Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1880, Morning Edition, Image 4

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Tuesday Morning.lDec. 28. Q
niURSDAY , December 33th.
Members of the Union Catholic
i Library ,
One ol the most H * , rulandpopul rdoaicsUc
mon tbe maocrn f taj-e. Btiuca
vivid picture of ntei and.Poorln
Engleh Life. Very
Jldmtelcn , 60ctnu < ; Matinee for tchool < hil-
irm , FriiUy t 2 p. m. ; Admission. Saeenle.
' raterson Bells coaL
C. H. Frederick , Lea < 3ingHatter , larg-
it stcck acd lowest prices. 23-tf
D ls ! at the 93c store ,
Holiday Goods at Kuhn'
Did you have a Merry Christmas ?
Celluloid and Diatite Seta at Base's. E
Send in those building statietics.
Celluloid Seta at Kuhn's , druggist. J
Holiday presents at Ssxe's , druggis' .
We are comfortably cool , thank you !
A good compositor waited at this
Our Annual Eeview is nearly ready
for the press.
Tliets will l > e a party by the bans Cer-
emonie club , Thursday evening.
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
ew , Creighton Block. o20-tf
Q'.ove fitting Patterns nt Bushman's. tf
The next Standard club p rty come *
off Wednesday evening.
Boy wanted at EoeJtr's drug store ,
16th and Webster streets.
The Northwestern vras the only train
in from the east yesterday , and was ore
b ur late.
Two new engines for the Southern
Pacific of Arizona , were Hken west Satur
It was harJ to distinguish the street
car bells Sunday from the uliiijhbells
which were ringing on every side.
Christmas carols were Bung in ieveral
of the ublic school buildings Friday , on
the eve of closing for the holidays.
Give us to-dayjthe names'of the officers
of yonr lodge or society , and oblige THE
Passenger travel is very light juit now
and only ono Pullman coach daily is re
quired to cwry the through tourists.
The remains of Miss Fannie Graff
were taken to Princeton , 111. , Sunday ,
for burial in the family burying-ground.
There were married at the residence of
A. M. Coleman , of Omaha , Dec. 24 , by
the Rev. D. M. Marquett , Mr. S. L. Cun
ningham and Miss Luc ; E. Mock , both of
this city.
On the Burlington & Missouri river
railroad in Nebraska.commencing January
1 , 1831 , no stop-over wM be allowed on
loial tickets. Passengers should therefore
buy tickets only to rack points as they
deiiro to stor at first.
Among the Chrictmas preents re
ceived by Mayor Chase : One of the rarest
is a cut glass inkstand with f l sized
gilded horse shoo , attachment and mount
ing , the projecting nail heads forming the
pen rests. In this instance Justice S ten-
berg was the thoughtful friend.
The Wabash , SL Louis & Pacific mad
has issued a circular to general agents of
the road , Announcing that after January
1st , the local tariff will be reduced to
tliee cents per mile on all portions of the
The ladies frm the different churches
who are to receive callers at the Y. M. C.
A. on New Year's day , will meet at the
association rooms on Tuesday afternoon , n1
4 o'clock , to complete arrangements for
the occasion. Every one should be pre-
The cards are out for the wedding of
Samuel Hawver , of this city , and Miss
Hattie L. Slaughter , late of Omaha , but
now of Oaceola , Neb. The ceremony wilj
take p'ftce at the M. E. church , at the lat-
tar place , at5:30 a. m. December 28th.
Ulr. Haivver was a passenger on the west
bound train to-day.
Parties who have purchased tickets
for "Waiting for the Verdict , " which the
Union Catholic Library Dramatic AFSOCI-
fttion , assisted by W. O. Sanders nnd oth-
tra , iutend to produce at the Academy of
Munto , on next Thursday night , whonldget
ll.olr teats reserved a early to-day as
possible.This they may do without extra
, at Max Meyer's , on to-day ,
WednesJay and Thursday. AB this is the
onlyjijece to be presented here during the
remaining holidays , the rush for seits , to
npend nh aggceabl ? evening during this fes
tive time , will perhaps crowd out thoce
who make any delay. Tickets mav lie pro
cured at Meyer's , Bushman's , MocDon-
ngh s , Baumcr's and Hospe's.
We extend our hearty congratula
tions to onr numerous friends who
were so fortunate as to secure the
many excellent bargains dispensed by
us during the past week. While sincerely -
cerely thanking all our patrons for
pait favora we wish to add that wo
have a fine line of Caps , Hats , Gloves ,
3fitten , Neckwear , Shirts , etc. , for
INaw Year's , many of which came to
116 for Christmas. J. W. Bunce ,
Champion Hatter , 1419 Douglas St. .
Now You Need Bunco's Shoes. '
Chrietmaa presents given away at
1 he Boston Cash Dry Goods Storo.lOih
md Jones , to all who purchase over
one dollars worth , a plooa of jewelry
tvill be given.
We offer also these great bargains :
50o Silk and Wool Brocades for 25c.
50a Gathmores for 25c.
30o Wonted Dreas Goods for 15c.
An Imrnento variety of i
20c Linen Handkerchiefs for lOe.
2o3KLinen Hemstitch Handkcr-
c liefs for 15s.
35 Linen Hemstitch Handkercblefs
I20c. .
§ 2 Trimmed Hats for SI.
§ 3 Trimmsd Huts fori 5f ) .
And ft EplenaU ? iua of ChtistmEB
of every description at very .
Sole agents in Oaaha for tbo
Cream Oatmeal Soap , d
T hich has had such & run all over the
e 3 * , 10 cents a box of three cakes. Elii ElC
23-Gt ii
_ _ iia iid
Remember Bunco's Warm Caps. It a
SILVER WARE just re tiw
c < vtdto day , atEdholm&Erickion's. t w <
ly.c , neat and new designs suitable
fc. NEW TEAR presents. e ;
How the Day Was Celebrated
in Omaha.
A Season of General Rejoicing.
Christmas day lisa come and gone ,
and wo have another whole year now
in which to look forward to its next
advcn1 , and when told that the day
for the completion of the water
works and sewer system is coming , to
aiy , "So is Christmas f The day was
generally ctlobratcd , and while we
s'Hall endeavor to condensa into our
apsico the list of its festivitier , ue can
giva but the barest details and leave
tie otory of each to be woven to an
interminable hngth by the happy par
The Christmas ceremonies ot St.
Phslomena's cathedral were very in
teresting and imposing. High mats
Christmas morning was celebrated by
the Rev. Father McCarthy. The
main sltar was elegantly trimmed
with evergreens and illuminated with
hundreds of wax tapers. To the loft
of the Virgin's altar was a crib , repre
senting the birth of the
Saviour. Musics were tad ! each
hour until 10:30 : o'clock , when Ponti
fical high mass was celebrated by Rt.
Rev. 'bishop O'Connor , assisted by
Rev. Fathers English , Kelly , Mc
Carthy nnd the Creighton College fa-
ulty. The choir sang Schmidt's grand
mass in C , and the rendition wasgrand
indeed. They have been rehearing
this mass for some little time , and
their efforts were doubly proven not to
have been in vain.
That littla house on the south
west corner of 17th and Camming
streets , popularly known as the church
of the Holy Family , wore , on Christ
mas morning , a drear and deserted
appearance. The furniture , altarde- ,
orations , in fact everything to denote
that it had once been used aa a place
of worship , were removed , and in
their stead , the chill air of the wintry
day without , hold undisputed sway.
The desertion of furnishings , pastor
and people was occasioned by the com
pletion of the basement of the new
church of the Holy Family
on the corner of 17th and
Izird streets , in which
work , the energies of both pastor and
flock , have fcr some time been bent.
In this basement , therefore , on
Christmas day , and for the first time ,
the religious exercises of the church
were held. The attendance at all the
masses was particularly large , especi
ally at that of 10:30 : o'clock. At that
hour high mass was sung by Father
Quinn. The sermon on the gospel of
the day was delivered by the same
gentleman , and WES a calm , earnest
and practical exposition of the spirit
of "peace on earth to men of good
will" which Christ carao to establish
on earth. The choir sing Stocklin's
mass in B flit , the parts of whi.ih
were rendered by the following ladiis
and gentlemen : Soprano , Mi&a Cerin
da Knight ; alto , Misa Sillio McDermott -
mott ; tenor , Messrs. S. J. Brady , J.
Feoney nd J. McDermott ; bass ,
Messrs. Thos. Golden and W. W
Waugh. Miss Katie Begley presided at
the organ.
The children of Trinity church hsd
their service of enrols at Masonic hall
at 4:30 p. m. Fridiy and attended
four or five hundred strong , including
thoio from all the missions connected
with the cathedral , accompanied by
their teachers. An elegant collation
was sot for the children , and Bishop
Clarkson madu a short but very inter
eating addrcrs.
On the same eveniug the teachers ,
Rchokra and "friends of the Presby
terian Sunday School assembled in
tha church pirlora to celebrate
Christmas eve. After sorao enjoyable
Bnging : tha raportn of the secretary
nd treasurer were read , showing the
total attendance for the year to bo
7,032 , and the amount of collections
8252 45. Santa Olnus put in an ap
pearance about this time with a load
of attractive gifte , and having dis
tributed them gave way to the ladies
who seived delicious refreshments in
the shape of coffee , cakes' , cindy and
Matouic hall was beautifully decor
ated Saturday night on the occasion
of the Christmas festivities of the
li'ghteenlh street M. E. Sunday
school. A charming and well-arranged
programme , including singing , rad
iations , etc. , was gone through in fine
itylo to'the great delight of all pres-
snt. At the
close of the programme ,
.ha chorus , "Santa Claus is Coming , "
isherod in that venerable traveler in
'ull costume , nnd gifts were freely dis-
ributed to the children. The occ.v
ion waa ono of the pleasantest of the
toliday series.
Tbo happyChristmas entertainment
if a Tear ago was repeated nt the
Douglas street Lutheran church Sat-
irday night. The church was beau-
ifully decorated , the Christmas tree
iconpying a conspicuous place in th"o
irrangementa. The miniature repre-
ientation of the stable , the manger
ind the wise men of the east was
sin exhibited to the great pleasure
f alt present. R9v. Dr. Baugher
nado a .pleasing address , sad there
faa singing and responsive resdings ,
ifter which gifts cf candy , fruit , etc. ,
were distributed by Superintendent
Cmisonring. The annual Christmas
jelebration at this church is always n
jreat attraction to the children and
.heir friends.
Santa Claus did not forget the chil-
3ren of this well managed Sundav
ichocl on his annual visit. When the
shnrch was crowded Saturday even-
ng.hej drove in with his huge sled ,
Irawn by boys Instead of rein-deer ,
ind filled with trees whose precious
ruit was of every varietr suited to the
asto of these who were to be re-
rarded with a gift from
o heavily laden branches.
There were other accompanying ex-
Tclsea and the "Magi and the Mea-
siah. " was rendered excellently. It
was a great evening for the children.
Here , tooon , Friday evening , Santa
Glaus made a stop , to find another
large gathering of children waiting to
deplete his treasure box. An enter
tainment , literary and musical , open
ed the prcgramme of the evening ,
which closed when the patron saint of
children had distributed his favors.
Refreshments wore served during the
evening , and the usual social enjoy
ments filled out the time.
The Trinity Mission ( colored ) had
their Christmis entertainment at Ma
sonic hall Saturday afternoon. It was
a very pleasant and enjoyable affair.
The children of St. Mark's church
will have a Christmas tree entertain
ment this evening , commencing at
7:30 o'clock.
The St. Barnabas Sunday and par
ish schools' Christmas tree aervice will
bo held this evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Appropriate Christmas services were
held at the various churches Saturday
or the theme BUZKested by the day re-
sf.rved for yesterday's discourse.
The Omiha Mission school meets
fori'a Christmas concert on Tuesday
There were numerous private cele
brations of the day and several of the
clubs and societies aided in making the
occasion one of general rejoicing.
Chirstmis drew nomornercompany
together than that which assembled
at the hoti-eof Mr. L. Brash on Dodge
street. The hdies had decided to
makethe\noatof the waning leapyearby
making theaffaira leap year party , anc
in their solicitude for the comfort anc
en joymentof those whom they oaconed ,
acquitted themselves in a most gentlu
many manner. The gentlemen were
neatly and becomingly dressed , n-ani
of them having their coats ttlmmei
with lace and carrying fans provide !
by their escorts.
Misa Addle Gladstone was appoint
ed master of ceremonies , and to her
able management much of the enjoy
ment of the evening was duo. Dasc
ing and old-fashioned Christina
games filled up the evening. The
musicil caterers , Messrs. Hetzel anc
Irvine , furnishing excellent music
At 12 o'clock , the company proceedei
to demolish an elegant and bountifu
supper , prepared by the hostess , Mia
R. Brash. Late in the morning the
happy party dispersed with many
good wishes for the courteous hos
and hostess ,
Mr. M. G. McKoon's residence wa
. the scoue of much pleasure , for the
children and their relitives auc
friend : , who assembled there on
Christmas day. There aa a fine
Christinas tree , from which Santa
Claus himself dealt out gifts , with a
hvish hand. A magnificent Christ
n < as dinner waa among the other en
j ym ins of tlie day.
The Annetta club , composed o
"bachelors , " had a dinner at the resi
dcnco of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hine-
baugh , Siturday.
Mayor Chase and family dined wit !
mine host Donovan , of the Creighton
House , on Christmas day , and th
dinner was fit for .1 king. A party o
over one hundred invited guests dine <
with Mr. Donovan.
The Concordia society had a splen
did entertiument at Metz's Hall Sat
urday ni ht , including a grand con
cert by Steinhau or'a magnificent or
chestr.i , music by the Concordia sing
ers , a zither solo by Mr. Bomerich
and piano music by Profs. Cahn anc
Walther. A superb Christmas tree
was then plucked , each lady receiving
a handsome present.
On Friday evening the drivers anc
employes of t'lo Omaha hnrse railway
presented thtir foreman , Mr. Wm. A.
Smith , with very beautiful and val
nable easy ch < .ir , aa a token of tha
esteem and rr j ; v.d in which he is belt
by them. T' y wore so cautious
about it that the rtfTiir wax a. genuine
surprise to Mr. Smith' , but none the
loss grateful on tint account. Suita
ble thanks w re returned , and the
occasion equ , 1 y enjoyed by the fore
man and his men.
The police force and city officials
had a round of presentations on Fri
day afternoon. Judga Hawes received
a beautiful gold headed cane from the
police force , Marshal Westerdahl a
similar present from his brother , Ben.
Westerdabl and a pair of elegant
sleeve-bn ! tons from the force. Mayor
Chase nUo received a lovely But ol
cameo cuff-buttoua from the police
T. C. Bruner , the IGth street crccor ,
gavoenchof his customers H Chtist-
nus turkey , in accordance with a
time honored custom of his. Our
local assisted tn dissecting ono of the
uumber snd it was very fine.
Hon. James E Boydmadea slmiKr
present to each of the employes of hia
big packing house.
Tlieboys of the U. P. headquarters
are smoking several thousand Christ
inas cigars with Brckwith , Quinn &
Co. , of Evanston and Echo.
A puree waa presented Miss Annie
Keating , of the Creighton House , by
her friends among the boarders.
Tuo Tenth street Mission and In
dustrial School will give their annual
Christmas concert and entertainment
at the Baptist church , Tuesday even
ing , the 28th int. , at 7 o'clock. The
public generally are Invited , and
promised an interesting programme.
This intertainmont is depended upon
to furnish in pnrt the means to carry
on the school , and a liberal attend
ance is desired on that account.
The City Mission school children
are to begin their usual Christmas
dinner at their building on Tenth
itreet , on Wednesday the 29th , at
noon. The generously disposed people
ple of the city are invited to help in
"his by sending cooked refreshments
f all kinds to the rooms before noon
) f that day , and to those to whom it
s not convenient to deliver their con-
.ributions of provisions , if notice is
ent to Mr. Swilzler , superintendent ,
ir the following committee , the same
will be called for.
Assistant Sup't.
On Fncny evening a few invited
guests , numbering about fcrty , assem-
iled at the Bee Hive photograph
tudlo , en Sixteenth street , to enjoy
Christmas eve with the proprietor ,
NIr. D. S. Mitchell. Our reporter
hid the good fortune to be among the
favored ones , as he has been before
since the inauguration of this studio ,
which has become , within his own
recollection , ono of the permanent and
valued institutions of the city.
The elegant headquarters of
art have been beautified
and added to year by year and they
surely never were so delightfully
pless nt as on this occasion , as sur
rounded by exquisite pictures , lace
and taoestry , elegant walnut and
veneeriaff , the party stood before two
lovely Christmas trees radiant with
rich holiday fruits.
Mr. Mitchell In a few brief words
welcomed his guests moBt hospitably
nd then called upon one of the
number , Mr. Edwin Davis , ttq
trip the trees and give each
; ift to its owner. It has been
ilr. Mitchell's custom for years past
to annually give lus employes a re
minder of his appreciation and regard
n the shape of a present , and on this
occasion the mementos were especial
ly beautiful and appropriate.
P. F. Davenport , who does his re-
Louching , received a handsome solid
old scarf pin in the form of a shield ,
upon the reverse of which were the
words , "From the Bee Hive Studio ,
for faithful services , 1880. " Upon the
'ace was engraved the frame used in
retouching , and pendant from the
sbieli was a miniature camera cf
gold , -with a tiny photograph within
it , visible only by means of a magni-
ylng lens.
Jacob Haucklnk , and water color ar
tist , received a piinter's palette of
old embosssd with .the paint colors
and Inscribed as the first. A very
fine 20x24 inch portrait of Master Ed
die Divis , waa presented to Mr. Davis
from the studio. Dr. Soberer received
a fine album. Mrs. May Cannell , a
sister of Mr. Mitchell , received so
many elegant gifts that it Is impossi
ble to enumerate them , but we bavo
a photograph showing them all to
gether , and it looks like a view from
Max Meyer's store. And , by the way ,
that ia where the pins mentioned
above weromanufacturedandthey are
fine specimens of the jewelers art.
After the trees had been stripped a
fine collation was spread for the guesta
and the remainder of the evening wno
spent In social enjoyments which
csased only as Christmas eve gave
way and Christmas day was ushered
The Freshest and Nicest line of
goods ia town at
27-2t 143 Douglas St.
Reduced , at Bushman's.
Valencia Oranges , Florida Oranges ,
Dodge and Fifteenth Sts.
On opening their store .this morn
ing Whipple , McMHlen & Co. dlecov-
ered , although their sales had been
immense during the past week , that
there was still a fine stock of all kinds
of jewelry from which to select Now
Year's presents. New goods received
dally by express. Remember the-
place , Creighton block , Fifteenth
You can buy some very nics New
Year's presents at the old reliable
jewelry house of Whipplo , McMilleu
& Co , Croighton block , Fifteenth
street. Every express from the east
brings new goods.
J. F. Sawyer wishes to announce to
his friends and old customers that ho
may be found , as heretofore , at 1314
Farnham street , wheco ho will be glad
to show them the best selected stock
of Watches , Clocks , Jewelry , Spectacles
and Silvcrwaru at prices that defy
competition. tf
See Cruickshank'a new advertise
ment for Holiday Goods , on third
If you want good , sweet , nutritious ,
white , lisjht bread , that TV ill make
your wife smile , your children happy ,
and drive dull care away , iry "Jack
Froit" flour. Welshans & Brother ,
Agents , City Mills. It
A Fine line of spmples of Now
Year Cards at THE BEE Job Room.
Call in time and leave your orders.
Reduced , at Bushman's.
He made her a Christmas present of
beautifuf gold watch and chain ,
bought of Whlpple , McMlllen & Oo. ,
aud now she Is going to buy him a
present for New Year. She has se-
ectod It at Whipplo-McMillan &
Co.'a , Oroighton block , 15th street.
Elegant vases tastily ornamented ,
beautifully colored , latest atyles ,
arge'variety , atO. F. Goodman's IGth
treet drag store. tf
Beautiful Celluloid sots , morrocco
covered and lined with richly linked
illk and eatin , all shapes and oizes at
3. F. Goodman's 16th street drug
store , corner Capital Avenno. tf
Damaged hats given away , at Nin-
del & Krell'a , one door west of BEE
For Sale atx-horao power Baxter
engine and boiler , In good repair.
Apply at BEE offiea. no4tf
The finest Christmas goods in Oma
ha. , Gold , Silver and Celluloid Sots ,
Odor Oases , Ladies' Purses , &c. Call
early , as they are going fast.
decl4tf Twelfth and Douglas Sts.
Damaged hats given away , at Nin-
dell & Krell's , ono doer west of BEE
Messrs. Nindel & Krelle have pur
chased the eutire stock of the firm of
C. B. De Great & Co. , which they
now offer for sale 8t a very low price.
Tive dollar hat sold for three dollars ,
tnd other goods in proportion. Any
one desiring a good bargain should
not fail to call and examine our stock.
farnham Street , next door to BEE
Jnst received- THE BEE Job
looms the nicest line of diminutive
'aper and Envelopes and Cards , suit-
ble for Children's Birthday Parties.
Call and see them.
Lowest Temperature Known
in Omaha for Years.
A sudden change took place Sun
day morning at 7:50. : The cold wave
in all probability came from Mlohi-
nn. At Alpans , Mich. , yesterday
morning the thermometer indicated
35 decrees below zero , and at 11:20 : ,
just at time anowatopped falling hero ,
he wind changed from south to north ,
and the temperature fell 13 degrees In
10 minutes. This was ? be quickest
fall recorded at the government signal
office in the past 18 months.
The wind has been blowing from
twenty five to thirty miles an hour.
The temperature last evening at this
point , at the last observation , was 4 *
degrees below zero.
At 5:45 : o'clock this morning the
wind was blowing from the northwest
and the temperature was 8 degrees be
low zero. At 7 n. m. It was 9 degrees
At Davenport this morning It was
five degrees below. Last evening tt
that place the temperature was 2G di
gress above , showing a fall of 31 de
grees in eight houra.
At Des Moines it waa two above
last nisjht end seven below this mornIng -
Ing , with high winds.
The barometer at this signal station
now etands higher than it hns been
this month , while the thormomater is
the reverse. As long as this condi
tion of things remain , we cannot ex
pect any more anew , but , on the con
trary , very sivero weather.
Oder cases , odor cases , beautifu
designs , pocket books , card cases am
a spfendid line of holiday presents : i
0. F. Goodman's 16th atireot drm
store. t
FURS1 FURS ! ! FUSS ! ! !
Ladies' and gents * fur goods of ev
ery description'at the Fu * Manufac
tory , opposite postoffice , Omaha. Al
goods are warranted.
Gents' fine Furnishing Goods , a
the Omaha Shirt Factory. d5tf
Raceino SILVER WARE just re
ceivcd to-day at Edhalm & ErJckaon's
Nice , neat and new designs suitable
for NEW YEAR pressnts.
Hen. Thomas Wolf , of Seward , isinth
Mr. Andy McAus'aud has returned from
he eist.
Frank Murphy came in from Chicago
Col. E. H. Wilbur left Sunday fo
Port Steele.
General Manierson was a passenger on
the u cat-bound train yesterday.
Senator Alvin Saundeis returned from
Washington City Sunday.
Superintendent J. T. Ulark , of the 17.
P. , has lelurned from the east.
A. H. i Swart , of the Tecumseh Chieftain -
tain , was in the city Sunday.
Miss Lou. E. Dumas left on Scnday
for Fremont , to spend the holidays.
Fred McConne'l , located now at Salt
Lake City , is in Omaha for th-i holidays. _
Ben. Wood , of tbo Omaha , National
Bank , returned from the east Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes'ey ' Morsman are in
the city , the guests of Mr. EM. . Mors
Mi-s Nettie Prichard. of Peru , is in the
the city , visiting her sister , Mrs. T. W.
J. S. Hodson , traveling agent of the IT.
P. railway , at Chicago , was in the city
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. JO'BriVn and Mr.
Frank Osburn , of Detroit , are spending
the holidays with .Mr. and Mrs. E.It.
Mis * Gertrude Carpenter , daughter of
James G. Carpenter , of Fort Omaha , ar
rived in the city Saturday to spend the
holid ys with her parents.
Extra Select 35
Standards - - 25
- - -
Every can guaranteed
A West Point Man Comes to
Omaha in Search of a
Wayward Daughter.
A man by the name of Martinek ar
rived iu this city yesterday from West
Point , Neb. , In search of his wayward
daughter , who la about 16 years of
aga. She has been in Omaha for the
part six months , but about three
months since all correspondence ceased
between parents and daughter , and
the former have been unable to hear
from her In any way. The only clue
the father has found leading to her
whereabouts Is the fact that she was
employed until very recently In a
barber thop on Doughs street ,
whose proprietor was also a woman.
Since the time of her leaving this
place nothing has been definitely
learned of her , but the policy have
reason to believe that she now liven
somewhere in the vicinity of the bar
racks , and is leading a life of shame.
Officer McOluro'has the casa In hand ,
and will find the missing one if pos
The supper given by Mr. John
Garber on Christmas eve was a grand
success in every particular. About
three hundred patrons and friends
were in attendance , and all express
themselves highly pleased. John is
never behind the times and never un
dertakes anything without carrying it
Clocks , Silverware and Jewelry , all
of the latest design , at ,
The Jewelers opposite the Postoffice.
N. B. Come and sea our stock be
fore you buy elsawhere. It will pay
The Jewelers.
Come and see them , justMhe thing for
Now Year , eight new designs at Grand
Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth St.
lS-eod-3 *
A first-class hotel In every respect , la
ituated on the northwest corno * of
Thirteenth and Capitol avenue. This
new house Is newly and elegantly fur
nished throughout , and the table and
jlll of fare will compare favorably
with the best in the land. Give it &
rial. No runner at the Depot.
Raceine SILVER WARE jmt re-
jeived to-day at EJholm &Erickaon's.
Nice , neat and new designs suitable
for NEW YEAR presents
Damaged hats given away , at Nin-
dell & Krell's , one door west of BEE
( Tiffanys of the West. )
Have completed their pre
parations for the approaching
preaching Holidays , and
suggest that an early ex
amination of their stock
will enable purchasers to
secure the choicest selec
tions , and escape the
crowds unavoidable later
Until Christmas , the es
tablishment will be kept
, open in the evenings.
NOTICE Advortlacmeuts To Let For Sale'
Lort , Found , Wants. Botiilln ; &c. , will bo Inserted -
sorted In these columns oneo for TEW CENTS
p r line ; each subscqn < : ntlBBsrUonFlVE CEHTS
per line. The ( hat luwtion never lew thin
r SO nOAH Otll at Law OSce
M1 ! > . ! . . TUOJIAS. Booia8,0rctehton Block
POHXT TO LOAN 1109 Farnhaa street.
M1 Dr. ndtr&ri/ ) Levi Asrency. nov-22-tl
tTTANTKD T o girls immediately , at the
Y V Dcrjn Uou-.e , opnositc THE CUE office
Nice furnished room with board ,
by two ynuni ; gentlemen. Good refer
ences. A ddrees K. , this office. ] 14-28
'ANTED A coed girl , 1510 Uarney street.
ANTED Cook at the Pacific House nmn
W or woman. " 65-28
W ANTED Ocod girl for general housework.
Enquire > it ticket office , U. P , 1/ept.i
WANTED Coot. Apply to K. McCoy , cor-
ner 10th and California strce's. 03-27
WAMTED-Girl for general housework , at
1408 , Chicago street , bet 14th and 15th.
TTTANTED Coo\ and kitchen help , at tha
YV Pacific House. 98-28
"VTTANTSD An experienced batcher wants
Y V to start a meatoaiket liisomesmall west
ern town , where there is none , or where one is
neede'i ; w end ! take a reliable partner. Addre. > 9
E. K. Webb , Jickscn , DikoU Co. , Neb. 9C-tf
W ANTE [ ) A good house-keeper , 1100 Farn
barn street , upttaira. 32-tf
A TED Employment for h&rse and nagon.
E. A. UARRIS3 , 10th and Nicho'aa Sts.
WANTED All Omaha know that the
_ Koyil St. Jonu Is the hisa cl Sewinjr
Machine ; , office on l > th St. 84Df
FOR BENT Furnist od rooms , with board ,
cast sice 20th , bet. Chlcigo and C'a s Sis
rilOR RET A flro furnished front room ,
J.1 first floor , between 14th nnd 15th streets , for
gentlemen Inquire at 1415 Howard St. 107-t
TjlOH EST Brick dwelling next to cor. llth
C and PdciSc. Enquire Qeo. U. 1'cterson , 804
10th St. 104-tf
FOR KENT House in Shull's Snd addition ,
8'5 per month , ft' . SIUEUAJ , , ro < . .n6 ,
Crelgli on li'oek. ' SUS-tf
F I OK RENT A furnished , si.uth lent room.
Inquire at No. 1012 Karnlnm St. t8i-tf
FOR KENT Cottage , on on and Pine Sts. ,
new houce , eight roomsonS3Ja'.d CoaSU
Enquire J. P. Roe , S. E. Cor. 12th ana r'ani-
m- 6 8-tf
FOR RENT 2 furniahcd rooms over Mer-
chants Exchange , N. E. Cor. 16th and
Uodre streets.
and tiiebeatsprn.-whcotfiour , bran , cliop
fctil , Baled hay , hominy , itraham fljur , corn
mca' &c , at iwroM PniCEa , Send orders to
Itelsnans & Dro.Stl ] and Karnliam street ? . City
3- 1U-29.
FOR SALE A CARQAIN A buifdinsr with
saloon fiKturca , furniture and stock , on 10th
St. , opposite the U.P. depot , for file very chrap.
Or the fixture ] , furniture and stock uill bo sold
ana building rented. Inquire of El ) . KBEISS-
I Olt SALIT Bu3iie3 house and grocery clock ,
1 Restaurant attached. Addrrss R. Chaffln ,
Aurora , Neb.
H10R SALE Two close carriages , at A. J.
Simpson's. Oll-tf
Rl K SALE Cottonwood luinoar ol all alzes , t
r RKDMOND'S , Slxteonth-st 616-t
LOST Ladies Black Fur Boa , between Ma
sonic Hall and Fred. Lange's srocery. Re-
wsr.l pild if returned to Wabash Ticket Office.
LOST A bunch o'kejs with check on , bcarlnz
the name of Alex. Linburg. Finder will
3 eaaa leave at Dee office. 111-23
T710UND Bunch of keys. Inquire at this
JJ office. 110-tf
nriAKEN UP On Friday , December 2 , 1830
_ L oin rod brindta cow. Medium size Owner
or can have same by provlns property and p y
ingcharnes. JOHN BAOLEV ,
8 miles S. W rom Omiha Drcxel'a School Dig
23-e mon-5t
Absolutely Pure ,
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No otlur
ircpantion makes such light , flaky hot breads ,
r luxurious p&gtry. Can be eaten by dyppeptics
rlthout fear of the 11U resulting Irora ha in-
Igestlbte food.
bold only In cans by all Grocer ? .
( Fofsiorr ? o Dish 6 Jacobs )
fcH 1 M
to S 5 C ia
No. 1117 r rnh m St. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil
S. IP. 3VCOE-SE ! < fe OO.
@AL $80,000 !
We make this month a specialty to close out our Desirabla end seasonable goods at Loy
Figures. Our immense stock of Winter clothinsr for Men's , Ymtth s , Boyo and Children a
wear , comprising Working , Business , and Dress Suits , in latest Patterns and Styles , Over
coats , Ulsters and UJsteretts worked from the finest eooc-s of wooiens ; eleo a complete line of
Furnishing Goods , Novelties in Neckwear for the Holidays. Hats , Caps , Gloves , &c. , , must
. Well-isnovni i-o tne puohc that taese
make way for our immense Spring stock of clothing. -
goods were the bsst selected stock ever brought to this market.
SOOI 1001 Farnham Si , Oo SOth.
Pianos and Organs First Class
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Sheet Music and Musi
cal Instruments ,
11 Paintings. Engravings and frames at great
ly reduced prices.
xIO Frames , 1 inch , Walnut 15e
} xl2 " 1 " . - 23
5x11 " 1 " " 20
2 18 " U " " 0
2x18 " 1J " " 65
Jx20 : ' 1 } " " 75
ustlc 8x10 frame 15
Iiromos framed , emill , 2 c ,
liromos framed , large , 1 25 ,
ngravlnga from 60c upwards ,
holograph frames from 15c upwards ,
" rCo : Jces 76c a window and
imhrequirj 8 00 per window and npwardg ,
ornlco Poles 2 50 per window and upwards , ;
civet frames 25c each to5 00
3 n ursxc.
lolin String lie ,
lollis 1 76 , 2 50 , 3 and apwardg ,
uitara S 00 , 0 CO , 7 00 and npwarda ,
injoa 1 00. 3 00 , 5 00 , and upwards ,
cconleons from 1 00 up , cheapen In city
Send for samples and catalogue of mouldings
id sheet mnslc. A. HOSPE , JR. ,
,19 Doc'i/o St. . next door to Harris and Flaher'a
Omaha Neb.
FERRY © N 5 E.
I hare bridged the approaches to th ? river.
o opposite coat ? nd Jonea street mklnif s
ea ant , easy and sifo crossing at the nominal
ill , viz :
[ urscman , each Sc.
nc Morse and Wa on lOc.
.voJIorscsand T/suton 15c ,
" " " " return
same < lay Oc.
'oot-men Free ,
December 13tb , 18& > . d3-lra !
Ear and Throat.
) H. TJ. B. GrUAD D Y
flce Over Kennard's Drug Store ,
Cornerofl4tnsnd [ ! Douslaa Sts. ]
C . noTia-tzn
Propose for the next ninety (90) ( ) days to sell then
entire stock of
Diamonds , Watches ,
Jewelry , Clocks ,
Silver-Ware ,
Pianos A Organ ]
At Manufacturing Prices , Which is from 15 to 20 per
cent , below any Eastern Wholesale House ,
preparatory to moving into their
New Store , Cor. ith ! & Farnham
We 3ean ? Easiness. Come and be Convinced ,
The largest and beat Miortment of
Trunks and Valises in the West. Telescopic Cases
and Sample Trunks a Specialty.
H. H. MARHQFF ; - - -
117 14th St. . 3 Doors North of Douglas St.