.t .tI I REMNANTS OF THE OLD YEAR. After a most extraordinary trade in Dress Goods aused by the wonderfully low prices at which we were able to oner them late in the season , We have now an unusually large stock of \ These Goods are now laid out and are marked down \ less than cost , making the most SPLENDID BARGAIN ever offered in Omaha , and the Goods are in such quantity that there is really a splendid selection. Eemember the first choice is worth something. _ Our new Cedar Blanket Binns are now full of every discription of Blankets , many of them bought recently at very low figures , and the other stock marked down to match them , Making the cheapest and best assort ed lot ever offered here- jUso a light comforts just arrived as good value if not better than the best. Now that the rush of the Holiday trade is over , w desire to call special attention to the Greatest Bargai we have ever offered , being a most beautiful line of SATLV FINISHED DOUBLE DAMASK , TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS TO HATCH , These G-oods are the samples of a large Belfast Linen Manufactory , which we purchased on such terms.that we can offer them at 33 per cent less than regular goods. There is nothing whatever the matter with these goods except that some are slightly soiled at the folds ; which of course , comes off with thelSrst washing. This is a splendid chance to obtain most beautiful and rich Table Cloths at the price of ordinary goods. 9' > 1 < M. SISERAL , . H . .KEY AT LA.W KoomeCi > lKhton . xloek. 16th Bt , OMAHA , KEB.c D. U THOMAS , 1 TTOEKKT AT LAW Louts money , bnyl _ ti _ and sells rcl ccuto. Boom B.Orei-hton Bioefc. ' \ A. C. TRQUP , A TTOHNtT A.T LAW Offlcs In A. Block , Uh C orff E. Prltotott , I8M fftmh m Bt. OMAHA , DEKTES L THOMAS , a TTOKMZT AT LAW Crolck h nk Bolld A * * . ' A. M. GHADW1CK , TTOKVCT AT LAW Office 1EM Famhun . Btr a. V Af ? V CU OSoa In CnJehtcn Bock , next U Jj PortOOcc , OMAHA , 5ZBKASEA , JtfPaltnl * Proaircd. ' * * COTABT rUBLIO. OOLLTOnOKB KADB O'BRIEK & BARTLETT , Attornsys-at-Law , oynCE-Hnlon Bluefc.riftocnth tni Farnhunl ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACH/TJIOCK / , COR. DOUGIETH STg. , OMAHA. NEB. W. J. Oonnell , Attornoy-at-La w. OtDce : Front toomi , np tlalre. In nuucom'i new brick building , N. W. comer nttocnth and rarnhim Streets. . lUraoi. Cms. K. KIDIOK REDICK & fts Attorney s-at-Law , Special attention will bo given to all vclta kealnet corporation * ol every doacriptlon ; will practice In ! Kh ( > Court * ot the Btato Mid the United State * . OSloo , Farnbatn BC , oppoelte Court Ilottte. EDWARD W. SIMERAL , i TTORKET AT LAW Room t Creljhton jfBlock. . ICtb icid PootlM * .rt t noMh t. F. MANDEBSOH , A't. AT LAW Ml rarnh.tn tmt A' Omaha ' W. T. G i. HUNT RICHARDS &KUNT , Attorneys-at-Law. Ornoi zib South Fourteenth Btre t. aANTA GLAUS FOUND. Greatest IMbcovery or the AKB. WonC wfol dlfcoverle * In the world have been mad * Among other thlngB where Santa GlaotBtayed Children oft ask If be make * goods or not , If raUy he Bvos In a mountain of ( now. Last y ar an excnndon Balled clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped Into what Bcemedllke ahole Where wonder of wonder * tbey found a new I and , While fairy-like belnjn appeared on each hand. There were mocntatnt like ours , with more beautiful preen , And tar brlihver akles than ever -wen een , Blrdi with the hues of a rainbow were found , While flowers of exquhdta fragrance were grow Inp aronnd. Not long were they left to xrondtr tn doubt A beta ; soon came the ; had hoard much about , Twas Santa Claut * Bell and thli they all eay , 3e looked ( Ike the picture v rsre every day. Be drove up a teaa that looked very queer , TWM a team ot cramhoppera Instead ot reindeer , Be rode In a e bell Instead of a slelg h , Bat he took them on tord and drove them way. E ( bowed them alt over hie wonderful realm. And factories maklns roods for women and men Fnrrien were working on hats preat and " . _ To Bunco's tier said they were sending them all. Kris Klnclo , the Glove Maker , told them at once , All our Gloves we an s ending to Bonce , Eaota showed them unipeoders and many thlnjt more. Cayinc I alse took these to Mend Bancet store. Santa Glaus then whimpered s eocrot he'd UU , As in Omaha every one knew Bunco well , He therefore should nod his poods to hU care , Knowing his IrleniU will get their full share. jfow remombcr ye dwellers lu Omaha town. AH who want presents to Bunco's go round , For hrts ! , orOlars , or cloves great and ( mall , Send your raster or cunt one and alU Bonce , Champion natter ot the West , Douglas r at. Oramha HAMBURG AMLKIC N PACKET CO/S Weekly Line oi Steamships ly-avine Ne To k Every Thursday at 2p.m. * For England , France and Germany. Tor Passage apply to C , B. RICHARD & CO. , Paaengti Agt&tf , Brcaflvray , NewYorK TEE PAIL ? BEE. OBAHA PUBLISHING COPROPRIETORS. . 915 Pamham , bet. Sth nnd 10th Street ! TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , la advance ( postpaid ) (8.00 Btnonthg " " 1.00 months " " . ! 2.00 TIME TABLFS THE MAILS. 0 , * N. W. K.R..BSO * . m. , StOp. tr ; 0. B. & Q 5 30 * . m. , 2:10 p. m. C. R. 1 4 P. R. R. . 6:80 , in. , 2iOp. : tn OA Bt. Joe E:80 : . in. 8. City 4 P. 6:30 . m. U. P. B.B. , Ili0a.a. 0. & R. T. to Lincoln , 10 v tr. B. & U. R. R. . 8:10 : a m. O.fcK. W. , 720a.m. 0.4K.W. R.R. , U a.tn. , 11 p.m. C. B. A Q. , 11 a. m. , 9 Q p. m. 0. B. I. & P. , 11 a. m. . 11 p. m. 0. B. feBt , JOB. , 11a.m. , lip m. U. P. R. R. , 4 p. m. 0. & R. V. Irom Lincoln. 1SJO p. m , B.Clty 4P. , lla. m. B. &H. lnl eb.tp. m. Local malla lor SUtca Iowa tear * bet onn a dar , Tic 4 0 a. m. Office open from 12 to J p. m. Bnndays. _ THOMAS F. HALL. FoatmMfr. Arrival And Departure of Trains ' UNION PACinO. LliVI. ARRIVC. Dally Hcprf i..I2lEpm. S:25p.m. : do Mixed . elo p. m. < :25p. m. do Freight. . . . .6:30 a. m. 1:40 : p , tr. do do . . .8:16 a. m. 12:20 : . m. TIME UARD OF THE BURLINGTON. LUTB OIUILL. ARRIVIOIUJU. Krprea 8:10 : p. m. Kzprets lO.-OOa. n , Mail 8:00 a. m. Hall 10:00 : p.m. Bandmys Exccpted. Sundays Exceptcd. CHICAOO.fROCE ISLAND ft PACIFIC. Hail _ . -00 a. in. I Uall 10.-00p. m. Kxpn . . _ & 10 p. m. | Express..10:60 a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Kail _ .fl 0a.m. | UaD _ 7:20 p. in. * pr M . . .S:10pi : m. | Express _ . .ie K ) a. m. Bundayt exccptod. KANSAS OITT.BT. JOE * COUNCIL BLUFFB 1T > JLKUTK. Hall _ .8KKa. ) m. I Kxprow 7 : < 0 , m. Expnai 0:00p.m. | Mill 7:2a j.m. The only line mnnlne Pullman Bleeping Carl oat ot Omaha to Union Depot. OMAHA 4 NORTHERN NEBRASKA r AIL- WAY COMPANY. Leave. Arrive. rxrrew.BKKa. ) m. | Fxprc i.l:30p : , m. Mucd l:50p m. | lIiied.r..lO- a. m Dally Except Snodiyi. B. A M. R. R. la NEBRASKA. LUTV. ARRtVI , Express8W : m | Freight 8-30am Freight fi.CS p m I ExprrtB 4:1 J p m BIOUX crrr & ST. PAUL R. R. KkU .8:10 : am 1 Express 100 a Q Krpren S,10pmMi | 720 p tn WABA8B , BT. LOUIS * PACIFIC. U1TXS. AMUVH. Kail _ _ 8 a. m. I Kail . _ 11M a. m Expreca..StOp. m. ( Expren.t 5 p.m. BRIDGE DIVI5IOK U. P. R. R. Letvc Omaha , dallys S a. m. , B a. ex , 10 a m. , 11 a. m. . 1 p. m. , S p. m. , Cp. ra , 6 p. m , , 6 p. m. . Lrare Cotmcfl Blaffi ; &SS a. m. , B i a. m , , IDAS a. m. , ll S a. m. . ! & p. m. , S.-S5 p. m. , 8:25 p. m. , 635 p. m. , 6 5 p. m. , Fool trips on Sunday , learlnp Omaha at B and 11 a. m. , S and 5 p. EL ; Council Bind U 0 { , 1125 a. m and 225 and 6SS p. m. rAtsnrais TKints. Leave Omaha : 6 n. m. , 7. a. m.8da . to. , 1 p. m. , tM p. m. , 7 5 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffc 6:16 a. m , , 8:10 a. nr , llrlO amiE:25p. m. , 7.-00 p. m. , 720 p. m. DaUf except Sunday. OMAAA 4 REPUBLICAN VALLEY R , . LUVX , Kail. . . . 10:15 a. m. , Dally except Sundays. To Uervons Sufferers The Great European Bemedy Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine , His a positive eon forSpermatorrhca , Seminal Weakness , Impotcncy , and all disease * resnltlnr from SellrAbuse , at Ment&l Anxiety. Lo < a ol lemory. Palm in thg Back or Side , that lead to Consumption Iniohltj- and anearlj-grave The SpeclBe Uedldne Is bring nee wit t ironder- tnl success. JrestoaU. Write for them . Price , Spedfle , $1.00 perpackage , or rir agei for $5.00. Addrc ralforde7i to m J.B. SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. , Iiot Hand 108 Ualn St. , Buffalo , N.T. Sold In ? maba bjC. . F. Goodman , J. W. Bell J. K. I Jh ind all drnnista ererywhere. THE BNGLISH COLONT IN IOWA. A DEscBirnoN or it AND WHAT IT is DOING. The Now Tork Commercial Bulletin publishes a lengthy dejcriptivvrthle in relation to the colony e Ublish d near Le Mars in this stte some you asjo , by the Brottien Ologe , wealthy Englishmen , -who were ihe orfsr.tnetors and anpoortera of it. From that we mate a fcff extracts , feeling they will be of interest to the reader : This colony was begun through ac cidental , rather than preordained causes. Two nephews of D ? n Close , of Carlisle , graduates of Cambridge , came oat to America several years ago , to spy out the land. After wandering in Canada , Virginia and Missouri , they made their way to Northwestern Iowa. Here they found a tolling praltie country , abundantly watered , 1,600 fee : above the sea , absolutely free from malaria , and the aoll practically inexhaustible. ThU Jk , the land to settle in. It tras good either for Block raising or fcrain growing. The two brothers bous-ht at cnca and settled down. But the country was very sparsely in habited , and It was a very lonesome sort of business. The idea occurred to them to invite such of their univer sity friends as had prit and Capital to join them in forming an exclusively English colony. The invitation was extended and so numerously accepted that it was found necessary to open an office in London and one in Le Mars , Iowa , ao that the interests and the business of tha colony could be prop erly looked after. The firm of Closs Bros. & Go. act aa the agents and pro- mctere of the colony. They buy the lands for the settler , put up his build ings , do the "breaking , " and if he de sires it , eelect the nucleus for his stock. They take care of his money and act as his banker and merchant. But nothing la dona on credit. The settler must have the capital for all his engagements , or his presence is declined. His social standing and his character must al o be acceptable. No cards , or persons whose pecuniary re sponsibility ia questionable , are want ed in Ihe colony. The clan feeling is strong. nd thedeaire to ke p it up is. unquenchable , Ono aiugdat feature of the colony is the system of pupilage. Young men , usually graduates of Oxford or Gam- bridge , paj- the London ofilco prim- iums ranging from 100 to 25. The payment of premium gives a young man the privilege of n cheap first-class fare across the Atlantic to his destin ation , and of being placet ! on the farm of some colonist who will kok after his welfare and give him a practical insight into farming and stock raisiog. In other words , a lad who may hav ) been Ihe jjnt o a wealthy and perhaps noble family , and n great swell aljeith- er of the universities , is aet to feeding pigs , tending sheep , herding cattle , pitching hay , or carrying grain to mar ket , just as though he were a common farm hand. After ho had "roughed it" for a year or two in this way , the yoang Englishman naturally becomes h prac tical farmer. To Home who try it , if they decline to submit they are sent Tiome BS wanting in pluck. But this class of Englishman are gritty , and they usually accept the situation readily and without a murmur. After the larm of pupilage is up , the young man buys land on his own account , andho _ becomes either a farmer or a Bt.Cc"s raiser. Scores of lads , repre senting tha very best blood of Eng land , are now acting as farm hands in the manner above described. Among these may be mentioned Lord Hobart , two eons of the Bishop of Lltchfield , a son of Admiral Hornby , a son of Sir John Lubbock , a son of Lady Bent , etc. A man of great influence in the colony is Capt. Beynold * Moroton , formerly of the royal navy. Ho is , I beliece , the brother of a lord , and his wife the daughter of an Irish nobleman. His plantation is near the town of La Mars. Ho rides in eyery Sunday to hold services and preach. He is a man ot strong char acter , and the value of such a one to a new colony in the far west cannot be stated in words. Ho keeps the sportive element in the colony within due bounds , and by his example , though a man of largo means , shows that steady industry and economy are the true element of success in farm ing. Without going into the figures here , it can be demonstrated that stock raisine in the northwestern part of Iowa will yield from 30 to 35 per cant increase per annum , including accidents and contingencies. Grain growing is about equally profitable , but there is something more risk. The colony is getting its returns at about these rates , and Is prospering greatly beyond its expecta tions. It is not a co-operative scheme like Mr. Thomas Hughes1 , but each colonist ii an Independent factor , and can do what ho likes with his own. There is still a sense of roughness and isolation , bnt this is gradually wearing off. Cluba and libraries are being formed in the colony , a rector will soon make his appearance from England , and a number of young men have recently gone home to get wives. In Northwestarn Iowa the colonist gets his income the second year , and he is In a place where he can at once spring Into wealth and comfort , and what ho has will be his own totally , and not a moiety subject to the will of a corporation three thousand miles away. Congress Nowadays. Globe-Democrat. The elevation to the senate cf Omar D. Conger , of Michigan , has given riee to a great deal of merriment from the democratic precs , chiefly be- caueo Mr. Conger has a loud voice and a red face , and because his man ners have not that repose which marks the caste of Yere de Vero , and it is even hinted that the august and im maculate dignity of the senate will suffer harm from his presence. It is in exceedingly bad taste for a parly which has just sent Mr. Cockrell to the senate for a second term of six jeans to affect a fastidiousness in sen atorial matters , and the stones that are thrown at Conger COQO from a house of which the glass is very frag ile. If Mr. Conger finds the temper ature of the lenato lowered by the uncongenial aspect and frigid recep tion of bis brother senators he can not do better than borrow a story told of the brilliant but unreliable Nye , of Nevada , who ended his days in a mad house. Mr. Nye was a statesman of the heroic western type , and after he had recovered from the first natural shiver incident to his introduction into so elevated an atmosphere he was asked amid a choice circle of senators what his first impression of the senate had been. "Well , " said Mr. Nye , "when I looked aronnd and saw all you gentlemen looking ao wise and digni fied I wondered how the devil I came to be here. " There was a sally of ap preciative laughter over this honest admission , and then Mr. Nye was asked what his second impressions were. "Well , " he said , "after I had sat there a few days and had hoard yon other fellows talk , then I won dered how the devil you all came to be here. " There have been few sessions of the senate in recent years in which Mr. Nye's humorous impressions were not sadly echoed by millions of citizens. A great many old-fashioned people who took an interest in politics twen ty-five or thirty years sgj , now keep hanging on the wall of the back par lor , in R square frame of plain wood or gilt , an engraving of the iJniled States sonata in I860. Probably most of our readers are familiar with the engraving , which does not rank high as a work of art , bnt which is remark able for the ooincidenoe that it rep- recants tbe senate at a time wnen it was Its highest estate , and when it contained a larger number of able and distinguished men thin it has ever held at any time since , although the number of sena tors hag bean largely increased by the formation of net ? states. If any of the pte&ent senators are disposed to put on airs over the introduction of Mr. Conger's red laid and loud voice amono ; them , il will ba a satutary and refreshing disciplina for their pride to tike a glance at the picture of their body in its palmy days. Contrasting the senate than with the senate now , it will be irap sible for the most su percilious senator to make unkind re flections on a now-comer. In the whoie senate Conkling and Biaino are the only men whoso prom inence as statesmen is sufficient to prevent their being elected president , After them come a nnili bnt respect able lotol mediocrities , and lastly the great body of nonenities , with Mis souri very handsomely closing up the rear the men who prompt ns to wonder with Nye "how the devil they got there. " Statemanshipis | a tradition of the past , recognized ability is jo longer to be found , eloquence is one of the lost arts , and the senate of to day bears the same relation to the senate of thirty years ago that lemon ade does to whisky. The most promin ent trait of ihe eonateis the absence of prominent traits ; it resembles Sarah Bernhardt In being conspicuous , not for what is there , but for what is not there. And yet the senate represents the finest flower and ripest fruit of our political growth ; the senate ia promo * tion from the house , and goSd con gressmen , if they do not die and are not kept at home by adverse circum stances , are usually translated to the other end of the capitol. The senate is emphatically the region of the "solar walk ind upper air" of politics , and if the senate Is BO shrunk away and fallen off , what must bo tlie state ot the house ? The house represents vety largely what Is left after the other fellows go to the ser.r.tc. Its character is indi cated by such incidents as the per sonal controversy between Sparks and Weaver , by the debate on the fund ing bill , by the resolutions of Mr. Newberry on the fishofy award. In the kingdom of the blind fth& bn- eyed man is king , and Kelly arid Randall and Wood pass for statesmen iu a house in which Bland and Frost and Weaver obtain leave to print their speeches in The Record. The house is Pope's "Dunciad" transposed nnd transprosed to modern times ; dullness and monotony reign supreme. The utmost limit of renown is the limit of the district , and there is not a member of congress who is recognized as a statesman outside of his own stftte. With the wider diffusion of intercourse and closer relations be tween all parts of the country there is no man in the house who enjoys a really national reputation , no one who is recognized as a na'iorml statesman. Perhaps as an offset to the engraving of the senate in the days when Clay spoke on the compromise measures , it might bo worth while to get up a picture of the house as it appeared during the debate between Sparks and Weaver ; it might servo as a contrast , shoning the other extreme of a con gress remarkable for its obscurity ; as o reminder to future days of the low est level of dullness reached in our politics , and an inevitable au zestion } f the question how all those fellows got there. . The Senate. The official liat of senators in the egisluuro of Nebraska ia as follows : 1st District R. A. Wherry , W.W. Turk. 2d District William Daily. 3d District 0. H. Van Wyck , H. F. Gady. 4th District-0. K. Teft. 5th District G. W. DOANE , Juo. 0. HOWE. 6th District J. C. Meyers. 7th District S. B. Taylor. 8th District J. F Burns. Sth District John Zuhrung. 10th District Isaac Powers. llth District B. K. Smith. 12th District J. W. Perkins. 13th District W. R Morso. 14th District II. K. Turner. 16th District A. J. Evans. 16th District E. 0 White. 17th District 0. H. Gere. 0. W , Prlco. 18th District J. R. Eryio. 19th District E. B. Harrington. 20th District H. M. Weeks. 21st District THOS. GRAHAM. 22d District Martin Barnes. 23d District J. B. Dinsmore. 24th District 0. B. Coon. 25th District Sidney Baker. 26th District Henry Snyder. HOUSE OF KEPUELENTATIVES. First District Richardson , P. S. Heacock , J. R. Dowty , John Kloep- fel , Ghafi. Cole , rep. Second Pawnee , J. L. Line , A. H. Jackson , rep. Third Gage , Elijah Filley , H. H. Silver , rep. Fourth Johnson , J. S. Daw , A. A. Carman , rep. Fifth Nemaha , Church Howe , T : L. Schick , M. B. Raymen , rep. Sixth Otoe , Nelso Overtoil , F. T. Ransom , J. O. Moore , J. M. Par ry , rep. Seventh Lancaster , N. C. Abbott , C. 0. Whedon , N. T. McClun , R. B. Graham , rep. Eighth Saundora , H. H. Shodd * Benjamin Johnson , J. E. Scott , rep. Ninth Cass , R. B. Windham , Jaa. Hall , H. D. Root , rep. Tenth Sarpy , Amoa Gates , dem. Eleventh Douglas , W. J. Broatch , H. Bolin , J. H. Kyner , P. H. Mnl- len , E. M. Bartlett , S. K. Jackson , rop. ; W. A. Paxtoa , J. A. McShane , dem. dem.Twelfth Twelfth Dodge , Wm. Fried , J. R. Oantlin , rep. Thirteenth--WashlngtonH.Sprick , J. B. Baily , rep. Fourteenth Bnrt , J. C. Laughin , rep. Fifteenth Cumins , A. Peterson , rep. ; T. M Transe , dem. Sixteenth Dakota , Joa Holman , dem. Seventeenth A. S. Palmer , rep. Eighteenth Jefieraon , C. P. Slo- cumb , rep. Nineteenth Thayer , E. M. Cor- rell , rep. Twentieth Nuckolls , J. M. Cook , rep. rep.Twentyfirst Webster , H.S. Koley , rep. Twenty-second Adams , C. R. Jones , rep. Twenty-third Clay , J. H. Case , rep. rep.Twentyfourth Fillmore , N. S. Babcock , rep. Twenty-fifth Saline , W. H. Kemp- ton , H. McDougal , rep. ; S. J. Her man , dem. Twenty-sixth Seward , H. P. King , rep. ; Henry BicV , fusion. Twentj-saventa York , Albert Wilson , S. V. Moore , rep. Twenty-eighth Hamilton , John Holmes , rop. Twenty-ninth Hall , Fred. A. Searn , rep. Thirtieth Bnflalo , S. C. Ayer , rep. Thirty-first Lincoln , J. 0. Watts , dem. Thirty-second Harlan , Geo. 0. Rsed , rep. Thirty-third Howard and Greeley , VF. Frederick , rep. Thirty fourth Merrick , 0. Hostet- ter , rep. Tnirty-fifth Polk , John H. Mickey , rep. rep.Thirtysixth Butler , T. Jensen , Thirty-seventh Oolfas , A. W. Walling , rep. Thirty.eishth ? Platte , Geo. 0. Lehman ; derh. Thirly - ninth Madison , C. 0. Wyatt , rep. Fortieth Cedar , Wm. Potter , rep. Forty-first Burt and Dodge , J. A. Sill. rep. Forty-second Stanton , Wayne nnd Pierce , G. L Lamb , rep. Forty-third Knox and Soil , and unorganizad territory , W. H. McOInre , rep. - Forty.fonrth Antelopfe , W. W , Putney , rep. Forty-fifth Boone , Valley , Sher man , and unorganized territory , G. W. Brown , rep. Forty-sixth Dawson and Frontlerj A. S. Baldwin , rej > . Forty-seventh Franklin and Kear ney , H. C. Wells , rep. Forty-eight Furnas , Phelpa , and Gosper , R. W. Montgomery , rep. - * Forty-ninth Cheyenne , Keith , fiundy , Chase , Hitchcock , Red Wil low , and unorganized territory , con test between R. B. Daily , rep. ; and D. Carrigan , dem. Fiftieth Casa and Saunders , J. B. McKinnon , rep. Fifty-first Platte , ColfaX and But ler J. 0. Roberts , rep. Fifty-second Filmore and Clay , W. D. Gray , rerj. Stop that Cough. If yon are suffering with a Cough Cold , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , losa of voice , tickling of the throat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Thia is the great ren'edy that fa Causing so much elcitement by ira wonderful cures , curing thousands of hopeless casos. Over a million bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery have been used within the last year , and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance. WO can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure for throat and lung affections , and can cheerful ly recommend it to all. Call and get a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size for § 1-00. Ish & McMahon , Om aha. (3) ( ) i o YearsVefoi-e theJPiibliG , LITER PILLS are not recommended as a remedv "for all the ills that flesh is heir to. " but in aflecf ions of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseases of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As a simple purgative theyaie unequalcd. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine arc never sugar-coated , Each bos has a red-wax seal on the I'd , ith the impresi.ioiMcLANE'S LIVER PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa tures ol C. MCLAM : and FLEMING Bnos. $ T Insist npou having the genuine Pn. C. McLAXK S LI VEK PILLS , pre pared b" riEanxc ; TJROS. , pmsinirgii , m. , the market being full of imitations of the name 3IclMi\e , spelled differently , but iaiuc i-ronunciation. II3W TO CORE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Throat , Lungs , and Pulmonary Organs. ! USE ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. Prep rd from tropical frnltj and plant * . IstheBest and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation Henclnclie , Torpid Liver , Hem orrlioIUs , indisposition , and all Disorders arising : from an ob structed state of tlie H > stein. Ladles And children , nnd those irlio dislike taking plli ? and IIIUI.POIIS rncdlcrnpR , nre espe cially pleased Ith Its rgrecahlo qunlltles. TROPKXFRUIT LAXATIVE may ho used In all case that need the aid of a purgative , cathartic , or aperient medicine , nnd wnllelt pro duces the amo result n. s tha agents named. It Is entirely free from thp nsml objoctlona common to them. Facktl'la bronzed tin bozti only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALT.FIRST-CLASSDRUGGISTS. C. F. Ooo'min , WIiolepaleARents , Omflia.NeV. Before Purchajtntr AST FORK ot So-Called tLtbl Band , or Appliance represented to rare Nervous , Chronic and Special Dieeoae , send to the PUL VERUACUER GALVANIC CO , 613 Montgomery Street , Pan Francisco , Cal. , for their Free Pamphlet and "Tho Electric Review , " and you will nave time , health and money. Tha P. G. Go. are the only dealers m Genuine Electric Ap pliances on the Amsrlcan Contl t > f always Cures and never disap points. The world's great Pain " Rbliovor for Man and Boast. , quick and rolin"blo. PITCHER is riot Xarco'jSc. ' Children grow fat upon 3 Mothers like , and Physiciaics recommend C ASTORIA. It regulates the Bowels , cures "Wind Colic , allays Feverishness , nnd de stroys Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cnro , a Conatitntlonal Antidote for this terrible mala dy , liy Absorption. The most Important Discovery since Vac cination. Other remedies may relieve Catarrh , this cures at any stage before Consumption sot * in. ( DEC a week in your own town , lennj and > 00 oatatfits. Address H. Hallett 4 Co. , PorUand.Me. * - f c * * < - * * f * . * ' ifPr WOKTH EEMEMBEEING. That TARBAM'S SUTZSR Apnmtyr i.prole la each bott e thirty or fo-ty ilvm tt 3pir ne Seltzer TCUer. contaldinsr all ths yiitujs ol the celabratstl German r > ns. It Is always fresh * nd always ridy , and thu cirao-cna * Ili'lf to ill for itJ effioao port lulltvan-i cheapness ALL DKUGOI- < HAVE If THE COLOMDO US ! fa 00 This Institution , located ot Denyer , Colorado , the Educational and Commercial center of the West , la pre-eminently the best and most practi cal of lii kind for thsj RflEROANTILE TRAINING -OF Young Men and Ladies. G. W. FOSTER , Prealdent , D. W , CADY , Secretary , The most extensive , thorough and completa nstltntlon ot the kind In the world. Thousands of accountants and Business men , In the prin cipal cities and towns ot the United Stated , owe their success to our course of tralnlcr. The Eisht Kind of Education for Young Men and ladies , Fine , new brick block , at Junction of three treet car lines. ElSgantly fitted and furnished apartments or ths application of and carrying out of our no-.el and systematic methods of BUSINESS TRAI1OTGK Young men * ho contemplate a business life , and parents haUn ? sons to educate , are particu larly requested1 to tend for our new Circular , which mil cho full Information u to terms , onditlon of entrance , etc. Address G , W. FOSTEK , President , 6-3-n Benver Colorado. INTERNAL EXTERNAL , AND 3TCHING PILES nt once on tlio m'pl'cnUoii ot Dt tfouuiho * Pile ItcnicOy. whlrli act * dl fctly upon tlio pnrtu nlTccteU , aluorblm Tamora , nlinylag the Intense Htcfc Ul outer rcmctitca ? mve Cajied. Tgy < M .he . no other , and tell your aaighfccraiqi to merit * . DO NOT DELAV rnfll tlio drain on tlio jst ni prodnri * > erznancnt dlvibllllj , bnt bny It , PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOS IT , iBtJ vrhca yon can nntobtnln llofblm. in rill aend it , prepaid , on receipt ofprlce Jr. Boejtn1io * > Trvatlao ou Plica sent fret in application. ACdrcm DR , BOSANXO MEDICINE CO , A nc.r an * ! hitherto nnknmvn remedy fnr all dlEejfiea cf tha ICu3 ! j ? ; Jsiadder , end Urinary Orstw. It will positiv ely care Ulsbatca , Gravel , Drop sy , Erleht'a Wgcas ? , Inahlllty to renln or expcll the Urine , Catarrh of the Bhdder , high colcreil and § eanty crlne. Painful Unnatlnf , LAMK RACK , Gcnor&l Weakness , and all Fcnaia Complaint - plaint ! It avolih Inicnial medicines , la certain In It cOcctg and clues when r.othlnc elco can. For sale by nil Dnijnta or cent by mall free upon receipt of tlio price , $2 00. DAY INEY PAD CO. , PHGP'RS , Toledo , O. t3T3 . , jour addrew for onr litlla boot , How e KM Saved. " WROUGHT rROH FEHGES. Wire Fendnp and Sallln ? si Speciality. Their hoautv , pcrraannnco and economy dally workln ? the extinction o ! all fencing cheap material. Elegant in dceicn. Indcutrnctlhle Fences for Lawns , Public Grounds and Ceme tery Plata. Iron Va e ? , Lawn Settees , canopied and of rustic p'vttorni ; Chairs and every description of Iron * nd Wire ornamental work deslcncd ami manufactured hv E T. FAP.IIUirs Wire and Iron Wnrk , 17 , 23 and 31 Woodward Ave , De troit , Mich. Sec- ' ' - i a - . -ataloue anil price lift eep2 < FEVER MB > AGUE. a I \Sf CELEBRATED * ll < fi 53 There ianc civilized nation In the Western Hemisphere in which the utility of HosUttcr3 _ Etnnuch Bitten as a tcnir , coirtctivc , and aati- bilfons medicine , la not knoirn and appreciated. While it ia a incdidno tor jJl sracung and all climate * , It It especially suited to the cotnp'aints generated by tlio ncatl.er. Mn ? tto cutest and test vegetable stla.uUnt in ths form. For rile by Krnjjsist * and Dealers , to whom ap- anie for US1. TWO DOLLARS WILL SECURE THE WEEKLY BEE One For Year. -VIA THE Chicago & Northwestern 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! K1 * th SHORT. SCRS asd Safa Sonta Betwssn COUNCIL BLUFFS as OHIO AGO , MILWAUKEE and el ! points EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS TJT5 \VEtlJf0 PUBLIC OKEATER FAnttTIfrS AKD UORK ADVANTAGES THAN ANT OTHER KOAD IN THE WEST. It U the OSL1 ROAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which Is ran PULLMAN HOTEL OAKS ! In edjl'tm to thc * and to p > § a all dame * of velrs. It yivrTR5T.OLAB3 MEALS t Its EATII > 0 STATIONS at 50 omta each ITS TRftCK IJ ST ITS COACHES ATC THr ITS rqUiPSEHT FIRST CLASS If von wish the Br t TnTelfar Accommodn- tlonsvou will buy your ticket bv thli Rente 0-AND WILL TAKE S01IE OTHER. All Ticket Atrentacza eoll ion Throueh Tickets Tl this road and Cnecjc t aa Baft- gap : Free ot Cbarga' OMAIIA T10KET OFFICES 12Jt Farnham St. , Cor 14th , and at Union radflc Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorrdo Central and Union Pacific Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE S Now Montgom- eryStrtat. For Information , feiders , mips , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket Office , address any azont of the Company , or HflRVIK HUCKITT , B. STEHMITT ; Oea'l liM-ietr. C3enT Ftas. AKOit. CHICAGO , IK. JflSES T. OlPf ? * , , Genl Aij't Oauh * ft CocntJl BInffs. THROUCH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I TIBCIEJ CHICAGO BURLINGTON QUINCY With Smooth acd Perfect Track , Elesrant Pas eens-er Ccachea , and PULLMAN SLEEPIHC& DIN1HG QflRS U li acknowlodtjej by tfcs FrtM , and all wfcc travel nvcr It , 10 be tha Best Appointed ind Best Managed Eoid In tha Country. PASSENGERS GOING BAST Should oe r In mind that this la the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And I'olnts East , North will Northwest. PM enReraby thld Itonte have chclcs of FOUE DIFFERENT ROUTES , And the Advantage of Six Daily LIcea ol I'al-vco Sleeping Can from Cl.icr.co to New York City Without Change , All Exprcra Trains on this line are equipped with the Wcstlnzhouso Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Safety Platform nnd Couplers , tlie most Perfect Pro tection Against Accl * dcnti In the world. PULtSAH PALACE SLEEPING AND D'NINC ' CARS AM ran on th Bunln-lon Route. Information coiiccrnln ? Routes , Hatey , Mire Ccnncctlor. , etc. , will br cheerfully given by applying tlio office of the Burlington Itoute , 613 Fourtecntn Stre t , Omaha. Nebraska. C.K. PERKINS. D W. HITCHCOCK. flen'l Mana/er. Qeu. Wcst'n Pass. Az't. J. O. PniLLf PPI. St. Joe. , Mo. General Afient , Omaha. H V. DUEL , fppS-dl llcket Ai ; nt , Omina. JC5 ± 8SO. K.e.,8TJ9E&G.B.R.BM ' Is tbe oaly Direct tlaa to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From 01TAHA and the WEST. No chano o ! cars between Omaha and St. I/on3 and bnt one between Omaha and Now York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Eastern fa Western Oities With ICES charges itzdln adrnnca of other llnei. This entire line ia equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Care , Palaoa Da > Coach- wt.UIHor'a Safety Platform and Coapier and the cxlebrated Westtngbouse Air-Brake. THAT TOUR TICKET RBAD3- City. St. Joseph andU uocncii Bluff * U.R.via Sfd CTJoattud2t.r llcke'-s ( or ecla it ill coupon stations In tha Wwt. J. F. CARSARD , A , C. DA77E3 , GcnT Snpt. , Gon'l Pass , ft Tlriot Ait't St. Jo&ro'.i.Mo fit. Joseph , Mo , W 0. SEACailEST. Tlcist Agen. , irM Farahau Strsct , AKDY BOnDEN . A. B. BARNARD , P\se. Agent , Oaabs. Gen'rl Aent , Onuh * . SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux Cily Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNOIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And nil points la Korihern Iowa , Mlnnenota and Dakota. Thla line la equipped with tha Im proved Weetiushoivc Automatic Air Brakes and aillcr Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AHD COMFORT Is unsurp&BaeJ. Elegant Drawing Room % nd Jleepln ; Cir .owncd and controlled * > y the com oany , run Throueh Without Change between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union Padflc Transtar Depot at Council BluCa , at 5:15 : p m. , reachlns ; ? lcux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at llrftS a. m , maUlcic HOURS m ADVANCX o ? ANY OTUEII KOTJTS. Returnln ; ; , leavn St. Paul at 330 p. m. , ar- vLiR at Sioux City at 4:45 : a. m. , and Union PaclQc Transfer Depot , Council Eaffj ! , at BSO : . m. Be Euro that your tloketa r ad via " 3. C. t P. B. P. . ' F. C. HILLS , Superintendent. ! Te ourI Valley , Iowa P. K. ROBINSON , Aes t Hen'l Pass. Agent. f. U. O'BRVAN , and Pamcu nr Arent , Coincll Binds MAKE NO MISTAKE ! f * iliMt , \ MICA AXLE GREASE Composed largely Of powdered mica and islnxlasi 13 the belt and che&p st lubricator In the world. It is the best because ! t doe * not tram , but forms a highly polished surface over the axle , doing nway with a large amount of friction. 11 is the cheapest because TOU need use but half tbe quantity In grertlii ? your waston that you won ! J of any other axle crease maJo , and then run your wazon twice aa Ionj. It iniwera eqcilly as well for Hill Gearinsr , Threshing Machine Bn lej. ic.aa for waRona Send for Pockci Cyclopedia of Things Worth Know IE j. Mailed free to any ad'ircjg HICA KAKUFASTURIKC CO. , SI MICHIGAN AVfcNOE , CHICAS3. ES"Ask Your Dealer For It nrtin-tf CHARLES RIEWE , Metalle Cases , Cbfflnj , Caskets , Sbronda , etc. JFarn mStreo . Oth and lltb , Omaha , Ifeb graphlcTorderS promptly attended to. I t 1 For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , r.ud fill D , eases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The most wrUMeprcj ! In the known nerM Ry nVlnr toTOLTJ BOCK n ! KYE lt ' Lemon Jill' o. yui h vei i > canJent Appetizer and Tonic , ftr Lcmnl and larrilj me T > immen eamli cr In.r fil r. it the numerous Uttimonla'f roi ed daily rjth lf t p i < lct l of lts\lrtn * itlp < iitilj | 1 T Put Up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. PA'ITIftJ. 'O" ' > T Er DECEIVED who ' to off : _ . . . by unprincipled Ufilers to' pslra npon MJ Uri.f I lUlStotinon vie and Rye In place cf rorTT.U ROCK and RYE , which I * th onlyllEMCATr-UarMc'e mo.U t-r GENUINE Darin * COTEKSMEST STAMP on each bottle. Bstract from Report of the Commiesione'r of Internal Revenue : J BEA ORY DEPARTil T. Of > ICK OK 1STEKXA L RXYtSU I WASHOOIOV , P. C. , Jsnuary ! 8,1SSO , ] Messrs. LAWKI'-VCK & MARTIN , HI ! Madison St. , Chicago , jr. . GicrTLSMsif TiIcomiwui < I. In the opinion of this office , t cnd ! hare a sufficient rn.inKTj ( the BALSA r F TOLU to i lie it MI he advantagn aecrlbo ) tu thl article In p ctoril complaint/ * whllo the whL'kv > l tb < tHjrU | > roi > "titute an emulsion rendcrlt ir it an azrttrablc rcrr.eJy to ths patient. dupp iindei ! ww r Ins to tha formula. It roiv pr perlyt * classed as a 11KD1C1NAI. t'KErAnATlO t. < M t tlie pro\l Iocs of U. 3. Hi vised SUf'es. and whcnsottanipeit , ir y I * aold by Dru.rei t , Apoih csri - ml Other Persons without rn trlnstbem liable to j y rtccbl tax as li < ii.or ieuleti ! > Yoi.rs Kc pectfally , ( Signed ) GREEN. S. RAUM , Commlsslonor LAWRENCE & MARTIN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGGISTS , GKOCEKS and DEALEES everywhera WHO IS CHICAGO BOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC B. R. IS TIIE GKEAT C05NEC-fIX IIXK BETWEEN TIIE EAST & THE Zts main line IUM frors CC aura Conncil IHnlns Ctir foetttmr purpn onrf. Bluffs. paMlna tbmaati Jci'&t , ( rttr.-r , LA 8-vlIc. snial reaurro of cor Palnro-Cnra la a 8M > rt Geneeco. Mollr.c. linen IsiacG , linvenpurt , 7r < i § AJXKN ) * nere yon cnn enjoy your "li L'b ' rt7. Iowa lir.aroDKO.ocra , tirinne ! ) . at all hears or the dt T Dos .Moln n ( the capita ! of lo a ) , btunrt , Atlau- rrdcc * pnn fba1AVtzi Uc , anJ Avsca : wltfc Sr oclus from Barvia anaattasonrlrlvftsBt all polnta cnnaed > SI n U > t'ecris : WtiJnn iuidton toMnscs - line , anil trancferearoaYOldo < J at Ccranct. atn- Uio , WwhlMton. tmrtloia. KIdcn , JJeli-aap Knnsns City. IBVcnwortn , and Ccatreville , Prtaccton. Troatca. Oal tlo. duad- "ctnn ! belnssnad In Union D. mn. Lsavcnworttuailson. . c < l & 3nm City ? TIIB PHINCIKA , K. U. CON7tFCT V THIS lIBAT TlUM > UUn IJMB A / . At CHfCAGO.WltS 11 tfttME&IV JtaOt lfl , ia , ioi > . Slmroo. eaJ IV * Niwton toJJonrtH1 ; iJc MufncstoInd coZa Wlntcr ct : AtlanUjtoJUjwHanCAcdnboa ; ttV/.iO-ILKrts. A'ooa to IlRrlcc. fits ( s pMltlrel ? tie onir At w/Lnm.-.Qix' * BziaBitL Kallroad. Tnlch o 32. 82 ! } otralCT tluccsh T . 4. p , line froa Ctlcaro Ir.to tee dlat I - At I BAZ.tr.wt Jll Timraab Ez5 > re i l > . ciwr Trains , "rite AtFSORiA.wiih P , P. Ban Val SU-B l nttccnal , are ran nnca way &U1T V .t 1U. MiLt RnrtT.P. W. fcetwecn CiurAno ace PTOBL& . KANSAS crrr. At BOlK IfLAim irttli " COCJJCII. HM'FPHLSAVEUWORTrj CISd ATO3I- " nd Oork I ee"nn(1 Kan-uin t itr. vis tee "MUwaiiteo eod CLM.A.1. i' . H.K. Rook 1 jland H ! < r * Line. " AtWS8TlTl > CBTT. tUltJ > It.CB. ! rwfl.g ? Ttfe * * QrP3t Voelc Island * * SA S33fcCTltl7 squlppeil. its road bed l nujptrxr act. and tu AtI > E MoljrXd.TrttilU JLif. t ) K-iv. } tracs la laid wth cteel rnl > . jttcotrscil , ULrvrti. lt& Union Pacjnc' * . " ? . ' Whnt wilt planso TOO moe. will b < > tna p > caaar AtSvAJJA. trim B. & Mo. K. K. it. la tcJL- , . of enloylnR your nicnli. wsll pajuilnR over tba AtcoMrMBrjsJuscrio .wfisuo H. N CAt - beanufal prairies of Illinois ana Jowa , In ono of At ( nrtjMWA. ltn Central lowzU.il * S our maenliJccnt Dining Can tbnt ncvompany all BV U Pitc. U. . _ . .U. Kds. . TaroaRU Exprcra 'trnlns. You pet an entire meal , as Rood aa Is jarred In JinBrslclas ? actei , lorsaventy-dvo cent * . j . . . At CAMEHUX. ilth U. 8t. J. U. K. ippreclatlnc the fact that a majority of tb At ATnilso.H. trlth AtchTooeka & fcnnT- < - people prefer separata apartments lordlfferenl Atcb. & Hot > . anil Ceo. CrTu.V' . U.JWs. purposes ( and tha Immonno p is en cr brvln i At LKAVZUTWOKTIL , anUi of tnla line warranting It ) , wo uri ? pli-ased toan- Cent. it. itds. nonnce that this Company runs I'ullman Palaea At KANSAS Crrr. tth aa Docs tar to * r Can for sleeping purposes , and Piiact and Southwest. CARS turf nm thronsh to \SAS crrV. ATCMISJOS , n. Ticket * Tin tbu Lints known u tbe "Orvut Iloclt lUoaa Auate , " * rc * i IS ? all Ticket itrcats in tlie United Nln > > imtl Cnniula. Far Infi.rantlon not olitiilnuble t your bante Uclxet onVc , fJAnua , A. . KHVIBA-XjUi. E. ST. .TOHIW. Qcnl S-j crlfxtCDiJenL Uen'i Tii. ail rw'z THIS NSW AIO5 CORRECT MAP vr- > Proves beyond any reasonable qncstlon that the " CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN Is by all ( xlds the best road Tor you to take when traveling in cither direction between ( Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Carf folly examine this 3Iap. The Principal Cities of the Weit nnd Kortlnreit am Station" ? * on this road. Its thxongh trains uiako close connections 1 % ith the trains ol all railroads act junction points. fl THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Overall of Its principal Hne'J.nins rachvay daily from two to fourorraoro Fast Express" * * Trains. 11 is tUu only roaU west or Chicago tliat uses the - * > . " y. amen. . * x > y PUIXMAK HOTEI , DINING . - , riu-i : " ' -3'clMasJca&TfanktonLine."ChicaKO.StPaulaniiailnneanollLin . i- TiAv S ° * T001 ' ' * & Dubuque LIne > * "ililwankpc. Green Bay is Lake Superior I.lne. " ' Canadas I ° a arc so by a11 Coupoa TI < * et Ageuts fa the United States and , Itemeraber to ask for Tickets via thh road.bcsnro they read over itand take none other.1 , 3UCV1K HCGH1TT , Genl ilanager , Chicago. fjr. H. STEXXEIT , Ocn'l Pass. Agent , Cbicago. ' HARRY P. ODEL. , Titk l A cnt C. & S. W. Railway. 14th < ! Vainham Stie t . IJ. E KIMBALL , AsiutantTicket Acent C. & N. W. Rallwar,14th ami Farnbam Streets. J. BELL , Ticket Auent C. & N. W. Railway , U. P. R. K. Depot. JAMfcS T. CLARK Oeneml Agent. 3STJ30-W And Everything pertaining to the Foraiturs and UY'iolstery Trade , A COMPLETE A8SC. Tir T OF HEW COODS AT THE W10 Farnbam Street. VINEGAR WORKS \ EBNSTKBEBS , Manager. Manufacturer of all kinds of jCsTIE G.A. . IRE St. Stt. Sth ai < tlCttOiAITAyB