Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Wednesday Morning ,
evening received a
-Hobbie Bros , last
more tickets at cut
Ulegram to sell no
rate. This ends the railroad war for the
Paterson nella'coaL
City council to-night.
Good skating at the park.
See PobcK'B advertisement ,
-The Concordia meets to-night
Try Saxe'sfivo cent cigar , best in town.
-Oysters , 25c , SOcand 40c at Buffet's.
Remember the auction sale of A. C.
Mr. E. F. Cliildslostavaluablem are
Macallister , the wizard , api ars at the
Academy again to-night.
Whir-pie , McMillan & Co. , the jewel
ers , Crdghton Block. o2C-tf
The U. P. train last night was delayed
four hours by a wreck at Silver Creek.
The postage on THE BKE'S An
nual Review la TWO cento < 3fe not one
Lots , Farms , Houses nd Lands. Look
over Bemii * new column ot bargains on let
The young folks of the Lutheran
church will have a sleighing party this
The next party of the Imperial cluh
takes place on Wednesday evening , 1h
19th inet.
The Northwestern was an hour and a
lialf and the C. . B. & Q. an hour late this
It 5s reported that Dick Adams , the
defaulting Postmaster at Dcadwood , haa
been pardoned.
For Lands , Lot * , Houses and Farms ,
oo'/c over Bemis' new column on first r-age.
Brr ains.
Don't omli to look on third psgo
for Crnlckahank'e description of home
goods they are offering.
The dale of the month and the year
o-day contains only the figures , three SB
J three 1 Jan. 18th , 188L
The Trinity Guild sociable , which was
lo have been given this evening at Mr ? .
NathanShelton'e , has been postponed.
lr. J. S. Laisenricg has not yet found
his stolen marc. His advertisement , ol-
fering a reward , will he found in another
ProL Aughey will lecture in the Unit-
Rrian church on Friday evering at 7:30 ,
Subject , "The Probable Origin of Man in
America. "
W. J. Broatch received last week over
20J pairs of wagon aud buggy wheels , be
ing by far the largest shipment over ie-
ceived in Nebraska.
The CMC of Clopper v the Tinier.
Pacifi : railway company has been reversed
bv the U. S. Supreme court , and scut
back for a new trial.
Bob Brimmer , one of the leading art1
isti employed at the St. IJlmo , was pre
sented with a -n-pound boy by his wife
03 the night of the llth inst.
A woman of the town. Belle Rivers ,
BUcinptad to commit suicide last eveninf-
at the Golden Gate Ealoon by taking inor
phine , but at last accounts was in a fair
w. y to recover.
A meeting : of the Union Catholic li' '
brary association will be held Friday at
7:30 p. m. Members having lecture and
dratna tickets not paid for , will bring set
tlement of the same. A fall attendance
* ie requested.
* All the young people , and old , t o , are
hereby not ! Tied to meet at the church on
Douglas ptrect by halfrpast seven o'clock
prompt , to attend a meeting at the house
i if .1. Wcidensahl , in Shiun's addition.
i51ri ' 'K will beprotided. By order o ! the
An accident occurred on Davenport
ami 18th Ftrcct last night. A fled haing
on board < 1ohn and Charlie Duke , Willie
Craighton , and Charlie Dcllonc , rau into a
street car , knocking down one of the
Imrxcs. Youuc : Dellono was quite pevere-
ly injured about the hand aud shoulder.
Col. E. F. Smythe has taken into
partnership with himself in the practice of
law Mr. Tate , formerly of the firm of
Valentino & Tatc , West Point , Mr. Tate
having notified Mr. Valentine at the be
ginning of the prcient vesaion of congress
that ho was about to remove to Omiha.
Success to the new firm.
Alxmt January 30th M. B. Leavilt's
Grand English Opera Burlesque company
will pass through Omaha , en route to San
Francisco , as they leave New York on the
27tl > . The company numbers forty-five
firit clars English and Italian artists. Jar ,
A. Neville , their advance agent , wen
we t to-day. Why can't they stop over i
night !
The various portions of the work en
B > yd' new op ra house were contracted
Jor yesterday. The local contractors are
Itlner Bros. , brick work ; C. Sprecht , gal
vanized iron , tin and ulate work ; Drexel &
M ck , cut tone and flagging ; D. Fitzpatrick -
rick , plumbing and gas fitting. San e
changes have ben made in the original
plu.iS and when completed the cost of tin
buiUlinsaud grounds will be something
v.\cr § 100,000.
Tea * ! Teas ! Teas !
Wo have unquestionably the fines
mill lot of tea in the city. We
hive spared no expense to entitle ute
to say BO. Small caddies for
use. FLK.MIAXJ & Co. , Grocers.
M. Goldsmith has gone cast.
lx\ : i Carter left for Utah yesterday.
K iraca Newman went youth yesterday
Dr. O. S. Wood went south yesterday
Miws Kogera came up from Lincoln tt
noou yetterday.
M. M. Marshall went west yesterday ,
bound for Ogdcn.
Gen. Chas. F. Manderson went to Lm" .
coin yesterday morning.
Col. Edwin F. Smythe has gone to Lin
cola for the week.
P. J. Quaky went down to the state
capital yesterday morning.
George A. Perceval , of Ths Central Cit j
Item , was in the city yesterday.
Miss Leach wn -weit-boand passenger
to-d y , bound for LM Angelw
Major J. H. Belchetand family passed
through Om&h * Monday en route from
Sidney to Fort Lavenworth.
W. F. White
, geaeral ticket and passen
ger ajrent of the Atchison , Topeka and
S nU Fe railway , was in the cityMou-
d y.
FURS ! FURS 11 FURS 1 ! 1
Ladies' and gents' fnr goods of or
ery description at the Fur Manufac
tory , opposite postoffice , Omaha. All
good * are warranted.
eec 13-tf Farrier
Omaha and Council Blufis Sud
denly Conceive a Great
Friendship for Each
Omaha Will Cross the River
Again To-Day.
The scene at the corner of Harnoy
and Fifteenth streets at 4 o'clockMon61
day was an cxhtlirating ono. For
blocks on either side the streets were
crowded with sleighs and prancing
teams , while the music of the Ninth
infantry band and Olker's band of
Council Bluffa made the air ring with
melody. The occasion was the royal
good time being enjoyed by the visi
tors from Council Bltiffi and their
hosts of this city.
Messrs. D. T. Mount , Marsh Ken-
nird , W. A. Sharp and J. S. McUor-
mick had exerted themselves to show
the guests what Omaha hospitality is
the Withnell Houte was thrown
wide open to all , while committees on
the street met each advancing pirty
and invited them in for rest and re-
freshment. '
The ladies wore sumptuously enter-
tiincd in the elegant parlors on the
s icond floor , where , notwithstanding
the brief notice given , a collation of
oysters , turkey , salads , jelliec , cakes
aid every other delicacy was served
the dlnlnq-room force. The par
lors were crowded with ladles repre-
the best society in Council
, who did ample justice to the
liberality of their hocta.
The male visitors were entertained
down nlElrBj where a charming lunch ,
arranged in superb alyle , was prepared
under the superintendence of Mr.
Spsnca Stoverwhoso beaming face
welcomed the guests , and whoso active
hsnda dispensed liquid refreshments
and Raleigh's favorilea across the wal-
mt counter Mayor James , of
jrtnncil Jiluffs , Mayor Chase , of
Omaha , and lesser dignitaries
from both cities wore distinguished
amonij the delighted and harmonious
crowd. About 5 o'clock the visitors ,
after a friendly muaicil contest be-
the two bands , each playing
alternately , and after driving about
the principal streets , left for home.
In referring to their trip the Coun
cil Bluffs Nonpareil of yesterday says :
'It is ncodlces to say that young and
old , grave and gay wore last night en
thusiastic in the praise both of the re-
ceptlon and hospitality received In
our neighboring city , and the visit
will pass int-i the history of the two
cities , not only as a remarkable gath-
ring , but one M herein rivalry in busi
ness was forgotten , and in its stead an
overflow of gotd feeling chimed the
hour und will over hold a place among
treasured memories of 1F81.
The three hundred or more
ladies and gentlemen who partici
pated ill 'ong remember the royal
mnner in which they wore received
nnd treated by the generous-hearted
find enterprising citizens of our 'sin-
twister. ' The reception given the
party in the parlors of the Withnell
llouco WAS eomothing altogether un
expected , bat was nevertheless highly
appreciated. All wo can say to. the
citizens of Omaha IB , como over again
and test the hospitalities of Council
Bluflj , and just let us know an hour
or two before you come. "
ACT Tinun.
The invitation thus extended will
bo accepted , for determined
to sliotr Council Bltiffi that Omaha
can't bo outdone in display any more
than in hospitality , the people of this
city will return the friendly call.
Everybody is invited to participate in
this sleigh rida to Council Bluffs who
can do souid especially the ladies.
The party will rendezvous at the cor
ner of Fourteenth and Farnham
at 10 p" , in. , sharp , to-morrow ( Wed <
nesiay. ) Gi'ii. King and the bar
racks people will come down in full
force with a four-hone team and oth
er outfits. The military band will bi
with them , nnd it is desired to tun :
out everything that goes on runners
that , can bo found in the city. Coun
oil JBlufla , which showed up ninety
five rigs in thoj streets here , claims to
have had 137. Omaha will send eve :
nearly two hundred , if not more. Le
everybady turn out. All information
desired can bo obtained from any o ;
the gentlemen mentioned above.
A Sup&rlor patent jlour ; 54.00 pe
hundred. Ty it. FLEMING'S ,
JFonrteenth aud Donglaa.
la'.tho lr.f a T.a ! of our fellow towns
man , E. A. Sturges , Esq. , at Lin
coin , on Saturday , which terminated
as expected. i\ & * prompt an acqntt
tal , the facts o'JcitoJ diujng the hear
ing of the CV56 deserve more than a
passing notice. Beyond the proo
that there was not the least motive
for the commission of rm oflenso hy
tht > defendant , and H proof of integ
rity of character from his collega day ;
until ihn present tiaie , there was the
subject discussed by experts. The
testimony x-as largely to prove th
writing to bo entirely different from
the handwriting ulr. ! \ . Sturges.
large numbe"- orperta wore called
and it was proved thr.t the defendan
could jiot have in.i'e ' tha writing in
question. Ai the cloeo of the case
the evidence- being so positive npon
this point in favor of the defendant ,
the district attorney nroso in cour :
and consented t > n verdict of acqnit-
It was nls-y dovelcped upon the tri '
that the claimant in the cnso had
previously admitted to others that hi
himself had received the forped affi
davit direct from his father at Monti
cello , Iowa , ana forwarded it himael
to Washington. - ,
The case being finally snbmitted to
the jury they signed a verdict o ;
acquittal without leaving their seats ,
thus folly vindicating the defendent.
The dpfenee was ably conducted by
Hon. J. L. Webster.
Fcr Sale Sii-hojrse power Baxter
engine snd boilerV n good repair.
Apply at BEE off oa , ' no4tf
And What Passed Through It
A Batch of Interesting Crimi
nal Items.
A warrant was yesterday issued
by Judge Stenberg for Pat Galligan , a
young man who seems to have the
faculty of always getting Into bad
scrapes and generally getting out of
them easily. The warrant was sworn
out by Joe Hagerty and tbo charge is
highway robbery. Haijorty claims
that whila intoxicated , ho was last
evening knocked diwn , on Dodge
street near an alley and had taken
from him $20 in notes and some silver
chango. He accuses Galligan of doing
the job. Tha latter was not to be
found to-day and it is presumed ho
has left the city. The act is a peni
tentiary offense.
The head cook of the Withnell
House , Dave Connell and the bead
waiter Ben. Rsagan , took too much of
the "Ob , be joyful , " during the en-
crbinmeut of the Council Bluffs via
tors , Monday Afternoon , and In *
ulged in a li'.cly jambored in the
itororoom , in which there was a bril- '
lant display of dexterity in handling
lutlery and blasphemy. They were ,
with some difficulty , landed in the
otel Weslerdahl , where they lodged
ntil morning , when on payment of
he usual rates charged at that coctly
oslelry , they were discharged , re-
entaut and happy. I
Officer Ford Monday night arrested
! eo. A. Stoughton on suspicion , findtl
ng him with a largo Webster's UnaJt
ridged in his possession. An a tele *
ram had been received from Grand
hnd notifying the police of a book
obbery out there , the officer supposed
o had made a good haul , but this
morning it transpired that the pris0
ner had " 'borrowed" the book from
he office of a law firm in this city ,
, nd the prosecution was therefore
[ ropped.
Jos. Kuca paid $3 and cos's for
xoating a disturbance on south 13th
Peter Murphy was sent to jail in
default of $3 and costs for drunkenp
ness. He is also accused of abusing
hia wife by attempting to shoke her ,
but no complaint was filed on that
Warrants have been issued for a
man charged with committing an as * i
ault near the packing house and for |
no charged with collecting money for
us employer nnd disbursing the same
without proper authority.
Accident at the Hisn School. I
Ayoung lad named Briggs received
a severe injury this afternoon at the
High school building. We undcr-
tand that ho was climbing the stairs
eading to the tower and fell some dls-
snce , breaking one of his logo short
ti' . How serious his other injuries
may have been we were unable to
R.A. M.
There will bo a special convocation
of Omaha Chapter , No. 1 , this ( Tues
day ) evening , for instructions. The
oliicors and members arc urged to bo
present. JAS. B. BUHNER , U. P.
A Sad Bereavement.
The family of Mr. Felix Slaven is
just now experiencing ono of these
terrible afflictions which have visited
oo many families -in Omaha , during
the past year. It is but a few days they burled a little boy upon
whom was lavished all the affection
the loving heart of pironts can bestow
and no5v the household is asain
invaded by the grim destroyer and
another ono of the family taken from
human sight forever.
At 8:45 : last night Eddie , the bby
of the family , was taken by the same
dread disease , scarlet fever , at the ago
of 0110 year , ten months and twenty-
seven days , and ot 2 p. m. to-day the
loved remains were laid to rest in the
ce'rnetery ' of the Holy Sepulchre.
Another child , the eldest , is sick
with tha' fatal disease
, but his re
covery is almost assured. The sym
pathy of many friends are with the
family and we trust that the hand of
Providenca will spare them from any
further sorrow.
ish association will , Wednesday , cole-
brite the society's ninth birthday ,
with a grand ball and supper. Only
for the members.
Mrs. E. B. Grannis'a Liille Gem aiul
Kindergarten has a place of its own in
pur juvenile literature , for it is espec
ially devoted to the kindergarten
work , and it full of the happy kinder
garten spirit. Pictures , stories , verses ,
all bright , pure , pleasant nnd useful ,
fill its pages , " N. Y. Observer.
The Little Gem is published at , 22
Bthmati street , New York , at § 1 per
annum. Fo5C.50 the Little Gem
will be sant for cne year with the
latest edition of Chamber's encyclo
pedia in fifteen volumes
; or the en-
clycopcdii will bo sent as a premium
to any ono sending tea subscribers
with $10. This is a splendid offer.
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm. W. Lee and wife to Lyman
Richardson , w. d. , lot 7 , block 135 ,
Omaha $4300.
Lyman RlcLardson nnd wife to Peter
E. Her , w. d. , lot 7. block 135Omaha
Chss. W. Lyman and wife to Eliza
beth Carpenter , w. d , lots 8 , 9 , 10
and 11 , block 2 , Dwight & Lyman'a
addition , Omaha $400.
Henry W. Yates and wife to Willis
M. Yates , q. c. d. , s 49 ft lot 4 , Thor-
nell'a add. , Omaha $1,000.
Flower Hill Cemetery Co. to B. J.
Boggs , w. d. , block 15 , Flower Hill
Cemetery S5. !
Herman Konntze et al. to 0. & S.
W. R R. Co. , w. d. , w hf lot 4 ,
block 126 , Omaha 5300.
Herman Konn'.ze and wife to 0. &
S. W. R. K. Co. , w. d. w hf lot 4 ,
block 120 , Omaha ; lot 8 and e hf lot
7 , and w hf lot 1 , block 130 , Omaha ,
Geo. H. Bogga and wife and Lew
W. Hill to James J. Gumming , w. d.
lota 15 and 16 , block 5 , Boggs & Hill'e
Snd addition , Omaha § 1600.
A Rather One-Sided Railroad
The Cut ia Passenger Bates to
the East.
The Chicago and Alton road , which
has been for some months past occu
pying a belligerent attitude towards
other lines , and especially the Wa
bash , to-day extends its skirmish line
northward and carries the fight into
Omaha. Hobbib Bros' . Monday night
received , a telegram authorizing
them to begin the fight and to
day they announce a reduction
in passenger rates to all eastern
cities as follows : Albany , K. Y. , § 24.
20 ; Baltimore , Md. , § 23.70 ; Boston ,
Mass. , $26 45 ; Buffalo , N. Y. , 819.70 ;
Cincinnati , O.$14 ; 70 ; Cleveland , 0. ,
$15.15 ; Columbus , 0. , $10 520 ; Crest
line , O , li.85 ; Dayton , 0. , $14.70 ;
Detroit , Mich. , $14.70 ; Dunkirk , N.
Y. , $19.25 ; Fort Wayne , Ind. , $14.20 ;
Harrisburrr , Pa. , $23.70 ; Indianapolis ,
lad. , $9.70
LaFayetteInd. , $14.20 ; Louisville ,
Ky. , $1560 ; Muncie , Ind. , $14.20 ;
New York , $25 45 ; Philadelphia , Pa. ,
$24.70 ; Pittsburg , Pa. , $17.70 ;
Rochester , N. Y. , $2110 ; Salamanca ,
N. " Y. . $21.70 ; Syracuse. N. Y. ,
S"22.70 ; Toledo , Ohio , $9 20 ; Troy ,
N. Y , $24 20 ; Washington , D. C ,
823 70s Wheeling } W. V. , $17.70 ;
Z-inesvillo , Ohio , $16 70 ; St. Louis ,
$7.00 , with other points too numerous
to mention.
Appendoc to this schedule of fir st I
ela SB rates are the significant words.
"What does this mean } " asked our
reporter < of the agerta of the Alton.
"It moans , " was the reply , "that.
jf the Wabash or other roads meets (
the cut In rates that we will sell for
IMS than they to any given point.
Wen ill sell a little lower than any
other line , whatever their figures may
bo. "
The Alton road as is generally
understood uses the K. C. , St. Joe &
0 B. road , for the transportation of
its passengers from this city to Kansas
City , and to this road tbo local tariff
to < Kansas City , $6.20 must be paid on
all tickets sold. The Kansas City road
JS controlled by the C. , B. & Q. , and
the fact that it is being used by the .
Alton to draw the chestnuts out of the i
fire will i.aturally attract suspicion
that it is either occupying a neutral
position in the fight upon its neighbors
or : is lending aid and countenance
to the enemy. Should such a sus
picion prove to bo well grounded the
result < will be an immoiiate disruption
of the pool and a war in passenger .
rates , such as has never before been (
experienced in these parts.
The breaking up of the Iowa pool
Ins been au occurrence often of late
anticipated. A prominent ratlvray of
ficial said a few days ago , on return
ing from a meeting of railroad men
in New York City , that it was a matter
of a short time only. It might be in
a few months , and perhaps weeks.
That railroad men were expecting it
at any moment , and its occurrence
would reanlt in considerable benefits
vt vb Omaha. Should the C. , B. & Q.
be forced into the fight it might re
sult in the immediate bringing of their
trains into Omaha , via Plattsrcouth ,
and in that case the Wabash would
likely 1 como in over the Union PacificF
bridge. The fact that Chicago and |
question of putting money into the
new bridge over thorivor at this point ,
which we are assured will bo begun in
a few month" , indicates an uneasiness
lest it should bo rcrjti red at an early
day , for it is known that the
incapacity of the Union Pacific
bridge to accommodate many
new trains in addition to those uf the
proprietor is all that has kept tbo
eastern roads out of Nebraska for this
long time. The fact that several of
the stations included in the Alton list ,
for instance : St. Louis , Lafayette , Ind. ,
Toledo , 0. , etc. , are local stations on
the Wabash , make It well nigh impos
sible for the Wabash to decline taking
up the gauntlet thm thrown down.
They must of necessity moot the rate ,
unless the Alton is influenced to with
draw from its territory. Up to noon
to-day no action looking toward a cor
responding cut on the part of the Wa
bash had been taken.
at 3 o'clock yesterday , had mad *
no move whatever. Their ticket
agent , Mr , Frank Moores , said he had
not received any advices whatever.
He thought the Wabash , was waiting
to see what the pool lines would do ,
as it was really they whowero chiefly In-
tsrcsted. HissalesTnesiaywereheavier
than usual , notwithstanding the cut
made by the Alton. Very few Indi
anapolis passengers would go that way
as it required three days to reach In-
dirnapolis and other points east by
the Alton , while the Wabash reached
tlio same points in ono day. The ex
tra expenses of sleeping cars , board ,
time , etc. , would deter business men
from taking the cheap route although
there was over $7 difference.
In Nebraska during the week ending
January 15,1881 , furnished by Wm :
"V > .n Veck , of the Postoffice depart
ment :
Postmasters appointed Boone ,
Boone county ; Martin E. Stevens ,
O'Connor , Greely county ; Patrick
Hyncs , Sic , Richardson connty ,
Philip R. Shelby.
Won't be Bounced-
The city council h s , we leara upon
excellent authority , concluded to drop
the matter of the proposed impeach
ment and expulsion of one of its mem
bers. It will not ba alluded to in the
council meeting. The gentleman -
man who was , according to iht.
Herald , "ignored" at the laat meeting
has , after a week's deliberation
, con
cluded that he tdil not resign and
consequently there will be no change
whatever in the complexion of the
august body , which isTnotorons ! for
warlike demonstrations rather than
for wisdom in councils. It wonld bo
a good ideij now to attend to bnainets I |
for the rest of tha year and drop the
little by-plays , although they are very
interesting .r t ? the public.
The Fire Which Cleaned Out
Julius Treitschke's Stock
Last Niget.
About ten o'clock last night an
alarm of fire was sounded from box
21 , No. 3 engine house. Those wbo
hurried to the spot saw a dense col
umn of smoke ascending through the
mocn lit air , proceeding from Bar
ker's new block , in the lower story of
which is situated Julius Treitachko's
grocery store and saloon.
The fire was first discovered by
John Brechbnller , the bartender , and
a couple men who were playing pool
in the sample room. Their attention
was attracted by a crackling noise in
the rear of the building and by the
sight of smoke issuing through the
doorway , between the saloon and gro
cery store , both of which are situated
upon the first floor of the block. Ona
of them immediately ran up the alley [
way to the engine house and gave the
alarm , which was responded to by the
entire department.
The fire seemed to proceed from
tne basement , used as n store-room , a
densosmoke < pouring out of doori and
windows , illuminated by the glare of
the flames. This emoke ascended to
the : second story , occupied in part by
the proprietor of the Withnell housev
Mr. Matt Olair roomed in this part of
the buildingaud , Iraa awakened by .
the amoko. He escaped iirowly'
and saved his valuable personal prop
erty. The fire department arriving
on the ground , a vigorous fight was
made. The plate glass windows were
smashed in and several streams of water
turned on the burning portion of
the building. The smoke poured
forth in dense volumes , and for a time
it looked as if the block was dooriled ;
but the strenuous efforts of the boys
were fortunately successful , and in
half an hour's time the fire was en
tirely extinguished.
The block , as many know , was
nearly new , and its loss would have
been a very serious ono. It was , how
ever ' , not injured beyond the destruction
tion of the windows and the floor of
the first story , in the room boiieath .
which the fire started. This is cov
ered ! by ample Insurance , $20,000 be
ing held on the four rooms owned by
Barker Brcn.
Treitachkc's stock ia valued at about
$13,000 , on whieh there is an insur
ance of about $7,000 , divided between
the various agencies in the city. His
stock ia almost a total loea , from the
effects of the water rather than the
firo. The stock of liquors was not
injured , however , at all.
The origin of the fire is in doubt ,
but is supposed to be incendiary , and
the loss is by no means covered by the i
insurance. The firemen did good I
work , and but for their efforts the
block must have been totally de'
The City Council Still on the
War Path.
At the regular meeting of the
city council last evening there were
present' Messrs. fhiley ,
Hornborger , Jones , Kauftrann , La-
bagh , R iddis , Stephenson , Thiaman
and President Boyd.
Minutes of preceding mooting were
read and approved.
From J. M. Winship Asking to
hive interest on personal taxes can
celed. Prayer grauto j.
From the order of Poor Clares
Praying that taxes on their property
fo ; the past year be canceled , as it is
used forroligiousandeducationf > l pur
poses. Referred to the committee
on claims.
From O. N. Ramsey , J. H. Millard -
lard et al Asking that steps bo taken
for an nmicnble adjnstmeut of the
claim cf MissSuo McCowan forinju
rics received by the accident on Cass
street. Referred to a special committee -
too consisting of Mesirs. Jones ,
Dailey and Roddia.
From Alice Calderwood Asking for
a reduction of the assessment on lot
4 , block 354. Keferred.
From O. B. Seldeo Asking to pay
delinquent taxes , } leas interest and
penalties. Referred.
By Mr. Dailoy To allow the claim
of James Callahan for$45 in payment
of delinquent personal taxes for the
years 1865 , 1867 , 1871 and 1875.
By Mr. Thieman Instructing the
city marshal to enforce to law in re
gard to keeping alloys c'ean. Adopted.
By Mr. Thieman Reminding the
city marshal of the ordinance regard
ing accumulations of snow and ice on
the'eidewalk. Adopted.
By Mr. Thieman Authorizing the
marshal to have an ash-box construct
ed , at n'coat of not exceeding $42 for
use of city hill officials and regulating
care of the eamo. Referred.
By Mr. Labsgh To provide for ex
tending the city limits. Adopted.
By Mr. Thieman That the judici
ary committee be and is hereby in
structor ? and required to prepare ar
ticles of impeachment of James Stephenson -
phenson , councilman of the Sixth
ward. Adopted.
On Judiciary In regard to the pe
tition of C. F. Harris , AL D. , that it
is the duty < Jf the county commission-
era to provide medical attendance for
the poor. Adopted.
On Judiciary That the bill df U.
W. Ambrose for professional rervices
is entirely too high. Recommitted.
Bill of J. C. Cowin for legal ser
vices in the sewer csse , $350. Re
ferred to the judiciary committee.
On Claims -Recommending the al
lowance of Homer Stull's clIm for
professional services. Adopted.
On Streets and Grades In regard
to Cass street washouts. Adopted.
Special Committee Recommending
that the petition of Nancy McKnight
for damages caused by the grading of
Fourteenth street ba placed on file.
Adjourned for two weeks.
Masquerade Suits , Wigs and
Maf ques at Mrs. W. B. Wood's , 210
Sixteenth street , near Capitol avenue.
The governor's message in pamphlet
form will be distributed Wednesday morn
One For Year.
NOTICE Advertisement * To Ix * * or Sals'
Lost , Found , Wants , Bo rdln ? Ac. , will ba In-
JerteJ in them columns cncn for TEN CENTS
per Una ; each rabfleqn nt Inaertlon.FIVE CENTS
per line. The first Insertion cover lesa thin
< 8K Ann10 LOAN At8 percent inter
j c00UUl/ , n sums of $2000 and 1
wards for 1 to 5 years' time on first clMsim prov
ed city ami farm property. Apply at BEMIS
Real Kstate and Loan Agency , 15th and DouzlM
flts. _ 278-eodtt
M . L. THOUAS. RoomS.nrelehton Block
'OKKV TO LOAN 1109 Farnh&m utrnct.
Dr. Edwards Loan Agency. noT-J2-tf
till ? WANTSD
\TTANTED SltUJtlon by a rapid nuJ c-
VV cunte fhort-hand wiitfr. A < Mr * 3
Stenographer , thlj office. 211-4
WANTED Girl for general house ok iia
email family ; must be good coo * , washer
and irene * . Apply southeast corner uf Uth un < t
How.rd Sts. 210-tf
WANTED Woman cook also a dinin ; room
girl. Apply ot Mrs. SIcSoir , on Popplcton
Avc , , bet. 20th ami 22d , neirnewGo\cr nunl
Corrall. 2 2-2i
WANTED First-cljuw engineer. Annly im-
mediiielyat R C. Suelc k Johnston ,
1315 Douglas S > . 216-13
"YirANTF.D A pl'l f jr general honsewoik ;
YV best of wages paid. Inquire at the Ameri
can H.USJ. 214-52
WANTED First-clasj iaundrefg , a dining
room girl and a porter at tha Cre'ghton
House. 00-19
WANTED A vJi \ 8 or 0 rooms 1 h-
in th f teen minutes' walk of depot. North
Jidepr fered. AJdrc.s S. E. Uteimire , 1310
Harney street. "CM-IS
WANTED-GH fcr rcceral housework ,
JV 2015 California St. 199-18
WANTED Situation M hcuse-keep r. / d-
dress 1120 Capitol Ave , north caaf cimer
1'tli s rest 202-18
WANTED Girl for gecera1 house , must be
* good crok , washer ind ironer. Inquire N.
E , corner 20th and California strccU. liO-tf
'ASTrfD 4. . ' experienced butcher wanta
, , to ctart n mcatna1nsomcsmall cst
cm town , where thcrs is none , or r ! } o .ono ia
nc'i'o'1 ' ; uoalil take a reliable partner. Au < , T * *
t. K. Webti , Jackson , Djkoti Co. Neb. 00-tf
W ANTEF ! A peed Iioiisc'kccpt r , 1109 Far n
ham street , up'taira. 32-tf
ANTED All Omaha know that the
Key l H. Jonn ia the Ki.\o of Sowing-
cMncE. office on inth St. S4'Mf
T70R BENT Filrni'hcil room * . Inquire at the
J ? American Unaie. 2'C2
"T71 Ot HENT House and barn , Ut7 ! and
. Howard Sis , 825.00. L'05-lf
RKST Mnely furnished front room
EOH side , at 1310 Daxcnport gt. 195-if
TTtoRRENT Store artd dtoUirr2 rootrs baA
r o' ' it , 16th , bet. Chicago alM CagJ. H. i'/
TjlORSAljE 4god horsci , which wcro seit
. I' lure from Illlnold to bo eolJ. W. Ij. Lew's ' ,
12 6FarfnamSt. Ifg tf
SALE T o-story house nd fu'l ' lot. on
FOR hill. IIOU3C contains 8 rooms and U
nearly new. Lee itloit flrj : class ISO. li. Md-
CAOUE , opposite poctoflicc. 163-tf
OR REST A. etcro on coner 10th and
F Lcavcnuorth. Inquire of Oeo. If. f i
_ 136 if
KT'-hcw bouse , eight roomf , | . nl
.E and foft waieoa 2W ud Cafl Sts En-
qul.e 307 12th jt _ J2l-t-
FOrt. RENT \largofumi3hcd room on" first
floor , with or without board , outride
entrance to room. Enquire at Bee office. 123-tf
FOR KE T A ( lie furnlihcd front room ,
first floor , between Uth and Uth streetn. for
gfntlcnirn Inrii'm | at 1415 llou-ard St. 107-t
OR HhN r House in Hhnll'a 2nd addition ,
$ ' 5 per month. W. SIMERAL , room e ,
Craigh'on B'ock. 895-tf
FOKKKNT A mrntsheil , snutli lent room
Inquire at No 1612 Parnhim St. ? 8l-tf
FOR KKNT 2 furnished rooms over iler.
* ch.Miti Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodse rtrrets. 2S9-tf
FOR SALE-At public auction to the hich.
e t bidder , a house , with two lots ad ! ! a lease
expiring a tbcendof fix jcars , with cOad > Tell.
25 h and South St. Mary B Avenue , north of the
pond , on Saturday , Januiry 21st , at 2 p. m. A
C. GORDON. 213-J2
TTfATER FOR SALE Deli * credit ! any pnt
VV of the city. Call on or addrssa TBOS.
S'.VIFF , cor. 15th a-d Chicago Ste. 20g-tf
Bargains In Houses , Lots , Farms an
Lan-la. In hla new- column on 1st page
FOR SALE Good fresh milk cow. I quire
CitmntnMnd. Nc. 207 8. 13th S t. 207-tf
TTJOR ' SALE At a bargain , ray t lock o ( gro'
j'ccrios .ind fixtures I will also rent to pur
chaser my building and wazon sca'ca. Inquire
corner 16th and Izard etrcct. .D C. RSI MAN.
E OR SALE A BARGAIN A building with
paloon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th
St. , opposite the U. P. depot , forsalr vary cheap.
Or the fixture ] , furniture and stock will bo sold
and building rented. InquirA of Eu. KREI
LJ over BEMId'Jncw column of bargains on 1st
Pa e.
"T710R SALE Two close carriage ? , at A. J.
L1 Slmpt-on'g. 911-tf
ov c r BEMIS' new column of bargains on la
elocution and reading , S. E. corner Farn
ham and 16th streets : Will B C new pupi's"and '
any interested in the art , on Mondays and
Thursdays from C p m. to 7.30 p. m. , and Satur
dajs from 2 to 5 p. m. 206-17
LOST On Thursday evening , a WIBKLT BBS
subscription receipt book of no value or uao
to the finder , who will bo given a reward of two
dollars for returning the same to this office.
r UP 2 black colts , one 4 year old
_ mare and ono 2 year old horse colt , 3 miles
north on Missouri bottom. GoTTLIEbUEYR ,
852 ef5w
STRAYED Largo roan cow with snort tall.
Finder will be rewarded by returning to J ,
U. Orton , 15th St. , next to Harttnan's school
house. 190 t-B-w
Absolutely Pure ,
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No oths
preparation makes such light , flaky hot hrcKUL
or luxurious pastry. Can bo eaten by drrpeptic
without fear of the ill ! resulting from he in'
digestible food.
Sold only In cans by all Orocerj.
ROTAI , EiKipca POWDSR Co. . New rk.
Be It known that we , the undersigned , whose
names are subscribed hereto , Inter J to form an
Insurance company which shall be known as
The Western Horse and Cattle-Insurance Com' '
piny. "
The object fcr which raid company shall be
formed snail be to insure horses and cattle
against loss or damage by accident , theft and
any unknown or contingent event.
'Jhc amount of capital stock of said company
shall be one hundred thousand dollars. Th
principal office i f said company shall b locatei
at Omah * , Douglas countr. Nebrulu.
d29-j 4-11.18
Cantatas the Latest Home and Tele
News of tb Pay. I
$2 TO $5 PER ACRE.
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
Long Time aud
Low Interest ,
Large tracts suitable for
Colonies in all the best
Counties in the State.
80,000 aC , " 5 scattered
through Iowa.
A kr o number of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many of
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre.
An Immense List oi
Consisting of Blegn2 * Peai-
dencea from $3OOO to $20-
000. Many vacant lota in
the additions to Omah.i.
Hundreds of lots scattered
through tile City. Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and all kinds of Oi'y
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
cpn show good titles.
Maps for Donglns and Sarpy
CorihtiCs for saJc ,
i beautiful lota fronting sonth In Isaac &
Selden's dJ. ( or $160 half cash.
House and lot , ! ! 2d and Dodge t 8,000
House and lot nc.-ir Brownell flail 8,100
Two new houses and full lot , recta ( or
? ISOpcrj < nr 4,000
New brick house. 21x26. H story , with 3
lots „ 2,000
House and lot Webster st 1,500
Larzo house and corner lot 6,000
Large house full lot. California et 4,000
Residence and 4 full loti , St. Mary's are. . 6,600
House nnd small lot , § outh of depot 950
House and stnill lotsouth of depot 635
Residence property , Kountzo and Kuth's
add ; . 5,600
Fins residence property 10,000
House and lot , 2M and Uarney 1.600
House and lot , Nelson's addition 2,700
House and lot Shlnn'a addition 1,600
Residcnceand corner lot 3,005
Residence ( cash ) 7,500
Besldcdce 6,000 ,
Residence _ . . . 5,600
House and one-half lot 1.C6C
Three houses and corner lot 7,600
Residence and corner lot 7,500
House and 60 feet front , 16th street 3,700
Larito house nd corner lot 6,500
Rneidcnce and three lota 6,500
Two house and corner two-thirds of cor
ner lot 1,100
nonsaand sma'l lot , Cass street 2,100
Hausoandlot , 27th near Farnham l.OOf
Brick housoand corner lot 1,300
Small houo and full lot , earnings Bt 2,350
House and lot , 23d street 3,200
House and full lot , worth $1,000 for. . . . . . 5,500
Fine brick residence , 1,500
Brick resilience 6,650
House and corner lot 1,550
New two-story house and comer lot 4,200
Residence ana full lot , Farnham at 500
Houw and one ncre , 18th street 3,000
Hous-J and half lot , 18th street 2,200
Houec and lot , Shlnn'a addition 1,600
House and half lot , Can street 1,100
Honso and half lot , Casi Street 1,450
Residence and two Iota , Capitol Hill 7,000
Elegant brick residence 2 fnil Iota 15,500
Finest residence In the city 16,000
Residence property 17,000
Ilcslden e property 17,500
Residence 6,600
House and lot , Shinn's addition 1,200
IIouso ana lot , Shlnnsiddit'3 ' 1,500
House and lot , 2th and Fjrnliam 1,400
llouso and lot. 27th and Douglas $375
Home and full lot , Izardct 1,7M )
Newhonseand 1 } lot 2,200
Residence property 7,500
Residence properly , very fine 13,500
Honjwind lot , Horbach'8 iddition 1,500
Residence , Farnbam st 6,000
Honso and } lot 1 block from Court
House and J lot 1 block from Court
House 2,250
House and corner lot 2 blocks from Court *
House 2,400
House and I . .t , Nicholas street 1,000
House and 1 acre , Gisea' addition. . . 640
House and lot , llth street 000
Large buildintrand six lota. 1 mile out. . . 4,000
House and lot on Davenport 3,600
Homo and J lot , near depot 1,500
House and | lot , near depot 000
House and lot , Sonth Avcntn. . . 1,000
Homo and lot , Shinn's addition 1,900
Residence , Kountze and Ruth's add 2,600
Residence property , Kounlze and Ruth's
addition 5,000
Residence property , south part if town. . 2,5f 0
House and } lot , Webster Ft 2,700
Honse and 5acres at barracks. . . . ( Q
House and lot , Armstrong's addlt'n 1,000
House and lot , South 12 st 650
House and lot , Kountie and Ruth's ad
ditlon 8,600
Residence and } lot 2,700
House and lot , 16th st 3,600
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Faro , St. , Omaha , Neb-
A \ ,
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
iFor Men ,
Boys , and
Ghi'dren- '
2uts * and ( Japs ,
Trunks and Yalises , at
Prices tw Suit AH.
12 >
Farnham Street , Mear Fourteenth
FpjMu.i.jau.afcB , J &RQGEES
1 V I y KB I Mam & La
Dealer in Hardware ,
and Tinware ,
Stove Repairer. Job Worifcr and Manufacturer ofa
Kinds of Cans.
FcnM : and Jackson Streets.
MAX P &GO. ,
Fishing Tackle , Base Rails and a full line of
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During the.
Fall and Winter wo will handle CO UNSE MIEN'S FRESU OYSTERS , which
aie now the boat In the market. A largo assortment of CANDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
GVTZ & FREEXAX , 510 llth St. , Omaha.
Cigars from $15.00 per lOOCfc upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per do/en upwards.
Send for Price List.
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
x The larjeat and be i aMortm nt of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. MABHOFF , - - PROP. "
117 14th St. , 3 Doors North of DonglosISt.