THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , Dec. 30 , AGADEMJ OF MUSIC ! Y , December 33th. WAIT1XG FOR THE YERDICT BY ins- Members of the Union Catholic Library , Of the meet TOCccsilulind jvipult drama on1l.emocm.mfe. . . Iiu TMd picture of Kica and Poor In ' English Life 'Very Btronjcast. Khool coil- Matinee for Admission , tOctnur . dron , Friday at 2 p. d. ; AdmiscenU ! BREVITIES g Fatereon pella coaL C.H. Frederick , LeaaingHatUr , larg. eet stack and lowest prices. 23-tf Holiday Goods at Kuhn's. Books and Albums at J 9c store. Celluloid and Diatite Seta atJSaxc's. Celluloid Seta at Kuhn'fi , druggist. \Vann winter caps cieap , PrederickV Holiday presents > tj SaxeV , druggist _ "Wfutin ? for the Verdict , " at the Academy , to-nifiht , \Vhipple. McMillan & Co. , the jewel- Block. o26-tf en , Crcighton Twenty per cent oH. See large auV. third page. IjtUe Mac. is abroad w'th a shot gun , "VTaitinj for the Verd.ct. " A military piisoner from Fort Keogh was brought to Fort . .Omaha Tuesday by Lieut. Stilbon. Trains on the 0. & N. "W. have been delayed somewhat ly snow nnd cold , bnt the line waB opened Tuesday. BLSr IN TUB WORLD Bazar Glove fitting Pattemx at Bushman's. tf Cheapest warm caps , at Frederick's. THE BEE will on Friday evening pub lish a list of those who will keep open house on New Year's day. All names should be sent in as early as possible. Head Cruickshank's Great Bargains for this week. See * hird paje. The funeral of the late \Vm. Stephens , which was announced to take place from the Chrutian church to-day at 2 p. m. , has been postponed until further n tics. We would tall particular attention to the advertisement o ! Mr. E. L. Eitonf which appears on this page. No finer lot of steel engravings was ever offered in this market nt any price , and these will be sold actually at first cost. Down go the prices , Caps , Frederick's. One hundred and ten recruits frun Jefferson Barrackb , St. Lotii , passed hrough Omaha Tuesday cnroute to Tnc- on , Arizona. They were in charge of Captain - tain Footo. Messrs. Cliarles McDonald and \Vnu Turtle as father and son in "Waiting for the Verdict , " will preseni at the Academy this evening , a spirited and realistic picture of defence of their luine against the merciless English l.ndlord and the machinations of his agents. Grand opening on New Year's > d y of the Billiard Ha'.l next tj the future opera Louse , Karnhain street. near Fifteenth , by W. A. Kitzbcrger , euccessor to W. llage- durn , The finest lunch will he served. All friends , and old as wall as new patrons invited. 29-4t Tuesday Officer McClnre , accompa * nied by Mr. Maitinek , of West Pciut , went out to Fort Omaha in t-eardi of Mar- tinek'tt daughter , whose mysterious difap- pcarance was mentioned in Monday ni ht s r.j The Kirl. whose name is Mary , was found in th ? 'ut : ] : l"vl } < < xJ working in a respectable family and qaite tincon acinus that she had cati ed any sensation by her absence. Her situation being a Rood on her father left her there. The myste ry was a very gauzy one. Tuesday morning between 7 and8 " © "clack , street cir No. Cof , Uie trcen ; line , met with n narrow etcape firm co i jilete demolition. As it ran down the Dth street grade the switchman failed to give any sig nal and a switch-engine coming along at that moment a collision became imminent. The driver , however , with great presence of mind , threw the car from the track by means of the switch bar carried on the cars. The car wheeled to the right and drew np short alongside the locomotive just in the nick of time to save a smash up. A pile of papers in the office of The National Workman , 12th street , between Farnham and Harn y , took fire about 10 o'clock Tuesday causing an alarm to be sent in from Dick Wilde's by tel -phone. JtWore th department arrived on the epot the flames were extinguished by Mr. Fred D.-eicl and Mr. O'Connrr , the latter prcr" prietor of tha restaurant next door. An alarm had bean sound d from BOX 12 and a-jd t.e Lutheran church bell was rune , a that the whole lower end of t wn was aroused. The engines t tailed home but were rgain recalled by a second alarm. ThN time the fire proved to be in Council Bluffs and it WB not aeeotei necessary to go over. Warm japs ! warm caps ! Frederick's. W. O. Sanders , as "Blinkey Brown" ; Miss Alice Daniels ' ' " , as 'Sarah Sawyer" ; Mr. Win. Turtle , as "Jonathan llo e Male" ; Mrs. Elliott , as 'M Eose- l > hwVMr. ; Chas. McDonald , as "Jailer 3lo ehade" ! ; Little Mac. as "Humphrey Higsou , " and K. A. O'Brien , ns "Jonas Huudle , " in "Waiting L r the A'erdict , " is a btrong unsl 'udeed. This is an excellent opportunity of cnjoyinoues-self during hol iday week. Secure yonr seats early and aoid the rush at the door. Tickets may b haj at Hospe's , Bushman's MacDon- agh > . Max Meyer's , and Baumer's. Only fifty cents for reserved seats at Meycr'e. DEN DANSKE FOUENING , the Danish nsiociatiin , will have a ganer * ! nipetuig at Turner hall TJiurs- thy , December 30 , IfcSO. The o'ection of HOW eflicera will take place. All members arc "requested to bo present. The Polios Court. In lLo police court yo'tarda1 , Daniel Sfundcn , n old offender , was oat to jail for thirty days , for getting drunk and abusing liis family. Oao plain drank went to j ul in de fault of § 3 finopiiil costs. Tae Firat Grand Pnzo Masquerade 15 U will bi given by the Omaha Ger- nuu Ladies' Society , on February 5ih , 1830 , at Brindt'o Turner HilL 18-evy sat-tf TUB cr.Kiouro.f , A firtt-class hotel in rrery respect , la -situated on lLo norihw st corner of Thirteenth r.nd Ctpitol avenue. This r.evr home is ? ; cwly and elrgintly fur nished throughout , and the table and bill < ! fare will compare favorably with the bett in the land. Give it & rial. No runner at the Depot. -jBte Trains. The pnol line trains were nil three hears law yesterday , iho noon train on the U. P. petting away about 2 o'clock. The train from the we t , due at 2:25 p. m. , is reported 8 houra late , and will likely be more than that. A MONEY MUDDLE. The County Commissioners Reconsider the Award of Court House Bonds , And Give Them to the Omaha National Bank. It will be remembered by our read ers that when , a few weeks ago , our county commissioners advertised for bids for the $125,000 , sir per cent. , court house bonds , it was announced that they had been awarded to Mr. H. T. Clark , of Bellevue. It appears that there was some irregularity about the award , and that upon beinc sub mitted to the county attorney he de cided that the contract with Mr. Clark was not a leaal one , and that the question would have to be reconsid ered. ered.As As uear as we can remember Mr. Clarlc was the highest bidder for the bnds , offering SL03 § for each one dollar of the aame , but with the un derstanding that they were all to bo delivered January 1st. This was not exactly in accordance with the design of the county commissioners , trim had expected to deliver $25,000 worth of the bonds January l t , 1881 , $50,000 worth July 1st , 1881 , and $50,000 worth January 1st. 1882. As will be seen this would cost them the bank interest on $50,000 for six months and on an equal sum for twelve months. Mr. Clark thereupon offered to take the bonds and allow them not only the stated premium , but the bank interest as well , which would have been better by some two or three thousand dollars , than any other offer , but as bis second proposition did not come within the time defined by the advertisement for bids ha was ruled out. It does nol appear that any blame is to be attached to the county corn- commissioners , nor that the county attorney's opinion was incorrect , but it docs appear that for the sake of ad hering to a few red tape regulations the citizens and taxpayers of Dcu las county are to be the losers by a con siderable sum. We understand that their is a strong possibility that Mr. Clark will object to the revised action of the board , as his proposition was maue in good faith and perhaps an in junction may bo the means yet of set tling the difficulty until the difference can bo made less and the best bidder get the bonds. The following are the proceedings of the county commis sioners held on Monday Isst : MONDAY , December 27,1880 , Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Commissioners Corliss , Knight and DrexeL Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A claim was filed by J. B. Whittier , amounting to § 350.69 for money paid at tax sile for ci nw. % and w part nw. | , sec. 5. T. 10ll. 11 E. , and on mo tion , the same was referred to J. C Cowin , attorney for the county , for his opinion as to the county's liabili ty on the Eamo. The following is the opinion of J. C. Cowin , endorsed on said claim : "The tax being imposed on laud wherein the government never parted with the title , and the land waa not subject to taxation , the county is no ! liable ot the cliim. J. 0. COWIN , Atty for County. " Dec. 27th , 1880. J. B. Whittier appeared before the board and a&ked permission to wi < h- draw the above claim , and or. motion , said permission was granted and the claim withdrawn by said Whittier. The board took under advisement the matter of the sale of court house bonds , and after du consideration it determined that the proposition of Ezra Millard is the best and bid for thobonda , and his proposition was accepted as follows : Twenty-five thousand dollars of the bonds to be delivered on or before January 1 , 1881 , to be paid on deliv ery at $1 01 J for each dollar , being $23,281 25 , said bonds to bear inter- Lest from January 1 , 1831. Fifty thousand dollars of said bonds to bo ddivvnsd on or before July 1 , A. D. 1881 , to bo paid on delivery as follows : $1.01 J for each doll r , beiug $50,502 50 , tMJd bonds to bear inter est from July 1 , 1881. Fifty thousand dollars of eaid bonds to be delivered on or befora Jan. 1st , 1832 , to be pud on delivery nt Sl.OOg pur each dollar , being $50,437. SO.f'Aia bonds to bear intercs : from Jan. 1st , 1882. 1882.Provided Provided , That said Ezra Millard shall , before the delivery of s d bonds , enter into bond to said Doug las cohnty with good and sufficient sureties in the sum of $25,000 , paya ble lo said county , conditional that Slid Ezra Millard shall fully and faUh- fully execute said proposition and contract , and take said bonds and pay the money therefor , according to the terms of the foregoing proposition. The following accounts were allow ed : . . O. II. Malory , workonroad . 8 S PO .1. C. Cowin , ca h e pended . 730 .form S. Wood , petit juror . 30 00 U. P. llailroadconip por- tation of pauper . . . 3 G3 B. & JM. _ railroad company , trans- poitatinn of pauper . - 45 KROJI BOM ) hlXKIXG FOND. Wm. F. Hems , dr.fc to pay Jan. 1881 coupons . 17,03000 Aujuurned to Dec. 31st. JOHN R. MANCHESTER , County Clerk. _ _ Overshoes in large and email sires a1 Fnllriede's , near 13th and Douglas Warm linsd thocs at bargains. For good , reliable watches and cor rect tiino-lrcepeH go to EDHOI.M & EUICKSOS'S , T.-o Jevvolera , < ppoatte the Postoffico. PS. . Largest and moat complete stock f gild and 6ler ; watches in tie city ; also nicest assortment of walnut and veneered clocks of all the leading makes. Call and see our stock. It n ill piy you. EUJJOLM & ERICKSON , _ The Jewelers. Womcns' CASHMERE LINED Shots only $1.50 , at Follriede's , Douglas street , near 13th. See Cruickshank'a new advertise- jnent for Holiday Goods , on third Tno Wea'her. Tuesday was the coldest day oE the season , the thermometer going down to 17 degrees below zero at 11 o'clock. At the same hour it was 22 degrees below at the U. P. transfer hotel. The weather moderated con siderably to-day , and the mercery climbed up to one degree belcw z ° ro. SALT. SOCIAL , . "Waiting for the Verdict" at the Academy of Musio this evening. The lull dres holiday receptlorTof the Pleasant Hours Club this evening , at Masonic Hall. Engine Cjmpaiiy No. 3 give their ninth annual ball on nest Friday evenIng - Ing , at CreSghton Hall. The commit tee hope to sell a large number of tickets. The-annual "preizel ball" of the Msennerchor will take place cext Sat urday evening at Brandt's Turner hall. hall.The colored folks belonging to the A. M. E.Jchurch gave a fair and festi val at Masonic h1 * ! ! -n Monday and Tuesday evenings to r < u5e funds to aid in I u'lding a ne > v church edifice. Lewis' brasi band furnished the icu ic ind a general good tiaie was had on both evenings. The majority of the laoiea who are to receive Cillers at the Y. M. C. A. rooms on New Year's day , met jvs- tcrday actcrnoon , and completed ar- rangcmen'8 as far as possible. The committee on decorations meat Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ladies who conld not call at the rooms yes terday will be given any desired information mation by calling on the general secretary at the ro < ms. GUAPES. / . FLEMING . j b. Kim , dec293t For goodj reliable watch' s and cor rect time-ket pers go lo EoflotM & ERICESOS'B , The Jewelers , opposite the Posluffice. P. S. Lirgest aid mnat comp'.eta stock of god ! aid cilv r watches In the city ; aUo nicest rssortment of walnut and veneered clocks of all the leadingmakes. Call and see our stock. It will pay you. you.EDHOLM EDHOLM & ERICKSON , The Jewelers. Overshoes in large and sm ll siz < ; 8 at Fullriedo's , nesr 13th and Dougla" . Warm lined shoes at bargains. YOU CAN BUY ANYTHING you want IN THE JEWELRY LINE AT Whlpple , McMillen & Co.'s , the Jew elers , Creighton block , Fifteenth s . BED COMFORTS Reduced , nt Bushman's. STEEL ENGRAVINGS AT COST. We will sell , for the next thirty days , this large line ot Steil Engrav ings , at the following prices : aheep fold * . $ 8 80 Socrates and Alcibiadea 8 80 Cornelia aud her Jewels 8 80 Defense of Chunpigny C CO Shepherd's Dog 8 . " 0 The Smithy 3 85 Greedy Calves 11 00 Trial of Efie Deana 2 75 DeerPaee 440 Forrester's Family 2 75 Monarch of the Gkn 3 30 The Prisoner 5 50 Just Caught 2 55 DecrFami'.y ' 3 30 SosSiw 275 Off Portsmouth 4 40 Village Elms 7 35 lo aud Jupiter 1 40 Lincoln 3 30 Homo of Washington 1 C5 Forever and Ever , Amen 1 40 Arttst 5 2 75 Critic 2 75 HuiichbasV 2 20 Washington 1 G5 Lincoln 1 05 Flawin the Title 3 30 My Day and 1 1 C5 Can't You Talk o 30 Oa the Alert.- 6 GO Charge of the Draitooi'B fi CO American Lindscapcs 110 The Smile 90 The Frown 90 PetitoMarie 3 30 Crowning VorfUs 3 30 La Source B 50 Angelique 5 50 Safe in Port 220 Snaoy 1'a h 2 20 Ci-itiL'in1 P Siiue 1 ( ! 5 Gyp y Mother 2 7n 'Nutcrackers 2 75 Saved T. . . . 2 75 Critics 2 75 Dover 2 75 Hastings 2 75 Woodland Vows 7 35 IschlaCastlo " . . . . 2 75 First Step G GO Henry Id and hi ? Ladies 4 40 Cuiates Nephew 2 20 Miller , his S > n and Donkey. . . 2 20 Master Painter 2 20 Bridal Party at Photographers. 2 20 Autumn Maneuvers 2 20 Naughty Bvy 2 20 In Su-nmertime 3 70 \Vhon the Leaves Fail 3 70 Sa'ely L ndod 370 A'tuniu 1 75 Ohariat Race 1 10 Huguenot , 1 50 First Trial by Jury 2 20 Phnraoh's Horse 2 75 Martha Washington 1 75 Great Expectation 7 30 Industry 2 75 Prayer 2 75 PictureBook 440 Forester's Family 4 40 On the Beach 395 Message from the Sea 4 40 The Fouutiiu 2 50 Take Care 4 40 To the Eirth 3 50 Dauphin 2 65 The OH Arm Chair 7 iO My Little Brother 2 00 My Little Sister 2 00 Out All Night 5 50 E. L. EATON , 1320 Farnham street. A very GOOD QUALITY of wo men's WARM shoes , for § 1.25 , at FullreidV , Douglas street , neir 13th. "LTBAN'S CHRISTMAS BALL" t Turner Hill , Saturday , December25. Tickets for cale at Jacobs' Clothing store , Farnham street , 1120. dec22tu.fcfr KEEP WARM. BED COM FORTS cheap , HUSHMAX'S. A Fine line of samples of Now Year Cards at THK BEK Job Room. Call in time and leave ynar orders. Datr&ged hats given away , at Nin- del & Krell's , one door west of BEE office. Fcr Sale Six-horse power Baxter engine and boiler , In good repair. Apply at BEE officA. no4tf Womens' CASHMERE LINED Shoes only $1.50 , at Fullriede'e , Doughs street , near 13th. Damaged hats given away , &t Nin- dell & Krell's , one doer west of BEE office. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL and appro priate decorations for Jfew Tear's "Rcceitiiig" arc the lovely Everlasting Flower ffoodj and PAMPAS PLUMES , jit Evan's. 28-4 CONTEMPLATED GHMQE , A Rumored Successor of Supt. J. T. Clark. Railway Miscellany. - With the beginning of tha new year there are always moro or less changes of importance on the railroads , and the following , predicted by The Kan < E&B City Times of December 28th , is of couciderable local importance : "RUMORS TROM OMAHA. "News comes from Omaha that sev eral changes are to occur in the oper ating department of the Union Pa cific railway on January 1st. It is said that J. T. Clark , for a long time assistant to General Manager Clark , will step down and out , aud that Mr. Nichols , now superintendent oi the eastern division , will be his successor. It is not known f a certainty that these changes are to take place at once , but the news is from a reliable source. " OMINOUS PREDICTION. The Sionx City Journal says : "Railroads in this section are likely to be very short of coal for the next ten days. Heretofore they have enl > had barely enough coal to fikin along with from day to day , and .it limes Ind to help out the supjly by burning wood aud corn. All coal miners in good and regular standing , go on a drt'uk just before Christmas , which drunk does not end until after New New Year's. Cousequ > ntJy , coal is likely to boEcirco for awhile. " "The St. Paul folka now use two awitch en-jinea in their yards in this city and one on the Nebraska sidu , to transfer cars and make up trains. The road has all the buainero it can handle these coal famine times. " GREAT AGITATION. The weiteru prtion of Neraaha county ia grcitly agitated over the question of route by the B. & M. trom Ptpervilla to T ; cnmseh. It may go by the "old grado" of the al most forgotten Browuville , Ft. Hear ney and Pacific , via Johnson , or it may tun ( our miles south , via Febing a point better known as Stone Church. It is believed by some of the Johnson peuple that it will come by them , so as to make it convenient , at any time the company wishes , to put in a tup to Nebraska City. FAILED TO MAKK II Some time ago a circular wai issued by the general freight agent of the new Si-urhern Pacific route , stating fine tht : r rund would be opened through by January 1st , and request ing at least n po.tion of the throuch freight business for the Pacific coast. It appears now that the time was fixed at too early a date as an official circu lar has been received in the city , issued by the general pas senger aient ; of the South era Pacific , stating that the that road has been completed to Dem- ing , 230 miles east of Tucson , the dis Unco from Deming to the present con struction terminus of the Afchison , Topeka & Santa Fo road being 14G miles. The rails atu being laid on tbo Santi Fe extension to a place 57 miles beyond San , the terminal point not yet having been named as a station. The gap between the two roads is 145 miles by stage. At the very rapid ratoof construction of about a mile a day , from each end , it will take about three months before the now southern route is completed and ready for business. BEDCOMFORTS" Reduced , at Bushtmn's. A very GOOD QUALITY of wo- mei.'a WARM shoes , for § 1.25 , at Fullreid's , D iugaa ! street , near 13th. SCACOAST ORANGE ? , " ) LOUISIANA OHAUOES , > FLEMISH'S VAtU > CIAOKANOE , ) 29 3 Uli p er Installation The foil ) inj ; ( itlicsrn were installed in Omaha Chapter , No. 1 , Royal Arch Mnsons , last night : James B. Bruner , H P. ; Enoch B. Carter , K. ; Jacob Samler , S ; Meyer Hd'min ' , TreaB. ; Wm. R. Bowen , Sec. ; Hirlan P. Dovalon , C. H. ; Mi chael Coady , P. S. ; John Bamford , R. A. C ; Jacob Kinp , G. M. 3rd V. , Andrew DeWitt , G. M , 2nd V. ; Wm. N. Thompsvtt , G. M. 1st V. ; Wm. J. M'iur.t , Guard. The installation ceremonies were conducted bjrP. G. H. P. E. A. Allen. SLEEP WARM. BED COMFORTSjsheap , BUSHMAN'S. The Mission Benefit. The Baptist church was well filled Tuesday eveningon the occasion ofjtho bcn7fit concert for the Tenth Street Mission Sabbath school. The JJTO- gramme was an excellent one and was carried cut from first to last in pleas ing style , under the leadership of Mr. G. W. Ttbbals , and the assistance of Mrs. Carrie Van Kuran , who presided at the organ. A candy cane wis presented to Mr. Warren Switz- lar , the superintendent , by W. C. B. Allen , Esq. In closing the concert , Superintendent Switzlor gave a brief summary of the work of the Mission. It has increased ita numbers till the present quarters are too small. The parents are tiking great interest and rooms for bible classes are wanted. The concert laat evening was given to raise money to aid in procuring larger quarters , and we regret that the at tendance was not larger. The con cert will be rc-psated at aa early day , probably at the Academy of Music Died. Wednesday morning , December 2lth ! , infant diughter of Mr. and M . L. A. Hirmou. Services at the residence , corner 9th and Pierce , 9 a. m. , Thursday. Frienda are cordially invited. NOW OPESINGI A NEW LOT OF ELEGANT JEWELRY AT Whipple , McMillen & Co.'s , Creigh- ton block , Fifteenth street. NOTICE ! General Ticket Office Burlington and Missouri River Railroad in Nebras ka. OMAHA , Dec. 24,1880. Commencing January 1st , 1881 , No Stop-Over will be allowed on Local Tickets. Passengers should therefore buy tickets only to such points aa they de sire to stop at first. PEBCIVAL LOWELL , General Ticket Agent. PABAOBAPHS. PERSONAL , . C. N. Brisco has gone east. Elmer Frank and wife are in the city. Gen. George Crook has returned from the east. Col. J. J. Dickey has returned from Denver. Ed. Johnson has gone to Chicago on business. Lieut , Gov. E. C. Carns came up from Lincoln yesterday. Superintendent Law of tha TJ. P. came iu from the wes Tuesday. Licnta. Schnyler and Palmer came in from the west last night Commissioners Drexel and Knight left for Sioux City yesterday. Hon. G. M.LarnLerson ! passed through the city last night en route for Lincoln. Hon. Nathan Blakely and Postmaster Drum , of Beatrice , were in the city yes terday. S. S. Stevens , of the Eock Island road , accoinpanie 1 by his daughter Carrie. 1 ft for Denver yesterday. George B. Lane , superintendent of the Omaha public schools left for Die Moincs Manager Jack Nugent , cf the St. Emo ! Theatre , is lying serion-Iy ill in Council B uffs , of pneumonia. Mrs. S B. Curtis , who has been visiting her nephew , Mr. Chas. S. Stebbina , of this city , left for her Inmein the east yester day fterno n. Capt. F. A. Nash , of Brattleboro , Vt. , accompanied Ly his wife , i'iii the c ty vis iting h's eon ? , E. W. Nosh , of the Sme ting - ing works and F. A , Nash , privat secie- toy of General Superintendent J. T. Olark. There will bo a Ball at Turner Hall Friday evening for the benefit of the Swedish Library association. d28-3t Damaged huts given away , at Nin- doll & Krell's , one door west of BEU ofllce. Women * ' OASQMERE Shoes oiily 81.50 , at Fullriedo's , Doug las street , ner.r Thirteenth. . y. For good , reliable watches and cor rect time-keepers go to EDHOLM & EBICKSON'B , The Jewelers , oppofite the Postofflce. P. S. Largest and most complete stock of gold and silver watches in the city ; also nicest assortment of walnut and veneered clocks of all the leading inakei. Call and see our stock. It will pay you. EDIIOLM &EKICKBON , Thn Jewelers. A very GOOD QUALITY of wo men's WARM ehoes , for 81.25 , at Fullrcid'g , Douglas street , near 13 th. 11ATS AND CAPS. Messrs. Nindel & Krello have pur chased the entire stock of the firm of 0. B. De Great & Co. , which they now offer for tale at a very low price. Five dollar hat sold for tnree dollars , and other goods jn proportion. Any one desiring a good bargain should not fail to call and examine our stock. Farnham Street , next door to BEE office. _ _ _ Just received at TUE BEE Job Rooms the nicest line of diminutive P.iper and Envelopes and Cards , suit able for Children's Birthday Parties. Call and sue them. For Sale. The aiab'c and sheds formerly occu pied by James Stephenson , on * he corner of lOih and Harney.will be a old cheap. Inquire at new brick atrvb'.e ; oppcsito. _ 28 3t Drunk in tno Gutter Gtorge Bnyden , E-q. , of the U. P. head Barler ? , picked up from a Tarn- ham street gutter , Tuesday , a badly intcxicatc-d ndividual , who vaa Ijing back taking Av'iat ' ; uuld have baon h'fl last tnocze Mr. Uoydi-n Jnndid tl.e man safely in jail befora I ear nj him. NEW YEAU PRESENTS Veiy beauti ful and -.ppropria'c , and at prcs lo sui * a1 ! tastes and prckots , at Evans' , 14th and Dodge stree's d28 4t. Christinas presents given away at the Boa'on Oath Dry Goods Storo,10th and Jones , to all who purchase over one diillara worth , a piece of jewelry will bo given. We offer also these grest bargains : 50iJ Silk and Wool Brocades for 2oc , 50c Cashmeres for 25c. 30a Worsted Dress Goods for 15o. An immense variety of I 20c Linen Handkerchiefs for lOc. 25 : , Linen Hemstitch Handker chiefs for 1&3. 35a Linen HemstilchHandkerchlefs for 20c. § 2 Trimmed Hats for 51. S3 Trimmed Hats for $1.50. And a splendid line of Christmas Presents of every description at very mudt rue prices. Solo agents in Omaha for the Cream Oatmeal Soap , which has had such a run all over the east , 10 cents a box of three cakes. 23-6S _ FURS ! FURS U.FURS 111 Ladies' and gents' fur goodsof ev ery description at the Fur Manufac tory , opposite postoffice , Omaha. All goods are warranted. HENRY G. RICETEE , Furrier. deolStf _ Womens' CASHMERE LINED Shoes only $1 50 , at Fullriede's , Douglas street , near 13th. J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce to his friends and old customers that he msy be found , as heretofore , at 1314 Farnbam street , where he will be glad to show them the beat selected stock of SVatches. Clocks , Jewelry , Spectacles aud Silverware at prices that defy competition. tf BARGAINS IN JEWELRY , AT I Whipple , McMillen & Co 'a. Strayed from 1517 Dodge street , one dapple grey horse. A liberal re ward will bop lid for the return of. the lame to Joe & Sam. 28-tf A very GOOD QUALITY of wo men's WAU1I shoes , for 31.25 , at Fullrcid's , Douglas street , near 13th , Sadden. Death. From a gentleman ju > t np from Nebraska City we learn that on Mon day evening Mrs. Capt. Bailey , wife of a prominent politician and well-to- citizen of Brownville , waa found lying dead at the foot of the stairway in their own home. Her body waa dis covered by her husband about half- past ten o'clock , in returning from a Temple of Honor meeting. Heart disease is supposed to bo the causa of the sad nft'iir. MAXNiEYEBW ( Tiffanys of the West. ) Have completed tluir ! pre parations for thr approaching preaching Holidays , and suggest , tliafan early ex amination oi' their stock will enable purchasers to secure the choicest selec tions , and escape the crowds unavoidable later in the month. Until Christinas the es tablishing ! , iviii be kept open in the evenings. 3P OfAL HSTiCES. Advcrrli'cm.r.itE To L J ! * T vjlt' u.i-rt , K'jiia.l , RVu.Ui. ! * iritis , at. , . ! t-c It. ritlvi ir.ths.-K c.-lnni > - : 3r.o J.v rt& ORN1. ccr line ; eauh jctesrfjGjst nfcrtaji.riVE CCMTS p r Ha * , n.a fl:3t iurrsJon no-r Itss tier CWENTY-FiVX CC WANTED-Two tirl , it Emmet ! Ho-se. i24-4 A firs-i.laf3 girl fur general WANTED . Go Uvnfts. . 1W Ca M. . near 21st. 127-tl ' girl. Enquire N. w-v * comer 18thand DoJ.'u. JOHN Me- COKMICK. 1M-31 TO J.fifiHOHtf. . 10 MrAt , MOHSI .T'OJUR. HJC-rtf-V T. ) I.O.AiJ 11CJ familial strict. * l IH ) * 3 'OI > c nov-SS-tf HUP WASTED A wonan cook at ths Orern WANTED House , Tenth St. l 2-tf A dish washer at the Occidental WASTED 141-tf "TTTANTED In small family a girl to do bo'iso VV work , No. 324 Dcul33 St , bcUetn 17th and 18th. 12- ? ' WANTfD-A coed girl , 1519 Hsrucy street. Jlrf-SO Octd irl for general Iiousswork. WAITED ut ticket office , U. P , iiert. 112-29 TD n cspurianccd bnt her wants WA to st irt a meat n.-lf ktt 1 n some mall weal cm own , where tlwra is none , or where one is neulowou'dtite ; ' arena aa partner. Adilro * t. K. Webb Jicks n , D KoU Co , Nob. D.-tf 'ANTE" A srood -use-keeper , 1109 Fsrn W ham streo , up taira 3--tf A TED'Tiijloyraent fir bone and vtagon. w E. A. HARRIS J , lath rfail Mcho'aa ats. 26 t All Omah know that iHt WANTED ft. Jonti is the hi.vo of Sewing Machine : , office on l th St. 84D-'f AMD UHD. 0R RENT New house , eiirht rooms , hard _ L1 and soft water , on 'id ! and Cass Sts. En- qui.o 307 12th St 123 tf TTIOit RENT Marge furnished room on first Jj floor , with or without board , outeide entrance to room. Enquire at Bee office. 129-tf EOR PENT Furnisiici rooms , board , cist sHe 20th , bet. Chicago and Cass Sta 110-1 FOR RE1" ! A flue furnished front roam , first floor , b-twoon Utiiaml 15th streets for gentlemen. Inquire at 1415 Howard St. 107-t T710BpEN'T Brick dwcllini next to cor. llth F andl'aciGc. . . ' 1'eteniii , 8 4 10th St. IM-tf KENT House m Shuh'a 2nd addition , FOB 5 ptr month. W. SIllKHAL , ro u , 0 * Creighton K'ock. S95-tf TTIOR REHr A furnished , 8v/uth lent room. I1 InquirsatNo 1012 Kara ham St j81-tf RENT 2 furnished rooms owr Mer chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and Dolce f-trcets. 281-tf FG < 5 SftLc. T/ORJUK b'KOS I1 FLOUR Mmn-sota Flour i1 nnd thebcj sprniwhtot flour , bran , chop feed , Eabd liiy , hominy , nr.iham fl air. corn mra . Ac , at Bjiro.u FRICEH , Sciid orders to Welshans & ro.,8tb and Kirnham sticct-i. City Jill * . 111-23. TnOKSALE A RAUOAIN-A bui din ? with JJ ta'oonQtturcd , furnituraand - < tocic , on 10th bl , opposite the U. P dep > tforfa'every cl rap. Or the tixtwc'.furnltureandbtock will bo and building tented. Inquire of Eu. K ' J1AW. . . . 79-if EUit SALf Uusme-t ucuaCand gio orytovk , Restaurant attached. Audrefc H. Uh ffln , Aurora , Ni > b. 9-lnl [ 71 UK SALE IWo ClOSO carriages , at A. J. D Simpson's. 011-tf K tiALK Cottonwo.'U lumber of all glzcat RKPMO.N'D'S , Sixteenth-st. 616-t MISCELLANEOUS. FOUND Uanch of kcts. inquire at this offico. 110'tf FOUND On : ho night of the 2Stii by one d iheO. B. bovs neerthe Western Union Telegraph office , one pair of fur gloTos TLc owner can bave iVCKimo by cal in ; at thj O. K. rooms , No H06 Barney street , proving property and paying for th B auTjittseme.t. 125.J9 Absolutely Pure , Made from Onpo Cream Tartar. No other prcioratlon makes such IL-ht , flaky hot breads. or luxurious pa try. Can be eaten by ilrrpsptict without fear of the ills resulting from he In- bold onlv In cans bv nil flr < wrj. ROTAL PAHISO rowmR Co , Xew Y"rk. Any ont havlnz dead ir.Ionls I w II remove them free of ch < rgo leive ori'er * loutheut orn r of QameyanlI4th . , saconldoor. CHARLES 8 LITT. NOriCE. Beltknosn thntue , the undenlmetl , whose ninica are rub cribed hereto , Intend to form an Insurance company which ehallbe known ag j'The Western ilcra : and Cattle Insurance Comp - p riy. " The object f r which { aid compiny shall be formed shall be to insure horse * , cattle and o her stock suraipst loss or damme Dy accident , tbrft and any unknown or c-n'Jnyent event. 1h < i amount of capital stock of said company shall bo ono hundred thoutar.d dollars The principal.ctftee if said company shall be located at Omahi , Douglas cow tf , Nclinukx HKNR7 PUNDT. PAULGaOS-MAN ilAXMfYER. EDMUND PCTCBE ERNEST PE7CKE d28-J i-U-lS S. P. MORSE GO. iONDAY , DEGEW1BER THE 27TH , WE INAUGURATE A OLOSI ALE ! OF ALL DAY GOODS 5 FTP LlU. T V * S. . HYCOIRSiE ! &c CO. $60,000. , $60,000.ELGUHE $60,000. 860,000. GREAT OLE E $60,000 , 7 to close out our Desirable and seasonable goods at Low Figures. Our immense stoc * or Winter clothing for Men's , Youths Boys and Children a Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear tor the Holidays. Hats , Caps , " { , &c-.must . to the public that theae Well-known make way for our immense Spring stock of clothing - . goods were the best selected stock ever brought to thii market. ELCUTTER'S MAMMOTH GHOTHiNG HOUSE , $60,000. 1001 Farnham St. , Co 10th. $80f SIGN OP THE GOLDEN PIANO & FRAME , A. HOSPE JR. . , . , Pianos and Organs First Class on Easy Monthly Payments , Sheet Music and Musi cal Instruments. FINE BfoCK OF O TT LID UN" C3-S . . 0 1 Paintings , Engravings an-1 tramei at great ly redJced prices. 3x10 Frames , 1 inch , Walnut . lEc 10x12 1 ' . 20 10x11 1 ' . 20 12x16 1 } ' . (0 12x18 14 ' . OS 16x20 li ' . 75 Rustic 8x10 frime . 15 Chromes framed , small , 25c , Cliromo e framed , large , 1 25 , Cngravings from 50c upwards , Photograph frames from 15c upward * , Window Cornices T5c a window and npwardai Lambrequirj 9 00 per window and upwards , Corniuo Poles 2 CO per window and upwards , ' Velvet frames 25c etch toB 00 Violin Strings lie , Violin 1 75 , 2 50 , 3 and upward * , Guitars 5 00 , 6 CO , 7 00 and upwards. Banjos 1 00 , 3 00 , 5 00 , and upwards , Accordeois from 1 00 up , cheapest in city Send for samples and catalogue of mouldings and sheet rau.ic. A. HOSPE , JR. , 1619 Do < .VaSt. . nextdoorto Harris and 71sher's Omaha Nfh. ] LTE CRUICKSHANK'S _ ! ORYXJOOOS STORE. Tg.m VINEGAR WORKS ) EENST KEEBS , Manager , Mannfactnrer of aU kinds of _ J ra st. Btt. 9th aid utk , OMAHA , ses IE3 _ . COOET UNDERTAKER , Old Fellows' Block. - Prompt.atVetTIjo jfirtn to or t n by Uleynph AGENTS FOR DEVLiN & CO. , BOSTd JOUSE , lAKASIASIjSTREET. CHEAP 1 CHEAPER ! CHEAPEST MAX MEYER & BRO. Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then entire stock of Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Clocks , Silver-Ware , Pianos & Organ ! ' GENERAL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE At Manufacturing Prices , "Which is from 15 to 20 per cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House , preparatory to moving into their New Store , Cor. llth & Farnham We Mean Knsiness. Come and foe Convinced. MARHOFFS TRUNK FACTORY. Ih Iircat an ! test assortment of Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases and Sample Trunks a Specialty. H. H. MARHOFF , PROP 117 14th St. , 3 Doors North of Donates St ,