Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    * ,1
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festabiished 1871. MORNING EDITION. Price Five Cents ,
So that Political Resuirei
tioa will be as Hope
less as Hitchcock's ,
The Buckwheat Brigadier i
Beairice Provss a Magnifi
cent Cloak-Boom
Skulker ,
With His Hindquarters Shac
owing the Senate Doors
on a ! ! Great Occasions ,
AsJffa Beata Masterly Eetrea
to. Commune with the Gods
of the Lobby.
The Liafot Weight Stalwarc oi
the West Painted and Pum
Six Years of Arduous Toi
" "Oevoled to the'Cau e of
Astronomical Science
And Securing a Home for thi
Malmad and Salted Mari
ners of Unknown
How Ho ' ? ough Bled , am
Snorted for "Poor Jeff" that
Crounso Might Perish.
A Spirited Picture of
" ? Politic * ' Aspira
1 < LIVCJI.X , January 12.
n-4H9rlU'Jo.-r.Mi M < l-.H-c Ceo.
Juyie' or ixi'jr.iig ) llio treiuhoj
and dtniliutj- she Hauca wiag o
puppoicern fel
like a bomb-lisil in the seu toria
c mn. ' Mr. l'a < ! dock , I nm told , fcali
liighly elated , uio aaveral of hr.
staunch f-uportcra liavo ospreEsec
'their grttiuide i o res for tearing th ?
aiwsk . * He kc .i of
whom th < ij ? &iyM now be compelled
"to nba'v'Joii thair conspiracy and fall
* nto line with them in i "long pull ,
a strong pu'.l , and a pull altogether"
for Algernon Sidney. I franHy con-
fe33 that sty exposure was not made
for euch a purpose , and the overzealous -
zealous opponents of Paddock , who
coiislnio my lottcr Into evidence of a
bargain with Paddock will pre ently
discover that THE BEE has not sold
out Mr. Paddock pluiaoa himself
on thafac'tsM no such war has been
waged on him by Tun BEE as was
waged on Hitchcock four years ago ,
and hia strikers point to this feet as
vidoncu thai nothing discreditable
can ha Bail u'oout Paddock : that ha
liwacluaa record which even. THE
: dan a cut : isail.
As a nutter of frtcl THE BEE has
a eil V.o war on Mr. Paidcck be-
133 it do < J3 not regard his reelection
tion , amniiy the probabilities , and I do
not bsliovc any considerable number
of republicans will wreck thojr reputa
tions by putting thamaolvci on record
for Paddock for ; ; second term. Ne
braska is a youna ; state , populated by
as intelligent a class as may be fonnd
in any state in the Union. She ia en
titled to bo represented in the U. S.
sanatc not merely by a man of much
higher ib'Jiy than P d-lock pna-
sesaas , but by a who ,
has positive convictions on !
cvciy Vitring isiuo ; a man whoao' '
record does not give the lie to his pro
tections of stalwart republicanism ,
and his pretentious of'unswerving
fidelity to his constituents.
During tha freuatorial contest , six
years ago , I WAS im active ? nd warm
supporter of Gon. John M. Thayer ,
who had sorrel the state with more
signal ability than any man that haa
over represented ns on ths floor of the
I waa opposed to Paddock because
9D percent of the republicans of Ne
braska looked Ui.on him K an apostate
who had b tr ycd the prtj su the
most critical parit'd in ita hinry , by
loagniag with the copperhead democ
racy for f.'lQ&h ends ; t/y becoming a
candidate for cansrtss on thv ticket
with J. Sterli-ig Morton , uia other
sacosh 6ynital'iix ? f , sa " < in o wre k
tha republican party i f Nebr.-oka by
transferring iho pilrui , : ; o be hi > ! d as
territorial secretary ti the copper
head press. loppssad Paodock then ,
Although wo were per' r.ully on most
friendly terms , md nlthoush he had
tendered mo a loan of * ? 10COO , through
one of his friends , justbaforo the sen-
ntoriil fight , to relbvo ras from eerious
financial embarrassment ; while Gon.
Thayer , whom I did support , waq un-
sible to procure a loan for me. Pad
dock's clectii in 1875 was , aa we all
ISUOBa result of chainlighttuup , and
a consolida-i--u < f t-o dfinocr tic vote
in the legislators for Paddock , upon
n pledge on his part to cast hia politi
cal fortunes iritii the democrats , when
ever they captured the "White
House. " TJiat pledge is still In ex
istence , and I may he able to exhibit
it before the legislature ballots for
senator. A written pledge , equally
s treasonable to tao republican party ,
waa made by Piddock to the demo
cratic-delegation "rani Otoe county ,
at whose disp.v-1 ho rilaoed tha feder
al pitronaga of tst o junty. The foil
tcxf of that cnsarkavle document "was
published by 2I jor Uilcombe. two or
three weeks B O.
At the time Paddock vrsa elected I
ivas not aware of this infamous bar-
Uain , and when , Iho day after his elec
tion , the general ajjent of the associated
press requested mo to telegraph" P&d-
dockV political pedifrrco , I responded
thr.tMr , Piulccc'craa a republican ,
ami wodd act ic.7 -r.i with the ad-
niiniitwtfo-i. I LCO wr3ia en editor
ial load rfor THK BEE , lu which Pad
dock's elevation was favorably com
mented oq , and tha psopls of Nebras
ka , republicans especially , Tfcfo as-
Etirod that Mr. Tipton's Euoci ser
would make a creditable representa-
tive , who , being without entsnglit
alliances , would aim solely to legl
hte for the public good. A few da ]
later I received a letter from the sei
ator , acknowledging the generoi
treatment of THE" BEE , and asaurlr
me o ! his warm friendship.
I have said this much to show tb :
I was disyoncd at the outset of 21
Paddock's senatorial career to Md hii
in securing a foothold among repul
lican leaders of the nation , and mat
himself popular with the people of th
Sx : yeara have ehpeed ; Sir. Pac
dock haa come home to ask an er
dorsement of his eenatarial career e
the hands of a legislature made u
largely of young men who kao
nothing about his Doliticalhiatory , an
precious li lc about hh record es
senator. Many of there niembei
hare come to.Ncbraska since Pad
dock's election , atd very few kno\ \
what a weak , vasoillating and medi
ocre representative Paddock has been
SB compared with men who repreien
other states.
It is for their benefit that I not
give my personal observations of hi
During the six yean of Paddock'
senatorial career , 1 have visaed tin
national capital eisjht or ten times
and spant over six months off and 01
in the aimonphbfa of Washington
Dnnng thc e visits I csmo in coutac
with leading men from all parts o
the union , and we-j frequently Bom
pslied to apologiz2 for Nebiask'a whei
aiked if auch & light-weight 03 Pad
dock was cat out of our best senator !
al Umber. 1 have compared uotei
with journalists in the reporters' gallery
lory , who are very accurate ganger !
of the calibre of senators , and the pre
vailing opinion exprcsaed among then :
was that Paddock was B sort of polit
ical jnmpinjack , who pops up everj
few minutes , and mikes blaseU su
premcly diiagtoeabla and ridiculous
by flippant remarks and silly ques
tions , just to get his name on ere j
page of The CcngreuJcnil fiscordj
but who , upon tS5 iuoii critical Oca-
' " . .mr , wliBIi vital issnaa ate pending ,
hirns up missing , among skulkcn
in the clo k room. His lamentable
lack of dUcrotion , and natural bent foi
birabt-f-slicg people , ha mide him
: ne laughing stock amons Intelligent
men all over the country.
I pro'iimo neirly everybody fn No-
biaaka rcmcmbtirs Padaosk'o billa to
"locale a naval observatory at KeameJ
and a merino hospital ct Iebra ka
City. On tlia othOr hand , toonsurea
which the < rowing wc3t demanded at
the bands of confcrcn , cither met witn
veiy gingerly support li-om Jlr. Pad
dock , or hia Uowntight opposition.
On t'io Tbnrman bill , re < [ uiring the
Pacific railroads to pay interest on
their mortgaga bonds to the govern
ment , a measure so eminently just
that no honest man could poiaibly ob-
jeit to it , Mr. Paddock's vote ia ro-
cardedftgainstthebill. Onncarlyerery
bill granting subsidies to monopolies ,
or releasing them from chartered ob
ligations , Paadock's voio is recorded
with the tools and cappcra of the mon
opolies. When the bill remonetiaiug
the silver dollar waa pending , whict
wra & measure demanded ba thy people -
plo of hia own btate , nhd the whole
west , Paddock's aclivo Bj-tnpv.hipa
were with Wall stieat gold gamblers.
Se had written out a speech that ho
Intended to deliver against Iho bill ,
but WEB kept from making a fool of
himself br the urgent advice of Sena-
; or Saundera , ? nd finally cast his vote
ror the bill under protest. On many
) f the most Important bills upon which
i ery loyal senator ought to have made
i record , Mr Paddock was either
mred or recorded as absent ( dodging
n the cloak rooms ) .
Paddock's stilwart republicanism is
i coed deal like an attempt to palm
iffa galvanized brass watch for solid
; old. Barring the historic tact that
is wes an Andy Johnson apostate
u upon collision with copperhead dem
erits and when elected to the sen-
to wanted it understood that ho waa
"consorvativerepublican , " and never
iropored to take part in a republican
aucuj , I cannot comprehend how a
lan with his record can lay claim to
A man h usually judged by his as-
Dciates , and Paddock's most intimate
asoclates at Washington , r.nd his
lonitors and advisors arc J. Sterling
lorlon and P. W. Hitchcock. I was
n the floor of the senate during the
selling scenes of the great debate
ver the bill to pension Jeff Davis as
Mexican veteran , when Zach Chan
ter delivered that memorable ten
ilnutes speech that electrified the
lyal men of the cotmtty like the first i
sbel gun fired at Snmter. During '
tat whole debate , in which stalwart
( publicans wrestled like ghnts with
10 conted brigadiers , Paddock was
ittlng back and forth through the
oak rooms , en the democratic side ,
ith J. Sterling Morton and Daa
borhees. The republicans were
osely pre&ssd , and carried aorno of
io pending raotiona bv only one or
to"mftiorHy. . Padd ; ck's harloiting
ith the confeds was most , of tha time
sdging votes , and covcral.asa voted
ith Lamar and the otLcr -'ns'-ors ' or
jflerson Davis. The motiro for this
aacheiy was Paddock's anxiety to
feat the confirmation of Judge
rounoo , who had bsen nominated for
venue collector the previous day ,
id he tied tip with the confed brlg-
liers on the Jeff Davis issue in ox-
langa for their promise to defeat
nunse. Judge Crounso had served
rough the entire war as a union
Idler ; Paddock had served gallantly
ih the home guards , drawinc$2,000 ;
pear , aa territorial secretaryand | yet
iddock aeks Nebraska eoldiera in the
gUlature to vote for him as a etil-
trt. On the claim of Pinchbick to
teat in the U. S. senate , Paddock
> ted with the rob si brigadiers , and
his vote helped to put the republl-
ns into minority in the 17. S. senate ,
it Paddock had become such a stal-
irt last spring that ho declared the
nmed knight that had walked up
.d . down the halls of congress , and
Eantly held ths whole army of rebel
Igadiera ciay , was rot good enough
r Paddock , who wrotn to Nebraska
at Elaine icoidd not do.
Abous Paddock's "usefulness" r.a a
nator in the distribution of putron-
e and other claims ! > o sals up aa
fisons why lie should bo endorsed , I
irpose to speak in another Ic.ter.
Judge Thurraan was le-nominated
r _ the United States senate from
aio , by a caucus of democratic legis-
tors nt Colombm yesterday.
With the remains of the ex-French |
untess foand dead in a New York
nement Tuesday night , were found
o sienets of past nobility in the
ape of diadems and a coronet con-
inlng priceless gems.
The House Spends Another Da
Over The Funding Bill.
Secretary Sherman Strong !
Spoken of as His Own
BpcUl Dtap trt to the Ek.
WAfcHixoTOS , January 12. See
as the journal bad been read , Mi
Buckner moved to dispense with tb
morning hour , his object being to prt
cced with the consideration of ih
Mr. Weaver , on behalf rtf the great
backers , resisted the motion , but th
morning hour was dispensed will
alter a straggle.
Mr. F. Wood then moved to go Int
committee of the whole on the fund
ing bill > and purposed to limit the dc
bate on the pending amendment in re
lation to ratu of interest tu thirty tnu
Thfa was also resisted by the oppon
enta of the funding bill. The debat
was limited , and the houao then wen
into cominitte on the whole , with Mr
OoVertin tht , chair.
The pending a'menduent was tha
pfwred by Mr. Wood to make rate o
interest 3 per cent.
Mr. Wood siid that from what in
formation he had received since tin
bill WEB last under consideration , hii
Opinion was strengthened thai a C pel
cent , bowl eoulii be Ilo * ed if cougresi
Kbuli repeal the tax on deposits. JJ <
believed that the 'qnestioli tif iiplior
wonld be aKSolulely immaterial , foi
the United States would hold the con
trol of the bonds in its hand * .
Mr. Stevenson , , of Illinois , was on
posodtoa'ny legislation wnich wouk
take from the. treasury the option tc
rede sia the bond at its pleasure.
Mr. Weaver , of Iowa , argued thai
it wai idle to say that a 3 per cent ,
bond could not be fl jatnd. The bond
holder had already bsen paid more
than the aggregate of the present na >
tional debt. He wp.ntefl the lowest
rate of intBtesl possible , but he would
prefer to lot the bonds remain aa lhay
are , subject to speedy liquidation.
Ho was opposed to a long time bond
at 3 per cent. , as they were more expensive -
pensive than to redeem the bands at
the present raten
Mr. Oa'car Turner opposed a long
bond , and the depriving the povein-
ment of its option. Ho thought there
ehonld be coupled with the bill a pro *
vision for an income tax , as it was the
only way of getting a revenue from
these bonds. He believed the propos
ition to fund the debt was in the interest -
terest of national banks.
Mr. Randall said ho ros'o again to
advocate with incressed confidence the
placing of these bonds at 3 par cert. ,
with an option to the government to
redeem them at any time after ono or
two . Helnda sta'/etaeut
years. / pre
pared by Mr. Elliott , of the treasury
department , in which ho fixes the
comparison between the market value
of bond" , at the present rates of inter
est , and the 3 psrc nt. bonda. From
the statement thus presented , ho be
lieves that even in an open market a
3 per cent , bond can be negotiated.
Mr. Rindall consumed the time al-
otted , and by a vote the tune was ex-
; ended to an hour.
After Mr. Randall had finished his
ipjech ha was taken to task by Mr.
Efrye , of Maine , which resulted in a
tinning debate , participated in by
eadera of both sides
The debate having closed , the qnes-
ion was taken on Mr. Wood's motion
0 make the rate of interest three per
; ent. , and it was adopted by a vote of
32 to 92. The greenbackers all vot-
d for the low rate of interest , aU
hough they intended to vote against
ho whole proposition.
Finally , Mr. Sanford offered the
allowing proviso to the first section ,
rhich was adopted : i
Provided , That before any of the
ends or notes authorized by tlrs net
re issued it shall bo the duty of the
scretary of the treasury to pay bonds
BC ruing in 1881 with all the silver
ollars of 412 grains , and all the
old over and above S5CCO,009 , now
eld in the treasury for redemption
No quorum voted on the above
reposition , but the point was not
iade until it was too late.
Mr. Wood gave notice that ho
onld call for a vote in tha house by
33i and nays.
Mr. McMillan , of Tenn. , offered an
nendment providing for the taxa-
011 of bonds to be issued under the
: t , but it was rejected yeas 67 , nays
r.Mr. . Randall moved an amendment
1 strike out so much of the section
i ruako the bonds redeemable in 40
jara. Also to atrike out the clanee
ithorising the issue of treasury
jtea , acd to make the amount of
mds to be issued SC50OCOG03.
is proposition was to make Ilia debt
throe per cent , bond alone , and not
me any treisurynotes. . Ho also
Fered a proviso giving notice of the
saation of interest on the six per
nt. bonds to be refunded.
Mr. Wood moved that tbo commit-
0 rise , which was carried , and the
> use at 4 o'clock adjourned.
In the course of the morning busi-
iss , Mr. Hoar addressed an inquiry
Mr. Edmunds as to the probability
the bill introduced by him , for tha
stribution of the balance of the Gen-
a award.
Mr. Edmunds , not baing chairman
the judiciary committee , could on-
expreea his individual views , cut
id the committee had devoted con-
lerablo attention to tha bill , and ho
lieved would labor diligently to
ing the bill before the senate for us.
Mr. Davis , of W. Va , offered a
solution which was laid over , di
eting the committee on finance io
tjuire whether the public service
> nld not ba improved by tfacr trans-
r to the wardepsrtnionior fho intc-
ir department , of thcstcanbost in-
ector bureau , of the lifo saving oer-
: o of the coast survey , the light
IUSQ board , and the marine hospital
rvice , and to the state department
1 matters relating to commerce with
reign nations.
After other bills had been called
i and laid aside , the senate proceed-
to consider the army appropriation
Mr. Windom briefly explained tbo
tion of the committee , r.fter which
o bill was read for amendments.
The entire session wan spent in a
scnsslon of the phraseology of a
clause appropriating 5125,000 for tl
pay of 50 per cent , in settlement i
amount due lards to railroads in fa
settlement of their claims. Withoi
a discussion the senate adjourned i
4:05 : p. m ,
Armed Invaaoh.
Special Dispatch to Ice Bea.
JEW YoKk , January 11 , 30 p. m.-
Arrangetuents for the trip of the Se )
enty-first New York regiment to Ne
Orleansaro nearly bompleted and no1
there ia bo doubt of the success of th
undertaking. It will be one of th
most extended trips ever taken b
any body of troops in this cottntt
since the war. The regiment leav-
New York city on the tfiernoqn o
February 24th , by the Hound Broo !
route ; for Phihde'phti , thence b ;
the B. < fe 0. via. IJaltiojoro and Wash
ington , to Cincinnati. There will b <
a ptrado in Cincinnati , the Seventy
first regiment being f seorted by th
National Guatd regiments of that city
From there the command will go t
New Orleans , by the great Jacksoi '
route. The special tram allth'ewa ;
through will lie composed of sleeping
passenger , bj gage and platform cars
the latter to be decorated and havi
arrangomen's for music , which will bt
pUyed whslu passing through lirg ;
towns and cities. .One car.will carrj
i > howitzer for firing salutes. A
special train will sti-rc from Now Or
leans in time to moot the excursior
about one hundred miles out of thai
city , and escort them into the New
Orleans depot , where they will ba met
by the.entire division of the tiouia-
iana National Guards , stay in Nevi
Orleans four day s , during which time
the command will ba shown < he hos
{ Hlaiity ot the city. Th > Savanty first
regiment may be accompanied by aom'
Massachusetts militia , but ! t appear !
that , it hs.n nol yet been definitely set
tied. After the departure from New
York tha regiment will piss througl
Now Jersey , Maryland , Delaware
the District of Columbia , Virginia )
West Virginii,0hio , Indiancj Illinois ,
Kentucky ) Tennessee , Mississippi and
Louisiana , to New Orleans. The
thru table \7ill lie > "j arriuged that tlie
joints of intere'st p.usod in .ho irght
time o.i iu > dov.n trip will be seen in
the day time coming back , _ Tbet col
onel of tloSBVelitJ-urst ) regiment has
tunt invitations to all the commanding
officers of the first division of the
S ifce Guards , according to eaoh regi
ment the Sprivileuo oi psndinn one
c'r mcro conlmksionud ofiicera aS fep-
resenlativea to rqoinpauy the Soveii'
ty first regimeut. Quito a number
will KO aloir . The trip is reg-jrded
among nations ! guardsmen as not
merely an interchange of courtesies
between the National Guards , but is
given a fcomtnerciiil itnporlahce. It
will be the tirat visit of any consider-
erablo body of troops tb th south
8inc3 the war , and ii made moire in
teresting from the fact that among
thoae organizations that are to receive
the Seventy-fiiat , are the Timers ,
whoso reptv.led charges on the Sev
enty-first at Bull Run were repulsed
with enormoita loss on both sides.i
The Timers have dechrod themselves
as more than anxious to clasp hands
with the regiment , with which at the
lit meeting they crossed bayonets.
Donsidcrablc money h s been wnod
for the expziises of the trip of the
Seventy-Grot in New Orleans. The
atock esch ID O furnish what money if.
atill needed , and the citisana' commit
tee of Now Orleans contributed $5,000 ,
* nd the railroads do thsir share. The
snliaterl men are assessed $20 each ,
ind conunissiunod officera § 100 each.
Singular Death ,
ipecial Dispatch to TUB BEX.
NEW YOUK , 13 1 a. m. Rev.
Dw'ght Barilett , putorofthe Dutch
Elsformcn church of Albany , died in
Saw York c'.ty ' Wednesday , at noon.
? or the last eighteen months ho had
sxperienced difficulty in swallowing ,
ind wont to Now York for surgical
reatmont. Dr. Elesburg was "cpar-
ttlng on him Saturday with a long ,
lim stool probe , when ho found an
instruction in Bartlett's throat , and ,
tith a good dsal of pressure , was able
o remove il. The patient then eald
io felt much relief , but in a few bouts
omplaiucd of severe pain in his light
ide. In the evening his neck and the
ido of his free Ligait to swell , and
luring the night ho became delerlors ,
rnich continue i until bh death. His
aso puzzles the most experienced aur-
oono in the city , and will have a
peclal investigation.
Bernhardfa Sideshow.
pecal Dispatch to the Eee.
CHICAGO , January 13 1 a. m.
ara Bernhardt's art collection was
laced on exhibition yeatorday after-
eon , at a gallery on W baah avenue ,
ad Mile. ISernhnrdt hornelf was pros-
tit to welcome thoao who attended ,
[ eroaftcr , during her stay in Chicago ,
cr productions will ba on exhibition
; 25 ciits admission. Last night
tllo. Bernhardt appeared in "The
phinx , " thb audience baing some-
hat smaller than at her two previous
Gould's Grip.
uc'il ' D'spatch to the Use.
MOSTP.SAL , January 13 , 1 a. m
ho announcement of the telegraph
onopaly in the United States created
profound sensation here. Gould
u n lease of the Dominion telegraph
impany'a lines , which cover every
nportant point in Canada , for 99
3ars , at 5 par cent. , and by diverting
LO Ametican business over them ,
in make them yield him a handsome
Jumped ths Track.
iciii ! cSiatLb to TflS B
CmcACO , January 12 10 p. m.
he incoming express train on the
[ ilwaukec & St. Paul railway was
nown from the track this morning
t Ada strosr , and ran into a switch
ouse , which took fire from a stove
id was entirely consumed. The
igman , who was in it at the time , 03-
iped with some bruises. Three
lachca left the tnsck , one being bad-
amaahed. They ware filled5wi h
xs39iigars , and several wore seriously
> jarednnd many brniaed.
Supposed Suicide.
IE : ! * ! Dr.iuten to Tas E E
CHICAGO , January. 13 1 a m
'arius ' Allen , a lawyer from Janes-
tile , Wis. , aged 45 years , was picked
p ia the street last night and lodged
i Hio Wcat Madison street station
ansc , the policeman supposing he
as intoxicated. Instead of sobering
f , Allen died in a few hours , and it
as then discovered that he had been
rugged with opium , a piece of which
as found in his pocket. It is sup-
wed to be a case of suicide.
Hanlon Confident of Anothe
Easy Victory.
Parneil's Amendment to th
Queen's Speech Defeated , . .
The Land League Skirmis ]
Fund I a creasing Ripidly.
Sp cUl Dispatch to Thfe Bcf .
tONDON , Jannaiy 13 1 a. m.-
Hanlaii , and tha other scullers whi
are to compete in the coming races
cat , drink and work well , and are in i
good state of training. : ijbnlan hai
abandoned TriekeU'a stroke , and say ;
that while fery scientific and appar
ently easy , it fatigues him greatly
and thinks he can speed better will
bis own stroke. The oaramen attrac
great Croatia to the shorn whonevei
they practice , and in'erest ' in aquat-ci
[ 3 growing general , ai the day of thf
rae draws near.
f-Oic El Dijpaic'a t- > Tim 03.
LONDON , Januiry 13 la. m. Col.
ximbrolly , in replying yesterday tc
a deputation of Dutch merchants in
joudon , said if the Boers refrained
hereafter from armed opposition tc
the government , eVen now some ar
rangement might ba made which
would secure to tile Boero the benefits
bf a political independence.
rnovisioNs of THE COERCION KILL.
Spoclal dispatch to Tha B b :
UONDON , January 13 1 a. m. A
deputation of the Irish members of
parliament called on Mr. Gladstone
yeatoriliy to ask him for more definite
information aboat the government's
proposal hi rcgirtt to Ireland. Mr.
Gladstone , in reply , cssured the mem-
beta that the measures contemplated
wot'ld ' effectually remove all griev
ances. It is generally beltevad hero
that the cocrciun bill , to bo introduc
ed by the jr ) vgrnraunt , wilt provd :
for a HUspennio'i of i-h'j habeas Corpus
act , the abcliti.m of trial by juiy , and
the empowering i/f the cowatabulaiy
ind military to enter houses and
search for a UH without judicial war
rant )
3pcdal Dispatch ! TUo-so
LoMoxr January 12 10 p. m.
[ n tha house of commons to-day the
ligme rule loaders strongly objected
to the rCsuiiiption Qc ilia t'cbato on
tha cddre33 in reply to the Queen's
speech , which was aJjourucd from last
sight. Tl > 9irobJ2ot v-n to ain time
nd prevent the adoption of the ad-
irt3i nitliout Mr. P rnell'o aiuentl-
nont , intended to rebtil.e the govern-
nont's Iriah policy. A hcitod dis-
: 'j sion foUnml for tbr.o hourjvhen
ho hqv divide. ' . The vote was 2GO
' jV I-tJnuHtion of the debate to 33
/st it. " It h thought thnt iho
ieDifc.will not CO-EC bafoia
TJIU Lib ! 1'USOHT. ' *
Ij.cciil Dhp ; < ; ! 'C3 ' to Its Ce.
LONDON , Januai IS la. m. The
Lundou correspondent of Thu New-
ncle Chronicle eiya : Should the rep-
esentativcs of the deposition which
s to wait on Mr. Gl.iurtono to d'iv
lot inducQ the governihent to aban-
! < in the anticipated me'uro on the
'rhh land question , the original idea
if united astion by both English and
'rish liborula , which wc.3 yesterday
bnndoncd ia iho bel'Lf that such a
ombinalion have the appear
nee of a threat , tbo cabinet will he
esorted to. Further sction will , in
ny event , bo suspended unlil the
raft of the bill i : in the hands of tbo
pcclal Dlioatch 13 Tto EE- .
DUBLIN , Janu-uy 13. At i meet-
ig of thu land leaguers to-day it was
anounced that recsipta for the peit
et-k amounted to 41,011. It is
tated that the league will not Ions
ivo fecihties to the government rep-
; 3cnativc3 or the police.
) ecli Kspalcliea to lua BE - ,
A dispatch from Dunbjr states that
10 coloniil rt-liof have reached New
aitle and that the rumor of the
oors having withdrawn beyond Buf-
ilo id confirmed.
A sevare snow storm prevailed yes-
irday throughout England.
Mr. A. M. Sullivan , member of
irliament for Louth , who sued The
iah Times some time ago for defatn-
; ion , has obtained a verdict against
10 paper for 50.
A great meeting of the electors was
3ld in Beriln yesterday , and resolu-
ans were adopted strongly protest-
g against any anti-Jowist r.gttation.
Tlie Greek praas continues to con-
3er war with Turkey only a question
ti > e , andVto regard it tta inevitably
en after arbitration.
Terrifflc Explosion.
Gill ! dUpatc'u to The 12 : ; .
LUCAN , Ont. , January 12 1C p. m.
Yesterday forenoon the boiler of a
reshing engine exploded while
reshlng at Alexander Ironsides' ,
lling Alexander Bolton Instant If ,
id injuring three other men ho had
narrow escape , as the bulk of the
gino and trucks passed just over
eir heads while in the act of fixin
mething around the cleaner in the
irn. Ironsides was in the act of
ling a barrel for the band cutter to
ind on , when it was smashed teems
ems in his hands , but strange he
csived only a slight bruise on the
m. The thresher was driven com-
etely through the barn , striking the
gs of the straw pen , and the ougine
3nt through the barn , striking the
rther door post , break i g the plate
pporting the pest , and leaving the
irn in a wrecked condition. It
ndad up-aide-down just outside.
10 engine and cleaner are a total
rock. The accident appears to have
ion through carelesanta ? , or want of
ulity on the part of those in charge
the engine , they having discharged
eir engineer about two months ago.
Settled the Difficulty
edil Dispatch to Tie Eta
CHICAGO , January 13 1 a. m.
r. Thomas J. Kirk. a prominent
m merchant of thirdly , committed
icide at his home in Inks Forest
isterday morning. The cause was
antal aberration , brought on by
isiness perplexities. Mr. Ivirk bad
sen in business in Chicago for four
en years , and was highly respected.
e came near failing during the hard
aaes a few years ngo , but by the
help of friends pulled through , ai
during the recent boom in iron 1
branched out so extensively tl-at er
barrcssment came again. Yesterds
morning after dressing himself wit
his usual care , he went into the cells
where , with a small revolver , ho eht
hiuuelf three times in the heac
Mrs. Kiik , hearing the discharg *
replied down into the cellar , an
fc nod her husband unconscious. B
was carried np staira and anon cease
breathing. Ha leaves a wife and si :
Important Capture.
SEcchl Dl-pitcli to Tai 39.
BLOOJIIXGTON , HI. , January 12 1
p. mi An officer has gone to" Littl
Rock , Arkansas , for Harry Williams
a notorious criminal of Kansas City
who is believed to bo an accomplic
of "Patsey" Davino in the assasslna
tion , of Aaron Goodiellow in this ctt ;
in August , 187'J. Davine fs to b
haneed next Friday if the arrest o
Williams does not c.-ut nefl" 1'ght ' upoi
the afiar : , and secure a reprieve.
1 a. m. The supreme court ha
granted a supursedna in the Casa o
"Patsey" Devine , sentenced to b (
hung nt Clinton , Friday , for the mtir
der of Asron Goodfellow. The ar
rest at Little Rock , Arkansas , ol
Harry Williama , Device's Rocomnlict
in the tie ! murder , waa uaed by Da
vino'd attorneys UB additionai argil'
ment for delay iti riaciitins the sen
Commercial Drummers' Convention
SYUACCHS , N. Y. , January 12 1C
p. m. A largo uuiillief of delegates
from the different associations ol
commercial travelers of the United
States uiet her { oJay. . Taair o'bjecc
is to form a national sssoc ation , ahd
in time to obtain baiter rates from
railroads for baggage and fares. The
delegates hero represent a member
ship of over 10,000. The call came
from the western association.
SpeJnl D'lpstd.u to The bee.
The cut of logs in the Catiuolr pin
eries of Canada , will bo a hundred
per cent , in exco ot last year.
An unknown duea u Kai broken out
urnoni ? i lie < .uto ! ii the region around
Ottawa , Cjnatti * .
The republican senatorial caucus
liold in Alb.uiy at noun yesterday laid
all rpitlu'-ioos on the table and post
pone ! all r-ctluil indefinitely.
Tiio Wisconsin lo ialaturo organized
A former named McCormick , living
iear Pmsseliville , Ky. , was waylayed
fea'cr ny tveninj ; nor his home , and
learly Ivateii l < > tleat'i. A nefehbi r
lamed Blakio , batwt'.jn whom and
n fi'd ha l-msr existed ,
The rc.idouc. nf iTn. . V.Vilinnfon
Moser , Reading , P. * . , wia : i a n d
ast night v.uli thruo of tin youngest
.hilJr-jn. 'I'na fire , orig'nVL'.l from
he csp'u ion of a co.ii Jiinp ,
r.nscd J > yho nciraut tjirl blowing
lown Lie chimnft1'ho ' 5o s on
) roperr.y wi'l ' amount to § 15,00 J.
A. A. GfA1in. F. clifk ' i - J.I. . ' ! z-
; o , K.-I o-.ugftt in the clsvr.tor I-t
iveuing , and crr.ahsJ to dc.iih.
Sscrelny Sheimun will le-.vo
Vebhirnton Moiidcy ii'ght ' for iiosi-
or , t > visit Gen. Giifi-ld There H
growing feeling in Wathington -
les that &Ir Snerm.-n wil , oner ,11 ,
e previited upj'i So accept the ; si-
ion of secret uy of the treaiuiy in
larfiold's cabinet.
The national invention of the
Ltntfriciti br r h of the Irish fond
! . 4.10 waifpjnc. ! : i BuiJilo , N. Y. ,
A d 3parh u ri Hnrrfsburg , Pa. ,
iis clltnec" liJateiforthoPenniiyl-
ania eenntoi hin , except Grow , are
-.iing to play the dark her e , and , 1 1
conacqiion it no nomination fin be
lade it. the i uctn , and the fight will
o taken into the legislature.
NEW Yoni , January 12. Stcele
Ta kayo hri jn't brought suit against
Ir. Blallory , the propiiotor of tbo
lad' on Square theatre , to protect
h righ'a in Hezsl Krks and the
Dublo atato patent.
CflAirANOooA , Tenn. , Januai/12.
hirty South Carolina negroes pasaed
irough this city to-day en ronte to
rkanrai , to worlc in the cotton
) lda.
PIQUA , 0. , January 12. The store
: John F. Hernsleger waa burglar-
ed last night by four tramps of
) oda worth $500.
WASHINGTON , January 12.Secre -
> iy Sherman said that he felt greatly
snored by the action of the ropubli-
in c < ueus of the Ohio legislature in
sminatin" him unanimously for the
nitod States senate. The secretary
ill vizit General Grfield at Mentor
: xt Saturday and Sunday. On Mon-
> y ho will go to his home at Mana-
ild , and on Wednesday w.'ll visit
3lumbu3 to pay his respects to the
ineral assembly. ,
Herman Hapoemngs.
ireapoiitlcncc of The Bee.
HEKJIAN , Neb. , January 8. I want
let you know that there is such a
ace 83 Herman station on the
maha division of the St. P. & M.
ilroad , and aho that the company
erecting a fine two-story depot , and
tend to put in a aide track for ac-
mmooation of trains. They antici-
ite a heavy business the coming
The Baptists intend to build a new
turch , costing § 1000 , in the spring ,
id I hear others talking of building
the spring.
This in as good a point for grain aa
! cre is en the road. There has been
jry near as many tons bought here
at Blair orTecumseh.
Bra. J. B. Railpy keeps the post-
fica and depot , and Turner Bailey
; epi groceries and dry goods , and
30 J. II. Du & C > . S C. West
ep * the hotel and lumber yard ,
aich is something new. J. Brad-
rd Mid W. W , Dowell , attends to
10 weighing of grain. There are two
'cietie ' ? , a lyceum and SFiakzp23ie.
lie lycfcnm meets every Friday even-
gand Shiksptato every Thursday.
u ; ' < O. G. UACO53 ,
J. IJJ7 F&mhtm Ft. , OM Btaa.l ot Jacob Gl
The Eival Telegraph Coin
panies Pool Their Is
sues for Pecuniary
The Long-Expected Consolid
ation Finally Effect.
A Michigan Grocery Blown U
by Its Own Powder.
A Flouring Mill in JDetroi
Blown , to Atoejs ghree
Men Killed. *
Shooting Scrapes and Pre
meditated Duels.
The Throe Rivals.
Special Dispatch to The liea.
NEW YOKE , Jsnnary 12. 4 p. m.
It can bo aufhoritively budonnced
that a consolidation of the rival tele
graph companies , the Westcrr
Union , the Atlantic & Pacific , th <
American tJnion , has at last been
effected. The final arrangements were
concluded this morning. The rnattei
has been under consideration 'or sow.
eral daya , but a completion of the
necotiatlona was not efiected
until to-day. The details oi
tha consolidation have not bejn made
known io ontside part es in fact , ne
gotiations are now in progress to set
tle the exact terms of th'e consolida
tion. The market price of the stocks
of each of the throa companies has
advanced in consequence of the con
summation of ihe negotiations for a
pooling of their interests.
It is understood that the comblna-
ticn.of the telegraph companies was
effected on the basis of eighty millions
capital for the new company. The
Western TJnion is to have 8 8,000-
COO , the American Union S15COO-
000 , and the Atlantic & Pacific S7-
OCO.OCO. The preasut capital of the
Western tTnion h about $ -13,000-
OCO , of the Ametican Union $15-
OGO.CCO , and of the Atlantic & PaciSc
S14,03DGOO. Thus it will bo seen
that the Western Union geta u scrip
iividcnd of 40 per cent , the American
Onion gees in at par , and the Atlantic
& Pacific i put npat fifty. It is un-
leratood that this movement has been
an ? neered throughout by Jay
Sotild , who to-day o ns a vastly per-
g control of the tilflro * "
eyatoin of the country.
A Legal Wih : Put Out.
Special Dispatch to Thu Ket ) .
CiiATTAXCoa , Taun. , January 12.
Che report haa renchod this city thai
Fames N. Ilsyr esq. , haa been killed ii
3cott county. Ray waa the first d s-
rics attorney for the third term cir-
: wt. He pf-arrarflabecirno notorious
i-r complicity in the fp.rr.ons East
[ "enac3seo " counterfeiting case. He
vat half-brother of Congressman Li.
/ . Houck , of the Second Tennessee
listtht. The exaci cause of the kill
ag haa not yet come to light. One
umor is that II ly had an altercation
dth a man who insnltod his wife.
liy attenptod to fire , but before ho
oiJld draw hi.-i weapon his nestilant
plit Ilia head opan with n ax.
The Texas Senatorshlp.
pcchl Di3p\tcllito : TllO USD.
AusTih' , January 12 4 p. m.
here ia much oaucufsiuR over the
failed State ? senator3hip , but linear *
linity hanga over the f.holo business.
'hrock ' Morton's suppoi lers are veiy
tubborn , while Masoy's are equally
3. There are some violently opposed
j both , and it is poi'ibla they will
szahtcntly voio for a third man and
revsnt the election of either of the
hove. Should this to the case Ksgan
ill bo brought out and the opinion
btains that he will bo elected.
New York I.'otes.
: sctel Dispatch to The K et
NEW 1foBK , January 12 4 p. mi
[ ias Ada Cavendish , who was at-
icked with pneumonia , in Nashville ,
enn , ten days ago , ha ? disbanded
sr travelling dramatic company , and
( turned to this city , whera aho ia
The National Rifle association has
iected new men as dircctora and re
lived to send a teim to Wimbledon
axt July.
Mra. Mary O'Connor , who killed
iree of her children in Jersey City
ist summer , has just been acquitted
i the grounds of insanity.
Powder Explosion.
rcchi Depatci ! ! to The Gee.
BAITLE GUEST , Mich. , January 12
p. m. A tsriiSic gun powder ex-
oaion , seriov ly 'njuring nine per-
mi and resulting "in coniiderable
iija e to property , occurred Monday
reniog at CiiouT , tea rr'Uj wcat of
lis city. In a grocary and crockery
ore kept by John Andraz-s & Bro. ,
ere stored thra3 kega and two cania-
: rs of gun powder , about twcnty-tivo
3unds of which suddenly exploded in
ime un-count.bla ; manner , with a
oise which stirtled everybody in the
uiet little village , dcmoliihing part
i the building snd burning or in-
win ? , moro or ls5 eeriomly , all of
10 eleven poraoaa who wore in the
; ore at thu time. A msotii'g wa3 be-
ig hald in a church neir the prom-
ea , and those inatiecdanco _ were so
Ightene : ! by tha noiao that they
isbeJ franticilly out.
It's not positively known whatcaus-
I the explosion , but it is supposed
10 clerk was uuighing out sorad pow
er by a lamp light , when it w.ii ig-
ited. The dzimg * to the building
jd stock w-3.e5CC3. Five of this
eraona injured sra reported in a very
ritical condition.
The Fisns in Minneaoia.
Mcbl dispatch to The liee.
MiiNEAroLis , January 12 1 p. ra.
-The eanatorial situation is not ma-
srislly changed , though thdiilcJIillan
len are manifr sting a good deal more
) nfidenco. The Uaias y men claim
jot they are s eidsly gaining grou .d ,
ad that whether Rircsay can ba
lecied or not thera is no pcsjibility
f McBIillan'a pulling through.
jccial DUpatcli to Tnn Kr.z.
HF.I.KIJanuary 12 1 p. m.
'ho tarritorJsl legislature met ycstor-
ay. Tro bcnso cfTictecl parinsiient
rgaEJaition by ciecti jj J. J. Don-
lelly , of Chauicait cnnnty , apsakcr.
'ho council organ zV.ion waa made
icrmanent to dsy.
An old stags driver named Law
Iii5l ' ?
i ! 5 < J vsiiti mill jcctall
* < litinil : Silver IV :
and .f nre'ry in the
< 1ify.
Como and Sec Our Stock ,
as Wo Will Ee Pleased
to Show Goods.
P A i ( ) ppmlo Posf office.
' 3
Iron and Wagon Stock ,
At Clik'siffo Tricos.
. .fct.
20t ) and 121 i Hnrnry Sn-rU ( 4)inili ) : .
oetll -
Southwest corner 16th r.nd Dodge.
Has lately been leased by
j9L. s
Who has had years experience in the hot-- !
ncss , nnd will run a flrnt-clnss
Board by the Day or WVck , wHh L daui : ! ; orivitlionL
Man acturcr ft all
5s1 Summer Bologna ( Ci rvelafc "Wurnt ) a
& * Spocinltiv. Orclors promptly filled.
S n 17.4 Burt St. , Omaha , Nub. Je23-t
Water Bilicce : ! l here Friday aiiht by
taking chloroform. O.-aiso unknown.
Cnoap Labor and Uentfa.
faciil Dispatch to Tlio Eee.
DtrrftOir ; January 12 4 p. in. At
F:15 : U-S-i morning a terrific explosion
iccutrtd in thu Union ffoiiring Mills
jn Woodb-idgo atrcot , west of this
jily , entirely wrcc'iog the largo five
itefrj haildjcg SOxHO feet in size. The
mtire noitK i-n'd of the bnildinj ; was
alown ou : , killing thfeemen.
There weifl thrso boilera in the
juilding , each 125 here power , and
m cligino of 325 horse power capacity.
rho capacity of tan mill wai pCO bar
rels of flour per 24 hours. Ii be-
ongcd to "he Swain cstatsnd wis
suilt end bc an buiinejs abuut five
eara ago. Up to II a m. only
.he body of Whiltier hid been
recoveied T IB search of the ruins
ror the other * wo is beinj : m.idr. Tr.o
ess will esc ; d S30.0CO ; parciy in-
The cause of the explosion is eaid
obo the employment jif a cheap mane
o run the ci'gine , in place of Thoa.
Hahoney , who l&fo four days njo , ba-
rauao the nmiager had ordeied hi.i
rages cut down , lid was to f .we re-
umsd work at hi ? ell pay tht < < niorn-
np ; , but readied thf ecc'-o just aft r
he * xplo3ioij. The bodyjiS ' .Vfiittior
3 tsrriblj'di'fignred and near'y everyone
> ono broken.
The Time to Die.
pedal dispatch to The Ceo.
MARSHALL , III , .Tnuiry 12 , 4 p m.
An old fond hd IODJ ; cjti-tc t be-
.wean Mr. Sveit and F. At. Crsry ,
[ cnorally known a3jfJcn. Cf. i . Neir
} tw & reaidunco , six mi'e3 souih of
icre , tha twu inoa fmet in the ,
eaterilay , when Grait ; said it was
imo one cf them should die ; ir.d bean -
; an firing with a revolver. Sweet
isatily returned lire and shot Craig ,
willing him in Craig I avc3 a
'amily , but Sweet is unmarried. Ho
jame here and gave hhneelf up to the
Cndoubt.dly cli-j Dest snirt In the
United States is manufactured at the
j.nshi Shirt Factory. Ths superiority
jf AHterial end wnrknanabip , com-
5 : icd with their grczt iaaprovements ,
3t:3 Reinfojced froata , Reinforced
aaiks and lluinforced aleavea , tcakea
; he'r ahirt the moat durable and beat
iittT2 Aliment of tbe kind , aver
nrsaacfacturid at the wjdorate price of
51.50. Evciy shirt of our make in
guaranteed firat-s'as. ! and wi'l rufimd
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of r.ll wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , aho
chernoia ucdrrwcar , iniule up with <
view to comfort , warmth an-1 itah > ! -
ity. To invalids and wem ud
person ? we offer spcifal iim - Kin ' "
in the manner thcso gooib _ . .it
for their protection.
Capitol Ave , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
O&tAHA. - - -
fPOfly " "me. a mple * , oi
JbZU trea. MJttsa Stloaon A C
Pcitiand , Me.
At M ins Y VF as r sic :
C ? . ' SIKUH ) . Manaicer.
Ono NlKht Only1
THURSDAY , Jail. 13th.
Thii Jl inm. > tl < UrsnniaKion com-
t'i ) e. ih Uri mal
New York Sercnaders
4 ml
Mer ct ! Into n Superb M 8t" < IoH
show cf SurpissfM jr Kiiituao
Of Ac'.liowUi ] ? lbititv. l .
Dii.'h , tnsh anil N'ezri' .
Of ClouIn'i Sine and Dane * .
and im riticnt Olt" of Ffi ! alty Art-
itly , intrutlBeiH Keuililul LaJlc * ,
augmented hy A Kail Cburia ul 10 IH
stinnicntnl .v'oisl ! , an' I the 'finest
Mllikirf Bawl evtr twtn in Jlte-
20 In Band Parade 20
I.MXont If + 11 * h < > w in An. ic3 , mtut
Ihouiiiy ontlittt ta
It - rv l 9tx at Vnx Moysr * Hro't ) .
S. N.M-CALI' , .
One NiRht Onlyl
Wedno.-day , January 12th.
Tbo Apex of Amuacmont Reucde < U
W. C. Mitchell's Pleasure Party
In 'h i > tUii.--nl.lo i
Or. Fun on the ICnlno !
I'yHr. Gilf.
* flt tt r lmtt * K * i i < ic g t" the "Trwx >
ba'Jmi * , " 'm' 'f ' > ! > * < i"v an ' lien I j.'nifittr
pfane ix v ( l < " .i.i r } ic ish ( , ta * .
THE COWPlSt MK. Wltt.lAlI OIU , ,
illiS Kt I i : OlERl. f. . 3IR WM. KORHK--T-
KILL , MK. I. M M'KCKO'S. 311S8
31r. FKEf . PEKKISS , - . Mosiral IMnttnr
TnisC'"tnp nt > uf > > , <
Vww . < > ' ! ' H Iho UWee !
Klcrant Prcii ( ' t.-fH " . .erne hI ( V.
The Ah . > 'r I . R H T . i .f Vfil * < i Ji Htf !
Xew V < > > i ilii . fc lnnw.I Thnw ltouV
.nic > i' !
rorT.An f MICKS :
lltwrve-l g itn a- " i Ktle , . > t Jax ! Mavrr A
Gco.K. Kathlmn , Principal.
Oreighton Block , -'OMAHA ! *
Seatl for Circular.