Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 5

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"Wednesday Mcrning , Dec. 29. {
, lw.euibcr 3Hb.
Members of tbo Union Catholic
'Library ' ,
dra'mV oiTihe maccrn 'tape BfinK
vlrid picture of KiA * nl Poor In
Englfh LU - * cry
AdBtelen. BOeenta ; .H ff.rS'"n.JhtJ'
> , Friday t S p. 5
Fatemm cells coal
Hok Frederick , Leading Hatter , larg ,
ejtst-ck and lowest prices. 23-tf
Bird cages at the 9c store.
See Polack's advertisement.
Holiday Goods at Kuhn's.
Celluloi J and Diatite Sets at Saxe'a.
Celluloid SetsatKuhn's , druggist.
Warm winter caps cheap , Frederick'f.
-Holiday preeetts atfcSaxe's , druggist'
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewe >
Block. > 2G-tf
Bra , Crdghton
Twenty per ceatloS. See large adv.
third page.
Countv court will convene next M a
day for the January term.
The "Metamora , " the TJ. P. ferry car
baa gone to the shops for repair * .
QI jre fitting Pattern sat Bushman's. tf
Christmas concert at the City Mission
Cheapest warm cai B , at FrederbVp.
For 1 ands , Lots Houses an ! Farms ,
o jli'overJBerals * new column on first paie.
The U. P. twin fromlthe west , yes-
terJay , was two Lours late.
Head Cmick-hanlc'g Great Barga'ri
fo- this week. See ( bird pafee ]
It is not too cold for the bors to Litih
ta ir sleds to pasting vehicles and win a
Th ? remains "of Emil Hoya vere for-
\vRrdel to Milwaukae yetlcrday by
telsgrapliic orders frors Iris friends.
Lots , Farmi" , House ) tnd Lands. Lcok
over Bonus' view column ot bargains on lit
Down go the prices , Caps , Frederick' ! .
In the polbe court yesterday sever-
unimportant \ cases wera disposed of ac
cording to their respective cements.
Council Bluffs .will lose prestige with
the loss of the title of Seventh ward of
Ouiiha , but it may come in as the eighth.
Incipient fires were reported Sunday
cvanine in two different locality. Too
in ich caution cannot bo observed at this
Fifty-two thousand hou hiva been
k .led by two firms in this city , the present
BJKOU , for whuh over half a million dollar
lar , have been paid out.
The next Vcata Chapter party will
tiOco place at Masonic Hall this eve
niug , and not last evening [ as announced ,
throtuh a misunderstanding , in the mrrn
n ; papery.
There will ba a meet ng of the citizens
i ths Sixth Warl at Xo. 1 engine IIOLEO
this oroniug at 7:30 , to inaugurate a move
ment for the division of ths ward. All in-
lerebted are requested to attend.
Warm saj-s ! warm caps ! Frederick's.
Tra'ns were all lateTu sday on account
< > f the stonn , which extcn Is both cast and
w t. The pcol lines * trains came in two
h i a late cah , and the west bound 17. P.
tnsk.l train was over * an hour late. Freight
train ) are for the most part six tc eight
hours late.
Thi Sheriff of Clay county , came in
f o ji D Moities Monday with n pr'toner
, Inre 1 with stealing n g ild watch and at
tempting t > Ji po e of it. It is the same
wVch mentioned by THE BEE recently ,
which WA engraved and gaVe the trader
Rway. Tne llolel de Guy was headquar
ters last night for tho. prisoner , who left
with his guard for Clay Centre this morn
Ertrn Select 36
Standards 25
Modimns 20
Every can rjuarantocd
27-2. LTTTLK &
Tne Sale of Seats.
Notwithstanding the inclement
weather of yesterday , which de
terred m < my people frcm going abroad , t
rnvo upon urgent business , the sale of
MRprved seats for "Waiting for the
Voidict , " at Max Meyer's , was
oven raoro encouraging than
the hopeful management had expected.
Uy nightfall , the greater number of
the best suat3 in the parquetto will
hvo been scld. Those who have pur-
chas id tickets , should not defer beyond
end to morrow , having them marked
for reserved seats. This cinbadoro
without extra cost , at Mx Meyer's.
Turner H 1I , Saturday , December 25.
Tickets frr tale at Jacobs' Clothing
s'ore , Farnham etrcct , 1120.
Shoes only SL50 , at Kullriode' * ,
Dou lxs ttr ot , near 13th.
Tne Seventh Ward Movement.
A. prelimin .ry meeting of a few hun-
dra 1 citizens of the sixth ward will ba
hall at No. 1 engine house to-night ,
to consider the propriety of.and take
the first stops for the division of tha
sixth wiri , and the creation of anoth
er ward iu tha north part of the city.
All those interested , either favorinc ;
or o iposin ; this action , are invited to
attend. Tno meeting commences at
7:3D : w'clock. THE COMMITTEE.
A very GOOD QUALITY of wo-
nwn'a WARM shoes , for § 1.25 , at
Fu'lreidV , DoujUs street , neir 13h.
Two "shiners" were sunning them-
Fi-lves on t'o pla'form .U tno depot
upon the arrival of tlo : > -rHnd train ,
when one of th m n > iic'ng the initul
Istters "P. P. 0. , " 0,1 , a Pull-nan Pal-
ice OAF , remarked to the other , "Sr ,
Skinney , What dees them P. P. C.
letters mean ? " Second Shiner "Why ,
you fool , that's ono of French's ad-
vcrrieementa. It sUiids for Patent off
Pnire Oindlors , them things what they 1st
builds fires with theie cold morning'r ,
nud they ari jmt oH n'tv. . you be ; . " ih
The First Grand Prize M&squerac'e Isft
rji l will ba given by the Omaha Ger ftti
man Ladies' Society , on Februaty
5h , 1830 , at Brandt's Turner HalL
18-evy est-tf
Closing Festivities in Honor
of the Children's
Patron Saint.
Hymeneal Paragraphs of the
Christmas celebrations at St. Bar
nabas aud St. Mark's churches took
p'acaMondav evening.and last evening
theMissun concerts | cosed ! tha list
of festivals EO fur as announced.
The extremely inclement weather
did not prevent this ckurch being
filled at an early hourin the evening by
the Sunday school children and their
frisnds. Crosses and emblems con
structed of the usual material , evergreens -
cnurch handsomely
greens , adorned the
somely , and it was brilliantly illumi
nated for the occasion. After the'
singing of carols by the children ,
and other opening exercises , addresses
were made by Bishop Clarkson , Rav.
James Paterson and Rev. Dr.
McNamara of Fremont. The Christ
mas tree was then lighted and gifts
distributed by the rector. Cakes
and candy were aho bountifully sup
plied , and after a delightful evening
the services closed with the Doxol-
Here , too , there was a large con-
co'irse of children , teachers and par
ents , and the exercises were of a most
mtcrestingcharacter. ] Rev. Mr. Dohcr-
ty , rector of Brownell hall , delivered
an interesting address , and after the
Ringing of the Cirol , "Mortals
Awake , " Ihe Christens gifts were dis
tribated from a beautiful Christmas
irce. The evening closed rith re-
matks and prayer by the paitor , Rev.
Mr. Williams , nnd the Hinging of the
recessional , "Onward Christian Sol
diers. " Tne singing of the choir
throughout , was excellent , thanks to
tha leadership of Mr. It. R. Ringwalt.
Mi Minnie Hall presided at tha or-
Lnsl night the SansCeremonie Club
gave a party at Standard Hall , and
to-night , at the same place ,
the Standard Club has iti regular bi
weakly party. On Thursday evening
the full dress reception of the Pleas
ant Hours Club will taka place at Ma
sonic i all.
In addition to the several weddings
already reported , there nra others to
tike place before the holiday season
closes. One , on Now Year's cveuin ,
Will see a very pretty and popular
young hdy of North Omaha led to the
altar by a well known young business
man of this city.
Mr. W. L Vark , of North Plalte ,
conductor , Union Pacific railway ,
mountain division , in in town , with
his bnde. Ho wai married at North
Plattu on Christmas eve to Mies
Laura B. Dill , and they have cnme to
Omaha on a wedding trip , during
which they are making soma house
keeping purchases. They will remain
in town a day or two , stopping at the
Metropolitan lintel.
Mies Gertio R. Ringwalt , the little
daughter of JMr. i ud Mrs. R. R
llin walt , entertained a number of
her friends most hospitably Monday
at the paternal mansion , on ISth
street. Among tha guests present w.n
SdiiU Cluua himself , who left with
each guest n valuable souvenir ol hi *
call. Amour , the favored little folke
present wore : Mies Nellie Touzilln ,
Mi a Mem Woolworth , Mies Mary
Poppleton , Mtes Sadie Hambelton ,
M GMary Uambletnn , Miaa Taddio
Balch , Miss Helen Millard , Miss Fannie -
nio Burns , Miss Kittie Slebkins , Miss
Nellie Bennett , Miss Katie Pritchetr ,
Miss Katie Havens , Miss Ethel Clapp ,
Master * Horace S'ebbins , Jay lioyd ,
Sim Caldwell , Rilph Richardson ,
Willie Burns , Fred. Schneider , Fred ,
nnd Georae Thrall , Nathan Shelton ,
Jr , Clark and George Powell , Ralph
niid Cail Conntll , Asi Shiverick.
If you WAnt tha snow cleaned off
your walks do not forgot to call at the
O. B. Rooms , as wo are ready and
willing to work. Good bora con-
s'antly on band.
A very GOOD QUALITY of wo
man's WARS ! shoes , for SL25 , at
Fullreld's , Douglas street , near 13th.
DON'T FOiiQEr the concert of the
little Mission school children TO-NIGHT
at the BAPTIST Cutmcn. If the
wjither is cold the room willba warm
and you will rinka their little hearts
warm by your presence. They have
been industrious in preparation for to-
nijht. Remember , como promptly at
7:30. Admission only 25 cents , and
in this connection if you can't como
to-night do the next best thing send
HOMO victuals for their Christmas din
ner TD-Monuow UKFOUE NOON to the
Mission , on Tenth street. You will .
be well repaid to witness their enjoy
ment of a good dinner.
A very GOOD QUALITY of wo-
raen'aVARit ahoes , for $1.25 , at T
Fullreid's , DougHs slroat , near 13th. n
The Freshest and Nicest line of
goods in town at
27-2t 143 Douglas St.
There will ba a Ball at Turner Hall
Friday evening for the benefit of the
Swedish Library association. d2S-3t
Damaged hats given away , atNin -
dell & Krell'e , one door west of BEE
office. '
Shoes only $1.50 , at Fullriede'a , Doug
las street , ner.r Thirteenth.
Damaged hats given away , at Nin-
dell & K roll's , one doer west of BEE
office. T
Oranges and Freah Oysters , lizard's *
Strayed om 1517 Dodge street ,
one dapple grey horse. A liberal re
ward will bo pud for the return of the
same to Joe & Sara. 23-tf si
Omans JiEeaercbor. ,
The grand annual "Pretzel Bill" of
this Singing Society ( German ) comes
next Saturday evening , Januray
, 1S81 , at Brandt's Turner Hall.
Two magnificent silver prizss on ex
hibition at John Baumer's Jewelry
Store will be given aray , to the
fortunate receivers of the pretzel con
taining winning lots.
The best Pruits and Candies st Tiz- '
ard'fl Palace. el
We take special pleasure in offering
a small lot of perhaps the finest , ( as n
whole ) Teas bought for the retail
trade of Omaha , packed especially for
us by a reliable and old importing
hoae of New York city , and they are
each one of VB kind the very best in
their large stock. Wo have put our
own name on these and will guaran
tee every pound In it , and will return
Its full coat if not entirdy satisfactory.
They are put up in 3 , 4 and 5 pound
caddiea expressly for tlia finest family
trade. Some of the caddies are in
themselves beautiful , and yet not
adding but a trifle comparatively to
the cost , bscausa of Chineao and Jap
anese manufacture , inlaid colors and
lacquered work. The lot comprises
Finest EnglishBreakfastor Sonchonc ,
" Formosa Oolong ,
" Moyune Gunpowder ,
11 Moynne Young Hyson ,
" Natural Leaf Japan ,
" Basket-fired Uncolored Japan.
We shall bo pleased to show the
goods whether desiring to purchase or
not. They are handsome holiday pres
ents of a practical klud.
Vt-ry respectfully ,
Wii. FLEMING & Co. ,
144 Douglas street.
A Card.
Allow me , through the columns of
your p psr , to return our thanks to
our employer , James B. Boyd , whoso
magnanimity has equaled , if not ex
ceeded , that of any other citizen in
our midst. His generous qualities
have time and again become the tub-
ject of much favorable comment In
this , community , but his action on
Chiistmns eve is no less striking
than many former ones , for
en that occasion he purchased
a sufficient number of turkeys to pre
sent each and everyone of hsa em
ployes with an elegant turkey. Now
wa volunteer to say that neither Mr.
Boyd , nor any other individual who
was not a personal observer , could
conceive the jubilant feelings of his
men when they were agreeably sur
prised in his market room by being
presented with a fine largo turkey.
But it is no less difficult to conceive
the feelings of many little ones at tbo
Chrhtnias table eulogizing the clever
action of James E. Bofd.
Wo ask you , Mr. Boyd , to accept
our thanks in return for your Christmas - '
mas gift , and to cross liande
with us in wishing you many
hnppy dayj in the future , and that
whatever business you tuny be en
gaged in may it prove more profitable
than the wiKlest dreams of your or
our imagination can conceive.
CMAUA , December 28 , 1830.
Whipple , McMillen & Co. , the jew
elers , Creightou block , will receive by
express to-murow , a largo and well
selected stock of New Year's preai.t-t ,
coiuiithiti. . ' naiv and beautiful ; elegant
designs , latest style ? , etc. etc. Call
nnd examine this tplendid stock be-
fora nidkiug your purchases.
General Ticket Office Burlington nnd
Missouri River Railroad in Nebras
O.MAIIA , Dec. 24,1880.
Coramaircii'g Tmutry 1st , 1881 ,
No Stop-Oror
will bo allowed -n Local Tickets.
Pasjen era s osJd therefore buy
tickets only to such points as they do-
ciro to stop at first.
General Ticket Agent.
Omaha Chapter meets this ( Tues
day ) evening In annual convocation
for the installation of its office-bearers ,
priate decorations for New Year's
"Rcffiring" are the lovely Everlasting
Flower Goods &n& PAMPAS PLUMES , at
Evan's. 28-4
A very GOOD QUALITY of wo-
men's WARM shoes , for 51.25 , at
Fullreid's , Douglas street , ner 13th ,
Christmas presents given away at
the , Boston CaahDry Goods Store,10th
aud Joces , to all who purchase over
ono dollars worth , a piece of jewelry
will be given.
We offer also these great bargains :
503 Silk nd Wool Brocades for 25c.
50s Cashmeres for 25c.
30j Wonted Dress Goods for 15c.
An immeneo variety of
20s Linen Handkerchiefs fcr lOc.
253 Linen Hemstitch Handker
chiefs for 153.
35s Linen HemstitchHandkerchlefs
for 20c.
§ 2 Trimmed Hats for 51.
S3 Trimmed Hats for SI. 50.
And a splendid line of Christmas
Presents of every description at very
moderate prices.
Sols agonta in Omaha for the
Cream Oitmeal Sosp ,
which has bad such a run all over the
east , 10 cents a box of three cakes.
Messrs. Nindel & Krello have purchased -
chased the eutire stock of the firm of
0. B. De Great & Co. , which they
now offer for sale st n very low price.
Five dollar hat sold for three dollars ,
and other goods in proportion. Any
one desiring a good bargain sho-ild
not fail to call and examine our stock.
Faruham Street , next door to BEE
Just received at THE BEE Job
Rooms the nicest line of diminutive
Paper and Envelopes and Cards , suitable
able- for Children's Birthday Parties.
Call and sso them.
Born and Died.
In this city , on Dacember 27th , a
son and daughter , were born to Chris
tina and Peter Da Lagarde. The
daughter died the same day and the
son on the 28ih , to day.
Swedish papera please copy.
For Now Year's evergreens for dec
orations , go to Tizard'a Palace.
For Sale.
The atab'e and
aheds formerly occu
pied by J mea Stephenson , on he
corner of 10th and Harney , will bo
old cheap. Inquire at new brick
stable , opposite. 28 3t
Installation of Officers for the
Masonic Lodges -in"
this City.
An Elegant Present to the
Master of St. John's Lodge.
Monday the three Masonic lodges
of this city met at the lodge room in
Masonic hall to install their officers
elected and appointed for the ensuing
year. Past Master Allen w s chosen
to act as grand master and Major
Gustavns Stevenson to act as grand
marshal ,
There was a large attendance and
the installation ceremonies were , as
usual , very impressive. The masters
installed were : John H. Butler , of
Capital Lodge No. 3 ; Gastavus Ander
son , of Covert Lodge No. 11 , and
James B. Bruner , of St. John's
Lodge No. 23. The latter
is re-elected for a third term and the
occasion was chosen for an appropriate
recognition of his faithful services
and their appreciation by the craft.
When ell the officers had been Installed -
stalled , Major Stevenson , past master
of St. John's Lodgestopped forward ,
and in a very neat and appropriate
speech presented Mr. Bruner with a
magnificent gold-headed cane , from
the members of his lodge. The cane
is from Max Meyer & Co.'s , and is
one of the most beautiful articles of
the kind they have ever had in stock.
The head is massive and beautifully
chased , while the stall' in , as usual , of
ebony. It is engraved on both sides ,
as follows : On one side , "St , Jchn'e
Day , December 27th , 1880 ; " on tno
reverse , "Presented to J. B. Bruner ,
W. M. , St. John's Lodge , No. 25 , A.
F. < A. M. , by his brethren , as a token -
ken of thtir esteem and regard. "
Mr. Bruuer , although taken by sur
prise , was equal to the occasion , and
responded iu a happy manner , allod-
ing to the past and present condition
of the lodge. It is now entirely ont
of debt and nourishing financially and
Speeches were made by other pist
masters present , and at a late hour the
lodge closed.
Omaha Chapter , No. 1 , Royal
Arch Masons , meets to-night to install
her officers elect.
At the regular meeting of St. John's
lodge , for December , a vote of thanks
was pissed to THE BEE , Republican
and Herald , for favors and cjurieaiss
extended during the pas year. }
The time for holding the next party
of the Vesta Chapter series , has been
changed to Wednesday , Dec. 29th , of
which all interested will please tnke
Capitol lodge is novr entering upon
its twenty-fifth year of existence , and
is in a very flourishing condition.
If your CLOJK or WATCH needs
repairing tike it to EDHOLM &
E RIOKSON'S , the jewelersFifteenth
street , opposite the Postoffice.
Shoes only 81.50 , at Fullriede's ,
Douglas street , near 13th.
See Cruickshank'a new advertise-
mem for Holiday Goods , on third
A Fine line of samples of Now
Year Cards at TUE B.n Job Room.J
Call in time and leave yoor orders.
Beautiful Celluloid sots , tnorrocco
covered and lined with richly linked
silk and eaihi , all shapes and tires at
C. F. Goodman's 16th street drag
store , corner Capital Avenue. tf
Datraged hats given away , at Nin
del & Kroll's , one door west of BEE
office. .
For Sale Six-horao power Baxter
engine end boiler , in good repair.
Apply at BEK officn. no4tf
ful r.nd appropriate , and at prices to
suit all tastes and pockets , at Evans' ,
14th and Dodge streets. d28-4t.
A Mysterious Shot and the
Manner it Which it was
A daughter of Mr. John Evans ,
proprietor of the grocery and seed
store , Odd Fellows block , found , iu
ono of the upper rooms of his resi
dence , yesterday , a battered piece
of metal which the young lady took to
her father , to know what it was.
Mr. Evans , on examining it , found
what proved to be a battered piece of
lead , with ono end highly polished and
resembling a smull copper or' brass
rivet , Upon close examination it was
found that the leaden material had
once been a slug or bullet , such us are
j used in brass cartridges , and about
the size of a " 32-cillibre long. "
Mr. Evans at once proceeded to the
room where the bullet was found , and
soon discovered a small hole in ono of
the window p nes , which was of extra
double thick glass. The hole was
something over one quarter of an inch
in diameter ; the glass being shivered
and cracked for the distance of about
an inch in every direction.
When the ahot was fired , or who
fired it , is a mystery which will likely
never be explained , but in all proba
bility it was an accidental shot fired
by some carelo/s drunken man.
Mr. Evans is ciuUe thankful that
there was no more damage done , or
that none of the family were injured.
i i
Oder cases , oder cases , beautiful
designs , pocket books , card caaes and
a spfendid line of holiday presents at
C. F. Goodman's 16th street drug
store. tf
Ladles' and gents' fur goodsjjf every - '
ery description at the Fur Manufactory
tory , opposite postoffic3 , Omaha. All
goods are warranted.
Gents' tine Furnishing Goods , at
the Omaha Shirt Factory. dlStf a
S , P. MORSE & 00.
As we are convinced that we have
the largest and cheapest stock of First
Quality Kid Gloves ever shown in
Omaha , we call especial attention
to the following makes , of which wo
have the exclusive sale hero. Every
glove sold by Us is sold with the dis
linct understanding that new gloves
will be given in exchange for all that
break In putting on for the first time :
buttons , § 1.00.
"Pieasant Hours" Kid , 4 buttons ,
§ 1.25.
"Pleasant Hours" Kid , 6 buttons ,
Courvoisier Undressed Dark and
Party Colors.
Conrvoisier First Quality Kid , 3
and 4 buttons , nil shades.
Foster Kid , C hooks , § 1.50.
Foster Kid , ] 0 hooks , § 1.75.
Riverside Kid , 11 hooks , ? 2 00.
Riverside Kid , 15 hooks , $2.25.
S. P. MORSE & Co.
If yonr CLOCK , or WATCH needs
rapn'rint ' ; t ko it to EDHOLM &
EIlIi'KSOX'S.thcjewelers ifteenth
street , opposite the Poatoffice.
Shoes only § 160 , at Fullriedo's ,
Douglas street , near 13th.
Valencia Oranges , Florida Oranges ,
27-2t LIXH.E & WILLIAMS' .
J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce to
his friends and old customers that he
may be found , as heretofore , at 1314
Farnham street , where ho will be glad
to show them the best selected stock
of Watches. Clocks , JewelrySpectacles
and Silverware at prices that defy
competition. tf
Omaha .Said to be Located
Over a Mine of Tnem.
The Fuel Famine About Over
The recimt return of severe cold
weather brings up again the question
of the fuel famine , and we are glad to
say that a conversation with onr deal
ers has revealed ilia fact that the
scarcity cfc l is not cniy over , but
that it wa ? becoming almost a drug in
the market before the close of the last
warm spell. This h in accordance
with the prediction of General Man
ager Potter , of the 0. , B. & Q , wheat
at the time of greatest jilarm said that
a month or six weeks at the outside
would relieve the pressure.
The recent discovery of coal on the
opposite side of the river has renewed
the story of a vein of coal in this
city. It will be remembered that
during the process of digging the
Union Pacific artesian well there was
at ono time quite a sensation on the
reported discovery of coal , which
subsided when it was announced that
the well had been " "
"salted. A gen
tleman interested in such matters ,
and whose statements are believed to
ba perfectly reliable , Was re- j
cently Interviewed on the subject
aud , said it was no secret to him
thia secMon of the country is rich
with if coal depoeita. "I have known it
for f several years , " ho said.
"What knowledge do you refer to ?
asked the reporter. "I will tell you , "
. ho said , nod then he continued : ' 'Do
you remember that the Union Pacific
company put down an artesian well in
Omiha a couple of years ago ? "
Wo said we remembered it well ,
and then he proceeded : "Well , a
cousin of mine worked on that well.
He told mo that at ihe depth of 150
feet a seven foot vein of coal was dis
covered , and that as scon as the fact
was made known to the officials of the
road the men engaged in sinking the
well were paid to keep the matter a
secret. My couain , however , told me
about it , and I have kept the secret
until now. "
"I tell you this , " aaid our inform
ant , "to show you that the vein which
j has been etruck by Mr. Goise , in
Council Bluffs , is nfty feet deeper
than the one struck in Omaha. "
"What object h-ul theU. P. people
in keeping the discovery a sscret ] "
asked thu reporter.
"Tha object is thia , " ho answered :
' The company has large coal mines
of their own out rreet and they alee
moke largo sums of money in hauling
this coal to market , and that's why
thay desired to keep the new discov
ery from the people. "
"You think there can ho no mistake
about this matter , do you ? "
"Not the least in the world , " he
answered ; and then he continued , "I
have never told this to any one except
to Mr. Geise , and I told him only to
induce him to try the experiment of
sinking a well , and now that he has
discovered coal , the Union Pacific
company cannot be becefitted by Ion-
g-r w-thholdingthe secret of their dis
covery from the public. "
Elegant vases tastily ornamented ,
beautifully colored , latest styles ,
large variety , atC. F. Goodman's 16th
street drag store. tf
Now You Need Bunco's Shoes.
Death of Mr. William Stephens.
The news of the death of Mr.
William Stephens , late of the firm of
Stephens & Wilcox , this city , reached
his frienda in Omaha Monday.
Mr. Stephens had gone to visit his
father in Middle , Grove , Missouri , in
the hope that the change
would benefit him , but ho
grew gradually worse until
Sunday evening last when he expired.
The deceased was born in Missouri in
1834 and came to Omaha in 1805 ,
where he has been ever since engaged
in business. In his business as well
as his * social relations
Mr. Stephens inspired those
with whom ho iras brought in contact ,
with confidence in his integrity , and
respect and esteem for his many ad
mirable qualities of mind and heart.
In public enterprise ho was evnr in the
front rank , [ and he leaves many sub
stantial monuments to the value of bis
progressive views and determined ef
forts in'behalf of the city's interests.
The deceased leaves surviving him
wife sud fcur sons , with whom the
friends of the lost one will sympathize
deeply in their bereavement. The
remains will bo brought to this city
for interment , and trill bebniled from
the Christian ch/irch , of which he was
( Tiffanys of the West. )
Have completed tlit'ir pre
parations for the approaching
preaching Holidays , and
suggest that an early ex
amination oi % their stock
will enable purchasers to
secure the choicest selec
tions , and escape the
crowds unavoidable later
iu the month.
. Until Christmas , the establishment
tablishment- will he kept
open in the evenings.
NOTICE Advertisement * lo L t For SiJo'
Lett. Found , Wantj , Eo rdnz ! ftc. , will be Inserted -
sorted In those columns oacs for TKN CENTS
per Una ; each rob eqnentln8 rtlonFIVE CESTS
par Una. The first Insertion never less than
TO LOAN At 8 per cent mtei
cat , n wimaot 2 < K Oand up
wards for 1 to 5 years' time on first classituprov
ed city and farm property. Apply at BKlIlS
Real KsUtoaiid Loan Agency , 15lb nnd Duiwbg
Btt. -27Si : . Uf
flJSr 10 LOAN C&ll tt Law Cfieo
M1 D. L 7BOfASKoomP.C-ieht < ti RioiV
TO I.OAW ill * K strict.
MONBY Edwvdn Loan Apcn.-i i > ov-33-i'
WANTED A fill to wor-J in dii'lnj room.
Applv P.antets Uoute , corner OoJsaaiiil
ICthSti. 1238
A worcan cook at the Gro < n
WANTED , Tenth St. . 122-U
> .TED A dleh washer at the OccMental
Hotel 121-tf
-TTTAXTED In small family a girl to do hou
Y V work , No. 334 Douglas St , between 17th
and i8th. 12U-2J
WASTED TTO girls immediately , at the
Dorm Hcu o , opposite TUB EEB office
WASTED Nice furnished room ith bo rd ,
by tire y < u-iir centlemeii. Good refer
ences. Addrasa K. , thla office. JIMS
WANTED- A ! coed gill , 1510 Ufarncy Elrect.
ll-29 (
VTTANTED Cook at the PacIHc" House man
V V or womdn. 5-23
\ \TANTED deed phi for K ner.-i ! housjworfe.
Y V Enq jiro at ticket cfll'-e , U. P , lit ft. j
WANTED Coo' < and kitcheu help , a' the
Pacific Dou e. 9(1 ( 23
WAiT3D An experienced butcher wants
to etirt a mcatnarket in some small west
crn 'own , where thera in nons , or whore ono is
ue do ; uo'ild take a reliable partner. Adilro s
t. K. Webb , Jicks u , D lcoU Co. , Neb. 9J-tf
_ peed Innse-keepcr , 1109 Fjrn
WANTEnA , up taiH. 32-tf
A TED Employment f"r horse and wacon.
tA E. A. UAKR-Sj , 10th and Nicho'as ' its.
Cfi t
-TT7-ANTED-A1I Omalu Inow that the
V > Iloyilt. . Jonn is the hiso of Sowing
Machine * , office on 1-th St. SlfMf
FOK" RENT FurzhteJ nxmj , Imrcl ,
east sice 20th , bet. Chicigo and Caia Sis.
RE'ST A lite furnished front room ,
flrut fljor , bt con ij Dnml 13th streets for
| Inquiruat lllSHotr.rd St. 107-t
FO , " . FKNT Brick ilwcllinz next to tor. 11th
and P-icifit : . Enqu.ri ! Ceo. H. 1'ctcrs-ni , 804
10th St. IC4-tf
FOR KENT House in Sh-ill's 2nd addition ,
S 5 per month. > V. SIMEKAL , T < m 6 ,
Croiahton li'ock. ' SOi-tf
FOR RENT A furniaheil , si.uth iont room.
Inquire at No 1012 t'arnham St l8tf
FOR KEXT Cottaje , on tn ami Pine Ntg. ,
now house , eight roomSjOiifSda'd fa Sta
Enquire J. P. Koo , S. E. Cor. lith and Farn-
ham. D98-tf
FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms over Mer
chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Dodae streets. SSS-tf
fan SALE.
_ LJ ovcrBKMIa'newcolamn of bargains on let
and the besiepr n : wheat flour , bran , chop
feed , E ljd h\v , hominy. ir ham flmr , corn
meal , ic , at BOTTOM PRICES , Sejd orders to
Welsharts & Uro. , 8th and Farnhim stieet" . City
Ml la- 11/-2J.
1 over 11EM1S' new column ol barealns on la
THOU SALE A FAROAIN A but din ? wi h
JJ fa'oon fixtures , furniture and - lockon 1'Jth '
bt. , opposicetho U.P tlcpjt.forf ale very ctr p.
Or the fixtures , furniture and fetock nil bo s ! d
and building rented. Inquire of El ) . K' EISs
MAN. 70-tf
JJ10KSALK li _ . Cis house and urtKiry ttuck ,
JJ Restaurant aitachcd. Addrfsi K. Chifiln ,
Aurora , Neb. < j.m
"TTtORALE Iwo close carriages , at A. J
JL1 Simpeon's. O'l-tf '
K SALR Cottonwoua lumucr of ail si/e , t
S.SIxtePnth.8' . 51fl-t
Bunch of kevs. imiuire at tm
office. no-tf
Barirains in Houses , Lots , Farms an
Lands , in his now column on 1st page
T7STR YNOTI E-Taken up De.eml.crOtb . ,
Hi IS'O , in Wist Onaha , RetHk' * addtt en ,
one rtd cow , one roan and while CHW and on
roan aud Hh.tocii ; LOlvIS LARSC1I.
OP On Fr'd4y , December 2 , IS'O
L on-rel brindlscow. Jleuium t ze. Own
cr can have tamj by pruin-r property and pay
iinrcliart3 JO N liAGLM ,
3 miles H. W rom Omiha.'Drextl'c School Dla'
23-e nuc-St
Absolutely Pure ,
from Grape Crcini Tartar. No othtr
preparation makes such lUht , fliky hot bre a ? ,
or luxurious pwtrj. Can be eilcn hy dvtpe.tka
witnont fear of the ill ? resulting from he in'
bold onlv in cans br I | Orocerj.
( roraerly of Olsh a Jscobi )
No. H17 F rnh m St. . OM Stand of Jscob OIs
Any on bavin ; dead animals I w'll remove
them free of chtrge. ICJTC or'erj toutheast
corner of Uimey and Hth St. , seconi door.
$2T9$5P 8AOBE ,
20,000 Acres
6 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
LonglTime and
Low Interest.
Large tracts suitable fcr
Colonies in all the hest
Counties in the State ,
80,000 acres scattered
through Iowa.
A large number of Improved
Farms in Nebraska , many 01
them near Omaha , $12 to $40
per acre ,
An Immense List ot
Consisting of Elegant Resi
dences from $3,000 xo $20-
000. Many vacant lots in
the additions fr Omaha.
Hundreds of lo * scattered
through the City Houses and
Lots , Business Houses and
Lots , and al1 idnds of City
Real Estate.
We also have
on Improved Farms in Doug
las County , on 5 years time , at
10 percent , interest to all who
show good titles.
Slaps for Sonslas and Sarpy
Comities for sale ,
4 beautiful lots fronting toath la IIMC &
Seldcn'sidd. fort 0 h&M cash.
Houe and lot , IMd and Didso 9 3,000
Hou'c nnd lot near Ermnell Hall. . 2,100
Tire notr houses tnd full lot , rents for
31 = 0 per \ car 4,000
New brick house , 21x23,1J story , nithS
lots 2ono
Hoa eacdlot Wcnsttrtt 1,500
Larrebou-e and corner lot 6,000
Lareuliouse full lot , California st 4,000
Residence and 4 full lots , St. Mary's ave. . 5.CCO
Hon c and small lot , south of depot. . . . 0jU
Hunseand sniill lotfouth of depot. . . . CJD
Residence propeity , Kountzi and Kuth'
add 5,500
Fine rcs'denco property 10,000
House and lot , 22d ard Harney 1 00
Hon e nmt lot , Nelson's addition 2,710
House and lot Shinn's add lion ] , M > 0
KenUtnccnrul comer lot 3,0u' >
Fc'Msnco ( ca h ) 7,500
Re idc < ko 6,000
Hc-idence B.tOO
House ai.d one-half lot l.fiJC
Three homes and corner lot 7.ECO
Residence and corner lot 7,500
House and 60 feet front , ICth street 3,700
Lar < e house snd corner lot 6,500
RotWence and three lota e,5C9
Two house and corner tiro-thirds of cor
ner lot 1.7CO
Houaaand gma'l lot , Casjotreet 2ICO
Haasa anil lot , 27th near Farnham 1OC (
Brick hon c and corner lot J"CO
Small hou'e and full lot , Cumlngi st 2,30
H use and lor , 23d etreet 3,200
House and fall lot , worth { 4,000 for 5,5C3
Hne br ck reiidcnce 1,500
Erici rcsiJcnco 5,6 0
Dousa and corner lot 1,550
New two-story house and corner lot 4,500
Residence ana full lot , Farnhims ; 5 5tO
House nd one acre , 18ih street 3,000
Hou and ha'f lot , 18th street 2,200
Houteandlot , Shlnn'saddtt'oi 1ff,0
House and haTlot ] , Casj street 1,100
House and half lot. Cast Street 1,420
Residence and'wo lots , Capitol Hill. . . . 7,000
Elezant brick residence 2 full lots 16 , 00
Finest residence in Ihecfcy 16,000
Res dence property 17,000
Kesiden e property 175(0
Residence 6 , 00
HOJSO and lot , Shinn's addition l,2ffl
tlouso and lot , thinn'daddition. . . . . . . . . . 1.500
Hnn < oand < ot,2 th and Firnham J , < 00
llnusa and lot. 27th and Douglas $375
Hou-e and full lot , Izardit 1TO
New house and 1 } lot 2,200
Residence property 7 , 00
Rcsi'ence proper'y , verc fina 13,500
Houieand lot , Ilorhach'a addition 1.5TIO
Residence , F.irnham st 6OCO
Honso nd } lot 1 b'oct ' from Court
House and i lot 1 block from Court
Hou33 2,250
Hon e and comer lot 2 blocks from CourtHouse -
House , 2,400
House an Jl t , Nicholas street l.CCO
Hoose anJl acre , Glees' addition ng
Houseandlot , llih etree- QQQ
Lar e huildinand six lots , 1 nillo out. . , 4C33
Housa and lot on Davenport. 3COO
Hcu'e and 4 lot , near drpot 1,500
House and | lot , n ar dc | > ot 000
House and lot , South Avennr 1MO
I' < u e and lot , Shinn's addition 1,900
Residence , Kountze and Ruth's add 2,600
Residence property , Kountze ard Ruth's
addition S.CCO
Residence prcpertr , south part if town. . 2.5CO
House and } lot , Websttr it 2,700
Ho-ae and 5 acres at narncka 7fQ
House and lot , Arm tring'saddit'n l.CCO
Hnuse and lot , South 12 et C50
Houic and lot , Kountze and Ruth's id
ditlon 8,500
Residence and J lot 2,700
Ilomaatdlot , 16th at. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 , 09
Boggs & Hill ,
1408 Farn , St , , Omaha , tfeb.
Immense Stock for
Fine Custom-Made
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
iFor Men ,
Boys , and
Gh'Mren. ' .
Uiidcr-Wcar , Mate snd Caps ,
Trunks and Valises , at
Prices to Suit Ail.
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
Go .
' . 3C2S3C2S
toiferV-y 'sLl ' ! .H
Dealer in Hardware ,
and Tinware.
Stove Rciiiiircr , Job H'orKor am ! 3amifiic ( rcr of al
Kinds o ! ' Cans.
TciiHi and Jackson Streets.
Cigars from SI5.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 25 rcufs l > cr pound iipivunls.
Pipes from 5 cents per dozen upwards.
Send for Price List ,
m-wf MAX 3IEVEK & CO. , Omalia , Xcb.
Iron and V/agon Stock , i
.it Chicago Prices.
J209 awl 1211 Ilavney Srcef ( , Omaha.
. _ .
i.'aufic. rer uf a I k n ? of T
g * * Summer Bolo-ia ( Cerve'afc "Wnrat ) a
I3 So -a liv. Orders promptly fi-'ed. '
Sa n 17 4 Bart St. Quiabs , Neb. < l < 2o-t
Southwest corner 16fch and ] Dodge.
Has htely been leased by
Who has had years experience in ? he hotel and restuaurant bnai-
cess , and -will run a first-class boue.
Board l > y tlic Day or Week , iritii L d iu or wilhoiit.
C'cntrally Locattd.
rr. ccllra