Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Saturday , Jon. 29th.
For the Building > mid , Poor Clare Sisters b ;
Dramatic and Musical CM
In this oraaa is represented a striking pictur
of the cause of Ireland's n i eerie * . Tbe cruel
nuiiin ; Landloid exercising with * tnerciles
Seteiminntion the absolute authority vested 11
him u er hh taning tenantry.
Admiwiuu. 60 ita Beservnd tats at Ma :
Mev.r'n without tartra charge. Family matlne
at Z o'clock. . Admit lion , 25 cU. tU-th-B
The Northwestern train was anhon
and a half late yesterday morning.
Another broken axle de yed the trail
from the west Saturday.
The members of the Imi > erial clu'
( till attend a party of the Home Circle , a
Connci' Bluffs to-nighC
A delegation of Union Pacific iho ;
men attend * " ! tV funeral of the late Mai
tin Keyno ! " " "ouncil Bluffs , Saturdaj
Thiaevt. 4 the Rice New Extray *
gaaza company in to appear in "Evange
lin ° , " and on Tuesday evening in "Calino ,
at the Academy of Music in thia city.
One of the snppoued "Wahoo robber
was arrested at Wahoo Friday , by Sherii
Greggs , of Dodge county , wno thinks th
other will be captured without doubt.
Studies will be resumed in Creighto :
University this morning the eemi-jmnua
elimination having be n concludedFrida }
A party of twenty-six men in charg >
of Jim Norton , the ex-policeman , left 01
the noon train yesterday forGreeleyColoi
ftdo , to go to work at gracing on the Col
erado Central road.
Paler/ion bells coat
See Polack's advertisement.
Oranges , 23c fper dozen , at Buffett's.
Snow fences are being built along th <
B. & M. road.
Whipple , McMillan * Co. , the jewel
rs , Crtighton Block. o26-tfl
See Crnickshank's new advertisement
oflembroideries on third page.
Babbit * , 2 for 25 cents , at Buffett'e.
WASTED Fifty .thousand dollars ol
county bonds. H. T. Claike.
Oysters , 25c , 30cand40c ; , at Buffett's ,
For l.ands , Lota , Houses and Farms ,
ook over Bemis' new column on first page
Daniel Stunden , the incorrigible diV
turber of the peace of his own family , hu :
gone tip for cixty days.
The Sioux City and St. Paul trail
trill start fiom their new depot on Web'
iter street , on this morning , at 8 o'clock.
A. man named Bostoff , was before the
police judge Saturday on the charge of strik
ing a couple of women in their own house.
The U. P. train from the we t Fridaj
night was about an hour and a half late ,
owing to the breaking of an axle neai
North Bend.
A meeting of the Iward of manager :
of the Nebraska stite board of agricul
ture will be held at the Withnell House ,
Wednesday , February 2 , 1851 , at 7:3C
p. m.
Two very handsome conche , a Baggage
car and a We'ls , Fargo Exprcsi car , for
the Carson & Colorado narrow gauge roadi
passed through the city last night bound
The change in the weather Saturday
to a decidedly spring-like temperature ,
brought the frost out flying , and an odd
and uncommonly pretty fig11 has been the
result , Omaha's stone and brick structures
lieing suddenly transformed into marble
fronts. The postofficu building beirg allot
atone was the prettiest , e\-ery block of its
material being covered with the white
coating an inch thick , which , drying grad
ually off at the corners , left exch a perfect
ellipse'of frost work. The Union Pacific
depot was as white as if it had been paint
ed and continueleo nntil after noon.
"Erin Aroon "
The plsy of "Erin Aroon , " which
has been heralded with had trumpets
for weeks , w s put upon tno boards
Saturday afternoon ana evening for
the benefit of the Poor Clare sisters.
The Acsdamy was crowded at the
evomoi ; performance , iu fa t quite a
number were unable to obtain teats.
Of the play itself little can be si id in
its faror. ' "Veto depth and compact
ness ; the plot is an impossibility , and
the eviction scene possessed none of
the cruel terrors with which Irish his
tory is filled. It served , however , to
show the versatility cf Mr. J. Ed
Smith , who , with his charming Koran
( Miss Brennan ) kept the audience in
fine humor. The reminder of the
out served an an excellent back
ground for the two bright stars who
sparkled continually at the footlights.
The songs of Tommle Brennan and
his Kitty were enthntlastlcally ap
The play wa crond finnncUl me-
eii , and the worthy object for which
It wa * given will be greatly benefited.
A Brilliant Entertainment in
Profeuor B. W. Seager , of New
York , author of the revision and dra
matization of the cantata "Queen
Esther , " arrived la the city Saturday
night and doubtless m de the acquaint
ance of some ol our musically inclined
people yesterday.
Just now BlonzClty andTankton
arc rejoicing greatly over the magn'E- '
cent success of the performance In the
latter city under his direction , when
two very large and enthusiastic au.
dlencei wore present , Tuesday and
Wednesday evening , to hear and wit"
ness it. Mrs. Roger Cheney , of Sioux
Oity , and Mrs , Jesse Geere , of De
troit , Michigan , the latter formerly a
resident of Yankton , alternated in the
role of "The Beautious Queen , " each
eliciting plaudits and praise unlimited
for their artistic singing and acting.
The whole performance which Is
given by amateurs entirely is set
down as a thoroughly finished , elegant ,
thrilling musical drama. Professor
Sealer will begin rehearsing the piece
with a company of sixty or seventy
vocalists in Siour City this week , and
It Is not unlikely that our own local
znniiclans may secure its production
here. The cantata or opera is pre
sented In rich and gorget us oriental
wardrobes provided by the director ,
with all the accompaniments of scenic
and dramatic display appropriate to
the occasion.
and SHOES , to be sold at 25 per cent ,
below regular price at
Douglas , near 13th St.
The "Divine Sara" Can be
Seen for Five Dollars and
Car Fare Thrown in.
Society Items Corral ] ed for Our
There have been quite & number oi
Interesting social events during the
past week , some cf which , including
the celebration by the Burns club ,
have already been detailed in THI
BEE. It is not amhs to nay at ttit
point that several Omaha ladies and
gentlemen went all the w y to St.
Louis to see Bernhardt , anc
now Manager Mtho , of the
Academy of Music , has securec
a communication which ia for the pur
pose cf ascertaining how manv people
would go to St. Joe at five dollars pe >
head , the said sum to include railroad
fare both ways and admission to see
Sarah. This ia a remarkably low rate
and no doubt many will take advan
tage of the opportunity to see the
actress who has of late ao agitated the
public mind. Minager Mealio wil
open a list at Max. Myers & Bros ,
where names may be left.
O e of the most enjoyable of the
alphabetical sociables in the church
parlor of the Presbyterian church
during the present season took place
list Tuuraday evening , under the
auspices of the L. M. N. &
O's. The ladies whose names came un
der the catalogue of the above named
letters , had epartd no pains to male
the room homelike and inviting , anc
a large number of the congregation
and their friends were present to en
joy their iospilaUty and listen to the
following programme presented for
their entertainment :
Sulla Lomba , Lucretia Borgia. Donizetti ,
Piano and violin , Hiss Wilson and Mr.
Song. . . Mr. Penmll.
Song Mrs. Kennedy.
Piano Solo Miss Ettie Wilson
Song Mr. Arm tage.
Piano Solo Miss Mamie Wilson
Deaf Mute Performance. .
Cavat.n. . B iff. violin anil p'aco , MKS Wil
son and Mr. Annitage
Song Mr. Penm 1.
College Songs.
The opening selection , for piaio
and violin , was rendered with fine ex
ecution by Mr. Armitagt , of the B &
M. headquarters , and Mies Wilson.
Mr. Arm it age showed himself the
possessor of considerable technical
ability as a violin soloist , and Miss
Wilson ably sustained her refutation
as one of Omaha's most gifted
piantste. Mr. Jennill's sjlo was en
thusiastically received. The gentle
man's rich and finely cultivated voice
has rarely been exhibited to bet'er
advantage. Without going into further
detail , it is sufficient to s.iy that the
solus by the Misses Wilaon and the
? iolin and piano rendering of a eara
Una , by Riff , were pirticu'arly well
received by the guests , while the
whole progra-nme gave evidetica of
careful selection and conscientious
treatment on the part of the perform
ers. The whole entertainment , which
was as informal and enjoyable as pos
sible , reflected the greatest credit up
on the committee , and marks a new
era in church sociables in our city.
The next entertainment iu the
Unity Lyceum lecture course will
take place on Thursday evening of
the coming week.
Mrs. J. J. Da Laney , of New York
city , who has entertained large audi
ences in the east , will make her first
appearance In Omaha Thursday , Feb
ruary 3. The programme will consist
1. BeUey and I are -niL Carleton.
2. SOUR ny Miv. Griffev.
& 1'olly's Stocking Yarn Original.
4. Surley iim'sTrouule Bennett.
5. Pleasure Exertion Holley.
C. Song by Mrs. Griffey.
7. Luke Bret Karte.
8. houg bv Mrs. Griffey.
9. Uncle Pile's Sermon Ir\v n Russell.
For perfection in the minutest de
tail , for spectacular effect and gorgeous
costumes , the maequerade patty of
Thursday evening by Mr. C. C. Field
takes the belt. Masonic hall was found
inadequate to accommodate the throng ,
there being one hundred and eighty-
five persons present. There were sev
enty couples in costume , presenting a
picture as novel as it was pleasant.
The floor managers were Messrs.
Frank Hill , Wm. J. Whitehouse , M.
Smith , Chas. Ogburn , and Wm. Oa-
borne , and they acquitted themselves
In a manner worthy the occasion.
Steinhauser furnished the music , and
supper was given in the restaurant
below in first-class s tyle.
Quite a large number of ladies and
gentlemen met at the residence of Col.
Wilbur on Seventeenth street recently
to witnees the production of the oper
etta , "Retribution , " by an amateur
club. The operetta , which was high
ly dramatic in its plot , was written by
Miss Fannls E. Wilson , the airs were
adopted , the whole being most credit
able to her genius. The ladies and
gentlemen taking part were Misses *
Alice Rogers , Benrletta Wilson , Liz-
zio Sharp , Fannie E. Wilson and
Messrs. J. Tefft Clarke , Frank L.
Smith , W. L. Welsn and W. W.
There was a very pleasant enter
tainment one evening this week at the
residence of Mr. Turner , on Capitol
avenue one of a series of semi
monthly sociables given by the resi
dents of Capitol avenue aud Daven
port street , between Twenth-fourth
and Twenty-sixth streets.
Herman Kunde to Mlrs Frederika
Erell , at the residence of the bride's
'ather , 14th and Jackson streets ,
Chnrtday evening. After the cere-
nony an elegant supper was partaken
jf by the guests , and dancing fol-
.owed. Among the many valuable
presents was a complete set of parlor
iumiture from the Omaha Turner
lociety , of which Mr. Knnde is a
popular member.
Draper's "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
: ombination will appear at the Acad
emy of Music on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings of next week.
The " 'Un
Chicago Inter-Ocean says :
cle Tom's Cabin , ' revived at McVick-
er's last night , is always a moving
spectacle and what may be of ad
vantage in these rank , materialistic
times it is purely orthodox. 'Uncle
' 1 om's Cabin * is picturesque , pathetic
and moral to a fault. The sympathetic
weep over ; the dying little Eva and
see the quintessence of humor In the
umbrella of Lawyer Marks. " t >
Rice's combination will produce the
new"Evangelina" _ at the Academy o )
Music on Monday evening evening
next , and "Callino" on Tuesday eve
nlng The New York Sun , of a late
date , speaks of the company as fol
lows : "This excellent troupe ap
pearcd at Haverly'a to an appreciative
audience. The opera of
in its new form is bound to be a favor
ite ita fascinating and chirminc *
music , its sparkling mirth and droll
ery will alwrys take , iille. Jarbeau
In the character of Evangelioe , wai
par excellence , and the ht > ro of th <
play , Gabriel , was done to perfecttoi
by Miss Louie e Searle. In fact , al
the characters wure well taken , anc
we find no room for criticism thai
awarding Rice's combination the pain
over all amusements we have had thii
season. "
FindlsyiP. Gridley and wife left fo :
Grand Island yesterday.
Dr. Livingstone , of Plattcmouth , was ii
the city yesteid y.
U. S. Senator-elect Muller , of Call
forma , passed east Saturday night.
Col. Lorin Miller celebrated his Sin
birthday Saturday.
Judge W. O. Bartholomew will lesv <
fora trip east in a few days , hia place be
ing filled during hi ? absence by Howard
B. Smith , Esq.
County Commissioners Corliss and
Dreiel started yesterday on a trip to To
ledo and Cleveland.
J. B. Kitchen , of St. Joe , is in the city
G. W. Vis has gone to St. Louis on bu&
Eedick & Redick have reurned fron
Lincoln. .
George W. Hetzel has returned from :
visit east.
Conductor Anderson , of the U. P. ,
came in from the east Saturday witl
his wife.
P .ymaEter Powell , of the Kansas and
Colorado divisions of the Union Pacific
returned 1 st evening from a regular trip ,
J. A. Fleming , city editor of The Ne
braska Press , of Nebraska City , came it
over the B. & M. last evening , and will re
main over Sunday in the metropolis o' '
Messru. B. L. Nichols , W. R. Kencel
and Frank Doane returned Saturdaj
from St. Joseph , where they attended the
funeral of Mr. Valentine Steitel , who was
a cousin of Mr. W. E. Kennell and B. L
Nichols and nephew of Frank Doane. Tte
funeral was largely attended.
Boe-Keepera1 Meeting.
Plattsmouth has made a goneronE
proposition to take care of the dele
gates to the Bee-Keepers' convention ,
to be held there February 10th and
llth. Rates of fare have boon re
duced on iho Nebraska roads as fol
lows : Omaha & St. Paul railroad ,
one and a fifth fare ; Union Pacific
and tha B. & M. railroads , one and
a fourth fare for the round trip , each.
A good attendance and meeting is ex
W. 0. B. ALIENAsst , Sec'y ,
Nebraska Beo-Keepcrs Asa'u.
Ladlea' Belief Society.
The Ladies' Relief Society acknowl
edges the receipt of the following do
nations : David Bowman , SlOj clothIng -
Ing from Mrs Gannrt , Henry Homnn
and Korty ; Mrs. G. W. Dane > , a
stove ; from the Presbyterian sociable ,
coflee and cake ; Cruickahank & Co. ,
calico for a comfort and five rolls ol
A Beautiful Jewel.
Our reporter thin moruin" was
shown a very elegant and costly article -
cle just manufactured by Max .Meyer
& Bro. for partiea in this city. It is
the jewel of a "High Priest" of the
Royal Arch Masons It consists of a
bar of gold upon a cardinal ribbon ,
from which is suspended the triple
triangle , ornamented with the usual
Hebrew characters and bearing upon
one side the shield , set with twelve
magnificent diamonds , rrpreaentinj ;
the twelve tribes of Israel. The
workmanship is perfect. We are
afraid to say what the jewel cost.
Prof. Aug. Wnlther informs his
pupils and the public In general , that
he will commence teaching harmony
( thorough bass ) In one class February
5th , 188L
Terms : $8 00 quarierly.
This beautiful and most Important
study every one should jim who
wishes to become either an accom
plished teecher , leader , pianist , etc.
Applications will be received unti
February 4tb , at his residence , 317
17th s'reet , from 2 to 3 o'clock p. m.
The Ludits' Ralief Society would
acknowledge the following donations :
Mr. D.ivid B raon , § 10 ; clothbg
[ rom Mrs. Gannett , H. Homan , and
Korfy ; Mrs. G. W. Doane , a stove ;
; rom the P.-esbyterian sociable , coflee
and cake ; Cruickshank & Co. , calico
'or comfort and five rolls of batting.
MRS. WM. WALHOE , Sec'y.
The first arrival of Mens' , Youths'
and Boys' clothing , Spring Otercoats ,
urpassea anything ever brought to
his market , is now ready for inspct-
Inn , at M. ELOUTTER'S
Mammoth Clothing Honre ,
Cor. 10th and Farnham.
Mr. George Walther , formerly of
New York City , has arrived in thia
place The gentleman is an excellent
tuner of Pianos , and in order that
many families may avail themselves
jf o opportnnitv , la ready to
rrceive orders .it No. 317 Seventeenth
street. s m-2t
Entered into rest this morning at
LI o'clock , Mrs. Z.T. Sprlgg. "Bless-
id areTthe dead who die in the Lord. "
Funeral services at the residence
o-morrow at 3 p. m.
Jpieces at loioprices.
W. R , BEJTNETT & Co. ,
113 north 15th street.
Sudden Dea'h of Hon. The ma *
Blackmore , of the City
Hon. Thomas Blackmoro , who a
one time represented Duuglas count ]
In the legislature , and was more re
cently elected to the city council fron
the third ward , died last evening , a'
4:30 : o'clockof rheumatism of thi
heart , at the age of forty-seven years
He leaves a wife and three childrer
t ) mourn his loss.
Thomcs Blackmore was born i ;
Somersetshire , Englind , in 1834 , anc
cnuo to Acierica at the age cf abou
nineteen yoara. He first settled i :
C iiada , where ha remained untl
about ten years ago , when he came ti
this city aud was employed at thi
Omaha Smelting and ReOnin com
pany , * here he has remained eve ;
Hia diameter as a man iuul a citi
zen was above reproach ; iu the firs'
able , industrious , straightforward am
noble hearied ; in the last , houeat. I
was said at the time of hia nomiia
tion for the position hu held at thi
time of his death , "You can't put uj
a man that can beat T .m Black-more. '
He was respected and eateemd by hii
employers , by hii neighbors and bj
all with whom he came ia cDutac1anc
yet was one of the moat quiet and un
atEuming men that over lived. H (
was a master mason , of Capital Lodgi
No. 3 ; a Royal Arch Mason , of Omahi
Chapter No. 1 ; a member of Ormihi
Council No. 1 , Royal and Select Mat
ters , and a Sir Knight of Mount Cal
vary Oommandaty , allot which bodiei
at once took suitable action in regarc
to their loss.
The time of the funeral having beet
fired at 2 p. m. to-day , Mayor Chan
issued * hefollowing order :
OMAHA , Jan. 30. 1881.
C. J. Wes'erdshl , ' st\ \ , Marsh ! of mahi ;
Siu : It btconus my duty , thouql
indeed a sad one , .o notify you , an <
thr < ugh yoiijtho policemen < f lliecity
of the decease on yesterday of Hoti
Thomas Blackmnre , a member oftdi
city council , from the Third vrtfro
and'chairman of the council commit
tee on police.
Bis funeral will taka place on Mon
day next , at 2 o'clock , p. m. , and vril
be under the more itnmeuiate charge
of the Knights Templar , of this cuy ,
of which order he wio an honored
Upon the receipt of thio notice yn
will proceed to direct the police forct
to report to you at police hoidqunr-
tera on that day , at 1 o'clock , p ru. ,
in full uniform , to attend the exer
cises of the occasion In a body , tirdei
your chargH.
You will aUo notify the membura ol
the city council that it is ill's deaitc
the mayor and the president of the
city council that they me't at the
same the council chamber foi
the game purpose.
It is desirable , too , s tl _ * his yoi ;
fill cause to be communicated in a
proper manner , thnt the various othoi
city officials heads ot department ?
as well as ihoao who represent the city
iu & public capacity should iiu-el M
the tame lime and for the same pur
pose , at thn mayor's office.
Of your doings hereunder you will
mike due report to mo I oersin , nt
my office to mrrow ( Moudiy ) morn
ing at 9 o'clock.
The Sewer Question.
At the meeting held at the b > fird of
trade rooma Sa urday evening , to
coasider the subject of seweis , there
were quite a number of citizat.a prrB-
ent , but only one member of the
Douglas county legislative delegation.
The meeting was presided over by
Hon. J. S. Gibaoc , while Oti * H. Bal
lon was chosen secretary.
It was derlared the conro of the
meeting llut provisions be mic'e for
building the mam aawers of the city.
A motion that the las for rent of
hydrants bo limited to four raiila on
the dollar v > as adopted.
A motion to pay ofi" the ludcotod-
ntea for severs already built , ou of
the first Issue of bonds , was discussed
at length , but loat by a moti' n to f d-
journ prevailing.
A Burning Shame.
Mr. Geo. MeJluck , the well-known
sexton of Prorpect Hill had * crue
joke perpetrated on him yesterday
morning by some of the boya about
Jacobs undertaking establishment ,
Mr. Medlock ia n democrat cf thu
deepest dye and will not even read a
local item in u paper of republican
politics. Several attempts Inve been
made to reform him in this ria.oct |
but all were unsuccessful until yes
terday , whe i tie ! heailing vr-vs en * fief
of Tne Herild and pasted riea'ly over
the hrad of the Dnuglaa street shopt.
Then the bjya laid iu \ > a.t for
victim , who soon dropped In , and
picking up , as ho supposed , the pa er
he obtains hia political \ttli frotu , ho
sat dora : by the fire to read it. llo
perused the tule taph and local pages
ouefullycolumn by column , and then
turned to the di'.oriftl ppge where hu
wai astonished at an item whicn con
demned the democratic party. Th < s
next item was of a similar tone aud
he muttered to himself , "Its a hunt
ing shame , " aud , after a glanca or
two , satisfied that the editor had ? nne
clean daft , he was about to eschew
the use of uewap apers f or all time to
come , when he thuuuht to ulanc at
the top of the piai and bocarpn \vnro
of the game thit hid been played on
him. He didn't fatnt , but cime pretij
near U nd promised to aet 'om up
all around in t e apriui ; .
Real Estate Transfers.
Martin Caunou aud wife to Sioux
3ity and Nebraska R. R , Co. , w. d ,
LOO ft in wirtth through e , ne | sec 1 ,
116 , r 12 c-8210.
ilary A. Smi h to S. C. & N. R. R.
So. , w d. , right of way thro'g'o e s ,
> e | sec 1. 116 , r 12 e 3186 90.
JHS. H. McShanu and wife to Thus.
\ . McShane , w. d. , sej , sej secS , and
A , swj , sej and e 37J. nwj , sw , all
n sec 8,115 , r 13 e 5500
State of Nebraska to P. 0 S. Kr\g-
ikow , s. d. , awl , nej Etc 36 , 116 , r
:2e : S800.
Holbeck's heira to Ellen Junes , w.
I. , lot 6 , block 27 , Omaha § 1500.
Joseph Kirg and trlfn fo l'on '
JTouii , w. d. , n J " ne J acd sw | no J
ice 7 , tp 15 , r 10"e , SHOO
H.ljii Younc to Alouzo and A red
kl. Youne. w. d. , n A re } J.nd s\v J
10 J sec 17 , ip 15 , r 10 , e $1200.
Gee C Fair to CUra B. Redman ,
r. d. , lot 6 , blk 303 , Omaha 5100. I
A Few of the Sad Sights and
Scenes Witnessed by a
City Missionary.
What is Being Dote for the
Suffering Poor.
The report of city mission work foi
the quarter ending January 25th , a ;
siSraitted to the Christian Worker :
by their missionary , Mrs. H. B. Ful
ler , is of uniuual interest and will bf
raad by all. Perhaps non3 can battei
apprec'ate ' its facts than the reportei
t hu ia thrown in almost daily contact
v/ith the scenes described. There
are many reasons why they .re noi
published , one of which' is that ihtj
are of auc' coainiin occurrence thai
they to anrpriso one except ii
some m rk ° d instances. The aighl
witnessed upm Farnham street a few
clays ago was one of theao. A
liitlo boy with his rudely con
structed sled marched through the
principjl street of the beat city in the
west , hauling upon his skd iho dead
body of his Httlo aister encased in a
c ffin mide by the- father , wh preceded -
coded it a few paces carrying upi his
flh' > uldrr a pickaxe and shuvtl with
wh. cb to dig a grave for hia child.
T. > e two 'vended the'r way over tl < c
hill to the poor farm where the re-
m-.ins were left to rest in thu potters
field. While such poverty exists ic
our city there ia need of more micsinr
w rk cr.n bo sccimplish d by one
or a doz n persons and of chtnges
more important thin thus of our citj
"I h ve done lea visiting tb r
u-uril during tht > past three month. ,
CMS was < > \7inz i part to the inter
veiling holi lay week , ir. part to the
excessively c U wa' , a-d in pirt
> erhapa to other causes. Y t I hav
2tv < m to the misiion work , huludir
char dma at homi . 380 lu.nrs ; am
have distributed ahundtedor nr-r
garments ind many pipers and tracts
for all of wh-'c'i I wis i to thank ih
' iner ? .
It bis been fra-en there ivuld b
a greit del of suffering , from th
a uuil incletnoi cy of the wintrr , anr
of course there has beuii 80iuaii ;
he'p ' has seemed to come , with th
em ° rgpncy.
have gneii moro aid than eve * b f ro
o.peci lly in coal , onj ot tho-a 3ayinc
thir he had dietr bated moro thv
eighty * tons in It us .ban twi months
The L'di-V R-lkf FO i ty too , hiv
cnmforf to - ' home-
sent a g-ea' raanj -
Our Mission school ha done much fo
its paila and thir fiiouds , < r.d aha
! .0 U " 't Bbc' ' < broti-rh ! od. The Y
M. C. A. has done something IP this
. - cll a" in ifs distinctive w > rk
Churc ei have help d t e-r OVTII po r
and families have looked after chpi
Y. t there has bean some utiavoM
iH-i suVuriig ! : and sin. e pecia'ly ' i t ni
p 'aiR" , has wrought ruin as usuil
I wai sai'l on ekction day th.
thi-ro iuul uo' been
nor 33-.rc'y ! "a drunk " Yet on th : <
dty Isiw ijiiearnst for flghti'i ! ; , aiii
it ia a Ii tla remarkable , if 1 ahancr-c
utmn the only one in all the city. L
the ni'a rable home from hicithi !
father was tiken , A httla chili the
only olio lay very low of dioo.ise ,
iuid she nsked the hnlf intoxicatet
ni'it'aer who bewa-li-i
, was m a
trjiudlin war tUn fate of "poor
JJTICS , " for a drink of w.iter. file
mother told her therp ww n-'iie , < > m
< ff rd h"r milk Sh lasted it , anc
asked a iin fcr wntt-r. Tnen thej
would have offerid liar w'li-Ky. hut
beciusa of my p-enence desist d
Ih y tried to pacify tiur , but did not
ii yf to jjet it ; they sa'd it too f , r
away , and they had no bucket. OiiO
piil coatvlned the * hi < ky , or wha'ever
sprits it was , which hid burned the
nin'her love out of the woman's soul.
Meanwhile ,
had asked over mid over , time anc
again , fo-w.Uer. I toll tlem I woulj
1'ft .vnd ti'itll/aucceeded in ob'aiisin-4
a pill mid brought ir , the lit'lo t-ne
dri'ilm easerlj' . Just before tlto
( a'her's arrest , the p-irentsnud frieiuia
for there were others thenil d a
dispute , almost i : quarrel , in tin-
child's p-esence , whether s .ii woul - <
ever got well ; and the mvi bad-- her
say that ahc would live forty ye..r
yet , or something of tint Kind , and
she repeated the words mechanically ,
without a smile In fac1' , thnti < > li I
had knoun her ser come time , I can
not remember that I ever saw her
nirilo. Not long after I he'ird that
Blic WHS jj'ine , nnd 1 can tbauk the
aood F.ither in Heaven for tiking her ,
but that faint , wailing pit-A
ever since ; and I wonder how many
times afterwards the poo' , fove'cd ,
dyinj ; child suffered of thirst , anc
plead in vain for water
To atio'her home , 1 am told , where
the father iiaa cousumt cinploymoti
.uid g.iod wages , but spepcls nearl ]
all on occasional debauches , a bab ]
cnme some three months ago , and for
lack of fuel wai washed aud drcssoi
for the first time in a ? old room ; ant
this with similar causes thereafter un
d mbttdly occasioned its death , whicl
occurred last week. After the childb
death , the father , going into the
room where some of its clothes were
lying , caught them in his arms , anc
holding them as close aa ho raigh
have held the child , wept as i
broken hearted , and said ho would
gjvo anything in the world if ho
could stop drinking.
After so many disheartening in
stances an I find of this kind , it vfas a
comfort the other diy , upon going in
to a Httlo Gcrnmn home , where I had
been sent for , to hiiar the mother say
that whatever the husband earned
cama into the family. Nothing went
for whisky and beer , and the house
indicated this.
My prison correspondence is some
times encourdginir , and sometimes
very dtsconraginc ; but ono thing Is
certain , most of the men are very
qlad to get religious reading matter.
I am sending papers to twenty of
these. As I finish this , and think of
this working , working < > n , with
this thought occurs to me : why was it
that the Divine Man , when his earth
ly life was finished , seemed to have
accomplished so little ? Did that aamo
Infinite compassion and loving , pitiful
sympathy which suffered Its way down
into human hearts , leave the work in
such a state that wo , his children , fol
lowing in his footsteps , might bo con
tent to labur en , though we should not
sea the results , being assured that
"They who go forth weeping , bearing
precious seed , shall doublesireturn
sgwn with rejoicing , bringing their
jhcaven with them. "
Indies' and gents' fur goods of ev-
jry dtncripUnn at the Fur Manufac-
; ory , opposite pjstodice , Omaha. All
oods are warranted.
dec 13-lf Furrier }
i TO LOAN' At S percent Intel
. . , ' eat , n sums of ? 2000and up
wards for 1 to 6 years' time on first clasa Improved
od city and farm property. Apply at BEMIi
Heal Estate and LoanAecncy. 15th and Donglai
ate. 278-eodtf
f OHST SO LOAN-Cail at Low Office
'J. L fHOMAB. Koom 3 , Orelchton Block
M'OHKT 1O LOAK 1109 Farnham street
Dr. EdvardR Loan Agency , nov-S2-tf
"VTTANTED A good laundress , at the Occident
V V al Hotel , corner 10th aiid Ilamey streets
"Tt Good eirls at the Intelligence
YT o3Jce , 217 North 16th St. , coarD ven.
per . . 265-29
ANTED A rood girl to do sen-ral hiuse
work , at 2,309 California bt S6J-29
VV7"AIttEl > \ gi'l for gsneral housework
I V Mu t be good cook ; good wages paid ,
Apply at 1,507 Cilifornii St. J62-31
VV/'A TED-By an experienced tirj. jus
> > fr.mthe fast , a piaie to do ntners
housework , in respectable familwax's 4 :
week. Address MISS C. , Bee Office. 263-29
\T7"ANTFD Imm-diately , awonnn 88 first.
VV clais cook , washer or iron'r Swede 01
German preferred. Address MB < . W. B
Pr ASH , I ort Omahv 2 9-29
A.viEl A rfrl tn do eene'al housework
W at lontt-ca'tcuriiBr 1' th nJ ilarney SU
IRL WAN'ED for cencral housework
019 CdS3 , between ° 0th and 2 > 8t. 260-2 !
WANTFD Good strong girl at the rroj
Laundry , Harney bet. llth and 12th sts.
TYD An experienced bcther Hants
to stir' , a meatnaikeU ngomo < mill west
crn 'omi , where there i none , or where one ia
nefde ; would take a reli-nle partner. Addre-s
fc. K. Weub , Jackson , Dakota Co Neh. 90-tl
VV 'J4S-8
ITrANTEU Cirl for general housework , 31S
> V South Kl-hteentltttreet , between ram-
hamand Ilirnej. 242
. * Tl5D 'J o traoe almost new Mle bar for.
tuR'yfora ph'Cton. * ddre a M N.
Bee office. 245 If
\\7ANTEU-Oir. ( or ueneral house * ork in
Y f email ( amilj- ; must te good cook , wa he
and irene . Apply southea't comer of llth an
How rd SU. 210-t
W ANTE" A coed hnasc-keeri r , 1109 Far r
him street , uri talr 32-tt
10R RKST Furnished room Enquire a
Bee offic * . 271-29
T7IOU RENT Pla < ant It nt room with b" > art
P for gentleman and wife or two gentlemen
1 6 D dire , bet. 14th and 15th Sts. , ore Woe
and a half cast of ro8t--fDce.
T710R REVT Furnished a-artment elcunt !
l } situitcd for comfort and convenience , " . V
cor. 1S h street .md Cai Itol Avc. 270-
BHNT furrished roomsSliSou'till '
FOR MR .A McAUsl-AXD 2S5-2
T710R HE T Pianos and orR-in-'at il 5Uo * 0
Jj per month , at ilbTenth ht'ett 2o7-2l
L > With board , suitabl f < r leiulcmin an
lady , llth and ( .aliforn i streeU , ( whits hona
OR RE TT Mnelv fnrniahcd front room
F rout aide , at 1310 Davennurt tt. 195-1
I NT Newhou e. cielit rooms , har
and soft wnte' , on 2id and Ci s SU En
qui.e 307 12th St _ 123-t
r.E.VT House In hlinll's -'n l addition
FOK ' per month. V. SISIKnAr , , rr..u C
Crelgli'on K'ocV ' _ 895-tt
.r A funuslie'J , si.u'ti innt room
Inquire at No 161J r'arnliim St. > 8. t
ulh itr.N P : luriii'ncd rixuuii nvei Jltr
clants Kxcluu e , N" E. Cor ICth t >
2S1 If
TJ10R SAL ? Maps of D jneU * and Pa-pv coun
JP tv sh winir location off umh usca , ichnob
nul .mil w 1 (111 roads school ami voting pr-
c n t ? , at pric s fmm $1 I/O / to $2 5i eat-h. A
there arc only a f. w copies let' ' . Pan ics wmiin
t' > purch.isa should do B at o ce , at office o
ANUIfEW ROSKWATER , Civil rni-iiiecr an
burxe\ , 15 0 Ftrntiam treet. 2B7-tf
Oil * orl-'mi ) A fl'L.r.MlU Lt l o
Li I Kin-aiiis in Honsci , Lota , Firms an
Lan m , in hia now column on let [ wrc
J ORAIjE Two-story houie and fu 1 lot on
t Cipitol hill , llou-e i-onUinss rooms a id i
nevly new. L.cittim first. cl.i = a J.VO. L. JIc
CAQUK , opponltn pnstodice. IC3-tf
FOR SALH l'eli\ercdin any p rt
ofthoc'ty. Call on < r ddr 8S T 03
S'.Virr , cor , lath a d Clilcai-o Si ; jttf
. CIIKAP A n w 15-hore lower
P \crlii-al b iler. Omaha Fouridr ) &Machina
Co. 2 9 2
SALE Lease and furniture of a first-
class hotel i i a town of 1200 in'i ibiijiitn. in
" talc of No' rasl-a. Has 24 I e < K the tr-wcllm ;
men's resort Inquire at I te ollice 21S if
EORSA'E ' At a bargain , my stock of cro-
ccriei nnd lixturrs I will also ri nt in pur
chaser mv build HIT and vn 'on eaVca. Inquire
corner 16th and Izard street U C. R3I-J14N.
LJ ovr HKMIV new column of har.'ama on 1st
} SALE "ine re i lencp , lot 100x200 feet
only i cnUMes S. W. of c.'Urt ' house , Io-a
tion sight y. John L. McC-uue , opposite po l
office 219 ewltf
I71OC SAI K A 'AlUiAliS A luiidinif i\i >
1 ! "j'oi > n fl\turi3. fiirnitur.-antl tuck , n loili
fet. oppositetie ! U. P deput , for-ate very c > rip.
fixture"furniiure and tfh. ! < i'l ' he oiil
itnl ! juiMi } j i fitted Inquire Of Kl > h El-t-
MAN 7tf
I'Ml1 d < i-e at A J.
T OST On > nrth 16 her 13 > it * t. , fl pairi of
Lj ) i'ht kul ploiesaud one light blue ood.
Le.ile.-U Heo fflce. ' ' 72-C9
1 _ J ovtr BKSIIS' new column of birirains on let
LOST A child's seal brown cuflhincre c pe
near ICtli and Californiahii. I inucr please
return same to 1507 O.ilifornia bt. ! ! Ct 29
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No otlia
ircparation makes such lUht , flaky hot bre d ,
nr luvtiriom pastry. Can be eaten by drpeptif *
without fear of the ids resulting ; frem he in-
llee < ; tiblefo < Hl.
sold only in cins by all Orocra.
For Two Nights Only.
[ onjny and Tuesday , Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.
Extravaganza Combination !
rirrt Production In this city of .he
The NEW EVANGELISE is the ETaneelinc
f the part , re-writttn by .Tohn J. McWally ,
rilh several new scenes , and original musical
nmhe s by Mr. Kdvrard E. Kice , and a popular
aat of charactera.
TUESDAY KVKMtTO , Feb. l t First time In
hh city of the highly eucce sful Opera Bouffe
i two acts , as played at the Strand Theatre ,
ondon , over three hnodrrd coniecniive nights ,
ntitlcd ,
y H. B. Forrls , the entirely n w muilo select-
d from Offeubaclr , Horn , L'ndhoim , Delihrs ,
ie eur , Leccqy. KnuhlUrd ind Jonas. Both
ces prcdaad with new tc'r.ery , new and
eaniifnl co tnmes , and a chorus or FOR IT
OUIvO LADIE.S , the ci It bra ted Kvanirelme
[ ale Qnirtette , lull and efficient orchestral
Seiu now on sale at Max Meyer & Bro. Ke-
rved seat * 1,00. i
For Sale.
I,000S000 Acres
of Beautiful Rich
Located in all t lie CJIID ties of
Many of theie laids are
more or less improved anc
can be had at wild lan (
prices , are located in the
midst of splendid settle
ments , conven ent to Rail
roads , Growing Towns
Schools , Chirches , &c.
while scarcely a quarter
section can be found with
out spring or running
stream of clear wa er , on
some part of it
We offer these lands
generally'on long time anc
easy terms , with low rates
of mt-rest , or alibr J dis-
coun * for cash.
Prices range from $2 to
$10 per acre , while we ran
sell many fine tracts far
below their market value.
"We Offer Over
30,000 AGRES ,
Located from 41 o 15 miles
from Omaha- from $6 to
$10 per cere , oifrom 1 to
10year' time
we offer Rreat bargains on large
tracts , some of which run as
low as $3 per acre.
In CEDAR and other Coun-
iies , lands suitable for colony
' . om $2 50 to $3.50 per acre.
I OMAHA CITY property
we offer Cheap Houses and
Lots , Houses and Leased
Ground , Elegant Residences ,
Splendid Lots in nil pa > ts ot the
City and Additions , Business
and Residence Property , small
bracts ot from I to 5.10 and 20
acres , for Sale , Lease and Ex
chanqe. "We also have for
Improved Farms
Some with moderate improve
ments , others -with large fine
louses , good outbuildings ,
mostly cultivated , and located
in all parts of Doug ) as ana the
other couties named , and all on
the most liberal terms.
Persons wishing to buy , sell ,
rent , lease , exchange or convey
my kind of Real h'statewill
Indus prepared for active busi
ness at all times.
arays be found in our office ,
jands will be shown purchasers
ree of charge , by
& Hill ,
1408 North Side of Fara. St , ,
Opp. Grand Central Hotel ,
Omaha , Neb.
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits-
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
For Men ,
Boys , and
Under-Wcar , Hats ind Cups.
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Suit AH.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
ST !
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
IMpcs from 25 cents per do/en upwards.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Fishing Tackle , Uase Balls and a full line of
Sand for Price List.
MAX MEYER & CO. . Omaha. Ken.
ifrt A f * f ft | P ff k ett
And Wholpaale Dealers in CIGARS nnd CONFECTIONERY Darin * H .
Fall and Winter we will h-uidle COUNSELMEN'S FRESU OYSTERS whk i
are now the beat In the market. A largo assortment of CANDY and SUQA1'
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
ATZ & FREEMAN , 510 llth St. , Omaha.
Dealer in Hardware
and Tinware.
Stove Repairer , Job Werner and Manufacturer of a
Kinds of Cans ,
_ Tenth and Jackson Streets.
The largest and beat assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
117 14th St. , 3 Doors North of IJoiiglos St.
f i *