrcr of all Iclnils of . Set. Sth and tct QUAHA , 21 Ji XX. R. General Isisnra'ice , , . J- - " * - utwU ifcr - ij i V"V * * i/OIi * Uon , CashAtata _ . . . C3in7llj -i.ooa.w3 . : , co I.CCC.OOO ital FIBElfnN'S 1'0.VD , CalUoralx . S W BKITI3H AilHRlCA ASSURAKCSCo J.CW.OC'O TA IK FIItE IKS. CO. . A t3. . . . 800,000 AMERICAF CENTRAL. Aasta . SW KO a wt Cor. nl FUteonth i Don ? ! s St. . OMAHA. NE3. TES ! a TAILOB , Igpropared to make Pautp , Sosta f.uJ ovcrcoata order. Prices , fit and workninshlp eoiant od olt ; - Ono iJoor-West of OrnlclzBiiiuift's. only JNO. Q. ( Torrcerty of fil-h f. Jtwts ] ORDKRW Auy on * having Jeia 'anlaiili I rrlll rcaoro thcrafrea.of'chuyo. ' Leave ordora toiitheait let : com r,6I Harnoy aftJUth St. , second door.J Iaofl ofl . ; GHAHLES SPLITT. oflI erfi THE WESTERH3 Creighton Blocked- - - ; -OMAHA Send for Circular. nortOdiwt POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine Ei 1C MACHINE. i ? , . . In 1878 wo sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431167 'Machines. Escess over any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year were at the rate of over : 1400 Sewing Machines a Day I Tor OTery buslnera dRy In tbs ycr.r , _ j ° ° * ° $5Sv J-DG Ulu liollflbie That Every HEAL P v Singer is the Strongest , l\ jfe116 SimpleSt the c T Lj * > ° * Mark cast into tkeff'liv | Darabio Sewing Ma- Iron Stand and em- ' o J chine ever yet Con- bedded in the Arm of sssJ the Machine. JXJ straoted Principal Office : 4 Union Square , New York. ,1,000 Subordinate Office ? , in the l/nited States and Canada , and 3,000 Office * in the O World and South America. Bepl6-dAwtf Successors to Jas. E. lab , Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &c , Afulllinoof Snrr'cil Instruments , Pocket Caica , Trn M sn.1 Supporters. Absolutely Purr Dropjand Chomlola rnsd In .Ulspeaatnf. 1'regcrif.tloni filled at any hoar of the night. .1 : is , H. Ish. Lmvrcnce B2c2Iabon. SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , Wholesale and Retail in f ? ! i& PROV1S2OWS , GA51B , POULTRY , FISH , CITY AKD GOOKTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. R.B. , eo. F. Bemis EAL ESTATE 16& & ) .t Omaha , 2f i , Shs ! ngeacyriocssisjoilT a broksnjo bwi- n\r. Boca nctrp nUU , i d thcitrfcro zaj . ! cslusonltd boots are Isjarod to ila p&tios ? , Ia ttcsj ot beicg gobbled np by the agent _ 60G ! S & MILL. , REAL ESTATE BROKERS /To OMAHA - N33BRASKA. OJ3co Norlh Side cpp. Grand Contra ! Hotel. Kehraska Land Agency , JJAVIS a OliYDEB , 1505 Jarnham St. Oniafto , Ntbr. H.093 ACREH cartfaUy eeltcicdlaad ia Ku&ra Great Haritalaj In Ixaproiod brsa , andOm&hk titypropertr. O. F. DAV/3. W3B6TKR BHTD2B , I to LnndLCon'r U. P. E. E. * - eb7H XTROS KSO > . LBWJS REID. Byron Reed & Co , , BBAL ESTATE AG-ENGI IN NEBRASKA. K ; ; > a cos-.pIeU abstract ottltls to all Ko&l & "jo * In Orenlia and Dcuslau County , mayltl A. W. N X ) Omcs : Jacob's C oV , corter Cspltol ATO. and 16th Street. Ora h . Wdh. BURNED OUT : But at it Again. AND Saddlery Hardware , HARNESS , COLLARS , Stock Saddles , etc. , Now Ready for Business , Kexfr ISoor to Omaha Ka- tiouiil Itnitk Street. Jan. 5th , 131G Douglas St. , opposlle Academy of Music. J. CJ _ Oapltol Ave , , Opp. Maaonio Hall , OMAHA , - - - - NEB 4 to Or all 3OL3 MAJXUFAOTUBBRB , That set _ PASSEHCEB ACCOMMODATION LINE BETWEEN OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars Comer of 8ATODER3 And IUMILT03 STUBETS. fKnd of Rrd Lo ! aa fellcwi ; LiMTE OUAI1A : at fl30 , * 8:1T and 11:19 1. m .SrC3,3Wand7ffllxm. LSAVE FORT OMAH.4. : 7:16 a ml. 9:12 : a. m. , asd 12W : p. m. NrfW , 6:15 : nd 8:15 p. a. I The 3:17 a. n. ran , lurintr om h . 1:00 p nu ran , loaTinj Fort Omaha , deol to tall capacity with rc nlar . TbaOilTa. a. rea rimj mads fnnn the p t- offies , corner of Doda acd 15th eorchto. lM 5iekta I can fc proeorod fron rtr t eardrir-r tr > , or from" lrlvei3 ot tiois. trJK ASB. ! 5 CENTS. lyOLUPIHO OTSB CAB 14 CHARLES RiEWE , UeUUc Cteea , CofSci , Oaeketi , Sarouds , etc. mglrw . Cth and llth , Omaha , Hob. order * orooin'.lv atttnded to. Alrj" % SUBSORIBE FOR : rs att THE WEEKLY BEE , The Beat in tbe West , a HOUSES. ' THE OLDEST { ESTABLISHED. : E IN NEBRASKA. 0ALDWELlraiLTQHICO Rainess transacted same u that o aa In cor Aceonata kept In Cnrrency or { Old enijoct to tight chock Triihont notice. Certlficatea of deposit tenoj p ya'bl In tfcrea Etr and twelve moaths , bearing Interest , or oa demand rrithbut Interest. Adrucaa nude to customers on p ro7oJ to- coritlM at mark t ratal ot UUro3t j 3ny and all gold , bllljot eichinjo Qcvern ment , StaK.Connty and CTty Bonda. Dnw Sight Drafta en Knfl&cd Irelacd , Scot' land , aad all parts of Baropo , S I1 Earopean Fusa o Ilcketa. GOLlECTIOJiS PROMPTLY MADE. angldt U. S. DEPOSITOBY. NATIONAL BANK Of OMASA. Cor. 13th and Farnham Streets , OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IK OHAHA , ( SUCCESSOHS TO KODKTZS BROS. , ) E3TABLI330 IX IMS , u a Katloul Bank. An rat ° 0,1 3. OapitalandProfita OverS300,000 , Ep cl lly Mithorlzad by the SfrcitUry or Trcasnry to rtcclTB BabscHptlon to the U.S. 4 PER CErtT. FUNDED LOAN. OTFIOSE3 AITD DESOTOSS HuiUH KCD3KI , Fresldsnt. AosuirrcB Komnsa , Vice Proddent. H. 7T. YAIEJ. Cashier. A. J. PoriiToa , Attorney. F. H. Dir.s , Tils bink recetrcadepsdt nithoat repkrd to Israes iico ctrtUcatesbcarin : Inttnat. Drawl dntks en Sxn Prioci co and prlneipsl cities of the Unltrd Etatofl. alia Ixmdon. Dublin , Edinburgh and the rrincipal dtica e ( tae conti nent of Knrope. Sails pa33 ce Uckota for Eailjnnta Jn tha In * nun ne. rajrldtj HOTELS. THH ORIGINAL. tl Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. , CHICAGO ILL. $2.00 AND S2.50 PER DAY Located In the business centre , conronlect placrs of amna ment. Elegantly fomlabad , ooatAinln ; all mudern Improrcmcntg , paeaenytr olonlor , &c. J. n. CUliMIXOS , Proprietor , ocietf Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Conncll Bluffs , line o Street Hallway , Omnlbtn 1o uid frcm trains. RATES Parlor floor ; 83.00 per day ; second floor , 12.60 per day ; third floor. frJ.OO. The b 3t famished and most coounodloaa honaa inthedty. OEO.T. PHKLPS Prop. FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming. The miner * * resort , good Mcomtaodatloni , arfe rainpls room , chirrea reasonable. Eprclti ! ntlon rlTin to traveling men. U-U H. 0 HILUUID Fropriet r. INTER-OCEAN ] HOTEL , Cheyenne , Wyoming. Rrst-cbta l , Tins arje ; Sampla Room * , one Mock froa drfot. Trains ( top frcm M minutes Wlhonra for'dinner , free Btu to and from Jjpot. Eaten JS.CO , tiW and3.CO , aocordlDSf roou > ; ! nzl nwl 76 cents. . A. D. BALCOM , Proprlator. TT BOSDKK , Cnlef ClerJr. ralO-t UPTON HOUS Sfchayler , Nefe. Henea , Good ileala , Qocd 32cd3 Alrj"aoomj : , and kind and accommodating traatcjont. Twtigood sample rooms. Bpeaa attention paid to commercial Uaf alerj. S. MTT.T.EB , Prop , , Sohnyler , Neb , r The Popular Clothing JSonse of \sa \ IS Find , on account of the Season so far advanced , and having a very large Stock of Suits , Overcoats and Gents' Furnishing Goods left , that can notfai I to please everybody BEMEMBEB THE ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE , 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. . Corner KMIi. -GOODS MADE TO ORDER 08 SHORT NOTICE ; AGENT FOR w And Sole Agent for Hallet Davis & Co , , James & Holmstrom , audJ.0. ftf Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort Wayns Organ * Go's. Organs. r deal In Pianoe and Organs exclusively. Have had years V experience In the Business , and handle only tha Beat. iHT , 16th Street , City Hall Bnildhig , © maiia , Neb , HALSBY V. FITOH. Tuner. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING Pi Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining STsohinorj , 3 = LTijC ; HOBFBRA88 MQ ! RQS HTT1 G8 , PirE , STEAM PACKfXO AT WHOLESALB AND KSTAIL. HALLADAY WiMO-lglLLS , CHURCH ArlD SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STBANG , 205 Farnham Straet Omaha , Neb T V t In Kegs and Bottles , Special Figures to the Trade. Famiiieo Supplied at Reasonabls Prlcea. OfBce. 23S Douglas Straat. Omaha fi Carpet ! ngs S Garpetings . * " B Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOTOLAS STREET , BET. 14TB AND 15TB isas. ) . . f { * - ! * W oc Carpets , Oil-Cloths , ; JitJ Matting , Window-Shades , ' " ; Lace Curtains , Etcr * ; STOCK IS THE LARGEST \ THE WEST : l Hake a Specialty of SHABE8 AKB LABH1 } And have a Full Line ol jot , Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Lining Stair Pads , Crumb ' V ta ; tf a > * "J ill Clothes , Cornices , : ill Cornice Poles , LainbrfiqpJas , Cords In fact Everything kspt in a First-Class Carpet Honw. Orders from abreacl Siiil > > ! aciloii Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old Reliable Carpet House , OMAHA ,