Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Thursday Morning , Jan 13.5' '
Saturday , January 15 , 1881.
iri1 sln < * re-
I ctizpl ince with wrrcit prc
vast : r'inthe more Intellects il portion clour
BinaiunHj , It bai 1 ccn d < imn5ned to rfpio3uce
1 i ju'tty-populir and eficcth e mtlodraini o'
Oncol the raottFUCCcsi'nl andpopnlardomtstic
tiratms en the tnndcrn Stspc. Bciii ; a
Tiuii i < i-lijcof Ktch rnd Peer In
English Life. Very .
rtrocg cut. '
M illi Xcw Monolc- * ics , G rs , Sotiga snd Duetts
by the joiaiiUUe
Jilinkey Brown & Sarah Sawyer. ; [
AdmUsfnn C0cctiti ; allery25. Seals rcteri
od at Max Meyer's Friday morning- . J I2d4t
I !
Pateraon BcUs'coal. !
"Fun on the Jlhine. " ,
- - Oystn , 25c,30c and -JOc , at Buffett'c 1 i
Try Saxe's new fire cent cigar , best n ;
Whii.ple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel '
ers'Crdghton Block. o G-t
| T Contracts for the 'erection of BoydV
Opera house will be let on Monday next. (
Glove fitting Patterns at Bushman's. t
The postage on THE BEE'S An-
nual llovjow la TWO cents nnd not CEO
Paymaster Jo'slyn distributed the
shining bhekels among the U.jP. boysTo
The noon train west yesterdajyivas tbe
heaviest for two week * past , carrying nine s
"Heywood's Serenaders" ' v.ho come
this evening , numbsr thrty : people
* nd travel in a car.
The thaw has well-nigh exhaui- ;
tcd tlie foundt ion for the good sleighing
of the i it few days ,
Stated communication of Cot-elf
Lodffe Ko. 1 ! , A. F. & A.M. thia
f Wednesday ) evening. Giistaxus Ander-
" u , Maxtor.
Don't omi. lo look on third p&ac
for CruicTisb&iik'rt leiiCiJptioa of home
gooua they are f flerin .
Ounitizcns we busy getting p their
house numbers , io avoid the SIO penally
for non-conipliauco \ \ the ordinance.
- -A Council Tufi ? ! < i express driver j > . ; d
i an 5 cosh to .f Ui g , Stenbur ;
for the privilege of dr'vinj oi'era ttajjtli f > f
The Northwestern train came sn for-
if.jv nnunloi "ale ycsteroay wnl J. r
U. P. train from tha i\e is rejiirleil an
tto IT rn < l a halt lata.
- \ dress coat , overcoat and a p.i'r ' of
gloves werszto'eis frosi the Tremanthovto
yesterday , the former being sniisfxiaentiy
e v < erDtl at a pawnshop.
An old toper who li.-w beaa imprisons "
clevon t'mcs within lc titan eigh r
mouths past for drunkenness , w Lcfuu
JnJgcStonberRye-torday nnd
to jaf I for ten days.
A. Trajnor habbcen appointe
bajjgagc agent for : > 11 line ? operated by t'n '
Union Pacific i oad with headquarters f
Council Bluffs. Mr. J. W. Deal Las bee. ;
nppointed assistant gcners ! baggage agent
with headquarters at Kansas City.
Tiic C. B. & O. Epscial , K . to.
went wMt esterdByftttaehcd toll. P.trai :
Kb. 3 , having on beard Messrs. Gerg < !
\V. Weidlcr , of Oregon , Arthur St i-btid :
and W II. Storbuck , of Xcw Yorl : . cHi-
cera of the Oregon railway and navi tio" |
campiny. .
Capl. J. V7. Evans , TL S. A. , ar
rive ! on the train from the west ISfondaj
e\eniug , haling iacliargea paity o uv
Mericau otficirs , whom the fortunes of
revolutionary v.'ar had made prtonen < .
They were en route to the Detroithouee of
ti' n for a terra of tvo years. Kro
wore prisoner * wi 1 follow.
Sauh Bernhardt's advance agent came
u from the cast yesterday over the Hock
Inland read , en route to San Francisco tc
nuke arrangements for tuc appearance of
the attenuated actress oui , there. IColhm ;
kUorl of a guarantee of S-10,000 for teu
nights performance or § 00,000 for twenty
nighlB will be any inducenicut to Sarah >
who expects to como out of Chiogo with
'Masquerade Suits , Wiga ard
Masques at Sirs.V. . B. Wood's , 210
Sixtocuihatreoi , ncdr Oapitol arouuu.
Uood for Joo.
The announcement that a play
which a few daya ago was put on the
bjirda at the Academy of Music in
BO acceptable a manner will bo re-
paited on Saturday evening next , nill
be received with s&liafscticin
by the public. "Waiting fjr the Ver
dict" male an iniu onsc hit , and ita
ropatition is something a great maty
htva ardently desired. The eamc
cnst os c'mracters will bo
at -Q thoprcvious renditiocB , audthrt
l insure success. Further particu-
la s t'jmorrow. .
Jctt received at THE ItrE : Job
IWins the nicest luu of diminutive
P-jpsr ana Envelopes and Cards , suit
able for Children'a Birthday Parties.
Call and EOO
Al. 1'atr'ck pee west to-day.
W. 1C. Grain , of Chicagc , is in the city.
Jr.Mereer and l
family wo < twestycstcr-
flr. *
4. SI. B.irrettlato of The Denver ICtws ,
Jo Ui * city.
O. K. Kalluu dan in on the O.1J. . A * .
t'jin atitooa.
* ij . 0. 0. Howard iwwod eastyov'tei-
d y afternoon , to Wct Point.
TT. II. CJililmrg , the Wahoo -wjllcr j , is
fa * he oity en route eait.
M ; te Seaator Sriyder , is lying iuite i ! e
t lie iwMtlencc .jf hii brother in this city.
J . .T. P. nls. Co Snpt. of Schools , has
g-'iet.i Lincitln Avith Supt. Lane , to a t-
1 4 > tbec nveution now in session there.
> 4. K. F. Smyth * returned Tuebday
ifun fnii o , with JIw. Smythe and
4AUfUtr , who ha been visiting in Pki-
Gor. E. C. Carns came up from
ByOjlerdayt-a ti. U 1' . aud
wnrnel li t r euin ? on the B. & il-
t > FiJtHc'd's
FUUSFDRS ! ! ! F011S ! ! J
1.wiM' c l gonto * furiooda : of ever
erdescrip ion nt the Fur iranufac-
i -T. op osilo pSEtotficc , Omaha. All
to ids Are warranted.
llEKUY G. RicilTKK ,
dec I3-lf Furrier
Do not forget that Jnraes Clnrk , the
mtbcr and singer , gives a concert at iu
jtfaa First M. E. church to-night.
For masquerade costuraos , gold and
F lver trirarabga , masks , etc. , go to
iirs. 0. O. Schaeffer , Por. Homey &
l2Jibtrccts. jin4-tf
Curious Stories Heard from j
People Who Have a
tf - -T
A Very Mucla United Family
and aTJivided One.
Among the many pssrengers who
travel to and fro on tha great trans
continental line tbero - TI eoma
strange characters antt "rcas'Onal'.y a
phenomenal one cou. tip" ' * " Uio ey a
of tha reporter. A day rt-o rince
ono of tha U. F. r'Hc'ak ' ctiled our
rsporter's attention to a carious case.
"JnEl go into that front coach , he
seid , and see what la there. " Our rc-
porter did enter and found
i cocd-lookhr * youn woman
if rwrhapa tv/cnty-iiva years !
< Rgo , vrho TV a a-rnunded by j
a ovy of liitla toLo e : ! children , '
all so fat and fair and nearly alike in
tvpnur-ransa thit it was no difficult
m .tier to ssa that thevaro all re-
It ad , but cur reportsr ro s astounded
hs v7 ; a Snforuud cy tha
' who interpreted fxr him that Ihey
j j ware r.11 children of ths sirae mother ,
i nnd thai tha young Truman alI -
I 'uacd to was their common maternal
\ * * The fither a stolid ,
j Tl ilookirg Gtrmat ! , was in
; thi other end o * .Ue car smoldi-ir , aud
j paid no attention to the interest m&n-
j ifeated i in his nuniero E progeny ,
There W2io fourteen ci the children.
] The cldeet not quite ien yearc of ag .
'jney ? iyeie unequiliy divided aa to
ex , twelve of < hu numoer be'n girle
mid t'vo boys. Th s in . r r.formt. ' !
as that there had be. a t o
moro , b .t that they vure
dead. The cauplo wors sa si.ue-J ,
Gurinaas , nd wcra goin to coltlo in
Low it Oregon. They vreie married
in the fall of 1870 ant ! tlio f lli.rrinf ;
aunnrer their pnrr'oii Hfo was u
w th tirins , both gtr's Leas lhan tso
ye luer the wocian , wlio wna then
but ciijflteen yenrj old ave birth fo
four children , ti.reo girl * Msd a boy ,
thu Utt-ji living only a few dsya. In
the suiuiujr of ' 74 , thrco nuro girls
rogistertd at that huaiLlc he nth
nd in 1875 n hey ar-ivcd
aolilaty aud aLse. SUTOU
year ? after m-.rripga tha arriv.-l tf tii-
uther cluster of four , this ti r two
boys a I two girls , was an r-'Jvcnt
thai cw&tidaoni3 constaraation , snd
i ago two nioru little flixen-
h.urod girl. ! carao to the fortunate
This cDtnprijcd tha brocd
j cur reporter savr , except ono cf the
! b jvs , who died a. an orly ago. This
certainly r.heid of ; cytbing wo
htvc seen cr h ari of in a ions ; ti'oo ,
i l ut an < qnally strange siotj' cornea
f -oni The Nonpareil , which i
. pioLed up from the overland tran as
j t ie a'oovo vii. The repsrtur'a attcn-
j Hon WAS cilled to a very olcgnntly
J nttired end
who CKina in o lLo tir n f-ora Gsl-
' 'v.TiJa , and toolc ths llcck liknd j j
ti osat. Ia response io thsa wiks ; {
f.a -irnta t. . * tliB ioterviaver she re- .
I .tfci M t .ai.gc r'j * . Scrae yeaw
ajr , vhsii "jxraBt EJxtaea. " She in-
ino "d r-ith har parentj lo Cclifaruia
from Can : : , Mo. She left a lover ,
to whom * hj Tras bolrolhcd la Can
ton , but u.'ttsr reaching the Gold
'Coat her patents oolicitations and
etitrcj.lics induced her to break off her
j.-isat and rnarry
vealthy miner nut thara , who four '
JOIM la'er ' died , leaving Us wici/ ! -
wi : ! : one c\ii < 3 , a millio. . - r o. "
d-lbra and all h r be uiy. Htr
fjither and mother boon died and
"pa'hered to their fithers" nd
tiO ! chatmins ; and wealthy woman was j j
left to follov her own flwrot Trill. j {
lover whom shohad left a boy , I
mnr > luil remained single , aud j
of the death of the husband
her parents h-itl eelected , he renewed
hia correspondence ; thej ? found that '
thuy btill- loved each other , and the {
man , who had bsconid a largo land |
oR-ner and quite wealthy fanner , re- j I
nowcd to the charming .vidovrtho proj j
posal of his youth for her hand
in marriage , She accepted , and
t'jt-n io wrots thit his
lar.0 , landed interests iu Gicloi ) ,
id tha fact that his aged mother de-
aiicd to spend her remaining daja
there , would render it necersary for
her to kavo California find return to
Mitaouri if they wcro married. In
reply t > this eho wrote her lover that
much o' her money wai invested in
property : : i California and in r.ddition
greitly preferred thnt st.V.o to
ri , au ! tha * . hwouli hsvet
to * crif hit fflaired : o claim her aa
hia on. The trouble wss finally am-
icibly ndjustd1. b'ltin a very Miuular
Duriiu * her widoirliood , the
uv " bad made trips across
the continent from California.
She concluded to m ko another , I
and on heJ retnrn frstn tha
east , stopped at litr former homr ,
where she wai gladly wcliomed by hsr
ver ot her girlhood djiys , a'iti a ain -
hjr accjpt 1 n l K'.ror. Afi- ; ? t-lki'g
iuijrta- initter ovsr fol ! * , the
tsro c'-i'uioo MJ matry nsd taon
p- . . - , the * iw rciuru'-ns ; to her
GAv ihon a , and tLo hu Haiid rc- ;
iiiing aih . is mjl/ierand p.o.isr-'r a
nod out ; the two * | wc married ,
after r. happy honoymosu of j
thirty daya' duration , thu uew-made
orials returned to California , where
Eh.3 8t il IVSJdgS.
Thi second marriage took place
% ctrs ago. An'd tha Udy v uotv
horvay ossffor tao ssstL time uu
buciacss snd "exfec's to \it her
huab. nd .nd mothDr-in-lav7 en herre-
uir. " This will be her fi t visit
t thir marriage , though the hus-
his \Tsitod her oice in Cal- i
jfornia. Tao ladj * proct-s ed tbo ut-
mos * atTLcirn ) f. > r ti. . iijsb.ud r.nd
full conSdencc in tha posrssion of hi ?
r .urn. Tfaeir'a waa no estrange-
msnt , but Ue result of ppculinr cir-
cnnrt.uces. Ber child , a Bon , is at-
ten3M othool nt Cnton , living
with hia fctop-fktber. 1 ne lady'a card
borr the addresa : "ilrs. Brown ,
Obito. Butte county , California. "
The Sensation Created by the
Omaha Folks Yesterday
Over ih2 River.
_ .
Wliero Such Sights are Seldom
tr eased.
The Onsaha excursionists v/ho vis
ited Ccun-il Blufia Tuesday in such
s'ylc avinectly made a good impres
sion , as will be seen by thu following
comments by The Nonp.toil :
Yesterday riterr 52 sleighs ,
Slied wit the Ir .ml beautiful
population of Om 1. o.ime Aashlcg
into ih's city behind prar.cirjj teams
r.nd amid the rir.glr of bslh v.'hich
"waa a surprise io onr paop-D , but
yhch ! st the ss. time denoted fun
' ail along the 1-ne. " The etreeta
wera crnwJe.i with Bpectitow , all
nell ple..f 'd to sen our coun
try cc a : 3 thus. Imgoly enjoy
ing t'leUistiVes iu this luetriipoha.
regret that o r Omaha friends did
not select Sandaj for thsir visit , JB
during the business da\s of the .rook
our beauti.'al drive on Broac/3y is so
crowded with tbo tea as bringing pro
duce the nocntry , and with
dr.iy hau'ifj ; freight to and irom tha
\anoub o > ; > ts tlu.t a broken neck 5a
tbo conttn t invitation to the man
attci.t io "speed" a team
through li. TOTrded throcghfnro.
Taey did t . ' Under the circnm-
sta Cfa , ciii be Omaha p.irty made
a fine shoiring while shillfuily
tlireiding their wsy throng'i the nar
row p ssi e graii'f-d ' by the throng of
tQiuu busy In trunvicilpg the business
i of this nevi r s'r ' pr.irg ciy. Their visit
WES ni-'it wo'con'p , aitd we trust they
will cons" ' io. 'I n 1 ir. line < f at
tractive bWgbs , fine biociod horses
and bravo bo s and handsouio belles
were headed hy Al. Patrick's "oiz-iii'
hand" ' team , drifrin ! ; narqo double
.lii h. Thia way a g.fy < < . . lit. There
j were & ! xly or scvc'ityfiva ladies and
j i gentlemen in the l rij , ic resoiitiiig
Bome'f the best jc-i"g Iki of our
iie'g .i > / ni ci y , . .3 weli a a fairu-p-
resuutiii : .f tl.o n.idd u-a cJ elite.
. Shortly -'Iff the liaity retched thij
j. City a te't'j 101 1 mr-sja e camu to pu-
| lica 1 c art fir-ii : the cuy marshal in-
srructii ! uhief J.tckenu to "arrest the
whole ou.Jl' . "
The Bheltau.-iUii whip that larrupe'l
Ilosinslii in the hands of Sir. Nerad
some mon'.iis nc < > , an account of which
appearad r in j'esterdai'a Br.E ,
was bought ht ilooro'a Hirnesa Store ,
1-To. 404 Thirteenth s reel. I have a
photo rtpli of tha eamo , handed in
by lur. N rad. I have plenty of the
S'.mskmd of whips fi > r title , Tfithout
any rtatric hns s to whit uaa tfuy
may bo pist to by the purchaser , very
A Man FaTE into the Hivor
Wl ile Trying to Hcscue
Hia Do- ; .
Two laboring icon living near tbo
i ) . & 31. Srack in South Omaha , named
C MUSI Rid .Tames D-andiger , in
with a Jii * s-'ventv-pon thoioa Toe -
dy night that canto rsir cccMng tlum
tbt'.r lives TL h'tl g ° ne over to
the U'liGb dsinr'3 iho d y , not with
the proaca'Ien Kiver , and ere re-
turc'iis Loiaa ab.r it , 9 o'clock , the
bright mscnligLt rukintf it a very
e.-sy tas'r to fiud the ioid io tbo river
an.i crtss the tc.
Thsy wera r.ccj.psuied by
a large r.rg . f ; hc mastiff
breed and In gallrphii ; aboai ahead of
hw misteis the Hog got on the ice too
fe ? up and the first lliiijT ; he know
fonj.l LiiaEtlf floiuiucriiij ; in the
c : tt r. Y8 ! two men uii ced him and
weie sotn u tiactcd ' .o the .spot by ihc
n-jj j hs made in the -alo' , though ho
diJ lot oi-co bark. Tito tco men , of
cout&o , c > ui.l act losvu hi.lLaro ami
iutrj'in to get hits oat , Cfarlisfell
ia himsolf. Thia incrcsssd the
danger for both iho victims
and ths oi.iy rtmaiuiug member of Iho
uaity , who sliud our. solid footing ,
had } , hia haHs and h d bjth full to
devise , ] mea : s f } ; etting hia brother
out. Ha finally , after cV.liug in vain
for < asaiatsncD found .1 &hort plank not
faraway ; , and placed one end of this
in the water.
The dng was firai boosted out by hb
c u in the v.-ater , and then the
lucMcss psrty who had
fallen in trying to got the
j3 oat , after c i id rablo tribula-
tnu ai lauded sif j but nearly out of
broaih and s'ren ' th biid c'-iillcd to the
bjnc by tie ! < .old water Although it
wta muh milder in temperature , the
man rho ha ! Hken the involuntary
bah wai vrilh dilliculty got iiome , and
is contincd to his bed to-day. Ho will
probably suffer no rooro ECriotia con-
apiuiiC3 ( than a eovere cold , but it '
wa ? a narrow escape
Fcr ii ? ! . Six-horso ; - . < > Ter Br.xter
ngiue WK bailer , In go.-d rcpar. :
* ppyit ! I > : ; E ofiii' . ' . nc4it
Oar annual Review.
Tin : UEI-'S Ani.ual lliustrfled lie-
iisw ia iimv reidy and on s.\l s ct the
publication , flic % . Mover before hus
the indastriui'progress a'.d enter
prise of Omilia bf. n E' ucll reprcv
K-urod. The views .r. > nwguirioeiir ,
thjjtirif ; uianyof tl.o pnLciptl public ,
j-.rtr.-.t" , basii : > : ss i-ml iu.iuufactirin < ;
buikir.gsrstor ; wirka , unvernnuiit
bail ir. s , p tk ng osupblishments , '
Al o r history of the commercial
traaeactir-ue curing the ytar 18SO ; to-
ratl > T with valtif.blo iiid reliable
< ai tical t WCB , shnwirg the number
hf-uBoa bnilc , the n--uf2c.niine ,
baikii-p , raiiroad and oiher business
traf-sacifcd during the past twelve
The Annual ia an eigiit page , 33x47
iachraiu sis ? , printed on hta ? y whita
pper of au uricr . jualiy ! end fiuiah ,
njakiujj _ . _ a handssmo . pr s nt rr keep-
T > : - - n
ake. - - -
P ice 10 oerti pjr copy ;
ge 2 cant ? additiou 1
On the llth of January at the
home of the bride's parents in South , .
Omsha , by Ben D. M i-qaatto BIr. T
Gulen Barr to Slisi Mnr * Llarshall ,
both of Oiaaha.
V ' call attention lo these interest-
H.1 that wa tare taken charge of the
Fonvrick foandiy , having made
necessary iiuprovem nt' , wa are pre
pared for work in iron and brass cast
ings , vrhich wo will do at reasonable
10-5t corner 14h * and Jackson ,
The "Wedding Bells Still Keep
a , Ringing.
The rule this week ia that no paper is
J complete without it records a wedding
nnd we are happy to say that thns
far we have been equal to the emer
gency. The event which occurred thu
morning was of more than usual in
terest , and has long bean looked fer-
ward to in society circles with bright
anticipation ? .
The h'gh contracting parties in this
instance wore Mr. Thorasp H. Clark ,
of Penncylvania , end Misi Libbio
JVJey , of iMs city. The brldo has
lived in ' 'ailn for many yean
and to say that she leaves void a place
that canr.ot easily be filled , is saying
only too little. To her rare social
qualities she a'ldj thoao requisites
which nre moat necessary in making
a happy home , and wo can 3y that
the groom his dona exceedingly well
to come t ! > for and carry off eo ac
complished a bride.
The wedding took place at St.
T'hiloniona'a , where high mass was
celebrated at tefi tj'clock yentetdoy
by Rev. Father English , the full
choir assis'iug. The bride was at
tended by P.liaaes Jennie
Delone , Teisio Iiil y and Staaia
Crowley. Tha grcotnsmen were
Mts ra. Andy , EJ and Frank Riley.
Tbe ceremony was interesting and im-
presaive , aid the bridil party all that
it should i > o on so import nit an occa
At the c'osa of fho service the hap
py couple , with thu invited guests , rs
i I'lts of Mr. Frank
i1. irtior of Foutteu'ifii r.nrt
Cr.pHol uvt'iiU' , where the wedding
dinner wss spread and congratulatioiis
Among the many baauliful presents
received by Iho bridti vreroi pair hanC-
some gold bracelets from
the groom ; gold chain , Frank
DoLnc ; silver lea set , Andy , Ed. aud
Prank Riley : bilvo.fiuit dish , Mr.
and Mrs. iT'rcd. Di-loneJ pair gold
bracelets , Charles McDonald ; sil
ver water service , Jennie Delon >
silver call o basket , Mr. nnd Mrs. 1
Conkliuj handkerfihitf box ; Mrs. Gci
O'Bren ; foilet bottles , Saml. Burns ;
silver salts , Mrj. 31. A. McNamar.i ;
ditoiond pin aad set point lace ,
Jlrs. F. D. Uooper
bouqnot , Mrs. J mes Croighlon
odor caae , Misses McDonald ; gold
collar button , W. P. Couklin ; silver
salvei , Mrs. Fred Xash ; set toilet
bottles , Margaret.Barbaauj sofa pil
low , Miss Jennie Celbne ; nnp
kin nng3 , Freddie Delone ; sil
vsr butter dish , Miss Stacia Crow-
liyjjowel case , Jennie Delone ; toilet
sat. Sirs. E. Conklin ; silver cak-j bts
kat , Mrj. Thomas Rilcy ; gold cafT
buttons , Chas. Dolone.
The htppy couple laft on the after
noon train for St. Paul , Minnesota ,
and after making a pleasant wedding
tour thby will proceed at once to their
future home in the "Keystone Stats.
A brief biographical sketch of the
abova mention Lion would not como
amiss at the presant time , as a grea ;
many inquiries are made as to his
origin or nutivity. I would respect
fully say , for the information of ev
erybcdy , that this Lion was caught
Wild in the mountains of Ilefsidam
by ouu Mr. Bond while on a limit in
thisi mountains capturing
WHANUttOODLES for P. T. Bar-
num'a great menagtrio. Mr. Bond
brought thia Lion over to this uoun-
ttf while very young and tender ,
btopping with him iu Omaha. I en
tered into negotiations with Mr. Bond ,
by whish I bacamo the owner of this
Lion at a great expense to mo ( some
thing less than the cost of Jim Stev
enson's Livery Barn ) . The time
spatit and the arduous labor that I
have had to go through with in train
ing this Lion to occupy the position
he docs and consent willingly tj be
used as a trade mark for my business ,
is simply immense , but while I have
gene to so much labor and expense in
ornamenting the city of Omaha I shall
not ask inora ilian a fair proportion of
patronage from the public , having no
desire whatever to close up other
harness stores on account of the above
Ho-ywood'a Serenadura a combina
tion of minstrelsy , olio and drama ,
will app3arat tha Academy of Music ,
Thursday , January 13. The Wauko
gin llepu Ifcan says : "Many of the
feituroa were simply superb , and have
never been equalled in thia section. "
Iowa Items.
Judge Stonberg yesterday fined
two Iowa bjys $3 and 510 respectively
for setting drunk and disturbing the
peace. Ono of the two , who were
brother' , accused of drawing a
ki.ifa on tbo officers who made the
arrest. T.ley paid thair fines and left ,
with the prostisu of steering clear of
Omaha ( pitfalls in future.
I. H. Adirjn ? , of the firm of Adams
& AniUr'on , cf Spnuton , Iowa , ar
rived in ihe city Tueeday acd idn -
titied the go d ? ros.ivered by Policu-
man Ford tha other day as part of hs
property ttolen from h-a store not
long ag" . Hi h"s goiio bick to ob
tain a requisition fur J. ke Butcher ,
the Huppoeed burglar , whom Police
man Ford arreated aud lodged in jiil.
The following wss lunJed us for pub
lication :
OMAHA , Jan. 11 , 1881.
To the Sditor of TBB BKE.
Allow me to express through the
columns of your paper my admiration
for tha energy and skill of Policeman
Ford iu wotuii ? : ; up and attesting the
parsy who on January 1st burglarized
the store of Adams & Anderson
and the postcffija at Scran'on , Iowa.
Thia ia a very important arrest , ai > d
will undoubtedly lead to the convic
tion of one of the moat dangerous
men in the west.
Tha people of Omaha cannot un-
der-esliiaate the value of the services
of Mr. Ford in protecting properly 11
and arresting bad men.
Of the firm of Adams & Anderson ,
Scranton , Iowa.
New Yorfe Moneyland Stocks.
WALL Snarr , January 12.
At lai p. TO.ths pricta were as fo'Iows :
MOULT per coot ; foreign exchange , 81 80@
4 83. * v
U.S. BB8t.t..l 018 U.S.4'a 1 121
U.S. 5's 1 Oli Curreacye's. 1 130
U.S. 4J8 1 J ! }
AiP 42 } Uan.&StJoe. 62 }
U 02 [ „ . _ 107
U 10f lil 611
ftc 176 K&T ti
c c tv-i cr L S "I * ,
c. o. a i. c JUnLuttaa 3' *
" v . Alton i
KJ C MAE 1214
Scrthweetern 1271
OC 253 Prcfenc-1 142 }
O & M. _ . id }
NP. V. . " . " . " . " , "fzi Sin Fran 43
1'nfirrcU 658 Prefcricd 69V
I' OS Rc-Klin ; Mt
P 1123 R.I 130J
5. 76 ? bt-Punl II *
& A . . .15IJ pfd 12U
D & II 95J 8V. P.4 O 40
Deli. Lack 112 Preferred 07
Lrio 611 Wabaah 1'i
Prc-'cr cU Oil Preferred < . '
Pit. . . . , 61 | N& C 7J
L'cn& RioG Oil Qulcksihcr. . 15
0& ff ; .n 1'relened 53
Chicago Produce
CnicAOo , January 12.
Wheat Active aud J@c higher ,
closing steady. Corn , oats nnd rye
quiet and stexiuy. Mess pork , lard
id short r'bs in fair request and
firmer. Spring wheat , February.aold
r.t DOsSD cs March , § 1 00@1 OOgc ;
April § 1 01Q1 Oli ; May $1 04f@
1 04f ; Closing at 99j@9 io for Feb-
r-iary ; § 1 OOJ@1 OOf for Blaroh }
Si OU@1 C4g for May ; winter wheat ,
No. 2" red for February sold at 08c ;
March 0 S99i3.
Corn February 37Jc bid and
naked ; Mty 42g@42Jc ; June
42J ; July 42J@4tJc.
Oats F bruirv. SJlfcbid and 31o
asked ; M..y , 35iorc.
Rye January ' , S8j bid.
Pork Jlasc'February at $13 20 ;
Match at $1335313 37 ; April , § 13 50
bid , c i03ingatSl2i.0@1325 for Feb
ruary ; § 13 35J3 37 for March' , and
§ 13 oO&'lo 55 fur April.
Lird January , 88 70@8 75 ; Feb-
runrv , 88 77J ; § 8 87iu8 ( 90 March ;
April , ei1 00
Short Ribs February , S677i@G 80
bid ; 80 85 asked ; Matfltl Sold at
Chicago Live Stoat : Market
CUICAOO , January 12.
Cattle 'i'o-day's receipts were oi-
C3sive , uumberiug ueariy GOCO ; mar
ket rtiled dull with buyers holding
elf ; nothing cLms on local account ,
market biin j anllrel * nominal.
St. Loula Proauco Market.
ST. Louis , January 12.
Flour Strong and held higher.
WheatHlgheriKo. . . 2 red § 1 02 @
for cash ; § 1 02 | fdr JafiUaryJ
04J forFtbruuy ; SI 05 ©
06 for March ; SI 07 ® ! 08
for April ; 1 081 0 ! | @ 109fur May ;
1-To. 3 do , 'J7c bid ; No 4 d ,89Jc
Corn Higher at 3940j for"cish
an JJanuary ; S939c for February ;
r 'Jg639c ' | for March ; 40i@40jc ; cish ;
43'54'd c for February
Oats Higher and slow at 31 © 31gc
foi C8ah3333o ; for February ; 3tis
ici * Blaj1.
P yc Dull , 802 bid.
Birley Slow and unchanged.
D utter Quiet ; d < iry 18@25c ,
Eg. ; Qaiet ac 28c.
) Jerk Strong ; SIS 00 asked.
Dry Salt Meats Stronger at 84 10
( § 0 SGCG 90.
Bacon Slow and unchanged.
Lard Higher a'S CO.
lleceipts Flour , d.OOO bbls ; wheat
10,000 bu. ; corn , 19,000 ; oata.3 ,000 ;
barley. 8,000.
Sh jjments Flour , 4,000 brls
wheat , 10,000 bu ; corn , 3,000
oats , 12,00v/j iye , none ; birley
St. Louis Live Stock Mwfcet.
ST. Louis , January 12.
Hogs Lower ; Yorkers and Balti-
mores , § 4 45@4 GO ; mixed packing ,
84 504 75 ; butcher * to fancy § 4 8C@
4 85 ; receipts , 11,3CO ; bhipments
Yorlt Produce Market.
Nuw YOAK. January 12.
Flour Without dtcidad change
vcty moderate -.Xport and jobbing
trade inquiry ; round hoop Ohio ,
$4 COS5 10 ; choica do. S5 ICgO 75 ;
aupcriico western , 53 30@3 80 ; com
mon to good extra do § 4 2024. 65 ;
choicedo , do , ? 4 70@6 75 ; choice
white * hoit. ! ? ,5 006 00.
Bufrr Q liet , firm and In fair
demand ; Oh.o" , 12iG'J7c.
Eggs Dull at i50@3Gc for fair to
Wheat Qtret , Chicago , § 112 ©
117 ; Milwaukee , SI 17@118 ; No 2 ,
rod winter , Si 18 } for cash ; $118 | @
1IJ ) for cash ; SI 195@119 for Febru
ary ; sales 300,000 bushels. .
Com Quiet ; No. 2 , 57fi68c , Bales
50GCD bushels.
Oars Quiet.
WhiskyQalet. .
Peru SM 00@14 25 for February ;
§ 14 00@14 35 for Match.
Lard 89 20(59 ( 25 for caah ; ? 9 17
@ 9 22i for Jnur.ry ; § 9 22J@9 25
for Fenraary ; 9 309 32i fnr March ;
aalB , § fl 40 for April ; 09 4g9 471
for May ; § 9 109 20 seller for tha
Cures nnd never di ap-
TJiownrltl'n great Poln-
for Ulan and Boast.
, ( juicls nut1 reliable.
not Sarao .c. Children
-ro\v iht upon- Mothers like ,
it : .1 Pliysicia. ) recommend
CASTOillA. It regulates the
owelri , cures Wind Colic ,
: ilays ! Fcvcrishuess , aud de
stroys Worms.
TARKH Cnro , a Constitutional
Antidote ior thia terrible mala"
dy , by Absorption. The most
Important Discovery since Vac
cination. Other remedies may
vcliovo Catarrh , thi onres at
nsy tago lioforo Consumption
sets irii
Ova ! St eel footii Harrow
MumfactntBd by
DA OROOT Jt GBDD1SOS , Pen du IMC , Wit.
Writa tor jiilccj Ajtent , Om La , K b.
NOTICE Advortlsamenta To Let * or Gala *
Loit , Pound , Wonta , Botrdlnc & . will be In-
asrtad in these coiamna once ( or TKJT CKJTS
per lint ; eaca sabaeqQcnttcMrtioc.yrVK CKKTS
pf IIn . The flirt insertion cer lees than
rrVg CKMT&
orrsz so ia&n cii i L ofEco
U. L gHOHAB.RxomS.flftlthtonKocIc
ONKY TO LOAjf luw iinihacj etrect.
Dr. Kdw i
. . . A gitl fjr jicr.eral housework.
Call it ho. 418 . 2l6t bt. beUc u Cas *
smt CH.-ajo Sts. IST-tf
"TTTAUTED A situation .13 lirvisKtiw -
\ V 1215 Houard strict , ! i lueiiIth
nurt 13th sttoets 18S-15
C the Pjdfic Uuuaj. ' "S H
Oirlforeci cm1 house , must lie
WANTED , Avasher ind ironer. Irqu re N.
E. corner 20th and Caifoir.ia street' . lit-if to wait 01 talyl-i r
WANTED Ilonir. ft-1 J
A. BltaatUu as clerk iu .1 slurs ,
WANTED > oun ; nun xvlio desrta n o > int ,
t. Can keep boots Beat ofrffereneoL'ii-in.
Audrtti J. P. BARRDN , Xu Lexington , Va.
A > TED A kllchcn the Emmpt
Uousc. 177-12
WAKTCD A flixri lireai ] and caKc
BAKER K'c-iJy hahits. Address at mice
tW 138 , SIou\ City , lows. 17i-r
CooJ c'tlfor pontral housewort ,
WANTJ3D . SUiatid hofta-d 168 I g
A irfrl for general housework. N.
WANTED Hamilton -nd hior tt. . Shlnn'j
adilittou. ISt-tt
" hnttl-cr wants
"tTTA TED An cvpsriencrd
V V to stirta mratnkt > i iiBOmusmall west
ern io vn , wuere thcrj is none , or where ono is
ne lo'voiil(5 ; ( JaVcarelhile partner. Addrew
h. K. Webb. Jact3i.n.l _ > .kijt Co . Neh. 9J-K
\TTANTK"Ax-oed lnn .kccpcr , Tarn
Vy hamatrtet , upfUir ?
( lj > TKD All Omaha tnow thai
W KoV-1 f-S. Jonn ia tha vl S
! . oBTCtfonj > th * . _ "
FOR P ar-H3tg3 } AMD USD.
OU REN ? A nice cot'aso trilj. fi ,
cistern , cpllir fid all , i < 3 13ti >
a J Dodge streets. jlHi HM-LuKK. Ifci-13
T7IOR RENT FurnlsbCd ruoifn and loanl ,
J1 Chicago b M8th and 1'J Ii. first U-jor c-ct '
cf ehnrih. 17P-15 -
RBN1 Stors nJ dwellinfr rcoiug baik
PloK , leth , hct. CUlztxaaitl C.m. II. t > .
rSTABIiO.K. IS ? 17
TJ10R I'ENT Fiont xxni' , fun\is' ' > c < I ( .r ua
L urnlaljid. a so room i to rent i > lith st.
hinjnire at hrick huiue Utli and Avenue.
W. tV KITT. 174-12
- 1 oM horiej , wii Uti were sw it
, here froaillUilcIj' l'eS'-ll. Vf. L.
' 12P3 St. L.IE ? t !
T O l AI.E T o-stori-hoiiso and fu 1 lot , c/n
J , pupitol hill , llou-e contnina 8 rooms and ia
uvai } iitjw. . J.i'Citiiiii firal-claS JNO. L. Mc-
. ' , opi'lrgitrt p-jHofBea. 103-t (
10R BBKT V store on"ctf'nt'r 10th nna i
' Leavcn orth. liirialrcof Oeo. ti. Petersov ,
TTIOR HH T Ncwlidiiso. elsht rooms , hard
P and soft v.Mtaoa 2Jd aud Cass St3. En-
iIu | o3ir/lAjl59 _ 128 tf
FOh. R'ENTitrefurnished room on first
rluor , nitli orvHhont board , ontsidc
entrance to room. Kmjuire tBi' _ office.
KE-'I A ti.e fun.ishcd froftt * 4om
L first floor , Intuccn Ithaml 1Mb ttreetij , tert
j-enUfcTun Inqu'rat U15IIow-.rd S-t. 107-t
I.IJi' nt.Nl lloiws in aijul.'a .nd addition ,
I ? 4.5 ix-r month. IV. SISfERAL , room 6 ,
Crolghion IJ'ock. 893-tf
KIOltKEXf A rurutsheJ , s .utn lent room.
Inquire at N'o 1G12 Karnhflm St. 88t
KtST s lUfiuincd rooms ovct iler
L1 chants Kxcn..Rg'K. . K. Cor. 18th and
rjo-lco strcctg.
F01 ! SALE.
T710U SALE A good team of ( .onifi. Enquire
Jj 111 H. ICth St. ] b3-13
FOR SALF F arding hou e cutfit ; uocd will
and fixtures. Ihe location ia Urat-clayg.
Here is a chance for a bargain. Sati factory
reason { riven Icr selling. Address P. O Box
m , Omaha 171-12
BUlt'Iv FOU SALK-En'jn'rc cf O. II. Bal-
_ lee , Omalin , f-eb _
OKaiLi1 ,27 anil bai n < m. iittr
F ly now , atabargain. Jnrjuiro at tbo Omr.M
Oil House.
T7IORSALE A FAIiOAIN-A buildini ; with
J ; galoon fixtures , furniture and stock , on 10th
St. , opposite the U. P depot , female very cheap.
Or the fixture ) , furniture and stock will bo sold
and bulldinsr rented. Inquire of Eu. KEI3a-
MA : ? . 7o-tf
EOK SALE i'tto "loin carnages , at A. J.
R SALK Cottonwood lumber of all sitts.a
RKDMOND'3 , Sixtcenth-st. 616-t
NOTICE The partnership
\J \ heretofore < \stlnj * between Oscar Ila-t- and Nils He quiet , under the firm nine
nt Ilartman & IJcIquest , i ? this day dissolved
by mutual agreement. All bills duo said firm
will ho collec ed by Mr. Ilclquis' , a id all bills
against Sjtd late lirmllt bo | > aM upon present
Rtlon ut the old stand withinSOdajd.
oec'AH HAI : i MAN.
T OSr Ladies' purse between 19th ami Hurt
JLj and 16th ana jucdic. ; Findsr will be eultablv
rewarded by leaving at tf. . comer 19th and
Burt. 182-11
SEALED PROPOSALS Will bo received by
tha underpinned at the county olcik'a office
untl Wednesday , Jtnuiry 12th , 1SS1 , at Z
oVlock p. m , Ior grading Iota 3 , 4 , 7 and S ,
block 111 , Omaha.
Son tpctificatioHS on file at county clerk's
Tno riehf to reject any and all bids is hereby
By order of the Board of Cduntr Commis
sion era. JOHN R. MAbCiIKSTEK ,
County Clerk.
By H. T. LEAVITT , Deputy. 156-12
all mi
Absolutely Pure ,
Made froa Grare Cream Tirflr. No o'i'B
preinniion males tuch liht , flaVy Iiot h--eiy ? ,
or luxurious pastry. Can be etcn by il.i pcptks
without fear of the ills rcsultui : ; from he in
digestible food.
Sold nnlv tn r.ina < > v ill Oroccri.
Sacccssora to J. H. TU1ELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
. , IsTIEB.
ocH. ' BIer
I hive bridged the approaches to the river U
cppotlt * cast end Jones street miking a
plearant , easy and sifc croesinj ; at he nominal A
, viz : or
Horseman , each 5c. orL
One Morse and Waaou lOc. L [
Two Horses and 1V } jon l.ic.
. . . ,
same day ! 0c.
Foot-men Free ,
Decrmber 13th 1880.
, 13-lm
O..d Fellows' Block.
ci t leir
the Latest Home and Tele *
News of tb Day.
lASai 'OO flRSFfc FS ? T A 3 3 pCtHf
Kw AfgU fir * fliP 8" >
i < te7 a hiv tiff B B [ o i a a fco 3 xj -
Preparing- for extensive improvements in our
store and to reduce stock for our semi-annual in
ventory , we offer great bargains in our
A *
and have placed on our counters over five thou
sand five hundred yards of French , English and
German 24-inch Brocades , Damasses , Mohairs ,
De Beges , at 16 2-3 cents. Not a yard of these
goods could be bought at wholesale to-day for
less than 30 cents.
At 25 cents two thousand five hundred yards of
strictly all wool Momies , Fancy Brocades , Mattel-
lases , &c , , worth at wholesale to-day 37 1-2 cents.
5 = !
is .QCU-i-n hiiiHlpwl yards of all tvaol French lroculcs ! , Ariuurcs. &e.t ei inche
wiri v i ory imc , d soly woven goods , in : JT 1--5 cents worth # 0 cents ,
; - wiiTPS all wool Colored Gaslimcra. 40 inches nidiMiinrkciI down from 75
u- : : * so u ijlr l t oi % all Moniie Cloths at . "JO cents , i-i ihes i H ide iuu\ \ worth
PS Ludadi.d ! ! < © Ainw Siftf sm
. , fcAsllflbj DHUbftUtU
Safin Brouide Vclyc.s at , § 8.50 r 1iirt d from S5.00.
' < < ' : ? . ! ift < : n
Colored JSrota V' Velvets : ) .75 r.ijo.
i'lack Krocadrs Sih r o.
Colored Siik amTlVooi Brocades IN ini'lics w d at i'ioo. i'oriuerly sold
at $4,00.
To effect a sure sale on every pair of Blankats wo ovnir-V/Te no'e tlje following ; Gall and osamine.-
10-4 Heavy White Blankets at $5.00 , formerly $6.00 ,
11-4 ' " " " 6.00 , " 7.50.
" " " " " 8.00.
11-4 6.75 ,
" " " " 1000.
11-4 8.00 ,
12-4 " " " " 9.00 , " 12.00.
A few fine Bed Comforts left that we offer at 5 per cent lei is than former prices.
This is only a slight inkling of reductions made 3 montJa in oil the departments froou
first to third story of our Farnham Street Store
_ tUi S S& GO.
In each Department , we are
daily : opening choice
Novelties for the Holidays
Leather Goods , Belts ,
Pocket-Bookn ,
Card Cases.
GHove , Handkerchief , Collar and
Cuff Boxes.
Ladies' Pine Shoes.
Gents' Christmas Slippers in
bhe Greatest Variety. ]
tiai Children'a Shoes , fine , warm
ind substantial.
aiBC The Largest and Finest As
sortment of
in Omahaat Reasonable Prices
Gents' Silk Mulders.
Qeuta' ! C'jalimere JlufUcra.
The greatest variety of Silk "Handkerchiefs
erer shown at 81.00.
or ladies' wear. II > ndkerchiefj aid In Tips
iilk.Spini3hL.icc , InJU , Mull anil Cambrc ,
very p ttly.
Ribbons , t rinses , Gimps , Frinioi and Trim-
nings. ;
. , Tablaand StanJ Govern , Piano
Cover3 and sets at attractive price ? .
- 'jualitr fina Germnnlowiu.
Fir.4tqu Ity fine Casuincrib.
First quality fin J Saxon } V.
First quality fine Z-phyre.
Fairy and &ruit Zjphyr * .
Crmb3Pin ? > j , Hated Goods. All now designs ,
An elegant line of Gents' S'ceve Buttons ,
ngt. Scarf Pins , etc. , of warranted durability.
fliTcIockafor Ladles , M tests and Children
Knit Hoods. Knit Jacbeta.
A Jacket st 31.25 , which early In tb < : ecason
old at S.00.
orerebow n at 7 c , Xubiis Sbawlg.ctc.
at greatly reduced prices.
new Invoice of Silts in Pattern , especially
the Hobday trade.
"Cash Eetailers , "
1422 and 1424 Dodge St.
Ear and Throat.
Dfflce ! Over Kennard'a Drug [ Store ,
Corner.ori4th"aud DouRlaa Sta.
" . OTlJ.301
FiiiMiiiM STREET ,
P oose : for the next i f.(90) ( ) days to sell- their ,
e itire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos & Organ
A.t Manufactarjii'4 Prices , Wliicli is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham
We Menu Knsmcss. Conic and be Convinced.
AH sales strictly casli , therefore we arc enabled to
oiler the consumers of the ivcctl only first
quality goods for their money.
Best gtraight lOc Cigar in the city ,
Best 3 for a quarter Cigar in the city ,
Best Straight 5c Cigar in the city ,
Detroit Fina Cut a Specialty , . .
) -i *
Oar 803Trae Cut is a good one ,
Bagle/s May Flower ia 8 and 16 ounce tins ,
For40c we have bang up Smoking Tobacco ,
141T Pongtus Street.
We are the only Dea'erain the Celabrated '
Bagley's May Flower.
< ? cc22eoJm
The largest wl best assortment of
Trunks and Valises in the 'Test. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H , MARHOFF , - - -
11T Mth St. , S doors North of Uoudas St.