Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Friday Morning,1" Jan. 28.
Saturday. Jan. 29th ,
T.r th.BulldincFund. Poor CUrc SJetera by
Dramatic andMusical GIuo
In thil oiw. .
fclmoter We eurvtag tenintry.V .
Falenson eells coal.
SeePolack'e advertisement.
There were no streets by the poliw
lmt night.
Whit.ple , McMillan & Co.vtlio jewel-
em , Creighton Block. o26-UE
Michael Bedington ttibicribed S5 to
the Irish land league fund last evening.
WANTED Fifty thousand dollars ol
ounty bonds. H. T. Clatke.
See Croickshttok'B new advertisemeut
of embroideries on third pafje.
Lincoln is to have a new court hur.t *
nd'a new ujiera house wilhiu a year's
John Jacobn nt a fine metallic rape
i T CharlesMcUouald , ol orth Platte , to-
* ' 7-
Lol 1'arniB , House * lud Lands. Look
over Hernia' new column ol Iwrgainson lit
The Ute teauhen\ association meeU
in Omaha this year , the last three days in
There are 4C7 canes on the dislric
court docket for the February tcnn , about
f he average number.
For lnds , Lots , Hou e and F.inn ,
: over Ikinis' new columu on Hret jiRje
A Twelfth street barber was wounded
in the right hand Wednetday by theacci
< lenta1 discharge of a pistol carried lu his
fivcrcoat pocket.-
-P. Flannery , who WM "tmrne < l nut oa
upper Farnham street , lias rented thcrcom
formerly occupied by the "Litt'e ' Giant'
Jilioa store , to reopen.
F. R. Mewen , formerly of Council
Wnffs , baa located at 318 Tenth street ,
where he offers for * ale a very Mlect stock
cT musical instruments , and is also pre
pared to do tuning and repairing on eliori
- A team got into the river near Boyd's
tMikrag Louse Tuesday afternoon and was
will ) difficulty rcwued. The air bole wan
lussd by the steam from the escape pipe
< if the packing house , and it * existence was
nijt known to anyone
Uno of the spiciest Rtiil ranal cnte > -
tHiniug nho K that , his visited Omaha this
reason ia the tJnlick & Blaisdell Minstrel
troupe , which appeared at the Academy
Wednesday The house was packed In
Tivery portion , and the Rudifcnce expressed
ita delight from Unre lo time l > y applause
nnd langhter a the genuine type. It
immense and lit , mistake , and \vc hope the
< rojiK > will come again HOOD.
E. G. Dugois left his boarding bouM
in Chca : - September 17th , 1830 , and ban
not ben ueard from since. Ho in a Hoi-
lan < Nr by birth , and upeakg broken tng-
li-'i is twenty years of ge , five feet eight
* n , uj in height , rather fetout , round ,
* m islli face , large grayish bine tyes. witli
IICRVJ ilaik ovebrowK. Any information
r arJing his whereabouts wll bo thank *
in 'y received by G. W. Via , Union Pacific
r invar. Omaha , Denver , Lcadville aud
rr item Vapor * generally , plea
Frrah trout and irhlte fish , fresh
c 1. fresh mackerel , smelUnnd fresh
) ing , ? it 'wholesale and retail , at
M ilzN Fish Bf rko' , 1213 Douglas ct.
. 'uut received at Tun Br.E .lob
Ixmnip the nicest line of diminutive
' r per and Envelope * and Cards , suit
1.l j for Ohildren'a Birthday Parties.
C il nnd K O them.
F)0c ) Dross Goods for 15c.
26cDrc s Goods for lOc.
The greate t bargain ever offered in
0 aabft. No humbug about this ;
omc and src , at the Boston Store , on
Tenth and Jones. J27-GI
Philo ItauiHy went west to Sidney
.lamos Mcseath , of Clayton , Idaho , is
In the city.
.Tndgo Elmer S. IJundy is lying sick at
R Lincoln hotel.
Church Howe went south on the 1 > . A
M. Wednesday.
Harry Hall , of the Vaadalia line , is
still in the city.
I. A. Caulfield went to St. Louis Ifst
lii ht \ ia the Wabash.
Mrs. J. L. Webster mid daughter re-
iwnid from Lincoln yesterday.
Mrs. Eva Kirechberf ; nnd sister , Miia
1'a < inc Howitzer , left for Leadville , Col. ,
Mi > Kate Strickland , engrossing clerk
of the house , is spending the legislative w
1 tiou at home.
Thoina * L. K'inbail , E. P. Vining and
. ' l\ Morse ; of the U. P. , left for New
York city Ia t evening.
Hon. Thomas A. Healey , of Milford ,
was in the oity yesterday , en route east ,
J favored Tin ; BEE with a call.
Mr. E. IJo-mwater left for Nebraska
< * i"ythi * morning to attend the reception
of Senator-elect VanWyck.
Sands F. Woodbridge , of The Herald , is
\ siting tha state capital , his place being
temporarily fillei by Mr. John T. Bell.
Mrs. Ellis has been appointed gentle-
iiien's delivery clerk at the postoffice , in
place of Major Sullivan , who has resigned.
Strayed from the farm of Ed. Pat-
nek , near the barracks , about the 27th
of December lait , one small bay mare
weigatnu about 900 pounds , and five
years old. A liberal reward will be
paid for the the
return of name or any
information that will lead to its re-
c very PERKINS & LEAK ,
3"5 ' * 1-UG Douglas street.
Mr. Ed. Britton , of Council Bluff * ,
who nas , for the past few years , sold
poultry in Omaha , baa gone into tbo
ice bu > ine at the Bluffs. His many
customers in Omaha will regret to
leurn thsi L- will no longer supply
their wintb lu this line , at he had the
reputation of always having the
freshest eggs , choicest butter and
II finest ponltry. We wieh Mr. Britton
11 success in bia new enterprise , and if
i /1 / he furnishes &s good ice to his patrons
st the Blnffs as he did poultry to his
Oaiih * trade , he will certainly hsre
plenty uf customer * . I
The Completion of the Oma
ha and St. Paul Depot
and Round House.
Humored Addition to , , th
Union Pacific Shops.
The new depot and round house
nf the Omaha and St. Paul line ,
J "Ituated on north 14th street , nro
j rapidly approachine completior * ud
1 vithln the next week will probably be
j occupied , to the great convience not
I only of the public , but of the railway
officiate and employes.
The depot building is , in fact ,
linishodfand ready for occupunoy.even
to the stoves being put up , etc. ,
| bat the passenger track by which It is
reichei la not yet done. The depot
I lies on the northwest corner of Web
ster nnd Fourteenth and is a long ,
low building of the usual style of railroad -
road architecture. It stands on *
j -pl atform , elevated about six feet Irorn
' the level of the street , and Is reached
1 by a flight of steps on the south nidr.
1 i. freight track is completed
to the east side of the depot build
ing , while a gang of men are busy
to-day laying and spiking rails tipoh
the ties already in plac . This track
it within one hundred yards of the de-
I pot and will bo done inside of five or
ilxdays. The depot is painted infc
! modest and attractive Soior. It has
long projecting caves for the protect
ion of passengers and goods and IB pro-
Vlded with commodious and very neat
waiting rooms , a ticket office , tele
graph office , baggage room and freighl
room. The whole buildingis planned
with reference to its ultimate USD
which is to be as a freight house , the
brick passenger depot proper to be on
the tame block , to the west ,
The round-house , containing focr
stalls for engines , is of frame , facing
the north , and is a substantial build-
Inj. The four tracks converge to the
"tura-table" a few feet distant from
the four front doors. Carpenters ,
tinners and painter * were busy yester
day putting on the last touches. Doors
ana windows are in and the interior
complete , with the exception of the
tin pipes -which go above each smoke
stack to allow the escape u ?
moka from the engines and a
fo v minor details. A coat of dull red
paun i- > being put on , and the ap-
projc" IM ara being completed. The
bnildin. ; will bo ready for use by Sat
urday nigh * . , as il really is ready now
except in the trifling respects men-
tic a ed above. The completion of the
now depot and the business that will
naturally be drawn to that "quarter cf
the city will bo a marked changu
for the neighborhood , which
has always boon a quiet one , and the
value of property in the vicinity will
be greatly enhanced. TbSro is a
short piece of trestle work between
the depot and round bouse which will
be filled up and in time have the
street graded tip to It. And by the
way , 14th street presents a
very handsome appearance look *
in | toward town from the depot ,
einca it was graded , and will bo a
pleasant drive in the summer.
These headquarters of the St. Paul
line have track * connecting them with
the Union Pacific shops and the Bur
lington & Missouri roiid , so thnt they
will lack no facility in the ' matter of
We learn indirectly > but nevertho
IBBJ from ft reliable source , that Super
intendent Clark and other Union Pa
cific officials yesterday wont up to the
old government corral to make an In
spection of the site , which the U. P.
contemplates purchasing for their own
use. It Is reported th t they will put
in oxtensivccar ghota and manufacture
those rolling palaces on a large scale
their present quarters having become
too confined their work. The
shops will give employment
to one thousand men. As the old cor
ral will soon be vacated the move , if
such an one is to be made , will be at
no distant day. This would bo a great
boom for that locality which is
peculiarly fitted to be the location of
railway shops , depots , yards , etc. , as
the wide river bottoms give them all
the room they want to spread them-
solvss in.
While the passenger traffic Las boon
gradually increasing this month , so as
to require- heavier trains , which all go
out well loaded , the freight business
hasbaen light , especially the receipts
for Omaha proper. Whether this is
n indication of dull times , or tha delay -
lay iscunssd by the severe weather oti
eastern roads , we cannot learn.
Sheely & Co. loaded one car of
meat yesterday for St. Louis.
Roddis t Thrall loaded two cara
for the east.
The Nail Works are loading H car
fcr Armstrong , Kansas.
Boyd received seven cars of hogs
yesterday from the west and Shaller
four cars.
The Northwestern was one , hour ,
the "Q. " one hour , and the Rook Is
land an hour and a half late this
The St. Paul Pioneer-Press of the
22nd inst. cays : "It was gossiped on
the streets yesterday that Mr. H. 0.
Wicker , freight traffic manager of the
Chicago nnd Northwestern , had re
marked that the Chicago , Milwaukee
and St. Paul Is now the owner of the
Chicago , St. P&ul , Minneapolis and
Omaha line. " The Press then goes on
to say that President Potter was much
* mnsed wbon the story was repeated
to him , and that the Milwaukee folks
knew nothing about it.
Following close upon the movement
to build a new bridge over the Mis
souri at Omaha comes the report of
another over the same stream a little
higher up The Sioux City Journal
s ys :
The Northern Pacific company will
probably build a bridge over the Mi
> url at Bismarck next peaeon. The
length of their road on the west side
of the river , and the difficulties of
transfer at that point , make this move
The Atchison , Topeka and Santa
Fe road ) which will be finished t * a
connection with the Southern Pacific
about the middle of next month , [ will
Clve ; A new line to the Pacific coast.
As it Is several hundred inilei farther
( oSan Francisco by this route than
by the Union Pacific , it will pro
bably not command much through
Pacific coast passengers bjosi-
nesa at first. But when the
south branch is finished to Guaymas ,
on the west coast of Mexico , this route
will the shortest by 1400 milts be
tween civilization and Australia. A
line of boats in the Asiatic trade is
then to be run from Guoymas In con
nection with the railroad. But it will
take two years yet to finish the road
to Goaymis , so that this new boat
line will not cut un the profits of the
Pacific Mail line at present.
Many choice varieties of candy at
the Christian church to-morrow night.
Oyaters in every style at Tizard's.
Fresb Fish , at wholesale , at Mofz's.
The Irish Citizens of Omaha
Still Strong in the Faith.
Eloquent Appeal for .ABsist-
fce , by Hon John Rush ,
Cl.irk'a Hall was crawed Wednes
day by attendants upon the regular
meeting cf the Omaha land Icagua in
bshalf of Ireland , President Gray in
the chair. Tie address of Mr. Rush
to the Irish residents of Nebraska ,
frhich the executive committee
directed him to prepare , was de
livered last evening. Wo reproduce
v'The present is an epoch in the
history of Ireland , which from its
peculiar nature , and its characteristic
surroundings may bo said to have no
counterpart in the checkered history
of that unhappy land. II has at
tracted the attention and tenlisted the
sympathy of all the nations of the
world. It is a gigantic 11 iral agita
tion raised againsl trh.tiny and
wrong. , whcee incipiency was marked
by weakness , and obstructed alika by
friends and enemies of Ireland ; Bilt
it has riaen phrnix-like from the
sthes cf past demonstrations and
defeats ; and now in colossal
proportions it confronts England ,
not in the attitude cf a bepgar , nor
yet in the garb ot a rebel to her laws ,
but hi the calm and dignified assur
ance that it is supported by truth ,
justice , and right. The Irish Land
freed from the coercive and capricious
tyranny of landlords. It demands
and insists Upon tbbir obioiiling the
right to live and enjoy the fruits of
their labor. It demands a place fjr
them in their native land , .not in { he
capacity of beggars and alien" but as
children to the unwor born. It de
mands that tha land which has been
held by the few , in large
and extensive domains , for the
purpose of raising fat cattle
fclmll be distributed in email parcels
among thoii , that may rear , and clothe
nnd educate thttr children instead
The land league further demands that
the incentives U > , mid importunities
for.futuro artiSc'al famine ( hall cease ;
hiia thnt a people , living upon a land
bluasod by nature and nature's God
with all that futures peace , happineis
and contentment , shall reap the re
wards of ill ese blessing's , instead of
being robbed of them to afford expen
sive luxuries and einf il pleasure * to a
fuvr droncBiwho never earned an hon
est penny in their l-vcs.
" 11. faros UieUn.l , tc hwtc ins Ills apM ,
Where wo llh accut"iUte ! nn < t men dec \ . "
"Such baa been the condition of
Europe in all the dark ages of the
pxst Bat a ray of light struck from
the luminous pun of .letTersou bUzed
forth the tidings thu 'man is born
with certain inalienable rights that
among these rlgata are life , liberty
and the puranit of hsppfness. "
"Franco and Germany and Belgium
and Austria , and even the far oft" bar
ren steppes of the sombre Cossack ,
hone forth with the ucnr light and
the land belongs to the people. One
nation alone retains UP conservative
despotism. Into one land alone did
the rays of the beacon li ht not pen-
ctrato. But the dawn is near.
"Help , Irishmen , and spread the
light. In old age , when you recount
to your children the wrongs of Ire
land , and detail to them the manner
in which these wrongs were righted ,
enjoy the satisfaction of tolling them
that you in the far west contributed
your share. Let not the Irish of these
favored regions allow the imputation
of neglect aud indifleranca to rest
upon them. It you , into whose hands
this circular falls , cannot organize a
band in your district , receive contrib
utions , and send the amount and the
names eithei to M. Donovan , Omaha ,
Nebraska , treasurer of the 0-naha
Irish land league , or to Patrick Ford ,
Now York , either of whom will duly
acknowledge thb amount and publish
the names in the Irish World news
paper. Head the list yourself with
what you can afford , or If you have
not the inclination or opportunity to
call on your neighbors , let some one
in your locality who can devote a lit
tle time or trouble to the noble cause
to go around and take up subscrip
tions. Organize , contribute , be
charitable , be patriotic. Think of
Ireland , the land of your fathers , the
land of your child hood recollections.
"Where cmilinj spring its earliest visit
And parting hummer's lingering blooms
delayed. "
The executive committee consists of
Messrs. F. W. Gray , chairman ; Chas.
Hanley , secretary ; Thomas Kennedy ,
Thomas Swift , John Groves , Charles
McDonald and John Rnsh.
Mr. Rush made a short and inter
esting speech , the text of which wa *
the telegrami in last evening's BEE
announcing the virtual acquittal of
the traveraers in the recent trials in
A short digcusMou concerning the
matter of publishing the names of
contributors to the fund and also the
amounts , was indulged in. It wis
considered best to do so
Mr. Groves , of the executive com-
raittoe reported the receipt ofatelo-
gram from Boston in response to an
inquiry made by the committee EB to
the possibility of securing James Red-
path for a lecture in Omaha on the
condition of the Irish people , which
telegram was to the effect that tha
services of Mr. Redpath could be
obtained for a night between the 8th
and 15th of February , and that bis
terms were S100 per lecture. The
matter raa not fully setthd.
The financial secretary reported the
receipt * for the evening to be about
forty dollars. The league then ad
And the Wedding of an
Omaha Railroad Man.
With Other Matrimonial Items.
Some time ago Mr. P. Weinhagen ,
the editor and proprietor of The
Omaha Telegraph , fitted up a neat
home at 705 Thirteenth street , which
was of course a pretty good indica
tion that he was going to share it with
a bride. All surmises on the subject
Were set at rest Wednesday About
6 o'clock a small company of the in
timate friends of the prospective bride
and groom assembled at the house to
witness the interesting Ceremony
which was to unite this member of
the corps editorial to Miss Anna
liein , a very popular and accomplished
young lady who for the past season
has been filling an engagement at thB
German theatre. Miss Hein also took
part In the rendition of "Mazeppa , "
aud showed herself to be an actress
of no little ability.
Judge Beneke pronounced the vo\6
that made them one , and the season
of congratulations over , a wedding
supper and a musicil entertainment
followed , the guests uut departing un
til a late hour. The newly m rried
pair will make a bridal tour through
the east in the spring.
On Mineay evening last Mr. Ever
ett Buckingham , the well kliowb
aid highly estefcmed chief clerk ill
lhJuion \ Pacific oar accountant's of
fice , left for St. Joseph. Mo. , whore
he was last evening , at 8 o'clock , mar
ried to one of the fair daughters cf
that city , Miss Ella M. Dnnster. The
ceremony took place at the St. J"rdn-
ois Street M. E church ,
Rev. E K. Miller officiating. The
attendants of the bride were , her
sister , Miss Hattie D. Uunsier , Mies
Minnie Knapp and Misa Rosa Me-
Nutt ; while Messrs. Thos. L. Callc *
way , W. D. Gillospie and 0. S. Rath-
bun acted in & similar capacity for
the groom. Q'he party then repaired
to the residence of the bride's mother ,
whuro tbo reception was hold , a
number of very elegant
and valuable presents being
received by the bride. 'Taking the
midnight train on the K. 0. , St. Joe
and C. B. road they arrived in this
city yesterday , and will make their
future hcme in our midst. Wo bespeak -
speak for the lady that cordial recep
tion and treatment which her own and
her hlisb&nd'e pooltioh demand.
The Busy Bees will give you more
than enough candy to-morrow night
for 10 cents.
Best fruits and candies at Tizard's.
Erin Aroon.
The convent of the Poor Clares ia
ncaring completion , and the efforts of
the good sisters are bent towards the
finishing of their home To aid them
in this , ia the latm&blo aim of the
Ivanhoes , who appear next Saturday
cfternoon and evening at the Academy
of Music in "Erin Aroon. " Words
'of pralsa can only be spoken of the
following excellent cast :
TimTfJosberty , " )
Miles O'ittley , V J. Ed. Smith.
Mr. Flynn , _ J
Sir Edward Livingston U. JT. Smyth.
Sir .Tolin Livingston . . J. J. Caaey.
i jrd BucVstone .JamesMurphy.
James 0 Connell James Kicbol.
I'ar'd ' ' . .Thomas
* Murphy Brennan.
Darby Doyle C W. S evens.
I'aptain Wilton J. I. Nichol.
Dick Urundiidge I. D. Jones.
Sheriff Duun W. V. Waugli.
N w 0'Cumiell..Mis3 S. A Brennau.
Margaretp'Connell.aiiss-W. McDermott.
Lotta Luingatou .MUs Annie Vindnuest.
Kitty Daley Miss M. Knight.
Tub1 sale of reserved seats without
extra charge will commence to-morrow
morning at Max Meyers' . Tickets ,
50 cents.
Workingmen know where to go for
your drink of pure Kentucky 10 cent
whifkcy , imported gins and Irish
whiskeys , Badweiner beer. Agent for
St. Gotthard Bitters.
D L. McGucKiN ,
j in 27-lm 314 South 10th St.
Real Estate Transfers.
Naomi L. and Catherine Davenport
to Cornelius Christian , w. d. lot 7 ,
block 60 , Florence $12.
Emanuel and Mnrguerlta Meyer to
Joseph Havlieck , w. d. Jot 4 , block
10. Kounfze's third addition , Omaha.
? 750.
Death of O. W. Uorse-y.
Died At the home of his brother
In this city , Mr. George W. Dorsey ,
of Bloomington , Nebraska , at 7 p.
m. , January 26tb , in his forty-eighth
Mr. Dorsey was a native of In
diana , and came to Nebraska in 1856 ,
and made this state his home from
that date * to the time of his death.
He was accompanied by his younger
brother , Hon. Charles Gt Dorsey.
The two brothers landed at Brown-
ville and made that place their.home
for several years. About ten years
a o they both moved to
Beatrice , where Mr. Charles
G. Dorsey still resides. Mr.
G. W. Dorsey removed to Bloomington -
ton among the first settlers in Frank
lin county , and became closely identi
fied with the growth and business in
terests of the Republican valley. In
December , 1876 , he was appointed re
ceiver of the United States land office ,
located at Bloomington , and just prior
to his death received a commission
from Preeident Hayes for the coming
four years. He had suffered for
months with lung troubles , and last
week was removed from Bloomington
to bis brother's , Wm. Dorsey , this city ,
where everything was done for him
that human handscould do. He leaves
a wife and daughter to mourn his loss
and another brother in Omaha who
wao dispatched for but failed to arrive
in time. All the rest of the family
were present at tha bedside of their
dying relative , and accompanied the
remains to Nebraska City , where they
will be deposited in the family burial
lot , where already repose the forms of
their father and mother. [ Lincoln
FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! !
Ladies' and gerils' fur goods of ev
ery description at the Fur Manufac
tory , opposite pjstoffice , Omaha , All
teed ; are warranted.
dec 13-tf Furrier
BONNER 1309S Douglas street , hss
the largest and best stock cf House
Furnishing Goods In the city. j24-tf
A Party of Distinguished Nebraskans -
braskans Meet to Congratu
late the New Senator ,
The "Gentleman From Ne-
maha" Claims His Share
of the Honors.
Judge Elinney Felicitates the
People of the State on Their-
Good Fortune.
Epedit Dispatch to The Bee.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , January 27
10 p. m. The formal reception of
General and Mrs. Van Wyck > at the
Grand Csntral hotel , has brought to
gether a largo concotirBO of represen
tative men from all sections of the
state , and nearly all thd prominent
citizens of Otoo county , accompanied
by their ladiea. Nemaha county alone
ia represented by & delegation of 138 ,
who were carried in a special train.
Among those present were ex-Gover
nor Fu.uas , ex-Consresaman Majors ,
Attorney-General Dilwortb , State
Senators Oady , Balleutino/ond Tefft ,
and Representatives Burtlettof Doog-
Us , Church Howe , Moore , Barry , and
Ransom of Qtoo.
Watson Intro-
District - Attorney -
uufled judge J. F. Kinney , who deliv
ered an cfldresa of welcome , exprea-
aive of the high respect , and confidence
which the senator-elect enjoys from
the people of 0oe : county. Judge
Kinney Uo recited the otirrlnp Jscl
ifents of the senatorial contest , dwell
ing especially on the crisis , when Gec
eral Molman , by the timely change of
hi vote from TJ.indy to Yan ' 'Sf l
saved the day at ijtncoln. JcdgeKu >
ney then called attention to the fidel
ity of the Otoe delegation , and the
active support given to the general by
democrats and republicans in his own
county. Being the senator of the
whole Ktate , known to be a hi an of
p sitive convictions and no trimmer ,
and being in accord with his colleague ,
Senator Saundsrs , the people of tha :
state may rejoice in the prospect of
action and cirofulnesa on the part of
the newly-elected senator.
General Van Wyck , in response ,
rend an eloquent and expressive ad
Church Howe was called for , and
responded in ona of his characteristic
spoaches , in which he dwelt with em
phasis on hie steady eupport of the
new eenaior. In closing , ho stated
that the attempt to raiee a point
against the legality of the election of
the senator was defeated , and that
Governor Nance had sc-nt , through
Attorney-General Dilworth , his cer
tificate of election. E. R
An Omaha Firm Sued.
For eome linio the well-known
Wholesale grocers of Omahsj Steele ,
Johnson tV Co. , have booii crediting
an ei-Crete merchant by the name of
Charles H. Fuller. Recently Fuller
his failed , leaving the Omaha firm in
the lurch for several hundred dollars.
Fuller would not or could not pay ,
and the tinn resorted to the extraor
dinary remedy of an order of arrest
to compel him to do so. Upon
hearing , he was discharged , and now
brings bis suit for damages to his fair
name , fame and character as a mer
chant. The rjaaa was dn trial jester *
daj' before Judge Dundy and a jury.
Messrs , liedtck < t lledick and Dii-
tikk Attorney Morris are the attor
neys for the plaintiff , rmd John L.
Webster and Col. E F. Ssnythe p-
pear for the defendants. [ Lincoln
Meals at all hours at Tizarda.
Xhr only existing remedy for every pe.
cies of Acute or Chronic Disease ot
the Organs of Respiration ,
and an absolute
T'HIS ' nll-powprful vegetable prepara.
tionexprls from the lungs and air pas *
tinges , the mucus an dmiico-pus produced
by piMuinnnry inllamtnatlon , heals the
Irritated inembroasi. anil renovates
every orcan iihich atUIzes the breath ol
I.lfc. It rontalns no stupefyinr ; poison ,
nnd Is In all respects n healthful mertl-
rlnn. The rnpidlty and certainty -with
which it
Is astonishing. Its effect * go deeper than
the nioro symptoms of pulmonary dis
ease nnd discharges the cause from the
system. Free and painless expectora
tion in the mode by which it relieves the
lungs , chest and thront from the burdens
which oppress them ; thus arresting Con
sumption nnd Bronchitis in thegermbe.
fore they reach the more dangerous
stages. The emaciated sufferer
trlth the most terrible scourge of onr ell.
mate will find Fritsch's Prussian Cough
.Syi up n potent ally , nnd will assuredly
ivin the fight by adhering strictly to this
ffrent medicine. The
In which it has been administered with
entire success as n. remedy for every va
riety of malady which nffectn the Be-
Fniratory Functions , amount _ to morn
nt thpprejentdafe , nnd yet the prepara
tion id only in the infancy of Its useful'
ness. Tlie great defect of nil Cough
Remedies hitherto introduced is that
they are simply cxpulaory. Benco they
nre useless for unless the cannon of the
acrid secretions which nre coughed up
are removedand the rupturedinflamed
or maturated surfaces healed and re *
stored 'o their natural tone , a cure is
impossible. Tritsch's Prussian Cough
Syrup accomplishes tlieie objects. The
mucus nn l amco-pus which are the con.
sequence of IaingDi : ; sc , nre thrown off
by it , while nt the same time it soothe *
and im igorates the weakened tissues.
For coughs , colds , influenzabronchial
difficulties , tightness of the chesthoarse-
ncss , sore throat , trachltis , inflamma
tion of the lungs , difficulty of breathing ,
pleurisy nnd all dlsordersof apulmonary
nature , U has never been equaled.
Sole aeents in America , BIOHABOSOK It CO ,
ELLoulj. JIo.
Ear and Throat.
Offlco Over Konnard's : Drug Store
Corner of 14th * nd Douclas Sts.
Successors to J. H. TIIIELE ,
No. 122O Douglas Street ,
B ,
NOTICE-AdTcrtlaement * To If . -or Sae' !
Lost , Found , Wnnts. Bo rdns ! c. . will bo in-
scrtsd In thaw columns once { or TKN" CENTS
per Ua ; each subsoqtwntlnsertlon.FIVE CENTS
pee Una. Tha fiih Ir.jertion never Ices th&o
< 2 fi AAATO LOAN At S per cent Inter
< S > wUUUU cat , n s-ams ol JMOOand p
wards for 1 to G years' ttrea on flrstclaw Improv
ed city and farm property. Apply at BEMIS
Real Estate nd Loan Agcncy , 15th and DoujlM
ate- * 278-co.Uf
M 01T2T XO TXAK 0 I1 it L w Offio *
D. L. 7HOIlAB.noom8.(7reghton ! Block
ONKT TO LOAH 1109 Farnham street.
Dr. EJw r < ! fl Loan Agency. nov-IS-tJ
WANTED Immediately- wcmm ai flrs-
clasa cook , washer or lron r Swcils or
Germin preferred. Addies JIK3. IV. B.
PKASH , tort Omahs. 9-M
WANTED A gill t do cenernl liulitewnrk.
at 3Uth aUcornor Uth tni I-ar-ey SU.
25S 29
G IRL WANTED for general houjrwuri ,
2019 Cass , bstween 20th and 21sL : 'hC.2t
WANTED A girl to do second work and
tikaoaro of cblMroii m a email family.
Apply to Mr . OeK Prilcliett , southwest
corner Douglas aud ! 8th street i. 252 27
t WASTED-At ISIS Clifca o street.
w PASTED Good strong : uirl at tlie Ire ?
Laundry , Harnev bet.lltb and 12th alg.
w ANTEU A home In n ica eclableam'ly '
for a good girl. Address M , Be office.
Six Rood tra olllu ; silerri3n , to
sell safes. Apply at Safe Store , Creljh-
ton filock. 239-tt
fTTABTED A furaiarcd room t > r suit of
W rocnr , within teven blociBof Thirteenth
and Farnham streets Address 0. M. F. , P. U.
Dot 608. 2 0-27
TTTANTED Rocm.furnished nr unfumislnJ.
VV Must bo warm ai d n ar THE 1 EB crnce.
Addrws "JIarwood , " BK * uRce. ( ! 41-tf
CIrl lot gencn ! hou'CTork , 312
WANTED Eighteenth ttroot , bstToeu
lum > nd H.-.rney. 2
To trede almost new tHe bar top
WANTED ph'eton. Acbreas M. J. . ,
Bee office. 25-tf
ANTED Oir'i for general houicok in a
W email family ; muil be good cook , wisher
and Irons . Apply eoutbea'-t c6rner of Uth atM
How-rd Sts. 210- ' . . '
\ An expcrianced bntUicr wants
WA\T2D a mcatmiket n sonic smix'.I west
ern tow n , where there is nona , or where one is
noecle' ' ; would take a reliable partner. Adilrcv )
H. K. Webb , Jickson , Dakota Co. Neb. 90-tf
WANTED A ootl house-keepi r , 1109 Far n
h-imsiroot. un'tairs 32-tf
lOU BKNT ( umlshcdrooirs.314 Soutliltth
1 st. MRS. A. HCAUS.LAND. ats-so
REST Nlctly fnrniihed r cms. Apjily
FOR 1613 Capitol avenue , bet. 16th anu 17th
atreel .
UKNT New house , with three rocnn ,
FOR St. Mary's avenue and 25th strcc *
no-Mi of pond ; very ch ap 37 per month. Good
well. I. quire on premises. 21227
N'ICKLV board , sultibl firconllcman and
lady , 15th and Cnll'orn a street" , ( white boas- . )
OR REST 1'lnely fufniahod front room
tout1) dide , at 1910 Divenpnrt kt. 105-tf
I70R SALE t eo' I horses , which we're aqnt
I1 here from Illinois to bo sold. W. U Lewis ,
1206FainbamEt. Ifg tf
FOR SALE Two-story house and fu 1 lot , on
Capitol hill. House contains S rnomt and U
neatly new. Locition first-claM. J.S'O. L. Mc-
CAOUE , oppoglta postoffioc. 163-It
"HIOR RBNT frew house , elpht rooms , tiard
J. and eoft wate' , on 23d ami Cass St9. En-
qul.-c SOT 12th St. 123-tf
FOR RENT A flns furnished front room ,
flret floor , hetneen Mthend Ifith streets.for
gentltmcn Inquire at 1115 Howard Et. 107-t
JH lu 3ri.Wouso ! in Snail's fend addition ,
SIB | > er month. Vf. SIKEUAt , room 6 ,
Creichton B'oclr.
I7IOK RKXr A innitghed , Bouth lent room.
it Xo 1012 Karnham SU at-tf
KtNT S furnished roorus crer iler
chant1 ! Exchange , X. K. Cor , 18th and
Podce streets. 2S3-tf
"T710H RENT Pianos and orKaniatjl 0 to 83 05
_ P per month , at 318Tenth street. 2S7-2K
LOTS BEMIS' new column of bargains on let
TTTATER FOR SALE Delivered in any irt i
VV of the city. Call on or addr ss 'I'MOS.
SWIFF , cor. lEth and Chicago Sis. JOS-tf
' -A * i * r 16-hoMc power
Vcrlictl biiler. Omiha Foundry Mlachinn
Co. 229 2
SALE Lease and furniture cf a first-
class hotel In a town of 1SOO inhabitants , In
ante of Nel.raslta. Has 21 1 cils , the lriuellin *
ncn' resort Inquire at Bee ofBco 21S-lf "
JTIOB SALE At a bargain , my stock of gro
Jj cerles anjl fixtures I will alai rent to pur
chaser hlyhuildoig and waion scales. Inquire
corner lOlh and Iran ? street. 1) C. RfiUllAN.
Hariciilng In Houses , Lots , Farms and
LanOa. In hla new column on let p.ij:6
FOi : SALE-A EARGAIN-A buildlncr with
e-iloin fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th
St. , opposite the U. P. depot , for sale very cbrap.
Or the fixture * , furniture and f lock will bo sold
and building rented. Inquire of Eu. KBEIS8
MAN. 70-tf
:10U : bALK TAO clceo carriage" , at A. J ,
! Simpson's. 911-tf
JJ oycr BEMIS' new column of bargains on 1st
T OST L-rgc blach New Founcllnnd do ? .
I J iindsrwil receive reward by returning
the same to 020 Idaho St. T S. VINKOAR.
Absolutely Pure ,
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No otha
preparation makes such Hsht , flaky hot breail9t
or luxurious pastrj- . Can bo eaten by iljvpepticfl
wltbout fear ol the ills rcsultlnj from lie in'
Sold only in cans by ail Grocers.
FORT OMAHA , NEB , January 27,1881 )
Sealed proixmls , in tripl'cate. sjbject to the
Ujoal con itioca will be received at this office
until 12 o'clock noon on Tlmrs lay , February i7 ,
1881 , at which place and time thcj will bo open
ed in presence of bidders , for fumisbinjr and de
livery , in qui- titles * s required , up to Juno 30 ,
ISsl.atOmxhaDeJot , Nebraska , or at stations
on the Union Padflc Kail road , east of Kearney
Junction , of
S.COO.OOD poun-'s corn , and
l.OOO.OCO pounds ats.
ProrosVa for quantitus I w than the whols
will bo jeceived. Ecli crJ < * the grain will , if
required , commence March 1 , 1SSI. Preference
will be fl\en to artic'cs ' of domestic production.
The Government reserves the light to reject
any or a'l ' proposals
Eidss.bou'd slate the rate per IPO pounds , ( not
per euehcl. ) and the em elopes containing thtm
ehculdba endorsed "hidj for Grail. " and addressed -
dressed to fie undcmin fl
Bidders ro reqoered to suhmit proposal ? for
delivery of the corn In new re-sewed gunny
sacks of one hundred pound * each , and for
deiivervof the oats in n i. re-iened burlip
sacks o'f one butdred pound * e-eh. or for port
orilltheoatstobedrlivered In DOCVLK SACKS ,
tie inner eackR to ba provided the Omaha
Depot , by the Quartcrmas'-tr's Cepartnent ,
Copies of this adven isemctt and of tha Cir
cular of instructions to l.idders can be obtaiced
onappllcation 10 this office , * ud one ccpv cac.1
of paid advertisement aud circular should be t-
ttebed to or iccompiny each propo I tnd furtn
a P rtthereof. M. i. LUDUiGTON ,
_ .
J27-d6t Chief Quartermaster.
For Sale.
1,000,000 Acres
of Beautiful Rich
JLi'C' > 'C'.l ' in all the Counties of
Many of these lands are
more or less improved and
can be had at ild land
prices , are located in the
midst of splendid settle
ments , convenient to Rail
roads , Growing Towns ,
Schools , Churches , &c , ,
while 'scarcely a quarter
section can he found with
out spring or running
stream of clear water , on
some part of it.
We offer these lands
generally on long time and
easy terms , with low rates
of interest ; or a liberal dis
count for cash.
Prices range from $2 to
$10 per acre , while we can
sell many fine tracts far
below their market value ,
We Offer Over
300,000 AGUES ,
Located from 4 to 15 miles
from Omaha * at from $6 to
$10 per acre , on from 1 to
10 years time.
we offer ftreat bargains on large
tracts , some of which run as
low as $3 per acre.
In CEDAR and other Coun
ties , lauda suitable for colony
from $2 50 to $3.50 per acre.
I OMAHA CITY property
we offer Cheap Houses and
Lots , Houses and Leased
Ground , Elegant Residences ,
Splendid Lots in nil pai ts ot the
City and Additions , Business
and Residence jProperty , small
tracts of from 1 to 5.1O and 20
acres , for Sale , Lease and. Ex
change. We also have for
Improved Farms
Some with moderate improve
ments , others -with large fine
houses , good outbuildings ,
mostly cultivated , and located
in all parts of Douglas and the
other coutiesnamed , and all on
the moat liberal terms.
Persons -wishing to buy , sell ,
rent , lease , exchange or convey
any kind of Real Estate will
find us prepared for active busi
ness at all times.
ways be found m our office.
Lands will beshown purchasers
free of charge , by
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 North Side of Pare , St. ,
Opp , Grand Central Fotel ,
Omaha , Neb.
I if1 !
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
t * :
For Men ,
Boys , and
Children ,
-Wear Slats * end
- , Caps ,
Trunks ami Valises , at
Trices to Suit All.
I Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
00. ,
-r- -g V * - -J ; = - *
Dealer in Hardware ,
and Tinware.
Stove Repairer , Job Woncer and Slanufacturer of a
KKIf Cans ,
Truth aud Jackson Streets.
Fishing Tackle , Base IJalls and a full line of
Send for Price List.
m-WI MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , i\cb.
TO l
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards.
Cigars from § 15,00 per 1000 upwards.
F ! '
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY Darin * thn
Fall and Winter wo will handle COUNSELMEN'S FRESH OYSTERS which
are now the beat In the market. A largo assortment of CANDY and SUGAR ,
. v * iv
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
GATZ & FKEEMAN , 510 Uth St. , Omaha.
. .
oetI5-f > d-8m
The largest and beat assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. MA8HOFF , - -
117 14th St. , 3 Doors North of