Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 1

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Established 1871 MORNING EDITION , Price Five Gents
In each Depavtment , we are !
daily opening choice
Novelties for the Holidays
Laather Goods , Belts ,
Pocket-Boots ,
Card Oases.
Glove , Handkerchief , Collar and
Cuff Boxes.
Ladies * Fine Shoes ,
Gents' Christmas Slippers in
the Greatest Yariety.J
Children's Shoes , fine , warm
and substantial.
The Largest and Finest AH
eortruent of
in Omahaat Reasonable Prices ,
( cuts * Silk Mulllira.
Ocnta * Ci&hmcre MuHlero .
The cnn'.aii xarrtj , ; uj' silk [ HanIkenblett
j' ttc.i" ; ; U.ill.crcliiei ami la Tics
Si'k , j-junisU LJ.CC , Indu , Unit Mid Cambric ,
' . ! very ji Utjrm
rm c3r Olmj-a , Frinjo and Trim-
Najikini , TO\Us , TaWeand Stand Covers Piano
O Vcrj and tcts at alt racth o prices.
First quality fine Oemiantonnj.
Fmtriut iSy fins Cashmeres.
First fiiuUtrfn * S on > 'a.j
First quality hue Zephyrs.
Tairy au J spilt Zajihv rs.
C. mbs , JPltn. 1'Utcd GooJ . .
An clcjri" Una ot GentV Scare Buttons ,
> g , Sea I t'-.m. etc. , of wirMnled durability.
Mnicl.vk fur Lilies , uistea and Children
Kni' IloncU Knit JacVcta.
A Jacket ut $1.25 , uhich car y iu the Ecagon
old at S-.W
c'crs'.ioft ii si 71c. Nubias Slianig.itc.
at grcitiy reduced prices.
A ne\y Invoice ol Silks In Pattern , especially
or the llolrfhy Untie.
"Casti Ketailers , "
1422 and 1424 Dodge St.
Successors to J. II. TIIIELK ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
ocHr" "
Any on ha\In ; dead animals I will remoro
them free of chirgo. Lene orders § outhcas1
corn t * of Harncy and 14th St. . second door.
Ear and Throat.
Office Over Kennard's Drue : Store
CJornorJof 14thjand Douglas StaJ
THE GREAT WESTERN Itnthlmn , Principal.
Creighton Block , - OMAHA'
Send for Circular.
novVlJwtl (
Oid Fellows' mock
Prora clvcn by letecnph
Cl > ltol Avc , , Opp. Masonic Hall ,
OMAHA. - - - - -
rn IIIB re * , ft-i day at borne eisil ) made ; cash
vBoutfit Iron Vi'Crc3Trae&Co.PortIndMe.
CT& . Rood assortment always on huuLEK
Undoubtedly the beat shirt in the
United States ia manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , conj
oined with their great Improvements ,
that is Reinf orcod fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
'fitting garment of the kind , over
manufactured at the moderate price of
§ 1.50. Every shirt of our make is
cuaranteod first-class and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
Wo make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chomois underwear , made up with _ a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lnnged
persons we offer spoaial inducements
m the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
J2Q7F Tnara street.
Congress .Again Gets Down to
Easiness After the Holiday
Festivities ,
The Senate Puts in the Day
Considering Petitions and
Tae Housa Will Debate the
Reagan Commerce
JBid To-Day.
Springer's Congressional Re-
ajjportionment Rill Rfi ,
ferred to the Census
Committee ,
Fpoclal Dbnxtcii t > i The Boc.
WASHINGTON , January 5 10 p. m.
Major IiiRea , in reporting hia recent
fight with the hostile Indiana , eaya :
"My talk with the hostsles on tlio Slat
of Dccembar leu iiu 1o believe them
sincere , but they , through the chief
cf the Grofta , cent nio yesterday a
very impertinent message , that they
would uot move , nnd would fight me.
I moved against thosn to-day , sur
rounded their camp , shelled thetn ,
and comppllcd them to nurroiider ,
ailed and wounded ts-o , and did not
oae a man. I have now at the
agency about 500 hostiles , about 300
lorses and forty guns. They threat
ened to fight , but on the appearance
of my men showed none. They do-
aeried their villages , and I burned up
about sixty of their lodges , which
will hurt them badiy. I will atart at
daylight after the hostiles , who have
; oue to the Yankton csiuji , Iwclve
miles distant. The Yanktons , with
sixty of their principal men , assisted
me to-day. They have asked me to
; ivw them some of the ponies which I
laptured. I will moveupion the
3rowa to-morrow. These people are
in great distress for want of tnod and
covering , and I will do what I can for
them. The thermometer is 20 ° belo r
Special dispatch to T s B s.
VTASiHNaroft , January 6 1 a. m.
Mrs. Chmtiancy , in further con-
rersation yesterday on the subject tJf
tier alleged published letters , said
that when she spoke oT the published
letters to the Washington reporter
Tuesday she had not read them , nor
did she do so until Tuesday afternoon.
She wished to say that not one of
thcso published letters was written by
tier. They were base , malicious for-
jerlea , and evidently were gotten
up to play thc'r psrt In this case.
Mrs. Meloy , who he's been her con
stant companion eince her return to
Wa-mlngtcn , states that the published
tatters are not the letters written
by Mrs. Ohristiancy to Giro. Mrs-
Chrgtiancyreferriii ! | ; to the talkaboat
her , said : "Let them trlk , but they
should think of Chriitlimcy , too. If
itwas wrong fet too , as I know it
was , to write letters to Giro , is it not
onR ( or Mr. Christiansy to be mak
ing love to a Chllifn wo nan ? " Mr.
Delgardo , who recently arrived ,
speaks In anything but compliment
tary terms of Mr. Chrisuancy's do
ings in South America , and Btatfs
that his life Is one course of carousal ;
that a Spanish-Chilian women of
wealth came to the legation frr pro
tection , and h there yet , and it is
generally understood that Mr. Chris
tian cy making love to her and is
engaged to her , and it is therefore
important for his suit to he brought
to a successful close on his behalf.
Sjccltl Dispatch to Tax OKI.
WASHINGTON , January 5. The cha'r '
laid before the senate a letter from
Gen. G.irfield , informing the senate
that he has , by a letter cUted Decem
ber 23,1880 , directed to the governor
of Ohio , declined to accept the office
of senator , to which ho has been
elected by the legislature of that state.
A large number of executive com
munications , the accumulation of the
recesi , were laid before the senate Im
mediately afisr the reading of the
journal. Among them was a deferred
report on the removal of the Ponca
Indians , on which Mr. Dawes gave
notice that ho would make a speech
when the report shall have been
The chair also laid before the senate
a memorial from the republican cen
tral club , of New York , asking the
passage of the Sherman refunding bill.
A very large number of petitions
and memorials were presented by the
different senators , and referred.
Mr. Whyte introduced a joint reso
lution for the purchase of the sword
belonging to George Washington. Re
ferred to the committee on the Yorktown -
town centennial.
On motion of Mr. Butler the reso
lution was adopted calling on the sec
retary of the interior for a copy of the
report of the superintendent of census
relating to alleged frauds in the
enumeration of the inhabitants of
South Carolina , under the tenth cen
sus.Tho usual morning business having
been disposed of , Mr. Whyte asked
the senate to suspend the Anthony
role and consider in the morning half
hour certain district railroad bill * .
This was antagonized by Mr. Voor-
hees , who sought present considera
tion of the bill for the relief of Ben
Holiday. The morning hour was con
sumed in the contest
The senate finally took up the bill
for the relief of Halldsy , by a vote of
34 to 20. This bill , which haa been
before congress for nine years , pro
poses to pay the claimant 5530,749 on
account of his contract for carrying
malls , and for losses tustained by
having carried mail on a different
route from the one specified in his
contract , and m satisfaction for prop
erty taken and used by United States
troops during hostilities with the In
dians. The bill and an elaborate re
port on the claim was read by the
Mr. Kernan offered a substitute for
the bill authorizing Haliday to prose
cute his claim before the court of
cUims , with the right to appeal by
either side to the supreme court of
the United States. Mr. Kcrnau
stated that he offered the amendment
because he could not , on the report
as here presented , vote for the bill.
He proceeded to read from the testi
mony to chow that he evidence was
too IOOBO and imperfect to warrant
the action by congress in appropriat
ing any definita sum in the settlement
of this claim.
Mr. Hoar said the claimant had no
original authority to go to the court of
claims , and came to congress , where
he had bsen kept for years through no
fault of his. It would be a gross outrage -
rage to discard him , now that his wit
nesses whom he could have called ,
were either dead or scattered , no one
knows where.
At 3:30 : o'clock the egaate on mo
tion of Mr. Harris , went into execu
tive cession , and whoa the doors were
reopened , adjourned.
When che house was called to order
this morning , there were not more
than seventy-five members in the
hall. Officers of the houta say that
there ta P. quorum in the city. How
ever , business weat on a-i usual. j
iho .ei c.cuasBTiaa only eittEJcd i
Q7or a day or two.
After a brief personal explanation
by Mr. Pricfr , of Iowa , in which ho
decked to correct an expression in
some remarks on bank checks which
reflected upon the official reporters
and certain officers of the house , in
which he declared his confidence in
the efficiency of the officers
Fetnahdo Wood , chairman of the
Committee on unysand means , is con-
lined to his bed by rheumatism , and
is unable to Visit the cipitol. The
refunding bill will iTot bo considered .
until In * rec.'veis. , !
The committees were called fet re
ports ,
Mr. Stephens , by the unanimous di
rection of t > e ccmmittee on coinage ,
reported a bill to so amend section
3524 of the revised statutes , as to au
thorize a change for melting or reQn-
ing bullion when it is at or above
standard. The bill , which was pre
pared at the solicitation of the 'dlrec-
tors of the mint , wa § psssed.
Mr. Springer , of Illinois , obtained
leaVe to lull-educe a bill to make the
apportionment of representatives in
cougress and providing for their
election. It was referred to the vOn-
sus committee * „
Tbe bill is substantially the one in
troduced by Mr. Springer in the For
ty-fifth congress , and the first section
is as follows :
SUCTION 1. From and allot the § d
day of March , 1881 , Ihe honso of rep
resentatives shall be composed of 293
members apportioned among the sev
eral states In accordance with the pro
visions of this act , that is to say , to
the state of Alabama V , Arkansas 5 ,
California 6 , Colorado 1 , Connecticut
4 , Delaware 1 , Florida 1 , Georgia 9 ,
Illinois 19 , Indiana 12 , Iowa 10 , Kan
sas G , Kentucky 10 , Louisiana 5 ,
Elaine 4 , Maryland 5 , Michigan 10 ,
Massachusetts 10 , Minnesota 5 , Miss
issippi 7 , Miciouri 13 , Nebraska 3 ,
Nevada 1 , New Hampshire 2 , New
Jersey 7 , New York 30 , North Carolina
lina 8 , Ohio 19 , Oregon 1 , Pennsyl-
vanio 25 , Rhode Island 2 , South Car
olina C , Tennessee 9 , Texas 9 , Ver
mont 2 , Virginia 9 , West Virginia 4 ,
Wisconsin 8.
It is further provided that when
ever a new state is admitted into the
union the representatives assigned to
it shall be in addition to the number
of 293.
After quite a struggle Mr. Reagan
got the house to consider the inter
state commerce bill , reported from the
committee on commerce in February
Before any agreement could bo ar
rived at as to the debate on the bill ,
the house adjourned. As no other
appropriation bills are ready , the bill
nay possibly como up agiin tomorrow
row ,
Spedil Dispatches to Tbe Boa.
A big fire swept out the best portion
tion of London , O. , yesterday.
The pews In Henry Ward Beecher's
( Plymouth ) church , Brooklyn , sold
yesterday for $29,336 , an increase of
§ 2000 over last year.
Mrs. Sa * , h Johnston , of Piqua , 0. ,
aged 102 , c" ; d yesterday without ex
periencing * : o least suffering.
Yesterday morning , as hose cart
No. 25 , of the Chicago fire depart
ment , was crossing the Twelfth street
bridge over the Chicago river , In re
sponse to an alarm , the driver John
Uawley , was in come manner thrown
from his seat , falling in front of the
cart. One of the wheels passed over
* " ' \ neck , killing htm almost instantly.
The extensive barca on the horse
breeding farm of John Taylor , at
Three Oaks , L L , were burned yes
terday. Loss , 875,000.
Otto Dressel , a prominent attorney
of Columbup , 0. , committed suicide
by cutting his throat at 1 p. m. yes
Lieut. Gov. Morton , of Cambridge ,
0. , slipped on the icy pavement in
Jersey City , last week , and broke his
leg. Mr. Morton weighs nearly 260
pounds , and the shock he received
from the fall was very severe. He
started for his homo last evening.
The ticket agents of the railroads
centering at Chicago have notified the
eastern roads that henceforth the full
passenger rates will be demanded on
all emigrant and second class business
fro 01 the seaboard.
There was a rumor in Carson , Nov. ,
yesterday that the election of Mr.
Fair was to be contested jointly by
Senator Sharon and Adolph Sutro ,
and that the latter was on his wij
from San Francisco on a special train ,
and had § 100,000 of Sharon's money
to put Into the fight.
AlonzD Nast , colored , of Eoyal Oak ,
Michigan , while returning from De
troit yesterday , was struck and sc
verely injured by a passenger train.
His horse was killed and his wagon
Col. John Hay , of the state depart
ment , was made permanent chairman
of tha international sanitary confer
ence yesterday In Washington.
A caucus to select a candidate for
United States senator will bo held
next Tuesday evening , at Harrisbnrg ,
P . Indications all favor Mr. Oliver ,
olthough Mr. Grow'a friends still
claim he will secure a majority.
The murderers , Patrick H ys and
Daniel J. Sullivan , will be hanged in
Philadelphia to-day.
Justice to Order.
Special Dispatch to Tha Bee.
LiOCiSViLLE , Ky. , January 6 1 9.
m. The famous Buford trial for the
murder of Judge Ellott , of the court
of appeals , was calltd at Owenton yes
terday. The defense objected to the
sitting of Jo age Meyer , and a special
election failed to secure one who
would serve. The case now awaits
the appointment by the governor oi
a judga to try it.
Governor-Elect Porter , of Indi
ana , Married to a Jfc York
Society Belle ,
Chicago Presents a Startling
Chapter of Deaths and
Halo Will Probably Succeed
Hamlin as Senator
From Maine.
A Heroic Do ? .
RnnrHl r > i3renK * * ru *
GuiCAbo , January u 10 p. m. A :
fire occurred at 4 o'clock this morn
ing in St. Lary's block , 42 and 44
Madison sheet. The only occupants
were T. E. Lincoln , manufacturer of
boots and shoes , his wife , and their
faithful dog Jp.ok , T o uog discov
ered the 6re , broke his chain and run
ning to the door where Mr. and Mrs.
Lincoln were asleep , yelped and
howled furiously , finally burBtlbg the
door oporu Mr. Lincoln was awak
ened by the animal l-cking his hand.
The room was full of fc nebo , and es
capeby the Stairs WJH cut off. OpenIng -
Ing the window , Mr. Lincoln saw the
firemen balow , and throw to thorn his
pocket-book , containing § 103 , with
business papera aurl insurance. He
thou placed his wife outside , on the
ledge , and climbed oUt himself , hang
ing on to ft Swaging sign. Fully
tVTSdty minutes before thb hrerr.en got
ladders up to rootle thehi the whole
window sash fell upon him , cutting his
hinds and face Both Mr and Mrs.
Lincoln were badly scorched by the
flames shooting out nt the window.
The dog was nlso snved , biit badly
burned , Mr. Lincoln's loss is § 10,000.
After the Wrong Negro ,
5P cIal DispaUh to The Bco
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , January G 1 a ,
m. A spociil from Murfrcrsboro
says a band of ku-klni Visited the
housO of Henry Miller , colorciTues- ,
day night , to whip him for supposed
araon Miller refused to open the
door , and shot at the mob , in tantly
killing L. B. Newman. The mob
dispersed , 'earing ' the body where it
Broke Through the Ice.
Special Dispatch to Th Bee.
MONTEEAL , January 6 1 D. m.
The new ice railroad bridge across the
St. Lawrence was competed Tuesday
night , and an engine , engaged in tak
ing cars acroea the same , broke
through last night and went to the
bottom of tbe river. It is not known
yet it any lives were lost.
A Financial Crash Imminent.
Special Dispatch to Tiis Bss.
NATCHEZ , Mias. , January 5 10 p.
m. A iinsncial crash in Natchez
eecms imminent as the result of'tho '
suspension of the house of S. B. New
man , cotton factor , of New Orlcaus.
Many merchants hera were connected
with him in a business way , besides
[ laving money in his hands for invest
ment. Tlio greatest uneasiness exists ,
and nothing else is talked of on the
Death's Ripe Harvest.
Special dispatch to TUB Bi
CHICAGO , January 6 1 a. m. The
number of accidents and fatalities in
Chicago yesterday was something ex
traordinary. In the first place there
was the East Madison street fire , at 4
a. m. , loss about § 35,000 , from which
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln barely escaped
being budly burned and lacerated.
Then cimo the State street fire , in
running to which John Hawley , fire
man , lost his life. Au unknown man
about 40 years old was killed on the
Michigan Central road , at Kensington
another unidentified man hanged him
self in a shed on Washington street
Peter Callahan fell on the sidewalk
and received injuries from which he
died ; Patrick Boss , shot in Sunday j
row , died in the morning : Olif Car
son was struck by a Michigan South
ern train and reported killed , but af-
* jrwards proved only threeribs broken
Mr.- Joanna Ryan dropped dead o
fatty degeneration of the heart ; Mrs.
Agnetta Benson , while purauin
household duties , fell dead of hear *
disease , and to complete the list , Mrs
Mullen , in preparing a foot bath for
her husband , let * the babe fall from
her arms into the water , and it was
fatally scalded. Walter H. Foster
an employe of The Times , and one o
the oldest printers in Chicago , having
come here with Mr. Storey from
Michigan , died Tuesday of consump
tion , and was buried yesterday.
New York Press Club Dinner.
Special dispatches to The Bee.
NEW YOEK , January 6 1 a. m.
Prominent among the gentlemen ex
pected to participate in the annna
dinner of the New York Press clu !
this evening , are ex-President Grant
Gen. Sherman and Mayor Grace. I
ia expected to be a great social event
Hale vs. Frye.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
AUGUSTA , Mo. , January 6 1 a. n
Mr. Halo's friends claim a majorit
of ten votes for United States sena
tor , but if there is a change of six in
this calculation , Mr. Hale cannot b
nominated on the first ballot. Mr
Frye's supporters do not claim a me
jority , but assert that an allowanc
of fifteen should be made in Mr
Bale's count , and that they have
fair show for a majority on some
of the latter ballots. They wiil
stave off the proposition until next
week , if possible. Mr. Hale is su
perintending his canvass in person ,
with Mr. S. S. Marble as chief of
staff. Mr. Frye is represented by
Judge Wing , of Auburn , and J. W.
Weekfield , ot Bath.
Sped * ! Dlspttch to Tn Bu.
WASHINGTON , January 6 , 1 a. m.
m. For the upper Mississippi and
lower Missouri valleys : Gener
ally cloudy weather and areas of
snow , northeast to northwest winds ,
and during the night rising barom
eter and colder weather.
Marriage ol Governor-Elect Forter.
Special Dijpatch to Tha Uw.
NEW YOKE , January 5 10 p. m.
The marriage of Governor-elect Porter
ter , of Indiana , to Miaa Cornelia
Stone , took place at 3 p. m. to-day r.t
the residence of W. S. Garnie , on
Fifth avenue. Only a dozen ladies
and gentlemen witnessed the ceremo
ny Rev. Dr. John A. Reeman , ot
Lockport , N. Y. , officiated. The
bride is a handsome kdy of thirty
years , well known in social society of
this city and Washington. Late in
the afternoon the couple left for In-
dianapoli8 (
New York Money and Stocks.
WAUi Srasir , January 6.
At 1 p. m.the prices ncro aa fo'Iowa ' ;
MOSEY At 6 i > cr cent ; exchange steady
at ? 1 03384 9 | .
0.S.6V81 . 10H U.S.4V. . 1 12J
D.8. S'a . 1 OH Currency 6'a. . 1 S9
U.S.41B . 101 | U S 6"a 80 . 1 Oi |
A&P . 94 > O & 'M . - 31J
BtPauI . HO | P M . EOJS
" . A.H2 Rculias . 66
n" . m in . 53 }
D.O.&I.C . tsl UP . IOS
Del&Iak . ViW ) U . S ? !
D & II . 82 Wabash . 8
Erie . ,49 ? Preferred . . . . Si
Frof-rrea . . . 01 ] C P. . . . Oil
l-refcrrcd . . . . . . .10H Alton . 1K
o . us. r. i . . . . . . . . . . w
j.fl . 13 | St P. & 0 . 46J
> L 4 W . 1093 Preferred . 97 }
10 . 123j NYC . 16'j
l&K . 121 NJ C . F6
forthwostfm . 129 If P pfd. . . . , . 24 }
Prefer"-cd.i..ljp _ _
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , January 5.
Wheat January.sO'd . at96J < s0GJc ;
February , flTJODtjc } March , OSJ
§ 98 } ? ; May , § 1 031 03 , closing
it OS&s'OOic for Frb'ruaryj OSl@08gc
tor Marcn" ; i 03J1 03 | for May.
Corn January was offered at 36 c ;
February sold at 37Jc ; March , 37A ®
57cMay ; , 4142c ; June , 41g@41c ;
July , 42J@42SJ6.
Oats February , 30g@30f c ; March ,
Jljc ; May , 35J@35jjc ; Junfej 34jjc.
Rye Janiiary , S5c bid ; February ,
3 ? c ; March , 87c.
Barley-jjawjary ; 81 14 bid j Feb
ruary , 31 iG bla.
Butter No Bales.
Pork Mi SB , January , 812 25 bid ,
ind 81260 asked ; February sold at
512 6512 B7J ; March , 812 671 ®
12 ? 2i ; Aprslj $12 Q@12 f 5. .
Imd Janimy , fc > bO ® 62i bid ;
February sold at § 8 G7i@8 60 ; March ,
S8 67A8 ' 70 ; April , § 8 72 * bid and
g8 80'asked.
Short Ribs January sold at 86 fiO
@ 6 05 ; February , § 0 00 bid and SO 67
asked , March , sold at § 6 77i , closing
at S675@667i.
Whisky § 111.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
GIUOAOO , January 5.
Hogg Receipts , 35,000.
Cattle Moderately active ; saler
ranged from § 2 752 80 for cows ;
§ 4 05@4 70 for fair to good shipping
grades. Receipts 5,200 head.
New YorK * roduca Market.
NEW YOKK , January 6.
Flour Strongly In buyers' favor ;
very moderate demand In the export
and jobbing trade ; round hoop Ohio ,
§ 4 205 00 ; choice do , S5 106 75 ;
superfine western , S3 253 75 ; com
mon to good extra do , $4 2C@G 00 ;
choice do , dn$4 C0@6 75 ; choice white
wheat do , 9500(3000. (
Butter Imll and weak ; Ohb , 13 ®
27c.Esgs Strong at 3638 for falr ] to
Wheat Quiet ; Chicago , § 1 12 ®
1 16 ; Milwaukee , 81 17 ; No. 2 red
winter , § 1 10 | for cash ; $1 20 for
March j'aales 600,000 bu.
Oats Quiet.
Whisky Nbminal.
Pork 813 60@13 90 for February ;
813 6513 90 for March ; 813 60 ®
14 00 for April.
Lard $9 009 02 for cash ; § 9 00
© 9 92Jt for January ; § 9 10 for Feljur-
ary ; 59 159 20 for March ; § 9 22 J ®
9 27 for April ; 89 27i@9 ' 32 for
May ; S8 97 * for seller fo'r the year.
St. Louis Produce Maraet.
ST. LOUJS , January 5.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Unsettled and some eales
wore higher , closing easy ; No. 2 red ,
winter , 999ic ! ) for cash ; $100 ® 99o
for January ; ? 1 02 for February ; $104j
© 1 05J@104 | for March ; 8106 | ®
1 06 for April ; 81 08i@l 07J for May ;
No. 3 do , 93o bid ; No. 4 do , no sales.
Corn Dull at 38io for cash ;
38f@3Scfor ? January ; 38c for Feb
ruary ; 39J39c for March ; 40fcror
April ; 4l41c for May.
Oats Firm at 30c for cash or
January ; 32jc for February ; 35 | ®
35 Jc for May.
Rye Higher at 86c
Barley Unchanged.
Butter Unchanged ; dairy , 18@25c.
Egg * Lower afcSOc.
Whisky Steady nt SI 11.
Pork Slow at 812 60 aaked , and
S12 47i bid for January ; 81255 bid
for February.
Dry Salt Meats Slow at 84 00@
4 056 456 506 55@6 70.
Bacon Dull at 84 20@4 257 40 ®
7 657 62 * . .
Lard Firmer at 88 30 bid.
Receipts Flour , 2,000 bbls
wheat , 4,000 bn ; corn , 39,000
oats/6,000 ; rye , none ; barley , 14,000 ,
Shipments Flour , 4,000 bbls
wheat , 28,000 bu.
6t. Louis Uve Stock Market.
ST. Louis , January 5.
Hogs Lower ; Yorkers and Bait !
mores , 4 204 50 ; mixed packing
84 40@4 70 ; butchers' to fancy , 84 7 (
® 4 85" . Receipts , 11,500 head ; ship
ments , 4,500.
Prize for a Comet.
Spec M Dispatch to The Bee.
ROCHESTERN. , Y. , January6 , la
m. Mr. H. H. Warner , this city
offers a prize of 8200 in gold , for thi
discovery of any comet during thii
year. The conditions are that th <
comet must bo unexpected and teles
copic , and the first discovery must bi
made In the United States or Canada ,
and immediate notification telegraphec
to Prof. Lewis Swift , of Rochester.
Dr. King's New Disco very for Con
sumption > a certainly the greatea
medical remedy ever placed within thi
reach of auffeiing humanity. Thou
sands of once hopeless rufferers , nov
loudly proclaim their praise for thii
wonderful Discovery to which the ]
we their lives. Not only does itxm'
lively cure Consumption , but Coughs
Colds , Asthma , Bror chits , Hay
Fever , Hoaranosa and all affections o
the Throat , Chest and Lungs yield !
at once to its wonderful curative pow
er as if by magic. We do not ask yoi
to buy a large bottle unless yon knor
what you are getting. We therefon
earnestly request you to call on you
druggist , J. K. ISH , and get a tris
bottle free of cost which will convinci
the most skeptical of its wonderfu
merits , and show you what a regula
one dollar size bottle will do. Fo
bale by J , K. ISH. (4) (
The Police Charge an Irish
Land Meeting With
Fixed Bayonets ,
And Several Persons Are Des
perately Wounded ,
The Military Very Active in
Various Parts of the Isle.
A Povrerhil Socialist Organiza
tion Discovered in
Turkey ancl Greece Will Set-
tleTheir Difficulty by the
Grim Arbiter of War
Special Uupatch to Tils Bus
LoNfloH , January C 10 p m. A
largti shipment of men and war ma-
tori-1 are bohi" sent to Natal on ac
count of thelJ ier rebellion. A steam
er sailed yesterday for the Cape Uden
with cartridges etd ; store * , and three
othertha "Q.ieen , " the "JLlnnkuw"
and the "Awt. " transports , will sail
within a day or two.
Special iliHpUch to The Pee. )
JboNfcoSj Jsnnary R 1 a. m.
A military coimmaaionor Of high
rank , who has been making investi
gations in Ireland , has forwarded
to the government a full report of his
observations and opinions , of which
hb following lA d s'ynopsi.S !
First No actual , organized rising is
lared at present. A determined leader
light have Incited a rising , but the
irecautloaary measures of dispatch-
ng extra forces throughout the coun-
ry , wllickhavo befiii adopted , greatly
esseucd the probability of such an
Second There Is no occasion to
ear that the presence of forces will
ggravate the disorders occurring
ail ? .
Third If her majesty's govern
ment at once takes measures for the
epressionof lawlessness , a peaceful
elution of the present dfEcultiosand {
, cessation of the outrages and' dis-
urbances may be looked for with
onSdenco. People well acquainted
with the intention ? of the land league
tate that a rising Was neve ; Intended ,
t least not at the present tfme.
peclal Dispatch to Tbe Bco.
DOBLIN , Joimary C 1 n. m At
Traleo last night , after the meeting
f the land lesgne , the police "Gr
ounded the building and arrest-
i Mr. Harrington , of The
Kerry Sentinrl , secretary of the
and league ; Mr. Broasill , under sec
etary ; Mr. O'ilcurke , treasurer , and
Messrs. Lyons , Kelly , and Power , on
, he chnrgj of sedition. The prison-
T3 were regularly admitted to bail.
In all the decisions thus far made ,
t is evident that the courts' pur
pose is to uphold the government , and
hnt the land leaguers have no f.irurs
; o expect. All meetings of the mag-
istratoshave been antagonistic to the
boycotterj , and so far a the courts
are concerned , the so-called obuox-
; ous Individuals throughout the coun
ty will receive protection. The
courts' inquiries were mainly directed
as to the object of boycotting. The
state trials came to a sudden termin
ation yesterday afternoon , and the
taavemers were remanded , bail being
DUBLIN , January 6 , 1 a. ra. In
telligence has been received from New
Brook , near Clare Morris , stating that
a serious encounter between the con
stabulary nnd the people occurred
there Tuesday night. The local mag-
strates read the riot act , but that
failing to cause the riot to disperse ,
the constabulary charged upon them
with fixed bayoneta. Several persona
were desperately wounded , some of
whom will die.
Special Dispatch to the tier ,
LONDON , January 5 10 p. m. The
war office , it is understood , has order
ed volunteers to retirn their stores
and powder to the military barracks ,
aa a precautionary measure against a
Fenian outbreak. The scare con-
tinnes , although there is no indication
as to the quarter from which a Fenian
attack may reasonably be expected.
A Constantinople dispatch says :
Turkey Is energetically preparingfor
war with Greece. The porte is under
stood to adhere to iho intimation con
tained in the note of October 3 , con
cerning the frontier between Turkey
and Greece , while Greece claims the
fulfillment of the decision of the Ber
lin congress. The diplomatic scare of
last summer , so feeble and futile , has
had the effect of nerving the porte.
Judging from present indlcationa Tur
key and Greece will fight out the old
controversy to the end.
The Sportsman yesterday says :
"Wo understand that a party of Eng
lish bicyclists will start for New York
on the 2d of March , intending to visit
the principal cities of the United
States on their machines. "
Special Dlroatch to The Bee.
BERLIN , January G 1 a. m. The
police have discovered the exietenco
of a gigantic socialist organization ,
with ramifications extending through
out the whole of Germany. Although
the discovery has created a sensation
among certain classes , no one at all
convenant with whav hits been going
on beneath the surface , h surprised at
the developments. It is eaid that the
government will take stringent meas
ures to titppres ? the orgrnization , bnt
little confidence is felt in ita ability to
do so.
flpedal dli pa' < a to The Be .
LONDOJT , January G 1 a. m.
There IB reason 'o fear that anothei
disastrous wreck , accompanied with
sad loss of life } and destruction oi
property , has occurred off the coasi
of Jutland. The Llcyd agent a !
Lelmaig telegraphed yesterday morn'
ing that the "Farley , ' Capt. Apple
ton , from Savannah for Beval , whlcl
left the former port on the 8th of De
cember , with a largo and valuable car
go of cotton , is thought to have been
totally lost. Bales of cotton have
drifted ashore in the neighborhood ;
also two boats marked "Farley , Now j
Castle , " were found on the shore oG"
Bjerregoard , in the Ska orack. In
one of the boats were two dead b < ci > a , '
presumed to hare been officers cf a
large vessel , probibly a steamer. !
TiiG ; wore life belts. The "Farley" ' .
waa reported iit Dartmouth on ths
27th ult.
PARIS , January G , 1 a. m. The1
Gaulols contains Silicon's challenge j
and Vignaux's reply. SU aaon challeng-
ea Vignaux to a full arcl match ta be |
played in New York City , niuaty d yj '
from dttp. offrrm ; to furnish his exj j
pense's . Yigncinx Indignantly decliuts i
the challenge ou any stich condition ? , '
expensed , ark tna : , w'nila avTsfrssor : B
disposal , ho could not go to the U.OC.D
to oblige LIOJ. It 13 probablti that' '
they may compromise on London as j
the place of plying fa * nait match. I
flpecUi Dispatches to TUBB ; .
The owners of the Oldhain colliery
refuse to submit the question of the
miners wrfjes to arbitration.
M. Blanqui , the French revolu
tionist , WAS buried yesterday.
The bi k of Ensland volunteers
are being instructed in the duties of
mounting guard.
The project of using the steamship
"Great Eastern" for the transporta
tion of cattle from America , has been
The Boers' treacherous slaughter of
the Ninety-fourth regimant ia officially
confirmed by dispatches received at
the British War office.
Contrary to expectation there was no
disturbanca at the funeral of the late
Blanqui. There were over 2,000 per
sons iu the procession.
Th6 police , while protecting some
process-servers at S .virteford , Iceland ,
were repeatedly and determinedly at
tacked by a mob.
The Artie steamer , "Oacar Dick-
son , " with an exnlorinc ; party , it iS
feared , has been lost in the Siberian
polar seas.
There havabeenrenewed earthquake
shocks at Agram , Austria.
Slosson will sail from Havre for
New York to-day.
Strange Fatality.
Special Dispatch to The Bco.
ADDIS.ON , Mich. , January 4. 10 p.
m. A strange fatality happened here
Now Year's day. A ball waa Kiven
at the hotel , and in one of the seta
Mrd. duifiold Neeland had her hand
lacerated by her huoband's bootheol.
Rapid imfhrnmation set in , and lock-
j xw followed , and in twelve hours the
unfortunate woman waa dead.
Sl AN5 > AGUE.
There Is nc civilized nation In the Western
Hemisphere in whtcli the utility of Hosteller's
Stomach 1'lttcrs as a tonic , corrective , ar.d anti-
bilious medicine , la not known and appreciated.
While it 11 a raodlclno for ill seasons and all
climates , It U especially suited to the complaints
generated b\ the weithtr , beinc the purest and
ocat vegetable Btim-.ilint in the world.
For sale by UrucpBls and Dealers , to whom ap
ply for Hostettcr'a Almanic for ISS1.
Tarranl's Seltzer Aperiait ,
A cure for Indigestion frightful ,
A bubbling bevcrajo t'eliglitful ;
A remedy for every ailment
O'er which tbo Riltoug make bowallment. )
A liiatwe , though mild , effective ,
A tonic , nervine aud corrective ;
An anodyne mid suporifle ,
Ea-bodyinc every rare ingredient
That mother Nature deemed expedient ,
With kindly liberal hand to flin *
Into the famous f elizer Sprine.
To Elizabeth C. Davenport , Amoi S.
Marion E. Forbes & Willhm Vorcj , dconro
Warren Srnlih.llarry A. Smith , Martin Con
nor and all WLom it may concern :
Take no'.irc that the Sioux City & Nebraska
Ballroad Company has looted Iu track and side
tracks through and across the nouth half ot the
BouthwcH quarter uf scc'.ion eighteen , ton six
teen (1C ) , north range thirteen ( P ) cast , and the
E. } of the S E. } of-V'Ctcoa tht'iccn , and the
S. E. 1 of the S. K. i and the W. J of tbe K. B.
Jotaec'ion twehe and E JofS B. } HecUnn
one , town sixteen ( K ) , range twelve ( I ! ) east.
all naidprernisoabe'n in Uoua ! < county. Ne-
bnaki.and U'llesiyoa'applytothe countyjudjte
of the county conrof tafd county on or be
fore the 3l3iuy ( ) of January. 1S31. to have your
daraazca awcs'cd in nio-io preo.ribctl by thejawa
of Kcbraaka , tlio iaid company will p'oceod to
have said dampen awcf cd as by law provided.
By Jonx I > . Howie , Attorney.
Omaha Doc. 3tat , 183' . d 31-dltwjrn
In tbe matter of the estate of Anna f. Kretes
mann , deceased :
Notice i * hereby trlvcn , that the creditors ol
said deceased , will meet the administrator ci
said estate , before me. County Jui' ' < c of Douguu
County , Nebraska , at the County Court Room In
said County.on the 10th day ol February , 1331on
the 10th day tf April , l&l , and on the 10th
day of Juno , 1331 , at 10 o'clock , . m. , each
day , for the purpose of presenting their claims
for examination , adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed fcr creditors to present
their claims , and one year for the administrator
to settle said esUte , from the 10th day ol
Deccmber.lSSO.thb notice wlllbo published In th
OMATJA WIBKI.T BUB , far four weeks sncceseivclj
prior to the 10th day of February. 1831.
delSwit Countv Juilo
11/MllTPn Ijocal Acenta everywhere to sa
linn I CU Tea , Coffee , Eiklnz Powder
Flavoring Extracts , etc , by nuple , to famillw
Proflt good. OutOt free. People's Tea Co. , EJ :
2050. St. Louis , Mo.
Ova ! Steel Tooth Harrou
Uanofaetured by
VJs , GR002 & OHDB13GS , Fan da Lac , Wit
Wrlta ' for prices. Agent , Omaha , Keb.
) Vliole.sic ; ! niul Ketail Ufauuj
factoring ]
> - a a
iAROKar STOCK or " T
< 'olduul ; Silver Watclics
: ind Jeive'ry in the ,
Come and See Our Stock
as We Wffl Be Pleased i
to Show Goods.
IBUi & Dodgo. Opposite PostoBico.
Southwest corner 16th and Dodgo.
Has lately been leased by
Who haa hadyeara experience in the hotel and restaaurantjjbiwl-
hous , i
ness , and will run a flrst-claso
Board l > v the Bay or Week , with lodging or without.
" . .
im t n11v T.nfiifril.
Iron and Wagon Stock , L
M Chicago Prices.
1209 and 1211 Harncy Street , Omaha. .
All sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to
Ofler the consumers of the weed only first
qnaiuj pods for their money ,
Best straight lOc Cigar in the city ,
Best 3 for a quarter Cigar in the city ,
Best Straight 5c Cigar in the city ,
Detroit Tina Cut a Specialty ,
Oar 80s line Cut is a good one ,
Bagley's May Flower ia 8 and 16 ounce UHB ,
For 40c we have bang up Smoking Tobacco ,
1417 Douslas Street.
the Celebrated Bagley's May Flower.
We are the only Daalersjm
( ! cc22eodiin
And Wholesales Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During the
Fall and Winter we will handle COQNSELMEN'S FRESH CYSTERS , which
are now the beat In the market. A largo aaaortmont of CANDY and &UUA14 ,
TOYS for the ETrli-Iay trade. * J'i ,
fiATZ & FUEEMAN , 510 llth StOmaha. .
Cigars from S15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per ponnd upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards ,
Send for Price List.
m-vr-I MAX MEYER & CO , , Omalia , Neb ,