B. BO3EWATER ; EDITOB ? THOSE eenatorial diagrams of the Btpvbtican have been pet In pickle. THAT cabinet of General Garfield's tvill be a wonderful piece of furniture. The bill calls for only seven pieces an 6 already eeventy have been definitely decided npon , not counting Phineas W. Hitchcocjr. , f THE Omaha Eerald to-day ie in fat r of loti of railroads becinae the ) competed Yesterday it 'W B in Tavo : of consolidation became It stoppeo competition , and fluctuating , ratec. * f y gr- 3 4 The Heral < jt opinipni are marked bj THE diagrams of the D tmaha ; Repub if can on the senatorial contest invaria bly placed General Van Wyck as the under dog. Mr. Brooks has now two yean In which to repair those chat tered triangles and figure out new and more accanteiprmulairT TH committee hasdccidod to in cert in the river and harbor bill a nnmber of items for-the improvement of the Missouri Among these is an appropriation of § 20,000 for Jwork on the rirer bank opposite Omaha Brownville also cornea in for a nice little slice while St. Joe , Kansas City and Atchison are not forgotten. IT was all right for Dr. Miller to run a partnership concern with Hitch cock , and for J. Sterling Morton to support Paddock , but the moment an honest democrat expresses his gratifi cation over General VauWyck'a elec tion it howls long and loudly. The democracy of tie Herald la of a re markable type. It wanted Valentine elected to congress BO badly that it didn't have a nominee for congress until his defeat was overwhelmingly certain , and then failed to support the party nominee. The Herald had no democratic candidate for U. 8. sen z.tor , and staked all its hope ! on the cast of the Paddock dice. Dr. Miller and his organ dceorvo the rep robation of all honest-minded demo cratsi i. sheet which pretends to be n party organ , but which uses it's influence fluenco solely in the interests of rail road jobberi and professional lob bylsts , irrespective of party affilia tions , deserves to live on quack medicine cine advertising and the profits of a railroad job office. WE don't want to be captious , but it is very singular that the Douglas county delegation haven't improved their vacation to come to some under standing jwith their constituents and among themselves about the new char ter. It would be extremely disastrous to our city to have the legislature ad journ without passing some amendments monts to our charter which would en- sMi us to follow up the completion of the water works with a system of aew- era. Another very important and snuoh needed reform is the proposed chingo in the election of councilmon. Omaha has had some very costly experience porionce in leaving the choice of coun oilmen to tvard bummers and irrespon Bible and incorapstont blatherskites who simply want to be in the council to further their own personal ends. Our educational law needs amending in many ways t.ud the delegation from Douglas county ought to go down to Lincoln a unit on thesa proposed amendments. If they do not they might as well resign. If they can't procurejfor Omaha the needed legisla tion their usefulness will ba seriously impaired. Now that the Nebraska members of the legislature have had an opportuni ty to consult their constituents , dur ing the interval since the senatorial election , most of them have doubtless discovered that every man who shirks hie sworn duty to ca-ry out the constitutional prjvisloni that require legislation to prevent diccrimination and other abuses by railway and other transportation - portation oompaniei , is doomed to po litical death. All the pleas of rail way attorneys and brass-collared edi- tjra that the people are not prepared t > legislate on this question , became wo need more railroads , ia bosh. In the state of WIsconilii and in Illinois , where they have laws that prohibit i. jcriminatinn , and in Iowa , where the passenger tolls are limited by law , more miles of railroad were built dur ing the last year than in Nebraska , whore there is no law. The people of Nebraska ratified the constitution ofjqt twith all its pro visions. For moret than five years that ooiuuiutlon'Tias been a dead- letter , so tar rajlway rgtrlp ortis concerned , and every legislator , who iRs-"HaworaT ' * - to sue port that constitution violates his oaCnif he hms , to obey the man- J i t 1 _ /ii-'I ) . 't'll-m , > ' tj date of that instrument. JTne people of Nebraska are reaionabto and just ; they 'do not ask fegislation that will confiscate railroad property , nor do they want to bankrupt the corpora tions that operate railroads by reducing ' ing the to" . . noJ individual or firm .or .locality shall bo\ \ dlscrimlunted against by rebates an'd by special' rates , to' the detriment of other individual * and localities. Tfaov de$4Mtfial ! Uirf rbads ali riof taVe nndue advantage of the wants ot our producers by raising their tolls everyf ofneSftan 1mg t har ] ? vest , BO that the people shall b de prived of the benefits oA houotiful , * : "c ! : * . T ui xfl. . ! ; . < ' providence. These , certainly , are reasonable and just demands. If i&5 < Wfrhbt ran'fia this ear , ' the people will see to it that they are guaranteed two-ydsrs'lience ' "when the nozt legiglalqrVia" elected. _ ,3 lli viTn iGl'f > I 'It * _ Mm. Partington to IKe. JJHowciid tb caljuinpi ay th * old lady to Ike ; nop.ir v'l'.JHK'iKU.l .ijj-jyn KDron'o ; ik- " < jr P 910' ' vTj < - ' : s/i * ' J ' A3'A hMivi.'ioa IJUF nji'noiamou - ! . . . AND ART. Somewhat over one hundred years the British cabinet were called npon to deal with the question of revolt in the American colonies. The colonists , with no thought of separating from British rale , were londly de- minding reform in the tax laws and seemed bent npon resisting the au thority of the crown until substantial relief wss afforded and the principle of no taxation without representation was affirmed by the British parliam _ t. Tne British cabinet with ono accord insisted that the first duty of the gov ernment was to restore law and order to Maasachuetts and that it was be neath the dignity oi the crown to take milters of constitutional reform under consideration before maintaining the iignity of the insulted , laws in the : olonies across the water. "Coercion drat , reform afterwards , " was the cry caught up by the cabinet and echoed in the halls of parliament. The war of the revolution ensued and Vmerican independence was the re sult. sult.The The British ministry of 1881 are face to face with the problem of 1775. Common sense and the exper ience of the past would seem to die tate the only policy whick can bo parsued with any hop a of success. It ii plain that the temper of those who a hundred years ago were bent on ob taiuing redress for grevous wren B is the temper of the Irish tenants of to-day. It seems equally clear that the temper of thos who , in 1775 , were determined to restore - store law and order in Massachusetts before they would consider the qnei tion of American taxation , is identi cal with that of these who to-day are clamoring for coercion in Ireland in the hope of smothering by the iron h&nd of arbitrary law , the voice c , popular discontent. Mr. Gladstone's cabinet are not united upon the egan of "Coercion buforo Reform. " But , unfortunately for the cabinet , they an hampered on all sides by pirty fac tions and tory opposition. Mr. Par nell described the situation with bit ter acuteness a few weeks ago : " ] wish to warn yon , " Mr. Parnel said to an audience at Watcrford , Cl not to expect too much of the pros eat parliament. J Wi3 a very careful observer of tha event ] of last session , when Mr. Gladstone was trying to pics a miserable little bill of ono clause , called the compensation for disturbance bill ; and I said then that he had no ; the forcaa behind jiirn to carry any measure of real value to this country. He has got in the first place to contend with the whig terri tonal influence in his cabinet before he ( even drafts his bill , and so from tht > very start any bill that lie brings for ward must be a compromise with the [ great whigs of England and the Irish land owners. If ho brings it into the house of coinmona ho finds hiniscl face to face with a determined and | powerful tory obstructive party , and the whig * in his party he Is scarcely sure of for twenty-four hours to- gather. Consequently , to secure the passage of his inception , ho has to agree to still further compromises aud when at length his bill struggles in the honse of lords , if he hopes to . cirry it through , it must be at the price of still further compromise thero. " TUB description was faultlessly truthful. The liberal ministry would without doubt fall , were coercion as a measure of the first importance aban doned to give way to a .stringent and just land bill. They will assuredly i fail in passing at the present session any measure of land reform which wil afford lasting relief to the Irirh tenantry. The combined opposition of party factions and landlord influ ence will be amply sufficient to kill any remedial legislation which aims to. reach the root of the disease of land-1 lord tyranny. This is the quandary of the British cabinet. Their coercion cannot coerce , and their reform will fail to reform. Between the two stools of a just policy and a compro mising attitude towards their enemies they have signally failed. Wanting in the moral courage to boldly advor cate tae right whatever the conseE vuence to cabinet or party , they proh sent a spectacle at once ridiculous and pitiable. O.VE thing that needs overhauling very badly ia the postal system at Omaha. We don't know who is to blame for > , but a city cf this mag nitude is certainly entitled to a better and closer connection with the out side world. For instance , the Conn cil Bluffs morning papers do not reach Omaha nnlil noon of the same day , and all the mails from that city are held over until the arrival of the through trains from the cast. The K. C. & St. Joe train gets into the depot - pot at Spoon Lake at 7 a. m. , but the rnailafrafflu Brownvilie , Nebraska City , Kansas City , and St. Joe do not ! Teach here -until-r ttho even ing ! and are not delivered until the fallowing J "jiiorning. " ' The trains over the Wabaah and S t. Jos- & Kansas1 City lines golflg south In eist side of the river at 8:30 a. m. , of but if otp- Omaha merchant desires. to have ! a 'leUtt "e < .nvfetd 4 > vsr u jj lints he must maii" if the previous night , as the 'maih'ilreHll mad up'at , 4'Ju . an'dSiy.on.th'av { ' m. , < fth'er'wBlde. . of the river frlifca th'rce io fivei hSuFe Omaha mailr.Bir uW clcSb Ttfiferelfflian " 30 minutes Xbqforo , iho departure . of train * 'on' uhe1 Cthcr sldo , and the 0nlon " : * 0 lv ' * * * * ww * vUOJ * > Ik * * , ) , of trains goingj south nnd. east on the ic tJHier aidJer'Hheirivcr. The mcanT-wr- in ience aud tno loss * of bntfjjees that aria a a ifrom the present mail ar in rangements an hardly -be 'estima ' ted. If"'tiio " ' ' ' ; "fault''is' .at Oajsha tfio trouble sl uloTJb'o corrected.by the officials here ; if at Wasbjrigtap , our Lcpngteesional delegation"sh'onloV at Jvdico 4Und to-the matt , 7 * ' THE Bdtiih.'Ariny.rof tSoaBiftfrica ! M sostaiirtdanothor-croihlBg - rfeleftt.4in S j 'I'.cred again by the Boere. ' ' ! , ' „ " " GOOD "BOY , OHAELIE. Reminiscences of Senator Van Wyck in Congress and on the Tented Field. Thrashing a Trio of Slave-Hunt- ers-Franking Soldiers' Let ters The Fruits of a Forage. V .aWycs , of Nebraska. nif I Ti : . The new Unitprl States senator from Nebraska , VanWyck , is not withont a record , though it was ac- qaired not in Nebraska , but in New York. He is a native of Sullivan county , in that state , and before the war was well known in the Hudson river counties aa a lawyer of marked ability. Ho practiced law in Middle- town and Newburgh , having for a partner In the latter place ex-Judge Fnllerton , now of the city cf New York. "OharlU" VanWyck , under which familiar [ title he was best known to the farmers , business men , boysj and everybody else la that cactSon , was elected to concrcsi m 1858 , and reelected - elected ia I860. In common with I Ben Wade , Tfmd. Stevens and Bur- Hnggame , of Massachusetts , he was a slclwart of the stalwarts on the slav ery question , and manifested A disposition to back up his words with his acts. Daring the exciting eejiion of congress gross which preceded the breaking out of the war , numerous exceptions were taken by southern members to his vig . orous denunciations of "tho institu I tion , " and threats of paraonal violence were freely made. Lite ono night , while passing along street near the capitol , he was ATTACKED BV TUHEE MEN , I who , as they bounced ous on him , in formed him that in consequence of hia comprehensive abuse of slavery , they were about to "do for him" in first- class plantation style. At that time ' Charlie" was in his prime , broad across his shoulders , above medium height nnd solidly built in with htrd muscle. In addition t thii ho vas romething of a boxer and was gifted by nature with that article so useful iu the world known as pluck. He equ&red himself at oi. . : > , and but o fo r moments after putting up hands for business the southern gen 11i tlemen wore looking for the last ditch. From i that time on ho was very rigid ly 1 let alone. In the summer of 18G1 ho raised a regiment which > rent into the field as the 66th New York' , hut was better known by the title of the "Tenth lo gion. " The legion was composed of ten companies of infantry , two of cav r.lry , and two batteries of artillery. It was incorporated into the army of the Potomac as a regiment in its entirety , but was soon shorn of its cavalry and artillery appendages. The cavalry companies were the uu clous arouid which were gathered the lat New York mounted rifles , which did excellent SERVICE IJT VIEOIN1A and Maryland until the close of the vfsr. The artillery companies were afterwards designated as the 7th and 8h N-iW York independent bittcries. . . The5GUi , with its commander , Col. Tan Wywk , participated in McClel- lan'a 1 ; peninsular campalun. Col. Van VP Wyck waa slightly wounded by a piece of shell. After the bittle of 17 Antietam the command was ordered to the south , and Col. Van Wyck was decorated with the straps and buttons of a brigadier gener.il. A FilAKK EBFLY. In the spring of 18C2 when McClel- lan's army lay in Iront of Yorktown , Van Wyck , while in command of the New York volunteer infantry ment , was also a representative in the house of representatives from ono of the western New York districts. Al though in uniform he was still the homo citisan , colicltoas for the welfare faro of his many neighbors in his own regiment nnd other military organiza tions from his section of tha country. One dark , rainy night , just before " "tapa" had Bounded ] he happened to atop into a battery park , and a prirate soldier who recogmjiud him requested him to frank a letter. The franking privilege was lh n not limited as it now ia. "Certainly , " replied the citizen soldier and con- creEsman. "I'll cit up sll night to frank | letters for soldiers " Tne dec laration j wai scarcely uttered baforo it i ; paaad from soldier to soldier , and [ than from camp to camp. Soldiers | from every direction brought their } letters to Col. Van Wyck to frank. The colontl unceremoniously seated himself iu a sutler's tent and went to work. Tint sutler's supply of envel opes rapidly disappeared , and when reveille sounded In tha morning the colonel was still sitting on his campstool - stool , with a hard-tack bax , which ho had improvised as a table , before him , franking ' letters for "tho boys. " In many a homestead in central Now York to-day may be found , no donbt , the carefullypreserved envelope which brought the messsgo from the eoldler iih iho field , who never came back himself , bearing on its face the famil- IiV autograph of "Charles H. Van Wyck , M. 0. " DIDN'T KNOW THE BUTCUEK. It was during the Peninsula cam paign , just before the battle of Wil- liamsbarg , that Gen. McClclIan had issued an order forbidding foraging under penalty of severe punishment. A section of artillery and been sup ported by the 56th New York volun teer infantry in a little ekirmish late in the evening , and , owing lo some misunderstanding , the infantry nnd artillery were left on the picket Hue till a late hour , withont any rations. Darkness had closed in , and a farm-yard in the vicinity offered too great temptation for the hungry artillerymen to resist. Soon the fragrant aroma of roast pig drew more than one officer to the vicinity of the im rovJicg-'barbBcne. Among others was : OJl. n'arfWck',1 'tho senior officer oohifiMnft * iHe ' " s"aBked by one thtf'imprpvlBtfd.'camp'cooks if ho , _ . , , . . . . . _ . Ml it Bkrfofla ? .A iin : n\ebu "Certain \ , , * , "repliecUbie Colonel , ; and with BTmnened p.pjJtiip , .be a { enc to hold I * thc.lucioua roast porcine.nba. ' Suddenly , a staff officer rode upon the ; scene. With an unmistakable- Trench twang ho said ; "With do Compliments of de general command ing , I wiah " tajrna who -kilt dis roast ' ' K- . - - K'Tell ' _ the general commanding , " roared OoL Vnn Wyck , stretching his tall form to its utmW-altftude , "thit Col , VanWyck never inquires who the butcher is when he sits down to a gen tleman's table. " r"-The staff officer was Comic do Paris , j Gen. McCitiflsn'B staff. No farther , icquiry wfts vjBr institutedinto the c my teryf of this" fbraginp-expedition. ; Since the warhe'haa served a tjerm. | t congress from ifew _ York. A few years agolia em&ffedlo"NebraBk , an3 now returns to Washington as a niom- ' b-ir oj the senate. < * . HONEY OR THE LADIES. - a Chenille UCB is one cf the latest } „ oveltjes ; . , ' . : J" , - ] . \ White is the leadtDR cojorjn.pven- | t ' f nil at a $ hia tt-tnf w . CEJ.03 , " 2UCP"1 MJS [ , ' nrTrniir r'r-i Tir "lii fsn dress for morning receptions and the opera. Handsome chatelaine watches are of silver or tortoise shell. Long black kid gloves have rosei embroidered on the arm above the wrist. Small bonnets are. gradually disap pearing , and large ones are increasing in sisa. The drapery on the newest cos tumes ia very bouffante about the hipa. hipa.Pretty Pretty new bracelets are of white kid , painted by hand and mounted with gold. Wide collars and outside cuffs will b worn as soon as heavy wrapi are laid aside. Muscatine has a female shoemaker ; she is not ashamed to do honest work. Awl right. The new dresses give fashionable , women , the appearance of having come ' from Japan. The holly-leaf and berries form the newest design in panementriea and flat garnitures , Bonnets with crowns of gay plaid velvet and fur brims are worn , and are conspicuously ugly. Pretty bangle rings have stars or crescento , studded with small tur quoises as pendants. Heavy satin brocade , with large designs In gold , is one of the hand somest materials for evening dresses. One of the latest novelties is a bon net made of leopard skin and trimmed only with a leopard's claw handsomely mounted. Cincinnati girls console themselves for slipping on the ice by saying that they belong to the ' 'sidewalk skating club. " Fashion says ; "Gathered waists are still very milch in favor with young ladlea. " They ara with young gentle men also. An old lady named Mrs. Jordan , aged 105 yearn , passed through Dobuquo on route to visit relatives at Peosta on the 18th. She was accom panied by a son 75 years old. "Doctor , my daughter seems to be going blind , and she's just about cotting ready for her wedding , too ! 0 , dear me , what ia to be dom-l" "Let her go rlghi on with the wed ding , mudnmo , by all means. If any thing will open her eyes , marriage will. " "Is your wife a democrat or a re publican ? " asked onaRockland citizen of another in a atoro the other morn ing. "She's neither , " was the prompt re'iponsa ; and then glancing cautiously around and sinking his voice to a hoarse whisper ho explained , "She's a homo ruler. [ Rockland Courier. The Brooklyn girl never fllos into a pasaion and pulls her lover's hair. She is educated .r > the proprieties , and feela that any ach demonstration would be vulgar. Inwardly , she maybe bo a perfect Vesuvius , but outwardly , she is smooth as a dose ot castor oil. No provocation can budge her from her perfect Bolf-pofcaessionj no injury can hasten the gratification of her reVenge - Vengo for accumulated wronga ; no cunning device can inveigle her from her equanimity. The Brooklyn girl understands herself. She waits till she getc married. RELIGIOUS. The Brazilian senate has passed a bill making Protestants eligible to scats in the chambers. Miss Sarah Smiley , the Quaker evangelist , has joined the Episcopal church in West Cheater , Pa , The oldest of all cardinals of the Roman church is Oattcrini. Ho is 85 years of ago'and has been a cardinal for twenty-seven years. An Indian church has got the first church bell in Clellam county , Wash ington territory , which has been set tled by whites for 20 years. Church - debt raiser Kimball has visited one hundred nnd sixty churches and raised directly and indirectly some § 11,000,000 from church'members. The Parker Memoriil hall , Boston , erected to commemorate Theodore Parker has been sold $75,003 , and the society which has been worshipping in it cases to hold regular services after March let. The New York Baptist Annual for 1881 reports the whole number of Baptist churches in the state at 878 , with a membership of 114,146 , nn in crease of six chnrchea and 401 mem bers. bers.Throe Throe year ; ago thsro was only ono church of the Pres.yterian name , I with nine members , in all southeastern Dakota. \ Now , in ono county , Moody , there are 14 ohurohes , 10 ordained ministers , and four church buildings in process of erection. Pope Leo will be 71 in March next. He has gained flesh since ho be came pope , but is very pale , and the white robes hu wears makes him look still paler. He was ill recently , but is said to bo now recovered. Statistics of the Congregational churches and ministry just published show that 105 churches have been formed the past year , 205 ministers ordained or installed , 70 pastors dis missed , 47 ministers married and 76 deceased. There are nine Methodist bodies in Great Britian , with a total of 4087 ministers. The Wesleyans have 403i 420 member * ; the Primitives , 182- 091 ; the Free Methodists , 79,477 ; tha New Conneotionists , 27,850 ; the Bible Christians , 21,292 ; the Irish Wesleyans , 25,186 ; theBeform Union , 7728. PEPPERMENT DROPS. Isn't this about the date when the circus elephant in winter quarters jota loose and gives the coroner a lift ? Missouri has a mule that plays poker , it is said. We'll bet it doesn't play a draw game. It's apaiust a nuilo's natura to draw. [ Boston Pest. It ia considered dreadfully vulgar in Boston now for a calcha'd man to drink. In plr.co of a champagne cocktail or a brandy and soda , he now ' calls , for his hypodermic injeo- Hon. v , , . . "Will yon ha * vnr oysters seal- Toped ? " asked a vJi vtston waiter of a green customer from the interior. "H ve the oysters Ecalpod ? No ; but you can scalp the butter , if you want to. It neede-it the worst kind. " A resident of New York has gene to an expense of § 9,00,0 In the way of a hot-house in order to raise two or three quarts of strawberries in the winter. There's lots of ways In this world for a man. to make a fool of himself. % " * Johnny came home from school the other day very much excited. "What do you think , pa , Joe Steward , one of the big boys , had an argument with the t eschar'about a question in gram mar ? " "What position did Joe takel" "His last position was across a chair 'with his face down. " Just iwby a man should bo ashamed to own that he' is injured by a fall we -don't tee , but .ninety-nine men out of . hundred on getting up from a slipj j | pery spot , will li - like butchers , and * say , "Not hurt at-all , " when jn truth .they are bruised aud skua in over twenty places. A rgenileman was complaining on 'change yesterday thathe hadinyesled. * ' * t - - - < > a rather largo sum of money in Wall street and lost it all. A sympathizing friend askeu him whether he had , been a bull or a bear. To which ho rplied , "Neither , I waa a jackass. " This is rich , and it is from The Norristown Herald : When two losf j ers commenced to call each other "liar , " "miscreant , " "perjurer , " and other pet names in old Sellheimer's , saloon , the proprietor picked up a porter bottle and indignantly ex claimed : "Now go ristht ovay owitl Dese aaloon is not von of dose Wash ington congresses , and don'd you for got it ! " An old base-ball player waa observed looking mournfully at the long coast and the cheerful double rippers , as thay tore their way through the crowd , leaving a swath of maimed and wounded behind them , and he ejacu lated , "This just beats the national game every time ; we chould break a leg or an arm once in a while , but these fellows just m&ah 'em so that they have to be cut off , and it's the outsiders'legs and arms moftly , too. " [ Boston Commercial Bulletin. ConklinET Defines Stalwartlsm Washington Special to the Pionwr Prws. Frank Hiscook , member of congress from the Twenty-fifth New York dis trict , is a candidate for the speaker- ship. Ho has been classed as an antl-Conkling republican. In order to sccnre the united support of the republican delegation from New York , it has been necessary to secure Conkling'a faror. Hincock's first ad vance toward an alliance vrith Conk- ling was one of the moat important of to-day s incidents at Washington. Hiscock called on the senator in the senate chamber. Oonklicg received the visitor with more th'an his usual haughtiness. Hiscock came to the point at once , frankly saying ho did not believe ho could succeed without the senator's help. He acknowledged tbo value of the service ha was ask ing , and subscribed fully to whatever reasonable terms might bs demanded for an alliance. T11E GREATEST ErTOET OF HIS LIVE. Mr. Cockling slowly and impresa- ivolyealti : "Mr. Hiaccck , you ask mo for my support ior the speakerahlp. Now , my dear sir , I Rak in advance what kind of a mflu I am supporting ? There are in this sad vale of tears two kinds of 'rjpublicans. If you be long to a certain class who are be neath any language , however con- totuptuom , you must not look to me. By G d , sir ! if there is any ono thing upon which I pride myself , it is thu fact that I am a republican a stalwart republican , if you please. There is no milk and water business here ; no sniveling hypocrisy or .selfish cant. To all loyal rapubliosnb I am a friend. To insipid , make-believo re publicans , who make an endless pre tense of being superior to their wicked associates , I am a sworn , unshrinking , tireless enemy. " Mr. Hiscock took this lecture very quietly , and then asked what sort of pledge Mr. Oonkling would require of him to satisfy him upon the question of personal loyalty , Mr. Conkling replied , in IN A STILL MOKE EMPHATIC MANNEHt It is a subject that will take some time for mo to consider. I cm free to say that I like you. You have never , to ray knowledge , played sneak or hy pocrite ; but , by God , if yon wore my father or my brother , 1 would want to know in advance exactly how you stood upon one or two vital things be fore you could hav9 my support. I tell you , sir , it is a matter far beyond any person * ! feeling. I should want you to be able to satisfy me that you're loyal to the stalwart element of the Repub lican party , and that you have no sym- patny with the treacherous , traitor ous , mendacious , hypocritical con spirators who are now seeking to betray - tray tha coming president Into a con temptible disregard of the men who made him to-day all he is. By God , sir ! ( said Mr. Conkling with Increased fire and energy ) there is going to be in the future a square line of action drawn. The men who carried the last campaign on their shoulders and secured - cured the hard-earned victory are men who will not be overlooked. The same power * , h it made can again undo. So when you coma to mo to ask me for my support , yon must first be certain where you stand at the present time , as well as for the future. L-jyal , stalwart republicans do not propose to allow the cunning , sneaking , hypo- crital , feather headed Ohio brook of milk-and-water men to rule. We have submitted quietly , believing that relief would como in the natural order of things. Conkling's talk to Mr. Hizcook waa plainly understood by the latter to be a demand for hia personal allegance to Oonkling , even to the extant of fight ing the coming administration If his leader shonld so direct. Tnore is little - tlo doubt that he will accept the con ditions , and through his now alliance he straightway becomes one of the moat , formidable of the contestants for the spcakerahip of the nexthonao. Smoking ia injurious. A Toronto man was fiilled by falling on the stem of hia ptuo. We find that the only true way to preach the golden rule is to practice it ; at least such seems to be tha way of Rev. Mr. F. M. Winburne , pastor M. M. church , South Mexia , Texas , who writes as follows : Several months since i I received a supply of St. Jacoba Oil. ( Retaining two b ttlcs , I dis tributed I the rest among my friends. It ] is a most excellent remedy for pains j and aches of various kinds , es pecially i neuralgia and rheumatic af fections. | OT3C03I Great German REMEDY ron RHEUM , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS or THE CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUIKSY , SWELLINGS JXD SPRAINS , "FROSTED FEET JXD EARS , AND SCALDS , GEHEBAL TOOTH , EAR 1SD HEADACHEj All QttoW AXD ACHES. No Preparation oa earth equalj ST. Jicoss OIL as " . " , = . SCBE , siurix d cntii > Ext ra l Hemedf. Atnal enttili but the eonparatiTelr trifling oatlaj-of. JO CETIJ and rerj- one inSeringirith r in can tari ca ap aaa pcfitiTe rnnf cf iti clilcu. ' DIRECTIO9 IK EIXTES HSCCiCES. J31D BT All CPDOGISTJ ADO DtAlERS IH MEDICIXE. A. VOGELER & CO. llnlthnorr. JM. , V.S.A , MORE POPULAR THAN EVER. The Genuine SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWiNO MACHINE. The popular demand for the GENUINE SINGER In 1879 erc eded that of any previous year during the Quarter o a Century in which th "Old Keliable" Machine has been before the public. In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 431167 Machines. Excess over any previous year 74,735 Machines. Our sales last year were at the rate of over 1400 Sewing Machines a Day 1 For erery business d y In the year , The "Old Sellable" That Every REAL Singer is the Strongest , Singer Seeing Machine the Simplest , the Most chine has this Trade Mark cast into the Durable Sewing Ma Iron Stand and embedded chine ever yet Constructed bedded in the Arm of structed , the Machine. Principal Office : & 4 uare , New York , 1,500 Subordinate Offices , in the "United States aud Canada , and 3,000 Offices in tha 0 World and South America. sep6-d&wtf Successors to Jas. K. Isb , unuiAbidRO nisi ; PEhr Dealers in Fine Imported Extracts , Toilet Waters , Cologues , Soaps , Toilet Powders , &o. A full line of Sarricsl Instruments. Pocket Cases , Trusaia a-iJ Sapt-ojtep ? . Absolutely Pure Drussan J Chemicals used la UlspSDStea. rrf3rij.tlons flllwl at any hour o' t'uo night. Jas. K. Isli. J/.iwrojscc HIcHnhoii. Z 'fCaJ'SCSi SHEELY BROS.- PACKING CO. , Wholesale and Retail in FRESH MSATS& r24SVJSi KS , GAME , POULTRY , ? JSH , ETC. GUY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House , Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. E. E. always Cures and. never disap points. The world's great Fnin- feoliovcr far Man aud Boast. Cheap , quick and reiablo. PlTCH13K3i CASTOltl-V is not Jfarcflta. . Children grow fat upous Mothers like , and PJiysiciaRS recommend. CASTOKIA. It regulates th e Bowels , cures Wind Colic , allays Feverislmess , and de stroys AVornis. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Care , a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible znola- dy. ty ATjhorption. The most Important Discovery since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , this cures r.t any stage Loforo Consumption acts in. Geo. P. Bemis EAL STATE Ifch & Dowlas Sii.t Omaha , Neb , This tgency does BTRIWLT & broisrega bad- QCC3. Does Eot8iM.aato ! , and therefore sny . gains on Ite books a < o Insured to Ite pitroaa , la etesd of belcr cobbled up by the aont _ BOGGS & IWIli. REAL ESTATE BROKERS M IjOS Farnham Street OMAHA - NEBRASKA. OfScc Norlh Side opp ( Jracd Central Jlotil. Nebraska Land Agency , DAVIS & SHYBER , 1605 Farnham St. Omaha , Ntbr. iOO.OOO ACRES carefully selected lw < l InEutetn Nebraska for Bale. Great Bargains In Improved farms , andOrasbft city property. O. F. DAVIS. WEBSTEU 8NTD5R , late Land Com'r U. P. H. It 4n-ob7t ( BTROK RKJD. Z.STT13 KIID. Byron Reed & Co. , EEAL ESTATE AGENCY IN NEBRASKA. Keep a complete abstract of title to all Real Estate Ia Omaha and Douglas County. mayltf PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION LINE BETWEEN OMAHAAND FORTOMAHA Connects With Street Cars Comer of SAUNDERS and nAMILTON STREETS. ( End of Red Line oa f&Ilowa : LEAVE OifAHA : 630 , * S:17andll:10a : m ,3:03. 5:37 and739p.m. LEAVE FOHT OSIAHA : 7:16 : a. m. . 9:15 : a. m. , and 12:45 : p. m. 4:00 : , 6:16 : and 8:16 p. m. * Tbe 8:17 : a. m run , leaving Qmaha , and the 4:00 p. m. run , leaving Fort Omaha , are nsnally lee Jed to lull capacity with regular passenger ? . The 6:17 : a. m. run will be made from the post- office , corner of Dodge and 15th enrclita. Tickets can bo procured from street cardriv- era , or from drivers of hacks. FARE. 25CKNTS. INOLUDI.VO STEK CAB EAST ! NDA ! A. W. ' E H > Ta.XSTv' Orrin : Jacob's B c < t , eonwrC pItol Are , and r , , . . teai'in U. : ct .3 / .CL' vr.i'rL . JAfiMKC THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED. we&m tuftiia TN NEBRASKA. OALDWELLjHAMILTONICO J2u2lncca transacted same as that o a Inoor- poratod Bant. Acsounta kept In Currency or sold subject to sight chccs without notion. Certificates of deposit isaocd parable In three , six and twelve months , bearing Interest , or on demand without Interest. Advances made to customers on approved se- cnrltlc ? at mark t rated of laterest Buy and Jell ; old , bills of exchange Govern. meut , State , County and City Bonds. Draw Sight Drafts on England , Ireland , Scot * land , and all parts of Europe. Sell Earopean Passage Tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. augldt U. S. DEPOSITORY. ? IHST HATIGHAL BANK OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnham Streets , OLDEST BANKIHG ESTABLISHMENT IK OMAHA. ( SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROS. , ) SSTAEUaBKD IH 1E56. Orgsnlzod M a National Ban * , Augcjt 20,1S69. OapitalandProntB'OverSSOO,000 Specially authorized by the Seotetaryor Treiito } to rKelra Subscription to the U.S.4 PER GENT. FUNDED LOAN * OFFICERS AKD DIBKCIOM Hss'JAx ECBITSB , President. AIWDSTUS Koujrrcu , Vice ? jsadent. ! n. W. TAn . Cuhltr. A. J. POTFLSKW , Atlonxj. Joss A. C.T-isaroa. F. 0. Dim , Asa't C&thU/ . This bsnjc receives deposit irlthoat resud to moante. IraueD tlcifl certificates bearlns Interest. Draws drafta on Sin Francisco and principal cU ! of the United Btatei , also London. Dublin , Edinburgh and the principal dtlca of the conti nent of Europe. Sells peseta tickets for Emljtraata In tha Ic > man tie. m..yldtf HOTELS. THE ORIGINAL. Cor. Randolph St. & 6th Avo. , CHICAGO ILL. PKICES REDUCED TO $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY Located In the business centre , convenient to pac-s ! of amusimcnt. Elecantly furnished , containing all mwlern Improvements , paesener elevator , &c J. H. CUUillNOS , Proprietor. cclCtf Cor. MARKET ST. & BROADWAY Council BlnlTs % lowai On line o Street Railway , Omnibus ( o end from all trains. RATES Parlor floor. $3.00 per day ; second floor , 82.60 per day ; third floor , 2.00. The best furnished aaJ most commodious honae Inthecitr. GEO.T. PHELPS Prop FRONTIER HOTEL , Laramie , Wyoming , The miner1 * resort , good accommodations , arse simple room , chtrpca reasonable , fc'peclil attention t'lvcn to traveling men. ' 11-U U. C HILLI1RD Proprietor. INTEK-OCEAN HOTEL , -Cheyatfhe , Wyoming. f Flrst < I W , Ffno'carecSanVpl ; Rooms , one UocV-from'depor. Triloff stop from 20 mlnotca to2banfi for dlnceij ; Free , Busto and from Depot. Rates SiOO , 12,60'and J3.00. according ' oroomgtEji''inctT76Vsnl- ' * ' < - A. D. BALCOM , Proprit&r. . , \7 . BORDEN , - Cnlef ' Clerk. , . . FIist-WiB8"Hense. * 0odd Meals , O3d Ttodj . a Airy Rooma. afrj kind .and accommodatlnjij - treatneat. Two good sample rooms. Bpscia ' ' to oomracrdil trarclerg. ' . ! ' * -T - T'T TV * T1 * : ; . ; . , 'S'MITJF.B , ! ; ; Prop.qi , I t. . r\ Iu The Popular Clothing House of Find , on account of the Season so * far advanced , and having a very large Stock of .Suits , Overcoats and Gents' Furnishing . J Goods left , They Hare that can notfaiI to please everybody KEMEMBES THE ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE , 1301 aud 1303 Farnham St. , Coruer 13lh , GOODS MADE TO ORDER OH SHORT NOTICE. cr. "WHIG-HIT AGENT FOR Aud Sole Agent Tor Hallet Davis & Co. , James & Holmstrom , andJ.&C Fischer's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey , Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ Go's , Organs , I' deal in Pianoa and Organs exclusively. Have had years experience in the Business , and handle only the Beat , HT 21816th Street , City Hall Building , Omaha , Neb. \ HALSEY V. FITOH. Taner. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BSLTIHD KOBE , BRA38 AND iROH FITTigCS , PIP , STEAM PAGXIMC AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALL4DAY W3HD-MILLS , GHURGH AHD SCHQGL BELLS A , L. STEAPTG , 205 Farnham Street Omaha , Neb In Kegs and Bottles , Special Figures to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable Prices. Office , 235 Donsrl a Sk " * v. Qmahs WROUGHT JROH FENCES. Wire ToncinsanJ Ralll if * llieir h'autv , pennanrn'-f ' ' oconoray dally work'nc the extinction cf all f ncc < cheap imtcrlal. Efcant In dcdra. ladcHtractlblo Fences for Lawns , Public fironndj und Cctno- Urr Flits. Iron ' 'asos , Lawn Sattow , cwtnpled n > ! of rustle patterns ; Chain and every description o. Iron nnd Wlro ornamental work doalincd cjA manufactured bv E. T. BAUJJOM'S Wire nd Trrn Work. 57 , 20 and 31 Wwxlward Ave , Do- Irolt , Mich. SPIK" - > n- . -I * aUIo io and Drloo list " - DR. A. S. PJBXDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN ] HAS PERMANEKTLT LOCATED HIS ICAL OFFICE , 4SS Tenth Street , OMAHA , N Offering hia "crrlces in all departments 'o medicine an < ? inrzery , both In general an pedal practice acnte and chronic dl eoses. Ca bo consulted nlht and day , and will visit * , , part of the city and count ? on receipt of Ifl'.t'.j ; PROPOSALS FOR GRAIN. HliDqCARTKRS DlMRTJir.Tr OPTCE or Ciucr QCARTr.aMAsrn , / Four OMAHA , NEB , Jannary 21.1S31 ) Sealed proposal ! , In triplicate. Kutiject to the usnal con' itiocg will be received at tblj o3c ! until 12 o'clock noon on Tlmrsiay , February 7 , 1SS1 , at which pl e an J time thej willb * open ed In presence of bidders , for fnrnishln ? tn-i d - llrery , In qui tlt'ei ' > 9 required , up to Jrn SO , 18:1 , &t Omihi Dent , Nebraska , or at t .tlor.a on the Union PadS : Kailroad , cast of Keircey Junction , of 2COOC03 pounds com , and 1,000,000 ponndE oatg. Propou'B for quantities Itn than th whoi * will bo received. Dellrery of tha grain will , 1 ! required , commence March 1 , 18SI. Prcferenc will b riven to artlc'ea of domestic prodnctlon. The Government reserves the right to reject ny or a'l ' proposals. Bids shou'd state the rate per ICO pounds , ( not per uashel ) and the envelope : containing them should be endorsed "lildu for Oralrt , " and ad' dresfced to the nndcrilzned. B lders are re.qaeste < l to submit proposals for 'delit ry of-ihe "cornMn new rc-sewcd sninny sacks of n hundred pounds each , and for dellresyof th oats in nrf "re-reweJ trurltp sieKa'ftf onshundred poun i"cK. or'wr part or 11 the o ts t bo dtJJTsrod in DOCISZsicis , .the Inner wckj to b ? pro.ridrd at t Onuha Depot. bythotJaartcrrras'tr'sTJepaftment. ' l C4r-if of this adtfentaement ati't cptha Clf- cair ! ef.lnstrnctims ' tf > > idU rs ( can be-obt lted [ Innapplicati3n1o'this office"anu ona copv each of raid ajvertisemint and drcu'ar should Ve at- tachelto or accompany each-ruoposal and Ifrmi pm thereof. , , M. ; . LUpINOTO , ; _ , " ] 27 iet CtiefQuartfTmasJj ' THEMJLYBBE" ' , ' .i ' .1 i : I 'lftl UaalAlnathoLatest ( , Hojae And i ! / j Ne.wa.of th. iDayv , . > , > . . y i . . ii i vi ifu > < ' Jii-l . . . : . = > a i.ion e'J.M ' .n t FEVJSH AND AGUE. There It no civilized nation in tbfl West nt Hemisphere in which tha utilityJit Hottetter'l Stomach fitters as a tonic , corrective , and antt > bilious medldne. Is not known and appreciated. While It ia a medldna for M seasoni and all climates , It ia especially suited to the eompl lints ft ncrated by the weather , being tea purwt aad nest vegetable stimulant in the world. For tala by TJrcmrlstaand Dealers , to wlvxa sp > plr for Hmtetter'a Almanac for 1881. USTOTIOE. Acy on * bavio ; dead animal * I will r mov them fr of charge. L ava ordira louthcut am r of Bamy andll'h St. , iwconj door. ) CHARLES SPLITT. U. O1. MERCHAHT TAILOR Capitol Aw , , Opp. Masonlo Hall , OLlAHA , - - - - - NBB 31. K. KISDOW. Insurance A. . KEPU flTH : PIKESIX ASSOKivi.tn. ow. . J Lon don , Cash Aasetn | 5,10T,1I VESTCHESTER. H. T. , Capital 1,000,003 TnEMEP.CnAMS.of NswarkJ.J. , ICOC,00 GIBAKD niiB.Phlla < leInbUCapltaI _ l.OCC.OOO NORTHWESTERS NATIONAl CapItal - Ital 600.000 riRElICN"a FUKD , Calllornl * 800 COU iUltlTISn AMERICA AS80RANCZ Co l.KX/.OM N7.v A-rt KRElN8. CO Anets . SoO.OCO A1IERICAF CESTRAL./oets 300 COO % ut Cor. cf FUtatnth & DctwlM St _ _ 5. .1 - ' ! nWATi4. M B ; " lUf , UNO. , G JACOBS , PtceBnryotaUli&Jasabf ) i , . St. , Old , r. , t QHDKR3 5T . a a/ 3 i i.Io L 723 wi A Oi * * , LIIK \