f t l X fl ! a , T * * i O f . ? " i mH ' i'rt § BI d4y "St a'l s j ud an nd it. .1 right .1I I ® $ * * fe I much get ft S S- feft > Special CP y > % ft pilled < if gine. $ thew b.-iphim j a said i M U the m fi the Gtrfiel 0 2 deleg-itt-s m | r Gwfield. lo the of rn cabinet H * ici T b'pedal K The J hn o Uijht. W th * i t to B n J"l f i man am ( iei nnce T-ren'y-niQth tid < j\d Anv onavin dd iltnl ant-nils IwTre-noTe irs themfne of cti r < e lone or en touheit service , * * im r y | i ! - iney anJ74lh U. aocon I "oor * eoiertina CHiRtES SPtl'T. na l > .td O'.ily , b BURNED OUT n ta-it < , he , financial But at it Again. U e of mines iu G.H.&J. Ipeclal . . . COLL1NS Silt , m. ft.u afterc.ion ever kn AND feenne of 1878 Saddlery was wtshiog Hardware cutting to City , the levee HARNESS , COLLARS dred feet , , city. An Stock Saddles " feet btilnwthe etc. , , eight miles Now Keady for BusuiesB , or r the CDuntrjunder Sc\t Itnor to Omalnia 1 Sacramento o'clock llaitk , all wlf rec Street. sure be'ng ' -vr Jan. 5 h , 1316 Douglaa ocpoiitH St. one million , opposite Academy of Music. hards and CHARLES RIEWE , pedal Dltpilch UNDERTAKER ! GjtKJUfBoKouoff 1 a.m North UUallc U-9" . Uifflnt , OaikrU. Shroud. , etc. Ciirnlina farnsa consisting -sa Mrtw . OthandlltbOmaLaN h. a . i. o lar * UM passenger ojstj : at ijo I A mile sou h Sunday night. S3. K. cars left Geocni ! InsnriiDce Ao : ( . embankment doctor Halsey PUCEXIl ASst/tw .v , . . , . . . J Lon. we-e instantly Jon. Cash Ae-K > to . Murpby had . * EarCHKSl Ell. K. T. . Capital . W.'TT.lfl . . . ' WHS badly TJ1E M : . l.POO.O- nCil AN rs. -GIKAIl" of Newark. N. J. , 1.0uC,00 eeosped " : , ritKrhiUdelpli1aCapltal. . KOKTinVKST ital Kli > KATJU.NAL.Clp- 1,00 .001 of the accident riHEWKN'N rUN'D. California . . BKI1 1SH * ECO- i ArCttICA J.'EM A * K Fins , I > S. ASSHROfCBCo CO. , Aeets. . . . 1.SOO.OOC Sc ° .00f Special dlfpalch AiliraiCAP CKNTRAL , Aw M . JOO AUIAJJT , " > Hftwnth & " Douglas St. m Gov terdxy. He Gen Gsrtield o nce It w MEBCHAHT TAILOR tnre , to piy dent-elect. Capttol Ave , , Opjj. llMontc Hall , not arrived too trial friend nd Gov. 0 WROUGHT be bett of IKON FENCES. . buth it&tesmen Special Diipatch Jfiw YOBK , John A. Swrzaj he dry co < da S-ez-y & D.rt c-mmi t.d f < * 875,000 b > prominent firms * ritern citie ; , of ' the brm neme He sold them IVtrw roMwii * * * * . t * - - . . various city Tbeir l s utv , p rman nce and eeotomy leaked oct by dally work'Di Ui oxtlucuoa ol ll leutuw in > down town 8Jp hem . . made tor Fence * for Lawns , Public Oronndi ad Ceffla. mined tb-t he * Iru.V Mr. Dart i beliti , L wn SetUe * , aad of it-cent nd h-f , . . , - Iran -nl Ire on ameuul wore Oec.-u 3 ami trade. 0 M. UUUUfactur.d 0 B I. KAHAUK' , VUt Mi ) tirnker- lose ; ln-u Vrt , 7Sfl BdSl Woodinnl Art , l twit. Mich. Sena f.'tt tW-i S ! OKUe anil Simpson < ft C" yrlce lUt. Tao note -7aich JL DOMESTIC DOLWGS. Beech er Manfully Eetracts His Biead and Water Doctrine. Many Towns Inundated by the Hoods on t e Pacific Coast. A Party of Distinguished Hoosiers Visit Garfield at Mentor. Oarflild Express s the Opinion That Oaii Has Had Her It Share Podtical an HODOiS. Beecbei detraction , to' TCI ' Bis. has : . Jtmutry 31 10 p. m. - _ , his sermon m Brotklyn Sun Hev. Henry Wtrd Beechtr sud * real ; all ; < m and eltctricity have brought parts of the earth so cl SB was to geiher that one p ; rt canaot be affect vicea without the rest feeling it. It is don't age of eyn pihy < as never before , thing Christian nowhere cat wrong be done nod leave nation not take notice of Ireland could have starved , but America could not no.lect so near a neighbor Thi heart rt humanity sympathises with tuffering. When ia done , and the hands of labor party 12. the'r ' reward , we will rejoice as as any/ ernor field Visltl > sr Garflold. that Dupatcn to Ite Be * . position This CLEVELAND , Janu try 31 10 p. u. morning H distinguished ludiana party flp-dsl pulttlcians arrived from Fndiauip ills , and at 11:20 : o'clock Mwntorward . Hy a w a a. tn specif Tify ) frankly , admitted that en will bion. were going down to Garfieid'o to him out on Ti t jib of George Cibinet. "We doti t making lives go ciown ' to of the paah'tbeclaimofanyDsrticnla- " PoatmsBier. mm , many Hillo-ay ' 'bat , Indianapolis - the diauapolis ibould ] be remembered by Thu imp irfant pare she played in iblican " p thy rep vi"ctory whic elected j < inrithac hU ; , a cabinet poaition. " The - trs had del-gitect Ben H are tuck < f mson tfia making tbe . Tnoc adcr.s * to The heir state thouTd re diy ded ai to who ift ! be sel d cl as a from nffic'F Torn Among the rtndi- are . Uni - and ex United Sttres Tr8urr henl'h t i osim * ter General and J dg o frorharn. d yi Saturday Senator. u-Ual'eS's DUpa ci to The Bee Ictlo CHICAGO. January 31 10 p m wo nnn n w Ci'if ' r a nntir , Hon. owe F M'l er , with b4 { wife and their . r > , ire in tS sci'v MI roita < < \ 5rai > h. tutr. ti They w II n.akH h.Jf f * e , th8Qii % * . > ra * m th-r. ntuu h rel gioiM 1 d Senior . ) i - - * ' his ino rtr.out 'oit retrs o.i S-tu-5 rf , - , \ \ \ \ } ji- a f-rmif 111 m > -t atf m nmj. a d by Sheriff C-ifonua the ar ws . 'ont-1 ' . .f th- t us from en'y-nioth vilm.tsrra. prhouer not f > o to thb G il tea S ate * o attend unt 1 * fer re inni trom ihe there in whfc' ' ! he lost an eye. He ftr'imrt gre t ciDFCta ions f r his strong H IH - ' ttiled to lOTiint-rj'ally and pul ti- Having the republican party is huilJ n jaui"g the a-cend ncy. Just iut jiff , > , 'hre iso nethirg of a deemed depresi > P , owing to the 'ail the Com t. ck and other proinc ion. I Tno California ! Piooeus. NEW Y Ptamun "M I imrs FttANCISCi ntnlC'O , . Febtutry 1 1 a. lish wr 6 v cr mmito river yesterday reached the yesterday highest po nt anicles of knwn twrnty s x and a half $260 a side inch higher than the fl > od can , best Ou tbe Yoto Bide the water over the levees nd out ba-ily. ; Ab ve S cramen- Spoclal dispatch the water was pouiiotf uver WAB I th'oagl a break of two hu : - For a S' nit ri ttnoe below thi Inwer th-r break < f one hundred snow , the city , for a distance f prtly cl the water waa pouring end ri-inc levee , puttin" the wbul cter , wind under water. N dmge to oa-t or Ci y i ) apprehended. At with rising yetterday afternoon the river dd , i ovise.l by the pr s- relieved by hrt-aks nn the Sp-clal DUpaUh idi' The damage ill ALB reah * > y , dollars , principally to or Mr. Astor vineyards. troiucing HaJlroa Accident. Mexican witn a capital to Mie ttoe fir the pu-nisa , N 0 , February 1 Mexico. A freight : train en the gsn and J railroad i , goit g past , named as nf eighteen ' crs , including to tbe coach , wna wrecked one of purpose of Gibionville , at 8 o'clock its oonstitntiona'i . The eneine and twelve the track , going down an eighty fet high. Con- Special ! DUp-tch and Fireman Herding - killed. PHILADELPHIA his left ] arm broken Engineer and . m. Toe , ' ' about 1 tca'ded. The pauengers without that a woman injury. The cause had is not known. been No. 30 Fern Coy Cornell. oughfare in to The 8m. the city. N. Y. , February 1 1 a & woman wax floor Cornel rrired home with - denirs that his visit yea- to pillow , and h d nypolitic l ' mouth aud signifa'- s simply of a social na blackened , bad been his rep-cts to tbe presi band , a Swiss Senator Conk'ing ' had intoxicated s here up i to a late h > ur. A of Senator wss taken to Conkling roell std ( last night that denied any -leath. The frelii feeling prevails between named. Preccb-Csnsd'sn. Heavy Forgery. to the hn Undoubtedly F * brury 1 1 a. m. Omaha United Shirt States , senior partner of of Material * coamifion house of lined with their , is reported to hava that is Reinforced igrries to the igfr amount of backs and Reinf iiiuiDj ntes m nuaes of their shirt the in Detroit and other wi.h the rndord ment manufactured btting garment of Swtzey t D rf. $1.50. Every through a broker to banks guaranteed fint-c Tt-e muter the if accident money on Friday hit ' W'e make bank. Ou inquiry a Sires-- Shaker , and Siresit wa < ct-r- - lad 1 fl d to Canada. chemois ; underwear view to belit-ved to ba ' comfort entirely in- - . ity. To invalid the i-y aunt hy of the B f Jer < one we offer < rd & i < Co. , nte m fie S6 l'01 inann-r , , nut 0 cr for . . ot Botot. , S6IOP. or their protectn led 1 * to tbe aucuver/ hai thp forgsd nitre of J. K. Bare- 2um & n. , nf Derr.if. ; Tha Tramps' Howard , , Ppedal Dlfpitcb Ui The Bee YORK , January 31 10 p. m the pnrea won. uy pedrs nsns iu mstcn at the American luti-ute , were distributed ro-day. H ghes re c-iv-d § 3 200 , AlHa't ' 82.400 , Vint $1.200 , Krobne $300 , and Ho.vyo $101. Odmnant WHS also gtv > n $50 Garfleld Talk * StraUnt to tbe Bucneyes. epedal Dispatch to Tbe Be * . CLEVELAND , January 31 10 p. m. In r c-ivini the de-tfufion of die- tiu u-sti-d OHioaus SuurJay , who ware prass'n. F arer fur a cabineot piaftion , GffitOd a id : "Now , don' ' jou think that Ohio has alresdf had toi mmy aoa uifmoots , aud too many .honor * ? This state b had the pendency for f mr years , an i has tbar h'gh office f ir four yt-a-a iuor < * hiiuUo bi tha chief jmtija aud aiincia'e jiis ice ou tha be'icti ' of the supreme c iurt , uene'al anJ lieu tenint gnneral of tha army , and the secretary of thu treisury. Tooae are very prominent poi t'ons , and there E boon the uiual feeling on thesu - by the pre a and politicians nf th othnr states. N < iw , in v ew of the success oi iho republic n party through th north a rtxult which of brought obout not only by th - people , but also by thd par.otnl ae'- and me-tn * of their leaier * The ' you think ibe most graceful that f ir an 0 ii-i pr ideat to do is to of 0 uo out i f th' ctbinet ltu > gether ? " Gnrarno Cmll and S > n ator-elfCt Platt , of N w York visited Garfield quietly Sun < ay ni ht. Th interview was short , but the Cornell trate came away exuberant. H nry i iLnox , of NrtW York , and ex-GuV' Ci-x , of Onio , were with Gar Sunday The opinion here is Conkling names his man and : he m the cabinet , voirs Two at a Oily. Diipateb to The Be d pedal WiuuMsBURn T , P . , 3 ? bruiryl 1 A ursd y ) next the jail her be the scene of a double execu Mrs. Oiiherine ft ! llr and opsn W. Smith will ia expiate their for the murder nf the huiband , Boers former , a tragedy which bore pursuit feamr a of i B milsrity l < > that ol nrvsent Meie.-hofTer en dise i in Ne r Jfrsey. usual "tta amount of'maudlln is oisplay for the crimhrant uyoi- id British instance , aud there are many wlT" fore inclined ' lo place crede.iOa in tb ? ginieed woman's assertions of innocence lingering hope : of respite at thr gpidii motmnt ha1 rouse ! Mr . Miller her nccustomod state of 'D j she apathy , his improved ( Jo v-ry much in r and spirit durih > 5 the Ust farr ' -3 A acioTold n + * ? doted on r > ed by S i rlfjf VViU in , and 'he e 'eS'a ware applied. Th' ihree ctiildr n of fie o iui"umned uen will ha Brought t t tha j l f day bdfuro ho ezncution t -ruj.ed le v of her. Her B rs appears rn be r t < Its S 'UPH n 5v him-elf" " - up" o Iy r < m . xr ; : os S hi3 % n * tir a * d la ' A S-tu-5iy , nd hT ; in ws erin Qr-- ' tel - - O 'H U Wilso io pxc'ui ' nil wire * ) < -ntdrii-g the cells of ih ? A rica , except the ci rgym-n wh Eupa them It is expected tha * line * to will ha sn icimcn-a crotrd Sp in the jxi on Thurediy. A th ref. f'irc if police have hern da > t r % i fitriu a ci-rd' n around the of . The public exciteuiect ceeds on src'-unt < .f one of the to and crim n-1 being a woman. c ' .J H ! 120,0 Cbampioa WrrsilJnc ; Matcn. Dispatch u. The K e Tie EK , F , briiir ? 1 1 a m tb.H ' Dt i. the Iriih chim ioi Ireltnd ftlid E twin Binly , the Bu cnrnmouslist tltrm t at The ( . . Jlipj.effi < M < f rbe aftttnnou i and ci ned t"e deb agreement to wrei'lo for nell was in this city , catch-as ca ch- tones and three io dve. urush and Indications. would to ftie ee. btcking , OIOX , February 1 1 rpeak.r a. m times .Mr. the upper Missis ippl and 1 Missouri 'Pg the vllpy < : Areai of followed by o-Id winds nd ndy weather north wir da. followed Hirtingtjn. ry falling barom ting. prubibh shifting to the toutb durirg Tuesday night barometer. , jpuda Dlfp Aster's Kailroad I Bl'l. Th imss and h s to Tha Bee p yN. Y. his rt co very. Y.Fclrisryl la. Astoretirl m. Tno rivr startled the stn te by in- b/inks b / * t \ a 11 for ( incorpi-r - < > tini thu ; Southern ; r-ilnmH cotnr ago his been of ten million dolltrs any Mr. ' of building r ulrnad in , Carver nd G n. Granr , ex G v M ir shot of y Guld are among th > sn eon shooting corporators. The bill went The disp judic'ary oommittt-e for tbe bers of the h viog tboir opinion as to shadows ' . obstruction Found Dead. The oat En ht to Tbe Bee. the proolsm-itioi , Pa. , February 1 1 directory is police were informed The govern o'clock yesterday af ernoon arrival of a named 31 < ry J. S-hwar cumes tn found dead in hei house at Fernan street , a m ll thor the southern section of Investigation thowed that Special Dlspatcr lying in bed on the first The president her head 1 embed ed in a for th relief bliod flawing from her E.C Ord , TJ. nose. The head WHS lu'ion anthorizii and it wns thought > he 3 < es n"i choked to r"e th. Her hus inaugural watchm > k-r , was found thonzini ; iu the rear room. * H United States the station house , but certain decor knowledge of his wife's Foreign governmi ' deceased . woman was a Secretary of ed to the city Secretary the I best shirt In tbe away by the is manufactured at the exppt-ted bickTh Factory. The superiority The report nd workmanship , com * eenernlly bfliVvi great Improvements rad that he , fronts , R mforceti Oonkling to Reinforced sleeves , makes nominsti > ns most durable and best renate , and that of the kind , ever r ng-tment her at the i uoderato price ol it about to b'idg shirt of our mak in lini w iictn fint-class and will refund it is * id to found otherwise. and Senior specinlty [ of nil wool , fron Mentor. Canton flannel , also visit of tre two , made up with a ten at of Hon. , warmth and duribil reUry r.f the ; nd w ak-lunged Visit was Ml Ct-S3l spinal inducemtinu G-nera'Gr ' these aoods . has .e on net cn yll k i n I | itc JPI I S'euio there will FOBEICfV I The Large Cities of Enalanc igitatei Over the Fen an Bugbear. Queen Victoria Condoles Gen. Golley on His Re cent Defeat. Desperate Efforts of the Home Hu eis to Ob-truot Debate on tbe Coercion Bill. SINSATIONAL ' ' Spec ' DIspotc'i to Th > Bcf. ( Lr 'coN , JinmrySl 10 p. m. o Thr Frtu n scate "rrni ieia larue share f pipuUraua ofBci 1 uttaniim , a > d the posting of p'ao-.rda throughout in 1 nd , and in tnu Iriah ciuntii-i in ' island and Sc..tlnnd , Saturday tha sjat by Irish national dirr-omr , > u iugh a protest against immediate in- aureutun , hta ten' ' d tcr ito.-ra-r the rather th-m allay alarm , on ace mot flu evidence ) it hff'rdi that tth Able urherho'id are tr < le awake nf ready to r-tnkeat the fiiat ooportnnity ' story ia going the round ) t < day < fie g 'vornraen' ia in pnssessi' n Vttt inforraation of a startling cliarao * T c cnnC'-rning soh-mcs of the Fcni-ns. Meanwhile s'rin ent ordo s have h--en which issued to giurd the armorie- , and pre- EL cauti-na taken to antiopite an-i - frus tbe any onthrejks at suspiojyua before lints , erpacially at Mmchiarer ere it it rumored that atti mp1 would be mde to blowup the Salf rd tion. no works , the barracks and to pobon water in one of the large reser , "LCr to FOB OOLLKT. 0 DidjMtcb to The Boa LONDOW , January 31 10 p. m. CAUCUS Otoe T wn duot'c'i my * thar com- jpeUal immicitiun with Gun. C < lley remun * by telegriyh , and th t antinty A felt rpg rding hia safety. The was will not , probably , attempt aay thu in a southern dirriction for the con-ider , if at * ll , but need to strong li 0'iun their p .aition in tbd Drokenben ; ffaa it , ani lo cap u-e the belja < debate garrisons in ( he Transvaal be Vlm-gtn the , colonial forces ca i bi root counting caucus COJfDOIINO THB that DuDatcb to f h ties. LoNb H , February 1 1 n. m H-r -l > a y nus t-li-erapned IT is to Udti. rt. " 0 < lloy h - r ro'idolenc-i at h d f at , bui the el ; r--saas her Una co fiJ tice in his til ima e tuc cnrt ' and of the B * Se iariir JU'H suinf f < . Gen. Ooiley vill have 6 000 tion in under h's C"uimtnd HIaOtinh by the oi.o ' Ff'iMHrj' ' T,1t f'-ir thr prom ar his In- Qaii. it in i f CO'Bto ' / trea' tl - as 'el'izfwn s. v ? < if th- > AM ELE03APH TION. risr 'tnhi3 Jfpn ) is u d i t'i. Cjnvil Airerica * TI th.s n > nirn - cn'ripa- , the < bj ct o1 "ii ca i- ti coiiii o all o' ' Or-utr l xt Tith ths Un t d Stit a and bv pab'e. ' w th 'rib it y lam if laid ffiitn B.ln to Cubi hirui , i UI * ara rod a ccnce'gici r E'.lind w 11 u'uaran'OH fnr i fwttutv T ie i the yeiH p ymon' l(10i1 ( * * oc am u l'y ' ns the pro of the ( jr.-f r "nnnt d sp to e Th from Uriti-h H induraa. T e -en tor > f the company ij to bf -X-irrd 0. - Oh'iidler DKKIANTHOME aOlEBS. 1881 , debate on MForster'a * b'7l for > ir. VIerr p'oteciion of life nnd th" " oath pr p r y in W4 n-sumsri in tn h > u'e ( > t T 10 ev inrg , and the tffjrii > ate the homo ruld members to ohs ruct Confer , te wera dpso rate. Mr. Pr - for sx very dctiaut. He said the aud they 1 bu'elj w-re nulled to fully Mea-rs. detra e Ireland , but he Ingnlls resist the mo ion , and then , thu ptssiee bespoke with insult , and the withe six'y called him to order. Many t on , Mr. . Pi-uell ih-eatened from to p o- pension Bitting for three days. Hi < ciiy , and i'i fp-aking on the bill , < enie , Mr. Guditnne and ihe soldiers . Tha house il still at- Mr. L > the in'oru.r CABLEGRAMS. ment of the Air. Kirk DIfpatehes to TBI Bsi ) littenesa of C rlyle ii dr-cidedly weaker , oonn rt | ly physicians have . little hope of morrow. M . Plumb -r Thames ia overfl twing its man , h i tVandtw jrtb , and UJUOb dam * Sir. D.ea done. and Said he Graham defeated both Dr. four years , 3Ir. So tt , thfj champion proach. England , yesterday at pig The report match. Indian comm disposition : of the Irish The bills mem' tv to Indians house of commons f. re- order aud another all , night sit'iug with mark * , tictics. simultaneous anjurnment j post > ng through- An d and Irelsr d yesterday of Plub , authorizing - ; of the Irish national lot Linda to causing great uneasiness. gpeotive of government has ne-rs of the ad i d ed. number of infernal Without m - Ireland from America. with the bill lion of the CAPITAL NOTES. the bill , tbe ta to The B . Wallace , at has 1 approved the net of Brigadier General 0. . S.A ; and the j intrtio- Special Dispatches authorizing the loan of certain Horace D. bunting to the coramiit- OH beirt disease ceremonies ; vid a bill u- p. m. op S-iturdu certain officials of tba A fare at government to accept itions and Sunday night present * from "azeltme'a governments. i one woman. the Nvy Goffretnrn- - The yesterday. steamers are having con Rimsey , who waa called ing through deal of his brother is some , plac-s ice Thursdy. Biatmen By liVvi-d is current here , and trouble experielu - that Elaine has O L * Lmgtiy , should vote with Mr. E glith beauty rej-ct the New York * h i u * t pr ' r cptitly sent to thu pa 1 shed a thaths loig-standing . ien . ea. denying the ifaa fen t o sen * patch ors to the tff / nv r. Mr. 0 < ink- ab 2T-w - was uttogo - Y rk this mfpt G v rnor mormng Ci John Francis rni-ll t > r- , ( > . f ' PI it on the'r ' , i ftt I u , id here that return the Ly.in , at D.ytn lutit-r 1 was in the in- ( e tenc-d 10 i L P. Mutt n , for nee- treasury , and that their A freight triin ct-ssful [ l / den ' b iri ; rjiilr- willnrrfirehprp Cin on , S" L to dv e-d'i ire rd * Lh ths ys ' ' murMni N'C M- b id I'H- " i - utv r. I wen * lo-t. be j -tty well s-it'ed rnt . . The I < ni ririii ba no funhur me m O.erthnd made in the booso to pws th elec toral resolutions. HJSV the vote ui Georgia is to bu disposed of no one seems to know. It fa officially announced : that on and after Monday , thu 17 h ofFeb ruary , the department of ata'e * ill bf prepared todiatrioute the fifty fnftall ment of awards in.fa > or of citiawio of the Cfnited S ales by tha j dot o m- mis. ion of the United tir-ttes a-.d Mexico , oreviizad undur the conven tion of 1868 bdtwdea tbe two couu tries. Charges agiinsl Jnd o Billings , of tnalie-unoe and corruption in p < nsini- upon civil caies invulvn g money and Urge iuier * . hve b en filed with thi senate judic'ary committee , and ill he ns fl in a vignroui Oijut tn do feat hia confirmirioii Jud < ; e B Hints' 'rfends ohim that thoai charges ari- ne a 'd i'.fla-nc d by the desira of hers tnget the nom nation. In'iioitions arethttthe smatn will vote to retain the Oarlf amendment the funding bill , aud lengthen thi- 'ime f r the b ndn > to-run , or incre a - Iu interest to three and one-half per cent. j | Tnere wia a meeting of the bar in rfnch supreme o mrt room to dy , r poaches were made and suit reaolu icns pawed relative to 'he ' retirement of Justice Sway no , Th. 'ouure of thu m'Bring WRJ th Deeches of Chief Justice Wai to ann rney-G ni-rrtlD T ii8 , both highly xnpliminury t ) the retiring justice The senate jud ciary committee , baa the nominal on of George K Foster to be district-attorney for n southern district of > ew York _ it , met yeaterd y mon ing , but owiugto , the absence of Mr. G. iklin * 000 Bcilou . was taken on the nomina i , I A 6wnot conr turers vne nomination of Mr. be pnstraaiter ' at Albany nnMl JUr. 3. " inkling's return from Aloany. cure fell OF DEMOCRATIC -ut Uigi-atcb to Ihe tJeei WASHINGTON. February 1 1 a. m. out caucus of democratic senators held je'iterday afternoon after adjournment of ' the sena > e , tr subjectu rihn've to the 'ha i ig ot the electoral vo'e , ' citemont 1 rge at'sn < jano- , and a spirited rig rdiutr thu failure of the ruin to change the nunner o > lectoral votes ensued. The nn l'y ' adopted a res lution tbe trn houses meet in juiot jnnvention Fabrmry 0rttQ c mit the etorl votes. A second rvsi'luti , -ld rilgi fld-ip'ed , drc'ariog ' thtit IbV' li-mocra'ic p r'y denied the right o view president to count and de 'he i-f ult of the r-liitoril vote- c' InanU h in p-eptred ilu res the . r JiT evei.t lh < 'lum Cfjrs t < i k rtn thn - u'-j ct , ti Droviiir - Corn m-etii g-if Le j nut convtm -M cH the i W h ' 24 > u M f o .u t ' By t e Hu'ioo of a m j iic c-csi-'is in denjii g inn rg ' . . I uJi-rrd ivrtaiti t , at there itil Ry s i j o , > id t u J b.t- , w'noi Prl t til r r * tttsu t , rj v rnaJ r a sn r.f - 6 Fur-y-8aeuti - - ? necessity. i > 15 80 ; Lcjr h- , < > . hD D 0.January 29 0r9 g hour in tn dtMidt- r9 70. wtth nnj.irt . nt biisiue : S , . rt r Uid bfinr- , Msenatj th- ' of Huii'y D. B Idivin , a @ 7fio' irom Michiy n , for tha un- term of the la-e Z-uhar a- , which expires March 3 bid ; ; acd Mr. Baldwin , escorted by II. cntne ti rw < * rd end took of office. cluir .ila i luid bafo'fl the sen Catle creden'ia's ' of Mr. Ojm D. b at us as senator fr.'in .viith ean from NJW y ars fn.m M rch 4 , 1881 , ma-kbi were placed on hie. tie or . Lo n , 0.11. Plumb and preiented petiti n agiinut chafing , of aenatH bill 406 , known tion were ' turjjeon bill. In nis pti - -porter lug-tlla taid they ema ated ra < nn'irelp and claims agents in , this 3 oTO head. ha wa < o.ni-fied - they , in n Hugs represent the convictions of steady ac of his ! state. wera the yan dtfendt-d the course of ranged . departm-nt in Us mmage- packing Ii.dian > affairs. be vy Kirkwooc said owing to the tor e ° od tbe hour I he would post ping 1 > ts to Mr. DUTCH until to uiarkuis , with a f ir defended Agent Wait- C'lpts , 35 bad bjen I referre i to by Sh ep as the I cxrardly sgan , pert buds i hia conn ry for and his couraga was aoovu tit. was then referred to the siion. Flour Q allotting lands in several Wheat csme uo as the regular vauced ; HHQ Mr. Morgan I resumed his 2 red. 81 which were interrupted by @l 02J tor on Stturdav I , for AUrc31 ; amendment prnposed , by Mr L 08@1 08J tbe president to al 95j ; No 4 one or more Indium , re Corn L the action of the''tribe , waa 38f : for . March ; 39J making : further progress Oats - , aud after a long discus- for cash ; 32 various points pertainin ? to bid for Marcn. senaten moiion of Mr. Eye Dn'l ' 4:30 : p. m. adjourned. barley Butter ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Eggs Shaip 22 c bid. to Tba Bee \Vhiaky Mallory dropped dead of Po k at Climax ' , Mich , at 4 5 4 25or Saturday. March ; f 14 Grand Ripids , Mich. . Dry S It , deatroyet1 Sfi8prd & at 84 62 7 drua store , and suffocated Bacon Loss on store 8 25. , 825,000. 25.Lird on Long Island annod Lird iderable tr. uble Receipt * plow the fields of ice. In wheat , 34,000 appears in solid mases est , 34,000 ; ittiia is the worst ice Shifmt-nts experienci'dju ten yews whra' , 23 , COO husband of the fntnou 4,000 ; rye. , thu ' - -Jirrey Ll " 'ent in 'Ifejv Y > rk Citv Louts card yeetVd-y m , rnlDr , ' ST truth olth\ carlaiV Hogs L we' t/Feoc th t frs Lmg'rv m Tt-a ? 5 COgo ) on the stave. ? o 10 5 35 , convio'el i < $5403550 t'murdtr of i rhipmin > , 5 , -n , I ) . , as twelve > eir ii'tha Mosopo y rn the Watt.rton ' & Si tl 1TV , nilr.ind. pa si * tffn * $ , * i tine to t-il ' vft hgh . ' | bi H v.i'r-nf i5 th ur. s t law jou ' v u ( i s fa. u ll ? . ry 'a oci' on D " j t.rd.y , VlC . a/aLaihe bJL President Phelander William' , of Uaauicbntetts presided. The receipt' of the a si elation during the vear were 31,450 and expenditures $329. The thirteenth ballot waa tat en yesterday in the Pcnaaylvan-a le i la- turo wi hvut a quorum : Oliver 42 , Wallace 37. Grow 33 , scattering 6 , An effirt will b-j m dit is aii.l , to induce Oliver ro wi'hn'raw and let a new man be named , but it is thought Ol ver will not consent. As ths moving express coiner north Vaterdiy raornins fromNw * Market , 0 'f. , was rounding a curve at Lundy' M11 , ih rail oprcad , thmwing two pa 3inter cnachoa down an oaibinV- mout , killifg one m n and severely injuring a number of others. While trying to stop a 'earn at Bn < Island runaway avenue aod Wood street , Ch'c 'b.yesterdHy after- ioon , Will-am Laidlow was knocke * don and k il d . Daseseed was 38 tra of age , and ompliyed by thi . W Us & French cir compiny. H. . IV.-B a wi'e and f ur anall cnildron poor circumstances. Tha steam-r "Bristol- "BristolpJyiuE. . 1 uon New York and Bristol . , Jfing. ted , whjiih rjn aahuro nu-r the ligh nouse Shiunt-coctr , L I , Sundiy frea norui-g , waa gotteu i > ff without in i'lry , anl arrived fa Jfdw York ' - v . S"o * yes OB y. war fa ded with tin , tome * of wh cir wss thrown overbosrd 3ucnot one third , Special of tha . c.irg > , ns v SH beestated. . She lafe Briatoj January 15. ta. CistHWAn hn , Jtniifcfy 31. Wei ! , out & Co. , manufacturers f cigara an extensive scale , at 113 Main sreet , in < do an aiiinmtint ! - to-dy to irman Mow ; liubi itit-a fro i Sioj - tc 8150 000 ; n ets $100.00 i' took , half that in chimj. The firm from otla of the JarjjMgt ci ar uianuf-ti.- i ley. - - in lha , , a f , flimes .Je ; CINCINNATI , Jiuuary 31. Hiram First Soaver , while In Tiffin , O. , tn pro Edward his marriage license , si pped and The nnder the c/tru and had bth lent- ind off. Se died in . few minuter made it-ill , ausing a leaving part of hif property to biaA.iianccd. Vlary , 0. , JmuirySl. S ly by orj'yailoon keepers were indicted bi iwi-ei present crund j'iry ' , end the oz S F is very g'ar. . .f $15 npi. BY Mrs. iy leriorof Produce Unmet no CHICAOO , Ja-iuary 31. .f the "rr priptj whent , A 9:46 : * ' § ! ) | * 9ajTarch ; gl 00j nLr. 91 "If 1 01 , Mny SI ' . The uiif 81 05 ; cl " - "nr a99j mis c f Fe rifV % ; 8L OQj l 01 ft > i a da ' ' . il oif l nigiT' , \ r i iiif thH 05 § r Mi , = 1 0551 Church ? . ti'd F bni'ry M nt 3-5c ; 37 ; Ap il. 37$137 | ; V V " " ; Juu , J 1 - ; J ii e. 34 ] * a'- * * . " d il.'C' e&.i A 99ie 3ue < M ft , . H * nd ! H"SJ2 PO f h e v -If : Pah " " ' u fy" nflF r- > w rh ? I4 5) ) M 7Aal4 73 ; 514774- " - "iuy , 14 87 14 f)0. ) It i- Jinn ' 'y $ ' . ) TO&9 55 ; ? : re. . ? f-om April , g9 C2i$9 65 ; May , P.'Ki F JpecI'I $7 "L'i. p-il , $7 5'4 The "dt. 54 45 bi' ; ficrf , § 4 80 O'lrtntimi L kt ' Trio VWBtl Onlcaro Ldva Scocn Market in the CuiC'AO. , January 31 loa-Jtd Resripa frtir for Mmday , 1:1 i botrd buye'fl hid not received dvic-- men , crew Yoik , and no report of > li Phi bo received the fl > rg , tiens wi 1 t nothuit ; d no in the * vay of water when pur- buyers were not t > ck > o th nd no salfs of any had little reported up to ih- * hour our hjhnre left the yards ; the nurket , ru3 night . neiniual , iieth receipts , After I'L'ht Vlaikdt rnljd qa'et ' and til Sa ' of them urriav's fi urer ; rark > r principal purch i-e-s ; Bilei- condition , from 85 255 35 for 1 ht The " - * r and ahippi g ; $5 00 J5 70 for C.pt Elwvtrd packine , and fr. m 85 27 j@5 75 i > a'e * ih it tu ch ce smooth morning heavy ship for Boston and P.riilaoVlphia leaking and steady at 11 o'clock , puojp * , number m Sne sank pens uueold re- ; 000 r-ital hiss is > la ket ruled weak lars There ; i hip- to a limited extent. wrecks , but NbW LflLila Produce Market. Flour S" Louia 3 , January 31. ' modera'e urt and i unchai ged. demand ; n Opened lower and ad- 4 93 ; chic cl a > "i firm and el w ; N" . rte S3 02g@l " 02 } for c ah ; SI 02 | iT.od t-xtra b" btuiry ; SI 05@1 05 | do 31 06j@l 07irorAprl ; vhottdo , , for ftl-y ; No. 3 do , 94 | @ Butrer F d" , 88 | < a89Jc Dh'-i at iwer ai 41 (5-11 ( 0 for cish ; E'w February ; S9538Jc for t 40@42c for April ; 40J fur iVl y Wheat On L-wer arid ali < w at3232 c VI IwHutiea c bid for Fobruaty 33c , . ; l 18 ; s lei , 0 > * rn--Qmeti at 86Jc. 30nOOhu Slow and unchanged. O.ts Qii Unchanged. WhiskyQiSel y declined ; 25s asked ; Pork 815 L < rd 19 Qaiet a * 81 05. 89 60 for F Bigoe ; 814 25 b'd ' for caah ; March ; 89 Februarj ; § 14 75 for $ ? W 00@10 50 for Ajril. 10 12i f.r Mr t 't'ong and higher seller for the 20@7 25fe)7 ) 45 7 50 , Strong at § 5 6 (38 ( 00 ® JacKaoa Nominal at 89 SO. AV s > ini Flour , 7000 bbl > ; new fenat < r f bn ; corn , 81000 Howell E Imnndj ( rye , 2,000btiley ; , 4 000 Dr. Al-x J Fiiiur , 9 WO bbL , Pa'ia Tenn , bu ; ci rw , 122 000 ; oatd , and nore ; ba ley , 1,000. c iil ep nt Lav-j Stock Marleet. rf Lo0n Ja. uary 31 n J ci < S'n ' ' ; Y rkera uu B ! ti- Titfen ar d 5M 25 ; meed paikin ui'ed f-nm bu chei > ' t f-nc , , ci ! ol at Lph Rceipt18,800 hed ; " SMI hnpra-ncM 5,4ro. 1850. U'm vc t'd ) f.irnied i M. Cii'H'i Cappf-ra Si.cci eeful. and 1858e w the Miati 'i 01 . I. . . JAI nnr 31 i p wgo , St Lpn-t ra'luiMdi r.'d , to n iM n ih" t r j rftj'finl , " ' i-fc IB i-'fie-fon of Th x-nnd- . - < rfnurn'.v H ' ! -pT C > nf : li rrc /f 1 in A n r 1 oa ' h dke I'uf , " " ' " * Ur * " o luit-rf ' tha cunfjJeritd TilELiTESTNEWS. Destructive Fire in Philadel phia Syckes" Suicide. Perilous Voyage en tfca Likes Tha MocopoL'ata m Dakota. Trum in Wine- CHICAGO , January III 4 p. m. It is now strongly bioted ti. ! t the H'- ttimpttKr fiiiicdt ; ) , f.ihu W. Sykles , fcr- uierJy commareUl editor of Thu ( JnJ- cage Time' , VMS ovriiij ; to hit ronnec ion w.tb tUo cjlubrat.-d Connii.him - Burdeil ' murder c MO in N w York i'ork C'ty eacape wh ch ho fb 1 to Br a- zl. Poroi3 ultimately n < ij < J < ined ! .Yith him say th it when in hts i.upe he .as talked fretly abuut the ii.u.der. Sykel , howaver , now danis jll of 'he ruurtlp'- , but ndmu < boarded at Mr3. Cunningfnm's oiBy to a criminal 1 a-on with-her aaul'Wer ho was olwi 'siLU frcm the country. It is t.'iou 'Bt ykles will recover if he is not ii'-tal ! xv d to rriicw th attempt - his life. up- life.Heavy Heavy Loss by B'lro. dlgpatch tu I ba Uoo. PHILADBLPUIA , January 31 4 p. At 4.35 thia morninjj fire br ike on the o th tideif the Batheden Giptiui chnrofi , tO'aer of JBro d and Spruce streets. Tnrcs alirms w lounded , bu before the enginen all arrived the flmip comoiUDiciti d to LlorticuUura Hill , which is spparated the church by H twelve-foot . Both building * were s < on In , and a south vim ! communicitpd fire to the house ) on oDrncjatroaf , of those to t.ikt ) Cro was that of Mau'e ' , no joining thd church bck of the bmldinc was destroy * d the front dimiycd with w ter i los > of SIO/OO. No. 1441 fccup'-d "n a boa din- . ' home by MIS E Simmons , was damped bad water. The in'erior of 1402 and occupied by Thomaf rnin was ruio d. ciuain ? Io 000. N .f. 1411 and H06 , oo- d rp pecUveIy by Mrs. Sh-iwr and G imor , were batJly datnnccd wator. Before fit o'clock the in both H ticuUural hal ! anr vTho churc wernin rtiniB , and oortion ? walls of the l ttor bad MJen a m. the fire wns slill burn th ugh under control. Board rumor * hat tb academy of wa burni'ifj attr'O'e.l t ou o he pcpne , cnm > l-t-ly bK-cb ( "tnet for q itnM BstHcrlo' we pr ' d nl > n f"w VBr > c M' $150 orO It wi liu * * ur 'i atom wirh m ! > ! It vr3 on htl'i 'red ' f and r " f on ] S 'llO- * rithHdfptl > of on. hu - .d f-f y' t S . r tce WH-O li i. ' _ , Hijd thi. firp igup to i-i ) o il < * A * v - dfti'c ciil-nr * ' b ll had if Sf y fent on LnrdnT 'r e - - ! . ' 't * r" - o -t It raten i ro r ( f ? IOO 000 ib e t- > maVe ? n i-s'im 'P -h" 1 ' - ' w' i -a' , > will u.f nt gl75OCO t < - $250/00. A Perilous Voyage. niipitcu to This B < rHitWAOKCB , J n iry 3 ! , 4 p rn . A ban/ / ' " a - , p-ip-Hrr i f 350 nwurd by ihu Nrtherti tran i company , < ren down if Sl'chigati y steidiy 't rninn rft ! hia 1 pore at 9 o'o'iitlf ' mor me for Ludington with fl \ Mir , anil hi > viri five om-n and sevpnter and pscni.'ers nil toM. either ' was mtensly cold and ting i'ci W < H thick upon tb > the crew i and paag rcerf boat of the v el Thy ixofCtiiMon of ever recchir , thfy rowed alltheafternoot And Wli . and thi morning at d < y- Frfli and appeared < B Milwaukee By irp nnw some dulav i thfy - TOYS wee for rescued , although at-veral are in a danperour owir g o the long npi-mre Alb ma" wan tn command of rd Cnse of ' [ , 'ru-c'it , wh about 10 o'clock Sunday she wn Hiacoverr-d to bj bHlv. Ttiey worked the without av il , three hours about half-pist one. The about fifty thousand del are rumors of other nothing definite ia known. Yora Pnxluce MarJie . NEW Yo/ts. Janunry 31. Sligntlj in buvera' favor ; ezcort nnd home trade und hnop I Ohm , g4 40@ * doS 9530 75 ; superfine 50-j 4 00 ; c-ramon to do , S4 30@4 Co , Stove dnS4 5n(3fi { ( 55 ; choice white SoOOQCOO. tn ; fair demand ; choice 12A@28c. Weattrn unsettled and weak Onto' ; Chfoieo 8112 resumed ® ! 16 ; M-mohia ' a SI l'i : No 2 rod winter , with ! Ho3 ra i 400 000 I arifu died ; No. 2 , 553@68s : ealea , ho wai in t. 9-cond d a.ht QiSel of stock farm 65@15 85 , " for Ap-il. ved to Jackson 8"ie l.rna . ; y89 ; OO'gO Q2\ \ f r the supreme 89971-510 - 00 f . r Arr.il ; pr imincnt : 05 f. r May : S10 059 ic - ni-iiiiniitiiiii June ; § 9 80 9 90 lor wrf otac'ed ' mi ye-ir. . ) mhly from Siat * Credit , of inijtor cial judiciary and yp s j * rf the and ( oil . IVnneaset : Judge will nerve Ma'ch Jickai Ha n ii H si n ot . ' t.uot , and cfeso Ho w.-n horn in in 1832 lie attended considered one gr-idn-i'erl in the state \ - an thnV -st a ale credit ge in 1818 , but mKt - He t t > ya'a AI * hUui - is a gi'd Virginia , and trndj d Jaw t e nrdmary ? u"dor Ju ga A 0 W. -loqii m m n 1 on Br wn. Hd em o be d-li grad- th Comb rl ni 1 * n-Jaiy he v.ilj nr'n in r TICH Ho ist < f Uwa' 1866 J.OIK , nin and H.Tact's n , , k > < i tn ATe-nphie . oK q-t. " C IS.Vl in , * S n rm n . " ' a"'nur-hi | > v th ' v il Pur : u ih > win f f I8j7 - -nt ' > N % w Y rk r.y till i. f * al ' , h'hi- & NO 1- nr it CONSULTIHJ tlli < horif'a f tlni ' dil ' 'h-- i.t e HIP /"i e'to s ' tf i-o * i'ii-d h f - > a It' 7erf"left , M-mnh f tiltli w r ? / ! . -ils * .r ! o > ei JP " ' ' " a llclufl tn > ' KliiCrTV - . "I- prdi.1 jr * i'e teal' * 1.1 it csruiHrj nrft ! He Price rive Gen-is lFImIrt.ac ! and Ketall 3Jann \ : i ; sr SHvcr .IVatcIic ia Hie City. Come and See Our as We Wfll Be Pleased to Show Goods. EDHOLM & ERICKSGH. Podgt . THE CEN1RAL DINING HALL , Southwest corner 16th and Dodge. Has lately been leased has hodyeara experience in the hotel and reatuourant busi ness , and will run a flrat-class bouse. MEALS AT ALL HOURS by f he Way or Week , uith Lwlslng or witliouf. ' I'cntrally Lucartf. . _ ft'fm HORSE SHOES AND MILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , the Bes * s mtmei t of WHEELS- in the West. A4 < hfcoK > I rice"- . W.J. BROATCH , 120J ) & 1211 Harney Street , Omaha. , iaji te Lrer of I k nJ or F Summer Bologna ( Oerve'at Wu'-ut ) a S eia tiv. Orders promotly flllad. . 17 4 Burt St. , Omaha. N&b. d 3-t Z0 cor \e&9 ( rn * CRACKER MANUFACTURERS . , WI.olM.nle Dt-alora in CIGAR * nd CONFECTIONERY. W er wi 1 htndlo CODNSKtiME. 'S FRESH OYSTERS During , which the the beat i-i the . market. A Itrga usJOrtment of CANDY aud the R It"'iy ' tr de. SDGAR , GVTZ & FREE3IAN , 510 llth St , Omaha. . STOETZEL 3 Dealer in Hardware , KING STOVE ; and Tinware. Repairer , Job WorKerand Slamifactnrer of a Kinds of Cans. fho practice of I tr in tin clo of the war , Kit - & Eilett. Hifirs' 187J , aid in A p'H , 1874 , marntc to Mary E izabeth , a.htr nf Can William G the noted B-1I M > * ad ne-ir N hnll . Ha remo- son in 1876 and on two oc- ed HH onn of 'h jadgo * of com . In 1878 he w a a caridi ate for thcdemocrxt- ns tipreino j idgHe to the present , general a Mau a n county on tha democratic pla'form. nb-r > f the committees on pr vilegea and elections , > in ihn IrEi' U'nrn ' till ia sh r' , rather atnnc Ii'uht c mj.ldxi.rt. Ho ia of the ab'esr l- * yers and ia u debt-p yer or nun of the r < tdica' school , debatpr , thuuirh not in cceep a'icin of 'ha term an T nni-fBeeiiis here i-li'hted ! with the ch"icp , i -t brotlfr I nf CtVtn j O' ' n < * Red J * oi C"ii I rred upon hui L flti'inn i t1- * it ? wT. * > . PHYSICIAN LOCATKf II'K Wfl 04 MIA , Oi - < iu all dp < r'uirui * . , tt > Is i-nci ' ' tart ( iron' ! -jva r > "I nd EEAD.T8INK ] AUD BELIEVEI THE | LITTLE GIA8T STILL AHEAD. Btid Wbat y d Pnnt'lno F ' yt About It : KAOLZS'KKST. J-riBr XTOHD. H. Y. , > Mr C R Thompson yebrairylOth Hr Mxeoalcr 1S3) . / , < onri. : MT PM * SIR The Pockft ' < n'e < I orJrrrd havearrred. i Ih . - o-wt.d b m and ( In I ttiera perf lly > ccnnt from weLht ! 8lb . lh . the onnco up ttbr la I y ra > otinaUn * < l ttova'Ia , < to n > ak. fl erery erman "III trirrv i > n In Mi T'rtic'et -c'et 10 Mat hi * bU c 'ch t. " c * rtul h. n wlf . who likes krery o k'io "ho " nu foil eight In imall pnatu * t , will nwl nne. ' 'niho't. " yimr "Lint' " ( tlA T , II I o UavW amonirtb ' * I'Mllf-nn. I rfe > t reJ to h on- defnlljetivt a > > tttal title , d-lair ay with th n < J o' cum " tn-tao "Uu > naf * nile \ * . .10r > . Vouri Truly E.Z.C.J DrvH mrrun I-tt r iresVj for TLmbone of V < f-CTt tfortamea la hU iiiantrk. nJ i * a Imnvithmti houtt rwoiU ua llxrary rt r of r a amity. * rd 19 . . b..T8 lector hon' t < COM Imeany oe a * ! - ha m-rlu f the 'Lrmm C/A.TT 1'ccirr c iw th y are th n- t-t ( nv > niuii nt ilia * t w I/h frnm banca t" I bt pO idai il arnrrAiitixl / a * cnrata ; acrt fC - ' I el-r 'tlv p'attd ' wit nlcle. ctlr < r and * II aletim wln r Ina' > VCRTV. -II' DLI > HAVE O.V Jojt tl \t Jnir fnr p rwen , Miir.torn Ffchcr- men n I al ' , - > o 'or faroi y uai tb , Mi > asas e lln the real .nckrt. y K e/y t io > * h iildi * r lr ha o T , is t rv iiudy bouiitahoriAe they ! Mn vre t O'T , etc. they r * Irjt ( wh c n el h w.lh tht as al e An > . tn-l It th-jr ran utif-r.i - ' * llie > a > * inida - / > p * . teprce nl nine- * ' In > nfiy lent * esilj. ' . int'lii th > e < ho' T. JUD mi TRIOK " "vrmza tr t JCDCCZII O. R.1H'U OT nd Ot * acturer > riil l 'OH TP C Ova ! Srcr ) TooHi Harrow Minnfmi tnrwl * iy t r D rnnpfR nrriio for pilce Irf * > < ent , Om i . Xe \