Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1881, Morning Edition, Image 2

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CbVtiCE HOWE and Darns , putnerc
la political iniquity , arc & firm to
which ihe people of Ntferasfet should
give Tory lilt1 * patronize.
TIB first three days i { the legislt-
tare will decide the futore political
f Uof it * members. Ery monopoly
ely tool will thawfter ba labelled ,
"De i Duck. "
Ir Ohmth Sown gains the speaker-
hip he Trill donbtleaa act on his hit
Itgislative declaration that DO legisla
tion on the transportation question is
da manded by the pjopla of Kcbr&ks.
Tar Jnfer Gcenfe vraehsand ia Cubi-
ensi ti to Paddock's chances. 11 e
wwhitsnd ii located it the Republican
office and knons which tray the rtil-
reid wind blows.
Docs the Kebraek * . Ugttlituro con-
eider 163 par cent , a fair and legitim
ata pnfit. This h the amount which
by the confession of the Union Pacific
organ , that corporation proposes to
extort from western producers during
the coming year.
Taz Maryland court * h&7e decided
adrareely to the Pullman company in
their suit tjainet the Biltitnora &
Ohio tnmpiny , in which the Pullman
oampiny eoujht to restrain the rail-
roai from operating a line of sleepers
oa its road. Tae avertga coat of c.
Pjllmia osach ia 310,009 , its avoraje
life it ten ye r , and its average net
earnings $1,003 a month. From tins
tataman : it will be saen that Mr.
Pi ltn\n Oin affjrd to carry his eu.t
to the United Spates supreme couit
without bnkrup'ing the company.
Tar cu ra euiu eciiia at the meet
ing of tr.o council Monday evening
adds another to the eerioeof disgrace a
vrhioh Omtha hee differed at tie
hand * of certain members of the com
mon council. THS BEE oinnot agrte
with ona of its morning contctnpor :
tie * in at'ributin : ; ny blame to the
president ol the city oonncil. Jam B
E. Boy3 , since his election , has prt
uded over that body with an inipar-
tlility and dignity which is wcrihy t
nil praiie. Ho man , who hid tlic
slightest ro&rd for his own honer ,
could h we failed torecentthegrosa m d
public insult which was thrown in h B
fice. Forb.-aranc * C3 se to be a
virtue and resistance a duty. 0 e
thing it certain , the publio sintimei t
will uphold Mr. Boydin resenting as-
pewioni cast on the highest judicial
body in the state , on Uia council cf
which he is an honored member , RI d
on hie own reputation.
It will ba the duty of the city cour-
cil to BOO that the amplest rrpirati < n
is rmde to it na a body , ani to one t f
car best known , mMt widely rspert-
cd and pubVo spirited citizens W0
do not believe thit the cffenJing
member knew what ho wr saying 11
the t ma , and wa feel confident trit
no cne rrgrets the occurrence rcoie
than l.imtclf. He should be made to
understand , however , that he not 01 -
ly injures himself by such an exhibi
tion of unreasonable temper , but adcs
LI In keeping up the stench _ in munic : .
pal meetings which oar peojlo hoped
had been thoroughly destroyed by tie
oijsliugof the Holly crcir.
The revolt of the Dutch Boers in
the Trinivrnl ou ht to claim the full
sympathy of the American people.
Since 1814 this people have five times
emigrated from their homes into the
trjldernrs in order to escape Britich
rnle , and rach time , wheu they had
amassed sufficient won 1th to male
their .erritory nn object of greed ,
Qreat Britain has seized upon their
possessions. The Onrge River Free
State , to which they first went was
takan from them , though it was
Rfterward unwillingly restored ,
then Natal , then the territory
northwest of Natal and now incorporated
ated in it , then Griqualsnd West
after diamonds had been discovered
there and then at last their final
rating plaoa in the territory beyond
the Yial , where they were in a flour
ishing condition , wts annexed under
B. flimsy pretext and in spite of the
word and bond of Queen Victoria
' il that "no encroachment shall be made of
by her gcrarnment on the territory
beyond" tha V < ial river , where the
repnblio'was established.
Twice hive the Transaal repub'i-
caue , brave , cturdy , simple mindtd
people upof alel to Ainerici for help.
H uy of them are descendants fnm are
the Hn enot * , while the parent stock
is the same from which came tl B
"Kniofeerbsckor" elements of New
York city. They are fighting for l
their hearths end firesides in the inte
rior of Southern Afrba. Tney are
rearnting the fli per
rant violation of a
treaty. The outbreak is nstiontl ard
civil war at 0 < po Colony and the Or
ange KrceStMes is likely to resuU'rcm
nnyattempt to ciuih the fraedom-lov-
ingB > crs. Hull < ind hssbepn appealed to
by the people of Transvaal to intercede
In their behalf and has presented a re
monstrance to the liberal leaders in per
England begsins : them to refrain from
committing tnch an outrage.
The London Spectator recently
ncered at the United States beeaoce
il never interfes on behalf of ttruj- ! just
glinjf peoples. If there IB any strug
gling people on whoso behtlf this '
country Ehonlc interfere it the people icg
ple of the Transvaal Republic. end
Here is a MSB where aid o n be
jus'ly ' and properly offered by the out
United States. A sister republic- ,
Btrapgltng for freedom , announces
that it prefers death to thralldom.
Sarrly a public remonstrance and r.n '
Appeal to English justice is the least
< ht * our country c n do under the cir-
rnaiitanfifl' . E ij'and has committed
afoul wrong , which cdmitu neither
excuse r > orpalliation. Now that she York
i taginmng to rep the fruits abe will
endeavor to blunt the verdict of the
world by misrepresenting the people
crhcBB independence she has extin- two
SuitTus been brought egiinai the
cnuntr commitBioners of DougUs
county to restrain them from deliver
< \v \ to the Omahs Nttioual buik the
5125 0(0 ( of court house bends voted
* t the November election. The his-
torv of tiio awaidmg o ! the e bonds
to Sir. H. T. Clarke , of Bellevua , for
31 03 53 ICO , the recall of the award
when made , and tko ra-iTrard toEza
rd for 81 Ol { calU for pUuaci
tiun. By the process's for bonrt
pablUhed in the duly papsri tbo foiq
condition. : wtre impend upon
I ittrcst it ill bi raM * n laM bond * onlr
from nut f. r 'ha date if lit * ult of
_ _ . or swyrt ] > L r < > f , and theieetipt
. .fth * money thrrefoS iJ bondi ti be
dtHrertd ai f .llow s
Si , lK)0 ) tm ihe nr t d y of Jan. . I' tl.
6'0 IOD on the fiisi day of .fuly , 1S8I.
$50. - U un the b ; day o Jin. , bl.
Pf > pojalu tri 1 be reosiva at the same
, .ii fui tba PU cba- f s iJ S'.lt-.OjU of
hoaU , tli entire amuuut to L * ds.iv rea
January l.lif
The Ixiaitl of county cnwm" vn rs re-
tsrva the iifc'Ut toKJ o : any or all bi i.
Oa the 4th of IX-cember the bids
Wt re opened end were found to be
aa follows : H. T. Clarke , for the whole
t , SI 03 C2 100 ; B. B Wood , 81 01 *
Kountze Brothers , $1 02g : Ezra liiil
hrd , of the Omaha National bank ,
ofored 81.01 J for S25.0CO , to be de
livered January 1 , 1881 ; $1 02 J for
? 59OCO , to ba delivered July 1 , 1881 ,
and SI 005for350,000 , tobadelivcred
January 1,1832 ; ana for the whole
lot , 8L01J. Wirnich Price ( par Gn-S
Montgomery ) , for tha whole lot
( W . JoMn A. Creighton , 51 011-10
for $50,000. Cildwell , Hamilton
Co. , for the whola lot , 31 Olf.
Oa December 0-h the board cf
county cnramiisionan met and eon <
sioored the bids. The bid of Mr
Olaik w&s found to be ths bzct for
the whole lot. It was found , how
aver , that by awarding ths entire
§ 125,000 , more Dink interest would
hive to be paid than if the boirJs
were parceled out at intervals of sis
months. Upon coniidering the mst
ter Mr. Clark sg-623 to remit the cz-
0333 in interest , and the award wss
aioordiagly mada to him on this bisi
, * . a great saving to the county oTe :
any other bid. A fe
weeks uftertrards the commis
s.onera hald another meoiinf ,
r con'iderel their action , and
ed tha bDnds to Mr. Ez-a M Ihrd in
hi ) reposition of tha 4 h , 101 an ) B
friction being the highest amount < ffjr
3 on any portton'of the whole am&uut
Tlii * action was t < k n wa undeis'and
on the groand that tha supplemen'nn
prop-ieition of Jlr. CUrkt ) w s illega
and that the biard had no right to
ODnsider a bid made after ih ? otherc
hid brea opened. They wcra fortifier
op.nion hy the eiscr solicits ,
tition of the O.naln JS'at.onal
aid the decision of the county at tot-
ney ,
This tran ecton ! , by which the csun-
ty loses nearly 33,000 , seem * to rs
either a piecs of legerdemain or elec
fie result of criminal ignorinca ot
the pert of tha oommtf sioners. Th ir
pr potRh for bondi cft'led ' for bids en
theantira emount , and on pircsls to
do'ivered at separate times. Mr.
Ohrke's bid W4S undoubtedly the
h ghest for the whole amount. If the
oauniy commissioners worn not satis
fied with the bidi as they then stood ,
they should have imrneJia'ely rejec * I
ed all and c lled for newpropoaali. It
w s'heir bjsiuess and duty to know
wbxt bids wn rmst for the interest of
the county and how far their jtiriadic I
tioa extended. If they h d any
doubt of their power to prmit Mr.
Clark to amend his bid it was thuir
uiy to ask Icgil advice. Thi county
a'torney is paid forgiving hta opinion
iu just suh matter * . Failing tu take
such action their coaraa was plvn.
All bids should hara baan imniad-
iately rpjsoted and aew ones cilled
for. Under euch ciroumitances
there was no likelihood that either
Mr. Clark or th Omaha
National Bank would have L
pit in any lower bids
thsn their first. The county oommis
sioners miyjust as wall understand
phinlythu their action in tha premises I 1
created griva suspicions. Why , if
Mr. O.'arke's bid WAS within the law ,
were not the bands first awarded him ?
Why , if his supplementary proposition
wasnot within the hw , was bis bid
accepted ? And finally , why , when
the commissioners discovered the tech
nical difficulty arisinu from the award
the bondi to Mr. Clarke , was not
the b d cincolled and now proposals
called for I Let the county commie-
sioners make n full explanation cf |
their ection to the people of Douglas
CJunty. The subject will bear full
ventilation , and many of our cltions
anxious to get at the true inward-
ness of the affair. I
TUB Auditor of the Union Pacific
says that the can ings of this comnanj
t year having.beo-i cqui.1 to J2 rer
cent , on the stock , the earnings of th * *
new fiscal year will reach nearly 20
cent. [ llcpub.ican.
As the stock of iho road represents ccat
neuly eighc time * i v us , the earn atni
ings of the Union Pacific monoprly ,
year cq-all d OG par cent , on the 1
real value of i a road bed and
eqnip- th
mrn'r , find f r .lie no * year vu 1 K. ulY thul
greg-ile He enormous nrnount of 100 Y
c.Tt. net on the investment. This the
cun is
being yearly
ex- ot
totted from tbo pockets of w.stprn
producer * , ! „ ! , . th'silroad . r ans
inform their readers that the read , are
beginning lo pay expense- .
A piem of to hoc * , the first end-
with the word N ice and the reo
with dance , has been eent to our
office for pub'ication but ia unprc ed 01
of regard forihe feeling * of AN I CO
gernon Sidney Paddock.
. we
THB rupreme court ij once more in
ee'sion at "Wnthlo ton , and Stanley
Matthews is ditiusted to hear that
Justice Cl ffird'a he ? 1 h ia improving. i
SEFAIOH CO.VKLI.NO says the Nevr
senator ! * ! race irn't a circum-
to the C4nooochet Chase.
< f
THB Iriih state tna's are Lkely to and
ag out their slow length for nearly
months The land league propose the
tomskoa thorough exposure of the
utragfB practiced on tenants by
he Irish landlords and to show the
iTicci cf the Isagui in preventing
uch scenes of desolation which were
in 18J7"n
THE Kirthem Pacific railroad nre
about to place upon the market mort-
bonds to tie amount f 520,000-
003 foi the purpo.a of completing
d heir line. The road has mw
conetructed or under cocstruoticn
1,000 mil's of their m&in lina and re
quire 1,403 miles additional to ooca-
pleta thtir sjitsm. i
Thft Ral roads aafl tas Paople , I
The i fl unces which are awl to
surround 'Ihe New Ybtk Tribune
would naturally lead thit journal to
int > * r.oniz.9 thu congraisioual inovd'
ment forihe regulttion of the inter
atate railways , nhiuh sro beyond the
cjntrul of any atals laws. It is not
surprising , therefore , that a recent
Atticld iu that Near York piper should
aiureprisent the ma'ttsr in part , and
tn pirt draw filco inferences from the
mlro id statistics at band. To begin
vith the status of thu proposed legis'
lation in congre's ia not correctly eta
tid. It ie U'.t true that the commit
eo on comrnerca haa not been aMt
to agree upon any measure. The
committee reporter what la known
48 the Henderson bill at t'-.e last EOS
sion , aud Mr R an , of Texas , pro
pcredii sub-'i u e , in which tin pro
vision for niia'ional riilsray commis
sion is omitted , but A icon ) complete
curio and , more udcquite penalties for
violations thereof are proposed. Tbo
neil advisiuln R.-ilut-Jii of the prob
km would probiblv Ha in a ccm'Jica
tiqn of the two tyatem. , whereby both
ha lutional commission pro via od ii :
one bill and tha legal requirements
ind penalties of tha other should be
re'amed It iniy bo that the denn
iratic mij > ri'y ' in congress wi 1 not bate
to sgree upon a measure and
m > ke roam fcr its adopt ! n at the
msent Gi > n. If It do not , it wji"
nily add to its nmt-ikrs and confi.m
ha public impression now
that the democrats ate not compoton
for pu lie affairs
A-Ho fr" m 'Mi minWementof thi
oue The STew York Tribtn a is ratho
uiieutiuiitily ; than ign > irantiy in thi
> vrong when it tikea the position ( I
hat the railroads hove voluntirily
undo all the concessions to the pub'i '
during the piat few years that could
been forced frtin th m unde. .
my syateni of Na'ional regulation
,2) ) tiint National legislation on tin
ubjpct cann'tt be adopted withou
cor.flioting with State l islati m ; and
that the Sao leyuUti.n heretu
oio u I'ptei liasprovod to
IR ! . Every 'lie ( if these p'.iuls ' may
in succesifu ly controvened by thu .
far's I
(1 ( The Tribune quotee the following
civic ; i.i tn-iwr the increas d bus'nea :
* nd decreased rates u two of the E at
rfra lines. Tim figures in the s * c < nd
filiinui purp'-rt to give the relat.v <
charges in cents per ton per mile :
* T C MR'L. EM' .
Ton , 1 tili Ctt. T > .nt , 1 mi If Ctr.
1S7.VU68 ! i.(63 1 S7 I,0j3. 0.w0 1 63
U74. 1.81' . lU.7i7 1.41 3 , < H7,12lVOO 1 Si
1,401 CD , ' 0
t 71 .1 e177 , ' 5 105 7,0104(191 ( 1 < B :
i > 77 lfl78iS.6 1.01 1,114 4W5 , SO 9J [
ls7S..V,04.5- .01 J-24 7 ,713 .5,7
ii. < l.-i , " 1,4 3x03 7 J.ilO ' 24417 .1t\ \
1.8J..2lH,72Jll5 .5,7 lJtllli W5 .13
Admitting these figures to be cor- |
he New York Central h , " voluntarily '
d i s rate from 1 57 cen a to 87
ant per ton per milo between 1873
and 1830. The nductioii has btti
J.DCUuuied by iufluooces in whicl :
ho tn'o his been un iuipottant fac
tor. Liwer tailroad charges have
n'lnwtd tliu reduotion in tills on tne
Erie canil , which nas brought abi u
by a movement Bmonz ; tliu picple ,
d recureH t roupS tlio nyencv ot I
tha a'ato ' of New York. The New '
Y "h ( JeutrAl ci > ly leJuct-d r ua as u
j in ordo"1 to compete
for thu business , and the Erie railroad
compd'leci to rettuco us
J I tile below those of the N s v York
Contra ! in order to compete with its
iior fnvond rival. But the reduc
ions t' us recnri-rt by btaie mat aga
men ! of the can&l are merely an ayer-
i < ; e hctwetii fa'r ' rnt--B during the
season cf navigation und extort onate
while navigation is clo'ed ,
this aver/ga is sail considerably
lnjlier tnau the estimated I ving rate
of railroad charges , whicn is i of
cent per ton rer mile. In the vfinter
si > a oa the rfiilroids rartlv fail to in- .
their rate to a figure nearly
double that of tha summer , though
their operating expenses ara but
slightly nlarged , and they are able
to do this by the virtual monopoly
and utter irresponsibility of thepoil
ing system What state influence in
the cimtrol ot the canil hss done for
t lie people in summer , government
may do for the public protection dur
ing the season when navigation ia
cl .sod , nnd nothing short of govern
ment regulation will accomplish this
Betidoj , a part of ilia xssumed reduc-
thii in rates is represented in the in
creased value of tha currency ; the
charge 1 57 as in a currency worth
ouly abiut 83 can's on ihe uVlUr.
2 There i no danger of nny clash
i t between the national government
nnd tha state soverninents in the pro
pjted regulation of the railroads. The
stale governments are necessarily can-
Oned in the supervision and reitraint
which they exercise to railroads that
lid wholly within their territorial juris
diction. They cannot control the
operations of railroads that lie partly
in one state aud partly in another ,
nor the pooling arrangements of con in
necting linos. All the legislation that
ha * ever been propo'fd forthe'concr l
aovtrnment is confined to iuter-stnte to
riilrosds and inter-st te commerce ,
which etatoi in ttiir individual ca
pacity cannot rech. The distinction
u clear nnd practical , and it is the At
more unlikely to lead to confusion or
complication because nttimial and
atate rnpervision w. u'd ' have the com H
mon aim of prohibiting extortion and
discrimination to
3. It h fttiunifest error to maintain
that no t'cod results h ve followed
the psssiire 'f Stute laws fir th r g
iiUtion fit the railroads. The N < str
Yirt ! Tririu-ie c" ti scarcely imngin-
that the aggressive Grang.-rmovtm-'nt
of a few jenrs nco would iiave dfo a
out without to a Urge extent Siti-fy on.
nig thedfinanda of the people. The
rseson why rnmplaints have ceased in
icgitd to Western rvlroads om no
luntrir resort to oxtor ion and disctim a
ination without incurrinc severe pen-
nlties. The reaton why such com-
p'airits have been transferred to the
Eastern railroads la became those
roads arc not subject to Sta < e
euiervision nnd prompt , offi ha
cial : prosecution , and heme ing
continue tumh and oppre v the cora-
muni'y in deGance of puHic protest.
The rjilroad law of Illinois works
1 undar tha ndnvnistiation of the
abate railroad commiEsion as far as the !
jutisiic'i of the state reaches. The of
railroad corporations rcstBted it until
ther siti'fiod themselves
that it was cir
ffisient for the purpose fcr which : t "
was deMgned , nnd since then it has
rarely been necessary to go into the
courts. When a grievance is brought want
bt-foie the state commission lh < t body Bob
investigate- , ascertains the memum the
r'ami-ge upon an equitable basis ,
tnak s tnnusl demniid upon the thm
offending corp 'ration for rrstitution , hia
with a warning f gainst a repetition of
offense. Thir process has been Sarah
found - o be effecsive. There thing
ii comparatively littls effort on
the part of any railYc
rmd in this ei&te tn discriminate
iijairist penons or loo-ili'lio. Beiore
he law was pissed , tha prattioa cf
: har irg more for a shorter distance
"nwa the abtence of competition than
was charged for a longer distance
where there was competition was the
universal prxetlco of the railroads ,
All * that has been stopped. Nor
does the practice now prevail
of favoring OPS shipper by p < c'&l '
rates \ , drAwbuki , and rebate * at the
ixponse of others , and every effort in
Ji t diraotion is promptly ctipckedand
punished , Thera is BO reeson why
the general governmant can not , but
every rpiuon why It should , prutsct
thepeopla of the whole country aga nst
extortion and discrimination in the
s < ma way thestata of Illiros : protects
its citiziusBO far i it has jurisdiction.
Thera wi 1 ba riinotr-ona i/resh-
members of the nsxt congress.
Thitty-onp states of the thirty-
eight in tha Un on now have biennial
sessions nf their legislatures , and
twenty-eight of the state legislatures
will be in session this month.
JurJgo Ocoley , of Michigan , is very
strongly commended for a plaoa en
the supreme bench. He is the author
of valuable legal works on "Consti
tutions ! Limitations. " "Taxation , "
"Torts" and other zubjects.
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat re1
calls the fact that Sonatcr Vest uf
Missouri WIIB a delegst * to ih Balii
more convention of 1872 , and joined
with the ether delegates in shouting
"John Brown'a Soul is Marching On , '
after Horace Greeley had bei : nom
inated for president.
Gen. John P. Millar , an Indian *
mn , who served bravely through tha
civil war , and then became rich in
C.ilifor' ia mining , ia montiouad as the
probVblo republican candidate for the
California s&nitorship in place of Sen
ior Booth. Gen. Miller , who Icstonn
eye in tha war , is described aa an ex-
ollaut lawyer , a good man ocd a
ulir one.
Mist of the newspaper correspon
dent who have lootoi over the
gound of the Maine aoaatorial
think that Mr. Hale hag a sura thing.
L'hera nra a few , however , who ba
lisve the contest between him atu
ftlr. Vryo will ba close and doubtful ,
and who take a clairvoyant glu co
thefulu'o and imastno tnoy e9e the
fi.fiu and swallow-tailed coat pf
Hannibal Hamlin occupying eenato
rial o'.i.ur for six years 10 aorne.
Th.9 Mapsichutetts republican state
committee ni'l ' meet in boston , Jan.
15. to orgm ZJ. Col EienF. S'onr ,
iu chairman tor two years past , hii ;
been tlecfed to cnng'csg i\lr. \ Iheo
doreC. B-ito ? , chuirmen of the exucu
> ive committee in tl.o l st uimpiign _
HHS been nm-d aa nis successor , but
deolinifl , saymg that the demands of
his privdto hnainesi are so pxactin
that he could not fu'fiil > hu dntiea of
thB chairtiun of the comiuittee.
Thu Tennessee senatorship takes i
new turn every diy The la est dis
pitch from Nsshvlle cays that th <
P1w aunt indicailuns are that the two
wings nf the democracy will harm.-n
IEOl and unite in the election of e df mi i
Ocrat. Both sides eeem willing to
nifike conressiona with this ena in
vie * . Under these circum tancea it i
iap hardly among the po < sibili < ics that
General Mnynurd or nny
other | republican will reach the covet
ed seat.
S'liatorBl line appears to ba & can
trSi tiguro just now in the newspapers
Some cf them rcl'ato him to the
Sim Geld cabinet , and o'hersare deter-
mint d to sand him off to Europe in
Ma-ch , with thn intention of keeping
him there until next November. It
hiV raid that hei < to j iin Hon. Wjllinn
Walter PheUs in B. .me . larly in t e
spring. In the meantime t o plumed
knight of the pine forests tays noih-
A Correction.
MIDPLCBUKOII , Rch < rdeon Co. , ]
January 1,1181. }
To the Fdltor of Ti K En
As the i Id s j lug ii , "I rise to ex-
Jiin. " I know it is generally sup
posed by resdeia f TDK BKE and
other aiato tmpers , t. at the coal mines
are in Pawnee county. Now , ench is
not the case. To bo sure , Pawnee
county ling two or three little mines
that probably yield from 2CO o 300
bushels per day. Bat the thickness
of the dopcsit in that county ii ouly
from , twelve to fifteen inches , while in
th county it runs all the way from
In to thirty inches in thickness ,
and is of a far superior quality
to that found iu Pdwnoo count ) .
Good judges pronounce it fully as
good , if not superior , to Loavenworih c
or Fort Scott coal.
The principal coal mine now in suc i
cessful operation iu this county is on
the farm of Mrs. Wittwer , on the
southern border of Spijer precinct , i
which u the southwestern pr cmct of
Richardson county. It was discovered
about one year sgo hy a young man
named Frank Houser , and IB twenty-
six inches in thickness. Mrs. i
Wittwer give him five hundred bush
els for developing tha rnitu. He dug
out his five hundred buehcls and then
had to quit , ho not having sufficient
means to lease and work tha mine
successfully. The miiio then lay idle
summer. Durinir the summer tha
roof , f Mr. Houser's "drifi" sll Ml
, he not having left sufficient sup
port to hold it up. Tnu fall thu
mine was leased three years
Messra. James and
Daniel Watson , of Osagf , Kansas.
They pay the owner one and a-half
cant per bushsl for all they take cut.
present they hive twenty.five men
employed , p yn > g them eight cents per
bushel for uigg'iig. Tha daily product
now nboui 70J busnnls , both the
Messrs Wa son say they trill bo nble
t.iHo out IGOO busnela per day.
Tills furi.isnea coal t > babetha
nnd Seiieua , K naB , niid to Fulls City ,
Salt-m j > nd Humboldt , tha out
On.l IB § 3.30 par ton at the inine.
There is i-trong talk of sinking a
proepeoahxft 200 or 300 feet deep for
heivii-r vein. I/at < hu good work go
. Wa expect 10 ba P .nca'8 must
tormidtlile lival down here auon.
Whenever we tiud four or five feet of
coal down here you may hear from na
J >
Alice Oates plumply denies that she
? crown tu Beruhardt thinness dur
her illness.
When he coes home Mr Forbes will ,
lecture on "American People Whom 1
Have Bored. " j
Sjcretary Svarts is the father of a
baker's dnzen. It takas fifteen pieces
bread to go cround.
Olive LOjjsn gnshes like & school In
) , and yet they say Olive got by the
"gushy gushy"age years aeo. nltl
Wade Hampton fays he did not enlj
to fa' ht a duel. Neither did sifd
Acrts , but he lent % challenge all tlie
King Humbert , of Italy , it grave , Mi for
aud haecard , apparently wearing their
crown upon a very uneasy bead. tu
It is erroneously supposed that J OMAHA
Earnhardt is nbout the thinnest prior
in America , Tae "special dis-
patches" that Gatb. aendi from New
Ytrk : are much thinner.
Senator Rain * says of hta venerable
colleague ; , Hannibil Hamlin , that "be
answers ull letters cf his cliants day
hy day brfore going to bed , and that j
hfrujverforaeUafiiendoraneneiny. " |
Parnell j , the Irifh leader , 1 * aa'd to
bavery abstemious , drinking little
-j > ui , wtar or i x lu the intervals of
his meetings he is a great rider , a
nndentuly ] keen sporteman and something -
thing of a farmer.
Archibald Forbes alio leetnres on
"Phalutur Jjifd < 5f a War Oorrefi-
pondaat. " Tfta inuarllfe of a soldier
ould ghow n deal of hard tack and
salt horja. [ New 0 leans Picayune.
The enl men do lives af-er them.
Bigland paid this year65C59 duties
on playing cards. How , if w * hadn't
eont Scnenuk aa minister to England ,
the stamp duty of six cents a pack
would not have amounted to so much.
Katinis ia , the state for kind noiph-
bors. When William Ashton remarked
that ho would end his life if he had
some morphine , his neighbor _ at once
volunteered to ride eig'it ' miles and
procure a suffijicnt quantity. The
sime man a so kindly conducted the
funeral services.
This is tlie age of champions , and
there is nothing inconsistent in Wil
liam Harrison , of Ohio , claiming to
have ncoived more dog-bites than
any other man in the world. Ha has
a record of 153 bites , which are
pra'iy t-vouly divided on his spindle-
shank legs.
P. T. Bnrnum has lost over fifty
pounds duritg his illness of four
wufcka , and has no : taken a pound of
nourishing food in that time. His
prt-ssnt danger HA"Irf hie inability to
re'ain nourishment , yet hia iron con
stitution gives his physicians hope of
his recovery.
Jsmss Burus , of Iowa , voted for
Douglas and vowed he wouldn't cut
his lia'r until a democratic president
was elected. A month ago ha was
ee zd and bound and his locks sheared
clojo to his acalp. He sued thr of
his atsiilants for damages , but he not
only failad to saeura any , bat was
tolJ by fie j idg > thit ha came withi
in aoacf being either a fool or a lu
It to death ,
K ill the \U ) medicines I r lnieni
uowlitny u can be uur < ( l cf fe > er anil ipue
dumh a u , LilliuuiHtorJeii , Jiundiee ,
dxtprpta , a-irull as utl din.rduis acd nUmaul
of ti e I > T , blcud nJ t mn.hbj onrn i n
of Pnt Cul m.ti ( 'a 'rcDOiLirer H-fl , uLk
Is a sura o'ire uv-rjr tiu.e Iiy nrilnj ' lft ut
nut 'cep ili3aiJ , - ul SI 60in a lo'ter 10 rr ixb
Co. . To 5 do , O , and it vin bent jou hj m-11
U is the cnly l' d that U Lara actd to v
IJo nia cf ( .cun e faitn.
The BEST SALVE in the world for
Onto , Braises , STOS , Ulcers , Salt
ilhoum , Fever Soree , Tetter , Ohapp
od Hand" , Chilblains , Corns , and al
kinds of ! UruptiocB. This Salve
is guaranteed to give perfect satiafac
tied hi every cose or money re funded
Price 25 c&nta ' our box. Kor sole by
De it Idio-'nrlhat e , the nnd rrimJ.
ni , iBaietuvfc'ilcd hen to , iiiterd to form a
liiiUT'iiioc compin ; nMoh halllra hnoun a
Ihe Wtetsru tlcri. and Uattla Ingunoce Com'
p i v. "
"Ibo o' j ct f r nhtch fald companj iball bfl
( or < i > ed till bo to Insure tones und catt
R.austlo-s or dtmajo > scddei.t , Uiclt un
tuiy unino 'i or c m ngint event.
. ) li'ian.o ' lit of capital ttoik of fid com pan
g. li ho nno liu idrcd ihou'and dollax Th
] i'no'pnl ! cfflce ( ta'd cotnpai y shall be .ocati
coni t ' . NeuroVi
HI-NBY rtJ > DT.
' " MAN
Gco.K. Rathbnn , I'rincipal.
Creighton Block , - OMAHA
Send for Circular.
OM Fallows' Block. |
P' ' n
u. O.
Capitol A\e , , Opp. M Bonlc Hall ,
Where" ( l"fa'ilt hv bc o made In t'i9 condl
tlonofa ctrtniii chattel mortuaife KAttr ? date
O lob r U : , 1 0 , cxccuttl Iiy II < n < nh Bu liter
and Lydu A. Kmti to Sanh L. Gnetjn , and by
Enrali i > . Cu tlu n 81211 d ID undesigned Isaac
KJ" rdi. Id mnn > raso wai rciordtd in the
untr clo k'a tffi e of l > o K ! * > ooiuty. Nub In
Bail mi'i' use ra d tnatiUra d d coty and
mn ti-ntct eioi coodfi '
owms and o'latltl io-wit :
d so i chain. 10 kl'cho i tnbloi , one oitin < on
bb 12d zen a ; orted platei aiiJ dlrh ft at tin
roial t n-upui , 2 dcaaii forks , 2 d < an silver
knh.s Os > K < r bowls , 4 doien UM mlftuser"
gi't ' cips , 1 CJr'i ° ? knife nd fcuk , COTC i p
i id. 1 wuhHod. . 1 1 II RIO e , 1 cxjkintr itcvo ,
1. how case 8 htd Bt ads , 8 l mp > , 1 cuck , 2
wjBti Lo l-j and liters , 1 terotlno can.
Various ther nn H niclcn. Vf ere is DOW me
oa "M mi tca.'e $233 I w II therefore ell si id
CO d < nil chattel : ! at pn ! Ii i auction on the 2 ib
d-y of Januarr , " 8-1 , ai ray office door Jn § > -
on 1 story ot b oil ID ; lnown ra HOi la-nham
street. Imahn Neb. , to Billy ia. < 3 mortpaje.
, 1&31.
l nee of i-ad ! vranUe.
Ja 3-vm3
But at it Again.
C. H. & J . COLLINS ,
Hardware ,
Stock Saddles , etc. ,
Now Ready for Business.
Xext l > oor to Omaha Ifa-
tiouul IJank , Ilousrlas
> DA ter Jan. 6 h , 1316 Douglas era
. , opposite Academy of Music.
< 1coU-tf
ffllOa week. JlZiday afncmoaaml ) mvleeash
nn-fit f > > 3r n Trcfift o Pnrtln.I Me l\ \
jiAMcrieruKsa BT .
O. J.w
* 1317 CAS8 tT. , OUAHA. NEB.
tytt. goad ajuorimentahraji on h ci' &
trx matter of th ejut * of Anna F. Erclsa
minn , dpcftijcd :
Xotlo- hereby Riven , that th creditors o'
dcceucd. a ill meet the admlnlitraloi cf
estate , hcf. re me. County JQ' ' ? of DonK.s
Conotv , XcbnuLR , at Ihe County Court Room in a ?
Ooun'y.oii the lath d-iyof F'ehniary.
JOtl. < Uy . ( Aprl , I > gt , and on the lOtli
of Jane , l3l , at 10 o'clock , ft. m. , each
, for the i tirpose of p-eseMtnir their claims
examination , adjnilment and allowance.
months are allowed fcr creditors to p'e-cnl
clam ! > , and o-ie year for the actmi i ! t ator
iftlls said CtUto. from the H'lb day of fi
eoera rlSSO,11ii notice lllbspnMi hctllu tbn too
WIXKLT Brsf rfourtrrckiincceiiirf J >
to the 10th day of Feirturr. 1831. oiG
The Genuine
The popular demand for th G EVU1SE SINGER in 1879 x e < U < l th tof
any previous year ' "urins tha Quarter of a Cen ttry in which thi "Old
lUlwhlo" MvchiLa hit * een before xha public.
In 1878 we sold 356,422 Machines. In 1879 we sold 481167
Machines. ; Excess ovtr any previous year 74,735 Machines.
Our saled last year were at the rate of over
1400 Sewing . Machines . . a Day I
For erery biw'nes- ' day in tfee year.
MrThe "Old HeliabV
That Sv ry REAL
Singer is the Strongest ,
Singe ? SoiTing Ma-
the Simplest the Most
ohirse baa this Trade ,
Mark cast Into the Darable Sewing Ma
Iron Stand and em chine ever yet Con
bedded in the Arm of
the Machine.
Principal Office : -4 Union Square.'New York.
l00 SutordinatS Offices , in th \ > lilted States and l/.mada , and 3,0.10Offices intheO
World nnd South America. nifUTAw f
Sucoc-seors to Jas. K , leh ,
Dealers in Fine Import.-
Extracts. Toilet Waters , Colognes , Soaps Toilet Powders , &o ,
A fail lice pf 8af/ic"l Instruments , PocVat Ijaj&j , Tru53 s -a Si.- ; " t i Ahaolutely Pnn
] 'ru8aidChemli liaj4tUp > JP uill ' I'rrscriiUone fillei ) .uj > > . ' night.
Jas. U. " "
ffa j * & - ?
Wholesale and Retail in !
OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing Eonse ,
Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. B. R.
Geo. P. Bern is
16th & Douglat Sii. , Omaha , Neb.
This Sicncy do - vinicitT * broksrsge loal
ac < o. Co a notgpecahlo , and tbcttfu/o my
.rains on lie hookatuoliuured tojta pilrocs la
itesd of bclnur cobhl > d up by the teent
& 1B2LL.
No 1&OS Farnkzm Street
Office yorth SUe opp. Orsud Central Hct l
Nebraska Land Agency.
1505 Farnham St. Otndha , Ntbr.
100.000 ACRES carefullycelectodlanJ InEMten
Kebruka for e\Iu.
Great Bargains In improved farms , andOnuhi
I at Land ComV U. P. B. B p-teb7tf
BIRON RSBT. L5WI3 f > 313
Byron ilccd & Co , ,
Keep complete abstract of tills to til Ret
Ettate In Omaha and Douclan Cnnntv. DIM It
3D E JST T J S T ,
Ornci : Jacob'i B c < c , < on. rC > pltol Ave. and
irth Street , Ore h , Neh.
31. K. if IS DON ,
General Insurance
PHtKClX AbSbh * .v _ . .v. - Lon-
iloii , Cash AraotD . 85.107.KJ
A-ESfCIIKSTKll. N. Y. , C. pitil . 1.000,0. J
THE MKHC1IAN T8 , of Kcw rk. N. J. , l.OCC.OO
OIRAltn ; FIllK.t'hiUddi'IiU.Capltal. . l.C&.OCU
ttal . fOC.COl
FIRKMIJVS FUND , California . 8M.IA1
SEW A ( KFIKK INS. CO. , Assets. . . . EoO.CCr
H tut Cnr. nf Fifteenth b. Doiiclai St.
. NfP.
' ?
pTormorly ol Olih ft Jioobt )
Vo. 1417 Furahun St. , Old Ptand ol Jacob Oil
( Jounvcls With Street Cars
Cornel ol SAtlNDGRS and HAMILTON
STREETS. ( End of Red L < na u folluwi :
620 , * 8:17and : llina m ,3:03.5.37and739p.m.
7:15 a m. . 9:15 : a , m , and 12:45 p. m.
4CO : , 0:15 and S:15 p. m
The 8:17 a. m rtm , Icavln omaha , and the
1:00 p. m run , Icaviiij Fort Omaha , are nsnally
Iwdixl to full capicitv with rejniUr pa.aeni { re
The 6:17 v m. nn will be made from the post-
office , corner of Dod.-e and 15th onrehts.
Tickets can I e procured from street cardrlv.
, or from driven o { backs.
Machine Works ,
Hammond , Prop. & Manager.
The mo t thorough appoint * I and complete
Uachlne Shops and Foundry In We rtat *
Castings ot every description manofactod.
Enslnes , Punipg and creiy clan of machinery
made to order.
order.ptclal attention flven to
IFell AiiRurs , Pnllf yg , Hnngcrs , to
Shaftinsr.HridRC Irons.Geer to
batting , ete
Flans for new Machinery , MachaDlc l Draceht
, Models , etc. , nwtlv excanttal.
SSHarnev at. . Bet 14th and I6th.
prepared to make Pantg , Soita and overcoat !
order. Prices , fit and woricmanihipguaranteed
tut : .
One Door West of Ornlc&sban&'B.
& ? 5-f BRSffc fijf&lf > r
Baaln > 9 transacted earns ai that o an In cor
pcratod Hank.
Accounts kept In Currency or gold subject to
sight cliecK without notice.
Cortiflcates of aeposlt UsacJ parable In thro *
alx and twclv * months , bearing Interest , or on
demand without interest.
Advtucc ; mada to ruatomon on approrcJ se <
curliles at markbt ratcg of lut regt
Boy and sell sold , bllliof eIch-iL ; OcTirn
meut , State , County ml City Bonds.
Draw Sight Drafts on Kn lanrf , Ir'Vnd , Soot' '
land , and all pirta of Europe.
EcII E iropean Pa aae Tickets.
Oor. 13th and Karnbam Streets ,
Or nticd aj a National Bank , August 20 , 1S03.
Capital and Profits OverS300,000
Specially sntborlzed by the Secretary or Treiroij
to receive Subscription to th *
Acacanrs KOUWTII , Tlw PrtsMsnt.
H. W. YAPM. cashier.
A. J. POTPLKTOS , Attorney.
If. B. DAVIS , Asit Cashier.
bank ncelves deposit without regard to
It nt3 time rtiCcsten rxarin ; Interest.
Draws drafis on San Francisco and principal
citlea of the CnlUd frtatcs , alsj London , Dublin ,
Edinburgh and tb * principal cltlea of trip conti
nent of Europe.
Sells p aijo tlckete ( or Emljnr.ts In tha In
man ne. niaylntl
\n \
iy < iUSE !
Cor. Randolph St. & 5th Ave. ,
S2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY
Located In the hmiufss eent-e , convenient Ask
to placed of amujcment. Klcuan ly foriusieJ , "
containln ? alt mitlero improvements , pagcenjrer
eleraior , &c J. H. CUMMI.Ni.S , Proprietor.
Council niufTs , Iowa <
On line o Street Railway , Omnlbu < 'o nd from
ill trains. BATES Parlor fli r , W.OO per day ;
cond flo r 92 50 per d y ; third flror. $ i.CO.
The bettfnrnUbtdai.l raoi-tcom odlnna honse
n the city. OEO. T. PHELPS Prop
Laramie , Wyoming ,
The miner's reort , grind accommodations.
arKCsaraplorooni , chsnrea rcwormble. SpecIaJ
attention giren to traveling men.
11-tf H. C 1I1LLIRD Pmpritter.
Cheyenne , Wyoming.
Flrct I'S" , Fine arz Eimpl * Roocif , one
Mock from depot. Tram * Btcp from 20 minutes
2 hoar * for dinner. Free Bu to and from
Depot. Kates 3 ° GO. 2.IO and J3.00. according-
room ; e meal 75 cents.
A. U. BALCOH , Proprietor.
W BORPE.V. Cnlef nifrk. mlO-t
Scliiiyler , Neb.
Flist-clasa Iloupe , Ocod Veals. Good Bedt
Rooni5 , an-J kind and atmmmodatkj ;
trcatm.nt. Twt oed Rimp'e ' moma. Specu
attention paid to commercial trarelen.
S. MILLEB , Prop , , m"
Schnjler , Neb ,
pile Popular CIothiDg House of
'El '
Find , on account of the Season
so far advanced , and having
a very large Stock of
Suits , Overcoats and
Gents' Furnishing
Goods left ,
They Ilaro
that can not fail to please every body.
1801 asd 1303 Farnliam St. , Corner ISiIi.
0" . S-
And Sole Agent Tor
Hallet Davis & Co. , James & Holmstrom , and J. & 0
Fisclier's Pianos , also Sole Agent for the Estey ,
Burdett , and the Fort Wayne Organ
Go's. Organs ,
I ] deal in Pianos and Organs exclusively. Have had years
experience in the Buoiness , and handle only the Best.
HT ,
81816th Street , City Hall Building Omaha , Neb.
Steam JPumpB , Engine TrimmmgBf Mining Maohinerv ,
A. L 8TBAHG , 205 Famfnm Rtwnt . Neb
= .4
iUi * .
In Kegs and Bottles ,
Special Fignres to the Trade. Families Supplied at Reasonable
Prices. Offlce. 239 Douglas R * ot
A Positive and Permanent Curt
Guaranteed ,
fn nil cues nf Grare ! , Dlaricee , Drop y. B'lt-ht's DlMin
KUneia. Incontlnente ind hitentlon of Urtre , InI ( in tIott
the Kidneys. Catarrh ot the riadilcr.IILh Colored Cr-ne , P b
( II o Couk. udeorUont. Nervotn we lcn . nd In f ct
Munition of the ni.icMer an < l Urinary Orfani , whether eontrMt *
edhyp > | v3te . < li fl i orothe wii Thiggrest remedy h s r >
nsfil wltn gn.'CfW for nearly ln year * In "ranc- , with tht nort
wondeifnl curative effects. / { curtiitabtorytion no r iueora
! iitorn-\l medicines bc'nz ' reqnircd. We have hinnlre-Ij of toiO-
rnoii : > T rf cum I > y tis ! ! > l'jd when nil else had fat ed >
Itf DIES. If you are nufnlns tn m Female Weakness. t nea *
rliffin. o > di3 csfl peculiar tof'-rna'co ' or In fact any ditenie , ux
your dm cst for Prof. Cuiltnetle'i Fre.ieh Kidney
tali no other. If h * tu * not cot It. send and you wi
j-f/vivo tea Fad by return mail. Addr s D. 9. Bunch ,
Toledo , Ohio.
win 1 potttlicly core Ferer n < l gne. Dumb Airne , Azn Cake , Klllloas F r. J undt > > Pjrii epfl
all ( IlttAMS . _ ot _ . the Ll erlorn _ . . > ch _ . _ tvJ . _ _ BIooJ _ . . _ 1 h . . pad , cares hv t orptlon. ind . In . . p rninnl. :
- - - .1 . - t > ! ! im i. i I l nrt
) oor Uru.'cut for th s p-ul * iul take no other If he dcsn not keep It , tend $1 JO ti tne truhVrttV
"AD oO. , ( U. . Branch ) , ToloJo , Ohio , ind receive It by return msll ' " \ ft CO. ,
Iron and V/agon Stock ,
it Chicago Prices.
1209 and 1211 Harney Street , Omaha.
Cigars from $15.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 cents per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25 cents per dozen upwards ,
Send for Price List ,
" MAX MEIER & CO , , Omalia , Neb ,