Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cenis
.jR (
i ?
f 2-33 H
The only erUU nmfAr for , pe.
Ie of -
A-ontc or Chronic Disease ot
tk'j Organs of Respiration ,
and an absolute
THIS -rrcetnblo prepara
tion expels from the Inncs and air pas.
[ W ncp , th mucus ftml muco'puR produced
Jjy pulmonary Inflammation , heals the
i Irritated Inenjbr.-KB'W. and renovates
Tr7 rBnn wl'lch utilizes the breath of
ure. It contains no dtupcfylnc poison ,
nnd Is In nil rcrprctn a healthful inecli-
The raPlllIty " " * certainty witli
IsostonlslUnK. Its effect * Co deeper than
tno mere symptoms of pulmonary dis
ease and ( llsclmrcrs the muse from the
y'em. Tree nnd painless expectora
tion Is the mode bywhich H rnlieves the
Inncs , chest ami throat fromthebnrdens
which opprods them ; thus arresting ; Oon-
nmption and Uroncliitls In the cerm be
fore they reach the more daneerou *
stages. The emaciated suITerer
vclfh the most terrible sconrce of our ell.
mate will Hnd FrlUch's Prussian Couch
.s > i p a potent ally , and will atsuredly
11 In tUo llchtby adhering strictly to this
feat medicine. The
Inwhich It hns been admlnUteiwlwith
entire Micci-Mi , a remedy for - * ry a-
rlrty of malutly which affect * the lie-
splratory I'uucUone , tuuuuut to more
\ nt tliepro ent date , nnd yet the prepara
tion is only In the infancy ot lt unoful-
n 'R . The great defect of all Cough
Itptn Hlk > 8 hitherto Introduced Is that
they ore ( simply expuliiory. Henc * they
nreu olcs ; forunlrns the causes of the
ncrld secretions wlilch are coughed up
nro remorod.nnd the ruptured , Inflamed
or maturated surfaces healed and re-
tored to their natural tone , a cure Is
impotftlble. 1''n rru slan Couch
Syrup ncrnmptifthvs these object * . Th
mucus nnd mueo-pus which are the con-
f"xiucnce of l. nj ; Disease , are thrown off
liy it , vrhile at the name time It soothe *
aud invigorates the weakened tissues.
Tor eouchs. colds , influenza , bronchial
riliUcuUies , tlghtnmnof the chest.hoarne-
nes5 , sore tliruat. trachltls. Inflamma
tion of the lunc % difficulty of breathing ,
jdenrisy nnd all disorders of a pulmonary
nature , It lia * never been equaled.
sole s rot la America , KICHABDSOJI & CO ,
ct. Louis , 14 a.
Gco.R/Itathbun , Principal.
Oreighton Block , - OMAHA
Send for Circular.
Uetollc C sea , Coffini , CukoU , Shroadx , etc.
mStree . Cthud llth , Omaha , Keb.
ojnpMc orders promptly atltn Jed to.
English War Circles Alarmed at
the Russian Successes
in Asia ,
Parliament Adjourns After a
Twenty-two Hours'
Renewed Shocks of Earth
quake Depopulate
A gram.
Parliament Stands by the Qov-
element on Irish Peace
Special Dispatch to Tie Bee.
LONDON , Janaaty 26 30 p. m.
The house of corutnuna was in session
all iright , and Is Btill sitting Without
any immediate prospect of an ad
journment. The homo rulers are
making the big fight which they have
BO long threatened , and are resorting
to every'species of parliamentary tac
tics to prevent a vote on the coercion
bill. Gladstone's resolution having
precedence to Mr. Fcrater'n bills for
the protection of life and property in
Ireland , they repeatedly made motions
to adjourn , but were as frequently
defeated on a division by a heavy ma
jority. Th debate on the coercion
b.l'.B ' now looho like a drawn battle ,
neither side giving the slightest sign
of surrender. Still , the obstruction
IB only a concentration of temporary
expedients , and can do no more than
delay again the result. The fooling
Is growing that , while the government
trill undoubtedly bo able so to handle
its numerical majority as to pass the
coercion moans , recent developments
will induca them to decide that it is
inexpedient to auforca them , and that
they will remain practically a dead
letter upon the state statute books.
Special DUpatch to The B 9.
LONPON , January 27 1 a. m.
Thu debalo on Mr. Gladitone's reso
lution continued yesterday. After a
motion to adjourn , pressed by the
home rulers , it was decided in the
negative , without a division. Seeing
th t the government remained firm in
its position , and wai determined to
prets the resolution to a Tote , Mr.
Parnell proposed a compromiss ,
which was promptly declined by Mr.
Gladstone and Sir Stafford Nbrthcote.
Fprther heated discussion ensued ,
without eliciting anything new from
either side , when the house divided
on the resolution , passing it by a vote
of 204 for to 33 ass'.nst. It thus
gives Mr. Forster's bills priority over
all other matters , and the fight will
now be a square one on the coercion
measures as embodied by the home
secretary for Ireland. Jttr. Glad
stone then moved an adjournment ,
whlchwas _ agreed to , as jhn ; hou . &had
been in session twenty-two hours.
Within the last few days the neces
sity for a compromise on the home
rule moderate form of land bill looms
up as the only practical solution of th *
prefent aspect of the Irish question.
The government can enforce its coer
cion measures by filling Ireland with
troops , and thcs compelling the pee
pie to at once choose between submis
sion or rebellion , or the government
majority may come to an understand
ice ; with the anti Parnell wing of the
home rulers , and possibly pass a mod *
orate land bill over their heads by a
majority which , backed by the public
opinion of ne rly all England , will be
likely to find acceptance in Ireland as
the only concession possible to be ob
tained from parliament at the present
session. The discussion is a profound
ly interesting one us it stands , even
the popular topics of the weather and
the end of the world fall into neglect
in the face of It.
Special DlspaUh to The Bee
LONDON , January 27 1 a. m. A
St. Petersburg diep&tch savs that the
Russian army under Gen. Skobelon"
have stormed Geoktepo and taken the
fortifications after a terrible fight.
The Turkomans were driven from their
position and fled , leaving the whole
line of splendid fnrta in posiesiicn of
the Russians. It it also reported
through Russian sources , that Dense-
tepe has been captured. The loesea
on both sides were great , the Turco
mans having fought with nnsurpas.i
bravery , and proving themselves Ibo
best troops with which a European
force has ever met in battle. The
czar has telegraphed his congratula
tions to Gen. Skoboloff at the resii'-
This news , whose substantial tru Ii
there is little or no reason to ques
tion , is regarded in military and gov
ernment circles here , as of a very grave
character. It indicates that Russia
has gained an important atop in her
progress toward India. Unless thuy
meet with reverses , in the not far fu
ture the Russians are in a condition
to occupy a territory which will be a
valuable base of operations against
Afghanistan , and also against India.
There is believed to be no reason
why Russia should not now continue
her advance towards the Afghan fron
tier at her leisure , nor why Gen.
Skobeloffs march en Meros should
suffer serious opposition from the Tur
Sped * Dispatches to Tni BBL ]
A dispatch from Cape Town ys
Gen. George Collry has reached
Ingogs , and that the Eoer patrols are
only four miles distant from his pres
ent position.
The report is confirmed that a con
ference of the powers will be held at
once to settle the boundary question.
A dispatch from Cape Town savs
the Boers are massing at Wakstrom ,
and a great battle Is expected.
The long sitting of the hou e of
commons has caused a great sensation ,
and it has been the topic at the clubs
and in places ol public resort in Lon
There were renewed shocks of
earthquake at A gram , Austria , yester
day , which caused great damage.
Large numbers are fleeing from the
city , which will likely be depopu
The London Standard published an
extra last night containing particulars
of the great battle of the Russians
and Tr comans before Geoktepe.
Gen. Sk < beluff was thrice driven from
the defenses , and could not have pea-
aibly carried the position but for blowIng -
Ing a great breach in the Turcoman
fortifications by means of mines. The
Russian Iocs was enormous.
There is a strong feeling in favor of
continuous sittings of the housa of
commons until all questions relating
to Ireland are disposed of.
Mr. Gladstone , replying to a cor
respondent who inquired ns to the
truth of the rumor that he is about to
enter the house of lords because of
ill-heiltb , is perfectly ground
less , y
Special Dispatch to The Ee i
PAEIS , January So" i p. m The
boat need for harbor work at Ghts-
bourg , has foundered. The crewf of
eighteen persons were drowned. Eight
bodies have already been recovered.
H-ibartJPauba telegraphs denying
the statement of the correspondent at
Athens thit there ara only 112,000
troopain The salyhesays the Turkish
army on the greek front'er ia nearly
four times that strength and in a
condition to meet any num
ber Greece can bring against them.
A dispatch from St. Petersburg reports -
ports that 1,200 soldiers who had
been constructing a railwaat Kizil-
Urva , have moved toward the frouU
Two battalions are ready for immedi
ate transportation from Michaelowaki.
A Berlin dispatch says that many
agriculturists am o.irnesly complain
ing against the importation into Ger
many of American productions , which
they say seriously nffjcta their in
An advance of seven and a-half per
cent. In wages has baen conceded by
Ino Clyde ship builders to their nion
and the strike is ended ;
Bpedil Dispitchce to The Bee.
Fifteen men are atlll on the track in
the pedestrian contest now going on
in American Institute , New York.
Hughes still maintains his ten-mile
aui and is the favorite by great odds
among betting men.
On the thirtieth ballot yesterday
afternoon the senatorial dead-lock in
the Tennessee legislature WAS broken
by the election of Lowell Jack
son to the United States senate.
The great wholesale and retail dry
goods house of Field , Leiter Co. ,
Chicago , has dissolved , Mr. Leiter
retiring to devote himself to mining
enterprises. The dry goods business
will be continued by Marshall Field.
In the joint convention of the Wis
consin legislature yesterday Philetus
Sawyer was elected United States
sanator , to rncceed Argua Cameron ,
for the term commencing March 4th.
Mrs. Giddea , a woman aged about
55 yesr * , was murdered at her own
house in the Fifth ward of Chattanoo
ga , Tenn. , Tuesday evening. It is
supposed the aecd was committed by
her son , a young man aged seventeen ,
who is now in jail.
The only change i * the balloting
for United States senator in the Penn
sylvania legislature was a defection of
two from the ranks of Wallace , one of
whom went to Oliver and the other to
The city council of Chicago passed
an ordinance last night requiring all
draw bridges connecting the different
divisions of the city to be kept closed
for one hour each morning and eve
ning. This will bo greatly to the ad-
vrntige of city travel , but will not be
relished by the lake marines.
A dispatch from St , Louis saya Al.
Reineke , the tax forger of Chicago ,
has been arrested there.
The wrestling match for the Graeco-
Roman championship , betwot-n Mul-
doon and Whistler , took place in New
York IB evening. It was a very te
dioaa affair. A' midnight neither of
the contestants had coined a fall.
The trade council of Fall River ,
Mass. , met last evening , and appoint
ed a delegrtion to attend the legisla
ture , ncT in session at Boston , next
week. Resolutions were adopted
using every moans to obtain an in
crease of wages.
Imported Horses for Nebraska.
Special Dispatch to The Be * .
NEW YORK , January 27 1 a. m.
Three mammoth Clydesdale stallions
are stabled in the United States
bonded stables in this city , awaiting
removal to .Nebraska. They an *
splendid specimens of the Clydesdale
breed of houea , and have enormous
feet and logs. They are not hand
some or showy from an artistic point
of view , as their legs seem short and
massive , and are covered with hair ,
wnilo their manes are full and bushy.
Judges of horser , however , s y that
the animals are some of the fintst
specimens that have arrived here for a
IOEJS time. They arrived a few daya
ago from Scotland in the steamer
"Anchoria , " and are the property of
Mr. Reeside , who is taking them to
Nebraska. They -were notinjurodinthe
least by the voyage. They are black ,
brown and bay , and are valued at
about $8000. There also arrived by
the same steamer four magnificent fox
hounds for Major Shirley , of Koa-
tucky. _ _
In Nebraska during the weekending
January 22 , 1881 , furnished by Wm.
VJMI Vleck , of the Postoffice depart
ment :
Established Alliston , Buffalo Co. ,
Charles A. Glaze , postmaster.
Discontinued El Dorado , Greeley
county ; Grant Prairie , Platte county ;
Rosedalo , Adams county ; West
Branch , Pawnee county.
Name changed North Fork , Saline
county , to Repose *
Postmasters appointed Farmers-
nlle , Merrlck county , William .Tudd ;
Lmvinia , Holt county , Mrs. Susie
McCuen ; Lihigh , Colfax county , J.
B. Cain ; St. Helena , Cedar county ,
Wilbur F. Bryant ; Willowdale , An
telope county , M. 0. Aller.
Special DUpatch to Th BM.
NEW YORK , January 27 1 a. m.
At the walking match the score at
midnight stood : Hughes 326 , Cox
300 , Vint SOO , Curran 278 , Campana
250 , Howard 305 , Albert 301 , Khroao
301 , Phillips 270 , Lacouse 243.
, Texas , January 26. Gen.
S. B. Maxey , democrat , was re-elected
to the United States senate on the
first ballot , beating ex-Gov. Merion
by 13 votes.
KeportThat Senator Alli
son Has Been Offered
the Treasury Portfolio
TSe Attorney General Finds
$75,000 , Due the Govern
ment from the Cen
tral Pacific ,
The Ponca Indian Commisi
sion Condemn the Course
of Secretary Schurz.
The President Nominates Stan *
ley Matthews to ba Associ
ate Justice of the Su
preme Court.
Special Dispatchej to The Bee.
The president has appointed Bev
erly Tucker commissioner , for the
state of West Virginia , to the inter
national exhibition in New York in
The Ponoii Indian commission have
been holding daily Conference with
the president , and their conclusions
will ba announced its a fatr dnyg.
Judge lawrence , firat comptroller
of the treasury , h advised the prop
er oflicera to prosecute criminally , us
well as ciyllly , all c-iass of embezzle
ment by public officers.
Commissioner Jtaum was yesterday
informed liy C. H. Ulocker , revenue
agent at Jacksonville , Florida , of the
capture of an illicit copper distillery
of 100 gallons capacity , oparatlng in
Lafayette Comity , wtuch was oper-
crated and run by P. . H. Standard.
Lieut. William C. Gibson , U S. N. ,
the sailor artist , has been promoted
to the command of the U. S. ffur
ship "Yantle , "
The aupsrintcudent of the mounted
recruiting service has been ordered
to forward fifty recruits to Omaha ,
Neb. , for assignment tr the Fifth
The senate in clecutlve session
yesterday postponed action upon the
nomination of W. H. H akell to bi
postmaster at Albany , in place of W.
H. Crate , the present postmaster.
Mr. Oonkllng is opposed to tno con
firmation of Haskell.
A Washington special to The New
York Sun oaya the treasury depart
ment has been positively and formally
offered to Senator Allison , of Iowa ,
and there ia no doubt he will accept it ,
WASHINGTON , January 26 10 p. m.
The conference over the Central
Pacific railroad casa was continued
this morning from 9 o'clock until 2
p. m. , when a decision wia reached ,
? : hck ! is dictated by the attorney en-
oril as follows : There Is a dispute
between the Central Pacific railroad
and the United S atea , as to whethur
certain sums , which are claimed by the
railroad to bo applicable to the pay
ment of dividends , are properly so ap
plicable , and it is understood that the
United States will file a bill in order
to test the question of whether euch
a sum of money can properly be used
for thai purpose , but it is also under
stood that if the persons intereetrd iu
the railroad shall give a bond that in
case it it finally decided that euch
aumi should not bo used for the pay
ment of dividends , that they will re
store them to the treasury of the com
pany , that nn immediate injunction
will not be pressed tor , but that the
m Vter w'll ' await decision upon this
bond , whioh it is understood will be
seven hundred and fifty thousand dol-
iHrs Undsr tLe circumstances the
dividend will of course be paid , as tha
gentlemen Interested in the matter are
amply sble to furni.-h the additional
securities which are required.
The commission , consisting of Gen
eral * Crook and Jlilea , Mr. W. M.
Stickney , of tbo D 'rict of Columbia ,
ucd Mr. W.ihor Ad jma , of M es-ichu-
olta , appointed by tha president De
cember 19 , to make fresh investiga
tion oc the PoLca question , has sub
mitted its rt-port , in which they t n-
erally condemn the removal of these
Indiana from Dako a as illegal and in-
human. They attribute the recent
abandonment of the idea of a return
by the lad aus to the belief that the
government would not sustain them
in their'title to their Isnda in Dikota ,
and as their head men have agreed to
stay , they regatd it as a solemn com
pact , but those who have returned
earnestly desire to stay in Dakota and
Nebraska. The commission believes
that action by the government toward
making amends for the wrongs to
these Indians would have a salutary
etfoct upon oil Indians by impressing
them wi h the good faith of the govern
ment. They therefore recommended
an allotment of 1GO acrus of land to
each man and chlld of the tribe , to be
looated at the option of each in Dako
ta or the Indian territory , not to be
subjected to lien , taxation or encum
brance for thirty years , and until such
time hereafter the president may reno -
no vr euoh restriction ; that the govern
mpnt continue the appropriation of
§ 55,000 par annum tor five years , at
least , and that $25,000 be immediate
ly appropriated ; $5000 to bs expend
ed for agricultural implements for the
Dakota branch , and § 20,000 to ha di
vided among the others as payment In
full for Sioax depredations and Itrses
by removal. Also that there be ap
propriated further sums of 5000 for
dwelling housec , $5000 for school
houses for the Dakota Poncas , and
religion , education and industrial en
terprises be supported.
About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon
Information reached the capital that
Lowell Jackson , a state cedit demo
crat , had been elected United States
senator from Tennessee to succeed
Senator Bailey , whose term of office
will expire on the 4th of March. The
news spread thrcugh the capitol with
rapidity. The Tennetsee represenat
atives in congress , with the excep
tion of Mr. HtiucV , were delighted
with the result. Senator Harris
spoke in tha highest terms of his col
league. Congressman Taylor , oJ
Tennessee , who received 35 votes for
senator iu the convention Monday ,
said : "They have made an excellent
choice. Mr. Jackson is a man of un
blemished character , an able lawyer. .
and every way qualified for the high
honor. I think his traction will unite
the two opposing factions of the dem
ocratic party in the state. "
ipedal Sbpttch to The Bee.
WASHINGTON , January 26. The
president eeut to the senate yester
day the nomination ' of Stanley
ll-jtthews , of'Ohio , to be associate
invic * of the. supreme court of the
United States.
jllr. luxtlla , offered a resolution
thit thasehato Would be ready to receive -
ceive the hous February 9 , and pro
ceed to cooni the electoral vote for
president , and vije president. Laid
over on objecum by Mr. Whyte.
A bill to r l.fy thu compromise of
laxas duo by thB. . i 0. railroad io
'he District o Columbia occupied
the morning J ir , and wa passed.
Mr. T Tr < 4t' r.lif chr < on
vionday lie would ask the senate to
pppmithim to speak upon the Ponca
Indian question.
Mr. laghlls introduced a bill for
the relief of Henry S. Davis , which
was referred to the committee of the
Diitrictof C'jlninbU , '
A bill providing for the allotment
of lands in severally to Indians cam ?
up as the regular order.
Mr. Teller made an elaborate
speedti itl opposition to the bill , main
taining that history aud experience
shows the impracticability of endeav
oring to induca Indians to accept
lands in severally.
Mr. Plumb also opposed the bill ,
which ho charasterizad as the essence
of inhumanity , and which , he add ,
-ihuuld bo entitled "A bill to exter
minate Indiana. " „
Mr. Thurman moved to adjourn ,
which was rejected ayes 19 , n y 20.
The senate then wont into executive
session , aud whan the doors were
opened adjourned.
The housa spent the day in useless
quibbling , nothing whatever being ac
complished. After the members had
tired of filibustering and nonsonao.
the house , at 5:10 : p..m. , on motion
of Mr. Thompson , of Kentucky , ad
journ 'd.
A now property , and a magnificent
one , has just been reported. The
men at tTork on the Belle E'dredgc '
tunnel in Spruce gulch , at the depth
of less than 100 feet , struck oro.
They have continued to drift , and
have now fifty feet of fine milling ore
in sight.
A woman named Mrs. Brown at
tempted to commit suicide near the
Savage tunnel , above Daadwood , o
fewd&ys since. She shot herself in
the breast with a six-shooter , and at
present lies ia a critical condition.
A Michlgander is to oreot a sash ,
blind and door factory near Rapid.
Ripld City demands water works.
Thirty men ore at work on French
creek , where excellent placers have
been discovered.
The mines in what is known as the
Washington ctmp , Caster county , are
attractiug 'considerable attention.
They show eoma pretty big prr ects.
Miners have struck a rich strenk in
their dry digcincsneftrDmsby , which
will go about § 12 to the load of dirt.
Sidney received 83,416,881 of gold
bullion trom the hills during 1830 ,
4od forwarded it cast over the Union
Beaver tails are sold on the Deadwood -
wood market at twenty-fivo cents
each. After being used as the basis of
coap they are said to make splendid
boot roles.
At Rochford hat week the mercury
froze. .
Two placar miners at Harney'a
Pf ak were buried by a gravtl cave.
Both were extricated in a dying con
Chinatown , in DecdvrooH , celebra
ted the Mew Year on January 29th
with great gus'o.
A row at the coal banks near Daad
wood resulted in the fatal wounding
of one man , and the killing of two
The trial of W. L Sackett , former
commissioner of Lwrence county , for
corruption in office , resulted in ac
R-ipld Oily stock men report stock
in good order , and losses comparative
ly light.
There ia now but little doubt of
Daadwood being visitsd by t-vo first-
class railroads before January 1,1882 ,
Lawrence county scrip ia selling for
75 conta on the dollar.
Chicago 'icket scalpers are swind
ling emigrants to the Hills by selling
them through tickets to Daadwood
Tia Fort Pierre for § 53.
The report circulates in Daadwood
that a croajcut in the Homestako 100
feet below the present workings haa
developed an immense body of ore
richer by far than has yet been milled
in the Black Hilia.
Tholato fire it Deadwood developed
the fact that large quantities of giant
powder are stored In stores in that
The bullion shipments from the
Hills for the year aggregate 4,788-
The Hay creek coal mines are baing
opened in anticipation of railroad fa
A new twenty-stamp mill ia to be
erected in the Old Charley mine near
Ouster. The machinery has been or
dered , and is now on the road. It is
expected the stamps will bo in place
ready to drop by the fiwt of April.
The Homentake comoany baa sur
veyed a route , and will this season
build a narrow-gauge railroad from
their mills at Lead City , by the way
of Whitetail , Whitewood and Yel ow-
creek , to the heavy pine timber on
tbo head of Elk creek , a distance of
fourteen miles.
The net proceeds of MoMacken's
mica mine near Ouster , tn the past
year are estimated at 5000.
Cutter's poatoffico is being fitted
with lock boxes.
The Hills are clamoring for a herd
Dcadwood wants a fire alarm.
Two plucky hunters of the Hills
orptured and brought in alive four
mountain lions.
The Yorictown Centennial.
Sp : ljJ dispatch to The B a.
RICHMOND , Va. , January 27 1 a.
m. Public meetings are to ba held
throughout the state on the 22d of
February for the purpose of extend
ing from the people of Virginia an in
vitation to the people of the United
States to participate in the Yorktown
celebration. Books will ba in I'hila
delphia this week for subscription to
tno centennial stock. The certificates
of stock represents a share of $10 ,
and bear the viijnattea of Washing-
toe , InfayettevRocharabi3u and De
Grasse , en 3 the vignette of the sur
render of Cornwa'l.s ' , as well ns other
events of the closa of the revolution ,
including , also , vignettes of Inde
pendence Hall. The ceutenuial SJBO-
cinuon have decided to continue the
celebration for twenty days.
Chicago Produce Marset.
CHICAGO , January 26.
Wheat jloderatly active acd
steady ; corn and oata iu fair denund
mid firm ; rvo and barley dull and
nominal ; tnrsj pork , Urd ftijU short
ribs in ood" request and" firrnpr ;
spring whoit , February sold at 99 | @
09ga : March. 31 OOJ@1 00 | ; April ,
$1 001 005 ; May , 81 041 04J ;
closing at 99fs99c ! | for February ;
S100J@100i for March ; 8100j@
1 00 for April ; $1 04@1 04J for
May ; winter wheat Ho. 3 red seller
for February ujld at 98g983C ; ? .farcb ,
Corn February , SGjJc ; Msrch ,
36j@37c ; May , 41g@4lc | ; June ,
4Hc ; July , 4142c.
Ots January offered at 30 c
for February ; 30jc bid , and 30g ®
SOJa asked ; May sold at 34 c.
Eye Much offered at 90jc , with
90c bid ; no sales.
Pork Mew , February , 8i3 55 ®
13 CO ; Murch 81370(21375 ( ; April ,
§ 13 85 13 00 ; closing ht S1357 , } ©
1360 f-jr February ; 813 70S13 72i
for March ; § 13 S7A@13 90 for
Lard January , $9 25 bid ; February
sold at ? 9 27A@U " 30 ; Mnrch , $9 359
9 37J ; April9 4u < 39 47 $ .
Short Ribs February , offered at
$ G07i. with § G92ibd : ; Marc' , sold
at ? 7 07 ; Apr : ) , S717A7 20
Sr.ouldcw Feoru sry , 4 52 bii ,
March S4 37i asked ; 54 3'2bid for
April , § 4 43 r.akocl ami $4 40 bid.
Whisky L-wor , gl 09.
Chicago Live Stock Market
CHICAGO , January 2G.
Hogs Receipts28,000 head ; there
was a live market fcr hogs ; the extent
of supply r.nd prices ruled firm at
5@10o higher than yesterday ; sales
ranged from S5 105 20 for light
packing lots ; S4 80@5 GO for good to
extra prime heavy packing and from
$4 90@5 40 for good to cholca smoo h
heavy shipping iota for Philadelphia ,
and at the hour Shcn our reporter
left the yards , the bulk of early ar
rivals were sold and buyers taking the
fresh receiots as soon aa yarded.
Shfcp Market waa dull , but no
change iu values , thti only sale wa ?
224 hi-r.d averagJT g 115 pounds ai oc
Csttlc To-day the receipts wore
liberal , ; ' , nd estimated nearly 5,500
head , but BS buyers had not received
their orders there was but little- done
in tha way of purchasing ; up to 11
o'clock the only sales reported were
tvro lota of fsir to choice steers at
8400(3495 ( ; for shipping ateers local
buyers had not commenced purchiia
iug , and nvtrket nominal.
N&w YorU Produce Market-
NEW YOAX , January 2G.
Fkur Quiet , without any decided
change ; receipt" , 25,280 barrels ;
rounit hoop Ohio , § 4 303)4 ) 90 ; choice
do. 4 95(56 ( 75 ; superfine westurn ,
$3 40@3 85 ; common to good ext
do § 4 20@4 50 ; choice , do , do , 4 65
@C 75 ; choice white wheat , do$5 . OG
@ 60U.
Buttf-r Quiet and steady ; Ohio ,
Western , nominal.
Wheat Oui N but drnij No. 2
red winter , SI 18@1 18J
Oirn Quiet , but farmer ; No. 2 ,
Oi" < Quiet.
Po-k 814 50@1B CO for March ;
§ 14 65@15 00 foApril. .
Lard S9 72 J bid for caih ; 69 72 {
bid for J nu"rv ; 9 ? 2i * < a9 75 for
Fohrtiary ; 59 77fc9 82i r M-rch ;
89 87 for seller f..r April ; S992J ®
9 97i tor May ; 89 62J@970 seller tb
St. IiOuia Produce Market.
ST. Louis , January 20.
Flour Firmer and unchanged.
Wheat Better ; No. 2 red , gl 01 {
@ 1 02 for coah : 5102g@l 021 for 5Vb-
ruiry : gl G5@l 05i fur M ich ;
81 061 07or / April ; 1 08@1 08 |
for Slay ; No. 3 do , 93a ; No. 4 do ,
88c.O..TU . Higher ; 41ia for cash ; 38 |
© 38J for February ; 38c for March ;
39 @ 38 § for April ; 4040o for
Oats Dull ; 32a for cash ; 33o for
Rye Slow at 87c bid.
Karley Quiet ; 80rtlc. )
Lead Slow ; 4 25 bid.
Butter Quiet ; dniry 18@25c.
Ei i > a Finn ; 44@45.
Whisky Lower at SI 06.
Pork Hi-jhfcr ; § 13 40 bid for cash ;
§ 13 42 for Februa-y.
Dry S lt Meats Higher at 84 35 ®
4 40@6 9066 9507 lb@7 20.
Bacon Better ; 85 25@7 607 65.
Lird Nominally higner at § 9 15.
Receipts Flour , 3,000 bbln ;
wheat , 11,000 bu ; corn , 32,000 ;
oats , 3,000 ; rye , none ; barley , 5,000.
Shipments Flour , 5,000 bbls ;
wheat , 2,000 bu ; corn , 4,000 ; oatg ,
3,000 ; rye , 1,000 ; barley , 4.COO.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
Sr. Louis , Jacuary 20.
Hogt String , active and higher ;
Yorkers and Baltfmores , ? 4 90(55 ( 05 ;
mixsd packing , $4 95S5 15 butch
ers' to fancy , $5 15@o 40. Receipts ,
7,200 head ; shipments , 2,700.
Undoubtedly the best shirt in the
United States ia manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material snd workmanship , conj
oined with their great Improvements ,
that la Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
ba : ks and Reinforced sleeves , makes
tbdr shirt the moat durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the wjderato price of
81.50. Every chirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if fonnd otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chernois underwear , made up with a
view tg comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons ue offer special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
'Pir. GorrHEiiiER ,
a week. J12 day it hoc * easily mule ; easa
oatflt re .AfMr ja True ft Co.PortInJ.il5
Enthusiastic Greeting of the Sen
ator Elect on His Home
ward Trip.
Otoe County in Ecstacies of
Joy and Nebraska City
Arrayed in Bunting.
Hearty Hurrahs at Home :
Special io The State Journal.
NEEKASKA Cirr , Jf.uuiry 25 Sen
ator-elect Oea. C. H. Van Wyck re
turned homo from Lincoln this eve-
nicg. The train win pr.llart l > y en
engine decorated with buntine , end
bparins Streamers libelled ' 'Vnnj
Wyck. "
The saone along the eritue roulo
was ouo of immense enthusiasm. At
B nnot a lugo crowd gathered , and
handshaking was thn active exercise
of the raoraant. ! ui formal speeches
wore madt ? .
There was general rejoicing at Pal
myra , the homo ot Representative
Moore , nnd a band of music diicacra-
ed patriotic1 aita
An immense crowd had assembled
at Unadilla , and after the band ceased
Rev. J. B Johnson made an enthusi
astic and appropriate addrefs , which
was excellently received. The close
of hi3 remarks was followed by a gen
eral handshaking.
At Syracuse fully 500 people had
assembled , and rsnt the oir with
shou'B , song * and music * .
The station at Nebraska City wa3
surrounded by an immenee throng ,
and the air was alive with enthusiasm.
As the senator on the platform , the
band played "Hail to the Chief , " but
the notes were drowned by huzzis of
the people who were fairly deUrous
with thsir zealous welcome.
The senator waa accompanied by
h's wife and Senators Ballentine , Cady
and Tefft.
An immense procea ion was formed ,
headed by tha band , and marched
through tbo principal street to the
Grand Central hotel. In response to
calls , the ceualor delivered 0110 of the
best speeches of his lif * > , and was fol
lowed by Senator Tefft.
Th'j enthusiasm is beyond descrip
tion , fl g are flying , cannon firin ; : ,
the people cheering , streamers are
everywhere seen bearing the name of
0. H. Van Wyck , while over Main
street flies the campaign banner of the
Rarfield and Arthur club , with Van
Wvck bunting attached.
The formal public reception will be
held at thu Grand Central Hotel on
Chursdir , whett the senator and his
accomplished lady will ba greeted by
the citizsnj of Otoa county , nlne-
tenths of whom feel a great pride in
the selection of Gen. Van Wyck for
the distlngauhed position to which
he has just been elected.
The Border Bufflans.
dlspitch to The Km.
NEW YORK , January 26 t p. m.
A Fort Bufcrd , D. T. , special aaya
a man juat arrived from Moody moan-
tain reports Sitting Bull has surren
dered there to the Canadian govern
inant and a ka that he may be cent
under charge of an offi
cer of to northwestern po
lice to Fort Bnford and turned
over to the military authorities at
that post ; thit Sitting Bull stated
that he had .eft Canada with the in
tention of surrcnd ring to Major
Brothertou , but bec'me alarmed at
the presence of the troops at Poplar
Greek agency , aud feared tha
ho waa going to bo dealt with
treacherously ; that he knew these
troops wt-re from F' > rt Keogh and had
fought them before ; that ha dared
noc trust himself or h' ? people In tbeir
hands ; that he is willing to start for
Buford whenever the Canadian au
thorities < ril ! send him and will give
him op in good faith to Major Broth'
Tna 1tura 1 of Canada.
EpeciAt DUpatch Tuo Uec.
NEW YORK Januiry 26 4 p. m.
A London Despatch zaya Sir Alexander
dor Gait , of the Umadian high com
mission , delivered list night au inter
esting paper on the future of Canada
in the rooma of thu royal colony b for
a distinguished audionce. Sir Alex
ander WHS received with cnrdhl
plause , which waa frequently repeated
during the course of his address. H
said the correct imports were seven
teen million four hundred thousand
pounds and the exports eighteen
million pounds ; that the debt of Can
ada Juno 30th , was forty million
Cincinnati's Festival.
Special dispatch to THS Bis.
CINCINNATI , January 25. The aal
of choice seal a for the operatic festi
val , by auction , was conimencpd this
morning at College Hall. Bidding
Was lively acd great interest was man
ifeflted in the proceedings. Over 15 (
se-ttsjweraoolci before 12 m. , the ccs
averaging about $22 per seat , fnclnd
ing premiums paid , The festival com
mences Feb. 21 , nnd promises to b
i very brilliant success.
A French Fiend.
Special Dispatch to The B e.
ABSOMPTION , 111. , January 26 4 p.
m. OQB of tha mnst atroclona mur
ders in the nnnah of this county hat
ju t been committed by Theodore
Valien-T , a French farmer , living
sotithwejt of thiplxco ! some four
miles , who- deliberately and without
provocation took bis run and shot his
wife in the forehead , killing her in
stantly. Ill's Mippcsoho wp intoxi
SAN FEAXCISCO , January 26. A
fire in Chinatown broke out at three
o'clock thia morning in Stout's alley ,
the most populated part of the Mon
golian district. Several buildings were
destrojed. The heroic exartions of
the firemen prevented the destruction
of the entire Cbisa quarters , as seem
ed probable for nearly an hour after
tha breaking out of the fire.
NEwYoKK , January 26. The sub
committee of twenty-one of the com
mittee of one hundred baa addressed
inquiries to the chairman of the sever
al halls and committees of New York
democrats , asking whether they will
agree to have a confe-enw to decide
upon plans for reorganization baaed
upon primaries open to all dflmocrala
CINCINNATI , O. , January 2G. It Is
annoonced that the 71st New York
will pass through here February 24th
on iti way to New Orleans to psrtlci-
pate in Mardi Gras celebration. They
17iiolr.snt ami Ketnl !
J B5 la ba In
Silver Watches
and JcivcJry in flic
Come and See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods.
& Dodge , Opposite Pofiolfice.
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
the Best Assortment of
in the West.
A' Chicago Trice * .
1209 fc 12
Harney Street , Omaha.
jin 18 em
Southwest corner 16th and Dodge.
Has lately been leased by
- u.
Who has had years experience in the hotel and restuauranfcjbnei-
ness , p-nd will run a first-class house.
Board by tlic Shiy or Week , with Lodging or without.
. .
* * t1 Y. k44 ft. .
Centrally Located.
Man ictuier of U klndf of
a Summer Bologna ( GerveJat Wurat ) a
a Sceciaitiy. Orders promptly filled.
„ * 1714 Burt St. , Omaha Neb. de23-t
will spend a duy hero and give an ex
NEW YOKK , January 26. George J.
Smey , prsoideiit of the Metropolitan
Natiinbink , haa given $50.000 to
the library fund of the L K Island
historical oociuty and $20,000 to the
building fund of the Butler Street
Home , Brooklyn.
NASHVILLE , Tenn , January 26.
Sanator Uailev was serenaded l at
night. H' said he resigned all nop
of re-eloction , and wished the party
to decide en eorne one elso. The ef
fort to set ; u republican to spe k did
not aucsf-ed. The republican caucus
remained in session till 1:30 : a. m.
CixcLSTfATi , January 26 A Lon
don , One. , dispatch saya that a farmer
in the vicinity r.f thit pi ice has dis
covered Chirlio Ross , and IIM undi -
puted evidence of the boy' < i identifi
cation. He hns traced him from he
Suspension bridge to Tuacarowwhere
ho ia now with the Indians.
Bpecltl DtHpalcli to fiir. Win.
WASHINGTON , January 27 1 a. m.
For the upper Mississippi and
lower Missouri vullnya : Clear or
watmer weather , northwest to south
west winds , generally low r tempera
ture and falling barometer during the
afternoon and evening.
General Insurance Agent ,
JlI AS80JV/.T.- . . . -f Lon
don. CMhAsxsta . J5.107.1SI
VESTCHEalEll. N. 7. , Capital . 1.000.0U3
THE MERCHANTS , ct hV-iri.N. J. , l.OOC.OO
OIRAIID Pir.E.PbllAleIpljbCspltal. . l.OOC.OOO
it i . poe.coo
nnEMEN-a ? U.SD , CiIL'cmla . 806 UX
SKV A tK FIKn IK3. C'J , Acists. . . . JflO.OCO
S aat Cor. ct Klennth k Dtms\\3 \ St.
( i ! Tenth Street , OifAIIA , NEBBASKA
Offering hU nrrvlctz In alt departm nt > 'a
medicine anJ mrzcrjr , tiotb In areceral ui
ped l fi2dl ; acnM and chronic < lls a. e8 Ca
be conanltett clht nd clay , anJ will ltlt .
put of the city inJ ccantf on tftrlf1 "I ! . ,
That TAMAST'S SnTzsn Arxicrr rcprejo In
each bolt o thirty or fo'ty vlvcs ot Spir D ?
Seltzer Wter , contaLiin all the Ttrttws of tha
celebrated German r-prn ? . It 1 always fresh
and always r tdy , and thu cnmmendi Its'lf to
all for Iti efficacy , nortibllity ami cbrapnen.
Eaet India Pile Core. The
only specific for all forms of
Piles. In use in foreign coun
tries for years , lately Intro
duced into America. Warranted -
ed to give instant relief and a
germanent euro guaranteed ,
old by all druggists or mailed
free on receipt of price , 50
cents , byjthe American agents ,
Ilicharoson & Co. . IVholesaJe
Druggists , Saint Louis , Mo.
guaranteed to give immediate
relief in all cases of Bilious
and Liyer Complaints , Costiveness -
tiveness , Sick Headache , In
digestion , and cleansinctho
system or all impurities. Price
25 cents. All druggists sell
Dr. Storm's
A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for
HOARSENESS and Strengthen
ing the Lungs.
Price only 10 Gents.
Oval Steel Tooth Harrow
Uannfutn/ed by
DA GR001 A GBBB130S , FtmduLae , Wil.
Write for price * . Azent. Omaha. Neb.
Mwt *
One For