REWNTS OF THE OLD YEAR. After a mot t-xtraordinary trade in Dress Goods , caused by the wondorfuHy low prices at which we were able to offer them late in the season , We have now an unusually large stock of These Goods are now laid out and are marked dewless less than cost , making the most SPLENDID BARGAIN ever offered in Omaha , and the Goods are in such quantity that there is really a splendid selection. Remember the first choice is worth something , kr - Our new Cedar Blanket Binus are now full of every discription of Blankets , many of them bought recently at very low figures , and the other stock marked down to match them , Making the cheapest and best assort ed lot ever offered here. Also a light comforts just arrived as good value if not t better than the best , Now that the rush of the Holiday trade is over , we desire to call special attention to the Greatest Bargain we have ever offered , being a most beautiful line of SATDF FINISHED DOUBLE DAMASK , TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS TO MATCH. c These Goods are the samples of a large Belfast Linen Manufactory , which we purchased on such terms that we can offer them at 33 per cent less than regular goods. There is nothing whatever the matter with these goods except that some are slightly soiled at the folds , which of course , comes off with the first washing. This is a splendid chance to obtain most beautiful and rich Table Cloths at the price of ordinary goods. $ fio. . $ Go , CHARLES POWELL , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Comer 16th and Farnham fitt. . Omaha Neb. WMr SIMERAL , A TTOlthKY AT LATT Room 0. CrelEhton A Clock. 16th St. . OilAHA. NKB. D. L THOMAS , 4 TTOIirfKT AT LAW Louis money , bnyf Block. XX and * elK real estate. Boom 8Cragb.ton ! A. C. TROUP , A TTORKET AT LAW Office In J\ Block , with Gaorjo K. Fritchett , 1500 farnham SU OMAHA. KEB. EEXTERL THOMAS , AI70R1IET AT LAW Orolctjhmk Bnlld Ing. pr8t * A. K. CHADWICK , AT LAW oace UM et. . L PEABODY , f AWrtB OSc * In Crclyhtoa'Elotk , next U JU PostOfflco , OXAH&NEBOAEEA , COTABT rUBUO. OOLLEOTXOKS KADI O'ORiEN & 8ARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law - - , OFFICE-Unlon BlociF1/Kenth an < ? Farnham' ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACH BLOCK. CCR. DOUOIBTH STK. OKAUA. W. J. Connell , Attorney-at-Law , Office : Front roonui , en t'jJran Huucom * ! aff brick building , N. W. corner mtecnth and Varnham Bttot' * . iai& ; . B. UmtOK KCDICK < S Attorn eys-at-Law. Special attention O I * jlreu to all vnlti againrt eorpantloni ol erery description ; will practice In al Ithf Courte cl the Btatn And the United Sttt < * . CSco. f nli o6k , opporttc Conrt Boon. EDWAKD ATTORNtT AT tAW Bncm f Or l < fhton Block , 1 Mb and Dou < laa rtroet noMh 5. F. MAKDERSDX , tTOKNXT t W-Sl > Vsrn ttnet Omaha ifabmVa. * . T. J. J. HUHT RICHARDS & HUHT , Attorneys-at-Law. Omc 216 South Fonrl nth Ptrwt. aANTA GLAUS FOUND \ Greatest Discovery of tne Acrft. Wonderful dlscoTorl ln the worldhart been made Among other things where Santa Clao * stayed Children oft ask U he makee eood or not , H really be Brea In a mountain of ( now. Last ytmr an excursion nailed clear to tbe Pole And mddenly dropped Into what Beemedllkeikholo Le Where wonder of wonden they found a new land. 11 While fairy-like belnp-s appeared on each hand. There were mocntalni like ourt , with more beautiful preen , And far ottrhter iklea than erer were Been , : Bird * with tbo haea ol a rainbow wore found , 'While flowers ot exqutftte fragrance were grow . Ing aronnd. Not lone were they left to wonder In doub ( A being * eon came thx ; had heard mnch aboot , Twat Santa Clans' self and thbthey all sty , 3eloked like the picture r caee erery day. He drore np a team that looked rerrqneer , TWM a team ol craashoppera Instead of reindeer. He rode In a aholl Instead of aeJelzb , Bit be took them on bowl and drove them way. He tbowed them all over hli wonderful realm , Aad factories making goods for women aad men Kali Furriers were working on hats great and ( mall. To Bunco' * ther * * Sd they were tending them all Kris Klngle , the Qlore Miker.toldtbcm at once , All our Glores wo are s ending to Bnnce , To Banta showed them tuspenders and many thlnff more. Saying I else took these to friend Boca's start , fianta Clans then whispered a secret he'd teU , As In Omaha every one knew Bnncu well , He therefore shotud tend his roods to his can , Knowing his friends will cet their full soar * . It Row remember ye dwellem In Omaha town , Xll who want prosentt to Bunce's go round , from For ahlrt * . collars , or cloves great and small , Send TOOT dster or aunt one aad all. Bonce , Champion Hatter ct the Weet , Dangla * r t. Om h HAMBURG AMERIC N PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships Learinr Xcw York Every Thursday at S p. m. For England , France and Germany. sent for Passage apply to ages C. B. RICHARD & CO. , Fascngei AgenU , J. Brcailway , THE DAILF BEE. ( .OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. . PROPRIETORS. 916 Parnham , bit. Stk and 10th Street * " TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , In advance ( postpaid ) T3.00 e months " " 4.00 Smooths " " 2.0 ( TIME TABUS- THE MAILS. at 0 , 4N , W. K.R,630 . m. , 2:40 : p. rrC 0. B. tt Q.B SO a. to. , 2:10 p. D. 0. B. I P. B , B . 6 0 a , m , , 2:10 : p. m 0 * & 8L Joe 6SO : * . m. B. City & P. 630a.m. U. F. B. B. , Ilt0a. : m. O. & B V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. ft U. R. B , , 8:40 : a m. 0. * K. W. , 720a.m. omasa , , C. * N. W. B , B.,11 a. m. , 0. B. & Q. , U a. m. , 9 0 p. m. O.K. I. & P. , 11 a.m. , llp.m. C.B. * St. Joe,11a.m. , lip n. U. F. B. & . , i p. m. 0. * R. V. from Lincoln , ISUO p. m , in B.C3ty &F.lla. m. B. kill. In Neb. , 4 p. m. Local mails for States Iowa leave but once a day , ric 4:80 a. m. can Office open from 12 to 7 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Postmaster. Arrival And Uepartnre of the Trains to UNION PACIFIC. IIAVJ. ARRI7B. Dally Krpr . . . . 12:16 : p. tn. S Sp.m. do Mlied eIOp.m. : 1 5p.m. do Freight . . .6 0 a. m. 1:10 : p. rr. do do 8lS : .m. 12:10 a. ra. - CARD OF THE BURLINGTON. LIAVIOH1BA. ARiUVB OKinA. Kxpreas 8:40 : p. m. Express..10.-00a. m , Mall 6.-00 a. m. Ilall 10:00 p.m. Snndays Ezocpted. Sundays Exceptcd. CHIOAO o.mocK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Kan _ .6.-00 a. in. I Hall 10.-00 p. m. IxpreSB . . . .SW : p.m. I Krprosg 10:00 a. m. of CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. laetin Hall B.-OO a. m. I Mall _ 7:20 p.m. . , . . . , be „ Sundays ezcepted. . KANSAS OITT , ST. JOE Jt COUNCIL BLUFFS to and Kail .8:00 : a. m. I Express 7:40 : , m. Express ( WO p. m. | Mafl 7r2 j.m. The only line running Pullman Bleeping Cars oat of Omaha to Onion Depot. from OMAHA & KOBTHEBN NEBHASKV KAIL- can't WAT COMPAKV. Leave. Arrive. gentle Express : . .80a. m. I FiprcaB.l-JOp. m. desk Vised lMp m. | Mixed 10:45 : a. m Dally Kxccpt&undiye. to B. & M. B. B , In NEBRASKA. ponnc LKAVX. Ar.nrnt , „ SSOa : m | Freight SJtOam nasty Freight 6:55pm : | Exprets ll-pm : beast. 8IOUX C1TT & ST. PAUL B. B. .8:10 a ml Express 100 a a shut Express 8,40pmM | < 720 p m us ? " WABAS2 , ST. LOUIS 4 PACIFIC. LUTIS. "Blac ItaU 8 a. m. I MiU . _ _ 11M a. m Exprea..SiO : p. m. | Eiprt _ . . .4 5 pm. moutl BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. B , R. T Omaha , dally : 8 a , m. , B a. m. , 10 a CL , various a. m. . 1 p. m. , 3 p. m. , 3 p. m , 6 p. m , , 6 p. Send Leave Council Bluffs ; 82S a. m. , 0 i a. m , , luck a. m. , 1125 a. m. , 135 p. m. , X:25 p. a. , 8:26 p. m. , C:2fi p. m. , KSS p. m. , Foot trips on Sunday , leaving Omaha at B and 11 speaker m. , S and 5 p. m. ; Council Bluffs tt 9:2S : , m. , and Z:2S and 8S5 p. m. ; he rlBSXXOXK TIUIX8. Leave Omaha : 6 a. m. , 7. - m.830 . m. , I tesy. m. , < 0 p. m. , 7rSS p. m. , The ive Ooondi Bloffs : 6:16 am , , 6:40 : a. m. , n W a , m. ESS p. m. , 7.-00 p. m. , 720 p. m gether Dally except Sunday. tnd OUAAA S KKP0BLICAS TALLETB. . tween IUTB , AKJUTX. ' .IfciSa-m. , < as p. a. don't Dally except Sundava. The down Jlervons Sufferers The Great Tom European Bomedy Dr. J. hit juffalo B. Simpson's Specific And Medicine. way Is a podtirE cura f or S pennatorrhex. Seminal HTaakntn , Impotency , and an dbeasei reaultln ; he SeU-Abtue , M Mental Anxiety , Lms ot Memory. Pafaa la the Back or Side , that lead to listory Consumption Insanity and anearlygrave The 8ped8c matters Uedldna is he being use wita wonder- hing ralsuocees. conrago free to all. Writ * for them and Pamphlets cet full imbition particulars. Still Price , Spadne , < 1.00 perpackace. or rir patfc. , native for .00. Address all orders to . ' J.B. SIJIPSO.S- MEDICINE CO. , steady Ko . ' Mand 10S Main St. , Buffalo , X T. "n a Sold In't ra\h& br C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell K. Uh nd aUdrocgist * everywhere. raft , your AN ARIZONA WONDER. CATE IS rOX SANTA RITA MOUNTAINS. Tucson Citizen. For several years the 'existence ol a curious cave near Greaterville has been known to the miners of the vicinlty. but the difficulty of thorough exploration has deterred many from visiting it , and half , its wonderful ex tent Is as yet' ' unknown. From P. J. Coyne , a well-known and reliable prospector , who is in this city , in company with Mr. Johnson , a Citizen reporter ibis morning gathered seme interesting facts regarding the cave , the Besnlt of a partial exploration. The aave , whiah is known to the miners u the Aztec , ia located about four miles south of the Greatorvillo placers , In a limestone ridge. Quite recently a party or miners , number ing eight ot ten , including Mr. Coyne determined to dlecover if possible the extent and resources of the cave and provided themselves with ropes , candles , and other necessities. They explosed seventeen rooms in all , the corridor * and approaches to which extend for nearly a mile from the entrance. They experienced great difficulty , as their progress xvas frequently quontly interrupted by abrupt breaks the rapidly used up the available supply of ropea. The cave has two entrances , which lead into an oval cavity , hence a corridor leads into a large room , and thence into a still larger. In from the latter are two smaller cavities , and these comprise the extent of former explorations. In them have been found at various times in the past relics of Indian occu * patlonincluding arrows and skeletons , In one place several Indian skeletons were found in a depression in the floor of the cave , evidently fashioned by human hands. This latter room is described as beingofmarvelour beauty. It is irregular in shape , and is fnll of all the various forms which the action of lime has the power to create. In one of theae rooms is a group of al most perfect statuary. It consists of largo block of limestone in the ahape of a man , woman-and child , the man being in the centre. r.u also having the closest ; csemblanco to humanity. Taa head is especially likq inat of a man , having the feat urea almost distinct and surmounted by a hat A short distance away from the group in the flickering candle-light the illusion ia said to be absolutely perfect. At this point the oae discloses the strange feature of being two-storied , to reach the lower rooms of which it was nee1 essary to descend by means oi ropea. Here the extent of the old explorations cease , and the hdventur era had to bo careful lest acme new and strange feature of the cave cause them trouble. In ono of a group of three lower rooms waa found a huga stalagmite , which was instinctively $ called Pompey's Pillar. It ia three fret in diameter at the base , and les sens gracefully in size to the roof of the cave , thirty feet high. This ia probably GOO feet below the surface. From the rooms last mentioned a corridor rider leads to a very largo and irregu lar cavity , and from this small corridors riders lead to very beautiful rooms , which were given the names of dif ferent members of the exploring par ty. Tha one named for Mr. Coyno is the largest in the cave. Fro'm what was namcd _ "Halo's Room" the on party followed "a steeply-inclined do tunnel seventy-five or eighty feet long , which terminated in a large abyss sixty or seventy feet in diame ter. After lowering one oftho _ party down the perpendicular sides from tu mouth or trie tunnel as far aa the remaining ropa would permit about seventy feet ) , and failing to tind' bottom , the explorers named it the "Bottomleca ' Pit , " and retraced their steps to the surface , rcsolvincr to all return at some future time and see "whi there was in it. " The explora for tion of the "Pit" will reveal some ear strange features , as there must be Borne outlet to the open air at the thy. bottom. Mr. Coyne stating that , while the air wag oppressive and stale a number i of the remoter rcceesea of the cave , the atmosphere In the "Pit" waa fresh and good. dart Advice to a Young Han. bull BurdeM3 . jut M3 son , it may be that as you He grow older you will be seized with an he ambition , to serve your country in and the hslls of congress. To this end , you should begin now to acquire that polish and easy eloquence of lan us guage which will enable you to shine debate. Head the daily papers and thus familiarize yourself with the be language and manners of the Ameri legislator. Cut out the official & report of the great financial debate pent between the Hon. Mr. Cleaver and the Hon. Mr. Snark , that it may be to you a text-book upon monetary reach matten : The Hon. Mr. Cleaver "In pre that senting this bill for the issue of 400- , 000,000 copper dollars per diem , Mr. Speaker _ , , I am moved to eay " The Hon. Mr. Snark "The honorable sort orabl gentleman is a dirty liar and hia dassent take it np. " " The Hon. Mr Cleaver "Sir , Mr. itor. Speaker , if the honorable gentleman " doesn't > take that back in two shakes a sheep's tail I will kick the ever foot lasting stuffing right out of him. " TheSpeaker "Thegentlemanmust " careful : , in the heat of debate , not liar , overstep the bounda of courtesy " parliamentary usage. " much The ( Hon. Mr. Snark "The gen to a tlema is & lop-e&red son of a gun his a wooden shoe county , and ho ' whip one aide of me. " can The Hon. Mr. Cleaver "Will the Georgia .ontleman step out from behind his and ) put np his mauleys ? Dance Heloiao mi , you sucker , I only weigh a that pound. " verses TheHon < Mr. SnarkTH alap your , , dirty mouth , you venomous old to . " The Hon. Mr. Cleaver "Aw-w , up , skinny ; what are you giving The Hon. Mr. Groans , of Texas The his eye ! Hit him in the . " 1st Other honorable gentlemen , -from Turk. states , "smear him one ! 2d him one on tbo paste-horn for 3d ! Smash him in the snoot. " . F.Cady. Th Hon. Can Mr. Handle , the 4th , mildly "Tho honorable 5th gentlemen will please keep within 0. " bounds of parliamentary cour 6th . 7th Hon. Mr. Cleaver , jumping up 8th the air and cracking his heels to 9th "Whoop ! I kin chaw up 10th carry out any son of a thief be llth Chicago and Cairo ! If you 12th believe it , smell of my boots ! " 13th Hon. Mr. Snark "Hold me 14th , somebody ! I'm the bad man loth a river district , and I eat raw 16th ! Where do you want to be 17th first ? " Price. just here , the police , on their 18th to close a disorderly house in the 19th neighborhood , stepped in and closed 20th debate. 21st From this page of congressional 22d ' , my son , you can see how to 23d direct'your reading in order to acquire 24th sufficient knowledge of financial 25th to participate in a debate on 26th funding bill. It may be a grand to go to congress. I.wont | dis- First you , jay dear boy , If your Hecock leans in that direction. fel , BO long as you have an alter open , so-long as you can get s H. situation aa chambermaid Third livery stable or clerk on a Silver I wouldn't advise yon to set heart on congress. The AmeriCarma can people really do not have very much respect for congress , as a body. They are always sorry to see it in fces- sion. They are always glad when it adjourns. Individually , the memry bera of congress are , I believe , good citizens , good neighbors , good men. But for a lot of good raw material , my boy , they can mnke the meanest aggregate when they got together. Don't worry about going to congress , Telemachus. Go to the mines , or join the minstrels. Your parents will think more of vou. THE SAGACITY OF ANIMALS. A STKIFED BiSS THAT IS ONE OF THE Brooklyn Eagle. "I see an item in one of the papers abont a dog down In Georgia that stole a nickel and bought some meat. I like stories about animals , because I have some very sagacious animals my self. Did you ever hear about that striped basa of mine ? I got him two years ago up in Pennsylvania. He's the most sagacious-xosa in this world. " "Don't Iknow'hlm " think , replied the city editor , to whom this question was addressed. "It he particularly " smart ? "He done a thing recently that made some talk In out neighborhood. We had company for supper ene night , and the cat stole the meat while my wite wasn't looking. Took it right off the stove. What do you suppose that fish did ? He just flopped out of his tub and crawled into that pan , and began to cook himself ! He didn't ' propose to have anybody go away from my honse hungry. My wife snatched him out of the pan and slung him back into the water. Ten minutes afterward she fonnd him trying to scale himself with a piece of tin. Fact. And she had to send for some more meat before he'd let up. ' Hb'a a knowing one , thai bass. A couple ol weeks ago ho had a row with the ser vaht girl. It was her place to feed him with spiders , and she forgot him for two days. Ho didn't say much , but the third day he began to rare around and tear thing ? . How do you think he got even with that girl ? " "Haven't the remotest idea , " said the chief editon "Why , he just went and hid some spoons in her trunk. We missed 'em searched her room and discharged her without a character. The way we found it out was hia trying to play the same dodge on my wife for not allowing him to sleep In the tea kettle during the cold snap. It takes the whole family to get ahead of that fish. * Yesterday the water froze ntif in his tub , and he put up a danger signal and waa skating around it on his tail and trying to fall in when we found him. I broke the ice for bin : and that night ho sent mo a bill for $18 , because the sudden thaw had re duced hia stock and ho felt he must raise the prico. i gave a dollar for him , and cheap he-was. " "As I thould say , " conceded the city editor. "Ho's a rcmark-tblo bass. One night , not long ago , I heard the dcrndest row you ever seen. Went W down atnirs , and there ho waa , sitting on the aide oi a tub , and a class of A. cockroaches was reading. 'It is a mail. Who ia fho ma.ii ? Haa ho a boil on his chiu ? Ho has two boils his chin. What shall thn man ? Shell wo wipe off his ohio ? Thu man shall wipe off his chin. ' That fiah had got hard up and started a night school , and wss making $20 n month. Of conrso , I had to bust D. that conldn't stand the noise. Would you like to publish something about him ? His name is Abelnard and Heloiao , " ler. "What do you call him that for ? " " 'Cause he likes it , and 'cause he's W. braiua and affection. When I was sick a month ago ho took my medicine mo , and when my son froze hi * that fish vcnf around with hia head bandaged up , just out of sympa . Wo made him a nice Christinas ed present , now , you bet. " "What WAS it ? " inquired the city h editor. tied "A rat trap. " "What does he do with a rat trap ? " "He sets it and plays mouse. He'll into that trap and holler like a till some one lots him out. You sure ; reckon ho has fun to himself. broke i he trap the other day , but &o ididn't notice it. So be went in which sat there for forty-eight hours , for if he waiting for tbe spring to catch him. " J1.50 "Can't yon bring him down and let will see him ? " asked the city editor. "Well , not exactly , " stammered the stranger. "He's busy now and will the remainder of the winter. Ha's getting up plans for a Panama ship c&nal. Hia idea ia to put the sea ser right across the isthmus and run ships down his throat. He's got swallow , you know , and when they are the Pacific side he cuts open the all serpent and they sail out. Besides aflectii , he's lame. " Coinpl "Hurt himself ? " ache 'Yes. Yesterday morning ha i was stand walking around in the yard , taking a of siesta , and he fell , and sprained kneo. " "His what ? " demanded the city ed a itor."His "His fin , " said the stranger , cor recting himself. "Ho Ml over a ten- with fence and came down on hia PILL. thumb. " tures "Do you know you're an awful ? " asked the city editor. DR. "No , I ain't. Haven't I got as pared right to n fieh a ? a Georgia man dogAin't / my fiah as smart aa the pup ? Besides , my fi h has got the bunions and the epring-hslt , and he but lick any dernod dog in theatateof ; now , you hear me,1' and the proprietor of the Abelhard and marched away , offering to bet his fish could repeat more bible All than any cur outside of a Pres byterian orphan asylam for a hundred tirenty , money up. NEBRASKA LEQISLCTitE. The Senate. official list of senators in the legislature of Nebraska is aa follows : Distrbt R. A. Wherry , W.W. . District William Daily. District 0. H. Van Wyck , H. . District-0. K. Teft. District G. W. DOANH. JNO. HOTVE. District J. 0. Meyers. Is District S , B. Taylor. District J. F. Bums. District John Zuhruog. District Isaac Powers. District B. K. Smith. District J. W. Parkins. District W. JR. Morse. For District M. K. Turner. District A. J. Evans. District E. 0. White. structed District 0. H. Gore , C. W. Ladles . tatlng Diatrict J. R. Ervin. dallj District E. B. Harrington. In nil Diatrict H. M. Weeks. dnces cathartic District Tuos. GRAHAM. entirely District Martin Barnes. to them. District J. B. Dinsmore. Price District 0. B. Coon. SOLD District Sidney Baker. District Henry Snyder. C. F. HOUSE OF KEPP.E1CA-TATIVES. District Richardson , P. S. Before , J. R. Dowty , John Kloep. Ohaj. Cole , rep. Second Pawnee , J. L. L'nn , A. Band , Jackson . , rep. Chronic Gage , Elijah Filley , H. H. Stree . , rep. : Pamphlet will gara I Co. are pllancej Fifth Nemaha , Chnrch Howe , T. L. Schick , M. B. Raymen , rep. fcesSix Otoe , Nelse OverJon , F. T. Kansom , J. 0. Moore , J. M. Par ry , rep. Seventh Lancaster , N. C. Abbott. C. 0. Whedon , N. T. McOlun , K. B. Graham , rep. Eighth ! Sannders , H. H. Shedd , Benjamin Johnson , J. E. Scott , rep. Ninth Oass , R. B. Windham , Jtw , Hall , H. D. Root , rep. Tenth Sarpy , Amos Gates , dern. Eleventh Douglw , W. J. Broatch , H. Bolin. J. H. Kyner , P. M. Mul len ' E M. Bartlett , S. K. Jackson , rep. ; W , A. Pfistoa , J. A. McShane , dem.Twelfth Twelfth Dodge , Wm. Fried , J. R. Cantli , rep. Thirteenth Wa3hingtonH.Sprick , J.B.Fon Baily , rep. Fourteenth Bnrt , J , C. Laughin.Th8 rep. Fifteenth Ouming , A. Peterson , rep.T. ; BI Transe , dem. Sixteenth Dakota , Joe Holrnan , dem. Seventeenth A. S. Palmer , rep. Eighteenth Jefferson , 0. P. SIo- cumb , rep. Nineteenth Thayer , | E. BL Cor- roll , rep. Twentieth Nuckolls , J. M. Cook , rep. rep.Twentyfirst Webster , H.S.Kaley , rep. Twenty-second 4 dams , C. R. Jones , rep. Twenty-third Clay , J. H. Case , rep.J Twenty fourth Filhnore , N. S. Babcock , rep. Twenty-fifth Saline , W. H. Kemp- ton , H. McDougal , rep. ; S. J. Her man , dem. Twenty-skth Seward , H. P. King , rep. ; Henry BIck , fuelon. Twentj-seventn York , Albert Wilson , , S. V. Moore , rep. Twenty-eighth Hamilton , John Helmes , rep. Twenty-ninth Hall , Fred. A. Sears , rep. Thirtieth Buffalo , S. 0. Ayer , rep. Thirty-first Lincoln , J. C. Watts , dem. Thirty-second Harlan , Geo. 0. Reed , rep. Thirty-third Howard and Greoley , J.IF. Frederick , rep. Thirty-fourth-Merrick , C. HostetThat ter , rep. Thirty-fifth Polk , John H. Mickey , rep. rep.Thirtysixth Butler , T. Jensen , Thirty-seventh Cottar , A. W. Walling , rep. Thirty-eighth Platte , Geo. 0. Lehman , dem. Thirty - ninth Madison , C. C. Wyatt , rep. Fortieth Cedar , Wm. Potter , rep. Fortyfirst Bart and Dodge , J. A. Sill , rep. Forty-second Stanton , Wayne and Pierce , C. L. Lamb , rep. Forty-third Knux and Holt , and unorganized territory , W. H. McClure , rep. rep.Forfy fourth Antelope , W. W. Putney , rt-p. For ty fifth Boone , Valley , Sherman - man , and minimized territory , G. , Brown , rep. Foriy-flixth Dawson and Frontier , . S. BJJ ! * in , rep. Forty-seventh Franklin and Kear ney , H. C. Wulls , rep. Forty-eight Furnas , Phelpa , and Gospcr , R W. Monfgomcry , rep. Forty-ninth Cheyenne , Keith , . Dundy , Chase , Hitchcock , Eled Wil low , and tinorgan'zed territory , con test between R. B Daily , rep. ; and . Carrisan , dom. t Fift'oth Ojsa and Saunder * , J , B. McKinnon , rep. Fifty-first Pistte , Colfax and But . J. C. Roberts , rep. Fifty second Filmore and Clay , . D. Gray , rep. Arnica Salve . The UEST SALVE In the world f oi Oats , Bruluoa , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rhenm , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapp Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve guaranteed to gh'o perfect satiafac- In every case or money re funded , Price 25 cants per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. TSH Omaha. The most sensible nmedy , ana the only safe and permanent cure for all diseases of the Uverbloou and stomach , inclu Itnghilllouafercrp , fererand asue , dumb ai ie , Jaundice , dyipepai > , , is Prof. Gtulniettc's French Liver I'ads , cures by absorption. Astt jour druj ist this noted cure , and tnko no other , and has not gat it or will not get It for \ ou , send to French Pad Ck > , Toledo , 0. , and they send you one post-paid br return mall. 5 YearsJte/ore tnePiiblie * THE GEMOaME * " ' ' > BE . C. McLANE'S LIYEE ] PILLS sy thi , and not recommended as a remedy "for the ills that flesh is heir to , " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head It , or diseases of that character , they without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. npon Xo better cathartic can be used pre paratory to , or after taking quinine. As simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. How The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each box has a red-vox seal on the lid , the impression.McL ANE'S LIVER . Each wrapper bears the signa of C. JIcLANE and FLEMING BEOS. tlono &f Insist upon having the genuine 0 C. McLANE'S and LIVEli PILLS , pre Sarah b" FLEMING BROS. , Pittsburgh , Ta. , countv market being full of imitations of moi said name JfeTMiie , spelled differently , 5 same cronunciation. tible.l rojal . mw TO CURE knlus CONSUMPTION COUGHS Silt . , , I. ins Colds , Asthma , Croup , waah chow diseases of the Throat , Imnga.ana Vnrlou Pulmonary Onrans.T nnsaid goods USE ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS day ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. street cond Preparedfrom t , ' ' ] 11 tropical fruit * \J andpIiaU. the Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World Their Constipation , Biliousness , cheap dilly Headache , Torpid I-Iver , Hern * orrboIdB , Indisposition , and all Disorders arlslnsr from an ob state or tbe system. tery Iron and children , and ihose tvbo dlsllka nutic pllla and nauseous medicines , areespc- Iron pleaf d with tfj agreeable qualities. TROP1FP.UIT LAXATIVE may be ns l fron cases that need the aid of a fmrKatlve. troit , , orftperlentmedldne. andwhlleltpro- price thp sameresnlt as the agents named. It Is free from the usual objections common . F cke < llB bronzed tin box" only. 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. Be BYALLFIRST-CLASSDRUGGISTS. names Insurance Goo'mtn , HliolenleAptnti , Om ha.lfelt. "The p > tiv. Purchasing AST FOR * of So-Called formed ELECTRIC BELT , shall any azainst ' or Appliance represented to euro Kerrons , principal and Specla' Di5e-jei , eend to the PUL at VEKMACnERaALVAJIICCO , 613Montgomery San FranciKo , Col. , for their Free and "Th Electric BetJew , " and you time , health and money. The P. a. ' the only dealers in Oennino Electric Ap1 1 on the Arasricsn CoaVM'3r. . \ TEE OOLOBADO BUSINESS COLLEGE ThUlnitilutlan , located st Denver , Cooido ! , the Education * ] and Commercial center of tb * West , Is pre-eminently the best and m t practi ce ! of Iti kind for the MERCANTILE TRAINING or Young Men and Ladies. Q. W. FOSTER , Preoldont , D. W. OADY , Secretsjy , The moat ertefislre , thorough cad complete nstltntlon of ths kind la ( lie world. Thousands of accountants and Business men. In the prin cipal cities and towna of the United States , ewe their success to our course cf training. 5 The Eicht Kind of Education for Toutig Men and Ladies , Fine , now trick block , at Junction of three troet cor lines. Eleyantly fitted and furnished apartment * or the application of and carrying oat of our novel and systematic methods of BUSINESS Young men who contemplate a business life , and parents bavin ; sons to educate , are particu larly requested to send for our new Circular , which will pivo full Information as to terms , ondltion of entrance , etc. Address G. W. POSTEE , President , 8-3m Denver Colorado. WORTH BEMEMBERINff. That TARRANT' ? SELTZBB ArnsiK-iT icprete in each bott e thirty or forty tUs e9 of Spir ng Seltzer W ter , containing all the virtues of the celebrated Ocrimn Spring It Is aln'aya fresh and alwayo rcidy , and thai commends IIg.I { to all fo. it ? efficacy , portthilityand cheapness. ALL DltUOOI'TS HAVE IT PILE REMEDY. INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND ITCHING PILES field at onno on the application of I 3o nnUof Pile Itcroedy. cctlyupon the part * affected , ataorblni .he Tnmora. allaying tbe Intone til ouu-p rfmedle * hnye Called. Trytt atie no other , and tell TOter B feixtr3 ra merit * . DO NOT DELAY mtil trie Urnlu on tlio nyntcni prodarc rmanont dlir.bUiiy. bnt bay If , FRY IT T OU > . Bgb ? [ PRIGS , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , .TNt when yon can not obtain Itorhlm.-in Till ( end It , prcpnld , on receipt ofprirc Ir. Bo ' anUo' Treatlve on Piles * cnt ft-e , u application. Adilrc E DR , BOSANKO MEDICINE GO. Jfo A new scd hitherto unknown romeily ( or all J. dhcaeeg of the Kidnnys , Bladder , and Urinary Orana. It will positively care Diabetes , QraTel , Drop BrUht'a Dlac.18 ? . inability to retain or expoll Urine , Catarrh of the Bladder , hi h cclcred scanty crlnc , Painful Urinating , LAMS BACK. Ocucrs. ! Wcaiincsa , and all Fcnu > Ic Com plaints. avnliH Internal medicines , la certain In It effects and cures when nothing else can. For cale by all DrnRsiets or sent by mall free receipt of the price , 3100. AY INEY PAD CO. , PHOP'RS , Toledo , O. 100 tSTS > , yocr R-Mrtra for oar Itttla book , s WM 8i vsi. " ST. I3H. Agent for NabrMW. ST. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALEj And Whereis default baa been made In t'is condi ot a ctrtaln chattel mortgage bearing date i proved tober 1st , 1SSO , executed by Hinnah Banister Miller Lydla A. Ruth to Ssrih J , . Gnat in , and by L. Gustln assigned to undiist neil Isaac j Kdwarda. Paid mortvrao ai recorded in the clork'a odice of Lo7glai county , Xcb in | la ' mojtpafre na'd irrajtora did convey and Sleeping tgaec tt c foVoivir pocds and chattel to-wit ptny dorci cliaire , 10 kitchen t.ib'ej ' , one extension Union tible,12dozcn assorted pbte3 and dUhH,4 dozen and tapers , 2 dozen forks , 2 dozen silver Transfer , 9fluar bonla , 4 dozen cup ? anJ eause , reaching cups , 1 cur ( cir knifannd fork , some cap. at , 1 wjili ttand , 1 oil stone , I cookin- stove , case , G bed Bfndj , 8 lamps , 1 c uck , 2 bowl ? and rltcliers , 1 kcroslne can. other gmalt articles. Ifcere ig now dno Bald mortgage < ? 22Q , I v , HI therefore sell said rlvLi and : chattels at public auction on the 2sth Pacific of January , 1&31 , at my office door In tf- a. m. story ( of buil-Iiis fcno n as 110J Ittrnham ft P. , Omaha. Nc'o , lo ( wtkfy iad : mortgage. JatuuyS , 1831. P. E. I3AAC EDWARDS , Assignee of ( aid ( rrantec. .Tftt3 vm St WROUGHT fHON FENCES. Wire Fencing and Kallln. ; a SpocJiHty. hcautv , pannznenca economy worklnrtho extinction cf all rcndDZ material. Elfgsnt In ddzn. ImltstructihJo Fences for Lawns , Pahlls Oronnd ] and Ceme rut * . Vase ? , Lawn Bcttec * , canopied and nl pattern * ; Chslrn r.n-1 every description of and-V ire nroavenM vrark drairrjcd nil U the mannfacturnl hv E V. lURNUlS'-i Wire and It is Vfnrk , .7 , 6sn4 SI Woodward ATO , De a highly Mich. Sn"a * * - . , - -ata'c na an-1 away llt sopiM cheapest quantity of a ny year as well it kno-rn that we , the nndcmljned , whcse Babies aio mbc-il-f < l hereto , intenl to form an company which ( hall be known u free to Western If oni and Cattle Insurance Com- " Thcofcjedf r which taid company shall be sazbe \ \ to insure larset ani cattle " lots or damazc by ircMcnt , theft and & unknown or csnuncnt event. 'Ihnaicornt of capital stock of siid coipany bo one hundred thouanj dollars. The office f gold cosipai.y Dhall be located Omaha , Doufflw counts Nelr Ic * . HENRY PUSDT , MAX MlYEP. . FDMOXD PEYCKE Metalle ESSES PEYCKE Faro -VIA THt- Si Northwestern 2,330 MILES OF ROAD ! It la the SHORT , SUKS and Sfs Ronta fiatwssa COUNCIL BLUFFS i GEIGAGO , MILWAUKEE ! > nd all pctcta EAST and NORTH. IT OF'F.RS THE TJU.VEI.ISO PUBU GSKATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THS WEST. It fJ the OHIiT aoAD between COUNCIL BLUFFS and OHIOAGO Upon which ! i ma PULLMAN HOTEL OAES ! In addition in the o ad to plcaaa ill clajaca of traveler * , : t-Uis FIKST-CI SS HEALS t lu EATW0 S7ATIC 3 at 0 cents each. ITSTEAG * IS IIS CO. uHSsS * ? i TK ! I2 gjj''tPMEHT ' FIRST CUSS If you wish the E , i Traveling Accommoda tions you will bar roar ticket hy this Route /3-AND WILL TAhS 50NK OTHER. All Ticket Acenta can seIon ! Thronzh Ticket * via this road and Check nana Free of Charge ' OMAHA TICKET OFJinvi 1254 Famham St. , Oor. llth , and at Colon Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colorrao Central and Union P clSc Ticket Offlcc. SAN FRANCISCO OF"'ICE-2 N w Montjfom- ery Street. For Information , lo.ucr. , mips , etc. , not ob tainable at Home Ticket O33cc , cdrefa ! any agent of tbo Company , or KARY1H HUCHITT , ff- 8TEKNITT , ' Ocn'I Msnisrrr. Oanl Para. Ae nt , OHIOAOO , ILL. JANES T. GUJrU , Gon'l Aai't Omaha ft Ccnr.cll Elu3s- THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I CHICAGO URLINCTON & With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pas sender Coaches , aad PULLMAN SLEEP1NC _ & DIHiNC CARS It Is actaowlcdsed by tie 7MM , aud ill whc travel ever it , to be the Zest Appointed and Bos. Managed Road in tha Country. PASSENGERS GOING BAST Should oear In ml ml that tills la the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points Ea8t , J-'ortb and Northwest. Passengers by this Route have chclca ot FOUB DliTEEENT EOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Daily Lines ot Palace Sleeping Caw from Chicago to New York CityWjthont Change. All Express Trains on this line are equipped with the Westinihouso Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Vatent Safety Platform and Couplers , tbo moat Purfcct Pro tection Against Acci dents in the world. PUtLHflK PAIACESLEEP.'KC AXD BIHIMC CARS Are run on th Burlington Route. Information concerning Rented , Ratts , lime Connections , etc. , will ha cheerfully given bj applying at the ottca of tha Burlington Konte , EH Konrteentn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. C.E.PEUKiN3 , D W. HITCHCOCK. Con'l 3Iana/cr Oon. Weat'n Pads. Agt. J. o. rniLUPpr. st. Joe ° MO. General Ajscnt , Omaha. n. P. DUEL , ' fenfi-dl llcict Actnt , Omihs. ' . Un 13SO. : K.G.ST.JOF.SC.S.S.H. ! . : la the only Direct Uce to ST. LOOTS AND T5IB EAST From OMAHA and tha WEST. * o ch no of cars batwoen Onuha and St. Lot& and hut one between Omaha and Hew Tort. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS : for MICHICQ AZiL J Eastern & Western Cities of With lesa cbancea hndin flvsnce of other lines. ThU cnttro line la equipped with Pnllman'g Palace Sleeping Cara , Falaco "D y Coach- w.MIHer's Kufoty Platform and Conpier end the coabrat d II X3T8ET ; THAT YOUIt TICKET J3"/la Kansas City. St Joseph and"Ca C"ConncllBInCsls.R.Tla StT3 JK5"Jce andSt.Loul8.Ta fir sale at til cocpcc stations In th Weai. F. BAKTAKD , A. C. DAWE3 , Ocn'I Snpt. , Gcn'l Pasc. & Tlciet Az't St. Joseph. Ho St. Jcsaph , Mo , C. SEACHBEST. Ticket Agon. , 1P20 Fanihao Street , ANDY BORDEN , A. B. BARKAKD , Pass. Agent , Omaha. Cen'rl Asent , O = ah a. SIOUX COT & PACIFIC AKD St. Paul & Siouz City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux Cily Koutt / MILES SHORTEST ROUTE I Prom COUNCIL BLUFFS to . PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMABOK , all poiatrfin Northern Iowa , Ulnneqcta and isanutt. This HDD li cqalpped with the Im > Wfstliifhoa'w Automatic Air Erakcn and Platform CucoTor anil Buffer. Afi'l for SPE50 , SAFETY AND GOMFOfiT ansurpa B4d. Ieant Dra ln ? Scom nd Cnrs.OTnsd an > l controlled 'jy the com , inn Through Without Chan a between Vrxific Transfer Pepot. Council Bluff ? , St. Paul. Tr lr.i leave the Union I'iciDc Depot at Council ElnSi , at 6:15 p m. , ? ionx City st 10:20 p. u. , and St. Paul 115a. m , making HOURS ra ADVANCE , or ANY OTHBE BOUTS. Betnrnm ? , leave St. Paul at 3:30 p. m. , r- ? at Sioux City at 1:15 : a. m. , and Union Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9 0 . C Bare that your tiekote read via "H. C , P. . R. ' F. C. HILLS , SoMrinteidsnt. H'ssonrl Bailey , Iow ROBINSON , Acs't Oen'l Pas8. Agent. J. n. OTJIITAN , Over Train Cornell Blnffl MAKE NO MISTAKE ! nearlj It "Com "SlOtt " ' > Can.i HAF i ) . J. JAM MICA AZLE GEEASE Coinpor-edlarRtlyof powdered mica and feing3t ! b at in J'chcap-'s' Inbrlcator in the world. the beatliecanMi t ion notccm , but forms polished Bitrfoce over the axle , . dolnz And with z large amount of friction. It I * the rxcaaw TOU need tuw but half the In grevlay your wason that yon woul J other axle grcare tnado , and then run a'ion tIcea lon ? . I : nncwen eqcallv AC for Hill Ceariny , TarcaSIng Machlnw , , &c , as for n-a eng Send for Pocket CjciopedUof Thins ? Worta EnoJp . Mall any ml rc s MICA MAyUFACTUnif.'C CO. , 31 HIOEffGAN AVBNOE , CHICAGO. S&"Ask Your Dealer For It CHARLES RIEWE , CMC * , Coaina , Casket ? , Shrouds , etc. mfltn-o . Othandll hChn hay b. Si phIiortier promptly attended to. KIDNEGBN is highly recommended and unsurpassed for Weak or Foul Kidneys , Dropsy , Blight's Disease , Loss of Energry , Nervous Debility , or any Obstructions arisine from Kidney Bladder Diseases. Also for Yollo-w- Fever Blood and Kianoy cr Poisoning- infected malarial sectfota. Mi dl-tlUaUon of a FOREST LEAF with JCSIPER BERRIK3 and HARIET JtALT wt ham discovered KiDS CGEN.whtcii acti specifically on the Kldners and Urinary Onr n , removing In jnrintu depoitta form : iu tha bladder and preventing any strainm ? . smarting sensation heat or Irrttatwn In the membranmit 11 In ? of thiductaor water p-ismco. It excites a healthy action in the Kkhm fi-riuc them itr nzthlfot ami t restoring these organs to a healthy condition , showinc lt tfletw on both the ewlur and ea y flow of nrine. It can bo taken at all time * , la all climates and undent ! circumstance * wli - out Injury t < the syntcm. L'nllko any other preparation for Kidney dl2cat ' M Ithaaarery p'cxom and azreoiM- taste and flavor. Ithasbvea difficult to make a preparattea containing pOTimiKliuretlcpropitties which will not nauseate , but b acceptable to tha t m h Before takin ? any Uvct raedulnc. trv bottl * of KIDNEQEX to CLEA3SK the KID.NEYS foal matter 1 rr It and you wlI ! always imt t an a tiraily med * : In . Ladiea especially will llio fmtn it and Gentlemen vlllfii'd KIDNEOKN the best Kidney Tonic cvcriued ! NOTICE J aeh bet ! ' > ) car the otzn tnrB of LAWRENCE & MARTDf. alsoa Proprietary Corcin mentStamp. ubc > < ] > crmiU KIDNKCENto bo sold ( without license ) br Other Persons cv o where. Drofjlstj , Qroc ra * uil Put up in Quart size Bottles for General and Family Use. office If notfoozdat to you jour Dru'fctjorrocer3 { , we willgonda bo ! Co prepaid to the nearest expttf LAV/RENCE & MARTIN , Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DSUGGISTS , GEOCEKS and DEALEES everywhere Wholcae ! tjcnt % In Omaba , STEELE , JOIINSON CO. , will supply the trade at manufaetur WHO 13 yMAOOUAIHTE3 WITH THE CPOCRAPriV Gf fHIJH COUNTfftT. GE BY EXAMINING TH b MAP , THAT THf _ l CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R iSTJ iM main nna rcu rn > a Cb'crxo x > Uonncil iiuffi , poi"lDC thmiuzl : Joi'et , lene > eo , Sloline Itocx bland. Jbcrty , Jowa Cltr.MarenKO. UrooWrn. Orinaell , > ei lloltioi ( tte coplMJ ol IOTC ) . Slunrt , Atla-i- lie. and AT with < XS > : bracclK-s from Marv a unction to i' ) ria : wntne juiettoa toMssca- tro . Wnsclreton. fal-fleifl. cUilon. ctetknap 'cctrorille. Pii.ti-cion.'lTcntcn. Udilatln. Lace- f n. Lca7C2irortti. Atcnbmu. sod iin n Cit7 ( V ojhlngtoc to . 'litT rser. Osiaiocjo , ard Kcor- nlic : Keoknz ; to rartalngton. ilonapnrte. onioort. Infl-pe-af3t. ElUoa , .t illc.Uskhiooja. lV.n..Mf"irt ) > f , anil IpwtontoMonrce ; IKmilGinei to I vintenct : AtLui _ to I wi anj AndaOon ; anrl A-ficr. to llorlan. 'law is p ttlvey ! tha only Kollra < J , wlUcS ODSJ. e < J of > erat4M a tcroocn In- ) from Cblcao Into ! Sa cf KanwuL ThrocKn Kipre-a Psaaasijar Trnlns. with P ll- ? .G lat.e far ; attached , are ran raea war aaUT t oor. cnicAno and FZORIA. KANSAS crrr , Come , Btojn L AVTIHWORTH tmd Axcnj- AJJT. ThroaahcariJiro.-usoruabPtireonilUTaa- e ind K-m.ins OVr. via tie "JlUwauIoe Bed tociulnnil frfioLine. . " Tha "Urvat Ucc * Island" i § lis DMcentir quipped. lVin/a < lbetll9iitraplr"1M.Xt.B2aitl tracsl Inlil TVltU Keel rails. What will please roc most will be the picaanra onlorlnz rour meals , wnlln ptusinK over U eiutirul piairics of llllnoband lova. In one of or roacnlHcent UlnlncCan taat accompany all Ihrons Kipre'.i Tnilns. You get nn entlra ea > . as Rood as la served In imjr flrst-cU a bout I , 3r8 7enty-d7O cents. ppreclatlnir tlio fact that a majority of the people prefer separate apartment * fordllTerent urposea ( and tha Immense pifoeneer btutness tills line wartan'.inB It ) . ITB ant pleased tonn- nouncf that tlili Compsn/ runt I'Mman Poloct faT3lor : ceplni { purpoicc , and Ptloct . IJL.UFFH. . 1LAXHAH . C1TV. A TVlllHUM unit Ticket * -vlu thl 1,1 nc , known tu the "Orcnt Kmjililiuid J , " uu ( I Ticket ! &jtent In the United States find Canada. For info 'mutton aot obtainable at roar borne tlcttet v&lcf , &Mrco. . . JtCESISALU. ' JEG. ST. JOHN. , Uaa't tuperlcteodant. trsnltt * . ad iTasW > * , . "THIS NITW AND COEHECT MAP Proves teyond any reasonable question that the - Jf CHICAGO f. & ' NORTH-WESTERN i R'f Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling In either direction between / i Chicago and all of the Principal Points in the West , North and Northwest.a < fc larcfally examine this 3Iap. The Principal Cities of the West anil Northwest am Statical1 ? n this road. Its through trains make close unction points. connections with the trains ot alt railroads AC ' THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , finiI'M ; . ! ' ? Is < ' PrincIpaI ouly road H63-1 west ot 1 Chicago pach way that dally uses from the two to lour . or more fast Eiprcvi V - x--r < ! - - * < lit PULLMAN'HOTEL DINING CARS. if ) . ; 'or. Tic . ( JCemember : to ask for Tickets via this road , bo sure they rend over It , and takn none othrt.k HCOHI1T , Cent 3IanaserChIcaeo. jW. ! U. STE5SEIT , Genl 1-ass. Agent , Chicago , ? IARRTP. OJJEti , TI k-tAientC. &X. W. Hallway , litobrd ? jrnham Streftal E KIMBALL. AMimntlitket Asent C. & . W. . Jf. Railwa".14.h and Farnhain Street . AMES .BELL T. Ticket CLARK Azent General C. & If. Ajunt. IV. Railway , C. P. R. R. Depot. * Everything pertainiiig to the Furniture and U olstary Trade. COMPLETE ASSC. rfT T 0 ? HEW GOODS AT THE PIcSIOISSJ- 1208 and 1210 Farnliam Street. IHnlnaCrtrf for eatlog purposes only. _ . . , irrent rpntaro of cur 1'nlnro Cnri M a PM Vljt BA1.OON here yon csn ciijor yonr " n ! stall &osr'if tne i ) T. iliumlDorr ; Iron llrliUes span line , act ! tra.i..en nraaroMeit at CuuncV Kansas t'lty , .Loavenworth , nnd AtchM ! ; certlnns beincmmln In Union lM-p < it < . TUB PiUNClfAI * R. ! t. OON.NKU T1118 UllKAT TllllOt'UU At . , At WAWiisbiwr Hnanrs. wttn R , U , AtKSOBlA.wlth H. P.J. : KU. W.I VL iSirt. ! oadT.P. A. W. IWa. At UfHK i lAXn. wltb "MllwaikeB it fatal a ortUne. " nml . , . . Uh Central Atcotntcir. BLcrra.-citb Union l'nctfl At OMiHA. Wtta B. & Ito. It. It. J J. Ill At OTTffMWA. irJtn Central Iowa It. * Bt. i _ P , ( Ed U. B. & O. It. JtO. At KtoKux.wttn ltL , 1'eo. A Wnr.i V Lonra A Fuc. tuul Bt. 1 . Keo. x N.W. . K. At CAMEKOX. irith 11. tit. J. U. U. At ATCII1MH. with Atch _ Toped & tUeCT 'PHI A ten. * Neb. and Ceo. llr. jj. K K. Uda , At I.SAVKawoKTLr. vrtSiua. l c , wi * > < A- Cent. U. 1W . At KANSAS CTrr.iHth * U tteeo fla- toe . ViMECAB Wl ERNST KEEBS , Manager. > jktnf cin/er ot all Kinds ot o'et St. E < t. Sih