6 TRF DAILY BEE : DEOE3VIREB 25 , KSO. POETRY OF THE TIMES. Naughty , Bat Sweet. BoTtebodyVHps were c'ose to mine ; Thn tempted i amlJn't resist. K > uiihand rosjy , a. sweet little month AVa * suddenly , softly kissed. ' looked and frowned Somebody'- eyes up AV.th cuch a reprovin. glance. "If kiise * weri wicked ? ' I ivsk d my pet , Then tue eye bg.in to dan ; . And , eming \ , the little maid answered , AJB I knelt there at her feet , "Tney must lie a little hitniu hty , Or they never would bi so sweet. Marietta Times. The Kan o.Editor. . Now doth the \\Vter ed tor Improve e < ich sliding minute , And s und the Oklahoma boom , Because 'There' * millions m it. ' Dearl'ningr. Thesnow Hikes are playing , And WB t-hallhave sleighiag And what will the young mandothen _ Dear thing. Hit sweetheart so gay _ . He'll load into the sleigh And'round her vrithuue arm will cling Dear thing. M rathon Independent. AChilstmasGift. "What wil11 give my hubby deir , Fora i > ressnt on Clmstmas day ? In the my-i d st e-1 gieatly fear None are wor hy of him. I pray You. ilar ing , tell uie , hat rfhall I give To the < ; eature I love the best ? He spnin ? to hia fert and rep.ie 1 with a "Oh ! 1 wish you would give me a rest ! " Modern Argo. THE HIDDEN WILL- When they told old Ethan Vanwirt that his days were numbered , the first thing he said was : "Send for Miss Work ; I must see Miss Work before I die. " Singular as this demand seemed , no ono thought of questioning it. Mies Work was sent for. Laura turned quite white when the strange , imperative summons first came , and then she was told that he who sent was dying. "What can he want ? Shill you go , Lauru ] " asked Pauline Ruble , who was visiting her. "Oh , yes , yei , poor old man ! I am sorry for him. Certainly I will go. " Pauline put her arm around the Blight Oguro , and drew the golden head down upon her shoulder. "Little tool , " she thought , as she caressed the fair face with her alim , white htnd. "Of course it is some thing about Lewis Vnnwirt. " Aloud she apid insinuatingly : "I had better gf with you , dear , don't you think s ? "Oh , if you only will , " Lanra cried eagerly. Mrs Work was quite an inva1idand could not accompany her daughter , so she , also , was very glad to have Pau line go with her. As the carriage drove off with the two girls , she sank back upon her couch with thoughtful look. "It must bo something about his grandson. I hope Liura won't be silly. " The ladies were shown at once Into Mr. Vaiiwirt's apartment. "I wish toseeyoualone , Laura , my child , " he said. "I'll wait for you in the nort room , darling1 Pauline volunteered prompt ly anl departed. "Mr Lewis has come , sir , " the ser vant snid , as he was leaving the room , in obedience to an impatient gesture from his master. "Lat him wait , " the old man ssid grimly. It was an easy thing for Pauline to step out upon the veranda without attracting attention and pass along to the window of the sick room. "I want to know what he wants o f her , " she said to herself , "and Lura is such an obstinate httle child some times , as likely as not ehe would not tell me. " "I have sent for you Linra Work , " the dyin ? man was saying , "to ask you if you love my grandson ? " x"My dear , " he said , "I m dyintr , or I would not ask jou such a ques tion. Low is my son's only child. If Idie without a will , the whole Van- wirt proparty will fall to him as the natural heir ; but the boy has taken to bad courses lately , I am afraid. Ho gambles , I have heard. His fath er did before him. The taint of it is in the Vanwirt blood. It came near being my ruin at his very age. But I promised the woman I married that I would never touch a card agsin , if she would have IUP , and I never did. " Laura's pale lips opened , but she would not utter a word. "LUtlo fool ! " thoupht Pauline. _ "Liateu to me. " old Ethan Yan- wirt said , lifting himself upon his el bow in his excitement.If you love Lswis , premise me thst before you consent to marry him , you will exict from him the name pledge my wif did from me. Ho shall bo my he'r. " L * < iri burst into tears. " 1 1 1 love him , " she stammered. "I w ! pr"mi e anything rather thin you'a D 'uch a dreadful thing. But Turnho does not care for me as you U.i. M" "I will risk that : I know he does. All I . 'si you is to prominn not to V. 'ill he marry ro has eolsmnly sworn he will never touch a card nguin Give me your hand , child , and say the words over after me. " Laura obeyed him , more calmly than niiqhtluve baen expected under the circumstances. "God blesi you , " ho said , as he let herhaud go. "You hsvo made my - M momenta almost happy. " * * . - inra qni'ted the room , si * . was about tn j .in her , jv-d the sick nmi mutter : "I am neufcara that a will would make everytf 2 safer. " Then 5 ordered the attendant , who hud justtVmc in to go and bring Mr. Stribc. "C.-.a hu oa going to makq a will , after all1' ? 'wondered Paulino. "Ill wait an : ? se.j. " To her ? masemrnt. she heard the cick man aic'ntair ; a Till to his lawyer , in which be left everything he pcsaeta- ed to Liura Worlh absolutely. Mr. Scribe ventured to reuionstwto , but it wa * of no usej "I know wb-tt I art about , " the im perious old man said ! and would hesr ! nothing. | The will duly signed , witnessed and * ealed , ho told the lawyer where to pu it in his desk , which stood within his view. "Is it safe hero ? " Mr. Scnbe asked. [ HPno key. " "Who wou'd touch it ? " the sick mm asked , irritably. "It would benefit no ono but Lawis , and the Vanwirts are not thieves , whatever flso they by. < * o now , please , and { tell some one to send my grandson to me. ' Pauline would liked to have stayed and witnessed this interview al o , but oho did not dare. Laura must be wondering greatly now where she was. She found that Laura had come out of the sick room so agiuted that Mrs. Becket , the housekeeper , had made her lie down , and was now sitting with her. Pauline took the housekeeper's place beside her friend , and in a short time Laura fell asleep. As Pauline sat there witching the white , childish face of the girl she pretended to love , hes brain was full of wicked and en vious thoughts. Laura was already rich , she was poor , and yet to her who had already so much , the great Yanwirt property had just been given. She envied htr ihe handsome lover , with whom she was herself more than half in love , and whom , hitherto , she had not been without hope of winning away from Laura. Suddenly , as she sat there , the deep silence was broken by the sound of lomo commotion in the house she hourd steps and excited voices. "What cm it be ? " she wondered. "Mr. Yanwirt must be worse. " She sat listening some moments , then roie softly. Liura was still aleepiug. Pauline succeeded In open ing the door , without disturbing her , and stole out into the hall. From the landing she could see the servants below hurrying about with awe-struck looks. An impulse of ungovernable curi osity seized her. She watched her chance , and , gliding down the stairs , skipped through the open door with out being seen , and passed swiftly along thj veranda , till she came to the window where ihe had already spent so much time. One glance at the bed told her what had happened. Echan Yanwirt was dead ! A sudden awe and horror seized her. She was about to flee the * pot , when her eyes fell upon the desk in which she had seen the will placed. "I wonder if it Is there yet , " she thought. "I am sure I can reach It from here. I should know it at a glance , " she mused. She put her * hand in and raised the lid. There it was. A wicked thought crossed her. What if she took it. At that thought she snatched the will , and hiding it in the folds of her dref s , she hurriedly retraced her steps. * * # # # * Ethan Vanwirt had hcen dead about a month. His grandson had entered Into posseasirn of his estate without hindrance. There wore ru mors about a will ; but when it could not be found Mr. Scriba concluded that the old man had destroyed it , and refused , when questioned , to toll who was named in it. Pauline Rub'e was still visiting Liura Worjc , although , truth to tell , her welcrtmo had grown somewhat cold both on Laura's Dart and Mrs. Work's Luira was very unhappy. Lewis Y nwirt scarcely ever spoke to her , except in the most formal manner , though he cimo to the homo as often as formerly. Apparently it was to aee Pauline now ; and though the gen tle ffirl strove to seel the same toward her false friend , she could nut quite do so. Thre was another rejected suitor of Laura's named Robert Lester , who about this time took adv ntnge of the situation to renew his devotion to her. Laura had nwer liked him , and liked him less than ever now. "I must bring matters to a crisis soon , " thought Pauline , one night , as she wroithed her brilliant face with smiles , and pretended not to have seen Mrs Work's unusual cold man ner to her. Preiontly , when Lewis Vanwirt called , she was watching for him'and , drew him fit once into the garden. , "I want to tell y usi > mothirg. ' ' she said , in her soft voice ; and besides Laura and her lover are so happy in there by thenuflves it would ba a pity to disturb them. "Has she consented to marry him at last ? " ho HsLed bitterly. "Oh , of course ; I told you she would. lie is such a very moral young man , and dear Laura , Is so veiy stiicr in her iJeas. Lewis winked. "Mr Vanwirt , " Pauline said , snd- donly ; "do you know to whom your grandfather left his money , in that will that has noverbeen found ? " "I do " not know. ' "lean tell you. " "You ? " Ha stared nt her. "It giVQ everything to Laura Work. " "Impossible ! How do you know ? " "Never mind , I do know , " Pauline said , lifting her beautiful black eyes to hia in the moonlight. " "Morever , that will is in existence. " He stared at her harder than be fore. fore."I "I know where it is. " ' Y.m do ? " "Would you like to see it ? " slipping her hand into her pocket. "I certainly should. " "How would you like to see Laura and Robert Leter landing at the Yanwirt honae ? ' L-wis ground his teeth with in- vi.luntnry rage. This decided the false , bold ijhl beside him. ' Lewis Yanwirt , " stie eaid , "if that w 11 , could be pit into your posses sion to do whhtyou like with it.vn.uld you nnrry a woman who loves you better t at > Liura Work over could ? " "I wo.li- " Tri-m > linj with joy she drew ou the folded piper , and put it into his hand. hand.do -do held it up in the moonlight a moment nnd then thrusting it inside of his breast , turned suddenly and be- han to g" swiftly toward the house. Fftnline c > uld sc-ircely keep up with him. An awful misgiving seized her. " \Vhat fire you uciugto do ? " "Yon shall eeo"he-.uswered stern ly , and she road his determination in his eyes. "WliAt a fool I was , " she muttered , but nude one more frffart. "L-Hir. Mid ' % Lester won't thank yon for is.tsirnpting them. " No answer , as he strode on and en tered the drawing-room through one of the open French windows. L nra sat there , with her mother. She had been crying. No one else was in the room. He laid the will upon her lap. " 1 find , " he snid hurriedly , and In a shaking voice , "that my grand father left hia money to you There ia the will that has been missing so long. I hope , Laura , that you will be a great deal happier than Mr. Lqster than you have been with me. But he will never love you any better than I do. " "Liura detests Robert Lester , " cried Mrs. Work , taking in the situa tion at once. "She has never cared for any one but yon L'jwis Yanwirt , and you ought to knnw it. " "Ohl my darling ! " ejaculated Lew is , wildly ; extending his arm , is it true1 ? In another instant Laura waa sob bing on his shoulder. Pauline went quietly to her own room , and spent the night in packing. When , the next morniug she announc ed her approaching departure , no ono objected. THE AMEElCAN CHEISTMAS From ths Doston Traveller. The old "Merrie Christmas" of England , with all its glad fun and wild revelry , takes on a different character when filtered through the American mind. Retaining its mirth and glee , it takes on a more sub stantial texture , so to speak. Through ail the gladness thrills a tender , aacred sadness that is yet not sorrow , but which just touches the day with holy memories. In England , where Christmas carols are sung from door to door , where the first sounds of the morning come in music as the children go about and sing God rest you a 1 , good gentlemen , Let nothing you dismay ; For Jesua Ch' ist our Savior Was born on Christmas day. the song becomes a part of the mornIng - Ing , like the chiming of bells or the throngs of people on the street. But while the pretty carols are not a fea ture of the American Christmas , the spirit of them is deeply and universal ly felt. There is a utilitarian side to our Christmas , too , but it is redeemed from theg materialistic by the in sight of love , or of true , neighborly kiudnesa. A gift has not less of sym pathy because it may be of use , yet the thought , tha remembrance , is far more than any intrinsic value. Phoe be Gary , in her little poem of "Tho Wife's Christmas"touchlngly express es this when the young wife only asked A trifle of a flower to hold , Or ribbon for my hnir. But to be forgotten , Charlie , It is that win h lit ings a tear. And just to think that I haven't been Your w fe bat a single year. The selection of Ohistmas gifts is a matter so delicate , BO complex , ao modified by invisible circumstances that it is a subject impossible to out line , and yet there is an ever appli cable rule , which ia , after all , only a modification of the Golden Rule that it shall in every sensa gratify both receiver and giver , and that it shall not wound the niostdeLc to feel ings. The only real leaeon for oft" eringa Christmas gift ia the spirit that prompts it. Unless you have given your friend words and loving regard , more precious than all outward tokens , you have no right to offer hlca a Christmas gift. This d y is especially the festival of the family , the house [ and the church , and this nnnifold character may be ooserved in gifts. The ideal Christmas is to have mtdo some ouo happy , and for this the means are as different as are the indi viduals. The gift ihonld bo adapted to the circumstances of both the giver < iL < d the recipient. To receive a cost ly gift which one knows his friend could not afford , &nd which will entail - tail on him many a sacrifice of needed comforts , is s source of pain only , and the more so that it is hardly of a na ture to bo expressed. A gift tha brings with it a perpetual senaa of obt libation , is worse than valueless Again , luxurious presents which the. giver can afford , but which the recip ient cannot afford to have , are utter ly out of taste and betray an absence uf thought rather than the delicate divination that should determine the offering. It may , at first , seem an anomaly that ono cannot afford to merely possess an article of lux ury , freely given , but it is none the less true. We all remember the rainistera's silk stockings , which absolutely compelled him to refurnish his wardrobe , which no could illy afford : hut being the gift of a weilthy parishioner , he dared not offend her by not uaing her gift , the hose of those days being a prominent article of costume. And we all remember , too , the new parlor cirpet of Chtistopher Crowfieldwhich altimately entailed up > n that genial gentleman the entire refurnishing of his by way of preserving harmony in its appearance. To a , young married coupla wh are housekeeping on a lim ited but tasteful and comfortable scale , the gift of a diamcnd pin or ring would bo far less appropriate , because it afford far less pleasure , than would a gift of n set of books , of a fine pic ture , or some rase and beautiful en gravings At the first reverse of for tune , the diamonds would be the first thing to fiud their wayjto "uncle" In his 11 ysterious precincts of the three gilt balls , while books aud pictures are a joy forever in the simplest of homes. To a boy full of fun and frolic the gift of a pair of skntes would doubtless afford far morn pleasure than the gift of that splmdid now illustrated vol uma of Longfellow's poems. A g.ft need not , either , be purely ornament al. Articles of use are quite aa ap propriate when mutual circumstances indicate them. We are accused of being a very practical nation , aud the American ChristmBS partakes r-f this character. While we bring rare flowers to the chancel aud the altar in church , while we wreathe our h mes in Christmas greens , and even have our holly and mistletoe bough ; while we make gifts of rare and beautiful things from all parts of the world , we do not yet forget to send the substantial of a Christmas dinner to those wh. > might not rejoice in one otherwise , nor forget the cheap toys that make glad the hearts of the poor and desolate little ones of earth. The American Christmas is a complex subject after all ; it has as many phases as it has people who celebrate it. From an observance of the church it has come to be a national holiday , and its influence ta toward the development ot all that is highest and most unselfish in humanity. Cfriitnia ? offering ? hare their re actionary effect upon character. Likt the quality of mercy , they are o blessing to him who gives and to him who takes The true spirit of Christ- maa is the culture of all that h finest , and sweetest , and highest in life. Far beyond any greatness of achievement ; beyond any flssh of material Euces , are the silent sure graces of character which transform life , i self , into one grand and immortal success. And , ttfter all , we can sing to but one un erring rule for the Christmas j jy to make someone happy , some life glad der than it was before , for the sake of Him in whoso name we celebrate Christmas. LITER Any NOTES. The January Atlantic begins a new volume with a number of great and varied excellence. The first chapters of Miss Pholp's serial story"Friends : A Duet , " are so vigorous and interest ing that her readers will be impatient for the next installment. Air. Aldrich contributes a most interesting piper on "Smith , " which will have a pecul iar interest for a heat of readers. Hen ry James' "Portrait of a Lady , " needs no commendation to the multitude who follow his stories with an admira tion which few living novelist com mand. John Fiske has an article on sociology and Horo-Worship , " which Uk a-exception very strongly and convincingly to the article by Wil liain James recently published in The Atlantic. Miss Harriet W. Preston contributes a delightful literary-his torical esiay on ' A Symposium of Sixty Years Ago. " William M. Ros- eotti begins his series of articles on "The Wives of Poets , " with glimpses of the wives of Euiipides , Lucretius , Eante , Alfieri , Cervantes , Lope de Yega , and Corneille. Richard Grant White's paper on "Sara Bernhardt" will attract marked attention just now. Mr. Whittier'a tender poem in memory of Lydia Maria Child is ono of the noblest and most charming poems Mr. Whittier has ever writteu. Mr. Stedman ha ) a fine poem on "Ye Tomfae of ye Poet Chaucer. " Other poems , essays , stories varied ' 'Con ries and an unusually tributors' Club" complete a superb number of this magazine. Now is the time to subscribe for it. $4 00 a year. Houghton , Mifflin & Co. . Bos ton. The January number of Scribner will contain an account of the aims and methods of the Horological and Thermometncal Bureau recently es tablished by the Manchester Observa tory of Yale College , from careful personal inspection of the spot. This is the first bureau of the kind estab lished in this country , and cannot fail to arise the standard of excellence in both clocks , watches , and thermom eters. The curious machinery used to correct watches to the tenth of a second , together with sime singular habits in the behavior and habits of thermometers , make the article tf mere than usual interest to the reader. The aaina number also contains some account of Mr. John L * Fargis's nnd Mr. Louis 0. Tiffany's recent work in stained glass. RELIGIOUS. The Methodiit church at Salt L ke City is thriving , and the Sunday school increased 33 per cent in No vember The new constitution and canons of the Episcopal church of Iowa confer tha right to votoou the womun of tha church , a privilege heretofore denied It ia proposed t > lay the corner stone of the new Church of the Disci ples of Christ-vt Washington on March 5th , the dav rfur the inauguration of PresUont G.-rficl.l A church in Concord. N. H. , cele brated its 150th anniversary a few days ago. Tne church has had only five pastors in that time , aud the pis- torates of four of these covered 137 yeara. It is reported that the statistics of the Reformed Episcopal church show a greater addition to its membership during the past year than in any preceding - ceding one , not excepting the first year of its organization. The American board states that it must nosds receive from thn churches the coming year about S43P.OOO , be sides special donations and legacies This represents an advance of 20 per cent in the receipts of the past year. Dr. John Maintain , of Ire'and , hns a call to the Second Presbyterian church in Philadelphia at a salary of 86,000 , another to Second church , Chicago , at a salary of 58,000 , and still another to a church in Scotland. The Mormons send more missiona ries out of Utah than Christian churchei Bund into tint territory Seventeen Mormon clJera recently loft Utah for Tennessee , Georgia , Alabima , and other Snittiern states , to make convert and secure Mormon emigration to Colorado. There are G89 Baptist churches , white , in South Carolina , with 55,183 members , or one member to every seven in the population. Of the G89 churches otily21hve preaching every Sunday Th total of cootribu ions for missions the past year was leas than § 15,000 The Mcravitns had a neat Indian mission chapel at New W efield , Kas , but a tramp casnc there ono night a week or two ago to lodge. It is thought thwt the tire in his pipa muahnvo But tha building abhze , for in the morning uothif.g ut a heap of ashes marked the place where the mis sion had been. The whole establish ment was a loss , even the hy.im-books and catechi'ui b"insr consumed. OONNTJBIALITI iS. As a Mr. Bird was recently married to a Kiss Worm in Miclutan , It is about time for the parigrnphers to siy something about the "earlv " bird , " etc. ' It is announced that Horatio Sey mour , Jr , is engeged to m rry MLis Abby Johnson , daughter of the l te Judge A. S. Johnson , of Albany. N. Y. Y.W. W. W. Dangherty and Mary E . Howard were nurribd In Des Aioinue ' on the 9th. It was the groin'a secotd venture and the bride's third on the matrimonial sea. Kate Girald , the pretty young ac tress who waa divorced from George Fawcstt Rowe a year or t o ago , has married a New York cuitom house inspector specter named Morris. The Priucess Blanche , of Orleans a tall , slender , and hant jmo younl woman and the daughter of the Duke de Nemours , is about to be married to the Princes de Ligne. The daughter of the ox-Khedive was recently married to Dioud Pasha , a brave but savage aoldi'er , who paid off debts to the amount of S500,000 bafore his wedding , which ho Ci-uld well afford , as the bride brought him , besides ready money , seven palaces and 40,000 acres cf land The weddinc ot Sir Thomas G. F. Heaketh and Mi8 Flora Sharon , second end daughter of Senator William Sharon , took place on Thursday even ing , the 23J inst. , at the country resi dence of the bride's pirents , at Belmont - mont , near Sin Francisco. Among the gifts displayed at a San Francisco wedding wa * the bride's father's check f r $100,000. The Cd&hier of the bank on which the check was drawn was a guest. It was obaorved that he loosed queerly at the document , then turned up his nose , and remarked : "Why , be hasu't § 500 to his credit in our bank. " A young couple eloped in B-illard county , Ky. , aud were overtaken by the girl's father , but not before a clergyman had united them The pa- rout drove the bridegroom away by aiming a gun at him , aud took his daughter home , where he locked her up. The husband prowled around the house that night , and was shot to c eath by the an ry old man. HONEY FOR THE T , A DIBS. Hawthorn blossoms are favorite corsnge flowers. Kid gloves are now worn to come up aud cover the elbow. The envelope shape muff is worn with nearly all opera toilets. Frosted silver is very fashionable , and is imported in antique designs. Evening dresses are often madu with skirt and bodice of distinct materials. Chestnuts with their leaves and their prickly burra are seen upon Paris bonnets. The new peasant dresses are rnado of ladies' cLth and trimmed with gay plaids. Thistles of spun glass studded with di&moads are elegaut ornaments for the hair. Liopwd skins made Into mufis and flat cullara are the newest lurs for young ladies. Stamped velvet In beautiful even ing shades is a popjlar materiel for ball toilets Large bows of gold brocaded or plain satin ribbons aru worn at the left side of the belt. Amber cockroaches and grasihro- pers. with smorald eyes , have ms a their appcirauce. The newest style of poke bonn < ta have the brinia shelving dowmvarl in * toad of upward. Strip'os are rapidly taking the place of small-ngured Watleau brocades ei portions of combination tolrta. ; Jet is not quito so iruch in' favor in Paris as formerly , mid handkerchief costumes have ceased to li fashion able. "Darling , " she siid , ' tII mo omeihing about your fire' wife's lovJ" "Yes ; but my first vife did not ask me anything about yi jra. " Leap-year She : ' 'Arcyou ungsged for the German ? " Ho ( ri'h e'xyer- ness ) : "No , I'm m.t. " SLO ( with pit > ) : "Oh , that's too bad. Good evening. Seoyoa later. " The latest atjle of coiffure is t coil the hnir in tight rin-a at the sides of the head , Japantau fashion , keeping thoiu in pluce with long jeweled pins gilt or silver. The sipphire of dcepeit blue ia the favorite of the moment for fiogor rings , and Is oftcnest combined ' .nth diamonds in hoop shape , straight around the finger or clso in a diag > iial row of stones. The principal of a younz ladKV aemiunry in Syracuse has so exhannt- ingly inflicted her pupils wi'h ' "de portment" that when alone her girla of sixteen act like sixty. [ Puck. They wuro sitting together Sunday evening , with an album or two be tween ihem , whun she pletsautly ask ed ; "How would you like to have my mother live with you. " In just fif teen seconds ho had hia hat half-way down over his face and waa looking through the gate. A lady recently visited a clairvt y- ant in order to'hear eometV'og about ner husband's life. The cliirvoyant said : "You must brine : me * i > of your husband's hair before I cgo lute the land of dreams. " "I.ut , ' said the lady , "My husband is bald headed. " "Still , " said the clsrvoy- aut , "You may pull a little siore from thesidta. " Strange Burial Scuno. Detroit Free Press James Dykca ia parhapa the moat celebrated checker player in Canada. His wife dud recently , and he at tempted to supplant the clergyman and ouduct the services himself. Then followed an unseemly scone at the grave , the bystanders forcing Dykea to stop reading. The caae at tracted considerable attention in Can ada , and Dykes himself aandd the fol- lowirgicjuunt nf this nceno to The Lonauii Free Preys : ' He cl.iims that it was his wife's re- qupst that any remarks mido at the grave should be made by himself , and accordingly ho spent a great amount of time ia preparing the following panea-yric : MY FRIEXDS : Wo have assembled to-day to perform the Lii : sad iittA to the dead. I say my friends , for I v r ily believe there are none prenont who hav > come hero simply to tnea'inre by the tears lie shall fhcd ard the r.n- Kiiish that wrin 3 thd heart of an af flicted husbind and faiher. Tht > liud nnd affectionate wife , the ! tender mother ! at an age whsn the "ah&dowa'vere still iallinij towards the wrfit , " death touched her tired heart , and sha loll into that drenmlcEi ele p that "Kisses down the eyelids still. ' ' She erubarksd rm the dark , mlaty ! Carpetings I Oarpetings I TWILEh , Old Reliable Carpet House , 1405 DOUGLAS STKEET , BET. 14TH AND 15TH IUST 186S. ) Carpets , Oil-Cloths , Matting , Window-Shades , Lace Curtains , Etc. STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE WEST. . I Slake a Specialty of WINDOW-SHADES AHD LACE GURTA1N3 And have a Full Line of Mats , Rugs , Stair Rods , Carpet- Lining Stair Pads , Crumb Clothes , Cornices , ormrc Poles , Lambrequins , Cords and Tassels In fact'Everything kept in a First-Class Carpet Honse. Orders from abroad solicited. Satisfaction CJuarantceii Call , or Address John B. Detwiler , Old ftpliahlfi Carpet Fouse. OMAHA. DOUBLE AND SINGLE ACTING Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , BELTING HOSE , BRASS AND IROH FITTlflCS , PIPE , STEAM PAGKIKC AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAYYI8DMILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. T , . RTBAITO. 205 Fnmham Strait flmahn. Iron and Wagons Stock , At Chicago Prices , 1209 and 1211 Ilarncy Street , Oniahu. ootll- SHEELY BROS. PACKING CO. , Wholesale and Retail in fKESHUFATS& PROVISIONS , AWE , POULTRY. FISH. ET \ CITY AND COUNTY ORDERS SOLICITED. OFFICE CITY MARKET 1415 Douglas St. Packing House Opposite Omaha Stock Yards , U. P. R. R. ocfan of eternity , -whence no breeze ever blows hithorward. But if there be a heaven and if there bo a right eous G'd , Hia breath muet swell the sail and direct its course to that beau tiful shore where sorrow ii known no more , and where happiness ruigneth forover. O , sorrow ! how closn then trradest on the heels of en j lymont. The rose has Its thorn , the poach i-3 worm , and decay lies concealed in the chalice of the flower. All earthly things nra doomed to pass away. Death ia a debt of nature wo nil , rich and poor alike , sooner or later mas' p iy. Wnen that grim mecaenger on the pul" horse nhjll c ll for us , wo must go. \Vo too tha trvopen { to-diiy to receive it ? tenant , ana the withered turf and the cold clay * H her in its bosom to sleep 'he al * hnt kiows no wakine. Born of D but rtspectabKj par ents , her lies1 araF none the les * pure , her iilndnr.i > ' ' . i S3 noble. In the language < > i tht t-xot aha "gave to misery all shf ha'i , i tear. " Puzsosed of a superor ud -OM ; , an intatinhle thirst for knnar > > - and a firm deter mination t-j ex- " > into all matters for herself , she fag.ly devoured the standard works of science and philosophy , and formed for h r a-lf the basis of a religion purely her own. No , not puruly her owu. She venerated the natnt ; of Ilim who enid , "The world Is my coun'ry , and to do good ia my religion. " Al hough rocked in the C * vifiatin cr : < dU , < i e abhorred with all her heart and seal that inf imous doctrine of forpordms- tion. She ciull not believe th t the mother could ba happy in heaven and look down upon her little fjr-viaired boy writhing in tha red-hot agoniea of hell. hell.At thi- ho tint At thipoint complains the murniura of diasrnt which had fol io-red the reidin' < eo fnr broke < > u- violent.Somf > of thrby aUndera , vozod at the tura of hie remarks , wen * up to hint .od znatc i d th paper oat of his hand and t < e i : in piectfJ , vowina that such eentimenta were utterly intolerable in B ' hris.tii.n community. After this rud'iatnr- , ruption the burial Wita ouie'Iy pro- : cecdud with. Dykes claims tlwt there was nothing objectionable in the paper. < ' THE OLDEST ESTABLISIJfcD. BANKING HOUSE IN KKBRAfiKA , CALDWELLHA<OHCO ! ZruArer ? trannctod same Kg tht o n Incor porated Bank. Accounts kept In Cnrrency of zold roMa < * to nUht check without notice. Certificate * -Icjwilt l/vrool r.avMo In throe , MX and twelve munthn , beurlnj interest , or on lenitiul without Interest. Advances raids -ustonwr ) n pjro c l sa. curi'lw at mark t rv < - of Interest Bov andael ) O < M. H\rnl \ ] e h.-nij9 Govern ment' , State , ( ymn'y and City Uotnis. Drv.v Slirht DraiU on Tii/Iwi , Ireland , Scot land , and all part * of Europe. Sell B irop an Pac8ue TickptH. nOLLECTIOHS PROMPTLY HADE. ausldt U. SDEPOSITORY. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP OMAHA. . Cor. 13th onct Fnrnbam Stroete , OLDEST SAHKIMC ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. ( PUCCE3SOK8 TO KOOHTZK ER03. , ) IXrKMKH D ISyfi. . Or ? nlr j u Nattonil Bank , Aa tat 20 , KSS. Capital and Profits OverS300,000 . ntbori3 l hy thr S-croUry Trsunry to rtcetvo Stifiotrtptton to the U.S.4 PER GrHT. FUNDED LOAM. OFnCCRS AND DIhEfOR3 JCcTnrrz * . Pr rf < ! eDt. U. W. , A J. Vntntl&i , Jfaa A. i : * > T9 TOi < f JD is . Itlwut regard to aacmiiU. hmm time crt8 ! < Tst birbu ! Bt JiiS. Viftwj draft * wi * i i Frarwl o lad principal cUM ! of tha C&rteJUt * - , ak > London , Dahlln , EdialKirtf ! * od Uu priadpnl cKIca of tba conti nent of f.nrork ) . tHJa p-w-ts'3 tfcK ta lor Emfcranta In the Li- naa lit. taiyldtj J