Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1880, Morning Edition, Page 8, Image 8

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T His , DAILY Kl -
Saturday v orning , Dec. 25.
flU IlbDAV , December 3Jth.
Members of tbe Ubion Catholic
Librarv ,
Due ci Uie mo.t lums fu1 w i jupulriloxcstic
dram ou tin m . ' t-e l ! < i a
. . ' . . aiuToonn
i Id.ictur > 'ur I'.ic
btrou.u"t. .
. . for scli-wl chil
Admission , 50 r
dren. frid v at S t > . m ; Auiuis Kin , tli
_ JCo paper wi .1 be issued from this office
Additional local on Sfth a e.
J'atemm pells coal.
C. II. Fred-r'cl ; . Le.vling Hatter , larg
est st ck and lo A e-t prices. 23-tf
Good skatinsat the park.
Holiday Coodi at Kulm's.
See 1'olack'a advertisement ,
Celluloi I an J Diatite Sets t Saxe's.E
Celluloid SetsatKuhn's , druggist. ;
Holiday pre-euts ataxe's , drus n t ,
Brovvnell Hall reopens Janncrj-11.
Lemieiix'o sociable at Standard Hall
la clo-ed f ir this seison.
Christmas do ngs at the 18th btreet M
E. church this evening.
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel
ers , Ore ighton Block. o2i-tf (
ttlove fitting Pattern- Bushman's. tf
The nail works have shut down untl
Januarys , owing to breakage in machinery
The snow is all cleared off and the ice
is in excellent condition at the skatinc
The dummy runs on Christmas and
New Year's day at 8 , 9 , and 11 a. m. and
2 and 5p.m.
E. A. Fry brok1 his arm while skat
ing at the rink Thursday. He was doing
some fancy turns when he felL
Don't fonjet Cammenzind's & Meyer's
FREE supper to their friends and patrons
Dec. 24th from 5 p. m. to 12 p. m. , 2i'7 '
13th street. 2S-2t
\t the Holy Family Church High
Mass will be celebrated to-day at six-
o'clock ; children's mass at nine o'clock
* mahs at half past ten.
Installation of Blue Lodge officers oc
curs at Masonic Hall on Monday evening
next , and of Charter officers on Tuesday
A cargo of forty-four cars of tea , en
route east , is now on its w.iy here oter the
Union Pacific , and will b ? shipped to Chicago
cage over the Hock Island road t i-day.
St. Mark's South Omaha Christma-
service to-day will be held at'1 a.m.
The Christmas entertainment fothech' d-
ren of the Sunday and sewing schools will
taVe place fn Mrnday evening next at h :
past seven'
l < adie < from different churchts nhi
aie to receive callers at the V , M. C. .A
onNew Year's day , wilt meet at the room-
Tuesday , 4 p in. , to complete arrange
The Lutheran Sunday school hav < -
their Christm-s tree and concert tips
evening at 7 o'clock. Instrumental aud
v cal im.Mc will iform part of the pro
gramme. All are welcome. Admis-iou
free :
ICe s is received here of tee deal1 * i f
Mr. Thos. Ib'tiitson , of Waco , Xeb. , which
occurred ou Weines lay morning last after
a few days illne&s. The deceased was
wellknoHn and highly respected iu Hie
community in which he resided.
At St. Philomena's Cathedral high
mass will be celebrated at C o'clock
his morninc. Masses will also be said
at 7 imd 9 o'clock a. in. , and at 10:30 a.m.
Pontifical high mass will be celebrated by
Jit. lev. ! Bishop O'Connor.
In accorderce with a time-honored
custrm Mr. JHchard Wilde will set before
his friends to-d y , from 12 to 2 p. m. a
fine collation with champagne punch , and
he invite * all IPS fiiends to call and see
him , at his jilace , corner of arnhaui and
12tli ctreets.
-Every one in this city who , in 1SSO ,
built a store , a residence , a barn , or an ad
dition , will confer a favor on THE BEE by
sending u * a postal car. ' , : it once , with
their names , co-t , of improvement , wheth .
er brick or frame , diinen iou. of building ,
and location of t * e same. Adiliess "Illus
trated Annual Keview , " Bee office.
In the ixil'ce comt yesterday frur
ji'a'n drunks wor ° committed in df fault of
S3 and'it4. . One man arre-ted on MIS-
picion of having committe'l petit larceny , 1c 1
was dis harped , as it transpired tint lie c :
had bought his ' of lretwu\
good' * \ thp auc c
tioneer. A man arrested f rdistmbing the v :
pe.ce was i-ent to jail iu d fault of pay- '
in nt of his fine. -
To-ill jrrow night at 7:30 the tcholars C
of the Sun ! ay school of the Fir = t M E. 5 >
church give their Christmas euterUin- I
meut. "The Magi and the Messiah" and G
other iuteres ing cxercUe * . Oood nm = 5c i
willte furnished.Admission to i > ersons
not members of the Sunday rchool , fifteen
cents' . S nta CLvjs gives the presents in
propria personal.
Hou. JJtL 1'arker. a former member of
the state le islature , from Merrick coiintv.
was arrcstod Thursday , at Toft's cigar
stoiw , by Dewity U. S. Marshal Moody ,
and loJged in tlie caunty jail. He i cliarg-
ed with btealinir a registered mail pouch ,
on .March 12th. 1877 , from the train , near
Central City. The pouch , with its con-
Unib.,4VtM)0 in po tage stemiH. waa found -
by H near the Pl tt
MJUAW riveiebnt > : r.
Prker , who wu. tMSfie ie i. w a not found
from that day until List evening. Parker
lo mi eccentric character , uad Addicted to
{ troug driuk. .
"An Ar.biiOi Xighf at theAc demy
this ov nrtiR ,
Swiw foot d ep is reported on tlie
* l l r tad t Ute jlkhofti Vll y toad.
The fotest from tb Poam oml hole is :
that the drill te yet ft t. Tlie drill-m ! h s
broken off about ninety feet -above the
The Missouri to be Spanned by
a Mew Bridge at Omaha
Within fc > ix Mouths ,
And tie En ire Eastern Passen
ger Traffic to be ! ransferred
to This Ciiy.
The Iowa Pool About to Go
to Pieces.
Omaha and Council Blufis to
be Made Practically
The most important news' . has
beu. n.adu public for t , long time
past ia that which comes from Now
York city Friday through Mr. C C
lloustil , one of thu uoveruinuat d n r
tors of the Union Pacific r < ul.u y
This ia to the effect tint ; i couipam
rf eastern cupitdistshas been or i. <
ized to build another bridge across tin
.Missouri at this point , the aubscrip
tion list being headed bv Mr. Frank
Smith , of the well known Smitl
Bros , with 850 000. The company
will apply to coupress for a charter
immediately after the Holiday-
and as soon as that
is obtained will btgm work at once ,
and Mr. Housel s lys we will have the
bridge by August next. It 13 to be
a low bridge , with a draw for the
passage of boats , and will be both for
railroad trains and for horses , wagons
and foot passengers. It is very pos
sible that Captain Porter's right of
way will be purchased and form the
route to the new bridge on the east
The bridge Is really built in the in
terests of the Omaha and St. Paul
road , but it means the inevitable dis
cuption of the Iowa pool and the run
ning of all eastern trains into Omaha.
Dis now conceded by all railroad
men , says Mr. Housel , that
the pool ia bound to o
under and that a very e.irly day. The
kV abash has already agreed to run into
Omaha and so have the other roads ,
ind the only thing which deters them
s the fact that the U. P. bruigc has
not sufficient capacity to accommodate
to great a number of trains. The new
iridye will obviate this uitliciilty and
with its early completion the
entire passenger business of
he Hoes centering at Spoon Lake and
) maln will be transferred to this city ,
.yliile the freight busineas will be
t-antacted on the other side. The
Council Buff ) < stockyards h-xvc , as is
Known , been sold by Messrs.
Swan , Paxton it Co. , and the
1) ill : of the Btock business will- return
o this side where it properlr Ir longs.
The wagon bridge will afford cheap
and easy transit between the two
cities , and it is regarded in the past
ind elsewhere as a mo h will
be of mutual banefit to Omaha and
Council Bluffs.
Another improvement in the facili-
ies for Omaha pasapngor travel is the
jutting on of a new , af'ernoon train
Torn Omaha east to avoid the present
rexatious delays here and at the other
lide. This train will be put on the
iret of the year.
Boots and Shoes , sure n. suit all in
[ iiality and price at Fullriede'e near
.3th and Douglas.
Brace np with Bunco's Suspenders.
1 023-2
S-lk Handkerchiefs at Bunco's 23-2
Fresh CKs'ers , Poultry , Apples ,
5 'S. Oranges , Gripes , Confectionery ,
fms , Christmas Trees , H-ibbard
Squashes. Cabbat-es , Swe > f Potatoes ,
.ladhhes , Turnips , Beets , Onions , }
J-loiy. &s. , at BUFFET'S.
As I will remove from my present
icatii.n on Jimmy 1. 1881 , I will
lf > 90 out a large invo ce of fine
ihromos just received , and some of
ht ! beet Leitu-g stov < & In the market.
\lso a lot of decorated and plain
-hnnware , French chim , cut ghts
etlamp' , t ibla and hanpins , ladies'
rockmt : c. airs , parl > r and bed room
sets. These goods must be sold imme-
iiately regardless ofcoft.
Every afternoon and evening at
B'tnner'c. 1410 DougUs btreet , of
ine furs , consisting of real mink sets ,
beaver set ? , Alatl-a mink sets , child
ren's white sets , muff * and wolf robes.
Elegant vases tist ly o.-munerued ,
enutifnliy colwred , Hteat atj'les.
arge variety , at 0 F Gfwlman'e 16h
itreet drug store. tf
.Mrs. L'8n % 217-N. IGth St , ia
.irepared to do dress mikinz on the
ihortest i.otice. Prices mocerxte.
Beautiful Celluloid i-ete , morrocco
overed and lined with richly tinked
illk and ratio , all shapes and sizes at
j. F. Goodmiu's 16h stree drng
tore , corner Capital Avenue. tf
Tempting Diep'ay of Nutri-
cious Viands
The proprietors if theD ujla * street
nieatinaiketJ"8upliF Snee'jitG'i , an-
iii.ikina a ftrikiny ( li.-plny ol Cluistiu .s
meats. Tnis firm haa nude i1 a pin'
for m ny years to Inve a _ l r > ili -
p'ny ' tf choice nit-nta on Christina' aiui
some of their displ iys ' ave bro i won
derful onisin the > vay of fat Neb-aak.i
fed cattle.
Tuey h.-.vo this ye > r j > V or-d
light htad of ( ini-Jat u.i tit- , pie .n-l
r r niarkut by Mr.Volcoi or i h M
enmity , uiid h. vo the be f s'nnii < nil
in thiin.irki t now W iil - ttin u
tlf , irt not as li avy , - \ - < niune tint tti > y
liivt- [ , l c. d in the niarkut in f iru. i
years till' qliil ty t.f t'u ' * in"r 11 Vt-iy
tine , and hhe -n pr > nt < U'.ced ' uo b >
, ill who hues i'ti ir.
T .ey hiw tMit.h'T'd thir'3'aevi-n '
h ? d < f very iinu sh-t-p , which il *
niik ! < ; u h itid-ioiuc u splay T'ui
stock of p ii'ir ° , .13 iian < il , nniqii 1
ted mqutintit ) and qn 11 y
A n iu'i-r .if . \ntiig pigs sk'llhiU ' v j
ila-isi d aiid'ily ornanunti' - , i > .1 I
Kpeci l attnct ' ! o' lh alio * ' . I'j.'rry
hi'dy is invittd ' < > CHI ! ai.d vuw the )
beiutiful displtiy.
T < i Secure IirL' i"S.
Goto Whiuple , Mo.Alillun & G > . ,
Fifteenth strtjet , if you i-u"d any
thing in the wiy of Jewelry. Special
in Gold G iinu , B'-ic-jL-ta
etc. , etc.
Mr. Fred. Humerikson , proprietor
of the meat market , 8 xteentli ai d
California streets , has a very hno dm
play of meats for Christmas. Neithi-r
pains or money have been spared in
securing the best stock and p > nl'ry in
themarket , and as Mr. Heinerikann is
an old hand at the butcher business ,
ererything is first -cliss and ar
ranged in an aHraot'V.niHiiner. .
ACK'S G-if
Biendorf fe M usD , 'Ui ; as s'reet ,
near Fonrteer th. have tinfi'eat and
btst fss rtin.-nt of CHRISTMAS
GOODS , CANDY TOYS , &a. , in t'.o .
city n23i'2
El gant silverwire , soli < l 0' ' > LI )
riims , GOLD'saects and eje g aasev ,
at John Bdumer's jewehy store.
The finest Christmas needs in Oma
ha. Gold , Silver and Cel'uloid ' Sets ,
Oilor Cases , L dies' Purses , & . CM
early , as they ar ioing f-ts' .
-I.cl4 f T * l ( hand D uglHS Sts.
CHOICE APPLES at Gladstone's ,
at § 2 40 oer birrel 23 2
Choice lot of Gent's Slippers at
25 to § 1 75 a pa'r , at Fuller/ado's.
Damaged hats niv < n away , at Nin-
dell it Krell's , one do < r west of BEK
Almost for imtl inijat B ince's. 23-2
J. F. Sawyer wijtei to Hiiimunce to
h's friends and old cuatom > rs that he
may be found , as heretufre , a' 1314
Farnhara street , where he ill beg : id
to show them the beat s-1 cte < t atmk
of Watches. Clocks , Jo welrySp ctuc es
and Silverware at prices that defy
competition. tr
See Cruickshank's nuw
mont for U ilul.iy G 10 Is , on third
Latest Teloirrams U" t in drp
ped out of the whole conntrj . Bin ci
selling cheap as hc' ans * . L'.T ' 'r
Notice. . '
Notice is herebv given that n < run- t
ia aurhorzpd to iln c 1 ect'iii ; fi r tin-
Lite firm of C B DeGr t it Co. , t-x-
cept my flf. Any onn p < > ing to ai y
on else on hi Is du > h * fi'in will
take thir own reun < b ' "ihtv. )
22 3t B S. HEOHOAT. ;
Messr ? . Nindfl it KitHiIMVO pn -
chasid the e.i ir at ckif thu fitu of :
C. B. De Gro r & C.vh > ch th y
now offer for saTo at a vry Imv price.
Five dollar ha * sold f r tircc dollir.- , ;
and other goods in prop itii > n. A"y
one dealt ing a unnd bargain t.hoi'd ' ;
not fail to tall aiid exunini * i U'B rk.
Farnham Street , nett door ti BEK
oflic" .
Just received * t THE I5 r. J > b
Rooms the nicest line of d in niniva
P'per and Envel ipn a d C rd-i s nt
able for Ch-ldr-n's li HH i % P r'ies
Call ann s-o - V > 1
"LYRAS' 5 CiiuisiM\s BILL"
Turner H. II , S.tu , .y , Dec mt > e 25. '
Ticki-ts f < T talc * t J * / < * Cl t hi : ;
store. Ftrnhnii ! .treit , 112 < / |
dec22tu& r ,
Tlip Firs' fini' d Poze Mnpqu rn' e
B 'l will b g'v n by t e Om ha G r < - )
mm L-iliea' S ciety , on Ffrti a-y *
oth , 1830 , at Bnndt'a Tu n. ? H Jl. i
18-cvy sit tf
Good Rubber Boots at FiillriouV , , .
Fatal Result of a Quarrel Be
tween Two Musicians.
A Post Mortem and Inquest to
be So d.
( STAbout tliren o'clock Thursday after-
noi-ii , G riianie Mowers , n nun living
on th. ' Patrick fnr.ii , on the P pilhon
roAd , d't-ct fiom wounds inil.cted by
Lorn s Piekhrd. s n of ihe p-opnetor
of the C"Unty Li .e ( Tons' ? . Tnu cir- nl tnnev-e .iro ratmr pa- , hut s cm likely fi prove verj
seri u to Y n g PiokiH , who-is nw
lyuu in thu c 'iin y jul , in this citj
on thec'ii ' ire of as-nult with intun
to commit murder.
I : i. p'ir < t'l-iT a week or a > a o
B > * e i stud Piskard , wtio arc hot
vt"lltiiS s. jly- l at a clanc
p vcn at Millard an I tha
they hart some w < rds abmi
Uieirt wok. On Tu.stay inm
of list week th y . ; Mn CHOM toueti.e
11 Rn-or'a I'l.iC1 , . nd in t'ie course o
thu t-v. nun ; t e clillunity wis
renowe.i. I'.ck-rd carried u re\olver
and a p .ck > t luiifo , whirh a f.-irni
r-utriid him 'tnrii ic the eveniiii ; ti
give up , and although there were a fj'
dix"l'Sltal < e i ilurii g the evening , th ri
was no "s rio.ia d llicu tv uiuil , fter
the hall clos'd and thrf t-tiea.a atartud
for home. Bers It-It in compan\
with his -ibti-r and aimthur
lal > , a reh tve of Pickar-t's
Pi-Urdfcl' w. d linn < n % and uver-
t.ikiiit ; linn ; nn mltod l.ini and knocked
him d > wn wh'-th 'r wiin his fits or
with * ue p'Hi is not known.
A d. ) p wound was inflicted over
the leit uniple , ono along his eye
bro r , and still another higher up on
the forehead , the victim being render
ed inaensible. The assault caused
consider .ble excitement of course ,
and B .wer's friends conveyed him to
the residt-nci ) of Mrs Pickard , an
Aunt ii his assailant , where he was
a1 tended by Dr. Groaaman , of
this city , and finally , by his advice ,
ial en to his home in a wa on , the in
juries neing of such a character that
the result could not be positively
known a the time.
Pick ud'- fit her , anxious to nettle
thuafFiiir wthout Uktri' it into court ,
iaui th > - plijiic1 m's fee and gave
Ho KITH 875 tor i * loa * of time and
anil'm jwher u on a complaint
inch h d b n n fi ed with Judge J5.
M. Sr.-iibo'g , chiryiii ! " Pickard with
.itsmlt witn.intt''t . to kill , wis
withdtawn. The ii jured man app r-
ent'j- g-i w bo ti-r , the qu.irrel was
m < vie i p. go.iii . feeling restored and
i > eijui < supposed that was th'i Ksfc
of it OnV'cdn. . sJay eviitiing , how-
e'.i. : , ! > > IM jn-.w worse and became
iiiscn-ib o , c ii'inuiiiii in that condi
tion np in the time of his death.
Pt r in a I In'so. . dition being recon -
con o.l V" .Ing S enberg , a warrant
, splo-'l ' > i n" i' < the hands of
S erilF Guy , w o went out
tnrt trri'M.d the accused and
Indeed h'lii in j iil , much to the sur-
orn < vt ni ii ? 'lt .11 I fun iy , who sup-
DO" < 1 Cnwer-f to be rue vtring.
T e pris .nur is i ) ouiiir in in , about
t eil'twoyeira of > -ge. id married ,
ai.d na ono child. He has hitherto
borim a ijiiod ropnta'i m among his
iit < i iiib irs and thov are At a Ici-s t >
b li. vth it ho wo' 11 willing y make
i nni'ik-oiH apstiil upon anyone.
An mi-eat will he held to-d y
hy ( Joronor Jncohs , mid a
I ireful p at m .rti'tn ux.unl < ation will
tO nirfdiTIIH yiro abili'y is thit
Bower- ' skull w-s f actured and 'h-\t
5 mo instrument . . ( her than the naked
nst mil ua-ii hy his asinil mr. Pick-
\rd a-air-.i th it he hiiil no intend HI
> f H n u ly injiirini ; B iwors , and in
fact lille ii.if koo * j i < t why he as-
"U''ed ' hno , i.ut t .i probably as
lltlch from t'utll'C'8"f Itqin rasany-
ihili eUe. . He n m urn helmed at the
nortiiity of IMH act.
BeMi'ifiil CURl-VPMAS presents
J hn B.iuiiiir's GiLL ) watcht-8 ,
SOLD ch.ii'ib , etc , -tc.
The ni"S' pro iiiia-nt , and , indeed ,
he DI ly fu.itiiro in thu nmuscment :
ii' , in hi'e'k succonding Christ
ina , in th int.-ns ly in'erjsting and
in tional or mi , "W.ii'ing f ) r the
\T rdic' . " Und r the ne'T maniige-
n .i finicxdnmy : : , the d.reitora of
.hijiii'c have h.'i u enabled to make
) repr-i-i na which will a-d
nitt-rndlv in a smooth
11. il iti'f c'ory perforinince. The
V . . ' \ > as been . renuvited , the
n' ' in ' * o accord p rfrc'ly with
hi'duvjr : > n t < > tivoid coiifusiou here-
tf Of IM M til- pi'rons , and care
n"ill bp.Xrciai ; i to nui'ita'n a cheer-
in ! nnd c z ? temper ituro throughout
the p rf inn IIICHS 1 1 a word , nith-
iii < ' will bi1 ft undone to enable our :
) c < iplu t > sp. ) .d an ouj > y bl i evuninj ,
in h. liii.iy week.
As to the pl y , it iiid bn oaJ ! ,
h rami bu" few which so strongly ;
Mipi-al to In symohv of ove'i then
n -a' IjmpVMtic audie-ice. It is , at
jncc , pi ne ij ani n nun ig , yet the
raiiai'i-in frmi hum > r to p-ithoa'i ? so
rahiil'ts to completely overmaster
ho preceding feel.oi ; wuhout in any
iMimer'detr.ictiog from theenj lymont
jf tHe s ene befo e th'-eye- .
T > - k1 my b procured at Max
- Ex e rfed to All - '
Du .ui : tins' nifin'h th jjwelry
usif Win pl , SIcM'lltm & Cu.
i .a yl rae
d 8" ! 1 l 'g1" qmntitieg of goods ,
ir o'llj haV" gome ! f enough and
n-p.rp Bvrryitriy invited , to call
. .dCUP b'fy 'n3.
The Remarkable History of
One of Officer McClure's
Hid "Pai" Goes Up f r Twenty-
five Years.
Our readers will recall the det ila
cf the arrest of Charles Montagu' " , In
this city , in August Ltst , which weio
not made public until a few vrueks
a'-o. Mon'gue : ws arrrsted on the
3 O
corner of Douglas and Twelfth , by
Officer McClurc , upon the printeo
ds : riptit > n sunt him fr. m Waterloo ,
Iowa , and turned over to
Sheriff Hazlott , of that pl-ice , who
was here t tl.e time , but had s 'rioua
. 'itibta as to the prisoner's identify.
About the same time hi * pal , Thninaa
Derani ey , was arrested at sioux City.
The charges against the tw.i men were
verserious. . They had committed
aevt-ral daring btitglirtes in
U aterloo , and at one of
he houses visited had outraged the
person of the lady , a widow , whom
they first robbed of a small sum of
money. A loathsome disease was com
municated to her in addition to the
shameful act of violence , and the pub
lic wai highly incensed at the guilty
Montague and Devanney were taken
to Waterloo and lodged In jail , and
their trial has but recently closed ,
Deputy Marshal Ben Westerdahl , of
this city , having attended as a wit
ness and just returned. Both men
were indicted by the grand jury on
five counts , two for burglary , one for
rape , two for larceny and one for at
tempt to murder. Devanney stood
trial and was convicted of rape and
also of burglary'and pleaded guilty
to the larceny charges. Montague
was allowed to plead guilty to the
charges of burglary and lirceny. On
the charge of rape Devanney was sen
tenced to be confined in the peniten
tiary at Fort Madison for the period
of twenty five year. ; , the sentence ! in
the other cases against him being sus-
In the case of Charlea Montague
the attorney for the defendant read
tne prisoner's affidavit , or confession ,
which shows that he has a remarkably
checkered career for the cast few
years. His riyht name is Frank
Pierca. He is only 18 yeara of a e ,
and until April , 1878 , resided wuh his
parents in Pennsylvania , and attend
ed the Chester academy for three
years In 1878 he went with his
father to Oregon to buy wool , and was
left with a cousin who was postmastnr
at Tulo Lake , in Lake county. There
he remained until July 10 , and then
left for California. He there wirked
until late in October , and
hen went to Sicramentc
ounty , where he remained
working on a farm until Febrmry ,
1879 , after which he went to San
Francisco , and from there to San Joae ,
where he worked until October 10 ,
when ho returned to S.n Francisco ,
wh re he shipped on board a merchant
vessel bound forQueenatown , Ireland
On their arrival at Queenstown , the
vesae' was pent to Havre , France. At
Havre he took passage onanother ves
sel for Liverpool and from there ship
ped for New York , which city was
reached about the middle of April
Ho then worked a short time near
Yonkers-on-the Hudson , after which
ho started westward with the inten
tion of going back to Oregon. At
Goshen , Ind. , ho met Devanuey , and
up to that- time he had not been guilty
of any criminal deed. Tnis was about
the middle of last May. Devauney ,
finding that ho was going west , paid
he would accompany him , but did not
cell him what his business was until
ifter they had got started. In Waterloo
lee they entered one house through a
ivindow , which Devanney himself
Dpened. When they got inside De-
ranney told him to draw his revolver
ind follow him. He did ic through
Fear of his life , and held the revolver
it the heads of the 01 an and his wife
while Devanney was ransacking the
house. Several limo ho tried to get
mt of it , but Dsvanney threatened
o shoot him if he didn't attend to his
insnittca From there they went to
Sioux City , where they separated , and
Montague came t" Oma''a , with the
ntention of going on to Or > on , but
va9 arrested before ho conld got out
) f town Mrs Pierce , Montague's
nether , who stayed by him through
he trial , filed an affidavit to the sanfc
rffect. Thosn were accompanied !
by lettera from the principal and one
> f the teachers of Chestir academy ,
: eriifying to his previous giodchar- .
icter. Affidavits were also filed by
Mr. and Mrf. Bennett , tha parties al-
uded to above , that when Montague
ind Dovannuy were in their bnuso the
Forii er seemed to be entirely at th °
mercy of Dt.vannpy , and appeared to
lo afraid to disobey orders. Taking
ill those things int.i consideration ,
he judge sluiced him to eighteen
months' connncnient in the Anamosa b
penitentiary. h
ChrUtmai presents given * away at I "
ho Boston CashDrj Goods Store.lO'h i
xud Jones , to all who purchase over t !
ane dollum worth , a piece of jewelry '
ivill be given. j J.1
Wo offer also these great bargain ? : .
50s Silk and Wool Brocades for 25c , |
oOc Coahmure- 2oc. j
130 ; Worjted Dreas Goods for 15c. i ,
An imner ec variety of j
20c Linen Handkerchief- lOc. | a :
23j Linen Hematitch Hnndker- i ei
' .
ihiefa forlos. , o t. <
'or 20c. ' J J r
§ 2 Trimmed Hsta for $1. j
§ 3 Trimmed Eats for $ l.fi0. ' fc !
And a splendid ine of Ohriatmas' ni
? reaents of every description at very B
nodt-rate prices. | ' *
Sola a oma in Omaha for tfee . "
Crearn Oatmeal Soap , ! )
vhich haa had such all
a run over the Q
last , 10 cents a box. of three cakes. ' re
23-Gt sr
A Commendable Enterprise.
As a BEE reporter was pissing along
street to day his attention was
attracted by a crowd of people , men ,
women and children , pouring in and
out of the doors of Mr. Willis M.
Yates' grocery store. Wondering
what it could mean ho pissed
inside and saw standing in
the centre of the st < ro
a beiutiful Christmas tree , tastily
trimmed and ornamented , groanim ;
under a loid of presents for the chil
dren of rhe Casi street mission schoo' ,
of which Mr. Ya'es is superintendent.
The chi'dr < m hive all been invited
and will have a good 'time this
Tae counter * ) , she'ves and tables in
the ttore were loaded down with lai o
dressed turkeyj , chickcm , and a fu !
line of luliday groceri.-f , includm
C'indiea , nuta , grapss , lemons , orange *
OJer cases , oder cases , beautifu
designs , pocket books , cird cases BIK
a spfendid line of holiday presents a
C. F. Goodman's 16th street drug
store , t
* AI
and everything in the
BOOT and SHOE Line
There IB no such goods in the markel
as can be found at WHITNEYS.
You can secure a bargain in a Holi
day Present. A largo stock to select
A Specs of War.
A private batter received from the
Omaha Indian agency , from a well
known and responsible member of the
tribe states that a pirty of the Oma
haa have been np visiting friends
among the Spotted Tail Sioux , and
that while there they were invited tea
a feaat. A council of the Sioux was
held lasting two weeks. A deputa
tion of S onx from Rad Cloud was
present and urged stronuly the scheme
of form ng a confederation of all the
Indian tribes and a general war
agiinst the whites. They anm -
c used at their treatment by the I -
Ji in agent ? nd traders , and say that
the whifiTiceha despoiled thu land
which the Greit Spirit gavf them as
i hunting around There is a strong
3esire on the pirt of a few to make
me last gr.-.nd struu-gle asainet the
jncroachmenta of civllzitinn.
Death Record.
The funeral of tha late John J.
/ampion took place at 2 p. m. , ticliy ,
ram the residence of Mr. M W.
Cennedy , 1709 Jncksou street , and
ras very largely attende 1. S ilemn
ligh requiem misj win celebrated at
ho Cathedral of St. Philnmena tl.ia
norning at 9 o'clock.
The deceased wag member of Co.
} , N. S. M. , and that organization
urned ouf in full uniform to pay a
n t tribute of respecf to his roonicry.
) uring the four yoirs
if his residence here , the
leceased made a host of friends by
lis nnver fr.iling coartesy , his warm-
icarted treatment of his acqu nuances
nd by h s quiet , gentlemanly demeanor
meaner npun all occasions. Hiti and
en prostration from a disense which
fas horeditiry in his family was
narpr'si ) to all , and hii deith a sid
ilow to his friends. Ilia last hours
rere maau ai easy as pn siblby the
ons'incyof his friends , who never left
lis beisi.'o. nnr failed t' fumiih him i
r'th any comfort th , ; could alleviate
IJB siitl'iirinj. J hn olways h d i >
virm affection for tht ci'y , r.d atate
f hia h-rth , Co.-ingttii , K-n-ucky ,
mt itwas it hb expressed : wish ; th it j
iia reiniuis were interred in the soil
if hii a-ioptoi stata. Tnere arf fv
ho ir. pissing from th's vorla Lava
hind them < tecord an fanH'esa at
ho decojsed , iud .t will be 1 g bore * -
ore he will ce < * at > to occupy a place
n the memory of his iia ocia'ea and
It n'i 1 be remembered that in Jun
mt tha 17. S. steamer Davi * wwi sunk in
ne of th'heavy ilnwrnri river g le * . Sh *
-aa 3' ou iinlveild-eil in the sail 1 and water
n a depth of 1C feet. About iwo r eke
o Mr. Cliaft. II. Dora , forein-m 0. S.
n.ui < > erp , eoiumfBO'd the w rk of rawing
er A coffer dam wet c n.itrocte'1 h nt
er and with t tm hydraulic pmnp the
ra'r wan pumped out , leaving her npp-T
.rk exposed to vr w , bnt with the halt
lie f with w- let ii I thick mn > l. Tbe '
jlr itil.c pomp wan kept at w > rk on her
urht andd.iyand whh thi fore f men
n 'eft her and dry tat clean a when aie
ft the jocc. All i aki were thea * * riped
I by means of lock * * nil fevers she wa
n'-e'l from tfaemnd beneath ami * eon WBR
. t. Site , ' -A-ill prabftbly be a'nt to the
m h Frydmlrxml Jfoiler wnrk fir
ipaira aud ? be mad reudv for ue fn tfe
( Tiffanys of the W
pararmns for
j r.iifiin r H < > lilns ( ; , an
siiifiri'St that an early oj
aniiuation o ! ' Hicir sioc
Will enable purchaser ? f
secure the choicest sele
tions. and escape thi
crouds mim ; > 5.aI ! > JeIat ( |
in the month.
I nfil Chnsimas , the ej
faoli.shnn-in Hill he Kep
i in the eveiiiii . ' *
i' i
> T1CK Lei
lln ; tooa 4u1xna0ittnierUonPl\ j
fM 'UiPir 0rt lu-tlr , . „ la *
"UNITf-MVCt ' .is.
Mon =
. ID Bloc )
[ ONKY TO I.OA. * 110ft
L Dr. Ciite tru1 L > * n Aircni
= = _
WANTED-Cook at the Pacific House-mail
or yuuian. 55.03
WANTEl > Occd girl for general hous.workl
Enq Jre tt ticket offi"e , U P , Uert
, 113-29
at O'Conoell HouslOtt
street , near Dod < o. jog - > j
-TTr . Apply to RjIc jr. cor )
Y V ner 16th .mil Callfurnu streets. 03-23
WAMKD-Girl for eenerol housework , ai ;
ItOS , Chicago street , bet 14th and 15th 1
WANTED A stock of WKRCIIISDISIE , wortij
from 3 J'OO to 3 50u ; will pay tu t ca.l.,1 ,
balance choice rest rout , trrun ami eTeratni4
property. Addrejs R hi ITLB , Fremont , Neb.
rrtn'OYOU.VGlIF.N- en < , i
JL empto ment in .lotuic. B t rcfc.ence *
" '
i ii \
YfANTEl ) CP < > anil kitchen help , at the I
> T Pacific gtf * j
WA TrD Mi expenenc il bjtrher wants
to it.rt a mffatcia-ket fn orae ruiU west
em own , wlieru there u none , or where one U
ne Ue ; would tate a relia .le ptrtner AiMrc 11
E. K. U'ebb , J tck ; ) n , D K , u Co , Ket > . 9tf
\y A MTED To rent a sinal fnrni-hc.1 i. > u . ]
Tf m central i > art of citv Ooml ITIIU wil. !
be paid. Ail Iress K. X . iee otnc8323
VT/'ANTPD-GIrl / tu' gpneral boattu rk. 2nl5
Y ? California street by. 3 '
YyANTE"A.r.xdIi u < ekee.r , HOT Farr ;
harns'reu , ii | > tain ij-tf
M7A TKP r I jmentf TI or e ir "Kiti
VV K. V. WAIli : SS , IBtln. * . M.-ln-aH j.1
WANTEO-AI1 Oniah.i fcnow thaS the
Ro > - > ! * t 'Olin i i iso f
Inhlnes. otficron 1 thH. . SHO-'f
FOR UK.NT Kiirnished r am t t two men ,
ono Mck frcm I'o totfice
| 7OR KE-T A fl e fu-m hc ' f
L flrstiljor , Ihtwc > .n'Itran.
cntlt nen Inqu f at 1415 How rd Hf
[ Tine. RENT One hrge furnished room , a
[ } for gentlemen , toutl > we corner
nd Cjpitol avenue. 1
FO I E l Brick < lwcll'n ; next 'o rcir ll'h
and Pacific. Enquire Gee II Petrnon , &V4
"th bt. U4f
jlOlc I CNT Hotine in Si n li 1 ai-it.0n ,
J ? 5 per month. W Slilf IA , re. _ e ,
reighion iock. S9C-tf
jiOllllEXr A furnished. * .u * i uml room
Inquire it Xo IJ1J ( tarn lam St
'Oil UESJT fottaire. . .n "h in Piiv
lie A house , ei m riK > tn , > n -.Sa d " 1
nquire J. K Roe. - . E. ' JT < 1th aid
,1011 RLJT1 2 iurnislied 'turns ovei
1 cliant Hxcbance , J > C. Cor < 6th
treet. < .
710R S\LE Meat marlc * it Ert-c.399
1 trade , wauling t" f-li n ac < .un * of < til h
jilimr ; term * easy. Knftnr | it 1. cf O
a , .Neb. _ _ lOl-JJ
TIOKSALE A i-ACl AlN V mi Jin.w : h
_ KI'OOII fixtures , furniturt a.j f it > c. . . ml .
I . opposite tlie U. P il p 't , foa every cl.rr
r UKPxtures furniture an.l'oik i be -
nil ljuil mi , ; ceil ed. lmUire | .jf t.u K Et-j _
IA.V. " - f
r tj ! ;
[ ftesiaurant a'tachA ' -r- tn.ffi
Urora , NVI > .
[ 71 ' "iRALE Two a V. J
I. Simp u' . 9.1 ti
iLf. cotu/n * -
ir- '
- . t P 2 i-l ih < - ' ! '
1-IAKr.N awl one 2 je r < > u " c t , 3 n. . z
orthm Missouri bottom Oo Lt. ir\i :
f OST Abnnchof he'swit' : ck I ar
Lth iame of Akx. Ui'i
mat leurr at BeenUfee.
rriOL" < ll Bunch of'kei * .
X" 1 * ' -
/ ROYAL- -
| ? J"T '
Absolutelj fare.
M * . ' ' ( rcm Onp r-
nttuni-t * ! fBnke mien ! . t '
r laxnrfeMw patty. C * " ' * '
Ht W tar ( tb I * r # Ji i
sofctnvivm OHW W ' Or. r