' ' 'I/IS (7 ( - 's [ 'I VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 11) ) . 1881. NO-181. Established 1871. MORNING EDITION , Price Five Cents MA El UFA S BY TELEGRAPH. Hew Tort Money and Stocks. ' WALL Srntrr , JaiiUiry 13. MONEY 5(2 ( J p-r cenon call ; tichanpe , Firm. V. * > 8 * "SI . . . .101 { U.S. l-E 1 1SJ V. S. 5'B . . . .I 018 CrfrttcyffB l 23 . . .I 12 | UrJCf.'SO Viocbe. The lonowie ? w ere the i rices t 1 o.cIicV. N W 133 $ Preferred 87J Preterred 145J U I' JIM * t tanl 123J Wabart 18 } jWrc'crrcil .130 Preferred. 92 * B& Q 177 O&W 43 | C40 3 C A. A 1W Del& H BOJ 25t Joe. . . . . . . . . . . . . - Lack 117 Preferred IOC J C 1231 AmU . 85 LS 133J CanB , . * Sf M..C * M4i * 3i A7tP . : . 5 KT > < nf Am Fr . " . . 8i ; SV C . - . 15l | C. t. & Q . J07 S. J. C. S3i Mn'nhitlao . 33 NP 31J Den A : RioO . 8SJ Preferred . . .06s Ont&W . 30 Reading . . . tt , T &N . 82 ill * . . . rx ) } N.I' . . 8lJ O &M. . . 4S3 Preferred . to Ctncacco Produce Market. OniCAOO , January 18. Wheat No. 2 spring , January , 56Jo bid ; February sold at 97 @ 97jjc ; jMarch , BSj@98ic ; April , 9899c ; May , S102J@102 | , closing at 97J © 37gj for February ; 98J@98J Jor Alarch ; 9890c for April ; SI 02f ® 1 02 ? for May. Corn January , 3Ga bid and of fered at 37c ; February ; 365S37c ; March , 37J37gc ; May , 41J@41c ; June , 4141jjc ; July , 41J@42c. Oats January , 31c asked , 31Jc bid ; Sljc asked ; March , 3li@31gc ; May sold at 35i35gs ; June , 34gc bid , and nflVred at 34gc. Rye March sold at 89 jo ; closed at SOc asked and 89Jc bid. Pork Mess , February , 813 16 ® 13 17i ; March. S1330@13 32s ; April , $13 45@13 47 ; May , § 1S G0@13 G5 , cloning at inside price ? bid. Lird February , f/8 778 80 ; March , S8 87iS8 90 ; April , § 8 97 * ® 900Short Short Ribs February , SG 75@G 77 ; March , ? G 8036 87i ; April , SG 95 ® 700 Whisky $1 U. Chicago L'.vo Stock ; Maricet. CHICAGO , January 18. Hogs U'ceipta 40,000. G ittle lldCbipts were again rather light , and as buyers were anxious to purchase , thu market ruled moderate ly acthu 4tid prices Crui ut yesterday's . ngureo ; c * ! ' . ' * ranged ( rom S2 803 70 f. for c-iv ; $3 GO for feeders and from $4 50S5 00 for good to ctioice smooth . shipping btuers , nt preauut the mar ket id fairly active , with a that the bulk offoriags receipt , 3GOO. St. Lo ' ; .d "roduce Morsou Sr. LOU-H , January 18. Floar E isior. but LO lower. Wheat No. 2 rod winter , SI 01 | for cssh ; 51 01JJ31 01 * for January ; $1 031 02g tor Febury ; * 1 ODg ® 1 04g for March ; $1 07il 063 for April ; § 1 08l@l 07J for M y ; No. 3 do , 95c ; No. 4 do , 89c bid. Corn Lower at 39ic for cash ; 39g @ 38c for January ; 3038c for Feb ruary ; 39j39a Tor March ; 40@39c for April ; 4lj8 > 403forMay. Oats Higher at 32g32 Jo for cash ; 32g@32ic for January ; 33 0 for Fob- roary ; y4cforMHrch. R.ye Firm at 87ic. Barley Quiet ; ch'oice to fancy , 80c © SI 00. Butter Quiet ; dairy , 18@26c. JSgga Steady at 303. AVhisky Quiet nt 81 10. Pork Quiet at § 13 25 asked for cash ; ? 13 33 for March. Dry Salt Meats Steady Bt S4 20a 4 25G 85@6 00@7 lO 15 Bacon Firm at520525@7 GO 76. * : jrm Bt 5s 80 rlocolpts Flour , 5,000 bbls ; wheat , 11,000 bu ; corn , 13,000 ; oats , 5,000 ; rye , none ; birley , 8,000. Shipments Flour , 3,000' bbls ; wheat , 4,000 bu ; corn , 1,000 ; oats , 3,000 ; rye , 2,000 ; barley , none. St. Louis Live Stocic Market. Sr Louis , January 18. Hogs Active aud better ; Yorkers and Baltimorcs , $4 G0@4 80 ; packing and Bostons , $4 70@4 75 ; butchers' to fancy , 55 00@575 ; receipts , 4,200 ; shipments , 5,200. Hew YorK ITOCIUCO Market. : * - W YOUK , January 18. Flour In buyers' favor ; very moderate - orate export and jibbtnc trade de mand ; receipts , 28,811 bhls ; round hoop Ohio , ? 4 255 00 ; choice do , $5 10G 75 ; superfine wes * * tern , § 3 253 75 ; common to * * good extra do , $4 20@4 65 ; choice do , doS4 706 75 ; choice white wheat do , S500600. Butter Firm ind good inquiry ; Ohb,12i27c. Epga- Strong at 3738c for fair to choice. Wheat Quiet ; Ghlcago.Sl 12@l 16 ; Milwaukee , $1 1G1 17 ; N" . 2 red irin- ter , SI 17 for c h ; $1 18 for Febru ary ; 1 19 | for March ; § 1 19J for May ; sales , 450,000 bn. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 57058 ; sales 00,000 bu. Oats Quiet. WhUky Quiet. Pork $14 05@1430 for March. Lard g9 40 asked for cash ; 59 32J Mkedfor January ; 59 27j9 32J for FelffuaTy ; 59 409 42J tor March ; 59 45@9 50 for April ; $9 62J9 55 for May ; 59 2539 30 for seller for the year. Indications , Special dispatch to TBI O . WASHINGTON , January 19 1 a. m. m. For the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys : Slowly rising temper&tnnssloiTly falling barometer , variable winds , generally from south and west , preceded by north to cast winds in southern portions , and clearer or partly cloudy weather , with local rains in the Mississippi valley. In Pontlac , Mich. , a young lady called at the drug store of Messrs. Wells & Co. , for a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil , a few days ago. Being asked how it was liked , she replied that it had cured her mother of rheu matism , and whenever any of the family had an ache or pain St. Jacobs Oil was immediately applied. These gentlemen also say that St. Jacobs Oil is the best Belling article they have in their store. Mr. BISenstcIn. Bo-ton , Uass. . write * : TOOT Sprint ; EJossom hu cared met f Dyipeicta , cf Ijur(4) ) j-can itandlnp. I bare regained tnj normal appetite , can Bleep well and Itel lite a cwjnan , DOJIESTIC DOINGS , A Merrymaking in New Mexico Terminates in a Most Bloody Bow. A Boy in Galena Accidentally Kills His Brother While in Bed. The Atlantic Oil Refln&ry at Philadelphia Partially De- Bfcroyedfj Ffre. A Fated Oil Refinery. Special Dtepauh to The Boa PHILADELHIHA , Pa.v January 18 10 p. m. Tne inhabitants of the low er part of this cily were startled from their Meep about 2:20 : this morning , by a shock which filled them with dis may and consternation. The fright ful sound cime from Point Breeze , and was tlie remit of the explosion uf one of the hugo oil tanks oil the property - erty of the Atlantic refinery , the same which was destroyed by fira at B creat pecuniary IOSP , during July , 1309. There wans twenty-five cr thirty oil tanks standing within the area , occupied by the Atlantic refining company , having a capacity ranging from five hundred to one thousand gallons of oil. In the explo ion ihe burning oil was ncattcrfld la every di- reotion , and in an instant all the country about was illuminated by the dimes. The concussion waa Instan taneous. The explosion shook the houses and scattered windows witnin a mile's BIVB. 0rinw to the frozen condition of the earth , which , instead of absorbing the burning oil , loft it to roll on the surface , imminent danger of a disastrous and iucalclica- ble conflagration was instantly per ceived by thoau reading in the vicin ity. The attaches of the works > whose homes are near by , set about making arrangements for battling the flames. Great sheets of fire rol'ed in every direction in & serventlne course , lick * ing up every combustible thing th/U stood ia their path , and soon th Rtsat woodou shd that hangs ov * * the river front , and serve for a storehouse , were ablaze. this By time several > a- cinesof the fire depirtauct were on. the ground , and within two or three minutes tug boat longing to the , LI ° .CK U.Q fury of the fliines , although up to 10 o'clock none of the substan tial buildings on the premises were attacked by the destructive element. Toward noon the fire was making its way to several of the storehouses. Pun On feunnera. S pecl t Kjpv.ch to The Bee. " MILWAUKEE , January 19 i a. in. The national curling tournament be gan yesterday , in the morning the Milwaukee club competed with the OhJcsgo club , and the latter w3 beaten by a score of 98 to 57. In the afternoon the Chicago fclub was de feated by the Portsgo"club. . Score , 65 to 43 To-day a general cjntest for the Gordon medal will occur , in which Chicago will compote with Toronto , and Milwaukee with Port age. The Ice and weather aro. excel lent There is immense enthusiasm in favor of the games. A Bloody &ow. SpesUl Dispatch to The Bee. DENVER. Col. , January 19 1 a. m * A special from Las Vegas , N. M. , says : "At a ball given b > Mexicans of LJS Mila , this county , Saturday night , eight Americans attended. A bitter feeling against the whites was engendered among the native' , and lu a few minutes a free-for-all fight took place. The firing was quick and fatal. "Doc" Hodges and Frank Smith , two young Americans from Malsens and Leviahe camps , were murdered ia cold blood. Hodges was shot through the head and once through the chest , and his body snatched by the infur iated Mexicans , and the remains were found Monday burned to a crisp. Smith was seen to fall in the melee , and when his friends rallied , they could not find him. Fearful that he lud been killed outright , and the body hidden , a diligent search was kept up all day Monday. Early yesterday morning a few unfaltering friends found the remains. The corpse was perforated with bullets , and the skull crushed by heavy stones. One Mex ican was killed , and several others wounded. The indignation of the tie-choppers of Glcrictha mountain Is at fever heat , and war may result between the two factions. " A Martyred Youtb. SpecUl Dlipiteh to The Bee NEW YORK , January 19 1 a. m. The supreme court decided adverse ly against John Hope , the Manhat tan b&nk burglar , who waa convicted and sentenced to twenty yean in the state prison. Hope , who is only twenty-four years of age , claims ho Is innocent , but he is offered up as a sacrifice , because he wouldn't betray hia father. Snot Accidentally. Special dispatch to TUB But. GALXKA , HI. , January 18 10 p. m. Yesterday morning in Guilford township , George Ehredt , aged 17 , was shot dead by his younger brother Fred , who , after coaxirg his brother to get up , playfully picked up a rifle , threatening to shoot him if he did not. Both boys supposed the weapon was not loaded. Pulling the trigger , he sent the ball crashing into his brother's brain. The father , rushing into the zoom , found one son welter ing in his blood , and the other stand ing with a smoking rifle in his hand transfixed with fright The coroner's jury found a verdict of accidental shooting. JJinr YORK , January 18 10 p. m Daniel Ring , Stewart of the schooner "Eleinor , " and one of the hands n&med Bernhard , supposed to be Ger man , drank together in a ealoon on South street last night , and afterwards returned to their vessel. They were alone in the after galley , when Ber nard was shot and killed by a ball from a navy revolver in the hands of Ring , who eaya the shooting was ac cidental. Vennor and Hia Predictions. Special dispatch to The Bo . MOKTBRAI , January 19 1 a. m. Vennor's predictions for the last two quarters of the present month have been fulfilled. He promised plenty of snow and severe weather , which we have had , and especially the latter part His predictions for the last tire quarter * of this month are as follows : Middle of the month will bring snow falls , which will terminate in milder weather towards the end of the third quarter. Thia thaw , which will bo interrupted by a cold spell , will extend from about the 18th of the month into February. The record of the month will show it to have been a sr-vereone , and the general con ditions cf the weather will probably remind us somewhat of real old- fashioned winters. Wnlttaker'a Court Martial. Spedal Diapatch to The K * NEVr YOKK , January 18 10 p. m. A special order received at the army headquarters from the war depart ment , directsthat the court of inquiry , to investigate the cise of Cadet Whit- taker , to assembly on Titesday next , Brigadier-General Miles is the pre- ng officer , Xn\i \ Major A. B. Gard- Judge-advocate cf the court. Sinking Spinners. Special Dlapatcli to The Bee. FALL RIVER , Mass. , January 19 1 a. m. The spinners at Flint Mills struck yesterday. A new aaont was recently appointed at this mill , and alec a new overseer at the mule room. The new management is not ealUfac' ' tory to the splnnem , who & mplain of nitny grievance' , such as poor mater ial , slow speed and othocthinga which operate so that on a mule of 1600 spindle * a spinner can earn but nine dollars a week. A epgAial moating of the nBsociation T held last night to consider the oealmesnsef gaining the restoration of the ten per cs-nt reduc tion. In the circular ctll for a meetIng - Ing the secretary ur ei harmony , and the necessity of tminiuiuiug a bold front as tfce only moans ot obtaining thtsir rights. The meeting was char acterized by a hotted discussion , and it baing impossible to a ree upon any course of action satisfactory to all concerned , they adjourned to Sunday night. night.WASHlfrG't'OK WASHlfrG't'OK SENATE. 3M | d l Dispatch to Tba Zlt. yA8Ul etoN , Jartuary 18. fro business was transacted by the senate during the uiorning hotir. A bill to aecbr'taln and settle iri- vftte land olalma Instertiln states and territonel , 'Sas ' called up by Mr , 3a- m'unds , and. occupied the attention of the senate until 1:30 : , when the Hol- lidsy bill came up as the regular bus iness , Mr. Cameron , of Wisconsin ) moVed to insert $200.000 , which was in tarn rejected yeas 26 , nays 28. Mr. Teller proposed § 150,000 , which was Rejected without a division. A yea and nay vote WAS then taken , and resulted in yeas 22 , nays 19. Mr. Edmunds then offered an amendment slightly changed in the phraseology from the ono previously rejected , sending- the case to the court of claims It was rejected yo 18. nays 32. Tim bill as amended , givinif Holli- day $100,000 was passed yeas 33 , nays 10. Air. Coke made an effort to call up the bill for the allotment or land in severally to the Indiins , but was op posed by Mr. Teller , on whoso motion t le souato at 4:50 : p. m , adjourned UOUSK. The Hull-Bisbee Florida contestad seat case will be called up in a few days. It is not considered probable that Bisbee will carry his point , as Hull has the sanction of most all In fluential politicians of Florida. The calendar of the house , as is well known , is very much crowded , and there is but very alight prospects of getting through. Many of the bills , centainly the bills of the house that have to go the senate , will have but a slight chance , but there are on the private calendar a number of sen ate bills , and the affirmative action of the house would pass these bllli. Mr. Carlisle tried to-day to have an order made for an evening session to morrow to take up the senate bills on the private calendar , and consider them. Air. Coffroth ybjected because the house , a few days ago , refused him an avoniog session to consider pension bills. bills.After After discussion the question was then taken on Mr. Carlisle's substi tute for the fifth section , and it was declared carried on a division of 09 to 97. Tellers were then demanded , and it was again carried by a vote of 128 to 101. The vote excited a good deal of interest. Mr. Uadegraff , of Ohio , moved to amend the title of the bill , to make it road , "A bill to defeat refunding ; to increase the amount of interest of the public debt ; to contract the currency and injure the public credit ; and to depress the business indnstr'es ' ot the country. " This motion received 59 votes , and there wore 11 against it. The committco then rose , and the bill as amended was reported to the house. The previous question was seconded so as to bring the matter up as unfin ished business to-morrow. It is not likely the yeas and nays will be called on all the amendments. The house adjourned at 5:20 : p. TO. OPEJf FOE AJUJDMEjrr. 8p eUI Dispatch to TUB B i. WASHINGTON , January 19 1 a. m. The committee on foreign aff&ii-a held a meeting yesterday , and gave a hearing to W. H. Webb , of NQTT York vs. the Panama ship canal scheme , and its support of the policy of the Monroe doctrince. He advo cated the abrogation of the Clayton- Bulwer treaty , as soon as the time would permit , by the terms of said treaty , and said that the Nicaraguan canal could be buUt in four or five years. He could build it in thia time , and if he should receive for doing so $50,000,000 he could make himself one or two millions a year. He stated that it was an old policy of Franco to build a canal to gradually absorb the territory , and England would favor any such scheme for the same purpose , and with an ultimate hope of gaining its ultimate control. In his opinion , Nicaragua waa the onlv spot on God's earth where a canal could be bnllt. Ex-Secretary Thomp son followed ic support of the Pana ma ship canal. He reiterated his re marks made Monday befpro the com mittee of the inter-oceanic ship canal , and said that the French govef nme'j { had disclaimed anything to do with jj ' as a nation. " Just received at THE r Job Rooms the nicest line of dimnuti7e ; , a rtWay Parties Call and see them , PADDOCK'S PERPLEXITY. The Boasted "Solid Sixty" Dwindles to a Kespect- able Rear Guard , Serious Disaffection Among Paddock's Dragoons , Who Are Beginning to Flock to , the Standard of the'Boy ' ftovernor , " In the Vain Hope of Resisting the Onslaught of the Opposition HOUSE. dispatch to The Bee. , Neb. , January 18 The house concluded the consideration of the Dally Carrigan contest at 5 p. ra. , and declared Daily entitled to repre sent theForty ninth representative distridt.5'udgo ' Cobb , nf the supreme bench , administered to him the oath of office. A vole on senator was then taken , resulting as follows : For Paddock Ay rB , B.tldwin , Bollu , Brown , Cook , Fillay , Freder icks , Fried , Helms , Jackson of Douglas , Kempton , King , TTyner , Lamb , McClure , McDougal , McKin- non , Mickey , Mullen , Peterson , Put ney , Reed , Schick , Scott , Sears , Sil- rer , Wells , Wyatt. For Van Wyck Bailey , Bick , Case , Howe , InughlinMoore of Otue , Pary Hanaoin , Hoot , Sp'rlclr , FIT Weamr Bibcock , Cole , Dow- Jy , Carroll , Gray , Heacock , Jackson , of Pawnee , Kaley , Kloopfel , Linu , Slocumb. For j'0at Houtettpr. Moore , of York , Roberts , Sill , Wailing , Wilsey , Mr. Speaker- ForDundy Bartlett.Broatch , Car man , Dowhall , Palmer' , Royman , Windham. For JtaiiOn Abbott , Jensen , John son , McOlure. Whedon , Graham , DK'For . For Wakeloy Franz , Gates , Holl- man , McShaue , Paston , Watts , Zeig- ler. ler.For For Mahtlorson Herman. For fcalrd Jones. For Ireland JjeHrhan For Kiley Montgomery. For Nance Cantlih. SENATE. In the snnato the Jones-Wells con test terminated by < Beating Wells. About G p. m. the sonatu voted for Unired States senator , with the fol lowing result : For Paddock Baker , Evans , Ilir- rington , Morse , Myers , Perkins , Smith , Turner , Wells , White , Zeh- lung. lung.For Van Wyck Cady.Taylor.Teffc. For Post Burnc , of Vork , Dma- moro. For Dundy Daily , Ervin , Powers. For Muson Gere Pierce. For Weaver Coon , Turk , Wherry. . .For Wakely Doaue , Graham , Howe. For Nance Burns , of Dodge. ForTefft Van Wyck. The following ia the summary of the vote for senator. HOUSE. ' Paddock 28 Van Wyck 11 Weaver 11 Post 7 Dandy 7 Mason 7 Wakeley 7 MaadeiBoa 1 Laird 1 Ireland 1 Kaley 1 Nance 1 SENATE. Paddock 11 Van Wyck 3 Peat 2 Dnndy 3 Mason 15 Weaver 3 Wateley 3 Nance 1 Tefft 1 Special Dispatch to The Boe. LINCOLN , Neb. , January 19 10 p. m. The prevailing opinion to-night is that the backbone of the Paddock boom is broken. Paddock's boast that ho would have forty-eight to fifty votes on the first ballot , caused great disappointment to Ira followers when they found he fell below forty. Des perate efforts are being made to-night to secure additional votes for him on the first joint ballot to-morrow , but indicationsaro that ho will lose more votes than he can gain. Thuraton declared to-night thnt if Paddock fail ? on the firat ballot to-morrow , hia fol lowers must awing around to Nance. This programme cannot be carried out without Borioni loss , as many Paddock men will never support Nance. The field atill remains unorganized , but confident of final victory when the vote Is pooled. E. ROSEWATER. FOREIGN EVENTS. EXTRAORDINARY \VIKTER. Spodal Dispatch to The Bee LONDON , January 19 , l n. m. The weather is still very severe , and hur ricanes and snow storms are reported everywhere throughout England. The aspect In London is almost un precedented. A blinding snow storm is prevailing , ascompanled by a high wind. Several of the mail trains &re snowed up , and numerous disasters have _ occurred to shipping. The Harwich life boat , while attempting to rescue a , vessel , was capsized and the crew perished. 1UMNINO BY FAINT PRAISE. Special Dtopitch to Ta fisi. LOHDON , January 101 B. m. _ ifla .Uaily New ? yesterday raomln commenting Dn Mr. Edwin BootL _ i Princess theatre last ' " ' ( Hello , " says : "We fear Othello' will do little to ad- 1 .10 reputation he gained by his Jieu1 and'The Fool's Ravenge. ' "e r .diled to win the free aymnathy of n 8 audience for the nangs of jealousy ; ) r > unfathomable remorse of the vie tim ' ' ' " of'logo's'villiany. The Morning Post says : "Thefew good points in Mr. Booth's perform- anass of 'Othello * did not avail to give continuous interest to its rendering , lacking poetic imagination and gran deur of pa ion. " CABLEGRAMS. Bpedi Dispatches to Tn Bit Forty of the members who voted in the minority on Mr. Talon'a Hic-Uon in the house of commons Isst night , for an adjournment of the debate on the Irish question , were all home rulers. The London correspondent of The Edinburgh Scotsman says : The gov ernment is fully aware of the existing dangerous Fenian .conspiracy in the large towns of England ; MADISON "MATTERS , Great Difficulty L'xperienced by Farmers in Obtaining Coal. Reprehensible Practice of the Railroads in the Fuel Trade. An Appeal to the Farmers to Renew the War on Monopoly. CorrcapcnOciicc of The Be- . MADISON , Neb , January 15. Mad- tion county , like all ihrta of the state , has experienced extremtly cold weather , and iis severity has been felt the more keenly on account of a scarc ity of coal for two months. The dgeni of the monopoly coal kings , at whoae mercy we have been all winter , deals out his precious fuel fa as scanty parcels as quartermaster sergeants did provender for cavalry horses during the war , and with n bout as much au thority. There is nol a pound of coal to bo bought in our town to-day , ex cept anthracite. Flow Ion ? railroad companies will thus monopolize rights that belong to individuals , and make shves of the people irlio gave thorn their wealth , romaine to be scon , TIB ) B E has struck the key note of the great political issqus pf the future , by publishing "Thurbor'a Thunderbolt , " and Judge Black's loyal expcsa of the wrongs of huartlujs corporations on -ho burdened niasaea. The American people are _ slow to wrath , bat the day of rettibutidn is ntgb , and vroo tp that cowardly journalise ofr sycophantifl paliticimi who dllrca raUe his tcic's igainst the freeman who rises to break ils chaius Every merchant , farmer , ' iiechauic and laboring man ia the UnitedtStatos , ought to road the arti cles named , study them and digest : heir truths , and then tnlk and vote for hia rights , and demand of Ihe politician who asks his support , a rigid adherence tn his declaration of riilite.- The Reagan bill , for the regu'ation ' of inter-state commerce , now pending before congress , desarves the enpport of the people from Maine to Califor nia , and the repratentalivo or senator who votes against it should be spotted by his constituency for all time. lam no prophet , but I will venture that wo as a people , are Upon the eve of one of the moot exciting campaigns of our history , and one that is fraught with graver consequences than the issue of 1860. The alow , but steady and sure , en croachment on the birthright of American individual citizens , by the soulless corporation or monied asisto- crat , will ere Ion ? ; meet with a deserv ed repuleo , and that will only be the commencement of hostilities. The re action will be terrible , and prolonged until all wrongs are righted and all debts piid. I almost hear the signal shots along the skirmish line of the coming conflict. The legions are massing , and when the word of com mand is given , the enthralled millions will march forth to victory. The bloody c .nflict of twenty years Jgo broke the fottera from four million blacks. Since then the galling yoke of slavery has bodu put upon the necks of forty million whiten , and , strange to say , has been borne without a murmur until recently. The people are generally becoming aroused , and when the spirit of free dom asserts itself , the opposition , be whatsoever it may , will eave to suc cumb. ti3t the time of deliveaanca hasten on ! With best wishes for the success of THE BEE , and all other public jonr- j nals and persons who espouse the cause of the wronged ruisaes , I am Yours , SAKTIAOO. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special DInutcbca to Tba Bc . The Chicago Veteran club ia making preparations to attend Garfield's inau guration. It will go several hundred strong. " John G. Law , for the murder of his wife on the 18th of September , at Portland , Me. , Was put on trial yes terday morning. A jury was empan eled and argument heard. A fire causing a loss of $15,000 oc curred last evening on the premises No. 81 , John etreet , New York , occu pied by Joseph Menneadez , importer of West Indian goods. When near Wellsport , Canada , yes terday noon , the express train on the Canada Southern railway ran off the track , and seven cars were overturned and badly smashed. Ten persons were injured , but none fatally. The cause of the accident is attributed tea a broken rail. A syndicate of Canadian capitalists has been formed for the purpose of leasing the government railway from Ottawa to Quebec. George S. Marsh , the clerk who embezzled § 5,000 from Hibhard , Spence & Co. , of Chicago , was arrested last night at his father's residence , in that city. Contractors who have been actively engaged during the past week in pre paring for their operations , yesterday commenced boring excavations for the tunnel under the St. Lawrence river af. Pochelaga , Canada. Prof. John Bf. Cannon , of the Cin cinnati gymnasium , has brought suit against James Lundy , a well-known photographer , to recover 820,000 damages - ages , alleged to have been sustained by a blow inflicted by the defendant. Body-Snatchtnjr. Specal Dtepatch to Tbo Be . DrxEorr , Mich. , January 18 10 p. m The body of Jeremiah Sullivan wai dug up by ghouls at Mt. Elliott cemetery last night. No clue to the body anatchera. Sullivan , an aged carpenter , died suddenly Saturday night. The coroner's jury found a verdict of death from consumption , but some supposed that he wa pois oner ] , A PIOUS POTT-WRESTLER A Miscular Minister Quiets a Crowd of Disturbers in the Sanctuary. And the Way He Clubbed them Was a Caution to Spectators. Labor Troubles Beginning ifi Now York A Woman hurnedin Detroit. A Majority ot the House Mili tary Committee Refuse to Pension Grant. A Muscular Kxhortor. Special Dispatch to Tbo Bee. CINCINNATI , January 14 4 p m. Frank Oaborne disturbed the meeting in Orange coun'y , Indiana , whenllov. Potts was preaching. Potta had been terribly annoyed in thu pome manner , many timra before by the same crowd , and , having armed himself with a club , ho i.t hat ceased preaching , took his club , and marching to the sent occupied by the disturber , mauled fjaborne over the head till he wae badly beaten , when the c owl res cued liira. Too preachfiAna and heavily fined , whn ho left the neighborhood. Death by Drowning1. SpeiUl dispatch to The Bee. MORIUSCOWN , Teun. . January 18 4 p. m. Qrt-ei , Suponinj ; attempted to croai the N llachucky rlvpr in a wagon , having with him Jane McCur- ry. Fanny Susoniug and An < K > r.ion Hamilton. The wagon becoming un coupled all were drowned escept Green Susoning. Labor Troubles. Bp clal Dispatch * o thd BSft Ns y YORK , January 18 4 p. m. A strike Iid3 jua'i tnkun place at Weber's piano factory and at Hurts Bros , French & Co. , ? Jint & Co.'e furniture factories. 700 men ' ; Te stopped work. Fears are entertained that there may bo a prolonged lock out , Jt appears th t the hours of so.110 of the workmen have been in- C.reased without nil advance of pay. The plaho rnert were t6 b& reduced 10 per cent. t ' Ignoranconnd Alcohol. Special Dlapttch to Tun BXK. DETROIT , M.ich. , January 18 4 p. m. Yesterday noon a horrible acci dent haipponed to Mrs. BueHner , wife oi Adofph Buettner , n'oretary of the German branch of the T Mi C. A. who roEidfo in the northern purl of the city. Mr * . Bupt'nrr had been advised to take an alcuhuiic si-ci * , and , Ignorar.tly placing a saucer full of alcohol on he floor , set fire to and then atond over the s. ucpr weiring her ordinary clothing. The frames sot fire to her iitidergirmonts and in a moment the unforHum'e woman was a mass of .names. She was alonQ iu the house but the neighbors heard her screams and arrivcdbefore her clothes had been entirely burned off. Mr . Buettner is 23 years of age , and I in a critical condition. The Morning1 Hour. Special Dispatch to Ihe Hoe. WASUINOTON , January 18 , 4 p. m. The president to-day approved the act for tho. relief of tha Winnebago Indians in Wisconsin and to aid them to obtain subsistence by agricultural pursuits and to promote their civil ization. The national bink notes received for redemption yesterday amounted to ? 4,200,000. Receipts of internal revenue , § 23,911,385 ; customs , $61- 37,820. The house committee on elections this forenoon , through Mr. Keifer , re ported unanimously in the case , Bob- bee vs Hull , in the second Florida district , that the contestant is entitled to the seat. It was laid over. A majorily of the military commit tee reported adversely on the bill to place General U. S Grant on the re tired liar. Mr. McCook presented a minority report. MACHINE MOVES , Senatorial Elections in the East. Special Dispatches to Tin Bin COLUMBUS. 0. , January 18 The election of United senator began to day. Senator Beer named John Sher man. Seuator Harper named Thur- man. A vote resulted , Sherman 20 , Thurraan 12. , Mass. , January 18 In the republican caucus to-day Senator Dawes wan renpmlnated , after a speech in opposition by T. W. Hig ginson , end one in favor by State Sen ator Rock. Dawe received 118 votes out of a total of 162. ALBANY , N. Y. , January 18. The legislature to day nominated Thomas C Platt for United States senator. The vote was as follows : In the Jen- ate , Thomas C. Platt , 25 ; Francis Kemau. 6 , In the assembly , Platt , 79 ; Kernan , 44. fbo reception of General Grant will take place in the assembly chamber to-morrow from 12:30 : to 3 p. m. HARRISBURO , Pa , January 18 4 p. m. The Grow phalanx to-day claim at least 51 votea will stand solid for Gow until they all hope of his elec tion is gone. Their manifestion has nerved up the wavering and put them in better spirits. The leaders of the bolters were up all night conntolling and scores of private consultation were had in Mr Crow's rooms Should there ba no election to-day i is very likely thit two caucuses wil beheld to-night an Oliver caucu and a Grow caucus. TRENTON , N. J. , January 18. George Ludlotr was inaugurated gov ernor of New Jersey to-day in the senate chamber. There was no ciyil or military dieplay. DOYER , Del. , January 18 10 p. m. Senator Bayard was re-elelested , all the democrats voting for him and the republicans voting for Anthony Hh/glns. AUGUSTA , Mo. , January 18 10 p. m In the senate the vote for United States senator stood , Hale 22 , Joseph L. Smith 3 , Harris M. Plaiston l.cait by Smith. In the house , Hale 84 , Smith 64. Three members were ab sent. The election will be declared to-morrow. INDIANiPOi.13 , Ind. , January 18 10 p. m. The time having arrivedfor the election of a United States Sena tor , by the Indiana legislature , the three following candidates were nom inated : Gen. Ben. Harrison , I. P. Gray , and Gilbert Do Li Matyr. The senate pare Gray 23 , Harrison 22 , Do La Matyr 2. The vote in the house stood as follows : Harrison 67 , Gray 39 , De La Matyr 1. The result will be announced to morrow. MISNEAPOWS , Minn. , January 18 10 p. m. In the Minnesota legisla ture to-day , both senate and house , nominated Hon. S. J. B. McMillan , to bo his own successor. HARBISBDRO , Pa. , January 19 1 a. m. Hon. H. P. Oliver was nom inated by the republicans ef the Penn sylvania legislature for the United States senate last evening. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , January 19 1 a. m At a caucus of S wyer men t Madiaon yesterday evenifg fifty-eight members pledged themselves to sup port Mr. Sawyer for the United States senate. As fifty-five constitute a ma jority of the majority of the republi cans , the formal caucus to-day will undoubtedly nominate Mr. Sawyer. Tfiu' terminates the long and acrimon ious struggle between "Boas" Keyes and the northern Wisconsin million- lire , which has exceeded In bitterness even the famous campaigns of Hon. Matt Carpenter. A BOGUS BAIT , Secretly Circulated Among Paddock's Feeble Followers , Promising Phineas , the Forger , Senator Conkling's Sap- port for the Cabinet , In Which Event Lucrative [ Offices Will be Lavished Upon Paddock's Sup porters. .a Dying Man's j Desperate Special Dispatch to the lice. LINCOLN , January 18 4 p. m. .After flibn ) tnrfiic ; all morning over the Diily-Carrigan contedfths houie adjourned at 12:30 : to meat agaiu at tf p. m. The senate , after counting all the vote of Saline cod'nty ic the Jones- Wells ciae , votedJpadjourtA 2 p. u , when the attorneys of each side will be allowed ihirty minutes in whijli to urtaeiit arguments. The vote on senator cannot be had before 4 o'clock. The antl- 'nddook men are still confident that 'dddock ' canuot by elected. A bold ind cunning aahemo to trap unwary members has come to light this after- icon. A bogui letter , purporting to fisre been written by Senator Conk- ling , has been se retl ? circulated , mong the members. This letter iledgod Senator Conklin 'a support for Hitchcock as aecretary Pf the ' ° - .erior if he assists In eecnring Pao % lock's ro-olectton. Gullible members that Pad ire confidentially assured dock's re-election secures Hltch- ; ock'a appointment to the cabi net beyond a doubt , and Hitchcock iled es them the patronage of the In dian bureau , land office and territorial kppointment. This letter i § no doubt a bold forgery like the letter of Presi dent Perkina , of the Burlington rail- oad , which was gotten up for Hitch- jock for years ngo and circulated by him amonjr members in 1877. No in- dlllgont man would believe that 'nnkling ' ever wrote such a letter. J. B. P. ZARA'S East India Pile Cnre. The only specific for all forms of Piles. In use in foreign conn- tries for years , lately intro duced into America. Warrant ed to give instant relief and a permanent cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists or mailed free on receipt of price , 50 cents , by'.the American agents , Eicliardson & Co. . Wholesale Druggists , Saint Louis , Mo. ZARA'S BILIOUS PILLS , guaranteed to give immediate relief in all cases of Bilious and Liver Complaints , Gos- tiTeness , Siclc Headache , Indigestion - digestion , and cleansing the system of all impurities. Price 25 cents. All druggists sol ] them. IN USE rORTY YEARS. Dr. Storm's CELEBRATED SCOTCH A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for COUGHS , GOLDS , ASTHMA , HOARSENESS and Strengthen ing the Lungs. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Price only 1O Gents. A. 6. HUBERMANN , XC. JEWELER , Cor. Douglas and 13th Sts.s Gives Great Bargains in Ladies' and Gents AMERICAN AND SILVER WATGES All Kinds Of JEWELRY , SILVER WARE AM ) DIAMONDS , We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money. IT IS A GRATIFYING FACT THAT THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor. The White Machine lastly claims to be the best made , the easiest running , the simplest m construction and the most perfect Machine in the market. The XVhlto Co. employ as agents men of in tegrity , and purchaoors are always satisfied , because they find everything juot ns repres ented. Everybody should use this Machine , The oaten so far thia year are more than doubta the corresponding time last year. All orders addressed to the Omaha Office will be promptly filled. JOHN ZEHRUNG , < 'or" . Pnveiiport and 15tli Sts. Omntia. HORSE SHOES AND Iron and Wagon Stock , Ihe Best Assortment of WHEELS in the West. At Chicago Pricey. W.d. BROATCH , Harney Street , Omaha. THE CENTRAL DINING HALL , Southwest corner 16th and Dodge. Has lately been leased by I Who hoe had years experience in the hotel and restuaurantibusi- fc' ' ness , and will run a first-class house. MEALS AT ALL HOURS Board by the Day or Week , with Lodging or without. Centrally Located. . ecll.flm < I 4 M n icturer of ! l kind * of Summer Bologna ( Gervelat Wurat ) a Soecialtiy. Orders promptly filled. § 1714 Burt St. , Omaha , Neb. de23-t BURNED OUT , But at it Again. C.H.&J. GOLLINS . . . , AND Saddlery Hardware , HARNESS , COLLARS , Stock Saddles , etc. , Now Eeady for Business. Next .Door to Omaha Na tional Hank , Donulas Street. SJ-After Jan. 5th , 1316 Douglas St. , opposite Academy of Music. ( IccU-tf PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STOKES. PfiaiAsiso AVD DITOT C. 8. 7 OJUIM. NIB . Dec. 23th , 1330. ) Staled Proposals , in duplicate , mibjcrt to the nmul con-'Itlona will In rccelted at ihU oTJco until 12 o'doci loon on Februry 7th , 188t at which time and flica they nill ! * open ed In prraoncao'liKMeo , f r furnishing anj delivery at the SabsUtcnccStorcbcuie ( Dew cor Ono hundred and fifty (150) ( ) lurre's pork , men , to he dtliverrd by Mirch 15th , IbSl. Twenty-Ore thoimnd (75.000) ( ) pon'id bacon , short , clear aMes. me-liam weiaht and thickness , picked in crate * , strap rd of about 220 pounds bacon each , each piece rf bacon to bo covered with cotton cloth. All to ha delivered l.y hr March 15tb , 1881 ± . . Two thousand ( J,00 > ) r nnd'breakfa t bacon ( thin breast * ) , ranvtised. and in latt d boxev , strapped , of about KO pound * breakfast bacon each. To b delivered by March Utb , 181. Thirty-two hnrdred ard f"rty ( t < > ) flic- pound tin lard , ( pnre Inl ) tw ve tin. i CM * . Stripped ; each tin mn t hold V 7 five pound * n t f be icceoted : prlc-s n if ' not per pound to t > tat d. to be d . . ei ; The Oo c'rnment reserves the right to reject any or all proposilv. ! Blank propo-ilsandfdll information t'the I mann r of bidding- , conditions o be obrcrredby I bidden , and terms of onfrael ad ptjrment. will bo farnishei onaprlisitioato IhUofflce. Ko propva- will be considered unless accam * ranitd by'th * "Printed Instructions V > Bid den ' to be procured at this cffice. Envelope 4 contalnliK propoeals ihi.ald be mtrktd "Propo Is for Snbiiis ence Storre , " and addressed to ths underpinned. THOMAS WIL'Oy , JilMt _ C 8..U.M A. a week. | 12a day at borca easily mute ; taab oatfit Inn Add re * Tree ? Co.PortlndUe USTOTIOE. Any on bavins ; dead anlmala I wilt rcmovo them free of chngo. Leave order * southeast cam r of ITarney and llth St. . wconJ door. ? CHARLES SPLITT. U . CJ. MERCHANT TAILOR Capitol Ave , , Opp. Mwonlo Hall , DM A. S. CONSULTING PHYSICIAN HAS I'ERMANKNTf.T LOCATED 1113 MID * ICAf. OFFICE. lil Tenth Street , - OUAHA , NEBRASKA Offerlnz his gervlcea In all d'partmenta 'o medicine 413 rorgeiy. both In general a pedal rn" " ' acuU and chronic dlgeaMa. C oe commit * ! ntht and itj , and will Tltita a art of the city and mntr ° ° rivriol ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! One Week-Saturday Matmee. Commencing MONDAY Jan. 17. Appearance of Prof. J. M. MAGALLISTER , Great Wizard OF THE WORLD. In a choice selection of wonderful I'losfanr , gtartliiur tmwforraationa tail tewlMtrin ? feta of Magic. At the cqo of flwh entertainment 100 nwfulanil costly present * will b clren * " the aurllenco. Ailral/fioo / aall rv ( itb preatnt of * naen Tdope)25c All teats down stairs , Me. Rewired se t at If JX Jloysr Bros , without rxtn cji rj . J. H. FLIEGEL & CO. H. THIELr , MERCHANT TAILORS , No. 1220 Douglas Street , A ISEASES OF THE EYE , Ear and Throat. DRL. B. ORADDY ; OCULIST , AUBI8T&LARYND1ST. Office Orar Kennard's ! Drug store OOrner of I4tn snrt Dousrfas St * . 07ls-3m