J CHARLES POWELL , OF THE PEACE Comer 16th and JUSTICE . . Omaha Neb. WM. SIMERAL , A TTOBNET AT LAW Bootao.Cxekhton A Blodc. Ittb St. . OMAHA. KKB. D. L THOMAS , TTORNKY AT LAW Louu money , buys . ! _ aad Belli rel estates Boom 8,0relghton Bioek. A. C. TRGUP , ft TTOSNKY AT LAW Office In Hi&Kom'a & . Block , wltt Gorge r. fritchett , 1808 famham St. OHAHA.HBB. DEXTER L. THOMAS , TTORNEY AY LATi CmlcttJunkB Rcllj A. fc. f- A TTOEKET AT i.V ? > _ OSce ISO ! jfrL Btr et. . Oao In Crel < rhton Blntk. nozt U L4.TTYQ1 PdtOfflM , OMAHA , Procured.- * * ZOZABY PC7UO , CCLUOTX01TB UAfiX O'BRJttf & aARTLETT , Attorneys-at-Law - - , Ot"yiOB-UnlonBloclc,71ftqqith SPC" Farahaa'i s. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACfTBLOCK , COR. CCU2I5TH STS. OMAHA. KS3. _ W. J. Oonnell , Attorney-at-Law. OHca : Front roocs.np gttlrt , In H&ntcom'i bt brick bulidlnj , H. W. corner Fifteenth and Streets. . B.KIICS. CHAB- [ RESICK < S REDICK , Attorneys-at-Law - - , Bridal attention will to plvan to all ' ' ' " - - - punet practic United Cocrt EUWA8D Vf. Sf&E&lL , A TTOEJfSY AT LA T ficaaa C Orolghton V Block , IBth and Poiuiia EtroeU , nogdh S. F. KAKBE83QH. * TT&BKSY AT UiWFtgnhfrn Itmt EX Omaha Ntbrttta. V. U. J. RICHARDS & KU > ' ; f Orncis 215 South For For.rt'W.ai Street. KT THE OHE OP ANKG < PILE REMEDY. 'INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND SIGHING PILES H > lcr n once on Uic nppllr Uon of l > i o mn ko' rile Itemrdy. which ct dl upon ttie part ngiM-tra. afrto nllaytny the itrtcaaa jUI have teller. Try 6i he other , and tnU roar BMfilifli rn * y ( M merlt . DO NOT DELAY ratfl the drain on the system produce ferataaeat dlcability. bnt bay It , TRYJT ABNED CURED PRICE , 50 CENTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , oc3mnoonntohim.vr rill * end It. prepaid , onfcel ) > torprlrc | Dwt BauuBbo's TrcBticeon EU * vent fret a applies ! Ion. Addrbtt DR , BOSJia MEDICINE GO. COLOBADO BUSINESS COLLEGE Thliinetltutlon , located at Denver , Colorado , < he Educational and Commercial center ot th \Vert , li pre-eminently tbo best and most practl- uJ of luttnd forth * MERCANTILE TRAINING Yoimg Men and Ladies. O. W. FOSTER , PfcMldent , D. W. OADY , Sooretasy. The moit oiUnelvc , thoroojh ud compUl * M Mtitntlon ot the kind In the vrc-a. Thousmdl ot accountant ! and Bntinefta tr.co , in the prln- lpil c41 ! = nd towns o ! the Dnlud States , owe ihelr gucoccB to our course 'f training. 4 The fiichb Kind of Education lor Young Men nad Ladies. Fine , new brick block , xt junction of three ctreot car tinet. KUfnnUr duO and furnished aptrtDMnttfortli * appliraxi n itt and carrjing .out ft our novel and B ) eteniKtio uicthods of BUSINESS TRAHHM Tounf men who contcmpldte a buslnoa life , and parent ] bavin ; tjoni to educate , are particu larly roquected to rend for our n w Circular , which will give full information u to tcnni , codltlon of entrance , etc. A < i Jrtsi G. W. POSTER , President , 6-Sm Denver Colorado. PETE PAfLY HER OMAHAJMIBL1SKIKG COPROPRiElORS. . 015 farrJiam , bet. itk and lOtk btrettt TEBSI3 OF SOBSOKIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , in advance ( postpaid(3.03 ) Omonthi " " J SmonthE " " 2.00 TiK TSBLE5- - THE MAILS. C , k K , W. E. Z E33 a. D. , ! ; < D p. to. O. B. i Q 6 30 a. ra. , 2iO p. m. C.R. l&P.R. R. . 5Maa.,2:40p. : m C'St. . Joe ESO a. n. B-CityiP.E30i.in. U. P. E. K. , llWa.m. O. & R. T. to L&coln ] , 10 a m. B. &U. B.B-StOa m. 0. & ST. W. , 73C a. m. C. &S. W. R.B. , 11 a. 33. , 11 p. m. C. B. & O. , U a. m. , 920 p. m. O.R.I. &P. , 11a.m. , Up.m O.B.8tJoe.lla.in. , Up m. TJ. P. R. R. , 4 p. m. O. & E. V. from Lincoln , 12:19 p. m , S. City t P. , 11 a.m. B. 15. In Jieb. , < p. m. loca ) mails for States lovra leave bat once > day , \ia : 4 0 a. m. Office open from 12 to 1 p. m. Sundays. THOMAS F. HALL. Poatmarter. Arrival And Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC. MiYB. ARRI7S. Daily Express..E:15p.m. : SSSp.m , do Ulied elop.m. 435p.m. : ! do Freight . . .630a.m. lWp. c > . do do 8:15 a. m. 12:50 .m. ' Tim : CABD OF THE B0RLINGTO& LUTIOH1EA. | AWirVB CtUEJL 8 : < 0p.m. Kzpress 10:00 a. m , Mall 6:00 : t m. Hail 3 0 30 p.m. Sundays Eicepted. Sundays Ezcapted. CHICAO 0.5BOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. J11 ? 6:00a. m. I ilal..lo-00p. m. Eiprea 8:10p.m. | Exprers..lOW : * . a. CHIOAOO NORTHffiaTERN. * pU .6 0 .ra. I Hall _ Jr p. m , K pregi gjiop ] m. . ( ElprcS3 w-ooi , S Sundf.ys eicepted. KANSAS CITY.ST JOE ft CODXCIL BLTJFF8 IKATI .W0a.m. eax > p.m. Mark . T:2a rn. . runnlnj : Pnllpin SlseplagCan . 01IArjL , & NORTHWESTERN AND PIOUI crrr & PACIFIC KAILROADS. a. m. | FrDrcsa.lSO : p 'm. Dally Except Sundays. B. 4 H. R. B. In NEBRASKA. LIAVX. uuuvx , Expre < ai _ . 8SQa : ml Freight . SJOam Freight . 6B5 p sn | Eiprrts . 1:10 pm BIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL B. R. MJ1 . _ . .6:10am | Eiprta . 100 am Erproea . 8 , < OpmM | i . .730 p to WABASH , BT. LOUIS * PACIFIC. IUVSS. 1&UTB8. UaQ . _ _ B it. I V.n - ii.Kk. M Express S:40 p. m. | Eipress _ . . : Z5 p , n. BRIDGE DIVISION TJ. P. B. & . Leave Omaha , dally : * t. in , , 9 a. m. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m . 1 p. mk 5 p. m. , S p. m. , 6 p. m , , 6 p. m , , i wave Coandl BlufJs ; 8a a. m. , 8S5 a. m , , 10.-25 a. m. , 11 5 a. m. , 1 5 p. o.f J:26 p. m. , 8:25 p. m. , 5:25 p. n. , 6:25 p. m. , Fear trip * on Sunday , leaving Omaha at S and 11 a. a. , 2 and 5 p. m. ; Council Bluffs tt B.-25 , 11:25 a. m. , and 25 and 5:25 p. m. MSSEHOXK TRilKS. Leave Omaha : 0 1. m. , 7 a. m.8 0 . tn. , 1 p. Q. , 4 0 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Leave Council Bluffs : 6:15 a.m , , 9:40 : a. , d. , 11:40 a , m. 5:25 p. m. , 7K)0 ) p. m. , 7 0 p. m , Dally except Sunday. OMAAA & KEPUBLICAN VALLEY R. . , APJUTX. Kall.vT. . 10:45 : a. m. , 4 5 p.m. Dally except Sundays. rflTn * week. Jliidiy &thnmei8ll > maileeash ; jp /ontflt I fm * < ldjreia''aga ' k Co.Portln'l.Me. L new and hitherto unt'novra ireme.ly for all disease ; ) of tbo Kldncyg , Bladder , and Uilnary Onrans. ItwlU posit iv ly cure Ihcbeiee , Oravel , Drop sy , Crlcht'n Diocuse , Inability to n-t hi or expell the Urine , Catarrh ol 'lie BladZor , Wch colcrcd and scanty cri < < e , Tilnful Urlnitlnf , LAME BACK , Ucner&l Wealcitou , and all female Com- plalnU. H avoids Internal medicines , is cerfota In It effects and curez when nothing f > teg can. For eilo by all Druscis i'fir sent by mall free upon receipt ol the price , (2. GO. DAY NEY PAD CO. , PROP'RS , Toledo , O. KTB i , your address for our H'.tlt book , How a was Saved. " UCS K. ISH , Aeent for Nebraska. SANTA OLA.TJS FOUND. Greatest Discovery of the Age. Tfoodarroldl xV rlflslnthtworMliaTeb enmad Among other thlng where SauU Glaus stayed Children srt ask U ho makes coeds or not , If really he lives in a mountrJn of ( mow. Last year an excursion sailed clear to the Pole And suddenly droppedlntotrhltscieallk iiol Where wonder of wonders VSuyfonnld anewland , labile falry-llkj bclart appeared on escb hand. There wcr biocntalni lite oun , with more batntlful preaa. And tar brlchtcr sklos than COT were seen , Birds with the huea rf t mnbow xcro found , WhlU Cowerq cl xqullte f ragranc * were prow leg fcronnd. Not long were they left to wonder In donbc A belli ? soon came the ; had heard much about , Twas Santa Glaus' self and this they all say , 3el ok d llkothe picture * weecveryday. He drove up a teem that looked rery queer , Twas a team f crssihoppers Instead ot reindeer , He rode In a shell Instead of a alekh , lint he took them on board and drove them awty. He showed them all over his wonderful realm , And factories maUn ; ( roods for women and men Furriers were working ; on hats great and small , To Bunco's tbev said they were tending them all. toll Kinelc , the Glove Maker , told them at once , All our Gloves we are Bending to Knees , Santa showed them suspenders aad many things more. Baying I alse took these to frieoJ Bunco's store. Santa Clans then whispered eezret he'd tell. As InOmaha every one knew Bcnai well , He therefore should send his { roods to his can , Knowing his friends will get their toll share. Now remember ye dwellers In Omaha town , All who want pnsonii to Bonce's go round. For shirts , collari , or cloves great and small , Bend your sister or cunt one and all. Bnnce , Champion Hatter ot the West , Danglaa CHARLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER ! MeUUc Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shrouds , etc. Farn mStre . Oth aad llth , Omaha , Neb. Telegraphic ordtrs promptly attended to. ONDEEDONK. ON TH5 PLAN OF diltago Tribune. "As regards Impromptu speeches , " said Woodtick Williancs , as he breathed - ed softly on & piece of blossom rock and locked at it earnestly through his pocket-gl'S' , "I was never what you might ; ctl1 . n&tursl , easy , graceful , extemporanectss speaker in public. "I can eit alown on a bowlder or an old powder k. g and reel anything off to the boj-s in R tolerably loquacious and inilci c'ivo style , but when I get up before a big mob and begin to scat ter a few pregnant gems of thought around among the audience I get wild and skittish , and wa.nl to go home. "Then when I take my seat , the big ideas that adjourned when I was on the rostrum come thronging back to me , and fill me BO full of inspiration , and dumb yearning , and warm , earn est s\reatfnlnes3 \ that it seems u if I'd butt , "Once , Iiemembei , I was called on by the general pasflenger agent and aclicg manager of a harrow gauge Sabbath school at Salt Lake In an early day to address the kids of Zion. The floor manager had me down for a thirty minutes' dissertation on 'The Uncertainty of Terrettial Things , ' or soma such racket as that , and I thought I would have to work it mighty fine to say all that was surg ing and throbbing through my teem ing brain , but when I sat down and mopped the dow off mv marble brow , and looked at my watch , I found that I'd only been a fraction oVer seven moments. "All that I can remember of the dad blistered speech is about this : " 'Dear children of ZionI'm affald I'll encroach on your time but 1 want to say a word that is , a few words I vr on't detain you long or , at least , not very long a few words about salvation and firearms. " 'Neter fool with firearms that have not been loaded. Don't do it " 'I once knew a boy * , vho looked down into the silent dep'hs of an old double-barrel shotgun that had not been loaded since Columbus discov ered America , and all at once he went crashing through the Zodiac , and he is up there somewhere now. All we ever found of him was a stone bruite and the place where he had been. 0 , it'a awfull " 'I aho knew a little lad with tcf t , curling hair and deep violet eyes Everybody loved little Ephraim. J3ut one day he turned his attention to tLe mystery that clung to an old smooth bore that Daniel Boone used to have , and that had never been loaded since. This gun had stood around in the cor ner for about a century , and been kicked and battered by everyone , just taking it all pleasantly so as to throw people off tLeir gUird , and when the hired girl swept up little Ephraim there wasn't a dry eye in the house. ' ' * Thea I apologized for not saying anything on salvation , because I had taken up so much time , and sat down. "But it took old Jim Onderdonk to speak without any preparation. We called himSkowheganOndordonk , because he came from Skowhegan , and he was tall enough to whitewash the sky , if he had a step-ladder. He nsver nad to stop and cough and take a drink of water while ho thought of a hard word. O , no. Just give him a grown per on's dose of Cemetery Promoter , and he'd address a caucus or a funeral , he didn't cara which. "One day I heard him Rpcak to .the children on thb subject of "The Efficiency of Prayer.1' "He always announced his subject beforehand , not because ho ever al luded to it afterwards in any way , but because he had noticed that most , public speakers had a subject to speak i on > * 'As heat as I can call to mind now , Skowhegan Onderdonb spoke as follows : " 'Dearchildren did you ever stopto ] think that whit § t > are to-day and whftt V < re will bo to-morrow and the next day and the day following and next week and next month and next year and all through our eventful lives is not so much what wo in vain antici pation regard ourselves retrofepeclively as what we ultimately were or some day might previously be ? 11 'Did you eve ? gtop to consider h ° - much wo may find out by ascer taining ? " 'Journeying adown life's rugged pathway , did you ever stop to ponder der , dear children , Upon the cold , hard fact that the longer you live the older you become , and as you acquire knowledge you gradually got to know ing more 1 " 'Ah , let as learn a valuable lesson from this eternal truth aud flee from the wrath to coma. " 'Lit us promlso ouroelves to-day riaht now , without a moment's de lay that , u we eontlnue to ram faota into ourtystomiand ( { lean intelligence we will at the Cimo time become better informed. " ' to thia - 'Try impress never-dying truth upon yonr minds ; that whatever we do not do at one * or at soma time in the future , unless .some one else does ! t , will in til human probability remain undone. ' "We should learn from this the importance of theto things that are most essential. " 'I might talk to you for hours with pleasure of these things , but I cannot take up the time. Ona more suggestion , and I will close. 11 'You are all young now. The f uturo is before you. This will seem singular to you at first , bnt when I explain it to you you will see at once that if it were anywhere ehe it would seem out of place aud unhappy. " 'You will readily see that Provi dence has so wisely ordered things that not only in the economy of na ture does the uncertain subsequently follow closely upon the already for gotten previously , but the hazy and obscure past was at one time the un born germ of the dim and ino-n- descent directly , embosomed in the great unknown finally , and shrouded in the prismatic colors of the bound less ultimately. ' "I afraid however that am , , yon do not get at the never-dying truth that I am trying to elucidate to you. As I said before , the future is before you. If you understand this thor oughly you would rejoice over the omnipotent wisdom which placed it m that petition but new you are young , and you think you can see lit tle places where the Creator has missed it. " 'In the fluff and blcom and ex uberance of youth you naturally feel as though the general management of the universe is open to criticism. You see here and there little irregu larities in the Divine economy where you could have improved upon it if yon had been consulted as to the policy of the administration. This has taken up a great deal of your time and worn you out. When you get older you will throw off & good deal ot this re sponsibility and it will be a great re lief to you. ' " 'Looking back upon my own childhood lean see here and there in the light of a chastened experience , where if I had not done just as I did perhaps Ishould have done differently. "Instead cf wearing myself out with anxiety and fretting oyer the fear that my parents would come to BOme bad end. if I had taken more relaxation and rest , I would hate been better off to-day. Instead of worrying over a change in thejplan of salrabion or im proving the time-card of the heavenly bodies , if I had rubbed glycerine on the backs of my feet whore they were cracked open , I would have been hap pier then and I would h&v6 entered upon a useful nlauhood instead of being the physical wreck that I am nuw , worn out sitting up nights for fear the heavenly bodies would crash Into each other. " 'This is not only true cf all things but everything else. " 'There is a ureat field of thought open to you here , and I simply call your attention to it. I haven't the time nor ability to enlarge upon itbut , Heave it for your consideration. As you grorr older and learn more of the way of creation is managed , you will gradually indorse ] it and approve of it until you are old and gray-headed , aud then you will admit that the whole system is arranged and governed as well as you could have done it your self. " 'Go where Information is turned loose at reduced rates and absorb all you can. list it soak into you. Il won't hurt you after you get ac- cuitomed to the novel sensation a little. " 'Then In after years yon can write a large encyclopedia of what yon don't know , and you will look back to this time in your history and thank me for calling your attention to these little matters that pertain to your soul's eternal welfare. ' " BILL NYB. Oirr , Wye. T. A Courting In the Olden Days. Detroit Frt * PriH. Thirty years ago Michigan people were a frank and truthful set. Strang ers could oome here and trade horses with their eyes shut , and breach of promise cases were unknown. Folks meant what they said , and when they gave their word they stuck to it. Exactly thirty years ago this month a widower , from. Mew York state ap peared la Lihairjg ou business , a'nai CaruQ liusinees carried him over to De Witt , eight m'los ' a way. While on the way he atoppad , at R lr f aim housa to warm Ilia cold fingers. He was vvarmly welcomed by the pioneer and his wife , both cf whom were well along in years , and nfter tome general talk , the woman queried : "Am I right in thinking you are a widower ? " "Yes. " "Did you come out here to find a a wife ? " "Partly. " "Did anybody tell you about cur Susie ! " "No. " "Well , we've got as bouncing a girl of twenty-two as you ever set eyes on. Sho'a good-loosing , healthy and good-tempered , and I think she'll like your looks. " "Where is she ? " "Over in the woods chopping down a coon-tree. Shall I bloxr the horn for her ? " "No. If you'll keep an eya on mv horse I'll find her. " "Well , there's nothing stuck up or affected about Susie. She'll a ay yes or no as soon as she looks yon over. If you want her don't be afraid to say so. " The stranger heard the sound of her axe and followed it. He found her just as the tree was ready to fall. She was a stout , good-looking girl , swinging the axe like a man , and in twu minutes ha had decided to ( ay : "Susie , I'm a widower from New York state ; I'm thirty-nine years old , have one child , own a good farm , and I want a wife. Will you go back homo with mel" She leaned on the axe and looked at him for half a minute , and then re plied : "Can't say for certain. Just wait till I get these coons off my mind. " She sent the tree crashing to the earth , and with his help killed five coons , which were stowed away in a hollow. "Well , what do you say ? " he asked , as the lafet coon stopped kicking. "I'm your'n ! " was the reply ; "and by the time you get back from DeWitt I'll have thesa pelta oS and ticked up and 'ee reitty for the preacher1' ! He returned to the h mo , ti-ld the old folks that he shoulil bring a preach er back with him , and at dusk that evening the twain were married. Hardly an hour l.al ba-a was'ed in courting , and yet lw took home oic ( f the best girl * in ) : siate of Facts itm We Know. If you &re guttering with a severe cough , cold , asthma nronchitis , con sumption , loss of voitie , tickling in the throat , or auv affection ot the throat or lungs , wo know that DR. Kura's NEW DISCOVERY will give you immediate relief. We know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured , and that where all other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show one-half as , many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that DE. KING'S NEW Discov- EXT will cure you of Asthma , Bron chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarsenes * , or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you will call at J. K. IsH Dru ? Stora you can get a trial bottle free of coat , era a regular size bottle for § 1.00 janlGly(2) ( I : BucKien'a Arnica Salve The BESTSAEV ? : In the world for Outs , Bruises , Seres , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapp ed Hands , Chilblains , Corns , and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Salve la guaranteed to giro perfect tfntiafac- tlod In every ciao or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 8dly J. K. ISH Oman * . 5 Years before theJPubliG * THE CEMUBME LITER PILLS are not recommended as n remedy "for all the ilia that flesh la heir to. " but in affections of the Liver , and in all Bilious Complaints , Dyspepsia , and Sick Head ache , or diseajes of that character , they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can beised pre paratory to , or after takliig quinine. As a hnple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Each bor has a red-wax seal on the lid , with the impression.McLANE'S LIVER PILL , Each wrapper bears the signa tures of 0. MoLAXE and FLISIINO BROS. $ & Insist upon having the genuine DB. 0. MoLANE'S LIVEIl PILLS , pre pared b7 FLEMING BROS.PiltsbnrgiPa. ] , the market being full of imitations of the name yicLane , spelled differently , but lame pronunciation. HOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , Colds , Asthma , Croup , All diseases of the Throat , Lunga , and Pulmonary Organs- USE ACCOKDUid TO DIRECTIONS ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. tropical liults 'Yndplaata. . s the Best and Most Agreeable Preparation in the World For Constipation , liiliouaness , Heaclaclie , Torpid Liver , Hem * orrlioids , Indisposition , and all Disorders arising : from an ob structed state or the system. Ladcs | .and children , And Ihojs Trhj flljllko tahlnc P'1'3 ' Knd nauseous mcdlelned , are espe cially pleneedvlth Its agreeable qualities. THOPIC-FKUIT LAXATIVE may be need In all cues that nted thr nH of a purgative , cathartic , or nptrimt medicine , and whlleit pro duces the am result t the agent * named , U Is entirely fi > from the usual objections common to them. P i < r > Ia broczid tin DOXII only. Price 25 cts. Large boxes 6oc. SOLD BY ALLFIRST-CLASSDRtJGGISTS. Bcforo Purchaiing ANT FORM of So-Called FfiTPSfi RPIT ES LOj8& sU DELL § Band , or Appliance rf presented to cure Nervous , Chronic and Special Di v > e' ) , send to the PUL VERMACIJEP. GALVANIC CO , 613Montgomery Street , tfnn Francisco , Ccl. , for the'r ' Free Pamphlet and "Tha Electric RcTiew , " and you will say * time , health and money. The P. O. Co. are the only dealers m Osnuine Electric Ap pliances on tha American Continent. ( pr [ ( Tinn r day at home , a'jrcplea n-or U > J I Cb/.ll ( me. Adilrois Stlnson A Co Portland , Me. Me.Wei Wei De Meyer's Cure $1.00. Ur.Vei De Meyer's remarkab'e eutcea In treating ; Catarrhal Gcmplatnt ! , now Justlfio him In reducing the price ol hh preparation to One Dollar. WhoUaale Drajs t" and D. B. Derrey A Co , 43 Dcy St. , X. Y. , will exchange new i rent Stamp for the 0 cant Cure , nnd pay $8.00 a dozen difference , until Febinary 1st , 1831. < PCC a week In yonr own town , lerma and IPUO ontflt ( reo. Address U. Hallett & Co. , Portland , M . THE DAILY BEE Contains the Latest Home and Tele- News of th Day. MAKE MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GEEASE Competed lary ! vcf poi\derelmica ndWnzI sl a lha l u aU ! chr > . - ' , InsrUatorintht 1 1 ] t-m btstLecv.it ! > i t'o.-s Holtf. . J2 , hut forma a highly nolialictaria u over the aile , riotni Away v jib a larga , mcmt ot [ rictioi. t U the cheapest because % ou need t : t I'lU half the rjuintitv In graulug yoor m'On that you woulJ f any other o\'e ' gnuxe nuule , and then run your uu on tw'eo as lousf. 1 : answer * equally is well { . .r ilill G .trraf , Threshing Xlichlaju , liuirg'.ca , c , us for wajoas-Scnd for rocket ' "jclopeduof Tblmrg Worm Kujwing. Maltal ffefl to my sil if ; MJSA CO. , SI MICHIGA H AW N UE. CHICAGO. 2@-Ask Your Dealer For It sioux cm & AND St , Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. ThtWd lieliabk Sioux Cily Route I 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE ! From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTE , or BISMARCK , And allpolr.UIn Kortheru Iowa , Minnesota tfcj Dakota. Tills line b equipped with the Im proved Westing houw Automatic Air Brakes and Miller Piitfomi d.uvler an J Coffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT iaoneurpacevd. Result Fnwic : ; Boom ud Sleeping Care.owued aa. ' cor.irclld * > y tba com pany , run Through With ut Cl-uiso between Union Pacific Transfer Dci.bt , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains learc iliu Union Pacific Transfer Depot at Council Iilc&3 , t K6 ! p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. F&ni at 11:05 a.m , making HOtJftS is ADVANCS ot OTHER Boers. Returning , leave St. Paul rt 3:20 : jx m. , ar riving at Sioux City at 4:45 rin. . , and Dnloa Pacific Transfer Depot , Cotmcjl BUtd * , at 9:50 a. in. Be euro that yonr tleVoM read via "S. C. ft t. B. R. " r. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , few * P. E. BOBINSOH , AaA Gen'I Pias. Asect. J. H. OTJRYAN , k and Pawcnser Ajent , Council Bltff * t'aS-itzer ' Aperient , A cure f r Indistst on frightful , A buhtli'tp lievorajp iViehtful ; A remedy fnr-eveiy ilmciit ( 'cr which tlic filiou4 : make liowjilment , ] A laxative , thou < h mild , effective , A tonic , nervine ind corrective ; An aniline wnl lurorific , A wonderful SALIJOS STEC 7 o B liodjing every rare ingredient That mother Mature deemed exn dleut , With ki'idiy liber ? ! lisnd V > flin ? Into'ho famous fl ifj Py.y. \ . FEVER AN ! ) AG&fc. 175 Thcr-lanc civilized nation in the Western nenl pherc in which tht utility of Hostettor'a Htnrrach Bitters a tonic , co-rf dive , and anti- bilious medicine. l not known and appreciated. While it la a monicme for jll searonc xnd all climates , It Is especially raited to the comp'ainti generated by tro weather , being tka puiegt aud rest vegetable gtltculant in the world For a ! by Urujrglsts and Dealers , to whom p- Vlv for lloefetter'8 Almanac for 1881. To Wervous Sufferers The Great European Eemedy Dr , > T. B , Simpson's Specific Medicine , It Is a positive cure f or S permatorrhea , Seminal Weakness , Impotency , and ail disease * resulting from ScU-Abuee , & * Mental Anxiety Lo s ot Memory , Palm in the Back or Side , aud diteasci that lead to Consumption Insahlty and anearlygrave The tfpcdBc Uedldno ii being : uie | With wonder- jfnl tnccoti. _ I Pamphlet ! sent free to all. Write for them and K t full particulars. Price , Specific , $1.00 per package , or fix patk- aees for $5.00. Address all orders to J.B. SIMPSON MEDICINE CO. , Nos. ' Hand 106 Main St. , BuffaloN. T. Sold in * miba bv 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell J. K. Ijh ind all druggists everywhere. sep23-dfcwly TWO DOLLARS WILL SECURE THE WEEKLY BEE One For Tear. VIA THE Chicago S i-hwesteni ? 2,3& ! MILES OF HOAD ! ( t o : so cCiOK ? , SUUK dad S g Scuta Setwtia COUNCIL BLUFFS GHIOAGO.MiLWADKEE . : < ( - > .t u ir.icir and NOUTH. OFPEhS TDK 1RAVEUNO PDBLIO ORBATKR FACILITIES AND J1ORB ADVASTAGEd THAS AST OTHEP. ROAD IN THS WKST. ItU the OSLT ROAD Ntwe-n : COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO c which lf ? ran PULLMAr-T BOTSL CABS ! I n addition if. th : < M end to DO.IM all claaea ot tnvelcrs. It < tv nR3T-CL\S3 MKALS at its KATCT 0 STATIONS U SO cents < * ct. ITS CCCKES ABE THE FIHEST1 ITS JQUI HT FISST CUSS If yon wish the Best Tiavellaif AccprnmoAv tlonsyou H1 buy your ticket b > this Routs * S-AND WILI. TAK B NONE OTHER. All Ticket AjfEnU ran ' -ill vou Throujh Tickets via t'ola reid nd Ch < vV r.nsl E p fifi ITroe of Chtrja Oif AHA TICK E f OKir ! , tc 1I4 F < n sm St. , Cor. litb , aad it Union Pacific Depot. DENSER OFFICE In Coloncto Central and Union Pnclc Ticket Offlcp. SAN FRANCISCO OfICE 2 N w Monttom- oryStrtet. For information , foMevs , np ? , etc. , not ob tainable at Hime Ticket Omce , aJJrcu any ngont of the Compviy , cr SARVIH HUCIHTr , H- STEfJSITT , Gcn'l lf nsf r. Goal Vsfs. Agest , CHICAGO , ILL. i/lS / 3 TCUifi. < , Oml Ait Omaha & Council Bluffs. THROUGH TO CHlOACd Without Change of Csrsl CHICAGO URLINGTOH & gUINGY With Smooth and Perfect Traci , Elceint P S. iner Coacbcc , and PULLMAH 8LEEPJN .DIHING CAR3 It Is actoiowlodjed by ttic 5ref > ) , and all who travel urr it , to be th : Beat Appoint ind Best ilinsjc.l Road in the Cottnry. PASSBNGBBS OING BAST ShodJ ! o sr In mind that this li the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points Kail , North and XorUiwcat. Passenger ) by tliia Koala have choice of FOUR DIFFERENT KOUTES , And the Advantage of Six Daily Line a ol I'nbco Sircp'nf ' Csri from OhloofO to New York GityWithout Change. All Expi32J Tralca on thl ) line ore equipped with the We tinuhousc Patent A'.i Br k amJ Milirr's Patent Safety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Aralngt Accl- dentg I'l the world. PULLMAN PALAC SL EPK'C ! AHC DnlHQ ! GARS Are run on th Burlington Route. Information concerning lioutea. Ratea , litre Ccnnectionn , etc. , will b cheerfully given by applyinirht thp office of th finrifogton Route , MS Fourtc-ntn Strost , Oraihs , Nebnska. C.E PSHKISS. D W. HITCI1COCK. Can'l Manar. Gsh. Wecfn I'un. Ae't. J. O.PHILL1PPI , St. Joo. , Uo. G ! itr l AROct , Omaha. U. P. Otffit , feff-iil Ufcst A tnt , Omaha. li the only Direct I L2 to ST. LIJIS AKi > TSIsJ I8AST Protc OiTAHA and the WEST. No chads' * of cars batwucn Omaha and St. Lock and but ohS fciiwoea Oraab and N-JT Tork. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS SKACHI33ILS , Eastern & Western itles With losa charges and In advance of other line * . ThU ntlr line U equipped with Pullman' ! Palace S1e plar ; Cirg , Pilass Day Ooach- M.HUler' ? Safety Platform and CcBt-ltr and ths celebrated THAT TOUR TICKET City , St. Joseph tnd"Sl . , andSt.Loiiia.ta Tick t * for al at dl ! Krspon lUtloni In tk < Wert. J. F. BAWfARD , A. C. DAtffiS , 0 n'l Bupt. , 0 nT Paw. & Ticket Agt St. Jo 6Dh. Ho. St. Jo ph , Mo , W C. B BACKREST , Hck t Agen. , iroo Farnhu ? Street. AN DT BORDBH , A. B. BA RHARD , Fast. AXefit , CmOia. Ou'rl Acent , Ocuha. WROUGHT IRON FENCES. Wire Fencing and Ratlin ? a Speciality. Their beautr , pormanflnca and economy dMIy working the extinction of all fencing ] ] cheap material. Elrgant In d * ! srn. ! nd tructibl ' Fancet for Lawnj , Public 0rounds and C ma- Ury PI K alron Yai 9 , Lawn S tt , canopied and nt rustle pittem ? ; Chairs and every description oi Iron and Wire ornamental work dttlcned anil manufactured by E. T. BARNU1TS Wire and Trrn Wnrk , ! 7 , 29 and 31 VToodward Ave , D * troltMich. SeBr C- . " 0 - * italojue am ! prloa list. ! . . / _ f Z I 8 pSI For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all D--oose9 of the THROAT nnd LUNGS. The moat accoptiMo prtp-r-tinn 1" ihe known world. By adding to TOLU ROCK and RYE ItU LemonJul.T , j-oal vs in cxollant Appetizer and Tonic , for ptnral and family n * . The icircer r ncti rrf ; -IM - ouumemtutciiimonli/"received ! daily rr.'ttsbe-t * Tideocctf of its iriurit.ir.il t > ' ul i'y Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPAETJIEIST , OFF1CK OF INTERNAL ItRVESU > WABUBOIOS , P. C. , J-uunry 2fl , 1SSO. / M 3Sra. LAWKXKCKi MARTIN , 11J1 Madison St. , Chicago. Ills. : Gs.Trnms' TS.U ccinpcur.J. in t'ne opinion of this office , wonld have a luiScient qnantltv > the BALSAM . K ! oLU togiTfitrU' h advantsers nscriVd to this article in pectoral complaint * while tha whiskj trd tbo "jrap r > Cr"'i-ate an eainlsion rendering it an agreeable remnly to tb r-itlent. Cwi'ix'nnJw ! accxr ir. . . t > tha fomin'a. it nur properly ba clx.vfd as a MEDICINAf. PREPARATION uiilrr thn pnni-I. is of U. S. R-vL edStxtt-tes. and when xjstampnl.rraj l aoldbyDru , its. Aputhecmea aca Other Persons without rendering them liable to pay fpeobl tax as liqu. r ueMleis Yuiirs r.e. } > ecfullj- , ( -sisrnetl ) ORESN. B. RAUM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTlN.Proprietors , Chicago , Ills , old by DFaJG&iSTS , GROCEES and DEALERS everywhere „ - - § * 3 j p'i p WHO IS UMACQUAJNTtO WITH THZ OROGRAPHY O < S 8Y JEXANININO THjb MAP. THl / - Tr ! Sk "TSfcji g /rWidyrit/MJiS , . _ lJ.itACSaJ'Jai < cSSia J-r inrnafT. T CHICAGO , SOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC B. rs Tire cnKAT r05ranseris LINK BETJTEEH THE.EAST & TIIE ' > . . tize , W alryion. rairfleld. ixidca , Uelkaip CentroTtlie. PrtcCcMin. Trenton. O II ta. 'Jn = ; t > - T n. LeavcsTtorth. Atcite > n , ns Xuvu CStyr WnaZxineton to b&ccrcey. OsioJoc x unS &iua.- rllio : rtootni to Farminxtcn. tlonsparto , Bcn- . , . lIiR.OikacoKi ; , l-Bl , .Mnnre , and IKni Moi fi'flwtoa to Monroe : Den2I ( ruM to Imaisola WlnterMtt AtlantVj to Lewb anil AutluSon ; A oca to ilarlia. 1'hlo ! pw'.tlvolj- a only Kailroad. watch avzs , na cpemei a lln J from CSlCiTiJnto tia btaw of Kanao. 'rnrussB BxprcSJpceaecscrTrBiaa , witb PvOI cac * ali ca.ni:3ts."S < l.'ir > jrTeeacaT 7 Ol3r etween CHICAGO an. ! pfaoau. KAJSAH Crrr , oxcit. Hnirj-s. i&AYxrxoHTn. saa ATCHJ SOJT. IhronzhcarynreniaoniQbctfwniTM- w pjid Kansas Hty. Tla Ue "HUW S3 * < and 3nck.l3laci ! Mxer * Line. " TS3 "Great loct Hlnna1 * ! o . . trncti laid Mth > t el rallu. Whr.t vrlll ploa-.a yea meat will be tha pieaear * of aajnyinz yonr mean , while passing O7er ine boautlf al prairies of Illinois and lowu , 13 ona ot oar macniUccrit Dlnlnc Core that nccompacy ill T&rousli Eiprcca Trains. You cct on entire meal , us gooa as Is Mcrwi In ncy Srst-claas nowi Iors > Jventy-a e cents. jTrreclntinir the fact that n. majority of ths peoplO fi f r aeparate mpiirtmeni. ' ror dlffertint purposes ( and thrimmcnoe im-en2er bcslnesj of this ! lnc warrantin * It ) , we uro plvoaod to an- noancu that this Company runs I' oilman jttiaef VI * . . . ! „ . , i\iT , mraleeolnz Duroojea , anil Piiact Dining Can tor eaunff „ „ . „ . „ . . . , . . irreat rentcro of tor 1'oliK-u C'nrs t * a S riAIXX > K * her yon can enjoy roar toll Bonrs of the day. Mmmluc nt Iron Utilize * epnn the 3 ! And .Mlmonri rivers nt all point * croon * * ; line , add trantferi ere aroklxl t Cound. 3 Sanias CUT , i Mvenrrortli. na Atchi , . , . sections bcinsniaao in Union DjRJJ * , TUB PKINCIlfAK R. OWWJfECrTIuBr ; S T"dI3 UKKAT TliUOUQQ 1 ' Aiip , At CHICAGO , witi CK t nod South. . . vttJk P. . A I < A 3 J li.r , wt.alll.Ccnt.il. &ti90DI .Klth P. P.4i.s P. . W.t ULJ11/L ; andV.KAW. lld& At Hots letAKD. ltn "J111w oku * „ _ - -rjn * . " * and KOCH l r < iA yea > Via , TrttH tie U9T npvrt Alt. Al' > V3TJUai ltTT.wttJlUari. . . ct ' . At U-aiIlEL. % > tth Central Iowa U. It. A I Ota Moi.-n j. with 1 > M. i V U K/h. i At C0mcr > Ui-crrs. witb Union Pocmc r * , * . i At OJLaR.i.oitn Uft Mo. IfIt li. bi AtCoLtrainns jrj.v iox.wftiB..tt. ! tt. At OTTDJJWAntc Cmtral lowr It. Bt. U * P o. sad C. B. ± . 1C. lids. At K70KCZ.witc.TolfrxxAVVar. . : xa . . .J. . . . . - At CAMZBO.f . Tiitb li. St. t. a. U. AtATCuisON. wlUiAteX.Toimks AtcU. A M8U. arol Cen. Br. U. > . K. no * . At MAvrawoicTH. wrttlazj. t a , Cant. U. KJs. AtKJiNSAl ClTT.w1U > UI andSoathwait. . . PAT.ACE CAK8 n * * rtiii thrwiiirh ! VEOKJA. JSSS POr.T.KAST m.UFFs. K.ANHAH CITT. JTCIIINU. iuiu L.KAVKNWO . coiwtui TlclisHrlu * thl rlnc. known th "Orvat llochi . blond Bjtnlo * " i la the United Btute * f iil Canaila. * all Far Ticket Info -matloa zent not obtulaublo t jrour bowe ticket aftSeti , < 4r j. E. S1 % . JOITN - . . KaMSA.IjJb. Ueal Bupertnt aJent. Osnri 'lit. - ' And Everything pertainiBg to the Fumitura aad upholstery Trade. A COMPLETE ASS8BTMEHT OF HEW GOODS AT THE v 1208 and 1210 Farnliasn Street p U mja th lit 1 > K. A. S. PEKDEKY , CONSULTING PHYSICIAN HAS PER1IASKNTLT LOCATED 1113 JIZB- ICAL OFFICE , tSS Tenth Stiset , OMAHA , KEBUASEA OHorlnj his gervice * la all department ! 'o medicine and surgery , both in general an pedal practt-e acute and chronic iliflcac , Ci be consoltfd night and day , .and willvUita part of the city and county on recsipt of Utt * HAMBURG AMERIC N PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi Steamships Lculnx Nevr York Every Thursday t 2 p. m. For England , Franca and Germany. For Passage apply to C. B. RICHARD & CO. , Agent ? , i GO 1 I 0 1 0n UJ 0) 0) L. 0)Q. 0) OCD . 0).o n Q. . O Q. .o OC * > * - L. CO C COO L.a 0bfl CD CD CO O bfl Ctf H CD ULJCO * CtfE B - CDQ hfl jd 0) UJ N CO 0 a LU O -J cd _ 0c CO -H- o 15 sz CO § CD ZJ - * - * CO 0) CO c5 OS CO CD _ _ c - 0) Rfl as o S asha co ha §