Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Wedneaday Mcrning , Dec. 21
IHCESD&V , December 3nb.
Members of tbo "Union Cathcx
Library ,
cf tbemojlwcctsrfulandpopuhrdorc
drama , n ihe mix.crn f Ute. Beles a.
Wd ricture of RIci nl Poor n
EngUh Life Very
rchool ci
' MaUnee for
Adn'Mlon , 0 cents ;
nwa , rriday at 2 p. m. ;
Fatergon sells coaL
C. H. Fredsrict , LeadinsHatter , lai
Jt st-ck acd lowest prices. 23-tf
Bird cages at the 9c Etore.
See Polack's advertisement.
Hnliday Goods at Kuhn's.
Cellnloil and Diatite Sets at Saxe's.
Celluloid SetsatKuhn's , druggist.
"Warm winter caps cieap , Frederick'
Holiday presetts atJ.Sare'8 , druggis
\Vhipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewe
rs , Ore ighton Block. o2C-tf
Twenty per ceat oS. See large ad\
third page.
Conntr court vn\\ \ \ convene nest M a
day for the January term.
The "Metamora , " the U. P. ferry ca
haa gone to theehops for repair' .
Gbre fitting Patterns at Bushman' * . t
Christmas concert at the City Mbe'ci
Cheapest warm cat B , at Frederisl V.
For 1 lands , Lot" , Houses and Farms ,
o A'overJBemis' new column on first pa e.
The U. P. twin fromlthe west , yes-
terJay , WM two hours late.
Head Crnick'hank'g Great Barga'n
1 o" this week. See ( hird pae { ]
It is not too cold for the bey * to Litih
t J'ir sleds to p&s&ing vehicles and tvin a
Thf remains "of TImil Hoya- ere for-
wftrdei to Milwaukee "yeiterday by
ttl sgraphic orders frori his friends.
Lot * , Farm * . , House * nd Lands. Lcok
over Beraii'OPW column 01 bargains on lit
Down go the prices , Caps , Frederick's.
In the pilise court yesterday sever
al un'mportant caws were disposed of at-
cjrding to their respective cements.
Council Bluffs .will 'ose prestige with
the loss of the title of Seventh ard of
Omaha , but it may come in as the tighth.
Incipient firej were reported Sunday
cv3ninc in two different localiti-- . Too
in ich cauiijn cannot bo obsened at this
Fiftj-two thousand hojs hiva been
k led by two firms in this city , the present
8Ji < on , for whih over half a million dollar
lar , have been paid out.
The next Vesta Chapter party will
take place at Masonic Hall this e\c-
niug , and not l t cieningfas announced ,
thrjtuh a misunderstanding , in the mem
n ; papew.
There will be a meet ng of the citizens
f U Sixth Warl at Xo. 1 engine IIOLEO
this ox-ening at 7:30 , to inaugurate a ino\ -
ineatforthe dhiaion fifths ward. All in
terested are requested to attend.
Warm saj * ! warm caps ! Frederick V.
Tra ns were all lateTu sday on account
< f the storm , v , hich extcn "s both east and
v tThe pcol lines' tr-in came in two
h is late ea h , and the west bound U . P.
tna.l train was oVer nn hoar late. Freight
traini are for the most part sir tc eight
hoara late.
Thi Sheriff of Cliy county , came in
f o a D Motnei Monday with a pr toner
, lnr el with stealing a gU watch and at
tempting t di poe of it. It is the same
vrVch mentioned by THE BEE recently ,
which \va engraved and ga\'e the trader
nway. Tne Hotel de Guy was headquar
ters lat night for the prucner , who left
with liu guard for Clay Coutre this morn
Exr Select 35
Standards . . . 25
Mediums 20
Every can guirantcod
27-2. LITTLKVttLiiJts'
TAe Sale of Seats.
Notwithstanding the inclement
weather of yesterday , which de
terred miny people frcm going abroad ,
rn\o upon \irpent business , tha sale of
reserved seats for "Waiting for the
Verdict , " at Max Meyer's , was
oven more encouraging than
the hopeful management hsdexpected.
By nightfall , tha graater number of
tha best susta in tha pvquetto will
have been sld. Those who have pur- .b
chssjd tickets , should not defer beyond l n
end to morrow , having them matted 7 :
forresnved seats. This cinbsdoro
without extra con , at Mix Meyer's.
T-iraer Hull , Saturday , December 25.
Tickets f , r ealo at Jacobs' Clothing
a'ore , Farnham street , 1120. m
only SI 50 , at FullriodeV , Fi
s ttr of , near 13th.
The Seventh Ward Movement.
A preltaiin ry meeun.j of a few him-
< lra 1 cittzsns of the airth ward will bs
hall at No. 1 engine house to-night ,
to consider th propriety of.and take Fr
tha Snt steps for the division of the
sixth warJ , and the creation of anoth
er ward m the north part of the city.
All thosa interested , either favoring de
or o posin ? this action , are invitad to cffi
uttoad. Tno meeting commences at
A very GOOD QFJALITr of won -
> n > n'a WARM shoes , for $1.25 , at
Fu'lreid'e , Douglas street , netr lo.h. del
Tarn "shiners" were sunning them- Pal
rt-lves on t'o pla'fotm a.tne depot
upon the arrival of tr-o -rhnd tiain.
when ore of th m n itic ng the initul one
htters "P. P. U. , " 0.1 a Pullman Pal war
ace Cr , remarked to the other , "S y , ssm
Skinney , Wh t dees them P. P. C.
lasers meanl" Second Shiner "Why , 1
yo' Nol , that's one of French's ad- his
It elands for Patent off :
X them things what they 1st ,
T < rc
Closing Festivities in Hon
of the Children's
Patron Saint.
Hymeneal Paragraphs oft
Christmas celebrations at St. B
nabas acd St. Mark's churches tc
p'araMoadav eveningand hat even :
the iliss'u n concerts | cosed ! tha 1
of festivals eo fur as announced.
The extremely inclemsnt weati
did not prevent this church bei
filled at an early hour in the evening
the Sunday school children and thi
friends. Crosses and emblems co
atracted of the usual material , eve
greens , adorned the charch han
somely , and it was brilliantly illua
nated for the cccision. After tl
singing of carols by * he childre
and other opening exercises , address
ware made by Bishop Clarkaon , Es'
James Paterson and Rev. D
McXamara of Fremont. The Chris
mis tree was then lighted and gifl
distribute ! by the rector. Cake
and candy were also bountifully EUJ.
plied , and after a delightful evenin
the services closed with the Doxol
Here , too , there was a large con
JO'irse of children , teachers and pai
mis , and the exercises were of a mce
ntcresting'character. Rev. Mr. Doher
y , rector of Brownell hall , deliverci
in interesting address , and after thi
inging of the carol , "Mortal
Lwake , " the Christmas gifts were dis
nbuted from a beautiful Christina
ree. The evening closed trith re
aarks and prayer by thepattor , Rev
> Ir. William ! , and the sieging of thi
ecessionol , "Onward Christian Sol
lors. " Tne sinking of the choii
hroughout , vraa excellent , thanls t (
ha leadership of Mr. It R. Ringwalt
ths Minnie Hall presided at the or
Last uight the SansCercmonie Glut
; ave a party at Standard Hall , and
> -night , at the same place ,
io Standard Club has lit regular bi
eskly party. On Thursday evening
lefull dress reception of the Pleas-
it Hours Club will take place at Ma-
Dnic I all.
In addition to the several wcddintrs
ready r pirted , there ara others to
.ke place before the holiday jeason
- > S3t. One , on New Year's evenuuj ,
.11 see a very pretty and popu'ar '
mag hdy of North Omaha led to the
tar by a well known young business
an of this cT.ty.
Mr. W. L Vark , of North P'alte ,
inductor , Union Pacific railway ,
ountain division , is in town , with
s Ho wai married at North
lattc on Christmas eve to Mies
lurt r/ / . Dill , and they have cf > me to
uaha on a wedding trip , duiinj ,
lioh they are making soin J houe-
sping purchases. They will remain
town a day or two , stopping at the
atropolitan hotel.
MIBS Gertie R. Ringwalt , the little
ughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R
n walt , entertained a number of
r friends most huapiubiy Momlaj
the paternal raans'nn , on ISth
eet. Anioiie ths guests present wi
nU Clans himself , who left wi h
sh guest a vnlu blo souvenir ol hi <
11. Amonj ; the favored little folke
'Bcntuere : Mies Nellie Touzilln ,
s Mem Woolworth , Mies Marj
ppleton , Mes Sade : Hambeltcn ,
fEMary Uamblet , Miss Taddio
Ich , Mis Helen MilUrd , Miss Fan
i Burns , Misa Kiltie Slebkins , Miss
Hie Bennett , Miss Katie Pritchetr ,
ss Katie Havens , Miss Ethel Clapp ,
stera Horace S'abbins , Jay Uoyd ,
n Caldwell , Rilph Richardson ,
1 ie Borns , Frod. Schneider , Fred
I Georae Thrall , Nathan Shelton ,
, Clark and George Powell , Ralph
I C.ul Conoi.ll , Asi Shiverick.
f yon want tha snow cleaned off
r walks do not forget to call at the
B. Rooms , as wo are ready and
ing to work. Good bora con-
itly on hand.
very GOOD QUALITY of wo-
' WARM shoes , for § L25 , at
reid's , Douglas street , near 13th.
ox'x FOKOET the concert of the
a Mission school children TO-XIGIIT
her is cold the room willba warm
you will truka their little hearts
a by your presence. They have
industrious in preparation for to-
t. Ramamber , como promptly at
Admission only 25 centa , and
is connection if '
you can't como
ght do the next best thing send
victuals for their Christmas din-
on , on Tenth ttreet. Yon will
ill repaid to witness their enjoy-
of a peed diuner.
very GOOD QUALITY of wo-
i WARM shoes , for § 1.25 , at
lid's. Doughs slroat , near 13th.
a Freshest and Nicest line of
i in town at
143 Douglas St.
ire will be a Ball at Turner Hall
y evening for the benefit of the
sh Library association. d28-3t
cl ;
naged hats given away , atNin - 0.
"j KrellV , one door west of BEE
iraens' CASHMERE LINED < acon
only $1.50 , at Fnllriede's , Doug- on
as street , nc.-.r Thirteenth. ncFs
asged hats given away , at Nin- ofl
KrelPs , one doer west of BEE oflR
R <
iges and Fresh Oysters , Tizara's Pa
yed rotn 1517 Dodge street ,
pple grey horse. A liberal te-
rill bo paid for the return of the
o Joe & Sam. 28-tf sot
Onmna Mtenerchor.
grand annual "Pretzel Bill" of
if ging Society ( German ) conies son <
: t Siturday evening , Januray
181 , at Brandt's Turner Hal ! , ]
lagnificent silver prizes on ex- era
a at John Baumer's Jewelry
- will be given away , to the
, to receivers of ha pretzal con-
winniniflots. pit
best Fruits and Candies at Tiz- sole
alaco. atal
We take special pleasure in offeri
a small lot of perhaps the finest , ( s
whole ) Teas" bought for the ral
trade of Omaha , packed especially
us by a reliable and old import !
home of New York cltv , and they i
each one of Us kind the eery best
their large stock. We have put c
own name on these and will guar :
tee every pound In it , and will rett
its full cost if not entirdy satisfactoi
They ara put np in 3 , 4 and 5 pou
caddie * expressly for the finest fami
trade. Some of the caddie : are
themselves beautiful , and yet E
adding but a trifle comparatively
the cost , becausa of Chinese and Ja
anese manufacture , inlaid colors a
lacquered wotk. The lot comprises
Finest EnglishBreakfastjOr Socchon
" Formosa Oolong ,
" Moyune Gunpowder ,
" Mcyune Young Hyson ,
" Natural Leaf Japan ,
" Bssket-fired Uncolored Japai
We shall be pleased to show tb
goods whether desiring to purchase t
not. They are handsome holidaj prei
enta of a practical kind.
Very respectfully ,
Wii. FLEMING & Co. ,
144 Douglas street.
A Card.
To the Editor of TBE Bus
Allow me , through the columns c
your paper , to return our thanks ti
our employer , James E. Boyd , whosi
magnanimity has equaled , if not ts
needed , that of any other cittzen it
jur midst. His genercm qualitiei
lave time and again become the tub
iect of much favorable comment Ir
; his community , but his action or
Dhiistmns eve is no less striking
, han many former ones , fein
: n that occasion he ourchased
i sufficient number of turkcyi to prc-
lent each and everyone ot h-.s era-
> loyes with an elegant turkey. Now
va volunteer to say that neither Mr.
3oyd , nor any other individual who
ras not a personal observer , could
lonceive the jubilant feelinga of his
nen when they were agreeably snr-
irised in his market room by being
resented with a fine large turkey.
Sat it is no less difficult to conceive
he ftelmgs of many little ones at the
Irrhttnaa table eulogizing the clever
ction of James E. Boyd.
We ask yon , Mr. Boyd , to accept
ur thanks in return for your Christ- *
ias gift , and _ to croM hande
ith us in wishing you many
appy daya in the future , and that
hatever business you rnny be en-
iged in nv y it prove more profitable
tan the wildcat dreams of your or
ir imagination can conceive.
CMAUA , December 28,1830.
Whipsle , McMillen & Co. , the jew-
crs , Creightou block , will receive by
iprcss to-r.s urow , a largo and well
letted stock of New Year's prea t b ,
uiothit. naw and beautiful ; elegant
signs , latest style" , etc. etc. Call
d examine this rplendid stock be-
ra making your purchases.
sneral Ticket Office Burlington and
Missouri Rivtr Railroad in Nebras
OmnA , Dec. 24,1880.
Commaucii g Tlaljjy jsj } 1881 ,
No Stop-Oror
11 bo allowed . n Local Tickets.
Passengers s oild therefore buy
keta only to euch points aa they doa -
a to stop at first.
General Ticket Agent.
) maha Chapter meets this ( Tues-
f ) evening In annual convocation
the installation of its office-bearers ,
tic decorations for "New Year's
cceiring" are the lovely Everlasting
jsr ffoorfiand PAMPAS PuiMESj at
m's. 03.4
. very GOOD QUALITY of wo-
I'a WARM shoes , for 51.25 , at
Ireidj , Douglas street , coir 13th ,
hristmas presents given awav at
Boston CashDry Goods Store,10th
Joces , to all who pnrchasa over
dollars worth , a piece of jewelry
be given.
ire offer also these great bargains :
b Silk and Wool Brocades forSoc.
) s Cashmeres for 25c.
h Worated Dress Goods for 15c.
An immenro variety of
) c Linen Handkerchiefs fcr lOc.
IB ; Linen Hemstitch Handkerf
2 Linen HemstitchHandkerchiefs o
! 0c. d
Trimmed Hats for $1. o
Trimmed Hats for $1.50.
id a splendid Jine of Christmas
ents of every description at very
; rate prices.
la agents in Omaha for the
Cream Oitmeal Sosp , rife
h has had such fo
a run all over the
10 cents a box of three cakes. 01Ui
tl ]
tsars. Nindel &
Krelle have pur-- rose
d the e.itire stock of the firm of seth
' . De Great & Co. , which they th
sffer for eao st a very low price , dose
dollar hat sold for three dollars , so :
ther goods in proportion. Any in
iesiring a good bargain sho-ild an
i.l to call and
examine our stock , an
iam Street , next door to BEE
it received at THE BEE Job ne
a the nicest line of diminutive bil
1 and Envelopes and Cards , suit- by
tor Children's Birthday Parties ?
nd see them. the
"I th
Born ana Died.
his city , on D-cember 27th , a
id daughter , were born to Chris- des
md Peter Da Lagarde. The asj
ter died the same day and the C.
tha 28 Ji , to day. C.sto
dish papers please copy.
* ow Year's evergreens for dec-
is. co to lizard's Palace.
For Sale. tor ;
and sheds formerly oeca- goethe
' 7 Jetties Stephenson , on ha
10th and Harney , will be
p. Inqnira at new brick G
opposite. 28 3t the
Installation of Officers for t
Masonic Lodges in"
this City ,
An Elegant Present to t
Master of St. John's Lodge
Monday the three Masonic lodi
of this city met at tha lodge room
Masonic hall to inittall their offic <
elected and appointed for the ensui
year. Past Master Allen WiS chos
to act as grand master and Maj
Gustavus Stevenscn to act as gra
marshal ,
There was a large attendance a :
the installation ceremonies were ,
usual , very impressive. The maste
installed were : John H. Butler ,
Capital Lodge No. 3 ; Gcstavus Ande
son , of Covert Ledge No. 11 , ar
James B. Bruner , of St. John
Lodge No. 25. The latti
is re-elected for a third term and tl
occasion was chosen for an approprial
recognition of hb faithful eervict
and their appreciation by the craf
When all tha officers had been ir
stalled , Major Stevenson , past maste
of St. John's Ledge , st&pped forward
md in a very neit and appropriat
speech presented Mr. Bruner with
magnificent gold-headtd cane , fror
; ha members of his lodge. The can
s from Max Meyer X ; Co.'s , and i
me of the most beautiful articles o
he kind they have ever had in stock
The head is massive and beautiful ! ]
thased , while the stall' Is , as usual , o
ibony. It is tngraved on both sides
,3 , follows : On one side , "St. John' ;
) ay , December 27th , 1880 ; " on tn <
averse , "Presented to J. B. Bruner ,
V. M. , St. John's Lodge , No. 25 , A ,
' . & A. M. , by his brethren , as a teen -
en or iheir esteem and regard. "
Mr. Brui-er , although taken by sur-
rise , w-s equal to tne occasion , and
esponded in a happy manner , allod-
ig to the past and present condition
f the lodge. It is now entirely out
f debt and flourishing financially and
Speeches were made by other past
tasters present , and at a late hour the
idga closed.
Omaha Chapter , No. 1 , Royal
.rch Masons , meets tc-nightto install
er officers elecr.
At the regu'ar ' meeting of St. John's
idge , for December , a vote of thanks
as pissed to THE BEE , Republican
id Herald , for favors and courtesies
ctended during the past year. }
The tima for holding the next party
the Vesta Chapter series , has been
uinged to Wednesday , Dec. 29th , of
hich all interested will please hike
Capitol lodge is novr entering upon
i twenty-fifth yeir of existence , and
in a very flourishing condition.
If your CLOJK or WATCH needs
pairing t Vo it to EDHOLM &
XICKSON'S , the jewelers , Fifteenth
reel , opposite the Postoffice.
oes only $1.50 , at Fullriede's ,
Douglas street , near 13th.
See Cruickshank's new advertise-
tnt for Holiday Goods , on third
i. Fine line of samples of Now
ar Cjrds at THE BtE Job Room.
11 in time and leave your orders.
Beautiful Celluloid Beta , morrocco
ered and lined with richly linked
c and eaiin , all shapes and tizoa at
F. Goodman's 16th street dreg
re , corner Capital Avenue. tf
) anc3ged hats given away , at Nin-
& Krell's , ono door west of BEE
far Sale Stx-horaa power Baxter
; ine end boiler , in good repair ,
ply at BEE ofBen. Do4tf
lEVf YEAR PRESENTS Very beauti-
r.nd appropriate , and at prices to
i all tastes and pockets , at Evans' ,
l and Dodge streets. d28-4t.
Mysterious Shot and the
Manner it Which it was
daughter of Mr. John Evans ,
irietor of the grocery and seed
3 , Odd Fellows block , found , in
of the upper rooms of his resi-
: e , yesterday , a battered piece
etal which the young lady took to
'ather , to know what it was.
r. Evans , on examining it , found
; proved to be a battered piece of
with one end highly polished and
atling a smsll copper or" brass
Upon close nomination it was
I that the leaden materUl had
been a slug or bnllat , such us are
in brass cartridges , and about
iza of a " 32-cillibra long. "
. Evans at once proceeded to the
where tha bullet was found , and
discovered a small hole in one of
indowp nea , which was of ixtra
e thick glass. The hole was
: hing over one quarter of an inch
imetej ; the glass being shivered
racked for the distance of about
: h in every direction ,
ten the shot was fired , or whet SiT
t , is a mystery which will likely
be explained , but in all proba- ISw
w ]
it was an accidental shot fired
ae carele's drunken man.
Evans is quite thankful that asM
was no more damage done , or
one of the family were injured. wiwi
ir cases , oder cases , beautiful re :
s , pocket books , card cases and mi
idtd line of holiday presents at In
Goodman's 16th street drug fro
tf sta
'URS1 FURS ! ! FURS 111 pr <
ies * and gents' fur goodsof ev-
scriplion at the Fur Manufac-
a v
ipposite postoffics , Omaha. All frif
are warranted.
ts" fine Famishing Goods , at the
laha Shirt Factory. d5tf a fa
S , P. MORSE & 00 ,
A3 we are convinced that we hi
the largest and cheapest stock of Fi
Quality Kid Gloves aver shown
Omaha , we call especial attenti
to the following makes , of which
have the exclusive aale here. Ev
glove sold by us is gold with the d
tinct understanding that new gloi
will be given In exchange for all tl
break in puttioa ; on for the first tim
buttons , § 1.00.
"Pleasant Hours" Kid , 4 bnttoi
"Pleasant Hours" Kid , 6 butte :
SI 50.
Courvoisier Qndreaaed Dirk aj
Party Colors.
Conrvoisier First Quality Kid ,
and 4 buttons , nil shades.
Foater Kid , 6 hooks , $1-50.
Foster Kid , 10 hooks , § 1.75.
Riverside Kid , 11 hooks , § 2 CO.
.Riverside Kid , 15 hooks , 82.25.
S. P. MORSE & Co.
If yonr CLOCK , or WATCH near !
raDi'rintj ' take it to EDHQLM
ERI. 'KSOS'S , the jewelers.Fif teent :
street , opposite the Poatoffice.
Shoes only § 150 , at Fullriedc'a
Douglas street , near 13th.
Valencia Oranges , Florida Oracgea
J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce t (
ils friends and old customers that hi
nay be found , as heretofore , at 131'
ETarnham street , where he will bs gac !
: o show them the best selected stocl
> f Watches. ClocksJewelry , Spectacle ;
md Silverware at prices that defj
lompetition. tj
Dmaha Said to be Located
Over a Mine of Tnem.
? he Fuel Famine About Over
The recent return of severe cold
reather brings up agiin the question
f the fuel famine , and we are glad to
ly that a conversation with our deal-
ra hs revealed tha fact that the
: arclty cf c l is not oniy over , but
ist it was becoming i-lmost a drug in
ie market before the close of the last
arm spell. This U in accordance
ith the prediction of General Man-
jar Potter , of the C. , B. & Q , who
; the time of greatest alarm said that
nionMi or six weeks at the outside
ould relieve the pressure.
The recent discoveiy of coal on the
> posite side of the river has renewed
10 story of a vein of coal in this
by. It will be remembered that
iring the process of digging the
nion Pacific artesian well there was
one time quite a sensation on the
ported discovery of coal , which
bsided when it was announced that
e well had been "salted. " A gen-
iman interested In such matters ,
id whose statements are believed to
) perfectly reliable . ;
, re-
ntly Interviewed on the subject
d said it was no secret to him
is section of the country is rich
th coal deposits. "I have known it
r several ye-irs , " he said.
"What knowledge do you refer to ?
fed the reporter. ' 'I will tell yon , "
said , and then he continued : ( > Do
U remember that the Union Pacific
rapany put down an artesian well in
nha a coup'e of years ago ? "
We said we remembered it well
d then he "
proceeded : "Well , a
ism of mine worked on that well ,
s toid me that at the depth of 150
t a seven foot yein of coal was dis-
rcred , and that as scon as the fact
s made known to the officials of the
id tha men engaged in sinking the
11 were paid to keep the matter a
ret. My cousin , however , told me
nit it , and I have kept the secret
lilnow. "
'I tell you this , " said our inform-
: , "to show you that the \ein which
i been struck by Mr. Goise , in
anctl Bluffs , is fatty feet deeper
n the one struck in Omaha. "
'What object hid the U. P. people
Beeping the discovery a sscret ? "
" < \ tlm reporter.
'Ths object is this , " he answered :
he company has hrge coal mines
their own out west and they alee
ke largo sums of money in hauling
i coal to market , aud that's why
y desired to keep the new discov-
from the people. "
'You ' think there can bo no mistake
ut this matter , do yea ? "
Not the least in the world , " he
wrered ; and then he continued , ' 'I
e never told this to any one except
Ir. Geise , and I told him only to
ice him to try the experiment of
: ing a well , and now that he haa
overed coal , the Union Pacific
p ny cannot be beceGtted by Ion-
w-thholdtDg the secret of their dis-
> ry from the public. "
leg < nt vases tastily ornamented ,
itifully colored , Litest styles ,
a variety , atC. F. Goodman's 16th
st drag store. tf
ow You Need Bunco's Shoes.
th of Mr. WUJlam Stephens.
ie news of the death of Mr.
iam Stephens , late of the firm of
hens & Wilcox , this city , reached
rienda in Omaha Monday.
r. Stephens had gone to visit his
ir in Middle Grove , Missouri , in
hope that the change
i benefit hiai , but he
gradually worse until
ay evening last when he expired.
deceased was born in Missouri in
and came to Omaha in 1805 ,
a he has been ever since engaged
iiness. In his business as well
his * social re'ationa
Stephens inspired those
whom ho Trai brought in contact ,
confidence in his integrity , and or
: t and esteem for hia many ad- wi
le qualities of mind and heart.
blic enterprise he was evnr in the
rank , { and ho leaves many snb-
il monuments to the value of his
ssaive views and determined ef-
n'behalf of the city's interests.
deceased leaves surviving him OS
and fcur sons , with whom the
3 of the lost one will sympathize
in their bereavement. The
is will bo brought to this city A
erment , and will bebuiied from the
iri&Han cfyircb , of which he was C3F
( Tiffanys of the West. )
Have completed tlieir pr
partitions for the u ]
preaching Holidays , mi
surest that an early e :
animation of their sioc
will enable purchasers t
secure the choicest selei
tions , and escape ill
crowds unavoidable late
in the month.
. Until Christinas , the cs
tablishmem will be kep
open in the evenings.
NOTICE AdvorUaemenw lo L t Fw 3 J (
to * : , Found , Wants , Boirdln ; ic. , will be It
gorted In tbeeo columns oacc for TEN CENT ;
per line ; each Bubaeqnsnt Insertion , FIVE CENT ;
pr line. Tno first Insertion novcr lesa thai
AHA TO LOAN At 8 per cent mte
I'U.UUU est , n sums of J-2000 and a F
wards for I to 5 years' time on first clwimjJroi
sd cit } and Una property. Apuly at BEill !
Real KsUto and Loan Ajency , 15th and Doiwbi
OHST 10 J.OAN-0.11 at 1 Cfico
M D. L TliOtf AH. Rcom 9 r'-Vhtoa BIo1.-
OJfKY TO IOAK lll Arnisi street
Dr. Kdwaron Lonn Aiti-nc- i > oi-s2-il
\TTA.TED A > , Iil to wor-c in di in ? loom
V Applj P ante.s House , corner JoJjc an
.CthSU. | 2J i
VTTAXTED A worcnn cook at tUe Gre < r
\ \ Tree HODJC , Tenth St. 1.2 M
WAMED A dleh washer at the Occiu ntal
Hotel 121-tl
rvrAXTED In srmll family a girl to do hon e
TV work , So. su Dctulas St , between 17th
nd ititb. 12 > 2J
rtTANTKD To girls immcdiitelr , at tha
> V Donn HLU-B , opposut Tne EIK oEe
llo > tf
rT7"ASTED Nice furnished room mth botrd ,
TT by t t > i u 11 : scntlemeu. Good refer-
nets. A ddressK , this office J14-2o
1' I519 lre5t-
iVAXTED-Cook at the Paellr ! ( House-man
> V or womdn. 5 23
L\7AITED Occd ? 1 forfenerii houswork.
f T Enq are t ticket cffl ' , U. P , ht rt. ,
112 23
TT ANTED Coot and kitchen help , a' thT
rV Pac.flo Bon e. g $ 23
LTTA iTiD An exper enced bst-her wants
\ V to stirt a moatna-ket intonietmill est
n own , where thera u nons , or where one is
! o : oildtiVearcli' ! > le partner. Addro §
. lu > Vebb. Jjcka n , D iioU Co. , Xeb. 9J-tf
TTANTEn A peed Inuse-ksepcr , 1103 Fjr n
I yhaaig _ _ _ > ree , up taira _ 32 tf
YA TEC Kaij ] < > j ment fir her e and waeon "
E. A. UAKR'Si , ICth acd Mcho'as atj.
Onulu Inow that the
Key It. . Jonn 13 the Kwoof S
g. ofSce on Mb. . '
10R REXT FuriijlcJ ro nu , -
east su c 20th , bet. Chicigo aud Ca3 Sy.
ll y-l
10U RE'.T A fi , e furnished front room ,
flnt flxir. b twe-n 14 nnml 13th treets for
ntlc-ngn Inqn.ruai Et. 10M
10.rEs-Erlckdwelm-nextto ! tor. 1Kb
and Pacific. Enqu ie Ceo II Pcters-m , SC4
; hat- 1C4 tf
10R REKT-Honse in Sh'il.'a 2nJ addition ,
S 5 per raocth. w. SIlthKAL , n.oi 6
iigh'on U'ock. ' S35-tf
< OR UE-NT A furmaheJ , south lent room.
Jnquiraatyo 16U Farnhim St >
IOR REXT Cottarc , on otn am ! Pine Sti
new house , eiilii rooms.on CSJarj ra sta'
quire J. P. Koo. fc. E. Cor. 12th and Farn-
i 636-tf
OR RENT 2 furnished rooms over Her-
clants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
ige trceta. * >
o\cr BUIIa new column of bargains on 1st
OR J.K . PROS ! PLODR-M.nn.soti . Flour
"r * he.hc3gpr nt wheat flour , hran , chop
i i
i , h < lr ! < horai"ysriham fl , ur. cori
ik * rtVahB"TOM PRICMSejJ ordc" * o
3QH13 & liro.,8th and tatnham street. City
' * '
our JlLMls new column of barealaa on la
PAUGAIN-A but dinwi h.
. . . _ . . . _ . . .es. furniture ami tex , on 1 Jih
opposite the U.P depjt , for ? ae very ctc.p.
.he fixture.furnilure and itockl 1 be so a
builuns rented. Inquire cf Eu. K EIsi-
JH bALE Businc's iiouseandu-ro'irv toik
nestanraat aitachctl. Aildreai K. Cinffln'
orafr * * - 0-1 m '
UU ALE l o clcae carriages , ai A. J
IP'OIl'a. nil .t
K Cottonwocd lumuer of an sire , t
\D-g.sirtefnth.j .
office.Buucu of kc\3. imiuire ai this
office. 110-tf
Barcains in Hotueii , Lota , Farm * an
1 , In hia now column on l t page
5TR YNOTl E-Taksnup Deicmtcr9b : ,
1S-0 , in Wt t Ou aha. Red ckV iiddit en ,
red cow , one nan and while ci w and on
laLduhtac f LOL1SLAKSC1I. Me 5t
iKEN LP On Frd4y , Deeamher 2 , lg-0
on-reJ briudljcow. i'ejiumtze. onn
mha\i ) tamj by prtvlns pioiicrtv and pay
: lart J0 \ ISAGLt. > ,
les S. W rom Omiha.'Creitre Sviiool DIs '
o nnc-5t
Absolutely Pure , H.iEo HoH.i
e from Grape Creira Tartar No othtr Eod
ation makes such lijht , fliky hot fcrc at. Re
inouj p try. Can be ezten by dvfpeLtka ReHo
it fear of the ills re nltin < from he in-
We food ,
only in tans bv a ) | Oroceri.
MO POWDER Co , Sew Tnrk.
( Formerly of Gbh & Jscobt )
17 F rnh m St. . OM Stand of J ob Gs !
> n ba in ? dead aslaiala I w'H remove
ee of chirge. Ie re or'CM eoatheist j
3f Harney and I4th St. . aeoonl door. j
ONiiyiLLONAGRi ! !
$218 $5 PER ACRE
20,000 Acres
3 to 12 Miles from Omaha ,
$6 to $10 per Acre , on
LongiTime and
Low Interest.
Large tracts Editable fc :
Monies in all the best
Bounties in the State ,
30,000 acres scattered
hrough Iowa.
A large number of Improved
toms in Nebraska , many 01
hem near Omaha , $12 to S40
ior acre ,
An Immense List of
onaiating of Elegant Real-
snces from $3,000 to $20-
30. Many vacant lota in
ie additiona to Omaha ,
undreds of lota acattered
trough the City. Housea and
ata , Buaineas Houaea and
ats , and all kinds of City
sal Batt te.
We alao have
: Improved Farma in Doug-
3 County , on 5 yeara time , at
percent , intereat to all when
n show good titlea.
Uonslas and Saroy
imrics for sale ,
intlfal lots fronting couth In IBM &
Aden's t&a. for $ l 0 haH cish.
ne and lot , --id and Didvo . *
l e and lot near Br-nnell Hall . . o'
i new houses and full lot , rents for
; brick house , 21x > 5. 1 } ttory ,
S3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 2000
eacdlotWebstfrit . | I'sjo
re hou-e and comer lot . e'coo
ru house full lot. dhforma st . 4000
dence and 4 full lots , St. Mary * * aie. . 5 KO
e and small lot , south of dtpot . 030
icand pmill lot.fouth of depot . c 5
Jcnee propeity , Kountzi and Kuth'9
J"-- % . . . . f. Co
s rcs'dence Dropcrtr . lo.CCO
seandlot , 22dard Harney . 1 0 < )
eana lot , Nelson's addition . 2 7iO
St ! and lot Shinn's add tion . ] ( Co
Jtncoand comer lot . 3 005
Jence ( ca h ) .
J 40 . ecno
lence. . . . . . . . . . 6 .w
ai done half lot . iuc
: e homes and corner lot . 7 co
lence and corner lot . 7500
ie and 60 feet front , I6th street . 3 700
e house ami corner lot . 6500
lence and three lots . e I ' SCO
housaand cemer ttro-thlrds of cor-
" " ' ' " '
13 and smi'f lot , CasVitreet ! . . . . ° | CO
; e and lot , 27th near Farnham . . . l ocr
c house and corner lot . i Tf0
Ihou.e and full Jot , Cumingsit . 215'n
o ndlot.23dBreet ! . 3 2m
e and fall lot , worth Jl.OOO for . 5.5CO
brck re.idence . j'5JX
: residence . s'fi'O
" " * '
eandcorner lot . j'jjg
two-siory house aid corner lot . 4 * 00
ence ana full lot , Farnhims : . s'ffO
8 and one acre , IS.U street . 3 nro
andha'flot , 18-h street . 2 > ocn
Band lot. Shinn'aaJdifoi . i7fX
a and half lot , Cass street . ioo *
J ami ftulf lot. Cut Street . 1450 *
enceand-wolots , Capitol IM1 . . . . 7'joo
nt brick residence 2 full lots . IS "CO
t residence in theclly . 160(0 *
SDCB property
en e property
ence . .
i and lot , Shinn's atlaitioi ; . r fin S
i ana lot , thinn' dditon ) . i 500
lind'ot , 2 thand Firnham . 1,400
i and Int. 7th and Donrlis . 5375
and full lot , IzardU . 17 n
iQuseand 1 } lot . " > ' ° co
inccpropcrty . J'j00
mce propcry , rerv fine . 13 ' SCO
and lot , Horbach's iddition .
: nce , Farnhnm st .
and } Iot l b'ock from Court
se and i lot 1 block from Court
33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° " 250
and comer lot 2 blocks from Court '
an ! 1 acre.GIseV at'dition . fin
ndjot.lllh tresi . $ o
building and six lots , 1 rulleont. . . 4 CM
and lot on Davenport . 3 GOO
and 1 lot , near d-rot . 1500
and * lot , n-ar df pot . goo
nd lot , South Avennr . j rxjo
and lot , Shini. ' addition . I QO
nee , Kountze and Huth's add . ° eflo
ace property , Kountie ard Knth'a
Ion . 5.HCO
aceprcpertr , south nart if town. . 2STO
and } lot , W bst r et . 2 700
and 5 acres at oarracki . 7fQ
and lot , Amwtr-ing'saddifn . I.CCO
and lot , South 12 st . 'K0
and lot , Kountze and Rmh's ad
1 " , " ; . 8.BCO
ICVn ? 1 ' ° ' . 2CO
Uidlot.lBth Bt . 3Eoo
ioggs & Hill ,
B <
8 Farn. St , , Omaha ,
Immense Stock for
Fine nstom-3Iade
Men's Suits ,
Boys' Suits
Children's Suits.
iFor Men ,
Boys , and
Undcr-Wear , Hat * nul Caps ,
franks and Ysslisc ? , at
war ,
* * - * ty * *
Farnham Street , Near Fourteenth
J3k.3cCE 3E3 ST XCIU i'J.1 CT2C3E3 ,
Dealer in Hardware ,
aaa ; 5
and I in ware.
ore Repairer , Job YlOrKcr and Slumifuctiircr of al
Kinds of Cans ,
Tenth and Jackson Streets.
Cigars from $13.00 per 1000 upwards.
Tobacco , 2.3 ci'Hfs per pound upwards.
Pipes from Scents per dozen upwards.
1 for Price List.
, MAX 3IEl"El ! tl' CO. , Onialia , Xeb.
niiu nng
Iron and V/agon Stock ,
At Chicago Prices.
J209 aud J2I1 llarucy Sfrecf , Omaha.
f- rer of a j i. i o ot
Summer Kolona ( Cerve'afc Wurata
S oa iiv. Orders iiromotly fr'ed.
17 4 Lurt Sfc , Oiuahi , Neb. d23-t
Southwest corner 16th and" Dodge.
Has Ltety beea leael by
has had jesra experience in * he homeland restuaurant baai-
res , and willrunafirat-claFS houae.
rd by the Day or Week , irilli Luihiug' ' orivHliout.
_ Centrally Located ,
" "
"r ecll-aia