Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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VOL. X. ] ST0.16(1 (
r * "
Established 1871. MORNING EUTION. Price Five Cents
85lli aud Boiislas Street ,
'Over 3,005 resMencs lote f 64'e ' by thli * gea-
t f at prlcear anrfnc from fib to SZ.500 etch , and
ocivcd la every pSH lot thecato , nd In every
' Ire < tionJrctn ! roatoXc : , north , etet , south
vr west , n'tri varying In distance from one
! M < x.-l ; to " * < two milea from * me. Call and * our ll t
SfK-ml cholcs lot * in Griffin i I * "f "
v'a , west ot convent , bctwpen fit , Mary's aven
aia inirneyntrect JSODtaJSK ) .
EO acre * jurt cast of barracks on S undera SU ,
lii ! * Is choice land and will lie ( old very -cheap.
for cash In 8 , 10 or20 aero lote ; nowls JOT * Ume
to secure & birjrun.
Choice lot at end rf street tar tracks on Sann-
dors street Jor fWS. _ , .
Choice lot. Far&Um and 2Uh gtrosU , BOxlBS
oct fur 1,500 nll divide It.
. Chwi ] lots in CreJit Fondsr addition. Bonth of
r. depot jflOO to $ SOO.
Torty lots on Park Avenue tnd Georgia street ,
on reid to SWK , anfl Mar head of St. Mary's
nvenue. at frara * 1EI to 8300 e ch. Beven years
time at eJehtT"f tent interest to those who will
put up cooi ? t bitantial bnildlw. For farther
jutxtfoulvx .V > P'y ' to.
G. P. BEU1S , Acent ,
Fifteenth and Doeglas Street * .
A nice lot on Dirncj and r * jnty-first street * ,
Two choice lots en COth , near St. Mary's aven
ue. 60x105 fel well , for t 0 and | ? 00.
Two cbclcn iuU near 231 and Clark sireeta , In
E. V. Smith's addition $300 ami 5350 ,
Fifty lot * In Shlnr.'g first , second and third ad
ditions for 5100 to SOOO each.
Lot near IHh and Pierce , CUO. ,
Z lota on Ilarnov near 2Uh St. , (600 each. I
tot on > th ueir Howard street , > 7oO.
0 lota in Grand View addition south ol D. P
hridro and depot , train 41& to t W each *
One acre , 117x370 fccts tn 18th street , sonth
of Popploton's n > . - rt dence , for $2,000 , or will
divide Into city Kscd ! ot i ; froinfSBO to 1500
'lar c number of boantifal res'dsnce lots , Is
t tfld In this new addition on Ctpltol Hill , between
tweon 2Uh atroct on the oact , ICth on the w t
7 > od/e Btrcnt on the north and Famnno Street
onthetnulh. tona lly ownKS by % . U.Down
r nnil more rerdntly ln m i MTJio Parkins 15 acres.
Only Z1 loH have thu > far liecn platted 11 on
Farnham aud S on tteaglas street. Tbcee lota
are 50 lu cCr. t jr. wlJth andl&Ofndepth. $1,000
for the chxlixi6 time , at B per cent In
terest to it-to who will build ( rood tubstantlal
houses tHtro-n. Call and examine plat and fel
15th and IXmclui streets.
Over 200 hitmen ami lets are offered for sale
by this otflci Tliey are scattered all over the
city. Any locstlin you doJrc. Prices varj Inj
Iron tS90 to SIS.OOO each.
SgoodVitsand 2 chcAphous near Jackson
srad UthrtrceUat a crcit facri9co. Here U a
cre t b rg lu for some ore. The property must
bo fold imtnwlhtely. Cove's just a quarter of a
Wock. C U and examine this without any delay.
CEO F. BEMIS , Arent ,
/ 16th nnd Douglas Stl
* A desirable tot neat Cumlnj ; and Sattndrrt
Slreela. 8I.COO.
The cheapest acre lots In the city of Omaha ,
those offered for sale by this agency In Paik
Place and Loire's second addition , on Cnmlcp ,
Bart and California streets : you can make no
rnlsUfcolnpUilDtr up these b&rpalns Xrhlle you
bavo the chance. These lot * are more than equal
In sz to 4 f nll-glzcd city lots or a half block
and It will lie but . very short tlsio before one-
nflh part ol one n [ those aero lots will sell for aj
tn < ihagweo ( ( r full acre to-day. They nt *
located a very rtiort dla'joice west of CrdchtoD
CMlcsc. Prices ranging from ? 16B 16 4300 per
err lot. Call Immediately , nrd don't lose your
tatfce , and jot plat an * hill parti culare of
tVKO. K BEU1S , Acont ,
_ . . 15th and Donclas Streeti.
Sice lot on Sherpian Avenue north of Klcholag
trcet , $1,400.
. .Da1'Iot OP ' .between 18th and Itth streets
- rice lot j In Hartman's addition , t < 00 to WOO.
Lnrpo number of acre lots in Olw's addition in
North Omaha , $ lzfi to $300 each.
Choice comer lot near 22nd and California
treeta , $1EOO.
Several eood lots In Kelson's addition , 160 to
| SiO each.
Choice lot laThorncll'i addition , (760.
Several large lots In lUrtlett'i addition , Ij
rods and 2 } acres each. Prices ( TOO to (2,001
Several choice lots la Roods first addition
1275 to t&O each.
Acre lot on Sherman avenue , (16th ( street ) ,
\ tenth ot Popplcton'a new residence , ! or $1,100
2 Unre Inla near 16th and Clark streets. 60c
830 feet Comer , 91,200 ; Inside , (1,000.
3 linmlotaon Sherm-n avenue , (16th ( street )
Clark Street. 3900 each
22 nice and cheap lots , very near to the bus
nosspart of the city , located a very few step
south of the Convent and St. Mary's avenae.and
lust nouth of and adjomlne the ground of James
M. TVoolworth and WJ. . Council these are
cheap and very desirable , belni ; so handy to bus
Iness part oflly , to new government depot , nai :
works , Ttblte lead works , U. P. depot , stock
yards , packing bousea , etc Call nnd get plat
and full particular ! ) . Price f 275 to $360 and easy
erms to those nho build.
OEO. P. BEJIIS. Acent ,
15th and Douglas Sts.
8 choice residence lots on 24th street , bet oen
Douglas and Dodue ntroelstl.100 ; to 11.200 each
and lotur time to tiiofe xvho Hill build
2 choice corner lots near SUh and Fatnham
ttre ts , 05x124 feet , SM60 and ? 1,200 , and very
e * y termf to purchi r who 11 improve.
Also t lots on 24th , heltteeii Farnham and
Douglas s'reett , 950 to $1,000 each and long
37250 of the best bnsinen lots In r of
Omaha f or na'ic , located on evry bu nr street
S MX ) to 85.000 each.
r TAlso > cry valuable etor ertles In al
most cvcrj' business block 5 000 to tl6i > 00
lOcbo ce residence lo'.n in aoove aildltton , 1m
raellatily north of aud ad'oinlng Poppletou'i
b utlful residence and prrounds , and located on
18th 19th and 20th streets , { 300 to $550 each and
very espy terms to those who will build Cell and
examine plat and get full particulars.
OEO. P. BESIIS , Agent.
Beautiful building site on Sherman avenne ,
16th strcotbetween Poppleton and the Dudley
Ijams property ; 2C3 feet etst frontage on the
avenno , by 3S9 feet in depth. Will divide itmak <
Jaifectby3S9. Call and get full particulars.
An acre n ISth street , 1C ! feet cast frontage
by S7S feet tlerp. Tills i < just south of the Kllza-
bcth ( l'on > l 'on place. This is ilt-cdre , call ane"
pet price and terms of BEUIS , Agent.
18 gootl lots just north ol and adjoining E. V.
Smith's addition , and located between 20th ani
a under ? streets , at reasonable prices and lone
me fo buyer who improve EEillS , Acent.
( Slots la llorbach's flrst and second ad itloi
on 16th , ISth , 19th and 20th street * , between
Nicholas , Paul , Sherman and Clark street * , rery
handy to U. P. Shops , smelting works , etc. ,
ranging In prices rom from $200 to 11:100 nth ,
requiring only ( mail payment down and long
time at 7 per cent interest to those who will Im
prove. GEO. P. BEUIS ,
15th and Douglas Street.
S3 nice lots la Parkers addition , between
Blunders and Pierce. King and Campbell's Sts. .
on .Blonu ) street ; 19 lots with south fronts and
16 with north frontage , only 6 blocks north o
he turn-table ( end street-car track ) on Sanuder
reet Very lew prices ; $175 cash , or (200 eng
ng tune nd 8 per cent interest to those wh
IU build.
3T150 coed farms for sale In Dooirlag Sarpy
shingum , Bart , Dodge , Saunders and Kuter
rofconnUes. acres best selected landi In th
a t for sale by thlt agency. Call and get maps
* r culars and tutl paiticulars.
xarBcmlsTjiewoupolOmahi , 60c and SL50.
XS-Bemls' new pamptlet ( and map of the
late entitled "the outlook o : Nebraska" for
ce distribution.
Geo. P. Bemis'
loth & Douglas St. ,
MAHA , - - . NHf
Savere Weather Experi
enced in all Parts
of the Country ,
Sleigh Bells Jingle on the
x Frost/ Air in Several
Southern Cities.
Snow and Ice Greatly Impede
the Progress of Trade
and Travel.
The Gold Weather Increases
the Demand and Price
for Coal.
Ipecial DispatcM : } to TftK B .
WASHINGTON , December il 1 o.
m. The jingling of sleigh bells is
: ommon ruutlo hfara now , and every
'ay the snow lusts Increaara the num-
ec of skigtilug vehicles. ftl ny par-
ons have , in the J st faw days , tela-
[ raphed to New i'ork dealers for cut-
ers and eleighs to be shifpe'd here im-
nediately. L it the bnow night dis-
ppoir before the arrival of the ve-
nclea , sleighs have been hired out at
he rate of $3 per hour. It was
.earned at the signal office yesterday
hat the snow storm tt the'day before
asscd off the land entirely. It la
ow at &e < H It has been followed by
nasuaUy low temperature In the
Itddlo , Atlantic and Gulf states.
hc storm which wa central In the
ipper lake regions has gone eastward ,
nd was yesterday morning central in
he Gulf of St. Lawrenca. The
oldest temperature in tha Middle
.nd . Atlantic states , which followed
ha last storm ras early yesterday
morning , when the thermometer
t the signs ! office marked 7D below ,
.he coldest weather known beta for
'ears. Wednesday night the lowest
einpcrature was at Fort Stephenson ,
when it wa 27 ° below zero , * cd at all
he eign&l stattona in the country it
was below freezing points , except at
ey WeSl and Panto RaBssFla. In
.he Pacific states , yesterday , it was
.lining , but in all the country west of
he Rocky Mountain * , generally , clear
weather prevails. There are no indi
cations of another storm. The Indi-
aticns for to-day in this section point
0 clear and cold weather , followed by
slight increase in temperature.
NEW YORK , December 30 10 p. m.
The. gevero weather has retarded
pping , and naturally brought a de-
rnand for coal. AH the coal compa
nies , it is understood , will advance
prices slightly. The companies are
now running three days a week. Non-
York hai not experienced a colder
day than yesterday since January 4 ,
" > 875 , when the thermometer reis-
cred 2Gb below. Snow on the streets
is frozen hard , and the sidewalks , en-
irely freed of slush , were nearly as
lippery as glass. Many unfortunates
who were oat broke an arm or leg by
lipping , and had to be carried to the
hospital. AH mall which arrived to
day was from one to four hours be
hind , owing to the snow , which had
blocked the tracks in all sections. A
number of persons were taken to the
hospital with their hands and feet
An.&DGtruiA. , December 31 1 a.
m. At the commercial exchange yes-
day morning the grain brokers and
shipping men wore anxious faces.
They gathered about in knots discuss
ing the cold weather and the effect it
would have upon the market. If it
continues for many days the river
will close up and make it difficult for
vessels to reach the bay , while many
of the smaller crafts would be obliged
to lay by entirely. At 3 o'clock Wed
nesday the thermometer was 11 de
gress above zero , when it began to
drop , by 11 o'clock It had fallen to 4
degrees above , with the wind blowing
22 miles an hour from the northwest.
LOWELL , Mass. , December 31 1 a.
m. The weather yesterday was very
cold. The thermometer in the fore
noon Indicate'd 3 degrees below ; at
noon 7 degrees above , and at 8 o'clock
last evening was at zero. About six
"nches of snow fell yesterday.
BOSTON , Mass. , December 31 1 a.
m. The thermometer at dark last
night was 1 degree below zero and
'ailing. Yesterday was the coldest of
the season.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , December 31
1a.m. The weather yesterday was
veay cold. The thermamoter at six
o'clock yesterday morning was 15 de
grees below ; at six o'clock in the evening -
ing 8 degrees above. Owing to the
snow blockade west , no trains reached
here from Buffalo yesterday.
ALBANY , N. Y. , December 31 1
a. m. At the signal station in this
city , the thermometer at 7 o'clock
yesterday morning was 4 degrees be
low zero ; at noon , 12 degrees above ;
at 3 p. m. , 9 above ; and at 11 p. m. 3
PITTSBURQ , Pa. , December 31 1.
a. m. At midnight the temperature
is one degree below zero and moder
ating. The weather is clear and the
wind blowing from the northwest at
the rate ofjfive miles an hoar.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , December 31
1 a. m. The snow storm was entirely
local here , extending over a radius of
fifteen miles about the city. There
were no trains out on any of the east
ern roads. There are some very
heavy drifts on the Erie and.New York
Central road , which may take & day
or two to remove.
MONTREAL , Canada , December 31
1 a. m. The weather throughout
Canada continues very cold , with no
signs of abatement. The mail and
trains on the principal roads are de
layed from three to five icars by
snow and ice.
WILMINGTON , Del. , December 31
1 a. m. The thermometer here this
morning indicated from 8 ° to 14 * be
low zero. Navigation has closed
The freight barges of Gush & War
ner's line , which left Philadelphia at
noon Wednesday , only reached in
here after great difficulties. A woman
m found nearly frozen on the street
early yesterday morning.
BALTIMORE , December 31 1 a. m.
The Manitoba wave struck Bslti
tlmore about 9 o'clock Wednesday
, and the temperature fell rap
idly , touching zero at 1 a. m. , and a
7 o'clock 4e below. At midday 5
stood 8 ° above.
MANCHESTERN. H. , December 3-
11 a. m. The weather is clear. The
thermometer is 6 ° below zero , and
still falling. * It ( s the coldest day and
night of the aeaaon.
QuarreUlncc HallVoads.
B pedal Dispatch to the Bee.
CHICAGO , December 31 1 a. m.
A specie ! to the Evening Journal from
Clinton , la. , eays : The warfare be
trreen theililwaukee and Northwest
ern companies reached an exciting
climax yesterday morning. After t
week of argument of s&Ven attorney *
Judge Hayes decided the Northwest
ern in contempt in violating the writ ,
and ordered Superintendent Whi'
< nan , Hoadmaiter fialsey and Bridge
Superintendent Walden to bo Imprk-
nneJ one hour and pay s' fine of $50
each. It was also ordered tint ihe
iheriff restore the track of the Mil
waukee road. . There Ensued an ex
'raordinary scene at the switch' , th-
Northwestem having obtained of
fu.-geRothVacI : , of Tiptona member
of the supreme court , an order tc
itay proceedings. This order wae
coming on a special train ,
which arrived at noon. The train
was given the right ot way arid made
he sixty miles in an ho\r. \ Meantime
he filMYtT undertook to enforce
Judge Hayes" ortUr when a conflict
ensued , the Northwestern forca of 300
men disputing prasessions of the
rain ? , and the ehciilF was unable to
enforce the orders At one time the
rains of the two railways were pull
ng against each other steam against
team. The excitement was kept up
or en hour , and drew a big crowd ,
when Judze Roihrack's ord t ar
rived. Judge Hayes directed thB
heriff to stay proceedings * , and the
* ar ended for tlib ritht ) . The North
western for the present is victorious
't was ascertained that the militia
ud been ordered under arms , aud
were waiting at their armory for the
rdcr to march to the switch , but hap-
lily their services were not needed.
Gave tUmseir Up.
Ipcdal Dispatch to The Boo. _
DsTRqrr , December 81 1 a. m.
ra FnlJsrton , of Roxonia , Eaton
county , has surrendered to the officers
\nd confessed to having killed a
leighbor named Gilbert Butcher ,
Tuesday night , with an axe ,
Ex > Sscretar5r Thompson Interviewed ,
'pt-clal dispatch to Tan Bus ,
NEW YOKK , December 31 1 a. m.
Ex-Secretary of the Navy Thomp-
on , who is now in the city , was in-
erviewed by a reporter , yesterday ,
and in response to questions in regard
o the projected Panama canal , said :
'In accepting the position I did in M.
) o Lessep's company 1 acted chiefly
"rom motives of business , yet had'I
leen anything in the project antago
nistic to the interests of ths United
States nothing would have induced
me to go into it ; but I do not see any
menace to our country \n \ the affair
now that is necetanrfly antagonistic to
.he proposed canal by the Nicaragua
outo , of which Generai Grant has
> eon named for president. I believe
here will be business enough for
> oth. " He thought that the treaty
existing between the United States
and Columbia was a guarantee of
neutrality of any canal crossing the
sthmus. No European power wonld
[ are to interfere with Ihe canal in the
ace of this treaty even if they de-
iired to do so. Mr. Thompson thought
hat when the French canal or the
American , or both the more the bet-
er had been finished , a grand trunk
railway would be built from New Or-
ean to Central Amcrici , which would
nake the route much shorter to New
fork , greatly benefiting both the Uni-
ed States and Mexico , and thought
certainly was doing nothing un-
latriotic In helping to bring that
about. He eald he bad gone into the
iroject on a purely business basis.
Shot His Mistress.
Special Dispatch to Ts > Bra.
PirrsBUBo , December 30 10 p. m.
About 10 o'clock last night Esther
? OBtw , a belle of the dorni rnonde ,
was fatilly shot by her lover , N. C.
lall , an insurance agent living in A'- '
egheny , while in her apartment in
tTaude Chester's house of ill fame , at
129 Second avenue. . He was jealous
of another merchant who paid the girl
attention. She taunted him by show-
ng him the picture of her new flame ,
and he fired three bullets into her
jody. The girl is alive yet , but there
"s no hope for her recovery. Once
ait night he inquired of the turnkey
at the police station if the girl would
die. He was answered affirmatively ,
and he said , "Well , I shot to kill. "
Ele then laid down on the bench and
slept soundly until this morning. He
las been on a protracted spree.
Tne Fatal Slip.
Special Dispatcbc9to } ThelBee.
BOSTON , IDecember 31 1 a. m.
Walter It. Brown , a well known stock
sroker here , slipped on the marble
steps of his office , yesterday , strik
ing on the back of his head , cutting a
gath five inches long , fracturing his
skull and causing death in fifteen
funeral of Dr. Chapln.
Special Dispatch to Th B e.
NEW YORK , December 30 10 p. m.
The funeral of the late Rev. E. H.
Bhapm took placa this morning at the
Church of the Diviuo Paternity , cor-
nur Fifth . .avenue and Forty-fifth
street. The preliminary services , to
which none but the friends of the de
ceased and his family were Invited ,
were held ot his late residence , Rev.
0. H. Way officiating. The church
was draped in mourning. A platform
was erected around the pnlpit , and
upon this were seated a number o !
prominent clergymen. The church
ivaa filled to its utmost capacity. The
services were of the most impressive
Scnntz and the Indians.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
WASHINGTON , December 31 1 a.
m The Brule Sionx , who were to
have had an interview with Secretary
Schurz yesterday morning , have
asked another day to consider the
railroad question. There is but little
doubt that they will sign the contract ,
their object in withholding being to
secure action in relation to their
t'ibal boundary. The Cheyenne
river Indians have been in council ,
and agreed with one exception to sign
the contract relinquishing their claim
for § 7,000,000. They will probably
visit the department to-day for that
Tiffntenlng th6 Screws.
Special dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , 0. , December 31 1
a. ra. Bishop Eider , coadjutor to
Archbishop Pnrcell , iu this diocese
of the Catholic church , has issued
ittiot orders to the clergy which caus
ed _ some excitement. He enjoins
plainess indrtsa ior chilaren at the
tint communion ; prohibits round dan
cing at church entertainments , and
dancing of any kind afte * dark ; 6n-
oius strict enforfiiment of church
aws in all matters ; advises full
jhriatian names for children , instead
of abbreviations or pet names ; enjoins
, h j use of plainer music , and such a :
s not he.ird-in places of amusements ,
or that show the voice of the singer
or tha genius of the composer.
Exciting Cocfc Fight"
Special DIspatcb to The Ecl
CHICAGO , December 30 10 p. m.
Ijater reports from Ciy tal Lake sa )
.hat the sheriff and his posse had
scarcely taken the train to return to
Woodstock , at JO o'clock _ last night ,
when the chicken nghters ] returned to
ho hall _ and renawb'd the sport.
Seven more battles were fought , mak-
ng thirteen in all , and the sports did
not reach home until the small hours
of morning. The west cido domin-
ques were grandly victorious over thi
south side blue reds. The contest
xas altogether one of the raoa , enjoy
able that 6hicago lovers of the apon
ver attended.
False Report ,
pedal Dispatch to Tbo Uee.
ST. Loms , December 81 1 a. m
special from Dallas , Texas , siyp :
There is no truth whattvtr in the re
port of an accident on the Ttxta Pa
-ific railroad , attended with loss of life.
Trains were delayed by a misconuec
iion , but no accident occurred en an )
railroad in this neciioii except tli.
wrecking of Several freight cars and
the burning of a bridre on the Juntral
railroad near Ennis.
Canada's Prosperity Boom.
Special Dispatch to Tha Bee ,
MONTREAL , December 31 1a. . m.
Canada seems to be entering upon an
era of unequiiled prosperity. Every
thing is participating in booms. The
stock exchange closed yesterday for
the year , marking an advance in the
sixty bdd securities dealt in from 25 to
75 per cent all round ,
The Weutner in the South.
Special Dispatch toTl c Eca
RICHMOND , Va. , December 30 10
m. Signal officers hero reporteo
that in nearly all parts of the south
clear weather prevailed , but at
Charleston , snd Savannah there was D
very light snow. The cold wave hat
swept over a greater portion of the
southern states. Dispatches received
at daylight indicate that the thcrmom
eter has fallen in some places as much
aa 38 degrees within 24 hoars. The
weather has not beea colder in thi
nuth since the remarkable winter p (
Electric Light Successful.
Special Dispatch to The Bee.
CINCINNATI , December 30 10 p.m.
All the stuck of the new electric
ight company was taken on 'change
to-day. One firm takes 50,000 and
another § 40,000. The remainder is
taken in smaller sums , all by Cincln
nati capitalists. They claim that last
night's experiments show that they
iiave undoubtedly solved the problem
of dividing the light , and can now ap
ply it to dwellings and to all other
purposes for which gas la used.
McGowan's Enemies.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
" "PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , December 31
1 a. m. Biddle & Co , bankers ,
of Philadephia , are now collecting
American proxies to aid in securing
the defeat of Mr. McGowan to the
presidency of the Reading railroad ,
and through their agents have organ
ized quite a movement in that direc
tlon. This is altogether an unexpect
ed move and causes much alarm
among Mr. McGowan's friends. It
was reported last evening that Biddle
& Co. had succeeded , through Judge
McKearonin getting apostponement
of the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Reding road in London
to February 15. Other signs of hos
tility to McGowan are developing
themselves in unexpected quarters ,
and The Philadelphia Lsdgar of last
evening expressed the opinion that
within the last 24 hours the election
of McGowan had become doubtful.
WASHINGTON , December 25 , 1 a.
m. For the upper Mississippi and
ewer Missouri valleys : Partly
cloudy weather ; southwest to north
west winds ; rising temperature , and
stationary or slowly falling barometer.
Special Dlapatchca to The Ear.
The Chicago board of trade voted ,
yesterday , 6 to 1 in favor of the re
moval to the new location by the
Grand Pacific Hotel.
It is rumored that Manager Hav-
erly will convert the present Chicago
chamber of commerce into an im
mense theatre in case the board of
trade vacate.
In the Ennis pedestrian race , in
Boston , Pogrom withdrew for good at
11 o'clock yesterday , having made'211
m'les and 1 lap In 59 hours. Fitzger
ald , Locus and Wilmot are still on
the track , and all In good condition.
Reaben Springer , whose generosity
has done so much for Cincinnati , scat
tered $1,000 United States bonds
pretty freely as Christmas gifts. He
gave § 12,000 to the various charita-
hla institutions of Cincinnati , besides
making several princely gifts to rela
H. Dearing Wright , of Detroit ,
bookkeeper of B. C. fulls & Co. ,
killed himself with laudanum last
night because his girl left him. He
had a house furnished , and they were
to have been married this month.
Benj. K. Phelps , district attorney
for the city and county of New York ,
died at his residence at 11 o'clock last
ovenine , in the 49th year of his ago.
Mr. Phelps was a member o ! the
Union League club , and fira1vice -
president of the New England
Frederick Boland's picture "frame
manufactory , Philadelphia , T.SS totally
destroyed by fire last night. The fire
men were unable to fight the flames
to much advantage because of the very
cold weather. Boland's loss was
about § 75,000
The Quebec police have been unable
so far to secure the one-thousand dollar
lar United States bond offered for sale
by the man arrested Wednesday. A
New York telegram states that the
stolen bond was one of nine of a sim
ilar denomination lost at the same
Several ten.inu right meetings have
been held in Ulster.
King Alfonso Eecommends the
Extension of Spanish Com
merce With the Uni
ted States ,
England Will Again Establish -
' lish Flying Columns
In Ireland *
De Lessep's Canal Diggers
will Sail for Psnaom
Next Week. "
. „ - > -
Special Dispatch to Thr BfC
PABIS , December 31 1 a. m. I'
is stated that M. Armand has sent a
challenge to M. Graux , husband of
the lady whose unprovoked assaufc
on Giraden caiiac'd such a qoraraotion
Mme. Armand was Indirectly de
nounced as a spy in Mme. Graux'a too
notorious letter ,
gpedal Dispatch to the Eoe.
MADRID , December 31 1 a. m.
Spam has cjntracted with England
for war vessels , and is building arson-
Is on the poninsuU. Several gun
boats and fastjsloops for icrvico in tht
waters of Cub * and Manilla , at a cost
of nearly two million dollars , have
iho been contracted for.
Special DUpatcb to The Bee.
MADRID , December 31 1 a. m.
The Cortes was opened yesterday.
King Alfonso , in his speech from the
throne , said ho was endeavoring to
extend his commercial relations with
the United States and Ei gland.
Jjirc'por.dcDCO of TUE 6KB.
PARIS , December 31 1 a. m. The
detachment of o ifyneers and work
men , to commence opeiationa on the
Panama canal , will lea.o Paris for
Panama on the 5lh of January.
Special Dlcintch to The l ! c.
LONDON , December 30 10 p. m.
A dispatch from Amsterdam states
that Dr. Connies , who com Tutted an
itrocious murder upon the pewon of
-i school bey named Hogart , near that
c'ty , a few days ago , by iuticing the
boy from his homo under a false pre
tense , and then foully assassinating
him in a wood , has been sentenced to
imprisonment for life.
Spech Dispatches to Tus.Bir.
A largo and excited anti-Jewiah
meeting was held in Berlin yester
Tne government contemplates using
flying columns In Ireland , similar to
those daring the Fenian uprising.
The government has abandoned the
construction of the Candahar railway.
Hanlan has resumed his practice in
It is stated that Hennolly who was
arrested , charged with the murder of
Lord Montmorris , has alao been iden
tified as the Salehull murderer.
A tobacco monopoly in the Philo-
pane Islands and in Manilla will next
year be formed by Spanish and colon
ial capitalists.
Fearful floods have occurred
throughout Holland , and the dykes
between Vlymen and Nieuwkuyk
have been broken down and eighteen
farms submerged.
It 5s stated that Moody and Sankey
will revisit England next year.
A dispatch from Constantinople
says the porte is preparing fresh pro
posals to Greece.
A Berlin dispatch says Germany de
clines to join a now conference on
the eastern question.
A Bad Communist.
Spec al Dispatch to The Bee.
MONTREAL , December 31 1 a. m.
Gustave.Chevel , the noted commun
ist , supposed to have been a witness
to the murder of the archbishop of
Paris , and so well known for hb dar
ing deeds during the dark days of the
Paris commune , under the nom de
plume of "Col. Birdie , " has been
fined and imprisoned for being a pro
curer for the doml monde of Chicago
and New York , and other American
New Yorfc Money and Stocks.
WALL SIRKKT , December 30.
MONEY 6 per cent on call ; exchuigegtead ?
at $1.81@i.P4.
U. S. 6's ' 31 . 1 0 U. S. 4'8 . 1 13J
( J. S. 5'a . 1 lit Currency 6'fl . 1 30
U.a 4'd . . . . .1 12 US 68 , ' 80 . 102'
The following are the prices at 1 o'clock p. m.
AmU . 71 | N. J. C. . 83
CanS . 77 * Preferred . C6 |
8t Paul . 113J O ftM . S8 |
B& Q . 180 Preferred . 100
C & A . 155J PM . 60 ;
Ck 1C . 21 PMiima . 2U
CAO . 2U Reading . 82J
Lack . 1001 1M . 54 $
Dci& H . OH Onuha . . 49J
Erie . 50 } Preferred . 101
at Joe . 40 DP . 1121
Preferred . 10J W 0 . 80S
1C . 166 } W bash . 464
r.S . 1331 Preferred. . 87
M C . 1291 OP . 94
K& T . 418 O&V . . . . 80 §
NY C . 15IJ
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO , December 30.
Wheat January , sold , 0697 ;
February , ! )8 ) < g98c ; March , 99J@99ic ;
May , 51 04i@l 04 J ; closing at
at96 | < s07c for January ; 98g@98jc
fo February ; 99g@99ic for March ;
Corn January sold at 36J@37c ;
February , 37i@37fc ; May , 42@42Jc ;
June , 41f@42c ; July , 4242a
Oats January,30jo { bid ; February
sold at 31J@31j3 ; May , 35i@3 % ;
June , 35c.
Rye January , 8484JcFebruary | ; ;
Pork Mes , December offered at
811 00 ; January sold t 812 60 ®
12 60 ; February , 812 76@1277i ;
March , $13 00312 02 ; tclosing steady.
Lard December , $8 52& asked ;
88 45 bid ; January $3 50(38 ( 52 ;
February , $862J@8 65 ; March , $8 75
@ 8 77J.
Shott Bibs January , $6 50 ;
February , § 6 62j@6 65Marcb ; , 86 75
( § 6 77i ; closing firmer.
Whisky $1 11.
New Tort Produce Merfces.
NEW YORE , December 3) .
Flour Steady and moderaie
export and jobbing trade
Inquiry ; round hoop Ohio , 341505 00 ;
choice do , 85 10@6 75 ; superfine west *
ern , $3 10@3 72 ; common to good
eitna do , 34 004 75 ; cHoice ,
do , do , $4 80@0 75 ; choice whits
wheat , 5 00@6 00.
Butter Pall and nominal.
" E a Strong ; at 27 < § 33 for fair to
Wneat $ uiet ; Ohicago.Sl 12@114 ;
Milwaukee , 81 15@1 1C ; No. 2 red
winter , $1 19i " for cash ; § 1 1GJ for
January ; § 119" fur.February ; § 1 21
for March ; § 1 21J for Mayj sales
609,000 bu.
U.i'Quiet ; No. 2 , o7u ; sales
80,000 bu.
U. 'b Quiet.
"Whisky Nominal.
Pork Mess , § 13 25Q14 25 for Feb
Lard-S 95 ftsked for easJifSS 97J
sked for December } S3 02J@8-97 $ for
January , S905&9 10 fur February ;
| ! * 15(3917 ( * for March ; 89 22J@9 26
lor April.
St. Louis Pfoduce Market.
Si Lenis , December 30.
Flour Doll aiid uficiianR d.
Wheat Higher and slow ; No. 2
red winter , 98 @ 98jc for cash ;
38@981@98Jc for "January ; ? 1 01 | < §
101 § for February ; $1 03J@1 04J for
\Iarcti \ ; SI 05i@l } 05 $ for April ;
51 0 < H for May , Nd. 3 ,
do , 95fc ; No. 4 do , SSJc.
Corn Higher and slow ; 38S39c
f ) r cash ; 38 ® 39c for Jauuart ; 39 ®
39io for Fubruary ; 39g@39i for May.
Dais Dither andsluw3Uc ; fin cash ;
30jc forJanuaryj 32cfo.r February.
.Hyp Higher at 862 bid.
Barley Dull and unchanged.
Butter Unchanged ; dairy , 18@25.
Esjgs Unchanged at 32@333.
Whisky Steady at § 111.
Pork D-ill ; 81275 asked.
Dry Salt Meats 84 00@6.40660
Bacon Dull and unchanged.
Lard Firm at 88 35.
Receipts Flour , 2,000 bbls ; wheat
2,000 bu. ; corn , 27,000 ; oats , 6,000 ;
barley , 13,000.
&Sh pments Flour , 5,000 brls ;
wheat , 24,000 bu ; corn , 8,000 ;
oats , 3000 ; rye , 1000.
Chicago Live Stock Market
CHICAGO , December 30.
Hcgs Receipts 11,000.
Cattle Very active market ; prices
iirm and higher ; prices rang
ed from 82 25(53 ( 35 for common
to good co siS44046ofnr fair to good
shipping steers ; g4 768 12i for
* *
choice to extra shipping beeves for
exportation ; receipts 4000 head.
St. Louis Live atocU Market.
Sr. Louis , December SO.
Hogs Active and higher ; light ,
$4 504 65 ; mixed packing , $4 35 ®
4 50 ; butchers' to fancy , § 4 654'75 ;
receipts , 4300 head ; shipments , 250.
New watches show shell cases elab
orately engraved.
Silver and blue fox are among the
fancy furs most in favor.
Beaten gold is used extensively in
bracelets nnd watch cases.
Hand-painted velvet frames are new
for cabinet photographs.
"Are you any relation to my cisterl"
He blushed and stammered until the
young lady , taking pity on him , solved
the matter by saying , "No , but ho'd
like to be ; wouldn't you , Alfred ? '
Cards will soon be out.
A New York girl , while in a ma
chine shop recently , hai her scarf and
clothing caught by an upright waterwheel -
wheel shaft , making eighty revolutions
a minute , and was whirled about three
minutes before the machinery could
be stopped. On being released she
said it wai the racquet , only
there are not more than six fellows in
society who go so slow.
Piiiah and brocaded velvet fans
come in dark oriental colors , or in
delicate evening shades , and are
handsooiely mounted with pearl or
carved ivory.
Pretty envelopments are made of
black , brocaded velvet heavily out
lined with cut jet beads , and trimmed
around the edges with broScl bands of
rich passementeries and beaded Span
ish lace.
Spun-silk stockings in solid colors
of antique gold and all the lighter
shades of sulphur , cameo , salmon ,
straw and lemon are among the latest
importations in hosiery.
The whole undergarments are mak
ing rapid headway , because ladies are
becoming more and more averse to
multiplied and unnecessary folds and
ridges about the waist , a condition di
rectly opposed to smoothness and elegance
ganco of outline. The fewer pieces
into which clothing is divided the
more convenient and practical , and in
this case the more true and harmoni
ous It becomes.
Novel riding gloves are In gauntlet
shape and are ornamented with
hound's heads.
Gloves or no gloves is again the
question with society men ; most
young ladies with delicate new party
dresses will answer this question In
the affirmative , if they waltz.
New bonbon boxes resemble rolls ol
rich sash ribbons.
Brides do not wear diamonds this
winter ; white heliotrope is taking the
place of the oranga bloaaoms of yore
in coiffure decoration. - "
Tiber's claws mounted prettily are
handsome cloak-clasps.
Dull red is a popular shade for
young girl's and children's woo
The Drogan cap Is shaped verj
much like a French pastry cook's.
Not lone ; since , in one of our neigh
boring villages , a young lady who ba <
been engtged to a fine young man for
some time , met a richer person and I
soon put off the old love for the new.
She wrote to her old lover requesting
him to return her photogroph. Here
was a chance for revenge , which he
took by sending ter the following
note : "I would gladly comply with
your request , but if I do so it will
spoil my euchre deck. T have a col
lection of photographs which I UBO
for playing cards , and I do not wish
to break it by giving away the deuce
of diamonds. "
Many of the clcak sleeves are rath
er short , the lower part being turned
back to the depth of ten inches.
Bonnet strings are fringed , beaded ,
tsselled , or shirred , and lace-trimmed
at the edges.
Quantities of bead and gold-thread
I embroidered laces appear among late
Tbo California Election.
Special Dispatch to The Ba * .
BAN FBANOISCO , December 30. In
the recounting of the votes cast in
thia city to determine whether E-3-
rrittoiia or Coffey shall be superior
judge , Cofley ofi ctla occtsfon had
gained three votes and stcdd rqtinl
with Edmunds , but the latter is now
five votes ahead. One hundred and
fifteen votes were cast in one
senatorial district with vigrjetto.
and fi l , anfl Candidates another .
district were objected to by Edmunds
and objejtinn overruled. If Ed
munds should be def ated by Coffey.
tha case will be. takeato the suorame
court on this point , Mid if the votes
are thrown out , one hundred antL
fifteen votea would be ! o t to
flidenlinl electors ,
ha state changed
ill be ued *
f ainst the proseni
sident , as Califnr-
ady been cnt on
A there is no way
Jpedal Dispatcher to Tim Bis
NASIIVILLK , December 30. Fern
are entertained that there will be a
coal famine in Nashville within five
days , the supply having'almcmt been
exhausted. Transportation facilities
lave been inadequate to supply the
CINCINNATI , December 30. The
river closed last night. The running
co was alreacly hoaty , &nrt the block-
up is a solid one , and likely td con-
inuo for some time.
LANSIXO , Mich. , December 30.
Mr. Win. Hull , aed CO , was killed
yesterday , at Grand Ripldp , by fall-
"ng upon a slippery sidewalk.
BUFFALO , N. Y , December 30 11
a. m. The thermometer is now eight
degrees below zero and the wind isle
> lo wing at the rate of 25 miles an hour.
Phe snow is drifting badly , and all
he railroads are affected by it. No
rains have arrived over the Buffalo ,
New York and Philadelphia road , and
he Niagara Falh road is closed.
Trains are all behind time , and some
lave been taken off.
LANSING , Mich. , December 30.
Jovernor-elect David H. Jerome has
aken up his quarters for the winter
it the Lansing house. Chief .Ins t ice
'eaac Martin will arrive to-night nnd
emiin to administer the oath of office
o Mr. Jerome , January 1st. There
s to be no unusual ceremony on the
occasion of inauguration.
NEW YORK , December SO. Coldest
weather of the season here prevailed
tnis morning , the thermometer indi
cating 1 degress below zero. At 8 a.
n. it cleared , however , with indica
tion of moderating.
NEW- YORK , December .30. The
dead body of a young Irish woman ,
named Mrs. Sovefy , Hearty nude , and
mulitated by fire in a horrible man
ner , was found in Room 217 , Eliza
beth street , last night. Evidently
the woman's clothes had taken fire
from the coals of an overturned stove ,
and , that she had been completely en
veloped by the flames.
NEW YORK , Dec. 30. The report
that Fredeaick William Frischer and
the family servant , Gerdina Byede , of
Hoboken , were placed under arrest in
connection with the death of Mrs.
Frischer , yesterday , Is entirely errone
ous. The coroner and county physi
cian after a rigid investigation , de
cided that the unfortunate woman
committed suicide and no suspicion ! s
attached to either.
CHICAGO , December 30. The chick
en fight at Crystal lake , yesterday , was
broken up by the sheriff's posse of
thirty mon , from Woodstock. The
sports were given warning , and escap
ed arres , , but the sheriff secured the
Frozen to Death.
Special Dispatch to The Bee
HELENA , M. T. , December 303
p. m. A man named 0. J. Embody
was frozen to death on Monday last ,
within ten miles of this place. The
thermometer was 40 degrees below
zero last night. There are fifteen
inches of snow in the valley on the
level. Mails and passengers are get
ting through with slight dehy.
The Programme of Prayer.
The following is the programme for
the week of prayer , beginning January
2nd , which will be generally observed
in this city and elsewhere :
Jan. 2 , Sun. Christ the only hope
of the lost world.
Jan. 3. Mon. Thanksgiving for the
blessings , temporal and spiritual , of
the last year , and prayer for their con
tinuance. Ps. cxlvii ; n , Cor. , ix : 11.
Jan. 4 , Tusg. Humiliation and con
fession on account of individual , social
and national sins. Dan. ix : 3-19.
Jan. 5. Wed. Prayer for the church
of Christ , its unity and purity , ita
ministry ; and for revivals of religion.
Eph. iv : 1-15 ; Pa. Ixxxv : 6-8.
Jan. 6 , Thur. Christian education ;
prayer for the family , Sunday schools ,
and all educational institutions , for
Young Men's Christian associations ,
and for the press. Prov. ivl-13 : Tim.
ill : 14-17.
Jan. 7 , Fri. Prayer for the preva
lence of justice , humanity and peace
among all nations ; for the suppression
of intemperance and Sabbath desecra
tion. Iia. Iviii : 13-13 ; I Cor. ix : 25-
27 ; Ps. Ixvii : 1-7.
Jan. 8 , Sat. Prayer for Christian
missions and the conversion of the
world to Christ. Isa. ili.
Sabbath school lesson The sons of
Mary. Luke i ; 46-5 . Golden text :
My soul doth magnify the Lord , and
my spirit hath rejoiced in God my
Savior. Luke i ; 46-47. Commit
verses 51-55.
Jan. 9 , Sunday theme On the min
istration of the Holy Spirit.
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
United States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of Material and workmanship , com-
oincd with their great improvement * ,
that is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs and Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the moat durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the m-jderato price of
81.50. Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , alao
chemois nnderwear , made np with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lnn ed
peraons wo offer spoiial inducements
in the manner these goods are made
for their protection.
A. 6. HU ANN !
. 33
Cor. Douglas and
Gives Great Bargamslin Ladies' and Gehtsi
All Kinds Of
We Guarantee The Best Goods For The Least Money.
And Wholesale Dealers in CIGARS and CONFECTIONERY. During tha
Fall and Winter we will handle COUNSELMEN'S FRESH CYSTERS whioh
are now the bc t in the market. A hrgo assortment of CANDY and SUGAR ,
TOYS for the Holiday trade.
C.IT3 & FKEEMAX , 510 lltli St. , Oiualia.
OcU5-eod 5nj
The largest and best aisortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. MARHOFF , - -
117 14th St. . 3 Doors North of OonalasSt.
Gives universal Satisfaction and that it is stead
ily and rapidly increasing in public lavor.
The White Machine justly claims to he tha
best made , the easiest running , the simplest in
construction and the most perfect Machine in
\ the market , _ L , .
The "WTiite Co. employ as agents men of In-
tegritYi and purchasers arWWwayssotisfled ,
because they find everything .fast as repres
Everybody should use this Machine. The
sales so far this year are more than double
the corresponding tune last year.
All orders addressed to the iOmaha [ Office
will be promptly filled.
Cor. Davenport and 15th Sts. " Omaha.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will b received at the office of the county
clerk of FurT s county , SebwAa , t
the cfluZtv .eat cf said county
Beaver City ,
ty , up to the 3rd day of j T , AD.
1881 , at 12 o'clock M. of sah ! rtay , for * "
construction of a wagon bridge across it * .
Republican river , potith of the town of
Cambridge , in Medicine Creek precinct , in
Fumas county , Nebraska , said biidgs to
bo 400 feet In length. Bidders are re
quired to accompany their bids with
plans and specifications of tha work , and
also with a bond in a sum double the
amount of thi Ind , conditioned for Ihe
faithful execution of the contract. The
county commissioners of ad ! county of
Fnmas reserve the right to reject any and
all bids. , .
By order of thecnnntycommwonersol
Farnag county , Nehnuka. Dated at
Beaver City , 'nraan county , Tvebnuka ,
the 19th day of November. A. D. 188" .
L. KINSSIAK , County Clerk.
But at it Again.
. . . . ,
Hardware ,
Stock Saddles , etc. ,
Now Ready for Business.
Next .Door to Omaha Na
tional Bank , Douglas
_ decH-tt
Ear and Throat.
Office Over Kennfira'a Drug Store
Uorneriof 14thnd Douglas Sts. ]
I h T bridged the approaches to 'n rirer.
leaoppcwiti ea > : end Joust itret itlnr >
fclfn-int , euy and ufa crowinj at t. wmi.'il
toll , TI :
Horseman , each i > c.
One Horse and Wason lOc.
Two Horses and TVn on I5c.
' return
same day fOc.
Foot-men Free.
December 13th. 1830. d3-lm !
- cr _ "WI
1317 CAS3 ST. , OMAHA. HEB.
* A good MKruaert jlirajs on bisiL *
East India Pile Cnre. The
only specific for all forms of
Piles. In use in foreign conn-
tries for years , lately intro
duced into America. Warrant
ed to give instant relief nnd a
permanent cnre guaranteed.
Sold by all druggists or mailed
free on receipt of price , 50
cents , byltlio American agents ,
Eichardson & Co. . Wholesale
Druggists , Saint Louis , Mo.
guaranteed to give immediate
relief in all cases of Bilious
and Liver Complaints , Costiveness -
tiveness , Sick Headache , In
digestion , and cleansing the
system of all impurities. Trice
25 cents. All druggists sell
IK 1752 rORTY YEAB8.
Dr. Storm's
A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for
HOARSENESS and Strengthen *
Ing the Lungs.
Price only 10 Cents.
,1. H. FL1EGEL & GO.
Successor ) to J. II. THIELE ,
No. 1220 Douglas Street ,
E. F. CO01SL ,
Oid FeUowj' Bloci.
From ' . .4 yiren or r. 67 te ! $ ml
I TO *