\ \ VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , FJEMDAY. JANUARY 28 , 1881. NO18 ! ) . Established 1871. MORNINQ EDITION. Price Five Cents BARGAINS , AGENCY , Idth and Douglas Street , Orer 3.0CO residence lot * for e lo by thll ; cn. jat prlcear anting from tCi to H.tOO each , and ociled in every part of theclto. a&4 In vety direction from tue PoslofSce , north , * sl , south or west , and varying ic distance from one blockto one or two calea Iron came. Call and examine our lists. P v ril choice Iota in Grlffln & Inaci' addl on , et of convent , between St. Mary's nvws u and Hamcy street $300 to JSOO. 80 terra iuet eaat of barracks on Ctundors St. , Vbts it choice land and will be told very cheap. fi ? n-hln6,10 or 20 acre lou ; now U your time to Secure bargain. Choice lot t rd ot ttrett car trckl on Bann- rf.rii street for $ JT Choice lol , F .mhMn and 2ilh street * , MxUS eet f < , r ii.ifo-win divide It. CheapIp' , in Credit Fonclar tdd'Uoa. l&nih oJ TERRACE ADDITION. roll fcfc on Park Avenne and Georgia street , n read it > p tk , and near hud of St. Uary'g 6Trr.ce , at from $125 to $300 eich. Seven years Irme at clt-ht per cent Interest to those who will put nn coed substantial bnlldliifff. For furthvr rwrtloulara ani ly to. G. P. BEfflS , Aeent , Fifteenth and Douglas Str * te. A nlc lot on lUreej and Tw jntj-flretetretU , Two ch > l i loV ) on 3lh. war St. Vary's aven oe , M ) * ! < ) ! . tut each , for (350 and StOO. Tno chrloi lots near ! 3 < 1 and Clark streets , Ia E. V. Smith's < MUIou SVtOand 8350. fifty loir. ! a bhtnn'a first , second and third 4 > f rKftns forSlCD U , ? COO rach. uot bear 1Mb and Merc * , JttO. B lota on Uaracr near $ itn St. , tfiOO each. 1 ot on SUh n ir H2 < vilJ rtreet , SToO. (3 lota In OrrnQ View addition , south of O. T Virldce ap i < * " : pot , Irom ? 16 to 9 00 each * One f.cre , 117x270 feet , on 13l.li utrert , iou'.b jPcTptcton'unowrPsIdoneo , for ? 2. W , or will MSa Into city sited lote at frcta 8350 to { 500 'RIVEP.VIBW ADDITION. r < arge miaitt > ! beautiful reaMencelotc , Jo > t j Intl' s ifw , .iddlt.'ou on Capitol BUI , bo ' vfn S4tHM"efit oil tb * cat , 2Gth on the west IHoiue rllcct im tl'e norl ! ) and Farnhtm ttreet "n tb Vmth. formerly owned by C. H Down nn * ( Smo rocciit'y Jmown * the Pet kins 15 actw. vto'y 22 lot * havr thus far l-npn platted II on w'lirnbam ad 8 em Douglas etreol. These lole fcrc SO to M fn.t In nldtn i-rj IKJindepth. K.OOO lor the dio're. j-oars tltne , nt 8 per cent In- t reNt to thorn who will build peed substantial tionKK therein. C'iH and examine plat and get full Information * .t nSMIS1 KKAI , K'TATH AOESCV. 16th and Dotidu street * . O > er200h u and ll are oDcnd for sala thliiofflf Tliay arc BCaltorBd all orcr tlif Itv. Anv locitloucmde.lrt. . Pricey Varilne ron J3W to 315,000 each. 2 sro.xl loU and 2 cheap honiea < ieir Jaeknor and 'Cthttrcetoat a sreataacrtP'oe , Here i hr ° * - riwa ' iaa ? ' * " ' * Pr ° PcrtJ' mu.Bt C IIa'n.l OfiO P.BCMISArent. . , , , , 15tb and Douglas Sts . lot ne" d Baundrrs Btret u , f > ICO ICOPARK PARK PLAOH , The cheapest acre lots In tba city ol Omaha , ro tUo&o < , Cer J formle by thl Mjency In Paik ' Plans ani Lo-vc's etcowl addition , on Cumin ? , Butt and California fctrecta ; vou can mak * n\j \ ml'tkVo lialiWacuiithew ruTrgalin vCe jon harelh cluun. Tic cloM are mrsthan equal In sit * to i full gJre l city 16U oK a half block and it will Ira bnt a > cry ; ort time before one- Hftb put ul ono of the acre loU will tell for ai nraoh as wo offer fo'5 acre to-day. They are located a vrj i.hav. dls'Anco negtof Cr.ljrhtor Ooll 5 > . J Jf tanclns ; from 1M ) to WOO per arelot , Call tmmcdlately , ami don't IMS your chJMiw , vo' R t pint and full jwtlcnlarg of " - OEO. P. BKM18 , Acent , * ICth and Uomrl&i Stre M. Nlce lot ru Sherman Avonno north of Klcholai 'trret , 81,403. Half lot on Gmbctire < n ISth and 14th street ! 11,000. 2 nice loU In Hartman'i addition , tiOO to (604. Large number of &cra lote in QlM'e addition ID North Omaha , J1Z5 le $300 each. Choice corner lot near 2nd an4 Callfornl a trmta , $1,500. Bcreral irood loU In ( etoKn additloo , IM to 350 uch. Chelou lot la Thorritll'e addition , WM. Several lar o Jc'j ) In Bartletfe addition , 11 rodd and tactte each. Prim $700 to $ ! ,009 each. BevenI choice lot * In Beedi fint addition , tI * r * vovv imLlli AKn lot on Slmman ayennp , (10th ctrMt ) , cnth of I'opplet n' n w reIdenoet or tl,100 , 2 larte lota neirlSth and Clark ftreetc , 60 f Z30f et Corner. * 1.SOO ; Uulde , $1,000. S largo lota on She m n avenue , (16th ( street ) , oiar Clark Street. KKK ) Kih McOANDLISH PLAOB. t ! nice and cfiean lota , very neir to the bu DM8 part of the city , located a very fewetept eoutb of the Com cm and St Mitry'i at enaeaad f tut poutb of and adjoining ? the cround of Jamei Sf. Woolworth and Wj. . Council ihew are cheap and very dnlrable , b lny so handy to bni Jne part ol dty , to new povemmeut depot , nail irorki , nlut lead worLe , tJ. P. depot , stock yaidi , ptcline bounce , etc Call and ctt plat nd full jwrlcuiirs. Price (276 to f360 and eaej term ! to tl < o e who build QEO. P. BEMIS , Acent , 1Mb and Douglas 8U. H choice r 8'd nce Iota on < tli street. b teen to and lonjr Uaie to Ibofe who will build S choir * comurlota ne.ir Slthand Fainham er treiU , 65x121 fpct , 81.160 and $1,200. and very wy terroj > to purchuen who w | l lmp vr. Alee 4 lota on 24th , betHeen Farnljani and Don lar re U , 860 to $1,000 rac1 4nd long time. X2T.250 ol the he t bu lne-e IoM Ir y of Omaha for ale , located onevwybu'itreet , 1500 to W.OIW each. /3PA1so wry valuable tor ertlus in al- moet cverj' buslnfs * blotlt 6000 to flK.000 etirf , LAKE'S ADDITION. m. iOctio ce rvs'dence loti in anore addition , IB- l\ melbitcly north of and ad'olnlnu Po-'pleton's * be utlfuf residence and p-ounds , and l < > kttd oa ISth lUlh and 20th Itreew , $300 to (550 ' ch and pa r ry vaty terms to thote who itl build < UI1 and examine plat and get full particular" . QEO. P. BEJHS. AK ut. Beautiful bullJlnj site on Sherman avenue , Iflth Etrt tuetvcen Pnpplcton and the < > ndle } . IJamt property ; 63 feet ml frontare on the venne. by SS feet In depth. Will divide ltmak- lnelsfctbrSS3. Call and ret full particulars. An acre n ISth street. 10 ! feet cut frontage by 375 feet deep. 7hl i > just south of the Kllra- 1-ctli ( I'opp'eton placo. This b srllt-odce , call and Cf l price anJ terms of BEMIS , Arent. IS ; oo > l lot * , Just north ot and adjoining E V. to Smith's addition , &nd locatvd belween 0tb and tundcn streets , at reasonable price * and long ttot to buyer who Improw BEM1B , Airtnt. HORBACH'S ADDITION. ' J. SS Iota In Horbach's first and second a itlon oa 16th , ISlh , 19th and "Oth Mrectf , between City Nicholas , Paul , She-man and Clark sttcts , > ery handy to U. P. Shop * , smeltinj : wiuhs. etc. , cian ran inff In prices rom from 200 to tl:100 each , requlrlnr only email pajmcnt down and long time at 7pc > r cent interest to those who will Im prove. OEO. P. BEMIS , 15th and Douglas Street. 38 nice loU ti Parkers addition , between Blunders and Pierre. Klnp and Campbell'd Sts. . loon on BIoadofrtrcotlDlota with math front * and Id with north frentase , only 0 blocks north of the turn-table ( nd street-car track ) on Sannden and troeU Very lew prices ; H7S cash , or $200 on first Ion ? time nd 8 per cent interest to those who wnf fcnlld. wai jrjriSO coed farms for sal. In Doajlu Sarpy the ( Waihlnfton. Burt , Dodge , Saunden and Cutern hod t tier of counties. 3-gOO,000 acre * best alect < l lands In the of 'lUtaf ' or itle by thlr agency. Call and get mapt " 80c t.ndSl.50. JS-Beaiis'"new pamphlet. ( and1 map of the Pp itat entitled "the outlook of hebruta" for ree distribution. The Geo. P. Ben is1 in REAL ESTATE AGENCY. low 15tii A Douglas St. , laces 000 MAHA , - - - - W Co. DOMESTIC DOINGS. The PennGylvama Bailroad Makes a Material Eeduotion in Emigrant Rates. An Attempt to Poison Hughes > the Pedestrian , is Frus- Ltrated. The Pennsylvania Legislature Consider the Election of a Senator an All-Win- ter s Task. out ia Emigrant Bates. NEW YORK , January fc ? 10 p. m. The Pennsylvania road has the advan tage over its competitors in controll ing all emigrant busineis front Phila delphia , where it has no competition , and can chtrgt * its own prices. At the present time , while it is selling tickets to Chicago from New York for 850 , it is charging the full price of $13 60 from Philadslphia. The Erie and New York Central have been Belling - ing ticket * 40 pet cent , off , Slrat Shipment of G/aln. Special Dlsnatch to Th Bee , HALIFAX , January 27 10 p. ta. The bark "Chili , " of Dundee , cleared customs to-day with & cargo of grain , being the first shipment of grain ever made from a Halifax port. This car go was forwarded from Detroit via. the Grand Trunk railroad , and inter colonial reads , occupying ten days in transportation. A Vigilant Englnear. Special DIfpaieb to The IT FOKCST , Onh , Janu ry27 10 p.m. Tbe Buffalo express , p3 ing here this morning about 7 o'clock , was de lsye-3 an hour and a fccU by the breaking of the trucks of the baggage van. Tfia promptitude with which the engineer discovered the trouble , avoided n serious disaster. This it the second time wiihin a month , that a similar accident has happened to this sumo express , and in both cases the vigilance of the engineer avoided serious conoe ntncei. Qaa Explosion. Spadal Dispatch to The Bee. NEW YORK , January 28. 1 a. m. A few minutes after 8 o'clock yester day morning the noise of ah ekplos- ion reverberated like a clap of thunder through the building of St. Jo ; : pria Industrial hnme , of the , slstera of Mercy , In Sixtyhth 8treet. On inv BtigatIoq lt was discovered that the rr n entrance had been wrecked , nd thai tive of the heavy stone utepi had been thrown Into the street and broken into frBRtnente. A gentleman who aiw the Accident from his window , says the etepi were thrown at least twelve feet in the air. The walla of the Btoop ware shaken and partly up set From the vacant space under the steps , a strong smell of gas ascended cendod , and firemen who answered the alarm sent out , concluded , with the engineer of the house , that gas had caused the explosion , but how , no one could say. In St. Joseph's home eight hundred children are housed. It is deemed very fortunate that no panic was created by the xplosion , and no injury resulted beyond the destruction of the stoop. Attempt to Poison Huguoe , Special Dlepatcb to The Be. NEW YORK January 28 1 a. m. An attempt was made last evening to poison Hughes , the pedestrian , at the rhik. At 6 p. m. a waiter appeared al Hughes' headqn&rtari with a psilol soup , and said that one of Hughes' friends sent him with the soup Hughes' wife took the sonp , tasted it , but did not give any to her husband. In a few moments eho was taken vie lently ill.nnd vomited freely. Hughes' trainer gave her an emetlo and she was soon easier. This evidently was a direct attempt to poison the pod ° a trian , who is making wonderful time. Arrest of a Young Incendiary. Special Dlnpslch to Tha B a. NEW YORK , January 27 10 p. m. The fire at No. 74 Maiden Lane latt night has turned out , as at first sus- ptcted , a clear case of arson. A boy , Charles Boskey , aged about 10 , wac arrested this morning and admitted , afttr some hesitation , that he had pur * pcse'y ' let fire to his place , M he was for making no money there , and wanted 4 get out of the gluing business and go to peddling. It is understood that he wai in partnership with his broth in-liw , Abraham Fine , who bai oo- copied the basement for aewral years. the There was only a imall stock of glass ware iu the shop , but the insurance was comparatively heavy. Proposed Canadian Cable Company. podkl dlipatch to Thi Bee. en OTTAWA , Out , January 27 10 p. be . A bill hai been Introduced in the senate for the incorporation of the In European , American and Canadian Cable company , and It haa already ed its second reading. The promoters meters of the bill are composed of wealthy Cinadun spitalisti , and in claim that the completion of the scheme will giro the dominion inde pendent connection with Europe , and cage make Montreal a centre of news dis tribution independent of New York. their The capital ttork of the company ia be $7,500,000 , in shares of S 100. tbo Tamrac Eye-\V ter. A EpcUl DlspsUh to Tbe Bee Cracioo , January 27 10 p. m. full L. Sexton , a merchant of Gibson , this state , came to Chicago to [ hare a bad eye treated. The physi night gave him an eyewash for outward sonic application , and also a prescription to purify his blood. By mistake he drank the eyo-wasb , and It now at his room at the Brevort bonse , crazy as a of , combing makes off his bedstead , from bunting imaginary books on the wall by seeing imps on all aides. When pally discovered in his delerium , he sharpening a pocket knife to cut throat of the chambermaid , who J. prerenled him from jumping out the window. Lynn nukes Flro In New York cl l Din tcb to Tbe Bee. ing NEW YORK , January 28 1 a. m. her fire which broke out last evening caught the building at Noa. 365 and S67 were Broadway on the northwest corner ot Franklin street , caused a very heavy Last , which is as follows : Sweetzer , five Pembroke & Co. , dry goods , 8250- year ; Lamson Bros , white goodi and min , $ rO,000 ; H. M. Davidson & under . , ahii ; , ? 76,000 , and the American Rsprtss company , who owned the buildinir , ? 25,000. A Good IJixturo. Sped Dispatch to The Bee. SpedH HAKKIBAI , Mo. , January 2 ? 10 p. m.poee A family named Johnson , com posed of fifteen members , made ap plication ; to the city for relief to-day. The oldest one i ninety-five years old tad the yonngeit bne year. There areI twins and triplets In tae family. Theaggre7 _ .te ages o ! the Johnson fl iijy foot up 247 yean. They all live in one email house. Petitioning Pensions , gpeda , Dispatch to Tha Iff * . SPsiwoFiELt ) , IH.J January 28 1 a. m. The hcnl < o of the Illinois legis lature devo'ed the morning to a de bate upon a resolution urging con- gret to grant pensions to the soldiers of the Florida , Black Hawk , and Mexican ware , with the exception of Jen" Daris. An amendment , exclud ing all who were rebels dating the late war from benefits proposed , was of fered , and led to an interesting politi cal debate , dnring which the speakers on both eidea were given an oppor tunity to relieve themselves of the dead stock of speeches left over tin- need from the late campaign. The debate hited nntil nearly noon , when the amendment was adopted by a vote of 123 to 16 , after whioh the resolu tion and both amendments were adopted by 121 to 10. Hugbea Ahead , ot Rowell'a Best lime. Till Ess NEW YORK , January 28 1 a. ru. The international pedestian contest attracted a Hrge audienoo last night , over 4,000 penons being present. Hashes increased his lead , nnd at 10 o'clock was 20 oiilos ahead of Cox , his nearest opponent. .He appears comparatively fresh. Even money was . oat last night that he Tould beat the beat record. , At 12 o'clock the scot of the remaining nine contestants tanl etood ; Haghea 417 , Cox 392 , Albert 390 , Vint 389 , Khrone 385 , Howard 388 , Philips 354 , Ounan 350 Onmoana 32. Hnghes bents Rowell's beat time for ninety-six beers by onto mile Indication * . Special ! Dispatch tt fun Bis. VF , January 28 1 a. m. For the upper Mississippi and lowec Missouri valleys : Clear or fair weather , variable winds , generally from south to west , a alight fall fol lowed by a Blight rise in temperature , and decidedly higher barometer dnring the day , followed by falling barom eter * Stubborn Stalwarte. -ftcUl Dispatch to the Use. HABKISBURO , January 27 1 a. m. There , is still a provoking sameness in the ballots for United States sena tor , and the outlook is against an election tier for Vreoke. There have been several requests made by members who have been Voting for Oliver for a re convening of the regular caucus , but tb y have been treated with 'indifler- etjfc by the managers of the Oliver canvass. This action is construed to mean that Oliver is not to ba dropped under any circumstances. Grow men are eijaslly determined not to recede from tho'r position , and the demo crats present a batter front than over. The election of a senator appears more distant than it did a week ago. The tenth ballot stood : Wallace 83 , Oliver 82 , Grow 53 , McVear-h 21 , Hewitt3 , Pnillips 21 , Agnew 1 , Oar- tin 1. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Dlfpatchog to.Tba Bee. C. H. De Hart , aged sixty , was struck by a locomotive on the Now Jersey Central railroad in Elizabeth yesterday , and Inntantly killed. The auction sale of season tickets to the Cincinnati operatic festival was continued yesterday , and increased Interest wai manifested. The pcrrk establishment of Sellsy t Newark , N. J. , was partially de stroyed by fire ! at night. The sheriff of Qiebeo informed Lachechuc , the young Frenchman who murdered his iweetheart last summer , that the law must take its and the condemned will be hanged at 8 a. m. , to-daj. A company has been formed in Montreal who propose building an elevitcd railroad from tha center of the city to the summit nf Montreal park. Work will be commenced aa to goon as civil consent is granted. The wrestling match between Clar- enca Whistler and William Muldoon , a gold ohampinn medal , ended at o'clock yesterday morning , at Ter race Garden , Naw York. After wrestling for seven hours , neither of them was able to gain a fall , and the proprietor of the garden turned off gu and the match wai declared a draw. Lady Thornton and the Misses Thornton from Washington , passed through Montreal yeaterday mornlncr , route for Ott twa , , where lht > y will the gueiti of the governor-general. A boiler in Leadley's iron foundry , Halifax , N. 8. , burst yesterday afternoon and a nun named John Senor , aged 35 years , was instantly Ho killed. The nun who was found murdered wai an alley In St. Louis Tuesday night , proves to be Julius Honske , of Chi ried , and v aa a painter by trade. Several New York sports , who bet money on the wrong man in the tain intsrnntlonal pedettrian contect.mede complaint to tbo city surveyor , that track was not the required length. of civil engineer then measured tha conrre , and made affidavit that it was length. James Redpsih lectured on the rish land war , In Baltimore Isst to an Immense audience in Ma tion temple. A fire occurred last evening in the printing establishment of Mnller. Wagner & Umbdenstock , in the rear they 119 Clark street , Chicago , resulting port a boy washing type with benzine try. lamp light. Loss gll,600prlnci- the from water. Folly Insured. Hoi SrBDios , Ark. , January 27. H. Jacobs has been arrested for complicity in the marder of J. T. , of Ohio , last month. This the second arrest in this case. 000 MALONX , N. Y. , Janusry27. Dar labor. the abssnce of Mrs. Bsicom from home , at Altoona , the house tucky on fire and her four children Idiot burned to death. fifty SOOTE BEND , Ind. , January 26. carry evening Mando Voeldlsch , aged The years , while at play with the three any old daughter of Mr. Jndd Merri- , found Mr. Merrlman's revolver nls pillow and accidentally shot herself dead. * gation „ , „ WASHINGTON. Beck and Elaine Have a Tilt on Protective WMoh is Spiced With Enough Personalities to Make It Interesting * President Hayes Will Attend the Baltimore Annual Press Banquet , SEMITE. Special DUpatch to The Bee. WASHINGTON , January- . Mr. presented a petitiou , with up wards of thirty thousand signers , ask ing that treaties with the Indiana b * observed , and that the remnant ef thit people be dealt frith justly. Mr. Beck called up his resolution declaring all laws prohibiting Ameri can register to ships , engaged in the foreien carrying trade , owned , com manded and officered bjr 4.riierlcns , oofcht to be repsalea , ar'd addressed the senate in a speech favoring free ships. Mr. Beck delivered a forcible and carefully prepared apsoch , gener ally denouncing the protecthe tariff system of the country. Mr. Blalno said he did not wish Mr Beck's epeech to RO out unanswered , and desired brieuy to feply at this was in favor of dependency .upon England for all future time , to whica he oould not assent. He argued that if the manufacture of iron ships , which required millions of capital , was abandoned to Great Britain now , it could never be regained. He said that from 1840 , when the fin tGunard steamer onterSd the harbor of Boston , to JJ378 , Great Britain had paid to tb ° lB & " ! 'tMm'b-r nP ard of 40.000 Grea Britainphad uot abandoned that policy. She had only abandoned aid to those lines which could stand alone , and her postal re port for 1879 showed postal aid to tosmahip lines amountjng to 783- 006. To buUd np tne American Marine , tha United States must follow the example of England , and aid the men engaged in the building of iron steamships. If the policy of the sen ator was adopted , it would dieappoint everybody except English ship build ers. Capital can now be invested in British aa freely aa it could bo in American bottoms , with the name es cape from taxation ns if it had Ameri can register. The Williams and Guion linen , and the Philadelphia line had English and American owners , with .ill the pecuniary benefits that the senator's policy would confer. This question , ho said , could not bo con sidered without taking into account the naval establishment and merchant marine , out of which the naval estab lishment must grow. Ho agreed with Mr. Bockthatit was the destruction of American ves'ola by confederate cruisersthat , caused the loss of our cir- ryiuR tradebut said it ivis nleo owiny to a revolution In the construction of ocean steamers , which occurred while our war was in progress , and of vrhich great Britain WHS prompt to take ad vantage. He would not , lie said , cu ter into a discussion of the horrors of A protective tariff , which the honorable senator had defected , but would say of to him , and he presumed ho would concede , lhat the unfortunate venture of in the late campaign , which had its origin in Kentucky , was a politicai blunder. Mr. Beck said be was glad his re marks had called out the premier of the next administration , and that the two sides of the question had been clearly defined. Mr. Blaioe had ad * mitted the disappearance of our mar- chant marine , He had not denied for that we were paying § 300,000,000 annually to foreign nations to build them up. He had not denied that wo were aiding England , Germany and the France , and handicapping our own people. He had not denied that tha the American sailor was no longer not known on the ocean , or that they htd been transferred to Great Britain , and had that we were to-day furnishing money pay her 80,000 or 100,000 Bailers , while we lay at her feet. He had not denied that in a fu'ure war be.ween the great cations of Europe the Halted States , though neutral , would bo tne greatest sufferer. The remedy he pro A posed was only taxation , for subsidy means taxation. Where would he was lay the taxes ? People were now heavily taxed. Hs ( Mr. Beck ) pro- poied to reduce taxation A subsi dized line would drive off competition one and became a monopoly imposing inordinate - as ordinate charges. The coasting trade was now sixty per cent , of our commerce - merco , and that eoemed monopoly 8p enough. He proposed wq should have our own merchant marine , and In have our 60,000 sailors to defend the the country in any further emergency. would not reply to the political ry part of Mr. Blaine'a speech , beyond saying that at St Louis in 1870 , there * put > n a stronger plank than at Cincinnati , in 1880 , and yet they car In the country , though they wore cheated out of it. Now , with all the ers capital that the other party conld ob from corporations , Bessemer into steel , national banks and others , Hm- cock had received a majority of 6,332 est the popular vote , so the popular condemnation was not so great. He believed tha * when the people came to Sped underetand this question the discrep SpedA ancy would be greater. He hoped the sym country would look to the presenta symA of the two sides ef the case. that Mr. Blalno said when the govern oftl ment bad built railroads across the oftlT country and up and down the coast , aB had remored much of the sup The of the coasting trade of the coun wou . They had given , in subsidies to wouM railroads , ten times as much as would be pow required to build up our foreign commerce. The senator mons seemed to forget that to build a ship 0 worth § 500,000 , $30,000 was spent for said said materialand § 450,000 for.labor. So the senator propoposes to take this $450- monA abroad and spend it for foreign A . Earlier in his remarks the have senator had said that out in Ken the a man would be considered an less who would put one hundred and Tl pounds on a horse that could mor but one hnndted and ten pounds. great senator did not propose to do last such thing as that , but he would lastTi withdraw the horse. Bcssia Mr. Merrill stated that a large dele atG . had been before the finanae atGT committee. There was a unanimous oftl feeling against free trade in ship ? . The resolution wr.3 laid over. Several bills of no great importance were called Up by d fi-rent Bena.oro and passed. , * After the bill granting lands to the Indians ih severally had been dis posed of , several senators attempted to obtalat the floor , but on motion of Mr Bnrnside 1 the senate at 4:46 : p. m. adjourned. t HOUSE. In the house to day no eflort was made to take up the joint tnle in ro latiott to the count otHh9ejectoral vote. The morning h&5r j | a con sumed iu the call of comnineioners' reports , end then Mr. Speer , called up the case of Yales va. Martin. Mr. Conger said there wasa ques tion pending yesterday which % Qa not yet decided , and he was ro&dy to go on with that. The speaker and that Mr. Bicknrill had nc jjat ; girorthira notice that they intended to call up ih * joint rule to-day , but said he would therefore recogniza the elec toral case as a question of high priv ilege. Mr. Speers then aifdresaod the house result was reached on the mo- tion and at 4 o'clock the house , by a vote of 118 to 115 , decidedjfo adjourn , which vacated the order for a night session. CAPITAL NOTES. Special dlapfttchea to Tbe Bee. The war department has no official information of the surrender of Sitting Bull , and the report to that effect is discredited. The opposition to the seating of Yates In the house is much stronger than was anticipated , aud the repub licans aeetn determined to hlllbtUtcr against it. If the democrats could have foreseen this , they would not have allowed the Biaboe-Hqll case to have come up first. It was rumored about the capital yesterday that the republicans would not m hi'riw ' the'r factions opposition Unless , an under standing could bo feaohaa that tha rule for counting tha electoral yntes ahouW .Jti ag4ln tQ brought up. This will hardly ba absented to. The elec tion casfl will come up agiin to-day , as it is a casa of high privilege. Prrnident H-iyec his accepted an in vitation to attend the annual press dinner of the Baltimore association , to take place on Febrnnry the 10 h. It is expected that several members of the cabinet will also attend. Secretary of the Navy Goff has gone to his homo in West Virginia for a few days. Congressman Cox , of New York , attempted to Introduce a resolution in the house yesterday , calling upou Secretary Everts fur all information in his rossi'ssion relative to the charges of Prof. Henry You'ohind ' , that the finhcry n tat is tics presented to the Halifax commission by the Canada authorities were forged and fraudu lent. The resolution also called upun Mr. Evarta to irform congress if ho had made investigation of the charges , snd atate tbo results if any , of any such invcst'j ; ition. Mr. Cox was un successful in nttcmptinp to gut the resolution up veeterdaybut ho will re peat the attempt to-day. FOREIGN EVENTS. HONORABLE TRVCE. LONDON , January 27 10 p. in. St. Petersburg officixl tele rani In regard to events prior < o the capture Gcoktope , states that in consequence quence of the largo number of corpses Tekko Turcom np , more orles decomposed , lying before and behind the Russian position , and in vifiw of the impossibility of burying them without incurring fresh losses , Gen. Skobeloff proposed to the Tekkes from a towur of observation , eighty yards from tbo main rampart of the fortresr , that they should remove their head , hostilities to ba suspended one h'mr , and to avoid any misun- derctanding , it was proposed to the Tekkes that they th-mld afterwards 5 reoccupy their position , and should bo first to reopen the firo. This was done after due warning was given to Russians , the Tekkes taking care to fire until the Russians , who had temporarily kft their trenches , returned into them. The con duct of the Tekke Turcans was alto $ gether honorable. The fighting was @ renewed with the former fury. $4 EARTHQUAKE IN SWITZERLAND. j 6 * Special Dkpitch to The tec ® LONDON , January 28 1 a. m dispatch from Seine , Switzerland , states that a violent earthquake shock felt there yesterday. Houses were roughly shaken. Some of the largo edifices eustalntd injuries by cracks in the wills , and the tower of of the churches shook so violently 46 to canso apprehension of its fall. - AN ABLE AILT. eftl ! dttpttch to The Bet. LONDON , January 28 1 a. m. 15 the house of commons yesterday debate on Mr. Foracer's Irish co ercion bill WM continued. Mr , Hen La Bouohero , member from North 9 ampton , and editor of The London Truth , made a very long and able speech against the policy of coercion Ireland. Ha quoted from former speeches of Oobdon , Bright and oth , showing how natural Instincts of justice had impelled the Irish people @ their present course , and that to 81 punish them for It would be the great 1 blunder of the century. do CABLEGRAMS. * Dispatches lo Tni Eii. ] A Cape Town dispatch says German Ma sympathy with the Boers ia spreading , for A dispatch from Valparaiso states the"blockade by the Chilian fleet MS the port of Callao has been raised. The ; C pe Colonial troops cspturcd Boer < patrol after severe fighting. British lost ten killed and fifteen wounded. Mr. John Bright made a long and powerfnl speech , in the house of com 813 | last night , in which be do * nonnced the land league , which , he 7 , degraded the Irish people. He that the land bill was a splendid monument of freedom. Berlin dispatch says the powers agreed to hold the conference on oats Greek I question. Greece is rest and is arming. The London press in general this , morning praise 5lr. Bright for his speech in the honse of commons evening. There Is great rejoicing throughout and over Gen. SkobelofFs victory Geoktepe. The : scare regarding the movements © 5 the Fenian ; , is spreading and pre- , cautions against a surprise are being taken. The Turcomans have murdered sixty Russian prisoners , aud also killed one hundred Persians. Prince Biasnirck yeaterday opened the economic parliament in Berlin. S BY TELEG1MP1J , New YorK Mousy and Stocks. WALL SIHEET , January 27. At 1 a , in. the i-rice * weie at fol cms : MoSrr 5 per cent ; ezchanga steady at Steady. TJSC's'fiL. 1 OIS ITS 4V I 12g U S 5's . . . 1 124 Currency 6'is .1 28 US 4Js - -I J2i STOCKS , Aft P 47 D &H 17 § A-.U SSI Del & Lack..1 4 WU 116i Eri6. COS C B &XQ" " "l69 ° Han & St Jcei ! 55 GGG to I . . . 4SK&T 40 ? NYC 151 LS IS.'f N J C 03 ? L&Nas'i 8s 1C IU1 * Lake Eria 54l 1 C i 3 } N nhwcstern. . ! > i Mjc fen. . . 12Ci Q& M. . . . 3S5 yp " " Ont 305 pf ' * U | fy JC J L . * ? Manhattan. . . . 35StPaul 117 ? C S 86 § StPanl&O. . . . 42. OS 15J pfd 10.3 UP Ul ? W.ibash IftJt Gig ufd 00 ? Den&PioG 54 KI 13SJ M&ClBt pfd. 131 CP 90 Metropoiitan 110J N Y Klevatcd 126 Chicago Produce CHICAGO , January 27. heat Spring wheat , February , sold at 99 @ 09iB : March , gl OOg ® 1 00 , with oalea on the split nt SI 00j@l 00 | ; April , § 1 00j@l 013 ; May , SI 04A ; June , 81 OJJ , clos- ini ; at 99 @ 99jc for February ; Si 00g@l OOJ for March : SI 00 ] @ 1 00 for April § 1 Od _ ; 04j@i ; § forT . -T 01 n-n,3I , fli fnr .Tuna , Qf. itlBT ; yeir forod at 04c. Corn January oflored at .ITjc , February oold ai 37c } Min.b , 37lc , Siaj , 4242c ; June , 42c ; July , 4242o , closlnc at 37 0 371cfor February ; 37 03GJo for March ; 37ife23c for April ; 42i@43J3 ! for May ; 41g@42c for Juue42jc@43c ; for July. Oats February , 30j(230io ( ; March , 3031c.May , 35j@33ic ; June , 34c. llyt rebrUary , Uj bid ; M cb , 90c bid ; 90Jo asked. Pork Mes3.Febru rysoldat1382l 80 ; March , ? I3 97i@ll 00 ; April , " 07i14 10 ; May8l4 27f Lard January , 89 33 bid ; February sold at9 37A0940 " ; March , S9 47 @ 9 60 ; April" , 89 65@9 67J ; May , $9 61 i bid ; $9 G5@9 G7i asked. Short Ribs February , sold at 87 02 @ 7 05 ; Maroh , 87 15 ; April , $7 2A asked mid S7 22J bid ; May sold at $7 32J07 3S. Shoulder ? Februr.ry , S4 22J bli. March ? 4 45 l < 7 bid and S-i 60 naked. Chlcasro Live Stock Market CHICAGO , January 27. Cattle No change to note from that of the day previous for good to chnlco and extra shipping grades on eastern account ; batchers' stock end stock sleeravwero in fair request -.t unchanged prices ; to-day the receints were again liberal , but buyer ? for good grade * had not sommencad pur chasing tvhell our reporter left ihe yards ; the only sales were to cify oper.-.tors for CIWB nnd oteera at § 21 87J@3 63 ; stock buyers were not purchasing ; vctl calves were it' ra- quest , % r th but few cotjing in ; re ceipts , G.OOO. itcgs llaceipts fair ; market rulsa active and firm" ; 5@10ohiuher forliqht grades ; $5 0505 35 for Hght packing ard shipping grades ; 85 00@5 60 for good to choice smooth hewy packing , and from 05 105 45 for good to choice smooth heavy shipping lot * ; a mark-t wxs activii and firm at 11 o'clock , with ni-arly all offeriago sold ; receipts 9 ere 20,000 head. Sheep Receipts , 2000 head ; late trains yeaterday swell she arrivoh to 47tO head , the l.rgcat ever rfc-ivad 4 hera m oue d y by 1600 ; mark-t dull and Jc < tf ; common to f'iir , S4 OC © 00 ; uood to prune , ? 5 00@5 50 ; good many left cvjr. York Proauce Morae * NEW YORK , J.anaary 27. Flour Steady and moderate ; ex port and home trndi demand rounrt hoop Ohio at 84 40@4 90 ; choice do , $4 95(36 ( 75 ; superfine v.eatern , 3 60 is 3 90 ; coramr-n to good extra do , 30v&4 60 ; choL-e , do , do , 84 65 ® J ; choice white wheat , do , § 5 00 600. Butter Unchanged ; good demand to for choice Ohio at 12i@27c. Eggs Western , scarce and nomi nal. nal.Wheat Wheat Quiet , bu : firm ; No. 2 is red wintdr , 8118118 } . Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 65j@57o Oars Firmer ; No. 1 , 48c ; No. 2 , 3 ; No. 3 43J ; mixed No. 1 , 43o ; No 2 , 43No. ; . 3 , 42c. Pork 816 aaked for February ; F. 814 75@15 00 for March ; 815 00 ® 25 for April. Lard 89 77i@9 85 ; $9 80@9 85 for January ; § 980@9 82J for Feb ruary ; 89 87 $ for March ; $9 92 $ ® 97i for for April ; 89 97i@10 00 tor May ; $9 979 80 seller the year. of Be. Louis Produce Market. ST. Louis , January 27. Flcur Firmer and unchanged. Wheat \ Higher ; No. 2 red. 81 02J 102 } for cash8102 ; | for Jaumry ; 02J@1 03 for February ; SI 05g@ Oog I for March ; 8107107g for April ; 1 08J@1 08f for Mixy ; No. 3 , 9494io ; No. 4 d , 88c bid. Corn Higher ; 4141J for cash ; is 38g@39c for February ; 39c for March ; 39g@39o | for April ; 40A@41c May. Oats ( Slow ; 33o for caah ; 35o for May. May.Ryp Ryp . Steady at 87o. for Karley Unchanged. is Lead 1 Nominal at 84 50. Butter ] Unchanged. Egga Firm ; 45c. Whisky Steady at 81 06. Cin Pork Higher ; 813 65 bid for caah ; 42 bid for February. Dry Salt Meats Higher at $4 40 ® 10@7 30. has Bacon Held higher ; no sales. soc L rd Higher at 89 25. socMe Receipts Flour , 3.000 bbls ; nei wheat , 14,000 bu ; corn , 41,000 ; gei , 4,000 ; rye , none ; bwley , 9,000. St Shipments Flour , 7,000 bbli ; Fo wheat , 2,000 bu ; corn , 6.000 ; oats , pn 3,000 ; rye. 2,000 ; barley , 2,000. : * ? ei St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. Louis , Jacuary 27. has Hogs Higher and active ; Yorkers if BalUmores , $5 00@5 75 ; mixed L. packing , 8505@5 20 : heavy shipping , 8510@5 30 ; butchers' to fancy , ? 5 30 60. Receipta , 8,600 ; shipments , 1,600. is A BUIDEGftOO JI'S BATH , A Lively Bide of Forty Miles and a Dive in. the Ohio , The Eagiug Parents Hova in S ght When Bardscrabble Was Eeaohed. Frightful Scenes at the Burn ing of a Livery Stable in Avoca. Speculations Concerning Gar- fleld'o Cabinet , t FbineasLef b ut ! * Special Dispatch V > Tha Bae MinravittB , KV- , January 26 4 p. m Ltwnditf P. Siagga , aged 18 , and Annie F. Stamper1 , ogod 16 , ar rived hero from Lewis county , aflcf a ride of forty tnllea , hotly pursued by enraged parents. They desired _ to roach th At place nnd connubial blLss , bnt found the river filled with running ice and navigation closed. The tears of the bxJdo s t * sJ a volunteer crew to bo made op to maie the offurt. Nearly all the town assemble'l oh tno banks to TTltnoss thecroBsing.Whenin midBtrcacijthGenragedparentsarrlTed. Treboat had neatly teachedOhiowhen the bridgroom arose and travjng a farewell fell hoadlonpr into tha river and floating ice quickly covered him. With ? reat effort ho w 3 rescued and resuscitated , and when atronz enough to Btand.tho couple ttore married. ifftrned to DefttK. Special DL pati ( o IHH BM. ArcCA , Ia. , January 27 4 p. m. A fira broke out here last nfght about 11 o'clock , in John Cool'a barn. The whole building was wrapped in flames beiorii Jhe alarm was sounded , aud although the citiifanff assembled rapidly , nothing could ba doiid , atrln- tense wai the heat. The hobtler waa in the oflica of the barn , and was arnothored , no donbt by smolvt ) , and pariahed in the flames. His body wai raked from the oitiDers and though shockingly burned , vras taken cha'rge of for decent Interment. There were sixteen horses in the barn and their shrill cries cif pain rnado the scene horrible to contemplate. Beside the loss of horses there were gefen single and two double buggies , a horse and a waon ! with harness , blankets , oto , belonging t ° a.wo11 . , appointed etable. The Jp" ' abon1 fiv thoilaand , vHh but Very HtnC > " - auwnce. So aria can form any idea oS to how the fire originated. It is HOT a&.crtad that another man was In the barn and ha filso perished , The ambers of the building < * re being raked in search of his remains. The name of the pirty found dead whore the offiso stood ia John Chinoworth , and Mr. Cool says .ho was a quiet , atealy boy , and choarful and ready for hh duties at all times. It is a sad calamity to ono cf our beat and moat whole scaled , manly citizens. OntneWtir Path. Special Dldpiteh to The Dee. AujrjijuERquE , N. M. , Januarys ? . The Indians ara on the war path near San Joso. The driver of the mail cert vr.ia killed and throe miners were killed nt Chloride gulcb. The horribly mutilated and burned bodies of four women nnd children were yes- tor brought 'o San Marcfol. A tquad of cavalry pu * to flight oomo Indiana who wcro rapidly closintr in upon a nnu and three women , after defeating party of citizerm who had CGLQO to their -stance. { . A Scalper Scalped. Special Ilsctch ) to The B WAYNE , New Mexico , January 27 p. m The eaat bound train on > he Atlantic nnd Pacific railroad was thrown from the track coar Lgnna. Tno engmo and two cara went over an embankment , wounding the en * gineer , killing an Indian and scalping another. Tne Cabinet ; I-natcb to TBB tin. NEW YORK , January 27 4 p. m. The Times' \Vachington special says it not true that President Garfield has completed his cabinet. It is equally untrue that he has not determined upon a considerable portion of its make up. Of the seven men who are be mad * cabinet officers only one , Jameb G. Elaine , has as yet been ab solntely chosen. IVo others are al ; most decided upon , and the entire Hat [ to be chosen from twelve men. The cabinet will bo made up very mncb as follow ? : Secretary of State J. G. Blaine , of Maine. Secretary of the Treasury James . "Wilson , of Iowa. Secretary of War J. Donald Cam eron , of Pennsylvania. Secretary of the Navy Win. C. Wyckham , of Virginia. Postrmster Genenral Thomas L. if Jaraoa , of Now York. Attorney General Emory Storrs , Illinois. Mills , of California. Withiu the iust three weeks this list has been constantly considered and reconsidered AVhilo it ii proba Ou ble a number of gentlemen named , will eventually bu appointed , it ia ed understood several important changes kin will be made. Senator Blame kinf to bo secretary of state , tloi ; that much is certain aa at present Prl decided. The secretary of the treasury will bo either .f. F. Wilnon or Mr. Allison , both of Iowa. Senator Cam eron is still the m03t prominent man secretary of war. The programme G to send hi ; father to the seit iu the eenato varied by hu aupointment to place in the cabinet. The president elect ht > s determined that New York i'ttC have either the postmaster-general ship or navy portfolio. Thomas L. meipe James is named for poatmaater-gen ba oral , and the name of Levi P. Morton P- been prominently mentioned for secretary of the navy , but ia though Morton will not accept. ID con nection with the attorney- generalship the names of both State ; Senator Robertson and Judge Folger , of the Empire state , has been j. prominently mentioned. For secre j.M tary of the interior three or foui M gentlemen have been mentioned am none being considered. D. 0. Mill been prominently mentioned , bn Gen. Grant is to be satisfied John IF Routt , er-Gov. of Colorado , wil receive the place now occupied b ] Secretary Schnrz. Francis A. Walter present superintendent of the census , ag also mentioned in this connection 6C a3f II 3E3 SLE Cor. Douglas and ISth Sts.5 Gives Great , Bargains in Ladies' and Gentsl , icftrreoiD ANO SILVER WATOES ; All Kinds Of V , SlUEil BrARB M ! ) DIAMONDS. We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. THE CENTRAL DINING HALL , Southwest , corner 16th nnd Dodge. Hns lately been leased b ? Who has Imd yeara ezperlsnce in the hotel nnd restunurant twtri- neea , and will run first-class house. MKALS AT ALL HOURS Board by flic Day or Week , with lodging or ithoii < , Centrally Located. rrll dm IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING IWAGHifE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in pnblic tavor. The White Machine instly claims to be the best made , the easiest rnnning , the simplest iu construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The White Co. employ as agents man of in tegrity , and piirchieers are always satisfied , because they flnd everything just as repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine. The s'tles so far thL * year are more than double the correspondlOK time last year. All orders addressed to tue Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNO , -Jl Tor , Pnvcnuorliuid I5th Sf. . Oiimbn. HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , ihe Bent Assortment of WHEELS in the West. Al t'liicnRO Frlccy. W.d. BROATCH , l'40Jfc ) Harney Street , Omaha , jnl tfm actnrcr of a'l klndt ot Summer Bologna ( Cervelat Wuret ) a AliSAGactnrcr . Orders promptly filled. 1714 Burt St , Omaha Neb. do23-t A Boyal Orange Grower , pedal Diip-ricb (9 fba Bia. pecI PEKSACOLA , January 28 1 o. in. The Dummit orange creve , the oldest and largest grove in East Florida , lompriiing 450 seres , nearly all > lanted in sweat trees , of which 3,5CO ire bearing , has been sold to Duke Jistellencla , of Italy. The duke Is m officer of high rank in the Italian rmy , and ia the owner of extenrlve roves in Sicily. It is thought that hewit will colonize his new possession rlth Italian families experienced In trange culture. Killed by a Kaadozn Shot lp ciI dlipatch to Tha Bet. DEOATOK , Ala , January 28 1 a. n. At a wedding , near Hantsville , in altercation occurred between two srothers , Jim and Walker Lacey. Jim Irew his pistol , and when In the aet firing at tit brother , some one cnocked hit hand np , when the platol ired , hitting ASez. Jolloy In the head , tilling him instantly. Licay , the nnrderer , escaped. BucEien'a Arnica Salve Tbe 1 BEST SALVE In the world f oj Uuta , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rhenm , Fever Surea , Totter , Chapp- d Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all finds cf Skin Eruptions. This Salve guaranteed f to give perfect satlafac- Iod In every caao or money re Funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Sdly Ish & McMahon , Omaha. OK , A. 8. PENDEKY , CONSULTING ( PHYSICIAN ; OAJS FKRMANKNTLY LOCATED HIS MEDICAL - ICAL Tenth SUeet , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA Offering bli lerricei In all departments ( o medldne inJ snidery , both In general an pedal prxnl-a acute and chronic dl a 4. Ca consulted oljht and dajr , and will rldta , , ait ot tbo dty and eoantjr on receipt of I tU. . J X23COZ3X.SZO Machine . Hammond , Prop. & Manager. Tha moot thoroozh appolnt d and complete Machine Shop * and FunndiT In tbc tt . Caatlnzi ot ererr d crlptlon mannlacted. , Pmnps and orrery claaa of machinery made to order. order.pedal attention ziren to ITell Angnrs , Pulleys , Hansers , Vnttlng , etc. Flam tor new Machlnerygeaehanleal Dnniht , Itodtls , etc. , neatly executed. Harnay St. . Bet. Htn and I6tb. UUSI ESS COLLEGE. THE GREAT WESTERN Gco.K/iliatlibmi , Principal. Oreighton Block , - OMAHA gend for Circular. uov20 < I&wt BURNED OUT , But at it Again. C.H.&J.SmLlNS . . . , AND Saddlery Hardware , HARNESS , COLLARS , Stock Saddles , etc. , Now Ready for Business. Next Door to Omaha Na tional Unnk , Douglas Street. yarblter Jan. 5th , 1316 Douglas St. , opposite Academy of Music. decU II H. K. KJSDOJT. General Insurance Aenf , PDCKN1X ABSUK v w. . . . Lon- don. Cub At . } 5,1C7,17 * T3TCnBSTKK.N.T.Ci pltaI . ICOOXJ ( .1K M EKCDANrS , of Newark , N. J , , l.OOC.OO IHAHD KIKKFbUadeIpIjIa.CapitaI. . 1.00,000 STrrWKSTKRIT 4 J..BUKN . FUKD , California . 800 , tOI UiClTISFJ AMERICA AS30RANCX Co l,20r > , CCO NKWA ; K FIRK INS. CO , AneU . . SoO.OCO AMKRICAF CENTRAL. A eU . 300 100 8 ut Cor. nf TUteenth & DotulM St. OMAHA. NSB. TJIE DAILY BEE the Latest Ilcine and Tele * News of th Pay.