VOL. X. OMAHA , NEBRASKA , SATURDAY. JANUARY 8 , 1881. NO. 172. i im Established 1871. MORNiNQ EDITION. Price Five Cents BARGAINS ESTATE AGENCY , 15 ! U and Douglas Street. iHir 1,000 r < * ldence lem for Bale by this ngcn fcf t prttt ( Tigins from ? -b 1 82,600 each , nu < oe teiUn < ncrypar . 01 Hiodto , nd In every mrcctlon ! rr > m tK IWofficc , north , cret , south IT Tcsll > * * * * Varying ! u distance from ocre V 1 > lo.toierr * > rlwoinilc3lrom szmo. OClenfl oxatshrelists. . & Wai diolco Iota In Griffin b lilacs' iddl M , * cat of content , ti t ec St. Mary's aveu Mt aiifl Harncy street S K > ? 800. 0T a Just cut < btrnu-ks on Satmderg BL , this Is chalco Isni and will bo sold very cheap- ' tor cxah In & . 10 or 20 aero lots ; now IB your f.nS 'to POC-HM a Tjitjrauv. ChiXc. ) rot Rt end of street car ttrcU on Satin- * sre r.rcct for f 575. CJioica Int. Farnhnm t-6 Elth strceta , 00x132 * ct for SI.530 will , FVI Je It Cheap lots In Or * ill Fondsr addition , south ol depct-rHo fSOO. TSfcRACE ADDITION. "Forty lots on Park Avenue and Georgia elrcet , Vin ro < l to park , au < l near licsd ol St. HarVa aicnnc , at fn.in ? 12S to tSOO cieh. Seven years time at ci 'lit i > or cent intcrcvt to those t ho will put up iooJ wilwlantUl buIWtugs. For fortlrtr partlouUrs H'p'j ' to. O. P. BEMI * , Afent , nlicenth and QVuglaa Streeta. M" ? ° U IIoraej * ai * Jnty-first streets , Y Two choice ! oU nn 20th , near St. Mary' uc , 60x105 tmtich , for ? 850 and J ) . r.TJ' ' ? . , ? lS1' ' 'otg nca' 23d ant ! Clirfe streets. In Vv ; " * aJdltlon J30f Mid $350. j.f. ' lou ln ' 'hlnu'g firf. . second and third ad- niuona f or 100 to rwn caclu Lot near IRhnlid Hcrce. 50. Slo onJaroevnear 2 h St. . 1800 each. 1 tot en 2W near Howard ttreet , t7oO. f lB In Grand View addition , south olU. t * r1f e and depot , from ? 15 to $ 00 each- Onoarre , 117x370 feet , on 18th K ol , sirutb f Poppleton's new residence , for &j6oO'or wlfl iri < 3o lute city ilied lots al tVom f3SO to { 500 ach. _ EIVERVIEW ADDITION. larpo numtRt nl beanttnil residence lots , J p cttod In this new hddlUon on Capitol IHH , fci twocn 2 h rtr.-ul w tlio cast , Sflth < Vno west Do < 1 < rtrrti tM V. o north and rirnbam street on llmvnmli. lormcrly ornml bv a H Down nd nu.ro ivotntly kn * n an the Perkins IB acres. Only K tote liavptMafar been -nUtlfld H on Farnlisoistulg i noujjlas street. Thaw lole to 60 U > SOtet In width and 150 Indentl , . tl.OOO for thfl choice. r years time , at 8 per cdal In- tercet , to thofo who \tllHrafld Rood edtxUntlal Jiou.cs thcrr-n. Cull and evamfie nlat and ret full Information at niaiis' IIA .KSYATE AGENor , ISlh undDoiiiIslrceta. . O\er200h.iHiwjMinotsare offered for sale brthisoftle They are scattered all oier lh % city. Anyloc'itlon yondorirs. Prices Vanlnc tmn JOt ! to $15,000 each. 2 oed lots Mid 3 cheap lieonni near Jackson and 2th t trecU at a - . " Hacriflce. Hero la a pe t bargain for BOWO one. The property must b sold lmtnedUt Jy. Cox-rrs fust a quarter of a block. CaH d rxaialns this without any delay. OHO P. BKMIS , Arcnt , lEOi an &OH&M aim A < l elrabln lot nenr Comlug ucri SaWnJcrs Street * . Jl.flOO. Jl.flOO.PARK PARK PLACE. TThe cheapest aero lota In the city of Omaha , TethoMotlorcdfoTiMie by this apency-ta Paik Place and IrawcV Kcond addition , on Coming , Bart and Oalifornla treet ; you can make no mistake ln.plc.Vlc ? up these bargains while you * avexn rtap.cO. These lots are more than equal Instratolfnll-eUed city Iota or a hall block * n411wflll > ebnta very short time before one- Bv.h part of one of these acre Iota will sell for as much as no offer afnll aero to-day. They are located a very short distance west of Crelchtoo College. Price * ranging- from $160 to (300 per acre lot. Call Immediately , and don't lose your chance , and get iilat and fall particular * of GEO. P. BEM1S. Agent , 16th and Douglas Street * . TJlce lot on Sherman Avenue north of Kicholai Vreet , f l.iOO. Ball lot on Casatclwcen ISth and HVh street i 1,000. 2 nice lot * In Hartman's addition , MOO to $600. Large number of acre lota In Olse'a addition In North Omaha , flii to 2300 each. Choice comer lot near 22nd and California trata , tlEOO. Several good lota In Neljon's addition , 160 to SSeOcach. Choice lot in ThornoU's addition , 9750. Several large lota In Btrtlett's addition , 1) rods and2 } acreaeach. Prices $700 to f2,000 each. Several choice lota In Reeds first addition , 1275 to tSSO each. Acre lot on Sherman avenue , (16th ( etreet ) , cuth ot Popplclon'B new reeldcncot or fl,100. 2 large 1"ta ncarlSth and Clark street * , 60 * BSO feet. Oornw , ? l,500 ; inside , 1,000. SlargoloUonShc-min avenue , (16th ( street ) , near CUrk Ftroct , S900 nach McOANDLISH PLAOB. * 3S nice and cheap tots , very near to the bn 1jct < 9 part of the city , located a % cry few steps . -couth of the Convent and fit Mary's avcnae.and lost ftouth ot and adjoining the ground of James M. Woolnortli and WJ. . Council thcso are cheap and von- desirable , being so handy to bus iness pan of city , to new government depot , nail works , white lead works , IT. P. depot , stock yards , packing houses , etc Call and get plat and full partleulan. Price 275 to $350 and easy ten" ! to those nho build GEO. P. rtF.MIS , Agent , 15th and Douslas SIS. 8 choice residence lots en 24th street , between Douglas and Dcnlro strrc1sl,100 ; to $1,200 each and long time to thufc who will butld 2 choice comer lots near 21th and Farnham trcfts , 65x121 fex-t , $1.150 and $1,200 , and very etcy term * to putiliawrs ho will improve. Also 1 lota nn 21th. lictueen Faniham and Douglai s'reeU , 050 to $1,000 each and long- time. C3T250 of the bcrt buslneM lots In vof Omaha for sale , located on evrry bmtnf vtreet , tKW to $ ,000 each. tyMfO very xalmbleslor crllia In al most ever } ' hurlnoea block ; 5 OuO to fl6\\IO eachLAKE'S LAKE'S ADDITION. 40 c ho co rca'dcnoc lots in ano\ea > ldtUon , to- meliatcly north of and ad'uinlng Pnppletou'a beautiful rcalJcnco and grounds , and located on \ 1 ISth 10th and 20lh utrceta , $300 to $550 each and very easy terms to tboM who will build Call and examine nlat and get full particulars. GEO. P. BEM1S , Agent. Beautiful building cite on Sherman avenue , ICth streetbetKCcn ) Poppleton and the Dudley - Ijams property ; 203 feet eopt frontage on the venae , by 3S9 feet in depth. Will divide itmak- lngl32fcelbySS9. Call and get full particulars. An acre on ISth Mrcct , 101 feet east frontage by S7S feet deep. This is Just south of the Eliza beth ( Poppleton place. This Is gilt-edge , call and get price and terms of BEUIS , Agent. IS good lota , jutt north ol and adjoining E. V. Smith's addition , and located between 20th and Blunder * streets , at reasonable prices and long time to burcr who irnprot BEUIS , Agent. HORBACH'S ADDITION. 5S lota In Horbach's first and second ad Won on 10th , ISth , 19th and 20th strccU , between Klcbolka , Paul , Sherman and Clark aticeta , very handy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc. , ranging In prices rom from $200 to $1:100 oath , requiring only email payment down and long time at 7 p r cent interest to those who will im prove. GEO. P. BEUIS , 15th and Douglaa Street. 33 Bice lot * la Parkers addition , between Blunders and Fierce. Eing and Campbell's Sta. . on Blonde street ; 19 lota with south fronts and 10 with north frontage , only 6 blocks north ol the tarn-table ( end street-car track ) on Sannden Btreet. Very lew prices ; $175 cash , or $200 on long time nd S per cent interest to those who will build. jHTL&O good f armi tor sale in Douglas Sarpy Wainlc tsn. Bcrt , Dodge , Saunders and Eastern ti StconnUca.acres , acres best selected landa in the ' late for sale by thlr agency. Call and get maps circulars and full particulars. . ' new mip of Omaha , 60c and SL.EO. Y new pamphlet ( and map ot the 6Ut entitled "tho outlook of Nebraska. " lor ree distribution. . Geo. P. Bern is' \ IREAL ESTATE AGENCY , f 15th & Douglas St. , IRISH CHAMPIONS Open the Contest in Parlia ment on the Goer- ' - - cion Bill , Parnell Says the Alterative is Passive Organization or Secret Conspiracy. The British Government Has De cided to Suppress Boy cotting , coNsniusa NIHILISTS. Special dispatch to TbeJSee. LONDON , January's 1 a. m. There is a sensational story it } circulation to day that a man named Hatchinson , a clockmaker , of Birmingham , has in- r rraed the Russian emhasiy in Lon don of the existence of a plot to con struct a larce number of infernal ma chines for the use of the nihilists. It seems that notchinaon was engaged at c. high price to get up the clock work for the machuiiw , but becoming alarmed for his safety in case iho plot was discovered , aud ho be Implicated in it , he turned informer before hav ing actually carried out any part of the contract. The implement to the story is Iliat the authors of the plot have threatened to murder Hulchin- son for betraying then. No detailed proof of the truth of the rumor has ye't been made public , but many per sons profess to believe It on notounc of its intrinsic p-obability. WAUfeb MAOISTKATE8. Sped * ! Dispatch to ThoJBeo. DUBLIN , January 7 10 p. m. In formation has been received from Claremorris that the lotsat magistrates held an Inquiry In the case 'of Je'ra- ' miah Lsahft president of the Ttsch branch of Iho land teagtio and the other leasuora who were yesterday ar rested and thrown into the Kerry county jail , within the wall * of the jail , fearing disturbaa&s if they were brought to iho police court , notwith standing the prisoners' lawyers offered to give a security of 1000 that there would be no breach of the poaca. IRELAND'S ysV Special Dl nsci ! to Sun Bis. January 8 1 a. m. .n the houae of commons last oven- ng , after a preliminary skirmish by lome rulers , lasting over an hour , re specting the prohibition of land moot- ngs , which Mr. "tTorater justiGed , Sir. ? atnell moved an amendment in ro ily to the queen's address , and epoko one hour. Ho urged that ho land league agitation was similar o O'Conners tithe agitation , except hat the people now were thoroughly organised. Ho produced elaborate tatiatlcs proving that Ireland to-dav waa immeasurably inoro peaceful than n 1831. He warned th ? government hat the only result of coercion would > e increased outrages ; that the dis arming ot the people would be uselc.s , as a blunderbuss was never wanting when required to shoot a landlord , lo offered the government the choice > etween open organization or secret conspiracy. Numerous minor mem- > era continued the debate , after which Hr. Forster replied , denouncing the and league and its leaders with much warmth , which provoked several an gry scenes. At the close of Mr. For- tor'a remarks the debate adjourned. The rules of the house compelled > ostponemont of the coercion bill. A DIFFICULT TASK. The government has decided to nake a determined effort to suppress > oyootting , and numerous proiecu- cutions will be made to this end. CABLEGRAMS. Bpccli Dlip&tchca to TmlBx * . Greece and Servia have just con cluded an offensive and deser.aivo al- iance. The death is announced cf Arnold luge , Ph. D. , the German philoso pher , liberal politician and distln- ; uishcd as the " father of the Ger man revolution. " His ago was 79 roars. Eleven prominent members and of- icials of the Armaghdown , county Jalway , branch of the land league , lave been arrested. The Irish home rulers have com peted their arrangements for sys- ematic obstruction of the coercion bill. bill.A A small fishing smack waa capsized off Falmouth , England , yesterdayand ix persona drowned. Recent movements of Russian roops on the Polish frontier causes uneasiness in Gorman military circles. CAPITOL DOTS. Committees AnnouncedinBoth Houses , Etc. HOtJSE-FOUENOON. pec al Dispatch to The Bee. LINCOLN , Neb.January | 7. Roll call at 9:30. Prayer by the chaplain. Mr. Correll , of Thayer , reported , hat the committee which was ap- rointed to confer with a like commit- eo from the senate on the matter of irlntiug the governor'a message , ecommended that the message be printed as follows : FnuHah language , 2,500 ; German , 1500 ; Bohemian , 1000 ; Danish , 750 ; Swedish , 100 ; and 200 additional for the state officers. H. R No. 4. A bill to provide or the organization and government of cities , towns and villages. H. K. No. 7. A bill to authorize he construction of a railroad bridge across the Missousi river at Brown- ville. ville.H. . B , No. 5. An act to rodlstrict , he state for legblativoapportionment- Drdored to second reading. The speaker read a communication Tom the secretary of state , delivering to the honse the ballots and poll lists and documents relative to the con tested seats of Messrs. Paston , McShano and Carrigan. On mction the matter -was laid upon the table until Tuesday. The speaker announced the govern or's receptionto take place next Wed nesday evening , at the residence of Chancellor Fair Bold. BOUSE STANDING COMMITTEES , Judiciary Wlndham , chairman ; Zaley , Whedcm , Roberts , Schlct , BartlettLaughlin and Montgomery. Finance , Ways and Means Slocum , chairman * Oraham , Hali , Howe , Helms , Lamb , Sears. Committee on Agriculture Oole chairman ; Well * , Jensen , Raymond , Carman , Gates , Cantlin. Roads and Bridges Babcockchair- man ; Dowty , Filley , Brown , Holman , Hall , Wilsey. Militia Cook , chairman ; Bolln , Scott , Kyner , Correll , Bibcock , Pal mer. mer.Public lands aud Buildinps Abbott bott- , chairman ; Slocum , Ayer , Jensen , Howe , McKinnon , Dow , Silver , Mul- len. Internal Improvements Sill , chair man ; Brown , Johnson , Gatoa , Wyatt , Peterson , Oarman , Federal Halations King , chair man } Kempton , Baitlett , Watts , Johnson - son , Parry , Putney. Engrossed and Enrolled Bills Mickey , chairman ; Kyner , Helms , McShane , Herman , Fried , Baldwin. Accounts and Expenditures Howe , chairman ; Fille'y , McClure , Kyner , Hickok , Fried , Jackson , of Douglas. Constitutional Amendments Schick , chairman ; Dew , Root , C < xnt- lin , Montgomery , Brown , Herman. County Seata and Boundaries- Montgomery , chairman ; Sprick , Me- Clurp , McKinnon , Walling , Moore , of Otoe , Roymcn. llailrOt'i'ls Ivtburts lriinnalijJonea ) Limb , Gr. y , Uolmali , Wiudhsi'A , trivilogos and Elections Linn , chairman * Silver , Kaloy , Baldwinj dolman , Hoot , sFrai ! p- State Pcailunliar/ . Bailey , chVir- man ; Holmp , Jackson , of Douglas , Corrt-11 , Hoatettcr , Zio lor , Ornrton. Blind , Deaf and Dumb and Insane Ransom , chftirn'Ati : Itoot , Jackson , of PfttrncV. Uroatch , Dowty , Sillfeh- iman. GnrporationE Liuuhlln , chairman ; Mtillen , Whedom , Herman , Parry. Sbick , Linn. Library i iegler , . ohairjftin ; .Oan't- lin , Daw , Broatch , BaUey.Bick , King. Cities Mid towns Broatch , chair manHontolter ; , , Baldwin , Bolln.Ran- soi'A , MoDjuial , Abbott. , Banks and Currency Moore , cf York , chairman ; Mullen , Putney , Mickey , Palmer ; McShane , Carrigan. Common Schools Case , chairman ; Wilsey , Graham.Sill , Moore , of York ; King , Raymon. University and Normal School Kaley , chairman ; McClure , Wells , Oook , McDougal , Kempton , Moore , of Otoe. Public Printing Correll , chairmtn ; Jacks.-n , of Pawnee ; Gray , Mullen , Windham , Kynor , Wjatt. Mines and Minerals Rood , chair- mnnj i-oterson , Kloepfel , Gates , Cole , Watts , Silver. Immigration Frederick , chairman ; Bolln , Hickok , Johnson , Carrigan , Kloepfal , Peterson. Manufactures and Commerce Hoatotlnr , chairman ; Sprick , Jones , Cole , Jackson , of Douglas ; Btck , McShane. School Lands Ayer , chairman ; Frederick , Case , Kloopfel , Reed , Wy att , Perry. uxiEbeiiTtUDutio uuujuuia uarumlJ , chairman ; Sprick , Raed , Johnson , Gray , Ziegler , Hickok. Claims Bartlett , Chairman : Jack son , of Pawnee ; Sears , Scott , Graham , Paxton , Frederick. Llvo Stock and Grazing Filley , chairman ; McKinnon , McClure , Lah man , Overton , Paxton , Watts. Rules Wells , chairman ; Ransom , France , Walling , Case , Cook and Mr. Speaker. SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES. Judiciary Powers , chairman ; Ev- nns , Perkins , Gere , Cady , Burns , of York ; HOT.O. Finance Gere , chairman ; Teff , Morse , Dinsmore , Myers , Barns , of Dodge ; Coon. Accounts and Espeditures Burns , of Dodge , chairman ; ' Van Wyck , Evans , Smith , Zehrung. Agriculture Wherry , chairman ; Ervin , Taylor , Smith , Burnsof York ; Daily , Howe. Highways Burns , of York , chair man ; Wherry , Ervin , Coon , Baker. Military Affairs Ervin , chairman ; Graham , Turner , Daily , Doane. Public Lands Mills , chairman ; Pierce , Wells , Zehrunc , Burns , of Dodge ; Teffl , Perkins , "White. Internal Improvements Daily , chairman ; Turner , Taylor , Ervin , Graham. Federal Relations Howe , chair man ; Taylor , Wherry , Daily , Ervin. Enrolled and Encrossed Bills White , chairman ; Wherry , Taylor , Meyers , Morse. Counties Turk , chairman ; Tefft , Turner , Doane , Graham. Railroads Meyers.chatrman ; Gere , Wells , Cady , Powers , Burns , of Dodge ; Tefft. Privileges and Elections Morse , chairman ; Gero , Burns of Dodge ; Coon. State Prison Dinsmorp , chairman ; Wells , Gere , Powers , White. Miscellaneous Corporations Tefft , chairman ; Wells , Turk , Pierce.Howe. Library Cady , chairman ; Pierce , Harrington , Evane , Coon. On Claims Verse , chairman ; Smith , Burns , of Dodge ; Myers , Per kins. kins.Education Education Van Wyck , chairman ; Turk , Burns , of York ; Zehrnng , Howe. Public Printing Wells , chairman ; Plorco , Harrington , White , Dins- more. more.Mines and Mining Corporations Turner , chairman ; Tefft , Wherry , Daily , Doane. School Lsnds Tefft , chairman ; Baker , Dinsmore , Zehrung , Coon. Bank ! and Currency Coon , chair man ; Van Wyck , Myres , Harrington , Baker. Constitutional Amendments Smith , Burns , of York ; TaylorWhite , Myars , Wells , Doano. Immigration Perkins , chairnian ; Turner , Harrington , Coon , Graham. Muntcip\l Affairs Doane , chair man ; Van WyckPierce , Evans , Powers. Public Charities Dally , chairman ; Taylor , Ervin , Howe , Graham. Live Stock Baker , chairman ; Per kins , Smith , Burno , of Dodge ; Welli. University Zerung , chairman ; Smith , Morse , Dintmore , Gere. The committee on apportionment was nof appointed. The legislature adjourned to Mon day at 3 o'clock. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. Special Dispatches to The Bee. Seven prisoners broke jail at Charleston , W. Va. , yesterday , and escaped. The exit was made by cut ting a hole in tha roof. Two of the prisoners were moonshiners. An Immense stock company of match manufacturers is on the eve of formation to consolidate all the larger firms of Detroit , Akron , 0. , Philadelphia and Oshkosh , and buy up all the smalt concerns , and contro prices. Matches have raised In price thirty cents a case within a week. The Corry , Pa , postoffice was vis ited Thursday night by cmckamea. The safe waa burated and 61000 In cash and stamps extracted. No cluo. Thrdo men werii lost from the pilot boat "Caprice" about 2 o'clock yester day , off Noversink Highlands , N. J. The "Captico" is considered an un lucky boat , having cipdzed once , anc last summer was run chwn by a steam- , - Cahn it Bailey , of St. Joseph , Mo. , have secured the entire bankrupt dry goods stock of Harwood & Co. , oi Minneapolis Minn. It Is announced that Mamie Von EllsIerMHe.LittaV of Bloomington , Ill.jjvnd Mr. Ilariv Clevelsndj a well- hn'bwn teilor , will b ? married in Feb ruary. In a saloon in South Clark street , last night , a young man named George Covey , from Ogdeusburg , N. Y. , was fatally shut. The cost of obtaining iho census and printing and distributing the re sult of the same , will amount to 83,500,000. In the gr Sat notfl tounninant now in , ilrogreas ih Now York , Jacob Schaeffer has the lead of all tliu games played so far. Smallpox is s.iiJ to be opidcmio at Creston , Iowa , twosity-four cases being - ing reported. - - - " The SpocUl Dlttpatuli to The lice. MILWAUKEE , January 7 10 p. m. Rumor comes from Mudiaun thit Bjornstjerno Bjornn in , the famous Norwegian poee , who is how oh kis Grat visit to America j will wed Mrs. Ole JJull , widow of the famous violin ist. Mrs. Bull is n daughter of Mr. Thorn , a wealthy lumberman of Mad [ son. She is young , beautiful and highly gifted in music fi'id art. Ole Bull and Bjornaon vrero fast irienda. Mrs. Bull returned to America with the poet a few weeks ago , aud is now at her homo in Madison. Roasted Paupers. Spclal Dispatch to The Bco DOVER , N. H. , January 7 10 p.m. A fire was discovered In the main suilding of the Stafford county poor ; arm early this morning. At the imo of discovery the llames had nado considerable headway , and many rooms filled with smoke. Sixteen persons were in the building at the .ime > and great difficulty was experi enced in getting them out , some of them having to bo dragged to places of safety. Thirteen" persons are missing , and have probably lost their ivps. The loss is ostlmaied at § 70- 000 ; insurance , 820,000. The in mates who escaped are now clothed and ahelterod through the generosity of the citizens of Dover. The fire en gines sent from Dover , four miles iFtfio conflagration on account of the leavy snow oh the ground. Owing o the absence of water there was nothing to do but save the Inmates , who wore in a fearful state of oxcito- ment. Many were old and ho'pleaa ' and wtiro unable to escape without aid. Several children wore saved by > eing thrown from the windows and caught In the arms of those below. finally , after every effort had been made , the building was abandoned. LATER Up to midnight none of the jodiea had been recovered. Two are now burning In plain sight of the doorway. The sight is hideous , and , ho stench is sickening. There wore many strange incidents connected with the conflagration. One woman who had come out in safety returned to get an old wooden chair , and was consumed. Another went back to inish saying her prayers , and barely escaped. An old man who was crazy on the subject of religion , tore the shutters from his window in which ho calmly sat reading his bible , and call ed to his unfortunate comrades , eay- ng , "Thus shall the wicked be tor mented for their transgressions. " The ire is thought to have originated in .ho furnace room. Unbridled Steam. Special DIspitch to Tns Bin. NEWARK , N. J. , January 7 10 p. m. At 12 o'clock last night four mon were killed and three others injured by an explosion nt the smelting and refining works of E. Balbach & Sons , cn River street , this city. This es tablishment is the largest of the kind In America , nnd consists of several buildings. The boiler house was in the center of four or five buildings , and had two eight-horse power boilers , four and eight years in uso. Both ex ploded , demolishing the boiler house , two crystalizing rooms , each frame , and about seventy feet long , and the stable and coach house. Seven meu were working in one of the cryatatiz- ing rooms. Oscar Jacobs jumped through a window and had two of his ribs broken ; Joseph Voist received a contusion on the head ; John Schmo- gel escaped with injured feet ; while John Moiz , John Qulnn , George Oberland and John Schlee wore buried under the ruins and killed. The last corpse waa got out at 10 o'clock to-day. They were all horribly mangled and scalded. There were five horses in the stable. Three were blown thirty feet , and two of them killed , being buried in the debris , bnt the other < shedded and ras over es caped. The other two were unhurt and ran away. The conservatory at the house of Mr. Balbach , Sr. , near the works , was ruined , and the wall of Mrs. Dieffenbach's bedroom was stove in near her bed. A brick entered the window of Mr. Balbach's honse and struck his nieca on the head , while she was .sleeping. The loss on the building is from § 15,000 to § 20,000. The cause of the explosion Is un known. A Masher's Dilemma. Special Dispatch to The Bcei 'CINCINNATI , January ? 10 p. m. The Enquirer this morning published a higly-flavored sensation , involving Hon. Milton Saylor , ex-member of congress from this city. It says while Sayler was in congress he became en amored of a Mrs. Alexander who , with her husbend , boarded at the same place. Mrs. Alexander was much with Sayler , and this caused such trouble that a divorce was the result. Sayler and she were especial ly friendly for a long while , but she was finally supplanted in his favor by a Cincinnati widow. Sayler attempted to discard Mrs. Alexander , but she wouldn't have it , and followed him. The matter is still unsettled , but Mrs. Alexander has the inside track. WASHINGTON. The Louisiana Firehranc Again "Fires the Sena torial Heart , f The House Debate ! the Question of Keconsidering the Halt- fax Fishery Award , Falsification and Fraud Impu ted to Great Britain in Producing Fishery Claims. The House Foreign Committee Discusses the Nicarosuan Canal Project. 1IOUSB. Special Dlaiatch to Tlio Dec. 7. Thequca lion of the Halifax fisheries award IB to be brought proniiiiontly ngwi to the attention of congress and the coun.ry. There has always been a suspicion In the minds of many offi cials tht the award w a fraudu lently obtainidi : and It in noir clatmncl that proofs of fraud cm bo readily reached with a view of finding out the facts. facts.Mr. Mr. Springer offered the following resolution : Itesolrtd , That the secretary of state bo required , if not Incompatible with the public interest , to communi cate to this house all information in thoatato depirtment not heretofore communicated to cnnjjresa in refer ence to the Halifax fishery award of Sd OOtCCd , paid by this government to Great Britain , and especially rela- live to the alleged p titions , atatiatics and forged testimony in possession of the arbitrators , and upon which evi dence the award was made , ana also steps to procure a verification of the recently published statements of Prof. Henry , and from statements of Prof. Hurd , to show that there had been gross frauds , as well as a falsifi cation of statistic ? . Ho urged the most stringent hiq lilies to ferret out : ho'o frauds and to obtain restitution , f possible. Mr. Newborry stitod also that the award WAS not made under the pres ent government of Great Britain , and 10 had reason to believe that the pres ent government would willingly opsn the whale question upon reasonable ) evidence that there had been fraud , 'orcery and falsification ot statistics. Mr. Nowberry made some remarks n support of hia resolution , and of- ered an additional preamble and res ilntion which ha desired to have , with t\vC6'I"o'hMTf6rergn'aTrldr3VcuV 'ODjec- iona wore made. Mr. Hawley said , "We have here- oforo submitted great and gfavo ques- lens to arbitration. An award was inado against the British government at Geneva , and they paid it like men. " A member suggested that they ; rumblcd a good deal- Mr. Hawley ratorted that they ; rumbled imong themselves. It was illeged that it was stated in certain prints and papers that fraud had been ised to procure the Halifax awardand ; hat fraud was at least connived at if not actually inaugurated by the Brit ish government , and Mr. Hawley thought it would be host to wait to see whether the British government would find out whether it had not also been imposed upon. Ho would have the governments act with each other as men act with men , and would wait to see whether the British govern ment would not first take action in the matter. He protested against iho proceedings hero to-day , and could say that this matter could safely rest * n the hands of the secretary of state at the present. * Mr. Notvborry replied that the British government had known of heso things for twenty months and lad taken no action. Mr. Field objected to the reference of Mr. Nowberry'a resolution , but VIr. Springer's resolution was referred ; o the committee on foreign ullaira. Members of the house acxm to bo a ; oed deal divided as to the propriety of stirring this matter up at the pres ent time. ' The house then proceeded to con sider the private calendar , and dis posed of twelve or thirteen bills , and it 1:150 : p. m. adjourned. SENATE. A firebrand was thrown into the senate by the presentation of a me morial by J. A. Moore , of Louisiana , alleging that he beame a member of the Packard legislature , with two others , through frauds in the Seventh ward of Now Orleans , and that as auch member ho was bribed with the sum of § 0000 to vote for Kellogg for sonator7aud asking to be summoned and examined as a witness.- ' This gave rise to a spirited debate on the gen eral character of the witness , and the Louisiana case continued until the expiration of the morning hour at 1 p. m. , after which the senate proceed ed to the consideration of the conau- ar and diplomatic appropriation bill. The reading had been nearly comple ted when an animated debate sprung up in regard to the powers exerted by American representatives abroad to sit as judges for the trial of offenses by American citizens in foreign coun tries. tries.Mr. . Carpenter declared that the law under which it was done was grossly unconstitutional , and proposed to frame a bill for the creation of judi cial district * , and appointing judges in China and Japan. The recent action uf Minister Maynard in trying and condemning an American citizen at4 Cairo without a jury was commented upon as unconstitutional , although sanctioned by the existing statutes. After rejecting a motion to strike out the anpropri&ticn for the support of a prison in China , the bill for the relief of Ben Holliday came up as the regular order. Without proceeding * o its consideration the senate , at 4:30 : p. m. , went into executive session , and soon after adjourned until Monday. CAPITAL NOTES , Special Dispatches to The Bee. Senator Wade Hampton appeared in hia seat yesterday. Senators Jones and Sharon , of Nevada , have arrived. They have not appsared this session. The house foreign affairs committee met this morning to discuss the Nicaraguan - aguan canal project. Only six mem bers were present and the meeting was devoted to arranging a plan for future business. Next Tuesday the committee will consider the Nicaraguan - guan canal bill , giving a hearing on the subject to Allen Thorndvko Rico , editor of The North American Review and. Jojs-5 S. Eligman , the New York Hanker : A delegation 61 Otda Indians have arrived hero to arrange with the in terior for chant-ing the r annuities to wall end to sell thtir Nebraska landd , comprising sbnut 44,000 acres , when they will move into th Indian terri tory , where about 20,000 of their pao- plo are already" Situated ; Gen. Goff , the now secretary of the navy , vhitud the White House yester day morning , nnd hi-ld a protreted conference with .President Hayes and ox-Secretaiy Thompson. Aboutjnoon in the presence of the president and other members of the cabinet , Gen. Goff took the dalll of oflicoj and par ticipated in I ho cabinet session , thus taking his first lesson. He will enter upon the duties at the navy dupart- inunt to d.iy , when ho will bo intro duced to the heads of bureaus and chief clurka by ex-Secretary Thomp son. son.Mrs. Mrs. Christiancy 1m been quite sick since Wednesday , the symtoms loing those of ii.li limitation of the iraiu. Judge Utukner , of Missouri , chair- nan of tliu tiMuu comuiitfeo on bank- tig antl currency , s.iya the Wood re- Miudiiis ; bill nal bu defeated , and if the house passed any hill at nil , it vill eithorbo hi * own or JudgoKelly's substitute. Senator McMillan , of Tennessee , who has just returned from Nashville , ays the democrats will certainly elect i United States senator from that tato. tato.Tho The funeral of the late Mrs. John luasoll Young , took place yestordny morning , from St. Peter'a church , 'ho attendance was l > irge , and thu loral tribute both1' numerous and beautiful. Nevada Senatorial FJgnt. poclal Jlepatch to The Bee. SAN FKVNCISCO , January 8 1 a. m. The Nevada legislature adjourned 'eaterday ' afternoon until Monday. ) ne report says that Sutro will re ceive the support of the leading re- > ublicau9 , who would rather see Ne- ada represented by any other man hau Fair , but efforti to get the eack open ha'/e failed.so far. and the like- ihood is that Fair will be elected when the legislature reassembles. indications. peclal Dispatch to Tim lixx. WASHINGTON , January 8 , 1 a. m. n. For the upper Mississippi and ewer Missouri valleys : Partly loudy weather and occasional light now , very low temperature in the northern portion during the day , ful- owed by falling barometer Sunday mnrnlntt. _ Fcr Silo Six-horse power Baxter ngino arid boiler , In good repilr. 4pply at BKI : oftie * . no4tf Medical CoaventioU. SEWAKD , Neb. , January 7,1881. To all rhjjlcians of tlia State of Nebraska , Ir- rcspcctltcoC School- ) : You are requested to meet in con vention , at the Commercial hotel , at jincoln , ( in the 18th day of Januiry , 881 , at 2 o'clock p . m. , for the pur- toioof drafting aauitablo bill to bo prS- entod to the legislature now in sea- ion , to legalize the procuring of anatomical materials , and the disaec- ion of the same , and to transact oth er important business touching the ntcrcstsol the medical profession of ho state. [ State pipers please copy. ] 0. 0. REYNOLDS , M. D. , J. H. WOODWARD , M. D. , J. S. LEONUAIIDT , M. D. , H. 0. HASTINGS ' , M. D. , W. A. AVEUY' M. D. , S. WALK EH , M. D. , W. LEWIS , M. D. , Callers of the Convention , MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH , New York tlonoy and Stocks. WALL STRKIT , January 7. At 1 p. m.the prices were 03 follows ; " MONEY 1 C4@l 05 for loins and stocks ; Ixchange , 91JQJ91 for CO days and demand tills respectively. Chicago Produce Market. a. CHICAGO , January 7. Wheat January sold at 98Jc ; Fob- uary 98J@985c ; March , OSgO'JOjc ; April , § 1 00i@l OOjj , May , $1 04J ® 1 04i , closing at OSJfsOSgc for Janu ary ; 98g@983c for Fubruary ; 99jj@ 99c for March ; § 104J@1 04. } for May ; jfo. 2 red winter , February was of fered at 983 , with 97cbid ; March sold at 98gc. Corn January , sold at 37c ; Feb ruary , 371@37gc ; March , 37J@38c ; May , 42423c ; June,41f@42c ; July , 42jj@42ic. Oats February sold at 31@31c ; Hay , 35Jc ; June was offered at 34c. Rye January , 87c bid ; February , 88c ; March , 89Ac. " Pork Mess , January , 812 70 bid , and 812 90 asked ; February sold at 812 82JQ12 87i ; March , § 12 95 © 13 00 ; April , § 13 07 $ ; bid. Lard January , 88 70 asked ; Feb ruary sold at § 8 G5@8 67 ; March , § 8 77 ; April , § 3 87 $ bid and § 8 92 | asked. Short Ribs January , gG 67 $ bid ; February told at 86 75 ; March , SG 85 ; April , offered at § 7 00. Whisky § 111. St Louis Produce ilarsot- Sx. Locis , January 7. Flour Shade better ; XX , § 3 700 3 90 ; XXX , § 4 204 40 ; family , § 4 60@4 75 ; choice to fancy , § 485 @ 560. Wheat Higher and fairly active ; No. 2 red winior , § 1 00g < § 81 0 ] for caahj'81 Ol 'for January ; 8102 Ol 02J for February ; 51 01J@1 0. for March ; 81 07 for April ; § 1 075(3 ( 1 08jj for May ; No. 3 do , 95c bld o. 4 do. 90c bid. Corn Higher at 39@39.Jc for cish ; 3 ! > @ 39Jc for January ; 3Sj@39c $ for Februaryo9ic ; for March ; 40Jo for April ; 41j4lc for May. Oats Higher at 3031c for cash ; 323-3c for February ; 35g < 33Gc f. r May. May.Rye Rye Higher at 87. Barley Unchanged. Butter Unchanged ; diryIS25j. Eggs Lower at-u J@27o. Whisky Firmer at § 111. , Pork Stronger and plow at § 12 75 for cash or J nusry ; $12 70 bid fur February. Dry alt Meals Held higher nt § 4 50 < 3G GOQG S'ti askfdt ) on and shorts , active at ? G 72A < 5G 7b. Bacon Slow nud unchanged at § 4 204 257 40S7 557 G2. . Lard Better at 88 45@8 5Ui Receipts Flour , 4 000 bbh ; tfheatj U,000 bu ; corn , 14,000 ; oata , 1,006 ; rye , ilunu } barley , -1,01.0. Shipments Flour , -1,000 dbl ; when' , 3.000 bu ; corn , 4 000 ; oatc , none ; rye. none ; barley , 3,000. Bt. Louis Live Stock Market. Sr. Louis , January 7. Hogs H-ghor ; Yurhera and B Hl- morcs , 84 1)0 4 SO ; mixed packing , 84 404 70 : butchers' to fancy , 84 70 ® 4 90. Receipts , 9,800 head ; ship ments , 3,000. Now Yorn : f reduce Market. NE\V YOUK , January 7. Flour Dull and without decided chnngc ; receipts , 20COO bbls , round hoop Ohio , § 4 205 00 ; choice do , § 5 10@G 75 ; superfine wes- : ern , 83 253 75 ; common to good extra do , 54 154 G5 ; chdlco do , doS4 70 < 3G 75 ; choice white wheat do , § 5006600. Butler Dull and weak ; Oh'n , 12 * ® 27c. Egga Firm , at 3340 for fair to choice. Wheat Quiet and firm ; No. 2 red winter , § 1 17117J. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 5557. Oats Quiet ; whiteNo. 1 , 47c ; No. 2 do , 45JS4G3 ; No. 3 do , 43Jc ; mixed No. 1 , 43c ; No. 2 do , 43c ; No. 3 do , 1242Jc. Pork § 13 75 bid for February ; 813 9014 00 for March. Lird § 9 109 15 for cash ; 89 10 ® 9 12i for January ; § 9 159 17 * for ? elirii"iry ; § 9 22 @ 9 25 for March ; § 9 309 35 for April ; 89 359 45 for Hay ; § 9 07 for seller for the year. The Rolling Mill Explosion. Special dlapstfb to The Bee. ALLKNTOWN , Fa. . Januarys , la. m. The boiler explosion at the roll- ng mill Thursday night was mofo dis astrous than at first supposed. Eight employes of the mill have died from njuries since the explosion , and four mo-o cannot live. The cause of the accident is still unexplained. The coroner . has - . opened . . . the . investigation. * * U * > UL > .W nwm laibcu . h'j scene ui v u - - - Chicago Live Stock filarftot. CHICAGO , January 7. Hogs Receipts , 24,000. CatMe To-day receipts were late n arriving ; only a few sales were made to buyers of export steers at 5 75 , and to a city butcher nt 32 05 @ 3 GO for cows and heifers. Receipts , 3,200. Undoubtedly the beat shirt In the Qnited States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority of Material and workmanship , com- oined with their great Improvements , , hat is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced jacks and Reinforced sleeves , makes ; holr shirt the moat durable and best itting garment of the kind , ever manufactured at the ctuderato price of § 1.50. Every ahirt of our make is guaranteed first-class and will refund : ho money if found otherwise. Wo make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , aud Canton flannel , " also chemois underwear , made up with a view to comfort , warmth and durabil- ty. To Invalids nnd weak-lunged jeraons we offer sposial inducements n the manner theao goods are made or their protection. fPir. GOTTJIEIMER , Absolutely Pure , Made from Grape Crca-n Tart.tr. No otha preparation makes such lUht , ( laky hot bread ! , or luxurious pantry. Can bo eaten hy ilmpoptics without fear of the Ilia resulting from ho In digestible food. Mold only In cans by all Qroccri. ROTAL BAKISO'POWDKR Co. , New crk. BURNED OUT , But at it Again. C.H.&d.S.OOLLINS . . . . , AND Saddlery Hardware , HARNESS , COLLARS , Stock Saddles , etc. , Now Eeady for Business Next Door to Omaha Na tional ttauk , Douglas Street. . 3-After Jan. 5h , 1316 Donglaa St. , opposite Academy of Music. decH-tf EBHOLM EEICKSON Wholesale ami Retail Manna facturinsr JEWELERS , LARGEST STOCK OF Gold nnd Silver Watched anil Jcirc'ry in Hie' ] City. Coino and See Our Stock as We WiU Be Pleased J to Show Goods. EDHOLM & ERGKSOHf ! loth & Dodge. OppfMitn Poiiloffico. THE CENTRAL DINING HALL , Southwest corner 16th and Dodge. Has lately been leased by Who has had years experience in the hotel and restuaurantjbusi- ness , and "will run a first-class house. MEALS AT ALL HOUES Board by the Day or Week , with Lodging or without. Centrally Alan nctnrcr ot all kinds of a Summer Bologna ( Cervelat Wurst ) a SAUSAGiAlan Specialtiy. Orders promptly filled. am 1714 Burt St. , Omaha , Neb. de23-t J AUtNIS run unvLumi uu. BOSTONCLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHINGHOUSE , FARNHAJI STREET. HORSE SHOES AND NAILS , Iron and Wagon Stock , M Chicago Prices. 120 ! ) and 1211 llarney Street. Omaha. MONEY TALKS All sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to oiler the consumers of the weed only lirst quality goods for their money , Beat straight lOc Cigar in the city , Best 3 for a quarter Cigar in the city , Best Straight 5c Cigar in the city , Detroit Fine Cut a Specialty , Oar 80 J Fine Cnt is a good one , Bagley's May Flower in 8 and 16 ounce tins , For 40c we have bang up Smoking Tobacco , -\T THE " MICHIGAN TOBACCO STORE , " 1417 DoiisSjis Street. We are the only Dealers in the Celebrated Bagley's May Flower. SO.OOO CHEAP ! CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. P ; ese for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then e stire stock of . Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos A Organ' ; / T" GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing ; Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. Ilth & Farnham We Mean Business. Come and be Convinced.