THEDAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , Jan. 20 , BREVITIES , " Patereon eeUifcoaL Good ikating at the park. Oysters , 25c , 30c and 40c at Buffett Whipple , McMillan & Ca , the jewi n.Creighton Block. ° 26-tf There will be a camp fire by Cost Host next Monday night. The enow melted rapidly to-day und the influence of the sun's rays. Don't omh to look on third paj lor Crulcksbank's description of hon goods they are offering. A typ9gr pbieal error made us fix t ] hour of the rendezvous for sleighs to go Council Bluffs at 10 p. m. , instead of p. m. yesterday. The new steam fire engine which tl Lincoln council has leased from SiUby Ca , lor ten months at $100 per mont ! 'rent down via the TJ. P. R. R. yesterday There will be a special communicatic t > f St. John's Lodge , No. 25 , th ( Thursday ) evening for work in the M. M degree. Visiting brethren are cordial ) nrited. James B.Bruner , Master. C. H. Fitch , assistant inspector RCI ral of the second district of the depar ment of Nebraska , G. A. E. , returne from i.Papillion yesterday , having ii ctolled the officers of the post there lai night. Since the return of Counselor Fonc from Newark , N. J. , he has gone into tl law office of Mr. D. VanEtten as a par ner in the business. The new firm is Vi Etteu& Fonda. It will , no doubt , ha Abundant patronage. The next of the "Unitarian lyceu : meetings , held at the church every othi Thursday evening , will take place th evening , on which roccasion the sul ject will be "Prohibition , " Gen. Ebfc brook leading off in the discussion , followc fey other local talent on both eideR of th question. Everybody i * welcome vilhot money and without price , and are priv leged to take part in the discussions. Mr. Wm. V. Wood , of this city , an his bride arrived from Council Bluffs a noon yesterday , and stopped over at th Withnoll house until to-day , whe they "wlll leave for C mpThoma , Arizon : vhere Mr. Wood is engaged in businesi Thewedding tookplace itOa. m.yesterdaj the bride being Miss Mamie James , c Council Bluffs. The party had intende to proceed west to-day , but were compelle to He over by reason of having left some c their baggage on the other side of the rivei A narrow escape from a collision b tween a street car and a U. P. switch en pine happened yesterday at the Tent ! street crossinr- . The street cat was coin ing down the hill , when Thomas Casey the flagman , signalled the drher , who tra unable to stop his car. The engineer re versed his engine , but was not able t < bring it to a stand still before reaching tin crosning. The engine just grazed the re * end of the car as it passel the crossing There were no passengers in the car at thi time or there would have been a panii which would hate resulted in somebodi getting hurt. The Ivanhoes are booked forSatur day , the 291h , at the Academy of Music in the deeply interesting drama , "Erir Aroon. " Contrary to former announce incut * the ploy will he produced for the benefit of.thePoor Clare Sisters , instead o ! the Holy Tamily parish , over whicli Father Quinn presides , that rciirend gen- llcoiaii having foregone his title , that thafo holy ladies might be assisted in theit endeavors to complete their convent. The Tvanhnes , in this noble undertaking , de serves the warmest impport of all. Tickets . * > 0 cent * . SOLID GOLD AND BANGLE. Hraclots at § Whipple , McMillen A Co.'s , the jewelers , Creighton block , Fifteenth street. This stock is by fat the finest , both in quality , design und finish , ever brought to Omaha. Call and see for your selves. FOR GOOD and RELIABLE watch and clock work , go to EDIIOLM & ERICKSON'S , The Jewelers , opp. Postoffice. If you want a good GOLD or Sil ver watch , buy allockford quick train movement It will beat anything on record for good time. Call and see them , at EDHOLM & ERICKSON , The Jewelers , opp. Postoffice. Canned Goods ! Canned ( foods ! J't ; il\t \ dozen , at wholesale rates. jlO-w&f FLEMING & Co. , Grocers. PKRSONAL , PARAGRAPHS. Sol Prince has gone to Boston to visit hia pirenta. Tense T. Davis , of Blair , was in the city Tuesday. Dick Kitchen , of thejWithnell HoneY If ft yesterday for Laramie. Mrs. H. IL Ringwalt and sister , Mr * N. C O'Brien , returned from Chicane yesUnlay. T. M. Bennett , assistant superintendent of buildings and bridge * , T7. P. , went est vesterdty. Wm. Pinkerton , Supt. f the Chicago il tectve agency , registered at the With- nell last night. Mr. Leonard Liveey and Miss San h I'ineh returned from aislt to New York ast evening. .T. A. Edhin , train dispatcher , U. P. Hcadquaitor * , let t for-Laramie yesterday with Mm. Edcon. Mim Gertrude Belcher , daughter of Major J. IL Belcher , U. S. A. , is \ Mting Mrs. Dr. Peabody. Mr. P. H. Swift , B. & M. engineer tA J'UtUmouth , came up yesterday to spend jv few d y at honi * . Messw. Brown and liabcocir , representS - S The Beatrice Express and Courier , were in the city yesterday. rd. Schroeder , representing the whole- Rale liqunr houe of Joe Blake & Co. . went to Paplllion yesterday on business. Hon. James Stevenson left to-day to pay off the employes on his Idaho and olorndo rtvre ine ; . Hewill be absent n'KHlt two weeks. J. H. Stein , manner of L. B. Wil- liims & Son * * Uiloring department , went tt Papillion tc-day in response to tele- Ettni to take some me&iure * . < Jewelry Ilou-e of Whipple , A" Co. , CreigLton block , treat , have just opened a ' f 'ifteenth of solid GOLD and ' 8 the finest , aseort- } > ANGLE btaceU. 'n ' the west. mnnt erer exhibited . . Towl- Xfine aavortment of Linctu & Kaplctni , etc , ftt Cocpt. I Some fine novelties , drew goods and plaidi , that mutt be aold to make roomer { or epring good * . CoorrK & Lino. MOUNT'S MAEOH , The Exodus of Omaha Pleai urea Seekers to Another State. HAll:30p | , m. m'.erday theOmal sleigh riders left for their second trite to Council Bluffs. The proceBslc formed at the corner of Farnam an Fourteenth , headed by Mr. D. 1 Mount , left for the lov shore. The expedition nun bared two hundred and thirtee aleighs and was enthused by tl strains of the band of the Ninth ii fantry , secured for the occasion. A the finest rigs in town were out an many of a more primitive characto : There were ten four-in-hand teair and several driven tanden Waving flags and pampi plumes decorated a majority of tt horses , while numerous fantastic ou fits added to the Interesting appea : ance of the procession , which wi over two miles long. At the rivi several drivers returned , the ice m der the effect of the recent thaw n < appearing aafo to them , but there wei enough left to make & creditable & ] pearance , and for an hour the rive bottoms on the other Bide were blac with moving vehicles. An immense crowd lined the atrei and sidewalks on Farnam to witnei the extraordinary display. A specii four-horse rig was provided for tl reoresenta'ives of the pres and the wives. Among the curious outGiawj that of A. J. Simpson , of the carriaf ! repository , which was constructed < an empty crockery crate. The fire d < partment was represented by th Hook and Ladder team , driven b Jim O'Brien. The party was in hig spirits in expectation of a jolly time SOMETHING ABOUT BUSH MAN'S. It is to your pecuniary interest t read this. Wo do not advertise r ductions in prices all the year round We. never ask exorbitant prices , bti twice each year WE DO MAKE SOM LARGE REDUCTIONS from our alway low caah prices. Wo close out som goods regardless of their cost. Jue now we are CLOSING our CLOAKS re gardless of their cost. If you wan one go at once and look rround ; thei come and see us , and WE WILL SAV : Ton MONEY. Compare our forme prices with those of others ; you wll then know where to buy early In thi season. Compare our present prices you will thea know where to bu NOW. Compare our former prices oj Brocaded Velvets ; compare our price uow. In the same way compare ou : prices on Dress Goods , Hosiery , Kni Goods and many other goods too num arotia to mention. Call and see us \Vo moan what wo Biy when wo ad rortiso. Remember iho place , BUSHMAN'S DKT GOODS STOKE. COMPARE TRICES ! ! : SAVI MONEY ! ! : ! Rare chance to secure some of the tncs < flavoring extracts 710101 to the rado at the price of a common article. Having an overstock of fine extracts , * iuch as lemon and Vanilla , flavoring jxtracts , we shall offer them to out : uctomera at wholesale price until the present stock it sold. Try a bottle , aold under a full guarantee to Buit 01 .he money will bo refunded. We are else offering extra induce nenla in teas and coffee. Call and ; et simple , also a complete line of can ; oods , to ba sold cJtcap. Dfied fruita iow ( priccsandprices on joblot goods hat will astonish you. Superior able eyrup at $2.50 per kep. Call at the Tea store of W. R. Ben- tett & Co. and socnro some of the bar- ; ains offered. No. 113 North Fif- oonth street , Omaha , Nebraska. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS. We arc selling a REINFORCED PRONT SQIRT , fine Linen CUFFS nd BOSOM , Wamsutta Muslin ihist for 89 cents , that beats any $1.00 hirt in the city. Ask to see it. L. B. WILLIAMS & Soxs' . Fifteenth and Dodge St. A magnificent display of solid GOLD nd BANGLE bracelets just received , t Whipplc , McMillen & Co. > , the ewelerf , Creighlon Block , Fifteenth treet. The diepliv is unequalled , loth In design and quality. Call early tad secure bargains. The Polica Court. In thejjolicocourtyesterdayraorniDg ! Jward Fitzgerald , an old offender , ras fined $10 and costs and sentenced o thirty days in the county jail for ietit larceny. Ho confessed to hav- ag procured a kuy to Peter Goos' lotel and on last Sunday evening , at 0:30 o'clock , unlocking the door and ebbing the tilt of $4.50. He was tr eated Wednesday night. _ Pat Gallagher , who is charged with lighsray robbery , was arrested last light and will bo examined by Judge iterabort ; . He gave the officers who lade the nrrcst a hard tuastl. Ono drunk va * sent to jail in efault of § 3 and costs. TO MY CUSTOMERS. Being burned down iu my Fifteenth : reet grocery store I herewith beg my istomerj to luivo their orders at my ranch store , Xcs. 412 , 414 and 415 , rath Thirteenth street. ) -3t JULIUS TKITSCHKE. FURS ! FURS ! 1 FURS ! ! ! Ladioa' and gents' fur goods of ev- y description at the Fur Manufac- iry , opposite pustoffica , Omaha. All sode'nre warranted. HENRY G. RICUTEK , dec 13-tf Furrier Straight Old-Faduoned Symp. O-w&f FLEMING fc Co. , Grocers , LOLT Oaa gold and Rorain locket , itwoon Sixteenth and Burt and istoffice. Suitable reward paid by mng at EDHOLM & ERICSSON'S. Oysters. ' Oysters ! on - ua - , 30and 35 cents per can. Direct from Baltimore , at GLADSTONE'S. 19-2t THE WHITE DOVE , Paace Reigns Between th Hitherto Hostile Rail roads. And -the Three Telegrapl Companies are Made One and Inseparable. The sale of tickets by the agents c the Chicago and Alton road at thi city at reduced rates , wag of short dt ration. In accordance with an orde issned received Tuesday3 the rate were restored for the present. Neitht tv.e WabiEh nor any of the pool line met the cut , and it was a very tarn affair as compared with oven th Wabash reduction of a few montl ago. The agents of the Alto road intimate thst the reduction c rates may bo again made before lonf The cause oi the cessation of hostil ties will ba learn ad in our dispatchei ATLANTIC ANU PACIFIC. Thi ? company , as stated a few daj ago , was on the point of putting in system of district telegraph when th newii of the consolidation of the thre telegraph companies reached the citj Manager Armstrong has now o hand two fi 10 registers with th necessary relays and overono hundre boxes. It was his intention and ordei to go to work at once completing tw circuits in the city , of the regulfl American . .District telegraph systen : system , such aa is In use In New Yor and other great cities of the easl The wire material anl sui plies are all on hands , bi ; in tha face of the consolidation , c which official notice was receive to-day that work will probably b stopped. The American Union rati fied the consolidation this mornin and the Western Union followed sni about noon. The A. & P. will do th same probably before to-morrow an the scheme will be perfected. It is a matter of great regret tha the consolidation came just when i did as the service above alluded t would , if put in operation , have bee af incalculable benefit to the citizen if Omaha. PERSONAL. F. B. Clark , general traffic manage Df the Chicago , St. Paul & Omaha rail iray ; W. G. Linn , traffic agent a Sioux City , and J. Hyland , assistan ; oaeral manager , are in the city 01 justness and will remain here two o : .area days. F. C. Hill , of the Sion : 3ity and Pacific met thorn at thii point last night and a conference wai icld. Best assortment of Prints in th ( iity. 16 and 20 YARDS FOR $1.00. L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS , Dodge and Fifteenth Streets. Cooper it Lard have some celebrat- d \Vateiloo Shawls , which they will : ! ese out cheap. 25 % REDUCTION. We will make a reduction of 25 % rom REGULAR SELLING PRICE n all CLOAKS , DOLMAMS AND JLSTERS. L. B. WILLIAMS it SONS' , Dodge and Fifteenth streets. A NEW FEED STORE. Geo. C. Burr & Co. have opened a ow flinr r.nd feed store at the corner f Barney and Fourteenth streets rhcro can always be found anything \ this line all kinds of chopped ied , bailed hay , etc. , etc. , which will e sold at the lowest cash figure and slivered to any part of the city free f charge. All orders promptly at- sndcd to. jan9t4 NOTICE. The annuil meeting of the stock oldora of the Wyoming Coal and lining Company of Nebraska , for 10 election of directors for the enau- ig year , will bo held at the offica of lie Union Pacific Railway Company i Omaha on Wednesday , the lJth ( ay of February , 1881 , between th ours oj 10 a n. and 4 p. m. of sid -y- F. M. AMES , Sec. Dated January 17,1881. 19j Teas ! Teas ! Teat ! Wa have unquestionably the finest nsll lot of tea in tha : tyfc ire spared no exponsa to entitle \u ) say so. Small oaddiei for family ie. FLEMTX * & Co. , Grocoi. iuea&lhtirj A Ckaaffe Needed. The srholar who was injurwl at the iigh Szhool yesterday , was George . Briggs , the step-son of BIr. Ber- am Hanson , of the U. P. The ' .stance fallen was only ntfb feet , but ie boy nad a narrow etcape from .lling down over the roof t the ground. The limb fractured just above ie ankle and the injury will confine i n to the house for some time. Wo ideratand that the boys are allowed i make the accent of the steps to the iwer. which ia cartainly a thing that tould not bo allowed on any account. Fcr Sule six-horse power Baxter igino crd boiler , in good repair. 1 ply at BEE offirA no4tf LOST One gold and Roman locket , itween Sixteenth and Burt and > sioffico. Suitable reward paid by twing at EDUOLM & ERICKSON'S. " Our Annual Review. THE BEE'S Annual Illustrated Re- ew is now ready and on sale at the iblication office. Never before has p industries , progress and enter- iso of Omaha been so well repro- nted. The views are magnificent , owing many of the principal public , ivate , bcsinuRs and manufacturing lildings ; water works , government hidings , packing establishments , Alio a history of the commercial insactlons during the year 1880 ; tether - ther with valuable and reliable itistical tablet , showing the number houses built , the manufacturing , oklng , railroad and other business tnsacted during the past twelve mths. The Annual is an eight page , 33x47 iheii in size , printed "on hearv white per of superior quality and finish , .king a handsome present or keep- re. Price 10 cents per copy ; itage 2 centa additional. PAEKER'S ' PENALTY. Judge Dundy Sentences Hir to Light Fine His Remarks. Our readers wilt remember the d < tails of the arrest of Edward Parker i this city a few weeks ago , on th charge of robbing the United State mail. For years Parker resided i Merrick county , where he was count clerk , and which county ho also repn ssnted in the legislature in 1873 , whe he was known as the "long-haire Parker" the hunter of the plaini The Lincoln Journal of to-day cor tains the following account of hia ai raignment for sentence , before Judg Elmer S. Dundy , of the United State court , which took place yesterday : The court , addressing the defent ant , said : Sir. Parker , there is th case of the United States against yet which I wish to dispose of this niori ing. If you have anything to say will hear you. Parker I have nothing , yet honor. The Court I have known you ft many years how long , I cannot we remember and I never heard of an charge againit ycu of a criminal nt tnre until the commission of this oj fcnae. A largo number of your ol friends and prominent citizens in th county where you lived have sent petition hero asking that the punish incut inflicted on you be made n light as is consistent with the end of justics. You have been in th military service of the governmenl entering the army when quite a youn man a mere boy in fact and faith fully dipcharging your duty in th service. When that has been done always take the fact into considers tion , and largely for the reason that soldier in the army is placed whci temptations are constantly thrown i his way , and where his fall may b easy. Letters have been received hot informing me that yon have sufTero as much while you have been awaj trying to escape from the punishmer duo your act , as any criminal tribuni could inflict upon you. That may b true , and probably it is true. Th law unier which you are indictc vests considerable discretion in th court in the infliction of punishment For stealing or misappropriating mai matter to the value of $25 and up wards , the imprisonment is to bo fc a term not exceeding three year , when the value of said matter is lea than $25 , then the imprisonment i to bo not more than one year , and th fine not leas than § 10 nor more tha ; 8200 That is the law , and the In dictraont charges you with stoalin property of less value than $15 Under the circumstances of your case therefore , and also considering th fact that you have taken a prominen part in the affairs of the state since it foundation , and have usefully fillei many oriices in your owi 2ounty , I have concluded ti waive imprisonment in you : ase , and only Impose a fine. I do no nrant to deprive yon of your civi : guts , nor put yon under the neceo sity when the term of imprisonmen ? xplrad of obtaining a pardon. Yoi rill bo fined $100 and 'ho costs o , ho prosecution ; and in thus limitinf four punishment I think I am takin ; : he better part. Discnarge the fine R' ' loon as you possibly can ; and also re nove the cause which has brought yet o this bar. Parker I thank your honor ; and ] bank alao the officers of thb court foi heir kind treatment of me since mj .rrest. . " SNOWFLAKE ! SNOWFAKE ! .1 Superior patent flow § 4.00 pei mndred. Try it. FLEMING'S , Fourteenth and Douglas. Special Notice. L B. WILLIAMS SONS , > od o and Fifteenth Streets , Having finished their Annual aventory , and wishing ; to make oem for oni Large Spring Stooi re Makin some HEAVY REDUCTIONS fc all Departments , in order tc close onr stock of JLOAKS nnd DOLMANS , we wUl make a IEDUOTION OF 25 PER CENT from regular selling price. Anyone in need of such an Arti cle will do well to take Ad vantage of this Offer 1GURED MOMIE CLOTHS , Form'-r price 221-2c. Reduced to 12 l-2c. Ladles' Mull ; Ties 25c , sold verywhere for 50c. We just received a large line f WHITE FLAMELS , At Very Low 'ABLE ' LINENS , TOWELS " " " AND CRASHES , At Attrnctivc Pricesi WHITE BLANKETS , Only $2.00 a pair. iENT'S SCARLET UNDERWEAR - WEAR $1.25. Reduced from $2 00. BEST PRINTS , 16 yards for $1.00. The Cash System having oved Very satisfactory dur- g the past year we shall still intinue it , making prices low- than ever. R. T\1LLIA3IS & SONS' "Gash Honse , " Dodge and Fifteenth Sts. SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE Advertisements To I < e * * or Sal Lost , Found , Wanto , Bo rdlnsr Ac. , will be 1 sorted in thcsa columns once for TEN CEN1 per Une ; each enbae entlngertlon.FIVE OEN1 per line. The flist lascrtlon never lesa th TWSNTT.FITS CEMTS. _ TO LOAM-MDIliT. OH2T XO J.QAH Call at Law Oflee M1 D. L. THOMAS. Ilooro B. Rrelghton Bloc M1M 0NKY TO LOAN 1109 Famham rtree M Dr. Edwardfl Lo n Agency , nov-22-U HELP WOTTED Situation for general hous WASTED . family I * i work in x rcspictablo | Gctulan , a well educated girl. Inquire at ' book stor Farnbam St. , btt. llthand 12th. 220-20 \VTANTED-i second gill at Relneke's Re \ V taurant , cor. IStn and Jackson 8t ? . 221-21 \TrANTED-SitUJtIon by a rapid and ae VY cunw eRort-hand writer. Addre : 8tenoraplier , thi ) office. 211-24 ANTED-Qirl for general housefork iu email family ; mas ; be Rood cooViah and irene - . Apply southcajt corner of llth an HownrcJ Sts. 10- Wcman cook , also a dining roe WANTED ot Mrs. McCov , on Poppletc Avc , , bet. 0thaml i2d. ncirnewGomimier Corrall. 212-22 "tTTANtED A girl fjr general house oil VV best of wajei paid. Inquire at the Amer canflcu e. 2U-S2 TTTANTED Girl for general house , must 1 VY COO'l crok , washer sndironer. Inquire' E. corner 20th andCaUfomiaBtrccts. IsO-tf An experienced butcher want WASTED a meat u.itketl n aomo small v , es era tiin-n , where there is none , or whera one 1 neeile i ; weald Uko a rcliallo partner. Addro h. K. Wubb , Jackgon , DtKota Co. Neb. 90- A good house-keep , r , 1100 Far ham street , upttairs. _ 32-tt " iNTKD All Om-ilii know that tt W Royil St. John la the Kixa of Sewini ieg. oilice on l th St. Stt- AKD ICELY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RESCT- Wlth board , suitibl f jr KCnllcman an lady , ISth and Califom a street ? , ( white hous 222-tl T710R BEMT Tnrni-hcd rocnu. Inquire at th JD Amcricaii House. 215-22 RENT binelv furnished front roon FOR f cuth 6tde. at 1310 Da\cnport fct. 195- TOK SALE 4 coid horgcj , whicli were Ben P hero from Illinois to ho sold.f. . L. Lo ii 1205 Kainham St. lg tf 17 > 0lSALr. ! Tno-Btory house and fu 1 lot , o j1 Capitol hill. IIo\i e contains 8 room * and i nearly new. Locitlou first-claM. JXO. L. il ( CAOUK , npposiln postofflce. 163If KKNT A store on comer 10th an Foil . Inqaire < rf Goo. II. Tetersoi _ I36-tf TJI OR KENT New house , eight rooms , hai and soft water , on 23d and Casa Sts Ei ' 12th St. 128-1 _ _ RENT A fire furnished front roon FOR first floor , between J4lh and 15th strceta. ft Rcntltmen Inquire at 1415 Howard Pt. 107- T710K KENT Honso in tohnli's 2nd &dditloi r 815 per month. IV. SIUKRAt/ , room I Crelghlon B'ock. _ 895-tf TT OH KKXT A funilshod , eiutn icnt roon. J Inquire it Kb 1C12 Karnham St. S8t-1 HKI < r 2 lurmghed rooms over Me ; F10K chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 10th sn Rolee BtroetB. 289-lf FDR SALE. FOR SALE Fine residence , lot 100x200 feel only 7 squires S. W. of court house , loc .ion sight'y. ' John L. SIcCague , opposite posi > m" " 210 eoUtf FOR SALS Lease and furniture of a firs class hotel iu a town of 1300 inhabitant * , i state of Netiraslia. Has 24 beds , thejtravellin ntn's rcsorU Inquirn at Ecc office. 218-tf WATER FOR SALE Delivered in any pn , , , , . 'Ulcelt5'Cal1 on pr address TBOS jWJFf , cor. 15th and Chicago Sts. 2C8-tf FOR SALE At public auction tothehlgi c t bidder , a house with two lots and a leas sxplrlnp a' the end of fix years , with goad well ! 5 h ami South St. Siarya Avenue , north of th end , on Saturday , January 21st , at 2 p. m. A ; . QOKDUN. 213-S2 FOR SALK Good fresh milk cow. I. qulr C-immcnzlnJ , No. 207 S. 13th St. 207-1 I OR SALE At a bargain , my stock of ere U ceries and fixtures. I will also rent to pui .baser my building and waron scales. Inqnlr : orncr 16th and Itard street. , D C. REDMAN M-tl FOR SALE A BARGAIN A bulldinjr 'will onloon nrturca , furniture and stock , on lOtl > t. , opposite the U. P. depot , forsale very chfan > r the fixtures , furniture and stock will bo soli ' ? . .VTu dinS rented. Inquire of El > . KTiEISS IAN- 79-tf nOR SALE Two close carriages , at A. J U Simpson's. 911-tf MISCEUANEOUS. 3T9LEX OR CTHAYED-From the undei signed nisht , January 14th. a bai nare , 8 J tars old , left front foot whits tci rnm nmbinj , on right side of her neck nca he Jaw Had on at the time a trrcy blinket lew saddle and bridle. A lilicnl reward will be wd for her return nr f jr information leadint o where ( she .can be had C. t > . Leiscnring Iftwmsbulding- . Onuha , Neb .Jan. 18 , ' ; J1. 218-21 r OST-On Thursday evening , a WJSKKLY BBI U subscription receipt book of no va'ueorus' ' o tlio flnder , who trill Be elven a reward of twi lollars for returning the same to thi ) office. . 1D7-15 MAKbN UP-2 bla < .k 1 je r ol , JL mare and one 2 year old horsa c It , 3 mile -orth - on Migjoari bottom. GoTTLIEB IIEYK 8S2 cl5w TKAYEU Largo roan cow with snort tail J Finder will bo rewarded by returning to J ! . Orton , 15tU bt. , next to Uaitman'u schoo ino-t-a-w - - - Absolutely Pure. Uado from Grape Cream Tartar. No othir eparntion makes such lUht , flaky hot breaag , ' luxurious pastry. Can bo eaten by clrtpaptla itiiout fear of the ills resulting from ho In- ratlblefood. Sold only in cans by all Grocers. ROTAL BAKIXO "POWDRR Co. . New rk. LGADEMT OF MUSIC I One Week Saturday Matinee. ommencing MONDAY Jan , 17 , Appearance of Prof. J" . M. IIAGALLISTER. ( Ircat Wizard OF THE WORLD. [ n a choice selection of wonderful Plniiong , rthni ; transformations an 1 bewildering /eita blislc At the close of oich entertainment ) n ful and costly present * will be piven to : audience. WmVion Gallery ( win , prc ut of ne en- opc)25c at BP U down stairs , 50c. tejervwl scat ? at Mix Mejer Bros , without j n5-6 : IJC A cct in your own town , lerau and JU PUtfltfros. A-iAnvt Ii. HUla'.t A Co. , rtland.Me 1 t r d jt home htmpln ir of J I fro * . Addreiu Stlnson A do tland. Me. ay on harlnj devl animals I will remove tn free of Chirac. Lo\Te orders southeait n r of Harney and llth St. , second door. CHARLES SPLITT. THE DAILY BEE ntains the Litest Home and Tele- News of U } Day. ONE MILLION ACHE ; O3E" CHEAP LANE 3CW EASTERN NEBRASKA , $2TO$5PERAGRE 20,000 Acres visa- DOUGLAS COUNTY 6 to 12 Miles from Omaha $6 to $10 per Acre , on Long Time and Low Interest. Large tracts suitable fo Colonies in all the bes Oounties in the State , 80,000 acres scatterei through Iowa. A large number of Improve Farms in Nebraska , many c them near Omaha , $12 to $4 < per acre , An Immense List of OMAHA CITY PROPERTY Consisting of Elegant Eesi iencea from $3,000 to $20 , 000. Many vacant lots ii bhe additions to Omaha Hundreds of lots ecatterei Lhrough the City. Houses am Lots , Business Houses an < Lots , and all kinds of Oi ] Real Estate. We also have MONEY TO LOAN ) n Improved Farms in Dong as County , on 5 years time , a1 LO percent , interest to all whe JBn show good titles. Maps for Douglas and Sarn ] Counties for sale. beantltul lota fronting eonth la Isaac & Solden's Ado. for 9460 half caah. louse and lot , 22d and Dodge . f louse and lot near Brownell Hall . > ro new houses and full lot , rents for glSOporjear . few brick house , 21x25. 1J story , with 3 lota . . . louie and lot Webster Bt . Is jarco house and corner lot . 6 OW aree house , full lot. California Bt . 4 OOC tesidcnce and 4 full lots , St. Mary-a ave. . 6.60C louse and small lot , south of depot . 95 ( louie and smtll lot , south of depot . ( JSi losldence propoity , Kountio and Kuth'a . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . , . .c > atffC.B ( ( > a > B ( * flna residence property . 10000 loupe and lot , 22d and Harner . 1'gOG louse and lot , Nelson'a addition . 2 700 louse and lot Shinn'a addition . l.eoo tesidencoand comer lot . aoofi loaidenco ( cash ) . 7500 edw . 600o lesidence . _ _ . _ _ . . 5 500 [ ouie and one-half lot . i.esc 'hree ' houses and corner lot . 7,600 lesidenc * and corner lot . 7500 [ ouse and 60 feet front , I6th street . 3,700 arire house and corner lot. . _ . . . , . . . . . . 6,500 .ogidence and three lots . 6,500 wo house and corner two-thirds of cor ner lot . 1,100 iousa and small lot , CMS street . 2,100 tauseandlot , 27th near Farnham . l.OOf BOOGS&niLL. Irlik hooio nd corner lot . 1,305 attt house and full lot , Cumlngi at . 2,350 Rtaieandlot , 23d street . 3,200 [ ouie and full lot , worth (4,000 for . 6,500 'ine ' brick reildenco . . . 1,500 irick resldeno * . 6,660 tome and corner lot . . . . i * 550 few two- tory houie and corner lot . 4200 ' Uenca and full lot , Famham at . 5,600 tome and one acre , 18th street . tou and half lot , 18th street . 2,200 touseandlot , Bhinn's addition . i goo louse and half lot , Casa street . 1,100 touse and half lot , Casj Street . 1,450 lealdenco and two lotg , Capitol Hill . 7 000 ilepnt brick residence 2 full Iota . 15,600 hMt rcsideno * In the city . 16000 * tldenco property . 17,000 esiden.e property . 17,500 residence . . - . . 6,600 louse and lot , Ehinn'a addition . 1200 [ onseandlot , Shlnn's addition . 1,500 [ onse and lot , 2ith and Firnham . 1,400 touso and lot. 27th and Douglas . $375 touse and fulllot , Izardst. . . l,7fo 'ewhonseand 1J lot . 2,20" esldenee property . . . 7,500 csidence property , very fine . 13.600 : ou9 and lot , Horbach's addition . 1.600 esldenee , Famham st . 6,000 onse and Jiot 1 block from Court House and i lot 1 block from Court House . 2,250 ouse and comer lot 2 blocks from Court House . . . 2,400 ouse and 1 t , Klcholab street . 1.090 ouse and 1 acre , Oiscs * addition . 640 ouse andlot , llth street . 000 irge building and six lots , 1 mile out. . . 4,000 ouseandloton Davenport . 3,600 oiueand Jlot , near depot . 1,500 onse and * lot , near depot . 800 Duseandlot , South Avenue . 1,000 ouie and lot , Shinn'a addition . 1,000 ialdence , Kountze and Rutb'a add . 2,600 isidence property , Kountze apd Ruth's iddltlon . . . 6,000 aidence property , south part tf town. . 2,500 > use and } lot , Webster ft . 2,700 > nse and 5 acres at barracks . 700 me and lot , Armstrong's addlt'n. . 1,000 ius and lot , South 1 ! it . 650 mse and lot , Eountze and Rmh'a ad litlon . 3,600 sidenceand } lot . . . . . . 2,700 IUSO and lot , 16th it . 3,600 Boggs & Hill , cC IEAL ESTATE BROKERS , 1408 Tarn. St. , Omaha , Neb. t" * * -V- t S. P. MORSE 00. GASH JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DRY GOODS. Preparing for extensive improveiTients in our store and to reduce stock for our semi-annual in ventory , we offer great bargains in our DNIFIGEKT STOCK OF D iOODS and have placed on our counters over five thou sand five hundred yards of French , English and German 24-inch Brocades , Darnasses , Mohairs , De 16 2-3 cents. Not a yard of these goods could be bought at wholesale io-day for less than 30 cents. At 25 cents two thousand five hundred yards of strictly all wool Momies , Fancy Brocades , Mattel- lases , & .C.J worth at wholesale to-day 37 1-2 cents. BARGAIN t is finci'ii hundred yards of all wool French Brocades , A rmures. Ac. , 34 inches wide , very fiac , closely woven goods , at 311-2 cents worth 00 cents. 25 pf < - < TS nil wotf ! Colored Cashmere , 40 inches wide , marl ved down from 75 e < -n { - ; nlso a large lot of til ! Momic Cloths at 50 cents , 4-2 inches wide and worth VELVETS , PLUSHES , SATINS , BROCADE ! ) SILKS. Satin Brocade .Velvets at $3,50 reduced from S5.00. ' * " " 3.90 < { " ( > .W , Colored lirocadc Velvets 3.75 ' " 5.UO. Black Brocades Silk 1.75 " < 2.50. Colored Silk and Wool Brocades 48 inches wide at $2.00 , formerly sold at $4.00. LANKETS ! BL E" Tx S a l v ! To effect a sure sale on every pair of Blankets we own , We note the following : Call and examine 10-4 Heavy White Blankets at $5.00 , formerly $6.00. 11-4 " 6,00 , " 7.50 , " " " " . " . . 11-4 6.75 , 8.00. " " " . " . , 11-4 8.00 , 10.00 12-4 " " " " 9.00 , " 12.00. A few fine Bed Comforts left that we offer at 25 per cent lees than former prices. made this month in all the departments This is only a slight inkling of reductions first to third story of our Parnham Street Store , S. F. UVLOIR-SIE ] &c CO. \ EAST INDIA dOLB MANUFACTURERS , OMAHA. Web. _ J. H. FLIEGEL & GO. Sncccsaors to J. II. TIIIELK , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , . ocUH DISEASES OF THE E E , Bar and Throat. DE. L. B. GRADDY * OCULIST , AURIST & LARYNGIST. Office Over Kennanl'sl Drug Store Corner of 14th and Douglas Sts. OTl8-3m BURNED OUT , But at it Again. G.H.&JSGOLLINS ! ! , AND Saddlery Hardware , HARNESS , COLLARS , Stock Saddles , etc. , Now Ready for Business. Next .Door to Omaha Na tional Rank , Douglas Street. 3&-bA ter Jan. 5th , 1316 Douglas St. , opposite Academy of Music. decU-tt MERCHANT TAILOR Oapitol Ave , , Opp. Maaonlc Hall , OMAHA , . - - - NBB 0&TA. S. PENDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN : &AS PERJ1AKKNTLT LOCATED HIS MID- ICAL OFFICE. S Tenth SUeot , OitAIIA , SEERASKA Offtricj hla § erricca la H departments to acdldne anj rantrj , both In tecen } n pccUI pnctlca acnta and chronic ( IbeueL Ca be comnlted nlht acd d j , aadwillTUtta part ot tha city and county ca receipt of > tt 91701 week. | 1U diy it home eiiOjr mad ; A Icontflt baa.Adirt * Trtt * & Co.PortlcJlI AGENTS FOR DEVLIN & CO. , BOSTONCLOTH CLOTH CLOTHHOUSE , FARNHAM STREET. 50,000 CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. F.'uiose for the next ir'infcy (90) ( ) days to sell their entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ I GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their V New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced. TSONEY TALK : 111 sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to ofler the consumers of the weed only first quality goods for their money. Best straight lOc Cigar in the city , Best 3 for a quarter Cigar in the oitp , ' Best Straight 5c Cigar in the city , Detroit Pina Cnt a Specialty , Oar 80a Pine Cnt is 3. good one , ' Bagley's May Plower in 8 and 16 onnoetiiH , For 40c we have bang up SmoMng Tob co , [ AT THE - " MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " / 1417 Doucias Street. J We are the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bagley's May Bower. ' MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTCRY , . The Urjat tad best OMO. taunt of rrnnks and Valises in the West. TelescopicCases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , - - - 117 IJUiSL , 3 DoorsXorlli of DeazIas'St. I