THE DAILY BEE : DECEMBER 25 , 1880. TALK IS SHEEP , IBut it Takes Mutton to Make Money and Wool to Cloth the Naked. he Ranges of the North and West. udence of The Bee. > , Neb. , December 23. writers in speaking of Nebraska have described it as adapted only to the raising of stock , others have said it would all be converted into corn fields. Neither of these extremes is correct. Nebraska farmers will fini it most profitable to engage in mixed farming or to both the raising of grain and stock. Some portion of western Nebraska will likely remiin occupied by cattle ranches for many yeats to como. Though scientists claim to be equal to that of any country , it is evident from the history of the past few years in which jvhas been inhabited that the climate is not as conducive to a vigorous growth of agricultural product * as thut nearer .he Missouri river. As the country becomes densely settled and the surface is operated upon by the plow , harrow aud drill , tha climate m nndergo much change , and lessen . difference m productiveness now existing between the eastern and western portions of Nebraska's prairie land. It is on some acco-nts unfortunate that the settlement of the state came with such a rush. Had settlement oved more cautiously and tilled all ground thoroughly that it spre id velr over , Nebraska would never have given a cry of want. Not even her frontiersmen would have cause to complain of "hard times" more than in other aud older settled states. Wool growing is to-day one of the most remunerative industries of the stale , and it is destined to become more so as the wolves are killed and driven westward , and a few woolen factories are established in the west to utilize the product without the cost of double transportation to eastern factories , and back to western con sumers. The nutritious cratses of Nebras ka's prairies are superior to the tame grasses for ileth , and arc regarded fully equal in wool p-oducint ; prop erties The eastern [ .ortion of tin , state is watered by numerous little streams tlut flow near the surface , and these can bo suppl meutci with wind-mils where needed at very little expense. The hill and vale , which constitute the natural home of the sheep , diversify a very largo part of' the state. This fine stretch of laud tying along both sides of the St. Paul , Sioux City & Omaha road is pirticu- larly adapted to this branch of agric ultural work. Extensive advertising has been civen by railway companies to more western portions of the state , but' the railway advantages recently attained by this section , will bring it directly before the eye of the travel er , and give it almost equal publicity we hope. The surpenor baauty of landscape , fertility cf soil , and acces sibility to staple trade centres , will furnish greater attractions , and it will ; ocoh e more favorable notice than is Lally given to the western prairies. , dy the attention of capitalists jboeii directed to the reservation .s teen to be open to settlement. Some Wisconsin capitalists have boon prospucling over this aud adja cent country , and have decided to es tablish themselves in Wavnc county and open large eheep ranches. One barrier against stock business in some counties is extremely high taxation. Itbcara more heavily on investment in stock than on investments in estate , because the stock are assessed I nearly or utte full value , while real ate is assessed | .U from cno-half to > thirds the full value. Woyne aty has but § 17000 indooteduiB id r posscssess excellent natural ad vantages for eheep raising. The water Is pure and clear , and it ha ) inure springs than any equal area elsewhere in tlu west. Tne various branches of , the beautiful Logan river have their sources within the county , and those streams do not flow at the bottom of deep gullies , but course th'ough shallow beds at or near the BU face. A. E. Wells , of Oakland , who Las travelled over the whole of Nebraska and hss property in most cf the river counties , pronounces Wayne the finest region for sheep growers ho has seen. 3Vir.W. says there will be 15,000 sheep id the county before another fall. It -iaVcvidemly a most inviting section for settlement. JAY. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Katharine Rogers will teach elocu ion in Now York. , Mr. Sothern continues to be miserably - < erably ill , despondent quite unlike h.s old self. Hjbinstein's Tower of Bable is like ly to ba produced in New York this season by Dr. Damrosch. Wagner's The Ring of the Niba- rn"S is to bo given at tha Victoria 'theater , Berlin , in May next. "Hazel Kirko" will shortly begin the twelfth mouth of its life on the stage of the Madison Square theater. "Tho Coraicin Brothers" at the Lyceum , and "Tho World" at Drury Line , London , arc drawing ouormous- ly well. Hartley Cambell's now pUyMy Garaldiao. " will soon bs presented at the New Yjrk Standard theatre , with astrjng cast. Christiao Nilsson looki ten years older than she is , and Ins changed wonderful' ' since her last visit to The total receipta of the first mno performances of Mdlle. Bernhardt , in Boston , it is said , amounted to 34,435 50. Tnotnas W. Kecne placed tn largo bti'LiLSi during his tour of the south. His receipts for ouo nLjht iu ( Jolum- L bi , S. 0 , were $739. John McCullough ended his fine en gagement at ' Baltimore , Saturday night , this week acted in Brook lyn , at Haverly's theatre. A negro festival , with 300 parform- ers , is to bo one of the Christmas at tractions at Philadelphia. Haverly a mixed up in it. Catherine Lewis baa joined the Comley-Barton "Liwn Tennis" com pany. The frieky Oites resumes her position as the star of the "Favorites. " San Francisco ia expecting a real novelty at Christmas , in a translation of a Japaceae play called Chinsingure , or the Loyal League. The Florences have finished their engagement in L'-ndon , and have gone to It > ly for the winter. They will re turn to England in March and bring out a new four-act play. ' Adelina Patti reappeared in opera at Madrid on Saturday night , after an interval of seventeen yein. Every part of the theatre waa densely packed. Miss Emma Sothern and Dion Boucicault , Jr. , have made a success ful debut together in London. The latter particularly is said to posses re markable talent. Mr. Booth's Richelieu proved so popular thtt the production of the Fool's Revenge is postp med to boxing night , December 20. The theater is full every merit. Facts that We Know. If you are suffering with a severe cough , cold , asthma bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in the throat , or any affection ot the throat or lunss , wo know that Dit. KINO'S NEW DiacovKKV will give you immediate relief. We know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured , and that where all other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show one-half as many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Dn. KING'S Niw DISCOV ERY will cure you of Asthma , Bron chitis , Hay Ferer , Consumption , Se vere Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness , or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you will call at J. K. Ibii Dru < * Store you can get a trial bottle free of cost , era a regulasiza bottle for 81-00 jaulCly(2) The I'.KST CNA&vii tu thu world for Cuta , ! Ir..iiM s , Si res , Ulcttra , Salt : , J-eivr hores , Tetter , Chapp ed KrtUfJs , Chiinl-iina , Corns , and all kind * of Skin J rnptior.s. Thia rfalve Is aitnrantual to jjlxu prrfuct aatlafac- tlod iu every saa > < < > r nsoiicy re iundcd. Price 2t < : uiits per box For anle by 8 < ttvI K. ISU' Orrmii. ! Tarran''s S4tser Aperient , A cure for Ii'dl cst on frightful , A bubbling hcvcran "c'iphtful ; A rcmedj for every aimint ! O'er which tlio IJillous tvuko 1iewallment. | A laxative , though miM. effective , A toulc , nervine ind corrective ; An anodjno ami imporiSs , A womUrfiil SALISBrrc.r.o E" bo < ijiiiice ery rare ingredient That ra itlier Naiure neeroed expedient , With kiiKilj liberal hand t. flmi ; Intotlicfimntn-clner prinir. MAKE NO MISTAKE ! MICA AXLE GREASE Coinpo fdlarg < h ol powdered nic.iandlinzlasi 15 the heat and cheap -at ivbrirator in the orlil It is t'i bcstliecausoi t dow notifum , but fonna a iiu'lilj ] > oliihd surfa c o\cr the a\l , doiiii a lariru amount ot friction , 't i the chcai cst VccAUveou nccii uim l > u' bill 'lie qii.iiutU in gra liig jourwason tbalyou woull of au > other ax'c ' gresi'-c tninc , anil then run jour aicon twice aslong. U answers cq tallv as well for Jliil Oearini , ThrcnuinK Machines , liuccics. c , as for -va ons-Scnd for Pochel Cjdopcduo'Thinss Wonh Kiiun ng. Mailed free to anv d r B "MICA HAKUFACTU lUC 60. , 31 MICHIGAN AVBNUB. CHICAGO. Your Dealer For It od.20 tt BELVIDEEE Star Wind Mi . MANUFACTURED BT THOS. E. WILLIAMS , RED OUC IOWA- Oorrrspmidcrccsolicited rom those tieoJm a icltible Wind Hill -end forcircu'ar ' and jiricea and all ) information i'i repaid to the Mill will b cheerfully turuishea. LIVE AGENTS WANTED. REASONS WHY YOU SIIOULD BUY THE BELVIDERE STAR WIND MILL. BECAU E 1st. H is more safe in a pile ot wiiul , and In he most suJdtn chances of the wind from any direction , becau e the wheel ivinjr flat on the tower is at nyi reid * with its CJRC to the wind , and alloe tl.c lane to snim ; clear around , with out turning or KtrlUne the heel. 2nd. ItHAri.-i.l wheel hav.iip no moveable joints to wejr out , ru-t or creak in the w.nJ. 3rd. lee nor fleet has no effect on it. th. It ItMiS less power from friction than other Hill ? . 5tli. Itwill run witb lies wlnl than other Mills < Hh. It i3 e.cily rejulatcd so it will perform any amount of work required less tnan ita capac ity. ity.7th. . It has no pullies , gpiingsnorsJduiphcads to recre up In w nter. Eth. It will iutt i > ump wlun ou * of tear. 9lh It is well mid heiviiv jiiinteJ with thr ccats f the lic t aiut tlit jrnrl e. can afford. 10th. It is a pc'fetf-eH.recolalor.and willUkc care of itU in lieavchanoblc wind sto TUS. llth Its ymetrical form i * aieifect oriuuicnt J2th. Ke cr Iwc bci-ril cif anj blown do n aa jet 1 en proj-etly ( t ui , with ate-julatinivanc , nt.r ever d mi 'cti i > the lu&st btne wind. 13tb. They are of good material and made. llth. All ( hi ! 8 tuined , boxes babitcd and all neccssirj- parts dou' linuttod. . l&th. It is more Simple , more compact in con struction and tw > ' - thflr Mi'.M THE DAILY REE the Litest Home and Tele * tfewsof the D r. niK DILY KKK. OMAHA PUBLISHING PROPRIETORS- - 915 Farnlwn , bet. 9th and 10th Street * TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , 1 Copy 1 year , in advance ( postpaid ) . { 8.00 ermnths " " . 4.00 S months " " . 2.00 TIME TABLES THE MAILS. C , & N. W. K. R. , S30 a. m. , ! :10 p. m C. B. & Q.5 : SO v m. , 2:40 p. m. C. K 1 & P. R. R. . 8:30 a , m. . 2:10 p. m CSt Joe 6SO a. m 8. City & P. 5:30 a. m. U. P. R. R. . nWa.m. 0. & R. V. to Lincoln , 10 a. m. B. AM. R. R. , 8:10 : a rn. O. k N. W. . 7SC a m. orrsiKa C. i N. W. R. R. , 11 a. in. . 11 p. m. C. B. & 0. , 11 a. m , 950 p. m. C.R I. &P. , lla.m. , llp.m. C. B. 4 St , Ioe.,11 a.m. , 11 p. m. O. P. R. R. , 4pm. 0. & R. V. from Lincoln , 12:10 p. m , S City & P. , 11 a. m. B. A II. in > eb..l p. m. Local mulls for States low * leave bat once day , vis : 430 1 m. OiHcaop nfrom 12 to 1 p. in. Sundays. TBOMAfi K HALL. Postmaster. A.rrijil Ami Departure of Trains UNION PACIFIC. L1AVI. iRRIVl. Duly Express 12:15 p. m. 8:25 p. m. do Mixed . 6in p. m. 1:25 p.m. do KieUht . fiAOa. m. 1:10 p. rr. do do . 8:15 a. m. 12:20 a.m. TIMS CARD OF TUB BURLINGTON , uuvs O * DA ARKIVB OHAnA. Express . .3:10 p m. Express 10:00 a. m. Mall 6:00 a. m. Mall 10:00 p.m. Sundays Exeeptcd. Sundays Exeeptcd. CII1CAOORO < K ISLAND 4 PACIFIC. Mall . 6:00 v m. I Mail . 10:00 : p. m. Express . 3:40 p. m. | Express. . . .10:00 a. m. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. Mail . 6:0 a. m. I Mall . . „ 7:20 p. m. B' press . S:10pim. | Exprc 9 - 10:00 a. m. Sundays excepted. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOE fc COUNCIL BLUFFH L1AV ARRIVS. Mall . 8:00 n. m. I Express . 7:40 a.m. ? .xpreaa . . . .6:00 p.m. | Mn . 7:2oi.iu. The on'v line rnnnlnc PuUmin Sleepinp Cars out ot Omaba to Union Depot. OMAHA & NORTHWESTERN AND | SIOUJ CITY & PACIFIC TAILROADS. Express . 8:00 : a. m | Fxpru * ) . 4:30 : p m. Daily Except Sund > 8. B & M. R. 1 in NEBRASKA. LKAVB. Exprc-s . 80a m | Frclnht. - 8ilOam Freight . 0:55 pm | Kxpr ts . , ,4lipm SIOUX CITY & ST. PAUL R R. UJ1 . e:10 a m I Exp.-cse . 10CO am Eipioss . 8,10pm I . 7'20 p m WABASH , bT. LOUIri & PACIFIC. MAVB8. ARKIVRS. Mall . - 8a.m. | Hall - 11:65 a m Kxpress _ 3JOo m | Kxprc33 . 1:25 p.m. BRIDGE DIVISION U. P. U. R. Le e Om-.ha , dally. S a. 31. , 8 a. ni. , 10 a m. , 11 a. m . 1 p. m. , 2 p. in. , 3 p. in , 5 p. m , , C p. m. , Lrate Council EluCs ; 8:26 a. m. , 9:25 a.m. , 10:25 a. m. , 11:25 x m. , 1:26 p m. , 2:25 p. in. , 3:25 p. m , 6:25 p. m. , 6:25 p. tn. , Four trips on Siiudsy , leaving Om-ilia at 9 and 11 a. m. , 2 and 5 p. m ; Council BluCs tt 9:25 , 11:26 a m. , and 2:25 and 6:25 p. m. Lcavu f-maha : 6 a. m. , 7 am. . , SSO . m. , 1 p. m. , 4 0 p. m. , 7:25 p. m. , Loivo Council KIu2a : 6-15 . m , , 9:115 a. m , 11:50 a , in. 5:25 p. m. , 7:03 p. m. , 7:50 p. m Daily except Sunday. OMAAA & REPUBLICAN VALLEY R. . LSAVI , ARR1VB. Mall . „ . 10:15 : a.m. , 4:35 p. In. Dally except Suntl&yB. wpok. ; i2iday sthomaei il > mule ; cash nntflt [ r n * ' * TP Tian fc Co.PorMn'l Me HAMBURG AMERiC N PACKET CO.'S Weekly Line oi SteamsMps Lca\lnc New York Every Thursday at 2 p. Q. For "England , France and Germany. For Passage apply to G. B. RICHARD & GO , , i Amenta , WROUGHT IROH FENCES. Wire Fencing and Ralllnc Speciality. Their heaut , pcrman nce and economy JMlj workhi ; the extinction of ail fencing' cheap n > ttcrial. Eleir"t in doslen , indcptractible Fences for Lawn ? , Pubdc Orounila and Ceme tery Plata Iron Vi c , IAWII Sottccs , canoplpd and of Ti tic putern < ; Chairs ami every doncrlptlnn of Iron mil Wire ornamental work deslsiicd ami manufactured bv E T. 11ARNUST > Wire and Iron W > rk , " 7 , 29 nsd 31 Woodward Ave , De troit , Mich. Sen' " - i'n- * - -atalocue anil prinn Ikt ep24 THE COLOEADO Tills institution , located at Denver , Colorado , the Education tl and Commercial center of the \Vost. is pre-eminently the beat and most practi cal of its kind for the MERCANTILE TRAINING OF Young Men and Ladies. 0. W. FOSTER , President , D. W. OADY , Secretar ? . The moat extensive , thorough and complete natitutlon of the kind In the world. Thousands o ) accountants and Business men , la the prin cipal cities and towns ot the United States , owe their success to our course of training. The Rieht ; Kind of Education for Young Men and Ladies. Fine , new brick block , at junction of three jtrcet car liuei E e antlr attid and furnished apartments for the application of and carrjins ; out of our novel and svHtcmatic methods of BUSINESS TRAINING , Your ) ; men who-'ontempluto a bu'incss life , and parents havin ? sons to educate , are particularly - larly requested to send for our now Circular , which will ; ive full information as to terms , ondition of entrance , etc. Address G. W. FOSTEE , President , rt-tm Danvor Colorado < DC t Q0fl r day at home. Simples w or U > J IOL I \ \ ( rec rAHdreas Stln onA Co Portland , Me. 2KARLES POWELL , UaUCE OF THE PEACE ' 'orner 18th and J I'arnliam St3.oOmacaSeb. . Sl ERAL , AT LAW Kor-m 6.CreiRbton A Bloc * . 16th St. OMAHA. NEB. 0. L THOMAS , 4 TTOHNAT : LAW Loans money , buys and belli * real estate. Room 8 , Creighton A. C. T30UP , AT LAW Offlca In Uaoacom'B ArroHSKT _ . Block , ith George E. Prltdistt , 1608 St. OMAHA , MSB ? DEXTER L , THOMAS , 1TORN1TY AT LAW CruicJranaak a Solid a. UHAQW1CK , i rroRNEY AT LAW Office 1601 Farohsm . 1 5tr at. _ _ "NK. L. PEABODY , , - AWVEK Oaoi la CreUhion Bio.aofl t U PosiOace , OXA.HA , NEBRABSA. j9- Paten's Pr.irrd SJ ruEua OHIAOTIOJ O'BRSES A.ttorneys-at-Law . , OSTtCE-Unton Block.f-'I'tecuch ATTORNEY AT LAW. ARBACH BLOCK , COXOCUC - & CTS. OMAHA , NEB. W. J. Connell , Atiorney-a t-La w , OMce rrtot nwi-j. cr t > mli > wfcXj/-om's < -w tirtcK 'mlMirj , N W irjinf * ' . } .ou/wli aud . KtU'CH u . .1K f.KOIOk Attorns v rt. w. gamut corporattone cf every duticrislKm ; will practice ui il tha Courts of tlie Staw < iud thu Jnited SUtes. Offl.w Fumhatn St . opposite Court Hoiw. EOV/AHD ft' . 4 reOBNEY AT LAW Kiira t > ; A. niock , 15th wjrt Don t < ut tre < ; * . ncMb C. F. f3ArSJERS } IS , * TTORNEY AT LAW MS f _ Omaha Nebraska. w. T. RICHARDS. i > . J. & T , A.ttorneys-at-Law . , OPMCK 21 South " -nine ' ' " vreot INTERNAL , EXTERNAL , AND ITCHING PILES ring nt once on tlio application of Di JtoaanUo' I'llo tleimily.ililr'li net * icclly upon thopnrtr. atf > gt Hl. ubaorfaim .he Tnniorm. nllnylug < bc lotctue Itci ) H IT , n 1 1 n f ro o f I n Ul other remctHea bUTC OUi 5. Try to aho no otlior. aud tell yon ? ueisi l > ftgay. < t i merit * . DO NOT DELAY Ifrtil tlie drain on tlio y tem produce tcrmaiiciit UUablllljr , but buy It , PRICE , 50 CEHTS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT , ran wben 7011 cun not obtain Itof Iilui , i rill nenil it , prcpaiil , on receipt ofprirc > r. BowiiiUo' Trcaliotj Vile * eiit frci in application. JLclirci DR , BQSAIKQ [ MEOlOiNE GO , A no * au'l ultncrto unknown rcmeuy for all diseases of the Kldnnja , Bladder , SKU Urinary Organs. lt iil jyu ttnvlv cure Ui ucloa , Uravcl , Drop- ey , lirijht's DiicDte , inalnlity to retain or expell the Urine. Catarrli of'lie HI. dJcr ( , hisli coif red and scanty rrinp , T.tinful Urin tlnp , LAME BACK , General Weakness , ar.d all Jfcmale Com plaints. ItavniJ * inicrnal mcUicMeo , is certain In it effects and cures when nothing els can. For > .ale r y all Druezists or Bjnt by mail free upon receipt of the price , 2.CO. DAY NEY PAD GO. , PROFRS , Toledo , O. /ara your nddrcu for our little book , How s was Saved. " MRS K mil , . nt fnr N hr t UANTA ULA.U6 FOUND , arenteat Ulecovory of the Ago. WoiiucrfuldHcoverle3lnthc'Aorll.havdbecninace ! Amonir other things wliuro Santa Canfltajed ! Chtlilren oft. ai > k II lie makco ; ; oo Is or not , If really he Sves In a mountain of BUOW. Last year au excursion tailed clear to the Pole And suddenly dropped \vhatpotmodllkouholo Where wonder of wonilcra thej found a new laud , slrj'-likj beinirs appcaral on each hand. Thcro ucrc mnrntains like onra , with more beautiful preen , And fir brighter "Kha than ever wcin seen , Birds with the hues ol a ralnbon wre found , While flowers of exquisite fragrance were LTOW ins ; around. Not loan were the ; Ictt to wonder In dcnbi A bcliic eoon c&3 > the/ hid hoard much about , Twa Santa Chua' self and this they all eiy , le Noked like the picture eaee every day. lie drove up a team that looked very queer , Twas a team f erasjhoppors Instead of reindeer , Tie roda in a shell instead of a alelch , But he took them on bo rd and drove them away. He showed them all uver hb wonderful realm , And factories unking nooiii fnr women and men Furriers were workinc : on hits crtat and fnall , To Bum.e'3 thcv said the } were etnding- them all. Kris Kinclc , tha Olove SIaertold ) them at once , All our Gloves we are scndlne to liunce , S&nta showed them nuepcndcre and manv things ciprfi. Sayinc I alfe took these to friend Uunce'B etore. Santa Ci ns then vhl p rc > l R focroi bed lei ) , Aa In Of aba every one knew Bunw wall , Ho therefore should ecn-J hia eoods to hb cire , Knowine hia frio. ds will pot ttislr full share. Now retnimber j e dwellers In Omaha town , All who want presnit * to r.nnce'8 go round , For ebirte , colLirs , or U'OVPS ' ereai and ia U , Send your eUter cr aunt ono nnd all. Banes , ChamploD Batter of the Wct , CHARLES RIEWE , Metallc Cases , Coffins , Caekets , Shrouds , et : . Farn m Stree . Oth and llth , Omiha , Neb. Telegraphic ordera promptly attended to. VIA THE Chicago & 2,380 MILES OF ROAD ! It la the SHORT , SURE and Safe Route Between COUNCIL BLUFFS AHD CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE and all pclnU EAST and NORTH. IT OFFERS THE TRAVELING PUBLIC GREATER FACILITIES AND MORE ADVANTAGES THAN ANY OTHER ROAD IN THE WEST. Xtli thD ONLY ROAD tetwen COUNCIL BLUFFS and CHICAGO Upon which la rcn PULLMAN HOTEL GA.KS ! In addition to theeeand to please all classes of travelers , it civoa FIRST-CLASS MEALS at its EATEIO STATIONS at BO couts each. . ITS TRACK IS STEEL RAILS I ITS COACHES ARE THE FINEST ] ITS EQUIPsriEHT FIRST CLASS If you wish the Best Travellne Accommoda ions JOU will buy yonr ticket by this Route 0-AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHER. AH Ticket Agents can sell vou Through Tickets Via this road and Check usual Bag. ca . Free of Charge OMAHA TICKET OFFICES 12J4 Farnham SU , Cor. llth , and at Union Pacific Depot. DENVER OFFICE In Colonclo Central and Union Pacilc Ticket Office. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 2 Naw Montgom ery Street. For information , folders , maps , etc. , not ob tainable at Homo Ticket Office , address any agent of the Company , or MARVIN HUCKITT , W. . S7EHM1TT , Gen'l Minvr OenT Pass. Aiest , CHICAGO , ILL. JAMES T. CLARK , Oen'l Act Omaha k Council Binds. THROUGH TO CHICAGO Without Change of Cars I TBCIE CHICAGO gURLINGTON a QUINGY With Smooth and Perfect Track , Elegant Pas senger Coaches , and PULLMAN SLEEPIHCS DIHIHQ CARS It Is acknowledged by tit , Frsss , aai ilwh ; trat el nver it , w > be tha Best AppoInUJ inU Beat Managed Road in tnc Country. PASSBNGBRS GOING BAST Should ccar la mind that this ia the BEST ROUTE TO CHICAGO , And Points East , North and Northwest. . Passengers by this Route have choice of FOUE DIPFEEENT EOUTES , And tlio Advantage of Six Daily LInca ol Palace Sleeping Cars from Chicago to New York City Without Change. AH Express Trains on this Itnearo equipped with the IVestinghouse Patent Air Brakes and Miller's Patent Sifety Platform and Couplers , the most Perfect Pro tection Against Acci dents in the world. PULLMAH PALACE SLEEPING AND DFNIKG CARS Are run on th Burlington Route. Information conccrnln ? Routes , Rates , lime CcnnecSlons , etc. , will he cheerfully given by applying at the office of the Burlington Route , 613 Fourteentn Street , Omaha , Nebraska. C. E. PERKINS , D. W. HITCHCOCK. flen'I Manaicr. Gen. West'n Pass. Ag"t. J. 0. PHILL1PPI , St. Joe. Mo. General Agent , Omaha. H. P. DUEL , fopS-dl llckot Agent , Omaha. 188O. K.G.ST.JOE&e.B.RB. , Is the only Direct Line to ST. LOUIS A3 ? ! > THE EAST From OMAHA and the WEST. No change of cara between Omaha and St. Louis and but ona between Omaha and Now York. SIX DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS Western Cities With ICES cbar ua and in advance cf other lines. This entire line ! G equipped with Pullmau'd Palace Sleeping Care , Palace Day Coach- M.Mlllor's Safety Platform and Coupler and the celebrated W cstlnjjhouso Air-Brake. THAT YOUR TICKET Via KauSTfl City , St. Joasph arCouncHBlutt3K.Il. , 2TJoe an all coupon stations In tee West. J. F. BARKAUD , A. C. PAWE3 , Ocn'l Supt. , Geu'i Pa33. & Ticket Ag't St. JoeoDh.lfo Bt. Joseph , Mo , W C. SEACnmST. Ticket Agon. , irsOFarahat * Street , ANDY EOKDE.V , A. E. BARNARD , Paso. Ascnt , Omaha. Ocn'rl Aecnt , Omihv SIOUX CITY tfc PACIFIC AND St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. The Old Reliable Sioux City lloutc ! 100 MILES SHORTEST ROUTE 1 From COUNCIL BLUFFS to ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH , or BISMARCK , And all polntaln Northern low a , Minnesota and Dakota. This line la equipped with the Im proved Westimrhonse Automatic Air Brake ! ) and Miller Platform Coupler and Buffer. And for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la unsurpassed. Elegant Drawin ; Boom nd Sleeping Carg.ownod and controlled 'jy the com pany , run Through Without Change between Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , and St. Paul. Trains leave the Union PaciSc Transfer Depot at Council Bluffs , at 6:15 p m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 p. m. , and St. Paul at 11 : 5 am , making a-TEK HOURS IN ADVANCE o ? ANY OTHER ROUM. Returning , leave St. Faul at 320 p. m. , ar- rivi.i2 at Sioux City at 4:15 a. m. , and Union Pacific Transfer Depot , Council Bluffs , at 9:50 a.m. Be sure that your tickets read via "S. C. fc P. R. H. " F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , Missouri Valley , Iowa P. E. ROUINSON , Asa't Gen'l Pass. Agent. J. H. O'BRYAN , and Paseenptcr Ascent , CotindllilaOp I ll. A. S. CONSULTING PHYSlCIANg UAS PERMANKSTLY LOCATED HI3 MED ICAL OFFICE , 4S Tenth Street , - OMAHA , NEBRASKA Offerlcj Us services in all departments r medicine < ini < surgery , both in cencial an pccial practi-e acute and chronic diseases Ca be coniuitei ] nlht snd day , and will vtalta pan of the city nd ronntv on rcolnl of Iat < . a week m your own town. Terms and ontfl' fre . Addrctg H. Hallett , & Co. , Portland , Me. For COUGHS , COLDS , BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA , CONSUMP TION , and all Diseases of the THROAT and LUNGS. The moU acceptable prepiration in the known world By adding to TOLU FOCK ant ! r < YE ittle Lemonjutre , you [ have an exellent Appetizer sn.l Tonic , and lanilj u-e. The- immen'e and i' crra m ? halts aud the numerous ttsumoniaU rectived dailj ar the be-t evidences of its < irtuc4 and Put up in Quart Size Bottles , giving More for the money than any article in the market. P A "ITIfJM - DON > r BE DECEIVED by unprincipled d'slera who Ty to palm 08 upon voc Ori.l I lull. common Eock and Kjeinp'acecf our TOLU ROCK anil KYK , which l thf only MEDICATED article made , tba GENUINE navlns a GOVE NMKNT STAMP on e ch bottle. Extract from Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue : TREASURY DEPARTMENT , OFFICf OK INTKl'.XAL KKVENU ) WAJIHLSOIOS , U. C. , J nuarj 26 , IbjO. f Messrs. LAWRENCE & MARTIN , 1111 MaJIson St. , Chlca < o. Ills. . GsjrrauiEs : Thia compound , in the opinion of this oiEce , would hiueu nutt ilcnt < iuantltv > the BALSAM OF TOLU to ( live it all the advantases ascnhetl to this article in pectoral coibplalntg while the whisky and the sjrup constitute an emulsion rendering it an ajretable rcmeil } to tht patient. Compounded acconline to th > formula , it may propcrlv bodas/eUasa M1.D1CINAL PREPARATION u-ider the provHong of U. \lcdSfcitrte . aud when eoftamprtl , naj te sold by Drujcists , Apothecaries and Other Persons without rendering them liable to pay epecial tax as liquor dealers Yours Respectfully , ( Signed ) GKEEN. B. RATJM , Commissioner LAWRENCE & MARTIN. Proprietors , Chicago , Ills. Sold by DRUGaiSTS , GKOCEKS and DEALERS everywhere WHO IS WITH THE GEOGRAPHY < UNACQUAINTED O CHIS " " " " " . VSEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP , TrfAT TH- zi&2 CHICAGO , ROCK IS LAND & PACIFIC R. Ih THE GRKAT COXJfiSCTIJifi I.LM L BETWEEN TILE EAST & TIIE Its n-nln line runs free : ttitamo Conn 11 _ _ llngrr. r , _ Blnffj. pa sn throuch Jol'et , OUCK , l > a 8-il jrreaYSUsrecf cur ralace Cara la'a SM'tj _ Oeneseoilollnc , Hoc * Island , Davenport , l. < tiALUUN here you can enjoy TOOT " H liberty , Iowa Oty Maren o , Brooklyn , aiinncll , at all hours of the day. 1 > 03 Jloiae-i ( the capital of Iowa ) , Stuart. Atlan Masnittcent Iron Bridges gpiut tee > ! ' . * - ; - < i , tic , and Avoca ; with branches from Bare u andMtnourlrlTcmat all points crusiwO ' A Junction to I'i.-orla : Wilton Janctior to Masca- line , and transfer ! ) are avoided at CouccL s-trjt , tlc.0. Washington. Falrfleld , Kiaca , Uelkn&p Kansas City. Ixjuvenwortn. and Atcu'x > - - ' Cenysv'.lle , 1'nnceton , 'fronton , Oallattn. Uace- cectinns bemcaade in Union iH'pnts. wa. Ixjavenworth , Atchlscn , acJ Son-ws City ; THE PllINCll'Al. K. it CONNKCIl JIK . Washington to S uroursey , Osicloof o. a = S i T1II3 UllEAT TilltOUUU LINK AXt Tllle : Keokuk to Faraineton , Honapartc , fOLLOWS. tnnaoort , Independent , tldon , ttUEjw * ; ' At rnicAGo.Tttn au drren , " " Hcct J < - Tilip.CJskhloosa , rel.nMonroe , Bad ? C4 t and outa. Nflwtontojlnnroe ; IfcsJInine * " At 2fNjJ.Ewtrti > , wttii LloZ tf. XMSoiw Wlnterjet : Atldctlj to l < e's as tt. W./kf It-ltd ? . A-ocn to liarlac. Tills la positively the o y ' "aBT * ' * ttl1 * " i * * " Railroad , whlca o n3 , ana operates Uuoagh u ii. f'IINaTOtr line from Chicago Into the Btato oJ Kansas. At l a CALL ? nt.a in. Cetiw K. it. Tiurouch Express Vt ? euRsr 'ITnlas. with l ta- MfrOKIA.wltll F. r. * J.j V. 1)&K. . ESD "alacet artattachet : urdniGpach ! > //.I IU. Mid. : acd J. i' . i W. ltd * . Letwcon CHICAUO and Psoau. KAKtf S f T , At mx.K ISL yn ! . "Milwaukee t ! COCSCIL Br.rFFS. li : AVEMWOhTB CCd ATCm * i Iuul yjonl-lae. " - > nd Uock l rdt re- : ao.S. ThronKb ca.-i uro also run tctrfecn MiiTtl- MJUAVS nn. with tie Uavenport KBO fyid Knn as I'ltr. vie tie "ilU'Tanteo asd Arw jTL.IBEaTT-'ltStlieB.C.K. * The " Great \.ocit Islanfi ts jsadaoetUj Ai 'JHIXJIEU , Tith entm ! Iowa K. IL equipped. Its rood bed Jlmclr " "H jet. and 111 AtIM MoilfiJwltil > M.A t 1J It. A tr.ici la laid with stool rails. At COD7JCIL. BLLTf'S. with Lnlcn I'ltcilt Wbatwlllplcaso vjairoBt TrtutetaoFientiM At OMASA. Tltn U. A Mo. It. 1C. u. : .i . - of enloyina your EealH , walle passlnif over the Atuor.D > intaJaNCTio.vlrtiiu..i1 i v > . w , beautiful prsirc3 ot lllinolj and Iowa , in one nt At OTTCJIWA , witn ' 'entrai low ? Li V- f cnrtamraltlccnt Dining Cars that accompany tl ! KJi TIirouKli Kxpress ' 1'mln ? . Yon get an entire At itZOKBK. Wltn 1-01. i"BO. A Wni.t / ? . meal. 33 ecxxi as is scrred la nny flm-cUss hotel , lx > 3rePac. . n.tJt-li Kco-AW.-W.l. . forBevcnty-uvc cenw. At CAJIEKD.V , irtth 11. bu 1. H. K. / ppreciatlnir thu fact .h t n majority cr tiB AtATCUlso.s , witt Atct-'lcpcka SAW people prefer separate npartt.pnu ( or different Atch. & Neb. acd CSn. lr.U. P. IL Hds. purpojes ( acd tbn immense i > . .ienier bnsineaa At LEAVSHWOKin. ' - jf this line warranties it ) , we uiv pleased to an nounce that this Company runs I'ullman 1'tibxt .iritb ta u ea for tn SUrpmg t'.irs foraleepinx purpoacB , and Ptiate and BOuthwe t. I'lII.I.VIAX I'A'.ACE C'AISS a * ran thr mrt to fetHtlA. I R % rn i. cuvxfm < iti.tJrFS. KA.VMAS CITY , TCHIHO.N nna I.KAVK.NVOKTII. . Tickets viu this Line , l.nunn n the "Orcut Jt ; t lilunil Ituute , " re iu * r.ll Ticket l cnn In the I'nlted Slatc l.nd Canada. For Ian. inullon not ol > tilaulic ut sour homo ticket oBVce , 4 E. . Uss'l Ti : . AM ir II M C * M 3 CAl'.lLlfo And Everything peiiainicg to the Furnnur , upholstery Trads. A COMPLETE ASSGITOEHT OF NEW GOODS p S4 raon th lit 1208 and 1-210 Parnfmm strce ; . TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : FRENCH 'KIDNEY PAD I A Positive and Permanent Curs Guaranteed. In all caaei ol Orave * , Diabetes , Dropsy. B-f < hfi Ulwafe Kllne > 9 , Incontinence and Retention of Urine , Infiamatlon the Kidneys , Catarrh of the IMadtler , Hl.k Colored Urine , rait In the liock , s'de or Lions , Nervous Wcakne-w , < ind In fact a disorders of the Bladder and Uriinry Onruif , whether contract * cd bj private diseases or othcawiae Tha reat remoly Iras l en used with uucci8.s for nearly ten yeara In Krance , witn the nxHt wonderful curative cffecU. It ctiret l > v atttarptian. n pao * ouj internal medicines Lcin ? reqnlred. We have hundreds of tenl- monlals of cures by tliU P d when all else h-id f u'wl- LADIES , if you are suffering fnm female Weafcne < , Leue r. rhceo , or disecs a i culiar to males , or in fact any di a e , an * your dm.iflst for Prof. Ouilmette's Fre.ich Kidney P drjl , take no other. It ho has not zot It. send 22.'fl and you wt receive the Pad by retcm mall. Address 0. S. rjiancli , FRENCH PAD CO , , Toledo , Ohio. PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH LIVER PAD Will poiitivcly rare Fever and f sue , Dumb Azue , Azue Cake , Billions Fever Jaundicer , wy P ane all diseases of the Liver , Swimach and Blood The pad cures by absorption , and N permanent Ask sour drncBist for this pad and take no other If he d snotkc plt.mndI,0 : fcftne rKt.u PAD CO. , ( U. H. Branch ) , Toledo , Ohio , and receive It by return mail Ornoha Neb