THE DAILY BEE. Saturday | Morning , Jan. 22. IJBEVHIES , j Patenon sells coaL _ _ Good skating at the prk. Oysters , 25c , SOc and 40c at BuSett'f. The eastern trains were late Friday jBDrning. Another distillery for Nebraska City ii talked off. There was tat Pullman car out this noon. Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel ers , Creighton Block. ' ! < > 2G-tf _ Tto Hancock and English pole fell before - fore the woodman's axe Thursday. Although the sun shone brightly all day Friday a cold north wind made the atmosphere very biting. The overland train from the west was ren hours late. A wreck on the line caused the delay. Mayor Chase has extended his order limiting coasting to corer tfae Eleventh atreet hill south of the railroad track , Don't omit to look on third page for Crulckshank'a description of home goods they are offering. Dr. Laisenring has recovered his horse. It was found near Papillton on Wednesday , but whether it strayed away or was stolen Is uncertain. Cards are ont for the wedding of Mif Hein and Weinhagen , editor of Tbo Omaha Telegraph. The wedding takes place on next Wednesday. Mr , Bertram Hansco , the veteran ; ent of the ITP. . at their land office in this city.celebratedTuTfif ty-elxth birthday 1'riday. He will live to celebrate fifty-six more if we have our wishes granted. Her & Co. have purchased 66 by 132 feet on the north side of llarney street , between Eleventh and Twelfth , in the mid dle of the block , and will early in the spring Legin the erection of a three-story brick building thereon. The managers of the telephone ex change are going to come down on non- ubscribcrs using their lines. They Bay that one-third of the time is required to attend to outriJe parties , from whom there is no money return. A sister-in-law of Conductor A , 15. Thomas , of the U. P. , mot with a serious accident Thursday. Mr. Thomas is tick in bed , and the lady went out U > tie barn to feed his horse for him. She made a mis-step in some manner and fell from the second to llio first floor , breaking one of her limbs just above the ankle. The fami ly reside on Park Wilde avenue , near Pierce street. Jhoice Peachbloir and Early Rose POTATOES. Fresh Butter , etc. , etc. , at { WnoiAM GENTLEMEN'S , 20-3t Sixteenth and Cass Sts. BONNER Has removed to 1309 Douglas street , and has the largest and best stock of House Furnishing Goodi in the city. jan20-tf The Busy Bee society will Ivo the most immense candy-pulling ever held in this city at the Christian church Friday , January 28. Everybody is fuvited. PERSONAL PAHAGR&FHS. Harry DcneJ returned Thursday from Chicago. Mob Johnson is in the city sgain for n fenrdaya. Carl Granpre returned from Lincoln yesterday. , Majoc J. W. Pa3dock and wife have returned from Chicago. .Tudge Paul , of Howard county , was a west bound passenger yesterday. " " * Mr. llobtrt Jordan is visitinrhia daughter , Mrs. SheHon , In this city. J. G. Taylor , ass'stint treasurer of the B. & M. road , came "op from Lincoln Thursday. Mrs. M. B. Holyoke , of this city , is doinj ; some strong work in the temper ance cause , in the South Platle country. William Gentleman , corner Six teenth and Caaa streets , carries a full and complete line of Dozier-Weyl Cracker Co.'s Crackers , Cakes and Jumbles. Try them. 20 Ct Don't forget the singing school at Hopso's music store , Saturday night. A Dletlnctlon Without a DIHerence Datcctivo Llewellyn Is in the city , whether to assist in the senatorial struggle or on tha lookout for some rascal we are unable to say. [ Lincoln Journal Snow. The enow storms which of late have boon so severe in almost every section of the state , oxoept Omaha , have thus far passed us by. In the South Platte , they are experiencing winter In all its magnificence. Offical Order. EXECUTIVE DETABTMENT , ) CmrHAix , > OMAHA , Jan. 21,1881. j a J. Wetterd'hl , Esq. , City lUrshal : SIR : The order issued by me to you on yesterday concerning co&sting on the streets , is hereby extended to cover Eleventh street from the U. P. railroad track southward to Paclic struct. CHAMPION S. CHASE , Mayor. WATCH and CLOCK work execu ted on short notice nnd in the best posshlo manner at VThipplc , McMil lan & Co.'s , the jewelers , Oroighton Block , 15th street 21-2t A. F. & A , M. There will be a special meeting of St. John's Lodge , No. 25 , to-rcorrow ( Saturday ) evening , for work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren are cordially invited. JAS , B. BnuNKK , Master. Army Orders. Privates Michael Dougherty , com pany E , Fifth cavalry , and James F. Tracey , campany E , Ninth infantry , are relieved from duty at the Chey enne ordnance depot , Wyoming terri tory , and will rejoin their companies without delay. The leave of absence for fourteen (14) ( ) dayu granted M jor A W. Evans , Third cavalry , is extended aeven (7) ( ) Jays. v ' FURS ! FURS 11 FURS 1 ! ! Ladies' and genta' fnr goods of ev ery description at the Fur Manufac tory , opposite pastoffice , Omaha. All goods are warranted. HEKKT G.iRicHirn , gee 13-tf Furrier ] 1 V THE BOOK ISLAND WEEOK. A Broken Bail Hurla the Express - press into the Ditch , An Old Lady Burned to Death and Several Severely Injured. Details of the Disaster High- Happenings at Home. The rnmor of a Eftrious wreck on the Rock Island road last night , which occurred to the train that left Omaha Thursday morning , was talked of con siderably on the streets yesterday , but nothing definite was known by the general public , and the officials , if posted , were reticent on the sub ject. The details will bo found in the following : Sped * ! Dispatch to The Eoe. CHICAGO , January 21. 4 p. m. The passenger ttaln on the Rock Is * land road encountered a broken rail at midnight , at Tiskelwa , III. The engine , baggtge car and smoking car passed safely over bi't three coaches and the sleeper were thrown from the track. The first coach that went off took fire and was burned. Ono wo man waa burned to death. About a dozen persons were injured , The passenger coach which was burned , went over a Bleep embank ment. Tha others which left the rails , did not go down and no one was severely injured. The most eorious casualitlen were : Killed Sirs. Kirby , of Nevada , O. Injured Matt Phelps , Grlnnell , la , shoulder dis tracted ; Mrs. Holden , Patterson ; Mrs. Dow , Wintersett , slightly hurt } J. W. HuRhett , Chicago , slightly In jured , nnd several Otners. The accident delayed all trains about five hours. The officials of the road say it was unavoidable , and no blame attaches to anyone. The conductor , Charles Wheeler , says that ho Vfaa In the smoking car and firat realized what had happened when he felt the car bouncing on the ties. Itgained the rails againj however - over , but on looking back ho saw the ramainder cf the train lying in the ditch , with the exception of the two tear sleepers. The four that had jumped the track lay in con fusion several feet from the roadbed , and the first car was in flame : . Ho rang the signal to slow up and as eoon as ho deemed II cafe to do so jumped off and tan to the assistance of those in the wrecked cars. A terrible scena mot his gaze. The interior of the first passenger car was a sheet of flame. JHen and women wore fitrUggliug frantically to get out ahd were tramp ling each other in their frenzy to ee- capo lha fare. Windows were broken in as quicklyas possible and people re moved from the car and taken to a place of safety. In all there were about twenty passengera in this car. In the revolution which the car made down the embankment the stoves were hurledfromtheir places and thoburning wood scattered in every direction. Mrs. Kirby , % lady of 50 yosra , who was seated in the rear end of the tar , fell a victim to the flames. Hot cloth ing was burned from her body , and it was with great difficulty that she could be handled , as the flesh was ready to drop from her bones. She was finally removed to the f iekilwa Hotel , but her birns were so serious that she died this morning. She was accompanied by her daughter , a la'dy of 30 years , and they were on their way to Nevada. The conductor was severely burned about the hands aad by inhaling the flames in rescuing tao passengers. Thomas Gorman and wife , of Dallas , Iowa , wore iu the burning car. Their account corresponds with thai told by the conductor. William 0. Thompson was severely Injured about the head. The wounded were brought to this city at 11 n. m. The wrecked train left Omaha -at 7:30 : yesterday morning. " RAILROAD NOTES Boyd is loading fifteen cars of moat to-day for the couth , five of lard and five of meat for Chicago. Buyd is booming. Shoeley & Co. are loading two cars of moat for St. Louis , via the Wabash. The U. P. still receives fifteen cars per day of coal from Fort Scott and ten cars a day from Rock Springs and Carbon. It usually at this season receives 25 cars a day from the two latter points. Twenty-five or thirty cars of tea were shipped out over the 0. , B. & Q. road yesterday. Two locomotives and a snow-plow went west over the B. & M. Thursday afternoon to clear the road of snow drifts. A cargo of Australian wool is now arriving from San Francisco oyer the Union Pacific , thirty or more cars of which [ have been received at this point during the past two days. Wo understand that the train from Columbus , duo hero at 12:50 : Thurs day , encountered a snow drift in the deep cut this side of Milford , and in attempting to go through it the loco motive was thrown from the track. [ Lincoln Journal. The U. P. snow-plow was sout'wost last night. The train on the St Paul and Oma ha road , dua yesterday morning , was stalled in the snow at a poiut about twelve miles above this city. Canned Goods ! Canned Goods J by Uic dozen , at icholcsale ra'cs. ' J19 w&f FI.EMISO & Co. , Grocers. FRESH OYSTERS. Mediums , 2oc. Standards , SOc. Selects , 35c. AtVM. . GEI > TI.I.UA ; < 'S , SiiteonlhandCaisStg. 20:3 : A NEW FEED STORE. Goo. C. Burr & Co. have opened a new flour and feed store at the corner of Harney and Fourteenth streets where can always ba found anything in this line all kinds of chopped feed , bailed hay , etc. , etc. , which will be sold at the lowest cash figure and delivered to any part of the city free of charge. AH orders promptly at- tccdcd to. jan9t4 TO MY CUSTOMERS. Being burned down in my Fifteenth street grocery store I herewith beg my customers to leave the r orders at my branch store , NOB. 414 , 414 and 415 , south Thirteenth street. 19 > 3t JULIUS TRITSCHKE. Take your old watche , io WHIP PLE , McMILLENOo. . and have it made as good as new. J21-21 PLUCKING PAXTON. The Beign of Terror at the State Capital. Lincoln Is just now suffering from the presence and activity of a gang of professional 'pick-pockets who ply their calling at the opera house , hotels , tidi depots and elsewhere. Hon. William A. Paxton , of this city , was among the luflerers Thursday. HiS pocket-book containing about $1200 in notes and a small sum of money , was stolen from his pocket in the Opera House , where the balloting for United States Senator was going on. In addition his railroad passes were stolen , being in the same receptacle. No trace at the thief could llo found , From a gentlemen who came up on the noon train to-day we learn that eight robberies were committed yes terday in the Opera House alone , ono of them being that of a valuable diamond ear ring , which was actually slipped out of the lady's eat S3 she was leaving the house. Postmaster Keckley , of the house of representatives wai relieved of his pockotbobk while entering the Opera HoUse. it was talon froih his inside coat pocket. Fortunately It contained nothing but pipers , having deposited his cash on hrud in the First National bank a few hours before. The wife of a Nebraska senator , wtm relieved of her pockc'.book , con taining about § 10 in money and a railroad ticket to Columbus , at the B. & M. depot yesterday Varirina other robberies are "report ed and the worst part of it is that they can't catch any of the rrscals , which would indicate that they are experts who hare probably visited the capital from some eastern city in anticipation of reaping a rich harvest. AB they must obtain tickets from some of the members or ofHcem of the legislature in order io got , it is a little singular that the gatna csn't be stopped by rig id rules as to the issue of those tickets by members to strangers. JEWELRY AND WATUHWORK , At Whipple , McMillen & Go's. Ail work warranted , Creightou Block , Fifteenth street. j21-2t HABMOMt HALL. The Three German Societies of this City and Their Praiseworthy Project. Our tier man friends are vigorously pushing the preparations for the greal musical event \\hich is to occur in this city next summer , oue cf i.Ke're uIe- ites to which ii a commodious and buitablo hall for the use of the San- gerbund. We understand that Mr. Brandt offered to sell them his hall 1 for812.500 , but deemiug this too high a figure his proposition was not ac cepted. Tha three societies , the Turn- Vereln , Concordia and Wtennerchor , have about concluded to erect a hall for their joint use and for the use of the convention next sumirer. To this end the societies have appointed a committee of throe each to Confer In regard to the matter , and this com mittee will meet on Monday evening next. next.The The committees are ai follows. Turn-Verein Fruehauf , Burmestor , Andrea ; Concordia StratmanPnndt , ilnarmin ; Majnnerchor Boeckhoff , Mack , Wirth. The loca'ion of the now building has been chcaon , but is not yet to bo made public. This is a most important project and we hope it will succeed. A fine hall owned by the German societies would bo an advantage to the city in many ways , and with Boyd's new Opera House , which will be com pleted in August , we wonld have ample fscilitio3 for the finest musical I and dramatic entertainments in the country. This is not only the latest but ono of the mo < t desirable of the many contemplated improvements for the year 1881. Straight Old-Faslrioncd Syrup. jl9-w&f FLEMING & Co. , Grocers. NOTICE The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Wyoming Coal and Mining Company of Nebraska , for the election of directors for the ensu ing year , will bo held at the office of the Union Pacific Railway Company In Omaha on Wednesday , the 16th day of February , 1881 , between the hours o ] 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. of said day. F. M. AMES , Sec. Dated January 17.1881. 19t Mullett'a Menagerie. Capt. J. R. Mullett , of San Fran cisco , the only capturer of sea lions , etc. , who wont west about four months ago , and concerning whose curious business THE BEE secured some interesting facts , has since made a trip to Australia and Southern Asia , and last night passed east over the U. P. with a small menageria in his charge. Among the animals was a Bengal tiger , camels , hyenas , etc. , and a half grown elephant captured in Siam. The latter WAS being taken to Phila delphia aud the happy family went east over the C. , B. & Q. road in order to take advantage of their elegant dining err system. Capt. Mullett will per haps make a ouick trip to Europe be fore ho returns. He expects to retire soon from a btmnesa in which he has amassed an immense fortune. State Horticulturists. The State Horticultural society , in session at Lincoln , Thursday elected the following officers for 1881 : Presi dent , E. N. Grenell ; 1st vlce-preti- dent , Samuel Barnard ; 2d vice-presi dent , A. W. Hawley ; treasurer.Chris. Hartman.secretary ; , D. H. Wheeler. A committee , with ex-Governor Furnas as chairman , vzs appointed to represent this state at the next meet ing of the Mississippi Valley fruit ex position. For Sale Six-horse power Baxter engine and boiler , jn good repair. Apply at BEZ ofSca. poftf JANUARY JUBOBS. The Lucky Men Who Will Manipulate the Scales of Justice Next Month. The clerk , Mr. W. H. Ijams and Sheriff Guy have drawn the following jurors to serve In the district rcourt , for the term beginning February 7th , 1881 } OEAJO ) JTJBY , Jacob Shivers W W Marsh W Wilson H S Ludington , jr i Martin Grace Wm Dowling Henry Kelsey S P Brlggs Thomas J Torrey S A Orchard Frank E Bailey A J Simpson Chas J Emery M RicHardson ti 0 Thrane W B Hill PEiir JURY. Geo. Herzog John Lewis W. J. Mount J. 0. Oorby E. F. Tennery Chas. Turner H. H. Gooder Jas. E. Ro Wm. Reeves Eli Johnson John Page Ohas. Griffin Wm. Wechbach Ja8. Orelghton Henry Livesey Ash'tori Clemetts Thos. O'Connor C. H. Brewer Rufus Robarts 0. S. Goodrich Herman C. Timme Robt. Twaddoll A WILD HKB. Fierce Conflagration During the Storm of Wind and Snow bast Night. About 8 o'clock last evening a bright light was discovered in the di rection of California and Thirteenth Streets , which rapidly grew , until a broad glare lit up the sky and , magni fied by the reflection on the snow which was falling , formed a most alarming sight. Those who first saw It Iran to tha ston ? of Mr. T. 0. Bm ner , corner of Capitol avenue and Sixteenth street , and gave the alarm of fire from box 15 , wLich was in stantly responded to , but owing to the Cru being in en entirely different neighborhood from the box pulled , the drivers wore confused , and were some little time in striking the route. It looked as if a whole block was burniJig , Vle dd front tile centre o ! town , but after facing the gale which loaded with snow , was driving square ly from the north , the fire was reach ed and found to bo confined to two small dwelling houses on the south sldfe of California between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets , which were owned by Mr. John Johnson , the res' estate dealer , No. 1324 Farnam street and occupied by a couple of Swodi families. Th8 buildings were o frame , one-story , and evidently old and they burned like paper. From the time the flames burst forth to tha occupied by out rBpdrtef In fdnnin'g five blocks , one of the houses was to tally destroyed , and the other devoured all except the frame and a portion of the roof. The occupants had barely time to save a few of their goods and escape with their lives The wind swept the fltmes across an open space in the centre of the square so as to threaten a disastrous conflagration , tint thii was sooii checked whcd the firemen got at it. A singular phenom enon was witnessed in the appearance of a reflection cast into the air from the fife. It was brorid at the base end extended to the Zenith whore it culminated in a point , like an elongat ed pyramid of fire. It waa very much like a brilliant display of the northern lights. The fire waa soon extinguished and by 0 o'clock the great crowd that had assembled at the spot had dispersed and the neighborhood was once more quiet and deserted. Inquiry as to the origin of the fire elicited nothing further than that two little children had been left alone in the house where the flames started , and that they es caped safely and nero taken care of. The namoi and whereabouts of the people thus cruelly turned out in the storm , It was impossible in the con fusion to obtain. A HBEMEN'S FETE. A Grand Tournament to Take Place June Next. Not only our firemen , but the citi zens generally who.enjoyod the tourn ament given In this city two summers ago , will be glad to know that they will ba enabled to witness another great fete next Jane , in Iho grand tournament to take place at the city whose hospitality Omaha has BO re cently tested and enjoyed. At a special meeting of the Oonncll Bluffs fire department.held last night , to perfect arrangement for the state firemen's tournament , to be held in that city June 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , the fol lowing order of arrangement for the tournament was agreed upon : First Day Transaction of the bus iness of State Firemen's association. Second Dsy Contests between steamers , hand engines and hqso carts. Third Day Hose races and hook and ladder race. Fourth day Grand free for all hose race , open to the n orld , and novelty foot races. The following are the prizes to be competed for : Trial of steamers , first prize for throwing water 100 feet , in shortest time , $100. First prize for throwing water the greatest dis tince , $100 and state silver trumpet. Trial of hand engines , first prize $100 and state championship broom. Second end prize , $75. Trial of hose companies , first prize $200 and state championship belt ; second prize , $100 ; third prlzj , $76 ; fourth , $50 ; fifth , $25. Trial of hook and ladder corcpan- iui , Snt prize , $150 , and state cham pionship belt ; second prize , $75 ; third prize , $50. Horse hose races , first prize , $75 ; seond , $50. Novelty foot race , one man from each1 competing company allowed to enter , $50 prize for the swiftest runner 100 yards ; $50 for 200 yard race , and $100 for 300 yard race , and grand free for all hose race , Towa state rnlea to govern , first prize , $500 , second prize , $250. The committee on transportation reported that all railroads centering at Council Bluffs will give greatly re duced rates. A special committee was appointed to request the city council for assistance in defraying the necea- eary expenses of the tournament , A GRIST OF GUILT , The Foot-Pad Getting in His Work Here and There. Beeruits for Gramacher's Guards. The city ia again becoming'danger- ously infested with foot-pads , the most dangerous class of criminals that exists , and robberies are becoming of nightly occurrence. About a quarter to ilx o'clock Thursday a gentleman from LsPlftttt waa hastening down 10th street to take the tJ. P. train west , he was sud denly felled to the grSundj Hear the sewer crossing and recovered to ind that the little change 10 had carried in his pocket , about jl-60 , had been taken from him and that the only return he had received was _ , a severe cut over the right eye. The highwaymen had fled and the gentleman did not feel like pursuing them for the sake of BO Bitiall a sum. dur informant , Mr. Wm. F. Stoetzel , did not learn the gentleman's1 name. MORE DEtlLTRV. In the police court this morning two of the Davia boys were up on the charge of grand larceny and were committed to the county jMl to await further examination. This case was skilfully worked up by Officer tames Donahoe , the youngest man on the force , who exhibits considerable abili ty in his profession. He detected the two men trying to dispose of a ladies gold watch , two gold chains and some other articles said to have been forcibly taken from a woman , boys resisted the arrest and Andy Borden and Charles Helvrig were call ed on before the two could be subdu ed and marched off to jail. In the melee the watch was In some myster ious manner dlspoiad of , but notwith standing tills it ia beliered that there Is a clear case against the prisoners' . TRAMP ! TRAMP ! TRAMP ! A fine looking array of tramps was steered into court by the jailor , and eleven frowsy heads tfzfd fafleSj and clothes that were badly soiled to match , confronted the judge. They were not gathered in from box cars brcaveaj but came voluntarily to the jail last night for lodging. They don't have to be hunted these days. They were all anxious to be sent to jail for any ierm that the judge in his kindness might grant them. Six o them dretf prices and went to the rock pile for five days each. Five o them were bounced , of this numbe : four were from Council Bluffs wher they had worn ont their welcome am then we're fired ottt of town. Thos who were sent up had acquired1 a resl dencehere haying reglateredat the hote Westerdahl for three successive night nd recognizing their rights they wen put to work to earn their Board ant iGjglr : , As soon as the river braek the authorities will who1 up give tu * crowd the g. b. and start them east ward. At present it wonld be a use- lets job aa they would walk right back over the ice. When the river is open they haVe Id run their Chanced and steal their w < iy back in a box car. Officer J. O'Donohce ' , frestsrdaf' about 11 o'clock , arrested Pat Gn'heen ' on the charge of highway robbery. At first the prisoner stoutly main tained his innocence , b'dt on the way to the lock up he was induced to think better of It , and con fessed to the officer that he did the job and told him where to find the property. It appears that on Tuesday night last Ouhoen and Dennis Eagan , the latter of the U. P. shops , were coming along Tenth street to gether and when on the sidewalk near the B. & M. headquarters on the north , Guheen asked Eigan what time It waa. The latter not suspecting any foul play drew out his watch , a very fine > heavy silver case and one of tha beat American movements , when , euddenly Gubeen gave him a blow with one hand and with the other seized the watch , and ran away. He threw the watch down or dropped it soon after and it lay on the side walk in plain sight from that time un til noon to-day , when Don ahoe found It from directions given him by the prisoner. The gold chain attached was gone , howeverand , is said to have been sold or traded off. The watch and chain were worth $90 , The case seems to be a clear one and if no new developments are made Pat Is likely to go over the road. LESSER OFFENSES. Mike Uilligan waa fined 810 and costs yesterday and sent to the county jail.A A man named Much was yesterday afternoon put under $200 bonds for threatening to hire a man to kill Mr. D. Von Etten , of the firm of VanEt ten & Fonda. His grievance arose during a case In which the firm waa employed against him Another unfortunate driver paid 85 and costs this morning for drlvl ng over a length of fire hose. Death in a Hospital. An aged invalid died to-day at St. Joseph's Hospital. A post-mortem examination will be held this after noon. Hard on Hogs Mr. D. W. Hoover , writing from Battle Creek , Nob. , to his brother , R. P. Hoover , of our neighboring city , speaks as follows of the effects of the recent cold snap there : "On the morning of the 10th int. , the mercury got down to 42 ° balow zero. Wo have ever 200 hogs and half of them frczo their tails so that they are cracking off and the hogs going around with bleedinr stumps instead of tails. Ono third of them froze their ean so that they are falling off also , some of them to within a half inch of the head and some of thorn were frozen to death. There is no doubt more will die unleta the weather moderates very soon. I never before witnessed a winter like the present , and old set tlers eay it getn away with them all for severity. The snow here ranges at about a depth of two feet on the level , and ever since Christmas the snow has been so terriffic that it btffles description. It has been at times all a man's life was worth to go ont for a short time , and some days I could not get ont to get the horsea A bucket of water or feed the hogi. SPECIAL NOTICES. 80TIOE Advortlsemjnts To Ltt .or Bale * Loet , Found , Wants , Boirtlla ? Ac. , will be In- nrted In thcso coinmna once ( or TEN OENT8 perlln * ; each gnbsflqnimtln ertlonFrE CENTS per Un . The first Intertlon never leas than TWENTY-FI7B CKMTS. Ti LOAM-WHET. > OKST SO JXUX-Oall at Iw Offlc * M D. L. THOMAS , Room8.delfhtonBIock ( ONKT TO LOAH 1109 Fimhim street. M Dr. Edwucte Loan Agency. HUP WAKTin * 1 IBLS WANTED-A good cook iZ 8J5 : JT girl to go to a military port , for leni.- ne ssae lamllr , Good references required ana beralwagei offered. Apply at N. V. coiner ipitol ave nue and 17th street ; . 220 U A woman todo housuwirk , wsh- lbgt Ironing und cooklog. Apply at th Kmmelt Hotlls. M3-H Middle-age41 dy to take c f of WANTED ladjr. Inquire Bli w l ut Si , t. Sth and fl.ll. _ | M g * A < lr maker Just l-om Phil adelphia wlihas to make engagement l.y day for eewrg at home. Address or c U 920 Barney 6t. 22521 10 aood choppers. App J Rt II. WAKTED , Bellevus , Neb. 227-24 ttTANTED A SItuifon In store or office , by VV a respectable m n of falf education. Hot afraid of work. Address 8. , P. O. Drawer 13 , 3tj 225-21 A lecond'Riil at Helrioke's Beg. WANTED , cor.lStn and Jackson Sta. 221-21 WANTED Situ tlon by a rapid and ac curate tbort-hand wilfr. Addrew Bteuojrapher , Bee office. 211-21 Girl for general house ok In a WANTED ; musHxj good cook , washef and Irons' . Apply southea-t corner of Uth ami How-rd fits. 210-tf lV\ man cCok alsoadlulng room WANTED ot Mrs. Mc3ov , dfl Poppleton AT * . , bet , ZOtnand 22d , ncwnowGo > errnent Corrall. , 212-22 D A'glrl tn gen > .n\ \ homework ; b tofwazeap id. Inquire at the Araerl- ranU Use. 2U--2 - for geren' hous . rnUst be geol cook , washer and Ironer. Inquire ft E : c6rn4r 20th andCa Ifotnlastreets. liO-tf "t"lTAM D An erperienceJ butcher wants \ \ to start a meat nnrketl n some small west em town , whore there is none , or where one Is neode-l ; wonld take a reliable partner. AddrSM K. K. Webb , Jackson , Dakota Co. Neb. 90-tf ANTED A good house-kcepi r , 1109 Far n ham street , upttalrs. 32 tf All Omaha know that the WANTED St. Jonn Is the Hixa of Sowing Machine ; , office on Ifith St. 849.1 f FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT NICELY With boirJ. guilabl > for gentleman am Jady , 16th and Callforn a streets , ( white honi . OR BENr Fnmfehed room ? . Inqulra at the American House. 2'6-2 OR HEHT Hgfl ? fnrnfched front room ontb lde. At 1E10 Darcnport t. 195' SALE 4 stood horses , which FOR from Illinois to be sold. W. L. Letvtf 120 6 Farnham St. Its tf ITlflR SALE Two-s'ory house and full lot , on I ; Capitol hill , lleusfl contains 8 rooms and ! nearly new. Loeitlon flrst-SIasg. JNO. L. ilc CAOUE , opposite poatolHce. 163-tf ! OR RENT A store on comer 10th am F Leayenworth. Inquire of deo. II. Peterson 138-tf " 171 OR RENT New house , eight rooms , han _ C nd so ! * rotor , on 23d mil Cats Sts. En quire 30712th St. 128-t T710R RENT A flne furnished front room .U first floor , between 14th and 15th streets , fo gentlemen. Inquire at 1115 Howard St. 107-t KENT House In Hbtill'a 2nd addition FOB per month. W. 8IUERAL , room 6 CrelghtonBiocfc. 895-tf T71OK RCfITA furnished , south tent room J } Inquire at No. 1C12 Fgrnham St. EBt RENT 2 furnished rooms otor Her FOR Exchange , N. E. Cor. ISth on Dodire streets. 28B- FOR SALE. FOR SALE One Inree ipan mules , wajo and harness. D. L. IHOtlAS , hoom I Creighton Block. SALE-FIn * resia'cu * , lot 100x200 feet EOR 7 pqntrea S. W. of court house , i5 * tlon rightly. John L. ilcCsgno , oppoaltg pott office , 219 eedtf S ALE , CHEAP Anew 16-horje power FOR holler. Omaha foundry dcMachloa C * . 229 2 ft SAtE tease and furniture ofaflrst- class hotel la a town of 1800 inhabitant" ? , In haUof { Nebraska , * Has SI beds , theltratelline men's resort. Inquire at Bes oBc ( . 213 If FOR SAti DMiTcrerf In any pirt WATER city. Call on or a22r si THO3. 1WIFIcor. . 16th aid Chicago Sts. 208.11 R SALE At public auction to th high- eft bidder , a house with two lots and a lease iring' the end of fix ycarfl , with Rood tfell. ZB'h and South St ; Mafy's , Aventto. north of the pond , x > n Saturday , January 2l t , st 2 ft m. A. C. QORDUN. 213.22 F UR SALE Good fresh milk cow. I quire C'xmmcnrlnd , No. 207 S. ISth S t. 207-tf EOR SALE At a bargain , my stock of gro ceries and fixtures. I will also rent to pur chaser my building and wazon scales. Inquire corner 16th and Izard street. , B. C. RKPilAN. SOJ-U E OR SALE A BAROAIN-A building * lth saloon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th St. , opposite the U. P. depot , for sale very chrap. Or the fixture ) , furniture and clock will be sold and building rented. Inquire of El ) . KREISS MAN. 79-tf EOR SALE Two close carriages , at A. J. Slmpson'u. 911-tf MISCELLANEOUS- C1TRAYED A large white spotted pony mire , O from Jones St , 'bet. flth and 7th. OUS BOHLMAN. 223-J2 UP 2 black colts , one year old JL mare and one 2 year old horse calt , 8 miles north on Missouri botton GQTTLIEB HEYB , 852 eBw ( STOLEN OR bTRAYED From the'uader ] signed Friday , January 14th , a bay aaie , 8 years old , left front foot white tear from rubbing , on right side of her neck near the jaw. Had on at tha time a grey blanket , new saddle and bridle. A liberal reward will be paid for her return or far information leading to where [ she can be had C. ti. Lelienring , Masonic bu'ldinsr. ' Omaha , Neb. , Jan. 18 , 81. 218-21 T OST On Thursday evening , a WBZZLT B ; 11 subscription receipt book of no value or mete to the finder , whowill be Rive a a reward of two dollars for returning the same to this office. 197-15 Absolutely Pure. Hade from Grap * Cream Tartar. No other preparation makes such llzht , flaky hot breads , or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by rtr peptlc without fear of the ills resulting from ha in digestible food. Hold only In can * by all Oroc r . ROTJUi Bisise POWDER Co. . New rk. < HC t f day at home. Bampef wor 0)3 I tree. Addresa Stlason A Co porttoi. lie. WOETH EEMEMBEBING- That TiWtAsr'B BXLHM Anaror repreio in e ch bottle thirty or forty elatseiof _ Spar I vg Saltier Water , containing all the rirtuet of th celebraUd German Spring. It is always fresh nd always tdy , and thna connnends Itself to S. P. MORSE & CO. , GASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. 1319 Preparing for extensive improvements in our store and to reduce stock for our semi-annual in ventory , we offer great bargains in our MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. and have placed on our counters over five thou sand five hundred yards of Frencn , English and German 24-inch Brocades , Damasses , Mohairs , De Begesat 16 2-3 cents. Not a yard of these goods could be bought at wholesale to-day tor less than 30 cents. At 25 cents two thousand five hundred yards of jtrictly all wool Momies , Fancy Brocades , JVIattel- lases , &c. , worth at wholesale to-day 37 1-2 cents. BEST BARGAIN WE OFFER 9 is fifteen hundred yards of all wool French Brocades , Armures. c , , $4 inches wide , very line , closely woven goods , at 3T1-3 cents worth 60 cents. 25 nieces all wool Colored Cashmere * 40 inches wide , marked down from Jo ccnb ; also a large lot of all Moniie Cloths at 50 cents , 43 inches wide and wortU § 1 a yard. VELVETS , PLUSHES , SATINS , BROCADED SILKS , Satin Brocade Velvets at § 3,50 reduced from $5,00. < < < 3.90 ' " 6.00. Colored Brocade Velvets 3.75 " " 5.00. Black Brocades Silk 1.75 " " 2.50. Colored Silk and Wool Brocades 48 inches wide at $2.00 , formerly sold at $4,00 , BLANKETS ! BLANKETS ! To effect a eure said on every pair of Blankets wa own , We note the following : Gall and examine 10-4 Heavy White Blankets at $5.00 , formerly 6.00 , ' " " " , " . . 11-4 6,00 , 7.tfO. " " " " . " . : 11-4 6.75 , 8.00 " " " . " . . 11-4 8.00 , 10.00. 12-4 ' " 9.00 , " 12.00. A fewflne Bed Comforts leftthatwe offer at 25 perceCt less than former prices. Thia is only a slight inkling of reductions made this mon th in all the departments from , first to third story of our Farnham Street Store. & / AOADEMYOF MUSIC ! _ One Week-Saturday Matinee. Oommenciug MONDAY Jan , 17. Appearance of Prof. J. M. MAGALLISTER. Great Wizard OF THE WORLD. fn a choice selection of wonderful T/lujfen / * , Btartlimr transformations and bewildering Joita ofMijflc : At the close of each entertalnmeS * 100 osefofand eo"tly pre enta will be given to the audience. . Admission-Gallery ( wi > rt "t of ne en- All seats down stairs , BOc. Reserved seita at Max Meyer Bros. _ wtthofil , < mtra charge j. U. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Maaoolo Hall , ' ' KBB OMAHA. - - ' EAST INDIA BITTERS I 9LF.R & GO. , 6OLB MANUFAOTUBERB , OSAHA. Neb. J. H. R.IEGEL & CO. Successors to J. H. THIELE , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 12J2O Douglas Street , Qjyr v T = r A BURNED OUT , But at it Again- C.H.&J.T. COLLINS . . . . , AND Saddlery Hardware , HARNESS , COLLARS , Stock Saddles , etc. , Now Beady for Business. Next .Door to Omaha ' Na tional Bank , Douglas Street , tar-After Jan. 5th , 1316 Douglas St. , opposite Academy of Music. declt-tf JNO. G. JACOBS , ( formerly of Olsh 4 Jacobf ) UNDERTAKER Old Stand of jMob Oil SOLICITS AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & DO. , TIHilED BOSTONCLOTHING CLOTHING HOUSE , FARNilAM STREET. 5O3OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. P.oose | it.1" 8 next nirnt-7 00) ) da s to sell theli efltire stock 01 Diamonds , Vetches , Jewelry , OlCPks. Silver-War Pianos < Qrgan GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , WMch is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced. MONEY TALKS All sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to offer the consumers of the weed only first qnality goods for their money. Best straight lOo Cigar in the city , -Beat 3 for a quarter Cigar in the city , Best Straight 5c Cigar in the city , Detroit Pine Cut a Specialty , Oar 80s Fine Cut IB a good one , Bagle/s May Flower in 8 and 16 ounce tinn , For 40o we have bang up SmoHne Tobacco , [ AT THE " MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " 1417 Douglas Street. We are the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bagley's May Flower. . MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. The largest and beat assortment of Trunks and Yalises in the West. Telescopic Cases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , - - - PBPL. " 14th St. , 3 Doors North of Bontfas St.