Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 1

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    ? rm. ' N'WsfffcsV
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Established 1871. MORMING EDITION. Price Five Cents
& SO ,
In each Department , we are
daily opsuing choice
Novelties for the Holidays
leI Lsather Goods , Belts ,
Oard GaseB.
&love , Handkerchief , Collar and
Cuff Bosep.
Ladies' Fine Shoea
Gents Christiaas Slippers in
the Greatest Variety. }
Children's Shoes , fine , warm
and substantial.
The Largest and Finest As
sortment of
in ReasonablePrices.
Cents' Silk UuRIctc.
"Sects' Oithir.wi Mufflers.
Thi grpit-r.i v-irlotv > > l Silk ; ilani < ; rcliit.fa
' eir. Htaikcrchi rj aid hi Ties
Silk. SpuibU Lies , indii. Uu'l aul Cimbric ,
all very f ctly.
HIbbou'rinjos , Gm ! > S , Frinzoi and Trim-
Kapkin ? , Towls , Tab'.eand Stind Cover * , Piano
Coven and sew at attractive price' .
Firet quilitv fine Gsrmantown ! .
Firuqai i'y ' Jim C&shtneres.
First q lalitrn exon ' . |
Fl st quili'.y fiie Zipbyrg.
ITalry and spat Zjihrr [ > .
J >
71vclo.k fn * l'cs ' , vljsra an ! Children.
KnJllxodY Knit Jadcts.
I A JakcLul SI.&L which oar r ia the reason
oldat,0 '
c crBliowia'-.rc , , rrubias S iavljtc. .
vt Krest'y ' rcJucrf prices.
A ntw ' nvo'io i f "MLs in Pittcm , especially
or U P Jljhdiy trade.
" "
"OashEetailers ,
1422 and 1424 Dodge St.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received at the office of the county
nlerk of Pumas county , Nebraska , at
Beaver City , the county seat cf said coun
ty. r.p to 'lie 3rd dy of January , A. D.
1881 , at 12 oVock M. of said day , for the
construction o ! a wagon bridge across the
llepnCicau ] river , south of tha town of
"Cambridge , in Medicine CreeK precinct , in
Pumas county , Nebraska , said budge to
be 40J feet in length. Bidders are re-
tjuireJ to accompany their liids with
pUns a.d specifications of the work , and
nlno with A bond in a sura double the
amount of th * bid , conditioned for the
aithful exe-tition of the contract. The
county commissioners of Raid county of
Fnraas reserve the right to reject any and
nit bids.
By onler of the county coaimisMoners of
Furnaa county , Nebraska. Dated at
Beaver City , nraas county , Nebraska ,
the LOth day of N'ovember. A. D. ISS'J. '
L. KINSMAN , County Clerk.
But at it Again.
. . . .
Hardware ,
Stock Saddles , etc. ,
Noxv Ready for Business.
Xcxt Door to Omaha JYa-
tional Bank , Itonglas
. dccM-tt
Sneccs ors to J. II. THIELK ,
Jtfo. 1220 Douglas Street ,
A T = T A .
x-14 < *
Ear and Throat.
Offlce Over Kennard's Drag Store ,
Corner ori4th.and Douslas Sts.J
I hire bridged the approaches to the river.
los opposite Kai end
Janes street nrUnj a
vlnnnt , cay aad site crossin ; at the nominal
toll , vir :
H rscmnn. each Sc.
One Morse and IFason lOc.
Two Horses and IVn ou I5c.
men Free.
The Best in the West.
Canadian Troops to be Put
on a War Tooting
In Anticipation of a Fenian
Dash Across the Border ,
Mysterious Death of the Wife
of a Wealthy New York
Gotham Bound in the Icy Fet
ters of the Frost King.
Passenger Train on the Texes
Pacific Goes Over a Bridge ,
Funeral of .Col. StUlson. '
Special Dlspitcli to TLo lit * .
NEW YOKK , JDec-jHiber 29 10 p.
m. The funeral of Co ! B , Stnhon ,
a journalist lately connected with The
New York B raid , took plac ? this
morning from trui residence of Gaorge
Alfred To ttu'ei. * ' ' ho burial service1
was read by Rev. Dr. Collyer , of the
Unitarian church of the Messiah.
Messrs. Wliitelav Iteid , Thomas Con-
noly , Gtn. SIc(3ook ( , Ivory Ohamber-
laiD , Montague Schiijler , W. C.
Browaell , David C Orowlpy , John
Elliott , Robert B. RoseveU , Edward
Howe and Mr. B rl . ; v , were the pill-
bearfcra. The remains woe taken to
PiedmMit , N. Y , the ualirc town of
Sltllson , for int.rment. A hrce
number of journslista attended the
Hrom the Pacsiflo Islands.
Special Dilute ! ) to ilio Bee.
SAN FKANCIFCO , Dacember f2D 10
p. m. Tfc Aualralian steamship
City oQlelbourno/ just arrived ,
a-a among the batch of news ahe
brings , the following items ar.e the
mMt important :
Oaptnin Rower and fonr of the crew
of the "Sand Fly , " were massacred in
the South Sea Islands. The natives
of Rite surprised the boat's craw wh le
in bathing. They pursued them into
the woods or killed them in the water ,
mutilating the bodies of the slain and
torturing those c ptured alive by
roasting at trio stake.
Honolulu pipers eay if King Kala-
kaua takes a prolonged foreign trip ,
as proposed , a regency will ba de
clared during hh absence ,
Batiroad Smash Up.
Special Inep tics to The Bee.
ST. Louis , December 30 1 a .m.
A special from Dallas , Texas , says :
A terrible wreck la reported to have
occurred Tuesday on the Texs Pacific ,
at some isoltf > d point between DaU ! ;
and Marshall , the details of which
cannot be learneJ. It is reported 'that
a passenger train wont through a
bridtjOj s large number of persons
being killed aha"Vounded , nna the
train nearly consumed by fire. There
is much agitation over the nutter
in Texas and Pacific circles , ofliculs
ind subordinates , however , declining
to enlighten the representatives of
the local or metropolitan press , but
the remark jhat it is a bad one , comes
from those claiming to be posted , but
who have to keep mum. The report
ed accident was the excited topic of
this city hat nijht ; , ninny b-inz
anxious for the safety 6f traveling
friends. Trains from the west arc
past due several hours , and it ia not
known when they will arrive , which
adds to the mystery and intense in
terest. .No further details are obtain
able here.
the City.
Special Dinpttch to The Bee
NEW YOKK , Deceaflw 30 1 a. m.
Many members of congress arc in
the city enjoying attract-in present
ed in such profusion during the holi
day season. It has gronn to bo fash
ionable among western and southern
members to spend ths annual recess
Badly FrOfcen.
Bpcchl DI D4tch to Tlie Ecei
CHICAGO , December 30 1 a. m.
Two boys , Arthur Lan lors and
Henry Ducherin , each about 10 years
old , were brought to the county hos
pital yesterday by the Catholic
Christian brothers , both badly frozen.
Linglors was sent by the brothers
to work for a farmer named Pat Law-
lor , near Manhattan , Ind. Ho saya
ho was abused so by Liwlor that he
ran sway and slept several nights in
an open fitild , where hia feet were
frozen. Both feet ware cut oT ( at the
hospital yesterday morning. Duch
erin lived with .Billy O'Brien at Irvington -
ington , 111. , and had his feet frozen
while herding cattle.
.Arrest of a Bond Thief.
Sp-dal Dispatch to The Bee
QUEBEC , December 29 10 p. m.
A person calling himself J. H. Bar
ton , arrived here yesterday , and dur
ing the day offered for a\lo a 1000-
dollar United States bond. Hia ac
tions were regarded with suspicion ,
and the American consul was commu
nicated with. The latter immediately
telegraphed to the treasury depart
ment at Washington , giving the num
ber of the bond , and in reply waa in
formed that Uio bond was one of a
number recent'y ' stolen in New York.
Barton was xheieforo arrested , and c
waa to-day remanded for three days , t
Preparing tor Bloodshed. ,
BpecUl dlj > itch to The Bee. ]
MONTREAL , December 29 10 p. 1
m.- The volunteer officers hero are 1
asking the Canadian government to
arm the force with thu Martlai-Henry 1
instead of the Snyder rifle. It is aho " *
urged that ( he Montreal force should
be brigaded. This is owing to the
prevailing belief that in cise of blood
shed in Ireland there will ba the usual
Fenian dash across the border , in
which owe our V ( htnteors were at a §
disadvantage again ? * the American
Remingtcn rifl , only armed with the
Murder or Suicide ?
Bpedti-Dispateh toThe Bee
NEW YOKK , December 30 1 a. m
The citizens tf Hoboken were thrown
into intent excitement over the mys
terious death i-f Mri. SophiaFrlecker ,
wife of a wealthy tobacconist , doing
business in this city. Uoth husbaud
and wife are ; Wfll known in German
circles , and occupy prorrineat posi
tions in Hoboken society. Mr * .
Friecker was found strangled in her
bath room , with suspicious circum
stances surrounding her death. For
lome time the has been separated
t _
from her husbandand , his been 1 .bor
ing under groit mental depression.
S'le is the mother cf thro very pret
ty chtljrcn. The position of the
body and the want of sufficient marks
xh her neck , led to the belief that ehe
was murdered , ana thu cord attached
to her neck after her death. Gtr-
hardine Brede , a pretty young Ger
man irl servant in the lamily , ai'd
the husband of the dead woman ,
were pla ed under arrest , aud locked
up on the order of the c r > ner
Neighbors say that the couole lived
very unlwppily together previous to
their separation , and had many des
perate quirrolg. The husband visitec
tlis hoes. ) list n'ght , and waa ho
there during the greater part of the
d y. He ssya he did not aee his wife.
The servant states that ahe usually
'lacpa next to the wife's r.icm , hu1
thit last night she was afra'd to sleep
in > her room as U3udanl too ! : another
apartment The ropa ar > und ihe wo
man's neck had half a dozen knots
tied at the back , and could not possi
bly have been sa-plscpd by-n suicide
Thedc.vl voman hid receuily beau to
Europa at 'her husband'a expinsa.
The children had been undtr tin
cr.arga ot the girl GerhtirJine. Theto
i'a report "f iniimicy between the
husband and the servant , wh-mi
neighbors say is the cause of all the
trouble. Frieckor wa ? intcrviesreti
at a ta'c hour yesterdsy afternoon
He 8ii : : "My wife and T luv t-ot
lived to.other for five months. Wo
did not ngrec , and wtic always hav
ing trouble. I sent J er to Europe
last smnmsr , and paid her expenses
I have seen her frequently since she
came back. E\viy time I saw hvi
wo had tmuble. She Wanted to rS-
turn and live ; tn hi . j told her
we ccr a tot live hippy. She threat
ened to kill her.-elf uever ; l times if I
did not live with her. She was of a
jealous disposition , and nccuecd mo of
things I did not tic. 1 waa at the
house yesterday , but did not tee her.
I called to Bee the childran. I re
ceived the news of her death at my
New York office. The ssrv nt girl ,
who has had charge of the children ,
found her hanging in the bath room.
I waa afraid she would do something
desperate. "
The Frost Kinsr in New York.
Special Dispatch to Th Bse.
NEW YOUK , December 30 1 a. m.
The znow whicS commented felling
hst evening , continued Up" to mid
night. The snow is very dry , and fa
it falls doei not pack or mell , and thus
the obstruction to traffic in the streets
is very great. The trucks and strret
cars have doubled teams , but they ara
frequently blockaded. Incoming
mails were considerably delayed , al1
being two hours behind the usual
lirno. Down the bay all forenoon the
atmosphere was fairly white with
snow , and the weather was so thick
that vetsels outward bound hove to
and anchored. Several atoamphipa
coming in did not venture fuitiier
than Sandy Hook. The cold wave is
iaoidly approaching New York from
thewest , and thipmastera have been
apprised of the Eimo by the signal
COCK Flcht.
Special Dispatch toTto Eee.
CHICAGO , December SO 1 a. m.
About two hundred of the shorthaired -
haired fraternity of Chicago , Milwau
kee and intermediate towns , went to
Crystal Lake , on the Northwestern
road , yesterdav , and enj iyed a guue
cork fight. There were about fifty
well trained bird * , ar.d there were
several hard fouaht : .nd interesting
contests , -Seme S5000 changed hands.
Clinton , the Fraud.
Special Dispatch to The lice.
. NFAV YOJIK , December 29 4 R. m.
Charles IMhan Clinton , whcHa al
leged to have bean masquerading for
several years as a British nobleman ,
has -just "been in court. Wituofsea
from Salt Like City have identilled
him as the person called by requisi
tion from the governor of Utah , charg
ing him whh forgery. The writ was
dismissed , and ho wis handed over to
officers , who will take him to thowest ,
for trial.
lieavy LOES by Fire.
Special dispatch to TUB BEB ,
NKAV YORK , December 29. 4 p. m.
About two o'clock
this morning a
fire broke ont in the lanje furnitnrn
factorv of Brown & Blis , at 336
Cherry street , extending through to
Monroe street , aud the establishment
waa entirely destroyed w\th three ad
joining buildings on Cherry street ,
belonging to Mr * . E. Siinnson , whoso
Inss is § 50.000. Brown & Bliss es
timate their leas at S1CO.OOO , partly
Harwood's Hardness.
Special Dispatches to THE B s.
MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 29 4 p. m
Nothing has been heard of N. S. Har-
wood since his flight. It is now firm
ly believed that he joined his wife at
New Orleans and took a steamer for
some foreign clime. It is known that
they carrid away at least § 150,000 be
tween them. Mr. A. T. Morse , a
buyer for Harwood , made a state
ment that HarwoOd gave orders in
Ssptember-to buy all goods needed in
all departments to last untilJanuary.
October 1st orders were again given
to buy heavily. These orders were
repeated several times before the
failure. Morse says he protested , as
the departments were already
overstocked , but Harwood
said he waaafraid of
higher prices and freight pools , and
would be responsible for the goods or
dered. About this tiino goods .began
to arrive , which he ( Morse ) had not
ordered , and he protested with Mr.
Harwood , and-asked if the buying
had been taken ont of bis hands.
Harwood called him aside and told
him not to speak of it , as it would
create suspicion among the clerks.
Mr. D. Ingram , Hirwood'a Now
York buytr , has arrived here. He
says he had an agreement with Har
wood for a siiary of $7EOO
per annum , but that ha waste
to dra r only § 3,000 , kavina the
remainder bick until it amounted to
10,000 , when ho waa to bECome F.
partner. Ha waa in Europe and knew
nothing about the failure or confessd
judgment of § 8,370 in his favor.
Special Dispatches to The.Eec.
In the police court of Cincinnati ,
yesterday , the case of John Sullivan ,
of Boeton , end Prof. Donaldson , of
Cleveland.clnrgei with prize fi-htinp ,
was dismissed , PS the mte failed to
prove that Ihe nun Lad fought for r.
Accident on the Lake Shore and
Michigan Southern railroad near
Dover TneEdday . nijiht. Workmen
were replacing a broken rail , nnd ihe
engineer of the freight train did not
sou the s'gt'sl liht , and ditched his
train. ThoiiretcHR had Ilia leg brolium
Damage in the fwifht aud train was
very great.
John Ferguson , a noted rough of
Detroit , shot do id by his wif
yesterday morning. They wcrs mar
ried on Chrutmaa day , but had lived
as man and ifo f < r seven years. She
came from Pi ttabur about four year *
a n and was tflore knon aa Margaret
The Adams michine shops and
foundry , st iiar.-rmll , Mich , bnrne
Tuesday slight. Losi 020.COO. Th :
i < t i ( oorcdi yme Adams has beei.
burned ont.
Mrs Dorcas Burahfield , a widow ,
who hvis in Francisco Ind. , ecveii
mi.'ea e.iat < f Pjincts'O" ' ' , shot Tnomas
Burchiji'ld , her brother in-law , with a
revolver. The cause of the frjca *
was said to to too much whisky aud
Hard coal went up fifty conta pcr
ton in Chicago ye-MtUy Tnt-
* E.-uher has moderated , the mercury
marking zaro at 9 p. m. \
A fire ai L-msing , Mich , yesterdiy
rooming , cjnaum-id eeveral auia 1
stores. The fold was so intense
thit the liosu frogs ? ' > lid. Both steam
engines wire disabled , and several
fireman frozen so aa to be disabled
from work.
Tha * ! o of fc-tson ticko's in Chi-
cag > for t'.o B r.Uault cv-g gemen : ,
which begins Jn uary 10. closBil yes-
t rJay , having iut < ed abone § 7000.
The first two rows ii the pirquette
circle , and anum'er of seats in the
orchestra arc tohcu. The hiaanre
4fQ , at " ---on ticKe s gives much dip-
Mercnaiiwi' block , a hrgo throe-
st > y b'lildin , bu ned et Myaiic
Biver , Ot. , last evening at 4 o'clock ,
and cuinmunicited to adjoining Lu Id
ings. The woithe.r waa EO intensely
cold that the water froze in the hose ,
and stopped the streams. Ic ia the
most destructive C'Hifl ration that
ever visited the village.
The report is officially denied that
an advance in eastern freight rates
willba mdo af'er the first of Janu
ary. The shcdulo adopted last fall
will bo maintained until spring.
It was reported on W ll street , New
York , yesterday , that a company of
New Yoak capitalists hare inaugura
ted a Echeme having for its object the
of railroad between
building n uarrotv-gufsge
tween Pittsburg and Chicago. Ef
forts to dispose of 'tho stock thus far
have been very successful.
NEwYonc , Dae. 20 4 p. m. Dis-
tr'Ot Attorney Phelpa is improving
and is considered out cf danger.
NEWARK , N. J.tec. ) 20. Uhuncrl-
tor Runyou has refused a writ of enot
in the case of Margaret Meagerhoff
and Frank Lamroons , and they will
hang on January Gthi
CHICAGO , December 20. The thor-
moiwi'er ' touched 20 degrees below
z ro last niijh1. ,
PHILADELPHIA , December 29. A
minority of the stockholders of the
Reading road have called a meeting
to endeavor to depose President
Gowen , -
WiLMiKCTON.N. 0. , December 29.
Snowdan Lin 'y was killed by Joshua
Mizellj with a fur pound weight , last
oi''ht. Miz-11 was awitnera in a crse
igainst Langly , and iiio evidence did
nut suit the accused , who abused him ,
whereupon Mizill knocked him ih tjj
CALIFORNIA , Mo , December 29.
McGirk , who haa been instne ,
but was cnnstdrred cured , shot hie
nrnther George to clay , and the latter
will probably die.
Special Dispntch to The Bee
WASHINGTON , December 29 10 p.
m. Secretary SsbUrz had an hour
and a half interview with the Chey-
enny river Sioux this morning. After
telling them th&t they should , if they
de ired to hi like white men , attend
to the business 0:1 which they came ,
Four Bear and Rattling Rib made
talk ? , insisting on § 7,000,000 as the
pries for the right of v.ay. It was in
vaia that the secretary expl lined that
tint was more than i' would cost to
build and rquip the road. They in
sisted that wan ho j-rico their ppnnle
had fix"d on. The secretary showed
them that the price offerei ! § 5 pjr
acre was four times as much as tMtti
to white men , but they still persisted
in their demand , nnd said they would
go homo again and talk to their pee
ple. The secretary finally closed the
interview summarily by lulling thorn
that if they t emst d in so fooliah a
demand , it ins r o use to continue the
talk. The IndiiiH ? , ill probably con
fer among thcmaelvf 3 , and aak anoth
er hearing in a day or two.
It has been decided as the beat
means of disposing of the \Vhittaker
case , to try Whittaker by court-mar
tial. The court will bo ordered from
here in a few days , and will set at
West Point.
The president haa redesignated Sec
retary of War Ramsey to act as secre
tary of the navy , in addition to hfs
other duties , for fen days after the or-
pir.ition of his appointment as such ,
January 1.
It was rumored at the treasury de
partment yesterday that Gen. Garfield
had decided to invite Judge Porter ,
formerly first comptroller and govern
or of Indiana , to be secretary of the
treasury. It seems to bo pretty Ran-
orally conceded thst Gen. Garfield
will offer the treasury portfolio to a
western man.
Where the Gold aud Silver Goes To.
CleTelacd leader.
The mint bureau authoritatively
states that during the past seven
yesra the mines of this country have
produced about $230,000,000 of gold
and 8271,500,000 of silver. Of this
production about 95i per cent of gold
and G0 | par cent , of silver reached
the mints and assay offices to be con
verted into coin or bars.
For some time in the past the di
rector of the mint hesbeen desirous to
obtain correct information as to the
c'ual uses of the domestic production
of the precious mctah. After his
report for 1879 he mailed
several thousands of circulars to
all the manufacturers of jewelry ,
[ jLito foil , chemictls and others con-
Miming jold nnd silver atking for in
formation. While many failed to
unmh the information sought , yet
enough returns have been made upon
which to predicate an approximation
to the amount uaad in the arts , cien-
css and manufactures. The total
amounts reported wen ab > at § 3,500-
OOU in fzold and § 355'JOvyJJ ' in surer.
Quite S255COCOO of the gold w 1
United States c in , while only § oOO-
000 was in silver coin. This emnll
amount of silver coin used , in proportion
tion to the gold , is accounted for by
the fact that the intrinsic valua if
United S atee silver coin ia marly 10
per cent , loss -than its face value ,
while gald is the same in coin or
bullion.- .
Basing an estimate upon the n-t *
obtained , the direct-r assumes that
the amount of domestic bullion used
m the arts and manufacture i daring
the last fiscal year w s about § 5 CCO- ,
000 of gold , and S-4,000 000 of silver.
.and th'tt the total conumr-if > n in all
terms wns about SlO.OOOUOO in g < M ,
* ud S3.CCO 000 in s.lver. While th 3
is simply au approximation , it will
serve to showtowhatn-'aihe precious
metals ar-j app'.ied ' he-id a c linajc.
New York Money and Stocks. "
- WALL SCRKCT , Beccmner 19 , "J
MONEY 'J per ccut . .LU lut * rcrt ; OXCQSB , ? ,
firm at $1.31(24. ( : . ,
Firht ,
u. s e'a-'Si ' . i r < 3 U. s. 4's . 1 iSJ
IL S. ! > 'ii . I 0 3 CiurencvG'S . 1 SO
U5. 4- . 1 'Jf US6V60 . 102J
The following aie the price * at 1 o'clock p. re.
AmU. . 72 LS . 13 g
Cans . 72V M & E . liKS . 9-3 K&T . 4- |
N W . Wg B&Q . 180
8t Piul . „ 113
U I. . . , . . , . 140 NYC . 1EI1 ;
C & A . 150 } O M . 37
C&O . 2t | PM . 53
1'r.fcrrcJ . 3i | Ucartlnt ; . 63
Lick . 107 } Quicksilver . ' 3
D < 1& II . 0C4 Prcfcrn-a . 52
A&PJTel . 4. . . S2 I M . 535
'le . 45j Omsha . 43 }
Preferred . 81 } Preferred . 1 > 0
Bt Joe . < OJ U I1 . 112
Preferred . 10SJ W U . 70 }
i C . 12CJ Wabosh . 42 }
L&N . 87 Prtfencd . ESJ
O&W . 30J CP . 93 {
N. P. . SIS .V. J. C . 82i
Preferred . 8H M 0 . 127
.BO Produce Market.
CHICAGO , December 29.
Wheat Active nnd firmer at the
early psrt of the session on January ,
bntlosveron longer options ; Janmry
sold nt 97i597 | ; February , 079Sc ;
March,98i@98ic ; May.Sl 03 , closing
at97 @ 97 o for Jamnry ; 97j97gc
for February ; 9S S98ic " for March ;
Corn January sold at 35Q3oo ;
February , 37i < a37gc ; May , 41c ;
Juno , 41f541.j ; July , 41c , cloamg
at 35S35Jj for J-muu-y ; 37i < § 37fc
for February ; 41g@41o for May ; 4l |
@ 41fc for June ; 41 S4li f r July.
Oats December , 30j ; January ,
3030Jc ; February 30g@30 | ; ; May ,
35@35J i June. 34M314e.
Rye December , 83ic"bid " ; January ,
83Jc ; Febiuary , 84jc.
Pork Mes ? , December offered at
Sll 25 ; January sold t > t § 12 fi A < § ,
12 CO ; February , $12 75@12 77J ;
March , § 12 92i@l2 95 ; closing firm.
Lard Janiuryold at S8 50g8 f)2i )
February , § 862J < 58 65 ; Mrch , 58 724
< S8 75.
Short Bibs Jhnuary , $ ( j 45(50 ( 50 ;
February , SC GOgG G5 ; March , § 6 72
Whisky § 111.
Chicago Live Stoclc Market
dnicAoo , December 29.
Hcg3 Recei | ts 10,500. J
Cittle Active marke- for shippers-
nd local buyers purchasing to a liber
al extent ; pricis ruled firm and ateaoy
; u yesterday's quotations ; pncts rang
ed from § 2 50(33 ( 25 for common
to good co s < ; § 3 003 90 for bulls and
butchers' steers ; S4 40(34 ( GO for good
ihippingsteorfl ; S490@540 for choice
to extra shipping stcera ; receipts 3200
St. Louis Produce Market.
Si. Louis , December 29.
Flour Dull and unchanged.
Wheat Opened lower and advanc
ed , but trading was light ; No. 2
rod winter , 9G97Jc for cash ;
96g97io ( for Januarv ; SI 01 bid
for February ; St 01 @ 1 03 § for
March ; SI 0501 CO for May ; No. 3 ,
do , 94Jc ; No. 4 do , 87f c.
Corn Opened lower and advancer !
slow ; 37@37Jc for cash ; 37i@37jc |
forD c mbpr ; SSjjjfor January ; 40a
for April ; 40jj@4lic for May.
Ous Slow29jc ; foi cash ; 30i for
January ; Slicfor February.
Rye D-ii at 82c bid.
Barley Dull and unchanged.
Butter Unchanged ; dairy , 18@25.
Eugs Unchangrrl a' 82. 33 %
Whisky S'cidj ' a 51 11.
Pork F-rmcr , § 12 75 asked for
cish ; S1255fur January ; 812 75 for
Dry Salt Meats § 4 OOQ6 40@G GO
JJacon Dull and unchanged.
Lird Nominally § 8 25.
Receipts Flour. 3,000 bbls ; whoit
8,000 bu. ; corn , 20,000 ; eats , 3.000 ;
barley , 8,000.
Shipments Flour , 8,000 brls ;
wheat , 28,000 bu ; corn , 23,000 ;
oatn , 3000 ; rye , 1000.
St. Louis Live stock Market.
ST. Louis , December 29.
Hogs Active and higher ; light ,
§ 4 20@4 40 ; mixed packing , $4 40 ®
4 GO ; butchers' to fancy , § 4 65@4 80 ;
receipts , 3300 head ; shipments , 550.
NfcW York Produce Market.
NEW YOHK , December 29.
Flour Without decided chtnge ;
very moderate export and home tnde
Inquiry ; round hoop Ohio , S415@500 ;
choicedo. § 5 106 75 ; superfine west
ern , ? 3 00@3 10 ; common to good
extra do , 84 00@4 75 ; choice ,
do , do , S4 80gG ( 75 ; choice white
wheat , 85 00@G 00.
Batter Dull , unsettled and weak ;
Ohio 13@27c.
Cheese Steady , 7@13jc for poor
to fancy.
Eggs Western , firm ; 2G@32c for
fair to choice.
Wheat Quiet ; Chicago$112@114 ;
Milwaukee , 81 151 16 ; No. 2 red
winter , SI 151 for cash ; § 1 16 for
January ; § 118J for February ; SI 20g
for March : sales 650,000 bu.
Cam Quiet ; " No. 2 , 57i < 357Ji. ;
rales 50,000 bu. ,
0 s Quiet.
Whisky Nominal.
Pork Nominal.
Lard § 9 00 asked for cash ; | 9 00
asked for December.
The Seventh Ward.
Although the weatherTueeday night
waa exceedingly cold these were fifty
or more persons present at the meet
ing held at No. 1 engine house , to dis
cuss the question of dividing the Sixth
ward and adding a seventh ward to
the city. U--K. Joseph
dided , aud li , T , Leavitt , dt-puiy
county deck , acted a3 secretary of the
meeting. _ V-
Speeches were made by n number
of prominent citizens of the ward ,
a > me favorine ; 'ho ' project of division ,
and others u t tirmly decided. Ia
order to craUc o nuw ward -v . < < pec'il :
act of tha legislature * would
bo necessary rind , this would ba the
first move nrc-'ssary. - Tfco ward 1m
1309 vdfis .ind it would st > eni , from
the experience ind during tha recent
election , th.\t ooraa rjhaf ia mjccasary
to reduo lhJ * nunibuc ui vo'Cd'cist at
the one poll.
A prominent cttizin of the ward ,
nho oppose ? the , favors mak
ing this a ci'y ' ot iho hrit cLsa and
elect in ; ; a board of alderman and cty :
cnuncil. J'he ward could ba divided
Into two ebciion precine s.
Ani.tiier meeting will btj lield at
thee ma phc" on Thursday
to ,7hich pvrribfd" i inp'r
i ; the Capital.
8ttp8taf ! ad t ? ' ' &
ashools of tiie'ststa will tceet io con
vention in Liuccla ou the 9 h 01
January. Wo pwiim ! ' . ' proper
committees Jicve made oi1 vrill make
all nt'cessi'y ama -'uieuta , and that
proper announcement will bu undo in
due time.
Theatato prosa assoctitson rasets on
the 12th of Jjnuiry , ni per announce
ment alro-dy mule by the ; president.
There will bo more'th m the Usual num
ber of applications fornieihbcraLij bo-1
s'de ? . - > roiiularinteroHingroii'iae ' of
proccecli1. ) ;
A Cool Bath.
As Homer StuU wa en route hrmo
at a hte hour Tuesday he was over
taken by an individual ckd ii : the
garb of suiumsr , with linen coat ,
straw hat and open brc.stud shirt.
He was minus gloves , overcoat and
comforter , and wanted to know the
way to the jail to obtain lodgings for
the night. Ha was directed by the
shortest route.
Real Estate Transierrf.
rnsc Clegg Hitd wife to Patrick W.
Besly , w. d. , lots 19 and 30 , Omaha
Bmldfng an-1 Siv ncra Association ad
dition , Omaha $150.
Henry H. Moons and wife to 0. &
S. W. R. R Co. , part lot 1 and lot 2 ,
block 15G Omaha $75.
Brucn Veiaa and wife * o Abbio J.
Rollins ; < | c. d. , e. 3 lot C , bloek 1D3A ,
Omaha 51.
Abbi * J. &nd Chi . F. Rollins to
Nellie F. Veis& ; q c. n , o. 4 lot 6 ,
block 198 $ , Omaha ? 1.
ind cations.
WASIIISOTO J Dnnember 25 , 1 a.
m. For tfio nnper Miaaio-ippi f nd
ewer Mi' 'uri vnlli-ys : Partly
cloudy we-.t er ; couf.h e-tto north *
ttosr wiud-jtiMig temperature , and
in the sou'hrn ' p.irti'ms ' fal'iug ' btrorn-
rtfir ; tor the uiiddlp a'ates , cltarIT
fair reather ; flight fill in trniocr-
tor'- ; rising b-iromcter in the southern
The Programme of Prayer.
The following is the proftrr.mrr.e for
Uio week of prey -r , beginning Janiwry
2nd , w'nioh 5il be iccr.craUy obc.rved
in thin ci'y and elsewhere :
Jan. 2 , Siin. Christ the only ! -.i pa
of the lost worll.
Jan 3 JJon. Taanksgivine ; fnr the
blesaint'3 , terup r l and spiri'tiil , of
the last year , at.d pr ycrfor their con
tinuance. Vs. cxlvii ; n , Cor. , ix : 11.
Jan. 4 , Tti33. Humiliation and con
fession on account cf ind < vidu > 1. flooial
aud natinnnl sina. D .u is:3 : 19.
Jan o.Wod Prayer for ilw church
of Christ , its unify and purity , its
ministry : nrd fi > r revi Is of religion.
Eph. iv : 1 15 ; Pa. Ixxxv : 6-8.
Jan. G , Thur. Oiiriatiui education ;
prayer f. r the family , Sund-iv asl.oole ,
nd all educitif ual inatitution ? , for
Young Mo'i'a Christian si RO"tntr > nand - ,
and for the press. Prov. ivl-J3 : ; Tim.
Hi : 14-17.
Jan. 7 , Fri Prayer for the preva-
lenia of juBtic-1 , humanity and p ce
among all nations ; for the supurtssidn
of intemperancj n id SibbithdL-aec'a-
tion. I-a. lvii : 13 13 ; I Cor. ix : 25-
27 ; Ps. Ixvit : 1-7.
Jan. 8 , Sit Prayer for Christian
mU-inns and the c nvrsion of the
world to ChriaIsi iii
SdbbaHi crhn ! l R-nn The son ? of
Mary. Lukoi4G5 ; . ftoldantext ;
My aoul di'h tuaui.ify the Lird , ard
mv spirit hath rejficed in God iry
Savior. Luke i ; 4047. Commit
veraes 51-55
Jan. 9 , Sunday thsme On the min
istration of the Holy Spirit.
Undoubtedly tha Uedc shirt In the
United States ia manufactured at thu
Omahii Shirt Fn.ctory. The superiority
of Material nnd wn kinaiiahip , corn-
nined with their grer.t improvements ,
that Is Reinforced fronts , Reinforced
backs au l Reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at tha w jderatc prfcnof
$1.50. Every shirt of our make is
guaranteed firat-claas and will refund
the money if found otherwise.
Wo make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , aud Canton flannel , also
chemois underwear , made up with a
view to comforr , warmth and durabil
ity. To invaliila and weak-lunged
persona wo ofl'er Hpo-.ial inducements
in the manner those goods arc IE a defer
for their protection.
For the speedy euro of Consump
tion and all diseases that lend to it ,
such as stubborn coughs , neglected
Colds , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Asth
ma , pain in the side snd chest , dry
hacking cough , tickling in the throat ,
Hoarseness , Sere Throat , and all
chronic or lingering diseases of Ihe
throat and lunurs , Dr. King's New Dis
covery haa noeci'nland has established
for iteelf a world-wide reputation.
Many leading physicians recommend
and use it in tlusir practice. The form
ula from which it h prepared ia high
ly recommsndod by all medical jour
nals * . The clargy and the press have
complimented it in the moni plowing
terms. Go to yaur druggist and get a.
trial bottle free of cos : , pr a regular
size for § 1.00. For f > ile by
d(5) ( ) J. K. TSH. OmnTw.
the Home and Tele-
News of th Day.
The Attorney General of
Ireland Bapidly Dry
ing Upr
_ -
A Desperate A mptto Uueailh
ths "Ci'iinos" of'the Land
Excitement Around the Pour
Courts Unabated.
DUBLIN , Deocmbor 20 J p. in.
The exci tm-nt over thf alstc trials cf
tha inr ictttl lind le. iieis c- ! > ! i i : i
un-xbated. Tin retsr-ment of Juisice
May from tha bench is unanimonsh
commended , and ia viawed wr.ii t-suf
tnt'ibJ y iRfEabers of tholeai-up , atir
it if 4-p iily decried tha' a'.rnng hiiii *
thrown aby his Cfllea uai were
iaracly re = n u'lbh for hia actio : : .
A'l t > T-ii ii 'he d jy flumbera tif
p.os-i.i'if Ir fcinen p'iurftl ' iulo the
cit } ' , a'.d eviiiucj : tlu ois topic .f
cnmersa'itm aoii-tig allclasEea was the
prospoc s oftlse triu-er ur9 and tha ui-
tlubr.C'j [ the tr al uoon thfatnru of
th-j mighty niovcraeiiv for popnrar
Long before the tliua fcr the open
ing of ilu tiauso this moniL" | !
tha court room was crowded to uff
catitui. Every avaiUblo portion of
epaco wed occupied r.nd the places ri1-
asr'ed for U erepirtera wen > partially
aurreaJored to the public , who held
tickets of admission. The scene when
the crir announced the approach of
the juige' , was an impressive one.
The fl K-r of the court room waa
crowded with a mas of spectators ,
which ovetfl urcd into the lobbies ,
cluuu to t o ra lm s and filled the
streets beyond. Among them were
many of the most we.iltb > nr.erchanta
and tradesmen of Dublin and num
bers of members of the League pmm-
inent in its atlminiatration. The gal
leries rero filled to overflowing with
ladies , the 'ront row , formerly re
served , having proved insufficient to
meet the proving demand for tickets.
There was not a sound as the attor
ney general rose and coti-
tinttcd his speech at the point
where he luft off yesterday. II -
Argued that the p-oofs of a gigantic
conspiracy ai iinst th tovfrnment
were overwhelmtPK , and siid that the
only d fSanlty with thecrcWnwns in
the rejection evidence. HH quoted
further from short hand reports pub
lished in the newspaper- , which he
claimed indicated plainly the unlawful
aims and se jtioui mcanaaniployedby
the league. He was particularly severe
on ISriMinanand Parnell.
There wre eevaral attempts at
hisinf : winch were promptly ? up-
prepaLd by tno court nfficors , other-
w'se the ba > t of oraer prevai'ed.
Tlw ap-tch of the attorney general
will prubibly nut be concluded
* dj .urnment . to d y. It is not con-
aid .rdd a powerful flea.
Special Dispatch to itio Bee.
DUBLIN , DocamWr 294p. . m A
aeriuiH collimsm occurred last night
between the soldiers of the British
army stationed at Wiwtport , Myo
cnunty , and the civilians ot that place.
In the affray many of the people Were
wounded. T e raihtry , with
fixed bayore's , tnrrounded them ,
aud eretued gi7ea $ excitement -
ment among the populace. As
aoon aa the news of tha affir reached
Castloton , which is ten miles north-
c.ut of Wastport , the dragoons sta
tioned there were ordered to saddle
their horatc and ba ready for any
SiMClHl Dlsp&tcb to 'Jhc Ht&
LOUD S Decem'ier ' 29. The French
ironclad ' RiehuHen , " wnilo Ijingat
Toulon , took tire and sunk this morn
ing. The "Riche'icn" belonged to the
marMtin.o t jvisin of T-nlou r.d car-
ritd tin gun ? ; had an firmer 8i incn-ui
thick at tha wr er line and was about
8 000 toiid. Many of the crew were
ii-j jred in the fire , but no lives were
rt-p'jrted lost.
Special Dispatch to Ibo Bee.
DDBLIX , December 30 1 a. m.
In ihe a'B trwl , iba attorney-general , ,
cfntinning h -ntroductoty ad-Ires ou (
behalf of the crown , critic zed thpob- {
ji > ct of the land leacu ? . and in illustration -
tration of hia remarks quoted from ,
speeches of Mosr * . Parnull aud Dil
lon. He alHO refer'-od to the liberal-
ify will which American friends of
the land Iciguu h. d aunpliod funds to
eu.iVila it t > carry its object. Ho fur
ther said that the object of the pros-
ccuuon in bringing the travererg to
trial was to suppress a species of tyr
anny which overwhelmed both rich
and poor ? which dofid law , and had
reduced Ireland to a state of anarclty.
The attorney-general's voice was very
weak , and his speech wa not as cfljc-
tivo as was expected. When the
court adjourned the cr wds which
were waiting outside cheered I'aruell
nnd the other defendants , but public
interest in the czio seems to be dimin
ishing. Very little or nothing of a
dramatic ch.iracter has thus far oc
curred in connection with it.
Spael&l lUr-iich to The Eo < r.
LONDON , December SO 10 p. m.
George EHot , the authoress , wa
buried to-dty in Highgate cemetery.
There w a a jjrent atsstnblage of liter
ary men. The weather wus wet.
GOWA > 'S succrss.
Special D jp..tch lo The D'e.
LOSDOK , Decembar 50 1 a. m.
It ia now ceserted by Mr. Gowan's
friends tha * the meeting of the sr are-
holders of the Rsding reid Thursday
waia grea' f.nrc'ss , unanimity in
favor of Mr Gowan prevailing
throughout Mr. Gowau'd time has
been fo a very j.reat ixtent occupied
in receivicc and pfy\i \ > K " ci-il viaitir.
Tne-day n'ghtilr. ' John Hen-y Bales-
tore , member rfpailumont for Dav-
or.pirt , and form rly member of the
famous banking oouso of Jay Cook ,
.McCnllougli & Co. , and later of tl.o
reorganized firm of McCullf.Hjjh &
Co. , gave a grand dinner at the con
servative cl'jb , 74 St. James ftnn : ! ,
in hcnr > r of Mr Gowcr. Mr. Uu ei-
tone is well known for h's ' go. emus
hospitality and the eff.iMO-i of his per-
doii'il rninnera , but en th'S occa-i < > n
thesn traits in his character show fc-rth
masi coti'picuously. TJe b rq et
was a notable en. brilliant enccess.
There were f > .r y cuaits , with the
principal bankers , merchants , editors
J2j ! . .
Wholesale ami Ketall Manm
facturio ]
n p * ? v a ? p *
da V *
( Jolt ! mil Silver Watches
; i.iil-f nclry in the
Come and See Our Stock
as We Will Be Pleased
to Show Goods.
lfit' ' t Dodge , Opposite PoatoOico.
Man acturer of all ikimti of
= Summer Bologna ( Cervelat "Wursta )
a Stocia tiy. Orders promptly filled ,
= . a 17.4 Burt St. , Omaha , Neb. do23-t
Southwest corner 16th find ! Dodge.
Has lately been leased by
VTho has had years experience in the hotel and restuaurant4huai-
ness , nnd will run a flrst-clnss house.
Board by the Day or Week , with Lodging or without.
CcntnUly Located ,
; Y
All sales strictly cash , therefore we are enabled to
oiler the consumers of the weed only lirst
quality goods for their money.
Best straight lOc Cigar in the city ,
Best 3 for a quarter Cigar in the city ,
Best Straight 5a Cigar in the city ,
Detroit Em Cut a Specialty ,
Oar 80 J Pine Cnt is a good one ,
Bagley's May Flower b 8 and 16 ounce tins , .
For 40c we have bang up Smoking Tobacco ,
-VT TtlE
1417 Donff as Strert.
We are the only D a er3ia , the Celebrat9d Bagley's May Flower.
aud lawyers of the metropolis
r -presetted , besides several noli.-
& 'o rtPisns f ROM TUB "
Special awp tcb to 7hs Gee.
LOJ.-DOJT , December 20 , 10 p. m.
In the matter of the otlicial inquiry
ordered in reference to the loss of the
tr in n < 3'Bhip "Atlantic , " which left
thu West ludie-i for Portsmouth hat
summer , and vraa never afterwards
hoird of , the c Jinrnittae have report
ed tha * there \ra every reason to be
lieve that the thip WSB sound and sea
worthy wh.'ii ahe snil.d , but th-y are
nnable to state tKo cause of her loss.
' d'-onit to mention
The jominii'eo ' - ; proper
tion , how-eve- a mor > basis of con
jecture , UHW etwura storms prevailed
at the time aloii the course she would
have sailed.
Bpecia Dispatc.ica to 7ns Rat.
The examination uf an array corpo
ral , charged with drilling the men in
favor of i cuiin organization , is in
. of Limer
- before magistrates
A Constantinople dispatch says the
Turkish eq-udron at Greta has Daen
strongly reinforced'
A dispatch from Cape Town a\ya tha
Basra have opturedDiirby , and all
tho.e who refused to join the Boera
were ah'jt the shopi sacked.
The Dutch government hai offered
England its go .doffiooi in tha settle
ment of Us trouble in South Africa.
Three man liavo been arrested a :
Clonbar for complicity in the murder
of Lori Wountraorris.
M. I3hunu- * > , the French politician ,
is reported to be dying.
The government ia miking extra
ordinary military preparations in
Dublin looking to a crisis in the event
of the conviction ot Mr. Pirnellar.d
H * f fl
To Merrona SafFerers-Tho Great
European Remedy Dr. J ,
B , Simpson's Specific
UUapos'tlvecureforsperaiatorr1 ' a , Scoirul
Wcakn , ItSi-atensff and a I d'3 .resulting
from Self-Abase , < tuui Anxlo ot
Memory , I'tin- . ibo Baric or Sid' I ih ' 3
- "
i let
jrru :
523 Inizhlty &
it Tne Sf
/ edidne It
heinK tua
t&g wtr wonder
a ful ncceM.
X33 PampbleU
eu t irei . iaii. Write Iir them ai. et W
pin < nt ! w .
Price 8-eW'J1.00jia.-j > .icKweortta ! pick-
ages for J5.CO. Afldre-s a Itiers I to
j. r. snir - v uaoicisE cj > ,
> 0 * . JltfJHl 106 Ji .In it. , Buffalo , H.y.
Sold In raihak ' . F. Geo.iiBan , J. W. EtU ,
J. K. 1 A * ! rJI dr. -
East India Pile Care. The
only specific for all forms of
Piles. Ill use in foreign coun
tries for years , lately intro-
d need into America. Warranted -
ed to give instant relief and a
permanent cire guaranteed.
Soldfcyall druggists or mailed
free on receipt of price , 5 ( >
cents , foy.t ho American agents ,
Bichardson & Co. . IVhoiesale
Druggists , Saint Louis , 2Io.
gnaranteed to give immediate
relief in all cases of Billons
and Liver Complaints , Costiveness -
tiveness , Sick Headache , In-
A Safe and Pleasant Remedy for
HOARSENESS and Strengthen
ing the Lungs.
Price ozily 10 Cents.
O. CT. W J.
1317 CAS3 fcT.,01LinANEB.
tTA good jB/rtraent alirayi on hinJ."S )